WM8775 Production Data
w PD, Rev 4.4, October 2008
WM8775 is a stereo audio ADC, with a flexible four input multiplexor. It is available in a single
package and cont roll ed by either a 3-wire or a 2- wire interfac e.
The input multiplexor to the ADC is configured to allow large signal levels to be input to the ADC,
using external resi stors to reduce the am plitude of larger signal s to within the normal operating range
of the ADC. The ADC has an analogue input PGA and a digital gain control, accessed by one
register write. The input PGA allows input signals to be gained up to +24dB and attenuated down to -
21dB in 0.5dB steps. The digital gain control allows attenuation from -21.5dB to -103dB in 0.5dB
steps . This allows the user maximum flexibilit y in the use of the ADC.
The Audio Interface may be configured to operate in either master or slave mode. In Slave mode
ADCLRC and BCLK ar e all inp uts. I n Master mode ADCLRC and BCLK are out puts. The audio data
interface supports right, left and I2S interface formats along with a highly flexible DSP serial port
interface. Operation using system clock of 256fs, 384fs, 512fs or 768fs is provided. In Slave mode
select ion between clock rates i s aut om at ic a ll y cont rol l ed. In master m ode the master clock to s am pl e
rate ratio i s set by cont rol bit ADCRATE. Master clock sam ple rates (f s) from les s than 32kHz up to
96kHz are allowed, provided the appropriate system clock is input.
Control of internal functionality of the device is by 3-wire SPI compatible or 2-wire serial control
interface. E ither i nterface may be asynchronous to t he audio dat a interfac e as contr ol data will be re-
synchronised to the audio processing internally.
In a t ypical digit al audio sys tem there is only one c entral cloc k sour ce produc ing a r eference cl ock to
which all audio data process ing i s s ynchronised. Thi s cl ock is often referred to as the audi o system ’s
Master Clock. The external master syst em clock can be applied directly through the MCLK input pin
with no software configuration nec essary. In a system where there are a number of possibl e sources
for the reference clock it is recommended that the clock source with the lowest jitter be used to
optimise the performance of the ADC.
The master clock for W M8775 supports ADC audio sam pling rates from 256fs to 768fs, where fs is
the audio sampling frequency (ADCLRC) typically 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz or 96kHz. The master
cloc k is us ed to operate the digita l fi lt ers and the noise s haping c i rcui ts .
In Slave mode, the WM8775 has a master detection circuit that automatically determines the
relationship between the master clock frequency and the sampling rate (to within +/- 32 system
clocks). If there is a greater than 32 clocks error the interface is disabled and m aintains the output
level at the last sample. The master clock must be synchronised with ADCLRC, although the
W M8775 i s tol erant of phas e v ariations or j itter on thi s cl ock. Tabl e 6 shows the typical m aster cloc k
frequency input s for the WM8775.
The s ignal process ing for the W M8775 t ypically operates at an overs ampli ng rate of 128fs . For ADC
operation at 96kHz, it is recommended that the user set the ADCOSR bit. This changes the ADC
signal processing oversample rate to 64fs.
System Clock Frequency (MHz )
(ADCLRC) 256fs 384fs 512fs 768fs
32kHz 8.192 12.288 16.384 24.576
44.1kHz 11.2896 16.9340 22.5792 33.8688
48kHz 12.288 18.432 24.576 36.864
96kHz 24.576 36.864 Unavailable Unavailable
Table 6 System Clock Frequencies Versus Sampling Rate