Evaluates: MAX15008–MAX15011
MAX15008 Evaluation Kit
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Quick Start
Recommended Equipment
• Two 5V to 40V, 1A adjustable power supplies
• Four voltmeters
The MAX15008 EV kit is a fully assembled and tested
surface-mount board. Follow the steps below for simple
board operation. Caution: Do not turn on the power
supply until all connections are completed.
1) Verify that shunts are installed across jumpers JU1
(LDO enabled), JU2 (HOLD enabled), JU3 (tracker
enabled), and JU4 (overvoltage protector enabled).
2) Set the first power supply to 10V and disable the
output. Connect the positive terminal of this power
supply to the IN PCB pad. Connect the ground ter-
minal of this power supply to the SGND PCB pad
located next to the IN pad.
3) Set the second power supply to 8V and disable the
output. Connect the positive terminal of this power
supply to the TRACK PCB pad. Connect the ground
terminal of this power supply to the SGND PCB pad
located next to the TRACK pad.
4) Connect a voltmeter across the OUT_LDO and
SGND PCB pads.
5) Connect a voltmeter across the OUT_TRK and
SGND PCB pads.
6) Connect a voltmeter across the OUT_PROTECT and
PGND PCB pads.
7) Connect a voltmeter across the RESET and SGND
PCB pads.
8) Turn on the IN and TRACK power supplies.
9) Verify that the OUT_LDO output measures 5V.
10) Verify that the OUT_TRK output measures 5V.
11) Verify that the OUT_PROTECT output measures 10V.
12) Verify that the RESET output signal measures 5V.
13) The EV kit is ready for further testing.
Detailed Description
The MAX15008 EV kit is a fully assembled and tested
circuit that demonstrates the capabilities of the
MAX15008. The MAX15008 features a configurable LDO
voltage regulator, a voltage tracker, and an overvoltage
protector. The LDO is configured to 5V and provides up
to 300mA. The voltage tracker is configured to track the
LDO output voltage and provides up to 50mA. The over-
voltage protector threshold is configured to 17.7V with
resistors R9 and R10. The LDO output voltage is config-
ured with external resistors R1 and R2. The tracker out-
put voltage can be configured to track a wide range of
voltages up to 35V by replacing resistors R3–R6. The EV
kit input-voltage range is up to 40V, but may have to be
decreased to not exceed the maximum continuous
power dissipation rating of the MAX15008 IC.
The EV kit RESET output signal can be used to monitor
the LDO output operating conditions or to reset circuitry
connected at the LDO output.
Input Power Supplies
The MAX15008 EV kit requires an input power source of
5V to 40V, 1A connected across IN and SGND and anoth-
er 5V to 40V, 1A power source connected across TRACK
and SGND for normal operation. The power source con-
nected to IN supplies power to the MAX15008 IC, the LDO
input, and the overvoltage protector input, while the power
source connected to TRACK supplies power to the tracker
input. The overvoltage protector input (IN2) can be sepa-
rated from the main input (IN) by cutting open the short-
ing trace between the IN and IN2 PCB pads. Connect a
separate power supply across the IN2 and PGND PCB
pads and install a 4.7µF to 10µF electrolytic capacitor at
C11. In order to evaluate the LDO performance at 5V out-
put, never set the IN supply voltage below 6.5V.
Component Suppliers
Diodes Inc. 805-446-4800 www.diodes.com
Murata Mfg. Co., Ltd. 770-436-1300 www.murata.com
Panasonic Corp. 800-344-2112 www.panasonic.com
TDK Corp. 847-803-6100 www.component.tdk.com