Electrical Characteristics(1)(2)
Over recommended Supply Voltage and Operating Temperature ranges, unless otherwise specified.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
VOD Differential Output Voltage IO= 0 mA (No Load) 1.5 3.6 6 V
VoDO Output Voltage IO= 0 mA (Output to GND) 0 6 V
VoDO Output Voltage 0 6 V
VT1 Differential Output Voltage RL= 54Ω(485) (Figure 1) 1.3 2.2 5.0 V
(Termination Load) RL= 100Ω(422) 1.7 2.6 5.0 V
ΔVT1 Balance of VT1 RL= 54ΩSee(3) −0.2 0.2 V
|VT1 −VT1 |RL= 100Ω −0.2 0.2 V
VOS Driver Common Mode RL= 54Ω(Figure 1) 0 2.5 3.0 V
Output Voltage RL= 100Ω0 2.5 3.0 V
ΔVOS Balance of VOS RL= 54ΩSee(3) −0.2 0.2 V
|VOS −VOS |RL= 100Ω −0.2 0.2 V
VOH Output Voltage High IOH =−22 mA (Figure 2) 2.7 3.7 V
VOL Output Voltage Low IOL = +22 mA 1.3 2 V
IOSD Driver Short-Circuit VO= +12V (Figure 3) 92 290 mA
Output Current VO=−7V −187 −290 mA
VTH Differential Input High VO= VOH, IO=−0.4 mA −0.150 0 V
Threshold Voltage(4) −7V ≤VCM ≤+12V
VTL Differential Input Low VO= VOL, IO= 8.0 mA −0.5 −0.230 V
Threshold Voltage(4) −7V ≤VCM ≤+12V
VHST Hysteresis(5) VCM = 0V 80 mV
IIN Line Input Current Other Input = 0V VI= +12V 0.5 1.5 mA
(VCC = 4.75V, 5.25V, 0V) DE = VIH(6) VI=−7V −0.5 −1.5 mA
IOSR Short Circuit Current VO= 0V RO −15 −32 −85 mA
IOZ TRI-STATE Leakage Current VO= 0.4 to 2.4V −20 1.4 +20 μA
VOH Output High Voltage VID = 0V, IOH =−0.4 mA 2.3 3.7 V
(Figure 12)VID = OPEN, IOH =−0.4 mA 2.3 3.7 V
VOL Output Low Voltage VID =−0.5V, IOL = +8 mA 0.3 0.7 V
(Figure 12)VID =−0.5V, IOL = +16 mA 0.3 0.8 V
RIN Input Resistance 10 20 kΩ
VIH High Level Input Voltage DE , 2.0 VCC V
RE ,
VIL Low Level Input Voltage GND 0.8 V
IIH High Level Input Current VIH = 2.4V 20 μA
IIL Low Level Input Current VIL = 0.4V −100 μA
VCL Input Clamp Voltage ICL =−18 mA −0.7 −1.5 V
ICC Output Low Voltage DE = 0V, RE = 0V, DI = 0V 39 60 mA
Supply Current
ICCR DE = 3V, RE = 0V, DI = 0V 24 50 mA
(No Load)
ICCD DE = 0V, RE = 3V, DI = 0V 40 75 mA
ICCX DE = 3V, RE = 3V, DI = 0V 27 45 mA
(1) Current into device pins is defined as positive. Current out of device pins is defined as negative. All voltages are referenced to ground
unless otherwise specified.
(2) All typicals are given for VCC = 5.0V and TA= +25°C.
(3) Δ|VT1| and Δ|VOS| are changes in magnitude of VT1 and VOS, respectively, that occur when the input changes state.
(4) Threshold parameter limits specified as an algebraic value rather than by magnitude.
(5) Hysteresis defined as VHST = VTH −VTL.
(6) IIN includes the receiver input current and driver TRI-STATE leakage current.
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