Rev. 7.3
Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings. Stresses in
excess of these ratings can cause permanent damage to
the device. Functional operation of the device at conditions
beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this
data sheet is not implied.
Parameter Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Units
Input Characteristics @ 25°C
LED Voltage Drop IF=2-10mA VF0.9 1.2 1.4 V
Reverse LED Current VR=5V IR- - 10 µA
Coupler/Detector Characteristics @ 25°C
Dark Current IF=0mA, VCC=15V ID-125nA
K1, Servo Gain (I1/IF)I
F=2-10mA, VCC=15V K1 0.004 0.007 0.030 -
K2, Forward Gain (I2/IF)I
F=2-10mA, VCC=15V K2 0.004 0.007 0.030 -
K3, Transfer Gain (K2/K1)I
F=2-10mA, VCC=15V K3 0.550 1.0 1.426 -
∆K3, Transfer Gain Linearity IF=2-10mA ∆K3 - - 1.0 %
K3 Temperature Coefficient IF=2-10mA, Vdet=-5V ∆K3/∆T - 0.005 - %/°C
Common Mode V=20VP-P, RL=2KΩ, CMRR - 130 - dB
Rejection Ratio F=100Hz
Total Harmonic Distortion FO=350Hz, 0dBm THD -96 -87 -80 dB
Frequency Response Photoconductive Operation BW (-3dB) - 200 - kHz
Photovoltaic Operation BW (-3dB) - 40 - kHz
Input/Output Capacitance - CI/O -3-pF
Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Input Power Dissipation - - 1501mW
Input Control Current - - 100 mA
Input LED Reverse Voltage - - 5 V
Peak (10ms) - - 1 A
Total Package Dissipation - - 5002mW
Isolation Voltage
Input to Output 3750 - - VRMS
Operational Temperature -40 +85 °C
Storage Temperature -40 - +125 °C
Soldering Temperature
(10 seconds)
DIP - - +260 °C
Flatpack Package - - +220 °C
1Derate Linearly 1.33 mW/°C
2Derate Linearly 6.67 mW/°C
Absolute Maximum Ratings (@ 25˚ C)
Electrical Characteristics