IDI Spring Contact Probes and Receptacles This page of product is RoHS compliant. DIMENSIONS: in. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Series SC Size 0 .050" Centers .04 (1.02) .272 (6.91) .035 (.89) Series S Size 0 .050" Centers .0375 (.95) .035 (.89) .31 (1.47) .105 (2.67) 1.242 (31.55) 1.362 (34.59) 1.032 (26.21) .031 (.79) Series DE .050" Centers Series S .075" Centers .035 (.89) .034 (.86) .035 (.89) .125 (3.18) .10 (2.54) .50 (12.7) .66 (16.76) .08 (2.03) .033 (.84) .025 (.64) .027 (.69) .028 (.71) .022 (.56) Technical Summary: * Recommended Minimum Centers: .050 (1.27) * Current Rating: 3 amps continuous * Spring Force: 3.2 or 5.4 oz. @ .170 (4.32) travel * Contact Resistance: Less than 17m * Recommended Working Travel: .170 (4.32) * Maximum Travel: .232 (5.89) for headed tips music wire, gold plated * Plunger: Full-hard Beryllium copper or steel, gold plated over nickel or optional duralloy For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. MOUSER STOCK NO. Fig. Dia. Mfr. Mfr. Part No. 818-S-50C-HS-5.4-G-S A .024 (.61) 818-S-50C-J-5.6-DG B .024 (.61) 818-S-50C-M-5.4-G-S C .024 (.61) D .024 (.61) 818-S-50C-Z-5.4-G-S Description Headless Serrated Headless Radius Headless Blade Headless 3 Pt Crown Price Each 1 25 50 5.77 5.19 4.68 5.77 5.20 4.68 5.77 5.19 4.68 5.77 5.19 4.68 SERIES S: SIZE 0, .050" CENTERS Technical Summary: * Recommended Minimum Centers: .050 (1.27) * Current Rating: 3 amps continuous * Spring Force: 2.2 oz. (62g) @ .070 (1.78) travel * Contact Resistance: Less than 35m * Recommended Working Travel: .070 (1.78) Fig. E F B G H - Materials: * Contact Barrel: Nickel/silver, gold plated * Spring: Beryllium copper, gold plated * Plunger: Beryllium copper, gold plated over nickel For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. Dia. .021 .035 .021 .021 .011 Description (.53) (.89) (.53) (.53) (.28) 1 Price Each 25 50 Headless Flat Spear Headed Serrated Headless Radius Headless 4 Pt Crown Headless Reduced 4 Pt Crown 2.62 2.62 2.62 1.25 2.62 2.37 2.37 2.37 1.13 2.37 Receptacle, Crimp Receptacle, Solder Cup Receptacle, WW .025" SQ .25 .71 1.16 .231 .63 1.05 - 2.24 2.14 2.14 1.02 2.14 .209 .58 .95 SERIES DE: .050" CENTERS Technical Summary: * Recommended Minimum Centers: .050 (1.27) * Current Rating: 3 amps continuous * Spring Force: 2 oz. (57g) @ .050 (1.27) travel * Contact Resistance: Less than 35m * Recommended Working Travel: .050 (1.27) I .033 (.84) Double Ended Probe IDI Description MOUSER STOCK NO. Mfr. Mfr. Part No. 818-S-075-B-5-G 818-S-075-B-7-G 818-S-075-J-5-G 818-S-075-SP-5-G-S 818-S-075-SP-7-G-S 818-S-075-VLT-5-G-S 818-S-075-VLT-7-G-S Technical Summary: * Recommended Minimum Centers: .075 (1.91) * Current Rating: 3 amps continuous * Spring Force: 5 oz. or 7 oz. * Contact Resistance: Less than 13m * Recommended Working Travel: .170 (4.32) 2322 Fig. B J J K K Price Each 1 25 50 2.70 2.55 2.43 Materials: * Contact Barrel: Nickel/silver, gold plated * Spring: Music wire, nickel plated * Plunger: Beryllium copper, gold plated over nickel, or steel For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. Price Each 1 25 50 Headless Spear 3.60 3.24 2.90 Headless Spear 3.60 3.24 2.90 .025 (.64) Headless Radius 4.50 4.03 3.61 .025 (.64) Headless Sharp Chisel (3 Sided) 4.24 3.83 3.44 .025 (.64) Headless Sharp Chisel (3 Sided) 4.24 3.83 3.44 .048 (1.22) Headed Reduced 4 Pt Crown 4.24 3.83 3.44 .048 (1.22) Headed Reduced 4 Pt Crown 4.24 3.83 3.44 Dia. .67 (17.02) 1.124 (28.55) .047 (1.19) .04 (1.02) Description .30 .08 (2.03) (7.62) .25 (6.35) .98 (24.89) .036 (.91) .49 (12.45) Technical Summary: * Recommended Minimum Centers: .075 (1.91) * Current Rating: 3 amps continuous * Spring Force: 2.0 oz. or 3.8 oz. * Contact Resistance: Less than 25m * Recommended Working Travel: .070 (1.78) .695 (17.65) 1.31 (33.27) .036 (.91) .058 (1.47) .054 (1.37) .047 (1.19) MOUSER STOCK NO. Mfr. Mfr. Part No. Spring Contact Probes 818-S-1-A-2-G 818-S-1-A-3.8-G 818-S-1-D-2-G 818-S-1-B-3.8-G 818-S-1-H-2-G 818-S-1-H-3.8-G 818-S-1-J-2-G 818-S-1-J-3.8-G 818-S-1-U-2-G 818-S-1-U-3.8-G Receptacles 818-R-1-CR 818-R-1-SC 818-R-1-WW-429 Materials: * Contact Barrel: Nickel/silver, gold plated * Spring: Stainless steel, gold plated * Plunger: Beryllium copper, gold plated over nickel For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. Fig. Dia. Description L L M J F F B B G G .06 (1.52) .06 (1.52) .04 (1.02) .04 (1.02) .06 (1.52) .06 (1.52) .026 (.66) .026 (.66) .026 (.66) .026 (.66) Headed Cup 2.0 oz. Headed Cup 3.8 oz. Headed Radius 2.0 oz. Headless Spear 3.8 oz. Headed Serrated 2.0 oz. Headed Serrated 3.8 oz. Headless Radius 2.0 oz. Headless Radius 3.8 oz. Headless 4 PT Crown 2.0 oz. Headless 4 PT Crown 3.8 oz. - - Receptacle, Crimp Receptacle, Solder Cup Receptacle, WW .025" SQ 1 Price Each 25 50 1.55 .88 2.34 1.55 1.55 1.03 1.62 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.50 .79 2.10 1.39 1.39 .923 1.54 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.45 .71 1.89 1.25 1.25 .832 1.46 1.25 1.25 1.25 .29 1.00 .51 .271 .95 .46 .235 .82 .42 SERIES S: .100" CENTERS Technical Summary: * Recommended Minimum Centers: .100 (2.54) * Current Rating: 3 amps continuous * Spring Force: 6.7oz. or 8.0 oz. (190g) @ .170 (4.32) travel * Recommended Working Travel: .170 (4.32) Materials: * Contact Barrel: Nickel/silver, gold plated * Spring: Stainless steel, gold plated, MOUSER STOCK NO. Mfr. Mfr. Part No. Spring Contact Probes 818-S-100-A-6.7-G 818-S-100-A-8-G 818-S-100-B-6.7-G 818-S-100-B-8-G 818-S-100-H-6.7-G 818-S-100-H-8-G 818-S-100-J-6.7-G 818-S-100-J-8-G 818-S-100-SP-6.7-G-S 818-S-100-SP-8-G-S 818-S-100-U-6.7-G-S 818-S-100-U-8-G-S 818-S-100-W-6.7-G 818-S-100-WO-8-G-S Receptacles 818-R-100-SC 818-R-100-WW-429 or music wire * Plunger: Beryllium copper, gold plated over nickel For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. Dia. SERIES S: .075" CENTERS (c) Copyright 2016 Mouser Electronics gold plated Spring: Music wire, gold plated Plunger: Beryllium copper, gold plated over nickel Fig. Test Connectors MOUSER STOCK NO. Mfr. Mfr. Part No. 818-DE-50-T-45-2-G Materials: * Contact Barrel: Nickel/silver, * * Series S .100" Centers .06 (1.52) SERIES S: SIZE 1, .075" CENTERS Materials: * Contact Barrel: DuraGold * Spring: Stainless steel or .250 (6.35) for headless tips .125 (3.18) .10 (2.54) .0395 (1) .026 (.66) .029 (.74) .022 (.56) .048 (1.22) 1.31 (33.27) .52 (13.21) SERIES S-50C: SIZE 0, .050" CENTERS MOUSER STOCK NO. Mfr. Mfr. Part No. Spring Contact Probes 818-S-0-B9-2.2-G 818-S-0-H-2.2-G 818-S-0-J-2.2-G 818-S-0-U-2.2-G 818-S-0-UT-2.2-G Receptacles 818-R-0-CR 818-R-0-SC 818-R-0-WW-025 .25 (6.35) Series S Size 1 .075" Centers .052 (1.32) .06 .15 (1.52) (3.18) .055 (1.40) For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. Fig. Dia. Description L L F F B B J J G G N N .06 (1.52) .06 (1.52) .06 (1.52) .06 (1.52) .036 (.91) .036 (.91) .036 (.91) .036 (.91) .036 (.91) .036 (.91) .05 (1.27) .05 (1.27) Headed Cup 6.7 oz. Headed Cup 8 oz. Headless Spear 6.7 oz. Headless Spear 8 oz. Headed Serrated 6.7 oz. Headed Serrated 8 oz. Headless Radius 6.7 oz. Headless Radius 8 oz. Headless Sharp Chisel 6.7 oz. Headless Sharp Chisel 8 oz. Headless 4 PT Crown 6.7 oz. Headless 4 PT Crown 8 oz. Headed 4 PT Crown 6.7 oz. Headed 4 PT Crown 8 oz. - - Receptacle, Solder Cup Receptacle, WW .025" SQ (800) 346-6873 1 Price Each 25 50 1.70 2.56 1.13 1.70 1.20 1.81 1.70 2.56 2.36 3.54 3.54 3.54 2.90 2.36 1.54 2.31 1.02 1.54 1.09 1.63 1.54 2.31 2.12 3.18 3.18 3.18 2.60 2.12 1.39 2.09 .932 1.39 .988 1.48 1.39 2.09 1.90 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.33 1.90 .27 .36 .25 .33 .24 .30 (c) Copyright 2016 Mouser Electronics