E- ,6"E-9-/ - English Simplified Setup Process for Optimum Operating Conditions Improved Systems Precision and Shortened Cycle Time Curtailed Running Cost INDEX Features and Functions............ p.3 Model Number Nomenclature ......... p.7 System Configuration ............ p.9 Standard Specifications ...... p.11 p.15 Dimensions ........................ p.17 Setup Software .................. p.23 Optional Equipment ............ p.25 External Wiring Diagram ...... Simplified Setup Process for Optimum Operating Conditions Automatic Tuning Trial Run Function (Jog Function) Automatic tuning with high response has been made feasible by the selection of an inertia fixation function and five types of automatic tuning characteristics with the use of a new algorithm, 30-step setting of responsiveness, and automatic parameter storage function. The built-in jog function ensuring the link between motor and amplifier allows you to perform a trial operation without connecting with any upper layer system. iiIAE>E}EAOEiiiIEv OiA>iAEAAIiA -ii V> U>Oi /O} AI>AIi iIiVIiEAiiEU>Oi iiIAEI iE>VIEV iVEv IAE>E>viAEAi>A>Ii Conformance to Overseas Standards All-in-One Control Our standard specifications meet overseas standards (UL, CSA, and EN). For complying with the EMC Directive, you can use EMC filters. You can also employ your servomotors conforming to overseas standards (UL and EN). Switching between user parameters allows you to select any of the torque, position, and speed controls. *AI AE -ii " /AOi VIA > E A / /, - 3 iUiEA> 1 The setup software implements simultaneous monitoring of a maximum of 15 amplifier axes. This function is useful for monitoring waveforms in synchronous operation. Features and Functions The setup software enables setting of parameters, graphic display of monitored waveforms of position, speed, and torque, and allows you to conduct a systems analysis. Model Number Nomencalture Simultaneous Monitoring Function *>A>iIiAEAiII} *AI]EAii]E>EIAiEIAOiEU>UivA 1EIExE>YiAEV>ELiEViVIi I AO} E>E>AEV > Standard Specifications System Configuration Setup Software +-aa " E7, , *"7 , I I O E- ,6"E-9-/ - O * * , , O 7 7 O 6 O 1 E- ,6"E-9-/ - "I>\* EViVIEV>Li Waterproof Performance The SANMOTION T Series units with IP43 protection have improved resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Optional Equipment Setup Software Ii\ * EViVIEV>Li i\Eaa{anIIaE"I>(R) A , O 6 *"7 , * / , , 1 xEOIA >YO A E7, , * / , +-aa " Dimensions Ii External Wiring Diagram ,-OIO *{I 4 Improved Systems Precision and Shortened Cycle Time High Response Vibration-damping Control With the use of the 4th order notch filter that reduces phase lag, this system suppresses resonance in mechanical systems and improves the speed responsiveness of the unit. The feed forward vibration-damping control function allows you to suppress the vibration of the edges and base of a machine. Additionally, four frequencies that dominate vibrations can be set in advance and selected on site for each application. -I}EAIEiU>I 7I EULA>I>}EVIA 7I OIEULA>I>}EVIA >E (R) a a a Oa Ia {a x a xa aa xaa aaa AiOiVEa(R) Note:A 17-bit encoder is required. aaAEU Shortened Positioning Stabilization Time Disturbance Suppression With the newly employed algorithm, the time required for stabilizing the unit positioning can be substantially reduced. The newly developed disturbance obser ver with an expanded application frequency range can suppress the influence of redundant axes in a multiple-axis configuration. Also, with the use of the processing function that can select the effective conditions of the disturbance observer, the disturbance observer can be made effective only when required. AIOAL>ViELAiAUiAEvOVIE" EAI>Ii 6LA>IEU>UivAEv AiVIEUiiIE>Ai> AIOAL>Vi *AIEiU>I AIOAL>ViELAiAUiAEvOVIE"EAI>Ii *AI}EViIEA}> -I>La>IEIiEaA(R) 6LA>IEU>UivAEv AiVIEUiiIE>Ai> AIOAL>Vi EiY>iEvEAI}EAI>La>IEvE } EA}IE>V iA xAEU Note:A 17-bit encoder is required. 5 A low-power loss module has been employed to reduce the power loss in the main circuit by 30%. IA aa (R) Standard Specifications i External Wiring Diagram na Ca Dimensions *UiAEAAEAiOVI } *aIx a Ea UiI> OI - "/" E/ Setup Software V Ai Optional Equipment ECELIAEI]aCO OIi E Ai O I A >L ]E Model Number Nomencalture 17-bit (131,072 increments) encoder can be employed. System Configuration Power Loss Reduction by 30% A High Resolution Features and Functions Curtailed Running Cost 6 Servo Motor Model Number Nomenclature Servo Motor Example: The model number is as follows when 200W rated output, 76mm outer diameter, incremental encoder (1000P/R), a brake, tachometer generator gear (1/15 gear ratio), and 75V series voltage specification are selected for "SANMOTION T" servo motor: /C Oa "OIiAE>iIiA vEIA /{E { i /xE x /CEECE /nE nCx / E a ,>IiEOIOI A>i -iVvV>IEiIvV>I aOEOI7 a{E{a7 aEEEa7 aEEEa7 Ea7 OaEOaa7 IaEIaa7 {aE{aa7 xaExaa7 E Oi aE-I>>A "I iAE "I />V }iiA>IA 7}EAiVvV>IA /E Oi >E IEiOi EO{6EAiAiA OECx6EAiAiA ViA i>A /{ Ii /x Ii /C Ii O I { E C n EOx EOx Exa Ex EIa EEa Ea Ex EIa EEa Ea IAEi /{]E/x]E /C]E>E /nEiA /-EAiAiA a *E E*UiAE1I -L AC100V AC35V EEOaa*E, EExaa*E, aaa*E, iEAUiA E C n a x EEOaa*E, EExaa*E, aaa*E, Oaaa*E, Oxaa*E, encoder only. It cannot be equipped with brake oil seal The 24V-voltage series is provided for T402- 011, aa axEx aEa xEx OIEUI>}i E C n T4 type can be equipped with either tacho-generator or "OIOIE >>VI 1IEAIAOVIOAiEIi 7 "iEViVIA EV>I\E EiViA Power Unit * n 7E"EEAi>(R) >E IEiOi IAEi iE i>AEA>I /- O UO>EAiVvV>I aaE-I>>AEAOVI T404-012,T406-012,and T506-012. aO a /O a * aa UO>EAiVvV>I /-EAiAiA System Configuration /- Model Number Nomencalture Servo Amplifier Example: The model number shown below is for when "SANMOTION T "series servo amplifier with input voltage of DC140V, 20A capacity, and incremental encoder (1000P/R). Features and Functions Servo Amplifier Model Number Nomenclature IAEIi E >>VI IAEAIAOVIOAiEIi aOE Oa OE Ox aIE Ia E,I>AEIA --iiEVIAEIi //AOiEVIAEIi **AIEVIAEIi 8-iiEE/AOiEAUIV EIi 9*AIEE/AOiEAUIV EIi 1*AIEE-iiEAUIV EIi 6IiA>EAiiEVIAEIi IAEVL>IE>A} E VAiiI>EiViA E LAOIiEiViA aE /EAiAiAEIA 1 Compatible Code B4 B5 0F 0C 01 04 Format A3 Optical A4 Optical Input voltage-50V DC Type of Amplifier. Type of Motor TS1B02A T402-011 Code T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 Code T1 sensor type Format Optical Optical Optical Optical Optical Optical Code >ILiEAiAAEIi O motor type Input voltage-140V DC Type of Amplifier. Type of Motor T404-012 TS1A02A T406-012 T506-012 T511-012 TS1AA2A T720-012 T730-012 T840-012 TS1A03A T850-012 2 Compatible >ILiEIAEIi Optional Equipment IAEOIE >AU>AiEIiI External Wiring Diagram -L Dimensions {a6 EExa6 Setup Software OIEUI>}i Standard Specifications aa-I>>AEAOVI Incremental encoder Divisions per rotation [P/R] 200 500 1000 1024 2000 2500 Transmission format Half duplex start-stop synchronization 2.5M Half duplex start-stop synchronization 2.5M Addreviation INC-E INC-E INC-E INC-E INC-E INC-E Hard type. 3 Absolute encoder Divisions per rotation [P/R] Multiple rotation Addreviation Hard type. 3 17bit 16bit PA035C-2.5MH 17bit 16bit PA035C-4.0MH Remarks Option 8 Amplifier System Configuration Control power supply: DC24V output Circuit Breaker (MCCB) Noise Filter Electromagnetic Contactor Cuts off power in the case of an overload, to protect the power line. Protects the power line from external noise, and from noise generated by the servo amplifier. Switches servo power on and off. Requires installation of a surge protector. Main power supply Power unit: DC140V output AC100V 50/60Hz Brake Power Required for use when the servo motor is equipped with a brake. Connector Types(Amplifier) CN1 CN2 Connectors for Amplifier Connections Contents CN3 CN4 Single Connectors Connector Sets 9 Model Number CN1Plug, Housing AL-00608709 CN2Plug, Housing AL-00608710 CN3Housing, Contact AL-00608711 CN4Housing, Contact AL-00608712 CN1,CN2Plug, Housing CN3,CN4Housing, Contact AL-00608713 Features and Functions Standard Specifications C N 2 CN2 External Wiring Diagram C N 3 AL-00490833-01 Upper Controller SANYO DENKI upper controller devices permit communication with another company products. C N 1 C N 4 CN1 Dimensions CN5 Model Number Nomencalture C N 5 System Configuration Setup Software Parameter configuration and monitoring is possible via communication with a PC. Optional Equipment Setup Software SANMOTION C Wiring required for brake. Connector Types(Power Unit) CN1 CN2 Connectors for Power Unit Contents Single Connectors Connector Sets Model Number CN1Housing and contact AL-00632983 CN2Housing and Contact AL-00632984 CN3Housing and Contact AL-00632985 CN1,2,3Housing and Contact AL-00632986 NoteStandard setAL-00632986is attached to the Power Unit. 10 Standard TS1 Specifications T TS1B02AA TS1A02AA T402-011EL8 T404-012EL8 Applicable amplifier model No. Motor Model No. Condition Symbol Unit (SI) DC24V +10, -15% DC50V +10, -15% DC140V +10, -15% Temperature: 0 55 Humidity: Maximum 90% (no condensation) 0.2 0.2 0.45 23 40 3000 3000 0.029 0.059 0.053 0.120 0.206 0.319 20 72 1.9 1.0 1.9 0.9 5.4 2.1 0.047 0.174 4.9 18.2 3.2 18.6 1.2 2.1 0.35 0.35 7.1 4.8 0.16 x 10 -4 0.27 x 10 -4 1000(Line driver) 0.055 x 10 -4 0.092 x 10 -4 0.55 0.65 Servo amplifier Input power(Control circuit) Servo amplifier Input power(Main circuit) Amplifier operation temperature and humidity kVA kg W min -1 min -1 Nm Nm Nm V A A A Nm/A V/kmin-1 Power capacity(Rated) Amplifier mass Rated output Rated speed Maximum speed Rated torque Continuous stall torque Instantaneous maximum stall torque Rated armature voltage Rated armature current Continuous stall armature current Instantaneous maximum stall armature current Torque constant Voltage constant per phase Phase resistance Rated power rate Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Load inertia PR NR Nmax TR TS TPS ER IR IS IP KT KE Ra OR tC tm JL Sensor (INC) JM Rotor inertia (including sensor) Motor mass (including sensor) Break-holding torque Break excitation voltage Break excitation current Break inertia Break mass TB VB IB JB kW/s ms ms kgm2(GD2 /4) P/R kgm2(GD2 /4) kg Nm V A kgm2(GD2 /4) kg Temperature: 0 40 Humidity: Maximum 90% (no condensation) Motor operation temperature and humidity a{ /AOi a{ /AOi aI aO aI aO AI>I>iOAE> AI>I>iOAE> a a -ii IOOAE> IOOAE> a aaa Oaaa -ii O6 rC (R)E /AOi/E (R) E6 aO I Oaaa Iaaa {aaa xaaa n a -iiE E(R) { E OAAiIE>E(R) 11 E O ii aaa a - a a 6(R)E IOOA >iA>I E (R)E 6(R) E E 6 rOa a6 x rI r E6 ii E6 E E a{ ii - /AOi/E (R) E > Motor Characteristic curve E I A> E - ii >E E i E> - I iA> E E> iA>I OA i > I ,ii>Ii AI> aO iA>I E E> I Ai OA OA i I> AI> ,ii>Ii aE a{ Iaaa >E Iaaa IE aaa Oaaa -ii Ai a OA Amp. +Motor Characteristic curve mark indicates a typical value after temperature increased and saturated in the combination with the standard amplifier mark indicates a typical value when the winding temperature is at 25 . a a aaa Oaaa Iaaa OOA >iA>I {aaa xaaa { x -iiE E(R) a O I OAAiIE>E(R) TS1AA2AA 0.116 x 10 -4 0.75 /AOi AI>I>iOAE> aO AI>I>iOAE> aI aO a a aE AI>I>iOAE> a{ IOOAE> aaa Oaaa -ii Iaaa Model Number Nomencalture System Configuration Standard Specifications External Wiring Diagram AI>I>iOAE> a ax aO a Iaaa x a aaa Oaaa -ii IOOAE> a Iaaa aaa Oaaa -ii Iaaa aaa Iaaa {aaa xaaa O { E OAAiIE>E(R) E x6 (R)E aaa x6 (R)E IOOA a a OAAi E i OAA ii E x ii ,i E6 rI Cx 6(R) E E E6 i> r I Ei Cx6 > iA> (R)E I Oaaa Iaaa E> {aaa xaaa a a aaa a x OAAiIE>E(R) Oaaa I> IO OA >iA>I iA>I -iiE E(R) n /AOi/E (R) E6 -iiE E(R) a E6 > rC rI a a IE> IE> E OAAi ii E /AOi/E (R) IE >E /AOi/E (R) /AOi/E (R) OA Ai Oaaa - E - A O Iaaa {aaa ,i i Ox a x a x OAAiIE>E(R) i OA iA> E I E > E IO OAiA> xaaa a a aaa -iiE E(R) Oa I> >Ii > i A>I E a a ii ax E - 6(R) OAi > A>I I a rn IO A> (R)E a6 E i E6 > r{ E6 OA E E - i E I > { ii - iA> I O ii - AI> E > IE - 6 ii r E a6 (R)E OA A> i i E - 6 ii rI E x6 (R)E I> a E> > E I> iA>I iA>I ax A iOA I> ,ii>Ii Ii ,ii> a I AI> x IE> E aaa Oaaa -ii 1.478 x 10 -4 2.05 1.47 90 0.11 0.09 x 10 -4 0.59 Oa IOOAE> IOOAE> a 0.605 0.658 1.47 80 3.4 3.7 7.7 0.23 24.2 2.8 2.7 1.1 7.8 4.43 x 10 -4 an /AOi a{ a{ 200 Optional Equipment 0.098 0.175 0.441 70 1.4 1.4 2.9 0.177 18.5 11.8 3.2 0.37 4.1 0.34 x 10 -4 0.6 /AOi 60 aI T720-012EL8 DC24V +10, -15% DC140V +10, -15% Temperature: 0 55 Humidity: Maximum 90% (no condensation) 0.3 0.4 0.45 60 110 3000 3000 0.137 0.221 0.192 0.358 0.441 0.784 75 75 1.2 2.0 1.3 2.2 2.8 4.5 0.183 0.21 19.1 21.8 12.1 5.1 1.7 3.2 0.47 0.63 7.4 4.3 0.68 x 10 -4 1.13 x 10 -4 1000(Line driver) 0.228 x 10 -4 0.378 x 10 -4 0.9 1.2 0.29 90 0.06 0.01 x 10 -4 0.26 Temperature: 0 40 Humidity: Maximum 90% (no condensation) 0.3 /AOi T511-012EL8 Dimensions T506-012EL8 Setup Software T406-012EL8 Features and Functions TS1A02AA Oaaa Iaaa IE > {aaa xaaa {a xa -iiE E(R) Oa Ox a a Oa Ia OAAiIE>E(R) 12 Standard TS1 Specifications T TS1AA2AA TS1A03AA T730-012EL8 T840-012EL8 Applicable amplifier model No. Motor Model No. Condition Symbol Unit (SI) DC24V +10, -15% DC140V +10, -15% Temperature: 0 55 Humidity: Maximum 90% (no condensation) 0.9 1.0 0.45 0.65 300 400 2500 2500 1.00 1.33 1.05 1.37 2.45 3.72 75 85 5.2 5.8 5.5 6 10.9 13.7 0.273 0.31 28.6 32.9 1.1 0.95 5.1 5.0 1.5 2.0 4.0 5.2 8.12 x 10 -4 15 x 10 -4 1000(Line driver) 2.708 x 10 -4 5.008 x 10 -4 2.75 3.65 1.47 1.96 90 90 0.11 0.11 0.09 x 10 -4 0.2 x 10 -4 0.59 0.79 Temperature: 0 40 Humidity: Maximum 90% (no condensation) Servo amplifier Input power(Control circuit) Servo amplifier Input power(Main circuit) Amplifier operation temperature and humidity kVA kg W min -1 min -1 Nm Nm Nm V A A A Nm/A V/kmin-1 Power capacity(Rated) Amplifier mass Rated output Rated speed Maximum speed Rated torque Continuous stall torque Instantaneous maximum stall torque Rated armature voltage Rated armature current Continuous stall armature current Instantaneous maximum stall armature current Torque constant Voltage constant per phase Phase resistance Rated power rate Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Load inertia PR NR Nmax TR TS TPS ER IR IS IP KT KE Ra OR tC tm JL Sensor (INC) JM Rotor inertia (including sensor) Motor mass (including sensor) Break-holding torque Break excitation voltage Break excitation current Break inertia Break mass TB VB IB JB kW/s ms ms kgm2(GD2 /4) P/R kgm2(GD2 /4) kg Nm V A kgm2(GD2 /4) kg Motor operation temperature and humidity Oa {a /AOi /AOi Amp. +Motor Characteristic curve mark indicates a typical value after temperature increased and saturated in the combination with the standard amplifier mark indicates a typical value when the winding temperature is at 25 . AI>I>iOAE> x a ax Ia AI>I>iOAE> Oa a IOOAE> IOOAE> aaa Oaaa -ii Iaaa a aaa Oaaa -ii Iaaa /AOi/E (R) /AOi/E (R) iIE OAA x6(R)E (R)E x6 rC Iaaa Oa Ia OAAiIE>E(R) 13 I> rn E E6 E6 a I> IO OA >iA>I {aaa xaaa a a aaa {a xa a Oa -iiE E(R) a A -ii E ii - Oaaa E E> Ox6(R)E { E6r iE E > (R)E > ICx6 r E6 E ii aaa -i E I A> i A O i - A>I ii ,ii>I a a x iA>I I> x a E E> I Ai OA ,ii>Ii a I> A Motor Characteristic curve >E a Oaaa iO A iA >I E > IO E OA >iA>I Iaaa {aaa xaaa na aa -iiE E(R) {a Ea OAAiIE>E(R) Power Unit specifications Power unit Input voltage T850-012EL8 Power unit rated output current DC24V +10, -15% DC140V +10, -15% The same as the left 1.3 0.65 500 2500 2500 1.65 1.73 4.21 80 7.6 7.6 17.6 0.287 30 0.56 6.4 1.9 4.1 18 x 10 -4 1000(Line driver) 6.008 x 10 -4 4.25 1.96 90 0.11 0.2 x 10 -4 0.79 The same as the left Power unit operation temperature and humidity Power capacity(Rated) at AC100V input V A Optional Equipment Setup Software Dimensions External Wiring Diagram Standard Specifications System Configuration Power unit weight TS1PA05 TS1PA10 TS1PA15 AC100V +10% ,-15% or AC35V +10% ,-15% 5 10 15 Temperature: 0 to 55 Humidity: Maximum 90% (no condensation) KVA 1.4 2.8 4.2 Kg 0.70 0.75 0.80 Unit Features and Functions Applicable Power unit model No. Model Number Nomencalture TS1A03AA /AOi {a Ia AI>I>iOAE> Oa a IOOAE> a aaa Oaaa -ii OAA E6r na6(R)E >E A>IE > I AI> i iA OA x aaa a Oa Oaaa OA i A>I > Iaaa E 6(R)E a a > O E I >I 6r{a E E -ii /AOi/E (R) iE iIE -i ,ii>Iii a >E x Iaaa {aaa xaaa na aa -iiE E(R) {a Ea OAAiIE>E(R) 14 External Wiring Diagram Position command Type OA} Iaa-ax, I>VIE I, *aa OA} Iaa-aI, I>VIE I, *aa 1AiAEOI EI *UiA -O 1I "/ EC EO E{ Ex "/ E O{6E - ,6"E* , {a6E -AIiEiAAA O ViA iEAUiA OE IE AAiA} *AIEV>EOAiEOI x x E - >VU>A AiUOI OAi - "/ Ex "/ En * C * x - n ,* ,* Oa - x x - "/ E{ - *O}a{Iaaa6 "/ EO - iaI{xOaaan iEAUiA OE I AAiA} iEAUiA OE I AAiA} - O OO OI - Ox - OE " / " - Note 1) For the parts marked ,use a twisted pair shielded cable. Note 2) For a cable clamp method, can do shield connection by clamping a drain line. Note 3) Connection of the motor side is different by specifications of a motor. Note 4) For how to wire the encoder connector,refer to the encoder wiring diagram. Note 5) Refer to the following figure when connecting the command pulse input to the open collector output. O{ - "/ EE x6O{6 iiA>OAAiEOI ,9 a6 O{6(R) "A>}i }ELA>i vAEI iEIiEUI E>ELA>iE(R) Aii9iU(R) EI iA}iV AI AU>A AiUOI OAi "A>}i ,i7 Ii(R) EO -I>AIEAi>E -I>AIEAi>E " " - ,6"E"/", Oi >V(R) "/ EI E "/ EE iU>IEVi>A O " / 6iVIE AI> VIA I " /O x6] O6O{6 "1/ EC -I>AIEAi> ViIiEOIOI "1/O En iU>I aiAEOIOI Forward revolution pulse " / "O { -iAUE" x " /I >AE,iAiI E " /{ "1/ "I E "1/I a "1/{ "1/x O "1/ "{ I Backward revolution pulse "OIOIE "" { - O >A Vi OIOI iiA>EOAAiEOIOI { I E "/ Ea ViAEUAEA}>EOIOI IAEVAVOIEUiAEAO O{6E >EVAVOI UiAEAO aa6E xaEEaa 16 15 18 20 Note 6) Your are required to prepare the power. Either of the inputs can be selected. Note 7) We recommend that a UL-approved earth leakage breaker be used that complies with IEC or EN standard. Note 8) Make sure to connect the differential input SG. If not connected,malfunction or breakage may result due to noise. Note 9) You are required to prepare the power supply unit. Note 10) A power supply for control power please use a power supply that insulated double or reinforced from a primary power supply of 100V or 200V. "OIOIE "" - "/ EO *O}aOEIaaa6 - iaIOExOaaan Velocity command/Torque command Type OA} Iaa-aI, I>VIE I, *aa OA} Iaa-ax, I>VIE I, *aa 1AiAEOI IAEVAVOIEUiAEAO O{6E I E - ,6"E* , {a6E Ex "/ EC "/ EE E{ O{6E EI *UiA -O 1I EO "/ En "A>}i ,i7 Ii(R) EI Aii9iU(R) O 6 E/ - - { 6, E/, x - Oa - - " / " O " / I " /O { " / "O -iAUE" E-" x " /I >AE,iAiIE,-/ E " /{ "/ Ex O OO - OI - O{ Ox OE 6iVIE AI> VIAE* " "/ EE x6] O6O{6 "1/ EC -I>AIEAi> ViIiEOIOI "1/O En UEAii OIOI "1/ "I E "1/I a "1/{ "1/x O "1/ "{ I "OIOIE "" { O "OIOIE "" - "/ EO *O}aOEIaaa6 - iaIOExOaaan >A Vi OIOI iiA>OAAiEOIOI - 15 a6 O{6(R) "A>}i }ELA>i vAEI iEIiEUI E>ELA>iE(R) iEAUiA OE IE AAiA} x6O{6 iU>IEVi>AE , ,9 ViA - "/ E{ *O}a{Iaaa6 "/ EO - iaI{xOaaan 6iVIEV>E /AOiEV>EOI Oi >V(R) EO -I>AIEAi>E -I>AIEAi>E " " iA}iV -AIiEiAAA AI iiA>OAAiEOI - ,6"E"/", "/ EI E ViAEUAEA}>EOIOI >EVAVOI UiAEAO aa6E xaEEaa { Note 1) For the parts marked ,use a twisted pair shielded cable. Note 2) For a cable clamp method, can do shield connection by clamping a drain line. Note 3) Connection of the motor side is different by specifications of a motor. Note 4) For how to wire the encoder connector,refer to the encoder wiring diagram. Note 5) Your are required to prepare the power. Either of the inputs can be selected. Note 6) We recommend that a UL-approved earth leakage breaker be used that complies with IEC or EN standard. Note 7) You are required to prepare the power supply unit. Note 8) A power supply for control power please use a power supply that insulated double or reinforced from a primary power supply of 100V or 200V. Power Unit / Sensor Wiring Diagram Housing:DK-3100D-06R Contact:DK-3RECLLP1-100 Housing:DK-3100D-12R Contact:DK-3RECLLP1-100 User Unit 2B or AC 35V 50/60Hz 2A P L2 3A P 3B DC2(axis #2) 2B N 3A DC1(axis #1) 1B N 2A DC3(axis #3) 3B N 4A P DC4(axis #4) 4B N 5A P DC5(axis #5) 5B N 6A P DC6(axis #6) 6B N R2 R1 1 2 CN3 Note1 When regeneration process is necessary. HousingVHR-2N ContactSVH-21T-P1.1 Model Number Nomencalture 1B L1 Connect to Servo Amplifier 1A P System Configuration MC CN2 POWER UNIT 1A Dimensions External Wiring Diagram Regenerative Resistor Note1 Standard Specifications CN1 Power Supply AC 100V 50/60Hz Features and Functions Power Unit Sensor /-EAiAiA /EAiAiA - ,6"E"/", O IiO Ex6 IiO a6(R) >iEOI >iEOI >iEOI >iEOI >iEOI >iEOI -iAAE\EVAiiI>EiViA E EO EI E{ Ex EE EC En O I { Oi EV >iEOIOI AU EV >iEOIOI Aii EV >iEOIOI 6iI EV >iEOIOI 7 Ii EV >iEOIOI 9iU EV >iEOIOI ,i Ex6 >V a6(R) "IV> iViA Optional Equipment - ,6"E* , EV EV EV EV EV EV Setup Software VAiiI>EiViAE**aIE**aInE**aEOEi>EUAiEIi - i Ii IiO *O}a{Iaaa6 ] - iaI{xOaaan IiE(R)EEAEI iE>AIAE>AiEEEEEEEEEE]OAiE>EIUAIiE>AEA iiEV>Li IiEO(R)EE/ iEAiAAEUiAEViVIEvviAAEii}EEI iEV>LiEi}I ,iviAEIEI iEvU}EI>Li -iAAEV>LiEi}I Ex6EUA} Ea6(R)EUA} xEAEiAA IEViVI aEAEiAA E>EIEViVI CE>EEAEiiEIELiEViVIi CEEiiEIELiEViVIi {EViVI OE>E{EViVI EE>EOEAEiiEIELiEViVIi nEEiiEIELiEViVIi OaEAEiAA C]E>EIEViVI n]OE>E{EViVI 16 Motor TS1 dimensions T / Motors IAEi> / {< + (R) /{E>E/xEIiA * + + - 7 + AOEVOVIA , 1 / /CE>E/nEIiA EI>]E iI E/ Unit : mm Model LL T402 55.5 T404 LG L1 LA LB LE LC G LZ LR D S Q QA 42 5 68.5 55 T406 81.5 68 T506 80.5 67 T511 100.5 T720 100.5 T730 124.5 T840 132 T850 147 5 8 8 87 83 107 113 128 QK W T U 48 0.2 34-0.025 34-0.025 34-0.025 60 0.3 50-0.025 2 56 2.5 42 69 54 3.5 24 0.5 4.5 24 0.5 41 7-0.009 7-0.009 51 7-0.009 7-0.009 20 14-0.009 14-0.011 25 2 20 5 5 16-0.011 16-0.011 30 2 25 5 5 90 0.3 34-0.025 70-0.030 3 100 76 5.5 30 0.8 100 0.3 34-0.025 80-0.030 3 112 88 6.6 35 0.8 87.5 15 w/ 2 slots,6.5 LT 2 M5 8 2 M6 10 15 w/ 2 slots,6.5 motors / Encoder-equipped 76 20 M / {< AO VOVIA IAEi> + (R) /{E>E/xEIiA * + - 7 LC G O(R) + ViAEi>EUAi , + 1 / /CE>E/nEIiA EI>]E iI E/ Unit : mm 17 Model LL T402 83 T404 96 T406 109 T506 110 T511 130 T720 134.5 T730 158.5 T840 166 T850 181 LG L1 L2 LA LB LE LZ LR D S Q 42 5 55 8 8 67 87 83 107 113 128 QK W T U 18 48 0.2 34-0.025 34-0.025 2 56 42 3.5 24 0.5 41 7-0.009 7-0.009 20 68 5 QA 15 w/ 2 slots,6.5 22 60 0.3 34-0.025 50-0.025 2.5 69 54 4.5 24 0.5 51 36 90 0.3 34-0.025 70-0.030 3 100 76 5.5 30 0.8 38 100 0.3 34-0.025 80-0.030 3 112 88 6.6 35 0.8 87.5 76 7-0.009 7-0.009 20 14-0.009 14-0.011 25 2 20 5 5 16-0.011 16-0.011 30 2 25 5 5 15 M LT 2 M5 8 2 M6 10 w/ 2 slots,6.5 generator-equipped motors IAEi> (R) /{E>E/xEIiA * + + + - 7 O(R) /CE>E/nEIiA EI>]E iI E/ Unit : mm LL LG T402 88.5 L1 L2 5 101.5 T406 114.5 68 T506 123.5 67 T511 143.5 T720 142 166 T840 174.5 T850 189.5 LB LE LC G LZ LR D S Q QA 42 T404 T730 LA 5 8 8 55 87 83 107 113 128 W T U 18 22 48 0.2 34-0.025 34-0.025 2 34-0.025 60 0.3 50-0.025 56 2.5 69 42 54 3.5 24 0.5 4.5 24 0.5 7-0.009 7-0.009 41 51 36 90 0.3 34-0.025 70-0.030 3 100 76 5.5 30 0.8 38 100 0.3 34-0.025 80-0.030 3 112 88 6.6 35 0.8 87.5 76 20 M LT 15 w/ 2 slots,6.5 7-0.009 7-0.009 20 14-0.009 14-0.011 25 2 20 5 5 2 M5 8 16-0.011 16-0.011 30 2 25 5 5 2 M6 10 15 w/ 2 slots,6.5 motors / {< IAEi> , + (R) /xEIiA + - A>iEi>EUAi * + 7 AOEVOVIA O(R) + Optional Equipment / Brake-equipped QK Setup Software Model Standard Specifications System Configuration 1 / External Wiring Diagram + Dimensions / , Model Number Nomencalture {< AOEVOVIA /iV iIiAE}iiA>IA i>EUAi Features and Functions / Tachometer 1 / /CE>E/nEIiA EI>]E iI E/ Unit : mm Model LL T506 117 T511 137 T720 138.5 T730 162.5 T840 169 T850 184 LG 5 8 8 L1 67 87 83 107 113 128 L2 36 LA 60 0.3 LB LE 34-0.025 50-0.025 2.5 LC 69 G 54 LZ LR 4.5 24 0.5 D 51 40 90 0.3 34-0.025 70-0.030 3 100 76 5.5 30 0.8 40 100 0.3 34-0.025 80-0.030 3 112 88 6.6 35 0.8 87.5 76 S Q QA QK W T U M LT 7-0.009 7-0.009 20 14-0.009 14-0.011 25 2 20 5 5 2 M5 8 16-0.011 16-0.011 30 2 25 5 5 2 M6 10 15 w/ 2 slots,6.5 18 Motor TS1 dimensions T brake-equipped motors / Encoder / {< AO VOVIA IAEi> (R) /xEIiA LZ - 7 G I(R) * + + O(R) + ViA i>EUAi , + A>iEi>EUAi 1 / /CE>E/nEIiA EI>]E iI E/ Unit : mm Model LL LG T506 146.5 T511 166.5 T720 172.5 T730 196.5 T840 203 T850 218 5 8 8 67 87 83 107 113 128 L2 L3 36 22 LA 60 0.3 LB LE LC 34-0.025 2.5 50-0.025 69 54 LR D 4.5 24 0.5 51 S Q 7-0.009 7-0.009 20 QA QK 15 W T U w/ 2 slots,6.5 M LT 38 35 90 0.3 34-0.025 70-0.030 3 100 76 5.5 30 0.8 76 14-0.009 25 14-0.011 2 20 5 5 2 M5 8 40 35 100 0.3 34-0.025 80-0.030 3 112 88 6.6 35 0.8 87.5 16-0.011 16-0.011 2 25 5 5 2 M6 8 30 generator brake-equipped motors / Techometer L1 / {< AO /iV iIiAE}iiA>IA VOVIA i>EUAi IAEi> O(R) , + (R) /xEIiA * + + + - A>iEi> UAi 7 I(R) 1 / /CE>E/nEIiA EI>]E iI E/ Unit : mm 19 Model LL T506 160 T511 180 T720 180 T730 204 T840 211.5 T850 226.5 LG 5 8 8 L1 67 87 83 107 113 128 L2 38 L3 42 LA 60 0.3 LB LE LC 34-0.025 2.5 50-0.025 69 G 54 LZ LR D 4.5 24 0.5 51 S 7-0.009 7-0.009 Q 20 QA QK 15 W T U w/ 2 slots,6.5 M LT 40 44 90 0.3 34-0.025 70-0.030 3 100 76 5.5 30 0.8 76 14-0.009 25 14-0.011 2 20 5 5 2 M5 8 38 44 100 0.3 34-0.025 80-0.030 3 112 88 6.6 35 0.8 87.5 16-0.011 16-0.011 2 25 5 5 2 M6 8 30 with encoder and techometer generator (R) * + + + G LZ - 7 ViAE i>EUAi I(R) Model Number Nomencalture /xEIiA O(R) System Configuration 1 / /CE>E/nEIiA EI>]E iI E/ Unit : mm LL T506 153 LG 5 T511 173 T720 176 T730 200 T840 208.5 T850 223.5 8 67 87 83 107 113 128 L2 L3 38 27 LA LB 60 0.3 LE LC 34-0.025 2.5 50-0.025 69 54 LR D S Q 7-0.009 7-0.009 4.5 24 0.5 51 20 QA QK W 15 T U w/ 2 slots,6.5 M LT 38 40 90 0.3 34-0.025 70-0.030 3 100 76 5.5 30 0.8 76 14-0.009 25 14-0.011 2 20 5 5 2 M5 8 38 42 100 0.3 34-0.025 80-0.030 3 112 88 6.6 35 0.8 87.5 16-0.011 16-0.011 2 25 5 5 2 M6 8 30 Setup Software 8 L1 Dimensions Model Standard Specifications , + External Wiring Diagram / {< /iV iIiAE}iiA>IAE AO VOVIA i>EUAi IAEi> Features and Functions / Motors IAEi> / {< AO VOVIA O(R) , + (R) /xEIiA I(R) ViAE i>EUAi {(R) + - A>iEi>EUAi * + 7 /iV iIiAE}iiA>IA i>EUAi + Optional Equipment with encoder, techometer generator, and brake / Motors 1 / /CE>E/nEIiA EI>]E iI E/ Unit : mm Model LL T506 189.5 T511 209.5 T720 214 T730 238 T840 245.5 T850 260.5 LG 5 8 8 L1 67 87 83 107 113 128 L2 38 L3 42 L4 22 LA 60 0.3 LB LE LC 34-0.025 2.5 50-0.025 69 G 54 LZ LR D 4.5 24 0.5 51 S 7-0.009 7-0.009 Q 20 QA QK 15 W T U w/ 2 slots,6.5 M LT 38 44 35 90 0.3 34-0.025 70-0.030 3 100 76 5.5 30 0.8 76 14-0.009 25 14-0.011 2 20 5 5 2 M5 8 38 44 35 100 0.3 34-0.025 80-0.030 3 112 88 6.6 35 0.8 87.5 16-0.011 30 16-0.011 2 25 5 5 2 M6 8 20 Gear dimensions Dimensions of a typical gear for T4 Unit : mm naxE {-E{x IOax n-aaxE Ea OC a x O a E aI a C {C AAAEAiVIE C of a typical gear for T5 {E-EE { OEx x E O E x C a EEaaO{E {aaOE a {{-aaOx IE a x nO O-aanE Dimensions AAAEAiVIE a x-aO { IE a {E-EE a O a a AAAEAiVIE a O-aO x 21 Cn C EaaO{E xaaOE O IO I Oa Oa aa x-aanE of a typical gear for T7 {a-aaOxE Dimensions Servo Amplifier / Power Unit Dimensions Amplifier Unit : mm Features and Functions TS1 02 /TS1 A2 x Ea O- Oxax a x Model Number Nomencalture {ax xa System Configuration Standard Specifications Oa Oax AiVIEv AI>>IE1* AOEIiA>E{ External Wiring Diagram TS1 03 O- Ea a Setup Software Optional Equipment Oa Oax x AiVIEv AI>>IE1* Oxax {ax Cx Dimensions x AOEIiA>E{ 50.5 1201 1.6 5 1431 10 1330.5 601 40 120 Direction of installation UP 11.5 Unit 4- Power Ground terminal:M4 CN3 22 Setup TS1 Software T (1) Setup Software Start-up Screen (2) Main Screen (3) Parameter Configuration Screen Configuration of General Parameters: Enables parameter loading, saving, etc., via PC connection Configuration of Motor Parameters: Combined motors can be configured via PC connection (4) Monitor Functions Monitor Display: Observe Operation and Input/Output signal status Alarm Record Display: (Current and past alarm occurrence can be checked.) 23 Multi-monitor Display: Simultaneous monitoring of operational status of multiple servo amplifiers networked to a PC. Automatic Notch Filter Tuning: Configures the appropriate notch filter settings System Analysis: Analyzes servo system frequency characteristics Standard Specifications Pulse Feed Jogging: Simplifies motor operation and the entering of distance and travel speed data from a PC Setup Software Dimensions External Wiring Diagram Speed Jogging: Simplifies motor operation and the issuing of velocity commands from a PC System Configuration Model Number Nomencalture Features and Functions (5) Test Run and Adjustment Function Optional Equipment (6) Trace Operation Graphically displays servo motor speed, current, and terminal status 24 Optional Equipment Unit : mm PC Interface Cable Exa OnxaEEa iE \Eaa{anIIa >Li EIiEAi}>A}E,-OIO EVOV>IA\ / iEOAiAEOAIEAUiE>E* EvAEVOIiAEIiAv>Vi *>A>iIiAEAiII}AE>EAiOAiE>OAIiI EAi * EAi Connector list (For Amplifier) Contents Single connector Model number Manufacturer CN1Plug and housing AL-00608709 Sumitomo 3M Ltd./Molex Ltd. CN2Plug and housing AL-00608710 Sumitomo 3M Ltd./Molex Ltd. CN3Housing and contact AL-00608711 CN4Housing and contact AL-00608712 CN1,2Plug and housing DDK Ltd./ Tyco Electronics AMP K.K. DDK Ltd./ Tyco Electronics AMP K.K. Sumitomo 3M Ltd./Molex Ltd. Standard set AL-00608713 DDK Ltd./ Tyco Electronics AMP K.K. CN3,4Housing and contact Manufacturer s model number 10126-3000VE + 10326-52A0-008/ 54306-2619 + 54331-0261 10114-3000VE + 10314-52A0-008/ 54306-1419 + 54331-0141 DK-3100S-05R + DK-3RECLLP1-100/ 1-178288-5 + 1-175218-2 DK-3100S-03R + DK-3RECLLP1-100/ 1-178288-3 + 1-175218-2 10126-3000VE + 10326-52A0-008/ 10114-3000VE + 10314-52A0-008/ 54306-2619 + 54331-0261 54306-1419 + 54331-0141 DK-3100S-05R + DK-3RECLLP1-100/ DK-3100S-03R + DK-3RECLLP1-100/ 1-178288-5 + 1-175218-2 1-178288-3 + 1-175218-2 Note1CN1,2 ... Sumitomo 3M company product and Molex company product are standardized goods. Note2 CN3,4 ...DDK company product and Tyco electronics AMP company product are standardized goods. * Hand crimp tool for contacts can be used for both. Connector list (For Power Unit) Contents Model number CN1Housing and contact AL-00632983 Single connector CN2Housing and contact AL-00632984 CN3Housing and contact AL-00632985 Standard set CN1,2Housing and contact CN3Housing and contact AL-00632986 Manufacturer DDK Ltd./ Tyco Electronics AMP K.K. DDK Ltd./ Tyco Electronics AMP K.K. J.S.T Mfg Co Ltd. DDK Ltd./ Tyco Electronics AMP K.K. J.S.T Mfg Co Ltd. Note1CN1,2 DDK company product and Tyco electronics AMP company product are standardized goods. *Hand crimp tool for contacts can be used for both. Note2 Standard set(AL-00632986) is attached to the Power Unit. 25 Manufacturer s model number DK-3100D-06R + DK-3RECLLP1-100/ 178289-3 + 1-175218-2 DK-3100D-12R + DK-3RECLLP1-100/ 178289-6 + 1-175218-2 VHR-2N + SVH-21T-P1.1 DK-3100D-06R + DK-3RECLLP1-100/ DK-3100D-12R + DK-3RECLLP1-100/ 178289-3 + 1-175218-2 178289-6 + 1-175218-2 VHR-2N + SVH-21T-P1.1 Conformity amplifier All models Inquiry Check Sheet Model Number Nomencalture Date: To contact us: Phone: +81 3 3917 5157 Fax: +81 3 3917 0643 System Configuration Company Name: Department: Telephone : Fax: 1) Application: 2) Machine Name: 3) Number of Units: Features and Functions Please provide the following information when placing an order or making an inquiry. Also feel free to include any questions that require our attention. >iEvEAiAUE>YAE OiIE>i]EV>Ii}AEIA>AAI]EAViAA}]EIiAI]EI iA(R)E Standard Specifications >iEvEI>A}iIEiOiI YAE>i]E>Y>EiV >AE AaI>EUiAIV>(R)]ELA>iEiV >AEiAE(R) OAAiIEVIEvE>LUiE>YA VViiA>I U}E AI>Vi >AVAiUEAVAiUAI>IEIiE AaI>(R)]EL>AVAiUEOIAI>IEIiE AaI>(R)] A>VE>EE AaI>(R)]ELiIEV >E AaI>(R)]EAI>AEI>Li]EAEvii]EAI>LI 7/EI>LiE>AA(R)E }E 7EUAE>AA(R)E }E 7E>AAEvEI iAEAUiE>AIA(R)E } 7,EA>VE>AA(R)E }E 7 ELiIEV >E>AA(R)E E}E 7 EVOIiAL>>ViE>AA(R)E } >EiYIiA>EvAViEE>Y>EAiVI(R)E AEAUiAiEAE>iIiA(R)E E E LEL>AVAiUEAi>(R)E AOEvUiAAiEAE>iIiA(R)E E /EAEOA }EvAVi(R)E AEAUiAiEAEi}I (R)E E AOEvUiAAiEAEi}I (R)E E EAiiAiOViAEiAI>(R)EE }OE EVO}EiAI>(R)E }O EOIEiAI>(R)E }OE "EI iAEIA>YAEVUiAAEiAI>(R)EE }O EAiOVIEA>I(R) LEL>AVAiUE>iIiA(R)E E LEL>AVAiUE>Y>Ei}I (R)E E *LEL>AVAiUEi>(R)E EEOiE>iIiA(R)E E EE>Y>Ei}I (R)E E /EOiEI ViAA(R)E E 7E>EA vIEvAE>YA(R)E IEI>LiE>iIiA(R)E E AEI>LiEA >vIE>iIiA(R)E E EI>LiAOAIE>iIiA(R)E AEI>LiEA >vIEi}I (R)E E}EVI EEEEEEAiVvVE}A>UIEvEL>AVAiUEEOiEI>LiA >vIE>IiA>(R)E EEEvAVIEVivvViIELiIUiiEA iiIE>EA}AOAv>ViEAOAIAiVIEA(R)EE E EEEAiVvVE}A>UIEvEAE>IiA>(R)E EEEOEAiVvVE}A>UIEvEAOE>IiA>(R)E }EVIE EEEIiA>EvAVIEVivvViIEvEAi>EOI(R) EEEiV >V>EivvViV(R)E E E>EiAI>EvEIA>YAEVUiAA(R)E /EvAVIEIAOiEvEIAE>YAEVUiAA(R)E -iiEAiOViA /iQAiVR E /1EL>>ViEIAOiEvEIAE>YAEVUiAA(R)E }EVI }O OAIiAAUiEEEEEEEEEE(R)AEE->EAI>>AE>iIEAOAEL>V>A >iI\\EEEEEEEE(R)AEEI iAEEEEEEEEE(R) -iAAEIi -iAAEIiEAiVviEEiAEEEE(R) 9iA\EEVAiiI>E]EEIV>E>LAOIiE]EEIV>E>LAOIiEEQAiAUiAE>LAOIiEUI EVAiiI>EvOVIRE(R) ,iAOIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(R) OIEvA>I *AIE]EEAii]EEIAOi]EEVOV>IAEE- , "-EEE EEE iUVi iIE(R)EI iAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(R) 1iAiUiEiOiIEVIAiA(R) -iOiViAE]EE>IE]EEVOAIiAiUiiEAOVIE]EE->AUiE]EI iAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(R) 1A>}iEiUAiIE>EI iAEAiOAiiIA OII}E]EEVi>AEOAiE]EE>IOAIEi>AOAiAE]EEI iAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(R) AI>IiEAOVI -}iEAOVI\EEEEEEEEEEEE(R)EOIAEI EEEEEEEEEEEEEE(R)EOIAEi>AE iUiiIEAV iOi *AIIiEiA\EEEEEEEEEEE(R)9i>AEEEEEEEEEEE(R)I EEEEEE*AOVIEiA\EEEEEEEEEEE(R)9i>AEEEEEEEEEEE(R)I 6>AOAEi>AOAiA Setup Software II Optional Equipment IO Dimensions -IAi(R) I iV >V>EAIAOVIOAi QEEEAO(R)r6EAiV(R)EEEIAiV(R)R Q (R)r6EAiV(R)EEIIO(R)AiV(R)R ii}E-ii QEAiVR iV >A Qrn]EAO(R)]EAO(R)aR QEAR ii}E-iiE6 "iA>IE>IIiA ,iviAiViEvAO>\ U}E AI>Vi QEAOR External Wiring Diagram *AI}E>VVOA>V ,i>IiEVOiI>IEE>Ai>EAOLIIiEAEEEAiE>IiAELE>E(R)E6AIE*,EiAAiEEiAEEEE(R)EiiI}EiAAiEEiAEEEE(R) AVi>iOAE OiAIA]Ei}EALiA] EOAiAUiEAAOiA]EiIV(R) 26 Precautions For Adoption Cautions Failure to follow the precautions on the right may cause moderate injury and prope rty damage, or in some circumstances, could lead to a serious accident. Always follow all listed precautions. For any question or inquiry regarding the above, contact our Sales Department. http://www.sanyodenki.com 1-15-1, Kita-Otsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-8451, Japan Phone: +81 3 3917 5157 468 Amapola Avenue Torrance, CA 90501 U.S.A. Phone: +1 310 783 5400 P.A. Paris Nord II 48 Allee des Erables-VILLEPINTE BP.57286 F-95958 ROISSY CDG Cedex France Phone: +33 1 48 63 26 61 Frankfurter Strasse 63-69 65760 Eschborn Germany Phone: +49 6196 76113 0 9F 5-2, Sunwha-dong Jung-gu Seoul, 100-130, Korea Phone: +82 2 773 5623 Room 2116, Bldg B, FAR EAST INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, No.317 XianXia Rd., Shanghai 200051 China Phone: +86 21 6235 1107 Room 1208,12F, No.96 Chung Shan N, Rd., Sec.2, Taipei 104, Taiwan, R.O.C. Phone: +886 2 2511 3938 Room 2305, 23/F, South Tower, Concordia Plaza, 1 Science Museum Rd., TST East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone: +852 2312 6250 10 Hoe Chiang Road #14-03A/04 Keppel Towers Singapore 089315 Phone: +65 6223 1071 *Remarks : Specifications Are Subject To Change Without Notice. CATALOG 767-4'06.03 '07.3.N CATALOGNO. No.803-2 N