preliminary TDA4863
Infineon Tech PCI Group 14.02.02 4
IC Description
The TDA4863 contains a wide bandwidth voltage amplifier used in a feedback loop, an overvoltage
regulator, an one quadrant multi plier wit h a wide linear operating ra nge, a curr ent sense comp arator,
a zero curr ent detect or, a PWM and l ogic circ uitr y, a totem-p ole MOSFET dri ver, an internal t rimmed
voltage reference, a restart timer and an undervoltage lockout circuitry.
Voltage Amplif ier
With an external capacitor between VSENSE and VAOUT the voltage amplifier forms an integrator.
The integrat or moni tors t he av erage out put voltage over several li ne c ycles. Typical ly t he int egrator s
bandwidt h is set below 20 Hz in order to suppress the 100 Hz ripple of the recti fied li ne volt ag e. The
voltage amplifier is internally compensated and has a gain bandwidth of 3 MHz and a phase margin
of 80 degrees. The non-inverting input is biased internally at 2.5V. The output is directly connected
to the multiplier input.
The gate drive is disabled when VSENSE vol tage is less than 0.2 V or VVAOUT voltage is less than
2.2 V.
If the MOSFET i s placed n earby the con troller switching inteferences have to be taken into account.
The output of the voltage amplifier is designed in a way to minimiz e these inteferen ces.
Overvoltage Reg ulator
Because of the integrators low bandwidth fast changes of the output voltage can’t be regulated
whithin an adequate time. Fast output changes occure during initial start-up, sudden load removal,
or output arcing. While the integrators differential input voltage remains zero during this fast
changes a peak current is flowing through the external capacitor into pin VAOUT. If this current
exceeds an internal defined margin the overvoltage regulator circuitry reduces the multiplier output
volt age. As a result the on time of the MOSFET is reduced.
The one quadrant multiplier regulates the gate driver with respect of the DC output voltage and the
AC half wave rectified input voltage. Both inputs are designed to achieve good linearity over a wide
dynamic range to represent an AC line free from distortion. Special efforts are made to assure uni-
versal line applications with respect to a 90 to 270 V AC range.
The multiplier output is internally clamped at 1.3V. So the MOSFET is protected against critical
operating during start up.
Current sense comparator, LEB and RS Flip-Flop
An external sense resistor transferes the source current of the MOSFET into a sense voltage.The
multipli er output volt age is compared with this sense voltage.
To protect the current comparator input from negative pulses a current source is inserted which
sends current out of the ISENSE pin every time when ISENSE is falling below ground potential..
The switch-on current peak of the MOSFET is blanked out via an leading edge blanking circuit with
a blanking time of ty ically 200ns.
The RS Flip-Flop ensures that only one single switch-on and switch-off pulse appears at the gate
drive output dur ing a given cycle (double puls e suppression).