RoHS 6 Compliant Type RJS Telecom - Power Cross Protection & Ballast Protection RJS Apr2013D 6 RJS Series, Telecom - Power Cross Protection & Ballast Protection Fuse cA ss G, cE RJS Fuses are primarily intended for use in telecommunication circuit applications requiring low current protection with high surge tolerance. They are typically used to replace heat coil type devices. They are designed to be placed between the line input and the surge arresting components (mov. gas tube, zenor diode, air gaps, etc.) These fuses will withstand transient surge currents generated by lighting in accordance with the attached table. Electrical Characteristics (UL / CSA STD.248-14) RUS fuses guard protected circuitry against sustained Blow Time overload or short circuit conditions. Such sustained overloads Testing Current - may be generated by accidental contact between utility Minimum Maximum cables and phone lines (power line cross). 100% 4 Hts. N/A RJS Fuse are primarily designed for use in 135% N/A Tur telecommunications circuits which require compliance with 700% 3 0 the test requirements specified in UL/IEC 1950 / 60950 and badd $8 Telcordia GR 1089,Issue 3. 500% 100 msec 1.5 sec 1000% 30 msec 300 msec fatty - Radial lead surge resistant slow blow fuse - Meet UL 60950 power cross requirements Salle acl - Designed for compliance with Telcordia GR-1089-CORE - Designed to serve the requirements of a wide range of SAFETY telecommunication and networking equipment. SAFETY Xe =(@n Power AMPERE RANGE / VOLT @ Intended - RoHS6 compliant AGENCY CERTIFICATE Factor Nes] Bg Application - Halogen Free IOI lei=4 et - Leadfree ; 0.7-0.8 | 100MA-5A/125V AC @10,000A | General Purpose A us E20624 0.7-0.8 100mA - 5A / 250V AC @200A Primary Protection Applications Resistive 100mA - 5A / 350V AC @100A Ballast Protection - Fax machines Leno FREE (PB) G B LRa9772 Resistive] 100mA-5A/600V AC @60A | Telecom Protection - Answering machines 7 Af - Telecommunication circuit Resistive| 100mA- 5A/600V AC @100A oe pupae - Ballast Protection HALOGEN FREE = [HF 100mA - 5A/ 125V AC @10,000A 100mA - 5A/ 250V AC @200A C 100mA - 5A/350V AC @100A 100mA - 5A/ 600V AC @100A 100mA - 5A/ 600V AC @60A Specifications subject to change without notice e Power Cross (Telecom) Rating Double - exponential (Fuse Rated 0.1 - 1.5A) Impulse Waveform Current Waveform Duration Of A/B Seconds Overload Current | Voltage | Clearing Time Limit Pekka bite =... AcFlise Tme=11-T0 (1.25(0-) B=Duration=-T2-TO 0.9 Ip }-------- 135% Fuse rating 600V | Less than 1 hour 200% Fuse Rating 600V | Less than 20 seconds denen ese 2.2A 600V | Less than 10 minutes OSB ro 7A 600V | Less than 1 seconds 40A 600V | Less than 50 msec aby Et 60A 600V | Less than 20 msec of ome Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 - Tel: 201-432-0463 - Fax: 201-432-9542 - E-Mail: Website: www.belfuse.comType RJS Telecom - Power Cross Protection & Ballast Protection RoHS 6 Compliant HF @) RIS Apr2013D Electrical Specifications of (\ RUS 100-R 175 | 2.76 | 600 6 0.41 RUS 125-R 115 | 230 | 600 8 0.43 RUS 160-R 7.410 | 2.01 | 600 10 0.46 RUS 200-R 494 | 1.56 | 600 13 0.49 RUS 250-R 3.20 | 1.26 | 600 16 0.53 RUS 300-R 2.16 | 1.16 | 600 lioqma-5A| 08 1.0 20 0.56 RUS 350-R 1.77 | 1.10 | 600 eden 1.0 13 24 0.58 RJS 400-R 1.48 0.91 600 1.2 1.6 29 0.60 100mA - 5A RJS 500-R 0.82 0.65 | 600 | joeqy ac | 19 2.4 36 0.64 RUS 600-R 0.62 0.59 | 600 @200A 3.0 3.8 46 0.68 RUS 700-R 0,50 0.58 | 600 |jiooma-5a| 3.8 48 54 0.70 /350V AC RJS 750-R 0.435 0.55 600 @100A 4.3 5.5 58 0.71 RUS 1-R 0.248 | 0.39 | 600 7.4 9.3 80 0.77 100mA - 5A RUS 1.25-R 0.166 | 0.33 | 600 | ;gqgvac| 12 15 100 0.82 RUS 1.5-R 0.121 | 0.29 | 600 | @100A 17 24 120 0.86 RUS 2-R 0.080 | 0.26 | 600 28 36 155 0.93 RUS 2.5-R 0.056 | 0.24 | 600 44 56 190 0.99 RJS 3-R 0.043 | 0.22 | 600 69 87 230 1.06 RUS 4-R 0.027 | 0.18 | 600 108 136 300 1.18 RUS 5-R 5A 0.020 0.16 600 169 212 370 1.20 <|<|~<|~<|]<]| <|~<|<|~<|<] <| <| <|<|<|<|</] </ <!/ < <|~<|~<|~<|]<|~<|~<|~<|~|]~<]<]| | <| ~|<|<|<]</]</< <|~<|~|~<|<|<|~<|~|~]~<|<|<|<|<|~]<~|]<|<|<|< Consult manufacturer for other ratings Soldering Parameters Lead-free Wave Soldering Profile Wave Soldering Parameter ' ' 10 Average ramp-up rate 200C / second +| SEC h# . 9, ah ' ! Heating rate during preheat typical 4 -2C/ second 260+--------,- jp 2NOWavE Max. 4C/ second 1STWAVE Final preheat temperature within 125C of soldering temperature Ww ' Peak temperature Tp 260C ow fl ; Time within +0 C /-5C of actual peak temperature _|10 seconds > ieee S*C/SEC Ramp-down rate 5 C / second max. = : Ps kt x 4 ! ! ! Lu tot ' a ' ot 1 = 100 1 I tt ! ! Lu i 4-3 \ tot 1 1 ot 1 1 25 tot 1 ! | 4 } 1 eh si | 100 SEC Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 + Tel: 201-432-0463 + Fax: 201-432-9542 + E-Mail: Website: www.belfuse.comType RJS Telecom - Power Cross Protection & Ballast Protection RoHS 6 Compliant [HF] 8) RJS Apr2013C Temperature Derating Curve Average Time Current Curve RJS - TIME CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC CURVE 42192902018<84.45<5 coer 8 ee PP oe oe oe oe ee Percent of Rated Current 75 -65 -55 -45 -35 -25-15 - 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 195 145 Ambient Temperature [C] TIME IN SECONDS 0.01 0.1 CURRENT IN AMPERES 1 lo 100 1000 Environmenial Specifications MIL-STD-202G, Method 213B, Test Condition | Shock Resistance (100 G's peak for 6 milliseconds; Sawtooth Waveform) Vibration Resistance MIL-STD-202G, Method 201A (10-55 Hz, 0.06 inch, total excursion). Salt Spray Resistance MIL-STD-202G, Method 101E, Test condition B (48 hrs). MIL-STD-202G, Method 302, Test Condition A Insulation Resistance (After Opening) 10,000 ohms minimum. Solderability MIL-STD-202G, Method 208H Resistance to solder Heat MIL-STD-202G Method 210F, Test Condition B.(260+/-5C,10+/- 1 sec) MIL-STD-202G, Method 107G, Test Condition B Thermal Shock (-65C to +125C). Operating Temperature 55 to +125C Terminal Strength IEC-68-2-21 Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 - Tel: 201-432-0463 - Fax: 201-432-9542 + E-Mail: Website: www.belfuse.comType RJS RoHS 6 Compliant Telecom - Power Cross Protection & Ballast Protection (2) RJS Apr2013D Physical Specifications Body : Glass Materials Leads: Matte Tin Plated Copper,Diameter 0.032" On Fuse: "pel" , "RUS" ," Current Rating","Voltage Rating", "Appropriate Safety Logos"," v "(ROHS 6 compliant) On label: Marking "bel" , "RJS","Current Rating,"Voltage Rating,"Interrupting Rating", "Appropriate Safety Logos" and " " "(China RoHS compliant). Fuse FGNO Explanation UD OOP OOo OAR ee eee CMe ie] Mechanical Dimensions el re (Tolar Melee ted) R XXXX- X X Sd ed] St 7 _<$_ rn O70" |} O76's/-000" [ I bets (19.34 /-0.2mm) | (19.3+/-.2nm) d eye R = RoHS Compliant | tess | ats | AMPERE RATING (20.34/-1.2mm) | (20.34/-1.2mm) | | yf Onn DA Ny Refer to fuse FGNO explanation table | Mle | orryaor I \ 040 (23am) Pasta sarees (100mm) | (2.8+/-0.25mm) 1 = Short length, 0.11 In., 500/Box D 0.18" mox 018 mox LEAD SPACING (4.6) (Abn) 2 = 0.800 INCH * Diameter lead 0.032" for all ratings Specifications subject to change without notice Packaging e-leac eine Orso) Packaging Specification Quantity Packaging Code Inside Tape Spacing Bulk (Short lead) N/A 500 12 NA Bulk (Standard lead) N/A 2000 02 NWA CORPORATE OFFICE FAR EAST OFFICE EUROPE OFFICE EUROPE Bel Fuse Inc. Bel Fuse Ltd. Bel Fuse Europe Ltd. Bel Stewart GmbH 206 Van Vorst Street 8/F Luk Hop Industrial Building Preston Technology Management Centre Industriestrasse 20 Jersey City, NJ 07302 8 Luk Hop Street Marsh Lane, Suite F15 61381 Friedrichsdorf Tel 201-432-0463 San Po Kong Preston, Lancashire, PR1 8UQ. Germany Fax 201-432-9542 Kowloon, Hong Kong United Kingdom Tel 49-6172-9552-0 E-Mail: Tel 852-2328-5515 Tel 44-1772-556601 Fax 49-6172-9552-40 Website: www. Fax 852-2352-3706 Fax 44-1772-561008