Notes through are on page 11
HEXFET® is a registered trademark of International Rectifier.
Static @ TJ = 25°C (unless other wis e specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
V(BR)DSS Drain-to-Source Br eakdown Vol tage 80 ––– ––– V
∆TJ B reakdo w n Vol t age Tem p. Co eff ic i e nt ––– 0. 085 ––– V /°C
RDS(on) Static Drai n-to-S our ce On-R esistance ––– 22. 5 28 mΩ
––– 25 30
VGS(th) Gate Threshold Vo lt age 1.0 ––– 2.5 V
gf s F orw a r d Transc ond uctanc e 35 – –– ––– S
IDSS Drain-to- Sou rce Leakage Curren t ––– ––– 20 µA
––– ––– 250
IGSS Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage ––– ––– 200 nA
Gate-to-Sour ce Reverse Leakage ––– ––– -200
QgTotal Gate Charge ––– 22 33 nC
Qgs Gate-to-Source Charge ––– 6.0 9.1
Qgd Ga t e - to- Dr ain ( " M ille r" ) Ch arge ––– 11 17
td(on) Turn -O n D el ay Time ––– 12 – –– ns
trRise Time –––95–––
td(off) Turn- Of f Delay Tim e – –– 36 –––
tfFall Time –––55–––
LDInte rna l D rai n Indu ctance ––– 4.5 ––– nH Bet ween lead,
6mm (0.25in.)
LSInterna l So ur ce Ind uctan ce ––– 7.5 ––– fr om package
and center of die contact
Ciss In put Capaci tance ––– 1890 ––– pF
Coss O utput Cap acita nce ––– 260 –––
Crss Reve rse Transfer C apacita nce ––– 35 –––
Coss Output Capacitance ––– 1920 –––
Coss O utput Cap acita nce ––– 170 –––
Coss ef f. Effecti ve Output Cap acitance ––– 310 –––
Diode Characteristics
Par a met e r Min . Typ. M a x . Un its
ISCo nti n uous S o ur c e Cu rr ent ––– – –– 39
(Body Diode) A
ISM Pulsed Source Cur ren t ––– ––– 150
(Body Diode)
VSD Diode Forward Voltage ––– ––– 1.3 V
trr Reve rse Recovery Ti me ––– 75 110 ns
Qrr Reverse Reco ver y C harge ––– 210 310 nC
ton Forward Turn-On Time Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible (turn-on is domina ted by LS+LD)
VDS = 64V
VGS = 4.5V
ƒ = 1. 0M H z , S ee Fig. 5
VGS = 0 V, VDS = 1.0V, ƒ = 1.0MHz
VGS = 4.5V
MOSFET symbol
VGS = 0V
VDS = 25V
VGS = 0 V, VDS = 64V , ƒ = 1.0M H z
VGS = 0V, VDS = 0V to 64V
TJ = 25°C, IF = 23 A , V DD = 25V
di /dt = 100A/µ s
TJ = 25°C, IS = 23A, VGS = 0V
showing t he
inte gra l rev e rs e
p-n ju nctio n diode.
VDS = VGS, ID = 250µ A
VDS = 80V , V GS = 0V
VDS = 80V , V GS = 0V , TJ = 12 5°C
RG = 8.3Ω
ID = 23A
VDS = 25V , I D = 23A
VDD = 40V
ID = 23A
VGS = 16V
VGS = -16V
VGS = 4.5V , ID = 20A
VGS = 0V, ID = 25 0µA
Referenc e to 25 °C, ID = 1mA
VGS = 10V, ID = 23A