ANALOG DEVICES/ PMI DIV PMI) GENERAL DESCRIPTION This data sheet covers the electrical requirements of the monoli- thic 8-bit digital-to-analog converters found in MIL-M-38510/113. Devices supplied to this data sheet are manufactured and tested at PMIs MIL-M-38510 certified facility and are fisted in QPL-38510. Complete device requirements will be found in MIL-M-38510 and MIL-M-38510/113 for Class B and Class S processed devices. Device Types shall be as follows: Ot D/A Converter, 8 bit, 0.19% linearity 02 D/A Converter, 8 bit, 0.10% linearity GENERIC CROSS-REFERENCE INFORMATION This cross-reference information is presented for the conven- lence of the user. The Generic-industry types listed may not 2bE D JM385 ma 08164805 ao09a70 3 10/11301/11302 JAN 8-BIT MULTIPLYING D/A CONVERTERS T-S|-09-08 POWER AND THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Package Case cutine Maximum ailowsble = Maximum Maximum power dissipation asC Os A Oual-indine = 400mW at Ty= 125C = S5CAW 120C/AW ORDERING INFORMATION LINEARITY JAN SLASH SHEET PMI DEVICE 0.19% JM38510/11301BEB DAC08G2/38510 0.19% JM38510/11301BEA DACO8QS/3a510 0.19% JM38510/11301SEA DAC08SQ5/38510 0.10% JM98510/11302BEB DACO8Q2/38510 0.10% JM36510/11302BEA DAC08Q5/38510 0.10% JM38510/11902SEA DACOSSAQ5/38510 PIN CONNECTIONS have identical operational performance characteristics across the military temperature range or reliability factors equivalent to vic [ie] COMPENSATION the MIL-M-38510/113 devices, - ae pa) Wee) 46-PIN HERMETIC DIP Military Device Type Generic-industry Type tout wco = TIN REFLOW LEAD TYPE ot DAG-08 Msa.B1 [iz] bs use (Q2-Suffix) 02 DAC-08. B2 m]e7 SOLDER DIPPED LEAD TYPE A 83 fio] 86 (Q5-Suffix) CASE OUTLINE 84 3] 85 Per MiL-M-38510, Appendix C, Case.Outline D-2 (16-Lead 1/4" 7/8, dual-in-line). Package type designator E". SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC v MSB fice fut i {ere [en i fi tr ie 1 I j a) 4 ~louT CURRENT | t t 2 SHLTCHES b $ $ ~ fouT veer 04 3 vrer t-1 0-2} 11-443 8/89, Rev. A2 _ DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage [+Voo- (-Vae)] eee ee er eceerenes 36Vde Voltage, Digital Input to Negative Supply [Viogic (Veo)] corcceeeneeeecneeteneencees 0 to 36Vdce Voltage, Logic Control (Vig) o-sreseeeeeees Veg to +Voc Reference Voitage Input f(V44, Vis)] ....+-. Veo to +Voc Reference Input Current (114) wee vceseeeeereneereeees 5mA Reference Input Differential Voltage [Vig -Viig)] cece er eea seer eeeneseveneccencteeees +18Vde Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 seC) .........00s 300C ANALOG DEVICES/ PMI DIV ebE D MM 04816805 00059571 5 mm JM98510/11301/11302 JAN 8-BIT MULTIPLYING D/A CONVEHIEH T-51-09-08 Junction Temperature .......cccceceeeeeeecetseee 175C Storage Temperature ....sseeeeereceee -65C to + 150C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Supply Voltage Range .............6. +5Vde to +15Vdo"* Ambient Temperature Range .......... 55C to +126C *NOTE: Aslight degradation in linearity can occur when the supply voltage Is near the +5V end of the recommended operating range. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at +Vcc = +15Vde; Source resistance = 50 ohms; Iner = 2.mA; Figure 1; Ambient temperature range = 55C to + 125C, unless otherwise noted. 01 LIMITS 02 LIMITS PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS AW) Measure Io, (lon lon-1) 2 0 at 0 - 16 0 16 Monotonicity each major carry point BA Aly Measure Io, (lonlon-1) 2 0 at 0 16 0 16 each major carry point Output Symmetry Ales leg tps ~8 8 -4 4 pA Full-Scale Currant To (les) All input bits high, Measure Ig ~50 50 ~50 50 ppm/G Temperature Coefficient To (gs) All Input bits low, Measure I - . les All input bits high, Full-Scale Current Measure Io 1.94 2,04 1.984 2 mA irs All input bits low, Measure I lzg All input bits low Zero-Scale Current ~ Maasure lo -2 2 -1 1 BA izg All input bits high, Measure Ig SNL+ Measure Io Positive Bit Errors (2Positive bit errors/IFS 0 0.19 0 0.10 % SNL+ Measure ig _ (2 Positive bit errorsVIFS SNL- Measure Ig Negative Bit Errors (Negative | bit errors)/IFS -0.19 0 -0.10 9 % SNL- Measure Io __ . (% Negative bit errors)/IFS . ASNL Measure Ig Positive and Negative JENL+ | ~t ZNL-| -0.05 0.05 ~0,03 0.03 % Bit Error Difference A=NL Measuralg __ PENL + [-] ZNL~| NL+ Measure fo Positive Relative Accuracy = __. fZNL+ | +] AZNL | 0 0.19 0 0.10 % Ni+ Measurelg = _ JENL+ | + | AZNL | NL- Measure Io - Negative Relative Accuracy __. JENL-[+ LAENL | 0 0.19 o 0.10 % NL- Measure Ip \ZNL-{ + | AZNL| Bit Error Bit error is the deviation of the analog output from its Ideal value (after zero-scale and full-scale errors have been calibrated out) when turning onan individual bit. This is measured for all n bits. Bit arror (analog value) = V, (FSR/2" Where V, = analog output with bit n on only. FSR = full-scale range n= number of bits Summation Nonlinearity (ZNL) Summation nonlinearity is the sum of all positive bit errors or all negative bit errors, whichever Is larger. By summing up ail the bit errors in one direction, you obtain the worst possible nonlinearity (i.. if bit 2 is 1 LSB high and bit 4 is 1/2 LSB high, then bits 2 and 4 together will be 1 1/2 LSBs high. This is essentially the same as Integral nonlinearity since the bit errors are super- imposed on each other to give the worst case nonlinearity. 11-444 8/89, Rev. A2ANALOG DEVICES/ PMI DIV cbE D me 0816805 0009472 7 JM38510/11301/11302 JAN 8-BIT MULTIPLYING D/A CONVERTER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at +Voo = +15Vde; Source resistance = 50 ohms; Iper = 2.0mA; Figure 1; Ambient temperature range = 55 C to + 126C, unless otherwise noted. 01 LIMITS 02 LIMITS PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS leg R All input bits high, Measure fo, _ _ = fs -Voo=~10V, Vace=15V a4 _ T- 51-09-08 ips Fy All input bits low, Measure Io, Output Current Range Voo =~ 10V, Var = 15V mA leg R2 All input bits high, Measure Io ~Voo=~12V, Vage=25V 42 42 _ ipgh2 All input bits low, Measure Iq -Vog = -12V, Vaer = 25V Reference Bias Current Iner- All Input bits low -3 9 -3 0 BA High Level Input Current tis All input bits Viq = 18V, each -0,05 10 0.05 10 pA Input measured separately . Low Level Input Current fie All Input bits Viy= 10V, each ~10 _ 10 _ BA Input measured separately Ing + All input bits high, Measure to, Full-Scale Current Vio = 18V _ 1.90 2.08 1.94 2.04 mA At+18V Compliance ips All Input bits fow, Measure fg. : Vio= 18V lpg All input bits high, Measure Io, 1.90 2.08 1.84 2.04 mA Full-Scale Current Vio =-10V At~10V Compliance ips: All input bits tow, Measure Tg, Vig =~10V All Input bits high, Measure Io, Alea 25C < Ta 5 125C -4 4 -4 4 Ta=~55C -8 8 -8 8 Change In Full Scale Current Vig = 18V to -10V _ BA Due to Voltage Compllance All Input bits fow, Measure Io . Airco 25C $ Ty < 125C -4 4 -4 4 Ta=-85C -8 -8 -8 8 Vio = 18V to -10V Posies +1 All input bits high, Measure Io, -4 4 ~4 4 +Veg = 4.5V to +5.5V, -Vog =-18V Podest1 All input bits low, Measure I. Power Supply Sensitivity +Voo = 4.5V to +5,.5V, -Vog =-18V BA From +Vog Pagles +2 All input bits high, Measure lo, -8 a -8 8 Veg = 12V to 18V, Veg = ~18V Posies +2 All input bits low, Measure tg, +Vgg = 12V to 18V, -Vog = -18V Pog leg-1 All Input bits high, Measure lo, ~8 8 ~8 8 +Vog = 18V, -Veg = -12V to -18V Pes lpg ~1 All Input bits low, Measure to, Power Supply Sensitivity +Voo= 18V, -Veg =~ 12V to -18V From -Vog Alf input bits high, Measure Io, BA oe +Voc = 18V, -Voo = -4.8V to -5.5V Thee = 1mA 2 2 ~2 2 All input bits low, Measure Ig Pog lpg -2 +Vog = 18V, Veg = -4.5V to -5.5 (nee = IMA 11-445 8/89, Rev. A2 DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERSANALOG DEVICES/ PMI DIV ebeE D @@ 0816805 0009873 4 mm JM38510/11301/11302 JAN 8-BIT MULTIPLYING D/A CONVERTER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at +Vog=+15Vde; Source resistance = 50 ohms; Ipeg = 2.0mA; Figure 1; Ambient temperature range = ~55C to + 125 6, unless otherwise noted. T-51-09-08 01 LIMITS 02 LIMITS PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS Supply Currant From +Vog loot All input bits high 0.4 3.8 0.4 3.8 mA Supply Current From ~Vog leo~ All input bits high -7.8 -0.8 -7.8 -0.8 mA Propagation Delay Time, ten. Figure 2, Measure Vo 6 60 6 60 ns High-to-Low Level Propagation Delay Time, tein Figure 2, Measure Vo 6 60 6 60 ns Low-to-High Level Reference Amplifier input dig/dt Figure 3, Measure Vo 15 _ 15 _ mA/us Slew Rate _ Ta = 25C Settling Time, tsHL Figure 2, Output within 1/2 10 135 10 135 ns High-to-Low Level Ta= 25C LSB of final value of Io Settling Time, tsty Figure 2, Output within 1/2 40 135 10 135 ns Low-to-High Level Ta = 25C LS8 of final yafue of Io 1X8 OUCce 2 @) BV 9 MSB [ f tise as 0.01uF = eH REFERENCE D/A CONVERTER VOLTAGE OUTPUT Ka D/A CONVERTER rs (SEE NOTE 1) @ +10V REF 2 > 10K (SEE NOTE 2) OWE O.4F = 291% soKs +i we dssv = }-18V aw 0.01nF 30nF 1%K2 0.01% vw 1 /10104 a ES: 10K EA" come THE REFERENCE D/A CONVER- 0.01% TER SELECTED SHOULD HAVE WhA -15V A RESOLUTION OF 8 BITS O! MORE AND A LINEARITY oF 2. THE VOLTAGE REFERENCE 2 10KR SF 200KR SHOULO HAVE AN ACCURACY Ss 001% sis OF 20.02% OR BETTER. 3. ALL RELAYS ARE SHOWN IN = = THEIR NON-ACTUATED STATE, = = Veco Veo 1 iy 15 Figure 1. Test Circult For Static Tests 45V FOR Vout QV FOR VouT o Ak 7 js jo adil 0.015% OR BETTER, KN VIN 1 1K 2002 ty <10ns DUT. - . 1Ka MX _18 2 2000 13 | 18pF 0.1nF 1946] Tt 0.1nF iy uF Lee, ie +15V -15V Ww Figure 3. Test Circult For Slew Rate, Device Types 01, 02 | 11-446 8/89, Rev. A2ANALOG DEVICES/ PMI DIV CLE D MM 0816805 0009674 0 JM38510/11301/11302 JAN 8-BIT MULTIPLYING D/A CONVERTER T-51~09-08 vi Fr 9 Vt (see Note 1) \ \ ] +V j > OnE co i 3 l Sika TANT ! f I (SEE NOTE 2) | O20 Our Phy "Lx prone Vout 0.7 (SEE NOTE 3) 5 j ! Sika 4 r ! Sia | OApF aay 1 > | | 2N22228 yA 1 5". Dhan eee eee eee ee | NOTES: 00 3 HA 1, FOR TURN-ON Vi = 2.7; FOR TURN-OFF VL =0.7V 3 g 2. MINIMIZE CAPACITANCE AT THIS NODE BY USING ' (ORT RUNS AND ADEQUATE SPACING BETWEEN REF = 19v BKN 14 RUNS, oN 3 DIODES MUST BE SCHOTTKY TYPE (MBO 501 OR EQUIVALENT). 4. BANDWIDTH OF OSCILLOSCOPE USED FOR WAVE- Oth FORM MEASUREMENT SHOULD BE SOMHz MINI- 5kQ 44 MUM; SATURATION OF PREAMP MUST BE AVOIDED. 1 43 16 m= 0.01pF te = te < 10ns t u Ss" Ft ORF +15V0 -15V o TURN-ON TURN-OFF Figure 2, Test Circuit For Propagation Delay and Settling Time, Device Types 01 and 02 BURN-IN Devices supplied by PMI have been subjected to burn-in gy per method 1015 of MIL-STD-883 using test condition C or 4 test condition F with the circuit shown in Figure 4. . i a 2Ri } ji 415 14 13 12 1t 10 9 OUT. 4 2 3 4 5 7 8 ~ 4 e AI = OHM BX Y ~18V L Gor eoe Bev Figure 4. Test Circuit, Burn-in and Operating Life Test 11-447 8/89, Rev. A2 a DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS