E4A-3K E4A-3K
Example of Connections of the
E4A-3K in Asynchronous Operation Example of Connections of the E4A-3K in Synchronous Operation
Note: 1. If the synchronous operation of the
E4A-3K is not required, set the ref-
erence pulse selector to ON. Keep
terminals 7 and 8 open.
2. Use a cable with an external diam-
eter of 10 mm max. for wiring.
Note: 1. If the synchronous operation of the E4A-3K is required, set the reference
pulse selector of only one Unit to ON. Then connect terminal 7 of all the
Units together and do the same for terminal 8.
2. A maximum of 50 sensors can be connected in synchronous operation.
3. Do not wire the lines for synchronous operation use (i.e., wires connect-
ing to terminals 7 and 8) alongside power lines in the same conduit.
4. Use a shielded cable with an external diameter of 10 mm max. for wiring.
5. Make sure that all the Units in synchronous operation are turned on,
otherwise none of the Units will operate.
Contact output
100/120 VAC
200/240 VAC
Contact output Contact output
+– Tc Ta Tb
12~24 VDC
Tc TbTa Tc TbTa
12~24 VDC +–
12~24 VDC
100/120 VAC
200/240 VAC
100/120 VAC
200/240 VAC
If more than one Unit is used at one location, the Units will need
to be in synchronous operation to prevent mutual interference. In
that case, set the reference pulse selector of only one Unit to ON.
Set the reference pulse selector of each Unit to ON if the Units
are in asynchronous operation. Refer to
External Connections
Operation indicator
Sensing distance adjuster
Distance selector
Reference pulse selector
Before adjusting the sensing distance, remove the rubber cap
from the top of the E4A-3K. Be sure to put on the rubber cap
after the sensing distance is adjusted.
1. Apply a flat-blade screwdriver to the groove of the distance
selector to set the distance selector to either a range be-
tween 0.3 and 2 m or a range between 1.3 and 3 m accord-
ing to the desired sensing distance and operating range.
2. To set the sensing distance, first locate a flat plate as a sens-
ing object that is approximately 20-by-20 cm at the desired
sensing distance. Then gradually turn the sensing distance
adjuster clockwise (i.e., in the direction increasing the sens-
ing distance) until the relay operates. The operation indicator
will be lit when the relay operates.