Publication Release Date: August 18, 2018
- 23 - Preliminary-Revision J
1. Data bytes are shifted with Most Significant Bit first. Byte fields with data in parenthesis “D7-D0” indicate
data output from the device on either 1, 2 or 4 IO pins. . “D7-D0” indicates single I/O pin; “D7-D0 /2”
indicates 2 I/O pins; “D7-D0 /4” indicates 4 I/O pins.
2. The Status Register contents and Device ID will repeat continuously until /CS terminates the instruction.
3. At least one byte of data input is required for Page Program, Quad Page Program and Program Security
Registers, up to 256 bytes of data input. If more than 256 bytes of data are sent to the device, the
addressing will wrap to the beginning of the page and overwrite previously sent data.
4. Write Status Register-1 (01h) can also be used to program Status Register-1&2, see section 8.2.5.
5. Security Register Address:
Security Register 1: A23-16 = 00h; A15-8 = 10h; A7-0 = byte address
Security Register 2: A23-16 = 00h; A15-8 = 20h; A7-0 = byte address
Security Register 3: A23-16 = 00h; A15-8 = 30h; A7-0 = byte address
6. Dual SPI address input format:
IO0 = A22, A20, A18, A16, A14, A12, A10, A8 A6, A4, A2, A0, M6, M4, M2, M0
IO1 = A23, A21, A19, A17, A15, A13, A11, A9 A7, A5, A3, A1, M7, M5, M3, M1
7. Dual SPI data input/output format:
IO0 = (D6, D4, D2, D0)
IO1 = (D7, D5, D3, D1)
8. Quad SPI address input format: Set Burst with Wrap input format:
IO0 = A20, A16, A12, A8, A4, A0, M4, M0 IO0 = x, x, x, x, x, x, W4, x
IO1 = A21, A17, A13, A9, A5, A1, M5, M1 IO1 = x, x, x, x, x, x, W5, x
IO2 = A22, A18, A14, A10, A6, A2, M6, M2 IO2 = x, x, x, x, x, x, W6, x
IO3 = A23, A19, A15, A11, A7, A3, M7, M3 IO3 = x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
9. Quad SPI data input/output format:
IO0 = (D4, D0, …..)
IO1 = (D5, D1, …..)
IO2 = (D6, D2, …..)
IO3 = (D7, D3, …..)
10. Fast Read Quad I/O data output format:
IO0 = (x, x, x, x, D4, D0, D4, D0)
IO1 = (x, x, x, x, D5, D1, D5, D1)
IO2 = (x, x, x, x, D6, D2, D6, D2)
IO3 = (x, x, x, x, D7, D3, D7, D3)
11. QPI Command, Address, Data input/output format:
CLK # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
IO0 = C4, C0, A20, A16, A12, A8, A4, A0, D4, D0, D4, D0
IO1 = C5, C1, A21, A17, A13, A9, A5, A1, D5, D1, D5, D1
IO2 = C6, C2, A22, A18, A14, A10, A6, A2, D6, D2, D6, D2
IO3 = C7, C3, A23, A19, A15, A11, A7, A3, D7, D3, D7, D3
12. The number of dummy clocks for QPI Fast Read, QPI Fast Read Quad I/O & QPI Burst Read with Wrap is
controlled by read parameter P7 – P4.
13. The wrap around length for QPI Burst Read with Wrap is controlled by read parameter P3 – P0.
14. The first dummy is M7-M0 should be set to Fxh