OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J FEDR57T01601J-02-01 Issue Date: December 02, 2004 P2ROM MultiMediaCard 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION P2ROM MMC stands for P2ROM MultiMediaCard in which an Oki Original Product P2ROM is embedded. P2ROM (Production Programmed ROM) utilizes Oki unique memory cell, which is an exclusive Oki technology. Unlike MASKROM, no mask charges apply; Unlike OTP and Flash memory, no additional programming cost is required. Features * Compliant with MMCA standard (Version 3.1) * Card name/capacity 16MB P2ROM MMC: MR57T01601J-xxxKB * Operating voltage: 2.7V~3.6V * Outside dimension: 32(D)x24(W)x1.4(H)mm Notice This product is different from Secure MMC. Applications P2ROM MMC is applied to devices embedded with MultiMediaCard Slot, e.g. Mobile phone, Electronic dictionary, Game machine, etc. 1/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 2. BLOCK DIAGRAM 2 3 4 5 6 7 GND GND VDD Interface Driver Register OCR [31:0] CID[127:0] RCA [15:0] CSD[127:0] Card Interface Controller Power on Reset 1 Memory Controller P2ROM 2/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 3. PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No 1 Symbol RSV 2 CMD 3 4 5 6 7 VSS VDD CLK VSS DAT MMC Mode Type Function NC Reserved Input/ Output S S Input S Input/ Output Command/Response (Output: 8mA) Supply voltage ground Supply voltage Clock Supply voltage ground Data (Output: 8mA) Symbol CS DI VSS VDD SCLK VSS DO SPI Mode Type Function Input Chip select (50K Pull-up) Input Data in S S Input S Output Supply voltage ground Supply voltage Clock Supply voltage ground Data out (Output: 8mA) Note: No. 6 pin is used to supply Vpp when writing data into P2ROM. It should be connected to GND for general use. 3/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 4. COMMAND 4.1 Command Format (MMC Mode/SPI Mode) Bit position 47 46 [45:40] [39:08] [07:01] 00 Bit width 1 1 6 32 7 1 "0" "1" x x x "1" Start bit Transmission bit Command index Argument CRC7 End bit Value Description 4.2 Command Class (MMC Mode) Class 0 Class 1 Class 2 Basic 0 1 2 3 4 7 9 10 + + + + + + + + Stream read Block read 11 12 13 15 + + + 16 17 18 + + + 20 23 + + 4.3 Command Class (SPI Mode) Class 0 Basic Class 1 Non support Class 2 Block read 0 1 9 10 + + + + 12 13 16 17 18 23 + + + + + 58 59 + + + 4/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 4.4 Command -1/3 CMD Abbreviation 0 GO_IDLE_STATE 1 SEND_OP_COND 2 ALL_SEND_CID 3 SET_RELATIVE_ADDR Command Description Resets all cards to Idle state. When CS signal is set in Low state, the card transits to SPI mode after receiving this command. Asks the card to send an R3 response including OCR data. The operation voltage span of the card can be got according to OCR data. Moreover, the highest-order 1 bit of OCR is used to check whether the internal processing of the card is finished or not (Ready /Busy polling). Asks the cards in Ready state to send their CID numbers. The numbers are sent to CMD signal when the card is in MMC mode. When every 1 bit is transferred, the CMD signal state is compared with the state within the card. If different, data transmission stops, and the card returns to Ready state. If matched, the card recognizes itself selected and transits to Identification state. Assigns Relative Card Address (RCA) to the card in Identification state. When RCA is assigned, the card transits to Stand-by state, and does not respond to following CMD2 & CMD3. Type bc MMC mode Argument Resp [31:00] stuff bits SPI mode Argument Resp None R1 bcr [31:00] OCR without busy R3 None R1 bcr [31:00] stuff bits R2 - - ac [31:16] RCA [15:00] stuff bits R1 - - 5/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 4.5 Command-2/3 CMD Abbreviation Command Description This command is for setting DSR (Drive State Register). But this card does not support DSR. Selects a card and toggles it between the Stand-by and Transfer states. When given an assigned RCA, the card transits from Stand-by state to Transfer state, and responds to the following read and other commands. When given an unassigned RCA, the card transits to Stand-by state. When RCA=0000h, the card transits to Stand-by state unconditionally. Asks the card to send its CSD data. Type bc 4 NOP (SET_DSR) 7 SELECT/ DESELECT_CARD 9 SEND_CSD 10 SEND_CID Asks the card to send its CID data. ac 11 READ_DAT_UNTIL_STOP Asks the card to transfer P2ROM data from the given address, until interrupted by CMD12. adtc ac ac MMC mode Argument Resp [31:16] DSR [15:00] stuff bits R1 [31:16] RCA [15:00] stuff bits [31:16] RCA [15:00] stuff bits [31:16] RCA [15:00] stuff bits [31:00] data address SPI mode Argument Resp - - - R2 None R1 R2 None R1 R1 - - 6/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 4.6 Command-3/3 CMD Abbreviation 12 STOP _TRANSMISSION 13 SEND_STATUS 15 GO_INACTIVE _STATE 16 Command Description Forces the card to stop processing of CMD11 and CMD18. Asks the card to send the information of its status register. Type ac MMC mode Argument Resp [31:00] R1 stuff bits ac [31:16] RCA [15:00] stuff bits R1 Sets the card to inactive state. ac - SET_BLOCKLEN Sets the block length for following CMD17& CMD18. ac 17 READ_SINGLE _BLOCK adtc 18 READ_MULTIPLE _BLOCK 23 SET_BLOCK_COUNT Asks the card to transfer a data block from the address assigned by argument. (The block length is set by CMD16). Asks the card to transfer data blocks continuously from the address assigned by argument until interrupted by CMD12. (The block length is set by CMD16) Sets number of blocks to be transferred for immediately following CMD18. [31:16] RCA [15:00] stuff bits [31:00] block length [31:00] data address 58 READ_OCR 59 CRC_ON_OFF Asks the card to transfer OCR data. Makes CRC option to be ON /OFF. The default in SPI mode is CRC OFF. [CRC option bit = 1] means CRC ON; [CRC option bit = 0] means CRC OFF. R1 R1 SPI mode Argument Resp None R1 None - [31:00] block length [31:00] data address R2 - R1 R1 [31:00] data address R1 [31:00] data address R1 R1 [31:16] set to 0 [15:00] number of block None R1 - [31:16] set to 0 [15:00] number of block - - - - [31:01] stuff bits [00:00] CRC option R1 adtc ac - R3 7/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 5. RESPONSES (MMC MODE) 5.1 R1 response Object commands CMD3: SET_RELATIVE_ADDR CMD11: READ_DAT_UNTIL_STOP CMD12: STOP_TRANSMISSION CMD13: SEND_STATUS CMD16: SET_BLOCKLEN CMD17: READ_SINGLE_BLOCK CMD18: READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK CMD23: SET_BLOCK_COUNT Bit position Bit width Value Description 47 1 "0" Start bit 46 1 "0" Transmission bit [45:40] 6 x Command index [39:08] 32 x Card status [07:01] 7 x CRC7 0 1 "1" End bit 5.2 R2 response Object commands CMD2: ALL_SEND_CID CMD9: SEND_CSD CMD10: SEND_CID Bit position Bit width Value Description 135 1 "0" Start bit 134 1 "0" Transmission bit [133:128] 6 "111111" Reserved [127:1] 127 x CID or CSD register Internal CRC 0 1 "1" End bit 5.3 R3 response Object commands CMD1: SEND_OP_COND Bit position Bit width Value Description 47 1 "0" Start bit 46 1 "0" Transmission bit [45:40] 6 "111111" Reserved [39:08] 32 x OCR register [07:01] 7 "1111111" Reserve 0 1 "1" End bit 8/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 5.4 Card Status (MMC Mode) Bit 31 Identifier out_of_range type ER 30 address_error ERX 29 block_len_error [28:24] - ER com_CRC_error ER 22 illegal_command ER [12:09] [08:00] Description The command's argument was out of the allowed range for this card. A misaligned address which did not match the block length was used in the command. The transferred block length is not allowed for this card, or the number of transferred bytes does not match the block length. Don't care. CC C "0"= no error "1"= error "0"= no error "1"= error x The CRC check in the immediately previous command failed. Command is not legal for the card state. B Don't care. - "0000"= idle "0001"= ready "0010"= ident "0011"- stby "0100"= tran "0101"= data Others: reserve x Current state of the card. B Don't care. - - 23 [21:13] Value "0"= no error "1"= error "0"= no error "1"= error "0"= no error "1"= error - - current_state - SX - x C C - B 5.5 Card status field / command - cross reference (MMC Mode) CMD Response Format 1 Status bit # 31 30 29 3 7 11 x x 12 13 x x 16 x 17 x x 18 x x 23 23 22 12:9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 9/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 5.6 Card State Transition Table (MMC Mode) current state idle ready ident command stby tran data ina changes to class independent CRC error - - - - - - - command not supported - - - - - - - idle idle idle idle idle idle - ready - - - - - - CMD1, card is busy idle - - - - - - CMD1, card VDD range not compatuble ina - - - - - - CMD2, card wins bus - ident - - - - - CMD2, card loses bus - ready - - - - - CMD3 - - stby - - - - CMD4 - - - stby - - - CMD7, card is addressed - - - tran - - - CMD7, card is not addressed - - - - stby stby - CMD9 - - - stby - - - CMD10 - - - stby - - - CMD12 - - - - - tran - CMD13 - - - stby tran data - CMD15 - - - ina ina ina - - - - - data - - CMD16 - - - - tran - - CMD17 - - - - data - - CMD18 - - - - data - - CMD23 - - - - tran - - class 0 CMD0 CMD1, card VDD range compatible class 1 CMD11 class 2 10/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 6. RESPONSES (SPI MODE) 6.1 R1 response Object commands CMD0: GO_IDLE_STATE CMD1: SEND_OP_COND CMD9: SEND_CSD CMD10: SEND_CID CMD12: STOP_TRANSMISSION CMD16: SET_BLOCKLEN CMD17: READ_SINGLE_BLOCK CMD18: READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK CMD23: SET_BLOCK_COUNT CMD59: CRC_ON_OFF 7 0 6 5 4 0 3 2 1 0 0 in Idle state illegal command communication CRC error address error parameter error 6.2 R2 response Object commands CMD13: SEND_STATUS 15 14 13 0 12 11 10 0 9 8 7 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Out of Range in Idle state illegal command communication CRC error address error parameter error 6.3 R3 response Object commands CMD58: READ_OCR 39 0 38 37 36 0 35 34 33 0 32 31 0 OCR in Idle state illegal command communication CRC error address error parameter error 11/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 6.4 Data Tokens (SPI Mode) Data tokens are 4 to (N+3) bytes long (Where N is the data block length set by SET_BLOCK_LENGTH Command) and have the following format: Token Type Bit Position Transaction Type 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Start Block Single Block Read 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Start Block Multiple Block Read 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6.5 Data Error Token If a read operation fails or the given data is not accepted, following Data Error Token is sent: 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Out of Range Data Response Token Type (1byte) Data (512Bytes) CRC (2bytes) 12/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 6.6 Card Status (SPI Mode) Bit Identifier type Value 15 - - 0 14 parameter error ERX 13 address error ERX 12 - - 11 com crc error ER 10 illegal command ER - - 08 idle state SR 07 out_of_range ER [06:00] - - Description CC "0" always - "0"= no error "1"= error "0"= no error "1"= error x An error occurred in command's parameters. C A misaligned address which did not match the block length was used in the command. Don't care. C "0"= no error "1"= error "0"= no error "1"= error x The CRC check in the immediately previous command failed. Command is not legal for the card state. C Don't care. - "0"= card is ready "1"= card is in idle state "0"= no error "1"= error x - C A The command's argument was out of the allowed range for this card. Don't care. C - 13/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 7. REGISTERS 7.1 OCR register (Operation conditions register) OCR-slice 31 [31:24] 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Field Status after power up reserved 3.5 - 3.6V 3.4 - 3.5V 3.3 - 3.4V 3.2 - 3.3V 3.1 - 3.2V 3.0 - 3.1V 2.9 - 3.0V 2.8 - 2.9V 2.7 - 2.8V 2.6 - 2.7V 2.5 - 2.6V 2.4 - 2.5V 2.3 - 2.4V 2.2 - 2.3V 2.1 - 2.2V 2.0 - 2.1V 1.9 - 2.0V 1.8 - 1.9V 1.7 - 1.8V 1.65 - 1.70V 1.60 - 1.65V 1.55 - 1.60V 1.50 - 1.55V 1.45 - 1.50V Value 0 or 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Remarks 7.2 CID register (Card identification register) This register uses the data written in P2ROM's particular field. CID-slice [127:120] Name Manufacture ID Field Bit Width MID 8 0x41 Value OKI original OKI ID Assigned by MMCA [119:104] OEM/Application ID OID 16 0x0000 OKI Device Name [103:56] Product name PNM 48 P2 016 Product Name [55:48] Product revision PRV 8 0x10 Rev. of Product (version 1.0) [47:16] Product serial number PSN 32 0x00000001 [15:8] Manufacturing data MDT 8 Month of Code file [7:1] 7-bit CRC checksum CRC7 7 CRC check sum - 1 1 " 1" always [0:0] - receiving Product serial numer Default=1, settable Date OKI recieved Code file from customer or Programmed 14/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 7.3 CSD register (Card-Specific Data register) This register uses the data written in P2ROM's particular field. CSD-slice Name [127:126] CSD Structure [125:122] spec version Bit width Bin. Hex. CSD_STRUCTURE 2 10 0x2 R Version 3.1 SEPC_VERS 4 0011 0x3 R Version 3.1 Filed Value Type Remarks [121:120] Reserved 2 X X R Don't care [119:112] data read access time1 data read access time2 max data transfer rate card command class TAAC 8 00001000 0x08 R 1ns NSAC 8 00000001 0x01 R 100cycles TRAN_SPEED 8 00101010 0x2A R 20Mb/s CCC 12 000000000111 0x007 R max read data block length partial blocks for read allowed Reserved READ_BL_LEN 4 1001 0x9 R Support Class0,1,2 512bytes READ_BL_PARTIAL 1 1 0x1 R 1 X X R Don't care Crossing block is not allowed DSR: Non support Don't care [111:104] [103:96] [95:84] [83:80] 79 78 77 read block misalignment READ_BLK_MISALIGN 1 0 0x0 R 76 DSR implemented DSR_IMP 1 0 0x0 R [75:74] Reserved 2 X X R [73:62] device size C_CIZE 12 111111111110 0xFFE R [61:59] min. read current VDD_R_CURR_MIN 3 000 0x0 R [58:56] max. read current VDD_R_CURR_MAX 3 100 0x4 R 35mA [55:50] Reserved 6 X X R Don't care [49:47] device size multiplier 3 001 0x1 R C_SIZE_MULT [46:31] Reserved [30:29] manufacture default ECC Reserved DEFAULT_ECC WRITE_BL_LEN [21:16] Max. write data block length Reserved 15 file format group 14 13 0.5mA 16 X X R Don't care 2 00 0x0 R 3 X X R ECC: Non support Don't care 4 1001 0x9 R 6 X X R FILE_FORMAT_GRP 1 0 0x0 R Copy flag (OTP) COPY 1 0 0x0 R permanent write protection temporary write protection file format PERM_WRITE_PROTECT 1 1 0x1 R TMP_WRITE_PROTECT 1 1 0x1 R FILE_FORMAT 2 00 0x0 R [9:8] ECC code ECC 2 00 0x0 R [7:1] CRC CRC 7 CRC CRC R 1 1 0x1 R [28:26] [25:22] 12 [11:10] 0 Reserved Don't care Default=0, settable Default=0, settable ECC: Non support 15/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC *1 Card Capacity Name Card Capacity C_SIZE_MULT C_SIZE MULT BLOCKNR BLOCK_LEN 16MB 1 4094 8 32760 512 MR57T01601J Cross reference of CSD fields vs command class CSD Field Command Classes 0 1 2 CSD_STRUCTURE + + + SEPC_VERS + + + TAAC + + NSAC + + TRAN_SPEED CCC + + + + + READ_BL_LEN + READ_BL_PARTIAL + READ_BLK_MISALIGN + DSR_IMP + + + C_CIZE + + VDD_R_CURR_MIN + + VDD_R_CURR_MAX + + DEFAULT_ECC + + FILE_FORMAT_GRP.... COPY + + + PERM_WRITE_PROTECT + + + TMP_WRITE_PROTECT + + + + + + + FILE_FORMAT ECC CRC + 16/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 8. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 8.1 General Parameter Peak voltage on all line Symbol Input Leakage Current Input Leakage Current for CS signal Output Leakage Current Min -0.3 Max 4.6 Unit V -10 10 200 10 A A A Max 3.6 400 20 85 85 Unit V KHz MHz C C -10 Remarks Absolute maximum rating 8.2 Recommended operating conditions Parameter Power supply voltage Operating frequency (Identification Mode) Operating frequency (Data Transfer Mode) Operating temperature Storage temperature Symbol VDD FOD Fpp Ta Tstg Min 2.7 -10 -40 Remarks Absolute maximum rating 8.3 Open-Drain Bus Signal Level Parameter Symbol Output LOW voltage VOL Min Max Unit Condition 0.3 V IOL=2mA Max Unit V 0.125*VDD V VDD+0.3 0.25*VDD V V 8.4 Push-Pull bus signal level Parameter Output HIGH voltage Symbol VOH Output LOW voltage VOL Input HIGH voltage Input LOW voltage VIH VIL Min VDD-0.2 0.625*VDD VSS-0.3 Condition IOH=-100A @VDD min IOL=100A @VDD min 17/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 8.5 Bus Signal Line Load Parameter Symbol Min TYP Max Condition Rcs Bus signal line capacitance CL 250 pF Fpp<= 5MHz Bus signal line capacitance CL 100 pF Fpp<= 20MHz C_CARD 17 pF Signal card capacitance 50 Unit Pull-up resistance for CS K 8.6 Supply Current Max Unit Supply Current Parameter Symbol IDD Min 30 mA Supply Current IDDS 200 A Condition VDD=2.7~3.6V, Ta=-10~85C at 20MHz VDD=2.7~3.6V, CS=VDD, VIH=VDD, VIL=Vss, Ta=-10~85C at 0MHz (standby) 18/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 8.7 AC Characteristics (VDD=2.7~3.6V,Ta =-10~+85C) Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Clock frequency (Identification Mode) FOD 0 400 KHz Clock frequency (Data Transfer Mode) Fpp 20 MHz Clock Low time tWL 10 Clock High time tWH 10 Clock rise time tTLH 10 ns Clock fall time tTHL 10 ns 5 MHz ns ns Clock frequency (Data Transfer Mode) Fpp Clock Low time tWL 50 ns Clock High time tWH 50 ns Clock rise time tTLH 50 ns Clock fall time tTHL 50 ns Input set-up time tISU 3 Input hold time tIH 3 Output set-up time tdly 0 Remarks CL<=100pF CL<=250pF ns ns 15 ns tPP CLOCK tTHL tTLH tWH tWL tISU tIH INPUT tdly tdly OUTPUT 19/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 9. POWER UP Power up sequence is shown below. Circuit for detecting power-supply voltage is embedded in this MMC. When the voltage is below a certain value, power-on reset is generated in order to prevent operation error. As long as enough voltage is reached, the internal initialization is done automatically. Vcc System supply voltage Minimum operation voltage for card logic (Vmin) t3 t2 t1 Parameter Symbol Min VCC for logic Vmin Power up time-1 t1 Power up time-2 t1+t2 Initialize time t2+t3 Time stable Min Max Unit 1.5 V Remarks Clock-supply is not allowed 1 37 ms clock 10. SHORTCUT PROTECTION Cards shall be inserted/removed into/from the bus without damage. If one of the supply pins (VDD or VSS) is not connected properly, then the current is drawn through a command line or a data line. In such case, the card cannot work normally. The device connector for P2ROM MMC insertion should be connected as following steps, for the length of contact pins is different (length of VSS, VDD > length of other signals). Step-1: VSS (pin 3), VDD (pin 4) connection Step-2: Other signals (pin 1~2, 5~7) connection 20/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 11. CARD DIMENSION DIAGRAM 21/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 12. STATE TRANSITION DIAGRAM Power ON CS signal="0" CMD0 SPI mode MMC mode GO_IDLE_STATE CMD1 Idle State (idle) Non compatible voltage range SEND_OP_COND CMD58 CMD1 Inactive State(ina) SEND_OP_COND READ_OCR CMD9 card loose bus Ready State (ready) SEND_CSD CMD10 CMD15 SEND_CID CMD2 GO_INACTIVE_STATE ALL_SEND_CID Identification State(ident) CMD18 CMD17 CMD16 CMD13 READ_MULTIPLE _BLOCK SEND_STATUS SET _BLOCKLEN CMD23 READ_SINGLE_ BLOCK CMD59 SET_BLOCK _COUNT CMD12 CMD3 SET_RELATIVE_ADDR STOP_TRANSMISSION Stand-by State(stby) CMD4 CMD9 SEND_CSD NOP CMD13 CMD10 SEND_CID CMD7 SELECT/DESELECT_CARD SEND_STATUS Transfer State(tran) CMD7 CMD11 SELECT/DESELECT _CARD CMD18 READ_DAT _UNTIL_STOP CMD17 SELECT/DESELECT _CARD SEND_STATUS CMD16 SET_BLOCKLEN CMD23 SET_BLOCK _COUNT Sending-data State(data) Sending-data State(data) CMD7 CMD13 READ_SINGLE_BLOCK READ_MULTIPLE _BLOCK CMD12 CMD7 STOP _TRANSMISSION SELECT/DESELECT _CARD 22/24 CRC_ON_OFF FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC 13. REVISION HISTORY Page Document No. Date Previous Edition Current Edition FEDR57T01601J-02-01 Dec. 02, 2004 - - Description Final edition 01 23/24 FEDR57T01601J-02-01 OKI Semiconductor MR57T01601J / P2ROM MMC NOTICE 1. The information contained herein can change without notice owing to product and/or technical improvements. Before using the product, please make sure that the information being referred to is up-to-date. 2. The outline of action and examples for application circuits described herein have been chosen as an explanation for the standard action and performance of the product. When planning to use the product, please ensure that the external conditions are reflected in the actual circuit, assembly, and program designs. 3. When designing your product, please use our product below the specified maximum ratings and within the specified operating ranges including, but not limited to, operating voltage, power dissipation, and operating temperature. 4. Oki assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any failure or unusual or unexpected operation resulting from misuse, neglect, improper installation, repair, alteration or accident, improper handling, or unusual physical or electrical stress including, but not limited to, exposure to parameters beyond the specified maximum ratings or operation outside the specified operating range. 5. Neither indemnity against nor license of a third party's industrial and intellectual property right, etc. is granted by us in connection with the use of the product and/or the information and drawings contained herein. No responsibility is assumed by us for any infringement of a third party's right which may result from the use thereof. 6. The products listed in this document are intended for use in general electronics equipment for commercial applications (e.g., office automation, communication equipment, measurement equipment, consumer electronics, etc.). These products are not, unless specifically authorized by Oki, authorized for use in any system or application that requires special or enhanced quality and reliability characteristics nor in any system or application where the failure of such system or application may result in the loss or damage of property, or death or injury to humans. Such applications include, but are not limited to, traffic and automotive equipment, safety devices, aerospace equipment, nuclear power control, medical equipment, and life-support systems. 7. Certain products in this document may need government approval before they can be exported to particular countries. The purchaser assumes the responsibility of determining the legality of export of these products and will take appropriate and necessary steps at their own expense for these. 8. No part of the contents contained herein may be reprinted or reproduced without our prior permission. Copyright 2004 Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. 24/24