Evaluates: MAX15039
Quick Start
Required Equipment
• MAX15039 EV kit
• 2.9V to 5.5V, 6A DC power supply
• One digital multimeter (DMM)
• One load up to 6A
The MAX15039 EV kit is fully assembled and tested.
Follow the steps below to verify board operation.
Caution: Do not turn on the power supply until all
connections are competed.
1) Preset the DC power supply to 5V and disable the
power-supply output.
2) Set the load to 6A or less and disable the load.
3) Verify that shunts are installed on the EV kit jumpers
as follows:
JU1: Installed (MAX15039 disabled)
JU2: Installed (internal 0.6V reference)
VOUT = 1.8V:
JU3: Not installed
JU4: Pins 1-2
JU5: Pins 2-3 (forced-PWM mode)
4) Connect the power-supply positive terminal to the
IN banana jack and the negative terminal to the
PGND banana jack.
5) Connect the load positive terminal to the OUT
banana jack and the negative terminal to the
PGND banana jack.
6) Set the DMM to measure voltage. Connect the
positive terminal to the OUT PCB pad and the neg-
ative terminal to the PGND PCB pad.
7) Enable the power supply.
8) Enable the load.
9) Remove the shunt from jumper JU1 (MAX15039
10) Verify that the DMM measures 1.8V.
Detailed Description of Hardware
The MAX15039 EV kit demonstrates the MAX15039 6A,
2MHz step-down regulator with integrated switches in a
24-pin TQFN surface-mount package with an exposed
pad. Applications include enterprise-server, telecom-
munication, computing, and networking power supplies.
The EV kit generates selectable output voltages from
0.6V to 2.5V at load currents up to 6A. The output volt-
age should be configured only BEFORE power-up using
jumpers JU3 (CTL1) and JU4 (CTL2). Once the IC is
enabled using jumper JU1 (EN), jumpers JU3 and JU4
should not be changed until power cycling or disabling
the IC. The EV kit can also program the output voltage
from 0.6V to (0.9 x VIN) through resistor-dividers R8 and
R9. Jumper JU2 (REFIN) configures the EV kit reference
voltage as an internal 0.6V reference or a user-supplied
0V to (VDD - 2V) voltage reference connected across
the REF_IN and GND PCB pads.
The EV kit operates in three different functional modes
(forced PWM, monotonic startup, and skip), as config-
ured by jumper JU5 (MODE). The EV kit shows a 1MHz
switching frequency and up to 95% efficiency with the
supplied components. The EV kit can evaluate other
switching frequencies between 500kHz and 2MHz. See
Evaluating Other Switching Frequencies (FREQ)
section for more information. The EV kit also provides a
PWRGD PCB pad to access the IC’s power-good logic
output. The EV kit operates from a 2.9V to 5.5V input
DC power supply connected across the IN and PGND
banana jacks.
Regulator Enable (EN)
The MAX15039 features a shutdown mode to minimize the
IC quiescent current. To shut down the IC, install a shunt
on jumper JU1. For normal operation, remove the shunt
from JU1. See Table 1 to configure jumper JU1.
MAX15039 Evaluation Kit
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Component Suppliers
Murata Electronics North America, Inc. 770-436-1300 www.murata-northamerica.com
TDK Corp. 847-803-6100 www.component.tdk.com
TOKO America, Inc. 847-297-0070 www.tokoam.com