C unless otherw ise noted) VF =1.2V m ax, IF=200m A for all types.
Device Zener Voltage Test Surge C urrent @
Device M arking Vz @ Izt Current
(N ote 1) Code Voltage IZT ZZT @ IZT Ir - m A
(N otes 2 & 3) m A O hm s O hm s m A uA M ax V olts (N ote 5)
1SMA4741 741A 11 23 8 700 0.25 5.0 8.4 414
1SMA4742 742A 12 21 9 700 0.25 5.0 9.1 380
1SMA4743 743A 13 19 10 700 0.25 5.0 9.9 344
1SMA4744 744A 15 17 14 700 0.25 5.0 11.4 304
1SMA4745 745A 16 15.5 16 700 0.25 5.0 12.2 285
1SMA4746 746A 18 14.0 20 750 0.25 5.0 13.7 250
1SMA4747 747A 20 12.5 22 750 0.25 5.0 15.2 225
1SMA4748 748A 22 11.5 23 750 0.25 5.0 16.7 205
1SMA4749 749A 24 10.5 25 750 0.25 5.0 18.2 190
1SMA4750 750A 27 9.5 35 750 0.25 5.0 20.6 170
1SMA4751 751A 30 8.5 40 1000 0.25 5.0 22.8 150
1SMA4752 752A 33 7.5 45 1000 0.25 5.0 25.1 135
1SMA4753 753A 36 7.0 50 1000 0.25 5.0 27.4 125
1SMA4754 754A 39 6.5 60 1000 0.25 5.0 29.7 115
1SMA4755 755A 43 6.0 70 1500 0.25 5.0 32.7 110
1SMA4756 756A 47 5.5 80 1500 0.25 5.0 35.8 95
1SMA4757 757A 51 5.0 95 1500 0.25 5.0 38.8 90
1SMA4758 758A 56 4.5 110 2000 0.25 5.0 42.6 80
1SMA4759 759A 62 4.0 125 2000 0.25 5.0 47.1 70
1SMA4760 760A 68 3.7 150 2000 0.25 5.0 51.7 65
1SMA4761 761A 75 3.3 175 2000 0.25 5.0 56.0 60
1SMA4762 762A 82 3.0 200 3000 0.25 5.0 62.2 55
1SMA4763 763A 91 2.8 250 3000 0.25 5.0 69.2 50
1SMA4764 764A 100 2.5 350 3000 0.25 5.0 76.0 45
5 . S u rg e C u r re n t (Ir) No n -R e p e titive . T h e ra tin g liste d in th e e le ctr ica l c h a ra c ter istic s ta b le is max imu m p e a k , n o n -re p e titive ,
reverse su rge current of 1/2 square w ave or equivalent sine w ave pulse of 1/120 second du ration sup erim posed on the
test current, IZT, per JEDE C registration; however, actual device capabili t y is as described in Figure 10.
3. Zener Voltage (V
) Measurem en t. Gua rantees the zener voltage w hen m essu red at 90 second s wh ile m ain taining
the lead tem perature (T
) at 30
C± 1
C, from the diode body.
4. Zener Im pedance (ZZ) D erivatio n. The zener im pedance is derived from the 1000 cycle ac voltage, w hich results when an ac
current having and rms value equal to 10% o f the dc zener current (IZT or IZK) is superim posed on IZT or IZK.
1. Tolerance and Type Nu m ber Designation. The type num bers listed have a standard tolerance on the nom inal zener voltage of ±5%.
2 . Sp e cia ls Av aila b l e In c lud e:
A. Nom inal zener voltages betw een the voltages show n and tighter voltage tolerances.
B . Ma tc h e d s e t s.
M axim u m Zener Im pedan ce (N ote 4) Leakage C urrent