Raychem Thermofit Division Specification Europe Control Drawing TCFR-**_**%*_ 1 **_ 1 OOCH See over for Part Numbering System a) Part as supplied. CONDUCTIVE HOT-MELT ADHESIVE Jk DIA - -~-~ 5 -- , b) Part after unrestrited recovery. PK iL , HOT-MELT ADHESIVE HOT-MELT ADHESIVE Cc ny Oo Ky > | | t 1 1 La?g [- __1 = HEAT RECOVERABLE SCREEN KITS TO INCLUDE CLEANING TISSUE, 41 PIECE 100 GRIT EMERY CLOTH & 14 PIECE OF ATUM. KIT TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TCFS INSTALLATION PROCEDURE. Dimensions (in millimetres) A Jk Js M A/F L Pk Ps Jok Jos PART No. min min max min max THREAD Nut MAX +104 10% Ref Ref a b a D b Db b b TCFR-12 7.4 44 5.7 7.0 5.0 Mi2x 1.5 17 24 49 50 9 15 TCFR-16 10.1 15 6.0 9.0 6.0 M16 x 14.5 22 29 56 52 42 17 TCFR-20 14.4 19 7.2 141.0 7.2 M20 x 1.5 e7 34 60 60 17 20 TCFR-24 19.1 23 8.5 17.0 8.5 M24 x 1.5 30 38 73 74 20 25 TCFR-30 24.14 2g 10.0 21.0 10.0 M30 x 4.5 36 47 72 85 21 30 TCFR-36 30.1 35 15.8 29.0 45.8 M36 x 1.5 44 52 103 95 39 30 TCFR-48 40.4 45 16.9 36.0 16.8 M48 x 1.5 55 67 143 442 54 38 Copyright (!) Urheberrechte The copyright in this drawing is the property of Aaychem Ltd.The drawing is issued on condition that it is not copied, reproduced or disclosed to a third party,either in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Raychem Ltd. Drawn D.MUBRAY Checked YX Issue 4 Date May 1996 Conforms to ISO Recommendations 3rd Angle Projection Approval Not to Scale {+6 ARAL MKTG. Q.A. ( S S. fl YU OS AiI-100CHIss. Date Era Details of Change e |August 1991 HO044 L was 4 3 |November 19921H0125 S/S 30 L WAS 48 4 {May 1996 HO0295 S/S 12 Pk WAS 39 Material (-100) ZERO HALOGEN Part Numbering System. TCFR---1%-4100CH THREAD LENGTH (20mm standard) (45mm increments) FEEDTHROUGH MATERIAL/FINISH 19B Aluminium alloy plated cadmium olive drab over electroless nickel 19C Aluminium alloy plated electroless nickel 6eC Stainless steel plated electroless nickel FEEDTHROUGH SIZE Raychem Thermofit Division, Europe, Swindon, Wiltshire, England. Telephone: (0793) 528171 Fax: 573923