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Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1) Recommended Operating
Note 1: The “Absolute Maximum Ratings” are thos e values bey ond which
the saf ety of the device cannot be gu aranteed. Th e device shoul d not be
operated at these limits. The parametric values defined in the Electrical
Characteristics tables are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum rating.
The “R ecomm ended Oper ating Co ndition s” table will def ine the condit ions
for actu al device operation.
Note 2: ESD te s ti ng c onforms t o M I L-STD-8 83, Meth od 3015.
Commercial Version
DC Electrical Characteristics (Note 3)
VEE = −4.2V to −5.7V, VCC = VCCA = GND, TC = 0°C to +85°C
Note 3: The specified limits represe nt the “worst case” value for the parameter. Since these values normally occur at the temperature extremes, additional
noise immunity and guard bandi ng can be achi ev ed by decre asin g t he all owable syste m op era ti ng r anges. Co ndi ti ons fo r t est ing shown in the ta ble s are cho-
sen to guarant ee opera t ion under “worst case” conditions .
Storage Temperat ure (TSTG)−65°C to +150°C
Maximum Junction Temperature (TJ)+150°C
Pin Potential to Ground Pin (VEE)−7.0 V to +0.5V
Input Voltage (DC) VEE to +0.5V
Output Curren t (DC Output HIGH) −50 mA
ESD (Not e 2) ≥2000V
Case Temperature (TC)
Commercial 0°C to +85°C
Industrial −40°C to +85°C
Supply Voltage (VEE)−5.7V to −4.2V
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Conditions
VOH Output HIGH Voltage −1025 −955 −870 mV VIN = VIH (Max) Loading with
VOL Output LOW Voltage −1830 −1705 −1620 mV or VIL (Min) 50Ω to −2.0V
VOHC Output HIGH Voltage −1035 mV VIN = VIH Loading with
VOLC Output LOW Voltage −1610 mV or VIL (Max) 50Ω to −2.0V
VBB Output Reference Voltage −1380 −1320 −1260 mV IVBB = −250 µA
VDIFF Input Voltage Differential 150 mV Required for Full Output Swing
VCM Common Mode Voltage VCC − 2.0 VCC − 0.5 V
VIH Single-Ended Guaranteed HIGH Signal for All
Input HIGH Vo ltage −1110 −870 mV Inputs (with one input tied to VBB)
VBB (Max ) + VDIFF
VIL Single-Ended Guaranteed LOW Signal for All
Input LOW Voltage −1830 −1530 mV Inputs (with one input tied to VBB)
IIL Input LOW Current 0.50 µAV
IN = VIL (Min)
IIH Input HIGH Current 240 µAV
IN = VIH (Max), Da–De = VBB,
Da–De = VIL(Min)
ICBO Input Leakage Current −10 µAV
IN = VEE, Da–De = VBB,
Da–De = VIL (Min)
IEE Power Supply Current −60 −30 mA Da–De = VBB, Da–De = VIL (Min)