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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 1
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
SPECTRA™ 1x2488
SONET/SDH Payload Extractor/Aligner
For 2488 Mbit/s
Data Sheet
Issue No. 3: March 2003
Downloaded by Amr Mansour of SiliconExpert Tecnology Inc on Tuesday, 14 October, 2003 02:57:29 AM
SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 2
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Legal Information
Copyright 2003 PMC-Sierra, Inc. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is proprietary and confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its
customers internal use. In any event, no part of this document may be reproduced or
redistributed in any form without the express written consent of PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PMC-2012682 (R3)
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 3
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 4
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Revision History
Issue Date Details of Change
3 March 2003 o Lead Temperature incorrectly specified – Updated lead temperature from
+230°C to +225°C
o Updated patent information
o 4x622 mode using 155 MHz refclk. Added IREF_CTRL[1:0] register bit
o OC-48 CSU (Div1 vs. Div8). Added notes to TX2488 ABC Control register
o TPOH Port Data Insertion. Added note to Operation: Path Overhead Bytes
section 14.1.
o Pin names differ between Pin Diagram and Pin Description. Updated pin
descriptions for VDDI_JAT[3:0] and LC_AVDL.
o LOS interrupt not being generated during state change of LOSV = 1 to 0.
Updated LOSI (LAS4x622) register bit description.
o SELF_NARROWBANDING MODE for CSUR PM70_00_04. Updated Quad
STS-12/STM-4 Mode Operation section.
o Added optical jitter characterization results to section 20.2 and 20.3.
o TAPI path alarms persist when disabled causing PAIS in transmit path.
Added section 14.12 Disabling Transmit Add Bus Pointer Interpreter.
o Minimum reset input pulse width (tVRSTB) changed from 100ns to 2ms to
account for analog block reset time.
o Added configuration of REF77_P/N for 155.52MHz clock power up
sequence to Quad STS-12/STM-4 Mode Operation section
o Updated Absolute Maximum Ratings section
o SVCA: Unexpected indirect register behavior with concat. payloads.
Updated indirect register 02H: TSVCA & RSVCA Diagnostic/Configuration
registers descriptions and PJPMON[12:0]/ NJPMON{12:0] register bit
o Fixed PREP#10035, 10036 - ALLPAISC generation error in last sts3c for
RHPP and RHPP-R. Added section 14.13 Invalid Concatenation Pointer
Processing Disable Bit.
o Updated OC-12 Line Interface Timing min REF77 Hi/Low pulse widths.
o Top level RTL bug in parallel diagnostic loopback on los_or_sd_defect.
Added notes to Loop Back Operation section.
o 4x622 SDI_MASK prevents LOS detection. Updated SDI_MASK register
description in 0036H 0436H 0836H and 0C36H.
o 4x622 AC coupled LOS prevents RCLK from locking to reference. Updated
Operations section with workarounds.
o LAS4x622 DOOLI does not assert at +/-999 ppm with default
CLK_CNT_MAX. Updated DOOLI and DOOLV register bit descriptions.
o Changed register 001CH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Miscellaneous Configuration
#1 to SPECTRA 1X2488 DOOL, LOS and SD Defect Enable
o Changed register 001DH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Miscellaneous Configuration
#1 to SPECTRA 1X2488 Miscellaneous Configuration #1
o Modified VDDI_JAT[3:0] pin description.
o Updated Pin Description Note#2 – 2mA, 4mA and 10mA drive capability
o Added note to REF77 pin description.
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 5
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Issue Date Details of Change
o Thermal Information Tj specified as 105C for both Central Office and
Outside Plant
o Updated document to new template.
o ILLPTR may be asserted on legal justification requests
o Register 0022H: Rx2488 Analog CRU Control – bit 15 and 13 reserved bits
have default value of 1 instead of 0.
o Disagreement between H1H2 value and J1-byte location at SVCA output –
Ensure payload pointer is recalculated when payload is configured.
o Updated ILLPTR and JUST3DIS register descriptions.
o Updated Power Requirements section
o Updated Thermal Information section
o Clarification on FOOF bit description.
o Analog power pin names require function suffix. Added power supply
filtering tables.
o Analog power pin names require function suffix. Updated analog power
filtering figure and added power pin description table.
o Incorrect bit description for CSUR_LDBV in Register 0033H. Corrected bit
inversion for CSUR_LBDV.
o Incorrect bit description for ROOL-I bit in register 1020H. Updated reference
to CSU_RESET in register 1021H.
o Rx2488 Analog PRBS Control register 0024H has no bit description. Label
register as Rx2488 Reserved.
o Incorrect bit description Indirect Register 02H: RSVCA
Diagnostic/Configuration. Corrected PTRDD[1:0] bits for both RSVCA and
TSVCA registers.
o Set TDCLKOEN to high for 1x2488 mode to work. Updated SERDES1x2488
Mode Operation section.
o DOOL_HSTR_SEL[1:0] description needs correction. Updated register bit
o Treatment of JTAG TRSTB pin is misleading. Modified pin description to be
less restrictive.
o OC-48 CRU Reset Time Documentation. Added note minimum 100us cru
reset period.
o Corrected Register 0039H title. Removed PRBS from title.
o AU-4 to 3x AU-3 Translation configuration errors. Corrected wording.
o TOFP[4:1] pin description. Corrected wording.
o ROHFP[4:1] pin description. Corrected wording.
o Updated Reliability Section
2 July 2002 o Updated the top-level registers: 0000H-0006H, 000FH, 001AH-001EH.
o Added RCS2488 registers.
o Added TCP2488 registers.
o Added LAS4x622 registers.
o Added JAT622 registers.
o Deleted pins OOF1-4, PRGMRCLK, TXD_P/TXD_N, RXD_P/RXD_N, SD.
o Changed channel 1 of quad STM-4 to dual mode. Channel 1 is either STM-
16 or STM-4.
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 6
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Issue Date Details of Change
o Pins RCLK1-4 could be gated if configured and RCLK1-2 could be selected
from 4 internal RCLK if configured.
o Added SD/LOS/DOOLEN to SALM, AIS_L, and RDI_L generation enable
register description.
o Updated Test registers.
o Updated Block Diagram, Loop Back Diagram.
o Updated Operation Loop Back, SERDES sections.
o Deleted functional timing for digital line interface.
1 January 2002 Data Sheet created.
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 7
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Table of Contents
Legal Information........................................................................................................................... 2
Copyright................................................................................................................................. 2
Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................... 2
Trademarks ............................................................................................................................. 2
Patents .................................................................................................................................... 2
Contacting PMC-Sierra.................................................................................................................. 3
Revision History............................................................................................................................. 4
Table of Contents........................................................................................................................... 7
List of Registers........................................................................................................................... 11
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. 27
List of Tables................................................................................................................................29
1 Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 31
2 Features ................................................................................................................................32
2.1 General........................................................................................................................ 32
2.2 SONET Section and Line / SDH Regenerator and Multiplexer Section...................... 33
2.3 SONET Path / SDH High Order Path.......................................................................... 34
2.4 System Side Interfaces ............................................................................................... 34
3 Applications........................................................................................................................... 36
4 References............................................................................................................................ 37
5 Application Examples............................................................................................................ 39
6 Block Diagrams..................................................................................................................... 41
7 Description ............................................................................................................................ 45
8 Pin Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 47
9 Pin Description (500-pin UBGA) ........................................................................................... 49
9.1 Configuration Pin Signals............................................................................................ 49
9.2 STS-48/STM-16 and Quad STS-12/STM-4 Line Side Interface Signals .................... 49
9.3 Receive and Transmit Reference (Single and Quad Mode) ....................................... 51
9.4 Section/Line/Path Status and Alarms Signals (Single and Quad Mode)..................... 52
9.5 Receive Section/Line/Path Overhead Extraction Signals (Single and Quad Mode)... 54
9.6 Transmit Section/Line/Path Overhead Insertion Signals (Single and Quad Mode) .... 55
9.7 Receive Section/Line DCC Extraction Signals (Single and Quad Mode) ................... 57
9.8 Transmit Section/Line DCC Insertion Signals (Single and Quad Mode) .................... 58
9.9 Receive Path BIP-8 Error Signals ............................................................................... 59
9.10 Drop Bus Telecom Interface Signals (Single and Quad Mode) .................................. 59
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 8
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
9.11 Add Bus Telecom Interface Signals (Single and Quad Mode) .................................... 62
9.12 Microprocessor Interface Signals................................................................................ 64
9.13 Analog Miscellaneous Signals .................................................................................... 66
9.14 JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) Signals......................................................................... 66
9.15 Power and Ground ...................................................................................................... 67
10 Functional Description .......................................................................................................... 70
10.1 Receive Line Interface ................................................................................................ 70
10.2 SONET/SDH Receive Line Interface (SRLI)............................................................... 70
10.3 Receive Regenerator and Multiplexer Processor (RRMP) ......................................... 71
10.4 Receive Trail Trace Processor (RTTP) ....................................................................... 74
10.5 Receive High Order Path Processor (RHPP) ............................................................. 75
10.6 Transmit Line Interface................................................................................................ 83
10.7 SONET/SDH Transmit Line Interface (STLI) .............................................................. 83
10.8 Transmit Regenerator Multiplexer Processor (TRMP)................................................ 83
10.9 Transmit Trail Trace Processor (TTTP)....................................................................... 88
10.10 Transmit High Order Path Processor (THPP) ............................................................. 88
10.11 Transmit Add TelecomBus Pointer Interpreter (TAPI) ................................................. 90
10.12 SONET/SDH Virtual Container Aligner (SVCA) .......................................................... 90
10.13 SONET/SDH PRBS Generator and Monitor (PRGM)................................................. 93
10.14 SONET/SDH Time-Slot Interchange (STSI) ............................................................... 94
10.15 System Side Interfaces ............................................................................................... 95
10.16 JTAG Test Access Port Interface................................................................................. 96
10.17 Microprocessor Interface............................................................................................. 96
11 Addressing Soft-Errors.......................................................................................................... 97
12 Normal Mode Register Description ....................................................................................... 98
12.1 Register Memory Map................................................................................................. 98
12.2 Registers ................................................................................................................... 110
13 Test Features Description ................................................................................................... 597
13.1 Master Test and Test Configuration Registers .......................................................... 597
13.2 JTAG Test Port .......................................................................................................... 602
14 Operation ............................................................................................................................ 615
14.1 Transport and Path Overhead Bytes......................................................................... 615
14.2 Accessing Indirect Registers..................................................................................... 620
14.3 Interrupt Service Routine .......................................................................................... 621
14.4 Using the Performance Monitoring Features ............................................................ 621
14.5 Configuring SONET/SDH Payload from a Concatenated Stream to a Channelized
Stream ....................................................................................................................... 622
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 9
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
14.6 Translation from AU4/3x(TUG3/TU3/VC3) into 3x(AU3/VC3)................................... 622
14.7 Translation from 3x(AU3/VC3) into AU4/3x(TUG3/TU3/VC3)................................... 623
14.8 Bit Error Rate Monitor ............................................................................................... 624
14.9 Setting Up Timeslot Assignments in the STSI........................................................... 625
14.10 PRBS Generator and Monitor (PRGM) ..................................................................... 627
14.11 Path Unequipped Configuration ................................................................................ 629
14.12 Disabling Transmit Add Bus Pointer Interpreter ........................................................ 630
14.13 Invalid Concatenation Pointer Processing Disable Bit .............................................. 630
14.14 4x622 Analog Block does not detect an All ‘0’ or All ‘1 Data Pattern........................ 632
14.15 Loop Back Operation ................................................................................................ 633
14.16 JTAG Support............................................................................................................ 634
14.17 Board Design Recommendations ............................................................................. 638
14.18 Power Up Sequence ................................................................................................. 639
14.19 Interfacing to SFP ODL Devices ............................................................................... 640
14.20 Interfacing to ECL or PECL Devices ......................................................................... 641
14.21 Termination Scheme ................................................................................................. 643
15 Functional Timing................................................................................................................ 645
15.1 ADD Parallel TelecomBus ......................................................................................... 645
15.2 DROP Parallel TelecomBus ...................................................................................... 647
15.3 Receive Transport Overhead .................................................................................... 649
15.4 Receive Section and Line DCC................................................................................. 650
15.5 Receive Path Overhead Port .................................................................................... 651
15.6 Transmit Transport Overhead ................................................................................... 653
15.7 Transmit Section and Line DCC................................................................................ 654
15.8 Transmit Path Overhead ........................................................................................... 655
15.9 Receive Ring Control Port......................................................................................... 656
15.10 Transmit Ring Control Port........................................................................................ 658
15.11 Receive Path Alarm................................................................................................... 659
16 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................ 660
17 Normal Operating Conditions.............................................................................................. 661
18 Power Information............................................................................................................... 662
18.1 Power Requirements................................................................................................. 662
18.2 Power Sequencing .................................................................................................... 662
18.3 Power Supply Filtering .............................................................................................. 663
19 D.C. Characteristics ............................................................................................................ 667
20 A.C. Timing Characteristics................................................................................................. 669
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
20.1 System Miscellaneous Timing................................................................................... 669
20.2 Single OC-48 Line Interface Timing .......................................................................... 669
20.3 Quad OC-12 Line Interface Timing ........................................................................... 670
20.4 Receive Overhead Port Timing ................................................................................. 670
20.5 Transmit Overhead Port Timing ................................................................................ 672
20.6 Transmit Ring Control Port Timing ............................................................................ 673
20.7 System Interface Timing............................................................................................ 674
20.8 JTAG Test Port Timing............................................................................................... 675
20.9 Microprocessor Interface Timing Characteristics ...................................................... 676
21 Thermal Information............................................................................................................ 679
22 Mechanical Information....................................................................................................... 680
23 Ordering Information ........................................................................................................... 681
Notes ......................................................................................................................................... 682
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 11
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
List of Registers
Register 0000H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Master Configuration ...................................................... 110
Register 0001H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Receive Configuration .................................................... 113
Register 0002H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Transmit Configuration ................................................... 115
Register 0003H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Loop Timing Configuration.............................................. 117
Register 0004H: SPECTRA 1X2488 RCLK Gating Control #1 ................................................ 119
Register 0005H: SPECTRA 1X2488 RCLK Gating Control #2 ................................................ 120
Register 0006H: SPECTRA 1X2488 RCLK Gating Control #3 ................................................ 121
Register 0008H: SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #1..................................... 122
Register 0009H: SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #2..................................... 123
Register 000AH: SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #3 .................................... 124
Register 000BH: SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #4 .................................... 125
Register 000EH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Line Activity Monitor ....................................................... 126
Register 000FH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #0 .......................................................... 127
Register 0010H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #1 .......................................................... 128
Register 0011H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #2 .......................................................... 129
Register 0012H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #3 .......................................................... 130
Register 0013H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #4 .......................................................... 131
Register 0014H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Drop System Configuration............................................. 132
Register 0016H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Add System Configuration .............................................. 134
Register 0017H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Add Parity Interrupt Status.............................................. 136
Register 0018H: SPECTRA 1X2488 System Activity Monitor .................................................. 137
Register 0019H: SPECTRA 1X2488 TAPI Path AIS Configuration .......................................... 139
Register 001AH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Version ID ...................................................................... 141
Register 001BH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Chip ID ........................................................................... 142
Register 001CH: SPECTRA 1X2488 DOOL, LOS and SD Defect Enable ............................... 143
Register 001DH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Miscellaneous Configuration #1..................................... 145
Register 001FH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Free Registers ................................................................ 146
Register 0020H: Rx2488 Analog Interrupt Status ..................................................................... 147
Register 0021H: Rx2488 Analog Interrupt Control (Single 2488 Mode Only)........................... 149
Register 0022H: Rx2488 Analog CRU Control ......................................................................... 151
Register 0023H: Rx2488 Analog CRU Clock Training Configuration and Status
(Single 2488 Mode Only) .................................................................................................... 153
Register 0030H: Quad 622 MABC General Control Register (Quad 622 Mode
Only).................................................................................................................................... 156
Register 0031H: Quad 622 Rx MABC Control Register (Quad 622 Mode Only)...................... 157
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0033H: Quad 622 Rx MABC Interrupt Enable Register (Quad 622
Mode Only).......................................................................................................................... 158
Register 0034H: Quad 622 Rx MABC Interrupt Status Register (Quad 622
Mode Only).......................................................................................................................... 160
Register 0035H 0435H 0835H 0C35H: Quad 622 Rx MABC Channel Control
Register (Quad 622 Mode Only) ......................................................................................... 162
Register 0036H 0436H 0836H 0C36H: Quad 622 Rx Channel Data Path
Control Register (Quad 622 Mode Only) ............................................................................ 164
Register 0038H 0438H 0838H 0C38H: Quad 622 Rx Channel Data Interrupt
Status Register (Quad 622 Mode Only).............................................................................. 166
Register 0039H, 0439H, 0839H, and 0C39H: Quad 622 Rx Channel Data Path
Status Register (Quad 622 Mode Only).............................................................................. 168
Register 0040H: SRLI Clock Configuration ............................................................................... 170
Register 0060H, 0460H, 0860H, and 0C60H: SBER Configuration ......................................... 172
Register 0061H, 0461H, 0861H, and 0C61H: SBER Status..................................................... 174
Register 0062H, 0462H, 0862H, and 0C62H: SBER Interrupt Enable ..................................... 175
Register 0063H, 0463H, 0863H, and 0C63H: SBER Interrupt Status ...................................... 176
Register 0064H, 0464H, 0864H, and 0C64H: SBER SF BERM Accumulation
Period (LSB)........................................................................................................................ 177
Register 0065H, 0465H, 0865H, and 0C65H: SBER SF BERM Accumulation
Period (MSB)....................................................................................................................... 178
Register 0066H, 0466H, 0866H, and 0C66H: SBER SF BERM Saturation
Threshold (LSB).................................................................................................................. 179
Register 0067H, 0467H, 0867H, and 0C67H: SBER SF BERM Saturation
Threshold (MSB) ................................................................................................................. 180
Register 0068H, 0468H, 0868H, and 0C68H: SBER SF BERM Declaration
Threshold (LSB).................................................................................................................. 181
Register 0069H, 0469H, 0869H, and 0C69H: SBER SF BERM Declaration
Threshold (MSB) ................................................................................................................. 182
Register 006AH, 046AH, 086AH, and 0C6AH: SBER SF BERM Clearing
Threshold (LSB).................................................................................................................. 183
Register 006BH, 046BH, 086BH, and 0C6BH: SBER SF BERM Clearing
Threshold (MSB) ................................................................................................................. 184
Register 006CH, 046CH, 086CH, and 0C6CH: SBER SD BERM Accumulation
Period (LSB)........................................................................................................................ 185
Register 006DH, 046DH, 086DH, and 0C6DH: SBER SD BERM Accumulation
Period (MSB)....................................................................................................................... 186
Register 006EH, 046EH, 086EH, and 0C6EH: SBER SD BERM Saturation
Threshold (LSB).................................................................................................................. 187
Register 006FH, 046FH, 086FH, and 0C6FH: SBER SD BERM Saturation
Threshold (MSB) ................................................................................................................. 188
Register 0070H, 0470H, 0870H, and 0C70H: SBER SD BERM Declaration
Threshold (LSB).................................................................................................................. 189
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Register 0071H, 0471H, 0871H, and 0C71H: SBER SD BERM Declaration
Threshold (MSB) ................................................................................................................. 190
Register 0072H, 0472H, 0872H, and 0C72H: SBER SD BERM Clearing
Threshold (LSB).................................................................................................................. 191
Register 0073H, 0473H, 0873H, and 0C73H: SBER SD BERM Clearing
Threshold (MSB) ................................................................................................................. 192
Register 0080H, 0480H, 0880H, and 0C80H: RRMP Configuration......................................... 193
Register 0081H, 0481H, 0881H, and 0C81H: RRMP Status .................................................... 196
Register 0082H, 0482H, 0882H, and 0C82H: RRMP Interrupt Enable .................................... 198
Register 0083H, 0483H, 0883H, and 0C83H: RRMP Interrupt Status ..................................... 201
Register 0084H, 0484H, 0884H, and 0C84H: RRMP Receive APS......................................... 204
Register 0085H, 0485H, 0885H, and 0C85H: RRMP Receive SSM ........................................ 205
Register 0086H, 0486H, 0886H, and 0C86H: RRMP AIS Enable ............................................ 206
Register 0087H, 0487H, 0887H, and 0C87H: RRMP Section BIP Error Counter .................... 208
Register 0088H, 0488H, 0888H, and 0C88H: RRMP Line BIP Error Counter
(LSB) ................................................................................................................................... 209
Register 0089H, 0489H, 0889H, and 0C89H: RRMP Line BIP Error Counter
(MSB) .................................................................................................................................. 210
Register 008AH, 048AH, 088AH, and 0C8AH: RRMP Line REI Error Counter
(LSB) ................................................................................................................................... 211
Register 008BH, 048BH, 088BH, and 0C8BH: RRMP Line REI Error Counter
(MSB) .................................................................................................................................. 212
Register 00A0H, 04A0H, 08A0H, and 0CA0H: RTTP SECTION Indirect
Address ............................................................................................................................... 213
Register 00A1H, 04A1H, 08A1H, and 0CA1H: RTTP SECTION Indirect Data ........................ 215
Register 00A2H, 04A2H, 08A2H, and 0CA2H: RTTP SECTION Trace Unstable
Status .................................................................................................................................. 216
Register 00A3H, 04A3H, 08A3H, and 0CA3H: RTTP SECTION Trace Unstable
Interrupt Enable................................................................................................................... 217
Register 00A4H, 04A4H, 08A4H, and 0CA4H: RTTP SECTION Trace Unstable
Interrupt Status.................................................................................................................... 218
Register 00A5H, 04A5H, 08A5H, and 0CA5H: RTTP SECTION Trace
Mismatch Status.................................................................................................................. 219
Register 00A6H, 04A6H, 08A6H, and 0CA6H: RTTP SECTION Trace
Mismatch Interrupt Enable .................................................................................................. 220
Register 00A7H, 04A7H, 08A7H, and 0CA7H: RTTP SECTION Trace
Mismatch Interrupt Status ................................................................................................... 221
Indirect Register 00H: RTTP SECTION Trace Configuration ................................................... 222
Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: RTTP SECTION Captured Trace .............................................. 224
Indirect Register 80H to BFH: RTTP SECTION Accepted Trace ............................................. 225
Indirect Register C0H to FFH: RTTP SECTION Expected Trace ............................................. 226
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Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 14
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 00C0H, 04C0H, 08C0H, and 0CC0H: RTTP PATH Indirect Address ........................ 227
Register 00C1H, 04C1H, 08C1H, and 0CC1H: RTTP PATH Indirect Data.............................. 229
Register 00C2H, 04C2H, 08C2H, and 0CC2H: RTTP PATH Trace Unstable
Status .................................................................................................................................. 230
Register 00C3H, 04C3H, 08C3H, and 0CC3H: RTTP PATH Trace Unstable
Interrupt Enable................................................................................................................... 231
Register 00C4H, 04C4H, 08C4H, and 0CC4H: RTTP PATH Trace Unstable
Interrupt Status.................................................................................................................... 232
Register 00C5H, 04C5H, 08C5H, and 0CC5H: RTTP PATH Trace Mismatch
Status .................................................................................................................................. 233
Register 00C6H, 04C6H, 08C6H, and 0CC6H: RTTP PATH Trace Mismatch
Interrupt Enable................................................................................................................... 234
Register 00C7H, 04C7H, 08C7H, and 0CC7H: RTTP PATH Trace Mismatch
Interrupt Status.................................................................................................................... 235
Indirect Register 00H: RTTP PATH Trace Configuration.......................................................... 236
Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: RTTP PATH Captured Trace..................................................... 238
Indirect Register 80H to BFH: RTTP PATH Accepted Trace .................................................... 239
Indirect Register C0H to FFH: RTTP PATH Expected Trace.................................................... 240
Register 00E0H, 04E0H, 08E0H and 0CE0H: RTTP PATH TU3 Indirect
Address ............................................................................................................................... 241
Register 00E1H, 04E1H, 08E1H, and 0CE1H: RTTP PATH TU3 Indirect Data....................... 243
Register 00E2H, 04E2H, 08E2H, and 0CE2H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace
Unstable Status................................................................................................................... 244
Register 00E3H, 04E3H, 08E3H, and 0CE3H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace
Unstable Interrupt Enable ................................................................................................... 245
Register 00E4H, 04E4H, 08E4H, and 0CE4H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace
Unstable Interrupt Status .................................................................................................... 246
Register 00E5H, 04E5H, 08E5H, and 0CE5H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace
Mismatch Status.................................................................................................................. 247
Register 00E6H, 04E6H, 08E6H, and 0CE6H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace
Mismatch Interrupt Enable .................................................................................................. 248
Register 00E7H, 04E7H, 08E7H, and 0CE7H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace
Mismatch Interrupt Status ................................................................................................... 249
Indirect Register 00H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Configuration .................................................. 250
Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: RTTP PATH TU3 Captured Trace............................................. 252
Indirect Register 80H to BFH: RTTP PATH TU3 Accepted Trace ............................................ 253
Indirect Register C0H to FFH: RTTP PATH TU3 Expected Trace............................................ 254
Register 0100H, 0500H, 0900H, and 0D00H: RHPP Indirect Address..................................... 255
Register 0101H, 0501H, 0901H, and 0D01H: RHPP Indirect Data .......................................... 257
Register 0102H, 0502H, 0902H, and 0D02H: RHPP Payload Configuration ........................... 258
Register 0103H, 0503H, 0903H, and 0D03H: RHPP Counter Update ..................................... 260
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Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 15
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0104H, 0504H, 0904H, and 0D04H: RHPP Path Interrupt Status.............................. 261
Register 0105H, 0505H, 0905H and 0D05H: RHPP Pointer Concatenation
Processing Disable ............................................................................................................. 262
Register 0108H, 0508H, 0908H and 0D08H: RHPP Pointer Interpreter Status
(STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0110H, 0510H, 0910H and 0D10H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 0118H, 0518H, 0918H and 0D18H:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 0120H, 0520H, 0920H and 0D20H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 0128H, 0528H, 0928H and 0D28H:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 0130H, 0530H, 0930H and 0D30H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 0138H, 0538H, 0938H and 0D38H:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 0140H, 0540H, 0940H and 0D40H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 0148H, 0548H, 0948H and 0D48H:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 0150H, 0550H, 0950H and 0D50H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 0158H, 0558H, 0958H and 0D58H:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 0160H, 0560H, 0960H and 0D60H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 263
Register 0109H, 0509H, 0909H and 0D09H: RHPP Pointer Interpreter Interrupt
Enable (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0111H, 0511H, 0911H and 0D11H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 0119H, 0519H, 0919H and 0D19H:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 0121H, 0521H, 0921H and 0D21H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 0129H, 0529H, 0929H and 0D29H:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 0131H, 0531H, 0931H and 0D31H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 0139H, 0539H, 0939H and 0D39H:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 0141H, 0541H, 0941H and 0D41H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 0149H, 0549H, 0949H and 0D49H:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 0151H, 0551H, 0951H and 0D51H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 0159H, 0559H, 0959H and 0D59H:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 0161H, 0561H, 0961H and 0D61H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 265
Register 010AH, 050AH, 090AH and 0D0AH: RHPP Pointer Interpreter
Interrupt Status (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0112H, 0512H, 0912H and
0D12H: (STS1/STM0 #2) Register 011AH, 051AH, 091AH and 0D1AH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 0122H, 0522H, 0922H and 0D22H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 012AH, 052AH, 092AH and 0D2AH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 0132H, 0532H, 0932H and 0D32H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 013AH, 053AH, 093AH and 0D3AH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 0142H, 0542H, 0942H and 0D42H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 014AH, 054AH, 094AH and 0D4AH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 0152H, 0552H, 0952H and 0D52H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 015AH, 055AH, 095AH and 0D5AH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 0162H, 0562H, 0962H and 0D62H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 267
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Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 16
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 010BH, 050BH, 090BH and 0D0BH: RHPP Error Monitor Status
(STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0113H, 0513H, 0913H and 0D13H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 011BH, 051BH, 091BH and 0D1BH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 0123H, 0523H, 0923H and 0D23H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 012BH, 052BH, 092BH and 0D2BH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 0133H, 0533H, 0933H and 0D33H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 013BH, 053BH, 093BH and 0D3BH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 0143H, 0543H, 0943H and 0D43H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 014BH, 054BH, 094BH and 0D4BH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 0153H, 0553H, 0953H and 0D53H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 015BH, 055BH, 095BH and 0D5BH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 0163H, 0563H, 0963H and 0D63H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 269
Register 010CH, 050CH, 090CH and 0D0CH: RHPP Error Monitor Interrupt
Enable (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0114H, 0514H, 0914H and 0D14H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 011CH, 051CH, 091CH and 0D1CH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 0124H, 0524H, 0924H and 0D24H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 012CH, 052CH, 092CH and 0D2CH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 0134H, 0534H, 0934H and 0D34H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 013CH, 053CH, 093CH and 0D3CH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 0144H, 0544H, 0944H and 0D44H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 014CH, 054CH, 094CH and 0D4CH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 0154H, 0554H, 0954H and 0D54H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 015CH, 055CH, 095CH and 0D5CH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 0164H, 0564H, 0964H and 0D64H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 272
Register 010DH, 050DH, 090DH and 0D0DH: RHPP Error Monitor Interrupt
Status (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0115H, 0515H, 0915H and 0D15H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 011DH, 051DH, 091DH and 0D1DH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 0125H, 0525H, 0925H and 0D25H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 012DH, 052DH, 092DH and 0D2DH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 0135H, 0535H, 0935H and 0D35H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 013DH, 053DH, 093DH and 0D3DH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 0145H, 0545H, 0945H and 0D45H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 014DH, 054DH, 094DH and 0D4DH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 0155H, 0555H, 0955H and 0D55H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 015DH, 055DH, 095DH and 0D5DH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 0165H, 0565H, 0965H and 0D65H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 275
Indirect Register 00H: RHPP Pointer Interpreter Configuration ................................................ 278
Indirect Register 01H: RHPP Error Monitor Configuration ........................................................ 280
Indirect Register 02H: RHPP Pointer Value and ERDI ............................................................. 286
Indirect Register 03H: RHPP Captured and Accepted PSL...................................................... 287
Indirect Register 04H: RHPP Expected PSL and PDI............................................................... 288
Indirect Register 05H: RHPP Pointer Interpreter Status ........................................................... 289
Indirect Register 06H: RHPP Path BIP Error Counter .............................................................. 291
Indirect Register 07H: RHPP Path REI Error Counter .............................................................. 292
Indirect Register 08H: RHPP Path Negative Justification Event Counter................................. 293
Indirect Register 09H: RHPP Path Positive Justification Event Counter .................................. 294
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Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 17
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0180H, 0580H, 0980H, and 0D80H: RHPP TU3 Indirect Address............................. 295
Register 0181H, 0581H, 0981H, and 0D81H: RHPP TU3 Indirect Data .................................. 297
Register 0182H, 0582H, 0982H, and 0D82H: RHPP TU3 Payload Configuration ................... 298
Register 0183H, 0583H, 0983H, and 0D83H: RHPP TU3 Counters Update............................ 300
Register 0184H, 0584H, 0984H, and 0D84H: RHPP TU3 Path Interrupt Status...................... 301
Register 0188H, 0588H, 0988H and 0D88H: RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter
Status(STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0190H, 0590H, 0990H and 0D90H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 0198H, 0598H, 0998H and 0D98H:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 01A0H, 05A0H, 09A0H and 0DA0H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 01A8H, 05A8H, 09A8H and 0DA8H:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 01B0H, 05B0H, 09B0H and 0DB0H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 01B8H, 05B8H, 09B8H and 0DB8H:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 01C0H, 05C0H, 09C0H and 0DC0H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 01C8H, 05C8H, 09C8H and 0DC8H:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 01D0H, 05D0H, 09D0H and 0DD0H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 01D8H, 05D8H, 09D8H and 0DD8H:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 01E0H, 05E0H, 09E0H and 0DE0H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 302
Register 0189H, 0589H, 0989H and 0D89H: RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter
Interrupt Enable (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0191H, 0591H, 0991H and
0D91H: (STS1/STM0 #2) Register 0199H, 0599H, 0999H and 0D99H:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 01A1H, 05A1H, 09A1H and 0DA1H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 01A9H, 05A9H, 09A9H and 0DA9H:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 01B1H, 05B1H, 09B1H and 0DB1H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 01B9H, 05B9H, 09B9H and 0DB9H:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 01C1H, 05C1H, 09C1H and 0DC1H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 01C9H, 05C9H, 09C9H and 0DC9H:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 01D1H, 05D1H, 09D1H and 0DD1H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 01D9H, 05D9H, 09D9H and 0DD9H:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 01E1H, 05E1H, 09E1H and 0DE1H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 304
Register 018AH, 058AH, 098AH and 0D8AH: RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter
Interrupt Status (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0192H, 0592H, 0992H and
0D92H: (STS1/STM0 #2) Register 019AH, 059AH, 099AH and 0D9AH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 01A2H, 05A2H, 09A2H and 0DA2H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 01AAH, 05AAH, 09AAH and 0DAAH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 01B2H, 05B2H, 09B2H and 0DB2H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 01BAH, 05BAH, 09BAH and 0DBAH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 01C2H, 05C2H, 09C2H and 0DC2H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 01CAH, 05CAH, 09CAH and 0DCAH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 01D2H, 05D2H, 09D2H and 0DD2H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 01DAH, 05DAH, 09DAH and 0DDAH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 01E2H, 05E2H, 09E2H and 0DE2H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 306
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Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 18
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 018BH, 058BH, 098BH and 0D8BH: RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Status
(STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0193H, 0593H, 0993H and 0D93H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 019BH, 059BH, 099BH and 0D9BH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 01A3H, 05A3H, 09A3H and 0DA3H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 01ABH, 05ABH, 09ABH and 0DABH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 01B3H, 05B3H, 09B3H and 0DB3H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 01BBH, 05BBH, 09BBH and 0DBBH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 01C3H, 05C3H, 09C3H and 0DC3H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 01CBH, 05CBH, 09CBH and 0DCBH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 01D3H, 05D3H, 09D3H and 0DD3H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 01DBH, 05DBH, 09DBH and 0DDBH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 01E3H, 05E3H, 09E3H and 0DE3H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 308
Register 018CH, 058CH, 098CH and 0D8CH: RHPP TU3 Error Monitor
Interrupt Enable (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0194H, 0594H, 0994H and
0D94H: (STS1/STM0 #2) Register 019CH, 059CH, 099CH and 0D9CH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 01A4H, 05A4H, 09A4H and 0DA4H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 01ACH, 05ACH, 09ACH and 0DACH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 01B4H, 05B4H, 09B4H and 0DB4H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 01BCH, 05BCH, 09BCH and 0DBCH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 01C4H, 05C4H, 09C4H and 0DC4H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 01CCH, 05CCH, 09CCH and 0DCCH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 01D4H, 05D4H, 09D4H and 0DD4H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 01DCH, 05DCH, 09DCH and 0DDCH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 01E4H, 05E4H, 09E4H and 0DE4H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 311
Register 018DH, 058DH, 098DH and 0D8DH: RHPP TU3 Error Monitor
Interrupt Status (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 0195H, 0595H, 0995H and
0D95H: (STS1/STM0 #2) Register 019DH, 059DH, 099DH and 0D9DH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 01A5H, 05A5H, 09A5H and 0DA5H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 01ADH, 05ADH, 09ADH and 0DADH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 01B5H, 05B5H, 09B5H and 0DB5H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 01BDH, 05BDH, 09BDH and 0DBDH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 01C5H, 05C5H, 09C5H and 0DC5H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 01CDH, 05CDH, 09CDH and 0DCDH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 01D5H, 05D5H, 09D5H and 0DD5H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 01DDH, 0D5DH, 09DDH and 0DDDH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 01E5H, 05E5H, 09E5H and 0DE5H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 314
Indirect Register 00H: RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter Configuration ........................................ 317
Indirect Register 01H: RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Configuration ................................................ 319
Indirect Register 02H: RHPP TU3 Pointer Value and ERDI ..................................................... 322
Indirect Register 03H: RHPP TU3 captured and accepted PSL ............................................... 323
Indirect Register 04H: RHPP TU3 Expected PSL and PDI....................................................... 324
Indirect Register 05H: RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter status .................................................... 325
Indirect Register 06H: RHPP TU3 Path BIP Error Counter....................................................... 327
Indirect Register 07H: RHPP TU3 Path REI Error Counter ...................................................... 328
Indirect Register 08H: RHPP TU3 Path Negative Justification Event Counter ......................... 329
Indirect Register 09H: RHPP TU3 Path Positive Justification Event Counter........................... 330
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 19
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0200H, 0600H, 0A00H, and 0E00H: RSVCA Indirect Address .................................. 331
Register 0201H, 0601H, 0A01H, and 0E01H: RSVCA Indirect Data........................................ 333
Register 0202H, 0602H, 0A02H, and 0E02H: RSVCA Payload Configuration......................... 334
Register 0203H, 0603H, 0A03H, and 0E03H: RSVCA Positive Pointer
Justification Interrupt Status................................................................................................ 337
Register 0204H, 0604H, 0A04H, and 0E04H: RSVCA Negative Pointer
Justification Interrupt Status................................................................................................ 338
Register 0205H, 0605H, 0A05H, and 0E05H: RSVCA FIFO Overflow Interrupt
Status .................................................................................................................................. 339
Register 0206H, 0606H, 0A06H, and 0E06H: RSVCA FIFO Underflow Interrupt
Status .................................................................................................................................. 340
Register 0207H, 0607H, 0A07H, and 0E07H: RSVCA Pointer Justification
Interrupt Enable................................................................................................................... 341
Register 0208H, 0608H, 0A08H, and 0E08H: RSVCA FIFO Interrupt Enable ......................... 342
Register 020AH, 060AH, 0A0AH, and 0E0AH: RSVCA Clear Fixed Stuff................................ 343
Register 020BH, 060BH, 0A0BH, and 0E0BH: RSVCA Counter Update ................................. 344
Indirect Register 00H: RSVCA Positive Justifications Performance Monitor ............................ 345
Indirect Register 01H: RSVCA Negative Justifications Performance Monitor .......................... 346
Indirect Register 02H: RSVCA Diagnostic/Configuration.......................................................... 347
Register 0220H: DSTSI Indirect Address.................................................................................. 349
Register 0221H: DSTSI Indirect Data ....................................................................................... 351
Register 0222H: DSTSI Configuration ...................................................................................... 353
Register 0223H: DSTSI Interrupt Status ................................................................................... 355
Register 0240H, 0640H, 0A40H, and 0E40H: DPRGM Indirect Address ................................. 356
Register 0241H, 0641H, 0A41H, and 0E41H: DPRGM Indirect Data....................................... 358
Register 0242H, 0642H, 0A42H, and 0E42H: DPRGM Generator Payload
Configuration....................................................................................................................... 359
Register 0243H, 0643H, 0A43H, and 0E43H: DPRGM Monitor Payload
Configuration....................................................................................................................... 361
Register 0244H, 0644H, 0A44H, and 0E44H: DPRGM Monitor Byte Error
Interrupt Status.................................................................................................................... 363
Register 0245H, 0645H, 0A45H, and 0E45H: DPRGM Monitor Byte Error
Interrupt Enable................................................................................................................... 364
Register 0246H, 0646H, 0A46H, and 0E46H: DPRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes
Interrupt Status.................................................................................................................... 365
Register 0247H, 0647H, 0A47H, and 0E47H: DPRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes
Interrupt Enable................................................................................................................... 366
Register 0249H, 0649H, 0A49H, and 0E49H: DPRGM Monitor Synchronization
Interrupt Status.................................................................................................................... 367
Register 024AH, 064AH, 0A4AH, and 0E4AH: DPRGM Monitor
Synchronization Interrupt Enable........................................................................................ 368
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 20
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 024BH, 064BH, 0A4BH, and 0E4BH: DPRGM Monitor
Synchronization Status ....................................................................................................... 369
Register 024CH, 064CH, 0A4CH, and 0E4CH: DPRGM Counter Update ............................... 370
Indirect Register 00H: DPRGM Monitor STS-1 Path Configuration .......................................... 371
Indirect Register 01H: DPRGM Monitor PRBS[22:7] Accumulator ........................................... 373
Indirect Register 02H: DPRGM Monitor PRBS[6:0] Accumulator ............................................. 374
Indirect Register 03H: DPRGM Monitor B1/E1 value................................................................ 375
Indirect Register 04H: DPRGM Monitor Error Count ................................................................ 376
Indirect Register 05H: DPRGM Monitor Received B1/E1 Bytes ............................................... 377
Indirect Register 08H: DPRGM Generator STS-1 Path Configuration...................................... 378
Indirect Register 09H: DPRGM Generator PRBS[22:7] Accumulator....................................... 380
Indirect Register 0AH: DPRGM Generator PRBS[6:0] Accumulator ........................................ 381
Indirect Register 0BH: DPRGM Generator B1/E1 value ........................................................... 382
Register 0260H, 0660H, 0A60H, and 0E60H: SARC Indirect Address .................................... 383
Register 0262H, 0662H, 0A62H, and 0E62H: SARC Section Configuration ............................ 384
Register 0263H, 0663H, 0A63H, and 0E63H: SARC Section Receive SALM
Enable ................................................................................................................................. 385
Register 0264H, 0664H, 0A64H, and 0E64H: SARC Section Receive AIS-L
Enable ................................................................................................................................. 388
Register 0265H, 0665H, 0A65H, and 0E65H: SARC Section Transmit RDI-L
Enable ................................................................................................................................. 391
Register 0268H, 0668H, 0A68H, and 0E68H: SARC Path Configuration................................. 394
Register 0269H, 0669H, 0A69H, and 0E69H: SARC Path Receive RALM
Enable ................................................................................................................................. 396
Register 026AH, 066AH, 0A6AH, and 0E6AH: SARC Path Receive AIS-P
Enable ................................................................................................................................. 399
Register 026BH, 066BH, 0A6BH, and 0E6BH: SARC TU3 Path Configuration ....................... 402
Register 026CH, 066CH, 0A6CH, and 0E6CH: SARC TU3 Path Receive RALM
Enable ................................................................................................................................. 404
Register 026DH, 066DH, 0A6DH, and 0E6DH: SARC TU3 Path Receive AIS-P
Enable ................................................................................................................................. 407
Register 0270H, 0670H, 0A70H, and 0E70H: SARC LOP Pointer Status................................ 410
Register 0271H, 0671H, 0A71H, and 0E71H: SARC LOP Pointer Interrupt
Enable ................................................................................................................................. 411
Register 0272H, 0672H, 0A72H, and 0E72H: SARC LOP Pointer Interrupt
Status .................................................................................................................................. 412
Register 0273H, 0673H, 0A73H, and 0E73H: SARC AIS Pointer Status ................................. 413
Register 0274H, 0674H, 0A74H, and 0E74H: SARC AIS Pointer Interrupt
Enable ................................................................................................................................. 414
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0275H, 0675H, 0A75H, and 0E75H: SARC AIS Pointer Interrupt
Status .................................................................................................................................. 415
Register 0278H, 068DH, 0A78H, and 0E78H: SARC TU3 LOP Pointer Status ....................... 416
Register 0279H, 0679H, 0A79H, and 0E79H: SARC TU3 LOP Pointer Interrupt
Enable ................................................................................................................................. 417
Register 027AH, 067AH, 0A7AH, and 0E7AH: SARC TU3 LOP Pointer
Interrupt Status.................................................................................................................... 418
Register 027BH, 067BH, 0A7BH, and 0E7BH: SARC TU3 AIS Pointer Status........................ 419
Register 027CH, 067CH, 0A7CH, and 0E7CH: SARC TU3 AIS Pointer Interrupt
Enable ................................................................................................................................. 420
Register 027DH, 067DH, 0A7DH, and 0E7DH: SARC TU3 AIS Pointer Interrupt
Status .................................................................................................................................. 421
Register 0300H: DDLL Configuration........................................................................................ 422
Register 0302H: DDLL Reset.................................................................................................... 423
Register 0303H: DDLL Status ................................................................................................... 424
Register 1020H: Tx2488 Analog Control/Status (Single 2488 Mode Only) .............................. 425
Register 1021H: TX2488 ABC Control...................................................................................... 428
Register 1030H: Quad 622 Tx MABC CSUT Control Register ................................................. 430
Register 1031H: Quad 622 Tx CSUT Clock Detector Control Register .................................... 431
Register 1032H: Quad 622 Tx CSUT Clock Detector Interrupt Status Register....................... 432
Register 1033H, 1433H, 1833H, and 1C33H: Quad 622 Tx MABC and JAT622
Channel Control and Status Register ................................................................................. 433
Register 1040H: STLI Clock Configuration ............................................................................... 434
Register 1041H: STLI PGM Clock Configuration ...................................................................... 436
Register 1060H, 1460H, 1860H, and 1C60H: JAT622 Configuration....................................... 438
Register 1061H, 1461H, 1861H, and 1C61H: JAT622 Configuration and
Interrupt Enable................................................................................................................... 440
Register 1062H, 1462H, 1862H, and 1C62H: JAT622 Status .................................................. 442
Register 1063H, 1463H, 1863H, and 1C63H: JAT622 Power Down........................................ 443
Register 1080H, 1480H, 1880H, and 1C80H: TRMP Configuration ......................................... 444
Register 1081H, 1481H, 1881H, and 1C81H: TRMP Register Insertion .................................. 447
Register 1082H, 1482H, 1882H, and 1C82H: TRMP Error Insertion........................................ 450
Register 1083H, 1483H, 1883H, and 1C83H: TRMP Transmit J0 and Z0 ............................... 453
Register 1084H, 1484H, 1884H, and 1C84H: TRMP Transmit E1 and F1............................... 454
Register 1085H, 1485H, 1885H, and 1C85H: TRMP Transmit D1D3 and
D4D12 ................................................................................................................................. 455
Register 1086H, 1486H, 1886H, and 1C86H: TRMP Transmit K1 and K2............................... 456
Register 1087H, 1487H, 1887H, and 1C87H: TRMP Transmit S1 and Z1............................... 457
Register 1088H, 1488H, 1888H, and 1C88H: TRMP Transmit Z2 and E2............................... 458
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 1089H, 1489H, 1889H, and 1C89H: TRMP Transmit H1 and H2 Mask .................... 459
Register 108AH, 148AH, 188AH, and 1C8AH: TRMP Transmit B1 and B2 Mask ................... 460
Register 10A0H, 14A0H, 18A0H, and 1CA0H: TTTP SECTION Indirect
Address ............................................................................................................................... 461
Register 10A1H, 14A1H, 18A1H, and 1CA1H: TTTP SECTION Indirect Data......................... 463
Indirect Register 00H: TTTP SECTION Trace Configuration.................................................... 464
Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: TTTP SECTION Trace .............................................................. 465
Register 10C0H, 14C0H, 18C0H, and 1CC0H: TTTP PATH Indirect Address......................... 466
Register 10C1H, 14C1H, 18C1H, and 1CC1H: TTTP PATH Indirect Data .............................. 468
Indirect Register 00H: TTTP PATH Trace Configuration .......................................................... 469
Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: TTTP PATH Trace..................................................................... 470
Register 10E0H, 14E0H, 18E0H, and 1CE0H: TTTP PATH TU3 Indirect
Address ............................................................................................................................... 471
Register 10E1H, 14E1H, 18E1H, and 1CE1H: TTTP PATH TU3 Indirect Data ....................... 473
Indirect Register 00H: TTTP PATH TU3 Trace Configuration .................................................. 474
Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: TTTP PATH TU3 Trace ............................................................. 475
Register 1100H, 1500H, 1900H, and 1D00H: THPP Indirect Address ..................................... 476
Register 1101H, 1501H, 1901H, and 1D01H: THPP Indirect Data........................................... 478
Register 1102H, 1502H, 1902H, and 1D02H: THPP Payload Configuration............................ 479
Indirect Register 00H: THPP Control ........................................................................................ 481
Indirect Register 01H: THPP Source and Pointer Control ........................................................ 483
Indirect Register 04H: THPP Fixed Stuff and B3 Mask............................................................. 485
Indirect Register 05H: THPP J1 and C2.................................................................................... 486
Indirect Register 06H: THPP G1 and H4 Mask......................................................................... 487
Indirect Register 07H: THPP F2 and Z3.................................................................................... 488
Indirect Register 08H: THPP Z4 and Z5.................................................................................... 489
Register 1180H, 1580H, 1980H, and 1D80H: THPP TU3 Indirect Address ............................. 490
Register 1181H, 1581H, 1981H, and 1D81H: THPP TU3 Indirect Data................................... 492
Register 1182H, 1582H, 1982H, and 1D82H: THPP TU3 Payload Configuration.................... 493
Indirect Register 00H: THPP TU3 Control................................................................................. 495
Indirect Register 01H: THPP TU3 Source and Pointer Control................................................. 497
Indirect Register 04H: THPP TU3 Fixed Stuff and B3 Mask..................................................... 499
Indirect Register 05H: THPP TU3 J1 and C2............................................................................ 500
Indirect Register 06H: THPP TU3 G1 and H4 mask ................................................................. 501
Indirect Register 07H: THPP TU3 F2 and Z3............................................................................ 502
Indirect Register 08H: THPP TU3 Z4 and Z5............................................................................ 503
Register 1200H, 1600H, 1A00H, and 1E00H: TSVCA Indirect Address .................................. 504
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 1201H, 1601H, 1A01H, and 1E01H: TSVCA Indirect Data ........................................ 506
Register 1202H, 1602H, 1A02H, and 1E02H: TSVCA Payload Configuration ......................... 507
Register 1203H, 1603H, 1A03H, and 1E03H: TSVCA Positive Pointer
Justification Interrupt Status................................................................................................ 510
Register 1204H, 1604H, 1A04H, and 1E04H: TSVCA Negative Pointer
Justification Interrupt Status................................................................................................ 511
Register 1205H, 1605H, 1A05H, and 1E05H: TSVCA FIFO Overflow Interrupt
Status .................................................................................................................................. 512
Register 1206H, 1606H, 1A06H, and 1E06H: TSVCA FIFO Underflow Interrupt
Status .................................................................................................................................. 513
Register 1207H, 1607H, 1A07H, and 1E07H: TSVCA Pointer Justification
Interrupt Enable................................................................................................................... 514
Register 1208H, 1608H, 1A08H, and 1E08H TSVCA FIFO Interrupt Enable........................... 515
Register 120AH, 160AH, 1A0AH, and 1E0AH: TSVCA Misc.................................................... 516
Register 120BH, 160BH, 1A0BH, and 1E0BH: TSVCA Counter Update ................................. 517
Indirect Register 00H: TSVCA Positive Justifications Performance Monitor ............................ 518
Indirect Register 01H: TSVCA Negative Justifications Performance Monitor........................... 519
Indirect Register 02H: TSVCA Diagnostic/Configuration .......................................................... 520
Indirect Register 03H: TSVCA AU-4 pointer ............................................................................. 522
Register 1220H: ASTSI Indirect Address .................................................................................. 523
Register 1221H: ASTSI Indirect Data........................................................................................ 525
Register 1222H: ASTSI Configuration....................................................................................... 527
Register 1223H: ASTSI Interrupt Status ................................................................................... 529
Register 1240H, 1640H, 1A40H, and 1E40H: APRGM Indirect Address ................................. 530
Register 1241H, 1641H, 1A41H, and 1E41H: APRGM Indirect Data....................................... 532
Register 1242H, 1642H, 1A42H, and 1E42H: APRGM Generator Payload
Configuration....................................................................................................................... 533
Register 1243H, 1643H, 1A43H, and 1E43H: APRGM Monitor Payload
Configuration....................................................................................................................... 535
Register 1244H, 1644H, 1A44H, and 1E44H: APRGM Monitor Byte Error
Interrupt Status.................................................................................................................... 537
Register 1245H, 1645H, 1A45H, and 1E45H: APRGM Monitor Byte Error
Interrupt Enable................................................................................................................... 538
Register 1246H, 1646H, 1A46H, and 1E46H: APRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes
Interrupt Status.................................................................................................................... 539
Register 1247H, 1647H, 1A47H, and 1E47H: APRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes
Interrupt Enable................................................................................................................... 540
Register 1249H, 1649H, 1A49H, and 1E49H: APRGM Monitor Synchronization
Interrupt Status.................................................................................................................... 541
Register 124AH, 164AH, 1A4AH, and 1E4AH: APRGM Monitor
Synchronization Interrupt Enable........................................................................................ 542
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Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 24
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 124BH, 164BH, 1A4BH, and 1E4BH: APRGM Monitor
Synchronization Status ....................................................................................................... 543
Register 124CH, 164CH, 1A4CH, and 1E4CH: APRGM Counter Update ............................... 544
Indirect Register 00H: APRGM Monitor STS-1 path Configuration........................................... 545
Indirect Register 01H: APRGM Monitor PRBS[22:7] Accumulator ........................................... 547
Indirect Register 02H: APRGM Monitor PRBS[6:0] Accumulator ............................................. 548
Indirect Register 03H: APRGM Monitor B1/E1 Value ............................................................... 549
Indirect Register 04H: APRGM Monitor Error Count................................................................. 550
Indirect Register 05H: APRGM Monitor Received B1/E1 Bytes ............................................... 551
Indirect Register 08H: APRGM Generator STS-1 Path Configuration...................................... 552
Indirect Register 09H: APRGM Generator PRBS[22:7] Accumulator ....................................... 554
Indirect Register 0AH: APRGM Generator PRBS[6:0] Accumulator......................................... 555
Indirect Register 0BH: APRGM Generator B1/E1 value ........................................................... 556
Register 1280H, 1680H, 1A80H, and 1E80H: TAPI Indirect Address ...................................... 557
Register 1281H, 1681H, 1A81H, and 1E81H: TAPI Indirect Data ............................................ 559
Register 1282H, 1682H, 1A82H, and 1E82H: TAPI Payload Configuration ............................. 560
Register 1283H, 1683H, 1A83H, and 1E83H: TAPI Counters Update ..................................... 562
Register 1284H, 1684H, 1A84H, and 1E84H: TAPI Path Interrupt Status ............................... 563
Register 1285H, 1685H, 1A85H, and 1E85H: TAPI Pointer Concatenation
Processing Disable ............................................................................................................. 564
Register 1288H, 1688H, 1A88H and 1E88H: TAPI Pointer Interpreter
Status(STS1/STM0 #1) Register 1290H, 1690H, 1A90H and 1E90H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 1298H, 1698H, 1A98H and 1E98H:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 12A0H, 16A0H, 1AA0H and 1EA0H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 12A8H, 16A8H, 1AA8H and 1EA8H:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 12B0H, 16B0H, 1AB0H and 1EB0H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 12B8H, 16B8H, 1AB8H and 1EB8H:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 12C0H, 16C0H, 1AC0H and 1EC0H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 12C8H, 16C8H, 1AC8H and 1EC8H:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 12D0H, 16D0H, 1AD0H and 1ED0H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 12D8H, 16D8H, 1AD8H and 1ED8H:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 12E0H, 16E0H, 1AE0H and 1EE0H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 565
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Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 25
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 1289H, 1689H, 1A89H and 1E89H: TAPI Pointer Interpreter Interrupt
Enable (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 1291H, 1691H, 1A91H and 1E91H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 1299H, 1699H, 1A99H and 1E99H:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 12A1H, 16A1H, 1AA1H and 1EA1H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 12A9H, 16A9H, 1AA9H and 1EA9H:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 12B1H, 16B1H, 1AB1H and 1EB1H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 12B9H, 16B9H, 1AB9H and 1EB9H:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 12C1H, 16C1H, 1AC1H and 1EC1H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 12C9H, 16C9H, 1AC9H and 1EC9H:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 12D1H, 16D1H, 1AD1H and 1ED1H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 12D9H, 16D9H, 1AD9H and 1ED9H:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 12E1H, 16E1H, 1AE1H and 1EE1H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 567
Register 128AH, 168AH, 1A8AH and 1E8AH: TAPI Pointer Interpreter Interrupt
Status (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 1292H, 1692H, 1A92H and 1E92H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 129AH, 169AH, 1A9AH and 1E9AH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 12A2H, 16A2H, 1AA2H and 1EA2H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 12AAH, 16AAH, 1AAAH and 1EAAH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 12B2H, 16B2H, 1AB2H and 1EB2H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 12BAH, 16BAH, 1ABAH and 1EBAH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 12C2H, 16C2H, 1AC2H and 1EC2H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 12CAH, 16CAH, 1ACAH and 1ECAH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 12D2H, 16D2H, 1AD2H and 1ED2H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 12DAH, 16DAH, 1ADAH and 1EDAH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 12E2H, 16E2H, 1AE2H and 1EE2H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 569
Register 128BH, 168BH, 1A8BH and 1E8BH: TAPI Error Monitor Status
(STS1/STM0 #1) Register 1293H, 1693H, 1A93H and 1E93H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 129BH, 169BH, 1A9BH and 1E9BH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 12A3H, 16A3H, 1AA3H and 1EA3H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 12ABH, 16ABH, 1AABH and 1EABH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 12B3H, 16B3H, 1AB3H and 1EB3H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 12BBH, 16BBH, 1ABBH and 1EBBH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 12C3H, 16C3H, 1AC3H and 1EC3H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 12CBH, 16CBH, 1ACBH and 1ECBH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 12D3H, 16D3H, 1AD3H and 1ED3H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 12DBH, 16DBH, 1ADBH and 1EDBH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 12E3H, 16E3H, 1AE3H and 1EE3H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 571
Register 128CH, 168CH, 1A8CH and 1E8CH: TAPI Error Monitor Interrupt
Enable (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 1294H, 1694H, 1A94H and 1E94H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 129CH, 169CH, 1A9CH and 1E9CH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 12A4H, 16A4H, 1AA4H and 1EA4H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 12ACH, 16ACH, 1AACH and 1EACH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 12B4H, 16B4H, 1AB4H and 1EB4H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 12BCH, 16BCH, 1ABCH and 1EBCH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 12C4H, 16C4H, 1AC4H and 1EC4H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 12CCH, 16CCH, 1ACCH and 1ECCH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 12D4H, 16D4H, 1AD4H and 1ED4H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 12DCH, 16DCH, 1ADCH and 1EDCH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 12E4H, 16E4H, 1AE4H and 1EE4H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 574
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Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 26
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 128DH, 168DH, 1A8DH and 1E8DH: TAPI Error Monitor Interrupt
Status (STS1/STM0 #1) Register 1295H, 1695H, 1A95H and 1E95H:
(STS1/STM0 #2) Register 129DH, 169DH, 1A9DH and 1E9DH:
(STS1/STM0 #3) Register 12A5H, 16A5H, 1AA5H and 1EA5H:
(STS1/STM0 #4) Register 12ADH, 16ADH, 1AADH and 1EADH:
(STS1/STM0 #5) Register 12B5H, 16B5H, 1AB5H and 1EB5H:
(STS1/STM0 #6) Register 12BDH, 16BDH, 1ABDH and 1EBDH:
(STS1/STM0 #7) Register 12C5H, 16C5H, 1AC5H and 1EC5H:
(STS1/STM0 #8) Register 12CDH, 16CDH, 1ACDH and 1ECDH:
(STS1/STM0 #9) Register 12D5H, 16D5H, 1AD5H and 1ED5H:
(STS1/STM0 #10) Register 12DDH, 16DDH, 1ADDH and 1EDDH:
(STS1/STM0 #11) Register 12E5H, 16E5H, 1AE5H and 1EE5H:
(STS1/STM0 #12) ............................................................................................................... 577
Indirect Register 00H: TAPI Pointer Interpreter Configuration.................................................. 580
Indirect Register 01H: TAPI Error Monitor Configuration .......................................................... 582
Indirect Register 02H: TAPI Pointer Value and ERDI ............................................................... 585
Indirect Register 03H: TAPI Captured and Accepted PSL........................................................ 586
Indirect Register 04H: TAPI Expected PSL and PDI................................................................. 587
Indirect Register 05H: TAPI Pointer Interpreter Status ............................................................. 588
Indirect Register 06H: TAPI Path BIP Error Counter ................................................................ 590
Indirect Register 07H: TAPI Path REI Error Counter ................................................................ 591
Indirect Register 08H: TAPI Path Negative Justification Event Counter................................... 592
Indirect Register 09H: TAPI Path Positive Justification Event Counter .................................... 593
Register 1300H: ADLL Configuration ........................................................................................ 594
Register 1302H: Add DLL Reset ............................................................................................... 595
Register 1303H: ADLL Status ................................................................................................... 596
Register 2000H: SPECTRA 1x2488 Master Test ..................................................................... 598
Register 2001H: SPECTRA 1x2488 Test Mode Address Force Enable................................... 600
Register 2002H: SPECTRA 1x2488 Test Mode Address Force Value..................................... 601
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
List of Figures
Figure 1 STS-48/STM-16 Application with 77.76 MHz Byte TelecomBus
Interface ................................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 2 STS-48/STM-16 Application with 77.76 MHz 32-Bit TelecomBus
Interface ................................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 3 Block Diagram for Single STS-48/STM-16 Mode ....................................................... 41
Figure 4 Block Diagram for Quad STS-12/STM-4 Mode........................................................... 42
Figure 5 Loop Back Modes: Single STS-48/STM-16 Mode ...................................................... 43
Figure 6 Loop Back Modes: Quad STS-12/STM-4 Mode ......................................................... 43
Figure 7 Left Side Pin Diagram ................................................................................................. 47
Figure 8 Right Side Pin Diagram...............................................................................................48
Figure 9 STS-12 (STM-4) on RTOH 1-4or STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH1 ................................ 73
Figure 10 STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH2-4 ................................................................................ 74
Figure 11 Pointer Interpretation State Diagram ........................................................................ 76
Figure 12 Concatenation Pointer Interpretation State Diagram ................................................ 79
Figure 13 STS-12 (STM-4) on TTOH 1-4or STS-48 (STM-16) on TTOH1 ............................... 84
Figure 14 STS-48 (STM-16) on TTOH2-4................................................................................. 85
Figure 15 Pointer Generation State Diagram............................................................................ 92
Figure 16 STS-48C (AU4-16c) 4-Byte Interleaving on the 32-Bit TelecomBus ........................ 95
Figure 17 Input Observation Cell (IN_CELL)........................................................................... 613
Figure 18 Output Cell (OUT_CELL) ........................................................................................ 613
Figure 19 Bi-directional Cell (IO_CELL) .................................................................................. 614
Figure 20 Layout of Output Enable and Bi-directional Cells ................................................... 614
Figure 21 STS-12 (STM-4) on RTOH 1-4/TTOH1-4 ............................................................... 615
Figure 22 STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH1/TTOH1..................................................................... 616
Figure 23 STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH2/TTOH2..................................................................... 616
Figure 24 STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH3/TTOH3..................................................................... 617
Figure 25 STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH4/TTOH4..................................................................... 617
Figure 26 Boundary Scan Architecture ................................................................................... 635
Figure 27 TAP Controller Finite State Machine....................................................................... 636
Figure 28 Interfacing SPECTRA 1x2488 PECL Line Interface ............................................... 640
Figure 29 PECL Levels (100K Characteristics)....................................................................... 641
Figure 30 SPECTRA 1x2488 Channel #1 Tx Termination Scheme #1 .................................. 643
Figure 31 SPECTRA 1x2488 Channel #1 Tx Termination Scheme #2 .................................. 643
Figure 32 SPECTRA 1x2488 Channel #2, 3, 4 Tx Termination Scheme ............................... 644
Figure 33 SPECTRA 1x2488 Rx Termination Scheme........................................................... 644
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Figure 34 ADD Parallel TelecomBus Timing........................................................................... 646
Figure 35 DROP Parallel TelecomBus.................................................................................... 648
Figure 36 RTOH Output Timing .............................................................................................. 649
Figure 37 RTOH and ROHFP Output Timing.......................................................................... 649
Figure 38 RLD and RSLD Output Timing................................................................................ 650
Figure 39 RLD, RSLD and ROHFP Output Timing ................................................................. 651
Figure 40 RPOH Output Timing .............................................................................................. 652
Figure 41 RPOH STS-1/STM-0 Time Slots Output Timing ..................................................... 652
Figure 42 TTOH and TTOHEN Input Timing........................................................................... 653
Figure 43 TTOH and TOHFP Input Timing ............................................................................. 653
Figure 44 TLD and TSLD Input Timing ................................................................................... 654
Figure 45 TLD, TSLD and TOHFP Input Timing ..................................................................... 655
Figure 46 RPOH Input Timing ................................................................................................. 656
Figure 47 TPOH STS-1/STM-0 Time Slots Input Timing ........................................................ 656
Figure 48 RRCP Output Timing .............................................................................................. 657
Figure 49 TRCP Input Timing.................................................................................................. 658
Figure 50 RALM Output Timing............................................................................................... 659
Figure 51 Analog Power Supply Filtering ................................................................................ 665
Figure 52 System Miscellaneous Timing Diagram .................................................................. 669
Figure 53 Receive Overhead Output Timing Diagram ............................................................ 671
Figure 54 RSLDCLK Output Timing Diagram ......................................................................... 671
Figure 55 RLDCLK Output Timing Diagram............................................................................ 671
Figure 56 Transmit Overhead Input Timing Diagram.............................................................. 672
Figure 57 Transmit Overhead Output Timing Diagram ........................................................... 672
Figure 58 TSLDCLK Input Timing Diagram ............................................................................ 673
Figure 59 TLDCLK Input Timing Diagram ............................................................................... 673
Figure 60 Transmit Ring Control Input Timing Diagram.......................................................... 673
Figure 61 System Interface ADD Bus Input Timing Diagram.................................................. 674
Figure 62 System Interface DROP Bus Input Timing Diagram ............................................... 675
Figure 63 System Interface DROP Bus Output Timing Diagram ............................................ 675
Figure 64 JTAG Port Interface Timing..................................................................................... 676
Figure 65 Intel Microprocessor Interface Read Timing ........................................................... 677
Figure 66 Intel Microprocessor Interface Write Timing ........................................................... 678
Figure 67 Mechanical Drawing 500-pin UBGA........................................................................ 680
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List of Tables
Table 1 A1/A2 Bytes Used for Out of Frame Detection ............................................................ 71
Table 2 A1/A2 Bytes Used for In Frame Detection ................................................................... 72
Table 3 PLM-P, UNEQ-P, and PDI-P Defects Declaration ....................................................... 81
Table 4 Expected PDI Defect Based on PDI and PDI Range Values....................................... 82
Table 5 Maximum Line REI Errors Per Transmit Frame ........................................................... 84
Table 6 TOH Insertion Priority................................................................................................... 85
Table 7 Z0/National Growth Bytes Definition For Row #1......................................................... 87
Table 8 POH Insertion Priority................................................................................................... 89
Table 9 STS-1 (STM-0) Path Numbering For An STS-12/12c (STM-4/AU4-4c)....................... 94
Table 10 System Side ADD Bus Configuration Options ........................................................... 96
Table 11 Register Memory Map ................................................................................................ 98
Table 12 TX2488 Mode Control .............................................................................................. 426
Table 13 Test Mode Register Memory Map ............................................................................ 597
Table 14 Instruction Register (Length - 3 Bits)....................................................................... 602
Table 15 Identification Register ............................................................................................... 602
Table 16 Boundary Scan Register .......................................................................................... 602
Table 17 Recommended BERM Settings For Different OC and BER Rates,
Meeting Bellcore Objectives ............................................................................................... 624
Table 18 Recommended BERM Settings For Different OC and BER Rates,
Meeting Bellcore and ITU Requirements............................................................................ 625
Table 19 Standard TelecomBus Timeslot Map ....................................................................... 626
Table 20 SPECTRA 1x2488 and ODL PECL Amplitude Specifications ................................. 642
Table 21 Ring Control Port Bit Definition................................................................................. 657
Table 22 Absolute Maximum Ratings...................................................................................... 660
Table 23 Normal Operating Voltages for 0.18um CMOS........................................................ 661
Table 24 Power Requirements................................................................................................ 662
Table 25 Analog Power Supply Filtering ................................................................................. 663
Table 26 D.C. Characteristics ................................................................................................. 667
Table 27 System Miscellaneous Timing (Figure 52) ............................................................... 669
Table 28 OC-48 Line Interface Input Timing ........................................................................... 669
Table 29 OC-12 Line Interface 77.76 MHz Mode Input Timing .............................................. 670
Table 30 OC-12 Line Interface 155.52 MHz Mode Input Timing ............................................ 670
Table 31 Receive Overhead Output Timing............................................................................ 670
Table 32 RSLDCLK Output Timing ......................................................................................... 671
Table 33 RLDCLK Output Timing............................................................................................ 671
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Table 34 Transmit Overhead Input Timing.............................................................................. 672
Table 35 Transmit Overhead Output Timing........................................................................... 672
Table 36 TSLDCLK Input Timing ............................................................................................ 673
Table 37 TLDCLK Input Timing............................................................................................... 673
Table 38 Transmit Ring Control Input Timing ......................................................................... 673
Table 39 System Interface ADD Bus Input Timing.................................................................. 674
Table 40 System Interface DROP Bus Input Timing............................................................... 674
Table 41 System Interface DROP Bus Output Timing ............................................................ 675
Table 42 JTAG Port Interface (Figure 64) ............................................................................... 675
Table 43 Microprocessor Interface Read Access (Figure 65)................................................. 676
Table 44 Microprocessor Interface Write Access (Figure 66) ................................................. 677
Table 45 Thermal Information ................................................................................................. 679
Table 46 Device Compact Model and Heat Sink Requirements ............................................. 679
Table 47 Ordering Information ................................................................................................ 681
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1 Definitions
The following table defines the abbreviations for the PM5332 SPECTRA™ 1x2488 device.
Term Definition
SRLI SONET/SDH Receive Line Interface
RRMP Receive Regenerator Multiplexer Processor
RHPP Receive High order Path Processor
RTTP Received Trail trace Processor
STLI SONET/SDH Transmit Line Interface
TRMP Transmit Regenerator Multiplexer Processor
THPP Transmit High order Path Processor
TTTP Transmit Trail trace Processor
SVCA SONET/SDH Virtual Container Aligner
STSI SONET/SDH Time Slot Interchange
PRGM PRBS Generator and Monitor
TAPI Transmit Add bus Pointer Interpreter
SARC SONET/SDH Alarm Reporting Controller
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2 Features
2.1 General
The PM5332 SPECTRA 1x2488 device is a single channel STS-48/STM-16 or a four channel
STS-12/STM-4 SONET/SDH Payload Extractor/Aligner with SERDES. It is also a monolithic
SONET/SDH Payload Extractor/Aligner for use in interface applications, operating at serial
interface speeds of up to 2488 Mbit/s, using a:
o Single STS-48c (STM-16/AU4-16c) or
o Single STS-48 (STM-16/AU4-12c/AU4-8c/AU4-4c/AU4/AU3/TU3) or
o Quad STS-12c (STM-4/AU4-4c) or
o Quad STS-12 (STM-4/AU4/AU3/TU3)
· In single STS-48/STM-16 mode, processes bit-serial 2488.32 Mbit/s STS-48 (STM-16-16c)
data streams with on-chip clock and data recovery, clock synthesis and serializer-
· In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, processes four bit-serial 622.08 Mbit/s STS-12 (STM-4-4c)
data streams with on-chip clock and data recovery, clock synthesis and serializer-
· Complies with Bellcore GR-253-CORE jitter tolerance and intrinsic jitter criteria.
· Provides termination for SONET Section, Line and Path overhead or SDH Regenerator
Section, Multiplexer Section and High Order Path overhead.
· Translates AU4/3x(TUG3/TU3/VC3) into 3x(AU3/VC3) from the receive side to the DROP
· Translates 3x(AU3/VC3) into AU4/3x(TUG3/TU3/VC3) from the ADD TelecomBus to the
transmit side.
· In single STS-48/STM-16 mode, provides a 32-bit 77.76 MHz ADD and DROP
· In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode provides four 8-bit 77.76 MHz ADD and DROP
· Maps SONET/SDH payloads to system timing, accommodating plesiochronous timing
offsets between the line and system timing references, through pointer processing.
· Provides Time Slot Interchange (TSI) function at the ADD and DROP TelecomBuses for
grooming any legal mix of SONET/SDH paths.
· Supports line loop back from the line side receive stream to the transmit stream and
diagnostic loop back from the line side transmit stream to the line side receive stream
· Provides a standard 5 signal IEEE 1149.1 JTAG test port for boundary scan board test
· Provides a generic 16-bit microprocessor bus interface for configuration, control, and status
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· Low power 1.8 V CMOS core logic with 3.3 V CMOS/TTL compatible digital inputs and
digital outputs. PECL inputs and outputs are 3.3 V compatible.
· 500 pin UBGA package.
2.2 SONET Section and Line / SDH Regenerator and Multiplexer
· Frames to the SONET/SDH receive stream and inserts the framing bytes (A1, A2) and the
section trace byte (J0) into the transmit stream. Also descrambles the receive stream and
scrambles the transmit stream.
· Calculates and compares the bit interleaved parity (BIP) error detection codes (B1, B2) for
the receive stream. Calculates and inserts B1, B2 in the transmit stream. Accumulates near
end errors (B1, B2) and far end errors (M1). Inserts line remote error indications (REI) into
the M1 byte based on received B2 errors.
· Detects signal degrade (SD) and signal fail (SF) threshold crossing alarms based on
received B2 errors.
· Uses dedicated pins to insert and extract the entire SONET/SDH transport overhead. The
transport overhead bytes may be sourced from internal registers or from bit serial transport
overhead input stream. Transport overhead insertion may also be disabled.
· In single STS-48/STM-16 mode, extracts and serializes the data communication channels
(D1-D3, D4-D12) on dedicated pins and inserts the corresponding signals into the transmit
· In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, extracts and serializes the data communication channels
(D1-D3, D4-D12) on dedicated pins and inserts the corresponding signals into the transmit
stream for all four streams.
· Extracts and filters the automatic protection switch (APS) channel (K1, K2) bytes into
internal registers. Inserts the APS channel into the transmit stream.
· Extracts and filters the synchronization status message (S1) byte into an internal register.
Inserts the synchronization status message byte into the transmit stream.
· Extracts a 16 or 64-byte section trace (J0) message using an internal register bank for the
receive stream. Detects an unstable message or mismatch message with an expected
message. Provides access to the accepted message via the microprocessor port. Inserts a 16
byte or 64-byte section trace (J0) message using an internal register bank for the transmit
· Detects loss of signal (LOS), out of frame (OOF), loss of frame (LOF), line remote defect
indication (RDI), line alarm indication signal (AIS), and protection switching byte failure
alarms on the receive stream.
· Provides a transmit and receive ring control port that allow alarms and status to be passed
between mate SPECTRA 1x2488’s for ring-based add drop multiplexer and line multiplexer
· Configurable to force Line AIS in the transmit stream.
· Provides automatic transmit line RDI insertion following detection of various received
alarms (LOS, LOF, LAIS, SD, SF, STIM, and STIU).
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· Provides automatic DROP bus line AIS insertion following detection of various received
alarms (LOS, LOF, LAIS, SD, SF, STIM, and STIU).
2.3 SONET Path / SDH High Order Path
· Interprets any legal mix of STS (AU and TU3) pointer bytes (H1, H2, and H3), extracts the
synchronous payload envelope(s), and processes the path overhead for the receive stream.
· Generates any legal mix of STS (AU and TU3) pointer bytes (H1, H2, and H3) and inserts
the path overhead for the transmit stream.
· Detects loss of pointer (LOP), path alarm indication signal (PAIS), and path (normal and
enhanced) remote defect indication (RDI) for the receive stream. Optionally inserts path
alarm indication signal (PAIS) and path remote defect indication (RDI) in the transmit
· Extracts and inserts the entire SONET/SDH path overhead to and from dedicated pins. The
path overhead bytes may be sourced from internal registers or from the bit serial path
overhead input stream. Path overhead insertion may also be disabled.
· Extracts the received path payload label (C2) byte into an internal register and detects for
payload label unstable (PLU), payload label mismatch (PLM), payload unequipped
(UNEQ), and payload defect indication (PDI). Inserts the path payload label (C2) byte
from an internal register for the transmit stream.
· Extracts a 16-byte or 64-byte path trace (J1) message using an internal register bank for the
receive stream. Detects an unstable message or mismatch message with an expected
message. Provides access to the captured, accepted, and expected messages via the
microprocessor port. Inserts a 16-byte or 64-byte path trace (J1) message using an internal
register bank for the transmit stream.
· Calculates received path BIP-8 and counts received path BIP-8 errors for performance
monitoring purposes. BIP-8 errors are selectable to be treated on a bit basis or block basis.
Optionally calculates and inserts path BIP-8 error detection codes for the transmit stream.
· Counts received path remote error indications (REI) for performance monitoring purposes.
Optionally inserts the path REI count into the path status byte (G1) based on bit or block
BIP-8 errors detected in the receive path.
· Provides access via path overhead ports to all of the overhead bytes needed to implement
Tandem Connections.
· Ring control port provides communication of path REI and path RDI alarms to the transmit
stream of a mate SPECTRA 1x2488 in the return direction.
· Provides automatic transmit path RDI and path Enhanced RDI insertion following detection
of various received alarms (LAIS, LOP, LOPC, PAIS, PAISC, PTIM, PTIU, PLM, PLU,
UNEQ, and PDI).
· Provides automatic DROP bus path AIS insertion following detection of various received
2.4 System Side Interfaces
· In single STS-48/STM-16 mode, provides a single 32-bit 77.76 MHz TelecomBus interface.
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· In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, provides four 8-bit 77.76 MHz TelecomBus interfaces.
· TelecomBus interfaces indicate/accept the location of the section trace byte (J0), optionally
the path trace byte(s) (J1), and all synchronous payload envelope bytes in the byte serial
· TelecomBus accommodates phase and frequency differences between the receive/transmit
streams and the DROP/ADD buses via pointer adjustments.
· Provides TSI function to interchange or groom paths at the ADD and DROP TelecomBuses.
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3 Applications
· SONET/SDH Add Drop Multiplexers
· SONET/SDH Terminal Multiplexers
· SONET/SDH Line Multiplexers
· SONET/SDH Cross-connects
· SONET/SDH Tandem Path Termination Equipment
· SONET/SDH Test Equipment
· AU3 to AU4 conversions
· Switches and Hubs
· Routers
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4 References
1. American National Standard for Telecommunications - Digital Hierarchy - Optical Interface
Rates and Formats Specification, ANSI T1.105-1991.
2. American National Standard for Telecommunications - Layer 1 In-Service Digital
Transmission Performance Monitoring, T1X1.3/93-005R1, April 1993.
3. American National Standard for Telecommunications – Synchronous Optical Network
(SONET) – Tandem Connection Maintenance, ANSI T1.105.05-1994.
4. Committee T1 Contribution, "Draft of T1.105 - SONET Rates and Formats", T1X1.5/94-
5. Bell Communications Research - GR-253-CORE “SONET Transport Systems: Common
Generic Criteria”, Issue 2 Revision 2, January 1999.
6. Bell Communications Research - GR-436-CORE “Digital Network Synchronization Plan”,
Issue 1 Revision 1, June 1996.
7. ETS 300 417-1-1, "Generic Functional Requirements for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
(SDH) Equipment", January 1996.
8. ITU-T Recommendation G.703 - "Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital
Interfaces", 1991.
9. ITU-T Recommendation G.704 - "General Aspects of Digital Transmission Systems;
Terminal Equipment - Synchronous Frame Structures Used At 1544, 6312, 2048, 8488 and
44 736 Kbit/s Hierarchical Levels", July 1995.
10. ITU, Recommendation G.707 - "Network Node Interface For The Synchronous Digital
Hierarchy", 1996.
11. ITU Recommendation G.781, - “Structure of Recommendations on Equipment for the
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)”, January 1994.
12. ITU Recommendation G.783, “Characteristics of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
Equipment Functional Blocks”, 28 October 1996.
13. ITU Recommendation O.151, “Error Performance measuring Equipment Operating at the
Primary Rate and Above”, October 1992.
14. ITU Recommendation I.432, “ISDN User Network Interfaces”, March 1993.
15. Electronic Industries Association. Methodology for the Thermal Measurement of
Component Packages (Single Semiconductor Device): EIA/JESD51. December 1995.
16. Electronic Industries Alliance 1999. Integrated Circuit Thermal Test Method Environmental
Conditions -Junction-to-Board: JESD51-8. October 1999.
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17. Telcordia Technologies. Network Equipment-Building System (NEBS) Requirements:
Physical Protection: Telcordia Technologies Generic Requirements GR-63-CORE. Issue 1.
October 1995.
18. SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International). SEMI G30-88 Test Method
for Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance Measurements of Ceramic Packages. 1988.
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5 Application Examples
The SPECTRA 1x2488 device can be used in SONET/SDH network elements including
switches, terminal multiplexers, and add-drop multiplexers. In these applications, the
SPECTRA 1x2488 line interface typically connects to an optical module. On the system side
interface, the SPECTRA 1x2488 connects directly to a TelecomBus.
Figure 1 shows how the SPECTRA 1x2488 is used to implement a 2488 Mbit/s aggregate
interface. In this application, the SPECTRA 1x2488 performs SONET/SDH section, line, and
path termination and the PM5363 TUPP™ +622 device performs tributary pointer processing
and performance monitoring.
Figure 1 STS-48/STM-16 Application with 77.76 MHz Byte TelecomBus Interface
AD[31:0], ADP[4:1]
DD[31:24], DDP[4]
ID[7:0], IDP
OD[7:0], ODP
DD[23:16], DDP[3]
ID[7:0], IDP
OD[7:0], ODP
DD[15:8], DDP[2]
ID[7:0], IDP
OD[7:0], ODP
DD[7:0], DDP[1]
ID[7:0], IDP
OD[7:0], ODP
77.76 MHz
Drop Add
2488 Mbit/s
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Figure 2 shows how the SPECTRA 1x2488 is used to implement a 2488 Mbit/s aggregate
interface using a single 77.76 MHz 32-bit TelecomBus on the system side interface. In this
application, the SPECTRA 1x2488 performs SONET/SDH section, line, and path termination.
Figure 2 STS-48/STM-16 Application with 77.76 MHz 32-Bit TelecomBus Interface
AD[31:0], ADP[4:1]
DD[31:0], DDP[4:1]
77.76 MHz
High Speed
Drop Add
2488 Mbit s
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6 Block Diagrams
Figure 3 Block Diagram for Single STS-48/STM-16 Mode
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Figure 4 Block Diagram for Quad STS-12/STM-4 Mode
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Figure 5 Loop Back Modes: Single STS-48/STM-16 Mode
Line side
Line Loopback:
SLLE2488 = 1
Serial Diagnostic
SDLE2488 = 1
Parallel Diag
PDLE = 1
System side
Line Loopback:
Figure 6 Loop
Back Modes: Quad STS-12/STM-4 Mode
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Line side
Line Loopback:
SLLE622 = 1
Serial Diagnostic
SDLE622 = 1
Parallel Diag
PDLE1-4 = 1
System side
Line Loopback:
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7 Description
The PM5332 SONET/SDH Payload Extractor/Aligner (SPECTRA 1x2488) terminates the
transport and path overhead of a single STS-48 (STM-16/AU4-12c/AU4-8c/AU4-4c /AU4/
AU3/TU3), a single STS-48c (STM-16/AU4-16c), a quad STS-12 (STM-4/AU4/AU3/ TU3), or
a quad STS-12c (STM-4-4c) data stream at 2488 Mbit/s. The SPECTRA 1x2488 implements
significant functions for a SONET/SDH compliant line interface. The following subsections
outline the SPECTRA 1x2488’s features and functions in each of its operational modes.
In single STS-48/STM-16 mode, the SPECTRA 1x2488 receives SONET/SDH frames via a
single bit serial differential PECL interface at 2488.32 MHz. In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, the
SPECTRA 1x2488 receives SONET/SDH frames via four single bit serial differential PECL
interface at 622.08 MHz.
The SPECTRA 1x2488 terminates the SONET section, line, and path or the SDH regenerator
section, multiplexer section, and high order path overhead. It performs framing (A1, A2) and
descrambling, detects section and line alarm conditions, and monitors section and line bit
interleaved parity (BIP) (B1, B2), accumulating error counts at each level for performance
monitoring purposes. B2 errors are also monitored to detect signal fail and signal degrade
threshold crossing alarms. Line remote error indications (M1) are also accumulated. A 16 or
64-byte section trace (J0) message may be buffered and compared against an expected message.
In addition, the SPECTRA 1x2488 interprets the received payload pointers (H1, H2), detects
path alarm conditions, detects and accumulates path BIPs (B3), monitors, accumulates path
Remote Error Indications (REIs), accumulates and compares the 16 or 64-byte path trace (J1)
message against an expected result, and extracts the synchronous payload envelope (virtual
container). All transport and path overhead bytes are extracted and serialized on lower rate
interfaces, allowing additional external processing of overhead, if required.
The extracted SPE (VC) is placed on a 32-bit DROP TelecomBus at 77.76 MHz. For
TelecomBus applications, frequency offsets (due to plesiochronous network boundaries or the
loss of a primary reference timing source) and phase differences (due to normal network
operation) between the received data stream and the DROP bus are accommodated by pointer
adjustments in the DROP bus.
In STS-48/STM-16 mode, the SPECTRA 1x2488 transmits SONET/SDH frames via a single bit
serial differential PECL interface at 2488.32 MHz. In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, the
SPECTRA 1x2488 transmits SONET/SDH frames via four single bit serial differential PECL
interfaces at 622.08 MHz.
The SPECTRA 1x2488 formats the SONET section, line, and path or the SDH regenerator
section, multiplexer section, and high order path overhead. It performs framing pattern
insertion (A1, A2), scrambling, section and line alarm insertion, and section and line BIPs (B1,
B2) calculation as required for performance monitoring at the far end. Line remote error
indications (M1) are optionally inserted. A 16 or 64-byte section trace (J0) message may be
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In addition, the SPECTRA 1x2488 generates the transmit payload pointers (H1, H2), creates
and inserts the path BIPs (B3), optionally inserts a 16 or 64-byte path trace (J1) message,
optionally inserts the path status byte (G1). In addition to its basic processing of the transmit
SONET/SDH overhead, the SPECTRA 1x2488 provides access to all overhead bytes, which are
inserted serially on lower rate interfaces. This allows the additional external sourcing of
overhead if required. The SPECTRA 1x2488 also supports the insertion of a large variety of
errors into the transmit stream such as framing pattern errors, pointer errors, and BIP errors.
These errors are useful for system diagnostics and tester applications.
The inserted SPE (VC) is sourced from a 32-bit ADD TelecomBus at 77.76 MHz. For
TelecomBus applications, frequency offsets (due to plesiochronous network boundaries, or the
loss of a primary reference timing source) and phase differences (due to normal network
operation) between the transmit data stream and the ADD bus are accommodated by pointer
adjustments in the transmit data stream.
The SPECTRA 1x2488 supports Time-Slot Interchange (TSI) on the ADD and DROP
TelecomBuses. On the DROP side, the TSI views the receive stream as twelve independent
time-division multiplexed columns of data per byte lane (i.e. twelve constituent STS-1’s (STM-
0) or equivalent streams, time-slots, or columns). Any column can connect to any time-slot on
the DROP bus. Column swapping and broadcast are both supported. Time-Slot Interchange is
independent of the underlying payload mapping formats. Similarly, on the ADD side, data from
the ADD bus is treated as twelve independent time-division multiplexed columns per byte lane.
Assignment of data columns to transmit time-slots (STS-1 (STM-0) or equivalent streams) is
The transmitter and receiver are independently configurable to allow for asymmetric interfaces.
Ring control ports are provide to pass control and status information between mate transceivers.
The SPECTRA 1x2488 is configured, controlled, and monitored using a generic 16-bit
microprocessor bus interface.
The SPECTRA 1x2488 is implemented in low power 1.8 Volt CMOS core logic with 3.3 Volt
CMOS/TTL compatible digital inputs and digital outputs. It has pseudo ECL (PECL)
compatible line side inputs and outputs and is packaged in a 500-pin UBGA package.
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8 Pin Diagram
The SPECTRA 1x2488 is packaged in a 500-pin UBGA.
Figure 7 Left Side Pin Diagram
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Figure 8 Right Side Pin Diagram
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9 Pin Description (500-pin UBGA)
9.1 Configuration Pin Signals
Pin Name Type Pin
H26 The NO TU3 Mode Select (NO_TU3) signal selects between
the NO TU3 support mode and the TU3 support mode. When
NO_TU3 is high, the device bypasses the TU3 path termination
logic to save power. When NO_TU3 is low, the device can be
configured to support TU3 mode.
G27 The Quad 622 Mbit/s Mode Select (QUAD622) signal selects
between the single STS-48/STM-16 mode and the quad STS-
12/STM-4 mode. When QUAD622 is low, the device is in
single STS-48/STM-16 mode. When QUAD622 is high, the
device is in quad STS-12/STM-4 mode.
9.2 STS-48/STM-16 and Quad STS-12/STM-4 Line Side Interface
Pin Name Type Pin
The differential Reference Clock inputs
(REFCLK_P/REFCLK_N) provide a jitter-free 155.52 MHz
reference clock for both the clock recovery and the clock
synthesis circuits in STS-48 mode. The two PECL inputs are
internally terminated with differential 100-W termination. These
must be externally AC coupled with 0.1 µF capacitor.
Jitter on REFCLK_P/REFCLK_N inputs must be less than 1
psec RMS in a 12KHz to 20MHz band for the device to comply
with the Bellcore GR-253 intrinsic jitter specification for transmit
data outputs. REFCLK_P/N should be AC coupled PECL
Note: Jitter on REFCLK_P / REFCLK_N up to about 20 MHz
will affect jitter on the transmit data output.
Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL
interfacing issues.
The Reference Clock 77.76/155.52 MHz input (REF77_P/N)
provides a jitter-free 77.76/155.52 MHz reference clock for both
the clock recovery and the clock synthesis circuits in 4xOC12
mode. The two PECL inputs are internally terminated with
differential 100-W termination. The REF77_P/N should be at
3.3V DC coupled PECL levels.
Jitter on REF77_P/N inputs must be less than 4 psec RMS in a
12 KHz to 5 MHz band for the device to comply with the
Bellcore GR-253 intrinsic jitter specification for transmit data
Note: The REF77 clock rate can be either 77.76MHz or 155.52
MHz. The REF_MODE and IREF_MODE bit in register 0x0030
configure the device for the appropriate clock rate in quad STS-
12/STM-4 mode.
Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL
interfacing issues.
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Pin Name Type Pin
The Receive Signal Detect CMOS/TTL compatible input (SD1-
4) indicates the presence of valid receive signal power from the
Optical Physical Medium Dependent Device. A logic 1
indicates the presence of signal. A logic 0 indicates a loss of
In STS-48/STM-16 mode, only SD1 is used. SD2-4 are
ignored. Unless SD1 detection is disabled, deassertion of SD1
will cause the 2488 CRU to go into training mode where it locks
Note: The SD input polarity can be inverted to indicate LOS
with the INV_SDI_EN bit enabled. The STS-48/STM-16 mode
register is 0023H and quad STS12/STM-4 mode registers are
0036H, 0436H, 0836H and 0C36H.
Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of
interfacing issues
The Receive Differential Data PECL-compatible inputs
(RXD1-4_P/ RXD1-4_N) contain the 4x622.08 Mbit/s NRZ bit
serial receive stream in quad STS-12/STM4 mode. In STS-
48/STM-16 mode, RXD1_P/RXD1_N contains the 2488.32
Mbit/s NRZ bit serial receive stream.
Note: The RXD[1-4]_P/N input polarity can be inverted with the
RX_INV_DATA_EN bit enabled. The STS-48/STM-16 mode
register is 0023H and quad STS12/STM-4 mode registers are
0036H, 0436H, 0836H and 0C36H.
The receive inputs are internally terminated with differential
100-W termination.
The receive clocks are recovered from the RXD1-4_P/ RXD1-
4_N bit stream. They must be externally AC coupled with 0.1
µF capacitor.
Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL
interfacing issues.
The Transmit Differential Data PECL-compatible outputs
(TXD1-4_P/ TXD1-4_N) contain the 4x622.08 Mbit/s transmit
streams in 4xSTS12/STM-4 mode. In STS-48/STM-16 mode,
TXD1_P/TXD1_N contains the 2488.32 Mbit/s NRZ bit serial
receive stream. These must be externally AC coupled with 0.1
µF capacitor.
Note: The TXD[1-4]_P/N input polarity can be inverted with the
TX_INV_DATA_EN bit enabled. The STS-48/STM-16 mode
register is 1020H and quad STS12/STM-4 mode registers are
1060H, 1460H, 1860H and 1C60H.
The TXD1-4_P/ TXD1-4_N outputs are driven using the
synthesized clock from the CSU.
These signals are compatible with PECL as long as the
interfacing recommendations stated in this document are
followed. Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion
of PECL interfacing issues.
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9.3 Receive and Transmit Reference (Single and Quad Mode)
Pin Name Type Pin
The Receive Clock (RCLK1–4) signal provides a timing
reference for the receive interface.
In STS-48/STM-16 mode, RCLK1 is a nominal 77.76 MHz 50 %
duty cycle clock. RCLK1 is a buffered version of the internal
recovered clock divided by two. RCLK2–4 are not defined.
In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, RCLK1–4 are nominal
77.76 MHz 50 % duty cycle clocks. RCLK1–4 are buffered
versions of internal recovered clocks.
The output for RCLK1–4 can be disabled and held low by
programming the RCLKEN1–4 bit in the SRLI 0040H register.
The output for RCLK1–4 can also be forced low when certain
conditions are detected by programming the 0x0004H –
0x0006H registers.
RCLK1-2 can be selected to output recovered clocks from any
of the four channels in Quad 622 mode by programming
RCLK_SEL1-2[1:0] bits of 0003H register.
AF7 The Programmable Transmit Clock (PGMTCLK) signal
provides a timing reference for the transmit line interface.
In single STS-48 mode, PGMTCLK is a divided version of the
internal transmit clock. When the PGMTCLKSEL bit in the STLI
1041H register is set low, PGMTCLK is a nominal 19.44 MHz,
50% duty cycle clock. When the PGMTCLKSEL bit is set high,
PGMTCLK is a nominal 8 KHz, 50% duty cycle clock.
In quad STS-12 mode, PGMTCLK is a divided version of one of
the internal transmit clocks. The PGMTCLKSRC[1:0] bits in the
STLI 0041H register are used to select which of the four clocks
is muxed onto PRGMTCLK. When the PGMTCLKSEL register
bit is set low, PGMTCLK is a nominal 19.44 MHz, 50% duty
cycle clock. When the PGMTCLKSEL register bit is set high,
PGMTCLK is a nominal 8 KHz, 50% duty cycle clock.
PGMTCLK can be disabled and held low by programming the
PGMTCLKEN bit in the STLI 1041H register.
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9.4 Section/Line/Path Status and Alarms Signals (Single and Quad
Pin Name Type Pin
The Receive Ring Control Port Data (RRCPDAT1-4) signal
contains the receive ring control port data stream.
The receive ring control port data contains the section, line,
and path alarms and status including: Out Of Frame Indication,
Loss Of Frame indication, Loss Of Signal indication, line AIS
indication, line RDI indication, APS byte failure indication,
section TIU/TIM indication, signal degrade/fail indication, K1/K2
byte insertion, line REI insertion, line RDI insertion, path LOP
indication, path AIS indication, path PLU/PLM indication, path
UNEQ indication, path PDI indication, path RDI indication, path
ERDI indication, path TIU/TIM indication, path REI insertion,
and path ERDI insertion.
RRCPDAT1-4 can be connected directly to the TRCPDAT1-4
input of a mate SPECTRA 1x2488 in ring-based add-drop
multiplexer applications.
RRCPDAT1-4 is updated on the falling edge of ROHCLK1-4.
The Transmit Ring Control Port Clock (TRCPCLK1-4) signal
provides timing for the transmit ring control port.
TRCPCLK1-4 is a nominal 20.736 MHz clock, 33% high duty
cycle and can be connected directly to the ROHCLK1-4 output
of a mate SPECTRA 1x2488 in ring-based add-drop
multiplexer applications.
TRCPCLK1-4 is a Schmidt triggered input.
TRCPFP1-4 and TRCPDAT1-4 are sampled on the rising edge
of TRCPCLK1-4.
The Transmit Ring Control Port Frame Pulse (TRCPFP1-4)
signal identifies bit positions in the transmit ring control port
data (TRCPDAT1-4).
TRCPFP1-4 is high to indicate the Out Of Frame indication in
the TRCPDAT1-4 data stream.
TRCPFP1-4 can be connected directly to the ROHFP1-4
output of a mate SPECTRA 1x2488 in ring-based add-drop
multiplexer applications.
TRCPFP1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of TRCPCLK1-4.
The Transmit Ring Control Port Data (TRCPDAT1-4) signal
contains the transmit ring control port data stream.
The transmit ring control port data consists of all the section,
line and path alarms insertion: the K1/K2 bytes insertion, the
line REI insertion, the line RDI insertion, the path REI insertion
and the path ERDI insertion.
TRCPDAT1-4 can be connected directly to the RRCPDAT1-4
output of a mate SPECTRA 1x2488 in ring-based add-drop
multiplexer applications.
TRCPDAT1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of TRCPCLK1-4.
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Pin Name Type Pin
The Section Alarm (SALM1-4) signal is set high when an out
of frame (OOF), loss of signal (LOS), loss of frame (LOF), line
alarm indication signal (AIS-L), line remote defect indication
(RDI-L), APS byte failure, section trace identifier mismatch
(TIM-S), section trace identifier unstable (TIU-S), signal fail
(SF), or signal degrade (SD) alarm is detected.
Each alarm indication can be independently enabled using bits
in the SARC RSALM registers.
SALM1-4 is set low when none of the enabled alarms are
SALM1-4 is updated on the rising edge of ROHCLK1-4.
C6 The SD TEST (SD_TEST) is used for PMC-Sierra production
test purposes only. It must be connected to ground during the
normal mode of operation.
C4 The T-CSU Output Clock (CSUCLKO) is used for PMC-Sierra
test purposes only. It must be left as a no-connect (NC) during
the normal mode of operation.
AJ4 The CRU Output Clock (CRUCLKO) is used for PMC-Sierra
test purposes only. It must be left as a no-connect (NC) during
the normal mode of operation.
The Receive Alarm (RALM1-4) signal is a multiplexed output
of individual alarms of the receive paths. RALM1-4 signal is
set high for the corresponding path when a section alarm, path
loss of pointer (LOP-P), path alarm indication signal (AIS-P),
path remote defect indication (RDI-P), path enhance remote
defect indication (ERDI-P), path label mismatch (PLM), path
label unstable (PLU), path unequipped (UNEQ), path payload
defect indication (PDI-P), path trace identifier mismatch (TIM-
P), or path trace identifier unstable (TIU-P) alarm is detected.
Each alarm indication can be independently enabled using bits
in the SARC RPALM registers.
RALM1-4 is set low when none of the enabled alarms are
RALM1-4 is updated on the falling edge of ROHCLK1-4.
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9.5 Receive Section/Line/Path Overhead Extraction Signals (Single
and Quad Mode)
Pin Name Type Pin
The Receive Overhead Clock (ROHCLK1-4) signal provides
timing for the receive section, line, and path overhead
extraction and the receive ring control port.
In STS-48/STM-16 mode, ROHCLK1 is a nominal
20.736 MHz clock generated by gapping a 25.92 MHz clock.
ROHCLK1 has a 33% high duty cycle. ROHCLK2-4 are not
In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, ROHCLK1-4 is a nominal
20.736 MHz clock generated by gapping a 25.92 MHz clock.
ROHCLK1-4 has a 33% high duty cycle.
ROHFP1-4, RTOH1-4, RPOH1-4, RPOHEN1-4,B3E1-4 and
RRCPDAT1-4 are updated on the falling edge of ROHCLK1-
The Receive Overhead Frame Pulse (ROHFP1-4) signal
provides timing for the receive section, line and path overhead
In STS-48/STM-16 mode, ROHFP1 is used to indicate the
most significant bit (MSB) on RRCPDAT1-4, RSLD1, RLD1,
RTOH1-4 and RPOH1-4 as well as the first possible path BIP
error on B3E1-4. ROHFP2-4, RSLD2-4 and RLD2-4 are not
In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, ROHFP1-4 is used to indicate
the most significant bit (MSB) on RSLD1-4, RLD1-4, RTOH1-
4, and RPOH1-4 as well as the first possible path BIP error
on B3E1-4.
ROHFP1-4 is set high when the MSB of the:
D1 or D4 byte is present on RSLD.
D4 byte is present on RLD.
First A1 byte is present on RTOH.
First J1 byte is present on RPOH.
ROHFP1-4 can be sampled on the rising edge of RSLDCLK1-
4, RLDCLK1-4, and ROHCLK1-4.
ROHFP1-4 is updated on the falling edge of ROHCLK1-4.
The Receive Transport Overhead (RTOH1-4) signal
contains the received transport overhead bytes (A1, A2, J0,
Z0, B1, E1, F1, D1-D3, H1-H3, B2, K1, K2, D4-D12, Z1/S1,
Z2/M1, and E2) extracted from the incoming stream.
RTOH1-4 is updated on the falling edge of ROHCLK1-4.
The Receive Path Overhead (RPOH1-4) signal contains the
received path overhead bytes (J1, B3, C2, G1, F2, H4, Z3,
Z4, and Z5) extracted from the STS-48c/
STS-12c/STS-3c/STS-1 SONET path overhead or the
AU4-16c/ AU4-4c/AU4/AU3/TU3 SDH path overhead.
The RPOHEN1-4 signal is set high to indicate valid path
overhead bytes on RPOH1-4.
RPOH1-4 is updated on the falling edge of ROHCLK1-4.
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
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Pin Name Type Pin
The Receive Path Overhead Enable (RPOHEN1-4) signal
indicates valid path overhead bytes on RPOH1-4.
When the RPOHEN1-4 signal is set high, the corresponding
path overhead byte presented on RPOH1-4 is valid. When
RPOHEN1-4 is set low, the corresponding path overhead byte
presented on RPOH1-4 is invalid.
RPOHEN1-4 is updated on the falling edge of ROHCLK1-4.
9.6 Transmit Section/Line/Path Overhead Insertion Signals (Single
and Quad Mode)
Pin Name Type Pin
The Transmit Overhead Clock (TOHCLK1-4) signal
provides timing for the transmit section, line, and path
overhead insertion.
In STS-48/STM-16 mode, TOHCLK1 is a nominal
20.736 MHz clock generated by gapping a 25.92 MHz clock.
TOHCLK1 has a 33% high duty cycle. TOHCLK2-4 are not
In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, TOHCLK1-4 is a nominal
20.736 MHz clock generated by gapping a 25.92 MHz clock.
TOHCLK1-4 has a 33% high duty cycle.
TOHFP1-4 and TPOHRDY1-4 are updated on the falling
edge of TOHCLK1-4.
TTOH1-4, TTOHEN1-4, TPOH1-4, and TPOHEN1-4 are
sampled on the rising edge of TOHCLK1-4.
The Transmit Overhead Frame Pulse (TOHFP1-4) signal
provides timing for the transmit section, line, and path
overhead insertion.
In STS-48/STM-16 mode, TOHFP1 is used to indicate the
most significant bit (MSB) on TSLD1, TLD1, TTOH1-4, and
TPOH1-4. TOHFP2-4, TSLD2-4 and TLD2-4 are not
In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, TOHFP1-4 is used to indicate
the most significant bit (MSB) on TSLD1-4, TLD1-4, TTOH1-
4, and TPOH1-4.
TOHFP1-4 is set high when the MSB of the:
D1 or D4 byte should be present on TSLD.
D4 byte should be present on TLD.
First A1 byte should be present on TTOH.
First J1 byte should be present on TPOH
TOHFP1-4 can be sampled on the rising edge of
TOHFP1-4 is updated on the falling edge of TOHCLK1-4.
The Transmit Transport Overhead (TTOH1-4) signal
contains the transport overhead bytes (A1, A2, J0, Z0, B1,
E1, F1, D1-D3, H1-H3, B2, K1, K2, D4-D12, Z1/S1, Z2/M1,
and E2) to be transmitted and the error masks to be applied
on the B1, B2, H1, and H2 bytes.
TTOH1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of TOHCLK1-4.
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Pin Name Type Pin
The Transmit Transport Overhead Insert Enable
(TTOHEN1-4) signal controls the insertion of the transmit
transport overhead data that is inserted in the outgoing
When TTOHEN1-4 is high during the most significant bit of a
TOH byte on TTOH1-4, the sampled TOH byte is inserted
into the corresponding transport overhead byte positions
(A1, A2, J0, Z0, E1, F1, D1-D3, H3, K1, K2, D4-D12, Z1/S1,
Z2/M1, and E2 bytes). When TTOHEN1-4 is low during the
most significant bit of a TOH byte on TTOH1-4, the sampled
byte is ignored and the default values are inserted into the
transport overhead bytes.
When TTOHEN1-4 is high during the most significant bit of
the H1, H2, B1, or B2 TOH byte positions on TTOH1-4, the
sampled TOH byte is logically XORed with the associated
incoming byte to force bit errors on the outgoing byte. A
logic 0 bit in the TTOH1-4 byte allows the incoming bit to go
through while a bit set to logic 1 will toggle the incoming bit.
A low level on TTOHEN1-4 during the MSB of the TOH byte
disables the error forcing for the entire byte.
TTOHEN1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of TOHCLK1-4.
The Transmit Path Overhead (TPOH1-4) signal contains
the path overhead bytes (J1, C2, G1, F2, Z3, Z4, and Z5) to
be transmitted in the STS-48c/ STS-12c/STS-3c/STS-1
SONET path overhead or the AU4-16c/
AU4-4c/AU4/AU3/TU3 SDH path overhead. The signal also
contains the error masks to be applied on the B3 and H4
A path overhead byte is accepted for transmission when the
external source indicates a valid byte (TPOHEN1-4 set high)
and the SPECTRA 1x2488 indicates ready (TPOHRDY1-4
set high). The SPECTRA 1x2488 will ignore the byte on
TPOH1-4 when TPOHEN1-4 is set low. The TPOHRDY1-4
is set low to indicate the SPECTRA 1x2488 is not ready and
the byte must be presented again at the next opportunity.
TPOH1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of TOHCLK1-4.
The Transmit Path Overhead Insert Ready (TPOHRDY1-
4) signal indicates when the SPECTRA 1x2488 is ready to
accept the byte currently on TPOH1-4.
TPOHRDY1-4 is set high during the most significant bit of a
POH byte to indicate readiness to accept the byte on the
TPOH1-4 input. This byte will be accepted if TPOHEN1-4 is
also set high. If TPOHEN1-4 is set low, the byte is invalid
and ignored. TPOHRDY1-4 is set low to indicate that the
SPECTRA 1x2488 is unable to accept the byte on TPOH1-4,
and expects the byte to be presented again at the next
TPOHRDY1-4 is updated on the falling edge of TOHCLK1-4.
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Pin Name Type Pin
The Transmit Path Overhead Insert Enable (TPOHEN1-4)
signal controls the insertion of the transmit path overhead
data inserted in the outgoing stream.
TPOHEN1-4 shall be set high during the most significant bit
of a POH byte to indicate valid data on the TPOH1-4 input.
This byte will be accepted for transmission if TPOHRDY1-4
is also set high. If TPOHRDY1-4 is set low, the byte is
rejected and must be presented again at the next
Accepted bytes sampled on TPOH1-4 are inserted into the
corresponding path overhead byte positions (for the J1, C2,
G1, F2, Z3, Z4, and Z5 bytes). The byte on TPOH1-4 is
ignored when TPOHEN1-4 is set low during the most
significant bit position.
When the byte at the B3 or H4 byte position on TPOH1-4 is
accepted, it is used as an error mask to modify the
corresponding transmit B3 or H4 path overhead bytes
respectively. The accepted error mask is XORed with the
corresponding B3 or H4 byte before it is transmitted.
TPOHEN1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of the TOHCLK1-
9.7 Receive Section/Line DCC Extraction Signals (Single and Quad
Pin Name Type Pin
The Receive Section or Line Data Communication
Channel Clock (RSLDCLK1-4) signal is used to update the
receive section or line DCC (RSLD1-4).
When section DCC is selected, RSLDCLK is a nominal
192 kHz clock with a 50% duty cycle. When line DCC is
selected, RSLDCLK is a nominal 576 kHz clock with a 50%
duty cycle.
RSLD1-4 is updated on the falling edge of RSLDCLK1-4 and
ROHFP1-4 is used to identify the MSB of the D1 or the D4
byte on RSLD1-4.
The RSLDSEL bit in the RRMP 0080H, 0480H, 0880H, and
0C80H registers select the section or line DCC and the
RSLDTS bit tri-states RSLDCLK and RSLD outputs.
The Receive Section or Line Data Communication
Channel (RSLD1-4) signal contains the received section DCC
(D1-D3) or line DCC (D4-D12).
RSLD1-4 is updated on the falling edge of RSLDCLK1-4 and
should be sampled externally on the rising edge of
RSLDCLK1-4. ROHFP1-4 is used to identify the MSB of the
D1 or the D4 byte on RSLD1-4.
The RSLDSEL bit in the RRMP 0080H, 0480H, 0880H, and
0C80H registers select the section or line DCC and the
RSLDTS bit tri-states RSLDCLK and RSLD outputs.
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Pin Name Type Pin
The Receive Line Data Communication Channel Clock
(RLDCLK1-4) signal is used to update the received line DCC
RLDCLK1-4 is a nominal 576 kHz clock with a 50% duty
RLD1-4 is updated on the falling edge of RLDCLK1-4 and
ROHFP1-4 is used to identify the MSB of the D4 byte on
The RLDTS bit in the RRMP 0080H, 0480H, 0880H, and
0C80H registers tri-states RLDCLK and RLD outputs.
The Receive Line Data Communication Channel (RLD1-4)
signal contains the received line DCC (D4-D12).
RLD1-4 is updated on the falling edge of RLDCLK1-4 and
should be sampled externally on the rising edge of RLDCLK1-
4. ROHFP1-4 is used to identify the MSB of the D4 byte on
The RLDTS bit in the RRMP 0080H, 0480H, 0880H, and
0C80H register tri-states RLDCLK1-4 and RLD1-4 outputs.
9.8 Transmit Section/Line DCC Insertion Signals (Single and Quad
Pin Name Type Pin
The Transmit Section or Line Data Communication
Channel Clock (TSLDCLK1-4) signal is used to clock in the
transmit section or line DCC (TSLD1-4).
When section DCC is selected, TSLDCLK1-4 is a nominal
192 kHz clock with a 50% duty cycle. When line DCC is
selected, TSLDCLK1-4 is a nominal 576 kHz clock with a 50%
duty cycle.
TSLD1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of TSLDCLK1-4 and
TOHFP1-4 is used to identify the MSB of the D1 or the D4
byte on TSLD1-4.
The TSLDSEL bit in the TRMP 1080H, 1480H, 1880H, and
1C80H registers selects the section or line DCC and the
TSLDTS bit tri-states TSLDCLK1-4 output.
The Transmit Section or Line Data Communication
Channel (TSLD1-4) signal contains the section DCC (D1-D3)
or the line DCC (D4-D12) to be transmitted.
TSLD1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of TSLDCLK1-4 and
TOHFP1-4 is used to identify the MSB of the D1 or the D4
byte on TSLD1-4. The TTOH and TTOHEN inputs take
precedence over TSLD1-4.
The TSLDSEL bit in the TRMP 1080H, 1480H, 1880H, and
1C80H registers selects the section or line DCC.
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Pin Name Type Pin
The Transmit Line Data Communication Channel Clock
(TLDCLK1-4) signal is used to clock in the transmit line DCC
TLDCLK1-4 is a nominal 576 kHz clock with a 50% duty cycle.
TLD1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of TLDCLK1-4 and
TOHFP1-4 is used to identify the MSB of the D4 byte on
The TLDTS bit in the TRMP 1080H, 1480H, 1880H, and
1C80H registers tri-states TLDCLK1-4 output.
The Transmit Line Data Communication Channel (TLD1-4)
signal contains the line DCC (D4-D12) to be transmitted.
TLD1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of TLDCLK1-4 and
TOHFP1-4 is used to identify the MSB of the D4 byte on
TLD1-4. The TTOH and TTOHEN inputs take precedence
over TLD1-4.
9.9 Receive Path BIP-8 Error Signals
Pin Name Type Pin
The Bit Interleaved Parity Error (B3E1-4) signal carries the
path BIP-8 errors detected for each STS-
48c/STS-STS-3c/STS-1 SONET payload or AU4-16c/
AU4-4c/AU4/AU3/TU3 SDH payload.
B3E1-4 is set high for one ROHCLK1-4 clock cycle for each
path BIP-8 error detected (up to eight errors per path per
When BIP-8 errors are treated on a block basis, B3E1-4 is set
high for one ROHCLK1-4 clock cycle for up to eight path BIP-
8 errors detected (up to one error per path per frame).
Path BIP-8 errors are detected by comparing the extracted
path BIP-8 byte (B3) with the computed path BIP-8 byte of the
previous frame.
B3E1-4 is updated on the falling edge of ROHCLK1.
9.10 Drop Bus Telecom Interface Signals (Single and Quad Mode)
Pin Name Pin Type PIN
R29 The DROP Bus Clock (DCK) signal provides timing for the
DROP bus interface. DCK is nominally a 77.76 MHz 50% duty
cycle clock. Frequency offset between the receive line side
clock and the DROP bus clock are accommodated by pointer
justification events on the DROP bus.
DCK is a Schmitt triggered input.
DCMP and DJ0REF are sampled on the rising edge of DCK.
DD1-4[7:0], DPL1-4, DJ0J11-4, DDP1-4, and DALARM1-4 are
updated on the rising edge of DCK
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Pin Name Pin Type PIN
T29 The DROP Connection Memory Page (DCMP) signal controls
the selection of the connection memory page in the DROP Time-
Slot Interchange block.
DCMP is XORed with the PSEL bit in the DSTSI 0222H register.
When DCMP XOR PSEL is set high, connection memory page 1
is selected. When DCMP XOR PSEL is set low, connection
memory page 0 is selected. DCMP is sampled at the J0 byte
location as defined by the DJ0J1 output. Changes to the
connection memory page selection are synchronized to the
transport frame boundary of the second next frame.
DCMP is sampled on the rising edge of DCK
T28 The active high DROP Bus J0 Position (DJ0REF) signal
synchronizes the SONET/SDH frame alignment on the DD1-
4[7:0] buses.
DJ0REF must be asserted for one DCK clock cycle to
synchronize the section trace byte.
In STS-48/STM-16 mode, the section trace byte is synchronized
on DD1[7:0] bus. In the quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, the section
trace bytes are synchronized on DD1-4[7:0] buses.
It is not necessary for DJ0REF to be present at every frame, an
internal counter fly-wheels based on the most recent DJ0REF
The DFPEN bit in the SPECTRA 0014H register synchronizes
the drop bus on the first byte after the J0/Z0 bytes instead of the
section trace.
DJ0REF is sampled on the rising edge of DCK.
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Pin Name Pin Type PIN
The DROP Bus Data (DD1-4[7:0]) bus carries the 32-bit STS-
48c/ STS-12c/STS-3c/STS-1 SONET payload or AU4-16c/
AU4-4c/AU4/AU3/TU3 SDH payload when the device is
configured in STS-48/STM-16 mode. It also carries the four-
byte serial STS-12c/STS-3c/STS-1 SONET payload or
AU4-4c/AU4/AU3/TU3 SDH payload when the device is
configured in quad STS-12/STM-4 mode.
When the DROP bus STSI functionality is disabled, the dropped
payload multiplexing corresponds to that of the received
SONET/SDH data. STSI may be used to reorder this
multiplexing on the DROP bus.
The transport overhead bytes, with the exception of the H1/H2
pointer bytes, are set to zeros. The framing pattern may be
inserted in the A1 and A2 framing bytes. The fixed stuff columns
in a tributary mapped SPE (VC) may also be optionally set to
DD1-4[7] is the most significant bit (corresponding to bit 1 of
each serial word, the first bit received). DD1-4[0] is the least
significant bit (corresponding to bit 8 of each serial word, the last
bit received).
DD1-4[7:0] are updated on the rising edge of DCK.
The active high DROP Bus Payload (DPL1-4) signal indicates
when the DD1-4[7:0] bus is carrying a payload byte.
DPL1-4 is set high during path overhead and payload bytes and
low during transport overhead bytes. DPL1-4 is set high during
the H3 byte to indicate a negative pointer justification event and
set low during the byte following the H3 byte to indicate a
positive pointer justification event.
DPL1-4 is updated on the rising edge of DCK.
The active high DROP Bus Composite Timing (DJ0J1-4) signal
indicates the frame and payload boundaries on the DD1-4[7:0]
DJ0J11-4 pulses high with the DROP bus payload active signal
DPL1-4 set low to mark the section trace byte (J0). DJ0J11-4
pulses high with DPL1-4 set high to mark all the path trace byte
DJ0J11-4 is updated on the rising edge of DCK.
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Pin Name Pin Type PIN
The active high Drop Bus Alarm (DALARM1-4) signal indicates
path AIS.
DALARM1-4 is set high when the byte on DD1-4[7:0] is in path
AIS and is set low when the byte is out of path AIS.
DALARM1-4 is updated on the rising edge of DCK.
The DROP Bus Data Parity (DDP1-4) signal indicates the parity
of the DROP bus signals.
The DD1-4[7:0] data bus is always included in parity
calculations. The DPLPAREN, DJ0J1PAREN, D32PAREN, and
DODDPAREN bits in the SPECTRA 1x2488 0014H register
control the inclusion of the DPL1-4, DJ0J11-4, DD1-4 signals in
parity calculation and the sense (odd/even) of the parity.
DDP1-4 is updated on the rising edge of DCK.
9.11 Add Bus Telecom Interface Signals (Single and Quad Mode)
Pin Name Pin Type PIN
R26 The ADD Bus Clock (ACK) signal provides timing for the ADD
bus interface. ACK is nominally a 77.76 MHz 50% duty cycle
clock. Frequency offset between the transmit line side clock and
the ADD bus clock are accommodated by pointer justification
events on the transmit line side.
ACK is a Schmitt triggered input.
ACMP, AD1-4[7:0], APL1-4, AJ0J1_FP1-4, ADP1-4, and
APAIS1-4 are sampled on the rising edge of ACK.
R28 The ADD Connection Memory Page (ACMP) signal controls the
selection of the connection memory page in the ADD Time-Slot
Interchange block.
ACMP is XORed with the PSEL bit in the ASTSI 1222H register.
When ACMP XOR PSEL is set high, connection memory page 1
is selected. When ACMP XOR PSEL is set low, connection
memory page 0 is selected. ACMP is sampled at the J0 byte
location as defined by the AJ0J1 input. Changes to the
connection memory page selection are synchronized to the
transport frame boundary of the second next frame.
ACMP is sampled on the rising edge of ACK
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Pin Name Pin Type PIN
The ADD Bus Data (AD1-4[7:0]) bus carries the 32-bit serial
STS-48c/STS-12c/STS-3c/STS-1 SONET payload or
AU4-16c/AU4-12c/ AU4-8c/AU4-4c/AU4/AU3/TU3 SDH payload
to be transmitted when the device is configured in STS-48/STM-
16 mode. It also carries the four byte serial
STS-12c/STS-3c/STS-1 SONET payload or
AU4-4c/AU4/AU3/TU3 SDH payload to be transmitted when the
device is configured in quad STS-12/STM-4 mode.
When the ADD bus STSI functionality is disabled, the transmit
SONET/SDH payload multiplexing corresponds to that of the
ADD bus. STSI may be used to reorder this multiplexing on the
transmit SONET/SDH payload.
The transport overhead bytes are ignored with the programmable
exception of H1 and H2 pointer bytes. The phase relation of the
SPE (VC) to the transport frame is determined by the ADD bus
composite timing signal AJ0J1_FP1-4 or optionally by
interpreting the H1 and H2 pointer bytes.
A V1 pulse in the AJ0J1_FP1-4 composite signal is tolerated but
not used to insert the multi-frame indication in the H4 byte. A
valid H4 byte must be provided on the ADD bus to indicate the
multi-frame alignment in a tributary structure SPE (VC).
AD1-4[7] is the most significant bit (corresponding to bit 1 of each
serial word, the first bit transmitted). AD1-4[0] is the least
significant bit (corresponding to bit 8 of each serial word, the last
bit transmitted).
AD1-4[7:0] is sampled on the rising edge of ACK.
The active high ADD Bus Payload (APL1-4) signal indicates
when the AD1-4[7:0] bus is carrying a payload byte.
APL1-4 is set high during path overhead and payload bytes and
low during transport overhead bytes. APL1-4 is set high during
the H3 byte to indicate a negative pointer justification event and
set low during the byte following the H3 byte to indicate a positive
pointer justification event.
APL1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of ACK.
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Pin Name Pin Type PIN
The active high ADD Bus Composite Timing (AJ0J1_FP1-4)
signal indicates the frame and optionally the payload boundaries
on the AD1-4[7:0] bus. AJ0J11-4 is defined when the AFPEN bit
in the SPECTRA 1x2488 0016H register is set low.
AJ0J1_FP1-4 pulses high with the ADD bus payload active
signal, APL1-4, set low to mark the section trace byte (J0).
Optionally, AJ0J11-4 pulses high with APL1-4 set high to mark all
path trace bytes (J1).
Setting the TAPIDIS bit low in the SPECTRA 1x2488 0002H
register enables pointer interpretation on the ADD bus. Valid H1
and H2 pointer bytes must be provided on the ADD bus to allow
the J1 position to be identified.
The AD1-4[7:0] buses must be frame aligned to have the J0
pulses of the AJ0J1_FP1-4 composite signals set high
AJ0J1_FP1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of ACK.
The active high ADD Bus Path AIS (ADDPAIS1-4) signal
indicates path AIS.
APAIS1-4 is set high when the byte on AD1-4[7:0] is in path AIS
and is set low when the byte is out of path AIS.
APAIS1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of ACLK.
The ADD Bus Data Parity (ADP1-4) signal indicates the parity of
the ADD bus signals.
The AD1-4[7:0] data bus is always included in parity calculations.
bits in the SPECTRA 0016H register control the inclusion of the
APL1-4, AJ0J1_FP1-4, AD1-4 signals in parity calculation and
the sense (odd/even) of the parity.
ADP1-4 is sampled on the rising edge of ACK.
9.12 Microprocessor Interface Signals
Pin Name Type Pin
AK5 The active low Chip Select (CSB) signal is low during
SPECTRA 1x2488 register accesses.
CSB is a Schmitt triggered input.
Note that when not in use, CSB must be tied low. If CSB is not
required (i.e. register accesses controlled using the RDB and
WRB signals only), CSB must be connected to an inverted
version of the RSTB input.
AG7 The active low Read Enable (RDB) signal is low during a
SPECTRA 1x2488 read access. The SPECTRA 1x2488 drives
the D[15:0] bus with the contents of the addressed register
while RDB and CSB are low.
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Pin Name Type Pin
AH6 The active low Write Strobe (WRB) signal is low during a
SPECTRA 1x2488 register write access. The D[15:0] bus
contents are clocked into the addressed register on the rising
WRB edge while CSB is low.
The bi-directional Data Bus, D[15:0], is used during SPECTRA
1x2488 read and write accesses.
AH10 The Test Register Select signal (A[13]) selects between
normal and test mode register accesses. TRS is high during
test mode register accesses, and is low during normal mode
register accesses. TRS may be tied low.
The Address Bus (A[12:0]) selects specific registers during
SPECTRA 1x2488 register accesses.
AJ5 The Active Low Reset (RSTB) signal provides an
asynchronous SPECTRA 1x2488 reset. RSTB is a Schmidt
triggered input with an integral pull-up resistor.
AF8 The Address Latch Enable (ALE) is an active-high signal and
latches the address bus A[13:0] when low. When ALE is high,
the internal address latches are transparent. It allows the
SPECTRA 1x2488 to interface to a multiplexed address/data
bus. The ALE input has an integral pull up resistor.
OD Output
AK4 The Active Low Interrupt (INTB) is set low when a SPECTRA
1x2488 enabled interrupt source is active. The SPECTRA
1x2488 may be enabled to report many alarms or events via
INTB is tri-stated when the interrupt is acknowledged via the
appropriate register access. INTB is an open drain output.
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9.13 Analog Miscellaneous Signals
Pin Name Type Pin
Analog AB5
The two Analog Test Ports are provided for production testing
only. These pins must be left unconnected during normal
ATP_2488[1:0] are the test ports for the 2488 Mbit/s analog
Analog AD1
The Analog C0_CRU and C1_CRU pins are used as an
external capacitor for the clock recovery unit. The C0_CRU and
C1_CRU pins must not be left floating (no connection).
A 10nF non-polarized capacitor should be attached across
C0_CRU and C1_CRU.
CO_CRU and C1_CRU are used in single STS-48/STM-16
mode only
Analog W5
The Analog C0_CSU and C1_CSU pins are used as an external
capacitor for the clock synthesis unit. The C0_CSU and
C1_CSU pins must not be left floating (no connection).
A 100nF non-polarized capacitor should be attached across
C0_CSU and C1_CSU.
C0_CSU and C1_CSU are used in single STS-48/STM-16 mode
REXT Analog J4 The External Resistor Pin (REXT) should be connected to an
off-chip resistor of 10kW (±1%). It is used to set internal
reference currents to be used in the 4x622MABC. The other side
of the external resistor should be connected to a low impedance
PCB ground.
REXT is used in Quad-622 mode only
Analog R2
The two Analog Test Ports are provided for internal or
characterization testing only. These two pins must be left
ATB[1:0] Analog E1
The two Analog Test Ports are provided for production testing
only. These pins must be left unconnected during normal
This test bus is used in Quad-622 mode only.
9.14 JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) Signals
Pin Name Type Pin
E28 The Test Clock (TCK) signal provides timing for test operations
that can be carried out using the IEEE P1149.1 test access
TCK is a Schmitt triggered input.
G26 The Test Mode Select (TMS) signal controls the test
operations that can be carried out using the IEEE P1149.1 test
access port. TMS is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. TMS
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Pin Name Type Pin
has an integral pull up resistor.
D30 When the SPECTRA 1x2488 is configured for JTAG operation,
the Test Data Input (TDI) signal carries test data into the
SPECTRA 1x2488 via the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TDI
is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. TDI has an integral pull
up resistor.
E29 The Test Data Output (TDO) signal carries test data out of the
SPECTRA 1x2488 via the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TDO
is updated on the falling edge of TCK. TDO is a tri-state output
that is inactive except when scanning of data is in progress.
F28 The Active-low Test Reset (TRSTB) signal provides an
asynchronous SPECTRA 1x2488 test access port reset via the
IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TRSTB is a Schmitt triggered
input with an integral pull up resistor.
Note that for normal device operation, the boundary scan state
machine must be reset. This may be done either by pulling
TRSTB low through a 4.7k or smaller value resistor, or by
strobing TRSTB low at the same time as the active-low chip
reset pin. If the boundary scan state machine is not reset, some
or all device I/O pins may be held in test modes.
9.15 Power and Ground
Pin Name Pin Type Pin No. Function
AVDH [6:0] Analog
AD4 AC5 AA5 Y5
V5 U5 G5
The Analog Power (AVDH) pins for the analog
core should be connected through passive
filtering networks to a well-decoupled +3.3 V
analog power supply.
Please see the Operation section for detailed
AVDL[7:0] Analog
E3 J5 T4 R5 N5 L5
H5 F5
The Analog Power (AVDL) pins for the analog
core should be connected through passive
filtering networks to a well-decoupled +1.8 V
analog power supply. Please see the Operation
section for detailed information.
QAVD[2:0] Analog
E4 AD5 U4 The Quiet Power (QAVD) pins are used for the
analog core. QAVD should be connected to a
well-decoupled analog +3.3 V supply. These
power pins should be decoupled separately from
the analog power pins (AVDH).
VDDI[21:0] 1.8 V
AG25 AG21 AG17
AG14 AG10 AG6
AE27 AA27 U27
P27 P3 L3 K27 H4
F27 F3 D25 D21
D17 D14 D10 D6
The Core Digital Power (VDDI) pins should be
connected to a well-decoupled +1.8 V digital
power supply.
VDDI_A[4:0] 1.8 V
V4 AA4 AC4 AE5
The Analog Digital Power (VDDI_A) pins should
be connected to a well-decoupled +1.8 V digital
power supply.
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Pin Name Pin Type Pin No. Function
VDDI_JAT[3:0] 1.8 V
C7 C9 E10 AG8 The JAT Digital Power (VDDI_JAT) pins should
be connected to the same well-decoupled +1.8 V
digital power supply as the Core Digital Power
(VDDI) pins.
In the pin diagram, the pins AG8 (VDDI_JAT1),
C7 (VDDI_JAT2), E10 (VDDI_JAT3) and C9
(VDDI_JAT4) reference VDDI_JAT[3:0].
VDDO[39:0] 3.3 V
AK28 AK3 AJ28
AJ3 AH30 AH29
AH28 AH23 AH19
AH12 AH8 AH3
AH2 AH1 AG27
AG4 AF26 AF5
AC28 W28 M28
H28 E26 E5 D27
D4 C30 C29 C28
C23 C19 C12 C8
C3 C2 C1 B28 B3
A28 A3
The I/O Digital Power (VDDO) pins should be
connected to a well-decoupled +3.3 V digital
power supply.
VSS[115:0] Ground AK30 AK29 AK25
AK21 AK18 AK16
AK15 AK13 AK10
AK6 AK2 AK1 AJ30
AJ29 AJ27 AJ2
AJ1 AH27 AH5
AH4 AG28 AG26
AG1 AF27 AF25
AF1 AE30 AE26
AA30 AA3 AA2
AA1 Y4 Y3 Y2 W3
W2 V30 V3 V2 V1
U3 T30 T3 T2 T1
R30 R4 R3 P2 P1
N30 N4 N3 M3 M2
M1 L4 K30 K3 K2
K1 J3 H3 H2 H1
G4 G3 F30 F26 F4
F2 F1 E27 E25 E6
D29 D28 D26 D5
D3 D2 D1 C27 B30
B29 B2 B1 A30
A29 A25 A21 A18
A16 A15 A13 A10
A6 A2 A1 T5
The ground (VSS) pins should be connected to
the ground of the analog and digital power supply.
In the pin diagram, the T5 pin labeled LC_AVDL
should be tied to VSS.
The No Connect (NC) pins should be left
Notes on Pin Description
1. All SPECTRA 1x2488 inputs and bi-directionals present minimum capacitive loading and operate at
CMOS/TTL compatible logic levels except for inputs/outputs that operate at pseudo-ECL (PECL) logic
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2. All SPECTRA 1x2488 digital outputs have 2 mA drive capability except for CRUCLKO, CSUCLKO,
DALARM1-4, DJ0J11-4, DPL1-4, DD1-4[7:0], DDP1-4, PGMTCLK and RCLK1-4, which have 10 mA
drive capability, and INTB, RPOHEN1-4, RPOH1-4, TDO, D[15:0], which have 4 mA drive capability.
3. Inputs ALE, RSTB, TMS, TDI, and TRSTB have internal pull-up resistors.
4. It is mandatory that every ground pin (VSS) be connected to the printed circuit board ground plane to
ensure reliable device operation.
5. It is mandatory that every digital power pin (VDDI and VDDO) be connected to the printed circuit
board power plane to ensure reliable device operation.
6. All analog power pins can be sensitive to noise. They must be isolated from the digital power. Care
must be taken to correctly decouple these pins. Refer to the Operation section for more information.
7. Due to ESD protection structures in the pads, it is necessary to exercise caution when powering a
device up or down. ESD protection devices behave as diodes from I/O pins to power supply pins as
well as between power supply pins. Under extreme conditions, it is possible to damage these ESD
protection devices or trigger latch up. Please adhere to the recommended power supply sequencing
as described in Power Sequencing section 18.2 of this document.
8. Do not exceed 100 mA of current on any pin during the power-up or power-down sequence. Refer to
the Power Sequencing description in the Operation section.
9. Before any input activity occurs, ensure that the device power supplies are within their nominal
voltage range.
10. Hold the device in the reset condition until the device power supplies are within their nominal voltage
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10 Functional Description
This section describes the function of each entity on the block diagram.
10.1 Receive Line Interface
The Receive Line Interface allows direct interface of the SPECTRA 1x2488 device to optical
modules (ODLs) or other medium interfaces. This block performs clock and data recovery on
the incoming 2488.32 Mbit/s data stream or 4x622.08 Mbit/s data streams.
The clock recovery unit recovers the clock from the incoming bit serial data stream and is
compliant with SONET and SDH jitter tolerance requirements. The clock recovery unit uses a
low frequency reference clock (155.52 MHz for a single STS-48 and 77.76/155.52 MHz for
quad STS-12s) to train and monitor its clock recovery PLL. Under loss of signal conditions, the
clock recovery unit continues to output a line rate clock for keep-alive purposes. The clock
recovery unit provides status bits that indicate whether it is locked to data or the reference and
also supports diagnostic loop back and a loss of signal input that squelches normal input data.
Upon start-up, the PLL locks to the reference clock, REFCLK. When the recovered clock’s
frequency is close to the reference clock’s frequency (approx. +/-488 ppm), the PLL attempts to
lock to the data. Once in data lock, the PLL reverts to the reference clock if no data transitions
occur in 128 bit1 periods or if the recovered clock drifts beyond 1000 ppm of the reference
clock. To avoid bit errors due to a lack of edges, a transition density of approximately 50% over
1 second is required. This is generally assured when using SONET scrambling.
When the transmit clock is derived from the recovered clock (loop timing) in a loss of signal
condition, the accuracy of the transmit clock is directly related to the REFCLK reference
accuracy. To meet the Bellcore GR-253-CORE SONET Network Element free-run accuracy
specification, the reference must be within ±4.6 ppm. When not loop timed, the REFCLK
accuracy may be relaxed to ±20 ppm.
The loop filter transfer function is optimized to enable the PLL to track the jitter and tolerate the
minimum transition density expected in a received SONET data signal. The total loop dynamics
of the clock recovery PLL yield a jitter tolerance that exceeds the minimum tolerance specified
for SONET equipment by GR-253-CORE.
An unframed PRBS pattern can be optionally monitored on the receive line. The PRBS is based
on the X23+X18+1 polynomial (PRBS^23) and is implemented by a Linear Feedback Shift
Register (LFSR).
10.2 SONET/SDH Receive Line Interface (SRLI)
Based on the SONET/SDH A1/A2 framing pattern, the SONET/SDH receive line interface
(SRLI) block performs byte and frame alignment on the incoming 2488 Mbit/s data stream.
1 This number is programmable through LOS_COUNT[4:0] in Registers 0023H, 0036H,
0436H, 0836H, 0C36H.
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While out of frame, the SRLI block monitors the receive data stream for an occurrence of the
A1/A2 framing pattern. The block adjusts its byte and frame alignment when three consecutive
A1 bytes followed by three consecutive A2 bytes occur in the data stream. When the framing
pattern is detected, the SRLI informs the RRMP framer block to reinitialize to the new transport
frame alignment. While in frame, the block maintains the same byte and frame alignment until
the RRMP declares an out of frame condition.
10.3 Receive Regenerator and Multiplexer Processor (RRMP)
The Receive Regenerator and Multiplexer Processor (RRMP) block extracts and process the
transport overhead (TOH) of the received data stream.
The RRMP block frames to the data stream by operating with an upstream pattern detector
(SRLI block) that searches for occurrences of the A1/A2 framing pattern. Once the SRLI has
found an A1/A2 framing pattern, the RRMP monitors for the next occurrence of the framing
pattern 125 µs later.
Two framing pattern algorithms are provided to improve performance in the presence of bit
errors. In algorithm 1, the RRMP declares frame alignment (i.e. removes OOF defect) when
twelve A1 and twelve A2 error-free bytes are seen. In algorithm 2, the RRMP declares frame
alignment when one A1 byte and the first four bits of one A2 byte are seen error-free. Once in
frame, the RRMP monitors the framing pattern and declares OOF when one or more bit errors
in the framing pattern are detected for four consecutive frames. Depending upon the algorithm
used, either 24 framing bytes or 12 framing bits are examined for bit errors in the framing
pattern. Table 1 and Table 2 summarize the A1/A2 bytes used for out of frame (OOF) and in
frame detection.
The performance of these framing algorithms in the presence of bit errors and random data is
robust. When looking for frame alignment, each algorithms performance is dominated by the
alignment algorithm used in the SRLI. The SRLIs alignment algorithm always examines three
A1 and three A2 framing bytes. The probability of falsely framing to random data is less than
0.00001% for either algorithm. Once in frame alignment, the RRMP continuously monitors the
framing pattern. When the incoming stream contains a 10-3 BER, the first algorithm provides a
99.75% probability that the mean time between OOF occurrences is 1.3 seconds and the second
algorithm provides a 99.75% probability that the mean time between OOF occurrences is 7
Table 1 A1/A2 Bytes Used for Out of Frame Detection
SONET/SDH Algorithm 1 Algorithm 2
STS-12/STM-4 All A1 & A2 bytes First A1 byte
Last A2 byte (first four bits only)
STS-48/STM-16 STS-12 #1 All A1 bytes
STS-12 #4 All A2 bytes
STS-12 #1 First A1 byte
STS-12 #4 Last A2 byte (first four bits only)
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Table 2 A1/A2 Bytes Used for In Frame Detection
SONET/SDH Algorithm 1 Algorithm 2
STS-12/STM-4 All A1 & A2 bytes First A1 byte
Last A2 byte (first four bits only)
STS-48/STM-16 STS-12 #1 All A1 bytes
STS-12 #1 All A2 bytes
STS-12 #1 First A1 byte
STS-12 #1 Last A2 byte (first four bits only)
The RRMP also detects loss of frame (LOF) and loss of signal (LOS) defects. LOF is declared
when an out of frame (OOF) condition exists for a total period of 3ms during which there is no
continuous in frame period of 3 ms. The LOF output is removed when an in frame condition
exists for a continuous period of 3 ms. LOS is declared when a continuous period of 20 µs
without transitions on the received data stream is detected. LOS is removed when two
consecutive framing patterns are found (based on algorithm 1 or algorithm 2) and during the
intervening time (one frame) there are no continuous periods of 20 µs without transitions on the
received data stream.
Section BIP-8 Error Codes
The RRMP block calculates the section BIP-8 error detection code on the scrambled data of the
complete frame. The section BIP-8 code is based on a bit interleaved parity calculation using
even parity. The calculated BIP-8 code is compared with the BIP-8 code extracted from the B1
byte of STS-1 (STM-0) #1 of the following frame after de-scrambling. Any difference indicates
a section BIP-8 error. The RRMP accumulates section BIP-8 errors in a microprocessor
readable 16-bit saturating counter (up to 1 second accumulation time). Optionally, block section
BIP-8 errors can be accumulated.
The RRMP optionally de-scrambles the received data stream. It calculates the line BIP-8 error
detection codes on the de-scrambled line overhead and synchronous payload envelope (SPE)
bytes of the constituent STS-1 (STM-0). The line BIP-8 code is based on a bit interleaved
parity calculation using even parity. The calculated BIP-8 codes are compared with the BIP-8
codes extracted from the B2 byte of the constituent STS-1 (STM-0) of the following frame after
de-scrambling. Any difference indicates a line BIP-8 error. The RRMP accumulates line BIP-8
errors in a microprocessor readable 24-bit saturating counter (up to 1 second accumulation
time). Optionally, block BIP-24 errors can be accumulated.
The RRMP extracts the line remote error indication (REI-L) errors from the M1 byte of STS-1
(STM-0) #3 and accumulates them in a microprocessor readable 24-bit saturating counter (up to
a one second accumulation time). Optionally, block line REI errors can be accumulated.
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APS Bytes
Another function of the RRMP is the extraction and filtering of the K1/K2 APS bytes for three
frames. The filtered K1/K2 APS bytes are accessible through microprocessor readable registers.
The RRMP also monitors the unfiltered K1/K2 APS bytes to detect APS byte failure (APSBF-
L) defect, line alarm indication signal (AIS-L) defect, and line remote defect indication (RDI-L)
defect. APS byte failure is declared when twelve consecutive frames have been received where
no three consecutive frames contain identical K1 bytes. The APS byte failure is removed upon
detection of three consecutive frames containing identical K1 bytes. The detection of invalid
APS codes is done using software that polls the K1/K2 APS register. Line AIS is declared when
the bit pattern 111 is observed in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte for three or five consecutive
frames. Line AIS is removed when any pattern other than 111 is observed for three or five
consecutive frames. Line RDI is declared when the bit pattern 110 is observed in bits 6, 7, and
8 of the K2 byte for three or five consecutive frames. Line RDI is removed when any pattern
other than 110 is observed for three or five consecutive frames.
Synchronization Status Message (SSM)
The RRMP extracts and filters the synchronization status message (SSM) for eight frames. The
filtered SSM is accessible through microprocessor readable registers.
RRMP optionally inserts line alarm indication signal (AIS-L).
Transport Overhead (TOH)
The RRMP block extracts and serially outputs all the transport overhead (TOH) bytes on the
RTOH port. The TOH bytes are output in the same order that they are received (A1, A2, J0/Z0,
B1, E1, F1, D1-D3, H1-H3, B2, K1, K2, D4-D12, S1/Z1, Z2/M1/Z2, and E2). ROHCLK is the
generated output clock used to provide timing for the RTOH port. It is a nominal 20.736 MHz
clock generated by gapping a 25.92 MHz clock. Sampling RTOHFP high with the rising edge
of ROHCLK identifies the MSB of the first A1 byte.
Figure 9 STS-12 (STM-4) on RTOH 1-4or STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH1
A2 A2 A2
Z2 Z2 Z2
H3 H3H2 H2
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
A1A1 A1
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
First order of transmission
STS-1/STM-0 #5
STS-1/STM-0 #5
STS-1/STM-0 #5
Unused bytes National bytes
Z0 Z0 or National bytes
Second order of transmission
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Figure 10 STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH2-4
A2 A2 A2
Z2 Z2 Z2
H3 H3H2 H2
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
A1A1 A1
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
STS-1/STM-0 #5
STS-1/STM-0 #5
STS-1/STM-0 #5
Unused bytes National bytes
Z0 Z0 or National bytes
First order of transmission
Second order of transmission
Section and Line DCC
The RRMP block serially outputs the line DCC bytes on the RLD and the RSLD ports. The line
DCC bytes (D4-D12) are output on RLD. RSLD is selectable to output either the line DCC
bytes (D4-D12) or the section DCC bytes (D1-D3). RLDCLK is the generated output clock
used to provide timing for the RLD port. RLDCLK is a nominal 576 kHz clock. RSLDCLK is
the generated output clock used to provide timing for the RSLD port. If RSLD carries the line
DCC, RSLDCLK is a nominal 576 kHz clock or if RSLD carries the section DCC, RSLDCLK
is a nominal 192 kHz clock. Sampling RTOHFP high identifies the MSB of the first DCC byte
on RLD (D4) and RSLD (D1 or D4).
A maskable interrupt is activated to indicate any change in the status of out of frame (OOF),
loss of frame (LOF), loss of signal (LOS), line remote defect indication (RDI-L), line alarm
indication signal (AIS-L), synchronization status message (COSSM), APS bytes (COAPS) and
APS byte failure (APSBF) or any errors in section BIP-8, line BIP-8 and line remote error
indication (REI-L).
The RRMP block provides de-scrambled data and frame alignment indication signals for use by
the RHPP.
10.4 Receive Trail Trace Processor (RTTP)
The Receive Trail Trace Processor (RTTP) block monitors the trail trace messages of the receive
data stream for the trace identifier unstable (TIU) and trace identifier mismatch (TIM) defects.
Three trail trace algorithms are defined.
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Algorithm 1
The first algorithm is Bellcore compliant. This algorithm detects the trace identifier mismatch
(TIM) defect on a 16 or 64-byte trail trace message. A TIM defect is declared when none of the
last 20 messages matches the expected message. A TIM defect is removed when 16 of the last
20 messages match the expected message. The expected trail trace message is a static message
written in the expected page of the RTTP by an external microprocessor. Optionally, the
expected message is matched when the trail trace message is all zeros.
Algorithm 2
The second algorithm is ITU compliant. This algorithm detects the trace identifier unstable
(TIU) and trace identifier mismatch (TIM) defects on a 16 or 64-byte trail trace message. The
current trail trace message is stored in the captured page of the RTTP block. If the length of the
message is 16 bytes, the RTTP synchronizes on the MSB of the message. The byte with the
MSB set high is placed in the first location of the captured page. If the length of the message is
64 bytes, the RTTP synchronizes on the CR/LF (CR = 0Dh, LF = 0Ah) characters of the
message. The following byte is placed in the first location of the captured page.
A persistent trail trace message is declared when an identical message is received for 3 or 5
consecutive multi-frames (16 or 64 frames). A persistent message then becomes the accepted
message. The accepted message is stored in the accepted page of the RTTP. A TIU defect is
declared when one or more erroneous bytes are detected in a total of eight messages without any
persistent message in between. A TIU defect is removed when a persistent message is received.
A TIM defect is declared when the accepted message does not match the expected message. A
TIM defect is removed when the accepted message matches the expected message. The
expected message is a static message written in the expected page of the RTTP by an external
microprocessor. Optionally, the algorithm declares a match trail trace message when the
accepted message is all zeros.
Algorithm 3
The third algorithm is not BELLCORE or ITU compliant. This algorithm detects trace
identifier unstable (TIU) defects on a single continuous trail trace byte. A TIU defect is
declared when one or more erroneous bytes are detected in three consecutive 16-byte windows.
The first window starts on the first erroneous byte. A TIU defect is removed when an identical
byte is received for 48 consecutive frames. A maskable interrupt is activated to indicate any
change in the status of trace identifier unstable (TIU) and trace identifier mismatch (TIM)
10.5 Receive High Order Path Processor (RHPP)
The Receive High Order Path Processor (RHPP) block provides pointer interpretation,
extraction of path overhead, extraction of the synchronous payload envelope (virtual container),
and path level alarm and performance monitoring.
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10.5.1 Pointer Interpreter
The pointer interpreter extracts and validates the H1 and H2 bytes in order to identify the
location of the path overhead byte (J1) and all the synchronous payload envelope bytes (SPE) of
the constituent STS-1/3c/12c/48c (VC3/4/4-4c/4-16c) payloads. The pointer interpreter is a
time multiplexed finite state machine that can process any mix of STS-1/3c/12c/48c
(AU3/4/4-4c/4-16c) pointers. Three states are defined within the pointer interpretation
· NORM_state (NORM)
· AIS_state (AIS)
· LOP_state (LOP)
The transition between states will be consecutive events (indications). For example, it takes
three consecutive AIS indications to go from the NORM_state to the AIS_state. The kind and
number of consecutive indications activating a transition is chosen such that the behavior is
stable and insensitive to low BER. The only transition on a single event is the one from the
AIS_state to the NORM_state after receiving a NDF enabled with a valid pointer value. It
should be noted that, since the algorithm only contains transitions based on consecutive
indications. This implies that non-consecutively received invalid indications do not activate the
transitions to the LOP_state.
Figure 11 Pointer Interpretation State Diagram
The following events (indications) are defined:
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NORM_POINT: Disabled NDF + ss + offset value equal to active offset.
NDF_ENABLE: Enabled NDF + ss + offset value in range of 0 to 782.
AIS_IND: H1 = FFh + H2 = FFh.
INC_IND: Disabled NDF + ss + majority of I bits inverted + no majority of D bits inverted +
previous NDF_ENABLE, INC_IND or DEC_IND more than 3 frames ago.
DEC_IND: Disabled NDF + ss + majority of D bits inverted + no majority of I bits inverted +
previous NDF_ENABLE, INC_IND or DEC_IND more than 3 frames ago.
INV_POINT: Not any of the above (i.e.: not NORM_POINT, not NDF_ENABLE, not
AIS_IND, not INC_IND and not DEC_IND).
NEW_POINT: Disabled NDF + ss + offset value in range of 0 to 782 but not equal to active
1. Active offset is defined as the accepted current phase of the SPE (VC) in the NORM_state and is
undefined in the other states.
2. Enabled NDF is defined as the following bit patterns: 1001, 0001, 1101, 1011, and 1000.
3. Disabled NDF is defined as the following bit patterns: 0110, 1110, 0010, 0100, and 0111.
4. The remaining six NDF bit patterns (0000, 0011, 0101, 1010, 1100, 1111) result in an INV_POINT
5. “ss” bits are unspecified in SONET and have bit pattern 10 in SDH.
6. The use of ss bits in definition of indications may be optionally disabled.
7. The requirement for previous NDF_ENABLE, INC_IND or DEC_IND be more than 3 frames ago may
be optionally disabled.
8. NEW_POINT is also an INV_POINT.
9. The requirement for the pointer to be within the range of 0 to 782 in 8 X NDF_ENABLE may be
optionally disabled.
10. LOP is not declared if all the following conditions exist:
- the received pointer is out of range (>782),
- the received pointer is static,
- the received pointer can be interpreted, according to majority voting on the I and D bits, as a positive
or negative justification indication, after making the requested justification, the received pointer
continues to be interpretable as a pointer justification.
- When the received pointer returns to an in-range value, the SPECTRA 1x2488 will interpret it
The transitions indicated in the state diagram are defined as follows:
INC_IND/DEC_IND: Offset adjustment (increment or decrement indication)
3 x EQ_NEW_POINT: Three consecutive equal NEW_POINT indications
NDF_ENABLE: Single NDF_ENABLE indication
3 x AIS_IND: Three consecutive AIS indications
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8 x INV_POINT: Eight consecutive INV_POINT indications
8 x NDF_ENABLE: Eight consecutive NDF_ENABLE indications
1. The transitions from NORM_state to NORM_state do not represent state changes but imply offset
2. 3 x EQ_NEW_POINT takes precedence over other events and may optionally reset the INV_POINT
3. All three offset values received in 3 x EQ_NEW_POINT must be identical.
4. "Consecutive event counters" are reset to zero on a change of state (except the INV_POINT counter).
LOP is declared on entry to the LOP_state after eight consecutive invalid pointers or eight
consecutive NDF enabled indications. Path AIS is optionally inserted in the DROP bus when
LOP is declared. The alarm condition is reported in the ring control port and is optionally
returned to the source node by signaling the corresponding Transmit High Order Path Processor
in the local SPECTRA 1x2488 to insert a path RDI indication. Alternatively, if in-band error
reporting is enabled, the path RDI bit in DROP bus G1 byte is set to indicate the LOP alarm to
the THPP in a remote SPECTRA 1x2488.
PAIS is declared on entry to the AIS_state after three consecutive AIS indications. Path AIS is
inserted in the DROP bus when AIS is declared. The alarm condition is reported in the ring
control port and is optionally returned to the source node by signaling the corresponding
Transmit High Order Path Processor in the local SPECTRA 1x2488 to insert a path RDI
indication. Alternatively, if in-band error reporting is enabled, the path RDI bit in DROP bus
G1 byte is set to indicate the PAIS alarm to the THPP in a remote SPECTRA 1x2488.
10.5.2 Concatenation Pointer Interpreter State Machine
The concatenation pointer interpreter extracts and validates the H1 and H2 concatenation bytes.
The concatenation pointer interpreter is a time multiplexed finite state machine that can process
any mix of STS-1/3c/12c/48c (AU3/4/4-4c/4-16c) pointers. Within the pointer interpretation
algorithm three states are defined as shown below.
· CONC_state (CONC)
· AISC_state (AISC)
· LOPC_state (LOPC)
The transitions between the states will be consecutive events (indications)For example, it takes
three consecutive AIS indications to go from the CONC_state to the AISC_state. The kind and
number of consecutive indications activating a transition is chosen such that the behavior is
stable and insensitive to low BER.
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Figure 12 Concatenation Pointer Interpretation State Diagram
The following events (indications) are defined:
CONC_IND: Enabled NDF + dd +1111111111
AIS_IND: H1 = FFh + H2 = FFh
INV_POINT: Not any of the above (i.e.: not CONC_IND and not AIS_IND)
1. Enabled NDF is defined as the following bit patterns: 1001, 0001, 1101, 1011, and 1000.
2. The remaining eleven NDF bit patterns (0000, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111, 1010, 1100,
1110, and 1111) result in an INV_POINT indication.
3. “dd” bits are unspecified in SONET/SDH.
The transitions indicated in the state diagram are defined as follows:
3 X CONC_IND: Three consecutive CONC indications
3 x AIS_IND: Three consecutive AIS indications
8 x INV_POINT: Eight consecutive INV_POINT indications
1. "Consecutive event counters" are reset to zero on a change of state.
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LOPC is declared on entry to the LOPC_state after eight consecutive pointers with values other
than concatenation indications. Path AIS is optionally inserted in the DROP bus when LOPC is
declared. The alarm condition is reported in the ring control port and is optionally returned to
the source node by signaling the corresponding Transmit High Order Path Processor in the local
SPECTRA 1x2488 to insert a path RDI indication. Alternatively, if in-band error reporting is
enabled, the path RDI bit in DROP bus G1 byte is set to indicate the LOP alarm to the THPP in
a remote SPECTRA 1x2488.
PAISC is declared on entry to the AISC_state after three consecutive AIS indications. Path AIS
is optionally inserted in the DROP bus when AISC is declared. The alarm condition is reported
in the ring control port and is optionally returned to the source node by signaling the
corresponding Transmit High Order Path Processor in the local SPECTRA 1x2488 to insert a
path RDI indication. Alternatively, if in-band error reporting is enabled, the path RDI bit in
DROP bus G1 byte is set to indicate the PAIS alarm to the THPP in a remote SPECTRA
10.5.3 Error Monitoring
The RHPP calculates the path BIP-8 error detection codes on the STS-1/3c/12c/48c
(VC-3/4/4-4c/4-16c) payloads. When processing a VC-3 payload, the two fixed stuff columns
can be excluded from the BIP-8 calculation if the FSBIPDIS register bit is set. The path BIP-8
code is based on a bit interleaved parity calculation using even parity. The calculated BIP-8
codes are compared with the BIP-8 codes extracted from the B3 byte of each constituent STS
(VC) payload of the following frame. Any differences indicate a path BIP-8 error. The RHPP
accumulates path BIP-8 errors in a microprocessor readable 16-bit saturating counter (up to 1
second accumulation time). Optionally, block BIP-8 errors can be accumulated.
The RHPP extracts the path remote error indication (REI-P) errors from bits 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the
path status byte (G1) and accumulates them in a microprocessor readable 16-bit saturating
counter (up to 1 second accumulation time). Optionally, block REI errors can be accumulated.
The RHPP monitors the path signal label byte (C2) payload to validate change in the accepted
path signal label (APSL). The same PSL byte must be received for three or five consecutive
frames (selectable by the PSL5 bit in the configuration register) before being considered
The RHPP also monitors the path signal label byte (C2) to detect the path payload label unstable
(PLU-P) defect. A PSL unstable counter is incremented every time the received PSL differs
from the previously received PSL (an erroneous PSL will cause the counter to be increment
twice, once when the erroneous PSL is received and once when the error free PSL is received).
The PSL unstable counter is reset when the same PSL value is received for three or five
consecutive frames (selectable by the PSL5 bit in the configuration register). PLU-P is declared
when the PSL unstable counter reaches five. PLU-P is removed when the PSL unstable counter
is reset.
The RHPP also monitors the path signal label byte (C2) to detect the path payload label
mismatch (PLM-P) defect. PLM-P is declared when the accepted PSL does not match the
expected PSL listed in Table 3. Conversely, PLM-P is removed when the accepted PSL matches
the expected PSL listed in Table 3. The accepted PSL is the same PSL value received for three
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or five consecutive frames (selectable by the PSL5 bit in the configuration register). The
expected PSL is a programmable PSL value.
The RHPP also monitors the path signal label byte (C2) to detect the path unequipped (UNEQ-
P) defect. UNEQ-P is declared when the accepted PSL is 00H and the expected PSL is not 00H.
UNEQ-P is removed when the accepted PSL is not 00H or when the accepted PSL is 00H and
the expected PSL is 00H. The accepted PSL is the same PSL value received for three or five
consecutive frames (selectable by the PSL5 bit in the configuration register). The expected PSL
is a register programmable PSL value.
The RHPP also monitors the path signal label byte (C2) to detect path payload defect indication
(PDI-P) defect. PDI-P is declared when the accepted PSL is a PDI defect that matches the
expected PDI defect. PDI-P is removed when the accepted PSL is not a PDI defect or when the
accepted PSL is a PDI defect that does not match the expected PDI defect. The accepted PSL is
the same PSL value received for three or five consecutive frames (selectable by the PSL5 bit in
the configuration register). Table 4 summarizes the expected PDI defect based on the
programmable PDI and PDI range register values.
Table 3 PLM-P, UNEQ-P, and PDI-P Defects Declaration
Expected PSL Accepted PSL PLM-P UNEQ-P PDI-P
00 Unequipped Match Inactive Inactive
01 Equipped non specific Mismatch Inactive Inactive
Equipped specific Mismatch Inactive Inactive
=expPDI Mismatch Inactive Active
00 Unequipped
!=expPDI Mismatch Inactive Inactive
00 Unequipped Mismatch Active Inactive
01 Equipped non specific Match Inactive Inactive
Equipped specific Match Inactive Inactive
=expPDI Match Inactive Active
01 Equipped non
!=expPDI Mismatch Inactive Inactive
00 Unequipped Mismatch Active Inactive
01 Equipped non specific Match Inactive Inactive
= expPSL Match Inactive Inactive
specific !=expPSL Mismatch Inactive Inactive
=expPDI Match Inactive Active
!=expPDI Mismatch Inactive Inactive
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Table 4 Expected PDI Defect Based on PDI and PDI Range Values
PDI Range
PDI Range
Register Value
Disable Disable EF00000
None 01111
Enable E1-EF
Disable E1 Disable F000001
Enable E1-E1
Enable E1-F0
Disable E2 Disable F100010
Enable E1-E2
Enable E1-F1
Disable E3 Disable F200011
Enable E1-E3
Enable E1-F2
Disable E4 Disable F300100
Enable E1-E4
Enable E1-F3
Disable E5 Disable F400101
Enable E1-E5
Enable E1-F4
Disable E6 Disable F500110
Enable E1-E6
Enable E1-F5
Disable E7 Disable F600111
Enable E1-E7
Enable E1-F6
Disable E8 Disable F701000
Enable E1-E8
Enable E1-F7
Disable E9 Disable F801001
Enable E1-E9
Enable E1-F8
Disable EA Disable F901010
Enable E1-EA
Enable E1-F9
Disable EB Disable FA01011
Enable E1-EB
Enable E1-FA
Disable EC Disable FB01100
Enable E1-EC
Enable E1-FB
Disable ED Disable FC01101
Enable E1-ED
Enable E1-FC
Disable EE01110
Enable E1-EE
The RHPP monitors bits 5, 6, and 7 of the path status byte (G1) to detect the path remote defect
indication (RDI-P) and path enhanced remote defect indication (ERDI-P) defects.
RDI-P is declared when bit 5 of the G1 byte is set high for five or ten consecutive frames
(selectable by the PRDI10 bit in the configuration register). RDI-P is removed when bit 5 of the
G1 byte is set low for five or ten consecutive frames. ERDI-P is declared when the same 010,
100, 101, 110, or 111 pattern is detected in bits 5, 6, and 7 of the G1 byte for five or ten
consecutive frames (selectable by the PRDI10 bit in the configuration register). ERDI-P is
removed when the same 000, 001, or 011 pattern is detected in bits 5, 6, and 7 of the G1 byte for
five or ten consecutive frames.
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The RHPP extracts and serially outputs all of the path overhead (POH) bytes on the time
multiplexed RPOH port. The POH bytes are output in the same order that they are received (J1,
B3, C2, G1, F2, H4, Z3, Z4, and N1). RPOHCLK is the generated output clock used to provide
timing for the RPOH port. RPOHCLK is a nominal 20.736 MHz clock generated by gapping a
25.92 MHz clock. Sampling RPOHFP high with the rising edge of RPOHCLK identifies the
MSB of the first J1 byte.
10.6 Transmit Line Interface
The Transmit Line Interface allows the SPECTRA 1x2488 device to directly interface with
optical modules (ODLs) or other medium interfaces. This block performs clock synthesis and
performs parallel to serial conversion of the incoming outgoing 2488.32 Mbit/s data stream or
4x622.08 Mbit/s data streams.
The transmit clock is synthesized from a 155.52 MHz reference in STS-48/STM-16 mode or a
77.76/155.52 MHz reference in Quad STS-12/STM-4 mode. Jitter on the reference clock must
be less than 1 psec RMS for single mode and 4 psec RMS for quad mode in a 12KHz – 20MHz
band for the SPECTRA 1x2488 to comply with GR-253-CORE intrinsic jitter specification.
The REFCLK reference should be within ±20 ppm to meet the SONET free-run accuracy
requirements specified in GR-253-CORE.
The Parallel to Serial Converter (PISO) converts the transmit byte serial stream to a bit serial
stream. The transmit bit serial stream appears on the TXD_P/ TXD_N PECL outputs in STS-
48/STM-16 mode or TXD1-4_N, P in quad STS-12/STM4 mode.
An unframed PRBS pattern can optionally be inserted on the transmit line. The PRBS is based
on the X23+X18+1 polynomial (PRBS^23) and is implemented by a Linear Feedback Shift
Register (LFSR).
10.7 SONET/SDH Transmit Line Interface (STLI)
The SONET/SDH transmit line interface block properly formats the outgoing 2488 Mbit/s data
10.8 Transmit Regenerator Multiplexer Processor (TRMP)
The Transmit Regenerator and Multiplexer Processor (TRMP) block inserts the transport
overhead bytes in the transmit data stream.
The TRMP accumulates the line BIP-8 errors detected by the RRMP during the last receive
frame. The line BIP-8 errors are returned to the far end as line remote error indication (REI-L)
during the next transmit frame. Because the RRMP and the TRMP are in two different clock
domains, zero, one or two line BIP-8 errors can be accumulated per transmit frame. The
minimum value between the maximum REI-L listed in Table 5 and the accumulator count is
returned as the line REI-L in the M1 byte of STS-1 (STM-0) #3. Optionally, block BIP-24
errors can be accumulated.
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Table 5 Maximum Line REI Errors Per Transmit Frame
SONET/SDH Maximum Single BIP-8 Errors
Maximum Block BIP-24 Errors
STS-3/STM-1 0001 1000 0000 0001
STS-12/STM-4 0110 0000 0000 0100
STS-48/STM-16 1111 1111 0001 0000
The TRMP serially inputs all the transport overhead (TOH) bytes from the TTOH port. The
TOH bytes must be input in the same order that they are transmitted (A1, A2, J0/Z0, B1, E1, F1,
D1-D3, H1-H3, B2, K1, K2, D4-D12, S1/Z1, Z2/M1/Z2, and E2). TOHCLK is the generated
output clock used to provide timing for the TTOH port. TOHCLK is a nominal 20.736 MHz
clock generated by gapping a 25.92 MHz clock. Sampling TTOHFP high with the rising edge
of TOHCLK identifies the MSB of the first A1 byte. The TTOHEN port is used to validate the
byte insertion on a byte per byte basis. When TTOHEN is sampled high on the MSB of the
serial byte, the serial byte is inserted. When TTOHEN is sampled low on the MSB of the serial
byte, the serial byte is discarded.
Figure 13 STS-12 (STM-4) on TTOH 1-4or STS-48 (STM-16) on TTOH1
A2 A2 A2
Z2 Z2 Z2
H3 H3H2 H2
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
A1A1 A1
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
First order of transmission
STS-1/STM-0 #5
STS-1/STM-0 #5
STS-1/STM-0 #5
Unused bytes National bytes
Z0 Z0 or National bytes
Second order of transmission
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Figure 14 STS-48 (STM-16) on TTOH2-4
A2 A2 A2
Z2 Z2 Z2
H3 H3H2 H2
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
A1A1 A1
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
STS-1/STM-0 #5
STS-1/STM-0 #5
STS-1/STM-0 #5
Unused bytes National bytes
Z0 Z0 or National bytes
First order of transmission
Second order of transmission
The TRMP serially inputs the line DCC bytes from the TLD and the TSLD ports. The line DCC
bytes (D4-D12) are input from TLD. TSLD is selectable to input either the line DCC bytes
(D4-D12) or the section DCC bytes (D1-D3). TLDCLK is the generated output clock used to
provide timing for the TLD port. TLDCLK is a nominal 576 kHz clock. TSLDCLK is the
generated output clock used to provide timing for the TSLD port. If TSLD carries the line
DCC, TSLDCLK is a nominal 576 kHz clock or if TSLD carries the section DCC, TSLDCLK is
a nominal 192 kHz clock. Sampling TTOHFP high identifies the MSB of the first DCC byte on
TLD (D4) and TSLD (D1 or D4).
The TRMP also inserts most of the transport overhead bytes from internal registers. Since there
are multiple sources for the same overhead byte, the TOH bytes must be prioritized according to
Table 6 before being inserted into the data stream.
Table 6 TOH Insertion Priority
Byte Highest Priority Lowest
A1 76h
A1 pass
A2 28h
A2 pass
J0 STS-1/STM-0 #
J0 pass
Z0 STS-1/STM-0 #
Z0 pass
Calculated B1
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Byte Highest Priority Lowest
E1 E1V
E1 pass
F1 F1V
F1 pass
D1-D3 D1D3V
EL=0 &
D1-D3 pass
H1 pass through
H1 pass
H2 pass through
H2 pass
H3 pass
Calculated B2
K1 APS[15:8]
K1 pass
K2 APS[7:0]
K2 pass
EL=1 &
S1 S1V
S1 pass
Z1 Z1V
Z1 pass
Z2 Z2V
Z2 pass
M1 LREI[7:0]
M1 pass
E2 E2V
E2 pass
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Byte Highest Priority Lowest
The Z0DEF register bit defines the Z0/NATIONAL growth bytes for row #1. When Z0DEF is
set to logic 1, the Z0/NATIONAL bytes are defined according to ITU. When Z0DEF is set to
logic 0, the Z0/NATIONAL bytes are defined according to BELLCORE.
Table 7 Z0/National Growth Bytes Definition For Row #1
TRMP Mode Type Z0DEF = 1 Z0DEF = 0
Z0 None From STS-1/STM-0 #2 to #3STS-3/STM-1
National From STS-1/STM-0 #2 to #3 None
Z0 From STS-1/STM-0 #2 to #4 From STS-1/STM-0 #2 to #12
master mode National From STS-1/STM-0 #5 to #12 None
Z0 From STS-1/STM-0 #1 to #4 From STS-1/STM-0 #1 to #12STS-48/STM-
slave mode National From STS-1/STM-0 #5 to #12 None
The H1, H2, B1, and B2 bytes input from the TTOH port are inserted or are used as a mask to
toggle bits in the corresponding H1, H2, B1, and B2 bytes depending on the HMASK,
B1MASK, and B2MASK register bits. When the HMASK, B1MASK, or B2MASK register bit
is set low and TTOHEN is sampled high on the MSB of the serial H1, H2, B1, or B2 byte, the
serial byte is inserted in place of the corresponding byte. When the HMASK, B1MASK, or
B2MASK register bit is set high and TTOHEN is sampled high on the MSB of the serial H1,
H2, B1, or B2 byte, the serial byte is XORed with the corresponding path payload pointer
(already in the data stream) or the calculated BIP-8 byte before being inserted.
The TRMP inserts the APS bytes detected by the RRMP during the last receive frame. The APS
bytes are returned to the far end by the TRMP during the next transmit frame. Because the
RRMP and the TRMP are in two different clock domains, zero, one or two APS bytes can be
sampled per transmit frame. The last received APS bytes are transmitted.
The TRMP inserts the line remote defect indication (RDI-L) into the data stream. When line
RDI must be inserted, the ‘110’ pattern is inserted in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte of STS-1
(STM-0) #1. Line RDI insertion has priority over TOH byte insertion. The TRMP also inserts
the line alarm indication signal (AIS-L) into the data stream. When line AIS must be inserted,
all ones are inserted in the line overhead and in the payload (all bytes of the frame except the
section overhead bytes). Line AIS insertion has priority over line RDI insertion and TOH byte
The TRMP calculates the line BIP-8 error detection codes on the transmit data stream. One line
BIP-8 error detection code is calculated for each of the constituent STS-1 (STM-0). The line
BIP-8 byte is calculated on the unscrambled bytes of the STS-1 (STM-0) except for the nine
SOH bytes. The line BIP-8 byte is based on a bit interleaved parity calculation using even
parity. For each STS-1 (STM-0), the calculated BIP-8 error detection code is inserted in the B2
byte of the following frame before scrambling.
The TRMP optionally scrambles the transmit data stream.
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The TRMP calculates the section BIP-8 error detection code on the transmit data stream. The
section BIP-8 byte is calculated on the scrambled bytes of the complete frame. The section
BIP-8 byte is based on a bit interleaved parity calculation using even parity. The calculated
BIP-8 error detection code is inserted in the B1 byte of STS-1 (STM-0) #1 of the following
frame before scrambling.
10.9 Transmit Trail Trace Processor (TTTP)
The Transmit Trail Trace Processor (TTTP) block generates the trail trace messages to be
transmitted. The TTTP can generate a 16 or 64-byte trail trace message. The message is sourced
from an internal RAM and must have been previously written by an external microprocessor.
Optionally, the trail trace message can be reduced to a single continuous trail trace byte.
The trail trace message must include synchronization because the TTTP block does not add
synchronization. The synchronization mechanism for a 16-byte message is different from a 64-
byte message. When the message is 16 bytes, synchronization is based on the MSB of the trail
trace byte. Only one of the 16 bytes has MSB set high. The byte with its MSB set high is
considered the first byte of the message. When the message is 64 bytes, the synchronization is
based on the CR/LF (CR = 0Dh, LF = 0Ah) characters of trail trace message. The byte
following the CR/LF bytes is considered the first byte of the message.
To avoid generating an unstable/mismatch message, the TTTP forces the message to all zeros
while the microprocessor updates the internal RAM.
10.10 Transmit High Order Path Processor (THPP)
The Transmit High Order Path Processor (THPP) block inserts the path overhead bytes in the
transmit data stream.
The THPP accumulates the path BIP-8 errors detected by the RHPP during the last receive
frame. The path BIP-8 errors are returned to the far end as path remote error indication (REI-P)
during the next transmit frame. Because the RHPP and the THPP are in two different clock
domains, zero, one, or two path BIP-8 errors can be accumulated for each transmit frame. The
minimum value between the maximum REI-P and the accumulator count is returned as the path
REI in the G1 byte. Optionally, block BIP-8 errors can be accumulated.
The THPP serially inputs all of the path overhead (POH) bytes from the TPOH port. The POH
bytes must be input in the same order that they are transmitted (J1, B3, C2, G1, F2, H4, F3, K3,
and N1). TPOHCLK is the generated output clock used to provide timing for the TPOH port.
TPOHCLK is a nominal 20.736 MHz clock generated by gapping a 25.92 MHz clock.
Sampling TPOHFP high with the rising edge of TPOHCLK identifies the MSB of the first J1
byte. TPOHEN port is used to validate the byte insertion on a byte per byte basis. When
TPOHEN is sampled high on the MSB of the serial byte, the serial byte is inserted. When
TPOHEN is sampled low on the MSB of the serial byte, the serial byte is discarded.
The THPP calculates the path BIP-8 error detection code on the transmit data stream. The path
BIP-8 byte is calculated on all the payload bytes. The path BIP-8 byte is based on a bit
interleaved parity calculation using even parity. The calculated BIP-8 error detection code is
inserted in the B3 byte of the following frame.
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Table 8 POH Insertion Priority
Byte Highest
J1 J1 pass
Path trace buffer
J1 ind. reg.
J1 pass
B3 B3 pass
Calculated B3
C2 C2 pass
C2 ind. reg.
C2 pass
G1 G1 pass
PRDI[2:0] and
G1 ind. reg.
G1 pass
F2 F2 pass
F2 ind. reg.
F2 pass
H4 H4 pass
H4 pass through
XOR H4 ind. reg.
H4 ind. reg.
H4 pass
H4 pass
Z3 Z3 pass
Z3 ind. reg.
Z3 pass
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Byte Highest
Z4 Z4 pass
Z4 ind. reg.
Z4 pass
Z5 Z5 pass
Z5 ind. reg.
Z5 pass
10.11 Transmit Add TelecomBus Pointer Interpreter (TAPI)
The Transmit Add Telecom Bus Pointer Interpreter (TAPI) block takes a SONET/SDH data
stream from the ADD TelecomBus bus, interprets the STS-1/3c/12c/48c (AU3/4/4-4c/4-16c)
pointers, indicates the J1 byte locations, and detects alarm conditions (e.g. PAIS).
The TAPI block allows the SPECTRA 1x2488 to operate with TelecomBus like back plane
systems that do not indicate the J1 byte positions. The TAPI block can be enabled using the
TAPIDIS bit in the SPECTRA 1x2488 0x0002 register. When enabled, the TAPI takes a
SONET/SDH data stream from the System Side Interface block, processes the stream, and
identifies the J1 byte locations.
10.12 SONET/SDH Virtual Container Aligner (SVCA)
The SONET/SDH Virtual Container Aligner (SVCA) block aligns the payload data from an
incoming SONET/SDH data stream to a new transport frame reference. The alignment is
accomplished by recalculating the STS (AU) payload pointer value based on the offset between
the transport overhead of the incoming data stream and that of the outgoing data stream.
Frequency offsets (due to plesiochronous network boundaries or the loss of a primary reference
timing source) and phase differences (due to normal network operation) between the incoming
data stream and the outgoing data stream are accommodated by pointer adjustments in the
outgoing data stream.
Elastic Store
The Elastic Store performs rate adaptation between the line side interface and the system side
interface. The entire incoming payload, including path overhead bytes, is written into a first-in-
first-out (FIFO) buffer at the incoming byte rate. Each FIFO word stores a payload data byte
and a 1-bit tag labeling the J1 byte. Incoming pointer justifications are accommodated by
writing into the FIFO during the negative stuff opportunity byte or by not writing during the
positive stuff opportunity byte. Data is read out of the FIFO in the Elastic Store block at the
outgoing byte rate by the Pointer Generator. Analogously, outgoing pointer justifications are
accommodated by reading from the FIFO during the negative stuff opportunity byte or by not
reading it during the positive stuff opportunity byte.
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The FIFO read and write addresses are monitored. Pointer justification requests will be made to
the Pointer Generator based on the proximity of the addresses relative to FIFO thresholds. The
Pointer Generator schedules a pointer increment event if the FIFO depth is below the lower
threshold and a pointer decrement event if the depth is above the upper threshold. FIFO
underflow and overflow events are detected and path AIS is optionally inserted in the outgoing
data stream for three frames to alert downstream elements of data corruption.
Pointer Generator
The Pointer Generator generates the H1 and H2 bytes to identify the location of the path
overhead byte (J1) and all of the synchronous payload envelope bytes (SPE) of the constituent
STS-1/3c/12c/48c (VC3/4/4-4c/4-16c) payloads. The pointer generator is a time multiplexed
finite state machine that can process any mixed of STS-1/3c/12c/48c (AU3/4/4-4c/4-16c)
pointers. Within the pointer generator algorithm, five states are defined as shown below:
· NORM_state (NORM)
· AIS_state (AIS)
· NDF_state (NDF)
· INC_state (INC)
· DEC_state (DEC)
The transition from the NORM to the INC, DEC, and NDF states are initiated by events in the
Elastic Store (ES) block. The transition to and from the AIS state is controlled by the pointer
interpreter (PI) in the Receive High Order Path Processor block. The transitions from INC,
DEC, and NDF states to the NORM state occur autonomously with the generation of special
pointer patterns.
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Figure 15 Pointer Generation State Diagram
FO_discont NDF_enable
The following events, indicated in the state diagram, are defined:
ES_lowerT: ES filling is below the lower threshold + previous inc_ind, dec_ind or NDF_enable
more than three frames ago.
ES_upperT: ES filling is above the upper threshold + previous inc_ind, dec_ind or
NDF_enable more than three frames ago.
FO_discont: Frame offset discontinuity
PI_AIS: PI in AIS state
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PI_LOP: PI in LOP state
PI_NORM: PI in NORM state
1. A frame offset discontinuity occurs if an incoming NDF enabled is received, or if an ES
overflow/underflow occurred.
The autonomous transitions indicated in the state diagram are defined as follows:
inc_ind: Transmit the pointer with NDF disabled and inverted I bits, transmit a stuff byte in the
byte after H3, increment active offset.
dec_ind: Transmit the pointer with NDF disabled and inverted D bits, transmit a data byte in
the H3 byte, decrement active offset.
NDF_enable: Accept new offset as active offset, transmit the pointer with NDF enabled and
new offset.
norm_point: Transmit the pointer with NDF disabled and active offset.
AIS_ind: Active offset is undefined; transmit an all ones pointer and payload.
1. Active offset is defined as the phase of the SPE (VC).
2. The SS bits are undefined in SONET, and has bit pattern 10 in SDH
3. Enabled NDF is defined as the bit pattern 1001.
4. Disabled NDF is defined as the bit pattern 0110.
10.13 SONET/SDH PRBS Generator and Monitor (PRGM)
The SONET/SDH Pseudo-Random bit sequence Generator and Monitor (PRGM) block
generates and monitors an unframed 223-1 payload test sequence on the TelecomBus ADD or
DROP bus.
The PRGM can generate PRBS in an STS-1/3c/12c/48c (AU3/4/4-4c/4-16c) payload. The path
overhead column, the fixed stuff columns #2 to #4 in an STS-12c (AU-4-4c) payload, the fixed
stuff columns #2 to16 in an STS-48c (AU-4-16c) payload, and the fixed stuff column #30 and
#59 in an STS-1 (AU3) payload do not contain any PRBS data. The PRGM generator can be
configured to preserve payload framing and overwrite the payload bytes or can be configured to
autonomously generate payload framing and overwrite the payload bytes.
When processing a concatenated STS-48 (STM-16) payload, the master PRGM co-ordinates the
distributed PRBS generation between itself and the slave PRGMs. Each PRGM generates one
quarter of the complete PRBS sequence. To ensure that the slave PRGMs are synchronized
with the master PRGM, a signature is continuously broadcast by the master PRGM to allow the
slave PRGMs to check their relative states. A signature mismatch is flagged as an out-of-synch
state by the slave PRGM. A re-synchronization of the PRBS generation must be initiated by the
master PRGM (under software control).
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The PRBS monitor of the PRGM block monitors the recovered payload data for the presence of
an unframed 223-1 test sequence and accumulates pattern errors detected based on this pseudo-
random pattern. The PRGM declares synchronization when a sequence of 32 correct pseudo-
random patterns (bytes) are detected consecutively. Pattern errors are only counted when the
PRGM is synchronized with the input sequence. When 16 consecutive pattern errors are
detected, the PRGM will fall out of synchronization and will continuously attempt to re-
synchronize to the input sequence until it is successful.
When processing a concatenated STS-48 (STM-16) payload, the master PRGM and the slave
PRGMs independently monitor one quarter of the complete PRBS sequence. To ensure that the
slave PRGMs are synchronized with the master PRGM, the same signature matching will be
performed as described for the PRBS generation.
A maskable interrupt is activated to indicate any change in the synchronization status.
10.14 SONET/SDH Time-Slot Interchange (STSI)
The SONET/SDH Time-Slot Interchange (STSI) block grooms the SONET/SDH data stream by
performing STS-1 (STM-0) (time-slots) switching and TelecomBus (space-slots) switching.
The TelecomBus ADD or DROP buses treat an STS-12/12c (STM-4/AU4-4c) data stream as
twelve independent time-division multiplexed paths. The twelve time-slots correspond to the
twelve constituent STS-1 (STM-0) paths. Table 9 shows the relationship between the STS-1
(STM-0) path numbering and the STS-12/12c (STM-4/AU4-4c) data stream. The STS-1
(STM-0) paths are numbered according to the order of transmission (reception) and the STS-
12/12c (STM-4/AU4-4c) data stream is numbered according to the STS-1/3c/12c
(AU3/AU4/AU4-4c) groups.
Table 9 STS-1 (STM-0) Path Numbering For An STS-12/12c (STM-4/AU4-4c)
STS-1 (STM-0) Path #
(Tx/Rx Order)
STS-12/12c (STM-4/AU4-4c)
1 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #1 or STS-3c (AU4) #1 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
2 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #2 or STS-3c (AU4) #2 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
3 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #3 or STS-3c (AU4) #3 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
4 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #4 or STS-3c (AU4) #4 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
5 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #5 or STS-3c (AU4) #1 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
6 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #6 or STS-3c (AU4) #2 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
7 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #7 or STS-3c (AU4) #3 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
8 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #8 or STS-3c (AU4) #4 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
9 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #9 or STS-3c (AU4) #1 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
10 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #10 or STS-3c (AU4) #2 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
11 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #11 or STS-3c (AU4) #3 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
12 1-4 STS-1 (AU3) #12 or STS-3c (AU4) #4 or STS-12 (AU4-4c) #1
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The switching of STS-1 (STM-0) (time-slots) and TelecomBus buses (space-slots) is arbitrary
so any STS-1 (STM-0) can be switched to any of the time-slots and any TelecomBus buses can
be switched to any of the space-slots. Concatenated streams such as STS-3c/12c
(AU4/AU4-4c) should be switched as a group to keep the constituent STS-1 (STM-0) streams in
the correct transmit or receive order within the group.
10.15 System Side Interfaces
In single STS-48/STM-16 mode, the line side interface supports a 77.76 MHz 32-bit
TelecomBus interface.
For an STS-48 (STM-16) receive stream, the four constituent STS-12/STM-4 #1 – #4 are
provided at the DD1[7:0], DD2[7:0], DD3[7:0], and DD4[7:0] TelecomBus DROP buses
respectively. For an STS-48c (AU4-4c) receive stream, the concatenated STS-48 (STM-16) is
provided (4 byte interleaved) at the DD1[7:0], DD2[7:0], DD3[7:0], and DD4[7:0] TelecomBus
DROP buses. For an STS-48 (STM-16) transmit stream, the four constituent STS-12/STM-4 #1
#4 are accepted at the AD1[7:0], AD2[7:0], AD3[7:0] and AD4[7:0] TelecomBus ADD buses
respectively. For an STS-48c (AU4-16c) transmit stream, the concatenated STS-48 (STM-16)
is accepted (4-byte interleaved) at the AD1[7:0], AD2[7:0], AD3[7:0] and AD4[7:0]
TelecomBus ADD buses.
Figure 16 shows the 4-byte interleaving for an STS-48c (AU4-16c).
Figure 16 STS-48C (AU4-16c) 4-Byte Interleaving on the 32-Bit TelecomBus
A1 #1 A1 #2 A1 #3 A1 #4 ... ... ... ... A1 #45 A1 #46 A1 #47 A1 #48
A1 #1 A1
A1 #2 A1 #3 A1 #4
A1 #5 A1 #6 A1 #7 A1 #8
A1 #9 A1 #10 A1 #11 A1 #12
A1 #13 A1 #14 A1 #15 A1 #16
A1 #18A1 #17
A1 #25
A1 #24
A1 #20A1 #19
A1 #21 A1 #22 A1 #23
A1 #27
A1 #29 A1 #31
A1 #26 A1 #28
A1 #30 A1 #32
A1 #33 A1 #35
A1 #37 A1 #39
A1 #34 A1 #36
A1 #38 A1 #40
A1 #41 A1 #42 A1 #43 A1 #44
A1 #45 A1 #47 A1 #48A1 #46
Order of transmission
Order of transmission
In quad STS-12/STM-4 mode, the line-side interface supports four independent 77.76 MHz 8-
bit TelecomBus interfaces. The four TelecomBus interfaces run on the same system clock.
For an STS-12/12c (STM-4/AU4-4c) receive stream, the four independent STS-12/12c (STM-
4/AU4-4c) #1 – #4 are provided at the DD1[7:0], DD2[7:0], DD3[7:0] and DD4[7:0]
TelecomBus DROP buses respectively. For an STS-12/12c (STM-4/AU4-4c) transmit stream,
the four independent STS-12/12c (STM-4/AU4-4c) #1 – #4 are accepted at the AD1[7:0],
AD2[7:0], AD3[7:0] and AD4[7:0] TelecomBus ADD buses respectively.
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In both modes, the transport frame of the four TelecomBus DROP buses must be aligned with
the DFP frame pulse. Only one DFP input is provided for the four TelecomBus DROP buses
even in quad STS-12/STM-4 mode. In both modes, the transport frame of the four TelecomBus
ADD buses must be aligned (coincident J0/AFP pulses on the associated AJ0J11-4/AFP1-4
signals). The payload data provided on the four TelecomBus ADD buses experience identical
delays and the byte sequencing integrity is thus preserved.
The TelecomBus is very flexible and can support a wide range of system backplane
architectures. Table 10 shows the system side ADD bus options:
Table 10 System Side ADD Bus Configuration Options
Input Pin
Input Pin
0 1 APL marks payload
AJ0J1 marks J0 and
J1 positions
TAPI block is bypassed.
Ignores V1 indications
0 0 Tied to ground AJ0J1 marks J0
position only
TAPI block interprets pointers
for J1.
0 0 APL marks payload
AJ0J1 marks J0
position only
TAPI block interprets pointers
for J1.
0 0 APL marks payload
AJ0J1 marks J0 and
TAPI block interprets pointers
for J1. Ignores J1 and V1
indications on AJ0J1
11 Not Valid
1 0 Tied to ground AFP marks first SPE
byte position only
TAPI block interprets pointers
for J1
10.16 JTAG Test Access Port Interface
The JTAG Test Access Port block provides JTAG support for boundary scan. The standard
JTAG EXTEST, SAMPLE, BYPASS, IDCODE, and STCTEST instructions are supported. The
SPECTRA 1x2488 identification code is 053320CD hexadecimal.
10.17 Microprocessor Interface
The Microprocessor Interface Block provides the logic required for an interface for the generic
microprocessor bus with the normal mode and test mode registers within the SPECTRA
1x2488. Normal mode registers are used during normal operation to configure and monitor the
SPECTRA 1x2488. Test mode registers are used to enhance the testability of the SPECTRA
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11 Addressing Soft-Errors
Some circuits in today’s deep sub-micron processes are susceptible to strikes from alpha
particles. These strikes result in soft-errors. For example, direct alpha strikes to embedded
memories (including standard 6T and 8T SRAM bit cells) can change the stored information.
Although the error rates are extremely small (typically less than one failure per twenty years per
megabit of ram) the cumulative system level effect of these errors can be significant if the
system contains a large amount of RAM.
Since all semiconductor materials contain trace amounts of radioactivity and can be influenced
by high-energy neutrons inherent in cosmic rays, all sub-micron designs must deal with soft-
error. The semiconductor industry employs many techniques to address soft-errors.
Unfortunately, implementing soft-error handling techniques tends to increase device cost. For
example, hardening the semiconductor process to alpha strikes or providing error correction is
often more costly than choosing to provide error detection or interrupts to flag soft-errors at the
system level.
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12 Normal Mode Register Description
Normal mode registers are used to configure and monitor the operation of the SPECTRA
1x2488 and are selected when TRS (A[13]) is low.
Test mode registers are used to enhance the testability of the SPECTRA 1x2488. Refer to
Section 13 for information about test registers.
12.1 Register Memory Map
The register set is accessed as shown in the Table 11. In the following section, each register is
documented and identified using the register numbers in Table 11. The corresponding memory
map address is identified by the address column of the table. Addresses that are not shown are
not used and must be treated as reserved.
Table 11 Register Memory Map
REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
0000H 0 00 000H SPECTRA 1X2488 Master Configuration
0001H 0 00 001H SPECTRA 1X2488 Receive Configuration
0002H 0 00 002H SPECTRA 1X2488 Transmit Configuration
0003H 0 00 003H SPECTRA 1X2488 Loop Timing Configuration
0004H 0 00 004H SPECTRA 1X2488 RCLK Gating Control #1 SPECTRA
0005H 0 00 005H SPECTRA 1X2488 RCLK Gating Control #2 SPECTRA
0006H 0 00 006H SPECTRA 1X2488 RCLK Gating Control #3 SPECTRA
0007H 0 00 007H SPECTRA 1X2488 Reserved
0008H 0 00 008H SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #1
0009H 0 00 009H SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #2
000AH 0 00 00AH SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #3
000BH 0 00 00BH SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #4
000CH 0 00 00CH SPECTRA 1X2488 Reserved
000DH 0 00 00DH SPECTRA 1X2488 Reserved
000EH 0 00 00EH SPECTRA 1X2488 Line Activity Monitor
000FH 0 00 00FH SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #0
0010H 0 00 010H SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #1
0011H 0 00 011H SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #2
0012H 0 00 012H SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #3
0013H 0 00 013H SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #4
0014H 0 00 014H SPECTRA 1X2488 Drop System Configuration
0015H 0 00 015H SPECTRA 1X2488 Reserved
0016H 0 00 016H SPECTRA 1X2488 Add System Configuration
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
0017H 0 00 017H SPECTRA 1X2488 Add Parity Interrupt Status
0018H 0 00 018H SPECTRA 1X2488 System Activity Monitor
0019H 0 00 019H SPECTRA 1X2488 TAPI Path AIS Configuration
001AH 0 00 01AH SPECTRA 1X2488 Version ID (MSB)
001BH 0 00 01BH SPECTRA 1X2488 Chip ID (LSB)
001CH 0 00 001CH SPECTRA 1X2488 Misc. Config. #1
001DH 0 00 001DH SPECTRA 1X2488 Misc. Config. #2
001EH 0 00 01EH SPECTRA 1X2488 Reserved
001FH 0 00 01FH SPECTRA 1X2488 Free Registers
0020 0 00 020 Rx2488 Analog Interrupt Status
0021H 0 00 021H Rx2488 Analog Interrupt Control
0022H 0 00 022H Rx2488 Analog CRU Control
0023H 0 00 023H Rx2488 Analog CRU Clock Training Configuration and
0 00 024-
Rx2488 Reserved
0030H 0 00 030H QUAD 622 MABC General Control Register
0031H 0 00 031H QUAD 622 MABC Control Register
0032H 0 00 032H Reserved
0033H 0 00 033H QUAD 622 RX MABC Interrupt Enable Register
0034H 0 00 034H QUAD 622 RX MABC Interrupt Status Register
0035H 0 XX 035H QUAD 622 RX MABC Channel Control Register
0036H 0 XX 036H QUAD 622 RX Channel Data Path Control Register
0037H 0 XX 037H QUAD 622 Reserved
0038H 0 XX 038H QUAD 622 Rx Channel Data Interrupt Status Register
0039H 0 XX 039H Quad 622 Rx Channel Data Path Status Register
0XX 03A-
QUAD 622 Reserved
0040H 0 00 040H SRLI Clock Configuration
0041H 0 00 041H SRLI Reserved
0 00 042-
SRLI Reserved
0060H 0 XX 060H SBER Configuration
0061H 0 XX 061H SBER Status
0062H 0 XX 062H SBER Interrupt Enable
0063H 0 XX 063H SBER Interrupt Status
0064H 0 XX 064H SBER SF BERM Accumulation Period (LSB)
0065H 0 XX 065H SBER SF BERM Accumulation Period (MSB)
0066H 0 XX 066H SBER SF BERM Saturation Threshold (LSB)
0067H 0 XX 067H SBER SF BERM Saturation Threshold (MSB)
0068H 0 XX 068H SBER SF BERM Declaring Threshold (LSB)
0069H 0 XX 069H SBER SF BERM Declaring Threshold (MSB)
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REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
006AH 0 XX 06AH SBER SF BERM Clearing Threshold (LSB)
006BH 0 XX 06BH SBER SF BERM Clearing Threshold (MSB)
006CH 0 XX 06CH SBER SD BERM Accumulation Period (LSB)
006DH 0 XX 06DH SBER SD BERM Accumulation Period (MSB)
006EH 0 XX 06EH SBER SD BERM Saturation Threshold (LSB)
006FH 0 XX 06FH SBER SD BERM Saturation Threshold (MSB)
0070H 0 XX 070H SBER SD BERM Declaring Threshold (LSB)
0071H 0 XX 071H SBER SD BERM Declaring Threshold (MSB)
0072H 0 XX 072H SBER SD BERM Clearing Threshold (LSB)
0073H 0 XX 073H SBER SD BERM Clearing Threshold (MSB)
0XX 074-
SBER Reserved
0080H 0 XX 080H RRMP Configuration
0081H 0 XX 081H RRMP Status
0082H 0 XX 082H RRMP Interrupt Enable
0083H 0 XX 083H RRMP Interrupt Status
0084H 0 XX 084H RRMP Received APS
0085H 0 XX 085H RRMP Received SSM
0086H 0 XX 086H RRMP AIS enable
0087H 0 XX 087H RRMP Section BIP Error Counter
0088H 0 XX 088H RRMP Line BIP Error Counter (LSB)
0089H 0 XX 089H RRMP Line BIP Error Counter (MSB)
008AH 0 XX 08AH RRMP Line REI Error Counter (LSB)
008BH 0 XX 08BH RRMP Line REI Error Counter (MSB)
0XX 08C-
RRMP Reserved
00A0H 0 XX 0A0H RTTP SECTION Indirect Address
00A1H 0 XX 0A1H RTTP SECTION Indirect Data
00A2H 0 XX 0A2H RTTP SECTION Trace Unstable Status
00A3H 0 XX 0A3H RTTP SECTION Trace Unstable Interrupt Enable
00A4H 0 XX 0A4H RTTP SECTION Trace Unstable Interrupt Status
00A5H 0 XX 0A5H RTTP SECTION Trace Mismatch Status
00A6H 0 XX 0A6H RTTP SECTION Trace Mismatch Interrupt Enable
00A7H 0 XX 0A7H RTTP SECTION Trace Mismatch Interrupt Status
0XX 0A8-
00C0H 0 XX 0C0H RTTP PATH Indirect Address
00C1H 0 XX 0C1H RTTP PATH Indirect Data
00C2H 0 XX 0C2H RTTP PATH Trace Unstable Status
00C3H 0 XX 0C3H RTTP PATH Trace Unstable Interrupt Enable
00C4H 0 XX 0C4H RTTP PATH Trace Unstable Interrupt Status
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REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
00C5H 0 XX 0C5H RTTP PATH Trace Mismatch Status
00C6H 0 XX 0C6H RTTP PATH Trace Mismatch Interrupt Enable
00C7H 0 XX 0C7H RTTP PATH Trace Mismatch Interrupt Status
0XX 0C8-
RTTP PATH Reserved
00E0H 0 XX 0E0H RTTP PATH TU3 Indirect Address
00E1H 0 XX 0E1H RTTP PATH TU3 Indirect Data
00E2H 0 XX 0E2H RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Unstable Status
00E3H 0 XX 0E3H RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Unstable Interrupt Enable
00E4H 0 XX 0E4H RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Unstable Interrupt Status
00E5H 0 XX 0E5H RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Mismatch Status
00E6H 0 XX 0E6H RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Mismatch Interrupt Enable
00E7H 0 XX 0E7H RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Mismatch Interrupt Status
0XX 0E8-
RTTP PATH TU3 Reserved
0100H 0 XX 100H RHPP Indirect Address
0101H 0 XX 101H RHPP Indirect Data
0102H 0 XX 102H RHPP Payload Configuration
0103H 0 XX 103H RHPP Counter Update
0104H 0 XX 104H RHPP Path Interrupt Status
0105H 0 XX 105H RHPP Pointer Concatenation Processing Disable
0106H 0 XX 106H RHPP Unused
0107H 0 XX 107H RHPP Unused
0108H 0 XX 108H RHPP Pointer Interpreter Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
0109H 0 XX 109H RHPP Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #1
010AH 0 XX 10AH RHPP Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
010BH 0 XX 10BH RHPP Error Monitor Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
010CH 0 XX 10CH RHPP Error Monitor Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #1
010DH 0 XX 10DH RHPP Error Monitor Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
010EH 0 XX 10EH RHPP Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #1
010FH 0 XX 10FH RHPP Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #1
0160H 0 XX 160H RHPP Pointer Interpreter Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
0161H 0 XX 161H RHPP Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #12
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REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
0162H 0 XX 162H RHPP Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
0163H 0 XX 163H RHPP Error Monitor Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
0164H 0 XX 164H RHPP Error Monitor Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #12
0165H 0 XX 165H RHPP Error Monitor Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
0166H 0 XX 166H RHPP Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #12
0167H 0 XX 167H RHPP Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #12
0 XX 168-
RHPP Reserved
0180H 0 XX 180H RHPP TU3 Indirect Address
0181H 0 XX 181H RHPP TU3 Indirect Data
0182H 0 XX 182H RHPP TU3 Payload Configuration
0183H 0 XX 183H RHPP TU3 Counter Update
0184H 0 XX 184H RHPP TU3 Path Interrupt Status
0185H 0 XX 185H RHPP TU3 Pointer Concatenation Processing Disable
0186H 0 XX 186H RHPP TU3 Unused
0187H 0 XX 187H RHPP TU3 Unused
0188H 0 XX 188H RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
0189H 0 XX 189H RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #1
018AH 0 XX 18AH RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
018BH 0 XX 18BH RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
018CH 0 XX 18CH RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #1
018DH 0 XX 18DH RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
018EH 0 XX 18EH RHPP TU3 Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #1
018FH 0 XX 18FH RHPP TU3 Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #1
01E0H 0 XX 1E0H RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
01E1H 0 XX 1E1H RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #12
01E2H 0 XX 1E2H RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
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REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
01E3H 0 XX 1E3H RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
01E4H 0 XX 1E4H RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #12
01E5H 0 XX 1E5H RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
01E6H 0 XX 1E6H RHPP TU3 Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #12
01E7H 0 XX 1E7H RHPP TU3 Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #12
0XX 1E8-
RHPP TU3 Reserved
0200H 0 XX 200H RSVCA Indirect Address
0201H 0 XX 201H RSVCA Indirect Data
0202H 0 XX 202H RSVCA Payload Configuration
0203H 0 XX 203H RSVCA Positive Justification Interrupt Status
0204H 0 XX 204H RSVCA Negative Justification Interrupt Status
0205H 0 XX 205H RSVCA FIFO Overflow Interrupt Status
0206H 0 XX 206H RSVCA FIFO Underflow Interrupt Status
0207H 0 XX 207H RSVCA Pointer Justification Interrupt Enable
0208H 0 XX 208H RSVCA FIFO Interrupt Enable
0209H 0 XX 209H RSVCA Reserved
020AH 0 XX 20AH RSVCA Misc.
020BH 0 XX 20BH RSVCA Counter Update
0 XX 20C-
RSVCA Reserved
0220H 0 00 220H DSTSI Indirect Address
0221H 0 00 221H DSTSI Indirect Data
0222H 0 00 222H DSTSI Configuration
0223H 0 00 223H DSTSI Interrupt Status
0 00 223-
DSTSI Reserved
0240H 0 XX 240H DPRGM Indirect Address
0241H 0 XX 241H DPRGM Indirect Data
0242H 0 XX 242H DPRGM Generator Payload Configuration
0243H XX 243H DPRGM Monitor Payload Configuration
0244H 0 XX 244H DPRGM Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Status
0245H 0 XX 245H DPRGM Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Enable
0246H 0 XX 246H DPRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes Interrupt Status
0247H 0 XX 247H DPRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes Interrupt Enable
0248H 0 XX 248H DPRGM Reserved
0249H 0 XX 249H DPRGM Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Status
024AH 0 XX 24AH DPRGM Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Enable
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REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
024BH 0 XX 24BH DPRGM Monitor Synchronization Status
024CH 0 XX 24CH DPRGM Counter Update
0XX 24D-
DPRGM Reserved
0260H 0 XX 260H SARC Indirect Address
0261H 0 XX 261H SARC Unused
0262H 0 XX 262H SARC Section Configuration
0263H 0 XX 263H SARC Section RSALM enable
0264H 0 XX 264H SARC Section RLAISINS enable
0265H 0 XX 265H SARC Section TLRDIINS enable
0266H 0 XX 266H SARC Unused
0267H 0 XX 267H SARC Unused
0268H 0 XX 268H SARC Path Configuration
0269H 0 XX 269H SARC Path RPALM Enable
026AH 0 XX 26AH SARC Path RPAISINS Enable
026BH 0 XX 26BH SARC TU3 Path Configuration
026CH 0 XX 26CH SARC TU3 Path RPALM Enable
026DH 0 XX 26DH SARC TU3 Path RPAISINS Enable
026EH 0 XX 26EH SARC Unused
026FH 0 XX 26FH SARC Unused
0270H 0 XX 270H SARC LOP Pointer Status
0271H 0 XX 271H SARC LOP Pointer Interrupt Enable
0272H 0 XX 272H SARC LOP Pointer Interrupt Status
0273H 0 XX 273H SARC AIS Pointer Status
0274H 0 XX 274H SARC AIS Pointer Interrupt Enable
0275H 0 XX 275H SARC AIS Pointer Interrupt Status
0276H 0 XX 276H SARC Unused
0277H 0 XX 277H SARC Unused
0278H 0 XX 278H SARC TU3 LOP Pointer Status
0279H 0 XX 279H SARC TU3 LOP Pointer Interrupt Enable
027AH 0 XX 27AH SARC TU3 LOP Pointer Interrupt Status
027BH 0 XX 27BH SARC TU3 AIS Pointer Status
027CH 0 XX 27CH SARC TU3 AIS Pointer Interrupt Enable
027DH 0 XX 27DH SARC TU3 AIS Pointer Interrupt Status
027EH 0 XX 27EH SARC Unused
027FH 0 XX 27FH SARC Unused
0XX 280-
0XX 2A0-
0XX 2C0-
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REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
0XX 2E0-
0300H 0 XX 300H DDLL Configuration
0301H 0 XX 301H DDLL Reserved
0302H 0 XX 302H DDLL Reset
0303H 0 XX 303H DDLL Status
0 XX 304-
DDLL Reserved
0 XX 320-
0 XX 340-
0 XX 360-
0 XX 380-
0XX 3A0-
0XX 3C0-
0XX 3E0-
1 XX 000-
SPECTRA 1X2488 Reserved
1020H 1 00 020H Tx2488 Analog Control/Status
1021H 1 00 021H Tx2488 ABC Control
1022H 1 00 022H Tx2488 Pattern Register
1 00 023-
Tx2488 Analog Reserved
1030F 1 00 030F QUAD 622 Tx MABC CSUT Control Register
1031F 1 00 031F QUAD 622 Tx MABC CSUT ROOL Control Register
1032F 1 00 032F QUAD 622 Tx MABC CSUT ROOL Interrupt Status
1033F 1 XX 033F QUAD 622 Tx MABC Channel Control Register
1034F 1 XX 034F QUAD 622 TX Slice Reserved
1 XX 035-
QUAD 622 TX Slice Reserved
1040H 1 00 040H STLI Clock Configuration
1041H 1 00 041H STLI PGM Clock Configuration
100 042-
STLI Reserved
1060H 1 XX 060H JAT622 Configuration
1061H 1 XX 061H JAT622 Configuration and Interrupt Enable
1062H 1 XX 062H JAT622 Status
1063H 1 XX 063H JAT622 Reserved
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
1 XX 264-
1080H 1 XX 080H TRMP Configuration
1081H 1 XX 081H TRMP Register Insertion
1082H 1 XX 082H TRMP Error Insertion
1083H 1 XX 083H TRMP Transmit J0 and Z0
1084H 1 XX 084H TRMP Transmit E1 and F1
1085H 1 XX 085H TRMP Transmit D1D3 and D4D12
1086H 1 XX 086H TRMP Transmit K1 and K2
1087H 1 XX 087H TRMP Transmit S1 and Z1
1088H 1 XX 088H TRMP Transmit Z2 and E2
1089H 1 XX 089H TRMP H1 and H2 Mask
108AH 1 XX 08AH TRMP B1 and B2 Mask
1 XX 08B-
TRMP Reserved
10A0H 1 XX 0A0H TTTP SECTION Indirect Address
10A1H 1 XX 0A1H TTTP SECTION Indirect Data
1XX 0A2-
10C0H 1 XX 0C0H TTTP PATH Indirect Address
10C1H 1 XX 0C1H TTTP PATH Indirect Data
1XX 0C2-
TTTP PATH Reserved
10E0H 1 XX 0E0H TTTP PATH TU3 Indirect Address
10E1H 1 XX 0E1H TTTP PATH TU3 Indirect Data
1XX 0E2-
TTTP PATH TU3 Reserved
1100H 1 XX 100H THPP Indirect Address
1101H 1 XX 101H THPP Indirect Data
1110H 1 XX 102H THPP Payload Configuration
1 XX 103-
THPP Reserved
1180H 1 XX 180H THPP TU3 Indirect Address
1181H 1 XX 181H THPP TU3 Indirect Data
1182H 1 XX 182H THPP TU3 Payload Configuration
1183 -
1 XX 183-
THPP TU3 Reserved
1200H 1 XX 200H TSVCA Indirect Address
1201H 1 XX 201H TSVCA Indirect Data
1202H 1 XX 202H TSVCA Payload Configuration
1203H 1 XX 203H TSVCA Positive Justification Interrupt Status
1204H 1 XX 204H TSVCA Negative Justification Interrupt Status
1205H 1 XX 205H TSVCA FIFO Overflow Interrupt Status
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REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
1206H 1 XX 206H TSVCA FIFO Underflow Interrupt Status
1207H 1 XX 207H TSVCA Pointer Justification Interrupt Enable
1208H 1 XX 208H TSVCA FIFO Interrupt Enable
1209H 1 XX 209H TSVCA Reserved
120AH 1 XX 20AH TSVCA Misc.
120BH 1 XX 20BH TSVCA Counter Update
1XX 20C-
TSVCA Reserved
1220H 1 00 220H ASTSI Indirect Address
1221H 1 00 221H ASTSI Indirect Data
1222H 1 00 222H ASTSI Configuration
1223H 1 00 223H ASTSI Interrupt Status
100 224-
ASTSI Reserved
1240H 1 XX 240H APRGM Indirect Address
1241H 1 XX 241H APRGM Indirect Data
1242H 1 XX 242H APRGM Generator Payload Configuration
1243H 1 XX 243H APRGM Monitor Payload Configuration
1244H 1 XX 244H APRGM Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Status
1245H 1 XX 245H APRGM Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Enable
1246H 1 XX 246H APRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes Interrupt Status
1247H 1 XX 247H APRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes Interrupt Enable
1248H 1 XX 248H APRGM Reserved
1249H 1 XX 249H APRGM Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Status
124AH 1 XX 24AH APRGM Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Enable
124BH 1 XX 24BH APRGM Monitor Synchronization Status
124CH 1 XX 24CH APRGM Counter Update
1 XX 24D-
APRGM Reserved
1 XX 260-
1280H 1 XX 280H TAPI Indirect Address
1281H 1 XX 281H TAPI Indirect Data
1282H 1 XX 282H TAPI Payload Configuration
1283H 1 XX 283H TAPI Counter Update
1284H 1 XX 284H TAPI Path Interrupt Status
1285H 1 XX 285H TAPI Pointer Concatenation Processing Disable
1286H 1 XX 286H TAPI Reserved
1287H 1 XX 287H TAPI Reserved
1288H 1 XX 288H TAPI Pointer Interpreter Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
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REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
1289H 1 XX 289H TAPI Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #1
128AH 1 XX 28AH TAPI Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
128BH 1 XX 28BH TAPI Error Monitor Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
128CH 1 XX 28CH TAPI Error Monitor Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #1
128DH 1 XX 28DH TAPI Error Monitor Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #1
128EH 1 XX 28EH TAPI Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #1
128FH 1 XX 28FH TAPI Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #1
12E0H 1 XX 2E0H TAPI Pointer Interpreter Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
12E1H 1 XX 2E1H TAPI Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #12
12E2H 1 XX 2E2H TAPI Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
12E3H 1 XX 2E3H TAPI Error Monitor Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
12E4H 1 XX 2E4H TAPI Error Monitor Interrupt Enable
STS-1/STM-0 #12
12E5H 1 XX 2E5H TAPI Error Monitor Interrupt Status
STS-1/STM-0 #12
12E6H 1 XX 2E6H TAPI Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #12
12E7H 1 XX 2E7H TAPI Reserved
STS-1/STM-0 #12
1XX 2E8-
TAPI Reserved
1300H 1 XX 300H ADLL Configure
1301H 1 XX 301H ADLL Reserved
1302H 1 XX 302H ADLL Reset
1303H 1 XX 303H ADLL Status
1XX 304-
ADLL Reserved
1XX 320-
1XX 340-
1XX 360-
1XX 380-
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
REG # A[12]
A[9:0] Register Description
1XX 3A0-
1XX 3C0-
1XX 3E0-
Notes on Register Memory Map
1. For all register accesses, CSB must be low.
2. Addresses that are not shown must be treated as reserved.
3. A[13] is the test register select (TRS) and should be set to logic 0 for normal mode register access.
4. Writing values into unused register bits has no effect. However, to ensure software compatibility with
future, feature-enhanced versions of this product, unused register bits must be written with logic 0.
Reading back unused bits can produce either a logic 1 or a logic 0; hence, unused register bits should
be masked off by software when read.
5. All configuration bits that can be written into can also be read back. This allows the processor
controlling the SPECTRA 1x2488 to determine the programming state of the device.
6. Writeable normal mode register bits are cleared to logic 0 upon reset unless otherwise noted.
7. Writing into read-only normal mode register bit locations does not affect SPECTRA 1x2488 operation
unless otherwise noted.
8. Certain register bits are reserved. These bits are associated with mega-cell functions that are unused
in this application. To ensure that the SPECTRA 1x2488 operates as intended, reserved register bits
must only be written with the logic level as specified. Writing to reserved registers should be avoided.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
12.2 Registers
Register 0000H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Master Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R TIP X
Bit 14 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 13 R/W WCIMODE_1x2488 0
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 11 R/W WCIMODE 0
Bit 10 R/W RESETSL[4] 0
Bit 9 R/W RESETSL[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W RESETSL[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W RESETSL[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W RESET 0
Bit 5 R/W ARST_1x2488 0
Bit 4 R/W ARST_4x622 0
Bit 2 R/W JAT622_RST 0
Bit 1 R NO_TU3 X
Bit 0 R QUAD622 X
The Master Configuration Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 00H.
The Quad 622 operating mode (QUAD622) signal is asserted high while the SPECTRA
1x2488 operates in Quad OC-12 mode and is negated while the device operates in single
OC-48 mode. The QUAD622 pin selects the operating mode of the device. Refer to the
Operation section for power up and configuration details.
The TU3 power down operating mode (NO_TU3) signal is asserted high while the device
operates in TU3 power down mode and is negated while the device does not operate in TU3
power down. The NO_TU3 pin selects the operating mode of the SPECTRA 1x2488.
The JAT622 software reset (JAT622_RST) bit resets the JAT4x622 circuit. When a logic 1
is written to JAT622_RST, the 4 JAT622 TSBs are held in reset. When a logic 0 is written
to JAT622_RST, the 4 JAT622 TSBs operate normally.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The LAS ECBI software reset (LAS_ECBI_RST) bit resets the LAS4x622 ECBI (register)
circuit. When a logic 1 is written to LAS_ECBI_RST, the LAS4x622 TSB ECBI is held in
reset. When a logic 0 is written to LAS_ECBI_RST, the LAS4x622 TSB ECBI operates
The 4x622 Analog software reset (ARST_4x622) bit resets the 4x622 analog circuit. When
a logic 1 is written to ARST_4x622, the 4x622 analog is held in reset. When a logic 0 is
written to ARST_4x622, the 4x622 analog operates normally.
The 1x2488 Analog software reset (ARST_1x2488) bit resets the 1x2488 analog circuit.
When a logic 1 is written to ARST_1x2488, the 1x2488 analog is held in reset. When a
logic 0 is written to ARST_1x2488, the 1x2488 analog operates normally.
The software reset (RESET) bit resets the whole device. When a logic 1 is written to
RESET, all the digital logic (except JAT622 and LAS4x622_ECBI in SPECTRA 1x2488) is
held in reset. When a logic 0 is written to RESET, the SPECTRA 1X2488 digital logic
operates normally.
The slice software reset (RESETSL[4:1]) bits reset the corresponding STS-12/STM-4 slice.
When a logic 1 is written to RESETSL[X], the STS-12/STM-4 slice (SBER, RRMP,
held in reset. When a logic 0 is written to RESETSL[X], the STS-12/STM-4 slice operates
The write on clear interrupt mode (WCIMODE) bit selects the clear interrupt mode. When
a logic 1 is written to WCIMODE, the clear interrupt mode is clear on write. When a logic
0 is written to WCIMODE, the clear interrupt mode is clear on read.
The write on clear interrupt mode (WCIMODE_1x2488) bit selects the clear interrupt mode
for RX2488 TSB (RCS2488) and TX2488 TSB (TCP_2488). When (WCIMODE_1x2488
XOR WCIMODE) is a logic 1, the clear interrupt mode is clear on write for RX2488 and
TX2488. When (WCIMODE_1x2488 XOR WCIMODE) is a logic 0, the clear interrupt
mode is clear on read for RX2488 and TX2488.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The transfer in progress (TIP) signal is asserted high while the performance monitors are
being transferred to the holding registers. The transfer is initiated by writing to the Master
Configuration Register. TIP is negated when the transfer is completed.
The reserved bit must be programmed to its default value for proper operation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0001H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Receive Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 14 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 11 R/W DSTSISW[1] 0
Bit 10 R/W DSTSISW[0] 1
Bit 9 R/W RDDS 0
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W RSTS12C[4] 0
Bit 6 R/W RSTS12C[3] 0
Bit 5 R/W RSTS12C[2] 0
Bit 4 R/W RSTS12C[1] 0
Bit 3 R/W RSTS12CSL[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W RSTS12CSL[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W RSTS12CSL[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W RSTS12CSL[1] 0
The Receive Configuration Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 01H.
The receive STS-12 slave concatenation mode (RSTS12CSL[4:1]) bits enable the slave
processing of an STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload for the corresponding STS-12/STM-4 slice.
When a logic 1 is written to RSTS12CSL[X] and a logic 1 is written to RSTS12C[X], the
receive STS-12/STM-4 slice process a slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When a logic 0
is written to RSTS12CSL[X] and a logic 1 is written to RSTS12C[X], the receive STS-
12/STM-4 slice process a master STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When a logic 0 is written to
RSTS12CSL[X] and a logic 0 is written to RSTS12C[X], the receive STS-12/STM-4 slice
is not processing a STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload.
The receive STS-12 concatenation mode (RSTS12C[4:1]) bits enable the processing of an
STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload for the corresponding STS-12/STM-4 slice. When a logic 1 is
written to RSTS12CSL[X] and a logic 1 is written to RSTS12C[X], the receive STS-
12/STM-4 slice process a slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When a logic 0 is written to
RSTS12CSL[X] and a logic 1 is written to RSTS12C[X], the receive STS-12/STM-4 slice
process a master STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When a logic 0 is written to RSTS12CSL[X]
and a logic 0 is written to RSTS12C[X], the receive STS-12/STM-4 slice is not processing a
STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The receive disable de scrambling (RDDS) bit disables the de scrambling of the input line
data stream. When a logic 1 is written to RDDS, the input line data stream is not de
scrambled. When a logic 0 is written to RDDS, the input line data stream is de scrambled.
The drop STSI switching mode (DSTSISW[1:0]) bits select the operational switching mode
of the STSI.
DSTSISW[1:0] Mode Comment
00 Dynamic mode Switching is controlled by the Current active page.
01 Bypass mode Straight-through connection, no timeslot interchange.
10 12-48c mode Straight-through connection, no timeslot interchange.
The space switch function is used to map 4 OC-12
streams into a single OC-48c stream.
11 48c-12 mode Straight-through connection, no timeslot interchange.
The space switch function is used to map a single OC-
48c stream into four OC-12 streams.
The reserved bit must be programmed to its default value for proper operation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0002H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Transmit Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 14 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W TAPIDIS 1
Bit 11 R/W ASTSISW[1] 0
Bit 10 R/W ASTSISW[0] 1
Bit 9 R/W TDS 0
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W TSTS12C[4] 0
Bit 6 R/W TSTS12C[3] 0
Bit 5 R/W TSTS12C[2] 0
Bit 4 R/W TSTS12C[1] 0
Bit 3 R/W TSTS12CSL[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W TSTS12CSL[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W TSTS12CSL[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W TSTS12CSL[1] 0
The Transmit Configuration Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 02H.
The transmit STS-12 slave concatenation mode (TSTS12CSL[4:1]) bits enable the slave
processing of an STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload for the corresponding STS-12/STM-4 slice.
When a logic 1 is written to TSTS12CSL[X] and a logic 1 is written to TSTS12C[X], the
receive STS-12/STM-4 slice process a slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When a logic 0
is written to TSTS12CSL[X] and a logic 1 is written to TSTS12C[X], the receive STS-
12/STM-4 slice process a master STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When a logic 0 is written to
TSTS12CSL[X] and a logic 0 is written to TSTS12C[X], the receive STS-12/STM-4 slice is
not processing a STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload.
The transmit STS-12 concatenation mode (TSTS12C[4:1]) bits enable the processing of an
STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload for the corresponding STS-12/STM-4 slice. When a logic 1 is
written to TSTS12CSL[X] and a logic 1 is written to TSTS12C[X], the receive STS-
12/STM-4 slice process a slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When a logic 0 is written to
TSTS12CSL[X] and a logic 1 is written to TSTS12C[X], the receive STS-12/STM-4 slice
process a master STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When a logic 0 is written to TSTS12CSL[X]
and a logic 0 is written to TSTS12C[X], the receive STS-12/STM-4 slice is not processing a
STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload.
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The transmit disable scrambling (TDS) bit disables the scrambling of the output line data
stream. When a logic 1 is written to TDS, the output line data stream is not scrambled.
When a logic 0 is written to TDS, the output line data stream is scrambled.
The add STSI switching mode (ASTSISW[1:0]) bits select the operational switching mode
of the STSI.
ASTSISW[1:0] Mode Comment
00 Dynamic mode Switching is controlled by the Current active page.
01 Bypass mode Straight-through connection, no timeslot interchange.
10 12-48c mode Straight-through connection, no timeslot interchange. The
space switch function is used to map 4 OC-12 streams into
a single OC-48c stream.
11 48c-12 mode Straight-through connection, no timeslot interchange. The
space switch function is used to map a single OC-48c
stream into 4 OC-12 streams.
The transmit add bus pointer interpreter disable (TAPIDIS) bit disables the pointer
interpreter. When a logic 1 is written to TAPIDIS, the add bus pointer interpreter is disable.
When a logic 0 is written to TAPIDIS, the add bus pointer interpreter is enable.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0003H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Loop Timing Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W RCLK1_SEL[1] 0
Bit 14 R/W RCLK1_SEL[0] 0
Bit 13 R/W RCLK2_SEL[1] 0
Bit 12 R/W RCLK2_SEL[0] 1
Bit 11 R/W PDLB[4] 0
Bit 10 R/W PDLB[3] 0
Bit 9 R/W PDLB[2] 0
Bit 8 R/W PDLB[1] 0
Bit 7 R/W PDLB 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
The Loop Timing Configuration Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The parallel diagnostic loop back (PDLB) bit enables the parallel loop back from STLI to
SRLI in 1x2488 mode. When a logic 1 is written to PDLB, the transmit data and clock from
STLI is looped back into SRLI. When a logic 0 is written to PDLB the parallel diagnostic
loop back is inactive.
Note: In order for the parallel diagnostic loop back in 1x2488 mode to work, the 1x2488
Analog has to be active. Furthermore, the SD/LOS/DOOLEN bit 10 of corresponding
“SARC Section Receive AIS-L Enable” register 0x0264, 0x0664, 0x0A64 or 0x0E64 must
be cleared to ‘0’ before the PDLB is enabled.
The parallel diagnostic loop back (PDLB[4:1]) bit enables the parallel loop back from STLI
to SRLI for each of the STS-12 slices in 4x622 mode. When a logic 1 is written to PDLB,
the transmit data and clock from STLI is looped back into SRLI. When a logic 0 is written
to PDLB, the parallel diagnostic loop back is inactive.
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o In order for the parallel diagnostic loop back in 4x622 to work, the 4x622 Analog has to
be active.
o The SD/LOS/DOOLEN bit 10 of corresponding “SARC Section Receive AIS-L
Enable” register 0x0264, 0x0664, 0x0A64 or 0x0E64 must be cleared to ‘0’ before the
PDLB[4:1] is enabled.
o Each of the four channels could be looped back independently.
The RCLK2 selection (RCLK2_SEL[1:0]) bits select the clock source for RCLK2 output. If
RCLK2_SEL[1:0] = ‘00’, the recovered clock from the first pair of receive line
(RXD1_P/N) is output on RCLK2. If RCLK2_SEL[1:0] = ‘01’, the recovered clock from
the second pair of receive line (RXD2_P/N) is output on RCLK2. If RCLK2_SEL[1:0] =
‘10’, the recovered clock from the third pair of receive line (RXD3_P/N) is output on
RCLK2. If RCLK2_SEL[1:0] = ‘11’, and the recovered clock from the last pair of receive
line (RXD4_P/N) is output on RCLK2.
Note: If the bits are updated during operation, there will be glitch on the output of RCLK2.
The RCLK1 selection (RCLK1_SEL[1:0]) bits select the clock source for RCLK1 output. If
RCLK1_SEL[1:0] = ‘00’, the recovered clock from the first pair of receive line
(RXD1_P/N) is output on RCLK1. If RCLK1_SEL[1:0] = ‘01’, the recovered clock from
the second pair of receive line (RXD2_P/N) is output on RCLK1. If RCLK1_SEL[1:0] =
‘10’, the recovered clock from the third pair of receive line (RXD3_P/N) is output on
RCLK1. If RCLK1_SEL[1:0] = ‘11’, and the recovered clock from the last pair of receive
line (RXD4_P/N) is output on RCLK1.
Note: If the bits are updated during operation, there will be glitch on the output of RCLK1.
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Register 0004H: SPECTRA 1X2488 RCLK Gating Control #1
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W RCLK_SD_ENAB[3] 0
Bit 14 R/W RCLK_SD_ENAB[2] 0
Bit 13 R/W RCLK_SD_ENAB[1] 0
Bit 12 R/W RCLK_SD_ENAB[0] 0
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
RCLK Gating Control #1 is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 04H.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The RCLK SD inactive defect gating enable (RCLK_SD_ENAB[3:0]) control bit allows the
SD inactive defect to gate RCLK1-4 outputs. When RCLK_SD_ENAB[3:0] is a 1, RCLK1-
4 operates normally. When RCLK_SD_ENAB[3:0] is a 0, RCLK1-4 is gated to a 0 when a
loss of signal is detected. Note: A loss of signal is not (SD1-4 XOR INV_SDI_EN) in quad
mode or (SD1 XOR INV_SDI_EN) in single mode.
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Register 0005H: SPECTRA 1X2488 RCLK Gating Control #2
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W RCLK_LOS_ENAB[3] 0
Bit 14 R/W RCLK_LOS_ENAB[2] 0
Bit 13 R/W RCLK_LOS_ENAB[1] 0
Bit 12 R/W RCLK_LOS_ENAB[0] 0
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
RCLK Gating Control #2 is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 05H.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
RCLK LOS defect gating enable (RCLK_LOS_ENAB[3:0]) allows the assertion of LOS
defect indication to control the gating of RCLK. When a logic 0 is written into
RCLK_LOS_ENAB, RCLK1-4 will be forced to logic 0 when the LOS defect indication is
high. When a logic 1 is written into RCLK_LOS_ENAB, RCLK1-4 will not be forced to
logic 0 on the LOS defect indication.
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Register 0006H: SPECTRA 1X2488 RCLK Gating Control #3
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W RCLK_DOOL_ENAB[3] 1
Bit 14 R/W RCLK_DOOL_ENAB[2] 1
Bit 13 R/W RCLK_DOOL_ENAB[1] 1
Bit 12 R/W RCLK_DOOL_ENAB[0] 1
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
RCLK Gating Control #3 is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 05H.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
RCLK DOOL defect gating enable (RCLK_DOOL_ENAB[3:0]) allows the assertion of
DOOL defect indication to control the gating of RCLK. When a logic 0 is written into
RCLK_DOOL_ENAB, RCLK1-4 will be forced to logic 0 when DOOL defect indication is
high. When a logic 1 is written into RCLK_DOOL_ENAB, RCLK1-4 will not be forced to
logic 0 on the DOOL defect indication.
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Register 0008H: SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #1
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W SLLBEN[1][12] 0
Bit 10 R/W SLLBEN[1][11] 0
Bit 9 R/W SLLBEN[1][10] 0
Bit 8 R/W SLLBEN[1][9] 0
Bit 7 R/W SLLBEN[1][8] 0
Bit 6 R/W SLLBEN[1][7] 0
Bit 5 R/W SLLBEN[1][6] 0
Bit 4 R/W SLLBEN[1][5] 0
Bit 3 R/W SLLBEN[1][4] 0
Bit 2 R/W SLLBEN[1][3] 0
Bit 1 R/W SLLBEN[1][2] 0
Bit 0 R/W SLLBEN[1][1] 0
This Loop back Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 08H.
The system side/line loop back (SLLBEN[1][12:1]) bits enable the SLLBEN for the first
STS-12/STM-4 slice. When a logic 1 is written to SLLBEN[1][X], the drop system data of
STS-1/STM-0 path X is looped back into the add system data of STS-1/STM-0 path X.
When a logic 0 is written to SLLBEN[1][X], the system side/line loop back is inactive.
Note: For proper operation when the AJ0J1_FP port does not contain valid framing, the
AFPEN mode (bit 14 of register 0016H) must be configured and the AFPMASK mask (bit
15 of register 001DH) must be enabled. The TAPI block must be disabled for each path
loop back if phase alignment between DJ0 and AJ0 is greater than 12 system clock cycles.
Use TAPIBYPASS, bit 6 in TAPI indirect register 00H to disable the TAPI block.
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Register 0009H: SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #2
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W SLLBEN[2][12] 0
Bit 10 R/W SLLBEN[2][11] 0
Bit 9 R/W SLLBEN[2][10] 0
Bit 8 R/W SLLBEN[2][9] 0
Bit 7 R/W SLLBEN[2][8] 0
Bit 6 R/W SLLBEN[2][7] 0
Bit 5 R/W SLLBEN[2][6] 0
Bit 4 R/W SLLBEN[2][5] 0
Bit 3 R/W SLLBEN[2][4] 0
Bit 2 R/W SLLBEN[2][3] 0
Bit 1 R/W SLLBEN[2][2] 0
Bit 0 R/W SLLBEN[2][1] 0
This Loop Back Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 09H.
The system side/line loop back (SLLBEN[2][12:1]) bits enable the SLLBEN for the second
STS-12/STM-4 slice. When a logic 1 is written to SLLBEN[2][X], the drop system data of
STS-1/STM-0 path X is looped back into the add system data of STS-1/STM-0 path X.
When a logic 0 is written to SLLBEN[2][X], the system side/line loop back is inactive.
Note: For proper operation when the AJ0J1_FP port does not contain valid framing, the
AFPEN mode (bit 14 of register 0016H) must be configured and the AFPMASK mask (bit
15 of register 001DH) must be enabled. The TAPI block must be disabled for each path
looped back if phase alignment between DJ0 and AJ0 is greater than 12 system clock
cycles. Use TAPIBYPASS, bit 6 in TAPI indirect register 00H to disable the TAPI block.
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Register 000AH: SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #3
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W SLLBEN[3][12] 0
Bit 10 R/W SLLBEN[3][11] 0
Bit 9 R/W SLLBEN[3][10] 0
Bit 8 R/W SLLBEN[3][9] 0
Bit 7 R/W SLLBEN[3][8] 0
Bit 6 R/W SLLBEN[3][7] 0
Bit 5 R/W SLLBEN[3][6] 0
Bit 4 R/W SLLBEN[3][5] 0
Bit 3 R/W SLLBEN[3][4] 0
Bit 2 R/W SLLBEN[3][3] 0
Bit 1 R/W SLLBEN[3][2] 0
Bit 0 R/W SLLBEN[3][1] 0
This Loop Back Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 0AH.
The system side/line loop back (SLLBEN[3][12:1]) bits enable the SLLBEN for the third
STS-12/STM-4 slice. When a logic 1 is written to SLLBEN[3][X], the drop system data of
STS-1/STM-0 path X is loop back into the add system data of STS-1/STM-0 path X. When
a logic 0 is written to SLLBEN[3][X], the system side/line loop back is inactive.
Note: For proper operation when the AJ0J1_FP port contains no valid framing, the AFPEN
mode (bit 14 of register 0016H) must be configure and the AFPMASK mask (bit 15 of
register 001DH) must be enabled. The TAPI block must be disabled for each path looped
back if phase alignment between DJ0 and AJ0 is greater than 12 system clock cycles Use
TAPIBYPASS, bit 6 in TAPI indirect register 00H to disable the TAPI block.
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Register 000BH: SPECTRA 1X2488 System Side Line Loop Back #4
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W SLLBEN[4][12] 0
Bit 10 R/W SLLBEN[4][11] 0
Bit 9 R/W SLLBEN[4][10] 0
Bit 8 R/W SLLBEN[4][9] 0
Bit 7 R/W SLLBEN[4][8] 0
Bit 6 R/W SLLBEN[4][7] 0
Bit 5 R/W SLLBEN[4][6] 0
Bit 4 R/W SLLBEN[4][5] 0
Bit 3 R/W SLLBEN[4][4] 0
Bit 2 R/W SLLBEN[4][3] 0
Bit 1 R/W SLLBEN[4][2] 0
Bit 0 R/W SLLBEN[4][1] 0
This Loop Back Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 0BH.
The system side/line loop back (SLLBEN[4][12:1]) bits enable the SLLBEN for the fourth
STS-12/STM-4 slice. When a logic 1 is written to SLLBEN[4][X], the drop system data of
STS-1/STM-0 path X is looped back into the add system data of STS-1/STM-0 path X.
When a logic 0 is written to SLLBEN[4][X], the system side/line loop back is inactive.
Note: For proper operation when the AJ0J1_FP port does not contain valid framing, the
AFPEN mode (bit 14 of register 0016H) must be configured and the AFPMASK mask (bit
15 of register 001DH) must be enabled. The TAPI block must be disabled for each path
looped back if phase alignment between DJ0 and AJ0 is greater than 12 system clock
cycles. Use TAPIBYPASS, bit 6 in TAPI indirect register 00H to disable the TAPI block.
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Register 000EH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Line Activity Monitor
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R TCLKACT[4] X
Bit 6 R TCLKACT[3] X
Bit 5 R TCLKACT[2] X
Bit 4 R TCLKACT[1] X
Bit 3 R RCLKACT[4] X
Bit 2 R RCLKACT[3] X
Bit 1 R RCLKACT[2] X
Bit 0 R RCLKACT[1] X
The Line Activity Monitor is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 0EH.
The receive line activity monitor (RCLKACT[4:1]) signals are event detectors.
RCLKACT[X] is asserted when a low to high transition occurs on the internal receive clock
of slice X. RCLKACT[X] is cleared when the line activity monitor register is read.
Note: RCLKs are taken after SRLI.
The transmit line activity monitor (TCLKACT[4:1]) signals are event detectors.
TCLKACT[X] is asserted when a low to high transition occurs on the internal transmit
clock of slice X. TCLKACT[X] is cleared when the line activity monitor register is read.
Note: TCLKs are taken after STLI.
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Register 000FH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #0
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W INTE X
Bit 14 R Unused X
Bit 13 R Unused X
Bit 12 R Unused X
Bit 11 R Unused X
Bit 10 R Unused X
Bit 9 R Unused X
Bit 8 R Unused X
Bit 7 R Unused X
Bit 6 R JAT622I[3] X
Bit 5 R JAT622I[2] X
Bit 4 R JAT622I[1] X
Bit 3 R JAT622I[0] X
Bit 2 R LAS4x622I X
Bit 1 R TCP2488I X
Bit 0 R RCS2488I X
The Interrupt Status Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 0FH.
RCS2488I to JAT622I[3:0]
The RCS2488I to JAT622I[3:0] are interrupt status indicators for the corresponding block.
The interrupt status is set to logic 1 to indicate a pending interrupt from the corresponding
block. The interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt enable bit.
The interrupt enable (INTE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt (INTB) output. When
a logic 1 is written to INTE, the RCS2488I to JAT622I[3:0] pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt (INTB) output. When a logic 0 is written to INTE, the RCS2488I to JAT622I[3:0]
pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt (INTB) output.
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Register 0010H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #1
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W INTE[1] 0
Bit 13 R TAPII[1] X
Bit 12 R APRGMI[1] X
Bit 11 R TSVCAI[1] X
Bit 9 R DPRGMI[1] X
Bit 8 R SARCI[1] X
Bit 7 R RSVCAI[1] X
Bit 5 R TU3RHPPI[1] X
Bit 3 R RHPPI[1] X
Bit 2 R SBERI[1] X
Bit 1 R RTTPI[1] X
Bit 0 R RRMPI[1] X
The Interrupt Status Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 10H.
The RRMPI[1] to ASTSII are interrupt status indicators for the corresponding block. The
interrupt status is set to logic 1 to indicate a pending interrupt from the corresponding block.
The interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt enable bit.
The interrupt enable (INTE[1]) bit controls the activation of the interrupt (INTB) output.
When a logic 1 is written to INTE[1], the RRMP[1] to ASTSI pending interrupt will assert
the interrupt (INTB) output. When a logic 0 is written to INTE[1], the RRMP[1] to ASTSI
pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt (INTB) output.
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Register 0011H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #2
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W INTE[2] 0
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 R TAPII[2] X
Bit 12 R APRGMI[2] X
Bit 11 R TSVCAI[2] X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R DPRGMI[2] X
Bit 8 R SARCI[2] X
Bit 7 R RSVCAI[2] X
Bit 5 R TU3RHPPI[2] X
Bit 3 R RHPPI[2] X
Bit 2 R SBERI[2] X
Bit 1 R RTTPI[2] X
Bit 0 R RRMPI[2] X
The Interrupt Status Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 11H.
RRMPI[2] to TAPII[2]
The RRMPI[2] to TAPII[2] are interrupt status indicators for the corresponding block. The
interrupt status is set to logic 1 to indicate a pending interrupt from the corresponding block.
The interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt enable bit.
The interrupt enable (INTE[2]) bit controls the activation of the interrupt (INTB) output.
When a logic 1 is written to INTE[2], the RRMP[2] to TAPII[2] pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt (INTB) output. When a logic 0 is written to INTE[2], the RRMP[2] to
TAPII[2] pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt (INTB) output.
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Register 0012H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #3
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W INTE[3] 0
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 R TAPII[3] X
Bit 12 R APRGMI[3] X
Bit 11 R TSVCAI[3] X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R DPRGMI[3] X
Bit 8 R SARCI[3] X
Bit 7 R RSVCAI[3] X
Bit 5 R TU3RHPPI[3] X
Bit 3 R RHPPI[3] X
Bit 2 R SBERI[3] X
Bit 1 R RTTPI[3] X
Bit 0 R RRMPI[3] X
The Interrupt Status Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 12H.
RRMPI[3] to TAPII[3]
The RRMPI[3] to TAPII[3] are interrupt status indicators for the corresponding block. The
interrupt status is set to logic 1 to indicate a pending interrupt from the corresponding block.
The interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt enable bit.
The interrupt enable (INTE[3]) bit controls the activation of the interrupt (INTB) output.
When a logic 1 is written to INTE[3], the RRMP[3] to TAPII[3] pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt (INTB) output. When a logic 0 is written to INTE[3], the RRMP[3] to
TAPII[3] pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt (INTB) output.
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Register 0013H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status #4
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W INTE[4] 0
Bit 14 R ADLLI X
Bit 13 R TAPII[4] X
Bit 12 R APRGMI[4] X
Bit 11 R TSVCAI[4] X
Bit 10 R DDLLI X
Bit 9 R DPRGMI[4] X
Bit 8 R SARCI[4] X
Bit 7 R RSVCAI[4] X
Bit 5 R TU3RHPPI[4] X
Bit 3 R RHPPI[4] X
Bit 2 R SBERI[4] X
Bit 1 R RTTPI[4] X
Bit 0 R RRMPI[4] X
The Interrupt Status Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 13H.
The RRMPI[4] to TAPII[4] and ADLLI are interrupt status indicators for the corresponding
block. The interrupt status is set to logic 1 to indicate a pending interrupt from the
corresponding block. The interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt enable bit.
The interrupt enable (INTE[4]) bit controls the activation of the interrupt (INTB) output.
When a logic 1 is written to INTE[4], the RRMP[4] to TAPII[4] pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt (INTB) output. When a logic 0 is written to INTE[4], the RRMP[4] to
TAPII[4] pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt (INTB) output.
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Register 0014H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Drop System Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 R/W DFPEN 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W DJ0J1PAREN 0
Bit 1 R/W D32PAREN 0
The Drop Side Configuration Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address
The drop bus odd parity enable (DODDPAREN) bit selects the parity of the drop bus.
When a logic 1 is written to DODDPAREN, the parity of the drop bus is odd. When a logic
0 is written to DODDPAREN, the parity of the drop bus is even.
The drop bus 32 bits parity enable (D32PAREN) bit selects between an independent parity
for each drop bus and a combined parity for the four-drop bus. When a logic 1 is written to
D32PAREN, DP1 contains a parity calculated over the four-drop bus (DP2-4 are set to
zero). When a logic 0 is written to D32PAREN, DP1-4 contain a parity calculated over the
individual drop bus.
The drop bus payload indication parity enable (DPLPAREN) bit selects if the payload
indication is included or not in the parity calculation. When a logic 1 is written to
DPLPAREN, DPL is included in the parity calculation. When a logic 0 is written to
DPLPAREN, DPL is not included in the parity calculation.
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The drop bus J0J1 indication parity enable (DJ0J1PAREN) bit selects if the J0J1 indication
is included or not in the parity calculation. When a logic 1 is written to DJ0J1PAREN,
DJ0J1 is included in the parity calculation. When a logic 0 is written to DJ0J1PAREN,
DJ0J1 is not included in the parity calculation.
The drop bus frame pulse enable (DFPEN) bit selects if the DJ0REF input is asserted to
force the J0 byte on the drop bus or to force the payload byte following the J0/Z0 bytes on
the drop bus. When a logic 1 is written to DFPEN, DJ0REF is asserted to force the payload
byte following the J0/Z0 byte on the drop bus. When a logic 0 is written to DFPEN,
DJ0REF is asserted to force the J0 bytes on the drop bus.
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Register 0016H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Add System Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 14 R/W AFPEN 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W APARERRE[4] 0
Bit 6 R/W APARERRE[3] 0
Bit 5 R/W APARERRE[2] 0
Bit 4 R/W APARERRE[1] 0
Bit 3 R/W AJ0J1PAREN 0
Bit 1 R/W A32PAREN 0
The Add System Configuration Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address
The add bus odd parity enable (AODDPAREN) bit selects the parity of the add bus. When
a logic 1 is written to AODDPAREN, the parity of the drop bus is ODD. When a logic 0 is
written to AODDPAREN, the parity of the drop bus is even.
The add bus 32 bits parity enable (A32PAREN) bit selects between an independent parity
for each add bus or a combine parity for the four add bus. When a logic 1 is written to
A32PAREN, AP1 contains a parity calculated over the four add bus (AP2-4 must be set to
zero). When a logic 0 is written to A32PAREN, AP1-4 contain a parity calculated over the
individual add bus.
The add bus payload indication parity enable (APLPAREN) bit selects if the payload
indication is included or not in the parity calculation. When a logic 1 is written to
APLPAREN, APL is included in the parity calculation. When a logic 0 is written to
APLPAREN, APL is not included in the parity calculation.
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The add bus J0J1 indication parity enable (AJ0J1PAREN) bit selects if the J0J1 indication is
included or not in the parity calculation. When a logic 1 is written to AJ0J1PAREN, AJ0J1
is included in the parity calculation. When a logic 0 is written to AJ0J1PAREN, AJ0J1 is
not included in the parity calculation.
The add bus parity error interrupt enable (APARERRE[4:1]) bits control the activation of
the interrupt (INTB) output for the corresponding add bus. When a logic 1 is written to
APARERRE[X] and the corresponding slice interrupt enable (bit 15 of 0010H to 0013H) is
set high, an add bus parity error will assert the interrupt (INTB) output. When a logic 0 is
written to APARERRE[X] or the corresponding slice interrupt enable (bit 15 of 0010H to
0013H) is set low, an add bus parity error will not assert the interrupt (INTB) output.
The add bus frame pulse enable (AFPEN) bit selects if the AJ0J1_FP input is asserted to
indicate the J0 byte on the add bus or to indicate the payload byte following the J0/Z0 bytes
on the add bus. When a logic 1 is written to AFPEN, AJ0J1_FP is asserted to indicate the
payload byte following the J0/Z0 byte on the add bus. When a logic 0 is written to AFPEN,
AJ0J1_FP is asserted to indicate the J0 byte on the add bus.
The reserved bit must be programmed to its default value for proper operation.
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Register 0017H: SPECTRA 1X2488 Add Parity Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
The Add Parity Interrupt Status Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address
The add bus parity error interrupt status (APARERRI [4:1]) bits are event indicators.
APARERRI[X] is set to logic 1 to indicate any add bus parity error in the corresponding add
bus. The interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt enable bits. APARERR [X] is
cleared when the add parity interrupt status register is read.
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Register 0018H: SPECTRA 1X2488 System Activity Monitor
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 11 R AJ0J1ACT[4] X
Bit 10 R APLDACT [4] X
Bit 9 R ADATAACT [4] X
Bit 8 R AJ0J1ACT [3] X
Bit 7 R APLDACT [3] X
Bit 6 R ADATAACT [3] X
Bit 5 R AJ0J1ACT [2] X
Bit 4 R APLDACT [2] X
Bit 3 R ADATAACT [2] X
Bit 2 R AJ0J1ACT [1] X
Bit 1 R APLDACT [1] X
Bit 0 R ADATAACT [1] X
The System Activity Monitor is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 18H.
The add data activity monitor (ADATAACT[1:4]) signals are event detectors.
ADATAACT[X] is asserted when a low to high transition occurs on the add data bus of
slice X. ADATAACT[X] is cleared when the system activity monitor register is read.
The add payload activity monitor (APLDACT[4:1]) signals are event detectors.
APLDACT[X] is asserted when a low to high transition occurs on the add payload
indication of slice X. APLDACT[X] is cleared when the system activity monitor register is
The add J0J1 activity monitor (AJ0J1ACT[4:1]) signals are event detectors. AJ0J1ACT[X]
is asserted when a low to high transition occurs on the add J0J1 indication of slice X.
AJ0J1ACT[X] is cleared when the system activity monitor register is read.
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The add system clock activity monitor (ACKACT) signal is an event detector. ACKACT is
asserted when a low to high transition occurs on the add system clock. ACKACT is cleared
when the system activity monitor register is read.
The drop system clock activity monitor (DCKACT) signal is an event detector. DCKACT
is asserted when a low to high transition occurs on the drop system clock. DCKACT is
cleared when the system activity monitor register is read.
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Register 0019H: SPECTRA 1X2488 TAPI Path AIS Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 1 R/W PLOPTRCFG[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PLOPTRCFG [0] 0
The TAPI Path AIS Configuration is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 19H.
The path loss of pointer configuration (PLOPTRCFG[1:0]) bits define the LOP-P defect.
When PLOPTRCFG[1:0] is set to 00b, an LOP-P defect is declared when the pointer is in
the LOP state and an LOP-P defect is removed when the pointer is not in the LOP state.
When PLOPTRCFG[1:0] is set to 01b, an LOP-P defect is declared when the pointer or any
of the concatenated pointers is in the LOP state and an LOP-P defect is removed when the
pointer and all the concatenation pointers are not in the LOP state.
When PLOPTRCFG[1:0] is set to 10b, an LOP-P defect is declared when the pointer or any
of the concatenated pointers is in the LOP state or in the AIS state and an LOP-P defect is
removed when the pointer and all the concatenation pointers are not in the LOP state or in
the AIS state.
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The path AIS pointer configuration (PAISPTRCFG[1:0]) bits define the AIS-P defect.
When PAISPTRCFG[1:0] is set to 00b, an AIS-P defect is declared when the pointer is in
the AIS state and an AIS-P defect is removed when the pointer is not in the AIS state.
When PAISPTRCFG[1:0] is set to 01b, an AIS-P defect is declared when the pointer or any
of the concatenated pointers is in the AIS state and an AIS-P defect is removed when the
pointer and all the concatenation pointers are not in the AIS state.
When PAISPTRCFG[1:0] is set to 10b, an AIS-P defect is declared when the pointer and all
the concatenated pointers are in the AIS state and an AIS-P defect is removed when the
pointer or any of the concatenation pointers is not in the AIS state.
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Register 001AH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Version ID
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R Unused X
Bit 14 R Unused X
Bit 13 R Unused X
Bit 12 R Unused X
Bit 11 R Unused X
Bit 10 R Unused X
Bit 9 R Unused X
Bit 8 R Unused X
Bit 7 R Unused X
Bit 6 R Unused X
Bit 5 R Unused X
Bit 4 R Unused X
Bit 3 R VERSION[3] 0
Bit 2 R VERSION[2] 0
Bit 1 R VERSION[1] 0
Bit 0 R VERSION[0] 0
The Version ID Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 1AH.
The VERSION[3:0] bits report the revision of the SPECTRA 1x2488 device.
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Register 001BH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Chip ID
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R CHIPID[15] 0
Bit 14 R CHIPID[14] 1
Bit 13 R CHIPID[13] 0
Bit 12 R CHIPID[12] 1
Bit 11 R CHIPID[11] 0
Bit 10 R CHIPID[10] 0
Bit 9 R CHIPID[9] 1
Bit 8 R CHIPID[8] 1
Bit 7 R CHIPID[7] 0
Bit 6 R CHIPID[6] 0
Bit 5 R CHIPID[5] 1
Bit 4 R CHIPID[4] 1
Bit 3 R CHIPID[3] 0
Bit 2 R CHIPID[2] 0
Bit 1 R CHIPID[1] 1
Bit 0 R CHIPID[0] 0
The Chip ID Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 1BH.
The CHIPID[15:0] bits represent the part number of the SPECTRA 1x2488 device.
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Register 001CH: SPECTRA 1X2488 DOOL, LOS and SD Defect Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DOOL_DEFECT_EN[3] 0
Bit 14 R/W DOOL_DEFECT_EN[2] 0
Bit 13 R/W DOOL_DEFECT_EN[1] 0
Bit 12 R/W DOOL_DEFECT_EN[0] 0
Bit 11 R/W LOS_DEFECT_EN[3] 1
Bit 10 R/W LOS_DEFECT_EN[2] 1
Bit 9 R/W LOS_DEFECT_EN[1] 1
Bit 8 R/W LOS_DEFECT_EN[0] 1
Bit 7 R/W SD_DEFECT_EN [3] 1
Bit 6 R/W SD_DEFECT_EN [2] 1
Bit 5 R/W SD_DEFECT_EN [1] 1
Bit 4 R/W SD_DEFECT_EN [0] 1
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
The DOOL, LOS and SD Defect Enable Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write
address 1DH.
In 1x2488 mode, the SD_DEFECT_EN bit is used to force an AIS-L on the internal data
path as soon as the SD is deasserted (after programmable inversion in the wrapper). This
will prevent the internal framers (RRMP) descrambler from producing a scrambled all
zeros pattern that, when passed through a transmitters scrambler, will generate the all zeros
pattern again. An extended all zeros pattern at the transmitter could potentially cause a loss
of lock at the downstream receiver.
In 1x2488 mode, the LOS_DEFECT_EN bit is used to force an AIS-L on the internal data
path as soon as an LOS is detected. This will prevent the internal framers (RRMP)
descrambler from producing a scrambled all zeros pattern that, when passed through a
transmitters scrambler, will generate the all zeros pattern again. An extended all zeros
pattern at the transmitter could potentially cause a loss of lock at the downstream receiver.
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In 1s2488 mode, the DOOL_DEFECT_EN bit is used to force an AIS-L on the internal data
path as soon as a DOOL is detected. This will prevent the internal framers (RRMP)
descrambler from producing a scrambled all zeros pattern that, when passed through a
transmitters scrambler, will generate the all zeros pattern again. An extended all zeros
pattern at the transmitter could potentially cause a loss of lock at the downstream receiver.
The reserved bit must be programmed to its default value for proper operation.
In QUAD-622 mode, the SD_DEFECT_EN[3:0] bits are used to force an AIS-L on the
internal data path as soon as SD1-4 is deasserted (after programmable inversion in shim).
This will prevent the internal framers (RRMP) descrambler from producing a scrambled all
zeros pattern that, when passed through a transmitters scrambler, will generate the all zeros
pattern again. An extended all zeros pattern at the transmitter could potentially cause a loss
of lock at the downstream receiver.
In QUAD-622 mode, the LOS_DEFECT_EN[3:0] bits are used to force an AIS-L on the
internal data path as soon as an LOS is detected. This will prevent the internal framers
(RRMP) descrambler from producing a scrambled all zeros pattern that, when passed
through a transmitters scrambler, will generate the all zeros pattern again. An extended all
zeros pattern at the transmitter could potentially cause a loss of lock at the downstream
In QUAD-622 mode, the DOOL_DEFECT_EN[3:0] bits are used to force an AIS-L on the
internal data path as soon as a DOOL is detected. This will prevent the internal framers
(RRMP) descrambler from producing a scrambled all zeros pattern that, when passed
through a transmitters scrambler, will generate the all zeros pattern again. An extended all
zeros pattern at the transmitter could potentially cause a loss of lock at the downstream
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Register 001DH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Miscellaneous Configuration #1
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W AFPMASK 0
Bit 14 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
The Miscellaneous Configuration Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The Add Frame Pulse Mask (AFPMASK) bit defines the behavior of the AJ0J1_FP[1:4]
input pin. When a logic 1 is written to AFPMASK, AJ0J1_FP[1:4] input pin is not resetting
the frame counter. When a logic 0 is written to AFPMASK, AJ0J1_FP[1:4] input pin resets
the frame counter. AFPEN must be set to logic 1 for AFPMASK to mask AJ0J1_FP[1:4].
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Register 001FH: SPECTRA 1X2488 Free Registers
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W FREE[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W FREE[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W FREE[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W FREE[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W FREE[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W FREE[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W FREE[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W FREE[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W FREE[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W FREE[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W FREE[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W FREE[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W FREE[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W FREE[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W FREE[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W FREE[0] 0
The Free Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 1FH.
The free register (FREE[15:0]) bits can be used as scratch registers by the external
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Register 0020H: Rx2488 Analog Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R CRU_CLOCK 1
Bit 14 R Reserved 1
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R Reserved 0
Bit 4 R Reserved 0
Bit 3 R Reserved 0
Bit 2 R LOSI 0
Bit 1 R DOOLI 0
Bit 0 R ROOLI 0
The recovered reference out of lock (ROOLI) status indicates that the clock recovery phase
locked loop is unable to lock to the reference clock on REFCLK. At startup, ROOLI may
remain at logic 1 for several hundred milliseconds while the PLL obtains lock. If
(WCIMODE XOR WCIMODE_1x2488) is logic 1, only over-writing with a ‘1’ clears this
bit. If (WCIMODE XOR WCIMODE_1x2488) is logic 0, then a read of this register
automatically clears the bit.
The recovered data out of lock (DOOLI) status indicates that the clock recovery phase
locked loop is unable to recover and lock to the input data stream. DOOLI is a logic 1 if the
divided down recovered clock frequency is not within ±1000 ppm of the REFCLK
frequency or if no transitions have occurred on the RXD input for more than
LOS_COUNT[4:0] bits. Note: recall that LOS_COUNT[4:0] is specified as the upper 5 bits
of a 9-bit number and has an accuracy of ±15. If (WCIMODE XOR WCIMODE_1x2488)
is logic 1, only over-writing with a ‘1’ clears this bit. If (WCIMODE XOR
WCIMODE_1x2488) is logic 0, then a read of this register automatically clears the bit.
If the optical signal is lost, the SD input pin should be deasserted. This will cause the CRU
into training mode where it will lock onto the REFCLK input. However, the state-machine
that controls DOOLI will continue to search for lock to data and is expected to toggle
during this time. When the optical signal is restored and the SD input pin is asserted, the
CRU will once again attempt to lock onto the data signal. Once lock is found, DOOLI will
stop toggling and DOOLV can be examined to verify the CRU is in fact locked to the data.
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Note: The DOOL detection accuracy is affected by jitter on the recovered clock. As a
result, the clock skew needed to declare DOOL could exceed +/- 999ppm.
The loss of signal (LOSI) status indicates that the receive signal has exceeded a maximum
number of consecutive ones or zeros. LOSI is a logic 0 if the SD1 input is high or less than
LOS_COUNT[4:0] consecutive ones or zeros have been received. LOSI is a logic 1 if the
SDI input is low or LOS_COUNT[4:0] consecutive ones or zeros have been received. Note:
recall that LOS_COUNT[4:0] is specified as the upper 5 bits of a 9-bit number and has an
accuracy of ±15. If (WCIMODE XOR WCIMODE_1x2488) is logic 1, only over-writing
with a ‘1’ clears this bit. If (WCIMODE XOR WCIMODE_1x2488) is logic 0, then a read
of this register automatically clears the bit.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The CRU_CLOCK status bit monitors the state of the CRU clock. Each time this Register is
read, the sampling register is reset. The CRU_CLOCK is set high when the CRU clock
transitions from low to high at least once. The CRU_CLOCK is reset low after Register
00H is read and will remain low if no transitions occur on the CRU clock.
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Register 0021H: Rx2488 Analog Interrupt Control (Single 2488 Mode Only)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W SDI_MASK 0
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W LOSE 0
Bit 1 R/W DOOLE 0
Bit 0 R/W ROOLE 0
The Reference Out Of Lock Enable (ROOLE) bit connects the ROOLI status bit to the INT
pin of the RCS_2488. When ROOLE is set to logic 1, an interrupt on the INT pin is
generated upon assertion of the ROOLI register bit. When ROOLE is set low, a change in
the ROOLI status does not generate an interrupt.
The Data Out Of Lock Enable (DOOLE) bit connects the DOOLI status bit to the INT pin
of the RCS_2488. When DOOLE is set to logic 1, an interrupt on the INT is generated
upon assertion of the DOOLI register bit. When DOOLE is set low, a change in the DOOLI
status does not generate an interrupt.
Note: The DOOL detection accuracy is affected by jitter on the recovered clock. As a
result, the clock skew needed to declare DOOL could exceed +/- 999ppm.
The Loss of Signal Enable (LOSE) bit connects the LOSI status bit to the INT pin of the
RCS_2488. When LOSE is set to logic 1, an interrupt on the INT is generated upon
assertion of the LOSI register bit. When LOSE is set low, a change in the LOSI status does
not generate an interrupt.
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The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The Signal Detect Mask bit controls the operation of the SD1 input pin. When SDI_MASK
is set to a logic 1 the SD1 input will be ignored and the internal signal will be forced to the
active state and all down stream blocks will operate normally. When SDI_MASK is set to
logic 0 the internal signal follows the state of the SD1 input pin and the state of
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Register 0022H: Rx2488 Analog CRU Control
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 14 R/W CRU_RESET 0
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 12 R/W RX2488_ENABLE 1
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 R/W SLICE1_RX622_EN 0
Bit 7 R/W SDLE2488 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 1
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The Serial Diagnostic Loop Back Enable (SDLE2488) bit, when set to logic 1, loops the
data from the transmit line PISO to the receive side CRU/SIPO. In the loop back mode, the
CRU locks to the loop back data.
Rx STS-12 Slice #1 enable. The SLICE1_RX622_EN bits controls the Rx STS-12 Slice #1
ports using RXD1_P/N. When SLICE1_RX622_EN is set to logic 0 (the default), the logic
supporting Rx STS-12 Slice #1 is disabled. When SLICE1_RX622_EN is set to logic 1 the
RXD1_P/N inputs is used as the Rx STS-1 slice #1 input.
The Clock Recovery Unit Enable bit provides a global power down of the CRU Analog
Block Circuit. When set to logic 0, this bit forces the CRU to a low power state and
functionality is disabled. When set to logic 1, the CRU operates in the normal mode of
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The 2.488GHz Receiver Enable bit provides a global power down of the RX2488 Analog
Block Circuit. When set to logic 0, this bit forces the RX2488 to a low power state and
functionality is disabled. When set to logic 1, the RX2488 operates in the normal mode of
The Clock Recovery Unit Reset bit provides a complete reset of the CRU Analog Block
Circuit. When set to logic 1, this bit forces the CRU to a known initial state. While the bit is
set to logic 1, the functionality of the block is disabled. When set to logic 0, the CRU
operates in the normal mode. This bit is not self-clearing. Therefore a ‘0’ must be written to
the bit to remove the reset condition. Note: To ensure a complete CRU reset, this bit should
be toggled for a minimum period of 100 mS.
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Register 0023H: Rx2488 Analog CRU Clock Training Configuration and Status (Single
2488 Mode Only)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W LOS_COUNT[4] 0
Bit 14 R/W LOS_COUNT[3] 1
Bit 13 R/W LOS_COUNT[2] 0
Bit 12 R/W LOS_COUNT[1] 0
Bit 11 R/W LOS_COUNT[0] 0
Bit 10 R/W LOS_EN 1
Bit 8 R/W INV_SDI_EN 0
Bit 6 R DOOLV 1
Bit 5 R ROOLV 1
Bit 4 R TRAIN 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 1
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The CRU reference training status indicates if the CRU is locking to the reference clock or
the locking to the receive data. TRAIN is a logic 0 if the CRU is locking or locked to the
reference clock. TRAIN is a logic 1 if the CRU is locking or locked to the receive data.
TRAIN is invalid if the CRU is not used.
When the optical signal is lost, the SD input pin is expected to be deasserted. In this state,
the CRU will be forced into training mode and will lock to REFCLK. However, the state-
machine, which controls the TRAIN register bit, will continue looking at the data and will
occasionally change states. However, the CRU will remain locked to REFCLK until SD is
once again asserted.
The recovered reference out of lock status indicates that the clock recovery phase locked
loop is unable to lock to the reference clock on REFCLK. At startup, ROOLV may remain
at logic 1 for several hundred milliseconds while the PLL obtains lock.
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The recovered data out of lock status indicates that the clock recovery phase locked loop is
unable to recover and lock to the input data stream. DOOLV is logic 1 if the divided down
recovered clock frequency is not within approximately 488ppm of the REFCLK frequency
or if LOSI interrupt has been triggered.
Note: The DOOL detection accuracy is affected by jitter on the recovered clock. As a
result, the clock skew needed to declare DOOL could exceed +/- 999ppm.
RX_INV_DATA_EN (Single 2488 mode only)
The Serial Data Inversion RX_INV_DATA_EN controls the polarity of the received data.
When RX_INV_DATA_EN is set to logic 1, the polarity of the RXD1_P/RXD1_N input
pins invert. When RX_INV_DATA_EN is set to logic 0, the RXD1_P/RXD1_N inputs
operate normally.
INV_SDI_EN (Single 2488 mode only)
The Signal Detect Inversion INV_SDI_EN controls the polarity of the SD1 input pin. When
INV_SDI_EN is set to logic 1 the polarity of the SD1 input pin is inverted. When
INV_SDI_EN is set to logic 0 the polarity of the SD1 input remains unchanged.
LINE_LOOP_BACK (Single 2488 mode only)
The line loop back bit selects the source of the timing for the parallel data output of the
receive FIFO. When the LINE_LOOP_BACK is set to logic 1, the output data of this FIFO
is timed to the clock of the SPECTRA 1x2488 transmitter. Either the SPECTRA 1x2488 or
the upstream device must be in loop-timed mode for the line-loop back mode to work
properly. When reset to logic 0, the receive FIFO output data is timed using either the
receive-side-CSU clock or the CRU clock depending on the state of the FIFO_CLOCK
Register bit.
For chip-level line loop back, this LINE_LOOP_BACK bit and the SLLE2488 register bit
in the Tx2488 Analog Control/Status register (register 0020H) must be set to logic 1. As
well, the LOOPTIMEB register bit in the Tx2488 ABC Control register (register 0021H)
must be set to logic 0.
The loss of signal enable bit controls the signal detection logic. The CRU uses the LOS
detector along with the clock difference detector to determine if the CRU is locked to data.
When LOS_EN is set to logic 1, the incoming signal is monitored for 1/0 transitions as
determined by LOS_COUNT[4:0] register bits. If LOS_EN is reset to logic 0, the 1/0
transition detector is disabled. Note: recall that LOS_COUNT[4:0] is specified as the upper
5 bits of an 11-bit number and has an accuracy of ±15.
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The Loss of Signal ones/zeros transition detector count field sets the value for the number
of consecutive all-zeros or all-ones pattern that will force the CRU out of the LOCK TO
DATA state. Each bit in the binary count represents sixteen ones or zeros in the pattern. (i.e.
LOS_COUNT[4:0] has an accuracy of ±15). For example, to set the consecutive all-ones or
all-zeros pattern to 128 the LOS_COUNT[4:0] should be set to “01000”b. The default
value for this field is 128.
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Register 0030H: Quad 622 MABC General Control Register (Quad 622 Mode Only)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 4 R/W IREF_CTRL[1] 1
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W REF_MODE 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W MABC_ENB 0
The MABC General Control Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address
The global enable control register bit MABC_ENB disables the entire 4x622MABC into
low-power mode when set to logic 1. When MABC_ENB is set to logic 0 and the input pin
QUAD622 is logic 1, the MABC will be in normal operation.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The reference clock mode select register bit is used to select reference frequency for the
4x622MABC. When set to logic 0, the input reference clock must be 77.76 MHz. When
set to logic 1 the input reference clock frequency must be 155.52 MHz. Note: the
IREF_CTRL[1]. bit must also be set accordingly for 77.76 MHz and the 155.52 MHz
operation in addition to REF_MODE.IREF_CTRL[1]
The input reference control bit selects the CSUR reference clock rate . When a logic ‘1’is
written to IREF_CTRL[1], the REF77_P/N reference clock input must be 77.76 MHz.
When a logic ‘0’ is written to IREF_CTRL[1], the REF77_P/N reference clock input must
be 155.52 MHz. Note the REF_MODE bit must also be set accordingly for 77.76 MHz and
the 155.52 MHz operation in addition to IREF_CTRL[1].
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Register 0031H: Quad 622 Rx MABC Control Register (Quad 622 Mode Only)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 14 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 1
The Receive MABC Control Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address
CSUR_ARSTB provides a reset to the entire CSUR (Master and Slave PLL). When asserted
(logic 0), it resets the entire CSUR. CSUR_ARSTB has to be asserted for at least 53 µs
when REF77_P/N is operating at 155.52 MHz or at least 106 µs when REF77_P/N is
operating at 77.76 MHz to reset the CSUR. When deasserted (logic 1), the CSUR is set to
normal operation.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Register 0033H: Quad 622 Rx MABC Interrupt Enable Register (Quad 622 Mode Only)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 R Reserved X
Bit 8 R Reserved X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 0 R/W CSUR_LDE 0
The Receive MABC Interrupt Enable Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write
address 0033H.
CSUR_LDE is used as interrupt enable for CSUR_LDI register bit. It connects the
CSUR_LDI status bit to the INT pin of the LAS4x622. When CSUR_LDE is set to logic 1,
an interrupt on the INT is generated upon assertion of the CSUR_LDI register bit. When
CSUR_LDE is set low, a change in the CSUR_LDI status does not generate an interrupt.
CSUR_SRAE is used as interrupt enable for CSUR_SRAI register bit. It connects the
CSUR_SRAI status bit to the INT pin of the LAS4x622. When CSUR_SRAE is set to logic
1, an interrupt on the INT is generated upon assertion of the CSUR_SRAI register bit.
When CSUR_SRAE is set low, a change in the CSUR_SRAI status does not generate an
CSUR_MRAE is used as interrupt enable for CSUR_MRAI register bit. It connects the
CSUR_MRAI status bit to the INT pin of the LAS4x622. When CSUR_MRAE is set to
logic 1, an interrupt on the INT is generated upon assertion of the CSUR_MRAI register bit.
When CSUR_MRAE is set low, a change in the CSUR_MRAI status does not generate an
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CSUR_SRA_DIS is used to disable the runaway circuitry in LAS4x622 for the SLAVE
PLL in the CSUR. When asserted (logic 1), the runaway circuitry in LAS4x622 for the
SLAVE PLL is disabled. When deasserted (logic 0), the runaway circuitry in LAS4x622 for
the SLAVE PLL is enabled.
CSUR_MRA_DIS is used to disable the runaway circuitry in LAS4x622 for the MASTER
PLL in the CSUR. When asserted (logic 1), the runaway circuitry in LAS4x622 for the
MASTER PLL is disabled. When deasserted (logic 0), the runaway circuitry in LAS4x622
for the MASTER PLL is enabled.
The reserved bit must be programmed to its default value for proper operation
This status register bit indicates a runaway condition for the CSUR Slave PLL. A runaway
condition is defined as when the CSUR Slave PLL control voltage > 1.6V. When
CSUR_SRAV goes high, the CSUR Slave PLL should be reset with CSURS_ARSTB.
CSUR_SRAV Definition
0 CSUR Slave PLL is in a normal operating condition
1 CSUR Slave PLL is in a runaway condition
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Register 0034H: Quad 622 Rx MABC Interrupt Status Register (Quad 622 Mode Only)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W CSUR_LDI 0
The Receive MABC Interrupt Status Register is provided at SPECTRA 1X2488 read/write
address 0034H.
This interrupt status register bit indicates the lock status of the CSUR Slave PLL to the
reference clock. When any transition occurs of the status of CSUR slave PLL being locked
to the reference clock to the status of CSUR slave PLL being out of lock, it will be set to
logic 1. If WCI_MODE is set to logic 1, only over-writing it with a ‘1 clears this bit. If
WCI_MODE is set to logic 0, then a read of this register automatically clears the bit. The
transition from logic 0 to logic 1 of this bit can generate an interrupt if the CSUR_LDIE is
asserted (logic 1).
This interrupt register bit indicates a runaway condition for the CSUR slave PLL. Any
transition from a normal operation to a runaway condition of the CSUR slave PLL will set
this bit to logic 1. If WCI_MODE is set to logic 1, only over-writing it with a ‘1’ clears this
bit. If WCI_MODE is set to logic 0, then a read of this register automatically clears the bit.
The transition from logic 0 to logic 1 of this bit can generate an interrupt if the
CSUR_SRAIE is asserted (logic 1).
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This interrupt register bit indicates a runaway condition for the CSUR master PLL. Any
transition from a normal operation to a runaway condition of the CSUR master PLL will set
this bit to logic 1. If the WCI_MODE is set to logic 1, only over-writing it with a ‘1’ clears
this bit. If WCI_MODE is set to logic 0, then a read of this register automatically clears the
bit. The transition from logic 0 to logic 1 of this bit can generate an interrupt if the
CSUR_MRAIE is asserted (logic 1).
The reserved bit must be programmed to its default value for proper operation.
This register bit is used for a sanity detection of the reference clock REFCLK. REFCLK is
set to logic 1 if any rising edge of the reference clock is detected since this bit has been
cleared last. If WCI_MODE is set to logic 1, only over-writing it with a ‘1’ clears this bit. If
WCI_MODE is set to logic 0, then a read of this register automatically clears the bit.
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Register 0035H 0435H 0835H 0C35H: Quad 622 Rx MABC Channel Control Register
(Quad 622 Mode Only)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 14 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 2 R/W SDLE622 0
Bit 0 R/W CHAN_ENB 0
The Receive MABC Channel 1 to 4 Control register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488
read/write address 0035H 0435H 0835H and 0C35H.
The channel enable control register bit CHAN_ENB enables the corresponding channel in
the 4x622 MABC to normal operation mode when asserted (logic 0). When deasserted
(logic 1), the channel is disabled and placed into low-power mode.
The CDRU reset register bit CDRU_RSTB applies a reset to the CDRU of respective
channel in the 4x622 MABC when asserted (logic 0). The reset should be applied for at
least 100 µs. A reset signal should be applied after any mode/control pin changes to ensure
proper start-up states. When deasserted (logic 1), the corresponding channel is out of reset.
When set to logic 1, the Serial Diagnostic Loop Back Enable (SDLE622) bit, loops the data
from the transmit side JAT622 to the receive side Rx. In the loop back mode, the Rx locks
to the loop back data.
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CSUR_LD_DIS controls CRU state machine. When CSUR_LD_DIS is logic 0, the data out
of the lock state can change to ‘looked to’ data status if CSUR_LD is logic 1 and the
recovered clock is in a certain ppm of the reference clock. When CSUR_LD_DIS is logic 1,
the condition for CSUR_LD, logic 1, is bypassed.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Register 0036H 0436H 0836H 0C36H: Quad 622 Rx Channel Data Path Control Register
(Quad 622 Mode Only)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W LOS_COUNT[5] 0
Bit 14 R/W LOS_COUNT[4] 1
Bit 13 R/W LOS_COUNT[3] 0
Bit 12 R/W LOS_COUNT[2] 0
Bit 11 R/W LOS_COUNT[1] 0
Bit 10 R/W LOS_COUNT[0] 0
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W INV_SDI_EN 0
Bit 6 R/W SDI_MASK 0
Bit 5 R/W LOS_EN 1
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W LOSE 0
Bit 0 R/W DOOLE 0
The Receive Channel 0 to 3 Data Path Control register is provided at SP1x2488 read/write
address 0036H 0436H 0836H and 0C36H.
DOOLE is used as interrupt enable for DOOLI register bit. It connects the DOOLI status bit
to the INT pin of the LAS4x622. When DOOLE is set to logic 1, an interrupt on the INT is
generated upon assertion of the DOOLI register bit. When DOOLE is set low, a change in
the DOOLI status does not generate an interrupt.
Note: The DOOL detection accuracy is affected by jitter on the recovered clock. As a
result, the clock skew needed to declare DOOL could exceed +/- 999ppm.
LOSE is used as interrupt enable for LOSI register bit. It connects the LOSI status bit to the
INT pin of the LAS4x622. When LOSE is set to logic 1, an interrupt on the INT is
generated upon assertion of the LOSI register bit. When LOSE is set low, a change in the
LOSI status does not generate an interrupt.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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The Rx Serial Data Inversion Enable (RX_INV_DATA_ENB) controls the polarity of the
received data. When RX_INV_DATA_ENB is set to logic 0 the polarity of the Rx data is
invert. When RX_INV_DATA_ENB is set to logic 1 the Rx data operates normally.
The Loss of Signal enable bit (LOS_EN) controls the signal detection logic. The LAS4x622
uses the LOS detector along with the clock difference detector to determine if the CDRU is
locked to data. When LOS_EN is set to logic 1, the incoming signal is monitored for 1/0
transitions as determined by the LOS_COUNT[5:0] register bits. If LOS_EN is reset to
logic 0, the 1/0 transition detector is disabled.
The Signal Detect Mask bit controls the state of the SD signal. When SDI_MASK is set to a
logic 1, the SD output will be forced to the active high state and all down stream blocks will
operate normally. When SDI_MASK is set to logic 0, the SD output from LAS4x622
follows the state of the SD input pin and the state of INV_SDI_EN bit.
Note: When the SDI_MASK bits are enabled, LOS is not detected in the RRMP block in the
absence of an optical input signal. Enabling the SDI_MASK bits masks the SD inputs and
forces the SPECTRA 1x2488 to declare LOS based on an all ‘0’ or all ‘1’ input pattern.
However, noise on the AC coupled RXD[1-4] inputs can cause transitions to be seen
preventing detection of an all ‘0’ or all ‘1’ pattern. To avoid this, disable the SDI_MASK
bits and connect the SD input pin to the optical module. This will allow LOS to be detected
in the RRMP block when the optical input signal is lost.
The Signal Detect Inversion (INV_SDI_EN) controls the polarity of the SD input pin. When
INV_SDI_EN is set to logic 1, the polarity of the SD input pin is inverted. When
INV_SDI_EN is set to logic 0, the polarity of the SD input remains unchanged.
The Loss of Signal 1/0 transition detector counts field sets the value for the number of
consecutive all-zeros or all-ones patterns that will set the loss of signal register bit LOSI to
logic 1. Each bit in the binary count represents eight ones or zeros in the pattern. To set the
consecutive all-ones or all-zeros patterns to 128, the LOS_COUNT[5:0] should be set to
010000b. The default value for this field is 128.
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Register 0038H 0438H 0838H 0C38H: Quad 622 Rx Channel Data Interrupt Status Register
(Quad 622 Mode Only)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 R Reserved 0
Bit 3 R Reserved 0
Bit 2 R Reserved 0
Bit 1 R LOSI 0
Bit 0 R DOOLI 0
The Receive Channel 0 to 3 Data Path Interrupt Status Register is provided at SPECTRA
1X2488 read/write address 0038H, 0438H, 0838H and 0C38H.
The Data Out of Lock (DOOLI) status indicates the recovered data out of lock, which is
defined as when the difference between the reference clock and the recovered clock
RDICLK is beyond a certain ppm programmed in the register 5+16*n, where n is the
channel number. If WCI_MODE is set to logic 1, only over-writing with a ‘1’ clears this bit.
If WCI_MODE is set to logic 0 then a read of this register automatically clears the bit. The
transition from logic 0 to logic 1 of this bit can generate an interrupt if the DOOLI_EN is
Note: The DOOL detection accuracy is affected by jitter on the recovered clock. As a
result, the clock skew needed to declare DOOL could exceed +/- 999ppm.
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The Loss of Signal (LOSI) status indicates the receive signal is lost or at least
LOS_COUNT[5:0] consecutive ones or zeros have been received. LOSI is a logic 0 if the
SDI input is high or less than LOS_COUNT[5:0] consecutive ones or zeros have been
received. LOSI is a logic 1 if the SDI input is low or LOS_COUNT[5:0] consecutive ones
or zeros have been received. If WCI_MODE is set to logic 1, only over-writing with a ‘1
clears this bit. If WCI_MODE is set to logic 0 then a read of this register automatically
clears the bit. The transition from logic 0 to logic 1 of this bit can generate an interrupt if
the LOSE is asserted.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Register 0039H, 0439H, 0839H, and 0C39H: Quad 622 Rx Channel Data Path Status
Register (Quad 622 Mode Only)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R Reserved 0
Bit 14 R Reserved 0
Bit 13 R Reserved 0
Bit 12 R Reserved 0
Bit 11 R Reserved 0
Bit 10 R Reserved 0
Bit 9 R Reserved 0
Bit 8 R Reserved 0
Bit 7 R Reserved 0
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R Reserved 0
Bit 2 R Reserved 0
Bit 1 R LOSV 0
Bit 0 R DOOLV 0
The Receive Channel 0 to 3 Data Path Status Register is provided at SPECTRA 1X2488
read/write address 0039H, 0439H, 0839H and 0C39H.
The status register bit DOOLV indicates the recovered Data Out of Lock, which is defined
as when the difference between the reference clock and the recovered clock RDICLK is
beyond a certain ppm programmed in the register 5+16*n, where n is the channel number.
DOOLV Definition
0 Normal operation
1 Recovered Data Out of Lock
Note: The DOOL detection accuracy is affected by jitter on the recovered clock. As a
result, the clock skew needed to declare DOOL could exceed +/- 999ppm.
The status register bit LOSV indicates the receive signal is lost or at least
LOS_COUNT[5:0] consecutive ones or zeros have been received. LOSV is a logic ‘0’ if
the SDI input is high or less than LOS_COUNT[5:0] consecutive ones or zeros have been
received. LOSV is a logic ‘1’ if the SDI input is low or LOS_COUNT[5:0] consecutive
ones or zeros have been received.
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The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Register 0040H: SRLI Clock Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W DISFRM4 0
Bit 8 R/W DISFRM3 0
Bit 7 R/W DISFRM2 0
Bit 6 R/W DISFRM1 0
Bit 5 R/W DISFRM 0
Bit 4 R/W RCLK4EN 0
Bit 3 R/W RCLK3EN 0
Bit 2 R/W RCLK2EN 0
Bit 1 R/W RCLK1EN 0
Bit 0 Unused X
The Clock Configuration Register is provided at SRLI read/write address 0040H.
The receive clock enable (RCLK1EN) bit controls the gating of the RCLK1 output clock.
When RCLK1EN is set to logic 1, the RCLK1 output clock operates normally. When
RCLK1EN is set to logic 0, the RCLK1 output clock is held low.
The receive clock enable (RCLK2EN) bit controls the gating of the RCLK2 output clock.
When RCLK2EN is set to logic 1, the RCLK2 output clock operates normally. When
RCLK2EN is set to logic 0, the RCLK2 output clock is held low.
The receive clock enable (RCLK3EN) bit controls the gating of the RCLK3 output clock.
When RCLK3EN is set to logic 1, the RCLK3 output clock operates normally. When
RCLK3EN is set to logic 0, the RCLK3 output clock is held low.
The receive clock enable (RCLK4EN) bit controls the gating of the RCLK4 output clock.
When RCLK4EN is set to logic 1, the RCLK4 output clock operates normally. When
RCLK4EN is set to logic 0, the RCLK4 output clock is held low.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The disable framing (DISFRM) bit disables the framing algorithm and resets the bit
alignment on the RD[15:0] input bus to none. When DISFRM is set to logic 1, the framing
algorithm is disabled and the bit alignment is reset to none. When DISFRM is set to logic
0, the framing algorithm is enabled and the bit alignment is done when out of frame is
The disable framing (DISFRM1) bit disables the framing algorithm and resets the bit
alignment on the RD1[7:0] input bus to none. When DISFRM1 is set to logic 1, the
framing algorithm is disabled and the bit alignment is reset to none. When DISFRM1 is set
to logic 0, the framing algorithm is enabled and the bit alignment is done when out of frame
is declared.
The disable framing (DISFRM2) bit disables the framing algorithm and resets the bit
alignment on the RD2[7:0] input bus to none. When DISFRM2 is set to logic 1, the
framing algorithm is disabled and the bit alignment is reset to none. When DISFRM2 is set
to logic 0, the framing algorithm is enabled and the bit alignment is done when out of frame
is declared.
The disable framing (DISFRM3) bit disables the framing algorithm and resets the bit
alignment on the RD3[7:0] input bus to none. When DISFRM3 is set to logic 1, the
framing algorithm is disabled and the bit alignment is reset to none. When DISFRM3 is set
to logic 0, the framing algorithm is enabled and the bit alignment is done when out of frame
is declared.
The disable framing (DISFRM4) bit disables the framing algorithm and resets the bit
alignment on the RD4[7:0] input bus to none. When DISFRM4 is set to logic 1, the
framing algorithm is disabled and the bit alignment is reset to none. When DISFRM4 is set
to logic 0, the framing algorithm is enabled and the bit alignment is done when out of frame
is declared.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0060H, 0460H, 0860H, and 0C60H: SBER Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
The Configuration Register is provided at SBER read/write address 0060H, 0460H, 0860H, and
The SDCMODE alarm bit selects the Signal Degrade BERM window size to use for
clearing alarms. When SDCMODE is logic 0, the SD BERM will clear an alarm using the
same window size used for declaration. When SDCMODE is logic 1, the SD BERM will
clear an alarm using a window size that is 8 times longer than alarm declaration window
size. The declaration window size is defined by the SD BERM Accumulation Period
register. SFCMODE at logic 1 should be used with extreme caution when using Evaluation
Periods equal or near a Bellcore or ITU requirement. Working with 8 times the declaration
window size would then cause to fail on the requirements, where clearing time requirements
are equal to declare time requirements.
The SDSMODE bit selects the Signal Degrade BERM saturation mode. When SDSMODE
is logic 0, the SD BERM will saturate the BIP count on a per frame basis using the SD
Saturation Threshold register value. When SDSMODE is a logic 1 the SD BERM will
saturate the BIP count on a per window subtotal accumulation period basis using the SD
Saturation Threshold register value.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The SDBERTEN bit enables automatic monitoring of line bit error rate threshold events by
the Signal Degrade BERM. When SDBERTEN is logic 1, the SD BERM continuously
monitors line BIP errors over a period defined in the BERM configuration registers. When
SDBERTEN is logic 0, the SD BERM BIP accumulation logic is disabled, and the BERM
logic is reset to restart in the declaration monitoring state.
All SD BERM configuration registers should be set up before the monitoring is enabled.
The SFCMODE alarm bit selects the Signal Failure BERM window size to use for clearing
alarms. When SFCMODE is logic 0, the SF BERM will clear an alarm using the same
window size used for declaration. When SFCMODE is logic 1, the SF BERM will clear an
alarm using a window size that is 8 times longer than alarm declaration window size. The
declaration window size is defined by the SF BERM Accumulation Period register.
SFCMODE at logic 1 should be used with extreme caution when using Evaluation Periods
equal or near a Bellcore or ITU requirement. Working with 8 times the declaration window
size would then cause to fail on the requirements, where clearing time requirements are
equal to declare time requirements.
The SFSMODE bit selects the Signal Failure BERM saturation mode. When SFSMODE is
logic 0, the SF BERM will saturate the BIP count on a per frame basis using the SF
Saturation Threshold register value. When SFSMODE is a logic 1 the SF BERM will
saturate the BIP count on a per window subtotal accumulation period basis using the SF
Saturation Threshold register value.
The SFBERTEN bit enables automatic monitoring of line bit error rate threshold events by
the Signal Failure BERM. When SFBERTEN is logic 1, the SF BERM continuously
monitors line BIP errors over a period defined in the BERM configuration registers. When
SFBERTEN is logic 0, the SF BERM BIP accumulation logic is disabled, and the BERM
logic is reset to restart in the declaration monitoring state.
All SF BERM configuration registers should be set up before the monitoring is enabled.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0061H, 0461H, 0861H, and 0C61H: SBER Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
The Status Register is provided at SBER read/write address 0061H, 0461H, 0861H, and 0C61H.
The SDBERV bit indicates the Signal Degrade BERM alarm state. The alarm is declared
(SDBERV is a logic 1) when the declaring threshold has been exceeded. The alarm is
removed (SDBERV is a logic 0) when the clearing threshold has been reached.
The SFBERV bit indicates the Signal Failure BERM alarm state. The alarm is declared
(SFBERV is a logic 1) when the declaring threshold has been exceeded. The alarm is
removed (SFBERV is a logic 0) when the clearing threshold has been reached.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0062H, 0462H, 0862H, and 0C62H: SBER Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 R/W SFBERE 0
Bit 0 R/W SDBERE 0
The Interrupt Enable Register is provided at SBER read/write address 0062H, 0462H, 0862H,
and 0C62H.
The SDBERE bit is the interrupt enable for the SDBER alarm. When SDBERE is set to
logic 1, the pending interrupt in the Interrupt Status Register, SDBERI, will assert the
interrupt output. When SDBERE is set to logic 0, the pending interrupt will not assert the
interrupt output.
The SFBERE bit is the interrupt enable for the SFBER alarm. When SFBERE is set to
logic 1, the pending interrupt in the Interrupt Status Register, SFBERI, will assert the
interrupt output. When SFBERE is set to logic 0, the pending interrupt will not assert the
interrupt output.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0063H, 0463H, 0863H, and 0C63H: SBER Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
The Interrupt Status Register is provided at SBER read/write address 0063H, 0463H, 0863H,
and 0C63H.
The SDBERI bit is an event indicator set to logic 1 to indicate any changes in the status of
SDBERV. This interrupt status bit is independent of the SDBERE interrupt enable bit.
When WCIMODE is low (read mode), SDBERI is cleared by reading the interrupt status
register. When WCIMODE is high (write mode), SDBERI is cleared by writing a high value
to bit 1 of the interrupt status register.
The SFBERI bit is an event indicator set to logic 1 to indicate any changes in the status of
SFBERV. This interrupt status bit is independent of the SFBERE interrupt enable bit. When
WCIMODE is low (read mode), SFBERI is cleared by reading the interrupt status register.
When WCIMODE is high (write mode), SFBERI is cleared by writing a high value to bit 0
of the interrupt status register.
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Register 0064H, 0464H, 0864H, and 0C64H: SBER SF BERM Accumulation Period (LSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W SFSAP[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W SFSAP[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W SFSAP[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W SFSAP[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W SFSAP[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W SFSAP[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W SFSAP[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W SFSAP[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W SFSAP[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W SFSAP[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W SFSAP[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W SFSAP[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W SFSAP[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W SFSAP[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W SFSAP[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W SFSAP[0] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 0064H, 0464H, 0864H, and 0C64H.
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Register 0065H, 0465H, 0865H, and 0C65H: SBER SF BERM Accumulation Period (MSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W SFSAP[31] 0
Bit 14 R/W SFSAP[30] 0
Bit 13 R/W SFSAP[29] 0
Bit 12 R/W SFSAP[28] 0
Bit 11 R/W SFSAP[27] 0
Bit 10 R/W SFSAP[26] 0
Bit 9 R/W SFSAP[25] 0
Bit 8 R/W SFSAP[24] 0
Bit 7 R/W SFSAP[23] 0
Bit 6 R/W SFSAP[22] 0
Bit 5 R/W SFSAP[21] 0
Bit 4 R/W SFSAP[20] 0
Bit 3 R/W SFSAP[19] 0
Bit 2 R/W SFSAP[18] 0
Bit 1 R/W SFSAP[17] 0
Bit 0 R/W SFSAP[16] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 0065H, 0465H, 0865H, and 0C65H.
The SFSAP[31:0] bits represent the number of STS-N frames to be used to accumulate a
BIP error subtotal. The total evaluation window to declare an alarm is broken into 8
subtotals, so this register value represents 1/8 of the total sliding window size. Refer to the
Operations section for the recommended settings.
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Register 0066H, 0466H, 0866H, and 0C66H: SBER SF BERM Saturation Threshold (LSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W SFSATH[15] 1
Bit 14 R/W SFSATH[14] 1
Bit 13 R/W SFSATH[13] 1
Bit 12 R/W SFSATH[12] 1
Bit 11 R/W SFSATH[11] 1
Bit 10 R/W SFSATH[10] 1
Bit 9 R/W SFSATH[9] 1
Bit 8 R/W SFSATH[8] 1
Bit 7 R/W SFSATH[7] 1
Bit 6 R/W SFSATH[6] 1
Bit 5 R/W SFSATH[5] 1
Bit 4 R/W SFSATH[4] 1
Bit 3 R/W SFSATH[3] 1
Bit 2 R/W SFSATH[2] 1
Bit 1 R/W SFSATH[1] 1
Bit 0 R/W SFSATH[0] 1
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 0066H, 0466H, 0866H, and 0C66H.
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Register 0067H, 0467H, 0867H, and 0C67H: SBER SF BERM Saturation Threshold (MSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W SFSATH[23] 1
Bit 6 R/W SFSATH[22] 1
Bit 5 R/W SFSATH[21] 1
Bit 4 R/W SFSATH[20] 1
Bit 3 R/W SFSATH[19] 1
Bit 2 R/W SFSATH[18] 1
Bit 1 R/W SFSATH[17] 1
Bit 0 R/W SFSATH[16] 1
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 0067H, 0467H, 0867H, and 0C67H.
The SFSATH[23:0] bits represent the allowable number of BIP errors that can be
accumulated either during a frame period or during a complete sub accumulation period
(depending on SFSMODE) before the error count is saturated to this threshold value.
Setting this threshold to 0xFFFFFF disables the saturation functionality.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0068H, 0468H, 0868H, and 0C68H: SBER SF BERM Declaration Threshold (LSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W SFDECTH[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W SFDECTH[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W SFDECTH[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W SFDECTH[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W SFDECTH[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W SFDECTH[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W SFDECTH[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W SFDECTH[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W SFDECTH[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W SFDECTH[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W SFDECTH[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W SFDECTH[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W SFDECTH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W SFDECTH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W SFDECTH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W SFDECTH[0] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 0068H, 0468H, 0868H, and 0C68H.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0069H, 0469H, 0869H, and 0C69H: SBER SF BERM Declaration Threshold (MSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W SFDECTH[23] 0
Bit 6 R/W SFDECTH[22] 0
Bit 5 R/W SFDECTH[21] 0
Bit 4 R/W SFDECTH[20] 0
Bit 3 R/W SFDECTH[19] 0
Bit 2 R/W SFDECTH[18] 0
Bit 1 R/W SFDECTH[17] 0
Bit 0 R/W SFDECTH[16] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 0069H, 0469H, 0869H, and 0C69H.
The SFDECTH[23:0] register represent the number of BIP errors that must be accumulated
during a full evaluation window in order to declare a BER alarm. Refer to the Operations
section for the recommended settings.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 006AH, 046AH, 086AH, and 0C6AH: SBER SF BERM Clearing Threshold (LSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W SFCLRTH[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W SFCLRTH[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W SFCLRTH[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W SFCLRTH[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W SFCLRTH[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W SFCLRTH[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W SFCLRTH[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W SFCLRTH[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W SFCLRTH[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W SFCLRTH[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W SFCLRTH[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W SFCLRTH[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W SFCLRTH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W SFCLRTH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W SFCLRTH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W SFCLRTH[0] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 006AH, 046AH, 086AH, and 0C6AH.
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Register 006BH, 046BH, 086BH, and 0C6BH: SBER SF BERM Clearing Threshold (MSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W SFCLRTH[23] 0
Bit 6 R/W SFCLRTH[22] 0
Bit 5 R/W SFCLRTH[21] 0
Bit 4 R/W SFCLRTH[20] 0
Bit 3 R/W SFCLRTH[19] 0
Bit 2 R/W SFCLRTH[18] 0
Bit 1 R/W SFCLRTH[17] 0
Bit 0 R/W SFCLRTH[16] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 006BH, 046BH, 086BH, and 0C6BH.
The SFCLRTH[23:0] register represent the number of BIP errors that can be accumulated
but not exceeded during a full evaluation window in order to clear a BER alarm. Refer to
the Operations section for the recommended settings.
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Register 006CH, 046CH, 086CH, and 0C6CH: SBER SD BERM Accumulation Period (LSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W SDSAP[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W SDSAP[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W SDSAP[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W SDSAP[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W SDSAP[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W SDSAP[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W SDSAP[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W SDSAP[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W SDSAP[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W SDSAP[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W SDSAP[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W SDSAP[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W SDSAP[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W SDSAP[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W SDSAP[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W SDSAP[0] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 006CH, 046CH, 086CH, and 0C6CH.
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Register 006DH, 046DH, 086DH, and 0C6DH: SBER SD BERM Accumulation Period (MSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W SDSAP[31] 0
Bit 14 R/W SDSAP[30] 0
Bit 13 R/W SDSAP[29] 0
Bit 12 R/W SDSAP[28] 0
Bit 11 R/W SDSAP[27] 0
Bit 10 R/W SDSAP[26] 0
Bit 9 R/W SDSAP[25] 0
Bit 8 R/W SDSAP[24] 0
Bit 7 R/W SDSAP[23] 0
Bit 6 R/W SDSAP[22] 0
Bit 5 R/W SDSAP[21] 0
Bit 4 R/W SDSAP[20] 0
Bit 3 R/W SDSAP[19] 0
Bit 2 R/W SDSAP[18] 0
Bit 1 R/W SDSAP[17] 0
Bit 0 R/W SDSAP[16] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 006DH, 046DH, 086DH, and 0C6DH.
The SDSAP[31:0] bits represent the number of STS-N frames to be used to accumulate a
BIP error subtotal. The total evaluation window to declare an alarm is broken into 8
subtotals, so this register value represents 1/8 of the total sliding window size. Refer to the
Operations section for the recommended settings.
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Register 006EH, 046EH, 086EH, and 0C6EH: SBER SD BERM Saturation Threshold (LSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W SDSATH[15] 1
Bit 14 R/W SDSATH[14] 1
Bit 13 R/W SDSATH[13] 1
Bit 12 R/W SDSATH[12] 1
Bit 11 R/W SDSATH[11] 1
Bit 10 R/W SDSATH[10] 1
Bit 9 R/W SDSATH[9] 1
Bit 8 R/W SDSATH[8] 1
Bit 7 R/W SDSATH[7] 1
Bit 6 R/W SDSATH[6] 1
Bit 5 R/W SDSATH[5] 1
Bit 4 R/W SDSATH[4] 1
Bit 3 R/W SDSATH[3] 1
Bit 2 R/W SDSATH[2] 1
Bit 1 R/W SDSATH[1] 1
Bit 0 R/W SDSATH[0] 1
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 006EH, 046EH, 086EH, and 0C6EH.
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Register 006FH, 046FH, 086FH, and 0C6FH: SBER SD BERM Saturation Threshold (MSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W SDSATH[23] 1
Bit 6 R/W SDSATH[22] 1
Bit 5 R/W SDSATH[21] 1
Bit 4 R/W SDSATH[20] 1
Bit 3 R/W SDSATH[19] 1
Bit 2 R/W SDSATH[18] 1
Bit 1 R/W SDSATH[17] 1
Bit 0 R/W SDSATH[16] 1
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 006FH, 046FH, 086FH, and 0C6FH.
The SDSATH[23:0] bits represent the allowable number of BIP errors that can be
accumulated either during a frame period or during a complete sub accumulation period
(depending on SDSMODE) before the error count is saturated to this threshold value.
Setting this threshold to 0xFFFFFF disables the saturation functionality.
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Register 0070H, 0470H, 0870H, and 0C70H: SBER SD BERM Declaration Threshold (LSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W SDDECTH[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W SDDECTH[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W SDDECTH[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W SDDECTH[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W SDDECTH[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W SDDECTH[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W SDDECTH[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W SDDECTH[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W SDDECTH[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W SDDECTH[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W SDDECTH[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W SDDECTH[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W SDDECTH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W SDDECTH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W SDDECTH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W SDDECTH[0] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 0070H, 0470H, 0870H, and 0C70H.
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Register 0071H, 0471H, 0871H, and 0C71H: SBER SD BERM Declaration Threshold (MSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W SDDECTH[23] 0
Bit 6 R/W SDDECTH[22] 0
Bit 5 R/W SDDECTH[21] 0
Bit 4 R/W SDDECTH[20] 0
Bit 3 R/W SDDECTH[19] 0
Bit 2 R/W SDDECTH[18] 0
Bit 1 R/W SDDECTH[17] 0
Bit 0 R/W SDDECTH[16] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 0071H, 0471H, 0871H, and 0C71H.
The SDDECTH[23:0] register represent the number of BIP errors that must be accumulated
during a full evaluation window in order to declare a BER alarm. Refer to the Operations
section for the recommended settings.
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Register 0072H, 0472H, 0872H, and 0C72H: SBER SD BERM Clearing Threshold (LSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W SDCLRTH[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W SDCLRTH[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W SDCLRTH[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W SDCLRTH[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W SDCLRTH[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W SDCLRTH[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W SDCLRTH[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W SDCLRTH[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W SDCLRTH[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W SDCLRTH[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W SDCLRTH[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W SDCLRTH[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W SDCLRTH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W SDCLRTH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W SDCLRTH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W SDCLRTH[0] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 0072H, 0472H, 0872H, and 0C72H.
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Register 0073H, 0473H, 0873H, and 0C73H: SBER SD BERM Clearing Threshold (MSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W SDCLRTH[23] 0
Bit 6 R/W SDCLRTH[22] 0
Bit 5 R/W SDCLRTH[21] 0
Bit 4 R/W SDCLRTH[20] 0
Bit 3 R/W SDCLRTH[19] 0
Bit 2 R/W SDCLRTH[18] 0
Bit 1 R/W SDCLRTH[17] 0
Bit 0 R/W SDCLRTH[16] 0
This register is provided at SBER read/write address 0073H, 0473H, 0873H, and 0C73H.
The SDCLRTH[23:0] register represent the number of BIP errors that can be accumulated
but not exceeded during a full evaluation window in order to clear a BER alarm. Refer to
the Operations section for the recommended settings.
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Register 0080H, 0480H, 0880H, and 0C80H: RRMP Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R Reserved X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W RLDTS 1
Bit 4 R/W RSLDTS 1
Bit 3 R/W LRDI3 0
Bit 2 R/W LAIS3 0
Bit 1 R/W ALGO2 0
Bit 0 W FOOF X
The Configuration Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 0080H, 0480H, 0880H, and
The force out of frame (FOOF) bit forces out of frame condition. When a logic 1 is written
to FOOF, the framer block is forced out of frame at the next frame boundary regardless of
the framing pattern value. The OOF event initiates re-framing in an upstream frame
detector. Once out of frame condition has been achieved, this bit should be set to logic 0 to
allow re-framing.
The ALGO2 bit selects the framing pattern used to determine and maintain the STS-
12/STM-4 frame alignment. When ALGO2 is set to logic 1, the framing pattern consists of
the 8 bits of the first A1 framing bytes and the first 4 bits of the last A2 framing bytes (12
bits total). When ALGO2 is set to logic 0, the framing patterns consist of all the A1 framing
bytes and all the A2 framing bytes. Refer to Table 1 A1/A2 Bytes Used for Out of Frame
Detection and Table 2 A1/A2 Bytes Used for In Frame Detection for more details.
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The line alarm indication signal detection (LAIS3) bit selects the Line AIS detection
algorithm. When LAIS3 is set to logic 1, Line AIS is declared when a 111 pattern is
detected in bits 6,7,8 of the K2 byte for three consecutive frames. When LAIS3 is set to
logic 0, Line AIS is declared when a 111 pattern is detected in bits 6,7,8 of the K2 byte for
five consecutive frames.
The line remote defect indication detection (LRDI3) bit selects the Line RDI detection
algorithm. When LRDI3 is set to logic 1, Line RDI is declared when a 110 pattern is
detected in bits 6,7,8 of the K2 byte for three consecutive frames. When LRDI3 is set to
logic 0, Line RDI is declared when a 110 pattern is detected in bits 6,7,8 of the K2 byte for
five consecutive frames.
The RSLD tri-state control (RSLDTS) bit controls the RSLDCLK and RSLD output ports.
When RSLDTS is set to logic 1, the RSLDCLK and RSLD output ports are tri-state. When
RSLDTS is set to logic 0, the RSLDCLK and RSLD output ports are enable.
The receive section line data communication channel select (RSLDSEL) bit selects the
contents of the RSLD serial output and the frequency of the RSLDCLK clock.
0 Section DCC (D1-D3) Nominal 192 kHz
1 Line DCC (D4-D12) Nominal 576 kHz
The RLD tri-state control (RLDTS) bit controls the RLDCLK and RLD output ports. When
RLDTS is set to logic 1, the RLDCLK and RLD output ports are tri-state. When RLDTS is
set to logic 0, the RLDCLK and RLD output ports are enable.
The section BIP error accumulation block (SBIPEACCBLK) bit controls the accumulation
of section BIP errors. When SBIPEACCBLK is set to logic 1, the section BIP accumulation
represents BIP-8 block errors (a maximum of 1 error per frame). When SBIPEACCBLK is
set to logic 0, the section BIP accumulation represents BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors
per frame).
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The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The line BIP error accumulation block (LBIPEACCBLK) bit controls the accumulation of
line BIP errors. When LBIPEACCBLK is set to logic 1, the line BIP accumulation
represents BIP-24 block errors (a maximum of 1 error per STS-3/STM-1 per frame). When
LBIPEACCBLK is set to logic 0, the line BIP accumulation represents BIP-8 errors (a
maximum of 8 errors per STS-1/STM-0 per frame).
The line BIP error BER block (LBIPEBERBLK) bit controls the indication of line BIP
errors for the BER. When LBIPEBERBLK is set to logic 1, the line BIP represents BIP-24
block errors (a maximum of 1 error per STS-3/STM-1 per frame). When LBIPEBERBLK
is set to logic 0, the line BIP represents BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per STS-
1/STM-0 per frame).
The line BIP error REI block (LBIPEREIBLK) bit controls the indication of line BIP errors
for the REI. When LBIPEREIBLK is set to logic 1, the line BIP represents BIP-24 block
errors (a maximum of 1 error per STS-3/STM-1 per frame saturated to 255). When
LBIPEREIBLK is set to logic 0, the line BIP represents BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8
errors per STS-1/STM-0 per frame saturated to 255).
The line REI accumulation block (LREIACCBLK) bit controls the extraction and
accumulation of line REI errors from the M1 byte. When LREIACCBLK is set to logic 1,
the extracted line REI are interpreted as block BIP-24 errors (a maximum of 1 error per
STS-3/STM-1 per frame). When LREIACCBLK is set to logic 0, the extracted line REI are
interpreted as BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per STS-1/STM-0 per frame).
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Register 0081H, 0481H, 0881H, and 0C81H: RRMP Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 2 R LOSV X
Bit 1 R LOFV X
Bit 0 R OOFV X
The Status Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 0081H, 0481H, 0881H, and
The OOFV bit reflects the current status of the out of frame defect. The OOF defect is
declared when four consecutive frames have one or more bit error in their framing patterns.
The OOF defect is cleared when two consecutive error-free framing patterns are found.
The LOFV bit reflects the current status of the loss of frame defect. The LOF defect is
declared when an out of frame condition exists for a total period of 3ms during which there
is no continuous in frame period of 3ms. The LOF defect is cleared when an in frame
condition exists for a continuous period of 3 ms.
The LOSV bit reflects the current status of the loss of signal defect. The LOS defect is
declared when 20 µs of consecutive all zeros pattern is detected in the receive data stream.
The LOS defect is cleared when two consecutive error free framing patterns are found and
during the intervening time (one frame) there is no violating period of consecutive all zeros
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The LAISV bit reflects the current status of the line alarm indication signal defect. The
AIS-L defect is declared when the ‘111 pattern is detected in bits 6,7 and 8 of the K2 byte
for three or five consecutive frames. The AIS-L defect is cleared when any pattern other
than ‘111’ is detected in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte for three or five consecutive frames.
The LRDIV bit reflects the current status of the line remote defect indication signal defect.
The RDI-L defect is declared when the ‘110 pattern is detected in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2
byte for three or five consecutive frames. The RDI-L defect is cleared when any pattern
other than ‘110’ is detected in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte for three or five consecutive
The APSBF bit reflects the current status of the APS byte failure defect. The APS byte
failure defect is declared when no three consecutive identical K1 bytes are received in the
last twelve consecutive frames starting with the last frame containing a previously
consistent byte. The APS byte failure defect is cleared when three consecutive identical K1
bytes are received.
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Register 0082H, 0482H, 0882H, and 0C82H: RRMP Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 R/W LREIEE 0
Bit 9 R/W LBIPEE 0
Bit 8 R/W SBIPEE 0
Bit 7 R/W COSSME 0
Bit 6 R/W COAPSE 0
Bit 5 R/W APSBFE 0
Bit 4 R/W LRDIE 0
Bit 3 R/W LAISE 0
Bit 2 R/W LOSE 0
Bit 1 R/W LOFE 0
Bit 0 R/W OOFE 0
The Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 0082H, 0482H, 0882H,
and 0C82H.
The out of frame interrupt enable (OOFE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt output.
When OOFE is set to logic 1, the OOFI pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output.
When OOFE is set to logic 0, the OOFI pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt
The loss of frame interrupt enable (LOFE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt output.
When LOFE is set to logic 1, the LOFI pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output.
When LOFE is set to logic 0, the LOFI pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
The loss of signal interrupt enable (LOSE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt output.
When LOSE is set to logic 1, the LOSI pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output.
When LOSE is set to logic 0, the LOSI pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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The line alarm indication signal enable (LAISE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When LAISE is set to logic 1, the LAISI pending interrupt will assert the interrupt
output. When LAISE is set to logic 0, the LAISI pending interrupt will not assert the
interrupt output.
The line remote defect indication interrupt enable (LRDIE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When LRDIE is set to logic 1, the LRDII pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When LRDIE is set to logic 0, the LRDII pending interrupt will not assert
the interrupt output.
The APS byte failure interrupt enable (APSBFE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When APSBFE is set to logic 1, the APSBFI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When APSBFE is set to logic 0, the APSBFI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
The change of APS bytes interrupt enable (COAPSE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When COAPSE is set to logic 1, the COAPSI pending interrupt will assert
the interrupt output. When COAPSE is set to logic 0, the COAPSI pending interrupt will
not assert the interrupt output.
The change of SSM message interrupt enable (COSSME) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When COSSME is set to logic 1, the COSSMI pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt output. When COSSME is set to logic 0, the COSSMI pending interrupt
will not assert the interrupt output.
The section BIP errors interrupt enable (SBIPEE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When SBIPEE is set to logic 1, the SBIPEI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When SBIPEE is set to logic 0, the SBIPEI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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The line BIP errors interrupt enable (LBIPEE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When LBIPEE is set to logic 1, the LBIPEI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When LBIPEE is set to logic 0, the LBIPEI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
The line REI errors interrupt enable (LREIEE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When LREIEE is set to logic 1, the LREIEI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When LREIEE is set to logic 0, the LREIEI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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Register 0083H, 0483H, 0883H, and 0C83H: RRMP Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 2 R LOSI X
Bit 1 R LOFI X
Bit 0 R OOFI X
The Interrupt Status Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 0083H, 0483H, 0883H,
and 0C83H.
Clear mode of interrupts depends on the WCIMODE mode. When WCIMODE input is logic 0,
all the interrupts are cleared when the Interrupt Status Register is read. When WCIMODE input
is logic 1, a given interrupt is cleared only if the corresponding bit is logic 1 when the Interrupt
Status Register is written.
The out of frame interrupt status (OOFI) bit is an event indicator. OOFI is set to logic 1 to
indicate any change in the status of OOFV. The interrupt status bit is independent of the
interrupt enable bit.
The loss of frame interrupt status (LOFI) bit is an event indicator. LOFI is set to logic 1 to
indicate any change in the status of LOFV. The interrupt status bit is independent of the
interrupt enable bit.
The loss of signal interrupt status (LOSI) bit is an event indicator. LOSI is set to logic 1 to
indicate any change in the status of LOSV. The interrupt status bit is independent of the
interrupt enable bit.
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The line alarm indication signal interrupt status (LAISI) bit is an event indicator. LAISI is
set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of LAISV. The interrupt status bit is
independent of the interrupt enable bit.
The line remote defect indication interrupt status (LRDII) bit is an event indicator. LRDII
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of LRDIV. The interrupt status bit is
independent of the interrupt enable bit.
The APS byte failure interrupt status (APSBFI) bit is an event indicator. APSBFI is set to
logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of APSBFV. The interrupt status bit is
independent of the interrupt enable bit.
The change of APS bytes interrupt status (COAPSI) bit is an event indicator. COAPSI is set
to logic 1 to indicate new APS bytes. The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt
enable bit.
The change of SSM message interrupt status (COSSMI) bit is an event indicator. COSSMI
is set to logic 1 to indicate a new SSM message. The interrupt status bit is independent of
the interrupt enable bit.
The section BIP error interrupt status (SBIPEI) bit is an event indicator. SBIPEI is set to
logic 1 to indicate a section BIP error. The interrupt status bit is independent of the
interrupt enable bit.
The line BIP error interrupt status (LBIPEI) bit is an event indicator. LBIPEI is set to logic
1 to indicate a line BIP error. The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable
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The line REI error interrupt status (LREIEI) bit is an event indicator. LREIEI is set to logic
1 to indicate a line REI error. The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable
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Register 0084H, 0484H, 0884H, and 0C84H: RRMP Receive APS
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R K1V[7] X
Bit 14 R K1V[6] X
Bit 13 R K1V[5] X
Bit 12 R K1V[4] X
Bit 11 R K1V[3] X
Bit 10 R K1V[2] X
Bit 9 R K1V[1] X
Bit 8 R K1V[0] X
Bit 7 R K2V[7] X
Bit 6 R K2V[6] X
Bit 5 R K2V[5] X
Bit 4 R K2V[4] X
Bit 3 R K2V[3] X
Bit 2 R K2V[2] X
Bit 1 R K2V[1] X
Bit 0 R K2V[0] X
The Receive APS Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 0084H, 0484H, 0884H, and
The APS K1/K2 bytes value (K2V[7:0]/K2V[7:0]) bits represent the extracted K1/K2 APS
bytes. K1V/K2V is updated when the same K1 and K2 bytes (forming a single entity) are
received for three consecutive frames.
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Register 0085H, 0485H, 0885H, and 0C85H: RRMP Receive SSM
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W BYTESSM 0
Bit 14 R/W FLTRSSM 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R SSMV[7] X
Bit 6 R SSMV[6] X
Bit 5 R SSMV[5] X
Bit 4 R SSMV[4] X
Bit 3 R SSMV[3] X
Bit 2 R SSMV[2] X
Bit 1 R SSMV[1] X
Bit 0 R SSMV[0] X
The Receive SSM Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 0085H, 0485H, 0885H, and
The synchronization status message value (SSMV[7:0]) bits represent the extracted S1
nibble (or byte). When filtering is enabled via the FLTRSSM register bit, SSMV is updated
when the same S1 nibble (or byte) is received for eight consecutive frames. When filtering
is disable, SSMV is updated every frame.
The filter synchronization status message (FLTRSSM) bit enables the filtering of the SSM
nibble (or byte). When FLTRSSM is set to logic 1, the SSM value is updated when the
same SSM is received for eight consecutive frames. When FLTRSSM is set to logic 0, the
SSM value is updated every frame.
The byte synchronization status message (BYTESSM) bit is extends the SSM from a nibble
to a byte. When BYTESSM is set to logic 1, the SSM is a byte and bit 1 to 8 of the S1 byte
are considered. When BYTESSM is set to logic 0, the SSM is a nibble and only bit 5 to 8
of the S1 byte are considered.
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Register 0086H, 0486H, 0886H, and 0C86H: RRMP AIS Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 R/W K2AIS 0
The AIS Enable Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 0086H, 0486H, 0886H, and
The receive section overhead AIS enable (RSOHAISEN) bit enables AIS insertion on
RTOH and RSLD when carrying section overhead bytes. When RSOHAISEN is set to
logic 1, all ones are forced on the section overhead bytes when AIS-L is declared. When
RSOHAISEN is set to logic 0, no AIS are forced on the section overhead bytes regardless of
the AIS-L status.
The receive line overhead AIS enable (RLOHAISEN) bit enables AIS insertion on RTOH,
RLD and RSLD when carrying line overhead bytes. When RLOHAISEN is set to logic 1,
all ones are forced on the line overhead bytes when AIS-L is declared. When RLOHAISEN
is set to logic 0, no AIS are forced on the line overhead bytes regardless of the AIS-L status.
The receive line AIS enable (RLAISEN) bit enables line AIS insertion in the outgoing data
stream. When RLAISEN is set to logic 1, line AIS is inserted in the outgoing data stream
when AIS-L is declared. When RLAISEN is set to logic 0, no line AIS is inserted
regardless of the AIS-L status.
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The receive line AIS insertion (RLAISIN) bit forces line AIS insertion in the outgoing data
stream. When RLAISINS is set to logic 1, all ones are inserted in the line overhead bytes
and in the payload bytes (all the bytes of the frame except the section overhead bytes) to
force a line AIS condition. When RLAISINS is set to logic 0, the line AIS condition is
The K2 line AIS (K2AIS) bit restricts line AIS to the K2 byte. When K2AIS is set to logic
1, line AIS is only inserted in bits 6, 7 and 8 of the K2 byte. When K2AIS is set to logic 0,
line AIS is inserted in the line overhead bytes and in the payload bytes (all the bytes of the
frame except the section overhead bytes).
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Register 0087H, 0487H, 0887H, and 0C87H: RRMP Section BIP Error Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R SBIPE[15] X
Bit 14 R SBIPE[14] X
Bit 13 R SBIPE[13] X
Bit 12 R SBIPE[12] X
Bit 11 R SBIPE[11] X
Bit 10 R SBIPE[10] X
Bit 9 R SBIPE[9] X
Bit 8 R SBIPE[8] X
Bit 7 R SBIPE[7] X
Bit 6 R SBIPE[6] X
Bit 5 R SBIPE[5] X
Bit 4 R SBIPE[4] X
Bit 3 R SBIPE[3] X
Bit 2 R SBIPE[2] X
Bit 1 R SBIPE[1] X
Bit 0 R SBIPE[0] X
The Section BIP Error Counter Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 0087H,
0487H, 0887H, and 0C87H.
The section BIP error (SBIPE[15:0]) bits represent the number of section BIP errors that
have been detected since the last accumulation interval. The error counter is transferred to
the holding registers by a microprocessor write to any of the holding registers (0X87H to
0X8BH) or the Master Configuration Register (0000H).
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Register 0088H, 0488H, 0888H, and 0C88H: RRMP Line BIP Error Counter (LSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R LBIPE[15] X
Bit 14 R LBIPE[14] X
Bit 13 R LBIPE[13] X
Bit 12 R LBIPE[12] X
Bit 11 R LBIPE[11] X
Bit 10 R LBIPE[10] X
Bit 9 R LBIPE[9] X
Bit 8 R LBIPE[8] X
Bit 7 R LBIPE[7] X
Bit 6 R LBIPE[6] X
Bit 5 R LBIPE[5] X
Bit 4 R LBIPE[4] X
Bit 3 R LBIPE[3] X
Bit 2 R LBIPE[2] X
Bit 1 R LBIPE[1] X
Bit 0 R LBIPE[0] X
The Line BIP Error Counter Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 0088H, 0488H,
0888H, and 0C88H.
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Register 0089H, 0489H, 0889H, and 0C89H: RRMP Line BIP Error Counter (MSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R LBIPE[23] X
Bit 6 R LBIPE[22] X
Bit 5 R LBIPE[21] X
Bit 4 R LBIPE[20] X
Bit 3 R LBIPE[19] X
Bit 2 R LBIPE[18] X
Bit 1 R LBIPE[17] X
Bit 0 R LBIPE[16] X
The Line BIP Error Counter Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 0089H, 0489H,
0889H, and 0C89H.
The line BIP error (LBIPE[23:0]) bits represent the number of line BIP errors that have
been detected since the last accumulation interval. The error counter is transferred to the
holding registers by a microprocessor write access to any of the holding registers (0X87H to
0X8BH) or the Master Configuration Register (0000H).
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Register 008AH, 048AH, 088AH, and 0C8AH: RRMP Line REI Error Counter (LSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R LREIE[15] X
Bit 14 R LREIE[14] X
Bit 13 R LREIE[13] X
Bit 12 R LREIE[12] X
Bit 11 R LREIE[11] X
Bit 10 R LREIE[10] X
Bit 9 R LREIE[9] X
Bit 8 R LREIE[8] X
Bit 7 R LREIE[7] X
Bit 6 R LREIE[6] X
Bit 5 R LREIE[5] X
Bit 4 R LREIE[4] X
Bit 3 R LREIE[3] X
Bit 2 R LREIE[2] X
Bit 1 R LREIE[1] X
Bit 0 R LREIE[0] X
The Line REI Error Counter Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 008AH, 048AH,
088AH, and 0C8AH.
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Register 008BH, 048BH, 088BH, and 0C8BH: RRMP Line REI Error Counter (MSB)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R LREIE[23] X
Bit 6 R LREIE[22] X
Bit 5 R LREIE[21] X
Bit 4 R LREIE[20] X
Bit 3 R LREIE[19] X
Bit 2 R LREIE[18] X
Bit 1 R LREIE[17] X
Bit 0 R LREIE[16] X
The Line REI Error Counter Register is provided at RRMP read/write address 008BH, 048BH,
088BH, and 0C8BH.
The line REI error (LREIE[23:0]) bits represent the number of line REI errors that have
been detected since the last accumulation interval. The error counter is transferred to the
holding registers by a microprocessor write access to any of the holding registers (0X87H to
0X8BH) or the Master Configuration Register (0000H).
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Register 00A0H, 04A0H, 08A0H, and 0CA0H: RTTP SECTION Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 R/W IADDR[7] 0
Bit 12 R/W IADDR[6] 0
Bit 11 R/W IADDR[5] 0
Bit 10 R/W IADDR[4] 0
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00A0H, 04A0H, 08A0H,
and 0CA0H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer. When the RTTP monitors section trace message, path #1 is
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0010-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address location (IADDR[7:0]) bits select which indirect address location is
accessed by the current indirect transfer.
Indirect Address IADDR[7:0] Indirect Data
0000 0000 Configuration
0000 0001
0011 1111
Invalid address
0100 0000 First byte of the 1/16/64 byte captured trace
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Indirect Address IADDR[7:0] Indirect Data
0100 0001
0111 1111
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte captured trace
1000 0000 First byte of the 1/16/64 byte accepted trace
1000 0001
1011 1111
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte accepted trace
1100 0000 First byte of the 16/64 byte expected trace
1100 0001
1111 1111
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte expected trace
The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The active high RAM busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access to the
internal RAM has been completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect
Address Register. BUSY is set to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM access. This
register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data
Register. Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 00A1H, 04A1H, 08A1H, and 0CA1H: RTTP SECTION Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00A1H, 04A1H, 08A1H, and
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transfer to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should be
polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Register 00A2H, 04A2H, 08A2H, and 0CA2H: RTTP SECTION Trace Unstable Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R TIUV X
The Trace Unstable Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00A2H, 04A2H,
08A2H, and 0CA2H.
The trace identifier unstable status (TIUV) bit indicates the current status of the TIU defects
for the section trace.
Algorithm 1: TIUV is set to logic 0.
Algorithm 2: TIUV is set to logic 1 when one or more erroneous bytes are detected between
the current message and the previous message in a total of 8 trail trace messages without
any persistent message in between. TIUV is set to logic 0 when a persistent message is
found. A persistent message is found when the same message is receive for 3 or 5
consecutive multi-frames.
Algorithm 3: TIUV is set to logic 1 when one or more erroneous bytes are detected in three
consecutive sixteen byte windows. The first window starts on the first erroneous trail trace
byte. TIUV is set to logic 0 when the same trail trace byte is received for 48 consecutive
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Register 00A3H, 04A3H, 08A3H, and 0CA3H: RTTP SECTION Trace Unstable Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R/W TIUE 0
The Trace Unstable Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00A3H,
04A3H, 08A3H, and 0CA3H.
The trace identifier unstable interrupt enable (TIUE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output for the section trace. When this bit is set to logic 1, the corresponding
pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When this bit is set to logic 0, the
corresponding pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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Register 00A4H, 04A4H, 08A4H, and 0CA4H: RTTP SECTION Trace Unstable Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R TIUI X
The Trace Unstable Interrupt Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00A4H,
04A4H, 08A4H, and 0CA4H.
The trace identifier unstable interrupt status (TIUI) bit is an event indicator for the section
trace. TIUI is set to logic 1 to indicate any changes in the status of TIUV (stable to
unstable, unstable to stable). This interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable
bit. TIUI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 00A5H, 04A5H, 08A5H, and 0CA5H: RTTP SECTION Trace Mismatch Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R TIMV X
The Trace Mismatch Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00A5H, 04A5H,
08A5H, and 0CA5H.
The trace identifier mismatch status (TIMV) bit indicates the current status of the TIM
defects for the section trace.
Algorithm 1: TIMV is set to logic 1 when none of the last 20 messages matches the
expected message. TIMV is set to logic 0 when 16 of the last 20 messages match the
expected message.
Algorithm 2: TIMV is set to logic 1 when the accepted message does not match the
expected message. TIMV is set to logic 0 when the accepted message matches the expected
Algorithm 3: TIMV is set to logic 0.
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Register 00A6H, 04A6H, 08A6H, and 0CA6H: RTTP SECTION Trace Mismatch Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R/W TIME 0
The Trace Mismatch Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00A6H,
04A6H, 08A6H, and 0CA6H.
The trace identifier mismatch interrupt enable (TIME) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output for the section trace. When this bit is set to logic 1, the corresponding
pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When this bit is set to logic 0, the
corresponding pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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Register 00A7H, 04A7H, 08A7H, and 0CA7H: RTTP SECTION Trace Mismatch Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R TIMI X
The Trace Mismatch Interrupt Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00A7H,
04A7H, 08A7H, and 0CA7H.
The trace identifier mismatch interrupt status (TIMI) bit is an event indicator for the section
trace. TIMI is set to logic 1 to indicate any changes in the status of TIMV (match to
mismatch, mismatch to match). This interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt
enable bit. TIMI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Indirect Register 00H: RTTP SECTION Trace Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W ZEROEN 0
Bit 4 R/W PER5 0
Bit 3 R/W NOSYNC 0
Bit 2 R/W LENGTH16 0
Bit 1 R/W ALGO[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W ALGO[0] 0
The Trace Configuration Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address 00H.
The trail trace algorithm select (ALGO[1:0]) bits select the algorithm used to process the
trail trace message.
ALGO[1:0] Trail Trace Algorithm
00 Algorithm disabled
01 Algorithm 1
10 Algorithm 2
11 Algorithm 3
When ALGO[1:0] is set to logic 00b, the trail trace algorithms are disabled. The
corresponding TIUV, TIMV register bits and the corresponding TIU, TIM output signal are
set to logic 0.
The message length (LENGTH16) bit selects the length of the trail trace message used by
algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the length of the trail trace
message is 16 bytes. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the length of the trail trace
message is 64 bytes.
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The synchronization disable (NOSYNC) bit disables the synchronization of the trail trace
message in algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. When NOSYNC is set to logic 1, no
synchronization is done on the trail trace message. The bytes of the trail trace message are
written in the captured page as in a circular buffer. When NOSYNC is set to logic 0,
synchronization is done on the trail trace message. See SYNCCRLF to determine how
synchronization is handled when NOSYNC = 0.
The message persistency (PER5) bit selects the number of multi-frames a trail trace
message must receive in order to be declared persistent in algorithm 2. When PER5 is set to
logic 1, the same trail trace message must be received for 5 consecutive multi-frames to be
declared persistent. When PER5 is set to logic 0, the same trail trace message must be
received for 3 consecutive multi-frames to be declared persistent.
The all zero message enable (ZEROEN) bit selects if the all zero messages are validated or
not against the expected message in algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. When ZEROEN is set to
logic 1, an all zero captured message in algorithm 1 and an all zero accepted message in
algorithm 2 are validated against the expected message. A match is declared when both the
captured/accepted message and the expected message are all zero. When ZEROEN is set to
logic 0, an all zero captured message in algorithm 1 and an all zero accepted message in
algorithm 2 are not validated against the expected message but are considered match. A
match is declared when the captured/accepted message is all zero regardless of the expected
The synchronization on CR/LF characters (SYNCCRLF) bit selects if the current algorithm
(except algo3) synchronizes on the CR/LF ASCII characters or on the byte with its MSB set
high. When SYNCCRLF is set to logic 1, the current algorithm synchronizes when it
receives the ASCII character “CR” (carriage return) followed by “LF” (line feed) and the
current active byte becomes the last byte of the message. When SYNCCRLF is set to 0, the
current algorithm synchronizes when receiving a byte with its MSB set to logic 1. The
current active byte then becomes the first byte of the message.
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Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: RTTP SECTION Captured Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R CTRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R CTRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R CTRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R CTRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R CTRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R CTRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R CTRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R CTRACE[0] X
The Captured Trace Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address 40H to
The captured trail trace message (CTRACE[7:0]) bits contain the currently received trail
trace message. When algorithm 1 or 2 is selected and LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the
captured message is stored between address 40h and 4Fh. When algorithm 1 or 2 is
selected and LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the captured message is stored between address
40h and 7Fh. When NOSYNC is set to logic 1, the captured message is not synchronized.
When NOSYNC is set to logic 0, the captured message is synchronized and the first byte of
the message is stored at address 40h. When algorithm 3 is selected, the captured byte is
stored at address 40h.
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Indirect Register 80H to BFH: RTTP SECTION Accepted Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R ATRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R ATRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R ATRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R ATRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R ATRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R ATRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R ATRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R ATRACE[0] X
The Accepted Trace Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address 80H to
The accepted trail trace message (ATRACE[7:0]) bits contain the persistent trail trace
message. When algorithm 1 is selected, the accepted message will not be updated. When
algorithm 2 is selected and PER5 is set to logic 1, the accepted message is the same trail
trace message received for 5 consecutive multi-frames. When algorithm 2 is selected and
PER5 is set to logic 0, the accepted message is the same trail trace message received for 3
consecutive multi-frames. When algorithm 2 is selected and LENGTH16 is set to logic 1,
the accepted message is stored between address 80h and 8Fh. When algorithm 2 is selected
and LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the accepted message is stored between address 80h and
BFh. When algorithm 3 is selected, the accepted byte is the same trail trace byte received
for 48 frames. When algorithm 3 is selected, the accepted byte is stored at address 80h.
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Indirect Register C0H to FFH: RTTP SECTION Expected Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W ETRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R/W ETRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R/W ETRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R/W ETRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R/W ETRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R/W ETRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R/W ETRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R/W ETRACE[0] X
The Expected Trace Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address C0H to
The expected trail trace message (ETRACE[7:0]) bits contain a static message written by an
external microprocessor. In algorithm 1 the expected message is used to validate the
captured message. In algorithm 2 the expected message is used to validate the accepted
message. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the expected message must be written
between address C0h and CFh. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the accepted message
must be written between address C0h and FFh.
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Register 00C0H, 04C0H, 08C0H, and 0CC0H: RTTP PATH Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 R/W IADDR[7] 0
Bit 12 R/W IADDR[6] 0
Bit 11 R/W IADDR[5] 0
Bit 10 R/W IADDR[4] 0
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00C0H, 04C0H, 08C0H,
and 0CC0H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer. When the RTTP monitors path trace messages, paths #1 to #12
are valid.
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address location (IADDR[7:0]) bits select which indirect address location is
accessed by the current indirect transfer.
Indirect Address IADDR[7:0] Indirect Data
0000 0000 Configuration
0000 0001
0011 1111
Invalid address
0100 0000 First byte of the 1/16/64 byte captured
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Indirect Address IADDR[7:0] Indirect Data
0100 0001
0111 1111
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte captured
1000 0000 First byte of the 1/16/64 byte accepted
1000 0001
1011 1111
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte accepted
1100 0000 First byte of the 16/64 byte expected
1100 0001
1111 1111
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte expected
The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The active high RAM busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access to the
internal RAM has been completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect
Address Register. BUSY is set to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM access. This
register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data
Register. Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 00C1H, 04C1H, 08C1H, and 0CC1H: RTTP PATH Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00C1H, 04C1H, 08C1H, and
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transfer to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should be
polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Register 00C2H, 04C2H, 08C2H, and 0CC2H: RTTP PATH Trace Unstable Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R TIUV[12] X
Bit 10 R TIUV[11] X
Bit 9 R TIUV[10] X
Bit 8 R TIUV[9] X
Bit 7 R TIUV[8] X
Bit 6 R TIUV[7] X
Bit 5 R TIUV[6] X
Bit 4 R TIUV[5] X
Bit 3 R TIUV[4] X
Bit 2 R TIUV[3] X
Bit 1 R TIUV[2] X
Bit 0 R TIUV[1] X
The Trace Unstable Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00C2H, 04C2H,
08C2H, and 0CC2H.
The trace identifier unstable status (TIUV[12:1]) bits indicate the current status of the TIU
defects for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12.
Algorithm 1: TIUV is set to logic 0.
Algorithm 2: TIUV is set to logic 1 when one or more erroneous bytes are detected between
the current message and the previous message in a total of 8 trail trace messages without
any persistent message in between. TIUV is set to logic 0 when a persistent message is
found. A persistent message is found when the same message is receive for 3 or 5
consecutive multi-frames.
Algorithm 3: TIUV is set to logic 1 when one or more erroneous bytes are detected in three
consecutive sixteen byte windows. The first window starts on the first erroneous trail trace
byte. TIUV is set to logic 0 when the same trail trace byte is received for 48 consecutive
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Register 00C3H, 04C3H, 08C3H, and 0CC3H: RTTP PATH Trace Unstable Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W TIUE[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W TIUE[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W TIUE[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W TIUE[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W TIUE[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W TIUE[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W TIUE[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W TIUE[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W TIUE[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W TIUE[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W TIUE[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W TIUE[1] 0
The Trace Unstable Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00C3H,
04C3H, 08C3H, and 0CC3H.
The trace identifier unstable interrupt enable (TIUE[12:1]) bits control the activation of the
interrupt output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When any of these bit locations is set to
logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When any of
these bit locations is set to logic 0, the corresponding pending interrupt will not assert the
interrupt output.
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Register 00C4H, 04C4H, 08C4H, and 0CC4H: RTTP PATH Trace Unstable Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R TIUI[12] X
Bit 10 R TIUI[11] X
Bit 9 R TIUI[10] X
Bit 8 R TIUI[9] X
Bit 7 R TIUI[8] X
Bit 6 R TIUI[7] X
Bit 5 R TIUI[6] X
Bit 4 R TIUI[5] X
Bit 3 R TIUI[4] X
Bit 2 R TIUI[3] X
Bit 1 R TIUI[2] X
Bit 0 R TIUI[1] X
The Trace Unstable Interrupt Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00C4H,
04C4H, 08C4H, and 0CC4H.
The trace identifier unstable interrupt status (TIUI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for STS-
1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. TIUI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate any changes in the status
of TIUV[12:1] (stable to unstable, unstable to stable). These interrupt status bits are
independent of the interrupt enable bits. TIUI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register
is read.
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Register 00C5H, 04C5H, 08C5H, and 0CC5H: RTTP PATH Trace Mismatch Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R TIMV[12] X
Bit 10 R TIMV[11] X
Bit 9 R TIMV[10] X
Bit 8 R TIMV[9] X
Bit 7 R TIMV[8] X
Bit 6 R TIMV[7] X
Bit 5 R TIMV[6] X
Bit 4 R TIMV[5] X
Bit 3 R TIMV[4] X
Bit 2 R TIMV[3] X
Bit 1 R TIMV[2] X
Bit 0 R TIMV[1] X
The Trace Mismatch Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00C5H, 04C5H,
08C5H, and 0CC5H.
The trace identifier mismatch status (TIMV[12:1]) bit indicates the current status of the
TIM defects for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12.
Algorithm 1: TIMV is set to logic 1 when none of the last 20 messages matches the
expected message. TIMV is set to logic 0 when 16 of the last 20 messages match the
expected message.
Algorithm 2: TIMV is set to logic 1 when the accepted message does not match the
expected message. TIMV is set to logic 0 when the accepted message matches the expected
Algorithm 3: TIMV is set to logic 0.
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Register 00C6H, 04C6H, 08C6H, and 0CC6H: RTTP PATH Trace Mismatch Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W TIME[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W TIME[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W TIME[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W TIME[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W TIME[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W TIME[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W TIME[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W TIME[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W TIME[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W TIME[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W TIME[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W TIME[1] 0
The Trace Mismatch Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00C6H,
04C6H, 08C6H, and 0CC6H.
The trace identifier mismatch interrupt enable (TIME[12:1]) bits control the activation of
the interrupt output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When any of these bit locations is
set to logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When
any of these bit locations is set to logic 0, the corresponding pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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Register 00C7H, 04C7H, 08C7H, and 0CC7H: RTTP PATH Trace Mismatch Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R TIMI[12] X
Bit 10 R TIMI[11] X
Bit 9 R TIMI[10] X
Bit 8 R TIMI[9] X
Bit 7 R TIMI[8] X
Bit 6 R TIMI[7] X
Bit 5 R TIMI[6] X
Bit 4 R TIMI[5] X
Bit 3 R TIMI[4] X
Bit 2 R TIMI[3] X
Bit 1 R TIMI[2] X
Bit 0 R TIMI[1] X
The Trace Mismatch Interrupt Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00C7H,
04C7H, 08C7H, and 0CC7H.
The trace identifier mismatch interrupt status (TIMI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. TIMI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate any changes in the
status of TIMV[12:1] (match to mismatch, mismatch to match). These interrupt status bits
are independent of the interrupt enable bits. TIMI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this
register is read.
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Indirect Register 00H: RTTP PATH Trace Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W ZEROEN 0
Bit 4 R/W PER5 0
Bit 3 R/W NOSYNC 0
Bit 2 R/W LENGTH16 0
Bit 1 R/W ALGO[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W ALGO[0] 0
The Trace Configuration Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address 00H.
The trail trace algorithm select (ALGO[1:0]) bits select the algorithm used to process the
trail trace message.
ALGO[1:0] Trail Trace Algorithm
00 Algorithm disabled
01 Algorithm 1
10 Algorithm 2
11 Algorithm 3
When ALGO[1:0] is set to logic 00b, the trail trace algorithms are disabled. The
corresponding TIUV, TIMV register bits and the corresponding TIU, TIM output signal
time slots are set to logic 0.
The message length (LENGTH16) bit selects the length of the trail trace message used by
algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the length of the trail trace
message is 16 bytes. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the length of the trail trace
message is 64 bytes.
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The synchronization disable (NOSYNC) bit disables the synchronization of the trail trace
message in algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. When NOSYNC is set to logic 1, no
synchronization is done on the trail trace message. The bytes of the trail trace message are
written in the captured page as in a circular buffer. When NOSYNC is set to logic 0,
synchronization is done on the trail trace message. See SYNCCRLF to determine how
synchronization is handled when NOSYNC = 0.
The message persistency (PER5) bit selects the number of multi-frames a trail trace
message must receive in order to be declared persistent in algorithm 2. When PER5 is set to
logic 1, the same trail trace message must be received for 5 consecutive multi-frames to be
declared persistent. When PER5 is set to logic 0, the same trail trace message must be
received for 3 consecutive multi-frames to be declared persistent.
The all zero message enable (ZEROEN) bit selects if the all zero messages are validated or
not against the expected message in algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. When ZEROEN is set to
logic 1, an all zero captured message in algorithm 1 and an all zero accepted message in
algorithm 2 are validated against the expected message. A match is declared when both the
captured/accepted message and the expected message are all zero. When ZEROEN is set to
logic 0, an all zero captured message in algorithm 1 and an all zero accepted message in
algorithm 2 are not validated against the expected message but are considered match. A
match is declared when the captured/accepted message is all zero regardless of the expected
The synchronization on CR/LF characters (SYNCCRLF) bit selects if the current algorithm
(except algo3) synchronizes on the CR/LF ASCII characters or on the byte with its MSB set
high. When SYNCCRLF is set to logic 1, the current algorithm synchronizes when it
receives the ASCII character “CR” (carriage return) followed by “LF” (line feed) and the
current active byte becomes the last byte of the message. When SYNCCRLF is set to 0, the
current algorithm synchronizes when receiving a byte with its MSB set to logic 1. The
current active byte then becomes the first byte of the message.
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Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: RTTP PATH Captured Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R CTRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R CTRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R CTRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R CTRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R CTRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R CTRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R CTRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R CTRACE[0] X
The Captured Trace Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address 40H to
The captured trail trace message (CTRACE[7:0]) bits contain the currently received trail
trace message. When algorithm 1 or 2 is selected and LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the
captured message is stored between address 40h and 4Fh. When algorithm 1 or 2 is
selected and LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the captured message is stored between address
40h and 7Fh. When NOSYNC is set to logic 1, the captured message is not synchronized.
When NOSYNC is set to logic 0, the captured message is synchronized and the first byte of
the message is stored at address 40h. When algorithm 3 is selected, the captured byte is
stored at address 40h.
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Indirect Register 80H to BFH: RTTP PATH Accepted Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R ATRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R ATRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R ATRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R ATRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R ATRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R ATRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R ATRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R ATRACE[0] X
The Accepted Trace Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address 80H to
The accepted trail trace message (ATRACE[7:0]) bits contain the persistent trail trace
message. When algorithm 1 is selected, the accepted message will not be updated. When
algorithm 2 is selected and PER5 is set to logic 1, the accepted message is the same trail
trace message received for 5 consecutive multi-frames. When algorithm 2 is selected and
PER5 is set to logic 0, the accepted message is the same trail trace message received for 3
consecutive multi-frames. When algorithm 2 is selected and LENGTH16 is set to logic 1,
the accepted message is stored between address 80h and 8Fh. When algorithm 2 is selected
and LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the accepted message is stored between address 80h and
BFh. When algorithm 3 is selected, the accepted byte is the same trail trace byte received
for 48 frames. When algorithm 3 is selected, the accepted byte is stored at address 80h.
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Indirect Register C0H to FFH: RTTP PATH Expected Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W ETRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R/W ETRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R/W ETRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R/W ETRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R/W ETRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R/W ETRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R/W ETRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R/W ETRACE[0] X
The Expected Trace Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address C0H to
The expected trail trace message (ETRACE[7:0]) bits contain a static message written by an
external microprocessor. In algorithm 1 the expected message is used to validate the
captured message. In algorithm 2 the expected message is used to validate the accepted
message. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the expected message must be written
between address C0h and CFh. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the accepted message
must be written between address C0h and FFh.
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Register 00E0H, 04E0H, 08E0H and 0CE0H: RTTP PATH TU3 Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 R/W IADDR[7] 0
Bit 12 R/W IADDR[6] 0
Bit 11 R/W IADDR[5] 0
Bit 10 R/W IADDR[4] 0
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00E0H, 04E0H, 08E0H,
and 0CE0H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer. When the RTTP monitors path trace messages, paths #1 to #12
are valid.
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address location (IADDR[7:0]) bits select which indirect address location is
accessed by the current indirect transfer.
Indirect Address IADDR[7:0] Indirect Data
0000 0000 Configuration
0000 0001
0011 1111
Invalid address
0100 0000 First byte of the 1/16/64 byte captured trace
0100 0001
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte captured trace
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Indirect Address IADDR[7:0] Indirect Data
0111 1111
1000 0000 First byte of the 1/16/64 byte accepted trace
1000 0001
1011 1111
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte accepted trace
1100 0000 First byte of the 16/64 byte expected trace
1100 0001
1111 1111
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte expected trace
The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The active high RAM busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access to the
internal RAM has been completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect
Address Register. BUSY is set to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM access. This
register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data
Register. Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 00E1H, 04E1H, 08E1H, and 0CE1H: RTTP PATH TU3 Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00E1H, 04E1H, 08E1H, and
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transfer to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should be
polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Register 00E2H, 04E2H, 08E2H, and 0CE2H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Unstable Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R TIUV[12] X
Bit 10 R TIUV[11] X
Bit 9 R TIUV[10] X
Bit 8 R TIUV[9] X
Bit 7 R TIUV[8] X
Bit 6 R TIUV[7] X
Bit 5 R TIUV[6] X
Bit 4 R TIUV[5] X
Bit 3 R TIUV[4] X
Bit 2 R TIUV[3] X
Bit 1 R TIUV[2] X
Bit 0 R TIUV[1] X
The Trace Unstable Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00E2H, 04E2H,
08E2H, and 0CE2H.
The trace identifier unstable status (TIUV[12:1]) bits indicate the current status of the TIU
defects for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12.
Algorithm 1: TIUV is set to logic 0.
Algorithm 2: TIUV is set to logic 1 when one or more erroneous bytes are detected between
the current message and the previous message in a total of 8 trail trace messages without
any persistent message in between. TIUV is set to logic 0 when a persistent message is
found. A persistent message is found when the same message is receive for 3 or 5
consecutive multi-frames.
Algorithm 3: TIUV is set to logic 1 when one or more erroneous bytes are detected in three
consecutive sixteen byte windows. The first window starts on the first erroneous trail trace
byte. TIUV is set to logic 0 when the same trail trace byte is received for 48 consecutive
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Register 00E3H, 04E3H, 08E3H, and 0CE3H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Unstable Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W TIUE[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W TIUE[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W TIUE[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W TIUE[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W TIUE[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W TIUE[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W TIUE[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W TIUE[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W TIUE[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W TIUE[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W TIUE[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W TIUE[1] 0
The Trace Unstable Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00E3H,
04E3H, 08E3H, and 0CE3H.
The trace identifier unstable interrupt enable (TIUE[12:1]) bits control the activation of the
interrupt output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When any of these bit locations is set to
logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When any of
these bit locations is set to logic 0, the corresponding pending interrupt will not assert the
interrupt output.
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Register 00E4H, 04E4H, 08E4H, and 0CE4H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Unstable Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R TIUI[12] X
Bit 10 R TIUI[11] X
Bit 9 R TIUI[10] X
Bit 8 R TIUI[9] X
Bit 7 R TIUI[8] X
Bit 6 R TIUI[7] X
Bit 5 R TIUI[6] X
Bit 4 R TIUI[5] X
Bit 3 R TIUI[4] X
Bit 2 R TIUI[3] X
Bit 1 R TIUI[2] X
Bit 0 R TIUI[1] X
The Trace Unstable Interrupt Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00E4H,
04E4H, 08E4H, and 0CE4H.
The trace identifier unstable interrupt status (TIUI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for STS-
1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. TIUI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate any changes in the status
of TIUV[12:1] (stable to unstable, unstable to stable). These interrupt status bits are
independent of the interrupt enable bits. TIUI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register
is read.
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Register 00E5H, 04E5H, 08E5H, and 0CE5H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Mismatch Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R TIMV[12] X
Bit 10 R TIMV[11] X
Bit 9 R TIMV[10] X
Bit 8 R TIMV[9] X
Bit 7 R TIMV[8] X
Bit 6 R TIMV[7] X
Bit 5 R TIMV[6] X
Bit 4 R TIMV[5] X
Bit 3 R TIMV[4] X
Bit 2 R TIMV[3] X
Bit 1 R TIMV[2] X
Bit 0 R TIMV[1] X
The Trace Mismatch Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00E5H, 04E5H,
08E5H, and 0CE5H.
The trace identifier mismatch status (TIMV[12:1]) bit indicates the current status of the
TIM defects for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12.
Algorithm 1: TIMV is set to logic 1 when none of the last 20 messages matches the
expected message. TIMV is set to logic 0 when 16 of the last 20 messages match the
expected message.
Algorithm 2: TIMV is set to logic 1 when the accepted message does not match the
expected message. TIMV is set to logic 0 when the accepted message matches the expected
Algorithm 3: TIMV is set to logic 0.
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Register 00E6H, 04E6H, 08E6H, and 0CE6H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Mismatch Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W TIME[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W TIME[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W TIME[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W TIME[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W TIME[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W TIME[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W TIME[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W TIME[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W TIME[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W TIME[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W TIME[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W TIME[1] 0
The Trace Mismatch Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00E6H,
04E6H, 08E6H, and 0CE6H.
The trace identifier mismatch interrupt enable (TIME[12:1]) bits control the activation of
the interrupt output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When any of these bit locations is
set to logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When
any of these bit locations is set to logic 0, the corresponding pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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Register 00E7H, 04E7H, 08E7H, and 0CE7H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Mismatch Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R TIMI[12] X
Bit 10 R TIMI[11] X
Bit 9 R TIMI[10] X
Bit 8 R TIMI[9] X
Bit 7 R TIMI[8] X
Bit 6 R TIMI[7] X
Bit 5 R TIMI[6] X
Bit 4 R TIMI[5] X
Bit 3 R TIMI[4] X
Bit 2 R TIMI[3] X
Bit 1 R TIMI[2] X
Bit 0 R TIMI[1] X
The Trace Mismatch Interrupt Status Register is provided at RTTP read/write address 00E7H,
04E7H, 08E7H, and 0CE7H.
The trace identifier mismatch interrupt status (TIMI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. TIMI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate any changes in the
status of TIMV[12:1] (match to mismatch, mismatch to match). These interrupt status bits
are independent of the interrupt enable bits. TIMI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this
register is read.
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Indirect Register 00H: RTTP PATH TU3 Trace Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W ZEROEN 0
Bit 4 R/W PER5 0
Bit 3 R/W NOSYNC 0
Bit 2 R/W LENGTH16 0
Bit 1 R/W ALGO[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W ALGO[0] 0
The Trace Configuration Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address 00H.
The trail trace algorithm select (ALGO[1:0]) bits select the algorithm used to process the
trail trace message.
ALGO[1:0] Trail Trace Algorithm
00 Algorithm disable
01 Algorithm 1
10 Algorithm 2
11 Algorithm 3
When ALGO[1:0] is set to logic 00b, the trail trace algorithms are disabled. The
corresponding TIUV, TIMV register bits and the corresponding TIU, TIM output signal
time slots are set to logic 0.
The message length (LENGTH16) bit selects the length of the trail trace message used by
algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the length of the trail trace
message is 16 bytes. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the length of the trail trace
message is 64 bytes.
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The synchronization disable (NOSYNC) bit disables the synchronization of the trail trace
message in algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. When NOSYNC is set to logic 1, no
synchronization is done on the trail trace message. The bytes of the trail trace message are
written in the captured page as in a circular buffer. When NOSYNC is set to logic 0,
synchronization is done on the trail trace message. See SYNC_CRLF to determine how
synchronization is handled when NOSYNC = 0.
The message persistency (PER5) bit selects the number of multi-frames a trail trace
message must receive in order to be declared persistent in algorithm 2. When PER5 is set to
logic 1, the same trail trace message must be received for 5 consecutive multi-frames to be
declared persistent. When PER5 is set to logic 0, the same trail trace message must be
received for 3 consecutive multi-frames to be declared persistent.
The all zero message enable (ZEROEN) bit selects if the all zero messages are validated or
not against the expected message in algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. When ZEROEN is set to
logic 1, an all zero captured message in algorithm 1 and an all zero accepted message in
algorithm 2 are validated against the expected message. A match is declared when both the
captured/accepted message and the expected message are all zero. When ZEROEN is set to
logic 0, an all zero captured message in algorithm 1 and an all zero accepted message in
algorithm 2 are not validated against the expected message but are considered match. A
match is declared when the captured/accepted message is all zero regardless of the expected
The synchronization on CR/LF characters (SYNCCRLF) bit selects if the current algorithm
(except algo3) synchronizes on the CR/LF ASCII characters or on the byte with its MSB set
high. When SYNCCRLF is set to logic 1, the current algorithm synchronizes when it
receives the ASCII character “CR” (carriage return) followed by “LF” (line feed) and the
current active byte becomes the last byte of the message. When SYNCCRLF is set to 0, the
current algorithm synchronizes when receiving a byte with its MSB set to logic 1. The
current active byte then becomes the first byte of the message.
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Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: RTTP PATH TU3 Captured Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R CTRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R CTRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R CTRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R CTRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R CTRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R CTRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R CTRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R CTRACE[0] X
The Captured Trace Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address 40H to
The captured trail trace message (CTRACE[7:0]) bits contain the currently received trail
trace message. When algorithm 1 or 2 is selected and LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the
captured message is stored between address 40h and 4Fh. When algorithm 1 or 2 is
selected and LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the captured message is stored between address
40h and 7Fh. When NOSYNC is set to logic 1, the captured message is not synchronized.
When NOSYNC is set to logic 0, the captured message is synchronized and the first byte of
the message is stored at address 40h. When algorithm 3 is selected, the captured byte is
stored at address 40h.
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Indirect Register 80H to BFH: RTTP PATH TU3 Accepted Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W ATRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R/W ATRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R/W ATRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R/W ATRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R/W ATRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R/W ATRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R/W ATRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R/W ATRACE[0] X
The Accepted Trace Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address 80H to
The accepted trail trace message (ATRACE[7:0]) bits contain the persistent trail trace
message. When algorithm 1 is selected, the accepted message will not be updated. When
algorithm 2 is selected and PER5 is set to logic 1, the accepted message is the same trail
trace message received for 5 consecutive multi-frames. When algorithm 2 is selected and
PER5 is set to logic 0, the accepted message is the same trail trace message received for 3
consecutive multi-frames. When algorithm 2 is selected and LENGTH16 is set to logic 1,
the accepted message is stored between address 80h and 8Fh. When algorithm 2 is selected
and LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the accepted message is stored between address 80h and
BFh. When algorithm 3 is selected, the accepted byte is the same trail trace byte received
for 48 frames. When algorithm 3 is selected, the accepted byte is stored at address 80h.
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Indirect Register C0H to FFH: RTTP PATH TU3 Expected Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W ETRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R/W ETRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R/W ETRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R/W ETRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R/W ETRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R/W ETRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R/W ETRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R/W ETRACE[0] X
The Expected Trace Indirect Register is provided at RTTP read/write indirect address C0H to
The expected trail trace message (ETRACE[7:0]) bits contain a static message written by an
external microprocessor. In algorithm 1 the expected message is used to validate the
captured message. In algorithm 2 the expected message is used to validate the accepted
message. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the expected message must be written
between address C0h and CFh. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the accepted message
must be written between address C0h and FFh.
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Register 0100H, 0500H, 0900H, and 0D00H: RHPP Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 0100H, 0500H, 0900H,
and 0D00H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer.
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address location (IADDR[3:0]) bits select which address location is accessed
by the current indirect transfer.
Indirect Address IADDR[3:0] Indirect Data
0000 Pointer Interpreter Configuration
0001 Error Monitor Configuration
0010 Pointer Value and ERDI
0011 Captured and Accepted PSL
0100 Expected PSL and PDI
0101 RHPP Pointer Interpreter status
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Indirect Address IADDR[3:0] Indirect Data
0110 RHPP Path BIP Error Counter
0111 RHPP Path REI Error Counter
1000 RHPP Path Negative Justification Event Counter
1001 RHPP Path Positive Justification Event Counter
The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The active high RAM busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access to the
internal RAM has been completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect
Address Register. BUSY is set to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM access. This
register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data
Register. Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 0101H, 0501H, 0901H, and 0D01H: RHPP Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 0101H, 0501H, 0901H, and
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transferred to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should
be polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Register 0102H, 0502H, 0902H, and 0D02H: RHPP Payload Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W STS12CSL 0
Bit 14 R/W STS12C 0
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W STS3C[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W STS3C[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W STS3C[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W STS3C[1] 0
The Payload Configuration Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 0102H, 0502H,
0902H, and 0D02H.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[1]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and #9 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[1] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[1] must be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[2]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and #10 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[2] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[2] must be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[3]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and #11 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[3] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[3] must be set to logic 0.
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The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[4]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and #12 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[4] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[4] must be set to logic 0.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (STS12C) bit selects the payload
configuration. When STS12C is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 are part of
an STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When STS12C is set to logic 0, the STS-1/STM-0 paths
are defined with the STS3C[1:4] register bit.
The slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (STS12CSL) bit selects the slave
payload configuration. When STS12CSL is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to
#12 are part of an STS-12c (VC-4-4c) slave payload. When STS12CSL is set to logic 0, the
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to # 12 are part of an STS-12c (VC-4-4c) master payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 0, STS12CSL must be set to logic 0.
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Register 0103H, 0503H, 0903H, and 0D03H: RHPP Counter Update
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
Any write to the RHPP Counters Update Register (0X03H) or to the Master Configuration
Register (0000H) will trigger the transfer of all counter values to their holding registers.
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Register 0104H, 0504H, 0904H, and 0D04H: RHPP Path Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R P_INT[12] X
Bit 10 R P_INT[11] X
Bit 9 R P_INT[10] X
Bit 8 R P_INT[9] X
Bit 7 R P_INT[8] X
Bit 6 R P_INT[7] X
Bit 5 R P_INT[6] X
Bit 4 R P_INT[5] X
Bit 3 R P_INT[4] X
Bit 2 R P_INT[3] X
Bit 1 R P_INT[2] X
Bit 0 R P_INT[1] X
The RHPP Path Interrupt Status Register is provided at RHPP read address 0104H, 0504H,
0904H, and 0D04H.
The Path Interrupt Status bit (P_INT[12:11]) tells which path(s) have interrupts that are still
active. Reading from this register will not clear any of the interrupts, it is simply added to
reduce the average number of accesses required to service interrupts.
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Register 0105H, 0505H, 0905H and 0D05H: RHPP Pointer Concatenation Processing
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W PTRCDIS[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W PTRCDIS[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W PTRCDIS[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W PTRCDIS[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W PTRCDIS[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W PTRCDIS[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W PTRCDIS[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W PTRCDIS[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W PTRCDIS[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W PTRCDIS[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W PTRCDIS[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W PTRCDIS[1] 0
The Pointer Concatenation processing Disable Register is provided at RHPP read/write address
0105H, 0505H, 0905H, and 0D05H.
The concatenation pointer processing disable (PTRCDIS[12:1]) bits disable the path
concatenation pointer interpreter state machine. When PTRCDIS[n] is set to logic 1, the
path concatenation pointer interpreter state-machine (for the path n) is disabled and
excluded from the LOPC-P, AISC-P and ALLAISC-P defect declaration. When PTRCDIS
is set to logic 0, the path concatenation pointer interpreter state-machine is enabled and
included in the LOPC-P, AISC-P and ALLAISC-P defect declaration.
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Register 0108H, 0508H, 0908H and 0D08H: RHPP Pointer Interpreter Status
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0110H, 0510H, 0910H and 0D10H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 0118H, 0518H, 0918H and 0D18H: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 0120H, 0520H, 0920H and 0D20H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 0128H, 0528H, 0928H and 0D28H: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 0130H, 0530H, 0930H and 0D30H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 0138H, 0538H, 0938H and 0D38H: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 0140H, 0540H, 0940H and 0D40H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 0148H, 0548H, 0948H and 0D48H: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 0150H, 0550H, 0950H and 0D50H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 0158H, 0558H, 0958H and 0D58H: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 0160H, 0560H, 0960H and 0D60H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
The Pointer Interpreter Status Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 08H 10H 18H
20H 28H 30H 38H 40H 48H 50H 58H and 60H.
The path lost of pointer state (PLOPV) bit indicates the current status of the pointer
interpreter state machine. PLOPV is set to logic 1 when the state machine is in the
LOP_state. PLOPV is set to logic 0 when the state machine is not in the LOP_state.
The path alarm indication signal state (PAISV) bit indicates the current status of the pointer
interpreter state machine. PAISV is set to logic 1 when the state machine is in the
AIS_state. PAISV is set to logic 0 when the state machine is not in the AIS_state.
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The path lost of pointer concatenation state (PLOPCV) bit indicates the current status of the
concatenation pointer interpreter state machine. PLOPCV is set to logic 1 when the state
machine is in the LOPC_state. PLOPCV is set to logic 0 when the state machine is not in
the LOPC_state.
The path concatenation alarm indication signal state (PAISCV) bit indicates the current
status of the concatenation pointer interpreter state machine. PAISCV is set to logic 1 when
the state machine is in the AISC_state. PAISCV is set to logic 0 when the state machine is
not in the AISC_state.
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Register 0109H, 0509H, 0909H and 0D09H: RHPP Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0111H, 0511H, 0911H and 0D11H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 0119H, 0519H, 0919H and 0D19H: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 0121H, 0521H, 0921H and 0D21H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 0129H, 0529H, 0929H and 0D29H: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 0131H, 0531H, 0931H and 0D31H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 0139H, 0539H, 0939H and 0D39H: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 0141H, 0541H, 0941H and 0D41H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 0149H, 0549H, 0949H and 0D49H: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 0151H, 0551H, 0951H and 0D51H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 0159H, 0559H, 0959H and 0D59H: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 0161H, 0561H, 0961H and 0D61H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W PAISCE 0
Bit 4 R/W PLOPCE 0
Bit 3 R/W PAISE 0
Bit 2 R/W PLOPE 0
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R/W PTRJEE 0
The Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 09H
11H 19H 21H 29H 31H 39H 41H 49H 51H 59H and 61H.
The pointer justification event interrupt enable (PTRJEE) bit control the activation of the
interrupt output. When PTRJEE is set to logic 1, the NJEI and PJEI pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt output. When PTRJEE is set to logic 0, the NJEI and PJEI pending
interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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The path loss of pointer interrupt enable (PLOPE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When PLOPE is set to logic 1, the PLOPI pending interrupt will assert the interrupt
output. When PLOPE is set to logic 0, the PLOPI pending interrupt will not assert the
interrupt output.
The path alarm indication signal interrupt enable (PAISE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PAISE is set to logic 1, the PAISI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PAISE is set to logic 0, the PAISI pending interrupt will not assert
the interrupt output.
The path loss of pointer concatenation interrupt enable (PLOPCE) bit controls the activation
of the interrupt output. When PLOPCE is set to logic 1, the PLOPCI pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt output. When PLOPCE is set to logic 0, the PLOPCI pending interrupt
will not assert the interrupt output.
The path concatenation alarm indication signal interrupt enable (PAISCE) bit controls the
activation of the interrupt output. When PAISCE is set to logic 1, the PAISCI pending
interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When PAISCE is set to logic 0, the PAISCI
pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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Register 010AH, 050AH, 090AH and 0D0AH: RHPP Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Status
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0112H, 0512H, 0912H and 0D12H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 011AH, 051AH, 091AH and 0D1AH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 0122H, 0522H, 0922H and 0D22H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 012AH, 052AH, 092AH and 0D2AH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 0132H, 0532H, 0932H and 0D32H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 013AH, 053AH, 093AH and 0D3AH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 0142H, 0542H, 0942H and 0D42H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 014AH, 054AH, 094AH and 0D4AH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 0152H, 0552H, 0952H and 0D52H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 015AH, 055AH, 095AH and 0D5AH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 0162H, 0562H, 0962H and 0D62H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 1 R PJEI X
Bit 0 R NJEI X
The Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Status Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 0AH
12H 1AH 22H 2AH 32H 3AH 42H 4AH 52H 5AH and 62H.
The negative pointer justification event interrupt status (NJEI) bit is an event indicator.
NJEI is set to logic 1 to indicate a negative pointer justification event. The interrupt status
bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. NJEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is
The positive pointer justification event interrupt status (PJEI) bit is an event indicator. PJEI
is set to logic 1 to indicate a positive pointer justification event. The interrupt status bit is
independent of the interrupt enable bit. PJEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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The path loss of pointer interrupt status (PLOPI) bit is an event indicator. PLOPI is set to
logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PLOPV (entry to the LOP_state or exit from
the LOP_state). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. PLOPI is
cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path alarm indication signal interrupt status (PAISI) bit is an event indicator. PAISI is
set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PAISV (entry to the AIS_state or exit
from the AIS_state). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PAISI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path loss of pointer concatenation interrupt status (PLOPCI) bit is an event indicator.
PLOPCI is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PLOPCV (entry to the
LOPC_state or exit from the LOPC_state). The interrupt status bit is independent of the
interrupt enable bit. PLOPCI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path concatenation alarm indication signal interrupt status (PAISCI) bit is an event
indicator. PAISCI is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PAISCV (entry to
the AISC_state or exit from the AISC_state). The interrupt status bit is independent of the
interrupt enable bit. PAISCI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 010BH, 050BH, 090BH and 0D0BH: RHPP Error Monitor Status (STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0113H, 0513H, 0913H and 0D13H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 011BH, 051BH, 091BH and 0D1BH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 0123H, 0523H, 0923H and 0D23H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 012BH, 052BH, 092BH and 0D2BH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 0133H, 0533H, 0933H and 0D33H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 013BH, 053BH, 093BH and 0D3BH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 0143H, 0543H, 0943H and 0D43H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 014BH, 054BH, 094BH and 0D4BH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 0153H, 0553H, 0953H and 0D53H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 015BH, 055BH, 095BH and 0D5BH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 0163H, 0563H, 0963H and 0D63H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
The Error Monitor Status Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 0BH 13H 1BH 23H
2BH 33H 3BH 43H 4BH 53H 5BH and 63H.
Note: The Error Monitor Status bits are ‘don’t care’ for slave timeslots.
The path payload label unstable status (PPLUV) bit indicates the current status of the PLU-
P defect.
Algorithm 1: PPLUV is set to logic 0.
Algorithm 2: PPLUV is set to logic 1 when a total of 5 received PSL differs from the
previously accepted PSL without any persistent PSL in between. PPLUV is set to logic 0
when a persistent PSL is found. A persistent PSL is found when the same PSL is received
for 3 or 5 consecutive frames.
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The path payload label mismatch status (PPLMV) bit indicates the current status of the
PLM-P defect.
Algorithm 1: PPLMV is set to logic 1 when the received PSL does not match, according to
Table 3, the expected PSL for 3 or 5 consecutive frames (selectable with the PSL5 register
bit). PPLMV is set to logic 0 when the received PSL matches, according to Table 3, the
expected PSL for 3 or 5 consecutive frames.
Algorithm 2: PPLMV is set to logic 1 when the accepted PSL does not match, according to
Table 3, the expected PSL. PPLMV is set to logic 0 when the accepted PSL matches,
according to Table 3, the expected PSL.
The path unequipped status (PUNEQV) bit indicates the current status of the UNEQ-P
PUNEQV is set to logic 1 when the received PSL indicates unequipped, according to Table
3, for 3 or 5 consecutive frames (selectable with the PSL5 register bit). An PUNEQV is set
to logic 0 when the received PSL indicates not unequipped, according to Table 3, for 3 or 5
consecutive frames.
The path payload defect indication status (PPDIV) bit indicates the current status of the
PPDI-P defect.
Algorithm 1: PPDIV is set to logic 1 when the received PSL is a defect, according to Table
3, for 3 or 5 consecutive frames (selectable with the PSL5 register bit). PPDIV is set to
logic 0 when the received PSL is not a defect, according to Table 3, for 3 or 5 consecutive
Algorithm 2: PPDIV is set to logic 1 when the accepted PSL is a defect, according to Table
3. PPDI is set to logic 0 when the accepted PSL is not a defect, according to Table 3.
The path remote defect indication status (PRDIV) bit indicates the current status of the
RDI-P defect. PRDIV is set to logic 1 when bit 5 of the G1 byte is set high for five or ten
consecutive frames (selectable with the PRDI10 register bit). PRDIV is set to logic 0 when
bit 5 of the G1 byte is set low for five or ten consecutive frames.
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The path enhanced remote defect indication status (PERDIV) bit indicates the current status
of the ERDI-P defect. PERDIV is set to logic 1 when the same 010, 100, 101, 110 or 111
pattern is detected in bits 5, 6 and 7 of the G1 byte for five or ten consecutive frames
(selectable with the PRDI10 register bit). PERDIV is set to logic 0 when the same 000, 001
or 011 pattern is detected in bits 5, 6 and 7 of the G1 byte for five or ten consecutive frames.
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Register 010CH, 050CH, 090CH and 0D0CH: RHPP Error Monitor Interrupt Enable
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0114H, 0514H, 0914H and 0D14H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 011CH, 051CH, 091CH and 0D1CH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 0124H, 0524H, 0924H and 0D24H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 012CH, 052CH, 092CH and 0D2CH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 0134H, 0534H, 0934H and 0D34H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 013CH, 053CH, 093CH and 0D3CH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 0144H, 0544H, 0944H and 0D44H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 014CH, 054CH, 094CH and 0D4CH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 0154H, 0554H, 0954H and 0D54H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 015CH, 055CH, 095CH and 0D5CH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 0164H, 0564H, 0964H and 0D64H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W PREIEE 0
Bit 8 R/W PBIPEE 0
Bit 6 R/W PERDIE 0
Bit 5 R/W PRDIE 0
Bit 4 R/W PPDIE 0
Bit 3 R/W PUNEQE 0
Bit 2 R/W PPLME 0
Bit 1 R/W PPLUE 0
Bit 0 R/W COPSLE 0
The Error Monitor Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 0CH 14H
1CH 24H 2CH 34H 3CH 44H 4CH 54H 5CH and 64H.
The change of path payload signal label interrupt enable (COPSLE) bit controls the
activation of the interrupt output. When COPSLE is set to logic 1, the COPSLI pending
interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When COPSLE is set to logic 0, the COPSLI
pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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The path payload label unstable interrupt enable (PPLUE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PPLUE is set to logic 1, the PPLUI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PPLUE is set to logic 0, the PPLUI pending interrupt will not assert
the interrupt output.
The path payload label mismatch interrupt enable (PPLME) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PPLME is set to logic 1, the PPLMI pending interrupt will assert
the interrupt output. When PPLME is set to logic 0, the PPLMI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
The path payload unequipped interrupt enable (PUNEQE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PUNEQE is set to logic 1, the PUNEQI pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt output. When PUNEQE is set to logic 0, the PUNEQI pending interrupt
will not assert the interrupt output.
The path payload defect indication interrupt enable (PPDIE) bit controls the activation of
the interrupt output. When PPDIE is set to logic 1, the PPDI pending interrupt will assert
the interrupt output. When PPDIE is set to logic 0, the PPDI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
The path remote defect indication interrupt enable (PRDIE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PRDIE is set to logic 1, the PRDII pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PRDIE is set to logic 0, the PRDII pending interrupt will not assert
the interrupt output.
The path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt enable (PERDIE) bit controls the
activation of the interrupt output. When PERDIE is set to logic 1, the PERDII pending
interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When PERDIE is set to logic 0, the PERDII
pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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The change of path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt enable (COPERDIE) bit
controls the activation of the interrupt output. When COPERDIE is set to logic 1, the
COPERDII pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When COPERDIE is set to
logic 0, the COPERDII pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
The path BIP-8 error interrupt enable (PBIPEE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When PBIPEE is set to logic 1, the PBIPEI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PBIPEE is set to logic 0, the PBIPEI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
The path REI error interrupt enable (PREIEE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When PREIEE is set to logic 1, the PREIEI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PREIEE is set to logic 0, the PREIEI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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Register 010DH, 050DH, 090DH and 0D0DH: RHPP Error Monitor Interrupt Status
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0115H, 0515H, 0915H and 0D15H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 011DH, 051DH, 091DH and 0D1DH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 0125H, 0525H, 0925H and 0D25H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 012DH, 052DH, 092DH and 0D2DH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 0135H, 0535H, 0935H and 0D35H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 013DH, 053DH, 093DH and 0D3DH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 0145H, 0545H, 0945H and 0D45H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 014DH, 054DH, 094DH and 0D4DH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 0155H, 0555H, 0955H and 0D55H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 015DH, 055DH, 095DH and 0D5DH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 0165H, 0565H, 0965H and 0D65H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
The Error Monitor Interrupt Status Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 0DH 15H
1DH 25H 2DH 35H 3DH 45H 4DH 55H 5DH and 65H.
The change of path payload signal label interrupt status (COPSLI) bit is an event indicator.
COPSLI is set to logic 1 to indicate a new PSL-P value. The interrupt status bit is
independent of the interrupt enable bit. COPSLI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is
read. ALGO2 register bit has no effect on COPSLI.
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The path payload label unstable interrupt status (PPLUI) bit is an event indicator. PPLUI is
set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PPLUV (stable to unstable or unstable
to stable). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. PPLUI is
cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path payload label mismatch interrupt status (PPLMI) bit is an event indicator. PPLMI
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PPLMV (match to mismatch or
mismatch to match). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PPLMI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path payload unequipped interrupt status (PUNEQI) bit is an event indicator. PUNEQI
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PUNEQV (equipped to unequipped or
unequipped to equipped). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PUNEQI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path payload defect indication interrupt status (PPDII) bit is an event indicator. PPDII
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PPDIV (no defect to payload defect
or payload defect to no defect). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt
enable bit. PPDII is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path remote defect indication interrupt status (PRDII) bit is an event indicator. PRDII
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PRDIV (no defect to RDI defect or
RDI defect to no defect). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PRDII is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt status (PERDII) bit is an event
indicator. PERDII is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PERDIV (no
defect to ERDI defect or ERDI defect to no defect). The interrupt status bit is independent
of the interrupt enable bit. PERDII is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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The change of path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt status (COPERDII) bit is an
event indicator. COPERDII is set to logic 1 to indicate a new ERDI-P value. The interrupt
status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. COPERDII is cleared to logic 0 when
this register is read.
The path BIP-8 error interrupt status (PBIPEI) bit is an event indicator. PBIPEI is set to
logic 1 to indicate a path BIP-8 error. The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt
enable bit. PBIPEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path REI error interrupt status (PREIEI) bit is an event indicator. PREIEI is set to logic
1 to indicate a path REI error. The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable
bit. PREIEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Indirect Register 00H: RHPP Pointer Interpreter Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W NDFCNT 0
Bit 4 R/W INVCNT 0
Bit 2 R/W JUST3DIS 0
Bit 1 R/W SSEN 0
Bit 0 Unused X
The Pointer Interpreter Configuration Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect
address 00H.
The SS bits enable (SSEN) bit selects whether or not the SS bits are taking into account in
the pointer interpreter state machine. When SSEN is set to logic 1, the SS bits must be set
indication. When SSEN is set to logic 0, the SS bits are ignored.
The “justification more than 3 frames ago disable” (JUST3DIS) bit selects whether or not
the INC_IND or DEC_IND pointer justifications must be more than 3 frames apart to be
considered valid. When JUST3DIS is set to logic 0, the previous NDF_ENABLE,
INC_IND or DEC_IND indication must be more than 3 frames ago or the present
INC_IND or DEC_IND indication is considered an INV_POINT indication.
NDF_ENABLE indications can be every frame regardless of the JUST3DIS bit. When
JUST3DIS is set to logic 1, INC_IND or DEC_IND indication can be every frame.
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The relay path AIS (RELAYPAIS) bit selects the condition to enter the path AIS state in the
pointer interpreter state machine. When RELAYPAIS is set to logic 1, the path AIS state is
entered with 1 X AIS_ind indication. When RELAYPAIS is set to logic 0, the path AIS
state is entered with 3 X AIS_ind indications. This configuration bit also affects the
concatenation pointer interpreter state machine.
The invalid counter (INVCNT) bit selects the behavior of the consecutive INV_POINT
event counter in the pointer interpreter state machine. When INVCNT is set to logic 1, the
consecutive INV_POINT event counter is reset by 3 EQ_NEW_POINT indications. When
INVCNT is set to logic 0, the counter is not reset by 3 EQ_NEW_POINT indications.
The new data flag counter (NDFCNT) bit selects the behavior of the consecutive
NDF_ENABLE event counter in the pointer interpreter state machine. When NDFCNT is
set to logic 1, the NDF_ENABLE definition is enabled NDF + SS. When NDFCNT is set
to logic 0, the NDF_ENABLE definition is enabled NDF + SS + offset value in the range 0
to 782 (764 in TU-3 mode). This configuration bit only changes the NDF_ENABLE
definition for the consecutive NDF_ENABLE even counter to count towards LOP-P defect
when the pointer is out of range, this configuration bit does not change the NDF_ENABLE
definition for pointer justification.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Indirect Register 01H: RHPP Error Monitor Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W B3EONRPOH 0
Bit 9 R/W IBER 0
Bit 7 R/W B3EBLK 0
Bit 3 R/W PRDI10 0
Bit 2 R/W PLMEND 0
Bit 1 R/W PSL5 0
Bit 0 R/W ALGO2 0
The Error Monitor Configuration Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect
address 01H.
The payload signal label algorithm 2 (ALGO2) bit selects the algorithm for the PSL
monitoring. When ALGO2 is set to logic 1, the ITU compliant algorithm is (algorithm 2) is
used to monitor the PSL. When ALGO2 is set to logic 0, the BELLCORE compliant
algorithm (algorithm 1) is used to monitor the PSL. ALGO2 changes the PLU-P, PLM-P
and PDI-P defect definitions but has no effect on UNEQ-P defect, accepted PSL and change
of PSL definitions
The payload signal label detection (PSL5) bit selects the path PSL persistence. When PSL5
is set to logic 1, a new PSL is accepted when the same PSL value is detected in the C2 byte
for five consecutive frames. When PSL5 is set to logic 0, a new PSL is accepted when the
same PSL value is detected in the C2 byte for three consecutive frames.
The payload label mismatch removal (PLMEND) bit controls the removal of a PLM-P
defect when an UNEQ-P defect is declared. When PLMEND is set to logic 1, a PLM-P
defect is terminated when an UNEQ-P defect is declared. When PLMEND is set to logic 0,
a PLM-P defect is not terminated when an UNEQ-P defect is declared.
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The path remote defect indication detection (PRDI10) bit selects the path RDI and path
ERDI persistence. When PRDI10 is set to logic 1, path RDI and path ERDI are accepted
when the same pattern is detected in bits 5,6,7 of the G1 byte for ten consecutive frames.
When PRDI10 is set to logic 0, path RDI and path ERDI are accepted when the same
pattern is detected in bits 5,6,7 of the G1 byte for five consecutive frames.
The disable fixed stuff columns during BIP-8 calculation (FSBIPDIS) bit controls the path
BIP-8 calculation for an STS-1 (VC-3) payload. When FSBIPDIS is set to logic 1, the fixed
stuff columns are not part of the BIP-8 calculation when processing an STS-1 (VC-3)
payload. When FSBIPDIS is set to logic 0, the fixed stuff columns are part of the BIP-8
calculation when processing an STS-1 (VC-3) payload.
The path block BIP-8 errors accumulation (PBIPEBLKACC) bit controls the accumulation
of path BIP-8 errors. When PBIPEBLKACC is set to logic 1, the path BIP-8 error
accumulation represents block BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 1 error per frame). When
PBIPEBLKACC is set to logic 0, the path BIP-8 error accumulation represents BIP-8 errors
(a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
The path block BIP-8 errors (PBIPEBLKREI) bit controls the path REI errors returned to
the THPP. When PBIPEBLKREI is set to logic 1, the path REI is updated with block BIP-8
errors (a maximum of 1 error per frame). When PBIPEBLKREI is set to logic 0, the path
REI is updated with BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
The serial path block BIP-8 errors (B3EBLK) bit controls the indication of path BIP-8
errors on the B3E serial output. When B3EBLK is set to logic 1, B3E outputs block BIP-8
errors (a maximum of 1 error per frame). When B3EBLK is set to logic 0, B3E outputs
BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
The path block REI errors accumulation (PREIBLKACC) bit controls the accumulation of
path REI errors from the path status (G1) byte. When PREIBLK is set to logic 1, the
extracted path REI errors are interpreted as block BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 1 error per
frame). When PREIBLK is set to logic 0, the extracted path REI errors are interpret as
BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
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The in-band error reporting (IBER) bit controls the in-band regeneration of the path status
(G1) byte. When IBER is set to logic 1, the path status byte is updated with the REI-P and
the ERDI-P defects that must be returned to the far end. When IBER is set to logic 0, the
path status byte is not altered.
The in-band path REI block errors (IPREIBLK) bit controls the regeneration of the path
REI errors in the path status (G1) byte. When IPREIBLK is set to logic 1, the path REI is
updated with block BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 1 error per frame). When IPREIBLK is set
to logic 0, the path REI is updated with BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
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The B3EONRPOH bit controls the data presented on RPOH ports. When set to logic 0, the
received B3 byte is placed on the RPOH port. When set to logic 1, the B3 error count is
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Indirect Register 02H: RHPP Pointer Value and ERDI
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R PERDIV[2] X
Bit 14 R PERDIV[1] X
Bit 13 R PERDIV[0] X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R SSV[1] X
Bit 10 R SSV[0] X
Bit 9 R PTRV[9] X
Bit 8 R PTRV[8] X
Bit 7 R PTRV[7] X
Bit 6 R PTRV[6] X
Bit 5 R PTRV[5] X
Bit 4 R PTRV[4] X
Bit 3 R PTRV[3] X
Bit 2 R PTRV[2] X
Bit 1 R PTRV[1] X
Bit 0 R PTRV[0] X
The Pointer Value Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 02H.
The path pointer value (PTRV[9:0]) bits represent the current STS (AU or TU3) pointer
being process by the pointer interpreter state machine or by the concatenation pointer
interpreter state machine.
The SS value (SSV[1:0]) bits represent the current SS (DD) bits being processed by the
pointer interpreter state machine or by the concatenation pointer interpreter state machine.
The path enhanced remote defect indication value (PERDIV[2:0]) bits represent the filtered
path enhanced remote defect indication value. PERDIV[2:0] is updated when the same
ERDI pattern is detected in bits 5,6,7 of the G1 byte for five or ten consecutive frames
(selectable with the PRDI10 register bit).
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Indirect Register 03H: RHPP Captured and Accepted PSL
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R CPSLV[7] X
Bit 14 R CPSLV[6] X
Bit 13 R CPSLV[5] X
Bit 12 R CPSLV[4] X
Bit 11 R CPSLV[3] X
Bit 10 R CPSLV[2] X
Bit 9 R CPSLV[1] X
Bit 8 R CPSLV[0] X
Bit 7 R APSLV[7] X
Bit 6 R APSLV[6] X
Bit 5 R APSLV[5] X
Bit 4 R APSLV[4] X
Bit 3 R APSLV[3] X
Bit 2 R APSLV[2] X
Bit 1 R APSLV[1] X
Bit 0 R APSLV[0] X
The Accepted PSL and ERDI Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 03H.
The accepted path signal label value (APSLV[7:0]) bits represent the last accepted path
signal label value. A new PSL is accepted when the same PSL value is detected in the C2
byte for three or five consecutive frames. (selectable with the PSL5 register bit).
The captured path signal label value (CPSLV[7:0]) bits represent the last captured path
signal label value. A new PSL is captured every frame from the C2 byte.
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Indirect Register 04H: RHPP Expected PSL and PDI
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 12 R/W PDI[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W PDI[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W PDI[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W PDI[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W PDI[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W EPSL[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W EPSL[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W EPSL[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W EPSL[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W EPSL[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W EPSL[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W EPSL[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W EPSL[0] 0
The Expected PSL and PDI Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect address
The expected path signal label (EPSL[7:0]) bits represent the expected path signal label.
The expected PSL and the expected PDI validate the received or the accepted PSL to
declare PLM-P, UNEQ-P and PDI-P defects according Table 3.
The payload defect indication (PDI[4:0]) bits and the payload defect indication range
(PDIRANGE) bit determine the expected payload defect indication according to Table 4.
When PDIRANGE is set to logic 1, the PDI range is enabled and the expected PDI range is
from E1H to E0H+PDI[4:0]. When PDIRANGE is set to logic 0, the PDI range is disabled
and the expected PDI value is E0H+PDI[4:0]. The expected PSL and the expected PDI
validate the received or the accepted PSL to declare PLM-P, UNEQ-P and PDI-P defects
according Table 3.
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Indirect Register 05H: RHPP Pointer Interpreter Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 R NDF X
Bit 0 Unused X
The Pointer Interpreter Status Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect address
Note: The Pointer Interpreter Status bits are don’t care for slave time slots.
The illegal pointer justification request (ILLJREQ) signal is set high when a positive and/or
negative pointer adjustment is received within three frames of a pointer justification event
(inc_ind, dec_ind) or an NDF triggered active offset adjustment (NDF_enable).
The CONCAT bit is set high if the H1 and H2 pointer bytes received match the
concatenation indication (one of the five NDF_enable patterns in the NDF field, don't care
in the size field, and all-ones in the pointer offset field).
The discontinuous change of pointer alignment (DISCOPA) signal is set high when there is
a pointer adjustment due to receiving a pointer repeated three times.
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The invalid new data flag (INVNDF) signal is set high when an invalid NDF code is
The illegal pointer offset (ILLPTR) signal is set high when the pointer received is out of the
range even when it indicates a legal justification. Legal values are from 0 to 782 (764 in
TU3 mode). Pointer justification requests (inc_req, dec_req) and AIS indications (AIS_ind)
are not considered illegal.
The new data flag (NDF) signal is set high when an enabled New Data Flag is received
indicating a pointer adjustment (NDF_enabled indication).
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Indirect Register 06H: RHPP Path BIP Error Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R PBIPE[15] X
Bit 14 R PBIPE[14] X
Bit 13 R PBIPE[13] X
Bit 12 R PBIPE[12] X
Bit 11 R PBIPE[11] X
Bit 10 R PBIPE[10] X
Bit 9 R PBIPE[9] X
Bit 8 R PBIPE[8] X
Bit 7 R PBIPE[7] X
Bit 6 R PBIPE[6] X
Bit 5 R PBIPE[5] X
Bit 4 R PBIPE[4] X
Bit 3 R PBIPE[3] X
Bit 2 R PBIPE[2] X
Bit 1 R PBIPE[1] X
Bit 0 R PBIPE[0] X
The RHPP Path BIP Error Counter register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect address
The path BIP error (PBIPE[15:0]) bits represent the number of path BIP errors that have
been detected in the B3 byte since the last accumulation interval. The error counters are
transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to the RHPP Counters Update
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Indirect Register 07H: RHPP Path REI Error Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R PREIE[15] X
Bit 14 R PREIE[14] X
Bit 13 R PREIE[13] X
Bit 12 R PREIE[12] X
Bit 11 R PREIE[11] X
Bit 10 R PREIE[10] X
Bit 9 R PREIE[9] X
Bit 8 R PREIE[8] X
Bit 7 R PREIE[7] X
Bit 6 R PREIE[6] X
Bit 5 R PREIE[5] X
Bit 4 R PREIE[4] X
Bit 3 R PREIE[3] X
Bit 2 R PREIE[2] X
Bit 1 R PREIE[1] X
Bit 0 R PREIE[0] X
The RHPP Path BIP Error Counter register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect address
The path REI error (PREIE[15:0]) bits represent the number of path REI errors that have
been extracted from the G1 byte since the last accumulation interval. The error counters are
transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to the RHPP Counters Update
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Indirect Register 08H: RHPP Path Negative Justification Event Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R PNJE[12] X
Bit 11 R PNJE[11] X
Bit 10 R PNJE[10] X
Bit 9 R PNJE[9] X
Bit 8 R PNJE[8] X
Bit 7 R PNJE[7] X
Bit 6 R PNJE[6] X
Bit 5 R PNJE[5] X
Bit 4 R PNJE[4] X
Bit 3 R PNJE[3] X
Bit 2 R PNJE[2] X
Bit 1 R PNJE[1] X
Bit 0 R PNJE[0] X
The RHPP Path Negative Justification Event Counter register is provided at RHPP read/write
indirect address 08H.
The Path Negative Justification Event (PNJE[12:0]) bits represent the number of Path
Negative Justification Events that have occurred since the last accumulation interval. The
event counters are transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to RHPP
Counters Update register.
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Indirect Register 09H: RHPP Path Positive Justification Event Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R PPJE[12] X
Bit 11 R PPJE[11] X
Bit 10 R PPJE[10] X
Bit 9 R PPJE[9] X
Bit 8 R PPJE[8] X
Bit 7 R PPJE[7] X
Bit 6 R PPJE[6] X
Bit 5 R PPJE[5] X
Bit 4 R PPJE[4] X
Bit 3 R PPJE[3] X
Bit 2 R PPJE[2] X
Bit 1 R PPJE[1] X
Bit 0 R PPJE[0] X
The RHPP Path Positive Justification Event Counter register is provided at RHPP read/write
indirect address 09H.
The Path Positive Justification Event (PPJE[12:0]) bits represent the number of Path
Positive Justification Events that have occurred since the last accumulation interval. The
event counters are transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to RHPP
Counters Update register.
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Register 0180H, 0580H, 0980H, and 0D80H: RHPP TU3 Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 0180H, 0580H, 0980H,
and 0D80H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer.
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address location (IADDR[2:0]) bits select which address location is accessed
by the current indirect transfer.
Indirect Address IADDR[3:0] Indirect Data
0000 Pointer Interpreter Configuration
0001 Error Monitor Configuration
0010 Pointer Value and ERDI
0011 Captured and Accepted PSL
0100 Expected PSL and PDI
0101 RHPP Pointer Interpreter status
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Indirect Address IADDR[3:0] Indirect Data
0110 RHPP Path BIP Error Counter
0111 RHPP Path REI Error Counter
1000 RHPP Path Negative Justification Event Counter
1001 RHPP Path Positive Justification Event Counter
The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The active high RAM busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access to the
internal RAM has been completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect
Address Register. BUSY is set to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM access. This
register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data
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Register 0181H, 0581H, 0981H, and 0D81H: RHPP TU3 Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 0181H, 0581H, 0981H, and
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transferred to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should
be polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Register 0182H, 0582H, 0982H, and 0D82H: RHPP TU3 Payload Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 14 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W TUG3[4] 0
Bit 6 R/W TUG3[3] 0
Bit 5 R/W TUG3[2] 0
Bit 4 R/W TUG3[1] 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
The Payload Configuration Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 0182H, 0582H,
0982H, and 0D82H.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[1]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and #9 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[1] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[2]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and #10 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[2] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[3]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and #11 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[3] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload.
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The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[4]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and #12 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[4] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload.
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Register 0183H, 0583H, 0983H, and 0D83H: RHPP TU3 Counters Update
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
Any write to the RHPP Counters Update Register (0X03H) or to the Master Configuration
Register (0000H) will trigger the transfer of all counter values to their holding registers.
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Register 0184H, 0584H, 0984H, and 0D84H: RHPP TU3 Path Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R P_INT[12] X
Bit 10 R P_INT[11] X
Bit 9 R P_INT[10] X
Bit 8 R P_INT[9] X
Bit 7 R P_INT[8] X
Bit 6 R P_INT[7] X
Bit 5 R P_INT[6] X
Bit 4 R P_INT[5] X
Bit 3 R P_INT[4] X
Bit 2 R P_INT[3] X
Bit 1 R P_INT[2] X
Bit 0 R P_INT[1] X
The RHPP Path Interrupt Status Register is provided at RHPP read address 04H.
The Path Interrupt Status bit (P_INT[12:1]) tells which path(s) have interrupts that are still
active. Reading from this register will not clear any of the interrupts, it is simply added to
reduce the average number of accesses required to service interrupts.
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Register 0188H, 0588H, 0988H and 0D88H: RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter
Status(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0190H, 0590H, 0990H and 0D90H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 0198H, 0598H, 0998H and 0D98H: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 01A0H, 05A0H, 09A0H and 0DA0H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 01A8H, 05A8H, 09A8H and 0DA8H: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 01B0H, 05B0H, 09B0H and 0DB0H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 01B8H, 05B8H, 09B8H and 0DB8H: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 01C0H, 05C0H, 09C0H and 0DC0H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 01C8H, 05C8H, 09C8H and 0DC8H: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 01D0H, 05D0H, 09D0H and 0DD0H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 01D8H, 05D8H, 09D8H and 0DD8H: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 01E0H, 05E0H, 09E0H and 0DE0H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R Reserved X
Bit 4 R Reserved X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
The Pointer Interpreter Status Register is provided at RHPP read/write addresses 08H, 10H,
18H, 20H, 28H, 30H, 38H, 40H, 48H, 50H, 58H and 60H.
The path lost of pointer state (PLOPV) bit indicates the current status of the pointer
interpreter state machine. PLOPV is set to logic 1 when the state machine is in the
LOP_state. PLOPV is set to logic 0 when the state machine is not in the LOP_state.
The path alarm indication signal state (PAISV) bit indicates the current status of the pointer
interpreter state machine. PAISV is set to logic 1 when the state machine is in the
AIS_state. PAISV is set to logic 0 when the state machine is not in the AIS_state.
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The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Register 0189H, 0589H, 0989H and 0D89H: RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0191H, 0591H, 0991H and 0D91H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 0199H, 0599H, 0999H and 0D99H: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 01A1H, 05A1H, 09A1H and 0DA1H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 01A9H, 05A9H, 09A9H and 0DA9H: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 01B1H, 05B1H, 09B1H and 0DB1H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 01B9H, 05B9H, 09B9H and 0DB9H: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 01C1H, 05C1H, 09C1H and 0DC1H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 01C9H, 05C9H, 09C9H and 0DC9H: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 01D1H, 05D1H, 09D1H and 0DD1H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 01D9H, 05D9H, 09D9H and 0DD9H: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 01E1H, 05E1H, 09E1H and 0DE1H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W PAISE 0
Bit 2 R/W PLOPE 0
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R/W PTRJEE 0
The Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RHPP read/write addresses 09H,
11H, 19H, 21H, 29H, 31H, 39H, 41H, 49H, 51H, 59H and 61H.
The pointer justification event interrupt enable (PTRJEE) bit control the activation of the
interrupt output. When PTRJEE is set to logic 1, the NJEI and PJEI pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt output. When PTRJEE is set to logic 0, the NJEI and PJEI pending
interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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The path loss of pointer interrupt enable (PLOPE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When PLOPE is set to logic 1, the PLOPI pending interrupt will assert the interrupt
output. When PLOPE is set to logic 0, the PLOPI pending interrupt will not assert the
interrupt output.
The path alarm indication signal interrupt enable (PAISE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PAISE is set to logic 1, the PAISI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PAISE is set to logic 0, the PAISI pending interrupt will not assert
the interrupt output.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Register 018AH, 058AH, 098AH and 0D8AH: RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter Interrupt
Status (STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0192H, 0592H, 0992H and 0D92H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 019AH, 059AH, 099AH and 0D9AH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 01A2H, 05A2H, 09A2H and 0DA2H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 01AAH, 05AAH, 09AAH and 0DAAH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 01B2H, 05B2H, 09B2H and 0DB2H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 01BAH, 05BAH, 09BAH and 0DBAH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 01C2H, 05C2H, 09C2H and 0DC2H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 01CAH, 05CAH, 09CAH and 0DCAH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 01D2H, 05D2H, 09D2H and 0DD2H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 01DAH, 05DAH, 09DAH and 0DDAH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 01E2H, 05E2H, 09E2H and 0DE2H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R Reserved X
Bit 4 R Reserved X
Bit 1 R PJEI X
Bit 0 R NJEI X
The Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Status Register is provided at RHPP read/write addresses 0AH,
12H, 1AH, 22H, 2AH, 32H, 3AH, 42H, 4AH, 52H, 5AH and 62H.
The negative pointer justification event interrupt status (NJEI) bit is an event indicator.
NJEI is set to logic 1 to indicate a negative pointer justification event. The interrupt status
bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. NJEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is
The positive pointer justification event interrupt status (PJEI) bit is an event indicator. PJEI
is set to logic 1 to indicate a positive pointer justification event. The interrupt status bit is
independent of the interrupt enable bit. PJEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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The path loss of pointer interrupt status (PLOPI) bit is an event indicator. PLOPI is set to
logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PLOPV (entry to the LOP_state or exit from
the LOP_state). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. PLOPI is
cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path alarm indication signal interrupt status (PAISI) bit is an event indicator. PAISI is
set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PAISV (entry to the AIS_state or exit
from the AIS_state). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PAISI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Register 018BH, 058BH, 098BH and 0D8BH: RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Status
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0193H, 0593H, 0993H and 0D93H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 019BH, 059BH, 099BH and 0D9BH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 01A3H, 05A3H, 09A3H and 0DA3H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 01ABH, 05ABH, 09ABH and 0DABH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 01B3H, 05B3H, 09B3H and 0DB3H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 01BBH, 05BBH, 09BBH and 0DBBH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 01C3H, 05C3H, 09C3H and 0DC3H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 01CBH, 05CBH, 09CBH and 0DCBH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 01D3H, 05D3H, 09D3H and 0DD3H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 01DBH, 05DBH, 09DBH and 0DDBH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 01E3H, 05E3H, 09E3H and 0DE3H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
The Error Monitor Status Register is provided at RHPP read/write addresses 0BH, 13H, 1BH,
23H, 2BH, 33H, 3BH, 43H, 4BH, 53H, 5BH and 63H.
Note: The Error Monitor Status bits are ‘don’t care’ for slave timeslots.
The path payload label unstable status (PPLUV) bit indicates the current status of the PLU-
P defect.
Algorithm 1: PPLUV is set to logic 0.
Algorithm 2: PPLUV is set to logic 1 when a total of 5 received PSL differs from the
previously accepted PSL without any persistent PSL in between. PPLUV is set to logic 0
when a persistent PSL is found. A persistent PSL is found when the same PSL is received
for 3 or 5 consecutive frames.
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The path payload label mismatch status (PPLMV) bit indicates the current status of the
PLM-P defect.
Algorithm 1: PPLMV is set to logic 1 when the received PSL does not match, according to
Table 3, the expected PSL for 3 or 5 consecutive frames (selectable with the PSL5 register
bit). PPLMV is set to logic 0 when the received PSL matches, according to Table 3, the
expected PSL for 3 or 5 consecutive frames.
Algorithm 2: PPLMV is set to logic 1 when the accepted PSL does not match, according to
Table 3, the expected PSL. PPLMV is set to logic 0 when the accepted PSL matches,
according to Table 3, the expected PSL.
The path unequipped status (PUNEQV) bit indicates the current status of the UNEQ-P
PUNEQV is set to logic 1 when the received PSL indicates unequipped, according to Table
3, for 3 or 5 consecutive frames (selectable with the PSL5 register bit). An PUNEQV is set
to logic 0 when the received PSL indicates not unequipped, according to Table 3, for 3 or 5
consecutive frames.
The path payload defect indication status (PPDIV) bit indicates the current status of the
PPDI-P defect.
Algorithm 1: PPDIV is set to logic 1 when the received PSL is a defect, according to Table
3, for 3 or 5 consecutive frames (selectable with the PSL5 register bit). PPDIV is set to
logic 0 when the received PSL is not a defect, according to Table 3, for 3 or 5 consecutive
Algorithm 2: PPDIV is set to logic 1 when the accepted PSL is a defect, according to Table
3. PPDI is set to logic 0 when the accepted PSL is not a defect, according to Table 3.
The path remote defect indication status (PRDIV) bit indicates the current status of the
RDI-P defect. PRDIV is set to logic 1 when bit 5 of the G1 byte is set high for five or ten
consecutive frames (selectable with the PRDI10 register bit). PRDIV is set to logic 0 when
bit 5 of the G1 byte is set low for five or ten consecutive frames.
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The path enhanced remote defect indication status (PERDIV) bit indicates the current status
of the ERDI-P defect. PERDIV is set to logic 1 when the same 010, 100, 101, 110 or 111
pattern is detected in bits 5, 6 and 7 of the G1 byte for five or ten consecutive frames
(selectable with the PRDI10 register bit). PERDIV is set to logic 0 when the same 000, 001
or 011 pattern is detected in bits 5, 6 and 7 of the G1 byte for five or ten consecutive frames.
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Register 018CH, 058CH, 098CH and 0D8CH: RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Interrupt Enable
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0194H, 0594H, 0994H and 0D94H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 019CH, 059CH, 099CH and 0D9CH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 01A4H, 05A4H, 09A4H and 0DA4H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 01ACH, 05ACH, 09ACH and 0DACH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 01B4H, 05B4H, 09B4H and 0DB4H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 01BCH, 05BCH, 09BCH and 0DBCH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 01C4H, 05C4H, 09C4H and 0DC4H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 01CCH, 05CCH, 09CCH and 0DCCH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 01D4H, 05D4H, 09D4H and 0DD4H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 01DCH, 05DCH, 09DCH and 0DDCH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 01E4H, 05E4H, 09E4H and 0DE4H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W PREIEE 0
Bit 8 R/W PBIPEE 0
Bit 6 R/W PERDIE 0
Bit 5 R/W PRDIE 0
Bit 4 R/W PPDIE 0
Bit 3 R/W PUNEQE 0
Bit 2 R/W PPLME 0
Bit 1 R/W PPLUE 0
Bit 0 R/W COPSLE 0
The Error Monitor Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RHPP read/write addresses 0CH,
14H, 1CH, 24H, 2CH, 34H, 3CH, 44H, 4CH, 54H, 5CH and 64H.
The change of path payload signal label interrupt enable (COPSLE) bit controls the
activation of the interrupt output. When COPSLE is set to logic 1, the COPSLI pending
interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When COPSLE is set to logic 0, the COPSLI
pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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The path payload label unstable interrupt enable (PPLUE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PPLUE is set to logic 1, the PPLUI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PPLUE is set to logic 0, the PPLUI pending interrupt will not assert
the interrupt output.
The path payload label mismatch interrupt enable (PPLME) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PPLME is set to logic 1, the PPLMI pending interrupt will assert
the interrupt output. When PPLME is set to logic 0, the PPLMI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
The path payload unequipped interrupt enable (PUNEQE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PUNEQE is set to logic 1, the PUNEQI pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt output. When PUNEQE is set to logic 0, the PUNEQI pending interrupt
will not assert the interrupt output.
The path payload defect indication interrupt enable (PPDIE) bit controls the activation of
the interrupt output. When PPDIE is set to logic 1, the PPDI pending interrupt will assert
the interrupt output. When PPDIE is set to logic 0, the PPDI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
The path remote defect indication interrupt enable (PRDIE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PRDIE is set to logic 1, the PRDII pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PRDIE is set to logic 0, the PRDII pending interrupt will not assert
the interrupt output.
The path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt enable (PERDIE) bit controls the
activation of the interrupt output. When PERDIE is set to logic 1, the PERDII pending
interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When PERDIE is set to logic 0, the PERDII
pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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The change of path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt enable (COPERDIE) bit
controls the activation of the interrupt output. When COPERDIE is set to logic 1, the
COPERDII pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When COPERDIE is set to
logic 0, the COPERDII pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
The path BIP-8 error interrupt enable (PBIPEE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When PBIPEE is set to logic 1, the PBIPEI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PBIPEE is set to logic 0, the PBIPEI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
The path REI error interrupt enable (PREIEE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When PREIEE is set to logic 1, the PREIEI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PREIEE is set to logic 0, the PREIEI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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Register 018DH, 058DH, 098DH and 0D8DH: RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Interrupt Status
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 0195H, 0595H, 0995H and 0D95H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 019DH, 059DH, 099DH and 0D9DH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 01A5H, 05A5H, 09A5H and 0DA5H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 01ADH, 05ADH, 09ADH and 0DADH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 01B5H, 05B5H, 09B5H and 0DB5H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 01BDH, 05BDH, 09BDH and 0DBDH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 01C5H, 05C5H, 09C5H and 0DC5H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 01CDH, 05CDH, 09CDH and 0DCDH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 01D5H, 05D5H, 09D5H and 0DD5H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 01DDH, 0D5DH, 09DDH and 0DDDH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 01E5H, 05E5H, 09E5H and 0DE5H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
The Error Monitor Interrupt Status Register is provided at RHPP read/write addresses 0DH,
15H, 1DH, 25H, 2DH, 35H, 3DH, 45H, 4DH, 55H, 5DH and 65H.
The change of path payload signal label interrupt status (COPSLI) bit is an event indicator.
COPSLI is set to logic 1 to indicate a new PSL-P value. The interrupt status bit is
independent of the interrupt enable bit. COPSLI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is
read. ALGO2 register bit has no effect on COPSLI.
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The path payload label unstable interrupt status (PPLUI) bit is an event indicator. PPLUI is
set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PPLUV (stable to unstable or unstable
to stable). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. PPLUI is
cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path payload label mismatch interrupt status (PPLMI) bit is an event indicator. PPLMI
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PPLMV (match to mismatch or
mismatch to match). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PPLMI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path payload unequipped interrupt status (PUNEQI) bit is an event indicator. PUNEQI
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PUNEQV (equipped to unequipped or
unequipped to equipped). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PUNEQI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path payload defect indication interrupt status (PPDII) bit is an event indicator. PPDII
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PPDIV (no defect to payload defect
or payload defect to no defect). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt
enable bit. PPDII is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path remote defect indication interrupt status (PRDII) bit is an event indicator. PRDII
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PRDIV (no defect to RDI defect or
RDI defect to no defect). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PRDII is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt status (PERDII) bit is an event
indicator. PERDII is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PERDIV (no
defect to ERDI defect or ERDI defect to no defect). The interrupt status bit is independent
of the interrupt enable bit. PERDII is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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The change of path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt status (COPERDII) bit is an
event indicator. COPERDII is set to logic 1 to indicate a new ERDI-P value. The interrupt
status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. COPERDII is cleared to logic 0 when
this register is read.
The path BIP-8 error interrupt status (PBIPEI) bit is an event indicator. PBIPEI is set to
logic 1 to indicate a path BIP-8 error. The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt
enable bit. PBIPEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path REI error interrupt status (PREIEI) bit is an event indicator. PREIEI is set to logic
1 to indicate a path REI error. The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable
bit. PREIEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Indirect Register 00H: RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W NDFCNT 0
Bit 4 R/W INVCNT 0
Bit 2 R/W JUST3DIS 0
Bit 1 R/W SSEN 0
Bit 0 Unused X
The Pointer Interpreter Configuration Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect
address 00H.
The SS bits enable (SSEN) bit selects whether or not the SS bits are taking into account in
the pointer interpreter state machine. When SSEN is set to logic 1, the SS bits must be set
indication. When SSEN is set to logic 0, the SS bits are ignored.
The “justification more than 3 frames ago disable” (JUST3DIS) bit selects whether or not
the INC_IND or DEC_IND pointer justifications must be more than 3 frames apart to be
considered valid. When JUST3DIS is set to logic 0, the previous NDF_ENABLE,
INC_IND or DEC_IND indication must be more than 3 frames ago or the present
INC_IND or DEC_IND indication is considered an INV_POINT indication.
NDF_ENABLE indications can be every frame regardless of the JUST3DIS bit. When
JUST3DIS is set to logic 1, INC_IND or DEC_IND indication can be every frame.
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The relay path AIS (RELAYPAIS) bit selects the condition to enter the path AIS state in the
pointer interpreter state machine. When RELAYPAIS is set to logic 1, the path AIS state is
entered with 1 X AIS_ind indication. When RELAYPAIS is set to logic 0, the path AIS
state is entered with 3 X AIS_ind indications. This configuration bit also affects the
concatenation pointer interpreter state machine.
The invalid counter (INVCNT) bit selects the behavior of the consecutive INV_POINT
event counter in the pointer interpreter state machine. When INVCNT is set to logic 1, the
consecutive INV_POINT event counter is reset by 3 EQ_NEW_POINT indications. When
INVCNT is set to logic 0, the counter is not reset by 3 EQ_NEW_POINT indications.
The new data flag counter (NDFCNT) bit selects the behavior of the consecutive
NDF_ENABLE event counter in the pointer interpreter state machine. When NDFCNT is
set to logic 1, the NDF_ENABLE definition is enabled NDF + SS. When NDFCNT is set
to logic 0, the NDF_ENABLE definition is enabled NDF + SS + offset value in the range 0
to 782 (764 in TU-3 mode). This configuration bit only changes the NDF_ENABLE
definition for the consecutive NDF_ENABLE even counter to count towards LOP-P defect
when the pointer is out of range, this configuration bit does not change the NDF_ENABLE
definition for pointer justification.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Indirect Register 01H: RHPP TU3 Error Monitor Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W B3EONRPOH 0
Bit 9 R/W IBER 0
Bit 7 R/W B3EBLK 0
Bit 3 R/W PRDI10 0
Bit 2 R/W PLMEND 0
Bit 1 R/W PSL5 0
Bit 0 R/W ALGO2 0
The Error Monitor Configuration Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect
address 01H.
The payload signal label algorithm 2 (ALGO2) bit selects the algorithm for the PSL
monitoring. When ALGO2 is set to logic 1, the ITU compliant algorithm is (algorithm 2) is
used to monitor the PSL. When ALGO2 is set to logic 0, the BELLCORE compliant
algorithm (algorithm 1) is used to monitor the PSL. ALGO2 changes the PLU-P, PLM-P
and PDI-P defect definitions but has no effect on UNEQ-P defect, accepted PSL and change
of PSL definitions
The payload signal label detection (PSL5) bit selects the path PSL persistence. When PSL5
is set to logic 1, a new PSL is accepted when the same PSL value is detected in the C2 byte
for five consecutive frames. When PSL5 is set to logic 0, a new PSL is accepted when the
same PSL value is detected in the C2 byte for three consecutive frames.
The payload label mismatch removal (PLMEND) bit controls the removal of a PLM-P
defect when an UNEQ-P defect is declared. When PLMEND is set to logic 1, a PLM-P
defect is terminated when an UNEQ-P defect is declared. When PLMEND is set to logic 0,
a PLM-P defect is not terminated when an UNEQ-P defect is declared.
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The path remote defect indication detection (PRDI10) bit selects the path RDI and path
ERDI persistence. When PRDI10 is set to logic 1, path RDI and path ERDI are accepted
when the same pattern is detected in bits 5,6,7 of the G1 byte for ten consecutive frames.
When PRDI10 is set to logic 0, path RDI and path ERDI are accepted when the same
pattern is detected in bits 5,6,7 of the G1 byte for five consecutive frames.
The disable fixed stuff columns during BIP-8 calculation (FSBIPDIS) bit controls the path
BIP-8 calculation for an STS-1 (VC-3) payload. When FSBIPDIS is set to logic 1, the fixed
stuff columns are not part of the BIP-8 calculation when processing an STS-1 (VC-3)
payload. When FSBIPDIS is set to logic 0, the fixed stuff columns are part of the BIP-8
calculation when processing an STS-1 (VC-3) payload.
The path block BIP-8 errors accumulation (PBIPEBLKACC) bit controls the accumulation
of path BIP-8 errors. When PBIPEBLKACC is set to logic 1, the path BIP-8 error
accumulation represents block BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 1 error per frame). When
PBIPEBLKACC is set to logic 0, the path BIP-8 error accumulation represents BIP-8 errors
(a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
The path block BIP-8 errors (PBIPEBLKREI) bit controls the path REI errors returned to
the TU3 THPP. When PBIPEBLKREI is set to logic 1, the path REI is updated with block
BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 1 error per frame). When PBIPEBLKREI is set to logic 0, the
path REI is updated with BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
The serial path block BIP-8 errors (B3EBLK) bit controls the indication of path BIP-8
errors on the B3E serial output. When B3EBLK is set to logic 1, B3E outputs block BIP-8
errors (a maximum of 1 error per frame). When B3EBLK is set to logic 0, B3E outputs
BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
The path block REI errors accumulation (PREIBLKACC) bit controls the accumulation of
path REI errors from the path status (G1) byte. When PREIBLK is set to logic 1, the
extracted path REI errors are interpreted as block BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 1 error per
frame). When PREIBLK is set to logic 0, the extracted path REI errors are interpret as
BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
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The in-band error reporting (IBER) bit controls the in-band regeneration of the path status
(G1) byte. When IBER is set to logic 1, the path status byte is updated with the REI-P and
the ERDI-P defects that must be returned to the far end. When IBER is set to logic 0, the
path status byte is not altered.
The in-band path REI block errors (IPREIBLK) bit controls the regeneration of the path
REI errors in the path status (G1) byte. When IPREIBLK is set to logic 1, the path REI is
updated with block BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 1 error per frame). When IPREIBLK is set
to logic 0, the path REI is updated with BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
The B3EONRPOH bit controls the data presented on the RPOH ports. When set to logic 0,
the received B3 byte is place on the RPOH port. When set to logic 1, the B3 error count is
placed on the RPOH port as placed on the B3E port.
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Indirect Register 02H: RHPP TU3 Pointer Value and ERDI
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R PERDIV[2] X
Bit 14 R PERDIV[1] X
Bit 13 R PERDIV[0] X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R SSV[1] X
Bit 10 R SSV[0] X
Bit 9 R PTRV[9] X
Bit 8 R PTRV[8] X
Bit 7 R PTRV[7] X
Bit 6 R PTRV[6] X
Bit 5 R PTRV[5] X
Bit 4 R PTRV[4] X
Bit 3 R PTRV[3] X
Bit 2 R PTRV[2] X
Bit 1 R PTRV[1] X
Bit 0 R PTRV[0] X
The Pointer Value Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 02H.
The path pointer value (PTRV[9:0]) bits represent the current STS (AU or TU3) pointer
being process by the pointer interpreter state machine or by the concatenation pointer
interpreter state machine.
The SS value (SSV[1:0]) bits represent the current SS (DD) bits being processed by the
pointer interpreter state machine or by the concatenation pointer interpreter state machine.
The path enhanced remote defect indication value (PERDIV[2:0]) bits represent the filtered
path enhanced remote defect indication value. PERDIV[2:0] is updated when the same
ERDI pattern is detected in bits 5,6,7 of the G1 byte for five or ten consecutive frames
(selectable with the PRDI10 register bit).
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Indirect Register 03H: RHPP TU3 captured and accepted PSL
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R CPSLV[7] X
Bit 14 R CPSLV[6] X
Bit 13 R CPSLV[5] X
Bit 12 R CPSLV[4] X
Bit 11 R CPSLV[3] X
Bit 10 R CPSLV[2] X
Bit 9 R CPSLV[1] X
Bit 8 R CPSLV[0] X
Bit 7 R APSLV[7] X
Bit 6 R APSLV[6] X
Bit 5 R APSLV[5] X
Bit 4 R APSLV[4] X
Bit 3 R APSLV[3] X
Bit 2 R APSLV[2] X
Bit 1 R APSLV[1] X
Bit 0 R APSLV[0] X
The Accepted PSL and ERDI Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write address 03H.
The accepted path signal label value (APSLV[7:0]) bits represent the last accepted path
signal label value. A new PSL is accepted when the same PSL value is detected in the C2
byte for three or five consecutive frames. (selectable with the PSL5 register bit).
The captured path signal label value (CPSLV[7:0]) bits represent the last captured path
signal label value. A new PSL is captured every frame from the C2 byte.
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Indirect Register 04H: RHPP TU3 Expected PSL and PDI
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 12 R/W PDI[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W PDI[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W PDI[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W PDI[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W PDI[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W EPSL[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W EPSL[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W EPSL[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W EPSL[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W EPSL[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W EPSL[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W EPSL[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W EPSL[0] 0
The Expected PSL and PDI Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect address
The expected path signal label (EPSL[7:0]) bits represent the expected path signal label.
The expected PSL and the expected PDI validate the received or the accepted PSL to
declare PLM-P, UNEQ-P and PDI-P defects according Table 3.
The payload defect indication (PDI[4:0]) bits and the payload defect indication range
(PDIRANGE) bit determine the expected payload defect indication according to Table 4.
When PDIRANGE is set to logic 1, the PDI range is enabled and the expected PDI range is
from E1H to E0H+PDI[4:0]. When PDIRANGE is set to logic 0, the PDI range is disabled
and the expected PDI value is E0H+PDI[4:0]. The expected PSL and the expected PDI
validate the received or the accepted PSL to declare PLM-P, UNEQ-P and PDI-P defects
according Table 3.
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Indirect Register 05H: RHPP TU3 Pointer Interpreter status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 R NDF X
Bit 0 Unused X
The Pointer Interpreter Status Indirect Register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect address
Note: The Pointer Interpreter Status bits are ‘don’t care’ for slave timeslots.
The illegal pointer justification request (ILLJREQ) signal is set high when a positive and/or
negative pointer adjustment is received within three frames of a pointer justification event
(inc_ind, dec_ind) or an NDF triggered active offset adjustment (NDF_enable).
The CONCAT bit is set high if the H1 and H2 pointer bytes received match the
concatenation indication (one of the five NDF_enable patterns in the NDF field, don't care
in the size field, and all-ones in the pointer offset field).
The discontinuous change of pointer alignment (DISCOPA) signal is set high when there is
a pointer adjustment due to receiving a pointer repeated three times.
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The invalid new data flag (INVNDF) signal is set high when an invalid NDF code is
The illegal pointer offset (ILLPTR) signal is set high when the pointer received is out of the
range even when it indicates a legal justification. Legal values are from 0 to 782 (764 in
TU3 mode). Pointer justification requests (inc_req, dec_req) and AIS indications (AIS_ind)
are not considered illegal.
The new data flag (NDF) signal is set high when an enabled New Data Flag is received
indicating a pointer adjustment (NDF_enabled indication).
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Indirect Register 06H: RHPP TU3 Path BIP Error Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R PBIPE[15] X
Bit 14 R PBIPE[14] X
Bit 13 R PBIPE[13] X
Bit 12 R PBIPE[12] X
Bit 11 R PBIPE[11] X
Bit 10 R PBIPE[10] X
Bit 9 R PBIPE[9] X
Bit 8 R PBIPE[8] X
Bit 7 R PBIPE[7] X
Bit 6 R PBIPE[6] X
Bit 5 R PBIPE[5] X
Bit 4 R PBIPE[4] X
Bit 3 R PBIPE[3] X
Bit 2 R PBIPE[2] X
Bit 1 R PBIPE[1] X
Bit 0 R PBIPE[0] X
The RHPP Path BIP Error Counter register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect address
The path BIP error (PBIPE[15:0]) bits represent the number of path BIP errors that have
been detected in the B3 byte since the last accumulation interval. The error counters are
transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to the RHPP Counters Update
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Indirect Register 07H: RHPP TU3 Path REI Error Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R PREIE[15] X
Bit 14 R PREIE[14] X
Bit 13 R PREIE[13] X
Bit 12 R PREIE[12] X
Bit 11 R PREIE[11] X
Bit 10 R PREIE[10] X
Bit 9 R PREIE[9] X
Bit 8 R PREIE[8] X
Bit 7 R PREIE[7] X
Bit 6 R PREIE[6] X
Bit 5 R PREIE[5] X
Bit 4 R PREIE[4] X
Bit 3 R PREIE[3] X
Bit 2 R PREIE[2] X
Bit 1 R PREIE[1] X
Bit 0 R PREIE[0] X
The RHPP Path BIP Error Counter register is provided at RHPP read/write indirect address
The path REI error (PREIE[15:0]) bits represent the number of path REI errors that have
been extracted from the G1 byte since the last accumulation interval. The error counters are
transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to the RHPP Counters Update
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Indirect Register 08H: RHPP TU3 Path Negative Justification Event Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R PNJE[12] X
Bit 11 R PNJE[11] X
Bit 10 R PNJE[10] X
Bit 9 R PNJE[9] X
Bit 8 R PNJE[8] X
Bit 7 R PNJE[7] X
Bit 6 R PNJE[6] X
Bit 5 R PNJE[5] X
Bit 4 R PNJE[4] X
Bit 3 R PNJE[3] X
Bit 2 R PNJE[2] X
Bit 1 R PNJE[1] X
Bit 0 R PNJE[0] X
The RHPP Path Negative Justification Event Counter register is provided at RHPP read/write
indirect address 08H.
The Path Negative Justification Event (PNJE[12:0]) bits represent the number of Path
Negative Justification Events that have occurred since the last accumulation interval. The
event counters are transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to RHPP
Counters Update register.
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Indirect Register 09H: RHPP TU3 Path Positive Justification Event Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R PPJE[12] X
Bit 11 R PPJE[11] X
Bit 10 R PPJE[10] X
Bit 9 R PPJE[9] X
Bit 8 R PPJE[8] X
Bit 7 R PPJE[7] X
Bit 6 R PPJE[6] X
Bit 5 R PPJE[5] X
Bit 4 R PPJE[4] X
Bit 3 R PPJE[3] X
Bit 2 R PPJE[2] X
Bit 1 R PPJE[1] X
Bit 0 R PPJE[0] X
The RHPP Path Positive Justification Event Counter register is provided at RHPP read/write
indirect address 09H.
The Path Positive Justification Event (PPJE[12:0]) bits represent the number of Path
Positive Justification Events that have occurred since the last accumulation interval. The
event counters are transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to RHPP
Counters Update register.
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Register 0200H, 0600H, 0A00H, and 0E00H: RSVCA Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address register is provided at RSVCA read/write address 0200H, 0600H, 0A00H,
and 0E00H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer. Some indirect registers are valid only when the PATH[3:0] have
certain values.
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address location (ADDR[1:0]) bits select which address location is accessed by
the current indirect transfer.
IADDR[1:0] Indirect Register
00 RSVCA Outgoing Positive Justification Performance Monitor
01 RSVCA Outgoing Negative Justification Performance Monitor
10 RSVCA Diagnostic/Configuration Register
11 Reserved
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The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The active high RAM busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access to the
internal RAM has been completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect
Address Register. BUSY is set to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM access. This
register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data
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Register 0201H, 0601H, 0A01H, and 0E01H: RSVCA Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at RSVCA read/write address 0201H, 0601H, 0A01H,
and 0E01H.
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transferred to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should
be polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Register 0202H, 0602H, 0A02H, and 0E02H: RSVCA Payload Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W STS12CSL 0
Bit 14 R/W STS12C 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W TUG3[4] 0
Bit 6 R/W TUG3[3] 0
Bit 5 R/W TUG3[2] 0
Bit 4 R/W TUG3[1] 0
Bit 3 R/W STS3C[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W STS3C[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W STS3C[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W STS3C[1] 0
The Payload Configuration Register is provided at RSVCA read/write address 0202H, 0602H,
0A02H, and 0E02H. Note: Reference the Operations section when configuring SONET/SDH
payload from a concatenated stream to a channelized stream .
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[1]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and #9 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[1] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[1] must be set to logic 0. When
TUG3[1] is set to logic 1, STS3C[1] must be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[2]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and #10 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[2] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[2] must be set to logic 0. When
TUG3[2] is set to logic 1, STS3C[2] must be set to logic 0.
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The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[3]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and #11 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[3] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[3] must be set to logic 0. When
TUG3[3] is set to logic 1, STS3C[3] must be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[4]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and #12 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[4] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[4] must be set to logic 0. When
TUG3[4] is set to logic 1, STS3C[4] must be set to logic 0.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[1]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and #9 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[1] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 1, TUG3[1] must be set to logic 0. When STS3C[1] is set to logic 1,
TUG3[1] must be set to logic 0.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[2]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and #10 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[2] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 1, TUG3[2] must be set to logic 0. When STS3C[2] is set to logic 1,
TUG3[2] must be set to logic 0.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[3]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and #11 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[3] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 1, TUG3[3] must be set to logic 0. When STS3C[3] is set to logic 1,
TUG3[3] must be set to logic 0.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[4]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and #12 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[4] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 1, TUG3[4] must be set to logic 0. When STS3C[4] is set to logic 1,
TUG3[4] must be set to logic 0.
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The STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (STS12C) bit selects the payload
configuration. When STS12C is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 are part of
an STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When STS12C is set to logic 0, the STS-1/STM-0 paths
are defined with the STS3C[1:4] register bit.
The slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (STS12CSL) bit selects the slave
payload configuration. When STS12CSL is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to
#12 are part of an STS-12c (VC-4-4c) slave payload. When STS12CSL is set to logic 0, the
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 are part of an STS-12c (VC-4-4c) master payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 0, STS12CSL must be set to logic 0.
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Register 0203H, 0603H, 0A03H, and 0E03H: RSVCA Positive Pointer Justification
Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R PPJI[12] 0
Bit 10 R PPJI[11] 0
Bit 9 R PPJI[10] 0
Bit 8 R PPJI[9] 0
Bit 7 R PPJI[8] 0
Bit 6 R PPJI[7] 0
Bit 5 R PPJI[6] 0
Bit 4 R PPJI[5] 0
Bit 3 R PPJI[4] 0
Bit 2 R PPJI[3] 0
Bit 1 R PPJI[2] 0
Bit 0 R PPJI[1] 0
The Positive Pointer Justification Interrupt Status Register is provided at RSVCA read/write
address 0203H, 0603H, 0A03H, and 0E03H.
The positive pointer justification interrupt status (PPJI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. PPJI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate a positive pointer
justification event in the outgoing data stream. These interrupt status bits are independent
of the interrupt enable bits. PPJI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 0204H, 0604H, 0A04H, and 0E04H: RSVCA Negative Pointer Justification
Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R NPJI[12] 0
Bit 10 R NPJI[11] 0
Bit 9 R NPJI[10] 0
Bit 8 R NPJI[9] 0
Bit 7 R NPJI[8] 0
Bit 6 R NPJI[7] 0
Bit 5 R NPJI[6] 0
Bit 4 R NPJI[5] 0
Bit 3 R NPJI[4] 0
Bit 2 R NPJI[3] 0
Bit 1 R NPJI[2] 0
Bit 0 R NPJI[1] 0
The Negative Pointer Justification Interrupt Status Register is provided at RSVCA read/write
address 0204H, 0604H, 0A04H, and 0E04H.
The negative pointer justification interrupt status (NPJI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. NPJI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate a negative pointer
justification event in the outgoing data stream. These interrupt status bits are independent
of the interrupt enable bits. NPJI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 0205H, 0605H, 0A05H, and 0E05H: RSVCA FIFO Overflow Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R FOVRI[12] 0
Bit 10 R FOVRI[11] 0
Bit 9 R FOVRI[10] 0
Bit 8 R FOVRI[9] 0
Bit 7 R FOVRI[8] 0
Bit 6 R FOVRI[7] 0
Bit 5 R FOVRI[6] 0
Bit 4 R FOVRI[5] 0
Bit 3 R FOVRI[4] 0
Bit 2 R FOVRI[3] 0
Bit 1 R FOVRI[2] 0
Bit 0 R FOVRI[1] 0
The FIFO overflow Event Interrupt Status Register is provided at RSVCA read/write address
0205H, 0605H, 0A05H, and 0E05H.
The FIFO overflow event interrupt status (FOVRI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for STS-
1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. FOVRI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate a FIFO overflow
event. These interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt enable bits. FOVRI[12:1]
are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 0206H, 0606H, 0A06H, and 0E06H: RSVCA FIFO Underflow Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R FUDRI[12] 0
Bit 10 R FUDRI[11] 0
Bit 9 R FUDRI[10] 0
Bit 8 R FUDRI[9] 0
Bit 7 R FUDRI[8] 0
Bit 6 R FUDRI[7] 0
Bit 5 R FUDRI[6] 0
Bit 4 R FUDRI[5] 0
Bit 3 R FUDRI[4] 0
Bit 2 R FUDRI[3] 0
Bit 1 R FUDRI[2] 0
Bit 0 R FUDRI[1] 0
The FIFO underflow Event Interrupt Status Register is provided at RSVCA read/write address
0206H, 0606H, 0A06H, and 0E06H.
The FIFO underflow event interrupt status (FUDR[12:1]) bits are event indicators for STS-
1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. FUDRI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate a FIFO underflow
event. These interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt enable bits. FUDRI[12:1]
are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 0207H, 0607H, 0A07H, and 0E07H: RSVCA Pointer Justification Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W PJIE[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W PJIE[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W PJIE[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W PJIE[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W PJIE[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W PJIE[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W PJIE[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W PJIE[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W PJIE[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W PJIE[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W PJIE[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W PJIE[1] 0
The Pointer Justification Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RSVCA direct read/write
address 0207H, 0607H, 0A07H, and 0E07H.
The pointer justification event interrupt enable (PJIE[12:1]) bits controls the activation of
the interrupt output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When any of these bit locations is
set to logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When
any of these bit locations is set to logic 0, the corresponding pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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Register 0208H, 0608H, 0A08H, and 0E08H: RSVCA FIFO Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W FIE[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W FIE[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W FIE[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W FIE[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W FIE[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W FIE[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W FIE[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W FIE[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W FIE[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W FIE[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W FIE[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W FIE[1] 0
The FIFO Event Interrupt Enable Register is provided at RSVCA read/write address 0208H,
0608H, 0A08H, and 0E08H.
The FIFO event interrupt enable (FIE[12:1]) bits controls the activation of the interrupt
output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 caused by a FIFO overflow of a FIFO underflow.
When any of these bit locations is set to logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt output. When any of these bit locations is set to logic 0, the
corresponding pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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Register 020AH, 060AH, 0A0AH, and 0E0AH: RSVCA Clear Fixed Stuff
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W ESDIS 0
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W CLRFS[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W CLRFS[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W CLRFS[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W CLRFS[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W CLRFS[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W CLRFS[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W CLRFS[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W CLRFS[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W CLRFS[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W CLRFS[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W CLRFS[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W CLRFS[1] 0
The FIFO Fixed Stuff register provides miscellaneous control bits. It is provided at read/write
address 020AH, 060AH, 0A0AH, and 0E0AH.
The Clear Fixed Stuff (CLRFS[12:1]) bits enable the regeneration of fixed stuff columns
(#30, #59) of an STS-1/VC-3. When set to logic 1, STS-1/VC-3 incoming fixed stuff
columns (#30, #59) are discarded and regenerated (set to 00h) on the outgoing stream.
When set to logic 0, these fixed stuff columns are relayed through the RSVCA.
When set high, forces the RSVCA to bypass the internal FIFO. The input data is not
buffered inside the FIFO and is not re-aligned to a new transport frame but simply clocked
out on the next rising edge.
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Register 020BH, 060BH, 0A0BH, and 0E0BH: RSVCA Counter Update
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
The Performance monitor transfer register is provided at read/write address 0x0BH. Any write
to this register or to the Master Configuration Register (0000H) triggers a transfer of all
performance monitor counters to holding registers that can be read by the ECBI interface.
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Indirect Register 00H: RSVCA Positive Justifications Performance Monitor
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R PJPMON[12] 0
Bit 11 R PJPMON[11] 0
Bit 10 R PJPMON[10] 0
Bit 9 R PJPMON[9] 0
Bit 8 R PJPMON[8] 0
Bit 7 R PJPMON[7] 0
Bit 6 R PJPMON[6] 0
Bit 5 R PJPMON[5] 0
Bit 4 R PJPMON[4] 0
Bit 3 R PJPMON[3] 0
Bit 2 R PJPMON[2] 0
Bit 1 R PJPMON[1] 0
Bit 0 R PJPMON[0] 0
The Outgoing Positive justifications performance monitor is provided at RSVCA indirect
read/write address 00H.
This register reports the number of positive pointer justification events that occurred on the
outgoing side in the previous accumulation interval. The content of this register becomes
valid a maximum of 155ns (12 clock cycles) after a transfer is triggered by writing the
SVCA performance monitor trigger direct register or a write to the SPECTRA 1x2488
master configuration register . The value of PJPMON is only valid for master slices. If
PJPMON[12:0] is read for a slave slice, the master path’s value will be returned.
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Indirect Register 01H: RSVCA Negative Justifications Performance Monitor
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R NJPMON[12] 0
Bit 11 R NJPMON[11] 0
Bit 10 R NJPMON[10] 0
Bit 9 R NJPMON[9] 0
Bit 8 R NJPMON[8] 0
Bit 7 R NJPMON[7] 0
Bit 6 R NJPMON[6] 0
Bit 5 R NJPMON[5] 0
Bit 4 R NJPMON[4] 0
Bit 3 R NJPMON[3] 0
Bit 2 R NJPMON[2] 0
Bit 1 R NJPMON[1] 0
Bit 0 R NJPMON[0] 0
The outgoing negative justifications performance monitor is provided at the RSVCA indirect
read/write address 01H.
This register reports the number of negative pointer justification events that occurred on the
outgoing side in the previous accumulation interval. The content of this register becomes
valid a maximum of 155ns (12 clock cycles) after a transfer is triggered by writing the
SVCA performance monitor trigger direct register or a write to the SPECTRA 1x2488
master configuration register . The value of NJPMON is only valid for master slices. If
NJPMON[12:0] is read for a slave slice, the master path’s value will be returned.
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Indirect Register 02H: RSVCA Diagnostic/Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W PTRRST 0
Bit 14 R/W PTRSS[1] 0
Bit 13 R/W PTRSS[0] 0
Bit 12 R/W JUS3DIS 0
Bit 11 R/W PTRDD[1] 0
Bit 10 R/W PTRDD[0] 0
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W Diag_NDFREQ 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Diag_PAIS 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
The RSVCA Diagnostic Register is provided at RSVCA read/write address 02H. These bits
should be set to their default values during normal operation of the RSVCA. When configured
for concatenated payloads, the value written to the master timeslot is automatically propagated
to all the slave timeslots.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
When set high, the Diag_PAIS bit forces the RSVCA to insert path AIS in the selected
outgoing stream for at least three consecutive frames. AIS is inserted by writing an all ones
pattern in the transport overhead bytes H1, H2, and H3, as well as in the entire STS
synchronous payload envelope. The first frame after PAIS negates will contain a new data
flag in the transport overhead H1 byte.
When set high, Diag_NDFREQ bit forces the RSVCA to insert a NEW DATA FLAG
indication in the frame regardless of the state of the pointer generation state machine.
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The PTRDD[1:0] defines the STS-N/AU-N concatenation pointer bits DD. ITU requirement
for DD is unspecified when processing AU-4, AU-3 or TU-3. On the other side, Bellcore
does not specify these two bits.
When set high, JUST3DIS allows the RSVCA to perform 1 justification per frame when
necessary. When set to zero, pointer justifications are allowed only every 4 frames.
The PTRSS[1:0] defines the STS-N/AU-N pointer bits SS. ITU requires that SS be set to 10
when processing AU-4, AU-3 or TU-3. On the other side, Bellcore does not specify these
two bits. The SS bits are set to 00 when processing a slave sts-1.
When set high, Incoming and outgoing pointers are reset to their default values. This bit is
level sensitive
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Register 0220H: DSTSI Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 R/W PAGE 0
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W TSOUT[3] 0
Bit 6 R/W TSOUT[2] 0
Bit 5 R/W TSOUT[1] 0
Bit 4 R/W TSOUT[0] 0
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 R/W DOUTSEL[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DOUTSEL[0] 0
This register provides the slice number; the time-slot number and the control page select used to
access the control pages. Writing to this register triggers an indirect register access. This
register cannot be written to when an indirect register access is in progress.
The Slice Output Select (DOUTSEL[1:0]) bits select the slice accessed by the current
indirect transfer.
00 Slice #1
01 Slice #2
10 Slice #3
11 Slice #4
The indirect STS-1/STM-0 output time slot (TSOUT[3:0]) bits indicate the STS-1/STM-0
output time slot accessed in the current indirect access. Time slots #1 to #12 are valid.
TSOUT[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 time slot #
0000 Invalid time slot
0001-1100 Time slot #1 to time slot #12
1101-1111 Invalid time slot
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The page (PAGE) bit selects which control page is accessed in the current indirect transfer.
Two pages are defined: page 0 and page 1.
Page Control Page
0 Page 0
1 Page 1
The indirect access control bit (RWB) selects between a configure (write) or interrogate
(read) access to the control pages. Writing logic 0 to RWB triggers an indirect write
operation. Data to be written is taken for the DSTSI Indirect Data register. Writing logic 1
to RWB triggers an indirect read operation. The data read from the control pages is stored
in the DSTSI Indirect Data register after the BUSY bit has cleared.
The indirect access status bit (BUSY) reports the progress of an indirect access. BUSY is
set to logic 1 when this register is written, triggering an access. It remains logic 1 until the
access is complete at which time it is set to logic 0. This register should be polled to
determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data Register or when another write
access can be initiated. Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 10 clock cycles.
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Register 0221H: DSTSI Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W TSIN[3 0
Bit 6 R/W TSIN[2] 0
Bit 5 R/W TSIN[1] 0
Bit 4 R/W TSIN[0] 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W DINSEL[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DINSEL[0] 0
This register contains the data read from the control pages after an indirect read operation or the
data to be written to the control pages in an indirect write operation. The data to be written to
the control pages must be set up in this register before triggering a write. The DSTSI Indirect
Data register reflects the last value read or written until the completion of a subsequent indirect
read operation. This register cannot be written to while an indirect register access is in progress.
The Slice Input Select (DINSEL[1:0]) field reports the slice number read from or written to
an indirect register location.
DINSEL[1:0] Data Stream
00 Slice #1
01 Slice #2
10 Slice #3
11 Slice #4
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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The STS-1/STM-0 Input Time Slot (TSIN[3:0]) field reports the time-slot number read
from or written to an indirect register location.
TSIN[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 time slot #
0000 Invalid time slot
0001-1100 Time slot #1 to time slot #12
1101-1111 Invalid time slot
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Register 0222H: DSTSI Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 2 R/W PSEL 0
Bit 1 R/W J0RORDR 0
Bit 0 R/W COAPE 0
The change of active page interrupt enable (COAPE) bit enables/disables the change of
active page interrupt output. When the COAPE bit is set to logic 1, an interrupt is generated
when the active page changes from page 0 to page 1 or from page 1 to page 0. These
interrupts are masked when COAPE is set to logic 0.
The J0 Reorder (J0RORDR) bit enables/disables the reordering of the J0/Z0 bytes. This
configuration bit only has an effect when the DSTSI is in the dynamic switching mode – if
the DSTSI is in any of the static switching modes then the value of this bit is ignored. When
this bit is set to logic 0 the J0/Z0 bytes are not reordered by the DSTSI. When this bit is set
to logic 1, normal reordering of the J0/Z0 bytes is enabled.
The page select (PSEL) bit is used in the selection of the current active page. This bit is
logically XORed with the value of the external CMP port to determine which control page
is currently active.
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The active page indication (ACTIVE) bit indicates which control page is currently active.
When this bit is logic 0 then page 0 is controlling the dynamic mux. When this bit is logic 1
then page 1 is controlling the dynamic mux.
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Register 0223H: DSTSI Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
The change of active page interrupt status bit (COAPI) reports the status of the change of
active page interrupt. COAPI is set to logic 1 when the active control page changes from
page 0 to page 1 or from page 1 to page 0. COAPI is cleared immediately following a read
to this register when WCIMODE is logic 0. When WCIMODE is logic 1, COAPI is cleared
immediately following a write (regardless of value) to this register. COAPI remains valid
when the interrupt is not enabled (COAPE set to logic 0) and may be polled to detect
change of active control page events.
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Register 0240H, 0640H, 0A40H, and 0E40H: DPRGM Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RDWRB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The DPRGM Indirect Address Register is provided at DPRGM read/write address 0240H,
0640H, 0A40H, and 0E40H when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The PATH[3:0] bits select which time-multiplexed division is accessed by the current
indirect transfer.
PATH[3:0] Time Division #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 path #1 to path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address select which indirect register is access by the current indirect transfer.
Six indirect registers are defined for the monitor (IADDR[3] is logic 0) : the configuration,
the PRBS[22:7], the PRBS[6:0], the B1/E1 value, the Monitor error count and the received
B1/E1 byte.
IADDR[3:0] RAM Page
0000 STS-1 path Configuration
0001 PRBS[22:7]
0010 PRBS[6:0]
0011 B1/E1 value
0100 Monitor error count
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IADDR[3:0] RAM Page
0101 Received B1 and E1
Four indirect registers are defined for the generator (IADDR [3] is logic 1) : the
configuration, the PRBS[22:7], the PRBS[6:0] and the B1/E1 value.
IADDR[3:0] RAM Page
1000 STS-1 path Configuration
1001 PRBS[22:7]
1010 PRBS[6:0]
1011 B1/E1 value
The active high read and active low write (RDWRB) bit selects if the current access to the
indirect register is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the indirect register. When RDWRB is set to logic 1, an
indirect read access to the indirect register is initiated. The data from the addressed location
will be transfer to the Indirect Data Register. When RDWRB is set to logic 0, an indirect
write access to the indirect register is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register
will be transfer to the addressed location.
The active high busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access has been
completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect Address Register. BUSY is
set to logic 0, upon completion of the access. This register should be polled to determine
when new data is available in the Indirect Data Register.
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Register 0241H, 0641H, 0A41H, and 0E41H: DPRGM Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The DPRGM Indirect Data Register is provided at DPRGM read/write address 0241H, 0641H,
0A41H, and 0E41H when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from during indirect
access. When RDWRB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the addressed location
will be transfer to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should be polled to determine when the new data is
available in DATA[15:0]. When RDWRB is set to logic 0 (indirect write), the data from
DATA[15:0] will be transfer to the addressed location. The indirect Data register must
contain valid data before the indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which indirect register is being accessed.
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Register 0242H, 0642H, 0A42H, and 0E42H: DPRGM Generator Payload Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W GEN_STS12CSL 0
Bit 14 R/W GEN_STS12C 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 R/W GEN_MSSLEN[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W GEN_MSSLEN[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W GEN_MSSLEN[0] 0
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W GEN_STS3C[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W GEN_STS3C[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W GEN_STS3C[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W GEN_STS3C[1] 0
The Generator Payload Configuration register is provided at DPRGM read address 0242H,
0642H, 0A42H, and 0E42H when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (GEN_STS3C[1]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When GEN_STS3C[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and
#9 are part of a STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When GEN_STS3C[1] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1 (VC-3) payloads. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 1, GEN_STS3C[1] must
be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (GEN_STS3C[2]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When GEN_STS3C[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and
#10 are part of a STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When GEN_STS3C[2] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1 (VC-3) payloads. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 1, GEN_STS3C[2] must
be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (GEN_STS3C[3]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When GEN_STS3C[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and
#11 are part of a STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When GEN_STS3C[3] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1 (VC-3) payloads. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 1, GEN_STS3C[3] must be
set to logic 0.
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The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (GEN_STS3C[4]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When GEN_STS3C[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and
#12 are part of a STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When GEN_STS3C[4] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1 (VC-3) payloads. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 1, GEN_STS3C[4] must be
set to logic 0.
The Master/Slave Configuration Enable enables the master/slave configuration of the
DPRGM’s generator.
GEN_MSSLEN[2:0] Configuration
000 ms/sl configuration disable
001 ms/sl configuration enable
2 DPRGMs (STS-24/STM-8)
010 ms/sl configuration enable
3 DPRGMs (STS-36/STM-12)
011 ms/sl configuration enable
4 DPRGMs (STS-48/STM-16)
100 - 111 Invalid configuration
GEN_MSSLEN[2:0] must be set to “000” for rates STS-12c and below.
The STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (GEN_STS12C) bit selects the payload
configuration. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 are
part of the same concatenated payload defined by GEN_MSSLEN. When GEN_STS12C is
set to logic 0, the STS-1/STM-0 paths are defined with the GEN_STS3C[1:4] register bit.
The slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (GEN_STS12CSL) bit selects the
slave payload configuration. When GEN_STS12CSL is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0
paths #1 to #12 are part of a slave payload. When GEN_STS12CSL is set to logic 0, the
STS-1/STM-0 paths are part of a master payload. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 0,
GEN_STS12CSL must be set to logic 0.
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Register 0243H, 0643H, 0A43H, and 0E43H: DPRGM Monitor Payload Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W MON_STS12CSL 0
Bit 14 R/W MON_STS12C 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 R/W MON_MSSLEN[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W MON_MSSLEN[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W MON_MSSLEN[0] 0
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W MON_STS3C[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W MON_STS3C[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W MON_STS3C[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W MON_STS3C[1] 0
The Monitor Payload Configuration register is provided at DPRGM read address 0243H,
0643H, 0A43H, and 0E43H when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (MON_STS3C[1]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When MON_STS3C[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and
#9 are part of a STS-3c/VC-4 payload. When MON_STS3C[1] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1/VC-3 payloads. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 1, MON_STS3C[1] must be
set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (MON_STS3C[2]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When MON_STS3C[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and
#10 are part of a STS-3c/VC-4 payload. When MON_STS3C[2] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1/VC-3 payloads. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 1, MON_STS3C[2] must
be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (MON_STS3C[3]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When MON_STS3C[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and
#11 are part of a MON_STS-3c/VC-4 payload. When MON_STS3C[3] is set to logic 0, the
paths are STS-1 (VC-3) payloads. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 1, MON_STS3C[3]
must be set to logic 0.
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The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (MON_STS3C[4]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When MON_STS3C[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and
#12 are part of a STS-3c/VC-4 payload. When MON_STS3C[4] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1/VC-3 payloads. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 1, MON_STS3C[4] must
be set to logic 0.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The Master/Slave Configuration Enable enables the master/slave configuration of the
DPRGM’s monitor.
GEN_MSSLEN[2:0] Configuration
000 ms/sl configuration disable
001 ms/sl configuration enable
2 DPRGMs (STS-24/STM-8)
010 ms/sl configuration enable
3 DPRGMs (STS-36/STM-12)
011 ms/sl configuration enable
4 DPRGMs (STS-48/STM-16)
100 – 111 Invalid configuration
MON_MSSLEN[2:0] must be set to “000” for rates STS-12c and below.
The STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (MON_STS12C) bit selects the payload
configuration. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 are
part of the same concatenated payload defined by MON_MSSLEN. When MON_STS12C
is set to logic 0, the STS-1/STM-0 paths are defined with the MON_STS3C[3:0] register
The slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (MON_STS12CSL) bit selects the
slave payload configuration. When MON_STS12CSL is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0
paths #1 to #12 are part of a slave payload. When MON_STS12CSL is set to logic 0, the
STS-1/STM-0 paths are part of a master payload. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 0,
MON_STS12CSL must be set to logic 0.
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Register 0244H, 0644H, 0A44H, and 0E44H: DPRGM Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R MON12_ERRI X
Bit 10 R MON11_ERRI X
Bit 9 R MON10_ERRI X
The Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Status register is provided at DPRGM read address 0244H,
0644H, 0A44H, and 0E44H when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Status register is the status of the interrupt generated by
each of the 12 STS-1 paths when an error has been detected. The MONx_ERRI is set high
when the monitor is in the synchronized state and when an error in a PRBS byte is detected
in the STS-1 path x. This bit is independent of MONx_ERRE, and is cleared after it’s been
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Register 0245H, 0645H, 0A45H, and 0E45H: DPRGM Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W MON12_ERRE 0
Bit 10 R/W MON11_ERRE 0
Bit 9 R/W MON10_ERRE 0
Bit 8 R/W MON9_ERRE 0
Bit 7 R/W MON8_ERRE 0
Bit 6 R/W MON7_ERRE 0
Bit 5 R/W MON6_ERRE 0
Bit 4 R/W MON5_ERRE 0
Bit 3 R/W MON4_ERRE 0
Bit 2 R/W MON3_ERRE 0
Bit 1 R/W MON2_ERRE 0
Bit 0 R/W MON1_ERRE 0
The Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Enable register is provided at DPRGM read/write address
0245H, 0645H, 0A45H, and 0E45H when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Enable register enables the interrupt for each of the 12
STS-1 paths. When MONx_ERRE is set high, allows the Byte Error Interrupt to generate
an external interrupt.
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Register 0246H, 0646H, 0A46H, and 0E46H: DPRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R MON12_B1E1I X
Bit 10 R MON11_B1E1I X
Bit 9 R MON10_B1E1I X
Bit 8 R MON9_B1E1I X
Bit 7 R MON8_B1E1I X
Bit 6 R MON7_B1E1I X
Bit 5 R MON6_B1E1I X
Bit 4 R MON5_B1E1I X
Bit 3 R MON4_B1E1I X
Bit 2 R MON3_B1E1I X
Bit 1 R MON2_B1E1I X
Bit 0 R MON1_B1E1I X
The Monitor B1/E1Bytes Interrupt Status register is provided at DPRGM read address 0246H,
0646H, 0A46H, and 0E46H when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor B1/E1Bytes Interrupt Status register is the status of the interrupt generated by
each of the 12 STS-1 paths when a change in the status of the comparison has been detected
on the B1/E1 bytes. The MONx_B1E1I is set high when the monitor is in the synchronized
state and when the status change is detected on either the B1 or E1 bytes in the STS-1 path
x. For example, if a mismatch is detected and the previous comparison was a match, the
MONx_B1E1I will be set high. But if a mismatch is detected and the previous comparison
was a mismatch, the MONx_B1E1I will keep its previous value. This bit is independent of
MONx_B1E1E, and is cleared after it’s been read.
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Register 0247H, 0647H, 0A47H, and 0E47H: DPRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W MON12_B1E1E 0
Bit 10 R/W MON11_ B1E1E 0
Bit 9 R/W MON10_ B1E1E 0
Bit 8 R/W MON9_ B1E1E 0
Bit 7 R/W MON8_ B1E1E 0
Bit 6 R/W MON7_ B1E1E 0
Bit 5 R/W MON6_ B1E1E 0
Bit 4 R/W MON5_ B1E1E 0
Bit 3 R/W MON4_ B1E1E 0
Bit 2 R/W MON3_ B1E1E 0
Bit 1 R/W MON2_ B1E1E 0
Bit 0 R/W MON1_ B1E1E 0
The Monitor B1/E1Bytes Interrupt Enable register is provided at DPRGM read/write address
0247H, 0647H, 0A47H, and 0E47H when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor B1/E1 Bytes Interrupt Enable register enables the interrupt for each of the 12
STS-1 paths. When MONx_B1E1E is set high, allows the B1/E1Bytes Interrupt to generate
an external interrupt.
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Register 0249H, 0649H, 0A49H, and 0E49H: DPRGM Monitor Synchronization Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R MON12_SYNCI X
Bit 10 R MON11_SYNCI X
The Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Status register is provided at DPRGM read address
0249H, 0649H, 0A49H, and 0E49H when TRSB is high and BSB is low.1
The Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Status register is set high when a change occurs in
the monitors synchronization status. Whenever a state machine of the x STS-1 path goes
from Synchronized to Out Of Synchronization state or vice-versa, the MONx_SYNCI is set
high. This bit is independent of MONx_SYNCE, and is cleared after it’s been read.
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Register 024AH, 064AH, 0A4AH, and 0E4AH: DPRGM Monitor Synchronization Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W MON12_SYNCE 0
Bit 10 R/W MON11_SYNCE 0
Bit 9 R/W MON10_SYNCE 0
Bit 8 R/W MON9_SYNCE 0
Bit 7 R/W MON8_SYNCE 0
Bit 6 R/W MON7_SYNCE 0
Bit 5 R/W MON6_SYNCE 0
Bit 4 R/W MON5_SYNCE 0
Bit 3 R/W MON4_SYNCE 0
Bit 2 R/W MON3_SYNCE 0
Bit 1 R/W MON2_SYNCE 0
Bit 0 R/W MON1_SYNCE 0
The Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Enable register is provided at DPRGM read/write
address 024AH, 064AH, 0A4AH, and 0E4AH when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Enable register allows each individual STS-1 path to
generate an external interrupt on INT. When MONx_SYNCE is set high, whenever a
change occurs in the synchronization state of the monitor in STS-1 path x, generates an
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Register 024BH, 064BH, 0A4BH, and 0E4BH: DPRGM Monitor Synchronization Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R MON12_SYNCV X
Bit 10 R MON11_SYNCV X
The Monitor Synchronization Status register is provided at DPRGM read address 024BH,
064BH, 0A4BH, and 0E4BH when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor Synchronization Status register reflects the state of the monitor’s state
machine. When MONx_SYNCV is set high, the monitors state machine is in
synchronization for the STS-1 Path x. When MONx_SYNCV is low, the monitor is NOT in
synchronization for the STS-1 Path x.
o The PRBS monitor will lock to an all ones or all zeros pattern.
o For concatenated payloads, only the first STS-1 path of the STS-Nc MONx_SYNCV1
bit is valid.
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Register 024CH, 064CH, 0A4CH, and 0E4CH: DPRGM Counter Update
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R Reserved X
The Counter Update register is provided at DPRGM read address 024CH, 064CH, 0A4CH, and
0E4CH when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
A write in this register or to the Master Configuration Register (0000H) will trigger the transfer
of the error counters to holding registers where they can be read. The value written in the
register is not important.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Indirect Register 00H: DPRGM Monitor STS-1 Path Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W B1E1_ENA 0
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 W RESYNC 0
Bit 2 R/W INV_PRBS 0
Bit 1 R/W AMODE 0
Bit 0 R/W MON_ENA 0
DPRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01h) definition when accessing Indirect Address 0H
(IADDR[3:0] is “0H” of register 00H).
Monitor Enable register bit, enables the PRBS monitor for the STS-1 path specified in the
PATH[3:0] of register 0h (DPRGM Indirect Addressing). If MON_ENA is set to logic 1, a
PRBS sequence is generated and compare to the incoming one inserted in the payload of the
SONET/SDH frame. If MON_ENA is low, the data at the input of the monitor is ignored.
Sets the DPRGM monitor in the Telecom bus mode. If the AMODE is high, the monitor is
in Autonomous mode, and the incoming SONET/SDH payload is compared to the internally
generated one. In Autonomous mode, the generated SPE is always placed next to the H3
byte (zero offset), thus the incoming J1 pulses are ignored. When AMODE is low, the
SONET/SDH payload offset received on the line interface is maintained through the
DPRGM block. The TOH and the POH are output unmodified, but PRBS has been inserted
in the payload.
Sets the monitor to invert the PRBS before comparing it to the internally generated payload.
When set high, the PRBS bytes will be inverted, else they will be compared unmodified.
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Sets the monitor to re-initialize the PRBS sequence. When set high, the monitors state
machine will be forced in the Out Of Sync state and automatically try to resynchronize to
the incoming stream. In master/slave configuration, to re-initialize the PRBS, RESYNC has
to be set high in the master DPRGM only.
When high, this bit enables the monitoring of the B1 and E1 bytes in the SONET/SDH
frame. The incoming B1 byte is compared to a programmable register. The E1 byte is
compared to the complement of the same value. When B1E1_ENA is high, the B1 and E1
bytes are monitored.
This bit enables the monitoring of a PRBS or sequential pattern inserted in the payload.
When low, the payload contains PRBS bytes, and when high, a sequential pattern is
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Indirect Register 01H: DPRGM Monitor PRBS[22:7] Accumulator
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W PRBS[22] 0
Bit 14 R/W PRBS[21] 0
Bit 13 R/W PRBS[20] 0
Bit 12 R/W PRBS[19] 0
Bit 11 R/W PRBS[18] 0
Bit 10 R/W PRBS[17] 0
Bit 9 R/W PRBS[16] 0
Bit 8 R/W PRBS[15] 0
Bit 7 R/W PRBS[14] 0
Bit 6 R/W PRBS[13] 0
Bit 5 R/W PRBS[12] 0
Bit 4 R/W PRBS[11] 0
Bit 3 R/W PRBS[10] 0
Bit 2 R/W PRBS[9] 0
Bit 1 R/W PRBS[8] 0
Bit 0 R/W PRBS[7] 0
DPRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address 1H
(IADDR[3:0] is “1H” of register 00H).
The PRBS[22:7] register, are the 16 MSBs of the LFSR state of the STS-1 path specified in
the Indirect Addressing register. It is possible to write in this register to change the initial
state of the register.
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Indirect Register 02H: DPRGM Monitor PRBS[6:0] Accumulator
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 R/W PRBS[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W PRBS[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W PRBS[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W PRBS[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PRBS[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PRBS[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PRBS[0] 0
DPRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address 2H
(IADDR[3:0] is “2H” of register 00H).
The PRBS[6:0] register, are the 7 LSBs of the LFSR state of the STS-1 path specified in the
Indirect Addressing register. It is possible to write in this register to change the initial state
of the register.
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Indirect Register 03H: DPRGM Monitor B1/E1 value
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W B1[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W B1[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W B1[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W B1[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W B1[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W B1[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W B1[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W B1[0] 0
DPRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address 3H
(IADDR[3:0] is “3H” of register 00H).
When enabled, the monitoring of the B1 byte in the incoming SONET/SDH frame, is a
simple comparison to the value in the B1[7:0] register. The same value is used for the
monitoring of the E1 byte except its complement is used.
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Indirect Register 04H: DPRGM Monitor Error Count
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R ERR_CNT[15] X
Bit 14 R ERR_CNT[14] X
Bit 13 R ERR_CNT[13] X
Bit 12 R ERR_CNT[12] X
Bit 11 R ERR_CNT[11] X
Bit 10 R ERR_CNT[10] X
Bit 9 R ERR_CNT[9] X
Bit 8 R ERR_CNT[8] X
Bit 7 R ERR_CNT[7] X
Bit 6 R ERR_CNT[6] X
Bit 5 R ERR_CNT[5] X
Bit 4 R ERR_CNT[4] X
Bit 3 R ERR_CNT[3] X
Bit 2 R ERR_CNT[2] X
Bit 1 R ERR_CNT[1] X
Bit 0 R ERR_CNT[0] X
DPRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address 4H
(IADDR[3:0] is “4H” of register 00H).
The ERR_CNT[15:0] registers, is the number of error in the PRBS bytes detected during
the monitoring. Errors are accumulated only when the monitor is in the synchronized state.
Even if there are multiple errors within one PRBS byte, only one error is counted. The error
counter is cleared and restarted after its value is transferred to the ERR_CNT[15:0] holding
registers. No errors are missed during the transfer. The error counter will not wrap around
after reaching FFFFh, it will saturate at this value.
Note: When losing synchronization, the PRBS monitor in the DPRGM block incorrectly
counts up to two additional byte errors.
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Indirect Register 05H: DPRGM Monitor Received B1/E1 Bytes
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R REC_E1[7] X
Bit 14 R REC_E1[6] X
Bit 13 R REC_E1[5] X
Bit 12 R REC_E1[4] X
Bit 11 R REC_E1[3] X
Bit 10 R REC_E1[2] X
Bit 9 R REC_E1[1] X
Bit 8 R REC_E1[0] X
Bit 7 R REC_B1[7] X
Bit 6 R REC_B1[6] X
Bit 5 R REC_B1[5] X
Bit 4 R REC_B1[4] X
Bit 3 R REC_B1[3] X
Bit 2 R REC_B1[2] X
Bit 1 R REC_B1[1] X
Bit 0 R REC_B1[0] X
DPRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address 5H
(IADDR[3:0] is “5H” of register 00H).
The Received B1 byte is the content of the B1 byte position in the SONET/SDH frame for
this particular STS-1 path. Every time a B1 byte is received, it is copied in this register.
The Received E1 byte is the content of the E1 byte position in the SONET/SDH frame for
this particular STS-1 path. Every time a E1 byte is received, it is copied in this register.
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Indirect Register 08H: DPRGM Generator STS-1 Path Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W GEN_ENA 0
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W SS[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W SS[0] 0
Bit 4 R/W B1E1_ENA 0
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 R/W INV_PRBS 0
Bit 0 R/W AMODE 0
DPRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01h) definition when accessing Indirect Address 8H
(IADDR[3:0] is “8H” of register 00H).
Sets the DPRGM generator in the Telecom bus or in Autonomous mode. If the AMODE is
high, the generator is in Autonomous mode, and the SONET/SDH frame is generated using
only the J0 pulse. When AMODE is low, the SONET/SDH frame is received on the
Telecom bus. The TOH and the POH are output unmodified, but PRBS is inserted in the
Sets the generator to invert the PRBS before inserting it in the payload. When set high, the
PRBS bytes will be inverted, else they will be inserted unmodified.
The Force Error bit is used to force bit errors in the inserted pattern. When set high, the
MSB of the next byte will be inverted, inducing a single bit error. The register clears itself
when the operation is complete. A read operation will always result in a logic ‘0’.
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This bit enables the replacement of the B1 byte in the SONET/SDH frame, by a
programmable value. The E1 byte is replaced by the complement of the same value. When
B1E1_ENA is high, the B1 and E1 bytes are replaced in the frame, else they go through the
DPRGM unaltered. The B1/E1 byte insertion is independent of PRBS insertion.
This bit enables the insertion of a PRBS sequence or a sequential pattern in the payload.
When low, the payload is filled with PRBS bytes, and when high, a sequential pattern is
The SS bits signal is the value to be inserted in bit 2 and 3 of the H1 byte of a concatenated
pointer. This value is used when the DPRGM is in processing concatenated payload and in
autonomous mode.
The Drop Bus DALARM Disable controls the DALARM port on a per STS-1/STM-0 basis.
When low, the DALARM port reports the AIS-P insertion in the receive side for the
corresponding STS-1/STM-0 path. When high, the DALARM port will not report AIS-P
insertion in the receive stream for the corresponding STS-1/STM-0 path.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
This bit specifies if PRBS is to be inserted. If GEN_ENA is high, patterns are generated
and inserted, else no pattern is generated and the unmodified SONET/SDH input frame is
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Indirect Register 09H: DPRGM Generator PRBS[22:7] Accumulator
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W PRBS[22] 0
Bit 14 R/W PRBS[21] 0
Bit 13 R/W PRBS[20] 0
Bit 12 R/W PRBS[19] 0
Bit 11 R/W PRBS[18] 0
Bit 10 R/W PRBS[17] 0
Bit 9 R/W PRBS[16] 0
Bit 8 R/W PRBS[15] 0
Bit 7 R/W PRBS[14] 0
Bit 6 R/W PRBS[13] 0
Bit 5 R/W PRBS[12] 0
Bit 4 R/W PRBS[11] 0
Bit 3 R/W PRBS[10] 0
Bit 2 R/W PRBS[9] 0
Bit 1 R/W PRBS[8] 0
Bit 0 R/W PRBS[7] 0
DPRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address 9H
(IADDR[3:0] is “9H” of register 00H).
The PRBS[22:7] register, are the 16 MSBs of the LFSR state of the STS-1 path specified in
the Indirect Addressing register. It is possible to write in this register to change the initial
state of the register.
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Indirect Register 0AH: DPRGM Generator PRBS[6:0] Accumulator
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 R/W PRBS[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W PRBS[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W PRBS[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W PRBS[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PRBS[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PRBS[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PRBS[0] 0
DPRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address AH
(IADDR[3:0] is “AH” of register 00H).
The PRBS[6:0] register, are the seven LSBs of the LFSR state of the STS-1 path specified
in the Indirect Addressing register. It is possible to write in this register to change the initial
state of the register.
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Indirect Register 0BH: DPRGM Generator B1/E1 value
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W B1[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W B1[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W B1[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W B1[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W B1[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W B1[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W B1[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W B1[0] 0
DPRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address BH
(IADDR[3:0] is “BH” of register 00H).
When enabled, the value in this register is inserted in the B1byte position in the outgoing
SONET/SDH frame. The complement of this value is also inserted at the E1 byte position.
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Register 0260H, 0660H, 0A60H, and 0E60H: SARC Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0260H, 0660H, 0A60H,
and 0E60H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current read or write from the following SARC Path registers 08H, 09H, 0AH, 0BH,
0CH and 0DH.
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
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Register 0262H, 0662H, 0A62H, and 0E62H: SARC Section Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 R/W LRDI20 0
The Section Configuration Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0262H, 0662H,
0A62H, and 0E62H.
The transmit line ring control port enable (TLRCPEN) bit enables the TRCP port. When
TLRCPEN is set to logic 1, the APS, RDI-L and REI-L insertion indication are extracted
from the TRCP port. When TLRCPEN is set to logic 0, the APS, RDI-L and REI-L
insertion indication are derived from the defect detected on the receive data stream.
The line remote defect indication (LRDI20) bit selects the line RDI persistence. When
LRDI20is set to logic 1, a new line RDI indication is transmitted for at least 20 frames.
When LRDI20is set to logic 0, a new line RDI indication is transmitted for at least 10
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Register 0263H, 0663H, 0A63H, and 0E63H: SARC Section Receive SALM Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W STIMEN 0
Bit 6 R/W STIUEN 0
Bit 4 R/W LRDIEN 0
Bit 3 R/W LAISEN 0
Bit 2 R/W LOSEN 0
Bit 1 R/W LOFEN 0
Bit 0 R/W OOFEN 0
The Section Receive SALM Enable Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0263H,
0663H, 0A63H, and 0E63H.
The OOF enable bit allows the out of frame defect to be ORed into the SALM output.
When the OOFEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed with other
defect indications to trigger the SALM output. When the OOFEN bit is set low, the
corresponding defect indication does not affect the SALM output.
The LOF enable bit allows the loss of frame defect to be ORed into the SALM output.
When the LOFEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed with other
defect indications to trigger the SALM output. When the LOFEN bit is set low, the
corresponding defect indication does not affect the SALM output.
The LOS enable bit allows the loss of signal defect to be ORed into the SALM output.
When the LOSEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed with other
defect indications to trigger the SALM output. When the LOSEN bit is set low, the
corresponding defect indication does not affect the SALM output.
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The LAIS enable bit allows the line alarm indication signal defect to be ORed into the
SALM output. When the LAISEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the SALM output. When the LAISEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the SALM output.
The LRDI enable bit allows the line remote defect indication defect to be ORed into the
SALM output. When the LRDIEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the SALM output. When the LRDIEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the SALM output.
The APSBF enable bit allows the APS byte failure defect to be ORed into the SALM
output. When the APSBFEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to trigger the SALM output. When the APSBFEN bit is set
low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the SALM output.
The STIU enable bit allows the section trace identifier unstable defect to be ORed into the
SALM output. When the STIUEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the SALM output. When the STIUEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the SALM output.
The STIM enable bit allows the section trace identifier mismatch defect to be ORed into the
SALM output. When the STIMEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the SALM output. When the STIMEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the SALM output.
The SDBER enable bit allows the signal degrade BER defect to be ORed into the SALM
output. When the SDBEREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to trigger the SALM output. When the SDBEREN bit is set
low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the SALM output.
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The SFBER enable bit allows the signal failure BER defect to be ORed into the SALM
output. When the SFBEREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to trigger the SALM output. When the SFBEREN bit is set
low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the SALM output.
The SD/LOS/DOOL enable bit allows the deassertion of the SD pin or the assertion of LOS
or the assertion of DOOL to be ORed into the SALM output. When SD/LOS/DOOLEN is
set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed with other defect indications and
output on SALM. When the SD/LOS/DOOLEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect
indication does not affect the SALM output.
The reserved bit must be programmed to its default value for proper operation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0264H, 0664H, 0A64H, and 0E64H: SARC Section Receive AIS-L Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W STIMEN 0
Bit 6 R/W STIUEN 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W LAISEN 0
Bit 2 R/W LOSEN 0
Bit 1 R/W LOFEN 0
Bit 0 R/W OOFEN 0
The Section Receive AIS-L Enable Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0264H,
0664H, 0A64H, and 0E64H.
The OOF enable bit allows the out of frame defect to be ORed into the receive AIS-L
generation. When the OOFEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-L generation. When the OOFEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-L generation.
The LOF enable bit allows the loss of frame defect to be ORed into the receive AIS-L
generation. When the LOFEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-L generation. When the LOFEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-L generation.
The LOS enable bit allows the loss of signal defect to be ORed into the receive AIS-L
generation. When the LOSEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-L generation. When the LOSEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-L generation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The LAIS enable bit allows the line alarm indication signal defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-L generation. When the LAISEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-L generation. When
the LAISEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-
L generation.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The APSBF enable bit allows the APS byte failure defect to be ORed into the receive AIS-L
generation. When the APSBFEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-L generation. When the
APSBFEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-L
The STIU enable bit allows the section trace identifier unstable defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-L generation. When the STIUEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-L generation. When
the STIUEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-
L generation.
The STIM enable bit allows the section trace identifier mismatch defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-L generation. When the STIMEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-L generation. When
the STIMEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-
L generation.
The SDBER enable bit allows the signal degrade BER defect to be ORed into the receive
AIS-L generation. When the SDBEREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication
is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-L generation. When the
SDBEREN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-L
Downloaded by Amr Mansour of SiliconExpert Tecnology Inc on Tuesday, 14 October, 2003 02:57:30 AM
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The SFBER enable bit allows the signal failure BER defect to be ORed into the receive
AIS-L generation. When the SFBEREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication
is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-L generation. When the
SFBEREN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-L
The SD/LOS/DOOLEN enable bit allows the deassertion of the SD pin or the assertion of
LOS defect or the assertion of DOOL defect to be ORed into the receive AIS-L generation.
When the SD/LOS/DOOLEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-L generation. When the
SD/LOS/DOOLEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable
receive AIS-L generation.
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Register 0265H, 0665H, 0A65H, and 0E65H: SARC Section Transmit RDI-L Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W STIMEN 0
Bit 6 R/W STIUEN 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W LAISEN 0
Bit 2 R/W LOSEN 0
Bit 1 R/W LOFEN 0
Bit 0 R/W OOFEN 0
The Section Transmit RDI-L Enable Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0265H,
0665H, 0A65H, and 0E65H.
The OOF enable bit allows the out of frame defect to be ORed into the transmit RDI-L
generation. When the OOFEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to enable transmit RDI-L generation. When the OOFEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable transmit RDI-L generation.
The LOF enable bit allows the loss of frame defect to be ORed into the transmit RDI-L
generation. When the LOFEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to enable transmit RDI-L generation. When the LOFEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable transmit RDI-L generation.
The LOS enable bit allows the loss of signal defect to be ORed into the transmit RDI-L
generation. When the LOSEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to enable transmit RDI-L generation. When the LOSEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable transmit RDI-L generation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The LAIS enable bit allows the line alarm indication signal defect to be ORed into the
transmit RDI-L generation. When the LAISEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable transmit RDI-L generation.
When the LAISEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable
transmit RDI-L generation.
The APSBF enable bit allows the APS byte failure defect to be ORed into the transmit RDI-
L generation. When the APSBFEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to enable transmit RDI-L generation. When the
APSBFEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable transmit RDI-
L generation.
The STIU enable bit allows the section trace identifier unstable defect to be ORed into the
transmit RDI-L generation. When the STIUEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable transmit RDI-L generation.
When the STIUEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable
transmit RDI-L generation.
The STIM enable bit allows the section trace identifier mismatch defect to be ORed into the
transmit RDI-L generation. When the STIMEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable transmit RDI-L generation.
When the STIMEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable
transmit RDI-L generation.
The SDBER enable bit allows the signal degrade BER defect to be ORed into the transmit
RDI-L generation. When the SDBEREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication
is ORed with other defect indications to enable transmit RDI-L generation. When the
SDBEREN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable transmit RDI-
L generation.
The SFBER enable bit allows the signal failure BER defect to be ORed into the transmit
RDI-L generation. When the SFBEREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication
is ORed with other defect indications to enable transmit RDI-L generation. When the
SFBEREN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable transmit RDI-
L generation.
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The SD/LOS/DOOLEN enable bit allows the deassertion of the SD pin or the assertion of
LOS defect or the assertion of DOOL defect to be ORed into the transmit RDI-L generation.
When the SD/LOS/DOOLEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to enable transmit RDI-L generation. When the
SD/LOS/DOOLEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable
transmit RDI-L generation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0268H, 0668H, 0A68H, and 0E68H: SARC Path Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W PRDIEN 0
Bit 6 R/W PERDI20 0
Bit 1 R/W PLOPTRCFG[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PLOPTRCFG[0] 0
The Path Configuration Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0268H, 0668H,
0A68H, and 0E68H.
The path loss of pointer configuration (PLOPTRCFG[1:0]) bits define the LOP-P defect.
When PLOPTRCFG[1:0] is set to 00b, an LOP-P defect is declared when the pointer is in
the LOP state and an LOP-P defect is removed when the pointer is not in the LOP state.
When PLOPTRCFG[1:0] is set to 01b, an LOP-P defect is declared when the pointer or any
of the concatenated pointers is in the LOP state and an LOP-P defect is removed when the
pointer and all the concatenation pointers are not in the LOP state. When
PLOPTRCFG[1:0] is set to 10b, an LOP-P defect is declared when the pointer or any of the
concatenated pointers is in the LOP state or in the AIS state and an LOP-P defect is
removed when the pointer and all the concatenation pointers are not in the LOP state or in
the AIS state.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The path AIS pointer configuration (PAISPTRCFG[1:0]) bits define the AIS-P defect.
When PAISPTRCFG[1:0] is set to 00b, an AIS-P defect is declared when the pointer is in
the AIS state and an AIS-P defect is removed when the pointer is not in the AIS state. When
PAISPTRCFG[1:0] is set to 01b, an AIS-P defect is declared when the pointer or any of the
concatenated pointers is in the AIS state and an AIS-P defect is removed when the pointer
and all the concatenation pointers are not in the AIS state. When PAISPTRCFG[1:0] is set
to 10b, an AIS-P defect is declared when the pointer and all the concatenated pointers are in
the AIS state and an AIS-P defect is removed when the pointer or any of the concatenation
pointers is not in the AIS state.
The path loss of pointer removal (PLOPTREND) bit controls the removal of a LOP-P defect
when an AIS-P defect is declared. When PLOPTREND is set to logic 1, a LOP-P defect is
terminated when an AIS-P defect is declared. When PLOPTREND is set to logic 0, a LOP-
P defect is not terminated when an AIS-P defect is declared.
The transmit path ring control port enable (TPRCPEN) bit enables the TRCP port. When
TPRCPEN is set to logic 1, ERDI-P and REI-P insertion indication are extracted from the
TRCP port. When TPRCPEN is set to logic 0, ERDI-P and REI-P insertion indication are
derived from the defect detected on the receive data stream.
The path enhance remote defect indication (PERDI20) bit selects the path ERDI
persistence. When PERDI20 is set to logic 1, a new path ERDI indication is transmitted for
at least 20 frames. When PERDI20 is set to logic 0, a new path ERDI indication is
transmitted for at least 10 frames.
The path remote defect indication enable (PRDIEN) bit selects between the 1 bit RDI code
and the 3 bits ERDI code. When PRDIEN is set to logic 1, the 1 bit RDI code is
transmitted. When PRDIEN is set to logic 0, the 3 bit ERDI code is transmitted.
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Register 0269H, 0669H, 0A69H, and 0E69H: SARC Path Receive RALM Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 11 R/W PTIMEN 0
Bit 10 R/W PTIUEN 0
Bit 8 R/W PRDIEN 0
Bit 7 R/W PPDIEN 0
Bit 5 R/W PPLMEN 0
Bit 4 R/W PPLUEN 0
Bit 0 R/W SALMEN 0
The Path Receive PALM Enable Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0269H,
0669H, 0A69H, and 0E69H.
The RSALM enable bit allows the receive section alarm to be ORed into the RALM output.
When the SALMEN bit is set high, the corresponding alarm indication is ORed with other
defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the SALMEN bit is set low, the
corresponding alarm indication does not affect the RALM output.
The master RSALM enable bit allows the master receive section alarm to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the MSSALMEN bit is set high, the corresponding alarm indication
is ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the MSSALMEN
bit is set low, the corresponding alarm indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PLOPTR enable bit allows the path loss of pointer defect to be ORed into the RALM
output. When the PLOPTREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PLOPTREN bit is set
low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
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The PAISPTR enable bit allows the path AIS pointer defect to be ORed into the RALM
output. When the PAISPTREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PAISPTREN bit is set
low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PPLU enable bit allows the path payload label unstable defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PPLUEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PPLUEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PPLM enable bit allows the path payload label mismatch defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PPLMEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PPLMEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PUNEQ enable bit allows the path unequipped defect to be ORed into the RALM
output. When the PUNEQEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PUNEQEN bit is set
low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PPDI enable bit allows the path payload defect indication defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PPDIEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PPDIEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PRDI enable bit allows the path remote defect indication defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PRDIEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PRDIEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
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The PERDI enable bit allows the path enhanced remote defect indication defect to be ORed
into the RALM output. When the PERDIEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the
PERDIEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM
The PTIU enable bit allows the path trace identifier unstable defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PTIUEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PTIUEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PTIM enable bit allows the path trace identifier mismatch defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PTIMEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PTIMEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 026AH, 066AH, 0A6AH, and 0E6AH: SARC Path Receive AIS-P Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 11 R/W PTIMEN 0
Bit 10 R/W PTIUEN 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W PPDIEN 0
Bit 5 R/W PPLMEN 0
Bit 4 R/W PPLUEN 0
The Path Receive AIS-P Enable Register is provided at SARC read/write address 026AH,
066AH, 0A6AH, and 0E6AH.
The RLAISINS enable bit allows the line AIS insertion indication to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the RLAISINSEN bit is set high, the corresponding
insertion indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P
generation. When the RLAISINSEN bit is set low, the corresponding insertion indication
does not enable receive AIS-P generation.
The master RLAISINS enable bit allows the master line AIS insertion indication to be
ORed into the receive AIS-P generation. When the RLAISINSEN bit is set high, the
corresponding insertion indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive
AIS-P generation. When the MSRLAISINSEN bit is set low, the corresponding insertion
indication does not enable receive AIS-P generation.
The PLOPTR enable bit allows the path loss of pointer defect to be ORed into the receive
AIS-P generation. When the PLOPTREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PLOPTREN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive
AIS-P generation.
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The PAISPTR enable bit allows the path AIS pointer defect to be ORed into the receive
AIS-P generation. When the PAISPTREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PAISPTREN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive
AIS-P generation.
The PPLU enable bit allows the path payload label unstable defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the PPLUEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PPLUEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-
P generation.
The PPLM enable bit allows the path payload label mismatch defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the PPLMEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PPLMEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive
AIS-P generation.
The PUNEQ enable bit allows the path unequipped defect to be ORed into the receive AIS-
P generation. When the PUNEQEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When the
PUNEQEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-P
The PPDI enable bit allows the path payload defect indication defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the PPDIEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PPDIEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-
P generation.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
Downloaded by Amr Mansour of SiliconExpert Tecnology Inc on Tuesday, 14 October, 2003 02:57:30 AM
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The PTIU enable bit allows the path trace identifier unstable defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the PTIUEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PTIUEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-
P generation.
The PTIM enable bit allows the path trace identifier mismatch defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the PTIMEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PTIMEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-
P generation.
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Register 026BH, 066BH, 0A6BH, and 0E6BH: SARC TU3 Path Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W PRDIEN 0
Bit 6 R/W PERDI20 0
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
The TU3 Path Configuration Register is provided at SARC read/write address 026BH, 066BH,
0A6BH, and 0E6BH.
The path loss of pointer configuration (PLOPTRCFG) bit defines the LOP-P defect. When
PLOPTRCFG is set to zero, an LOP-P defect is declared when the pointer is in the LOP
state and an LOP-P defect is removed when the pointer is not in the LOP state. When
PLOPTRCFG is set to one, an LOP-P defect is declared when the pointer is in the LOP state
or in the AIS state and an LOP-P defect is removed when the pointer is not in the LOP state
or in the AIS state.
The path loss of pointer removal (PLOPTREND) bit controls the removal of a LOP-P defect
when an AIS-P defect is declared. When PLOPTREND is set to logic 1, a LOP-P defect is
terminated when an AIS-P defect is declared. When PLOPTREND is set to logic 0, a LOP-
P defect is not terminated when an AIS-P defect is declared.
The transmit path ring control port enable (TPRCPEN) bit enables the TRCP port. When
TPRCPEN is set to logic 1, ERDI-P and REI-P insertion indication are extracted from the
TRCP port. When TPRCPEN is set to logic 0, ERDI-P and REI-P insertion indication are
derived from the defect detected on the receive data stream.
Downloaded by Amr Mansour of SiliconExpert Tecnology Inc on Tuesday, 14 October, 2003 02:57:30 AM
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The path enhance remote defect indication (PERDI20) bit selects the path ERDI
persistence. When PERDI20 is set to logic 1, a new path ERDI indication is transmitted for
at least 20 frames. When PERDI20 is set to logic 0, a new path ERDI indication is
transmitted for at least 10 frames.
The path remote defect indication enable (PRDIEN) bit selects between the 1 bit RDI code
and the 3 bits ERDI code. When PRDIEN is set to logic 1, the 1 bit RDI code is
transmitted. When PRDIEN is set to logic 0, the 3 bit ERDI code is transmitted.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 026CH, 066CH, 0A6CH, and 0E6CH: SARC TU3 Path Receive RALM Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 11 R/W PTIMEN 0
Bit 10 R/W PTIUEN 0
Bit 8 R/W PRDIEN 0
Bit 7 R/W PPDIEN 0
Bit 5 R/W PPLMEN 0
Bit 4 R/W PPLUEN 0
The TU3 Path Receive RALM Enable Register is provided at SARC read/write address 026CH,
066CH, 0A6CH, and 0E6CH.
The RSALM enable bit allows the receive section alarm to be ORed into the RALM output.
When the RSALMEN bit is set high, the corresponding alarm indication is ORed with other
defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the SALMEN bit is set low, the
corresponding alarm indication does not affect the RALM output.
The master RSALM enable bit allows the master receive section alarm to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the MSRSALMEN bit is set high, the corresponding alarm indication
is ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the MSSALMEN
bit is set low, the corresponding alarm indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PLOPTR enable bit allows the path loss of pointer defect to be ORed into the RALM
output. When the PLOPTREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PLOPTREN bit is set
low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
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The PAISPTR enable bit allows the path AIS pointer defect to be ORed into the RALM
output. When the PAISPTREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PAISPTREN bit is set
low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PPLU enable bit allows the path payload label unstable defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PPLUEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PPLUEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PPLM enable bit allows the path payload label mismatch defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PPLMEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PPLMEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PUNEQ enable bit allows the path unequipped defect to be ORed into the RALM
output. When the PUNEQEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is ORed
with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PUNEQEN bit is set
low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PPDI enable bit allows the path payload defect indication defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PPDIEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PPDIEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PRDI enable bit allows the path remote defect indication defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PRDIEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PRDIEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The PERDI enable bit allows the path enhanced remote defect indication defect to be ORed
into the RALM output. When the PERDIEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the
PERDIEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM
The PTIU enable bit allows the path trace identifier unstable defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PTIUEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PTIUEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The PTIM enable bit allows the path trace identifier mismatch defect to be ORed into the
RALM output. When the PTIMEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to trigger the RALM output. When the PTIMEN bit is
set low, the corresponding defect indication does not affect the RALM output.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 026DH, 066DH, 0A6DH, and 0E6DH: SARC TU3 Path Receive AIS-P Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 11 R/W PTIMEN 0
Bit 10 R/W PTIUEN 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W PPDIEN 0
Bit 5 R/W PPLMEN 0
Bit 4 R/W PPLUEN 0
The TU3 Path Receive AIS-P Enable Register is provided at SARC read/write address 026DH,
066DH, 0A6DH, and 0E6DH.
The RLAISINS enable bit allows the line AIS insertion indication to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the RLAISINSEN bit is set high, the corresponding
insertion indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P
generation. When the RLAISINSEN bit is set low, the corresponding insertion indication
does not enable receive AIS-P generation.
The master RLAISINS enable bit allows the master line AIS insertion indication to be
ORed into the receive AIS-P generation. When the RLAISINSEN bit is set high, the
corresponding insertion indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive
AIS-P generation. When the MSRLAISINSEN bit is set low, the corresponding insertion
indication does not enable receive AIS-P generation.
The PLOPTR enable bit allows the path loss of pointer defect to be ORed into the receive
AIS-P generation. When the PLOPTREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PLOPTREN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive
AIS-P generation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The PAISPTR enable bit allows the path AIS pointer defect to be ORed into the receive
AIS-P generation. When the PAISPTREN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PAISPTREN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive
AIS-P generation.
The PPLU enable bit allows the path payload label unstable defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the PPLUEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PPLUEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-
P generation.
The PPLM enable bit allows the path payload label mismatch defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the PPLMEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PPLMEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive
AIS-P generation.
The PUNEQ enable bit allows the path unequipped defect to be ORed into the receive AIS-
P generation. When the PUNEQEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect indication is
ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When the
PUNEQEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-P
The PPDI enable bit allows the path payload defect indication defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the PPDIEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PPDIEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-
P generation.
The PTIU enable bit allows the path trace identifier unstable defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the PTIUEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PTIUEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-
P generation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
The PTIM enable bit allows the path trace identifier mismatch defect to be ORed into the
receive AIS-P generation. When the PTIMEN bit is set high, the corresponding defect
indication is ORed with other defect indications to enable receive AIS-P generation. When
the PTIMEN bit is set low, the corresponding defect indication does not enable receive AIS-
P generation.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0270H, 0670H, 0A70H, and 0E70H: SARC LOP Pointer Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R PLOPTRV[12] X
Bit 10 R PLOPTRV[11] X
Bit 9 R PLOPTRV[10] X
Bit 8 R PLOPTRV[9] X
Bit 7 R PLOPTRV[8] X
Bit 6 R PLOPTRV[7] X
Bit 5 R PLOPTRV[6] X
Bit 4 R PLOPTRV[5] X
Bit 3 R PLOPTRV[4] X
Bit 2 R PLOPTRV[3] X
Bit 1 R PLOPTRV[2] X
Bit 0 R PLOPTRV[1] X
The LOP Pointer Status Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0270H, 0670H,
0A70H, and 0E70H.
The path loss of pointer status (PLOPTRV[12:1]) bits indicate the current status of the LOP-
P defect for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When PLOPTRCFG register bits are set to 00b,
PLOPTRV is asserted when the pointer is in the LOP state and PLOPTRV is negated when
the pointer is not in the LOP state. When PLOPTRCFG register bits are set to 01b,
PLOPTRV is asserted when the pointer or any of the concatenated pointers is in the LOP
state and PLOPTRV is negated when the pointer and all the concatenation pointers are not
in the LOP state. When PLOPTRCFG register bits are set to 10b, PLOPTRV is asserted
when the pointer or any of the concatenated pointers is in the LOP state or in the AIS state
and PLOPTRV is negated when the pointer and all the concatenation pointers are not in the
LOP state or in the AIS state. When the PLOPTREND register bit is set to one,
PLOPPTRV is negated when an AIS-P defect is detected.
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Register 0271H, 0671H, 0A71H, and 0E71H: SARC LOP Pointer Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W PLOPTRE[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W PLOPTRE[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W PLOPTRE[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W PLOPTRE[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W PLOPTRE[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W PLOPTRE[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W PLOPTRE[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W PLOPTRE[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W PLOPTRE[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W PLOPTRE[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W PLOPTRE[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W PLOPTRE[1] 0
The LOP Pointer Interrupt Enable Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0271H,
0671H, 0A71H, and 0E71H.
The path loss of pointer interrupt enable (PLOPTRE[12:1]) bits control the activation of the
interrupt output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When any of these bit locations is set to
logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When any of
these bit locations is set to logic 0, the corresponding pending interrupt will not assert the
interrupt output.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0272H, 0672H, 0A72H, and 0E72H: SARC LOP Pointer Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R PLOPTRI[12] X
Bit 10 R PLOPTRI[11] X
Bit 9 R PLOPTRI[10] X
Bit 8 R PLOPTRI[9] X
Bit 7 R PLOPTRI[8] X
Bit 6 R PLOPTRI[7] X
Bit 5 R PLOPTRI[6] X
Bit 4 R PLOPTRI[5] X
Bit 3 R PLOPTRI[4] X
Bit 2 R PLOPTRI[3] X
Bit 1 R PLOPTRI[2] X
Bit 0 R PLOPTRI[1] X
The LOP Pointer Interrupt Status Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0272H,
0672H, 0A72H, and 0E72H.
The path loss of pointer interrupt status (PLOPTRI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for STS-
1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. PLOPTRI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate any changes in the
status of PLOPTRV[12:1]. These interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt
enable bits. PLOPTRI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Register 0273H, 0673H, 0A73H, and 0E73H: SARC AIS Pointer Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R PAISPTRV[12] X
Bit 10 R PAISPTRV[11] X
Bit 9 R PAISPTRV[10] X
The AIS Pointer Status Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0273H, 0673H,
0A73H, and 0E73H.
The path AIS pointer status (PAISPTRV[12:1]) bits indicate the current status of the AIS-P
defect for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When PAISPTRCFG register bits are set to 00b,
PAISPTRV is asserted when the pointer is in the AIS state and PAISPTRV is negated when
the pointer is not in the AIS state. When PAISPTRCFG register bits are set to 01b,
PAISPTRV is asserted when the pointer or any of the concatenated pointers is in the AIS
state and PAISPTRV is negated when the pointer and all the concatenation pointers are not
in the AIS state. When PAISPTRCFG register bits are set to 10b, PAISPTRV is asserted
when the pointer and all the concatenated pointers are in the AIS state and PAISPTRV is
negated when the pointer or any of the concatenation pointers are not in the AIS state.
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Register 0274H, 0674H, 0A74H, and 0E74H: SARC AIS Pointer Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W PAISPTRE[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W PAISPTRE[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W PAISPTRE[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W PAISPTRE[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W PAISPTRE[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W PAISPTRE[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W PAISPTRE[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W PAISPTRE[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W PAISPTRE[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W PAISPTRE[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W PAISPTRE[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W PAISPTRE[1] 0
The AIS Pointer Interrupt Enable Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0274H,
0674H, 0A74H, and 0E74H.
The path AIS signal pointer interrupt enable (PAISPTRE[12:1]) bits control the activation
of the interrupt output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When any of these bit locations is
set to logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When
any of these bit locations is set to logic 0, the corresponding pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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Register 0275H, 0675H, 0A75H, and 0E75H: SARC AIS Pointer Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R PAISPTRI[12] X
Bit 10 R PAISPTRI[11] X
Bit 9 R PAISPTRI[10] X
The AIS Pointer Interrupt Status Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0275H,
0675H, 0A75H, and 0E75H.
The path AIS pointer interrupt status (PAISPTRI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for STS-
1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. PAISPTRI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate any changes in the
status of PAISPTRV[12:1]. These interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt
enable bits. PAISPTRI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 0278H, 068DH, 0A78H, and 0E78H: SARC TU3 LOP Pointer Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R PLOPTRV[12] X
Bit 10 R PLOPTRV[11] X
Bit 9 R PLOPTRV[10] X
Bit 8 R PLOPTRV[9] X
Bit 7 R PLOPTRV[8] X
Bit 6 R PLOPTRV[7] X
Bit 5 R PLOPTRV[6] X
Bit 4 R PLOPTRV[5] X
Bit 3 R PLOPTRV[4] X
Bit 2 R PLOPTRV[3] X
Bit 1 R PLOPTRV[2] X
Bit 0 R PLOPTRV[1] X
The TU3 LOP Pointer Status Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0278H, 0678H,
0A78H, and 0E78H.
The TU3 path loss of pointer status (PLOPTRV[12:1]) bits indicate the current status of the
LOP-P defect for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When PLOPTRCFG register bit is set to
zero, PLOPTRV is asserted when the TU3 pointer is in the LOP state and PLOPTRV is
negated when the TU3 pointer is not in the LOP state. When PLOPTRCFG register bit is
set to one, PLOPTRV is asserted when the TU3 pointer is in the LOP state or AIS state and
PLOPTRV is negated when the TU3 pointer is not in the LOP state or AIS state. When the
PLOPTREND register bit is set to one, PLOPPTRV is negated when an AIS-P defect is
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Register 0279H, 0679H, 0A79H, and 0E79H: SARC TU3 LOP Pointer Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W PLOPTRE[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W PLOPTRE[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W PLOPTRE[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W PLOPTRE[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W PLOPTRE[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W PLOPTRE[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W PLOPTRE[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W PLOPTRE[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W PLOPTRE[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W PLOPTRE[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W PLOPTRE[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W PLOPTRE[1] 0
The TU3 LOP Pointer Interrupt Enable Register is provided at SARC read/write address 0279H,
0679H, 0A79H, and 0E79H.
The TU3 path loss of pointer interrupt enable (PLOPTRE[12:1]) bits control the activation
of the interrupt output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When any of these bit locations is
set to logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When
any of these bit locations is set to logic 0, the corresponding pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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Register 027AH, 067AH, 0A7AH, and 0E7AH: SARC TU3 LOP Pointer Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R PLOPTRI[12] X
Bit 10 R PLOPTRI[11] X
Bit 9 R PLOPTRI[10] X
Bit 8 R PLOPTRI[9] X
Bit 7 R PLOPTRI[8] X
Bit 6 R PLOPTRI[7] X
Bit 5 R PLOPTRI[6] X
Bit 4 R PLOPTRI[5] X
Bit 3 R PLOPTRI[4] X
Bit 2 R PLOPTRI[3] X
Bit 1 R PLOPTRI[2] X
Bit 0 R PLOPTRI[1] X
The TU3 LOP Pointer Interrupt Status Register is provided at SARC read/write address 027AH,
067AH, 0A7AH, and 0E7AH.
The TU3 path loss of pointer interrupt status (PLOPTRI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. PLOPTRI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate any changes in
the status of PLOPTRV[12:1]. These interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt
enable bits. PLOPTRI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 027BH, 067BH, 0A7BH, and 0E7BH: SARC TU3 AIS Pointer Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R PAISPTRV[12] X
Bit 10 R PAISPTRV[11] X
Bit 9 R PAISPTRV[10] X
The TU3 AIS Pointer Status Register is provided at SARC read/write address 027BH, 067BH,
0A7BH, and 0E7BH.
The TU3 path AIS pointer status (PAISPTRV[12:1]) bits indicate the current status of the
AIS-P defect for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. PAISPTRV is asserted when the pointer is
in the AIS state and PAISPTRV is negated when the pointer is not in the AIS state.
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Register 027CH, 067CH, 0A7CH, and 0E7CH: SARC TU3 AIS Pointer Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W PAISPTRE[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W PAISPTRE[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W PAISPTRE[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W PAISPTRE[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W PAISPTRE[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W PAISPTRE[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W PAISPTRE[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W PAISPTRE[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W PAISPTRE[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W PAISPTRE[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W PAISPTRE[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W PAISPTRE[1] 0
The TU3 AIS Pointer Interrupt Enable Register is provided at SARC read/write address 027CH,
067CH, 0A7CH, and 0E7CH.
The TU3 path AIS pointer interrupt enable (PAISPTRE[12:1]) bits control the activation of
the interrupt output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When any of these bit locations is
set to logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When
any of these bit locations is set to logic 0, the corresponding pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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Register 027DH, 067DH, 0A7DH, and 0E7DH: SARC TU3 AIS Pointer Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R PAISPTRI[12] X
Bit 10 R PAISPTRI[11] X
Bit 9 R PAISPTRI[10] X
The TU3 AIS Pointer Interrupt Status Register is provided at SARC read/write address 027DH,
067DH, 0A7DH, and 0E7DH.
The TU3 path AIS pointer interrupt status (PAISPTRI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. PAISPTRI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate any changes
in the status of PAISPTRV[12:1]. These interrupt status bits are independent of the
interrupt enable bits. PAISPTRI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 0300H: DDLL Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The ERROR interrupt enable (ERRORE) bit enables the error indication interrupt. When
ERRORE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the ERROR register.
When ERRORE is set low, changes in the ERROR status do not generate an interrupt.
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Register 0302H: DDLL Reset
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
Any write to the DDLL Reset Register will reset the Drop Bus DLL.
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Register 0303H: DDLL Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R Reserved X
Bit 6 R Reserved X
Bit 4 R Reserved X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 1 R Reserved 0
Bit 0 R Reserved 0
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The delay line error register bit (ERROR) indicates the DLL has run out of dynamic range.
When the DLL attempts to move beyond the end of the delay line, ERROR is set high.
ERROR is set low, when the DLL captures lock again.
The delay line error event register bit (ERRORI) indicates the ERROR register bit has gone
high. When the ERROR register changes from logic 0 to logic 1, the ERRORI register bit
is set to logic 1. If the ERRORE interrupt enable is high, the INT output is also asserted
when ERRORI asserts.
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Register 1020H: Tx2488 Analog Control/Status (Single 2488 Mode Only)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R ROOLI 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R Reserved X
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 R/W TX2488_MODE[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W TX2488_MODE[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W TX2488_MODE[0] 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W SLLE2488 0
Bit 0 R/W ROOLE 0
The Reference Out Of Lock Enable (ROOLE) bit enables the ROOLI interrupt to assert the
INTB pin. When ROOLE is set to logic 1, an interrupt on the INTB is generated upon
assertion of the ROOLI register bit. When ROOLE is set low, a change in the ROOLI
status does not generate an interrupt.
The Reference Out Of Lock status bit indicates the current status of the ROOL detector. The
ROOLV is only latched during a read operation and therefore will change to reflect the
current status the ROOL compare logic. See ROOL_I for details of the ROOL function.
TX_INV_DATA_EN (Single 2488 mode only)
The Serial Data Inversion TX_INV_DATA_EN controls the polarity of the transmitter data.
When TX_INV_DATA_EN is set to logic 1, the polarity of the TXD1_P/TXD1_N input
pins are inverted. When TX_INV_DATA_EN is set to logic 0, the TXD1_P/TXD1_N inputs
operate normally.
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The serial line loop-back enable (SLLE2488) bit loops the recovered data and clock to the
transmit output. When this bit is set to logic 1, data from the 2488 receiver is input into the
PISO and data from the SONET transmit processor is ignored.
o The LOOPTIMEB bit of the TX2488 ABC Control register must be set to logic 0 when
SLLE2488 is enabled.
o For chip-level line loop back, the LINE_LOOP_BACK bit in the Rx2488 Analog CRU
Clock Training Configuration and Status register (register 0023H) and the SLLE2488
register bit in the Tx2488 Analog Control/Status register (register 1020H) must be set to
logic 1. As well, the LOOPTIMEB register bit in the Tx2488 ABC Control register
(register 1021H) must be set to logic 0.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The TX2488 Mode control bits are used to place the TX2488-CML in one of the following
operating modes:
Table 12 TX2488 Mode Control
TX2488_MODE [2:0]
111 Reserved
1XX When the MODE[2] is set high, the data from STS-12/STM-4 slice #1
(Channel 1 of the quad STS-12) is used as the input to the transmitter.
0XX When MODE[2] is set low, the data from PISO-2488 is used as the
input to the Transmitter. The default is to use the PISO-2488 as the
X11 Reserved
X10 Reserved
X01 When the configuration bits MODE0 and MODE1 are set respectively
high and low, limited-swing AC coupling suitable for the Lucent T48,
Hitachi HTR6540, or HP HFCT-53D5 ODL transmitters is used. In this
mode a 16mA bias current is generated in the differential PECL
transmitter that is based on an internal reference resistor matched with
the output stage load. The generated current produces a differential
amplitude suitable for the Lucent T48, Hitachi HTR6540 or HP HFCT-
53D5 (using double termination). In this mode, the output amplitude is
set to 533 mVppd nominal.
X00 When the configuration bits MODE1 and MODE0 are set low, AC
coupling suitable for PECL compliant ODL transmitters (e.g. Sumitomo
SDM7128-XC or Sumitomo SCM6028-GL) is used. In this mode a
30.5mA bias current is generated in the differential PECL transmitter
that is based on an internal reference resistor matched with the output
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TX2488_MODE [2:0]
stage load. The generated current is adequate to produce a valid
differential PECL amplitude with double termination. In this mode, the
output amplitude is set to 1 Vppd nominal.
Note: TX2488_MODE[1:0] also controls the Tx swing for Channel1 of Quad 622 mode.
This bit is reserved.
The reference clock monitor (REFCLK_MON) bit indicates the status of the REFCLK_P/N
pin. A logic 1 on REFCLK_MONITOR indicates that at least one low to high transition has
occurred on the REFCLK_P/N pin since the last read of the register 0x00h. Reading the
REFCLK_MONITOR bit clears the setting. The REFCLK_MONITOR will be set to logic 1
after the first transition on REFCLK_P/N. Software must read this register twice to
determine if the REFCLK_P/N is toggling. If on the second read REFCLK_MONITOR is
set to logic 0 it indicates the REFCLK_P/N is not toggling.
The reference out of lock status (ROOLI) bit indicates whether the clock synthesis unit
(CSU) phase locked loop is able to lock to the reference clock on REFCLKI_P/N or the
recovered clock from the RECCLK1_P/N or RECCLK2_P/N input signal depending on the
state of the RECCLK_SEL and LOOPTIMEB bits in register 0x01H.
ROOLI is a logic 1 if the divided down synthesized clock frequency is within +/-1000 ppm
of the reference frequency. The ROOLI signal is a latched value of the frequency compare
logic and only indicates that the synthesized clock has failed to lock at some point and does
not reflect the current state. The ROOL_V bit indicates the current status. At startup,
ROOLI may be latched to logic 1 for several hundred milliseconds while the PLL obtains
To ensure that the synthesized clock has locked, this bit should be read twice separated by at
least 500 µS. If the (WCIMODE XOR WCIMODE_1x2488) is logic 1, only over-writing
with a ‘1’ clears this bit. If the (WCIMODE XOR WCIMODE_1x2488) is a logic 0, then a
read of this register automatically clears the bit.
Note: When ROOLI is set and indicates that the CSU has lost lock to the reference clock
then, once the reference is restored, the CSU must be reset (using CSU_RESET in register
0x1021) before normal operation can begin.
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Register 1021H: TX2488 ABC Control
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 13 R/W CSU_RESET 0
Bit 11 R/W TX2488_ENABLE 1
Bit 10 R/W C2C_ENABLE 1
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
LOOPTIMEB is used to select the input reference clock for the CSU2488. When set to
logic 0, the recovered clocks are selected as the reference for the transmit clock.
The Clock Source Unit Enable provides a global power down of the CSU Analog Block
Circuit. When set to logic 0, this bit forces the CSU to a low power state and functionality
is disabled. When set to logic 1, the CSU operates in the normal mode of operation.
The CML to CMOS Interface Module Enable provides a global power down of the
CML2CMOS-RX2488 Analog Block Circuit. When set to logic 0, this bit forces the CML
to CMOS Interface Module to a low power state and functionality is disabled. When set to
logic 1, the CML to CMOS Interface Module operates in the normal mode of operation.
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The 2.488GHz Transmitter Enable provides a global power down of the TX2488 Analog
Block Circuit. When set to logic 0, this bit forces the TX2488 to a low power state and
functionality is disabled. When set to logic 1, the TX2488 operates in the normal mode of
The PECL Reference Clock Receiver Enable provides a global power down of the RX2488-
PECL Analog Block Circuitry used for reference clock input. When set to logic 0, this bit
forces the block to a low power state and functionality is disabled. When set to logic 1, the
block operates in the normal mode of operation.
The Clock Source Unit Reset provides a complete reset of the CSU2488 Analog Block
Circuit. When set to logic 1, this bit forces the CSU to a known initial state. While the bit is
set to logic 1, the functionality of the block is disabled. When set to logic 0, the CSU
operates in the normal mode of operation. This bit is not self-clearing. Therefore a ‘0 must
be written to the bit to remove the reset condition.
The PISO Reset provides a complete reset of the PISO-2488 Analog Block Circuit. When
set to logic 1, this bit forces the PISO to a known initial state. While the bit is set to logic 1,
the functionality of the block is disabled. When set to logic 0, the PISO operates in the
normal mode of operation. This bit is not self-clearing. Therefore a ‘0’ must be written to
the bit to remove the reset condition.
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Register 1030H: Quad 622 Tx MABC CSUT Control Register
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 14 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
The Transmit MABC CSUT Control Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write
address 1030H.
The CSUT analog reset bit CSUT_ARSTB provides a reset to the CSUT. To reset the CSUT
properly, CSUT_ARSTB should be held low for at least 100 ns. The CSUT requires 5ms to
regain lock when CSUT_ARSTB is brought back to high.
CSUT_ARSTB Description
0 Reset applied to entire CSUT, asserted for at least 100 ns
1 Normal operation (default)
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Register 1031H: Quad 622 Tx CSUT Clock Detector Control Register
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 14 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 3 R ROOLV 0
Bit 2 R Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W ROOLE 0
The Transmit CSUT Clock Detector Control Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488
read/write address 1031H.
ROOLE is used as interrupt enable for ROOLI register bit. It connects the ROOLI status bit
to the INT pin of the LAS4x622. When ROOLE is set to logic 1, an interrupt on the INT is
generated upon assertion of the ROOLI register bit. When ROOLE is set low, a change in
the ROOLI status does not generate an interrupt.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The Transmit reference out of lock status bit indicates the clock synthesis phase locked loop
is unable to lock to the reference clock on REFCLK. ROOLV is a logic 1 if difference
between the divided down synthesized clock CSUT_DIVCLK frequency and the reference
clock RECLK frequency is not within certain ppm. At startup, ROOLV may remain at logic
1 for several hundred mil-seconds while the PLL obtains lock.
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Register 1032H: Quad 622 Tx CSUT Clock Detector Interrupt Status Register
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R TDOCLK_DET[3] 0
Bit 14 R TDOCLK_DET[2] 0
Bit 13 R TDOCLK_DET[1] 0
Bit 12 R TDOCLK_DET[0] 0
Bit 11 R Reserved 0
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R/W ROOLI 0
The Transmit CSUT Clock Detector Interrupt Status Register is provided at SPECTRA 1x2488
read/write address 1032H.
The Transmit reference out of lock status (ROOLI) bit indicates the clock synthesis phase
locked loop is unable to lock to the reference clock on REFCLK. ROOLI is a logic 1 if the
divided down synthesized clock frequency is not within 488 ppm of the REFCLK
frequency. At startup, ROOLI may remain at logic 1 for several hundred mil-seconds while
the PLL obtains lock. If WCI_MODE is set to logic 1 only over-writing with a ‘1 clears
this bit. If WCI_MODE is set to a logic 0 then a read of this register automatically clears the
The reserved bit must be programmed to its default value for proper operation.
These register bits are used for a sanity detection of the clock TDOCLK[3:0]. For
TDOCLK[n], it will be set to logic 1 if any rising edge of the clock TDOCLK[n] is detected
since the last clearance of the register bit. If WCI_MODE is set to logic 1 only over-writing
with a ‘1 clears this bit. If WCI_MODE is set to logic 0, then a read of this register
automatically clears the bit.
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Register 1033H, 1433H, 1833H, and 1C33H: Quad 622 Tx MABC and JAT622 Channel
Control and Status Register
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R Reserved 0
Bit 6 R Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W TX_MODE[1] 1
Bit 0 R/W TX_MODE[0] 0
The Transmit MABC and JAT622 Channel 1 to 4 Control and Status Register is provided at
SPECTRA 1x2488 read/write address 1033H, 1433H, 1833H, and 1C33H.
The Tx mode selection register field TX_MODE[1:0] selects the output swing levels for the
‘00’ = Low swing levels
‘01’ = Large swing levels
‘1X’ = XAUI levels (default)
Note: TX_MODE[1:0] only applies to Channel 2-4, Channel 1 is controlled by
TX2488_MODE[1:0] in 0x1020H.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Register 1040H: STLI Clock Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 1
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 R/W TCLK4EN 0
Bit 3 R/W TCLK3EN 0
Bit 2 R/W TCLK2EN 0
Bit 1 R/W TCLK1EN 0
The Clock Configuration Register is provided at STLI read/write address 1040H.
The transmit clock enable (TDCLKOEN) bit controls the gating of the TDCLKO output
clock. When TDCLKOEN is set to logic 1, the TDCLKO output clock operates normally.
When TDCLKOEN is set to logic 0, the TDCLKO output clock is held low.
The transmit clock enable (TCLK1EN) bit controls the gating of the TCLK1 output clock.
When TCLK1EN is set to logic 1, the TCLK1 output clock operates normally. When
TCLK1EN is set to logic 0, the TCLK1 output clock is held low.
The transmit clock enable (TCLK2EN) bit controls the gating of the TCLK2 output clock.
When TCLK2EN is set to logic 1, the TCLK2 output clock operates normally. When
TCLK2EN is set to logic 0, the TCLK2 output clock is held low.
The transmit clock enable (TCLK3EN) bit controls the gating of the TCLK3 output clock.
When TCLK3EN is set to logic 1, the TCLK3 output clock operates normally. When
TCLK3EN is set to logic 0, the TCLK3 output clock is held low.
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The transmit clock enable (TCLK4EN) bit controls the gating of the TCLK4 output clock.
When TCLK4EN is set to logic 1, the TCLK4 output clock operates normally. When
TCLK4EN is set to logic 0, the TCLK4 output clock is held low.
The reserved bit must be programmed to its default value for proper operation.
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Register 1041H: STLI PGM Clock Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
The PGM Clock Configuration Register is provided at STLI read/write address 1041H.
The programmable transmit clock enable (PGMTCLKEN) bit controls the gating of the
PGMTCLK output clock. When PGMTCLKEN is set to logic 1, the PGMTCLK output
clock operates normally. When PGMTCLKEN is set to logic 0, the PGMTCLK output
clock is held low.
The programmable transmit clock frequency selection (PGMTCLKSEL) bit selects the
frequency of the PGMTCLK output clock. When PGMTCLKSEL is set high, PGMTCLK
is a nominal 8 KHz clock. When PGMTCLKSEL is set to logic 0, PGMTCLK is a nominal
19.44 MHz clock.
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The programmable transmit clock source (PGMTCLKSRC[1:0]) bits select the source of
the PGMTCLK output clock when the STLI is in quad STS-12 (STM-4) mode. When the
STLI is in STS-48 (STM-16) mode, TDCLK is the source of the PGMTCLK output clock.
PGMTCLKSRC[1:0] Source
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Register 1060H, 1460H, 1860H, and 1C60H: JAT622 Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W LOOPT 0
Bit 6 R/W SLLE622 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 R/W Reserved[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved[0] 0
The Configuration Register controls the basic operation of the JAT.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The transmit data invert (TX_INV_DATA_EN) controls the polarity of the serial transmit
outputs. When TX_INV_DATA_EN is high, the polarity of the transmit data on TXD#_P/N
is inverted. When TX_INV_DATA_EN is low, the polarity of the transmit data on
TXD#_P/N outputs normal.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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The serial line loop back enable (SLLE622) controls the source data used to generate the
outgoing serial data stream.
When SLLE622 is low, the TDATA[7:0] byte serial stream is transmitted on the outgoing
serial interface outputs. When SLLE622 is high, the RDATA[7:0] byte serial stream is
transmitted on the outgoing serial interface outputs.
When SLLE622 is high, LOOPT must also be set high for proper operation.
The JAT loop time enable (LOOPT) controls the source clock used to generate the outgoing
serial data stream.
When LOOPT is low, the JAT uses the free-running system clock SYSCLK to generate the
outgoing serial interface outputs. When LOOPT is high, the JAT uses the receive clock
RCLK to control the phase of the outgoing serial interface stream.
When SLLE622 is high, LOOPT must also be set high for proper operation.
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Register 1061H, 1461H, 1861H, and 1C61H: JAT622 Configuration and Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W Reserved: 0
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 R RUN X
Bit 3 R Reserved: X
Bit 1 R/W Reserved: 0
Bit 0 R/W ERRORE 0
The Configuration and Interrupt Enable Register controls the basic operation of the JAT.
The ERROR interrupt enable (ERRORE) bit enables the error indication interrupt. When
ERRORE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the ERR output and
ERROR register. When ERRORE is set low, changes in the ERROR and ERR status do not
generate an interrupt.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The delay line error register bit (ERROR) indicates the DLL has run out of dynamic range.
When the DLL attempts to move beyond the end of the delay line, ERROR is set high.
When ERROR is high, the DLL cannot generate a recovered clock locked to the serial data
stream. ERROR is set low, when the JAT may again try to recover the data stream.
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The DLL lock status register bit (RUN) indicates the DLL found a delay line tap in which
the phase difference between the rising edge of REFCLK and the rising edge of SYSLCK is
zero. After system reset, RUN is logic 0 until the phase detector indicates an initial lock
condition. When the phase detector indicates lock, RUN is set to logic 1.
The RUN register bit is cleared only by a system reset or a software reset (writing to
JAT622_RST - bit 2 of register 0000H).
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Register 1062H, 1462H, 1862H, and 1C62H: JAT622 Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W Reserved X
Bit 6 R/W Reserved X
Bit 5 R/W Reserved X
Bit 4 R/W Reserved X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
The Status Register reports the basic operation of the JAT.
The delay line error event register bit (ERRORI) indicates the ERROR register bit has gone
high. When the ERROR register changes from a logic 0 to a logic 1, the ERRORI register
bit is set to logic 1. If the ERRORE interrupt enable is high, the INT output is also asserted
when ERRORI asserts.
When WCIMODE is low, the ERRORI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read,
thus acknowledging the event has been recorded. When WCIMODE is high, the ERRORI
register bit is cleared immediately after a logic 1 is written to the ERRORI register, thus
acknowledging the event has been recorded.
The FIFO error event register bit (FERRI) indicates the FERR register bit has gone high.
When the FERR register changes from a logic 0 to a logic 1, the FERRI register bit is set to
logic 1. If the FERRE interrupt enable is high, the INT output is also asserted when FERRI
When WCIMODE is low, the FERRI register bit is cleared immediately after it is read, thus
acknowledging the event has been recorded. When WCIMODE is high, the FERRI register
bit is cleared immediately after a logic 1 is written to the FERRI register, thus
acknowledging the event has been recorded.
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Register 1063H, 1463H, 1863H, and 1C63H: JAT622 Power Down
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W PWRDN 1
Bit 6 R Reserved X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 R Reserved X
Bit 3 R Reserved X
Bit 2 R Reserved X
Bit 1 R Reserved X
Bit 0 R Reserved X
Writing to this register performs a software reset of the JAT622. A software reset requires a
maximum of 2*12*32 SYSCLK cycles for the JAT622 to regain lock.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The JAT power down (PWRDN) controls the generation of the serial transmit clock TXC
output. When PWRDN is set high, the JAT reduces power consumption by killing all
internal clocks as well as the TCLK and TCLK77 outputs. When PWRDN is set low, the
JAT operates normally.
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Register 1080H, 1480H, 1880H, and 1C80H: TRMP Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W LREIBLK 0
Bit 10 R/W LREIEN 1
Bit 9 R/W APSEN 1
Bit 8 R/W TLDTS 1
Bit 7 R/W TLDEN 0
Bit 5 R/W TSLDTS 1
Bit 4 R/W TSLDEN 0
Bit 2 R/W J0Z0INCEN 0
Bit 1 R/W Z0DEF 0
Bit 0 R/W A1A2EN 1
The Configuration Register is provided at TRMP read/write address 1080H, 1480H, 1880H, and
The A1A2 framing enable (A1A2EN) bit controls the insertion of the framing bytes in the
data stream. When A1A2EN is set to logic 1, F6h and 28h are inserted in the A1 and A2
bytes according to the priority of Table 6. When A1A2EN is set to logic 0, the framing
bytes are not inserted.
The Z0 definition (Z0DEF) bit defines the Z0 growth bytes. When Z0DEF is set to logic 1,
the Z0 bytes are defined according to ITU. The Z0 bytes are located in STS-1/STM-0 #2 to
#4 in STS-12/STM-4 master mode and are located in STS-1/STM-0 #1 to #4 in STS-
12/STM-4 slave mode. When Z0DEF is set to logic 0, The Z0 bytes are defined according
to BELLCORE. The Z0 bytes are located in STS-1/STM-0 #2 to #12 in STS-12/STM-4
master mode and are located in STS-1/STM-0 #1 to #12 in STS-12/STM-4 slave mode.
Note: When Z0DEF is set to logic 1, the national bytes in STS-1/STM-0 #5 to #12 must be
configured properly to avoid an all zero or all one un scrambled sequence.
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The J0 and Z0 increment enable (J0Z0INCEN) bit controls the insertion of an incremental
pattern in the section trace and Z0 growth bytes. When J0Z0INCEN is set to logic 1, the
corresponding STS-1/STM-0 path # is inserted in the J0 and Z0 bytes according to the
priority of Table 6. When J0Z0INCEN is set to logic 0, no incremental pattern is inserted.
The section trace enable (TRACEEN) bit controls the insertion of section trace in the data
stream. When TRACEEN is set to logic 1, the section trace from the TTTP is inserted in
the J0 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the priority of Table 6. When TRACEEN is
set to logic 0, the section trace from the TTTP is not inserted.
The TSLD enable (TSLDEN) bit controls the insertion of section or line DCC in the data
stream. When TSLDEN is set to logic 1, the section or line DCC from the serial TSLD port
is inserted in the D1-D3 bytes or D4-D12 bytes of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the
priority of Table 6. When TSLDEN is set to logic 0, the section or line DCC from the serial
TSLD port is not inserted.
The TSLD tri-state control (TSLDTS) bit controls the TSLDCLK output port. When
TSLDTS is set to logic 1, the TSLDCLK output port is tri-state. When TSLDTS is set to
logic 0, the TSLDCLK output port is enable.
The TSLD channel select (TSLDSEL) bit selects the contents of the TSLD port and the
frequency of the TSLDCLK clock.
0 Section DCC (D1-D3) Nominal 192 kHz
1 Line DCC (D4-D12) Nominal 576 kHz
The TLD enable (TLDEN) bit controls the insertion of line DCC in the data stream. When
TLDEN is set to logic 1, the line DCC from the serial TLD port is inserted in the D4-D12
bytes of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the priority of Table 6. When TLDEN is set to logic
0, the line DCC from the serial TLD port is not inserted.
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The TLDTS tri-state control (TLDTS) bit controls the TLDCLK output port. When TLDTS
is set to logic 1, the TLDCLK output port is tri-state. When TLDTS is set to logic 0, the
TLDCLK output port is enable.
The APS enable (APSEN) bit controls the insertion of automatic protection switching in the
data stream. When APSEN is set to logic 1, the APS bytes from the RRMP are inserted in
the K1/K2 bytes of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the priority of Table 6. When APSEN is
set to logic 0, the APS bytes from the RRMP are not inserted.
The line REI enable (LREIEN) bit controls the insertion of line remote error indication in
the data stream. When LREIEN is set to logic 1, the line REI from the RRMP are inserted
in the M1 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #3 according to the priority of Table 6. When LREIEN is
set to logic 0, the line REI from the RRMP are not inserted.
The line REI block (LREIBLK) bit controls the generation of line remote error indication.
When LREIBLK is set to logic 1, the line REI inserted in the M1 byte represents BIP-24
block errors (a maximum of 1 error per STS-3/STM-1 per frame). When LREIBLK is set
to logic 0, the line REI inserted in the M1 byte represents BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8
error per STS-1/STM-0 per frame).
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Register 1081H, 1481H, 1881H, and 1C81H: TRMP Register Insertion
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W UNUSEDV 0
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 R/W E2REGEN 0
Bit 9 R/W Z2REGEN 0
Bit 8 R/W Z1REGEN 0
Bit 7 R/W S1REGEN 0
Bit 6 R/W D4D12REGEN 0
Bit 5 R/W K1K2REGEN 0
Bit 4 R/W D1D3REGEN 0
Bit 3 R/W F1REGEN 0
Bit 2 R/W E1REGEN 0
Bit 1 R/W Z0REGEN 1
Bit 0 R/W J0REGEN 1
The Register Insertion Register is provided at TRMP read/write address 1081H, 1481H, 1881H,
and 1C81H.
The J0 register enable (J0REGEN) bit controls the insertion of section trace in the data
stream. When J0REGEN is set to logic 1, the section trace from the J0 register is inserted in
the J0 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the priority of Table 6. When J0REGEN is set
to logic 0, the section trace from the J0 register is not inserted.
The Z0 register enable (Z0REGEN) bit controls the insertion of Z0 growth bytes in the data
stream. When Z0REGEN is set to logic 1, the Z0 growth byte from the Z0 register is
inserted in the Z0 bytes according to the priority of Table 6. When Z0REGEN is set to
logic 0, the Z0 growth byte from the Z0 register is not inserted. The Z0DEF register bit
defines the Z0 bytes.
The E1 register enable (E1REGEN) bit controls the insertion of section order wire in the
data stream. When E1REGEN is set to logic 1, the section order wire from the E1 register
is inserted in the E1 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the priority of Table 6. When
E1REGEN is set to logic 0, the section order wire from the E1 register is not inserted.
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The F1 register enable (F1REGEN) bit controls the insertion of section user channel in the
data stream. When F1REGEN is set to logic 1, the section user channel from the F1 register
is inserted in the F1 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the priority of Table 6. When
F1REGEN is set to logic 0, the section user channel from the F1 register is not inserted.
The D1 to D3 register enable (D1D3REGEN) bit controls the insertion of section data
communication channel in the data stream. When D1D3REGEN is set to logic 1, the
section DCC from the D1D3 register is inserted in the D1 to D3 bytes of STS-1/STM-0 #1
according to the priority of Table 6. When D1D3REGEN is set to logic 0, the section DCC
from the D1D3 register is not inserted.
The K1K2 register enable (K1K2REGEN) bit controls the insertion of automatic protection
switching in the data stream. When K1K2REGEN is set to logic 1, the APS bytes from the
K1K2 register are inserted in the K1, K2 bytes of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the priority
of Table 6. When K1K2REGEN is set to logic 0, the APS bytes from the K1K2 register are
not inserted.
The D4 to D12 register enable (D4D12REGEN) bit controls the insertion of line data
communication channel in the data stream. When D4D12REGEN is set to logic 1, the line
DCC from the D4D12 register is inserted in the D4 to D12 bytes of STS-1/STM-0 #1
according to the priority of Table 6. When D4D12REGEN is set to logic 0, the line DCC
from the D4D12 register is not inserted.
The S1 register enable (S1REGEN) bit controls the insertion of the synchronization status
message in the data stream. When S1REGEN is set to logic 1, the SSM from the S1 register
is inserted in the S1 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the priority of Table 6. When
S1REGEN is set to logic 0, the SSM from the S1 register is not inserted.
The Z1 register enable (Z1REGEN) bit controls the insertion of Z1 growth bytes in the data
stream. When Z1REGEN is set to logic 1, the Z1 byte from the Z1 register is inserted in the
Z1 bytes according to the priority of Table 6. When Z1REGEN is set to logic 0, the Z1 byte
from the Z1 register is not inserted.
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The Z2 register enable (Z2REGEN) bit controls the insertion of Z2 growth bytes in the data
stream. When Z2REGEN is set to logic 1, the Z2 byte from the Z2 register is inserted in the
Z2 bytes according to the priority of Table 6. When Z2REGEN is set to logic 0, the Z2 byte
from the Z2 register is not inserted.
The E2 register enable (E2REGEN) bit controls the insertion of line order wire in the data
stream. When E2REGEN is set to logic 1, the line order wire from the E2 register is
inserted in the E2 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 according to the priority of Table 6. When
E2REGEN is set to logic 0, the line order wire from the E2 register is not inserted.
The national enable (NATIONALEN) bit controls the insertion of national bytes in the data
stream. When NATIONALEN is set to logic 1, an all one or an all zero pattern is inserted
in the national bytes according to the priority of Table 6. When NATIONALEN is set to
logic 0, no pattern is inserted. The Z0DEF register bit defines the national bytes of ROW
The national value (NATIONALV) bit controls the value inserted in the national bytes.
When NATIONALV is set to logic 1, an all one pattern is inserted in the national bytes if
enable via the NATIONALEN register bit. When NATIONALV is set to logic 0, an all zero
pattern is inserted in the national bytes if enable via the NATIONALEN register bit.
The unused enable (UNUSEDEN) bit controls the insertion of unused bytes in the data
stream. When UNUSEDEN is set to logic 1, an all one or an all zero pattern is inserted in
the unused bytes according to the priority of Table 6. When UNUSEDEN is set to logic 0,
no pattern is inserted.
The unused value (UNUSEDV) bit controls the value inserted in the unused bytes. When
UNUSEDV is set to logic 1, an all one pattern is inserted in the unused bytes if enable via
the UNUSEDEN register bit. When UNUSEDV is set to logic 0, an all zero pattern is
inserted in the unused bytes if enable via the UNUSEDEN register bit.
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Register 1082H, 1482H, 1882H, and 1C82H: TRMP Error Insertion
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 R/W B2DIS 0
Bit 7 R/W B1DIS 0
Bit 6 R/W LOSINS 0
Bit 3 R/W A1ERR 0
Bit 1 R/W B2MASKEN 1
Bit 0 R/W B1MASKEN 1
The Error Insertion Register is provided at TRMP read/write address 1082H, 1482H, 1882H,
and 1C82H.
The B1 mask enable (B1MASKEN) bit selects the used of the B1 byte extracted from the
TTOH port. When B1MASKEN is set to logic 1, the B1 byte extracted from the TTOH
port is used as a mask to toggle bits in the calculated B1 byte (the B1 byte extracted from
the TTOH port is XORed with the calculated B1 byte). When B1MASKEN is set to logic
0, the B1 byte extracted from the TTOH port is inserted instead of the calculated B1 byte.
The B2 mask enable (B2MASKEN) bit selects the used of the B2 bytes extracted from the
TTOH port. When B2MASKEN is set to logic 1, the B2 bytes extracted from the TTOH
port are used as a mask to toggle bits in the calculated B2 bytes (the B2 bytes extracted
from the TTOH port are XORed with the calculated B2 bytes). When B2MASKEN is set to
logic 0, the B2 bytes extracted from the TTOH port are inserted instead of the calculated B2
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The H1/H2 mask enable (HMASKEN) bit selects the used of the H1/H2 bytes extracted
from the TTOH port. When HMASKEN is set to logic 1, the H1/H2 bytes extracted from
the TTOH port are used as a mask to toggle bits in the H1/H2 path payload pointer bytes
(the H1/H2 bytes extracted from the TTOH port are XORed with the path payload pointer
bytes). When HMASKEN is set to logic 0, the H1/H2 bytes extracted from the TTOH port
are inserted instead of the path payload pointer bytes.
The A1 error insertion (A1ERR) bit is used to introduce framing errors in the A1 bytes.
When A1ERR is set to logic 1, 76h instead of F6h is inserted in all of the A1 bytes
according to the priority of Table 6. When A1ERR is set to logic 0, no framing errors are
The line RDI insertion (LRDIINS) bit is used to force a line remote defect indication in the
data stream. When LRDIINS is set to logic 1, the 110 pattern is inserted in bits 6, 7 and 8
of the K2 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 to force a line RDI condition. When LRDIINS is set to
logic 0, the line RDI condition is removed.
The line AIS insertion (LAISINS) bit is used to force a line alarm indication signal in the
data stream. When LAISINS is set to logic 1, all ones are inserted in the line overhead and
in the payload (all the bytes of the frame except the section overhead bytes) to force a line
AIS condition. When LAISINS is set to logic 0, the line AIS condition is removed.
The LOS insertion (LOSINS) bit is used to force a loss of signal condition in the data
stream. When LOSINS is set to logic 1, the data steam is set to all zero (after scrambling)
to force a loss of signal condition. When LOSINS is set to logic 0, the loss of signal
condition is removed.
The B1 disable insertion (B1DIS) bit is used to set the B1 byte in a pass through mode.
When B1DIS is set to logic 1, the B1 byte value source from the ADD bus is passed through
transparently without being overwritten. When B1DIS is set to logic 0, a calculated B1 byte
is inserted.
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The B2 disable insertion (B2DIS) bit is used to set the B2 byte in a pass through mode.
When B2DIS is set to logic 1, the B2 byte value source from the ADD bus is passed through
transparently without being overwritten. When B2DIS is set to logic 0, a calculated B2 byte
is inserted.
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Register 1083H, 1483H, 1883H, and 1C83H: TRMP Transmit J0 and Z0
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W J0V[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W J0V[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W J0V[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W J0V[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W J0V[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W J0V[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W J0V[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W J0V[0] 1
Bit 7 R/W Z0V[7] 1
Bit 6 R/W Z0V[6] 1
Bit 5 R/W Z0V[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W Z0V[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W Z0V[3] 1
Bit 2 R/W Z0V[2] 1
Bit 1 R/W Z0V[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W Z0V[0] 0
The Transmit J0/Z0 Register is provided at TRMP read/write address 1083H, 1483H, 1883H,
and 1C83H.
The Z0 byte value (Z0V[7:0]) bits hold the Z0 growth byte to be inserted in the data stream.
The Z0V[7:0] value is inserted in the Z0 bytes if the insertion is enabled via the Z0REGEN
register bit. The Z0DEF register bit defines the Z0 bytes.
The J0 byte value (J0V[7:0]) bits hold the section trace to be inserted in the data stream.
The J0V[7:0] value is inserted in the J0 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 if the insertion is enabled
via the J0REGEN register bit.
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Register 1084H, 1484H, 1884H, and 1C84H: TRMP Transmit E1 and F1
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W E1V[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W E1V[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W E1V[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W E1V[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W E1V[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W E1V[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W E1V[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W E1V[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W F1V[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W F1V[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W F1V[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W F1V[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W F1V[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W F1V[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W F1V[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W F1V[0] 0
The Transmit E1/F1 Register is provided at TRMP read/write address 1084H, 1484H, 1884H,
and 1C84H.
The F1 byte value (F1V[7:0]) bits hold the section user channel to be inserted in the data
stream. The F1V[7:0] value is inserted in the F1 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 if the insertion is
enabled via the F1REGEN register bit.
The E1 byte value (E1V[7:0]) bits hold the section order wire to be inserted in the data
stream. The E1V[7:0] value is inserted in the E1 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 if the insertion is
enabled via the E1REGEN register bit.
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Register 1085H, 1485H, 1885H, and 1C85H: TRMP Transmit D1D3 and D4D12
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W D1D3V[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W D1D3V[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W D1D3V[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W D1D3V[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W D1D3V[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W D1D3V[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W D1D3V[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W D1D3V[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W D4D12V[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W D4D12V[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W D4D12V[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W D4D12V[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W D4D12V[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W D4D12V[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W D4D12V[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W D4D12V[0] 0
The Transmit D1D3/D4D12 Register is provided at TRMP read/write address 1085H, 1485H,
1885H, and 1C85H.
The D4D12 byte value (D4D12V[7:0]) bits hold the line data communication channel to be
inserted in the data stream. The D4D12V[7:0] value is inserted in the D4 to D12 bytes of
STS-1/STM-0 #1 if the insertion is enabled via the D4D12REGEN register bit.
The D1D3 byte value (D1D3V[7:0]) bits hold the section data communication channel to be
inserted in the data stream. The D1D3V[7:0] value is inserted in the D1 to D3 bytes of
STS-1/STM-0 #1 if the insertion is enabled via the D1D3REGEN register bit.
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Register 1086H, 1486H, 1886H, and 1C86H: TRMP Transmit K1 and K2
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W K1V[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W K1V[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W K1V[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W K1V[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W K1V[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W K1V[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W K1V[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W K1V[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W K2V[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W K2V[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W K2V[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W K2V[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W K2V[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W K2V[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W K2V[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W K2V[0] 0
The Transmit K1/K2 Register is provided at TRMP read/write address 1086H, 1486H, 1886H,
and 1C86H.
K1V[7:0], K2V[7:0]
The K1, K2 bytes value (K1V[7:0], K2V[7:0]) bits hold the APS bytes to be inserted in the
data stream. The K1V[7:0], K2V[7:0] values are inserted in the K1, K2 bytes of STS-
1/STM-0 #1 if the insertion is enabled via the K1K2REGEN register bit.
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Register 1087H, 1487H, 1887H, and 1C87H: TRMP Transmit S1 and Z1
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W S1V[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W S1V[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W S1V[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W S1V[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W S1V[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W S1V[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W S1V[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W S1V[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W Z1V[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W Z1V[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W Z1V[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W Z1V[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W Z1V[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W Z1V[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W Z1V[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W Z1V[0] 0
The Transmit S1/Z1 Register is provided at TRMP read/write address 1087H, 1487H, 1887H,
and 1C87H.
The Z1 byte value (Z1V[7:0]) bits hold the Z1 growth byte to be inserted in the data stream.
The Z1V[7:0] value is inserted in the Z1 byte if the insertion is enabled via the Z1REGEN
register bit.
The S1 byte value (S1V[7:0]) bits hold the synchronization status message to be inserted in
the data stream. The S1V[7:0] value is inserted in the S1 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 if the
insertion is enabled via the S1REGEN register bit.
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Register 1088H, 1488H, 1888H, and 1C88H: TRMP Transmit Z2 and E2
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Z2V[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W Z2V[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W Z2V[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W Z2V[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W Z2V[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W Z2V[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W Z2V[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W Z2V[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W E2V[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W E2V[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W E2V[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W E2V[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W E2V[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W E2V[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W E2V[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W E2V[0] 0
The Transmit Z2/E2 Register is provided at TRMP read/write address 1088H, 1488H, 1888H,
and 1C88H.
The E2 byte value (E2[7:0]) bits hold the line order wire to be inserted in the data stream.
The E2V[7:0] value is inserted in the E2 byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 if the insertion is enabled
via the E2REGEN register bit.
The Z2 byte value (Z2V[7:0]) bits hold the Z2 growth byte to be inserted in the data stream.
The Z2V[7:0] value is inserted in the Z2 byte if the insertion is enabled via the Z2REGEN
register bit.
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Register 1089H, 1489H, 1889H, and 1C89H: TRMP Transmit H1 and H2 Mask
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W H1MASK[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W H1MASK[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W H1MASK[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W H1MASK[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W H1MASK[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W H1MASK[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W H1MASK[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W H1MASK[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W H2MASK[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W H2MASK[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W H2MASK[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W H2MASK[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W H2MASK[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W H2MASK[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W H2MASK[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W H2MASK[0] 0
The Transmit H1/H2 Mask Register is provided at TRMP read/write address 1089H, 1489H,
1889H, and 1C89H.
The H2 mask (H2MASK[7:0]) bits hold the H2 path payload pointer errors to be inserted in
the data stream. The H2MASK[7:0] is XORed with the path payload pointer already in the
data stream.
The H1 mask (H1MASK[7:0]) bits hold the H1 path payload pointer errors to be inserted in
the data stream. The H1MASK[7:0] is XORed with the path payload pointer already in the
data stream.
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Register 108AH, 148AH, 188AH, and 1C8AH: TRMP Transmit B1 and B2 Mask
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W B1MASK[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W B1MASK[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W B1MASK[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W B1MASK[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W B1MASK[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W B1MASK[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W B1MASK[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W B1MASK[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W B2MASK[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W B2MASK[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W B2MASK[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W B2MASK[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W B2MASK[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W B2MASK[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W B2MASK[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W B2MASK[0] 0
The Transmit B1/B2 Mask Register is provided at TRMP read/write address 108AH, 148AH,
188AH, and 1C8AH.
The B2 mask (B2MASK[7:0]) bits hold the B2 BIP-8 errors to be inserted in the data
stream. The B2MASK[7:0] is XORed with the calculated B2 before insertion in the B2
The B1 mask (B1MASK[7:0]) bits hold the B1 BIP-8 errors to be inserted in the data
stream. The B1MASK[7:0] is XORed with the calculated B1 before insertion in the B1
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Register 10A0H, 14A0H, 18A0H, and 1CA0H: TTTP SECTION Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R/W IADDR[6] 0
Bit 11 R/W IADDR[5] 0
Bit 10 R/W IADDR[4] 0
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address Register is provided at TTTP read/write address 10A0H, 14A0H, 18A0H,
and 1CA0H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer. When the TTTP generates section trace message, path #1 is
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0010-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address location (IADDR[6:0]) bits select which indirect address location is
accessed by the current indirect transfer.
Indirect Address IADDR[6:0] Indirect Data
000 0000 Configuration
000 0001
011 1111
Invalid address
100 0000 First byte of the 1/16/64 byte trace
100 0001
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte trace
Downloaded by Amr Mansour of SiliconExpert Tecnology Inc on Tuesday, 14 October, 2003 02:57:30 AM
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Indirect Address IADDR[6:0] Indirect Data
111 1111
The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The active high RAM busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access to the
internal RAM has been completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect
Address Register. BUSY is set to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM access. This
register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data
Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 10A1H, 14A1H, 18A1H, and 1CA1H: TTTP SECTION Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at TTTP read/write address 10A1H, 14A1H, 18A1H, and
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transfer to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should be
polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Indirect Register 00H: TTTP SECTION Trace Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 R/W ZEROEN 0
Bit 1 R/W BYTEEN 0
Bit 0 R/W LENGTH16 0
The Trace Configuration Indirect Register is provided at TTTP read/write indirect address 00H.
The message length (LENGTH16) bit selects the length of the trail trace message to be
transmitted. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the length of the trail trace message is 16
byte. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the length of the trail trace message is 64 byte.
The single byte message enable (BYTEEN) bit enables the single byte trail trace message.
When BYTEEN is set to logic 1, the length of the trail trace message is 1 byte. When
BYTEEN is set to logic 0, the length of the trail trace message is determined by
LENGTH16. BYTEEN has precedence over LENGTH16.
The all zero message enable (ZEROEN) bit enables the transmission of an all zero trail
trace message. When ZEROEN is set to logic 1, an all zero message is transmitted. When
ZEROEN is set to logic 0, the RAM message is transmitted. The enabling and disabling of
the all zero trail trace message is not done on message boundary since the receiver is
required to perform filtering on the message.
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Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: TTTP SECTION Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W TRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R/W TRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R/W TRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R/W TRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R/W TRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R/W TRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R/W TRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R/W TRACE[0] X
The Trace Indirect Register is provided at TTTP read/write indirect address 4FH to 7FH.
The trail trace message (TRACE[7:0]) bits contain the trail trace message to be transmitted.
When BYTEEN is set to logic 1, the message is stored at address 40h. When BYTEEN is
set to logic 0 and LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the message is stored between address 40h
and 4Fh. When BYTEEN is set to logic 0 and LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the message is
stored between address 40h and 7Fh.
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Register 10C0H, 14C0H, 18C0H, and 1CC0H: TTTP PATH Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R/W IADDR[6] 0
Bit 11 R/W IADDR[5] 0
Bit 10 R/W IADDR[4] 0
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address Register is provided at TTTP read/write address 10C0H, 14C0H, 18C0H,
and 1CC0H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer. When the TTTP generates path trace messages, paths #1 to
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address location (IADDR[6:0]) bits select which indirect address location is
accessed by the current indirect transfer.
Indirect Address IADDR[6:0] Indirect Data
000 0000 Configuration
000 0001
011 1111
Invalid address
100 0000 First byte of the 1/16/64 byte trace
100 0001
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte trace
Downloaded by Amr Mansour of SiliconExpert Tecnology Inc on Tuesday, 14 October, 2003 02:57:30 AM
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Indirect Address IADDR[6:0] Indirect Data
111 1111
The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The active high RAM busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access to the
internal RAM has been completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect
Address Register. BUSY is set to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM access. This
register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data
Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 10C1H, 14C1H, 18C1H, and 1CC1H: TTTP PATH Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at TTTP read/write address 10C1H, 14C1H, 18C1H, and
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transfer to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should be
polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Indirect Register 00H: TTTP PATH Trace Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 R/W ZEROEN 0
Bit 1 R/W BYTEEN 0
Bit 0 R/W LENGTH16 0
The Trace Configuration Indirect Register is provided at TTTP read/write indirect address 00H.
The message length (LENGTH16) bit selects the length of the trail trace message to be
transmitted. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the length of the trail trace message is 16
byte. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the length of the trail trace message is 64 byte.
The single byte message enable (BYTEEN) bit enables the single byte trail trace message.
When BYTEEN is set to logic 1, the length of the trail trace message is 1 byte. When
BYTEEN is set to logic 0, the length of the trail trace message is determined by
LENGTH16. BYTEEN has precedence over LENGTH16.
The all zero message enable (ZEROEN) bit enables the transmission of an all zero trail
trace message. When ZEROEN is set to logic 1, an all zero message is transmitted. When
ZEROEN is set to logic 0, the RAM message is transmitted. The enabling and disabling of
the all zero trail trace message is not done on message boundary since the receiver is
required to perform filtering on the message.
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Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: TTTP PATH Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W TRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R/W TRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R/W TRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R/W TRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R/W TRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R/W TRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R/W TRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R/W TRACE[0] X
The Trace Indirect Register is provided at TTTP read/write indirect address 4FH to 7FH.
The trail trace message (TRACE[7:0]) bits contain the trail trace message to be transmitted.
When BYTEEN is set to logic 1, the message is stored at address 40h. When BYTEEN is
set to logic 0 and LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the message is stored between address 40h
and 4Fh. When BYTEEN is set to logic 0 and LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the message is
stored between address 40h and 7Fh.
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Register 10E0H, 14E0H, 18E0H, and 1CE0H: TTTP PATH TU3 Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R/W IADDR[6] 0
Bit 11 R/W IADDR[5] 0
Bit 10 R/W IADDR[4] 0
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address Register is provided at TTTP read/write address 10E0H, 14E0H, 18E0H,
and 1CE0H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer. When the TTTP generates path trace messages, paths #1 to #12
are valid.
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address location (IADDR[6:0]) bits select which indirect address location is
accessed by the current indirect transfer.
Indirect Address IADDR[6:0] Indirect Data
000 0000 Configuration
000 0001
011 1111
Invalid address
100 0000 First byte of the 1/16/64 byte trace
100 0001
Other bytes of the 16/64 byte trace
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Indirect Address IADDR[6:0] Indirect Data
111 1111
The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The active high RAM busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access to the
internal RAM has been completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect
Address Register. BUSY is set to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM access. This
register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data
Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 10E1H, 14E1H, 18E1H, and 1CE1H: TTTP PATH TU3 Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at TTTP read/write address 10E1H, 14E1H, 18E1H, and
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transfer to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should be
polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Indirect Register 00H: TTTP PATH TU3 Trace Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 R/W ZEROEN 0
Bit 1 R/W BYTEEN 0
Bit 0 R/W LENGTH16 0
The Trace Configuration Indirect Register is provided at TTTP read/write indirect address 00H.
The message length (LENGTH16) bit selects the length of the trail trace message to be
transmitted. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the length of the trail trace message is 16
byte. When LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the length of the trail trace message is 64 byte.
The single byte message enable (BYTEEN) bit enables the single byte trail trace message.
When BYTEEN is set to logic 1, the length of the trail trace message is 1 byte. When
BYTEEN is set to logic 0, the length of the trail trace message is determined by
LENGTH16. BYTEEN has precedence over LENGTH16.
The all zero message enable (ZEROEN) bit enables the transmission of an all zero trail
trace message. When ZEROEN is set to logic 1, an all zero message is transmitted. When
ZEROEN is set to logic 0, the RAM message is transmitted. The enabling and disabling of
the all zero trail trace message is not done on message boundary since the receiver is
required to perform filtering on the message.
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Indirect Register 40H to 7FH: TTTP PATH TU3 Trace
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W TRACE[7] X
Bit 6 R/W TRACE[6] X
Bit 5 R/W TRACE[5] X
Bit 4 R/W TRACE[4] X
Bit 3 R/W TRACE[3] X
Bit 2 R/W TRACE[2] X
Bit 1 R/W TRACE[1] X
Bit 0 R/W TRACE[0] X
The Trace Indirect Register is provided at TTTP read/write indirect address 4FH to 7FH.
The trail trace message (TRACE[7:0]) bits contain the trail trace message to be transmitted.
When BYTEEN is set to logic 1, the message is stored at address 40h. When BYTEEN is
set to logic 0 and LENGTH16 is set to logic 1, the message is stored between address 40h
and 4Fh. When BYTEEN is set to logic 0 and LENGTH16 is set to logic 0, the message is
stored between address 40h and 7Fh.
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Register 1100H, 1500H, 1900H, and 1D00H: THPP Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Addressing Register is provided at THPP read/write address 1100H, 1500H,
1900H, and 1D00H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer.
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address (IADDR[3:0]) bits select which address location is accessed by the
current indirect transfer.
IADDR[3:0] Indirect Register
0000 THPP Control Register
0001 THPP Source & Pointer Control
0010 Unused
0011 Unused
0100 THPP Fixed stuff byte and B3MASK
0101 THPP J1 and C2 POH
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IADDR[3:0] Indirect Register
0110 THPP G1 POH and H4MASK
0111 THPP F2 and Z3 POH
1000 THPP Z4 and Z5 POH
The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The BUSY (BUSY) bit reports the status of an indirect read/write access to the time sliced
ram. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect Addressing Register. BUSY is set
to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM transfer. This register should be polled to
determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data Register.
Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 1101H, 1501H, 1901H, and 1D01H: THPP Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at THPP read/write address 1101H, 1501H, 1901H, and
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transferred to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should
be polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Register 1102H, 1502H, 1902H, and 1D02H: THPP Payload Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W STS12CSL 0
Bit 14 R/W STS12C 0
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W STS3C[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W STS3C[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W STS3C[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W STS3C[1] 0
The Payload Configuration Register is provided at THPP read/write address 1102H, 1502H,
1902H, and 1D02H.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[1]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and #9 are part of a
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[1] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[1] must be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[2]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and #10 are part of a
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[2] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[2] must be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[3]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and #11 are part of a
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[3] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[3] must be set to logic 0.
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The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[4]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and #12 are part of a
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[4] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[4] must be set to logic 0.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (STS12C) bit selects the payload
configuration. When STS12C is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 are part of
an STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When STS12C is set to logic 0, the STS-1/STM-0 paths
are defined with the STS3C[1:4] register bit.
The slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (STS12CSL) bit selects the slave
payload configuration. When STS12CSL is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to
#12 are part of a STS-12c (VC-4-4c) slave payload. When STS12CSL is set to logic 0, the
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to # 12 are part of a STS-12c (VC-4-4c) master payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 0, the STS12CSL must be set to logic 0.
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Indirect Register 00H: THPP Control
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W TDIS 0
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W FSBEN 0
Bit 1 R/W EXCFS 0
Bit 0 Unused X
The THPP Control Indirect Register is provided at THPP read/write indirect address 00H.
When EXCFS is logic 1, the fixed stuff columns in the STS-1 (VC-3) format are excluded
from BIP-8 calculations. When EXCFS is logic 0, the fixed stuff columns in the STS-1
(VC-3) format are included in the BIP calculations.
When PREIEBLK is logic 1, the REI-P value source from the RHPP represents BIP-8 block
errors, i.e. the REI-P value allowed in G1 is either 0 or 1. When PREIEBLK is logic 0, the
REI-P value source from the RHPP represents BIP-8 errors, i.e. the REI-P value allowed in
G1 is from 0 to 8.
When FSBEN is logic 1, the THPP overwrites the fixed stuff bytes with the register value
FSB[7:0]. When FSBEN is logic 0, the fixed stuff bytes are not over written.
When TDIS is logic 1, the path overhead bytes are passed through the THPP transparently
from the ADD TelecomBus without being overwritten by the THPP. When TDIS is logic 0,
the THPP can insert path overhead bytes.
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The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Indirect Register 01H: THPP Source and Pointer Control
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W UNEQV 0
Bit 14 R/W UNEQ 0
Bit 13 R/W H4MASK 0
Bit 12 R/W B3MASK 0
Bit 11 R/W ENG1REC 1
Bit 10 R/W H4REGMASK 0
Bit 9 R/W PTBJ1 0
Bit 8 R/W SRCZ5 0
Bit 7 R/W SRCZ4 0
Bit 6 R/W SRCZ3 0
Bit 5 R/W SRCF2 0
Bit 4 R/W SRCG1 0
Bit 3 R/W SRCH4 0
Bit 2 R/W SRCC2 0
Bit 1 R/W SRCJ1 0
Bit 0 R/W IBER 0
The THPP Control Indirect Register is provided at THPP read/write indirect address 01H.
When the IBER is logic 1, the G1 byte is passed through the THPP transparently from the
ADD TelecomBus. When IBER is logic 0, the G1 byte can be modified by the THPP.
The SRCxx bits are used to determine the source of the path overhead bytes. When a logic
1 is written to SRCJ1, the J1 byte inserted in the transmit data stream is source from the
internal J1 register. When a logic 0 is written to SRCJ1, the J1 byte inserted in the transmit
data stream is not source from internal register.
When PTBJ1 is logic 1, the J1 byte is source from the TTTP. When PTBJ1 is logic 0, the J1
byte is not source from the TTTP.
When H4REGMASK is logic 1, the H4[7:0] byte in the H4 register is used as an error mask
on the H4 byte. When H4REGMASK is logic 0, the H4[7:0] byte in the H4 register is
inserted in the transmit data stream.
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When ENG1REC is logic 1, the ERDI-P and REI-P from the RHPP are inserted into the G1
path overhead byte. When ENG1REC is logic 0, the ERDI-P and REI-P from the RHPP are
not inserted.
When B3MASK is logic 1, the B3 byte received on the TPOH (valid only if TPOHEN is
logic 1) port is used as a mask for the B3 byte. When B3MASK is logic 0, the B3 byte
received on the TPOH (valid only if TPOHEN is logic 1) port is inserted in the transmit
data stream.
When H4MASK is logic 1, the H4 byte received on the TPOH (valid only if TPOHEN is
logic 1) port is used as a mask for the H4 byte. When H4MASK is logic 0, the H4 byte
received on the TPOH (valid only if TPOHEN is logic 1) port is inserted in the transmit
data stream.
The unequipped bit (UNEQ) controls the insertion of an all one or an all zero pattern in the
path overhead and in the payload, the fixed stuff bytes are excluded from insertion. When
UNEQ is set to logic 1, an all one or an all zero pattern is inserted in the path overhead and
in the payload. When UNEQ is set logic 0, no pattern is inserted.
The unequipped value (UNEQV) bit controls the value inserted in the path overhead and in
the payload. When UNEQV is set to logic 1, an all one pattern is inserted in the path
overhead and in the payload if enable via the UNEQ register bit. When UNEQV is set to
logic 0, an all zero pattern is inserted in the path overhead and in the payload if enable via
the UNEQ register bit.
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Indirect Register 04H: THPP Fixed Stuff and B3 Mask
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W B3MASK[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W B3MASK[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W B3MASK[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W B3MASK[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W B3MASK[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W B3MASK[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W B3MASK[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W B3MASK[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W FSB[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W FSB[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W FSB[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W FSB[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W FSB[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W FSB[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W FSB[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W FSB[0] 0
When FSBEN is logic 1, the THPP replaces the fixed stuff bytes with the byte from this
The calculated B3 byte to be inserted in the path overhead is XORed with this register byte
to allow the user to insert errors in B3.
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Indirect Register 05H: THPP J1 and C2
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W C2[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W C2[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W C2[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W C2[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W C2[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W C2[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W C2[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W C2[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W J1[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W J1[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W J1[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W J1[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W J1[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W J1[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W J1[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W J1[0] 0
When SRCJ1 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the J1 path overhead byte position.
When SRCC2 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the C2 path overhead byte position.
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Indirect Register 06H: THPP G1 and H4 Mask
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W H4[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W H4[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W H4[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W H4[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W H4[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W H4[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W H4[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W H4[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W G1[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W G1[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W G1[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W G1[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W G1[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W G1[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W G1[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W G1[0] 0
When SRCG1 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the G1 path overhead byte position.
The logical value of the H4REGMASK register bit determines if this byte is to be inserted
in the H4 path overhead byte position or is to be used as an error mask.
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Indirect Register 07H: THPP F2 and Z3
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W F2[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W F2[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W F2[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W F2[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W F2[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W F2[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W F2[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W F2[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W Z3[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W Z3[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W Z3[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W Z3[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W Z3[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W Z3[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W Z3[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W Z3[0] 0
When SRCF2 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the F2 path overhead byte position.
When SRCZ3 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the Z3 path overhead byte position.
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Indirect Register 08H: THPP Z4 and Z5
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Z4[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W Z4[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W Z4[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W Z4[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W Z4[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W Z4[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W Z4[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W Z4[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W Z5[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W Z5[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W Z5[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W Z5[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W Z5[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W Z5[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W Z5[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W Z5[0] 0
When SRCZ4 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the Z4 path overhead byte position.
When SRCZ5 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the Z5 path overhead byte position.
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Register 1180H, 1580H, 1980H, and 1D80H: THPP TU3 Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Addressing Register is provided at THPP read/write address 1180H, 1580H,
1980H, and 1D80H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer.
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address (IADDR[3:0]) bits select which address location is accessed by the
current indirect transfer.
IADDR[3:0] Indirect Register
0000 THPP Control Register
0001 THPP Source & Pointer Control
0010 Unused
0011 Unused
0100 THPP Fixed stuff byte and B3MASK
0101 THPP J1 and C2 POH
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IADDR[3:0] Indirect Register
0110 THPP G1 POH and H4MASK
0111 THPP F2 and Z3 POH
1000 THPP Z4 and Z5 POH
The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The BUSY (BUSY) bit reports the status of an indirect read/write access to the time sliced
ram. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect Addressing Register. BUSY is set
to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM transfer. This register should be polled to
determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data Register.
Note: The Maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 1181H, 1581H, 1981H, and 1D81H: THPP TU3 Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at THPP read/write address 1181H, 1581H, 1981H, and
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transferred to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should
be polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Register 1182H, 1582H, 1982H, and 1D82H: THPP TU3 Payload Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 14 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W TUG3[4] 0
Bit 6 R/W TUG3[3] 0
Bit 5 R/W TUG3[2] 0
Bit 4 R/W TUG3[1] 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
The Payload Configuration Register is provided at THPP read/write address 1182H, 1582H,
1982H, and 1D82H.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[1]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and #9 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[1] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payloads.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[2]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and #10 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[2] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payloads.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[3]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and #11 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[3] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payloads.
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The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[4]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and #12 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[4] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payloads.
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Indirect Register 00H: THPP TU3 Control
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W TDIS 0
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W FSBEN 0
Bit 1 R/W EXCFS 0
Bit 0 Unused X
The THPP Control Indirect Register is provided at THPP read/write indirect address 00H.
When EXCFS is logic 1, the fixed stuff columns in the STS-1 (VC-3) format are excluded
from BIP-8 calculations. When EXCFS is logic 0, the fixed stuff columns in the STS-1
(VC-3) format are included in the BIP calculations.
When PREIEBLK is logic 1, the REI-P value source from the RHPP represents BIP-8 block
errors, i.e. the REI-P value allowed in G1 is either 0 or 1. When PREIEBLK is logic 0, the
REI-P value source from the RHPP represents BIP-8 errors, i.e. the REI-P value allowed in
G1 is from 0 to 8.
When FSBEN is logic 1, the THPP overwrites the fixed stuff bytes with the register value
FSB[7:0]. When FSBEN is logic 0, the fixed stuff bytes are not over written.
When TDIS is logic 1, the path overhead bytes are passed through the THPP transparently
from the ADD TelecomBus without being overwritten by the THPP. When TDIS is logic 0,
the THPP can insert path overhead bytes.
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The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Indirect Register 01H: THPP TU3 Source and Pointer Control
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W UNEQV 0
Bit 14 R/W UNEQ 0
Bit 13 R/W H4MASK 0
Bit 12 R/W B3MASK 0
Bit 11 R/W ENG1REC 1
Bit 10 R/W H4REGMASK 0
Bit 9 R/W PTBJ1 0
Bit 8 R/W SRCZ5 0
Bit 7 R/W SRCZ4 0
Bit 6 R/W SRCZ3 0
Bit 5 R/W SRCF2 0
Bit 4 R/W SRCG1 0
Bit 3 R/W SRCH4 0
Bit 2 R/W SRCC2 0
Bit 1 R/W SRCJ1 0
Bit 0 R/W IBER 0
The THPP Control Indirect Register is provided at THPP read/write indirect address 01H.
When the IBER is logic 1, the G1 byte is passed through the THPP transparently from the
ADD Telecom Bus. When IBER is logic 0, the G1 byte can be modified by the THPP.
The SRCxx bits are used to determine the source of the path overhead bytes. When a logic
1 is written to SRCJ1, the J1 byte inserted in the transmit data stream is source from the
internal J1 register. When a logic 0 is written to SRCJ1, the J1 byte inserted in the transmit
data stream is not source from internal register.
When PTBJ1 is logic 1, the J1 byte is source from the TTTP. When PTBJ1 is logic 0, the J1
byte is not source from the TTTP.
When H4REGMASK is logic 1, the H4[7:0] byte in the H4 register is used as an error mask
on the H4 byte. When H4REGMASK is logic 0, the H4[7:0] byte in the H4 register is
inserted in the transmit data stream.
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When ENG1REC is logic 1, the ERDI-P and REI-P from the RHPP are inserted into the G1
path overhead byte. When ENG1REC is logic 0, the ERDI-P and REI-P from the RHPP are
not inserted.
When B3MASK is logic 1, the B3 byte received on the TPOH (valid only if TPOHEN is
logic 1) port is used as a mask for the B3 byte. When B3MASK is logic 0, the B3 byte
received on the TPOH (valid only if TPOHEN is logic 1) port is inserted in the transmit
data stream.
When H4MASK is logic 1, the H4 byte received on the TPOH (valid only if TPOHEN is
logic 1) port is used as a mask for the H4 byte. When H4MASK is logic 0, the H4 byte
received on the TPOH (valid only if TPOHEN is logic 1) port is inserted in the transmit
data stream.
The unequipped bit (UNEQ) controls the insertion of an all one or an all zero pattern in the
path overhead and in the payload, the fixed stuff bytes are excluded from insertion. When
UNEQ is set to logic 1, an all one or an all zero pattern is inserted in the path overhead and
in the payload. When UNEQ is set logic 0, no pattern is inserted.
The unequipped value (UNEQV) bit controls the value inserted in the path overhead and in
the payload. When UNEQV is set to logic 1, an all one pattern is inserted in the path
overhead and in the payload if enable via the UNEQ register bit. When UNEQV is set to
logic 0, an all zero pattern is inserted in the path overhead and in the payload if enable via
the UNEQ register bit.
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Indirect Register 04H: THPP TU3 Fixed Stuff and B3 Mask
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W B3MASK[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W B3MASK[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W B3MASK[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W B3MASK[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W B3MASK[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W B3MASK[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W B3MASK[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W B3MASK[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W FSB[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W FSB[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W FSB[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W FSB[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W FSB[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W FSB[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W FSB[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W FSB[0] 0
When FSBEN is logic 1, the THPP replaces the fixed stuff bytes with the byte from this
The calculated B3 byte to be inserted in the path overhead is XORed with this register byte
to allow the user to insert errors in B3.
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Indirect Register 05H: THPP TU3 J1 and C2
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W C2[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W C2[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W C2[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W C2[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W C2[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W C2[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W C2[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W C2[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W J1[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W J1[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W J1[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W J1[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W J1[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W J1[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W J1[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W J1[0] 0
When SRCJ1 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the J1 path overhead byte position.
When SRCC2 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the C2 path overhead byte position.
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Indirect Register 06H: THPP TU3 G1 and H4 mask
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W H4[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W H4[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W H4[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W H4[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W H4[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W H4[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W H4[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W H4[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W G1[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W G1[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W G1[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W G1[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W G1[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W G1[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W G1[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W G1[0] 0
When SRCG1 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the G1 path overhead byte position.
The logical value of the H4REGMASK register bit determines if this byte is to be inserted
in the H4 path overhead byte position or is to be used as an error mask.
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Indirect Register 07H: THPP TU3 F2 and Z3
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W F2[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W F2[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W F2[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W F2[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W F2[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W F2[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W F2[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W F2[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W Z3[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W Z3[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W Z3[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W Z3[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W Z3[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W Z3[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W Z3[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W Z3[0] 0
When SRCF2 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the F2 path overhead byte position.
When SRCZ3 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the Z3 path overhead byte position.
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Indirect Register 08H: THPP TU3 Z4 and Z5
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W Z4[7] 0
Bit 14 R/W Z4[6] 0
Bit 13 R/W Z4[5] 0
Bit 12 R/W Z4[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W Z4[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W Z4[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W Z4[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W Z4[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W Z5[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W Z5[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W Z5[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W Z5[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W Z5[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W Z5[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W Z5[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W Z5[0] 0
When SRCZ4 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the Z4 path overhead byte position.
When SRCZ5 is logic 1, this byte is inserted in the Z5 path overhead byte position.
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Register 1200H, 1600H, 1A00H, and 1E00H: TSVCA Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address Register is provided at TSVCA read/write address 1200H, 1600H,
1A00H, and 1E00H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer. Some indirect registers are valid only when the PATH[3:0] have
certain values.
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address location (IADDR[1:0]) bits select which address location is accessed
by the current indirect transfer.
IADDR[1:0] Indirect Register
00 TSVCA Outgoing Positive Justification Performance Monitor
01 TSVCA Outgoing Negative Justification Performance Monitor
10 TSVCA Diagnostic/Configuration Register
11 AU-4 pointer
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The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The active high RAM busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access to the
internal RAM has been completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect
Address Register. BUSY is set to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM access. This
register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data
Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 1201H, 1601H, 1A01H, and 1E01H: TSVCA Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at TSVCA read/write address 1201H, 1601H, 1A01H,
and 1E01H.
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transferred to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should
be polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Register 1202H, 1602H, 1A02H, and 1E02H: TSVCA Payload Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W STS12CSL 0
Bit 14 R/W STS12C 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W TUG3[4] 0
Bit 6 R/W TUG3[3] 0
Bit 5 R/W TUG3[2] 0
Bit 4 R/W TUG3[1] 0
Bit 3 R/W STS3C[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W STS3C[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W STS3C[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W STS3C[1] 0
The Payload Configuration Register is provided at TSVCA read/write address 1202H, 1602H,
1A02H, and 1E02H. Note: Reference the Operations section when configuring SONET/SDH
payload from a concatenated stream to a channelized stream .
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[1]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and #9 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[1] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[1] must be set to logic 0. When TUG3[1]
is set to logic1, STS3C[1] must be set to logic0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[2]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and #10 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[2] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[2] must be set to logic 0. When TUG3[2]
is set to logic1, STS3C[2] must be set to logic0.
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The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[3]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and #11 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[3] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[3] must be set to logic 0. When TUG3[2]
is set to logic1, STS3C[2] must be set to logic0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[4]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and #12 are part of an
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[4] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. When STS12C is set to logic 1, STS3C[4] must be set to logic 0. When TUG3[4]
is set to logic1, STS3C[4] must be set to logic0.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[1]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and #9 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[1] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 1, TUG3[1] must be set to logic 0. When STS3C[1] is set to logic1,
TUG3[1] must be set to logic0.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[2]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and #10 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[2] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 1, TUG3[2] must be set to logic 0. When STS3C[2] is set to logic1,
TUG3[2] must be set to logic0.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[3]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and #11 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[3] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 1, TUG3[3] must be set to logic 0. When STS3C[3] is set to logic1,
TUG3[3] must be set to logic0.
The TUG3 payload configuration (TUG3[4]) bit selects the payload configuration. When
TUG3[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and #12 are part of a TUG3
payload. When TUG3[4] is set to logic 0, the paths are not part of a TUG3 payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 1, TUG3[4] must be set to logic 0. When STS3C[4] is set to logic1,
TUG3[4] must be set to logic0.
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The STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (STS12C) bit selects the payload
configuration. When STS12C is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 are part of
an STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When STS12C is set to logic 0, the STS-1/STM-0 paths
are defined with the STS3C[1:4] register bit.
The slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (STS12CSL) bit selects the slave
payload configuration. When STS12CSL is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to
#12 are part of a STS-12c (VC-4-4c) slave payload. When STS12CSL is set to logic 0, the
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 are part of an STS-12c (VC-4-4c) master payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 0, STS12CSL must be set to logic 0.
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Register 1203H, 1603H, 1A03H, and 1E03H: TSVCA Positive Pointer Justification Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R PPJI[12] 0
Bit 10 R PPJI[11] 0
Bit 9 R PPJI[10] 0
Bit 8 R PPJI[9] 0
Bit 7 R PPJI[8] 0
Bit 6 R PPJI[7] 0
Bit 5 R PPJI[6] 0
Bit 4 R PPJI[5] 0
Bit 3 R PPJI[4] 0
Bit 2 R PPJI[3] 0
Bit 1 R PPJI[2] 0
Bit 0 R PPJI[1] 0
The Positive Pointer Justification Interrupt Status Register is provided at TSVCA read/write
address 1203H, 1603H, 1A03H, and 1E03H.
The positive pointer justification interrupt status (PPJI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. PPJI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate a positive pointer
justification event in the outgoing data stream. These interrupt status bits are independent
of the interrupt enable bits. PPJI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 1204H, 1604H, 1A04H, and 1E04H: TSVCA Negative Pointer Justification
Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R NPJI[12] 0
Bit 10 R NPJI[11] 0
Bit 9 R NPJI[10] 0
Bit 8 R NPJI[9] 0
Bit 7 R NPJI[8] 0
Bit 6 R NPJI[7] 0
Bit 5 R NPJI[6] 0
Bit 4 R NPJI[5] 0
Bit 3 R NPJI[4] 0
Bit 2 R NPJI[3] 0
Bit 1 R NPJI[2] 0
Bit 0 R NPJI[1] 0
The Negative Pointer Justification Interrupt Status Register is provided at TSVCA read/write
address 1204H, 1604H, 1A04H, and 1E04H.
The negative pointer justification interrupt status (NPJI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. NPJI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate a negative pointer
justification event in the outgoing data stream. These interrupt status bits are independent
of the interrupt enable bits. NPJI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 1205H, 1605H, 1A05H, and 1E05H: TSVCA FIFO Overflow Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R FOVRI[12] 0
Bit 10 R FOVRI[11] 0
Bit 9 R FOVRI[10] 0
Bit 8 R FOVRI[9] 0
Bit 7 R FOVRI[8] 0
Bit 6 R FOVRI[7] 0
Bit 5 R FOVRI[6] 0
Bit 4 R FOVRI[5] 0
Bit 3 R FOVRI[4] 0
Bit 2 R FOVRI[3] 0
Bit 1 R FOVRI[2] 0
Bit 0 R FOVRI[1] 0
The FIFO overflow Event Interrupt Status Register is provided at TSVCA read/write address
1205H, 1605H, 1A05H, and 1E05H.
The FIFO overflow event interrupt status (FOVRI[12:1]) bits are event indicators for STS-
1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. FOVRI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate a FIFO overflow
event. These interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt enable bits.
FOVRI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 1206H, 1606H, 1A06H, and 1E06H: TSVCA FIFO Underflow Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R FUDRI[12] 0
Bit 10 R FUDRI[11] 0
Bit 9 R FUDRI[10] 0
Bit 8 R FUDRI[9] 0
Bit 7 R FUDRI[8] 0
Bit 6 R FUDRI[7] 0
Bit 5 R FUDRI[6] 0
Bit 4 R FUDRI[5] 0
Bit 3 R FUDRI[4] 0
Bit 2 R FUDRI[3] 0
Bit 1 R FUDRI[2] 0
Bit 0 R FUDRI[1] 0
The FIFO underflow Event Interrupt Status Register is provided at TSVCA read/write address
1206H, 1606H, 1A06H, and 1E06H.
The FIFO underflow event interrupt status (FUDR[12:1]) bits are event indicators for STS-
1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. FUDRI[12:1] are set to logic 1 to indicate a FIFO underflow
event. These interrupt status bits are independent of the interrupt enable bits.
FUDRI[12:1] are cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 1207H, 1607H, 1A07H, and 1E07H: TSVCA Pointer Justification Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W PJIE[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W PJIE[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W PJIE[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W PJIE[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W PJIE[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W PJIE[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W PJIE[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W PJIE[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W PJIE[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W PJIE[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W PJIE[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W PJIE[1] 0
The Pointer Justification Interrupt Enable Register is provided at TSVCA direct read/write
address 1207H, 1607H, 1A07H, and 1E07H.
The pointer justification event interrupt enable (PJIE[12:1]) bits controls the activation of
the interrupt output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12. When any of these bit locations is
set to logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When
any of these bit locations is set to logic 0, the corresponding pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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Register 1208H, 1608H, 1A08H, and 1E08H TSVCA FIFO Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W FIE[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W FIE[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W FIE[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W FIE[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W FIE[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W FIE[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W FIE[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W FIE[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W FIE[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W FIE[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W FIE[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W FIE[1] 0
The FIFO Event Interrupt Enable Register is provided at TSVCA read/write address 1208H,
1608H, 1A08H, and 1E08H.
The FIFO event interrupt enable (FIE[12:1]) bits controls the activation of the interrupt
output for STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 caused by a FIFO overflow of a FIFO underflow.
When any of these bit locations is set to logic 1, the corresponding pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt output. When any of these bit locations is set to logic 0, the
corresponding pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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Register 120AH, 160AH, 1A0AH, and 1E0AH: TSVCA Misc.
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W ESDIS 0
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W CLRFS[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W CLRFS[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W CLRFS[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W CLRFS[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W CLRFS[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W CLRFS[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W CLRFS[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W CLRFS[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W CLRFS[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W CLRFS[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W CLRFS[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W CLRFS[1] 0
The FIFO Fixed Stuff register provides miscellaneous control bits. It is provided at read/write
address 120AH, 160AH, 1A0AH, and 1E0AH.
The Clear Fixed Stuff (CLRFS(12:1]) bits enable the regeneration of fixed stuff columns
(#30, #59) of an STS-1/VC-3. When set to logic 1, STS-1/VC-3 incoming fixed stuff
columns (#30, #59) are discarded and regenerated (set to 00h) on the outgoing stream.
When set to logic 0, these fixed stuff columns are relayed through the TSVCA.
When set high, forces the TSVCA to bypass the internal FIFO. The input data is not
buffered inside the FIFO and is not re-aligned to a new transport frame but simply clocked
out on the next rising edge.
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Register 120BH, 160BH, 1A0BH, and 1E0BH: TSVCA Counter Update
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
The Performance monitor transfer register is provided at read/write address 0x0BH. Any write
to this register or to the Master Configuration Register (0000H) triggers a transfer of all
performance monitor counters to holding registers that can be read by the ECBI interface.
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Indirect Register 00H: TSVCA Positive Justifications Performance Monitor
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R PJPMON[12] 0
Bit 11 R PJPMON[11] 0
Bit 10 R PJPMON[10] 0
Bit 9 R PJPMON[9] 0
Bit 8 R PJPMON[8] 0
Bit 7 R PJPMON[7] 0
Bit 6 R PJPMON[6] 0
Bit 5 R PJPMON[5] 0
Bit 4 R PJPMON[4] 0
Bit 3 R PJPMON[3] 0
Bit 2 R PJPMON[2] 0
Bit 1 R PJPMON[1] 0
Bit 0 R PJPMON[0] 0
The Outgoing Positive justifications performance monitor is provided at TSVCA indirect
read/write address 00H.
This register reports the number of positive pointer justification events that occurred on the
outgoing side in the previous accumulation interval. The content of this register becomes
valid a maximum of 155ns (12 clock cycles) after a transfer is triggered by writing the
SVCA performance monitor trigger direct register or a write to the SPECTRA 1x2488
master configuration register . The value of PJPMON is only valid for master slices. If
PJPMON[12:0] is read for a slave slice, the master path’s value will be returned.
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Indirect Register 01H: TSVCA Negative Justifications Performance Monitor
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R NJPMON[12] 0
Bit 11 R NJPMON[11] 0
Bit 10 R NJPMON[10] 0
Bit 9 R NJPMON[9] 0
Bit 8 R NJPMON[8] 0
Bit 7 R NJPMON[7] 0
Bit 6 R NJPMON[6] 0
Bit 5 R NJPMON[5] 0
Bit 4 R NJPMON[4] 0
Bit 3 R NJPMON[3] 0
Bit 2 R NJPMON[2] 0
Bit 1 R NJPMON[1] 0
Bit 0 R NJPMON[0] 0
The outgoing Negative justifications performance monitor is provided at TSVCA indirect
read/write address 01H.
This register reports the number of negative pointer justification events that occurred on the
outgoing side in the previous accumulation interval. The content of this register becomes
valid a maximum of 155ns (12 clock cycles) after a transfer is triggered by writing the
SVCA performance monitor trigger direct register or a write to the SPECTRA 1x2488
master configuration register . The value of NJPMON is only valid for master slices. If
NJPMON[12:0] is read for a slave slice, the master path’s value will be returned.
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Indirect Register 02H: TSVCA Diagnostic/Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W PTRRST 0
Bit 14 R/W PTRSS[1] 0
Bit 13 R/W PTRSS[0] 0
Bit 12 R/W JUS3DIS 0
Bit 11 R/W PTRDD[1] 0
Bit 10 R/W PTRDD[0] 0
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W Diag_NDFREQ 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W Diag_PAIS 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
The TSVCA Diagnostic Register is provided at TSVCA read/write address 02H. These bits
should be set to their default values during normal operation of the TSVCA. When configured
for concatenated payloads, the value written to the master timeslot is automatically propagated
to all the slave timeslots.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
When set high, the Diag_PAIS bit forces the TSVCA to insert path AIS in the selected
outgoing stream for at least three consecutive frames. AIS is inserted by writing an all ones
pattern in the transport overhead bytes H1, H2, and H3, as well as in the entire STS
synchronous payload envelope. The first frame after PAIS negates will contain a new data
flag in the transport overhead H1 byte.
When set high, Diag_NDFREQ bit forces the TSVCA to insert a NEW DATA FLAG
indication in the frame regardless of the state of the pointer generation state machine.
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The PTRDD[1:0] defines the STS-N/AU-N concatenation pointer bits DD. The ITU
requirement for DD is unspecified when processing AU-4, AU-3 or TU-3. On the other side,
Bellcore does not specify these two bits.
When set high, JUST3DIS allows the TSVCA to perform 1 justification per frame when
necessary. When set to zero, pointer justifications are allowed only every 4 frames.
The PTRSS[1:0] defines the STS-N/AU-N pointer bits SS. ITU requires that SS be set to 10
when processing AU-4, AU-3 or TU-3. On the other side, Bellcore does not specify these
two bits. The SS bits are set to 00 when processing a slave STS-1.
When set high, Incoming and outgoing pointers are reset to their default values. This bit is
level sensitive.
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Indirect Register 03H: TSVCA AU-4 pointer
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W AU4PTR[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W AU4PTR[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W AU4PTR[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W AU4PTR[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W AU4PTR[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W AU4PTR[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W AU4PTR[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W AU4PTR[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W AU4PTR[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W AU4PTR[0] 0
The FIFO AU4PTR is provided at TSVCA indirect read/write address 03H.
This register holds the AU-4 pointer when three TUG-3s are carried within a VC-4.
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Register 1220H: ASTSI Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 R/W PAGE 0
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W TSOUT[3] 0
Bit 6 R/W TSOUT[2] 0
Bit 5 R/W TSOUT[1] 0
Bit 4 R/W TSOUT[0] 0
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 R/W DOUTSEL[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DOUTSEL[0] 0
This register provides the slice number; the time-slot number and the control page select used to
access the control pages. Writing to this register triggers an indirect register access. This
register cannot be written to when an indirect register access is in progress.
The Slice Output Select (DOUTSEL[1:0]) bits select the slice accessed by the current
indirect transfer.
00 Slice #1
01 Slice #2
10 Slice #3
11 Slice #4
The indirect STS-1/STM-0 output time slot (TSOUT[3:0]) bits indicate the STS-1/STM-0
output time slot accessed in the current indirect access. Time slots #1 to #12 are valid.
TSOUT[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 time slot #
0000 Invalid time slot
0001-1100 Time slot #1 to time slot #12
1101-1111 Invalid time slot
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The page (PAGE) bit selects which control page is accessed in the current indirect transfer.
Two pages are defined: page 0 and page 1.
PAGE Control Page
0 Page 0
1 Page 1
The indirect access control bit (RWB) selects between a configure (write) or interrogate
(read) access to the control pages. Writing logic 0 to RWB triggers an indirect write
operation. Data to be written is taken for the ASTSI Indirect Data register. Writing logic 1
to RWB triggers an indirect read operation. The data read from the control pages is stored
in the ASTSI Indirect Data register after the BUSY bit has cleared.
The indirect access status bit (BUSY) reports the progress of an indirect access. BUSY is
set to logic 1 when this register is written, triggering an access. It remains logic 1 until the
access is complete at which time it is set to logic 0. This register should be polled to
determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data Register or when another write
access can be initiated.
Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 10 clock cycles.
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Register 1221H: ASTSI Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W TSIN[3] 0
Bit 6 R/W TSIN[2] 0
Bit 5 R/W TSIN[1] 0
Bit 4 R/W TSIN[0] 0
Bit 3 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 1 R/W DINSEL[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DINSEL[0] 0
This register contains the data read from the control pages after an indirect read operation or the
data to be written to the control pages in an indirect write operation. The data to be written to
the control pages must be set up in this register before triggering a write. The ASTSI Indirect
Data register reflects the last value read or written until the completion of a subsequent indirect
read operation. This register cannot be written to while an indirect register access is in progress.
The Slice Input Select (DINSEL[1:0]) field reports the slice number read from or written to
an indirect register location.
DINSEL[1:0] Data Stream
00 Slice #1
01 Slice #2
10 Slice #3
11 Slice #4
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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The STS-1/STM-0 Input Time Slot (TSIN[3:0]) field reports the time-slot number read
from or written to an indirect register location.
TSIN[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 time slot #
0000 Invalid time slot
0001-1100 Time slot #1 to time slot #12
1101-1111 Invalid time slot
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Register 1222H: ASTSI Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 2 R/W PSEL 0
Bit 1 R/W J0RORDR 0
Bit 0 R/W COAPE 0
The change of active page interrupt enable (COAPE) bit enables/disables the change of
active page interrupt output. When the COAPE bit is set to logic 1, an interrupt is generated
when the active page changes from page 0 to page 1 or from page 1 to page 0. These
interrupts are masked when COAPE is set to logic 0.
The J0 Reorder (J0RORDR) bit enables/disables the reordering of the J0/Z0 bytes. This
configuration bit only has an effect when the ASTSI is in the dynamic switching mode – if
the ASTSI is in any of the static switching modes then the value of this bit is ignored. When
this bit is set to logic 0 the J0/Z0 bytes are not reordered by the ASTSI. When this bit is set
to logic 1, normal reordering of the J0/Z0 bytes is enabled.
The page select (PSEL) bit is used in the selection of the current active page. This bit is
logically XORed with the value of the external CMP port to determine which control page
is currently active.
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The active page indication (ACTIVE) bit indicates which control page is currently active.
When this bit is logic 0 then page 0 is controlling the dynamic mux. When this bit is logic 1
then page 1 is controlling the dynamic mux.
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Register 1223H: ASTSI Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
The change of active page interrupt statue bit (COAPI) reports the status of the change of
active page interrupt. COAPI is set to logic 1 when the active control page changes from
page 0 to page 1 or from page 1 to page 0. COAPI is cleared immediately following a read
to this register when WCIMODE is logic 0. When WCIMODE is logic 1, COAPI is cleared
immediately following a write (regardless of value) to this register. COAPI remains valid
when the interrupt is not enabled (COAPE set to logic 0) and may be polled to detect
change of active control page events.
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Register 1240H, 1640H, 1A40H, and 1E40H: APRGM Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RDWRB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The APRGM Indirect Address Register is provided at APRGM read/write address 00h when
TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The PATH[3:0] bits select which time-multiplexed division is accessed by the current
indirect transfer.
PATH[3:0] Time Division #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 path #1 to path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address select which indirect register is access by the current indirect transfer.
Six indirect registers are defined for the monitor (IADDR[3] is logic 0) : the configuration,
the PRBS[22:7], the PRBS[6:0], the B1/E1 value, the Monitor error count and the received
B1/E1 byte.
IADDR[3:0] RAM page
0000 STS-1 path Configuration
0001 PRBS[22:7]
0010 PRBS[6:0]
0011 B1/E1 value
0100 Monitor error count
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IADDR[3:0] RAM page
0101 Received B1 and E1
Four indirect registers are defined for the generator (IADDR [3] is logic 1) : the
configuration, the PRBS[22:7], the PRBS[6:0] and the B1/E1 value.
IADDR[3:0] RAM page
1000 STS-1 path Configuration
1001 PRBS[22:7]
1010 PRBS[6:0]
1011 B1/E1 value
The active high read and active low write (RDWRB) bit selects if the current access to the
indirect register is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the indirect register. When RDWRB is set to logic 1, an
indirect read access to the indirect register is initiated. The data from the addressed location
will be transfer to the Indirect Data Register. When RDWRB is set to logic 0, an indirect
write access to the indirect register is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register
will be transfer to the addressed location.
The active high busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access has been
completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect Address Register. BUSY is
set to logic 0, upon completion of the access. This register should be polled to determine
when new data is available in the Indirect Data Register.
Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 1241H, 1641H, 1A41H, and 1E41H: APRGM Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The APRGM Indirect Data Register is provided at APRGM read/write address 01H when TRSB
is high and BSB is low.
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from during indirect
access. When RDWRB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the addressed location
will be transfer to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should be polled to determine when the new data is
available in DATA[15:0]. When RDWRB is set to logic 0 (indirect write), the data from
DATA[15:0] will be transfer to the addressed location. The indirect Data register must
contain valid data before the indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which indirect register is being accessed.
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Register 1242H, 1642H, 1A42H, and 1E42H: APRGM Generator Payload Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W GEN_STS12CSL 0
Bit 14 R/W GEN_STS12C 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 R/W GEN_MSSLEN[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W GEN_MSSLEN[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W GEN_MSSLEN[0] 0
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W GEN_STS3C[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W GEN_STS3C[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W GEN_STS3C[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W GEN_STS3C[1] 0
The Generator Payload Configuration register is provided at APRGM read address 02H when
TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (GEN_STS3C[1]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When GEN_STS3C[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and
#9 are part of a STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When GEN_STS3C[1] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1 (VC-3) payloads. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 1, GEN_STS3C[1] must
be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (GEN_STS3C[2]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When GEN_STS3C[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and
#10 are part of a STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When GEN_STS3C[2] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1 (VC-3) payloads. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 1, GEN_STS3C[2] must
be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (GEN_STS3C[3]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When GEN_STS3C[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and
#11 are part of a STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When GEN_STS3C[3] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1 (VC-3) payloads. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 1, GEN_STS3C[3] must be
set to logic 0.
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The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (GEN_STS3C[4]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When GEN_STS3C[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and
#12 are part of a STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When GEN_STS3C[4] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1 (VC-3) payloads. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 1, GEN_STS3C[4] must be
set to logic 0.
The Master/Slave Configuration Enable enables the master/slave configuration of the
APRGM’s generator.
GEN_MSSLEN[2:0] Configuration
000 ms/sl configuration disable
001 ms/sl configuration enable
2 APRGMs (STS-24/STM-8)
010 ms/sl configuration enable
3 APRGMs (STS-36/STM-12)
011 ms/sl configuration enable
4 APRGMs (STS-48/STM-16)
100 - 111 Invalid configuration
GEN_MSSLEN[2:0] must be set to “000” for rates STS-12c and below.
The STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (GEN_STS12C) bit selects the payload
configuration. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 are
part of the same concatenated payload defined by GEN_MSSLEN. When GEN_STS12C
is set to logic 0, the STS-1/STM-0 paths are defined with the GEN_STS3C[1:4] register bit.
The slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (GEN_STS12CSL) bit selects the
slave payload configuration. When GEN_STS12CSL is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0
paths #1 to #12 are part of a slave payload. When GEN_STS12CSL is set to logic 0, the
STS-1/STM-0 paths are part of a master payload. When GEN_STS12C is set to logic 0,
GEN_STS12CSL must be set to logic 0.
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Register 1243H, 1643H, 1A43H, and 1E43H: APRGM Monitor Payload Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W MON_STS12CSL 0
Bit 14 R/W MON_STS12C 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 R/W MON_MSSLEN[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W MON_MSSLEN[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W MON_MSSLEN[0] 0
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W MON_STS3C[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W MON_STS3C[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W MON_STS3C[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W MON_STS3C[1] 0
The Monitor Payload Configuration register is provided at APRGM read address 03H when
TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (MON_STS3C[1]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When MON_STS3C[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and
#9 are part of a STS-3c/VC-4 payload. When MON_STS3C[1] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1/VC-3 payloads. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 1, MON_STS3C[1] must be
set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (MON_STS3C[2]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When MON_STS3C[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and
#10 are part of a STS-3c/VC-4 payload. When MON_STS3C[2] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1/VC-3 payloads. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 1, MON_STS3C[2] must
be set to logic 0.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (MON_STS3C[3]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When MON_STS3C[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and
#11 are part of a MON_STS-3c/VC-4 payload. When MON_STS3C[3] is set to logic 0, the
paths are STS-1 (VC-3) payloads. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 1, MON_STS3C[3]
must be set to logic 0.
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The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (MON_STS3C[4]) bit selects the payload
configuration. When MON_STS3C[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and
#12 are part of a STS-3c/VC-4 payload. When MON_STS3C[4] is set to logic 0, the paths
are STS-1/VC-3 payloads. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 1, MON_STS3C[4] must
be set to logic 0.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The Master/Slave Configuration Enable enables the master/slave configuration of the
APRGM’s monitor.
GEN_MSSLEN[2:0] Configuration
000 ms/sl configuration disable
001 ms/sl configuration enable
2 APRGMs (STS-24/STM-8)
010 ms/sl configuration enable
3 APRGMs (STS-36/STM-12)
011 ms/sl configuration enable
4 APRGMs (STS-48/STM-16)
100 – 111 Invalid configuration
MON_MSSLEN[2:0] must be set to “000” for rates STS-12c and below.
The STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (MON_STS12C) bit selects the payload
configuration. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 are
part of the same concatenated payload defined by MON_MSSLEN. When MON_STS12C
is set to logic 0, the STS-1/STM-0 paths are defined with the MON_STS3C[3:0] register
The slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (MON_STS12CSL) bit selects the
slave payload configuration. When MON_STS12CSL is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0
paths #1 to #12 are part of a slave payload. When MON_STS12CSL is set to logic 0, the
STS-1/STM-0 paths are part of a master payload. When MON_STS12C is set to logic 0,
MON_STS12CSL must be set to logic 0.
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Register 1244H, 1644H, 1A44H, and 1E44H: APRGM Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R MON12_ERRI X
Bit 10 R MON11_ERRI X
Bit 9 R MON10_ERRI X
The Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Status register is provided at APRGM read address 04H when
TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Status register is the status of the interrupt generated by
each of the 12 STS-1 paths when an error has been detected. The MONx_ERRI is set high
when the monitor is in the synchronized state and when an error in a PRBS byte is detected
in the STS-1 path x. This bit is independent of MONx_ERRE, and is cleared after it’s been
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Register 1245H, 1645H, 1A45H, and 1E45H: APRGM Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W MON12_ERRE 0
Bit 10 R/W MON11_ERRE 0
Bit 9 R/W MON10_ERRE 0
Bit 8 R/W MON9_ERRE 0
Bit 7 R/W MON8_ERRE 0
Bit 6 R/W MON7_ERRE 0
Bit 5 R/W MON6_ERRE 0
Bit 4 R/W MON5_ERRE 0
Bit 3 R/W MON4_ERRE 0
Bit 2 R/W MON3_ERRE 0
Bit 1 R/W MON2_ERRE 0
Bit 0 R/W MON1_ERRE 0
The Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Enable register is provided at APRGM read/write address
05H when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor Byte Error Interrupt Enable register enables the interrupt for each of the 12
STS-1 paths. When MONx_ERRE is set high, allows the Byte Error Interrupt to generate
an external interrupt.
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Register 1246H, 1646H, 1A46H, and 1E46H: APRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R MON12_B1E1I X
Bit 10 R MON11_B1E1I X
Bit 9 R MON10_B1E1I X
Bit 8 R MON9_B1E1I X
Bit 7 R MON8_B1E1I X
Bit 6 R MON7_B1E1I X
Bit 5 R MON6_B1E1I X
Bit 4 R MON5_B1E1I X
Bit 3 R MON4_B1E1I X
Bit 2 R MON3_B1E1I X
Bit 1 R MON2_B1E1I X
Bit 0 R MON1_B1E1I X
The Monitor B1/E1Bytes Interrupt Status register is provided at APRGM read address 06H
when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor B1/E1Bytes Interrupt Status register is the status of the interrupt generated by
each of the 12 STS-1 paths when a change in the status of the comparison has been detected
on the B1/E1 bytes. The MONx_B1E1I is set high when the monitor is in the synchronized
state and when the status change is detected on either the B1 or E1 bytes in the STS-1 path
x. For example, if a mismatch is detected and the previous comparison was a match, the
MONx_B1E1I will be set high. But if a mismatch is detected and the previous comparison
was a mismatch, the MONx_B1E1I will keep its previous value. This bit is independent of
MONx_B1E1E, and is cleared after it’s been read.
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Register 1247H, 1647H, 1A47H, and 1E47H: APRGM Monitor B1/E1 Bytes Interrupt Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W MON12_B1E1E 0
Bit 10 R/W MON11_ B1E1E 0
Bit 9 R/W MON10_ B1E1E 0
Bit 8 R/W MON9_ B1E1E 0
Bit 7 R/W MON8_ B1E1E 0
Bit 6 R/W MON7_ B1E1E 0
Bit 5 R/W MON6_ B1E1E 0
Bit 4 R/W MON5_ B1E1E 0
Bit 3 R/W MON4_ B1E1E 0
Bit 2 R/W MON3_ B1E1E 0
Bit 1 R/W MON2_ B1E1E 0
Bit 0 R/W MON1_ B1E1E 0
The Monitor B1/E1Bytes Interrupt Enable register is provided at APRGM read/write address
07H when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor B1/E1 Bytes Interrupt Enable register enables the interrupt for each of the 12
STS-1 paths. When MONx_B1E1E is set high, allows the B1/E1Bytes Interrupt to generate
an external interrupt.
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Register 1249H, 1649H, 1A49H, and 1E49H: APRGM Monitor Synchronization Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R MON12_SYNCI X
Bit 10 R MON11_SYNCI X
The Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Status register is provided at APRGM read address 09H
when TRSB is high and BSB is low.1
The Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Status register is set high when a change occurs in
the monitors synchronization status. Whenever a state machine of the x STS-1 path goes
from Synchronized to Out Of Synchronization state or vice-versa, the MONx_SYNCI is set
high. This bit is independent of MONx_SYNCE, and is cleared after it’s been read.
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Register 124AH, 164AH, 1A4AH, and 1E4AH: APRGM Monitor Synchronization Interrupt
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W MON12_SYNCE 0
Bit 10 R/W MON11_SYNCE 0
Bit 9 R/W MON10_SYNCE 0
Bit 8 R/W MON9_SYNCE 0
Bit 7 R/W MON8_SYNCE 0
Bit 6 R/W MON7_SYNCE 0
Bit 5 R/W MON6_SYNCE 0
Bit 4 R/W MON5_SYNCE 0
Bit 3 R/W MON4_SYNCE 0
Bit 2 R/W MON3_SYNCE 0
Bit 1 R/W MON2_SYNCE 0
Bit 0 R/W MON1_SYNCE 0
The Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Enable register is provided at APRGM read/write
address 0AH when TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor Synchronization Interrupt Enable register allows each individual STS-1 path to
generate an external interrupt on INT. When MONx_SYNCE is set high, whenever a
change occurs in the synchronization state of the monitor in STS-1 path x, generates an
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Register 124BH, 164BH, 1A4BH, and 1E4BH: APRGM Monitor Synchronization Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R MON12_SYNCV X
Bit 10 R MON11_SYNCV X
The Monitor Synchronization Status register is provided at APRGM read address 0BH when
TRSB is high and BSB is low.
The Monitor Synchronization Status register reflects the state of the monitor’s state
machine. When MONx_SYNCV is set high, the monitors state machine is in
synchronization for the STS-1 Path x. When MONx_SYNCV is low, the monitor is NOT in
synchronization for the STS-1 Path x.
o The PRBS monitor will lock to an all ones or all zeros pattern.
o For concatenated payloads, only the first STS-1 path of the STS-Nc MONx_SYNCV1
bit is valid.
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Register 124CH, 164CH, 1A4CH, and 1E4CH: APRGM Counter Update
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R Reserved X
The Counter Update register is provided at APRGM read address 0Ch when TRSB is high and
BSB is low.
A write in this register or to the Master Configuration Register (0000H) will trigger the transfer
of the error counters to holding registers where they can be read. The value written in the
register is not important.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Indirect Register 00H: APRGM Monitor STS-1 path Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W B1E1_ENA 0
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 W RESYNC 0
Bit 2 R/W INV_PRBS 0
Bit 1 R/W AMODE 0
Bit 0 R/W MON_ENA 0
APRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address 0H
(IADDR[3:0] is “0H” of register 00H).
Monitor Enable enables the PRBS monitor for the STS-1 path specified in the PATH[3:0] of
register 0h (APRGM Indirect Addressing). If MON_ENA is set to logic 1, a PRBS
sequence is generated and compare to the incoming one inserted in the payload of the
SONET/SDH frame. If MON_ENA is low, the data at the input of the monitor is ignored.
AMODE sets the PRGM monitor in the TelecomBus mode. If the AMODE is logic 1, the
monitor is in Autonomous mode and the incoming SONET/SDH payload is compared to the
internally generated one. In Autonomous mode, the generated SPE is always place next to
the H3 byte (zero offset), thus the J1 pulses are ignored. When AMODE is logic 0, the
SONET/SDH payload offset received on the system interface is maintained through the
PRGM block. The TOH and the POH are output unmodified, but PRBS is inserted in the
Note: For proper operation when the AJ0J1_FP port contains no valid framing, the AFPEN
mode (bit 14 of register 0016H) must be configured and the AFPMASK mask (bit 15 of
register 001DH) must be enabled.
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INV_PRBS sets the monitor to invert the PRBS before comparing it to the internally
generated payload. When set high, the PRBS bytes will be inverted else they will be
compared unmodified.
Sets the monitor to re-initialize the PRBS sequence. When set high, the monitors state
machine will be forced in the Out Of Sync state and automatically try to resynchronize to
the incoming stream. In master/slave configuration, to re-initialize the PRBS, RESYNC has
to be set high in the master APRGM only.
When high, this bit enables the monitoring of the B1 and E1 bytes in the SONET/SDH
frame. The incoming B1 byte is compared to a programmable register. The E1 byte is
compared to the complement of the same value. When B1E1_ENA is high, the B1 and E1
bytes are monitored.
This bit enables the monitoring of a PRBS or sequential pattern inserted in the payload.
When low, the payload contains PRBS bytes, and when high, a sequential pattern is
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
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Indirect Register 01H: APRGM Monitor PRBS[22:7] Accumulator
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W PRBS[22] 0
Bit 14 R/W PRBS[21] 0
Bit 13 R/W PRBS[20] 0
Bit 12 R/W PRBS[19] 0
Bit 11 R/W PRBS[18] 0
Bit 10 R/W PRBS[17] 0
Bit 9 R/W PRBS[16] 0
Bit 8 R/W PRBS[15] 0
Bit 7 R/W PRBS[14] 0
Bit 6 R/W PRBS[13] 0
Bit 5 R/W PRBS[12] 0
Bit 4 R/W PRBS[11] 0
Bit 3 R/W PRBS[10] 0
Bit 2 R/W PRBS[9] 0
Bit 1 R/W PRBS[8] 0
Bit 0 R/W PRBS[7] 0
APRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address 1H
(IADDR[3:0] is “1H” of register 00H).
The PRBS[22:7] register, are the 16 MSBs of the LFSR state of the STS-1 path specified in
the Indirect Addressing register. It is possible to write in this register to change the initial
state of the register.
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Indirect Register 02H: APRGM Monitor PRBS[6:0] Accumulator
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 R/W PRBS[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W PRBS[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W PRBS[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W PRBS[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PRBS[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PRBS[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PRBS[0] 0
APRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address 2H
(IADDR[3:0] is “2H” of register 00H).
The PRBS[7:0] register, are the 7 LSBs of the LFSR state of the STS-1 path specified in the
Indirect Addressing register. It is possible to write in this register to change the initial state
of the register.
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Indirect Register 03H: APRGM Monitor B1/E1 Value
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W B1[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W B1[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W B1[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W B1[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W B1[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W B1[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W B1[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W B1[0] 0
APRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01h) definition when accessing Indirect Address 3H
(IADDR[3:0] is “3H” of register 00H).
When enabled, the monitoring of the B1byte in the incoming SONET/SDH frame, is a
simple comparison to the value in the B1[7:0] register. The same value is used for the
monitoring of the E1 byte except its complement is used.
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Indirect Register 04H: APRGM Monitor Error Count
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R ERR_CNT[15] X
Bit 14 R ERR_CNT[14] X
Bit 13 R ERR_CNT[13] X
Bit 12 R ERR_CNT[12] X
Bit 11 R ERR_CNT[11] X
Bit 10 R ERR_CNT[10] X
Bit 9 R ERR_CNT[9] X
Bit 8 R ERR_CNT[8] X
Bit 7 R ERR_CNT[7] X
Bit 6 R ERR_CNT[6] X
Bit 5 R ERR_CNT[5] X
Bit 4 R ERR_CNT[4] X
Bit 3 R ERR_CNT[3] X
Bit 2 R ERR_CNT[2] X
Bit 1 R ERR_CNT[1] X
Bit 0 R ERR_CNT[0] X
APRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01h) definition when accessing Indirect Address 4H
(IADDR[3:0] is “4H” of register 00H).
The ERR_CNT[15:0] registers, is the number of error in the PRBS bytes detected during
the monitoring. Errors are accumulated only when the monitor is in the synchronized state.
Even if there are multiple errors within one PRBS byte, only one error is counted. The error
counter is cleared and restarted after its value is transferred to the ERR_CNT[15:0] holding
registers. No errors are missed during the transfer. The error counter will not wrap around
after reaching FFFFh, it will saturate at this value.
Note: When losing synchronization, the PRBS monitor in the PRGM block incorrectly
counts up to two additional byte errors.
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Indirect Register 05H: APRGM Monitor Received B1/E1 Bytes
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R REC_E1[7] X
Bit 14 R REC_E1[6] X
Bit 13 R REC_E1[5] X
Bit 12 R REC_E1[4] X
Bit 11 R REC_E1[3] X
Bit 10 R REC_E1[2] X
Bit 9 R REC_E1[1] X
Bit 8 R REC_E1[0] X
Bit 7 R REC_B1[7] X
Bit 6 R REC_B1[6] X
Bit 5 R REC_B1[5] X
Bit 4 R REC_B1[4] X
Bit 3 R REC_B1[3] X
Bit 2 R REC_B1[2] X
Bit 1 R REC_B1[1] X
Bit 0 R REC_B1[0] X
APRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01h) definition when accessing Indirect Address 5H
(IADDR[3:0] is “5H” of register 00H).
The Received B1 byte is the content of the B1 byte position in the SONET/SDH frame for
this particular STS-1 path. Every time a B1 byte is received, it is copied in this register.
The Received E1 byte is the content of the E1 byte position in the SONET/SDH frame for
this particular STS-1 path. Every time a E1 byte is received, it is copied in this register.
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Indirect Register 08H: APRGM Generator STS-1 Path Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 R/W GEN_ENA 0
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W SS[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W SS[0] 0
Bit 4 R/W B1E1_ENA 0
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 R/W INV_PRBS 0
Bit 0 R/W AMODE 0
APRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address 8H
(IADDR[3:0] is “8H” of register 00H).
Sets the APRGM generator in the TelecomBus or in Autonomous mode. If the AMODE is
high, the generator is in Autonomous mode, and the SONET/SDH frame is generated using
only the J0 pulse. When AMODE is low, the SONET/SDH frame is received on the
TelecomBus. The TOH and the POH are output unmodified, but PRBS is inserted in the
Note: For proper operation when the AJ0J1_FP port contains no valid framing, the AFPEN
mode (bit 14 of register 0016H) must be configure and the AFPMASK mask (bit 15 of
register 001DH) must be enabled.
Sets the generator to invert the PRBS before inserting it in the payload. When set high, the
PRBS bytes will be inverted, else they will be inserted unmodified.
The Force Error bit is used to force bit errors in the inserted pattern. When set high, the
MSB of the next byte will be inverted, inducing a single bit error. The register clears itself
when the operation is complete. A read operation will always result in a logic 0.
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This bit enables the replacement of the B1 byte in the SONET/SDH frame, by a
programmable value. The E1 byte is replaced by the complement of the same value. When
B1E1_ENA is high, the B1 and E1 bytes are replaced in the frame, else they go through the
APRGM unaltered. The B1/E1 byte insertion is independent of PRBS insertion.
This bit enables the insertion of a PRBS sequence or a sequential pattern in the payload.
When low, the payload is filled with PRBS bytes, and when high, a sequential pattern is
The SS bits signal, is the value to be inserted in bit 2 and 3 of the H1 byte of a concatenated
pointer. This value is used when the APRGM is in processing concatenated payload and in
autonomous mode.
The Add Bus AIS-P Disable controls the APAIS port on a per STS-1/STM-0 basis. When
low, the APAIS port controls the insertion of AIS-P in the transmit side for the
corresponding STS-1/STM-0 path. When high, the APAIS port will not insert AIS-P in the
transmit side for the corresponding STS-1/STM-0 path.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
This bit specifies if PRBS is to be inserted. If GEN_ENA is high, patterns are generated
and inserted, else no pattern is generated and the unmodified SONET/SDH input frame is
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Indirect Register 09H: APRGM Generator PRBS[22:7] Accumulator
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W PRBS[22] 0
Bit 14 R/W PRBS[21] 0
Bit 13 R/W PRBS[20] 0
Bit 12 R/W PRBS[19] 0
Bit 11 R/W PRBS[18] 0
Bit 10 R/W PRBS[17] 0
Bit 9 R/W PRBS[16] 0
Bit 8 R/W PRBS[15] 0
Bit 7 R/W PRBS[14] 0
Bit 6 R/W PRBS[13] 0
Bit 5 R/W PRBS[12] 0
Bit 4 R/W PRBS[11] 0
Bit 3 R/W PRBS[10] 0
Bit 2 R/W PRBS[9] 0
Bit 1 R/W PRBS[8] 0
Bit 0 R/W PRBS[7] 0
APRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address 9H
(IADDR[3:0] is “9H” of register 00H).
The PRBS[22:7] register, are the 16 MSBs of the LFSR state of the STS-1 path specified in
the Indirect Addressing register. It is possible to write in this register to change the initial
state of the register.
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Indirect Register 0AH: APRGM Generator PRBS[6:0] Accumulator
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 R/W PRBS[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W PRBS[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W PRBS[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W PRBS[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PRBS[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PRBS[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PRBS[0] 0
APRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address AH
(IADDR[3:0] is “AH” of register 00H).
The PRBS[6:0] register, are the seven LSBs of the LFSR state of the STS-1 path specified
in the Indirect Addressing register. It is possible to write in this register to change the initial
state of the register.
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Indirect Register 0BH: APRGM Generator B1/E1 value
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W B1[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W B1[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W B1[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W B1[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W B1[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W B1[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W B1[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W B1[0] 0
APRGM Indirect Data Register (Register 01H) definition when accessing Indirect Address BH
(IADDR[3:0] is “BH” of register 00H).
When enabled, the value in this register is inserted in the B1byte position in the outgoing
SONET/SDH frame. The complement of this value is also inserted at the E1 byte position.
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Register 1280H, 1680H, 1A80H, and 1E80H: TAPI Indirect Address
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R BUSY X
Bit 14 R/W RWB 0
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W IADDR[3] 0
Bit 8 R/W IADDR[2] 0
Bit 7 R/W IADDR[1] 0
Bit 6 R/W IADDR[0] 0
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 R/W PATH[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W PATH[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W PATH[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W PATH[0] 0
The Indirect Address Register is provided at TAPI read/write address 1280H, 1680H, 1A80H,
and 1E80H.
The STS-1/STM-0 path (PATH[3:0]) bits select which STS-1/STM-0 path is accessed by
the current indirect transfer.
PATH[3:0] STS-1/STM-0 path #
0000 Invalid path
0001-1100 Path #1 to Path #12
1101-1111 Invalid path
The indirect address location (IADDR[3:0]) bits select which address location is accessed
by the current indirect transfer.
Indirect Address ADDR[3:0] Indirect Data
0000 Pointer Interpreter Configuration
0001 Error Monitor Configuration
0010 Pointer Value and ERDI
0011 Captured and Accepted PSL
0100 Expected PSL and PDI
0101 TAPI Pointer Interpreter status
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Indirect Address ADDR[3:0] Indirect Data
0110 TAPI Path BIP Error Counter
0111 TAPI Path REI Error Counter
1000 TAPI Path Negative Justification Event Counter
1001 TAPI Path Positive Justification Event Counter
The active high read and active low write (RWB) bit selects if the current access to the
internal RAM is an indirect read or an indirect write. Writing to the Indirect Address
Register initiates an access to the internal RAM. When RWB is set to logic 1, an indirect
read access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the addressed location in the internal
RAM will be transferred to the Indirect Data Register. When RWB is set to logic 0, an
indirect write access to the RAM is initiated. The data from the Indirect Data Register will
be transferred to the addressed location in the internal RAM.
The active high RAM busy (BUSY) bit reports if a previously initiated indirect access to the
internal RAM has been completed. BUSY is set to logic 1 upon writing to the Indirect
Address Register. BUSY is set to logic 0, upon completion of the RAM access. This
register should be polled to determine when new data is available in the Indirect Data
Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock receive/transmit cycles.
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Register 1281H, 1681H, 1A81H, and 1E81H: TAPI Indirect Data
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W DATA[15] 0
Bit 14 R/W DATA[14] 0
Bit 13 R/W DATA[13] 0
Bit 12 R/W DATA[12] 0
Bit 11 R/W DATA[11] 0
Bit 10 R/W DATA[10] 0
Bit 9 R/W DATA[9] 0
Bit 8 R/W DATA[8] 0
Bit 7 R/W DATA[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W DATA[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W DATA[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W DATA[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W DATA[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W DATA[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W DATA[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W DATA[0] 0
The Indirect Data Register is provided at TAPI read/write address 1281H, 1681H, 1A81H, and
The indirect access data (DATA[15:0]) bits hold the data transfer to or from the internal
RAM during indirect access. When RWB is set to logic 1 (indirect read), the data from the
addressed location in the internal RAM will be transferred to DATA[15:0]. BUSY should
be polled to determine when the new data is available in DATA[15:0]. When RWB is set to
logic 0 (indirect write), the data from DATA[15:0] will be transferred to the addressed
location in the internal RAM. The indirect Data register must contain valid data before the
indirect write is initiated by writing to the Indirect Address Register.
DATA[15:0] has a different meaning depending on which address of the internal RAM is
being accessed.
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Register 1282H, 1682H, 1A82H, and 1E82H: TAPI Payload Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R/W STS12CSL 0
Bit 14 R/W STS12C 0
Bit 13 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W STS3C[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W STS3C[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W STS3C[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W STS3C[1] 0
The Payload Configuration Register is provided at TAPI read/write address 1282H, 1681H,
1A82H,and 1E82H.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[1]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[1] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1, #5 and #9 are part of a
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[1] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. The STS12C register bit has precedence over the STS3C[1] register bit.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[2]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[2] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #2, #6 and #10 are part of a
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[2] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. The STS12C register bit has precedence over the STS3C[2] register bit.
The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[3]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[3] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #3, #7 and #11 are part of a
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[3] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. The STS12C register bit has precedence over the STS3C[3] register bit.
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The STS-3c (VC-4) payload configuration (STS3C[4]) bit selects the payload configuration.
When STS3C[4] is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #4, #8 and #12 are part of a
STS-3c (VC-4) payload. When STS3C[4] is set to logic 0, the paths are STS-1 (VC-3)
payloads. The STS12C register bit has precedence over the STS3C[4] register bit.
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (STS12C) bit selects the payload
configuration. When STS12C is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to #12 are part of
a STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload. When STS12C is set to logic 0, the STS-1/STM-0 paths are
defined with the STS3C[1:4] register bit. The STS12C register bit has precedence over the
STS3C[1:4] register bit.
The slave STS-12c (VC-4-4c) payload configuration (STS12CSL) bit selects the slave
payload configuration. When STS12CSL is set to logic 1, the STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to
#12 are part of a STS-12c (VC-4-4c) slave payload. When STS12CSL is set to logic 0, the
STS-1/STM-0 paths #1 to # 12 are part of a STS-12c (VC-4-4c) master payload. When
STS12C is set to logic 0, the STS12CSL register bit has no effect.
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Register 1283H, 1683H, 1A83H, and 1E83H: TAPI Counters Update
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
Any write to the TAPI Counters Update Register (address 0X03H) or to the Master
Configuration Register (0000H) will trigger the transfer of all counter values to their holding
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Register 1284H, 1684H, 1A84H, and 1E84H: TAPI Path Interrupt Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R P_INT[12] X
Bit 10 R P_INT[11] X
Bit 9 R P_INT[10] X
Bit 8 R P_INT[9] X
Bit 7 R P_INT[8] X
Bit 6 R P_INT[7] X
Bit 5 R P_INT[6] X
Bit 4 R P_INT[5] X
Bit 3 R P_INT[4] X
Bit 2 R P_INT[3] X
Bit 1 R P_INT[2] X
Bit 0 R P_INT[1] X
The TAPI Path Interrupt Status Register is provided at TAPI read address 1284H, 1684H,
1A84H, and 1E84H.
The Path Interrupt Status bit (P_INT[1:12]) tells which path(s) have interrupts that are still
active. Reading from this register will not clear any of the interrupts, it is simply added to
reduce the average number of accesses required to service interrupts.
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Register 1285H, 1685H, 1A85H, and 1E85H: TAPI Pointer Concatenation Processing
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W PTRCDIS[12] 0
Bit 10 R/W PTRCDIS[11] 0
Bit 9 R/W PTRCDIS[10] 0
Bit 8 R/W PTRCDIS[9] 0
Bit 7 R/W PTRCDIS[8] 0
Bit 6 R/W PTRCDIS[7] 0
Bit 5 R/W PTRCDIS[6] 0
Bit 4 R/W PTRCDIS[5] 0
Bit 3 R/W PTRCDIS[4] 0
Bit 2 R/W PTRCDIS[3] 0
Bit 1 R/W PTRCDIS[2] 0
Bit 0 R/W PTRCDIS[1] 0
The Pointer Concatenation processing Disable Register is provided at TAPI read/write address
1285H, 1685H, 1A85H, and 1E85H.
The concatenation pointer processing disable (PTRCDIS[1:12]) bits disable the path
concatenation pointer interpreter state machine. When PTRCDIS[n] is set to logic 1, the
path concatenation pointer interpreter state-machine (for the path n) is disabled and
excluded from the LOPC-P, AISC-P and ALLAISC-P defect declaration. When PTRCDIS
is set to logic 0, the path concatenation pointer interpreter state-machine is enabled and
included in the LOPC-P, AISC-P and ALLAISC-P defect declaration.
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Register 1288H, 1688H, 1A88H and 1E88H: TAPI Pointer Interpreter
Status(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 1290H, 1690H, 1A90H and 1E90H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 1298H, 1698H, 1A98H and 1E98H: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 12A0H, 16A0H, 1AA0H and 1EA0H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 12A8H, 16A8H, 1AA8H and 1EA8H: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 12B0H, 16B0H, 1AB0H and 1EB0H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 12B8H, 16B8H, 1AB8H and 1EB8H: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 12C0H, 16C0H, 1AC0H and 1EC0H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 12C8H, 16C8H, 1AC8H and 1EC8H: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 12D0H, 16D0H, 1AD0H and 1ED0H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 12D8H, 16D8H, 1AD8H and 1ED8H: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 12E0H, 16E0H, 1AE0H and 1EE0H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
The Pointer Interpreter Status Register is provided at TAPI read/write addresses 08H, 10H, 18H,
20H, 28H, 30H, 38H, 40H, 48H, 50H, 58H and 60H.
The path lost of pointer state (PLOPV) bit indicates the current status of the pointer
interpreter state machine. PLOPV is set to logic 1 when the state machine is in the
LOP_state. PLOPV is set to logic 0 when the state machine is not in the LOP_state.
The path alarm indication signal state (PAISV) bit indicates the current status of the pointer
interpreter state machine. PAISV is set to logic 1 when the state machine is in the
AIS_state. PAISV is set to logic 0 when the state machine is not in the AIS_state.
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The path lost of pointer concatenation state (PLOPCV) bit indicates the current status of the
concatenation pointer interpreter state machine. PLOPCV is set to logic 1 when the state
machine is in the LOPC_state. PLOPCV is set to logic 0 when the state machine is not in
the LOPC_state.
The path concatenation alarm indication signal state (PAISCV) bit indicates the current
status of the concatenation pointer interpreter state machine. PAISCV is set to logic 1 when
the state machine is in the AISC_state. PAISCV is set to logic 0 when the state machine is
not in the LOPC_state.
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Register 1289H, 1689H, 1A89H and 1E89H: TAPI Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 1291H, 1691H, 1A91H and 1E91H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 1299H, 1699H, 1A99H and 1E99H: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 12A1H, 16A1H, 1AA1H and 1EA1H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 12A9H, 16A9H, 1AA9H and 1EA9H: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 12B1H, 16B1H, 1AB1H and 1EB1H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 12B9H, 16B9H, 1AB9H and 1EB9H: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 12C1H, 16C1H, 1AC1H and 1EC1H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 12C9H, 16C9H, 1AC9H and 1EC9H: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 12D1H, 16D1H, 1AD1H and 1ED1H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 12D9H, 16D9H, 1AD9H and 1ED9H: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 12E1H, 16E1H, 1AE1H and 1EE1H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W PAISCE 0
Bit 4 R/W PLOPCE 0
Bit 3 R/W PAISE 0
Bit 2 R/W PLOPE 0
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R/W PTRJEE 0
The Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Enable Register is provided at TAPI read/write addresses 09H,
11H, 19H, 21H, 29H, 31H, 39H, 41H, 49H, 51H, 59H and 61H.
The pointer justification event interrupt enable (PTRJEE) bit control the activation of the
interrupt output. When PTRJEE is set to logic 1, the NJEI and PJEI pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt output. When PTRJEE is set to logic 0, the NJEI and PJEI pending
interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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The path loss of pointer interrupt enable (PLOPE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When PLOPE is set to logic 1, the PLOPI pending interrupt will assert the interrupt
output. When PLOPE is set to logic 0, the PLOPI pending interrupt will not assert the
interrupt output.
The path alarm indication signal interrupt enable (PAISE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PAISE is set to logic 1, the PAISI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PAISE is set to logic 0, the PAISI pending interrupt will not assert
the interrupt output.
The path loss of pointer concatenation interrupt enable (PLOPCE) bit controls the activation
of the interrupt output. When PLOPCE is set to logic 1, the PLOPCI pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt output. When PLOPCE is set to logic 0, the PLOPCI pending interrupt
will not assert the interrupt output.
The path concatenation alarm indication signal interrupt enable (PAISCE) bit controls the
activation of the interrupt output. When PAISCE is set to logic 1, the PAISCI pending
interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When PAISCE is set to logic 0, the PAISCI
pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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Register 128AH, 168AH, 1A8AH and 1E8AH: TAPI Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Status
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 1292H, 1692H, 1A92H and 1E92H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 129AH, 169AH, 1A9AH and 1E9AH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 12A2H, 16A2H, 1AA2H and 1EA2H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 12AAH, 16AAH, 1AAAH and 1EAAH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 12B2H, 16B2H, 1AB2H and 1EB2H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 12BAH, 16BAH, 1ABAH and 1EBAH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 12C2H, 16C2H, 1AC2H and 1EC2H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 12CAH, 16CAH, 1ACAH and 1ECAH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 12D2H, 16D2H, 1AD2H and 1ED2H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 12DAH, 16DAH, 1ADAH and 1EDAH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 12E2H, 16E2H, 1AE2H and 1EE2H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 1 R PJEI X
Bit 0 R NJEI X
The Pointer Interpreter Interrupt Status Register is provided at TAPI read/write addresses 0AH,
12H, 1AH, 22H, 2AH, 32H, 3AH, 42H, 4AH, 52H, 5AH and 62H.
The negative pointer justification event interrupt status (NJEI) bit is an event indicator.
NJEI is set to logic 1 to indicate a negative pointer justification event. The interrupt status
bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. NJEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is
The positive pointer justification event interrupt status (PJEI) bit is an event indicator. PJEI
is set to logic 1 to indicate a positive pointer justification event. The interrupt status bit is
independent of the interrupt enable bit. PJEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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The path loss of pointer interrupt status (PLOPI) bit is an event indicator. PLOPI is set to
logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PLOPV (entry to the LOP_state or exit from
the LOP_state). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. PLOPI is
cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path alarm indication signal interrupt status (PAISI) bit is an event indicator. PAISI is
set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PAISV (entry to the AIS_state or exit
from the AIS_state). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PAISI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path loss of pointer concatenation interrupt status (PLOPCI) bit is an event indicator.
PLOPCI is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PLOPCV (entry to the
LOPC_state or exit from the LOPC_state). The interrupt status bit is independent of the
interrupt enable bit. PLOPCI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path concatenation alarm indication signal interrupt status (PAISCI) bit is an event
indicator. PAISCI is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PAISCV (entry to
the AISC_state or exit from the AISC_state). The interrupt status bit is independent of the
interrupt enable bit. PAISCI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Register 128BH, 168BH, 1A8BH and 1E8BH: TAPI Error Monitor Status (STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 1293H, 1693H, 1A93H and 1E93H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 129BH, 169BH, 1A9BH and 1E9BH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 12A3H, 16A3H, 1AA3H and 1EA3H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 12ABH, 16ABH, 1AABH and 1EABH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 12B3H, 16B3H, 1AB3H and 1EB3H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 12BBH, 16BBH, 1ABBH and 1EBBH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 12C3H, 16C3H, 1AC3H and 1EC3H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 12CBH, 16CBH, 1ACBH and 1ECBH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 12D3H, 16D3H, 1AD3H and 1ED3H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 12DBH, 16DBH, 1ADBH and 1EDBH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 12E3H, 16E3H, 1AE3H and 1EE3H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
The Error Monitor Status Register is provided at TAPI read/write addresses 0BH, 13H, 1BH,
23H, 2BH, 33H, 3BH, 43H, 4BH, 53H, 5BH and 63H.
Note: The Error Monitor Status bits are don’t care for slave time slots.
The path payload label unstable status (PPLUV) bit indicates the current status of the PLU-
P defect.
Algorithm 1: PPLUV is set to logic 0.
Algorithm 2: PPLUV is set to logic 1 when a total of 5 received PSL differs from the
previously accepted PSL without any persistent PSL in between. PPLUV is set to logic 0
when a persistent PSL is found. A persistent PSL is found when the same PSL is received
for 3 or 5 consecutive frames.
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The path payload label mismatch status (PPLMV) bit indicates the current status of the
PLM-P defect.
Algorithm 1: PPLMV is set to logic 1 when the received PSL does not match, according to
Table 3, the expected PSL for 3 or 5 consecutive frames (selectable with the PSL5 register
bit). PPLMV is set to logic 0 when the received PSL matches, according to Table 3, the
expected PSL for 3 or 5 consecutive frames.
Algorithm 2: PPLMV is set to logic 1 when the accepted PSL does not match, according to
Table 3, the expected PSL. PPLMV is set to logic 0 when the accepted PSL matches,
according to Table 3, the expected PSL.
The path unequipped status (PUNEQV) bit indicates the current status of the UNEQ-P
PUNEQV is set to logic 1 when the received PSL indicates unequipped, according to Table
3, for 3 or 5 consecutive frames (selectable with the PSL5 register bit). An PUNEQV is set
to logic 0 when the received PSL indicates not unequipped, according to Table 3, for 3 or 5
consecutive frames.
The path payload defect indication status (PPDIV) bit indicates the current status of the
PPDI-P defect.
Algorithm 1: PPDIV is set to logic 1 when the received PSL is a defect, according to Table
3, for 3 or 5 consecutive frames (selectable with the PSL5 register bit). PPDIV is set to
logic 0 when the received PSL is not a defect, according to Table 3, for 3 or 5 consecutive
Algorithm 2: PPDIV is set to logic 1 when the accepted PSL is a defect, according to Table
3. PPDI is set to logic 0 when the accepted PSL is not a defect, according to Table 3.
The path remote defect indication status (PRDIV) bit indicates the current status of the
RDI-P defect. PRDIV is set to logic 1 when bit 5 of the G1 byte is set high for five or ten
consecutive frames (selectable with the PRDI10 register bit). PRDIV is set to logic 0 when
bit 5 of the G1 byte is set low for five or ten consecutive frames.
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The path enhanced remote defect indication status (PERDIV) bit indicates the current status
of the ERDI-P defect. PERDIV is set to logic 1 when the same 010, 100, 101, 110 or 111
pattern is detected in bits 5, 6 and 7 of the G1 byte for five or ten consecutive frames
(selectable with the PRDI10 register bit). PERDIV is set to logic 0 when the same 000, 001
or 011 pattern is detected in bits 5, 6 and 7 of the G1 byte for five or ten consecutive frames.
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Register 128CH, 168CH, 1A8CH and 1E8CH: TAPI Error Monitor Interrupt Enable
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 1294H, 1694H, 1A94H and 1E94H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 129CH, 169CH, 1A9CH and 1E9CH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 12A4H, 16A4H, 1AA4H and 1EA4H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 12ACH, 16ACH, 1AACH and 1EACH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 12B4H, 16B4H, 1AB4H and 1EB4H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 12BCH, 16BCH, 1ABCH and 1EBCH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 12C4H, 16C4H, 1AC4H and 1EC4H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 12CCH, 16CCH, 1ACCH and 1ECCH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 12D4H, 16D4H, 1AD4H and 1ED4H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 12DCH, 16DCH, 1ADCH and 1EDCH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 12E4H, 16E4H, 1AE4H and 1EE4H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 R/W PREIEE 0
Bit 8 R/W PBIPEE 0
Bit 6 R/W PERDIE 0
Bit 5 R/W PRDIE 0
Bit 4 R/W PPDIE 0
Bit 3 R/W PUNEQE 0
Bit 2 R/W PPLME 0
Bit 1 R/W PPLUE 0
Bit 0 R/W COPSLE 0
The Error Monitor Interrupt Enable Register is provided at TAPI read/write addresses 0CH,
14H, 1CH, 24H, 2CH, 34H, 3CH, 44H, 4CH, 54H, 5CH and 64H.
The change of path payload signal label interrupt enable (COPSLE) bit controls the
activation of the interrupt output. When COPSLE is set to logic 1, the COPSLI pending
interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When COPSLE is set to logic 0, the COPSLI
pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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The path payload label unstable interrupt enable (PPLUE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PPLUE is set to logic 1, the PPLUI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PPLUE is set to logic 0, the PPLUI pending interrupt will not assert
the interrupt output.
The path payload label mismatch interrupt enable (PPLME) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PPLME is set to logic 1, the PPLMI pending interrupt will assert
the interrupt output. When PPLME is set to logic 0, the PPLMI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
The path payload unequipped interrupt enable (PUNEQE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PUNEQE is set to logic 1, the PUNEQI pending interrupt will
assert the interrupt output. When PUNEQE is set to logic 0, the PUNEQI pending interrupt
will not assert the interrupt output.
The path payload defect indication interrupt enable (PPDIE) bit controls the activation of
the interrupt output. When PPDIE is set to logic 1, the PPDI pending interrupt will assert
the interrupt output. When PPDIE is set to logic 0, the PPDI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
The path remote defect indication interrupt enable (PRDIE) bit controls the activation of the
interrupt output. When PRDIE is set to logic 1, the PRDII pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PRDIE is set to logic 0, the PRDII pending interrupt will not assert
the interrupt output.
The path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt enable (PERDIE) bit controls the
activation of the interrupt output. When PERDIE is set to logic 1, the PERDII pending
interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When PERDIE is set to logic 0, the PERDII
pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
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The change of path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt enable (COPERDIE) bit
controls the activation of the interrupt output. When COPERDIE is set to logic 1, the
COPERDII pending interrupt will assert the interrupt output. When COPERDIE is set to
logic 0, the COPERDII pending interrupt will not assert the interrupt output.
The path BIP-8 error interrupt enable (PBIPEE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When PBIPEE is set to logic 1, the PBIPEI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PBIPEE is set to logic 0, the PBIPEI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
The path REI error interrupt enable (PREIEE) bit controls the activation of the interrupt
output. When PREIEE is set to logic 1, the PREIEI pending interrupt will assert the
interrupt output. When PREIEE is set to logic 0, the PREIEI pending interrupt will not
assert the interrupt output.
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Register 128DH, 168DH, 1A8DH and 1E8DH: TAPI Error Monitor Interrupt Status
(STS1/STM0 #1)
Register 1295H, 1695H, 1A95H and 1E95H: (STS1/STM0 #2)
Register 129DH, 169DH, 1A9DH and 1E9DH: (STS1/STM0 #3)
Register 12A5H, 16A5H, 1AA5H and 1EA5H: (STS1/STM0 #4)
Register 12ADH, 16ADH, 1AADH and 1EADH: (STS1/STM0 #5)
Register 12B5H, 16B5H, 1AB5H and 1EB5H: (STS1/STM0 #6)
Register 12BDH, 16BDH, 1ABDH and 1EBDH: (STS1/STM0 #7)
Register 12C5H, 16C5H, 1AC5H and 1EC5H: (STS1/STM0 #8)
Register 12CDH, 16CDH, 1ACDH and 1ECDH: (STS1/STM0 #9)
Register 12D5H, 16D5H, 1AD5H and 1ED5H: (STS1/STM0 #10)
Register 12DDH, 16DDH, 1ADDH and 1EDDH: (STS1/STM0 #11)
Register 12E5H, 16E5H, 1AE5H and 1EE5H: (STS1/STM0 #12)
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
The Error Monitor Interrupt Status Register is provided at TAPI read/write addresses 0DH, 15H,
1DH, 25H, 2DH, 35H, 3DH, 45H, 4DH, 55H, 5DH and 65H.
The change of path payload signal label interrupt status (COPSLI) bit is an event indicator.
COPSLI is set to logic 1 to indicate a new PSL-P value. The interrupt status bit is
independent of the interrupt enable bit. COPSLI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is
read. ALGO2 register bit has no effect on COPSLI.
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The path payload label unstable interrupt status (PPLUI) bit is an event indicator. PPLUI is
set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PPLUV (stable to unstable or unstable
to stable). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. PPLUI is
cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path payload label mismatch interrupt status (PPLMI) bit is an event indicator. PPLMI
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PPLMV (match to mismatch or
mismatch to match). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PPLMI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path payload unequipped interrupt status (PUNEQI) bit is an event indicator. PUNEQI
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PUNEQV (equipped to unequipped or
unequipped to equipped). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PUNEQI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path payload defect indication interrupt status (PPDII) bit is an event indicator. PPDII
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PPDIV (no defect to payload defect
or payload defect to no defect). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt
enable bit. PPDII is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path remote defect indication interrupt status (PRDII) bit is an event indicator. PRDII
is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PRDIV (no defect to RDI defect or
RDI defect to no defect). The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit.
PRDII is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt status (PERDII) bit is an event
indicator. PERDII is set to logic 1 to indicate any change in the status of PERDIV (no
defect to ERDI defect or ERDI defect to no defect). The interrupt status bit is independent
of the interrupt enable bit. PERDII is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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The change of path enhanced remote defect indication interrupt status (COPERDII) bit is an
event indicator. COPERDII is set to logic 1 to indicate a new ERDI-P value. The interrupt
status bit is independent of the interrupt enable bit. COPERDII is cleared to logic 0 when
this register is read.
The path BIP-8 error interrupt status (PBIPEI) bit is an event indicator. PBIPEI is set to
logic 1 to indicate a path BIP-8 error. The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt
enable bit. PBIPEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
The path REI error interrupt status (PREIEI) bit is an event indicator. PREIEI is set to logic
1 to indicate a path REI error. The interrupt status bit is independent of the interrupt enable
bit. PREIEI is cleared to logic 0 when this register is read.
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Indirect Register 00H: TAPI Pointer Interpreter Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 5 R/W NDFCNT 0
Bit 4 R/W INVCNT 0
Bit 2 R/W JUST3DIS 0
Bit 1 R/W SSEN 0
Bit 0 Unused X
The Pointer Interpreter Configuration Indirect Register is provided at TAPI read/write indirect
address 00H.
The SS bits enable (SSEN) bit selects whether or not the SS bits are taking into account in
the pointer interpreter state machine. When SSEN is set to logic 1, the SS bits must be set
indication. When SSEN is set to logic 0, the SS bits are ignored.
The “justification more than 3 frames ago disable” (JUST3DIS) bit selects whether or not
the INC_IND or DEC_IND pointer justifications must be more than 3 frames apart to be
considered valid. When JUST3DIS is set to logic 0, the previous NDF_ENABLE,
INC_IND or DEC_IND indication must be more than 3 frames ago or the present INC_IND
or DEC_IND indication is considered an INV_POINT indication. NDF_ENABLE
indications can be every frame regardless of the JUST3DIS bit. When JUST3DIS is set to
logic 1, INC_IND or DEC_IND indication can be every frame.
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The relay path AIS (RELAYPAIS) bit selects the condition to enter the path AIS state in the
pointer interpreter state machine. When RELAYPAIS is set to logic 1, the path AIS state is
entered with 1 X AIS_ind indication. When RELAYPAIS is set to logic 0, the path AIS
state is entered with 3 X AIS_ind indications. This configuration bit also affects the
concatenation pointer interpreter state machine.
The invalid counter (INVCNT) bit selects the behavior of the consecutive INV_POINT
event counter in the pointer interpreter state machine. When INVCNT is set to logic 1, the
consecutive INV_POINT event counter is reset by 3 EQ_NEW_POINT indications. When
INVCNT is set to logic 0, the counter is not reset by 3 EQ_NEW_POINT indications.
The new data flag counter (NDFCNT) bit selects the behavior of the consecutive
NDF_ENABLE event counter in the pointer interpreter state machine. When NDFCNT is
set to logic 1, the NDF_ENABLE definition is enabled NDF + SS. When NDFCNT is set
to logic 0, the NDF_ENABLE definition is enabled NDF + SS + offset value in the range 0
to 782 (764 in TU-3 mode). This configuration bit only changes the NDF_ENABLE
definition for the consecutive NDF_ENABLE even counter to count towards LOP-P defect
when the pointer is out of range, this configuration bit does not change the NDF_ENABLE
definition for pointer justification.
The transmit add bus pointer interpreter bypass (TAPIBYPASS) bit disables the pointer
interpreter on a per STS-1/STM-0 basis. When a logic 1 is written to TAPIBYPASS, the
add bus pointer interpreter is disabled for the corresponding STS-1/STM-0. When a logic 0
is written to TAPIBYPASS, the add bus pointer interpreter is enabled for the corresponding
The reserved bit must be programmed to its default value for proper operation.
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Indirect Register 01H: TAPI Error Monitor Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 9 R/W IBER 0
Bit 7 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 R/W PRDI10 0
Bit 2 R/W PLMEND 0
Bit 1 R/W PSL5 0
Bit 0 R/W ALGO2 0
The Error Monitor Configuration Indirect Register is provided at TAPI read/write indirect
address 01H.
The payload signal label algorithm 2 (ALGO2) bit selects the algorithm for the PSL
monitoring. When ALGO2 is set to logic 1, the ITU compliant algorithm is (algorithm 2) is
used to monitor the PSL. When ALGO2 is set to logic 0, the BELLCORE compliant
algorithm (algorithm 1) is used to monitor the PSL. ALGO2 changes the PLU-P, PLM-P
and PDI-P defect definitions but has no effect on UNEQ-P defect, accepted PSL and change
of PSL definitions
The payload signal label detection (PSL5) bit selects the path PSL persistence. When PSL5
is set to logic 1, a new PSL is accepted when the same PSL value is detected in the C2 byte
for five consecutive frames. When PSL5 is set to logic 0, a new PSL is accepted when the
same PSL value is detected in the C2 byte for three consecutive frames.
The payload label mismatch removal (PLMEND) bit controls the removal of a PLM-P
defect when an UNEQ-P defect is declared. When PLMEND is set to logic 1, a PLM-P
defect is terminated when an UNEQ-P defect is declared. When PLMEND is set to logic 0,
a PLM-P defect is not terminated when an UNEQ-P defect is declared.
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The path remote defect indication detection (PRDI10) bit selects the path RDI and path
ERDI persistence. When PRDI10 is set to logic 1, path RDI and path ERDI are accepted
when the same pattern is detected in bits 5,6,7 of the G1 byte for ten consecutive frames.
When PRDI10 is set to logic 0, path RDI and path ERDI are accepted when the same
pattern is detected in bits 5,6,7 of the G1 byte for five consecutive frames.
The disable fixed stuff columns during BIP-8 calculation (FSBIPDIS) bit controls the path
BIP-8 calculation for an STS-1 (VC-3) payload. When FSBIPDIS is set to logic 1, the fixed
stuff columns are not part of the BIP-8 calculation when processing an STS-1 (VC-3)
payload. When FSBIPDIS is set to logic 0, the fixed stuff columns are part of the BIP-8
calculation when processing an STS-1 (VC-3) payload.
The path block BIP-8 errors accumulation (PBIPEBLKACC) bit controls the accumulation
of path BIP-8 errors. When PBIPEBLKACC is set to logic 1, the path BIP-8 error
accumulation represents block BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 1 error per frame). When
PBIPEBLKACC is set to logic 0, the path BIP-8 error accumulation represents BIP-8 errors
(a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The path block REI errors accumulation (PREIBLKACC) bit controls the accumulation of
path REI errors from the path status (G1) byte. When PREIBLK is set to logic 1, the
extracted path REI errors are interpreted as block BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 1 error per
frame). When PREIBLK is set to logic 0, the extracted path REI errors are interpret as
BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
The in-band error reporting (IBER) bit controls the in-band regeneration of the path status
(G1) byte. When IBER is set to logic 1, the path status byte is updated with the REI-P and
the ERDI-P defects that must be returned to the far end. When IBER is set to logic 0, the
path status byte is not altered.
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The in-band path REI block errors (IPREIBLK) bit controls the regeneration of the path
REI errors in the path status (G1) byte. When IPREIBLK is set to logic 1, the path REI is
updated with block BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 1 error per frame). When IPREIBLK is set
to logic 0, the path REI is updated with BIP-8 errors (a maximum of 8 errors per frame).
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Indirect Register 02H: TAPI Pointer Value and ERDI
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R PERDIV[2] X
Bit 14 R PERDIV[1] X
Bit 13 R PERDIV[0] X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 R SSV[1] X
Bit 10 R SSV[0] X
Bit 9 R PTRV[9] X
Bit 8 R PTRV[8] X
Bit 7 R PTRV[7] X
Bit 6 R PTRV[6] X
Bit 5 R PTRV[5] X
Bit 4 R PTRV[4] X
Bit 3 R PTRV[3] X
Bit 2 R PTRV[2] X
Bit 1 R PTRV[1] X
Bit 0 R PTRV[0] X
The Pointer Value Indirect Register is provided at TAPI read/write address 02H.
The path pointer value (PTRV[9:0]) bits represent the current STS (AU or TU3) pointer
being process by the pointer interpreter state machine or by the concatenation pointer
interpreter state machine.
The SS value (SSV[1:0]) bits represent the current SS (DD) bits being processed by the
pointer interpreter state machine or by the concatenation pointer interpreter state machine.
The path enhanced remote defect indication value (PERDIV[2:0]) bits represent the filtered
path enhanced remote defect indication value. PERDIV[2:0] is updated when the same
ERDI pattern is detected in bits 5,6,7 of the G1 byte for five or ten consecutive frames
(selectable with the PRDI10 register bit).
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Indirect Register 03H: TAPI Captured and Accepted PSL
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R CPSLV[7] X
Bit 14 R CPSLV[6] X
Bit 13 R CPSLV[5] X
Bit 12 R CPSLV[4] X
Bit 11 R CPSLV[3] X
Bit 10 R CPSLV[2] X
Bit 9 R CPSLV[1] X
Bit 8 R CPSLV[0] X
Bit 7 R APSLV[7] X
Bit 6 R APSLV[6] X
Bit 5 R APSLV[5] X
Bit 4 R APSLV[4] X
Bit 3 R APSLV[3] X
Bit 2 R APSLV[2] X
Bit 1 R APSLV[1] X
Bit 0 R APSLV[0] X
The Accepted PSL and ERDI Indirect Register is provided at TAPI read/write address 03H.
The accepted path signal label value (APSLV[7:0]) bits represent the last accepted path
signal label value. A new PSL is accepted when the same PSL value is detected in the C2
byte for three or five consecutive frames. (selectable with the PSL5 register bit).
The captured path signal label value (CPSLV[7:0]) bits represent the last captured path
signal label value. A new PSL is captured every frame from the C2 byte.
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Indirect Register 04H: TAPI Expected PSL and PDI
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 12 R/W PDI[4] 0
Bit 11 R/W PDI[3] 0
Bit 10 R/W PDI[2] 0
Bit 9 R/W PDI[1] 0
Bit 8 R/W PDI[0] 0
Bit 7 R/W EPSL[7] 0
Bit 6 R/W EPSL[6] 0
Bit 5 R/W EPSL[5] 0
Bit 4 R/W EPSL[4] 0
Bit 3 R/W EPSL[3] 0
Bit 2 R/W EPSL[2] 0
Bit 1 R/W EPSL[1] 0
Bit 0 R/W EPSL[0] 0
The Expected PSL and PDI Indirect Register is provided at TAPI read/write indirect address
The expected path signal label (EPSL[7:0]) bits represent the expected path signal label.
The expected PSL and the expected PDI validate the received or the accepted PSL to
declare PLM-P, UNEQ-P and PDI-P defects according Table 3.
The payload defect indication (PDI[4:0]) bits and the payload defect indication range
(PDIRANGE) bit determine the expected payload defect indication according to Table 4.
When PDIRANGE is set to logic 1, the PDI range is enabled and the expected PDI range is
from E1H to E0H+PDI[4:0]. When PDIRANGE is set to logic 0, the PDI range is disabled
and the expected PDI value is E0H+PDI[4:0]. The expected PSL and the expected PDI
validate the received or the accepted PSL to declare PLM-P, UNEQ-P and PDI-P defects
according Table 3.
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Indirect Register 05H: TAPI Pointer Interpreter Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 R NDF X
Bit 0 Unused X
The Pointer Interpreter Status Indirect Register is provided at TAPI read/write indirect address
Note: The Pointer Interpreter Status bits are don’t care for slave time slots.
The illegal pointer justification request (ILLJREQ) signal is set high when a positive and/or
negative pointer adjustment is received within three frames of a pointer justification event
(inc_ind, dec_ind) or an NDF triggered active offset adjustment (NDF_enable).
The CONCAT bit is set high if the H1 and H2 pointer bytes received match the
concatenation indication (one of the five NDF_enable patterns in the NDF field, don't care
in the size field, and all-ones in the pointer offset field).
The discontinuous change of pointer alignment (DISCOPA) signal is set high when there is
a pointer adjustment due to receiving a pointer repeated three times.
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The invalid new data flag (INVNDF) signal is set high when an invalid NDF code is
The illegal pointer offset (ILLPTR) signal is set high when the pointer received is out of the
range. Legal values are from 0 to 782 (764 in TU3 mode). Pointer justification requests
(inc_req, dec_req) and AIS indications (AIS_ind) are not considered illegal.
The new data flag (NDF) signal is set high when an enabled New Data Flag is received
indicating a pointer adjustment (NDF_enabled indication).
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Indirect Register 06H: TAPI Path BIP Error Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R PBIPE[15] X
Bit 14 R PBIPE[14] X
Bit 13 R PBIPE[13] X
Bit 12 R PBIPE[12] X
Bit 11 R PBIPE[11] X
Bit 10 R PBIPE[10] X
Bit 9 R PBIPE[9] X
Bit 8 R PBIPE[8] X
Bit 7 R PBIPE[7] X
Bit 6 R PBIPE[6] X
Bit 5 R PBIPE[5] X
Bit 4 R PBIPE[4] X
Bit 3 R PBIPE[3] X
Bit 2 R PBIPE[2] X
Bit 1 R PBIPE[1] X
Bit 0 R PBIPE[0] X
The TAPI Path BIP Error Counter register is provided at TAPI read/write indirect address 06H.
The path BIP error (PBIPE[15:0]) bits represent the number of path BIP errors that have
been detected in the B3 byte since the last accumulation interval. The error counters are
transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to the TAPI Counters Update
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Indirect Register 07H: TAPI Path REI Error Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 R PREIE[15] X
Bit 14 R PREIE[14] X
Bit 13 R PREIE[13] X
Bit 12 R PREIE[12] X
Bit 11 R PREIE[11] X
Bit 10 R PREIE[10] X
Bit 9 R PREIE[9] X
Bit 8 R PREIE[8] X
Bit 7 R PREIE[7] X
Bit 6 R PREIE[6] X
Bit 5 R PREIE[5] X
Bit 4 R PREIE[4] X
Bit 3 R PREIE[3] X
Bit 2 R PREIE[2] X
Bit 1 R PREIE[1] X
Bit 0 R PREIE[0] X
The TAPI Path BIP Error Counter register is provided at TAPI read/write indirect address 07H.
The path REI error (PREIE[15:0]) bits represent the number of path REI errors that have
been extracted from the G1 byte since the last accumulation interval. The error counters are
transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to the TAPI Counters Update
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Indirect Register 08H: TAPI Path Negative Justification Event Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R PNJE[12] X
Bit 11 R PNJE[11] X
Bit 10 R PNJE[10] X
Bit 9 R PNJE[9] X
Bit 8 R PNJE[8] X
Bit 7 R PNJE[7] X
Bit 6 R PNJE[6] X
Bit 5 R PNJE[5] X
Bit 4 R PNJE[4] X
Bit 3 R PNJE[3] X
Bit 2 R PNJE[2] X
Bit 1 R PNJE[1] X
Bit 0 R PNJE[0] X
The TAPI Path Negative Justification Event Counter register is provided at TAPI read/write
indirect address 08H.
The Path Negative Justification Event (PNJE[12:0]) bits represent the number of Path
Negative Justification Events that have occurred since the last accumulation interval. The
event counters are transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to TAPI
Counters Update register.
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Indirect Register 09H: TAPI Path Positive Justification Event Counter
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 R PPJE[12] X
Bit 11 R PPJE[11] X
Bit 10 R PPJE[10] X
Bit 9 R PPJE[9] X
Bit 8 R PPJE[8] X
Bit 7 R PPJE[7] X
Bit 6 R PPJE[6] X
Bit 5 R PPJE[5] X
Bit 4 R PPJE[4] X
Bit 3 R PPJE[3] X
Bit 2 R PPJE[2] X
Bit 1 R PPJE[1] X
Bit 0 R PPJE[0] X
The TAPI Path Positive Justification Event Counter register is provided at TAPI read/write
indirect address 09H.
The Path Positive Justification Event (PPJE[12:0]) bits represent the number of Path
Positive Justification Events that have occurred since the last accumulation interval. The
event counters are transferred to the holding registers by a microprocessor write to TAPI
Counters Update register.
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Register 1300H: ADLL Configuration
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 1 R/W Reserved 0
Bit 0 R/W Reserved 0
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The ERROR interrupt enable (ERRORE) bit enables the error indication interrupt. When
ERRORE is set high, an interrupt is generated upon assertion event of the ERROR register.
When ERRORE is set low, changes in the ERROR status do not generate an interrupt.
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Register 1302H: Add DLL Reset
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 Unused X
Any write to the Add DLL Reset Register will reset the Add Bus DLL.
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Register 1303H: ADLL Status
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 R Reserved X
Bit 6 R Reserved X
Bit 4 R Reserved X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 1 R Reserved 0
Bit 0 R Reserved 0
The reserved bits must be programmed to their default values for proper operation.
The delay line error register bit (ERROR) indicates the DLL has run out of dynamic range.
When the DLL attempts to move beyond the end of the delay line, ERROR is set high.
ERROR is set low, when the DLL captures lock again.
The delay line error event register bit (ERRORI) indicates the ERROR register bit has gone
high. When the ERROR register changes from a logic 0 to a logic 1, the ERRORI register
bit is set to logic 1. If the ERRORE interrupt enable is high, the INT output is also asserted
when ERRORI asserts.
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13 Test Features Description
Simultaneously asserting (low) the CSB, RDB, and WRB inputs causes all digital output pins
and the data bus to be held in a high-impedance state. This test feature may be used for board
Test mode registers are used in some test vectors during production testing of the SPECTRA
1x2488. Test mode registers (as opposed to normal mode registers) are selected when TRS
(A[13]) is high.
Test mode registers may also be used for board testing. When all of the TSBs within the
SPECTRA 1x2488 are placed in test mode 0, device inputs may be read and device outputs may
be forced via the microprocessor interface (refer to the section "Test Mode 0" for details).
In addition, the SPECTRA 1x2488 also supports a standard IEEE 1149.1 five-signal JTAG
boundary scan test port for use in board testing. All digital device inputs may be read and all
digital device outputs may be forced via the JTAG test port.
Table 13 Test Mode Register Memory Map
Address Register
0000H-1FFFH Normal Mode Registers
2000 Master Test Register
2001 Test Mode Address Force Enable
2002 Test Mode Address Force Value
2003-3FFF Reserved For Test
13.1 Master Test and Test Configuration Registers
Notes on Test Mode Register Bits
1. Writing values into unused register bits has no effect. However, to ensure software
compatibility with future, feature-enhanced versions of the product, unused register bits
must be written with logic 0. Reading back unused bits can produce either a logic 1 or a
logic 0; hence, unused register bits should be masked off by software when read.
2. Writeable test mode register bits are not initialized upon reset unless otherwise noted.
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Register 2000H: SPECTRA 1x2488 Master Test
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 6 R/W ATB_2488_EN X
Bit 5 R/W ATST X
Bit 3 R/W DBCTRL 0
Bit 2 R/W IOTST 0
Bit 0 R/W HIZIO 0
This register is used to enable SPECTRA 1x2488 test features. All bits, except ATB_2488_EN,
PMCTST and PMCATST are reset to zero by a reset of the SPECTRA 1x2488 using the RSTB
input. ATB_2488_EN, PMCTST and ATST are reset when CSB is logic 1. ATB_2488_EN,
PMCTST and ATST can also be reset by writing a logic 0 to the corresponding register bit.
Access to this register is not affected by the Test Mode Address Force functions in registers
2001H and 2002H.
The HIZIO and HIZDATA bits control the tri-state modes of the SPECTRA 1x2488. While
the HIZIO bit is a logic 1, all output pins of the SPECTRA 1x2488 except the data bus and
output TDO are held tri-state. The microprocessor interface is still active. While the
HIZDATA bit is a logic 1, the data bus is also held in a high-impedance state, which inhibits
microprocessor read cycles. The HIZDATA bit is overridden by the DBCTRL bit.
The IOTST bit is used to allow normal microprocessor access to the test registers and
control the test mode in each TSB block in the SPECTRA 1x2488 for board level testing.
When IOTST is a logic 1, all blocks are held in test mode and the microprocessor may write
to a block’s test mode 0 registers to manipulate the outputs of the block and consequently
the device outputs (refer to the “Test Mode 0 Details” in the “Test Features” section).
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The DBCTRL bit is used to pass control of the data bus drivers to the CSB pin. When the
DBCTRL bit is set to logic 1 and PMCTST is set to logic 1, the CSB pin controls the output
enable for the data bus. While the DBCTRL bit is set, holding the CSB pin high causes the
SPECTRA 1x2488 to drive the data bus and holding the CSB pin low tri-states the data bus.
The DBCTRL bit overrides the HIZDATA bit. The DBCTRL bit is used to measure the
drive capability of the data bus driver pads.
The PMCTST bit is used to configure the SPECTRA 1x2488 for PMC-Sierra's
manufacturing tests. When PMCTST is set to logic 1, the SPECTRA 1x2488
microprocessor port becomes the test access port used to run the PMC "canned"
manufacturing test vectors. The PMCTST can be cleared by setting CSB to logic 1 or by
writing logic 0 to the bit.
The ATST bit is used to configure the analog test pads of the SPECTRA 1x2488 for PMC-
Sierra's manufacturing tests. The ATST can be cleared by setting CSB to logic 1 or by
writing logic 0 to the bit.
The ATB_2488_EN bit is used to configure the analog portion of the SPECTRA 1x2488 for
PMC-Sierra's manufacturing tests. The ATB_2488_EN can be cleared by setting CSB to
logic 1 or by writing logic 0 to the bit.
The FORCE_LASVCLK bit is used to configure the test clock of the LAS4x622 TSB for
PMC-Sierra's manufacturing tests. FORCE_LASVCLK cannot be reset in normal mode. It
is cleared to 0 in test mode when RSTB is low.
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Register 2001H: SPECTRA 1x2488 Test Mode Address Force Enable
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 2 Unused X
Bit 1 Unused X
Bit 0 R/W TM_A_EN X
This register is used to force the address pins to a certain value. These bits are valid when either
PMCTST or IOTST is set to logic 1. The TM_A[X] bit is forced when TM_A_EN is logic 1.
Otherwise, the A[X] pin is used.
Access to this register is not affected by the Test Mode Address Force functions in registers
2001H and 2002H.
When TM_A_EN is logic 1 and either PMCTST or IOTST is logic 1, the TM_A[X] register
bit replaces the input pin A[X]. Like PMCTST and ATST, TM_A_EN bits are cleared only
when CSB is logic 1 or when they are written to logic 0.
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Register 2002H: SPECTRA 1x2488 Test Mode Address Force Value
Bit Type Function Default
Bit 15 Unused X
Bit 14 Unused X
Bit 13 Unused X
Bit 12 Unused X
Bit 11 Unused X
Bit 10 Unused X
Bit 9 Unused X
Bit 8 Unused X
Bit 7 Unused X
Bit 6 Unused X
Bit 5 Unused X
Bit 4 Unused X
Bit 3 Unused X
Bit 1 R/W TM_A[11] X
Bit 0 R/W TM_A[10] X
This register is used to force the address pins to a certain value. These bits are valid when either
PMCTST or IOTST is set to logic 1. The TM_A[X] bit is forced when TM_A_EN is logic 1.
Otherwise, the A[X] pin is used.
Access to this register is not affected by the Test Mode Address Force functions in registers
2001H and 2002H.
When TM_A_EN is logic 1 and either PMCTST or IOTST is logic 1, the TM_A[X] bit
replaces the input pin A[X]. Like PMCTST and ATST, TM_A[X] bits are cleared only
when CSB is logic 1 or when they are written to logic 0.
When TM_A_EN is logic 1 and either PMCTST or IOTST is logic 1, the TM_SLICE bit
high will force the SPECTRA 1x2488 to ignore the input pin A[11:10] and select all 4
slices. Like PMCTST and ATST, TM_SLICE bits are cleared only when CSB is logic 1 or
when they are written to logic 0.
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13.2 JTAG Test Port
The SPECTRA 1x2488 JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) allows access to the TAP controller and
the four TAP registers: instruction, bypass, device identification and boundary scan. Using the
TAP, device input logic levels can be read, device outputs can be forced, the device can be
identified and the device scan path can be bypassed. For more details on the JTAG port, please
refer to the Operations section.
Table 14 Instruction Register (Length - 3 Bits)
Instructions Selected Register Instruction Codes, IR[2:0]
EXTEST Boundary Scan 000
IDCODE Identification 001
SAMPLE Boundary Scan 010
BYPASS Bypass 011
BYPASS Bypass 100
STCTEST Boundary Scan 101
BYPASS Bypass 110
BYPASS Bypass 111
Table 15 Identification Register
Length 32 bits
Version Number 0H
Part Number 5332H
Manufacturer's Identification Code 0CDH
Device Identification 053320CDH
Table 16 Boundary Scan Register
Name Register Bit Cell Type Device ID
AD2[7] 398 IN_CELL L
AD2[6] 397 IN_CELL H
AD2[5] 396 IN_CELL L
AD2[4] 395 IN_CELL H
AD2[3] 394 IN_CELL L
AD2[2] 393 IN_CELL L
AD2[1] 392 IN_CELL H
AD2[0] 391 IN_CELL H
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Name Register Bit Cell Type Device ID
DD2[7] 381 OUT_CELL L
DD2[6] 379 OUT_CELL L
DD2[5] 377 OUT_CELL H
DD2[4] 375 OUT_CELL L
DD2[3] 373 OUT_CELL H
DD2[2] 371 OUT_CELL H
DD2[1] 369 OUT_CELL
DD2[0] 367 OUT_CELL
AD3[7] 362 IN_CELL
AD3[6] 361 IN_CELL
AD3[5] 360 IN_CELL
AD3[4] 359 IN_CELL
AD3[3] 358 IN_CELL
AD3[2] 357 IN_CELL
AD3[1] 356 IN_CELL
AD3[0] 355 IN_CELL
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Name Register Bit Cell Type Device ID
DD3[7] 340 OUT_CELL
DD3[6] 338 OUT_CELL
DD3[5] 336 OUT_CELL
DD3[4] 334 OUT_CELL
DD3[3] 332 OUT_CELL
DD3[2] 330 OUT_CELL
DD3[1] 328 OUT_CELL
DD3[0] 326 OUT_CELL
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Name Register Bit Cell Type Device ID
AD4[7] 297 IN_CELL
AD4[6] 296 IN_CELL
AD4[5] 295 IN_CELL
AD4[4] 294 IN_CELL
AD4[3] 293 IN_CELL
AD4[2] 292 IN_CELL
AD4[1] 291 IN_CELL
AD4[0] 290 IN_CELL
DD4[7] 280 OUT_CELL
DD4[6] 278 OUT_CELL
DD4[5] 276 OUT_CELL
DD4[4] 274 OUT_CELL
DD4[3] 272 OUT_CELL
DD4[2] 270 OUT_CELL
DD4[1] 268 OUT_CELL
DD4[0] 266 OUT_CELL
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Name Register Bit Cell Type Device ID
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Name Register Bit Cell Type Device ID
OEB_D[15] 201 OUT_CELL
D[15] 200 IO_CELL
OEB_D[14] 199 OUT_CELL
D[14] 198 IO_CELL
OEB_D[13] 197 OUT_CELL
D[13] 196 IO_CELL
OEB_D[12] 195 OUT_CELL
D[12] 194 IO_CELL
OEB_D[11] 193 OUT_CELL
D[11] 192 IO_CELL
OEB_D[10] 191 OUT_CELL
D[10] 190 IO_CELL
D[9] 188 IO_CELL
D[8] 186 IO_CELL
D[7] 184 IO_CELL
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Name Register Bit Cell Type Device ID
D[6] 182 IO_CELL
D[5] 180 IO_CELL
D[4] 178 IO_CELL
D[3] 176 IO_CELL
D[2] 174 IO_CELL
D[1] 172 IO_CELL
D[0] 170 IO_CELL
A[13] 169 IN_CELL
A[12] 168 IN_CELL
A[11] 167 IN_CELL
A[10] 166 IN_CELL
A[9] 165 IN_CELL
A[8] 164 IN_CELL
A[7] 163 IN_CELL
A[6] 162 IN_CELL
A[5] 161 IN_CELL
A[4] 160 IN_CELL
A[3] 159 IN_CELL
A[2] 158 IN_CELL
A[1] 157 IN_CELL
A[0] 156 IN_CELL
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Name Register Bit Cell Type Device ID
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Name Register Bit Cell Type Device ID
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Name Register Bit Cell Type Device ID
AD1[7] 33 IN_CELL
AD1[6] 32 IN_CELL
AD1[5] 31 IN_CELL
AD1[4] 30 IN_CELL
AD1[3] 29 IN_CELL
AD1[2] 28 IN_CELL
AD1[1] 27 IN_CELL
AD1[0] 26 IN_CELL
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Name Register Bit Cell Type Device ID
DD1[7] 16 OUT_CELL
DD1[6] 14 OUT_CELL
DD1[5] 12 OUT_CELL
DD1[4] 10 OUT_CELL
· When set high, INTB will be set to high impedance.
13.2.1 Boundary Scan Cells
In the following diagrams, CLOCK-DR is equal to TCK when the current controller state is
SHIFT-DR or CAPTURE-DR, and unchanging otherwise. The multiplexer in the center of the
diagram selects one of four inputs, depending on the status of select lines G1 and G2. The ID
Code bit is as listed in the Boundary Scan Register table located above.
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Figure 17 Input Observation Cell (IN_CELL)
Scan Chain Out
to internal
Scan Chain In
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
I.D. Code bit
Figure 18 Output Cell (OUT_CELL)
1 M
Output or Enable
from system logic
Scan Chain In
Scan Chain Out
or Enable
I.D. code bit
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Figure 19 Bi-directional Cell (IO_CELL)
internal logic
Scan Chain In
Scan Chain Out
to pin
from pin
to internal
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
I.D. code bit
Figure 20 Layout of Output Enable and Bi-directional Cells
from internal
logic (0 = drive)
internal logic
internal logic
Scan Chain In
Scan Chain Out
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14 Operation
This section presents Configuration Options, PCB design recommendations, operating details
for the JTAG boundary scan feature, and interface details for system side devices.
processes the section, line, path overhead of an STS-48/48c (STM-16/AU4-16c/AU4-12c
/AU4-8c/ AU4-4c/AU4/AU3/TU3) or quad STS-12/12c (STM-4/AU4-4c/AU4/AU3/TU3) data
stream. The SPECTRA 1x2488 supports a rich set of line, path, and system configuration
14.1 Transport and Path Overhead Bytes
Under normal operating conditions, the SPECTRA 1x2488 processes the complete transport
overhead present in an STS-48c/48 or quad STS-12/12c(STM-4) stream. The byte positions
processed by the SPECTRA 1x2488 are indicated below.
Figure 21 STS-12 (STM-4) on RTOH 1-4/TTOH1-4
A2 A2 A2
Z2 Z2 Z2
H3 H3H2 H2
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
A1A1 A1
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
First order of transmission
STS-1/STM-0 #5
STS-1/STM-0 #5
STS-1/STM-0 #5
Unused bytes National bytes
Z0 Z0 or National bytes
Second order of transmission
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Figure 22 STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH1/TTOH1
A2 A2 A2
Z2 Z2 Z2
H3 H3H2 H2
STS-1/STM-0 #36
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
STS-1/STM-0 #36
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
A1A1 A1
STS-1/STM-0 #36
STS-1/STM-0 #4
STS-1/STM-0 #3
STS-1/STM-0 #2
STS-1/STM-0 #1
First order of transmission
STS-1/STM-0 #17
STS-1/STM-0 #17
STS-1/STM-0 #17
Unused bytes National bytes
Z0 Z0 or National bytes
Second order of transmission
Figure 23 STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH2/TTOH2
A2 A2 A2
Z2 Z2 Z2
H3 H3H2 H2
STS-1/STM-0 #44
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #11
STS-1/STM-0 #10
STS-1/STM-0 #9
STS-1/STM-0 #44
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #11
STS-1/STM-0 #10
STS-1/STM-0 #9
A1A1 A1
STS-1/STM-0 #44
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #11
STS-1/STM-0 #10
STS-1/STM-0 #9
STS-1/STM-0 #25
STS-1/STM-0 #25
STS-1/STM-0 #25
Unused bytes National bytes
Z0 Z0 or National bytes
First order of transmission
Second order of transmission
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Figure 24 STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH3/TTOH3
A2 A2 A2
Z2 Z2 Z2
H3 H3H2 H2
STS-1/STM-0 #44
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #11
STS-1/STM-0 #10
STS-1/STM-0 #9
STS-1/STM-0 #44
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #11
STS-1/STM-0 #10
STS-1/STM-0 #9
A1A1 A1
STS-1/STM-0 #44
STS-1/STM-0 #12
STS-1/STM-0 #11
STS-1/STM-0 #10
STS-1/STM-0 #9
STS-1/STM-0 #25
STS-1/STM-0 #25
STS-1/STM-0 #25
Unused bytes National bytes
Z0 Z0 or National bytes
First order of transmission
Second order of transmission
Figure 25 STS-48 (STM-16) on RTOH4/TTOH4
A2 A2 A2
Z2 Z2 Z2
H3 H3H2 H2
STS-1/STM-0 #48
STS-1/STM-0 #16
STS-1/STM-0 #15
STS-1/STM-0 #14
STS-1/STM-0 #13
STS-1/STM-0 #48
STS-1/STM-0 #16
STS-1/STM-0 #15
STS-1/STM-0 #14
STS-1/STM-0 #13
A1A1 A1
STS-1/STM-0 #48
STS-1/STM-0 #16
STS-1/STM-0 #15
STS-1/STM-0 #14
STS-1/STM-0 #13
STS-1/STM-0 #29
STS-1/STM-0 #29
STS-1/STM-0 #29
Unused bytes National bytes
Z0 Z0 or National bytes
First order of transmission
Second order of transmission
Transport Overhead Bytes
All receive transport overhead bytes are extracted and presented onto the RTOH port. All
transmit transport overhead bytes can be inserted via the TTOH port. When the transmit
transport overhead insertion interface is not being used the TRMP should be set to use its
internal insertion registers (see register description for TRMP Register Insertion registers
1081H, 1481H, 1881H and 1C81H)
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A1, A2: The frame alignment bytes (A1, A2) locate the SONET/SDH frame in the serial stream.
These bytes are used to byte align the received data.
J0: The J0 byte is currently defined as the section trace byte for SONET/SDH. J0 byte is not
scrambled by the frame synchronous scrambler. The received section trace message is
processed by the SECTION RTTP block and is also available on the RTOH port. The transmit
section trace message can be programmed in the SECTION TTTP, via the TTOH port or the
TRMP block.
Z0: The Z0 bytes are currently defined as the section growth bytes for SONET/SDH. Z0 bytes
are not scrambled by the frame synchronous scrambler. The received section growth bytes are
extracted and available on the RTOH port. The transmit section growth bytes can be inserted
via the TTOH port or the TRMP block.
B1: The section bit interleaved parity byte provides a section error monitoring function. In the
transmit direction, the TRMP block calculates the B1 code over all bits of the previous frame
after scrambling. The calculated code is then placed in the current frame before scrambling. In
the receive direction, the RRMP block calculates the B1 code over the current frame and
compares this calculation with the B1 byte received in the following frame. B1 errors are
accumulated in the error event counter of the RRMP block.
D1 - D3: The section data communications channel provides a 192 Kbit/s data communications
channel for network element to network element communications. In the transmit direction, the
section DCC byte is inserted from a dedicated 192 Kbit/s input, TLD and/or TSLD port.
Section DCC can also be inserted via the TTOH port or the TRMP block. In the receive
direction, the section DCC is extracted on a dedicated 192 Kbit/s output, RLD and/or RSLD
port. Section DCC is also extracted on the RTOH port.
H1, H2: The pointer value bytes locate the J1 path overhead byte in the SONET/SDH frame. In
the transmit direction, the SVCA block inserts a valid pointer with pointer adjustments to
accommodate plesiochronous timing offsets between the line and system references. In the
receive direction, the pointer is interpreted by the RHPP block to locate the payload. The loss
of pointer state is entered when a valid pointer cannot be found. Path AIS state is entered when
H1, H2 contain an all ones pattern.
H3: The pointer action bytes contain synchronous payload envelope data when a negative stuff
event occurs. An all zero pattern is inserted in the transmit direction unless a negative stuff
event occurs. This byte is ignored in the receive direction unless a negative stuff event is
B2: The line bit interleaved parity bytes provide a line error monitoring function. In the
transmit direction, the TRMP block calculates the B2 codes. The calculated code is then placed
in the next frame. In the receive direction, the RRMP block calculates the B2 codes over the
current frame and compares this calculation with the B2 codes receive in the following frame.
B2 errors are accumulated in the error event counter of the RRMP block.
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K1, K2: The K1 and K2 bytes provide the automatic protection switching channel. The K2
byte is also used to identify line layer maintenance signals. Line RDI is indicated when bits 6,
7, and 8 of the K2 byte are set to the pattern '110'. Line AIS is indicated when bits 6, 7, and 8
of the K2 byte are set to the pattern '111'. In the transmit direction, the K1 and K2 bytes can be
inserted via the TTOH port or the TRCP ports. The TRMP block also provides register control
for the K1 and K2 bytes block. In the receive direction, the RRMP block provides register
access to the filtered APS channel. Protection switch byte failure alarm detection is provided.
The K2 byte is also determines the presence of the line AIS, or the line RDI maintenance signals
D4 - D12: The line data communications channel provides a 576 Kbit/s data communications
channel for network element to network element communications. In the transmit direction, the
line DCC byte is inserted from a dedicated 576 Kbit/s input, TLD. Line DCC can also be
inserted via the TTOH port or the TRMP block. In the receive direction, the line DCC is
extracted on a dedicated 576 Kbit/s output, RLD. Line DCC is also extracted on the RTOH port.
S1: The S1 byte provides the synchronization status message. Bits 5 through 8 of the
synchronization status byte identify the synchronization source of the SONET/SDH signal. Bits
1 through 4 are currently undefined. In the transmit direction, the synchronization status
message is inserted from the TRMP block. In the receive direction, the TRMP block provides
register access to the synchronization status byte. The S1 byte is also available on the RTOH
Z1: The Z1 bytes are allocated for future growth. In the transmit direction, the Z1 growth bytes
can be inserted via the TTOH port or the TRMP block. In the receive direction, the Z1 growth
bytes are extracted and available on the RTOH port.
M1: The M1 byte provides a line remote error indication (REI) function for remote
performance monitoring. In the transmit direction, the M1 byte is internally generated. The
number of B2 errors detected in the previous interval is insert from the receive RRMP block or
the TRCP port. In the receive direction, a legal REI value is added to the line REI event counter
in the RRMP block.
Z2: The Z2 bytes are allocated for future growth. In the transmit direction, Z2 growth bytes can
be inserted via the TTOH port or the TRMP block. In the receive direction, Z1 growth bytes are
extracted and available on the RTOH port.
Path Overhead Bytes
All receive path overhead bytes are extracted and presented onto the RPOH port. All transmit
path overhead bytes can be inserted via the TPOH port. When the transmit path overhead
insertion interface is not being used the THPP should be set to use its internal insertion registers
(see register description for THPP Indirect Register 01H-THPP Source and Pointer Control
Note: When inserting POH data maintain consistent insertion via the TPOH port or via internal
register configuration. When using the TPOH port, ensure that the POH data is only inserted
into the TPOH port once the TPOHRDY signal is asserted to indicate that the SPECTRA
1x2488 is prepared to accept the POH serial data stream. As well, the POH data must be
inserted on the TPOH port every opportunity indicated by the TPOHRDY signal. Toggling
between TPOH insertion via TPOH port and internal register configuration may result in POH
data corruption.
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J1: The Path Trace byte is used to repetitively transmit a 64-byte CLLI message (for
SONET/SDH networks), or a 16-byte E.164 address (for SDH networks). When not used, this
byte should be set to transmit continuous null characters. Null is defined as the ASCII code,
0x00. The received path trace message is processed by the PATH RTTP block and also
available on the RPOH port. The transmit path trace message can be programmed in the PATH
TTTP, via the TPOH port or the THPP block.
B3: The path bit interleaved parity byte provides a path error monitoring function. In the
transmit direction, the THPP block calculates the B3 code. The calculated code is then placed
in the next frame. In the receive direction, the RHPP block calculates the B3 code and
compares this calculation with the B3 code received in the following frame. B3 errors are
accumulated in an error event counter of the RHPP.
C2: The path signal label indicator identifies the equipped payload type. In the transmit
direction, the C2 byte can be inserted via the TPOH port or the THPP block. In the receive
direction, the C2 byte is processed by the RHPP block for path signal label mismatch and
unstable alarms and also for unequipped and payload defect indication alarms. The C2 byte is
also available on the RPOH port.
G1: The path status byte provides a path remote error indication (REI) function, and a path
remote defect indication (RDI) function. Three bits are allocated for remote defect indications:
bit 5 (the path RDI bit), bit 6 (the auxiliary path RDI bit) and bit 7 (Enhanced RDI bit). Taken
together these bits provide a eight state path RDI code that can be used to categorize path defect
indications. In the transmit direction, the REI and RDI codes are internally generated. The RDI
code is inserted from the receive RHPP block or the TRCP port. The number of B3 errors
detected in the previous interval is inserted from the THPP block or the TRCP port. In the
receive direction, a legal path REI value is added to the path REI event counter in the RHPP
H4: The multi-frame indicator byte is a payload specific byte. In the transmit direction, the H4
byte can be inserted via the TPOH port or the THPP block. In the receive direction, the H4 byte
is extracted and available on the RPOH port..
Z3 Z4 Z5: The Z3, Z4 and Z5 bytes are allocated for future growth. In the transmit direction,
the growth bytes can be inserted via the TPOH port or the THPP block. In the receive direction,
the growth bytes are extracted and available on the RPOH port.
14.2 Accessing Indirect Registers
Indirect registers are used to conserve address space in the SPECTRA 1x2488. Indirect
registers are accessed by writing the indirect address register. The following steps should be
followed for writing to indirect registers:
1. Read the BUSY bit. If it is equal to logic 0, continue to step 2. Otherwise, continue polling
the BUSY bit.
2. Write the desired configurations for the channel into the indirect data registers.
3. Write the channel number (indirect address) to the indirect address register with RWB set to
logic 0.
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4. Read BUSY. Once it equals 0, the indirect write has been completed.
The following steps should be followed for reading indirect registers:
1. Read the BUSY bit. If it is equal to logic 0, continue to step 2. Otherwise, continue polling
the BUSY bit.
2. Write the channel number (indirect address) to the indirect address register with RWB set to
logic 1.
3. Read the BUSY bit. If it is equal to logic 0, continue to 4. Otherwise, continue polling the
BUSY bit.
4. Read the indirect data registers to find the state of the register bits for the selected channel
Note: The maximum busy bit set time is 22 clock RX/TX cycles except for the STSI block,
which is 10 clock cycles.
14.3 Interrupt Service Routine
The SPECTRA 1x2488 will assert INTB to logic 0 when a condition that is configured to
produce an interrupt occurs. To find which condition caused this interrupt to occur, the
procedure outlined below should be followed:
1. Read the SPECTRA 1X2488 Interrupt Status registers at address 000FH to 0013H to find
the functional block(s) that caused the interrupt. The interrupt status bits point to the
functional block(s) that caused the hardware interrupt.
2. Find the register address of the corresponding block that caused the interrupt and read its
Interrupt Status registers. The interrupt functional block and interrupt source identification
register bits from step 1 are cleared once these register(s) have been read and the
interrupt(s) identified.
3. Service the interrupt(s).
4. If the INTB pin is still logic 0, then there are still interrupts to be serviced and steps 1 to 3
need to be repeated. Otherwise, all interrupts have been serviced. Wait for the next
assertion of INTB.
14.4 Using the Performance Monitoring Features
The performance monitor counters within the different blocks are provided for performance
monitoring purposes. All performance monitor counters have been sized to not saturate if
polled every second. The counters will saturate and not roll over if they reach their maximum
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Each block’s counters can be accumulated independently if one of the registers that contain the
latched counter values is written to. A device update of all the counters can be done by writing
to the SPECTRA 1x2488 Global Performance Monitor Update register (register 0000H). After
this register is written to, the TIP bit in this register can be polled to determine when all the
counter values have been transferred and are ready to be read.
14.5 Configuring SONET/SDH Payload from a Concatenated Stream
to a Channelized Stream
When configuring SONET/SDH payload from a concatenated stream to a channelized stream
(master/slave configuration), ensure that the payload pointer is recalculated when the payload is
configured. After payload configuration,
1. Set Diag_NDFREQ bit 5 to “1” in SVCA Diagnostic/Configuration indirect register 0x02.
2. Clear Diag_NDFREQ bit 5 to “0” in SVCA Diagnostic/Configuration indirect register
The SONET/SDH Virtual Container Aligners (SVCA) will correctly calculate the payload
pointer and J1 pulses for concatenated and channelized payloads.
14.6 Translation from AU4/3x(TUG3/TU3/VC3) into 3x(AU3/VC3)
On the Receive side, the SPECTRA 1x2488 can be configured to translate
AU4/3x(TUG3/TU3/VC3) payloads into 3x(AU3/VC3) payloads to bridge between SDH
compliant and SONET compliant networks. The RHPP block interprets the AU4 pointer and
terminates the VC4 POH. The RHPP TU3 block interprets the TU3 pointer and terminates the
VC3 POH. Then, the SVCA block moves the VC3 fixed stuff columns from columns 1,2 to
columns 30,59 (the container is lost). While performing rate adaptation, the SVCA block also
generates three independent AU3 pointers for the DROP TelecomBus interface.
AU3/VC3 (Receive Side) => AU3/VC3 (DROP TelecomBus Interface)
1. Use the default setting in the RHPP Payload Configuration Register (0102H, 0502H, 0902H
or 0D02H) for AU3 pointer interpretation.
2. Use the default setting in the RHPP TU3 Payload Configuration Register (0182H, 0582H,
0982H or 0D82H) for no TU3 pointer interpretation.
3. Use the default setting in the SVCA Payload Configuration Register (0202H, 0602H,
0A02H or 0E02H) for AU3 processing.
AU4/VC4 (Receive Side) => AU4/VC4 (DROP TelecomBus Interface)
1. Set the STS3C[4:1] bits in the RHPP Payload Configuration Register (0102H, 0502H,
0902H or 0D02H) for AU4 pointer interpretation..
2. Use the default setting in the RHPP TU3 Payload Configuration Register (0182H, 0582H,
0982H or 0D82H) for no TU3 pointer interpretation.
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3. Set the STS3C[4:1] bits in the SVCA Payload Configuration Register (0202H, 0602H,
0A02H or 0E02H) for AU4 processing.
AU4/3x(TUG3/TU3/VC3) (Receive Side) => 3x(AU3/VC3) (DROP TelecomBus
1. Set the STS3C[4:1] bits in the RHPP Payload Configuration Register (0102H, 0502H,
0902H or 0D02H) for AU4 pointer interpretation..
2. Set the TUG3[4:1] bits in the RHPP TU3 Payload Configuration Register (0182H, 0582H,
0982H or 0D82H) for TU3 pointer interpretation.
3. Clear the STS3C[4:1] bits and set the TUG3[4:1] bits in the SVCA Payload Configuration
Register (0202H, 0602H, 0A02H or 0E02H) for AU4/TU3=>AU3 translation.
14.7 Translation from 3x(AU3/VC3) into AU4/3x(TUG3/TU3/VC3)
On the ADD TelecomBus interface, the SPECTRA 1x2488 can be configured to translate
3x(AU3/VC3) payloads into AU4/3x(TUG3/TU3/VC3) payloads to bridge between SONET
compliant and SDH compliant networks. The SVCA block moves the VC3 fixed stuff columns
from columns 30,59 to columns 1,2 (the contains is lost). While performing rate adaptation, the
SVCA block also generates three independent TU3 pointers and a fix AU4 pointer for the
transmit side. The THPP TU3 block inserts the VC3 POH. The THPP block inserts the VC4
AU3/VC3 (ADD TelecomBus Interface) => AU3/VC3 (Transmit Side)
1. Use the default setting in the SVCA Payload Configuration Register (1202H, 1602H,
1A02H or 1E02H) for AU3 processing.
2. Use the default setting in the THPP TU3 Payload Configuration Register (1182H, 1582H,
1982H or 1D82H) for no TU3 POH insertion.
3. Use the default setting in the THPP Payload Configuration Register (1102H, 1502H, 1902H
or 1D02H) for AU3 POH insertion..
AU4/VC4 (ADD TelecomBus Interface) => AU4/VC4 (Transmit Side)
1. Set the STS3C[4:1] bits in the SVCA Payload Configuration Register (1202H, 1602H,
1A02H or 1E02H) for AU4 processing.
2. Use the default setting in the THPP TU3 Payload Configuration Register (1182H, 1582H,
1982H or 1D82H) for no TU3 POH insertion.
3. Set the STS3C[4:1] bits in the THPP Payload Configuration Register (1102H, 1502H,
1902H or 1D02H) for AU4 POH insertion..
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3x(AU3/VC3) (ADD TelecomBus Interface) => AU4/3x(TUG3/TU3/VC3) (Transmit
1. Clear the STS3C[4:1] bits and set the TUG3[4:1] bits in the SVCA Payload Configuration
Register (1202H, 1602H, 1A02H or 1E02H) for AU3 => AU4/TU3 translation.
2. Set the TUG3[4:1] bits in the THPP TU3 Payload Configuration Register (1182H, 1582H,
1982H or 1D82H) for TU3 POH insertion.
3. Set the STS3C[4:1] bits in the THPP Payload Configuration Register (1102H, 1502H,
1902H or 1D02H) for AU4 POH insertion..
14.8 Bit Error Rate Monitor
The SPECTRA 1x2488 provides two BERM blocks. One can be dedicated to monitoring the
Signal Degrade (SD) error rates and the other dedicated to monitoring the Signal Fail (SF) error
The Bit Error Rate Monitor (BERM) block counts and monitors line BIP errors over
programmable periods of time (window size). It can monitor to declare an alarm or to clear it if
the alarm is already set. A different threshold must be used to declare or clear the alarm, whether
or not those two operations are performed at the same BER. The following tables list the
recommended content of the BERM registers for different speeds (OC-N) and error rates
(BER). Both BERMs in the SBER block are equivalent and are programmed similarly. In a
normal application they will be set to monitor different BER.
When the SF/SD CMODE bit is 1, this indicates that clearing monitoring should be done using
a window size that is 8 times longer than the declaration window size. When the SF/SD
CMODE bit is 0 this indicates that clearing monitoring should be done using a window size
equal to the declaration window size. In all cases the clearing threshold is calculated for a BER
that is 10 times lower than the declaration BER, as required in the references. The tables
indicate the declare BER, the evaluation period and the recommended CMODE and associated
The Saturation threshold is not listed in the table, and is programmed with the value 0xFFFFFF
by default, deactivating saturation. Saturation capabilities are provided to allow the user to
address issues associated with error bursts. It enables the user to determine a ceiling value at
which the error counters will saturate, letting error bursts pass through within a frame or sub
window period.
Table 17 Recommended BERM Settings For Different OC and BER Rates, Meeting
Bellcore Objectives
OC Monitored
Objective Met For
Switching Time (s)
SAP (hex)
12 10-3 0.008 0 00000007 000828 0001AE
12 10-4 0.008 0 00000007 00016E 000036
12 10-5 0.025 0 00000016 000073 000014
12 10-6 0.250 0 000000DE 000075 000014
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OC Monitored
Objective Met For
Switching Time (s)
SAP (hex)
12 10-7 2.500 0 000008AE 000075 000014
12 10-8 21.000 0 000048EA 000061 000012
12 10-9 167.000 0 000243DC 00004B 00000F
48 10-3 0.008 0 00000007 002116 000677
48 10-4 0.008 0 00000007 0005F8 0000C1
48 10-5 0.008 0 00000007 000095 000019
48 10-6 0.063 0 00000037 000074 000014
48 10-7 0.625 0 0000022B 000075 000014
48 10-8 5.200 0 0000120E 000060 000011
48 10-9 42.000 0 000091D5 00004C 00000F
Table 18 Recommended BERM Settings For Different OC and BER Rates, Meeting
Bellcore and ITU Requirements
OC Monitored
Requirement met
for Switching
Time (s)
SAP (hex)
12 10-3 0.01 0 00000008 00093C 0001F7
12 10-4 0.10 0 0000002B 00091D 00012C
12 10-5 1.00 0 00000192 000922 00011C
12 10-6 10.00 0 00000F98 000922 00011B
12 10-7 100.00 0 00009BD6 000922 00011A
12 10-8 1,000.00 0 00061647 000922 00011A
12 10-9 10,000.00 0 003CDEAD 000922 00011A
48 10-3 0.01 0 00000008 0025A5 00077B
48 10-4 0.10 0 0000002B 002554 000465
48 10-5 1.00 0 00000192 00256F 000426
48 10-6 10.00 0 00000F98 002570 000420
48 10-7 100.00 0 00009BD6 002571 00041F
48 10-8 1,000.00 0 00061647 002571 00041F
48 10-9 10,000.00 0 003CDEAD 002571 00041F
14.9 Setting Up Timeslot Assignments in the STSI
The STSI blocks in the SPECTRA 1x2488 (ASTSI and DSTSI) can be used to rearrange the
position of the system side SONET/SDH timeslots. Each block buffers 48 timeslots and
rearranges them as desired before outputting them. The STSI blocks allow user configuration of
timeslot mappings, basic bypass of timeslots, and predefined mappings for standard
TelecomBus interfaces.
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14.9.1 Standard TelecomBus Timeslot Map
The standard TelecomBus Timeslot Map at the SPECTRA 1x2488 system side interface is
shown in Table 19. The following discussion references AD[x][7:0] and DD[x][7:0], but can
also apply to their associated control signals.
Payload bytes from the SONET/SDH stream are labeled by Sx,y. Within Sx,y, the STS-3/STM-
1 number is given by ‘x’ and the column number within the STS-3/STM-1 is given by ‘y’. With
such a mapping, an STS-12c/STM-4c data stream will be transferred across one complete
AD[x][7:0] or DD[x][7:0] bus.
Table 19 Standard TelecomBus Timeslot Map
S1,1 S2,1 S3,1 S4,1 S1,2 S2,2 S3,2 S4,2 S1,3 S2,3 S3,3 S4,3
S5,1 S6,1 S7,1 S8,1 S5,2 S6,2 S7,2 S8,2 S5,3 S6,3 S7,3 S8,3
S9,1 S10,1 S11,1 S12,1 S9,2 S10,2 S11,2 S12,2 S9,3 S10,3 S11,3 S12,3
S13,1 S14,1 S15,1 S16,1 S13,2 S14,2 S15,2 S16,2 S13,3 S14,3 S15,3 S16,3
14.9.2 Custom Timeslot Mappings
If the ASTSISW[1:0] or DSTSISW[1:0] bits are set to ‘b00, then the corresponding STSI block
will be set for custom timeslot mapping. This permits the user to swap the position of or
multicast any STS-1/STM-0 timeslot.
The channels must still fit into the required system side timeslot map in a manner required by a
channel of such a rate. For example, an STS-3c channel which occupied system side timeslots
S1,1 and S1,2 and S1,3 in Table 19 can be moved to line side timeslots S7,1 and S7,2 and S7,3.
The analogous mapping can be done from the line side timeslots to the system side timeslots.
The following procedure shows how the ASTSI block can be programmed to perform such a
remapping of timeslots. Page 0 of the ASTSI block is configured in the example.
1. Set ASTSISW[1:0] equal to ‘b00.
2. For the ASTSI, the base address STSI_BASE is 1220H.
3. Read BUSY in the STSI Indirect Address register at STSI_BASE + 00H. If it is logic 0,
proceed to step 4. Otherwise, poll BUSY until it is logic 0.
4. Write 0010H to the STSI Indirect Data register at STSI_BASE + 01H to set TSIN[3:0] to 1
and DINSEL[1:0] to 0. This selects the AD[1][7:0] timeslot S1,1 as the input timeslot.
5. Write 0031H to the STSI Indirect Address register at STSI_BASE + 00H to set
TSOUT[3:0] to 3 and DOUTSEL[1:0] to 1. This selects the position S7,1 on the output line
side timeslot in the page 0 mapping of the ASTSI.
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6. Read BUSY in the STSI Indirect Address register at STSI_BASE + 00H. If it is logic 0,
proceed to step 7. Otherwise, poll BUSY until it is logic 0.
7. Write 0050H to the STSI Indirect Data register at STSI_BASE + 01H to set TSIN[3:0] to 5
and DINSEL[1:0] to 0. This selects the AD[1][7:0] timeslot S1,2 as the input timeslot.
8. Write 0071H to the STSI Indirect Address register at STSI_BASE + 00H to set
TSOUT[3:0] to 7 and DOUTSEL[1:0] to 1. This selects the position S7,2 on the output line
side timeslot in the page 0 mapping of the ASTSI.
9. Read BUSY in the STSI Indirect Address register at STSI_BASE + 00H. If it is logic 0,
proceed to step 10. Otherwise, poll BUSY until it is logic 0.
10. Write 0090H to the STSI Indirect Data register at STSI_BASE + 01H to set TSIN[3:0] to 9
and DINSEL[1:0] to 0. This selects the AD[1][7:0] timeslot S1,3 as the input timeslot.
11. Write 00B1H to the STSI Indirect Address register at STSI_BASE + 00H to set
TSOUT[3:0] to BH and DOUTSEL[1:0] to 1. This selects the position S7,3 on the output
line side timeslot in the page 0 mapping of the ASTSI.
12. Go back to step 1 if you want to configure more timeslot mappings.
14.9.3 Active and Standby Pages in the STSI Blocks
The STSI blocks contain 2 pages of configurations: an active page, and an inactive page.
Selection of the page in use in the ASTSI is done by the ACMP input signal. Selection of the
page in use in the DSTSI is done by the DCMP input signal.
The existence of an active page and an inactive page allows the user to set-up an alternate
timeslot mapping on multiple devices or multiple STSI blocks before performing a global
switch to the new mapping. The swapping of the page in use is done at transport frame
boundaries. The ACMP and DCMP are sampled at the J0 locations defined by PL equal logic 0
and J0J1 equal logic 1.
14.10 PRBS Generator and Monitor (PRGM)
A pseudo-random (using the X23+X18+1 polynomial) or incrementing pattern can be
inserted/extracted in the SONET/SDH payload. The user has the option to monitor a
programmable sequence in all the B1 byte positions. The complement of these values are also
monitored in the E1 byte positions. This is used to check for any misconfiguration of STS-1
cross-connect fabrics. If a known STS-1 originated from a particular STS-1 port, the source can
be programmed to send a B1 pattern that would be monitored at the other end.
14.10.1 Mixed Payload (STS-12c, STS-3c, and STS-1)
Each PRGM is designed to process the payload of an STS-12/STM-4 frame in a time-
multiplexed manner. Each time division (12 STS-1 paths) can be programmed to a granularity
of a STS-1. It is possible to process one STS-12c/STM-4c, twelve STS-1/STM-0 or four STS-
3c/STM-1 or a mix of STS-1/STM-0 and STS-3c/STM-1 as long as the aggregate data rate is
not more than one STS-12/STM-4 equivalent. The mixed payload configuration can support the
three STS-1/STM-0 and STS-3c/STM-1 combinations shown below:
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· Three STS-1/STM-0 with three STS-3c/STM-1.
· Six STS-1/STM-0 with two STS-3c/STM-1.
· Nine STS-1/STM-0 with one STS-3c/STM-1.
The STS-1 path that each one of the payloads occupies cannot be chosen randomly. They must
be placed on STS-3c/STM-1 boundaries (group of three STS-1).
14.10.2 Synchronization
Before being able to monitor the correctness of the PRBS payload, the monitor must
synchronize to the incoming PRBS. The process of synchronization involves synchronizing the
monitoring LFSR to the transmitting LFSR. Once the two are synchronized the monitoring
LFSR is able to generate the next expected PRBS bytes. When receiving sequential PRBS
bytes (STS-12c/VC-4-4c), the LFSR state is determined after receiving 3 PRBS bytes (24 bits
of the sequence). The last 23 of 24 bits (excluding MSB of first received byte) would give the
complete LFSR state. The 8 newly generated LFSR bits after a shift by 8 (last 8 XOR products)
will produce the next expected PRBS byte.
In master/slave configuration of the monitor (processing STS-48c/VC-4-16c) more bytes are
needed to recover the LFSR state, because the slaves need a few bytes to be synchronized with
the J1 byte indicator.
The implemented algorithm requires four PRBS bytes of the same payload to ascertain the
LFSR state. From this recovered LFSR state the next expected PRBS byte is calculated.
An Out of Synchronization and Synchronized State is defined for the monitor. While in
progress of synchronizing to the incoming PRBS stream, the monitor is out of synchronization
and remains in this state until the LFSR state is recovered and the state has been verified by
receiving 4 consecutive PRBS bytes without error. The monitor will then change to the
Synchronized State and remains in that state until forced to resynchronize via the RESYNC
register bit or upon receiving 4 erred bytes. When forced to resynchronize, the monitor changes
to the Out of Synchronization State and tries to regain synchronization.
Upon detecting 4 consecutive PRBS byte errors, the monitor will enter the Out of
Synchronization State and automatically try to resynchronize to the incoming PRBS stream.
Once synchronized to the incoming stream, it will take 4 consecutive non-erred PRBS bytes to
change back into the Synchronized State. The auto synchronization is useful when the input
frame alignment of the monitored stream changes. The realignment will affect the PRBS
sequence causing all input PRBS bytes to mismatch and forcing the need for a
resynchronization of the monitor. The auto resynchronization does this, detecting a burst of
errors and automatically re-synchronizing.
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14.10.3 Master/Slave Configuration for STS-48c or STM-16c Payloads
To monitor STS-48c or STM-16c payloads, a master/slave configuration is available where each
monitor receives 1/n of the concatenated stream. In the case of an STS-48c/STM-16c, 4
PRGMs are used in a master/slave configuration. Because the payload is four bytes interleaved,
after a group of four consecutive bytes, a jump in the sequence takes place. The number of bytes
that must be skipped can be determined using the number of PRGMs in the master/slave
configuration. For example, to process an STS-48c/STM-16c, the number of sequence to skip
is (4 PRGMS * 4 bytes) – 3 = 13. So, 13 sequences will be skipped after each group of four
consecutive bytes.
The PRBS monitor can be re-initialize by the user by writing in a normal register of the master
PRGM. Since all the slave PRGMs use the LFSR state of the previous PRGM in the chain, they
will be re-initialize too.
14.10.4 Error Detection and Accumulation
By comparing the received PRBS byte with the calculated PRBS byte, the monitor is able to
detect bit errors in the payload. A bit error is detected on a comparison mismatch of the two
bytes. All bit errors are accumulated in a 16-bit error counter. The error counter will saturate at
its maximum value of FFFFh, i.e. it will not wrap around to 0000h if further PRBS byte errors
are encountered. The counter is readable via the PRGM Monitor Error Count. An indirect read
to that register will initiate a transfer of the error counter into the registers for reading. The
error counter is cleared when transferred into the registers and the accumulation starts at zero.
Bit errors are accumulated only when the monitor is in synchronized state. To enter the
synchronize state, the monitor must have synchronized to the incoming PRBS stream and
received 4 consecutive bytes without errors. Once synchronized, the monitor falls out of
synchronization when forced to by programming high the RESYNC register bit, or once it
detects 4 consecutive PRBS byte errors. When out of synchronization, detected errors are not
14.11 Path Unequipped Configuration
The THPP can be configured to insert all zeros in a payload when the path is define as
Setting a payload unequipped for an:
· STS-48C: set UNEQ to logic 1 and UNEQV to logic 0 for path 1 of the master and slave(s)
· STS-12C: set UNEQ to logic 1 and UNEQV to logic 0 for path 1 of the THPP.
· STS-3C: set UNEQ to logic 1 and UNEQV to logic 0 for the corresponding STS-3C (VC-4)
path 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the THPP.
· STS-1: set UNEQ to logic 1 and UNEQV to logic 0 for the corresponding STS-1 (VC-3)
path of the THPP.
· TUG-3: set UNEQ to logic 1 and UNEQV to logic 0 for the corresponding VC-3 path of the
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Note: For an unequipped path, the THPP fixed stuff columns overwrite must be disable for the
corresponding path in order to generate a valid B3.
14.12 Disabling Transmit Add Bus Pointer Interpreter
If the Transmit Add Bus Pointer Interpreter (TAPI) is disabled while certain path alarms are in
the active state (i.e. PAIS, PLOP, PAISC, PLOPC), these alarms will still be seen by the transmit
SVCA. To prevent consequential and automatic (no user control) PAIS to be inserted into the
transmit path by the transmit SVCA, the user must ensure that there are no path alarms pending
in TAPI prior to disabling it. Therefore, to disable the generation of the LOP-P and AIS-P
alarms by the TAPI, set PAISPTRCFG[1:0] and PLOPTRCFG[1:0] to 11b in register 0x0019H.
14.13 Invalid Concatenation Pointer Processing Disable Bit
The PTRCDIS [11] bit (0105H, 0505H, 0905H and 0D05H registers) enables and disables the
RHPP concatenation pointer interpreter for both path number 11 and 12. When PTRCDIS [11]
is set to logic-1, the RHPP pointer interpreter will not declare LOPC-P and AISC-P defects for
both path 11 and path 12. When PTRCDIS [11] is set to logic-0, LOPC-P and AISC-P defects
will be declared for both path number 11 and 12. The PTRCDIS [12] bit is invalid.
This issue will only affect the follow payload mappings:
· Path 4-8-12 is an STS-3c/AU4, and path 11 is an STS-1.
· Path 3-7-11 and 4-8-12 are STS-3c/AU4, and the required PTRCDIS value are different.
This issue will not affect other payload mappings including:
· STS-48c/AU4-16c. (All PTRCDIS bits have the same value)
· STS-12c/AU4-4c. (All PTRCDIS bits have the same value)
· Path 11 and path 12 are STS-1. (The PTRCDIS bits are not applicable)
· Path 3-7-11 is an STS-3c/AU4 and path 12 is an STS-1. (The PTRCDIS bit is not
· Path 3-7-11 and 4-8-12 are both STS-3c/AU4 and the required PTRCDIS bits values is
identical. (PTRCDIS [11] = PTRCDIS [12])
Workaround #1:
The following workaround apply to the condition when path 4-8-12 is an STS-3c/AU4, and path
11 is an STS-1:
13. Set the PTRCDIS [11] bit in the RHPP block to the required PTRCDIS [12] value.
14. Set the PTRCDIS [12] bit in the RHPP block to the required PTRCDIS [12] value.
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When PTRCDIS [11] is set to logic-1, the RHPP concatenation pointer interpreter for path 12 is
disabled, and when PTRCDIS [11] is set to logic-0, the concatenation pointer interpreter for
path 12 is enabled. The PTRCDIS bit is not applicable to STS-1 path, setting PTRCDIS [11] to
any values will not affect path 11.
Workaround #2:
The following workaround apply to the condition when path 3-7-11 and 4-8-12 are STS-
3c/AU4, and the required PTRCDIS [11] and PTRCDIS [12] values are different:
1. Set PTRCDIS [11] bit in the RHPP block to logic-0. This will enable the RHPP
concatenation pointer interpreter for both path number 11 and 12, and LOPC-V and AISC-V
condition will be declared.
2. Set PTRCDIS [12] bit in the RHPP block to the required PTRCDIS [12] value.
3. Configure the PAISPTRCFG [1:0] bit in the SARC block for path 3-7-11 and path 4-8-12 to
one of the following settings:
PAISPTRCFG [1:0] Descriptions
00b PAISPTRV and PAISPTRI are asserted when the master path of
an STS-3c/AU4 payload contains AIS-P. Use this setting when
concatenation pointer status is ignored. (Bellcore compliant)
01b PAISPTRV and PAISPTRI are asserted when the master path or
any slave paths of an STS-3c/AU4 contain AIS-P.
10b PAISPTRV and PAISPTRI are asserted when the master path and
all slave paths of an STS-3c/AU4 contain AIS-P. (ITU and ETSI
4. Configure the PLOPTRCFG [1:0] bit in the SARC block for path 3-7-11 and path 4-8-12 to
one of the following settings:
PLOPTRCFG [1:0] Descriptions
00b PLOPTRV and PLOPTRI are asserted when the master path of an
STS-3c/AU4 is in LOP state. Use this setting when concatenation
pointer status is ignored. (Bellcore compliant)
01b PLOPTRV and PLOPTRI are asserted when the master path or
any slave paths of an STS-3c/AU4 are in LOP state.
10b PLOPTRV and PLOPTRI are asserted when the master path and
all slave paths of an STS-3c/AU4 are in LOP state. (ITU and ETSI
5. Monitor LOP-P (PLOPTRV or PLOPTRI) and AIS-P (PAISPTRV or PAISPTRI) status in
SARC block.
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Performance with Workaround
Workaround #1:
The RHPP concatenation pointer interpreter for path 12 will be enabled and disabled by the
PTRCDIS [11] bit. When PTRCDIS [11] is set to logic-1, the concatenation pointer interpreter
for path 12 is disabled, and when PTRCDIS [11] is set to logic-0, the concatenation pointer
interpreter for path 12 is enabled. The PTRCDIS bit is not applicable to STS-1 path, setting
PTRCDIS [11] to any values will not affect path 11.
Workaround #2:
The RHPP concatenation pointer interpreter will be enabled in path 11 and 12. As the result, the
LOPC-P and AISC-P bits in the RHPP block will declare LOP-P and AIS-P conditions.
If AISPC status are not required for path #x-y-z, the SARC PAISPTRCFG [1:0] for path #x-y-z
should be set to 00b, and the SARC PAISPTRV or PAISPTRI bit will be monitored for AIS-P
conditions. Conversely, if AISPC status are required for path #x-y-z, the SARC PAISPTRCFG
[1:0] for path #x-y-z should be set to 10b, and the SARC PAISPTRV or PAISPTRI bit will be
monitored for AIS-P conditions.
Similarly, If LOPC status are not required for path #x-y-z, the SARC PLOPPTRCFG [1:0] for
path #x-y-z should be set to 00b, and the SARC PLOPPTRV or PLOPPTRI bit will be
monitored for AIS-P conditions. Conversely, if AISPC status are required for path #x-y-z, the
SARC PLOPPTRCFG [1:0] for path #x-y-z should be set to 10b, and the SARC PLOPTRV or
PLOPPTRI bit will be monitored for LOP-P conditions.
Performance Without Workaround
The PTRCDIS [11] bit (0105H, 0505H, 0905H and 0D05H registers) will control the RHPP
concatenation pointer interpreter for both path 11 and 12. When PTRCDIS [11] is set to logic-
1, the RHPP pointer interpreter will not declare LOPC-P and AISC-P defects for both path 11
and path 12. When PTRCDIS [11] is set to logic-0, LOPC-P and AISC-P defects will be declare
for both path 11 and path 12. The PTRCDIS [12] bit is invalid.
14.14 4x622 Analog Block does not detect an All ‘0’ or All ‘1’ Data
Noise on the AC coupled RXD[1-4] inputs causes transitions on the receiver inputs preventing
detection of an all ‘0’ or all ‘1’ output data pattern from the optics. As a result, Loss of Signal
(LOS) is not detected from an all ‘0’ data pattern and RCLK is not forced to lock to REF77.
The SD inputs must be used to detect LOS.
In OC-48 mode this is not an issue because the receive 2488 analog block is able to detect a
series of all ‘0’ or ‘1’.
If the RCLK[1-4] in question is used as the source for either loop-timing or line-timing
applications, then additional workarounds are required.
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Connect the SD[1-4] input pin with the corresponding SD or LOS pin from the optical module.
Workarounds for loop-timed or line-timed systems using RCLK[1-4].
Software workaround for line-timed applications
· Set the LOSE bit 2 to ‘1’ in the corresponding “RRMP Interrupt Enable” register
0082H, 0482H, 0882H or 0C82H to trigger the SPECTRA 1x2488 INTB interrupt
pin. The card’s software will then have to trigger a clock protection switch based
on the LOS interrupt.
Hardware workaround for loop-timed or line-timed applications
· Set only the LOSEN bit 2 in the corresponding “SARC Section Receive SALM
Enable” register 0263H, 0663H, 0A63H or 0E63H. Register value 0x0004.
· Use the corresponding SALM[1-4] output to trigger a clock protection switch from
RCLK[1-4] to local clock.
Performance With Workaround
LOS will be detected in RRMP block based on a loss of signal declared by the optics module.
Depending on which additional workaround is used, either a pulse on the SALM[1-4] output pin
or an LOS interrupt will be generated by the RRMP block. RCLK[1-4] will not lock to
REFCLK when the optical module outputs an all ‘0’ or all ‘1’ data pattern.
Performance Without Workaround
RCLK[1-4] will not lock to REFCLK and LOS will not be declared when the optical module
outputs an all ‘0’ or all’1’ data pattern. RCLK[1-4]’s frequency will continuously move while
the CDRU attempts to lock to the transitions seen on the receiver input during an all ‘0’ or all
‘1’ data pattern.
14.15 Loop Back Operation
The SPECTRA 1x2488 supports four loop back functions: line-side line loop back, system-side
line loop back, serial diagnostic loop back and parallel diagnostic loop back. The system-side
line loop back mode is configurable for each path while the remaining loop back modes are
configurable for each slice.
The system-side line loop back and parallel diagnostic loop back modes are activated by the
SLLBEN and PDLB bits contained in the SPECTRA 1x2488 top-level registers.
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The line-side line loop back connects the receive data to transmit data in SERDES blocks. This
includes the internal clock recovery and clock synthesis, but excludes all SONET frame
processing. While in this mode, the entire receive path is operating normally. In order for
proper line-side line loop back operation, you must enable LOOPTIME. This can be enabled in
2488 mode by setting the LINE_LOOP_BACK bit in register 0x0023 and the SLLE2488 bit in
register 0x1020 to logic 1. The CSU_MODE[7] bit in register 0x1021 must also be set to logic
0. This can also be enabled in Quad 622 mode by setting SLLE622 and LOOPT to logic 1 in
registers 0x1060H 0x1460H 0x1860H 0x1C60H.
The system-side line loop back (SLLBEN) connects the DROP TelecomBus to the ADD
TelecomBus, and can be used for line side investigations (including the external clock recovery
and clock synthesis, and including the SPECTRA 1x2488 path processing). While in this mode,
the entire receive path is operating normally. To perform this loop back, DCK and ACK must
be synchronous. Note: For proper operation when the AJ0J1_FP port contains no valid framing,
the AFPEN mode (bit 14 of register 0016H) must be configure and the AFPMASK mask (bit 15
of register 001DH) must be enabled. The system-side line loop back is enabled by the top level
SLLBEN register bits.
Serial Diagnostic Loop Back enables a loop back from the transmit 2.488 Gbit/s serial line to
the receive 2.488 Gbit/s serial line in single 2488 mode or from each transmit 622 Mbit/s serial
line to the corresponding receive 622 Mbit/s serial line. In 2488 mode, it is enabled by setting
the SDLE2488 bit in register 0x0022. In quad 622 mode, it is enabled by setting SDLE622 bit
high in registers 0x0035H 0x0435H 0x0835H 0x0c35H.
Parallel diagnostic Loop Back enables a digital loop back from the transmit line to the receive
line before the SERDES analog circuitry. In single 2488 mode, it is enabled by setting the
PDLB bit high in register 0x0003H. In the quad 622 mode, it is enabled by setting the PDLB1-4
bits high in register 0x0003H. Note when the SD/LOS/DOOLEN bit is set HIGH in the SARC
Section Receive AIS-L Enable register, AIS-L is inserted in the receive data stream when
“Signal Detect” or “Loss of Signal” or “Data Out of Lock” is detected. This is the correct
operation of the feature, however, when parallel diagnostic loopback is also enabled in both
single 2488 mode and quad 622 mode, AIS-L is inserted in the receive data stream. This is not
the correct operation and the feature should be disabled when in parallel diagnostic loopback
mode. To do this, clear the SD/LOS/DOOLEN bit 10 of the “SARC Section Receive AIS-L
Enable” registers 0264H, 0664H, 0A64H, and 0E64H when parallel diagnostic loopback is
enabled. AIS-L will not be inserted into receive data stream by the SARC block when the
“Signal Detect” or “Loss of Signal” or “Data Out of Lock” defects are detected.
14.16 JTAG Support
The SPECTRA 1x2488 supports the IEEE Boundary Scan Specification as described in the
IEEE 1149.1 standards. The Test Access Port (TAP) consists of the five standard pins, TRSTB,
TCK, TMS, TDI and TDO used to control the TAP controller and the boundary scan registers.
The TRSTB input is the active-low reset signal used to reset the TAP controller. TCK is the test
clock used to sample data on input, TDI and to output data on output, TDO. The TMS input is
used to direct the TAP controller through its states. The basic boundary scan architecture is
shown below.
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Figure 26 Boundary Scan Architecture
Boundary Scan
Device Identification
Tri-state Enable
The boundary scan architecture consists of a TAP controller, an instruction register with
instruction decode, a bypass register, a device identification register and a boundary scan
register. The TAP controller interprets the TMS input and generates control signals to load the
instruction and data registers. The instruction register with instruction decode block is used to
select the test to be executed and/or the register to be accessed. The bypass register offers a
single-bit delay from primary input, TDI to primary output, TDO. The device identification
register contains the device identification code.
The boundary scan register allows testing of board inter-connectivity. The boundary scan
register consists of a shift register place in series with device inputs and outputs. Using the
boundary scan register, all digital inputs can be sampled and shifted out on primary output,
TDO. In addition, patterns can be shifted in on primary input, TDI and forced onto all digital
14.16.1 TAP Controller
The TAP controller is a synchronous finite state machine clocked by the rising edge of primary
input, TCK. All state transitions are controlled using primary input, TMS. The finite state
machine is described below.
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Figure 27 TAP Controller Finite State Machine
Run-Test-Idle Select-DR-Scan Select-IR-Scan
Capture-DR Capture-IR
Shift-DR Shift-IR
Exit1-DR Exit1-IR
Pause-DR Pause-IR
Exit2-DR Exit2-IR
Update-DR Update-IR
1 1
All transitions dependent on input TMS
14.16.2 States
The test logic reset state is used to disable the TAP logic when the device is in normal mode
operation. The state is entered asynchronously by asserting input, TRSTB. The state is entered
synchronously regardless of the current TAP controller state by forcing input, TMS high for 5
TCK clock cycles. While in this state, the instruction register is set to the IDCODE instruction.
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The run test/idle state is used to execute tests.
The capture data register state is used to load parallel data into the test data registers selected by
the current instruction. If the selected register does not allow parallel loads or no loading is
required by the current instruction, the test register maintains its value. Loading occurs on the
rising edge of TCK.
The shift data register state is used to shift the selected test data registers by one stage. Shifting
is from MSB to LSB and occurs on the rising edge of TCK.
The update data register state is used to load a test register's parallel output latch. In general, the
output latches are used to control the device. For example, for the EXTEST instruction, the
boundary scan test register's parallel output latches are used to control the device's outputs. The
parallel output latches are updated on the falling edge of TCK.
The capture instruction register state is used to load the instruction register with a fixed
instruction. The load occurs on the rising edge of TCK.
The shift instruction register state is used to shift both the instruction register and the selected
test data registers by one stage. Shifting is from MSB to LSB and occurs on the rising edge of
The update instruction register state is used to load a new instruction into the instruction
register. The new instruction must be scanned in using the Shift-IR state. The load occurs on
the falling edge of TCK.
The Pause-DR and Pause-IR states are provided to allow shifting through the test data and/or
instruction registers to be momentarily paused.
Boundary Scan Instructions
The following is a description of the standard instructions. Each instruction selects a serial test
data register path between input, TDI and output, TDO.
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14.16.3 Instructions
The bypass instruction shifts data from input, TDI to output, TDO with one TCK clock period
delay. The instruction is used to bypass the device.
The external test instruction allows testing of the interconnection to other devices. When the
current instruction is the EXTEST instruction, the boundary scan register is place between
input, TDI and output, TDO. Primary device inputs can be sampled by loading the boundary
scan register using the Capture-DR state. The sampled values can then be viewed by shifting
the boundary scan register using the Shift-DR state. Primary device outputs can be controlled
by loading patterns shifted in through input TDI into the boundary scan register using the
Update-DR state.
The sample instruction samples all the device inputs and outputs. For this instruction, the
boundary scan register is placed between TDI and TDO. Primary device inputs and outputs can
be sampled by loading the boundary scan register using the Capture-DR state. The sampled
values can then be viewed by shifting the boundary scan register using the Shift-DR state.
The identification instruction is used to connect the identification register between TDI and
TDO. The device's identification code can then be shifted out using the Shift-DR state.
The single transport chain instruction is used to test out the TAP controller and the boundary
scan register during production test. When this instruction is the current instruction, the
boundary scan register is connected between TDI and TDO. During the Capture-DR state, the
device identification code is loaded into the boundary scan register. The code can then be
shifted out output, TDO using the Shift-DR state.
14.17 Board Design Recommendations
The noise environment and signal integrity are often the limiting factors in system performance.
Therefore, the following board design guidelines must be followed in order to ensure proper
1. Use a single plane for grounds.
2. Provide separate +3.3 volt analog transmit, +3.3 volt analog receive, and +3.3 volt digital
supplies, but otherwise connect the supply voltages together at one point close to the
connector where +3.3 volts is brought to the card.
3. Provide separate +1.8 volt analog transmit, +1.8 volt analog receive, and +1.8 volt digital
supplies, but otherwise connect the supply voltages together at one point close to the
connector where +1.8 volts is brought to the card.
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4. Ferrite beads are not advisable in digital switching circuits because inductive spiking (di/dt
noise) is introduced into the power rail. Simple RC filtering is the best approach provided
care is taken to ensure the IR drop in the resistance does not lower the supply voltage below
the recommended operating voltage.
5. High-frequency decoupling capacitors are recommended for the analog power pins as close
to the package pin as possible. Separate decoupling is required to prevent the transmitter
from coupling noise into the receiver and to prevent transients from coupling into some
reference circuitry. See the section on Power Information for more details.
6. The high speed signals must be routed with 50 ohm controlled impedance circuit board
traces and must be terminated with a matched load. Normal TTL-type design rules are not
recommended and will reduce the performance of the device. See the section on interfacing
to ECL and PECL devices for more details.
Please refer to the SPECTRA 1x2488 reference designs (PMC-2020859, PMC-2021567) for
further recommendations
14.18 Power Up Sequence
14.18.1 Single STS-48/STM-16 Mode Operation
To configure the SPECTRA 1x2488 device in 1x2488 mode, configure the SERDES 1x2488 on
the chip in normal operation mode and the SERDES 4x622 on the chip in power down mode.
After reset, as long as the QUAD622 pin is low, the SERDES 4x622 will be automatically
powered down to save power and the SERDES 1x2488 will be powered up in normal mode.
Wait for at least 5 ms before configuring the chip registers.
1. Write the TDCLKOEN bit in Register 0x1040H to logic 1.
14.18.2 Quad STS-12/STM-4 Mode Operation
To configure the SPECTRA 1x2488 device into 4x622 mode, configure the receive and transmit
buffers in SERDES 1x2488 on the chip in normal operation mode and the SERDES 4x622 on
the chip in normal mode. To save power, power down the rest of the SERDES 1x2488 Analog.
(Note default 77.76 MHz clock frequency on the REF77_P/N input pins)
1. Set the Quad622 pin high.
2. Reset the SPECTRA 1x2488 device.
3. Write the TX2488_MODE[2] bit in Register 0x1020H to logic 1.
4. Write Register 0x1021H to set RX_REF_ENABLE to logic 0, TX2488_ENABLE to logic
1, C2C_ENABLE to logic 0, and CSU_ENABLE to logic 0.
5. Write Register 0x0022H to set RX2488_ENABLE to logic 1, CRU_ENABLE to logic 0,
and SLICE1_RX622_EN to logic 1.
6. Wait for 5 ms.
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7. Clear bit 1 to logic 0 in Register 0x0031H. The new register value being 0x4A1D.
8. Clear the PWRDN bit to logic 0 in Registers 0x1063H, 0x1463H, 0x1863H, and 0x1C63H
to initialize the JAT622.
o Wait for 5 ms before configuring the registers.
Configuration of REF77_P/N for 155.52MHz Reference Clock
To configure the SPECTRA 1x2488 device into 4x622 mode using a 155.52MHz clock
frequency in place of the default 77.76 MHz clock frequency on the REF77_P/N input pins
perform the following. Configure the receive and transmit buffers in SERDES 1x2488 on the
chip in normal operation mode and the SERDES 4x622 on the chip in normal mode. To save
power, power down the rest of the SERDES 1x2488 Analog.
1. Follow Power-Up Sequence detailed in “Quad STS-12/STM-4 Mode Operation” section
14.16.2 above.
2. Set ARST_4x622 bit 4 to ‘1’ in “SPECTRA 1x2488 Master Configuration” reg 0x0000.
3. Set REF_MODE bit 2 to '1' and IREF_MODE[1:0] bits [4:3] to ‘00’ in “Quad 622 MABC
General Control Register” reg 0x0030.
4. Clear ARST_4x622 bit 4 to ‘0 in “SPECTRA 1x2488 Master Configuration” reg 0x0000.
14.19 Interfacing to SFP ODL Devices
Figure 28 illustrates the recommended connections.
Figure 28 Interfacing SPECTRA 1x2488 PECL Line Interface
Spectra 1x2488 Line Side interface
Trace Impedance
Trace Impedance
Trace Impedance
Trace Impedance
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Please refer to the SPECTRA 1x2488 Hardware design guide (PMC-2020859) for further
14.20 Interfacing to ECL or PECL Devices
14.20.1 Output Levels
The SPECTRA 1x2488 is targeting for PECL compatible input and output swing characteristics.
The SPECTRA 1x2488 generates outputs which are approximately 2/3 100k ECL/PECL swing
levels, but are compatible with the requirements of most Optical Modules as shown in Table 20.
Figure 29 shows DC ECL/PECL output levels and their limits. We see that output levels are
referenced to a positive power supply, VDD (VDD=0V for ECL and is typically 2.5V or 3.3V
for PECL). Therefore, regardless of the value of VDD, the typical value of VOH is required to
be 952.5 mV below VDD and the typical value of VOL is required to be an additional 762.5 mV
below that.
Figure 29 PECL Levels (100K Characteristics)
VOH (min)
VOH (max)
VOL (min)
VOL (max)
VIL (min)
VIL (max)
VIH (min)
VIH (max)
Input Voltage(VIN)Input Voltage(VIN)
Output Voltage (V
There are no hard specifications for CML, but the signal swing is typically about half that of the
ECL/PECL levels (»800mVppd2 - the signal swing and common mode depend on the resistor
size, amount of current and the positive voltage supply). The lower pulse amplitudes lead to
lower crosstalk, EMI and noise transients. Thus each device that claims CML compatibly must
be looked at carefully to insure interoperability with other devices.
2 Vppd: Peak-to-peak differential voltage (typically equals 2 x single-ended
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Table 20 compares the SPECTRA 1x2488 Rx and Tx signal levels to a few ODLs (note ODL
Rx’s connect to SPECTRA 1x2488 Rx’s and ODL Tx’s connect to SPECTRA 1x2488 Tx’s).
Table 20 SPECTRA 1x2488 and ODL PECL Amplitude Specifications
Device Min Typ. Max
Standard ECL/PECL levels 1190mVppd 1525mVppd 1806mVppd
SPECTRA 1x2488 Tx (channel #1) 1 900mVppd 1000mVppd 1100mVppd
SPECTRA 1x2488 Rx (channel #1) 1 400mVppd2—2 Vppd
Hitachi Tx HTR6518 (single STS-48/STM-16) 500mVppd 2.4 Vppd
Hitachi Rx HTR6518 (single STS-48/STM-16) 640mVppd 800mVppd 1.0 Vppd
SPECTRA 1x2488 Tx (channel #2, 3, 4) 900mVppd 1240mVppd 1680mVppd
SPECTRA 1x2488 Rx (channel #2, 3, 4) 400mVppd22.5 Vppd
Hitachi Tx HTR6418 (quad STS-12/STM-4) 500mVppd 2.4 Vppd
Hitachi Rx HTR6418 (quad STS-12/STM-4) 1100mVppd 1600mVppd 2.0 Vppd
1 TX2488 Analog Control Register 1020H, Bit 6 = ‘0’ (default) for single STS-48/STM-16 mode
2 The SPECTRA 1x2488 Rx does work below this value (measured to work down to 100mVppd),
but the jitter goes up, which will degrade the jitter tolerance of the device. Thus going below this
limit is not recommended
As can be seen, the SPECTRA 1x2488 Tx must be correctly programmed (in general the
reduced Tx output amplitude should be used) to be able to inter-operate with the ODLs. Some
ODLs claim to be able to tolerate Tx PECL levels, but this will limit their Rx optical range, thus
for best operation care must be taken to insure the correct levels are sent to the ODL.
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14.21 Termination Scheme
The SPECTRA 1x2488 is to be AC coupled and double terminated, see Figure 30 to Figure 33
below for several connects. Note that the external termination in practice should be integrated in
the ODL transceiver for single STS-48/STM-16 mode device operation and optional for quad
STS-12/STM-4 mode device operation.
Figure 30 SPECTRA 1x2488 Channel #1 Tx Termination Scheme #1
Open Drain
49.9W 49.9W
16mA or
Rloadext Rloadext
Figure 31 SPECTRA 1x2488 Channel #1 Tx Termination Scheme #2
Open Drain
16mA or
Rloadint Rloadext
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Figure 32 SPECTRA 1x2488 Channel #2, 3, 4 Tx Termination Scheme
Open Drain
49.9W 49.9W
mode 100nF
Rloadext Rloadext
Open Drain
Figure 33 SPECTRA 1x2488 Rx Termination Scheme
Vbias = 1.08V
VDDI =1.8V
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15 Functional Timing
15.1 ADD Parallel TelecomBus
Figure 34 shows the timing of the ADD TelecomBus interface. Timing is provided by ACK.
SONET/SDH data is carried in the AD[X][7:0], where ‘X denotes one of the four sections of the
Incoming TelecomBus. The bytes are arranged in order of transmission in an STS-12/STM-4
stream. Each transport/section overhead byte is labeled by Sx,y and type. Payload bytes are
labeled by Sx,y and Bn, where ‘n’ is the active offset of the byte.
A timeslot naming strategy and assignment on an AD[X][7:0] bus is shown in Figure 34. Within
Sx,y, the STS-3/STM-1 number is given by ‘x’ and the column number within the STS-3/STM-
1 is given by ‘y’. The APL[X] signal is set high to mark payload bytes and is set low at all other
bytes. The composite transport frame and payload frame signal AJ0J1_FP[X] is set high with
APL[X] set low to mark the J0 byte of a transport frame. AJ0J1_FP[X] is set high with APL[X]
also set high to mark the J1 byte of all the streams within AD[X][7:0].
High order streams in AIS alarm are indicated by the APAIS[X] signal. Assertion of the AIS
alarm will cause the cell/packet delineation blocks to lose alignment. The ACMP signal selects
the active connection memory page in the Time-slot Interchange block. It is only valid at the J0
byte position and is ignored at all other positions within the transport frame. The J0 byte
position on all four buses must be aligned.
In Figure 34, timeslots numbers S1,x, S2,y, and S4,z are configured as STS-1/STM-0 operation.
Timeslot number S3,n is configured for STS-3c/STM-1 operation. Stream S1,1 (STM-1 #1,
AU3 #1) is shown to have an active offset of 522 by the high level on APL[X] and AJ0J1_FP[X]
at byte S1,1/B522. Stream S2,1 (STM-1 #2, AU3 #1) is shown to be in high-order path AIS
(APAIS[X] set high at bytes S2,1/Z0, S2,1/B522, S2,1/H3 and S2,1/B0). STM-1 #3 is a
configured in AU4 mode and is shown to undergo a negative pointer justification event,
changing its active offset from 0 to 782. This is shown by AJ0J1_FP[X] being set high at byte
S3,1/H3 and APL[X] being set high at bytes S3,1/H3, S3,2/H3 and S3,3/H3.
For the case where an STS-48c/STM-16c is carried on the four buses AD[X][7:0], the J0
indication is expected on all four buses (AJ0J1_FP[X] = 1 and APL[X] = 0) at the same time.
The J1 indication is expected only on the first bus (AJ0J1_FP[1] = 1 and APL[1] = 1,
AJ0J1_FP[4:2] = 0 and APL[1] = 1).
ACMP is sampled at the clock cycle where the J0 indication is given (AJ0J1_FP[X] is logic 1
and APL[X] is logic 0). ACMP is used to select the incoming memory page in the STSI when
the parallel TelecomBus is in use.
The arrangement shown in Figure 34 is for illustrative purposes only; other configurations,
alarm conditions, active offsets and justification events, etc. are possible.
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Figure 34 ADD Parallel TelecomBus Timing
Vaild XX XX
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15.2 DROP Parallel TelecomBus
Figure 35 shows the timing of the DROP TelecomBus interface. Timing is provided by DCK.
SONET/SDH data is carried in the DD[X][7:0], where ‘X denotes one of the four sections of
the DROP TelecomBus. The bytes are arranged in order of transmission in an STS-12/STM-4
stream. The STSI block can be used to rearrange timeslots between the system side and the
line side of the SPECTRA 1x2488.
The timeslot naming strategy and assignment is shown in Figure 35. Each transport/section
overhead byte is labeled by Sx,y and type. Payload bytes are labeled by Sx,y and Bn, where ‘n
is the active offset of the byte. Within Sx,y, the STS-3/STM-1 number is given by ‘x’ and the
column number within the STS-3/STM-1 is given by ‘y’. The DPL[X] signal is set high to mark
payload bytes and is set low at all other bytes. All four DJ0J1[4:1] signals are set high with all
four DPL[4:1] signals set low to mark the J0 byte of a transport frame. DJ0J1[X] is set high
with DPL[X] also set high to mark the J1 byte of all the streams within DD[X][7:0]. High order
streams in alarm are indicated by the DALARM[X] signal.
In Figure 35, timeslots S1,x, S2,y, and S4,z are configured for STS-1/STM-0 operation.
Timeslot S3,n is configured for STS-3c/STM-1 operation. Stream S1,1 (STM-1 #1, AU3 #1) is
shown to have an active offset of 522 by the high level on DPL[X] and DJ0J1[X] at byte
S1,1/B522. Stream S2,1 (STM-1 #2, AU3 #1) is shown to be in high-order path alarm
(DALARM[X] set high at bytes S2,1/Z0, S2,1/B522, S2,1/H3 and S2,1/B0). STM-1 #3 is a
configured in AU4 mode and is shown to undergo a negative pointer justification event,
changing its active offset from 0 to 782. This is shown by DJ0J1[X] being set high at byte
S3,1/H3 and DPL[X] being set high at bytes S3,1/H3, S3,2/H3 and S3,3/H3. Stream S4,1 is
shown to undergo a positive pointer justification event as indicated by the low level on DPL[X]
at byte S4,1/B0.
For the case where an STS-48c/STM-16c is carried on the four buses DD[4:1][7:0], the J0
indication is given on all four buses (DJ0J1[X] = 1 and DPL[X] = 0) at the same time. The J1
indication is given only on the first bus (DJ0J1[1] = 1 and DPL[1] = 1, DJ0J1[4:2] = 0 and
DPL[1] = 1).
DCMP is sampled at the clock cycle where the J0 indication is given (DJ0J1[X] is logic 1 and
DPL[X] is logic 0). DCMP is used to select the incoming memory page in the STSI when the
parallel TelecomBus is in use.
The arrangement shown in Figure 35 is for illustrative purposes only; other configurations,
alarm conditions, active offsets and justification events, etc. are possible.
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Figure 35 DROP Parallel TelecomBus
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15.3 Receive Transport Overhead
Figure 36 RTOH Output Timing
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
J0J0A2 #12A2 #12A2 #...A2 #1 A2 #...A2 #1A1 #12A1 #12A1 #...A1 #...A1 #1A1 #1
Figure 37 RTOH and ROHFP Output Timing
7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
A1 #1A1 #1
Figure 36 shows the receive transport overhead (RTOH) functional timings. ROHCLK is a
20.736 MHz clock generated by gapping a 25.92 MHz clock (33% high duty cycle). 2592 bits
(9x3x12 bytes) are output on RTOH between two ROHFP assertions.
Figure 37 shows that RTOH and ROHFP are aligned with the falling edge of ROHCLK. The
rising edge of ROHCLK should be used to sample RTOH and ROHFP. Sampling ROHFP high
identifies the MSB of the first A1 byte on RTOH.
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15.4 Receive Section and Line DCC
Figure 38 RLD and RSLD Output Timing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
D12D12D11D10 D11D10D9D9D8D8D7D7D6D5 D6D5D4D4
D12D12D11D10 D11D10D9D9D8D8D7D7D6D5 D6D5D4D4
Figure 38 and Figure 39 show the receive line DCC (RLD) and the receive section/line DCC
(RSLD) functional output timings. RLD and RLDCLK are carrying the line DCC bytes (D4-
D12). When RSLDSEL is set to zero, RSLD and RSLDCLK are carrying the section DCC
bytes (D1-D3). When RSLDSEL is set to one, RSLD and RSLDCLK are carrying the line DCC
bytes (D4-D12).
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Figure 39 RLD, RSLD and ROHFP Output Timing
8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
1 2 3
8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
D4D12 D4D12
D4D12 D4D12
RLDCLK is a 576 KHz clock and RLD is aligned with the falling edge of RLDCLK. The rising
edge of RLDCLK should be used to sample RLD and ROHFP. Sampling ROHFP high
identifies the MSB of the D4 byte on the RLD output.
RSLDCLK is a 192 KHz clock when carrying the section DCC and a 576 KHz clock when
carrying the line DCC. RSLD is aligned with the falling edge of RSLDCLK. The rising edge
of RSLDCLK should be used to sample RSLD and ROHFP. Sampling ROHFP high identifies
the MSB of the D1 or D4 byte on the RSLD output.
15.5 Receive Path Overhead Port
Figure 40 shows the receive path overhead (RPOH) functional timings. The RPOH port
(RPOH, RPOHEN and B3E) is used to output the POH bytes of the STS (VC) payloads and the
path BIP-8 errors. The POH bytes are output on RPOH MSB first in the same order that they
are received. Since ROHFP is synchronized on the transport frame, zero, one or two path
overhead can be output per path per frame. RPOHEN is used to indicate new POH bytes on
RPOH. RPOHEN is either asserted or de asserted for the nine POH bytes. The path BIP-8
errors are output on B3E at the same time the path trace byte is output on RPOH. Optionally,
block BIP-8 errors can be output on B3E.
Note: RPOHEN will be asserted to validate zero, one or two opportunities per path per frame
out of three opportunities. RPOHEN opportunities will alternate from path to path and from
frame to frame based on pointer movement.
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Figure 40 shows that RPOH and RPOHEN are aligned with the falling edge of ROHCLK. The
rising edge of ROHCLK should be used to sample RPOH and RPOHEN. Sampling ROHFP
high identifies the MSB of the path trace byte of STS-1/STM-0 #1 on RPOH and the first
possible path BIP-8 error of STS-1/STM-0 #1 on B3E.
Figure 40 RPOH Output Timing
8 8
J1J1Z5Z4 Z5Z4......B3B3J1J1
B3E (B3EBLK=0)
B3E (B3EBLK=1)
Figure 41 shows the STS-1/STM-0 time slots assignment on RPOH. Since ROHFP is
synchronized on the transport frame, zero, one or two path overhead can be output per path per
frame. To avoid loosing any POH bytes, three time slots are assigned per path per frame. In
STS (AU) mode, the time slots are repeatedly assigned from STS-1/STM-0 #1 to #12. Figure 41
shows the case of a STM-4 data stream carrying four VC-4 payloads. Only the master VC-4
STS-1/STM-0 time slots contain valid POH bytes. Figure 41 shows the case of four VC-4
payloads carrying four TUG3 payloads. Both the master and the slave VC-4 STS-1/STM-0
time slots contain valid POH bytes.
Figure 41 RPOH STS-1/STM-0 Time Slots Output Timing
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #1
#1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #1 #3 #2 #4
#1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4
RPOH (4 VC-4)
B3E (4 VC-4)
B3E (4 TUG3)
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15.6 Transmit Transport Overhead
Figure 42 TTOH and TTOHEN Input Timing
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
J0J0A2 #12A2 #12A2 #...A2 #1 A2 #...A2 #1A1 #12A1 #12A1 #...A1 #...A1 #1A1 #1
Figure 43 TTOH and TOHFP Input Timing
7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
A1 #1A1 #1
Figure 42 shows the transmit transport overhead (TTOH) functional timings. TOHCLK is a
20.736 MHz clock generated by gapping a 25.92 MHz clock (33% high duty cycle). 2592 bits
(9x3x12 bytes) are input on TOH between two TOHFP assertions.
TTOHEN is used to validate the insertion of the corresponding byte on TTOH. When TTOHEN
is sampled high on the MSB of the byte, the byte will be inserted in the transport overhead.
When TTOHEN is sampled low on the MSB of the byte, the byte is not inserted. TTOH and
TTOHEN are sampled with the rising edge of TOHCLK. TOHFP is aligned with the falling
edge of TOHCLK. The rising edge of TOHCLK should be used to sample TOHFP. Sampling
TOHFP high identifies the MSB of the first A1 byte on TTOH.
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15.7 Transmit Section and Line DCC
Figure 44 TLD and TSLD Input Timing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
D12D12D11D11D10D10D9D9D8D8D7D7D6D5 D6D5D4D4
D12D12D11D10 D11D10D9D9D8D8D7D7D6D5 D6D5D4D4
Figure 44 and Figure 45 show the transmit line DCC (TLD) and the transmit section/line DCC
(TSLD) functional input timings. TLD and TLDCLK are carrying the line DCC bytes (D4-
D12). When TSLDSEL is set to zero, TSLD and TSLDCLK are carrying the section DCC bytes
(D1-D3). When TSLDSEL is set to one, TSLD and TSLDCLK are carrying the line DCC bytes
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Figure 45 TLD, TSLD and TOHFP Input Timing
D6D5 D6D5D4D4
D6D5 D6D5D4D4
TLDCLK is a 576 KHz clock. TSLDCLK is a 192 KHz clock when carrying the section DCC
and a 576 KHz clock when carrying the line DCC. TLD and TSLD are sampled with the rising
edge of TLDCLK and TSLDCLK. TLDCLK and TSLDCLK are generated such that the rising
edge of TLDCLK and TSLDCLK can be used by external logic to sample TOHFP with proper
setup and hold time. Sampling TOHFP high identifies the MSB of the D4 byte on TLD and the
MSB of the D1 or D4 byte on TSLD.
15.8 Transmit Path Overhead
Figure 46 shows the transmit path overhead (TPOH) functional timings. The TPOH port
(TPOH, TPOHEN and TPOHRDY) is used to input the POH bytes of the STS (VC) payloads.
The POH bytes are input on TPOH MSB first in the same order that they are transmit. Since
TOHFP is synchronized on the transport frame, zero, one or two path overhead can be input per
path per frame.
TPOHRDY is asserted to indicate that the SPECTRA is ready to receive POH bytes. TPOHEN
is used to validate the insertion of the corresponding byte on TPOH. If TPOHRDY is logic 1
and TPOHEN is sampled high on the MSB of the byte, the byte will be inserted in the path
overhead. When TPOHEN is sampled low on the MSB of the byte, the byte is not inserted in
the output stream. If TPOHRDY is logic 0 and TPOHEN is sample high on the MSB of the
byte, the byte will not be inserted in the path overhead and must be represented at the next
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TPOH and TPOHEN are sampled with the rising edge of TOHCLK. TPOHRDY is aligned with
the falling edge of TOHCLK. The rising edge of TOHCLK should be used to sample
TPOHRDY. Sampling TOHFP high identifies the MSB of the path trace byte of STS-1/STM-0
#1 on TPOH.
Figure 46 RPOH Input Timing
8 8 8 8 8 8 8
J1J1Z5Z4 Z5Z4......B3B3J1J1
Figure 47 shows the STS-1/STM-0 time slots assignment on TPOH. Since TOHFP is
synchronized on the transport frame, zero, one or two path overhead can be input per path per
frame. To avoid loosing any POH bytes, three time slots are assigned per path per frame. In
STS (AU) mode, the time slots are repeatedly assigned from STS-1/STM-0 #1 to #12. Figure 47
shows the case of a STM-4 data stream carrying four VC-4 payloads. Only the master VC-4
STS-1/STM-0 time slots contain valid POH bytes. Figure 47 shows the case of four VC-4
payloads carrying four TUG3 payloads. Both the master and the slave VC-4 STS-1/STM-0
time slots contain valid POH bytes.
Figure 47 TPOH STS-1/STM-0 Time Slots Input Timing
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #1
#1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #1 #3 #2 #4
#1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4
TPOH (4 VC-4)
15.9 Receive Ring Control Port
Figure 48 shows the receive ring control port (RRCP) functional timings. RRCPDAT serially
outputs all the section, line and path defects detected in the receive data stream. Since ROHFP
is synchronized on the transport frame two path overheads are output per path per frame.
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RRCPDAT is aligned with the falling edge of ROHCLK. The rising edge of ROHCLK should
be used to sample RRCPDAT. Sampling ROHFP high with ROHCLK identifies the OOF
defect on RRCP. Table 21 defines RRCP in function of the bit position.
Figure 48 RRCP Output Timing
Table 21 Ring Control Port Bit Definition
Bit Position Type Defect
1 Section OOF
2 Section LOF
3 Section LOS
4 Section LAIS
5 Section LRDI
6 Section APSBF
7 Section STIU
8 Section STIM
9 Section SDBER
10 Section SFBER
11-12 Section GROWTH[1:0]
13-16 Section 0
17-32 Section APS[15:0]
33-40 Section LBIPCNT[7:0]
41 Section LRDIINS
42-64 Section 0
65 Path PLOP
66 Path PAIS
67 Path PPLU
68 Path PPLM
69 Path PUNEQ
70 Path PPDI
71 Path PRDI
72 Path PERDI
73-75 Path PERDIV[2:0]
76 Path PTIU
77 Path PTIM
78-79 Path PGROWTH[1-0]
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Bit Position Type Defect
80 Path 0
81-84 Path PBIPCNT[3:0]
85-87 Path PERDIINS[2:0]
88-96 Path 0
97-128 Path STS-1/STM-0 #2
... ... ...
417-448 Path STS-1/STM-0 #12
449-480 TU3 Path TU3 STS-1/STM-0 #1
... ... ...
801-832 TU3 Path TU3 STS-1/STM-0 #12
833-864 Path STS-1/STM-0 #1
... ... ...
1185-1216 Path STS-1/STM-0 #12
1217-1248 TU3 Path TU3 STS-1/STM-0 #1
... ... ...
1569-1600 TU3 Path TU3 STS-1/STM-0 #12
1601-2592 None 0
15.10 Transmit Ring Control Port
Figure 49 shows the transmit ring control port (TRCP) functional timings. TRCPDAT serially
inputs all the section, line and path defects detected in the receive data stream. The TRCP port
is usually connected to the RRCP port of a mate SPECTRA. TRCP is not restricted to a RRCP
port as long as the format and the timings between TRCPCLK, TRCPFP and TRCPDAT are
Sampling TRCPFP high with TRCPCLK identifies the OOF defect on TRCPDAT. TRCPFP
must be asserted to initiate TRCPDAT capture. Only the first 1600 bits, after TRCPFP
assertion, are considered valid and part of the ring control port. Table 21 defines TRCPDAT in
function of the bit position.
Figure 49 TRCP Input Timing
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15.11 Receive Path Alarm
Figure 50 shows the receive path alarm (RALM) functional timings. RALM is used to output
the “ORing” of the enabled path defects Figure 50 shows the STS-1/STM-0 time slots
assignment on RALM that is identical to RPOH. Each STS-1/STM-0 time slot is either high or
low for 72 ROHCLK clock cycles (9 POH bytes x 8 bits).
RALM is aligned with the falling edge of ROHCLK. The rising edge of ROHCLK should be
used to sample RALM. Sampling ROHFP high identifies STS-1/STM-0 #1 on RALM.
Figure 50 RALM Output Timing
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #1
#1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #1 #3 #2 #4
#1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4
RPOH (4 VC-4)
RALM (4 VC-4)
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16 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Maximum ratings are the worst case limits that the device can withstand without sustaining
permanent damage. They are not indicative of normal mode operation conditions.
Table 22 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Storage Temperature -40°C to +125°C
1.8 V Supply Voltage (VDDI) -0.5 V to +2.5 V
3.3 V Supply Voltage (VDDO) -0.5 V to +4.6 V
Input Pad Tolerance -2 V < Vpin < VDDO+2 V for 10 ns, 100 mA max
Output Pad Overshoot Limits -2 V < Vpin < VDDO+2 V for 10 ns, 100 mA max
Voltage on Any Digital Pin -0.3 V to VVDDO+0.3 V
Static Discharge Voltage ±1000 V
Latch-Up Current ±100 mA
DC Input Current ±20 mA
Lead Temperature +225°C
Absolute Maximum Junction Temperature +125°C
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17 Normal Operating Conditions
Table 23 Normal Operating Voltages for 0.18um CMOS
Operating Range1Reference
Supply Voltages Minimum (V) Typical (V) Maximum (V)
1.8V Core Supply Voltage (VDDI) 1.71 1.80 1.89 +/- 5%
1.8V Analog Supply Voltage (AVDL) 1.71 1.80 1.89 +/- 5%
3.3V Analog Supply Voltage (AVDH) 3.13 3.3 3.47 +/- 5%
3.3V I/O Supply Voltage (VDDO) 3.13 3.3 3.47 +/- 5%
1. Power supply, D.C. characteristics, and A.C. timing are characterized across these operating ranges,
unless otherwise stated.
2. Where typical measurements are given, these parameter values will be used, unless otherwise stated.
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18 Power Information
18.1 Power Requirements
Table 24 Power Requirements
Conditions Parameter Typ1,3 High4Max2Units
IDDOP (VDDI) 1.690 1.952 A
IDDOP (VDDO) 0.146 0.221 A
IDDOP (AVDL) 0.267 0.459 A
0.096 0.129 A
Single STS-48/STM-16 Mode
(1x2488MHz )
All serial links, parallel buses, PRBS
generators and PRBS monitors
Total Power 4.32 5.06 W
IDDOP (VDDI) 1.830 2.116 A
IDDOP (VDDO) 0.146 0.221 A
IDDOP (AVDL) 0.282 0.413 A
0.076 0.097 A
Quad STS-12/STM-4 Mode
All serial links, parallel buses, PRBS
generators and PRBS monitors
Total Power 4.53 5.35 W
1. Typical IDD values are calculated as the mean value of current under the following conditions:
typically processed silicon, nominal supply voltage, TJ=60 °C, outputs loaded with 30 pF and a normal
amount of traffic or signal activity. These values are suitable for evaluating typical device
performance in a system
2. Max IDD values are currents guaranteed by the production test program and/or characterization over
process for operating currents at the maximum operating voltage and operating temperature that
yields the highest current (including outputs loaded to 30 pF, unless otherwise specified)
3. Typical power values are calculated using the formula:
Power = i(VDDNomi x IDDTypi)
Where i denotes all the various power supplies on the device, VDDNomi is the nominal voltage for
supply i, and IDDTypi is the typical current for supply i (as defined in note 1 above). These values are
suitable for evaluating typical device performance in a system
4. High power values are a “normal high power” estimate and are calculated using the formula:
Power = i(VDDMaxi x IDDHighi)
Where i denotes all the various power supplies on the device, VDDMaxi is the maximum operating
voltage for supply i, and IDDHighi is the current for supply i. IDDHigh values are calculated as the
mean value plus two sigmas (2σ) of measured current under the following conditions: TJ=105° C,
outputs loaded with 30 pF. These values are suitable for evaluating board and device thermal
18.2 Power Sequencing
Due to the ESD protection structures in the pads, you must exercise caution when powering a
device up or down. ESD protection devices behave as diodes between the power supply pins
and from the I/O pins to the power supply pins. Under extreme conditions incorrect power
sequencing may damage these ESD protection devices or trigger latch up.
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The recommended power supply sequencing is as follows:
1. Supply VDDO power either before VDDI or simultaneously with VDDI.
2. Apply AVDH and QAVD either before or after VDDO, but apply either before or
simultaneously with VDDI. In operation, the differential voltage measured between AVDH
supplies and VDDO must be less than 0.5 volt. The relative power sequencing of the
multiple AVDH power supplies is not important.
3. Apply AVDL after AVDH and VDDO, and either before or after VDDI. Or, AVDL can be
applied simultaneously with VDDO, AVDH, and VDDI.
4. Drive I/Os after all the supplies have been powered.
5. Power down the device in the reverse sequence.
18.3 Power Supply Filtering
1. Use a single plane for both digital and analog grounds.
2. Provide separate analog transmit, analog receive, and digital supplies, but otherwise connect
the supply voltages together at one point close to the connector where the voltage is brought
to the card.
3. Ferrite beads are not advisable in digital switching circuits because inductive spiking (di/dt
noise) is introduced into the power rail. Simple RC filtering is probably the best approach
provided care is taken to ensure the IR drop in the resistance does not lower the supply
voltage below the recommended operating voltage.
4. The analog power pin names in the pin description table groups each of the AVDL, AVDH
and QAVD pins.
5. The following analog power-supply filtering is recommended:
Table 25 Analog Power Supply Filtering
Pin Name Label in
Pin No. Function
AVDH AVDH_T[0] Y5 The analog power (AVDH_T) pins for the 2488
transmitter analog. The AVDH_T pins should be
connected through passive filtering networks to a
well-decoupled +3.3 V analog power supply.
AVDH AVDH_T[2:1] U5 V5 The analog power (AVDH_T) pins for the 2488
transmitter analog. The AVDH_T pins should be
connected through passive filtering networks to a
well-decoupled +3.3 V analog power supply.
AVDH AVDH_R[2:0] AA5 AC5 AD4 The analog power (AVDH_R) pins for the 2488
receiver analog. The AVDH_R pins should be
connected through passive filtering networks to a
well-decoupled +3.3 V analog power supply.
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Pin Name Label in
Pin No. Function
AVDH AVDH_CSUT G5 The analog power (AVDH_CSUT) pins for the
2488 transmit CSU analog. The AVDH_CSUT
pins should be connected through passive
filtering networks to a well-decoupled +3.3 V
analog power supply.
T4 R5 N5 L5 The analog power (AVDL_CDRU) pins for the
4x622 CDRU analog. The AVDL_CDRU pins
should be connected to a well-decoupled +1.8 V
analog power supply.
E3 F5 The analog power (AVDL_CSUT) pins for the
4x622 transmit CSU analog. The AVDL_CSUT
pins should be connected through passive
filtering networks to a well-decoupled +1.8 V
analog power supply.
AVDL AVDL_CSUR0 J5 The analog power (AVDL_CSUR) pins for the
4x622 receive CSU analog. The AVDL_CSUR
pins should be connected through passive
filtering networks to a well-decoupled +1.8 V
analog power supply.
AVDL AVDL_CSUR1 H5 The analog power (AVDL_CSUR) pins for the
receive CSU analog. The AVDL_CSUR pins
should be connected to a well-decoupled +1.8 V
analog power supply.
QAVD QAVD E4 The quiet power (QAVD) pins for the 4x622
analog core. QAVD should be connected to a
well-decoupled analog +3.3 V supply. These
power pins should be decoupled separately from
the analog power pins (AVDH).
QAVD_T QAVD_T U4 The quiet power (QAVD_T) pins for the 2488
transmit analog core. QAVD_T should be
connected to a well-decoupled analog +3.3 V
supply. These power pins should be decoupled
separately from the analog power pins (AVDH).
QAVD_R QAVD_R AD5 The quiet power (QAVD) pins for the 2488
receive analog core. QAVD_R should be
connected to a well-decoupled analog +3.3 V
supply. These power pins should be decoupled
separately from the analog power pins (AVDH).
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Figure 51 Analog Power Supply Filtering
VSS x114
VDD0 x40
VDDI x22
x N**
x N**
** Ideally there should be a 0.1uF
high-frequency capacitor as
close as possible to each cluster
of power pins.
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Please refer to the SPECTRA 1x2488 Hardware Design Guide (PMC-2020859) for further
· Analog is very tolerant of noise - no regulator required.
· Since on any board there is always a delay between different devices activating, the
SPECTRA 1x2488 is able to sustain +/-100 mA drive on its input pins for up to 100 ms
while powering up.
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19 D.C. Characteristics
TA = -40°C to TJ = +125°C, VVDDI = VVDDItypical ± 5%, VVDDO = VDDOtypical ± 5%,
VAV D H = VAV D H t y p i c a l ± 5%, VAV D L = VAVDLtypical ± 5%
(Typical Conditions: TC = 25°C, VVDDI = 1.8V, VVDDO = 3.3V, VAV D L = 1.8V, VAV D H = 3.3V)
Table 26 D.C. Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Conditions
VIL Input Low Voltage 0.8 Volts Refer to Note 5.
VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Volts Refer to Note 5.
VOL Output or Bi-directional
Low Voltage
0.4 Volts Guaranteed output Low voltage at
IOL = maximum rated current for
pad. Refer to Note 9.
VOH Output or Bi-directional
High Voltage
2.4 Volts Guaranteed output high voltage
at IOH = maximum rated current
for pad. Refer to Note 9.
VST- Schmidt Trigger Input
Low Voltage
0.8 Volts Refer to Note 1
VST+Schmidt Trigger Input
High Voltage
2.2 Volts Refer to Note 1
VTH Schmidt Trigger Input
Hysteresis Voltage
0.5 Volts Refer to Note 1
IILPU Input Low Leakage
-170 -50 -15 µAV
IL = GND. Notes 2 and 8.
IIHPU Input High Leakage
-10 0 +10 µAV
IH = VDD. Notes 2 and 8.
IIL Input Low Leakage
-10 0 +10 µAV
IL = GND. Notes 4 and 8.
IIH Input High Leakage
-10 0 +10 µAV
IH = VDD. Notes 4 and 8.
CIN Input Capacitance 5 pF tA=25°C, f = 1 MHz
COUT Output Capacitance 5 pF tA=25°C, f = 1 MHz
CIO Bi-directional
A=25°C, f = 1 MHz
Volts Refer to Note 6.
Volts Refer to Note 6.
Differential Voltage
0.90 1.00 1.10 Vppd Apply to TXD1_P/N
VODV2 AC PECL Output 0.90 1.24 1.68 Vppd Apply to TXD2_P/N,
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Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Differential Voltage TXD3_P/N, TXD4_P/N
Differential Voltage
0.4 2.00 Vppd Apply to REFCLK_P/N,
Differential Voltage
0.4 2.50 Vppd Apply to RXD2_N/P,
RPECL Differential PECL
Termination Input and
100 ohms Refer to Note 6 and 7
Notes on D.C. Characteristics
1. Schmidt Trigger Input pins: RSTB, TRSTB, CSB, TCK, SD_TEST, SD[4:1], DCK, ACK and
2. Input pin with internal pull-up resistor: RSTB, TRSTB, ALE, TDI, TMS
3. Open Drain outputs: INTB.
4. Applies to pins without internal pull-up or pull-down resistors.
5. Applies to non-Schmidt trigger inputs pins.
6. DC PECL: REF77_P, REF77_N.
8. Negative current flows into the device, positive current flows out of the device (sourcing).
9. All SPECTRA 1x2488 digital outputs have 2 mA drive capability except for CRUCLKO, CSUCLKO,
DALARM1-4, DJ0J11-4, DPL1-4, DD1-4[7:0], DDP1-4, PGMTCLK and RCLK1-4, which have 10 mA
drive capability, and INTB, RPOHEN1-4, RPOH1-4, TDO, D[15:0], which have 4 mA drive capability.
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20 A.C. Timing Characteristics
TA = -40°C to TJ = +125°C, VVDDI = VVDDItypical ± 5%, VVDDO = VDDOtypical ± 5%
(Typical Conditions: TC = 25°C, VVDDI = 1.8V, VVDDO = 3.3V)
Notes on Input Timing
1. When a set-up time is specified between an input and a clock, the set-up time is the time in
nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt point of the input to the 1.4 Volt point of the clock.
2. When a hold time is specified between an input and a clock, the hold time is the time in nanoseconds
from the 1.4 Volt point of the clock to the 1.4 Volt point of the input.
Notes on Output Timing
1. Output propagation delay time is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4-Volt point of the reference
signal to the 1.4-Volt point of the output.
2. Maximum output propagation delays are measured with a 30pF load on the outputs except for D[15:0]
and INTB which are measured with a 100pF load on the outputs.
20.1 System Miscellaneous Timing
Table 27 System Miscellaneous Timing (Figure 52)
Symbol Description Min Max Units
tVRSTB RSTB input pulse width 2 ms
Figure 52 System Miscellaneous Timing Diagram
20.2 Single OC-48 Line Interface Timing
Table 28 OC-48 Line Interface Input Timing
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units
fREFCLK_P/N REFCLK_P/N Frequency (nominally
155 156 MHz
tHIREFCLK_P/N REFCLK_P/N Hi Pulse Width 2.9 ns
tLOREFCLK_P/N REFCLK_P/N Low Pulse Width 2.9 ns
Jrms1Output RMS jitter (12 kHz to 20 MHz) 0.007 0.01 UIrms
Jpk-pk1Output Peak to Peak jitter (12 kHz to 20 MHz) 0.084 Uipk-pk
Notes on OC-48 Line Interface Input Timing
1. The optical jitter value was characterized with a Hitachi HTR-6518 optical transceiver on a PMC
evaluation board.
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20.3 Quad OC-12 Line Interface Timing
Table 29 OC-12 Line Interface 77.76 MHz Mode Input Timing
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units
fREF77±REF77± Frequency (nominally 77.76MHz) 77 78 MHz
tHIREF77±REF77± Hi Pulse Width 5.8 ns
tLOREF77±REF77± Low Pulse Width 5.8 ns
Jrms1Output RMS jitter (12 kHz to 5 MHz) 0.004 0.01 UIrms
Jpk-pk1Output Peak to Peak jitter (12 kHz to 5 MHz) 0.053 0.1 Uipk-pk
Notes on OC-12 Line Interface 77.76 MHz Mode Input Timing
· The optical jitter value was characterized with a Hitachi HTR-6418 optical transceiver on a PMC
evaluation board.
Table 30 OC-12 Line Interface 155.52 MHz Mode Input Timing
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units
fREF155±REF77± Frequency (nominally 155.52MHz) 155 156 MHz
tHIREF155±REF77± Hi Pulse Width 2.9——ns
tLOREF155±REF77± Low Pulse Width 2.9——ns
Jrms1Output RMS jitter (12 kHz to 5 MHz) 0.004 0.01 UIrms
Jpk-pk1Output Peak to Peak jitter (12 kHz to 5 MHz) 0.048 0.1 Uipk-pk
Notes on OC-12 Line Interface 155.52 MHz Mode Input Timing
· The optical jitter value was characterized with a Hitachi HTR-6418 optical transceiver on a PMC
evaluation board.
20.4 Receive Overhead Port Timing
Table 31 Receive Overhead Output Timing
Symbol Description Min Max Units
tPRRCPDAT ROHCLK1-4 falling edge to RRCPDAT1-4 valid -7 7 ns
tPSALM ROHCLK1-4 falling edge to SALM1-4 valid -7 7 ns
tPRALM ROHCLK1-4 falling edge to RALM1-4 valid -7 7 ns
tPROHFP ROHCLK1-4 falling edge to ROHFP1-4 valid -7 7 ns
tPRTOH ROHCLK1-4 falling edge to RTOH1-4 valid -7 7 ns
tPRPOH ROHCLK1-4 falling edge to RPOH1-4 valid -7 7 ns
tPRPOHEN ROHCLK1-4 falling edge to RPOHEN1-4 valid -7 7 ns
tPB3E ROHCLK1-4 falling edge to B3E1-4 valid -7 7 ns
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Figure 53 Receive Overhead Output Timing Diagram
Table 32 RSLDCLK Output Timing
Symbol Description Min Max Units
tPRSLD RSLDCLK falling edge to RSLD valid -7 7 ns
Figure 54 RSLDCLK Output Timing Diagram
Table 33 RLDCLK Output Timing
Symbol Description Min Max Units
tPRLD RLDCLK falling edge to RLD valid -7 7 ns
Figure 55 RLDCLK Output Timing Diagram
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20.5 Transmit Overhead Port Timing
Table 34 Transmit Overhead Input Timing
Symbol Description Min Max Units
tSTTOH TTOH1-4 Set-up time to TOHCLK1-4 rising edge 14 ns
tHTTOH TTOH1-4 Hold time to TOHCLK1-4 rising edge 0 ns
tSTTOHEN TTOHEN1-4 Set-up time to TOHCLK1-4 rising
14 ns
tHTTOHEN TTOHEN1-4 Hold time to TOHCLK1-4 rising edge 0 ns
tSTPOH TPOH1-4 Set-up time to TOHCLK1-4 rising edge 14 ns
tHTPOH TPOH1-4 Hold time to TOHCLK1-4 rising edge 0 ns
tSTPOHEN TPOHEN1-4 Set-up time to TOHCLK1-4 rising
14 ns
tHTPOHEN TPOHEN1-4 Hold time to TOHCLK1-4 rising edge 0 ns
Figure 56 Transmit Overhead Input Timing Diagram
Table 35 Transmit Overhead Output Timing
Symbol Description Min Max Units
tPTOHFP TOHCLK1-4 falling edge to TOHFP1-4 valid -7 7 ns
tPTPOHRDY TOHCLK1-4 falling edge to TPOHRDY1-4 valid -7 7 ns
Figure 57 Transmit Overhead Output Timing Diagram
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Table 36 TSLDCLK Input Timing
Symbol Description Min Max Units
tSTSLD TSLD Set-up time to TSLDCLK rising edge 14 ns
tHTSLD TSLD Hold time to TSLDCLK rising edge 0 ns
Figure 58 TSLDCLK Input Timing Diagram
Table 37 TLDCLK Input Timing
Symbol Description Min Max Units
tSTLD TLD Set-up time to TLDCLK rising edge 14 ns
tHTLD TLD Hold time to TLDCLK rising edge 0 ns
Figure 59 TLDCLK Input Timing Diagram
20.6 Transmit Ring Control Port Timing
Table 38 Transmit Ring Control Input Timing
Symbol Description Min Max Units
TRCPCLK[1-4] frequencies 12.8 66 MHz
TRCPCLK[1-4] duty cycle 40 60 %
tSTRCPFP TRCPFP1-4 Set-up time to TRCPCLK1-4 rising edge 10 ns
tHTRCPFP TRCPFP1-4 Hold time to TRCPCLK1-4 rising edge 5 ns
tSTRCPDAT TRCPDAT1-4 Set-up time to TRCPCLK1-4 rising edge 10 ns
tHTRCPDAT TRCPDAT1-4 Hold time to TRCPCLK1-4 rising edge 5 ns
Figure 60 Transmit Ring Control Input Timing Diagram
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20.7 System Interface Timing
Table 39 System Interface ADD Bus Input Timing
Symbol Description Min Max Units
fACK ACK Frequency (nominally 77.76MHz) 77 78 MHz
tHIACK ACK Hi Pulse Width 5 ns
tLOACK ACK Low Pulse Width 5 ns
tSAJ0J1_FP AJ0J1/AFP1-4 Set-up time to ACK rising edge 3 ns
tHAJ0J1_FP AJ0J1/AFP1-4 Hold time to ACK rising edge 0 ns
tSADP ADP1-4 Set-up time to ACK rising edge 3 ns
tHADP ADP1-4 Hold time to ACK rising edge 0 ns
tSAD AD1-4[7:0] Set-up time to ACK rising edge 3 ns
tHAD AD1-4[7:0] Hold time to ACK rising edge 0 ns
tSAPL APL1-4 Set-up time to ACK rising edge 3 ns
tHAPL APL1-4 Hold time to ACK rising edge 0 ns
tSAPAIS APAIS1-4 Set-up time to ACK rising edge 3 ns
tHAPAIS APAIS1-4Hold time to ACK rising edge 0 ns
tSACMP ACMP Set-up time to ACK rising edge 3 ns
tHACMP ACMP Hold time to ACK rising edge 0 ns
Figure 61 System Interface ADD Bus Input Timing Diagram
Table 40 System Interface DROP Bus Input Timing
Symbol Description Min Max Units
fDCK DCK Frequency (nominally 77.76MHz) 77 78 MHz
tHIDCK DCK Hi Pulse Width 5 ns
tLODCK DCK Low Pulse Width 5 ns
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Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
Symbol Description Min Max Units
tSDJ0REF DJ0REF Set-up time to DCK rising edge 3 ns
tHDJ0REF DJ0REF Hold time to DCK rising edge 0 ns
tSDCMP DCMP Set-up time to DCK rising edge 3 ns
tHDCMP DCMP Hold time to DCK rising edge 0 ns
Figure 62 System Interface DROP Bus Input Timing Diagram
Table 41 System Interface DROP Bus Output Timing
Symbol Description Min Max Units
tPDJ0J1 DCK rising edge to DJ0J11-4 valid 1 7 ns
tPDD DCK rising edge to DD1-4[7:0] valid 1 7 ns
tPDDP DCK rising edge to DDP1-4 valid 1 7 ns
tPDPL DCK rising edge to DPL1-4 valid 1 7 ns
tPDALARM DCK rising edge to DALARM1-4 valid 1 7 ns
Figure 63 System Interface DROP Bus Output Timing Diagram
20.8 JTAG Test Port Timing
Table 42 JTAG Port Interface (Figure 64)
Symbol Description Min Max Units
fTCK TCK Frequency 4 MHz
tHITCK TCK HI Pulse Width 100 ns
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Symbol Description Min Max Units
tHITCK TCK LO Pulse Width 100 ns
tSTMS TMS Set-up time to TCK 25 ns
tHTMS TMS Hold time to TCK 25 ns
tSTDI TDI Set-up time to TCK 25 ns
tHTDI TDI Hold time to TCK 25 ns
tPTDO TCK Low to TDO Valid 2 25 ns
tVTRSTB TRSTB Pulse Width 100 ns
Figure 64 JTAG Port Interface Timing
20.9 Microprocessor Interface Timing Characteristics
TA = -40°C to TJ = +125°C, VVDDI = VVDDItypical ± 5%, VVDDO = VDDOtypical ± 5%
(Typical Conditions: TC = 25°C, VVDDI = 1.8V, VVDDO = 3.3V)
Table 43 Microprocessor Interface Read Access (Figure 65)
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
TSAR Address to Valid Read Set-up Time 10 ns
THAR Address to Valid Read Hold Time 5 ns
TSALR Address to Latch Set-up Time 10 ns
THALR Address to Latch Hold Time 10 ns
TVL Valid Latch Pulse Width 5 ns
TSLR Latch to Read Set-up 0 ns
THLR Latch to Read Hold 5 ns
TPRD Valid Read to Valid Data Propagation Delay 70 ns
TZRD Valid Read Negated to Output Tri-state 20 ns
TZINTH Valid Read Negated to INTB High
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Figure 65 Intel Microprocessor Interface Read Timing
Notes on Microprocessor Interface Read Timing
1. Output propagation delay time is the time in nanoseconds from the 1.4-Volt point of the reference
signal to the 1.4 Volt point of the output.
2. Maximum output propagation delays are measured with a 100pF load on the Microprocessor Interface
data bus, (D[15:0] and INTB).
3. A valid read cycle is defined as a logical OR of the CSB and the RDB signals.
4. In non-multiplexed address/data bus architectures, ALE should be held high so parameters tSALR,
tHALR, tVL, tSLR, and tHLR are not applicable.
5. Parameter tHAR is not applicable if address latching is used.
6. When a set-up time is specified between an input and a clock, the set-up time is the time in
nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt point of the input to the 1.4 Volt point of the clock.
7. When a hold time is specified between an input and a clock, the hold time is the time in nanoseconds
from the 1.4 Volt point of the input to the 1.4 Volt point of the clock.
Table 44 Microprocessor Interface Write Access (Figure 66)
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
TSAW Address to Valid Write Set-up Time 10 ns
TSDW Data to Valid Write Set-up Time 20 ns
TSALW Address to Latch Set-up Time 10 ns
THALW Address to Latch Hold Time 10 ns
TVLValid Latch Pulse Width 5 ns
TSLW Latch to Write Set-up 0 ns
THLW Latch to Write Hold 5 ns
THDW Data to Valid Write Hold Time 5 ns
THAW Address to Valid Write Hold Time 5 ns
TVWR Valid Write Pulse Width 40 ns
TZINTH Valid Write to INTB High —50ns
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Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
Figure 66 Intel Microprocessor Interface Write Timing
Notes on Microprocessor Interface Write Timing
1. A valid write cycle is defined as a logical OR of the CSB and the WRB signals.
2. In non-multiplexed address/data bus architectures, ALE should be held high so parameters tSALW,
tHALW, tVL, tSLW, and tHLW are not applicable.
3. The parameter tHAW is not applicable if address latching is used.
4. When a set-up time is specified between an input and a clock, the set-up time is the time in
nanoseconds from the 1.4 Volt point of the input to the 1.4 Volt point of the clock.
5. When a hold time is specified between an input and a clock, the hold time is the time in nanoseconds
from the 1.4 Volt point
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SPECTRA™ 1x2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 679
Document No.: PMC-2012682, Issue 3
21 Thermal Information
This product is designed to operate over a wide temperature range when used with a heat sink
and is suited for outside plant equipment1.
Table 45 Thermal Information
Maximum long-term operating junction temperature (TJ) to ensure adequate long-
term life.
Maximum junction temperature (TJ) for short-term excursions with guaranteed
continued functional performance2. This condition will typically be reached when the
local ambient temperature reaches 85 °C.
125 °C
Minimum ambient temperature (TA) -40 °C
Table 46 Device Compact Model and Heat Sink Requirements
Device Compact Model3
Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance, qJC 0.30 °C/W
Junction-to-Board Thermal Resistance, qJB 5.50 °C/W
Heat Sink Requirements
qSA+qCS4The sum of qSA + qCS must be less than or equal to:
[(105 - TA) / PD ] - qJC ] °C/W
TA is the ambient temperature at the heat sink
PD is the operating power dissipated in the package
qSA and qCS are required for long-term operation
Heat Sink
Power depends upon the operating mode. To obtain power information, refer to ‘High’ power
values in section 18.1 Power Requirements.
1. The minimum ambient temperature requirement for Outside Plant Equipment meets the minimum
ambient temperature requirement for Industrial Equipment
2. Short-term is used as defined in Telcordia Technologies Generic Requirements GR-63-Core Core; for
more information about this standard, see [17]
3. qJC, the junction-to-case thermal resistance, is a measured nominal value plus two sigma. qJB, the
junction-to-board thermal resistance, is obtained by simulating conditions described in JEDEC
Standard JESD 51-8; for more information about this standard, see [16]
4. qSA is the thermal resistance of the heat sink to ambient. qCS is the thermal resistance of the heat sink
attached material. The maximum qSA required for the airspeed at the location of the device in the
system with all components in place
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22 Mechanical Information
500 PIN UBGA -31x31 MM BODY - (B SUFFIX)
Figure 67 Mechanical Drawing 500-pin UBGA
Dim. A A1A2DD1EE1b aaa bbb
Min. 0.40 0.92 0.50
Nom. 0.50 0.97 31.00 29.00 31.00 29.00 0.63
Max. 0.60 1.02 0.70 0.20 0.25
BODY SIZE : 31 x 31 x 1.47 MM
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23 Ordering Information
Table 47 Ordering Information
Part No. Description
PM5332-BI 500-pin UBGA
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Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use. 682
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