Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. http://www.everlight.com Rev 2 Page: 3 of 5
Device NO.: DPL-133-019 Prepared date: 07-25-2005 Prepared By: Chin-Chia Hsu
Absolute Maximum Ratings( Ta = 25ºC)
Parameter Symbol Rating Unit
Supply Voltage Vcc -0.5 to 7 V
DC Input Voltage Vin -0.5 to Vcc+0.5 V
Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to 85 ºC
Operating Temperature Topr -20 to 70 ºC
Soldering Temperature Tsol 260* ºC
* Soldering time ≤ 10 s.
Electro-Optical Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit
Operating Voltage Vcc Low Voltage 2.75 3.00 3.25 V
High Voltage 4.75 5.00 5.25 V
Peak Emission Wavelength λp 640 660 680 nm
Transmission Rate NRZ Code DC - 16 Mbps
Fiber Coupling Output Power Pf *1 -21 -18 -15 dBm
Dissipation Current Icc *1 3 - 10 mA
High Level Input Voltage VIH 2 - - V
Low Level Input Voltage VIL - - 0.8 V
Low to High Delay Time tpLH *2 - - 120 ns
High to Low Delay Time tpHL *2 - - 120 ns
Pulse Width Distortion ∆tw *2 -25 - 25 ns
Jitter ∆tj *2 - - 20 ns
*All Plastic Optical Fiber(980/1000um)
*Circuit Layout Notice:
When power is off, it must be cut off together in Vin and Vcc pin. If it only has Vcc power-off,
LED will be sparkling because LED is just threshold condition.