APPLICATION NOTE AN17 Advanced Linear Devices 2
usually specified in dB. However, the effect of these
parameters when applied to a low signal voltage applica-
tion is of interest. Use of large supply voltages, with a
large common mode voltage supply, will introduce a larger
error signal voltage into an already small signal to be
As an illustration of this point, first let us take the case of
PSRR. A circuit operating at ±15V and using an opera-
tional amplifier with PSRR of 80dB would have introduced
an error voltage of 100µV for each 1V change of the supply
voltage. A 10% ±15 V power supply would have total
supply voltage variation of 3V. The equivalent input offset
error voltage introduced by PSRR would therefore be 300
µV. Now consider an operational amplifier having the
same PSRR spec but operating at 2V. A 10% variation of
a 2V supply now introduces 0.2V change to the supply
voltage for the part. The operational amplifier with the
same 80dB PSRR spec would now only introduce a 20µV
Now consider CMRR which is also usually specified in dB.
An operational amplifier with 80 dB CMRR at ±15V with a
voltage signal equal to 50% of the supply range would see
±7.5V voltage excursion and a 1.5mV equivalent offset
voltage error introduced into the signal. In comparison,
the error voltage for a low voltage operational amplifier at
2V supply, with 80 dB CMRR and 50% signal range would
be 100 µV instead. In this case the percentage error
introduced into the signal may be the same, but a 1V peak
signal compared to a ±7.5V peak signal, both having 50%
signal voltage range, would in actual fact have quite
different absolute error voltages introduced.
Another anomaly to consider in adjusting the intuitive
process to low voltage circuit design, especially for an
experienced analog designer accustomed to using ±15V
operational amplifiers, is the output current drive spec.
For a 2kΩ load in a ±15V (30V) system, to drive the output
to a voltage close to full scale would require 7.5mA output
drive current. The same 2kΩ load in a ±2.5V system would
only require 1.25mA from the output stage. Of course high
power output drive is not quite compatible with low voltage
operational amplifier applications, but the point is that one
can be fooled with the intuition that low voltage operational
amplifier applications require the same high output cur-
rents as their higher voltage cousins when driving a similar
impedance load.
Using FET operational amplifiers, circuit designs are often
simplified due to design considerations such as input bias
and offset current effects, where these effects are consid-
ered to have negligible effect upon the performance of the
design task at hand. Variation of a very high input
impedance would not impact a design if the worst case
minimum input impedance under all circumstances is
acceptable. This reduces the need for current compensa-
tion with bias balance resistors and noise bypass resis-
tors. The high impedances inside a circuit network also
tend to reduce current spikes in the power supply line,
minimizing any signal and load induced variation of the
power supply. This is especially true for high impedance
power supply sources such as batteries. Lowered current
spikes in a circuit reduce the need for local supply bypass
capacitors, and frequently, even when a bypass capacitor
is deemed necessary, a single one can be used to serve
many operational amplifier circuits.
Low voltage FET operational amplifier circuits excel when
high source impedance device applications are consid-
ered. These applications include a class of devices such
as high impedance bridge networks, capacitive sensors,
pH probes, humidity sensors, diode detector arrays and
pressure sensors. A single supply FET operational ampli-
fier is often a suitable choice for interface circuits that
perform the tasks of buffering, amplification, signal condi-
tioning and linearization, and temperature compensation.
A low voltage power source may, in this case, bring
significant additional cost savings to the system due to
reduced power rating requirements for the system. High
in-circuit element impedances can also mean easier single
supply to dual supply circuit conversion. For example, in
single supply linear systems there is often a need to
generate a virtual ground which acts as a reference point
for some of the positive and negative transition analog
signals. This reference can be generated simply and very
inexpensively by using two large resistors in a voltage
divider with a bypass capacitor, providing that only a
voltage with no current supplying capability is required. In
a FET operational amplifier circuit, conditions are fre-
quently right for just such a reference.
High in-circuit impedances do make the system more
vulnerable to noises, both generated internally within the
system components and coupled from outside. Internal to
the system higher impedance means less di/dt caused
coupling noise. However, higher internal circuit imped-
ances may require careful grounding of the circuit board
and perhaps some degree of shielding. The amount of
grounding and shielding is a function of a given application
and its level of susceptibility to the environment in which
it is expected to operate.
Often, low voltage FET operational amplifier designs not
only imply low power operation but also provide improved
reliability. For example, a circuit with 5 V and 1 mA power
drain uses 5 mW whereas a circuit with 30 V (+/- 15 V) and
1 mA burns 30 mW of power. The difference in power
dissipation means less self-heating for a low voltage
circuit and therefore lowered operating chip junction tem-