May 2005 v3.1 1
© 2005 Actel Corporation
Ethernet Media Access Controller
Product Summary
Intended Use
Ethernet Media Access Controller
Supports 10/100 Mb/s Half/Full-Duplex Operations
Supports CSMA/CD Defined by IEEE 802.3 Standard
Key Features
Network Interface Features
Supports 10/100 Mb/s Data Transfer Rate
Media Independent Interface (MII)
Data Link-Layer Functionality
Meets the IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD Standard
Full or Half-Duplex Operation
Flexible Address Filtering
External RAM for Storing MAC Addresses
Up to 16 Physical Addresses
512-Bit Hash Table for Multicast Addresses
Control and Status Registers
Configurable 8-, 16-, or 32-Bit Slave Interface
Single Interrupt Line
Interrupt Mitigation Control Mechanism
Host Interface and DMA Controller
Configurable 8-, 16-, 32-Bit Data Bus Length
Configurable Address Bus Length
Big or Little Endian Data Byte Ordering
Scatter/Gather Capabilities
Programmable Burst Length
Intelligent Arbitration between Transmit and
Receive Processes
Descriptor/Buffer Architecture for Data Storage
Descriptor "Ring" or "Chain" Structures
Single Descriptor Pointing to up to Two Data
Automatic Descriptor List Pooling
Low-Power Capabilities
Independent Clocks for Data and Control Paths
Run/Suspend/Stop Modes of Operation
Transmit/Receive RAM Interfaces
Operates as Internal Configurable FIFOs
Programmable Threshold Levels
"Store and Forward" Functionality
Supported Families
Core Deliverables
Evaluation Version
Compiled RTL Simulation Model Fully
Supported in Actel's Libero® Integrated Design
Environment (IDE)
Netlist Version
Structural Verilog and VHDL Netlists (with and
without I/O Pads) Compatible with Actel's
Designer Software Place-and-Route Tool
Compiled RTL Simulation Model Fully
Supported in Actel's Libero IDE
RTL Version
Verilog and VHDL Core Source Code
Core Synthesis Scripts
Testbench (Verilog and VHDL)
Synthesis and Simulation Support
Synthesis: Synplicity®, Synopsys® (Design
Compiler®/ FPGA CompilerTM), ExemplarTM
Simulation: OVI-Compliant Verilog Simulators and
Vital-Compliant VHDL Simulators
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
General Description
Core10/100 is a high-speed MAC Ethernet controller
(Figure 1). It implements Carrier Sense Multiple Access
with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) algorithms defined
by IEEE 802.3 for media access control over an Ethernet
connection. Communication with an external host is
implemented via a set of Control and Status Registers
and the DMA controller for external shared RAM
memory. For data transfers, Core10/100 operates as a
DMA master. It automatically fetches from transmit data
buffers and stores receive data buffers into external RAM
with minimum CPU intervention. The linked list
management enables the use of various memory
allocation schemes. External RAMs are used as
configurable FIFO memories and there are separate
memories for transmit and receive processes. The core
has a generic host-side interface that connects with
external CPUs. This host interface can be configured to
work with 8-, 16-, or 32-bit data bus widths with big or
little endian byte ordering. Figure 2 on page 3 shows a
typical application using Core10/100. Typical applications
include: LAN controllers, AFDX controllers, and
embedded systems. Figure 3 on page 3 shows the
primary blocks of Core10/100.
General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Functional Block Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Core10/100 Variations and Memory
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Device Utilization and Performance . . . . . . . . . . . 5
I/O Signal Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Control and Status Register (CSR) Interface . . . . . 8
CSR Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Data Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Frame Data and Frame Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Transmit Data / Receive Data /Address
RAM Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
DMA Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Transmit Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Receive Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Interrupt Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
General Purpose Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Data Link Layer Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Clock and Reset Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
List of Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Datasheet Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Figure 1 Core10/100 Block Diagram
Transmit Data
Receive Data
Control and Status
Registers and
Control Logic
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
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Figure 2 Typical Core10/100 Application
Figure 3 Core10/100 Architecture
(8-, 16- or 32-Bit)
Data Interface Bus
Control Interface Bus MII Interface
Transmit Data
Receive Data
(Control and Status Registers
and Control Logic)
MII Managment
Serial ROM
External Address
Filtering Interface
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
Functional Block Descriptions
Core10/100 architecture, shown in Figure 3 on page 3,
consists of the functional blocks described in this section.
CSR – Control/Status Register Logic
The CSR component is used to control Core10/100
operation by the host. It implements the CSR register set,
the interrupt controller, and the power management
functionality of Core10/100. It also provides a generic
host interface supporting 8-, 16-, and 32-bit transfer. The
CSR component operates synchronously with the clkcsr
clock from the host CSR interface. The CSR also provides
a Serial ROM interface and MII Management interface.
The host can access these two interfaces via read/write
CSR registers.
DMA – Direct Memory Access Controller
The direct memory access controller implements the host
data interface. It services both the receive and the
transmit channels. The TLSM and TFIFO have access to
one DMA channel. The RLSM and RFIFO have access to
the other DMA channel. The direct memory access
controller operates synchronously with the clkdma clock
from the host data interface.
TLSM – Transmit Linked List State
The transmit linked list state machine implements the
descriptor/buffer architecture of Core10/100. It manages
the transmit descriptor list and fetches the data prepared
for transmission from the data buffers into the transmit
FIFO. The transmit linked list state machine controller
operates synchronously with the clkdma clock from the
host data interface.
TFIFO – Transmit FIFO
The transmit FIFO is used for buffering data prepared for
transmission by Core10/100. It provides an interface for
the external Transmit Data RAM working as FIFO
memory. It fetches the transmit data from the host via
the DMA interface. The FIFO size can be configured via
the core parameters. The transmit FIFO controller
operates synchronously with the clkdma clock from the
host data interface.
TC – Transmit Controller
The transmit controller implements the 802.3 transmit
operation. From the network side, it uses the standard
802.3 MII interface for an external PHY device. The TC
unit reads transmit data from the external Transmit Data
RAM, formats the frame, and transmits the framed data
via the MII. The transmit controller operates
synchronously with the clkt clock from the MII interface.
BD – Backoff/Deferring
The backoff/deferring controller implements the 802.3
half duplex operation. It monitors the status of the
Ethernet bus and decides whether to perform a transmit
or backoff/deferring of the data via the MII. It operates
synchronously with the clkt clock from the MII interface.
RLSM – Receive Linked List State Machine
The receive linked list state machine implements the
descriptor/buffer architecture of Core10/100. It manages
the receive descriptor list and moves the data from the
receive FIFO into the data buffers. The receive linked list
state machine controller operates synchronously with the
clkdma clock from the host data interface.
RFIFO – Receive FIFO
The receive FIFO is used for buffering data received by
Core10/100. It provides an interface for the external RAM
working as FIFO memory. The FIFO size can be
configured by the generic parameters of the core. The
receive FIFO controller operates synchronously with the
clkdma clock from the host data interface.
RC – Receive Controller
The receive controller implements the 802.3 receive
operation. From the network side it uses the standard
802.3 MII interface for an external PHY device. The RC
block transfers data received from the MII to the Receive
Data RAM. It supports internal address filtering using an
external Address RAM. It also supports an external
address filtering interface. The receive controller
operates synchronously with the clkr clock from the MII
RSTC – Reset Controller
The reset controller is used to reset all components for
Core10/100. It generates a reset signal asynchronous to
all clock domains in the design from the external reset
line and a software reset.
External Components
There are three external components required for proper
operation of Core10/100:
Receive Data RAM – Synchronous RAM working as
receive FIFO.
Transmit Data RAM – Synchronous RAM working
as transmit FIFO.
Address RAM – Synchronous RAM working as MAC
addresses memory.
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Core10/100 Variations and Memory Requirements
Core10/100 supports a generic host interface with an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit wide data bus. Core10/100 also supports
different sizes of Transmit Data RAM and Receive Data RAM (Table 1).
For detailed information, refer to the following sections:
CSRWIDTH – “Control and Status Register (CSR)
Interface” on page 1-8
DATAWIDTH and DATADEPTH – “Data Interface”
on page 1-22
TFIFODEPTH and RFIFODEPTH – “Transmit Data /
Receive Data /Address RAM Interface” on page 1-
The size of the Transmit Data RAM is
2TFIFODEPTH * DATAWIDTH/8 in bytes. The size of the
Receive Data RAM is 2RFIFODEPTH * DATAWIDTH/8 in
Device Utilization and Performance
Core10/100 can be implemented in the following Actel FPGA devices. Table 2 provides the typical utilization and
performance data for the core implemented in these devices.
Table 1 Core10/100 Configurable Parameters
Name Value Descriptions
CSRWIDTH 8, 16, 32 Data bus width of the CSR interface
DATAWIDTH 8, 16, 32 Data bus width of the DATA interface
DATADEPTH up to 321Address bus width of the DATA interface
TFIFODEPTH 6-162Address bus width of the Transmit Data RAM
RFIFODEPTH 6-162Address bus width of the Receive Data RAM
1. The data depth is fixed to 16 kbytes for the netlist version.
2. The Transmit/Receive FIFO depth is fixed to 2 kbytes for the netlist version.
Table 2 Core10/100 Device Utilization and Performance
Cells or Tiles Utilization Performance
Family Combinatorial Sequential Total Device Total MHz
ProASIC3/E 3,950 1,766 5,716 A3P400 62% 40
ProASICPLUS 5,030 1,766 6,796 APA300 83% 25
Axcelerator 2,802 1,855 4,657 AX500 58% 70
RTAX 2,802 1,855 4,657 RTAX1000S 26% 49
Note: Data in this table was achieved using typical synthesis and layout settings using the following parameters: CSRWIDTH = 8,
DATAWIDTH = 8, DATADEPTH = 16, TFIFODEPTH = 11, RFIFODEPTH = 11. Performance was achieved using the Core10/100
macro alone, and represents the system clock (clkdma) frequency; the clkr and clkt clock domains are capable of operating at
25 MHz or 2.5 MHz, depending on the link speed. The clkcsr clock domain is capable of operating in excess of the value listed.
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
I/O Signal Description
Table 3 I/O Signal Description
Name Type Polarity/Bus Size Description
General Host Interface Signals
rstcsr In High Host side reset
int Out High Interrupt
rsttco Out High Transmit side reset
rstrco Out High Receive side reset
tps Out High Transmit process stopped
rps Out High Receive process stopped
Control and Status Register Interface
clkcsr In Rise CSR clock
csrreq In High CSR request
csrrw In High CSR read/write selection
csrbe In CSRWIDTH/8 CSR byte enable
csrdatai In CSRWIDTH CSR data input
csraddr In 8 CSR address
csrack Out High CSR acknowledge
csrdatao Out CSRWIDTH CSR data output
Data Interface
clkdma In Rise Data clock
dataack In High Data acknowledge
datai In DATAWIDTH Data output
datareq Out High Data request
datarw Out High Data read/write selection
dataeob Out High Data end of burst
datao Out DATAWIDTH Data input
dataaddr Out DATADEPTH Data address
Transmit RAM Interface
trdata In DATAWIDTH Transmit RAM read data
traddr Out TFIFODEPTH Transmit RAM read address
twdata Out DATAWIDTH Transmit RAM write data
twe Out High Transmit RAM write enable
twaddr Out TFIFODEPTH Transmit RAM write address
Receive RAM Interface
rrdata In DATAWIDTH Receive RAM read data
rraddr Out RFIFODEPTH Receive RAM read address
rdatao Out DATAWIDTH Receive RAM data output
rwe Out High Receive RAM write enable
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The number of Core10/100 I/O signals may vary from approximately 70 to 400, depending on parameter settings. To
reduce the number of device I/O package pins, Actel recommends the use of FPGA on-chip RAM blocks for the
Transmit FIFO, Receive FIFO, and Address RAMs.
rwaddr Out RFIFODEPTH Receive RAM write address
Address Filtering RAM Interface
frdata In 16 Address filtering RAM read data
fraddr Out 6 Address filtering RAM read address
fwe Out High Address filtering RAM write enable
fwaddr Out 6 Address filtering RAM write address
fwdata Out 16 Address filtering RAM write data
Serial ROM Interface
sdi In 1 Serial data
scs Out 1 Serial chip select
sclk Out 1 Serial clock output
sdo Out 1 Serial data output
External Address Filtering Interface
match In High External address match
matchval In High External address match valid
matchen Out High External address match enable
matchdata Out 48 Match data
MII PHY Interface
clkt In rise Transmit clock
clkr In rise Receive clock
rxer In High MII Receive error
rxdv In High MII Receive data valid
col In High MII Collision detect
crs In High MII Carrier sense
mdi In 1 MII management data input
rxd In 4 MII Receive data
txen Out High MII Transmit enable
txer Out High MII Transmit error
mdc Out Rise MII management clock
mdo Out 1 MII management data output
mden Out High MII management buffer control
txd Out 4 MII Transmit data
Table 3 I/O Signal Description (Continued)
Name Type Polarity/Bus Size Description
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
Control and Status Register (CSR)
The Control and Status Register (CSR) interface is a slave
interface that the host initiates for write or read
transactions. The CSR interface operates synchronously
with the clkcsr clock supplied by the host. The data width
of the CSR interface is set with the CSRWIDTH parameter,
defined in Table 1 on page 5. The CSR interface may be
set to operate through an 8-, 16- or 32-bit bus interface.
Control and Status Registers Addressing
The Control and Status Registers are located physically
inside Core10/100 and can be accessed directly by a host
via an 8-, 16- or 32-bit interface. All the CSRs are 32 bits
long and quad word-aligned. The address bus of the CSR
interface is eight bits wide, and only bit 6 to bit 0 of the
location code shown in Table 4 may be used to decode
the CSR register address. Refer to csraddr in Table 5 on
page 9 for details about the address decoding.
Table 4 CSR Locations
Register Address Reset value Description
CSR0 00H FE000000H Bus mode
CSR1 08H FFFFFFFFH Transmit poll demand
CSR2 10H FFFFFFFFH Receive poll demand
CSR3 18H FFFFFFFFH Receive list base address
CSR4 20H FFFFFFFFH Transmit list base address
CSR5 28H F0000000H Status
CSR6 30H 32000040H Operation mode
CSR7 38H F3FE0000H Interrupt enable
CSR8 40H E0000000H Missed frames and overflow counters
CSR9 48H FFF483FFH MII management
CSR11 58H FFFE0000H Timer and interrupt mitigation control
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CSR Interface Signals
CSR Read/Write Operation
The CSR read and write operations are synchronous to the positive edge of the clkcsr signal and are illustrated in
Figure 4. Read operations require the data is read in the same clock cycle in which the csrreq signal is set to logic 1.
Table 5 CSR Interface Signals
Name Type Polarity/Bus Size Description
csrreq In High This signal is set by a host in order to put a “request” for a data transfer on the CSR
interface. It may be a read or a write request depending on the value of the csrrw signal.
csrrw In 1 This signal indicates the type of request on the CSR interface. Setting the csrwr indicates a
read operation, and clearing it indicates a write operation.
csrbe In CSRWIDTH/8 This signal is the data byte enable to indicate which byte lanes of the csrdatai or csrdatao
are the “valid” data bytes. Each bit of the csrbe controls a single byte lane.
All the csrbe signal combinations are allowed.
csraddr In 8 The csraddr inputs address an individual CSR data transaction.
The meaning of csraddr depends on the CSRWIDTH parameter.
For the CSRWIDTH = 32 (32-bit interface), only the csraddr bits 6 down to 2 are
significant. The addresses are longword (32-bit) aligned in this mode.
For the CSRWIDTH = 16 (16-bit interface), the csraddr bits 6 down to 1 are significant. The
addresses are word (16-bit) aligned in this mode.
For the CSRWIDTH = 8 (8-bit interface), all bits of the csraddr are significant. The addresses
are byte (8-bit) aligned in this mode.
csrdatai In CSRWIDTH The write data is provided on the csrdatai inputs by the system during the write request.
csrack Out High The csrack signal indicates that either valid data is present on the csrdatao outputs during
a read request, or that the csrdatai inputs have been sampled during a write request. The
current version of Core10/100 has the csrack signal statically tied to logic 1, i.e., Core10/
100 responds to reads and writes immediately.
csrdatao Out CSRWIDTH The csrdatao signal provides the read data in response to a read request.
Figure 4 CSR Read/Write Operation
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10 v3.1
CSR Definitions
Table 6 Bus Mode Register (CSR0)
Bits 31:24
Bits 23:16 DBO TAP
Bits 15:8 PBL
Note: The CSR0 register has unimplemented bits (shaded). If these bits are read, they will return a predefined value. Writing these bits
has no effect.
Table 7 Bus Mode Register Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
CSR0.20 DBO Descriptor byte ordering mode
1 – big endian mode used for data descriptors
0 – little endian mode used for data descriptors
CSR0.(19..17) TAP Transmit automatic polling
If the TAP is written with a nonzero value, Core10/100 performs an automatic transmit descriptor
polling when operating in suspended state. When the descriptor is available, the transmit process goes
into the running state. When the descriptor is marked as owned by the host, the transmit process
remains suspended.
The poll is always performed at the current transmit descriptor list position. The time interval between
two consecutive polls is shown in Table 8 on page 11.
CSR0.(13..8) PBL Programmable burst length
Specifies the maximum number of words that can be transferred within one DMA transaction. Values
permissible are 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32. When a '0' value is written, the bursts are limited only by the
internal FIFO’s threshold levels.
The width of the single word is equal to the CSRWIDTH generic parameter, i.e.. all data transfers always
use the maximum data bus width.
Note that the PBL is valid only for the data buffers. The data descriptors burst length depends on a
DATAWIDTH parameter. The rule is that every descriptor field (32-bit) is accessed with a single burst
cycle. For the DATAWIDTH = 32, the descriptors are accessed with a single 32-bit word transaction; for
the DATAWIDTH = 16, a burst of two 16-bit words; and for the DATAWIDTH = 8, a burst of four 8-bit
CSR0.7 BLE Big/little endian
Selects the byte-ordering mode used by the data buffers
1 – big endian mode used for the data buffers
0 – little endian mode used for the data buffers
CSR0.(6..2) DSL Descriptor skip length
Specifies the number of longwords between two consecutive descriptors in a ring structure.
CSR0.1 BAR Bus arbitration scheme
1 – transmit and receive processes have equal priority to access the bus
0 – intelligent arbitration where the receive process has priority over the transmit process
CSR0.0 SWR Software reset
Setting this bit resets all internal flip-flops
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Table 8 Transmit Automatic Polling Intervals
CSR0(19..17) 10 Mb/s 100 Mb/s
000 TAP disabled TAP disabled
001 819 µs 81.9 µs
010 2450 µs 245 µs
011 5730 µs 573 µs
100 51.2 µs 5.12 µs
101 102.4 µs 10.24 µs
110 153.6 µs 15.36 µs
111 358.4 µs 35.84 µs
Table 9 Transmit Poll Demand Register (CSR1)
Bits 31:24 TPD(31..24)
Bits 23:16 TPD(23..16)
Bits 15:8 TPD(15..8)
Bits 7:0 TPD(7..0)
Table 10 Transmit Poll Demand Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
CSR1.(31..0) TPD Writing this field with any value instructs Core10/100 to check for frames to be transmitted.
This operation is valid only when the transmit process is suspended.
If no descriptor is available, the transmit process remains suspended.
When the descriptor is available, the transmit process goes into the running state.
Table 11 Receive Poll Demand Register (CSR2)
Bits 31:24 RPD(31..24)
Bits 23:16 RPD(23..16)
Bits 15:8 RPD(15..8)
Bits 7:0 RPD(7..0)
Table 12 Receive Poll Demand Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
CSR2.(31..0) RPD Writing this field with any value instructs Core10/100 to check for receive descriptors to be acquired. This
operation is valid only when the receive process is suspended.
If no descriptor is available, the receive process remains suspended.
When the descriptor is available, the receive process goes into the running state.
Table 13 Receive Descriptor List Base Address Register (CSR3)
Bits 31:24 RLA(31..24)
Bits 23:16 RLA(23..16)
Bits 15:8 RLA(15..8)
Bits 7:0 RLA(7..0)
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Table 14 Receive Descriptor List Base Address Register Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
CSR 3.(31..0) RLA Start of the receive list address
Contains the address of the first descriptor in a receive descriptor list. This address should be longword
aligned (RLA(1..0)=00).
Table 15 Transmit Descriptor List Base Address Register (CSR4)
Bits 31:24 TLA(31..24)
Bits 23:16 TLA(23..16)
Bits 15:8 TLA(15..8)
Bits 7:0 TLA(7..0)
Table 16 Transmit Descriptor List Base Address Register Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
CSR 4.(31..0) TLA Start of the transmit list address
Contains the address of the first descriptor in a transmit descriptor list. This address should be longword
aligned (TLA(1..0)=00).
Table 17 Status Register (CSR5)
Bits 31:24
Bits 23:16 TS RS NIS
Note: The CSR5 register has unimplemented bits (shaded). If these bits are read they will return a predefined value. Writing these bits has
no effect.
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Table 18 Status Register Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
CSR5.(22..20) TS Transmit process state (Read only)
Indicates the current state of a transmit process:
000 – Stopped, RESET, or STOP TRANSMIT command issued
001 – Running, fetching transmit descriptor
010 – Running, waiting for end of transmission
011 – Running, transferring data buffer from host memory to FIFO
100 – Reserved
101 – Running, setup packet
110 – Suspended, FIFO underflow or unavailable descriptor
111 – Running, closing transmit descriptor
CSR5.(19..17) RS Receive process state (Read only)
Indicates the current state of a receive process:
000 – Stopped, RESET, or STOP RECEIVE command issued
001 – Running, fetching receive descriptor
010 – Running, waiting for the end of receive packet before prefetch of next descriptor
011 – Running, waiting for receive packet
100 – Suspended, unavailable receive buffer
101 – Running, closing receive descriptor
110 – Reserved
111 – Running, transferring data from FIFO to host memory
CSR5.16 NIS Normal interrupt summary
This bit is logical or on the following bits:
CSR5.0 – Transmit interrupt
CSR5.2 – Transmit buffer unavailable
CSR5.6 – Receive interrupt
CSR5.11 – General purpose timer overflow
CSR5.14 – Early receive interrupt
Only the unmasked bits affect the normal interrupt summary bit.
The user can clear this bit by writing a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
CSR5.15 AIS Abnormal interrupt summary
This bit is logical or on the following bits:
CSR5.1 – Transmit process stopped
CSR5.5 – Transmit underflow
CSR5.7 – Receive buffer unavailable
CSR5.8 – Receive process stopped
CSR5.10 – Early transmit interrupt
Only the unmasked bits affect the abnormal interrupt summary bit. The user can clear this bit by writing
a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
CSR5.14 ERI Early receive interrupt
Set when Core10/100 fills the data buffers of the first descriptor
The user can clear this bit by writing a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
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CSR5.11 GTE General-purpose timer expiration
Gets set when the general-purpose timer reaches zero value
The user can clear this bit by writing a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
CSR5.10 ETI Early transmit interrupt
Indicates that the packet to be transmitted was fully transferred into the FIFO
The user can clear this bit by writing a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
CSR5.8 RPS Receive process stopped
RPS is set when a receive process enters a stopped state.
The user can clear this bit by writing a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
CSR5.7 RU Receive buffer unavailable
When set, indicates that the next receive descriptor is owned by the host and is unavailable for Core10/
100. When the RU becomes set, Core10/100 enters a suspended state, and returns to receive descriptor
processing when the host changes ownership of the descriptor and either a receive poll demand
command is issued or a new frame is recognized by Core10/100.
The user can clear this bit by writing a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
CSR5.6 RI Receive interrupt
Indicates the end of a frame receive. The complete frame has been transferred into the receive buffers.
Assertion of the RI bit can be delayed using receive interrupt mitigation counter/timer (CSR11.NRP/
The user can clear this bit by writing a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
CSR5.5 UNF Transmit underflow
Indicates that the transmit FIFO was empty during a transmission. The transmit process goes into a
suspended state.
The user can clear this bit by writing a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
CSR5.2 TU Transmit buffer unavailable
When set, TU indicates that the host owns the next descriptor on the transmit descriptor list; therefore,
it cannot be used by Core10/100. When the TU is set, the transmit process goes into a suspended state
and can resume normal descriptor processing when the host changes ownership of the descriptor, and
either a transmit poll demand command is issued or transmit automatic polling is enabled.
The user can clear this bit by writing a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
CSR5.1 TPS Transmit process stopped
TPS is set when the transmit process goes into a stopped state.
The user can clear this bit by writing a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
CSR5.0 TI Transmit interrupt
Indicates the end of a frame transmission process. Assertion of the TI bit can be delayed using the
transmit interrupt mitigation counter/timer (CSR11.NTP/CSR11.TT).
The user can clear this bit by writing a '1'.
Writing a '0' has no effect.
Table 18 Status Register Bit Functions (Continued)
Bit Symbol Function
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Table 19 Operation Mode Register (CSR6)
Bits 31:24 RA
Bits 23:16 TTM SF
Bits 15:8 TR ST FD
Note: The CSR6 register has unimplemented bits (shaded). If these bits are read they will return a predefined value. Writing these bits has
no effect.
Table 20 Operation Mode Register Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
CSR6.30 RA Receive all
When set, all incoming frames are received regardless of their destination address. An address check is
performed and the result of the check is written into the receive descriptor (RDES0.30).
CSR6.22 TTM Transmit threshold mode
1 – transmit the FIFO threshold set for 100 Mb/s mode
0 – transmit the FIFO threshold set for 10 Mb/s mode.
This bit can be changed only when a transmit process is in a stopped state.
CSR6.21 SF Store and forward
When set, the transmission starts after a full packet is written into the transmit FIFO, regardless of the
current FIFO threshold level.
This bit can be changed only when the transmit process is in the stopped state.
CSR6.(15..14) TR Threshold control bit
This bit, together with the TTM, the SF and the PS, control the threshold level for the transmit FIFO.
CSR6.13 ST Start/stop transmit command
Setting this bit when the transmit process is in a stopped state causes a transition into a running state.
In the running state Core10/100 checks the transmit descriptor at a current descriptor list position. If
Core10/100 owns the descriptor, then the data starts to transfer from memory into the internal
transmit FIFO.
If the host owns the descriptor, Core10/100 enters a suspended state.
Clearing this bit when the transmit process is in a running or a suspended state instructs Core10/100 to
enter the stopped state.
Core10/100 does not go into the stopped state immediately after clearing the ST bit. Core10/100 will
finish all pending transmit operations before going into the stopped state. The status bits of the CSR5
register should be read to check the actual transmit operation state.
CSR6.9 FD Full duplex mode
0 – half duplex mode
1 – forcing full duplex mode
Changing of this bit is allowed only when both the transmitter and receiver processes are in the
stopped state.
CSR6.7 PM Pass all multicast
When set, all the frames with the multicast destination addresses will be received regardless of the
address check result.
CSR6.6 PR Promiscuous mode
When set all the frames will be received regardless of the address check result. An address check is not
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
16 v3.1
Table 21 lists all the possible combinations of the address filtering bits. The actual values of the IF, HO, and HP bits are
determined by the filtering type (FT1:FT0) bits in the setup frame, as shown in Table 42 on page 32. The IF, HO, and HP
bits are read-only.
CSR6.4 IF Inverse filtering (Read only)
If this bit is set when working in a perfect filtering mode, the receiver performs an inverse filtering
during the address check process.
The “filtering type” bits of the setup frame determine a state of this bit.
CSR6.3 PB Pass bad frames
When set, Core10/100 transfers all frames into the data buffers, regardless of the receive errors. This
allows the runt frames, collided fragments, and truncated frames to be received.
CSR6.2 HO Hash-only filtering mode (Read only)
When set, Core10/100 performs an imperfect filtering over both the multicast and the physical
The “filtering type” bits of the setup frame determine the state of this bit.
CSR6.1 SR Start/stop receive command
Setting this bit when the receive process is in a stopped state causes the transition into a running state.
In the running state Core10/100 checks the receive descriptor at the current descriptor list position. If
Core10/100 owns the descriptor, then it can process an incoming frame. When the host owns the
descriptor, the receiver enters a suspended state and also sets the CSR5.7 (receive buffer unavailable)
Clearing this bit when the receive process is in running or suspended state instructs Core10/100 to
enter a stopped state after receiving the current frame.
Core10/100 does not go into the stopped state immediately after clearing the SR bit. Core10/100 will finish
all pending receive operations before going into the stopped state. The status bits of CSR5 register should be
read to check the actual receive operation state.
CSR6.0 HP Hash/perfect receive filtering mode (Read only)
0 – perfect filtering of the incoming frames is performed according to the physical addresses specified
in a setup frame.
1 – imperfect filtering over the frames with the multicast addresses is performed according to the hash
table specified in a setup frame.
A physical addresses check is performed according to the CSR6.2 (HO - Hash-only) bit.
When the HO and HP are both set, an imperfect filtering is performed on all of the addresses.
The “filtering type” bits of the setup frame determine the state of this bit.
Table 21 Receive Address Filtering Modes Summary
CSR6.0 Current Filtering Mode
0 000016 physical addresses perfect filtering mode
0 00011 physical address for physical addresses and 512-bit hash table
for multicast addresses
0 0011512-bit hash table for both physical and multicast addresses
0 0100Inverse filtering
x 1 0 0 x Promiscuous mode
0 1011Promiscuous mode
1 0 0 0 x Pass all multicast frames
1 0011Pass all multicast frames
Table 20 Operation Mode Register Bit Functions (Continued)
Bit Symbol Function
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Table 22 lists the transmit FIFO threshold levels. These levels are specified in bytes.
Table 22 Transmit Fifo Threshold Levels (Bytes)
CSR6.21 CSR6.15..14 CSR6.22=1 CSR6.22=0
0 0064128
0 11 256 1024
1 xx Store and Forward Store and Forward
Table 23 Interrupt Enable Register (CSR7)
Bits 31:24
Bits 23:16 NIE
Note: The CSR7 register has unimplemented bits (shaded). If these bits are read they will return a predefined value. Writing these bits has
no effect.
Table 24 Interrupt Enable Register Bit Function
Bit Symbol Function
CSR7.16 NIE Normal interrupt summary enable
When set, normal interrupts are enabled
Normal interrupts are listed below:
CSR5.0 – Transmit interrupt
CSR5.2 – Transmit buffer unavailable
CSR5.6 – Receive interrupt
CSR5.11 – General-purpose timer expired
CSR5.14 – Early receive interrupt
CSR7.15 AIE Abnormal interrupt summary enable
When set, abnormal interrupts are enabled
Abnormal interrupts are listed below:
CSR5.1 – Transmit process stopped
CSR5.5 – Transmit underflow
CSR5.7 – Receive buffer unavailable
CSR5.8 – Receive process stopped
CSR5.10 – Early transmit interrupt
CSR7.14 ERE Early receive interrupt enable
When both the ERE and normal interrupt enable bits are set, early receive interrupt is enabled.
CSR7.11 GTE General-purpose timer overflow enable
When both the GTE and normal interrupt summary enable bits are set, the general-purpose timer
overflow interrupt is enabled.
CSR7.10 ETE Early transmit interrupt enable
When both the ETE and abnormal interrupt summary enable bits are set, the early transmit interrupt is
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
18 v3.1
CSR7.8 RSE Receive stopped enable
When both the RSE and abnormal interrupt summary enable bits are set, the receive stopped interrupt
is enabled.
CSR7.7 RUE Receive buffer unavailable enable
When both the RUE and abnormal interrupt summary enable bits are set, the receive buffer unavailable
is enabled.
CSR7.6 RIE Receive interrupt enable
When both the RIE and normal interrupt summary enable bits are set, the receive interrupt is enabled.
CSR7.5 UNE Underflow interrupt enable
When both the UNE and abnormal interrupt summary enable bits are set, the transmit underflow
interrupt is enabled.
CSR7.2 TUE Transmit buffer unavailable enable
When both the TUE and normal interrupt summary enable bits are set, the transmit buffer unavailable
interrupt is enabled.
CSR7.1 TSE Transmit stopped enable
When both the TSE and abnormal interrupt summary enable bits are set, the transmit process stopped
interrupt is enabled.
CSR7.0 TIE Transmit interrupt enable
When both the TIE and normal interrupt summary enable bits are set, the transmit interrupt is enabled.
Table 25 Missed Frames and Overflow Counter Register (CSR8)
Bits 31:24 OCO FOC(10..7)
Bits 23:16 FOC(6..0) MFO
Bits 15:8 MFC(15..8)
Bits 7:0 MFC(7..0)
Note: The CSR8 register has unimplemented bits (shaded). If these bits are read they will return a predefined value. Writing these bits
has no effect.
Table 26 Missed Frames and Overflow Counter Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
CSR8.28 OCO Overflow counter overflow (read only)
Gets set when the FIFO overflow counter overflows
Resets when read the high byte (bits 31:24).
CSR8.(27..17) FOC FIFO overflow counter (read only)
Counts the number of frames not accepted due to the receive FIFO overflow.
The counter resets when the high byte (bits 31:24) is read.
CSR8.16 MFO Missed frame overflow
Set when a missed frame counter overflows
The counter resets when the high byte (bits 31:24) is read.
CSR8.(15..0) MFC Missed frame counter (read only)
Counts the number of frames not accepted due to the unavailability of the receive descriptor.
The counter resets when the high byte (bits 31:24) is read.
Table 24 Interrupt Enable Register Bit Function (Continued)
Bit Symbol Function
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Table 27 MII Management and Serial ROM Interface Register (CSR9)
Bits 31:24
Bits 23:16 MDI MII MDO MDC
Bits 15:8
Note: The CSR9 register has unimplemented bits (shaded). If these bits are read they will return a predefined value. Writing these bits has
no effect.
Table 28 MII Management and Serial ROM Register Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
CSR9.19 MDI MII management data in signal (read only)
This bit reflects the sample on the mdi port during the read operation on the MII management
CSR9.18 MII MII management operation mode
1 – indicates that Core10/100 reads the MII PHY registers
0 – indicates that Core10/100 writes to the MII PHY registers
CSR9.17 MDO MII management write data
The value of this bit drives the mdo port when a write operation is performed.
CSR9.16 MDC MII management clock
The value of this bit drives the mdc port.
CSR9.3 SDO Serial ROM data output
The value of this bit drives the sdo port of Core10/100.
CSR9.2 SDI Serial ROM data input
This bit reflects the sdi port of Core10/100.
CSR9.1 SCLK Serial ROM clock
The value of this bit drives the sclk port of Core10/100.
CSR9.0 SCS Serial ROM chip select
The value of this bit drives the scs port of Core10/100.
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
20 v3.1
The MII management interface can be used to control
the external PHY device from the host side. It allows
access to all of the internal PHY registers via a simple
two-wire interface. There are two signals on the MII
management interface: the MDC (Management Data
Clock) and the MDIO (Management Data Input/Output).
The IEEE 802.3 indirection tristate signal defines the
MDIO. Core10/100 uses four unidirectional external
signals to control the management interface. For proper
operation of the interface, the user must connect a
tristate buffer (inside or outside the FPGA), as shown in
Figure 5. The Serial ROM interface can be used to access
an external Serial ROM device via the CSR register CSR9.
The user can supply an external Serial ROM device, as
shown in Figure 6. The Serial ROM can be used for
storing the user data, such as Ethernet addresses. Note
that all access sequences and timing of the Serial ROM
interface are handled by the software.
If the Serial ROM interface is not used, the sdi input port
should be connected to logic 0 and the output ports (scs,
sclk, and sdo) should be left unconnected.
Figure 5 External Tristate Buffer Connections
Figure 6 External Serial ROM Connections
Table 29 General-Purpose Timer and Interrupt Mitigation Control Register (CSR11)
Bits 31:24 CS TT NTP
Bits 23:16 RT NRP CON
Bits 15:8 TIM(15..8)
Bits 7:0 TIM(7..0)
MII Management
Data Input
Data Output
Serial ROM
Chip Select
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 21
Table 30 General-Purpose Timer and Interrupt Mitigation Control Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
CSR11.31 CS Cycle size
Controls the time units for the transmit and receive timers according to the following:
1 –
MII 100 Mb mode – 5.12 µs
MII 10 Mb mode – 51.2 µs
0 –
MII 100 Mb mode – 81.92 µs
MII 10 Mb mode – 819.2 µs
CSR11.(30..27) TT Transmit timer
Controls the maximum time that must elapse between the end of a transmit operation and setting
the CSR5.TI (Transmit Interrupt) bit
This time is equal to TT * (16*CS)
The transmit timer is enabled when written with a nonzero value. After each frame transmission the
timer starts to count down if it has not already started. It is reloaded after every transmitted frame.
Writing '0' to this field disables the timer effect on the transmit interrupt mitigation mechanism.
Reading this field gives the actual count value of the timer.
CSR11.(26..24) NTP Number of transmit packets
Controls the maximum number of the frames transmitted before setting the CSR5.TI (Transmit
Interrupt) bit
The transmit counter is enabled when written with a nonzero value. It is decremented after every
transmitted frame. It is reloaded after setting the CSR5.TI (Transmit Interrupt) bit.
Writing '0' to this field disables the counter effect on the transmit interrupt mitigation mechanism.
Reading this field gives the actual count value of the counter.
CSR11.(23..20) RT Receive timer
Controls the maximum time that must elapse between the end of a receive operation and setting
the CSR5.RI (Receive Interrupt) bit
This time is equal to RT * CS.
The receive timer is enabled when written with a nonzero value. After each frame reception the
timer starts to count down if it has not already started. It is reloaded after every received frame.
Writing '0' to this field disables the timer effect on the receive interrupt mitigation mechanism.
Reading this field gives the actual count value of the timer.
CSR11.(19..17) NRP Number of receive packets
Controls the maximum number of received frames before setting the CSR5.RI (Receive Interrupt) bit.
The receive counter is enabled when written with a nonzero value. It is decremented after every
received frame. It is reloaded after setting the CSR5.RI (Receive Interrupt) bit.
Writing '0' to this field disables the timer effect on the receive interrupt mitigation mechanism.
Reading this field gives the actual count value of the counter.
CSR11.16 CON Continuous mode
1 – general-purpose timer works in continuous mode
0 – general-purpose timer works in one-shot mode
CSR11.(15..0) TIM Timer value
Contains the number of iterations of the general-purpose timer. Each iteration duration is
MII 100 Mb mode – 81.92µs
MII 10 Mb mode – 819.2µs
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
22 v3.1
Data Interface
The data interface is used for data transfers between
Core10/100 and external shared system memory. It is a
master via the DMA interface, i.e., Core10/100 operates
as an initiator on this data interface. The interface
operates synchronously with the clkdma clock supplied
by the system. The data width of the interface can be
changed using the core parameter DATAWIDTH. Possible
DATAWIDTH values are: 8, 16, or 32. There are two data
exchange types that can be initiated and performed by
Core10/100 via the DMA interface. The first data type is
the transmit and receive descriptors, which are setup by
the host and are fetched by the DMA interface to
instruct Core10/100 to exchange the Ethernet frame data
on specified locations of shared RAM. The second is the
Ethernet data type.
Data Interface Signal Definitions
Table 31 Data Interface Signals
Name Type Polarity/Bus Size Description
datareq Out High This signal is set by Core10/100 to put a “request” for the data transfer on the
interface. While datareq remains active, the datarw signal is stable, i.e., there is
no transition on the datarw.
datarw Out 1 The datarw output indicates the type of request on the data interface. When
set, it indicates a read operation; when cleared, it indicates a write operation.
dataeob Out High The dataeob output is an “end-of-burst” signal used for the burst transactions.
When set, it indicates the last data transfer for a current burst; when cleared, it
indicates that there will be more data transfers.
dataack In High The dataack input is an acknowledge signal supplied by the host in response to
the MACs request. In the case of a read operation, dataack indicates valid data
is on the datai input. The datai input should be stable while the dataack is set.
In case of a write operation, setting the dataack indicates that the host is ready
to fetch the data supplied by Core10/100 on the datao output. Regardless of
the current transaction type (write or read), a data transfer occurs on every
rising edge of the clkdma on which both the datareq and the dataack are set.
The dataack can be asserted or de-asserted at any clock cycle, even in the
middle of a burst transfer.
dataaddr Out DATADEPTH This signal addresses the external memory space for a data transaction. The
meaning of the dataaddr bits depends on the DATAWIDTH parameter.
For the DATAWIDTH = 32 (32-bit interface), only the dataaddr bits DATADEPTH-
1 down to 2 are significant. The addresses are longword (32-bit) aligned in this
For the DATAWIDTH = 16 (16-bit interface), the dataaddr bits DATADEPTH-1
down to 1 are significant. The addresses are word (16-bit) aligned in this mode.
For the DATAWIDTH = 8 (8-bit interface), all bits of the dataaddr are significant.
The addresses are byte (8-bit) aligned in this mode.
datai In DATAWIDTH The read data should be provided on the datai by the system in response to a
read request.
datao Out DATAWIDTH Data to be written is provided by Core10/100 on datao during a write request.
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v3.1 23
Data Interface Write Operation
The data interface supports single or burst data transfer.
The writes are operated on the positive edge of the clock
clkdma. The write operation starts when the data
interface sets datareq to high, and then the data
interface waits until dataack from the host interface is
set to high (which indicates the host is ready to receive
the writes). A byte enable signal databe indicates the
valid bytes on each write. The signal dataob indicates to
the hosts it is the end of a burst transfer. dataack can be
asserted or deasserted at any clock cycle, even in the
middle of a burst transfer.
Data Interface Read Operation
The data interface supports single or burst data transfer.
The reads are operated on the positive edge of the clock
clkdma. The read operation starts when the data
interface sets datareq to high, and then the data
interface waits until dataack from the host interface is
set to high (that indicates the data is ready to be
received by the data interface). A byte enable signal
databe indicates the valid bytes on each read request.
The signal dataob indicates to the hosts it is the end of a
burst transfer. dataack can be asserted or deasserted at
any clock cycle, even in the middle of a burst transfer.
Figure 7 Core10/100 Host Data Write Operation
End of
a+ a+aa
data[a+1] data[a+2]data[a] data[a]
Figure 8 Host Data Read Operation
End of
a+ a+
data[a] data[a+1] data[a+2] data[a]
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
24 v3.1
Frame Data and Frame Descriptors
Descriptors/Data Buffers Architecture Overview
A data exchange between the host and Core10/100 is
performed via the descriptor lists and data buffers, which
reside in the system shared RAM. The buffers hold the
host data to be transmitted or received by Core10/100.
The descriptors act as pointers to these buffers. Each
descriptor list should be constructed by the host in a
shared memory area, and can be of an arbitrary size.
There is a separate list of the descriptors for both the
transmit and receive processes.
The position of the first descriptor in the descriptor list is
described by CSR3 for the receive list and by CSR4 for the
transmit list. The descriptors can be arranged in either a
“chained” or “ring” structure. In a chained structure,
every descriptor contains a pointer to the next descriptor
in the list. In the ring structure, the address of the next
descriptor is determined by the CSR0.6..2 (DSL—
Descriptor Skip Length). Every descriptor can point to up
to two data buffers. When using descriptor chaining, the
address of the second buffer is used as a pointer to the
next descriptor, thus only one buffer is available. A frame
can occupy one or more data descriptors and buffers, but
one descriptor cannot exceed a single frame. In a ring
structure, the descriptor operation may be corrupted if
only one descriptor is used. Additionally, in the ring
structure, at least two descriptors should be set up by the
host. In a transmit process, the host can give the
ownership of the first descriptor to Core10/100 and
causes the data specified by the first descriptor to be
transmitted. At the same time, the host holds the
ownership of the second or last descriptor to itself to
prevent Core10/100 from fetching the next frame until
the host is ready to transmit the data specified in the
second descriptor. In a receive process, the ownership of
all available descriptors, unless it is pending to be
processed by the host, should be given to Core10/100.
Core10/100 can store a maximum of two frames in the
Transmit Data FIFO, including the frame waiting inside
the Transmit Data FIFO, the frame being transferred
from the data interface into the Transmit Data FIFO, and
the frame being transmitted out via the MII interface
from the Transmit Data FIFO.
Core10/100 can store a maximum of four frames in the
Receive Data FIFO, including the frame waiting inside
the Receive Data FIFO, the frame being transferred to
data interface from the Receive Data FIFO, and the frame
being received via the MII interface into the Receive Data
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 25
Figure 9 Descriptors in “Ring Structure”
CSR3/CSR4 - Descriptor List Base
DSL - Descriptor Skip
CSR Shared
Buffer 1
Buffer 2
Buffer 1
Buffer 2
Buffer 1
Buffer 2
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
26 v3.1
Figure 10 Descriptors in “Chained Structure”
Table 32 Receive Descriptors
Bits 31:24 OWN STATUS
Bits 23:16 CONTROL RBS2 RBS1
Bits 15:8 RBA1
Bits 7:0 RBA2
CSR3/CSR4 - Descriptor List Base
Buffer 1
Buffer 2
Buffer 1
Buffer 2
Buffer 1
Buffer 2
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 27
Table 33 STATUS (RDES0) Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
RDES0.31 OWN Ownership bit
1 – Core10/100 owns the descriptor
0 – the host owns the descriptor
Core10/100 will clear this bit when it completes a current frame reception, or when the data buffers
associated with a given descriptor are already full.
RDES0.30 FF Filtering fail
When set, indicates that a received frame did not pass the address recognition process
This bit is valid only for the last descriptor of the frame (RDES0.8 set), when the CSR6.30 (receive all)
bit is set, and the frame is at least 64 bytes long.
RDES0.(29..16) FL Frame length
Indicates the length, in bytes, of the data transferred into a host memory for a given frame
This bit is valid only when the RDES0.8 (last descriptor) is set and RDES0.14 (descriptor error) is
RDES0.15 ES Error summary
This bit is logical or over the following bits:
RDES0.1 – CRC error
RDES0.6 – Collision seen
RDES0.7 – Frame too long
RDES0.11 – Runt frame
RDES0.14 – Descriptor error
This bit is valid only when the RDES0.8 (last descriptor) is set.
RDES0.14 DE Descriptor error
Set by Core10/100 when no receive buffer was available when trying to store the received data
This bit is valid only when the RDES0.8 (last descriptor) is set.
RDES0.11 RF Runt frame
When set, indicates that the frame is damaged by a collision or by a premature termination before
the end of a collision window
This bit is valid only when the RDES0.8 (last descriptor) is set.
RDES0.10 MF Multicast frame
When set, indicates that the frame has a multicast address
This bit is valid only when the RDES0.8 (last descriptor) is set.
RDES0.9 FS First descriptor
When set, indicates that this is the first descriptor of a frame
RDES0.8 LS Last descriptor
When set, indicates that this is the last descriptor of a frame
RDES0.7 TL Frame too long
When set, indicates that a current frame is longer than maximum size of 1518 bytes, as specified by
TL (frame too long) in the receive descriptor has been set when the received frame is longer than
1,518 bytes. This flag is valid in all receive descriptors when multiple descriptors are used for one
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
28 v3.1
RDES0.6 CS Collision seen
When set, indicates that a late collision was seen (collision after 64 bytes following SFD)
This bit is valid only when the RDES0.8 (last descriptor) is set.
RDES0.5 FT Frame type
When set, indicates that the frame has the length field greater then 1500 (Ethernet type frame).
When cleared, indicates the 802.3 type frame
This bit is valid only when the RDES0.8 (last descriptor) is set.
Additionally, the FT is invalid for the runt frames of the length shorter then 14 bytes.
RDES0.3 RE Report on MII error
When set, indicates that an error has been detected by a physical layer chip connected through the
MII interface
This bit is valid only when the RDES0.8 (last descriptor) is set.
RDES0.2 DB Dribbling bit
When set, indicates that the frame was not byte aligned
This bit is valid only when the RDES0.8 (last descriptor) is set.
RDES0.1 CE CRC error
When set, indicates that the CRC error has occurred in the received frame
This bit is valid only when the RDES0.8 (last descriptor) is set.
Additionally, the CE is not valid when the received frame is a runt frame.
RDES0.0 ZERO This bit is reset for the frames with the legal length.
Table 34 CONTROL and COUNT (RDES1) Bit
Bit Symbol Function
RDES1.25 RER Receive end of ring
When set, indicates that this is the last descriptor in the receive descriptor ring. Core10/100 returns
to the first descriptor in the ring, as specified by the CSR3 (start of receive list address).
RDES1.24 RCH Second address chained
When set, indicates that the second buffer's address points to the next descriptor and not to the
data buffer
Note that the RER takes precedence over the RCH.
RDES1.(21..11) RBS2 Buffer 2 size
Indicates size, in bytes, of memory space used by the second data buffer. This number must be a
multiple of four. If it is 0, then Core10/100 ignores the second data buffer and fetches the next data
This number is valid only when the RDES1.24 (second address chained) is cleared.
RDES1.(10..0) RBS1 Buffer 1 size
Indicates the size, in bytes, of memory space used by the first data buffer. This number must be a
multiple of four. If it is 0, then Core10/100 ignores the first data buffer and uses the second data
Table 33 STATUS (RDES0) Bit Functions (Continued)
Bit Symbol Function
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v3.1 29
Table 35 RBA1 (RDES2) Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
RDES2.(31..0) RBA1 Receive buffer 1 address
Indicates the length, in bytes, of memory allocated for the first receive
buffer. This number must be longword aligned (RDES2.1..0 = 00).
Table 36 RBA2 (RDES3) Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
RDES3.(31..0) RBA2 Receive buffer 2 address
Indicates the length, in bytes, of memory allocated for the second receive
buffer. This number must be longword aligned (RDES3.1..0 = 00).
Table 37 Transmit Descriptors
Bits 31:24 OWN STATUS
Bits 23:16 CONTROL TBS2 TBS1
Bits 15:8 TBA1
Bits 7:0 TBA2
Table 38 STATUS (TDES0) Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
TDES0.31 OWN Ownership bit
1 – Core10/100 owns the descriptor
0 – the host owns the descriptor
Core10/100 will clear this bit when it completes a current frame transmission or when the data
buffers associated with a given descriptor are empty.
TDES0.15 ES Error summary
This bit is logical or over the following bits:
TDES0.1 – Underflow error
TDES0.8 – Excessive collision error
TDES0.9 – Late collision
TDES0.10 – No carrier
TDES0.11 – Loss of carrier
This bit is valid only when the TDES1.30 (last descriptor) is set.
TDES0.11 LO Loss of carrier
When set, indicates a loss of the carrier during a transmission
This bit is valid only when the TDES1.30 (last descriptor) is set.
TDES0.10 NC No carrier
When set, indicates that the carrier was not asserted by an external transceiver during the
This bit is valid only when the TDES1.30 (last descriptor) is set.
TDES0.9 LC Late collision
When set, indicates that a collision was detected after transmitting 64 bytes
This bit is not valid when the TDES0.1 (underflow error) is set.
This bit is valid only when the TDES1.30 (last descriptor) is set.
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
30 v3.1
TDES0.8 EC Excessive collisions
When set, indicates that the transmission was aborted after 16 retries
This bit is valid only when the TDES1.30 (last descriptor) is set.
TDES0.(6..3) CC Collision count
This field indicates the number of collisions that occurred before the end of a frame transmission.
This value is not valid when the TDES0.8 (excessive collisions bit) is set.
This bit is valid only when the TDES1.30 (last descriptor) is set.
TDES0.1 UF Underflow error
When set, indicates that the FIFO was empty during the frame transmission
This bit is valid only when the TDES1.30 (last descriptor) is set.
TDES0.0 DE Deferred
When set, indicates that the frame was deferred before transmission. Deferring occurs if the carrier
is detected when the transmission is ready to start.
This bit is valid only when the TDES1.30 (last descriptor) is set.
Table 39 CONTROL (TDES1) Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
TDES1.31 IC Interrupt on completion
Setting this flag instructs Core10/100 to set the CSR5.0 (transmit interrupt) immediately after
processing a current frame.
This bit is valid when the TDES1.30 (last descriptor) is set or for a setup packet.
TDES1.30 LS Last descriptor
When set, indicates the last descriptor of the frame
TDES1.29 FS First descriptor
When set, indicates the first descriptor of the frame
TDES1.28 FT1 Filtering type
This bit, together with the TDES0.22 (FT0), controls a current filtering mode.
This bit is valid only for the setup frames.
TDES1.27 SET Setup packet
When set, indicates that this is a setup frame descriptor
TDES1.26 AC Add CRC disable
When set, Core10/100 does not append the CRC value at the end of the frame. The exception is
when the frame is shorter then 64 bytes and automatic byte padding is enabled. In that case the
CRC field is added despite the state of the AC flag.
TDES1.25 TER Transmit end of ring
When set, indicates the last descriptor in the descriptors ring
TDES1.24 TCH Second address chained
When set, indicates that the second descriptor's address points to the next descriptor and not to the
data buffer
This bit is valid only when the TDES1.25 (transmit end of ring) is reset.
Table 38 STATUS (TDES0) Bit Functions (Continued)
Bit Symbol Function
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 31
TDES1.23 DPD Disabled padding
When set, the automatic byte padding is disabled. Core10/100 normally appends the PAD field after
the INFO field when the size of an actual frame is less than 64 bytes. After padding bytes, the CRC
field is also inserted despite the state of the AC flag. When the DPD is set, no padding bytes are
TDES1.22 FT0 Filtering type
This bit, together with the TDES0.28 (FT1), controls the current filtering mode.
This bit is valid only when the TDES1.27 (SET) bit is set.
TDES1.(21..11) TBS2 Buffer 2 size
Indicates the size, in bytes, of memory space used by the second data buffer. If it is zero, Core10/
100 ignores the second data buffer and fetches the next data descriptor.
This bit is valid only when the TDES1.24 (second address chained) is cleared.
TDES1.(10..0) TBS1 Buffer 1 size
Indicates the size, in bytes, of memory space used by the first data buffer. If it is 0, Core10/100
ignores the first data buffer and uses the second data buffer.
Table 40 TBA1 (TDES2) Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
TDES2.(31..0) TBA1 Transmit buffer 1 address
Contains the address of the first data buffer. For the setup frame this address must be longword
aligned (TDES3.1..0 = 00). In all other cases there are no restrictions on buffer alignment.
Table 41 TBA2 (TDES3) Bit Functions
Bit Symbol Function
TDES3(31..0) TBA2 Transmit buffer 2 address
Contains the address of the second data buffer. There are no restrictions on buffer alignment.
Table 39 CONTROL (TDES1) Bit Functions (Continued)
Bit Symbol Function
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
32 v3.1
MAC Address and Setup Frames
The setup frames define addresses that are used for the
receive address filtering process. These frames are never
transmitted on the Ethernet connection. They are used
to fill the address-filtering RAM. A valid setup frame
must be exactly 192 bytes long, and must be allocated in
a single buffer that is longword aligned. The TDESI.27
(set up frame indicator) must be set. Both the TDES1.29
(first descriptor) and the TDES1.30 (last descriptor) must
be cleared for the setup frame. The FT1 and FT0 bits of
the setup frame define the current filtering mode.
Table 42 lists all possible combinations. Table 43 shows
the setup frame buffer format for perfect filtering
modes and Table 44 on page 33 for imperfect filtering
modes. The setup should be sent to Core10/100 when
Core 10/100 is in stop mode. When a RAM with more
than 192 bytes is used for the address filtering RAM, a
setup frame with more than 192 bytes can be written
into this memory to initialize its contents, but only the
first 192 bytes constitute the address filtering operation.
Table 42 Filtering Type Selection
FT1 FT0 Description
0 0 Perfect filtering mode
Setup frame buffer is interpreted as a set of 16 48-bit physical addresses.
0 1 Hash filtering mode
Setup frame buffer contains 512-bit hash table plus a single 48-bit physical address.
1 0 Inverse filtering mode
Setup frame buffer is interpreted as a set of 16 48-bit physical addresses.
1 1 Hash only filtering mode
Setup frame buffer is interpreted as a 512-bit hash table.
Table 43 Perfect Filtering Setup Frame Buffer
Byte Number Data Bits 31:16 Data Bits 15:0
3:0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 0 (15:00)
7:4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 0 (31:16)
11:8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 0 (47:32)
15:12 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 1 (15:00)
19:16 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 1 (31:16)
23:20 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 1 (47:32)
171:168 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 14 (15:00)
175:172 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 14 (31:16)
179:176 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 14 (47:32)
183:180 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 15 (15:00)
187:184 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 15 (31:16)
191:188 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address 15 (47:32)
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 33
Table 44 Hash Table Setup Frame Buffer Format
Byte Number Data Bits 31:16 Data Bits 15:0
3:0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hash filter (015:000)
7:4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hash filter (031:016)
11:8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hash filter (047:032)
123:121 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hash filter (495:480)
127:124 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hash filter (511:496)
131:128 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
135:132 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
159:156 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address (15:00)
163:160 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address (31:16)
167:164 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Physical Address (47:32)
171:168 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
175:172 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
183:180 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
187:184 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
191:188 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
34 v3.1
Transmit Data / Receive Data /
Address RAM Interface
Core10/100 provides three external RAM interfaces: the
first for the transmit data, the second for the receive
data, and the third for the receive-address filtering
Read/Write of the External RAM
For proper operation of the core, the system designer
should supply synchronous RAM memories. The writes to
the external RAM operate on the positive clock edge of
the write clock wclk. The reads from the external RAM
operate on the positive clock edge of the read clock rclk.
The read data is available one read clock cycle after the
read address is read into the RAM.
External RAM Interface Signals
External Address RAM Interface Parameters
Figure 11 Dual Port RAM Write and Read Operations
data data
addr addr
data[a2] data[a3]data[a1]
a2 a3
Write Points
Read Points
Table 45 External RAM Interface Signals
RAM Pin Name Pin Function Transmit Data RAM Receive Data RAM Address RAM
wclk write clock clkdma clkr clkdma
we write enable twe rwe fwe
rdata read data trdata rrdata frdata
waddr write address twaddr rwaddr fwaddr
rclk read clock clkt clkdma clkr
raddr read address traddr rraddr fraddr
wdata write data twdata rwdata fwdata
Table 46 External RAM Interface Parameters
Parameter Receive Data RAM Transmit Data RAM Address RAM
data bus width DATAWIDTH DATAWIDTH 16
address bus
Min. 6 6 6
Typ. 9 (2kB/32bit) 9 (2kB/32bit) 6
Max 16 16 6
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 35
The address bus width of the Receive/Transmit Data
RAMs can be customized via the core parameters
RFIFODEPTH/TFIFODEPTH (Table 1 on page 5). Those
memories should be at least as big as the longest frame
used on a given network. Core10/100 stops to request
new frame data when there are two frames already in
the Transmit Data RAM. It resumes the request for new
frame data when there is either one or no frame in the
Transmit Data RAM.
At any given time, the Receive Data RAM can hold no
more than four frames, including frames under transfers.
DMA Controller
The Direct Memory Access (DMA) is used to control a
data flow between the host and Core10/100.
The DMA services the following types of requests from
the Core10/100's transmit and receive processes:
Transmit request:
Descriptor fetch
Descriptor closing
Setup packet processing
Data transfer from host buffer to transmit the
Receive request:
Descriptor fetch
Descriptor closing
Data transfer from receive the FIFO to the host
The key task for the DMA is to perform an arbitration
between the receive and transmit processes. Two
arbitration schemes are possible according to the CSR0.1
1 – Round-robin arbitration scheme in which
receive and transmit processes have equal
0 – The receive process has priority over the
transmit process unless transmission is in progress.
In this case, the following rules apply:
The transmit process request should be
serviced by the DMA between two consecutive
receive transfers.
The receive process request should be serviced
by the DMA between two consecutive transmit
Transfers between the host and Core10/100 performed
by the DMA component are either single data transfers
or “burst” transfers. For the data descriptors the data
transfer size depends on the core parameter
DATAWIDTH. The rule is that every descriptor field (32-
bit) is accessed with a single burst. For the
DATAWIDTH = 32, the descriptors are accessed with a
single transaction; for the DATAWIDTH = 16, the
descriptors are accessed with a burst of two 16-bit words,
and for the DATAWIDTH = 8, the descriptors are accessed
with a burst of four eight-bit words.
In case of data buffers, the burst length is defined by the
CSR0(13..8) (programmable burst length) and can be set
to 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32. When set to 0, no maximum
burst size is defined, and the transfer ends when the
transmit FIFOs are full or the receive FIFOs are empty.
Transmit Process
The transmit process can operate in one of three modes:
running, stopped, or suspended. After a software or
hardware reset, or after a stop transmit command, the
transmit process is in a stopped state. The transmit
process can leave a stopped state only after the start
transmit command.
When in a running state, the transmit process performs
descriptor/buffer processing. When operating in a
suspended or stopped state, the transmit process retains
the position of the next descriptor, i.e., the address of
the descriptor following the last descriptor being closed.
After entering a running state, that position is used for
the next descriptor fetch. The only exception is when the
host writes the transmit descriptor base address register
(CSR4). In that case, the descriptor address is reset and
the fetch is directed to the first position in the list.
When operating in a stopped state, the transmit process
stopped (tps) output is high. This output may be used to
optionally disable the clkt clock signal external to
Core10/100. When both the tps and receive process
stopped (rps) outputs are high, all clock signals except
clkcsr may be optionally disabled external to Core10/100.
The transmit process remains running until one of the
following events occurs:
The hardware or software reset is issued. Setting
the CSR0.0 (SWR) bit can perform the software
reset. After the reset, all the internal registers
return to their default states. The current
descriptor's position in the transmit descriptors list
is lost.
A stop transmit command is issued by the host.
This can be performed by writing 0 to the CSR6.13
(ST) bit. The current descriptor's position is
The descriptor owned by the host is found. A
current descriptor's position is retained.
The transmit FIFO underflow error is detected. An
underflow error is generated when the transmit
FIFO is empty during the transmission of the
frame. When it occurs, the transmit process enters
a suspended state. Transmit automatic polling is
internally disabled, even if it is enabled by the
host by writing the TAP bits. A current descriptor's
position is retained.
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
36 v3.1
Leaving a suspended state is possible in one of the
following situations:
A transmit poll demand command is issued. This
can be performed by writing the CSR1 with a
nonzero value. The transmit poll demand
command can also be generated automatically
when transmit automatic polling is enabled.
Transmit automatic polling is enabled only if the
CSR0(19..17) (TAP) bits are written with a nonzero
value, and when there was no underflow error
prior to entering the suspended state.
A stop transmit command is issued by the host.
This can be performed by writing 0 to the CSR6.13
(ST) bit. The current descriptor's position is
A typical data flow for the transmit process is illustrated
in Figure 13. The events for the transmit process typically
happen in the following order:
The host sets up CSR registers for the operational
mode, interrupts, etc.
The host sets up transmit descriptors/data in the
shared RAM
The host sends the transmit start command
Core10/100 starts to fetch the transmit descriptors
Core10/100 transfers the transmit data to Transmit
Data RAM from the shared RAM
Core10/100 starts to transmit data on MII
Figure 12 Transmit Process Transitions
Note: Refer to the Core10/100 User’s Guide for an example of transmit data timing.
Figure 13 Transmit Data Flow
Start Transmit
Pull Demand
Stop Transmit
Res et
Tx Des Tx Data
Tx Data
Preamble Tx Data
Tx Data
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 37
Receive Process
The receive process can operate in one of three modes:
running, stopped, or suspended. After a software or
hardware reset, or after a stop receive command, the
receive process is in the stopped state. The receive
process can leave a stopped state only after a start
receive command.
In the running state, the receiver performs descriptor/
buffer processing. In the running state, the receiver
fetches from the receive descriptor list. It performs this
fetch regardless of whether there is any frame on the
link. When there is no frame pending, the receive
process reads the descriptor and simply waits for the
frames. When a valid frame is recognized, the receive
process starts to fill the memory buffers pointed to by
the current descriptor. When the frame ends, or when
the memory buffers are completely filled, the current
frame descriptor is closed (ownership bit cleared).
Immediately, the next descriptor on the list is fetched in
the same manner, and so on.
When operating in a suspended or stopped state, the
receive process retains the position of the next descriptor
(the address of the descriptor following the last
descriptor that was closed). After entering a running
state, the retained position is used for the next
descriptor fetch. The only exception is when the host
writes the receive descriptor base address register (CSR3).
In that case, the descriptor address is reset and the fetch
is pointed to the first position in the list.
When operating in a stopped state, the receive process
stopped (rps) output is high. This output allows for
switching the receive clock clkr off externally. When both
rps and tps outputs are high, all clocks except clkcsr can
be externally switched off.
The receive process runs until one of the following
events occurs:
A hardware or software reset is issued by the host.
A software reset can be performed by setting the
CSR0.0 (SWR) bit. After reset, all the internal
registers return to their default states. The current
descriptor's position in the receive descriptors list
is lost.
A stop receive command is issued by the host. This
can be performed by writing 0 to the CSR6.1 (SR)
bit. The current descriptor's position is retained.
The descriptor owned by the host is found by
Core10/100 during the descriptor fetch. The
current descriptor's position is retained.
Leaving a suspended state is possible in one of the
following situations:
A receive poll command is issued by the host. This
can be performed by writing CSR2 with a nonzero
A new frame is detected by Core10/100 on a
receive link.
A stop receive command is issued by the host. This
can be performed by writing 0 to the CSR6.1 (SR)
bit. The current descriptor's position is retained.
Note: Refer to the Core10/100 User’s Guide for an example of receive timing.
Figure 14 Receive Process Transitions
Start Receive
Stop Receive
Stop Receive
Pull Demand
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
38 v3.1
A typical data flow in a receive process is illustrated in
Figure 15. The events for the receive process typically
happen in the following order:
1. The host sets up CSR registers for the operational
mode, interrupts, etc.
2. The host sets up receive descriptors in the shared
3. The host sends the receive start command.
4. Core10/100 starts to fetch the transmit descriptors.
5. Core10/100 waits for receive data on MII.
6. Core10/100 transfers received data to the Receive
Data RAM.
7. Core10/100 transfers Rx data to shared RAM from
Receive data RAM.
Interrupt Controller
The interrupt controller uses three internal Control and
Status Registers: CSR5, CSR7, and CSR11. The CSR5
contains the Core10/100's status information. It has 10
bits that can trigger an interrupt. These bits are collected
in two groups: normal interrupts and abnormal
interrupts. Each group has its own summary bit, the NIS
and AIS, respectively. The NIS and AIS bits directly control
the int output port of Core10/100. Every status bit in the
CSR5 that can source an interrupt can be individually
masked by writing an appropriate value into the CSR7 –
Interrupt Enable Register.
Additionally, an interrupt mitigation mechanism is
provided for reducing the CPU usage in servicing
interrupts. The interrupt mitigation is controlled via the
CSR11. There are separate interrupt mitigation control
blocks for the transmit and receive interrupts. Both of
these blocks consist of a four-bit frame counter and a
four-bit timer. The operation of these blocks is similar for
the receive and transmit processes. After the end of a
successful receive or transmission operation, an
appropriate counter is decremented and the timer starts
to count down, if it has not already started. An interrupt
is triggered when either the counter or timer reaches a
zero value. This allows Core10/100 to generate a single
interrupt for a few received/transmitted frames, or after
a specified time since the last successful receive/transmit
It is possible to omit the transmit interrupt mitigation for
one particular frame by setting the Interrupt on
Completion (IC) bit in the last descriptor of the frame. If
the IC bit is set, Core10/100 sets the transmit interrupt
immediately after the frame has been transmitted.
The int port remains low for a single clock cycle on every
write to CSR5. This enables the use of both level and
edge triggered external interrupt controllers.
Figure 15 Receive Dataflow
Rx Des
Rx Data
Rx Data CRC
Rx Data
Rx Des
Rx Data CRC
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 39
Figure 16 Interrupt Scheme
Mitigation Control
Status CSR7
Interrupt Enable
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
40 v3.1
General Purpose Timer
Core10/100 includes a 16-bit general-purpose timer to
simplify time interval calculation by an external host. The
timer operates synchronously with the transmit clock clkt
generated by the PHY device. This gives the host the
possibility of measuring the time intervals based on
actual Ethernet bit time.
The timer can operate in “one shot” mode or continuous
mode. In “one shot” mode, the timer stops after
reaching a zero value; in continuous mode, it is
automatically reloaded and continues counting down
after reaching a zero value.
The actual count value can be tested with an accuracy of
±1 bit by reading the CSR11(15..0). When writing the
CSR11(15..0), the data is stored in the internal reload
register. The timer is immediately reloaded and starts to
count down.
Data Link Layer Operation
MII Interface
Core10/100 uses a standard MII interface as defined in
the 802.3 standard.
This interface can be used for connecting Core10/100 to
an external Ethernet 10/100 PHY device.
MII Interface Signals
Table 47 External PHY Interface Signals
IEEE 802.3
Signal Name
Signal Name Description
RX_CLK clkr Clock for receive operation
This should be a 25 MHz clock for a 100 Mb/s operation or a 2.5 MHz clock for a 10 Mbit/s
RX_DV rxdv Receive data valid signal
The PHY device should assert the rxdv when a valid data nibble is provided on the rxd signal.
The rxdv must be synchronous to the clkr receive clock.
RX_ER rxer Receive error
Core10/100 ends a reception when this bit is asserted during a receive operation.
The rxer must be synchronous to the clkr receive clock.
RXD rxd Receive data recovered and decoded by PHY
The rxd(0) is the least significant bit.
The rxd must be synchronous to the clkr receive clock.
TX_CLK clkt Clock for transmit operation
This should be a 25 MHz clock for a 100 Mb/s operation or 2.5 MHz clock for a 10 Mbit/s operation.
TX_EN txen Transmit enable
When asserted, indicates a valid data for the PHY on the txd
The txen is synchronous to the clkt transmit clock.
TXD txd Transmit data
The txd(0) is the least significant bit.
The txd is synchronous to the clkt transmit clock.
COL col Collision detected
This signal should be asserted by the PHY when a collision is detected on the medium. It is valid only
when operating in a half duplex mode. When operating in a full duplex mode, this signal is ignored
by Core10/100.
The col is not required to be synchronous to either the clkr or clkt.
The col is sampled internally by the clkt clock.
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 41
MII Receive Operation
MII Transmit Operation
CRS crs Carrier sense
This signal should be asserted by the PHY when either a receive or transmit medium is non-idle.
The CSR is not required to be synchronous to either the clkr or clkt.
TX_ER txer Transmit error
The current version of Core10/100 has the txer signal statically tied to logic 0 (no transmit errors).
MDC mdc MII management clock
This signal is driven by the CSR9.16-bit.
MDIO mdi MII management data input
The state of this signal can be checked by reading the CSR9.19-bit.
mdo MII management data output
This signal is driven by the CSR9.18-bit.
Table 47 External PHY Interface Signals (Continued)
IEEE 802.3
Signal Name
Signal Name Description
Figure 17 MII Receive Operation
Figure 18 MII Transmit Operation
Read Points Error detected
rxd[3..0] data data data data
Write Points
Collision Detected
data data data data
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
42 v3.1
Frame Format
Core10/100 supports the Ethernet frame format shown in Figure 19 (B indicates bytes). The standard Ethernet frames
(DIX Ethernet), as well as the IEEE 802.3 frames, are accepted. Core10/100 processes the individual frame fields
according to Table 46 on page 34.
Collision Handling
Collision detection is performed via the col input port. If a
collision is detected before the end of the PREAMBLE/
SFD, then Core10/100 completes the PREAMBLE/SFD,
transmits the JAM sequence, and initiates a backoff
computation. If a collision is detected after the
transmission of the PREAMBLE and SFD, but prior to 512
bits being transmitted, Core10/100 immediately aborts the
transmission, transmits the JAM sequence, and then
initiates a backoff. If a collision is detected after 512 bits
have been transmitted, the collision is termed a late
collision. Core10/100 aborts the transmission and appends
the JAM sequence. The transmit message is flushed from
the FIFO. Core10/100 does not initiate a backoff and does
not attempt to retransmit the frame when a late collision
is detected.
Core10/100 uses a “truncated binary exponential
backoff” algorithm for backoff computing, as defined in
the IEEE 802.3 standard, and outlined in Figure 20 on
page 43.
Backoff processing is performed only in half-duplex
mode. In full-duplex mode, collision detection is
Figure 19 Frame Format
Table 48 Frame Field Usage
(Bytes) Transmit Operation Receive Operation
PREAMBLE 7 Generated by Core10/100 Stripped from received data
Not required for proper operation
SFD 1 Generated by Core10/100 Stripped from received data
DA 6 Supplied by host Checked by Core10/100 according to current
address filtering mode and passed to host
SA 6 Supplied by host Passed to host
LENGTH/ TYPE 6 Supplied by host Passed to host
DATA 0-1500 Supplied by host Passed to host
PAD 0-46 Generated by Core10/100 when CSR.23
(DPD) bit is cleared and data supplied by host
is less than 64 bytes
Passed to host
FCS 4 Generated by Core10/100 when CSR.26 bit is
Checked by Core10/100 and passed to host
7B 1B 6B 6B 2B
46B - 1500B
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 43
Figure 20 Backoff Process Algorithms
Wait for End of
Increment Attempt
Attempt < 16
Attempt < 10
ran = Random(0..2 attempt
-1) ran = Random(0..210 -1)
Wait for
ran*Slot Time
set TDES0.8 (EC)
Excessive Collision
Reset Attempt
Yes No
Late Collision? Set TDES0.9 (LC)
Late Collision
Next Transmission
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
44 v3.1
The deference algorithm is implemented per the 802.3
specification and outlined in Figure 21. The InterFrame
Gap (IFG) timer starts to count whenever the link is not
idle. If the activity on the link is detected during the first
60-bit times of the IFG timer, the timer is reset and
restarted once activity has stopped. During the final 36
bit times of the IFG timer, the link activity is ignored.
Carrier sensing is performed only when operating in
half-duplex mode. In full-duplex mode, the state of the
crs input is ignored.
Figure 21 Deference Process Algorithm
Res et IFG Timer
Transmit Ready and
Not in Backoff?
Tr ans mit Fr ame
IFG Timer =
60 Bit Times ?
crs=0 ?
IFG Timer =
96 Bit Times ?
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 45
Receive Address Filtering
There are three kinds of addresses on the LAN: the
unicast addresses, the multicast addresses, and the
broadcast addresses. If the first bit of the address (IG bit)
is 0, the frame is unicast, i.e., dedicated to a single
station. If the first bit is 1, the frame is multicast, i.e.,
destined for a group of stations. If the address field
contains all 1s, the frame is broadcast and is received by
all the stations on the LAN.
When Core10/100 operates in perfect filtering mode, all
frames are checked against the addresses in the address
filtering RAM. The unicast, multicast, and broadcast
frames are treated in the same manner.
When Core10/100 operates in the imperfect filtering
mode, the frames with the unicast addresses are checked
against a single physical address. The multicast frames
are checked using the 512-bit hash table. Core10/100
applies the standard Ethernet CRC function to the first
six bytes of the frame that contains a destination
address. The least significant nine bits of the CRC value
are used to index the table. If the indexed bit is set, the
frame is accepted. If this bit is cleared, the frame is
rejected. The algorithm is shown in Figure 22.
It is important that one bit in the hash table corresponds
to many Ethernet addresses. Therefore, it is possible that
some frames may be accepted by Core10/100, even if
they are not intended to be received. This is because
some frames that should not have been received have
addresses that hash to the same bit in the table as one of
the proper addresses. The software should perform
additional address filtering to reject all such frames.
Figure 22 Filtering with One Physical Address and the Hash Table
802.3 Frame Destination Address
512-Bit Hash Table
One Physical Address
47 0 47
CRC Generator
Hash Table
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
46 v3.1
External Address Filtering Interface
An external address filtering interface is provided to extend the internal filtering capabilities of Core10/100. The
interface allows connection of an external user-supplied address checking logic. All signals from the interface are
synchronous to the clkr clock.
If the external address filtering is not used, all input ports of the interface should be grounded and all output ports
should be left floating.
Table 49 External Address Interface Description
Signal Name Type Description
match In External address match
When high, indicates that the destination address on the matchdata port is recognized by the
external address checking logic and the current frame should be received by Core10/100.
When low, indicates that the destination address on the matchdata port is not recognized and the
current frame should be discarded.
Note that the match signal should be valid only when the matchval signal is high.
matchval In External address match valid
When high, indicates that the match signal is valid
matchen Out External match enable
When high, indicates that the matchdata signal is valid. The matchen output should be used as an
enable signal for the external address checking logic. It is high for at least four clkr clock periods to
allow for latency of an external address checking logic.
matchdata Out External address match data
The matchdata signal represents 48-bit destination address of the received frame.
Note that the matchdata signal is valid only when matchen signal is high.
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
v3.1 47
Clock and Reset Control
Clock Controls
As shown in Figure 23, there are four clock domains in
the design:
The TC, and BD components operate
synchronously with the clkt clock supplied by the
MII PHY device. This is a 2.5 MHz clock for 10 Mb
operation or a 25 MHz for 100 Mb operation.
The RC operates synchronously with the clkr clock
supplied by the MII PHY device. This is a 2.5 MHz
clock for 10 Mb operation or a 25 MHz for 100 Mb
components operate synchronously with the
clkdma global clock supplied by the system.
The CSR operates synchronously with clkcsr clock
supplied by the system.
All clock signals are independent and can be
asynchronous one to another. If needed, the clkcsr and
clkdma clock domains can be connected together with
the same system clock signal in the user's system to
consolidate global clock resources, or they can be from
independent clock sources.
A minimum frequency of clock clkcsr is required for
proper operation of the transmit, the receive, and the
general-purpose timers. The minimum frequency for the
clkcsr must be at least the clkt frequency divided by 64.
For a proper operation of the receive timer, the clkcsr
frequency should be at least the clkr frequency divided
by 64. If the clock frequency conditions described above
are not met, do not use the transmit interrupt mitigation
control, the receive interrupt mitigation control, or the
general purpose timer. Appropriate clocks should be also
supplied when the hardware reset operation is
Reset Control
Hardware Reset
The Core10/100 core contains a single input rstcsr signal.
This signal is sampled in the RSTC component by clock
clkcsr. The RSTC component generates an internal
asynchronous reset for every clock domain in Core10/100.
The internal reset is generated by the input rstcsr and
software reset. The internal reset remains active until the
circuitry of all clock domains are reset.
The external reset signal must be active (high level) for at
least one period of clock clkcsr in the user’s design. The
minimum recovery time for a software reset is two clkcsr
periods plus one maximum clock period among clkdma,
clkt, and clkr.
Software Reset
Software reset can be performed by setting the CSR0(0)
(SWR) bit. The software reset will reset all internal flip-
Figure 23 Clock Domains and Reset
clkcsr RSTC
Core10/100 Ethernet Media Access Controller
48 v3.1
Ordering Information
Order Core10/100 through your local Actel sales representative. Use the following number convention when ordering:
Core10/100-XX, where XX is listed in Table 50.
List of Changes
The following table lists critical changes that were made in the current version of the document.
Datasheet Categories
In order to provide the latest information to designers, some datasheets are published before data has been fully
characterized. Datasheets are designated as "Product Brief," "Advanced," and "Production." The definitions of these
categories are as follows:
Product Brief
The product brief is a summarized version of an advanced or production datasheet containing general product
information. This brief summarizes specific device and family information for unreleased products.
This datasheet version contains initial estimated information based on simulation, other products, devices, or speed
grades. This information can be used as estimates, but not for production.
Unmarked (production)
This datasheet version contains information that is considered to be final.
Table 50 Ordering Information
XX Description
EV Evaluation Version
SN Netlist for single-use on Actel devices
AN Netlist for unlimited use on Actel devices
SR RTL for single-use on Actel devices
AR RTL for unlimited use on Actel devices
UR RTL for unlimited use and not restricted to Actel devices
Previous Version Changes in Current Version (v3.1) Page
v3.0 Table 2 was updated. 5
The "CSR Read/Write Operation" section was updated. 9
Table 4 2 was updated. 32
v2.0 The "Supported Families" section was updated to include ProASIC3/E. 1
The "Descriptors/Data Buffers Architecture Overview" section was updated. 24
Table 33 STATUS (RDES0) Bit Functions was updated. 27
The "MAC Address and Setup Frames" section was updated. 32
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