4 This document is the property of Amphenol Corporation and is delivered on the express condition that it is not to be disclosed, reproduced or used, in whole or in part, for manufacture or sale by anyone other than Amphenol Corporation without its prior concert, & that no right is granted to disclose or to use any information in this document. 12.8040.15 r10*0.3340.05 12.9040.05 14.50+0.05 13.10 14,50Ref. 15,900.05 So 7 12.5040.10 af - & -11.10+0.10 (x } ZALZIZ Aly KF ZZLLLA He Ch / a Po} Z Zk f f | 1.0040.10 te b= 2-1.0040.10 E OF 512 2-2.0040.10 23.50+0.10 2-4.00+0.10 f0.5540.15 2.00L0.10 CUSTOMER 2.001 7.1340.25 3.90Ref. 2.000.10 2.710.15 6.32 4.00 3.50 4.00 3.50 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.10 2.71 SS Ww | -+-0.88 Z & a iD & &S x 3.20 2.60 eH h- 0.70 --1.30 i 779.53 2.60 3.20 RECOMMENDED PCB LAYOUTCTOLERANCE:+0,03) 20. 11.20 0a, OD TOP VIEW DRAWING 1.22 0.88~ 2-1.00 2-2.00 2-35.50 2-4.00 | 1 REVISIONS sym | ECN DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED 1 | HK-- Release To Customer 07/28/10} IP NOTE: 1.MATERIAL: HOUSING: HIGH TEMP.THERMOPLASTIC, UL 94VO, COLOR: BLUE. CONTACT: ALLOY COPPER, THICKNESS =0.15mm, SHELL: STAINLESS STEEL, THICKNESS=0.30mm; 2.PLATING: CONTACT: 50u MIN. NICKEL UNDERPLATED ALL OVER. SEE ORDER P/N FOR MATING AREA, MATTE TIN ON SOLDER TAILS; SHELL: 30u MIN. NICKEL PLATED UNDER, 80u MIN MATTE TIN ON SOLDER TAILS; 3.THE COPLANARITY IS 0.1MM MAX FOR ALL SOLDER TAILS; 4.MATERIAL SHOULD BE FULFILLED AMPHENOL SPEC# SSNOO2; ORDER P/N MCUSBA020S105X Gold Plating 1. 0.76um gold Plating 2. 0.38um gold Plating 3. Gold Flash PROPOSED DRAWING UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED TOLERANCES U.S. METRIC XX +/- 0.50 XX 4+/- 0.25 XXX +/ FRACTIONS +/- ANGLES +/- 5 APPROVAL DATE DRAWN | Gaof.Wang |07/28/10 A mM Dp h eno | CHECKED] Tom.Tang [07/28/10 CHECKED TITLE DRAWING FILE 7 MICRO USB 3.0 RECEPTACLE FOR MATERIALS AND FINISHES SEE NOTES \\DRAWING\ MCUSB\ MCUSBA020S105X1.DWG REMOVE SHARP EDGES ( A-TYPE,VERTICAL) ANGLE OF PROJECTION SIZE | DRAWING NO. REV. DIMENSIONS A3| Cc MCUSB-A020-S105-X 1 METRIC MM SCALE | NONE | SHEET 1 oF 1 1