IINIERSIL FEATURES Uses Patented AIM-Programming Element for Superior Reliability High Programming Yield Fast Programming Speed < 1 sec TTL Processing Compatibility Low Power Consumption 1.5 mW/bit Operating Speed Address to Output 50nS - Chip Enable to Output 40nS Large Output Drive 16mA @ 0.45V TTL Compatible Inputs & Outputs Two Output Designs 5600 Open Collector 5610 Active Puil-up Chip Enable Facilitates Memory Expansion and Use in Bus Organized Systems APPLICATIONS Code Conversion Logic Implementation Microprogramming Look-up Tables Control of Sequential Circuits Character Generation IM5600/1IM5610 256 Bit Bipolar Read Only Memory GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Intersil M5600 and .IM5610 are high speed, electrically programmable, fully decoded, bipolar 256 bit read dnly memories organized as 32 words by 8 bits. On-chip address decoding, chip enable input and uncomitted collector or three-state outputs provide for simplified memory expansion and use in dus organized systems. Unprogrammed AIM elements are sensed as ZEROs or low logic levels at the outputs. Programming with a commercially available programmer irreversibly converts selected elements in the array so that they are sensed as ONE's or high logic levels. The following companies make programmers approved by Intersil: 1. Data 1/O Corp., P.O. Box 1603, Bellevue, Wash. 98009 2. PRO-LOG Corp., 2411 Garden Rd., Monterey, CA 93940 Detailed programming specifications for all Intersil PROMs are presented in the Intersii BIPOLAR PROM PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATION Data Sheet. CONNECTION DIAGRAM NF 0,1 16] Vec o2(2 15(-] CE 03043 147] Aq O44 13 [CRAs oss 12D A2 Ogle Ay 07]? 10 [J Ao GND [48 9[[] 0g TOP VIEW (outline dwgs JE, PE) BLOCK DIAGRAM ORDERING INFORMATION 03 02 1 1 Og O7 Og Of 4 [ [ [ 5 Oa 3 | OUTPUT BUFFER MTT 256 BITS (32 X 8) AIM PROGRAMMING ELEMENTS ET 1 OF 32 DECODER UT ADDRESS BUFFER rely, A2 A3 Ag ral CHIP ENABLE | TRUTH TABLE ADDRESS INPUTS | __ Ag-Ag c ANY OUTPUT 04-08 mi PART : TEMPERATURE ORDER NUMBER PACKAGE RANGE NUMBER IM5600 | 16 Pin Flatpack |0C to + 75C Commercial | IMS600CFE 55C to +125C Military | IM5600MFE* 16 Pin Plastic DIP 0C to + 75C IM5600CPE 16 Pin Cerdip DIP |0C to +75C Commercial | IMS600CJE ~55C to + 125C Military | IMSGOOMJE* 1M5610 | 16 Pin Flatpack |0C to +75C Commercial | IMS610CFE 55C to +125G Military | IMS610MFE*H y 16 Pin Plastic DIP 0C ta + 75C IM5610C PE 16 Pin Cerdip DIP [0C to. + 75 C Commercial | IM5610CJE ~55C to + 125C Military | IMS610MJE* * If 883B processing is desired add /883B to order number. Any one of 32 L possible addresses. Hif the bit uniquely associated with this output and address has been electrically programmed. Lif it has not been programmed. Alt outputs are forced to a high im- pedance state regardless of the | Any one of 32 _ H possible addresses. address. 8-39IM5600/7IM5610 ABSOLUTE M [INERSIL AXiIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage 0.0... cece ccc re enn tenet ee een ee ten eenees +7.0V Input Voltage Applied oi... cece ene eee teenies -1.5V 10 +5.5V Output Valtage Applied 2.0... ccc cece eee eee ee enee -0.5V to+Vcc Output Voltage Applied (Programming Only) ....... 0.0 .c ccc ccc cece eas 28V Current Into Output (Programming Only) 0. eee eee eee eee eee 210mA Storage Temperature 1.0.0... eee cee teen eee eee -65 C to +150C Operating Temperature Range (IM5600C and IMS5610C).... 0. cee eee eens OCcto+75C (M5600M and IM5610M) ......... 0.0 cece ee eee eee eens -5C to +125C Operating temperature is defined as ambient temperature for the DIP and case.temperature for the flatpack. Case temperature is measured directly below the die. DC CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS LIMITS Vcc = 5.0V +5% Voc = 5.0V +10% T=0C to +75C T = -55C to +125C SYMBOL CHARACTERISTICS MIN TYP | MAX | MIN TYP | MAX |UNITS CONDITIONS Ira Address Input Load -0.63 | -1.0 -0.63 | 1.0 Va = 0.4V Current A IFE Chip Enabie Input Load 0.63 | ~1.0 -0.63 | -1.0 m VEE = 0.4V Current IRA Address Input Leakage 5.0 40 5.0 60 Va = 4.5V Current A IRE Chip Enable Input 5.0 40 5.0 60 uw VGE = 4.5V Leakage Current VoL Output Low Voltage 0.3 0.45 0.3 0.45 Jlo. = 16 mA Voce = 0.4V . 0 bit is addressed: Vit Input Low Voltage 0.8 0.8 Vv Vin Input High Voltage 2.0 2.0 Ve Input Clamp Voltage -0.9 -1.5 0.9 -1.5 lin = -10 mA BVIN Input Breakdown Voltage | 5.5 6.5 . 5.5 6.5 lin = 1.0 mA icc Power Supply Current, 75 100 75 100 mA |inputs Either Open or at Ground lo (High R State}Output Leakage Current <1.0 40 <1.0 100 A Vo = 5.5V, Voce = 2.4V lo (High R State!Output Leakage Current <-1.0 -40 <-1.0 | -100 BM Vo = 0.4V, VcE = 2.4V Cin Input Capacitance 5.0 5.0 Vin = 2.0V, Voc = OV Cout Output Capacitance 7.0 7.0 pF [Vo = 2.0V, Vcc = OV The following are guaranteed characteristics of the output high level state when the chip is enabied (CE = 0.4V) and a pro- grammed bit is addressed. These characteristics cannot be tested prior to programming but are guaranteed by design. lot Output Leakage Current <1.0 100 <1.0 -100 BA Vo = 5.5V, VGE = 0.4V Vou (IM5610) |Output High Voltage 24 3.2 2.4 3.2 V | loH=-1.0 mA r (IM5610M) loH = -2.4mA : (IM5610C) Isc ((M5610)} |Output Short Circuit ~15 -30 ~60 -15 -30 -60 mA [Vo=0V NOTE 1: Typical characteristics are for Voc = 5.0V. Ta = 28C. 8-40IM5600/IM5610 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS [NMERSIL LIMITS LIMITS LIMITS Vcc = 5V Vcc = 5V +5% Voc = 5V +10% : Ta = 25C Ta = 0C to +75C Ta = 55C to +125C SYMBOL CHARACTERISTIC MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS taa Address Access Time 20 50 2 |< 65 20 75 tdis Output Disable Time* 10 40 10 50 10 60 ns ten Output Enable Time* 5 40 5 50 5 60 * Output disable time is the time taken for the output to reach a high resistance state when the chip enable is taken high. Output enable time is the time taken for the output to become active when the chip enable is taken low. The high resistance state is defined as a point on the output waveform equal to a AV of 0.5V from the active output tevel. ADDRESS INPUT OUTPUT FIGURE 1: Access Time Via Address Input OUT ENABLE Zz INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT _ FIGURE 2: Output Disable And Enable Time OUT 1K 1K | cE = = CE = = IM5600 M5610 FIGURE 3: Output Stage Schematics SWITCHING TIME TEST CONDITIONS Vec SWITCHING IM5600 IM5610 PARAMETER Ri Ro CL Ry Re CL faa 3000 | 6000 | 30 pF | 3000 | 600M | 30 pF tdis 1 0 3.3 KO | 10 pF Cy 600 | 10 pF tdis 0" 3000 | 600M | 10 pF | 30002 | 600M | 10 pF ten 1 ~ 3.3 KO | 30 pF * 6000 | 30 pF ten 0 3000 | 6000 | 30 pF | 300M } 6000 | 30 pF FIGURE 4: Output Load Circuit INPUT CONDITIONS | Amplitude OV to 3V Rise and Fall Time 5 ns From 1V to 2V Frequency 1 MHz 8-41