–8– REV. B
Figure 19. Integral Nonlinearity
Theory of Operation
The analog signal is applied differentially or single-endedly to
the inputs of the AD9283. The signal is buffered and fed for-
ward to an on-chip sample-and-hold circuit. The ADC core
architecture is a bit-per-stage pipeline type converter utilizing
switch capacitor techniques. The bit-per-stage blocks determine
the 5 MSBs and drive a FLASH converter to encode the 3 LSBs.
Each of the 5 MSB stages provides sufficient overlap and error
correction to allow optimization of performance with respect to
comparator accuracy. The output staging block aligns the data,
carries out the error correction and feeds the data to the eight
output buffers. The AD9283 includes an on-chip reference
(nominally 1.25 V) and generates all clocking signals from one
externally applied encode command. This makes the ADC easy
to interface with and requires very few external components for
The ENCODE input is fully TTL/CMOS compatible with a
nominal threshold of 1.5 V. Care was taken on the chip to
match clock line delays and maintain sharp clock logic transi-
tions. Any high speed A/D converter is extremely sensitive to
the quality of the sampling clock provided by the user. This
ADC uses an on-chip sample-and-hold circuit which is essen-
tially a mixer. Any timing jitter on the ENCODE will be com-
bined with the desired signal and degrade the high frequency
performance of the ADC. The user is advised to give commen-
surate thought to the clock source.
Analog Input
The analog input to the ADC is fully differential and both in-
puts are internally biased. This allows the most flexible use of ac
or dc and differential or single-ended input modes. For peak
performance the inputs are biased at 0.3 × V
. See the specifi-
cation table for allowable common-mode range when dc cou-
pling the input. The inputs are also buffered to reduce the load
the user needs to drive. For best dynamic performance, the
impedances at A
and A
should be matched. The importance
of this increases with sampling rate and analog input frequency.
The nominal input range is 1.024 V p-p.
Digital Outputs
The digital outputs are TTL/CMOS compatible. The output
buffers are powered from a separate supply, allowing adjustment
of the output voltage swing to ease interfacing with 2.5 V or
3.3 V logic. The AD9283 goes into a low power state within two
clock cycles following the assertion of the PWRDWN input.
PWRDWN is asserted with a logic high. During power-down
the outputs transition to a high impedance state. The time it
takes to achieve optimal performance after disabling the power-
down mode is approximately 15 clock cycles. Care should be
taken when loading the digital outputs of any high speed ADC.
Large output loads create current transients on the chip that can
degrade the converter’s performance.
Voltage Reference
A stable and accurate 1.25 V voltage reference is built into the
AD9283 (VREF OUT). In normal operation, the internal refer-
ence is used by strapping Pins 2 and 3 of the AD9283 together.
The input range can be adjusted by varying the reference volt-
age applied to the AD9283. No degradation in performance
occurs when the reference is adjusted ±5%. The full-scale range
of the ADC tracks reference voltage changes linearly. Whether
used or not, the internal reference (Pin 2) should be bypassed
with a 0.1 µF capacitor to ground.
The AD9283 provides latched data outputs with four pipeline
delays. Data outputs are available one propagation delay (t
after the rising edge of the encode command (Figure 1. Timing
Diagram). The minimum guaranteed conversion rate to the
ADC is 1 MSPS. The dynamic performance of the converter
will degrade at encode rates below this sample rate.
Evaluation Board
The AD9283 evaluation board offers an easy way to test the
AD9283. It only requires a 3 V supply, an analog input and
encode clock to test the AD9283. The board is shipped with the
100 MSPS grade ADC.
The analog input to the board accepts a 1 V p-p signal centered
at ground. J1 should be used (Jump E3–E4, E18–E19) to drive
the ADC through Transformer T1. J2 should be used for single-
ended input drive (Jump E19–E21).
Both J1 and J2 are terminated to 50 Ω on the PCB. Each analog
path is ac-coupled to an on-chip resistor divider which provides
the required dc bias.
A (TTL/CMOS Level) sample clock is applied to connector
J3 which is terminated through 50 Ω on the PCB. This clock is
buffered by U5 which also provides the clocks for the 574
latches, DAC, and the off-card latch clock CLKCON. (Timing
can be modified at E17.)
There is a reconstruction DAC (AD9760) on the PCB. The
DAC is on the board to assist in debug only—the outputs
should not be used to measure performance of the ADC.