SERIES LPA isolated Regulated 75 Watts DC-DC Converters Wide Input Range/18-36 VDC Fully Regulated Short Circuit Protected Parallel Operation Dual Isolated Outputs Special Voltage Combinations Available The new PICO LPA Series of high power DC-DC Converters, allow a wide SERIES LPA SINGLE 75 WATTS INPUT 18-36 VDC input voltage of 18-36 VDC, while MAX. OUTPUT maintaining a regulated output. They MAX. EFF. wy REGULATION VOLTAGE | OUTPUT are fully safeguarded for over voitage, INPUT OUTPUT | FULLLOAD] = pecylation | ATFULLLOAD RIPPLE VOLTAGE over temperature and continuous short "PICO | VOLTAGE | OUTPUT | POWER | TYPICAL (%)** (%) (FULL LOAD) | TOLERANCE circuit protection wumaen | (woe; | voc) | (w %) [ivarc[ooim fee Tae] ery | amy . %, .' \. . = a The availability of Dual Isolated Out- woe) j woe) | m) - wer) js puts, small size, and the capability of LPA3.3S] 18-36 43 30 73 15 1.5 1 1 50 2 4129.00 parallel operations as standard fea- LPASS | 18-36 5 50 a0 1.25 1.25 1 1 50 15 1129.00 tures should reduce your design and 00 component costs, while the fixed fre- LPA5.2S] 18-36 5.2 50 80 1.26 | 1.25 1 1 50 15 |129) quency operation helps parallel con- LPASS f 18-36 9 60 84 1.25 1.25 1 1 50 1 129.00 necvons for higher power require- | Ves) 1636 | 12 60 85 | 1.25 | 1.25 1] 4 50 075 1129.00 This high density unit is assembled LPAISS | 18-36 15 65 85 1 1 | 075 | 075 50 0.75 1129.00 in the USAwith PICO qualityandcom- | Vipazas| 18-36 | 24 75 87 [o7 | o7s | o5 | os 50 0.75 [129.00 ponent selection, allowing it to meet the most stringent commercial require- LPA28S | 18-36 28 75 87 0.5 0.5 05 05 50 05 129.00 ments. LPA48S | 18-36 48 75 85 05] 05 | 05] 05 50 05 [129.00 LPA100S} 18-36 100 75 85 05 0.5 05 0.5 100 05 129.00 FEATURES: ; - " " @ Dua! isolated outputs 10% Minimum load required at all times ** Reading taken at nominai 28 VDC input Short circuit protection Using proper thermal management, maximum temp. of +85C (case) @ Input voltage protection @ Thermal, over temp. shutdown SERIES LPA DUAL 75 WATTS * INPUT 1836 VDC @ Line regulation wax ma OUTPUT No oxternal con NPUT uTPUT|FULL LOAD] pe LOAD REGULATION | RippuE | VOLTAGE @ No external components required i L REGULATION | AT FULL LOAD E Hi density, hi efficiency design erica vo Nae we r POWER TYPICAL (%)** (%) errtarire) TOLERANCE PRICE @ Remote shutdown NUMBER] (VDC) | (VOC) | (Ww) (%) 10-58% | 50-100%] 18-28 | 28-36 | (MV P-P) (2%) @ Trim capabilities @ Fixed frequency-100 Khtz LPA5SD | 18-36 5 50 80 1.25 1.25 1 1 50 1.5 174.00 LPAQD | 18-36 9 60 84 1.25 1.25 1 1 50 1 174.00 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Frequency: 100 Khtz LPA12D] 18-36 | 12 | 60 85 | 1.25 | 1.25 1 1 50 0.75 174.00 Base plate: Max. + 85C LPA15D| 18-36 | 15 65 85 1 1 | 0.75 | 0.75 50 0.75 174.00 Te at h ry inarv Rabas reeves ato upa24n| 18-36 | 24 | 75 87 |o7|o75 | os | 05] 50 0.5 1174.00 plate temp. _ Test tions: 25 C ambient LPA28D] 18-36 28 75 87 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 50 0.5 174.00 isolation Base input: 1000 VOC LPA48D| 18-36 48 75 85 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 50 0.5 4174.00 Isolation input Output: 1000 VDC 10% Minimum load required at all times **Reading taken at nominal 28 VOC input Isolation Output to Base: 1000 VOC Using proper thermal management maximum temp of + 85C (case) Storage Temp.: 55C to + 105C Full thermal analysis can be determined using application notes on page 124. By using the efficiency and thermal resistance of your desired unit to the formula you can complete your evaluation. The curves below were generated for Part #LPA24S using Application Notes Please consult factory with any questions For All Variations Call Factory LPA24S condition: Vin nom 28 V DC so- | ' : , 1 Fixed Pl ! ! u 60 ' rrequenc | yi Density ne | 5 watts p 80 | -_ q -+-| NO H/8. FREE AIR | E ) 4 Lev iHv8, pREE AIR R 39: * | LCH HVS, FREE AIR | . . | Ne es moLrM ain | A For immediate engineering assistance or to place an order w 20} x tev is, 200 LEM Aik | | Call Toll Free 800-431-1064 T to. LCHIH/S. hoo LEM AER i ; Mo @ T ; Al tev |avs, 600 tim at i Vo s | PICO Electronics, Inc. seem LOSS -40 -30 -20 -10 @ 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 & 90 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (DEGREES C) 143 Sparks Avenue, Pelham, NY 10803-1889 914-699-5514 FAX 914-699-5565