AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Scalable, Discrete Multitone-based, T1.413 Issue 2, G.992.1 (G.dmt), and G.992.2 (G.lite) - Compliant ADSL Modem Device Set Data Sheet Conexant Proprietary Information Doc. No. 100427B May 4, 2000 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Revision History Revision Date Comments A 1/27/2000 Initial release B 5/4/2000 Added hardware interface tables and host interface description. (c) 2000, Conexant Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Information in this document is provided in connection with Conexant Systems, Inc. ("Conexant") products. These materials are provided by Conexant as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only. Conexant assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials. Conexant may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Conexant makes no commitment to update the information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to its specifications and product descriptions. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Conexant's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Conexant assumes no liability whatsoever. THESE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF CONEXANT PRODUCTS INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. CONEXANT FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. CONEXANT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THESE MATERIALS. Conexant products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life sustaining applications. Conexant customers using or selling Conexant products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Conexant for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. The following are trademarks of Conexant Systems, Inc.: ConexantTM, the Conexant C symbol, "What's Next in Communications Technologies"TM, and AccessRunnerTM. Product names or services listed in this publication are for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of third parties. Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. For additional disclaimer information, please consult Conexant's Legal Information posted at, which is incorporated by reference. Reader Response: Conexant strives to produce quality documentation and welcomes your feedback. Please send comments and suggestions to For technical questions, contact your local Conexant sales office or field applications engineer. ii Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Contents 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. System Description........................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. General Description.................................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1.1 Boot ROM and Power Up Procedure ......................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.2 Serial EEPROM Programming Utility ......................................................................................... 2-1 ADSL Operation ....................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.1 ADSL Operating Modes ............................................................................................................. 2-1 Full Rate ADSL Modes...................................................................................................... 2-1 G.lite Splitterless Mode ..................................................................................................... 2-1 LAN Mode ......................................................................................................................... 2-1 WAN Mode........................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.2.2 Host Software............................................................................................................................. 2-2 2.2.3 Control Panel ............................................................................................................................. 2-2 2.2.4 Installation Wizard ..................................................................................................................... 2-2 Device Description ................................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.3.1 P5200 UIC Description............................................................................................................... 2-2 ARM Processor ................................................................................................................. 2-2 External Memory Controller............................................................................................... 2-2 Host Interface.................................................................................................................... 2-3 ADSL Interface.................................................................................................................. 2-3 USB Interface.................................................................................................................... 2-3 LED Interface .................................................................................................................... 2-3 EEPROM Interface............................................................................................................ 2-3 General Purpose Input/Output Interface ........................................................................... 2-3 2.3.2 CX11627 ADDP Description ...................................................................................................... 2-4 ATM Transmission Convergence ...................................................................................... 2-4 Digital Interface ................................................................................................................. 2-4 QAM Encoder/Decoder ..................................................................................................... 2-4 FFT.................................................................................................................................... 2-4 Analog Front End Interface ............................................................................................... 2-4 Microcontroller Interface.................................................................................................... 2-4 2.3.3 CX20431 AFE Description ......................................................................................................... 2-5 2.3.4 CX20441 LD Description............................................................................................................ 2-6 Hardware Interface............................................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.1 3.2 3.3 100427B Overview................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Applications .............................................................................................................................................. 1-1 Features ................................................................................................................................................... 1-3 1.3.1 P5200 USB Interface Controller Features.................................................................................. 1-3 1.3.2 CX11627 ADSL DMT Data Pump Features ............................................................................... 1-3 1.3.3 CX20431 ADSL Analog Front End Features.............................................................................. 1-4 1.3.4 CX20441 ADSL Line Driver Features ........................................................................................ 1-4 Reference Design..................................................................................................................................... 1-4 P5200 UIC Hardware Interface Signals.................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 P5200 UIC Signal Interface, Pin Assignments, and Signal Definitions ...................................... 3-1 P5200 UIC Electrical and Environmental Specifications .......................................................................... 3-8 CX11627 ADDP Hardware Interface Signals ......................................................................................... 3-10 3.2.1 CX11627 ADDP Hardware Signals, Pin Assignments, and Signal Definitions ........................ 3-10 3.2.2 CX11627 ADDP Electrical and Environmental Specifications ................................................. 3-17 CX20431 AFE Hardware Interface Signals ............................................................................................ 3-19 3.3.1 CX20431 AFE Hardware Signals, Pin Assignments, and Signal Definitions ........................... 3-19 3.3.2 CX20431 AFE Electrical and Environmental Specifications .................................................... 3-22 Conexant iii AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 3.4 4. USB General Operation .................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 5. iv CX20441 LD Hardware Interface Signals............................................................................................... 3-24 3.4.1 CX20441 LD Hardware Signals, Pin Assignments, and Signal Definitions.............................. 3-24 3.4.2 CX20441 LD Electrical and Environmental Specifications....................................................... 3-27 Descriptors ............................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 Device Descriptor....................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 Configuration Descriptor ............................................................................................................ 4-3 4.1.3 Interface Descriptor.................................................................................................................... 4-4 4.1.4 Endpoint Descriptor ................................................................................................................... 4-5 4.1.5 Enumeration............................................................................................................................... 4-6 4.1.6 Endpoint Pairs............................................................................................................................ 4-6 4.1.7 Language ID Table..................................................................................................................... 4-6 4.1.8 Manufacturer String Table.......................................................................................................... 4-6 4.1.9 Product ID String Table.............................................................................................................. 4-7 4.1.10 Serial Number String Table........................................................................................................ 4-8 Package Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................ 5-1 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Figures Figure 1-1. AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Simplified Hardware Interface...................................................... 1-1 Figure 1-2. AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Major Interfaces ........................................................................... 1-2 Figure 2-1. P5200 UIC Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 2-3 Figure 2-2. CX11627 ADDP Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 2-4 Figure 2-3. CX20431 AFE Block Diagram ................................................................................................................................ 2-5 Figure 2-4. CX20441 LD Block Diagram .................................................................................................................................. 2-6 Figure 3-1. P5200 UIC Hardware Interface Signals ................................................................................................................. 3-2 Figure 3-2. P5200 UIC Pin Signals-176-Pin TQFP................................................................................................................... 3-3 Figure 3-3. CX11627 ADDP Hardware Interface Signals ....................................................................................................... 3-11 Figure 3-4. CX11627 ADDP Pin Signals - 176-Pin TQFP ...................................................................................................... 3-12 Figure 3-5. CX20431 AFE Hardware Interface Signals .......................................................................................................... 3-19 Figure 3-6. CX20431 AFE Pin Signals - 32-Pin TQFP ........................................................................................................... 3-19 Figure 3-7. CX20441 LD Hardware Interface Signals ............................................................................................................ 3-25 Figure 3-8. CX20441 LD Pin Signals - 32-Pin TQFP.............................................................................................................. 3-25 Figure 5-1. Package Dimensions - 176-Pin TQFP ................................................................................................................... 5-1 Figure 5-2. Package Dimensions - 32-Pin TQFP ..................................................................................................................... 5-2 100427B Conexant v AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Tables Table 1-1. AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Models and Part Numbers ............................................................ 1-2 Table 3-1. P5200 UIC Hardware Signal Definitions.................................................................................................................. 3-4 Table 3-2. P5200 UIC Input/Output Type Descriptions ............................................................................................................ 3-7 Table 3-3. P5200 UIC DC Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 3-8 Table 3-4. P5200 UIC Operating Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 3-9 Table 3-5. P5200 UIC Absolute Maximum Ratings .................................................................................................................. 3-9 Table 3-6. P5200 UIC Power Consumption.............................................................................................................................. 3-9 Table 3-7. CX11627 ADDP Hardware Signal Definitions ....................................................................................................... 3-13 Table 3-8. CX11627 ADDP Input/Output Type Descriptions .................................................................................................. 3-16 Table 3-9. CX11627 ADDP DC Electrical Characteristics ...................................................................................................... 3-17 Table 3-10. CX11627 ADDP Operating Conditions................................................................................................................ 3-18 Table 3-11. CX11627 ADDP Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................................................................................... 3-18 Table 3-12. CX11627 ADDP Power Consumption ................................................................................................................. 3-18 Table 3-13. CX20431 AFE Hardware Signal Definitions ........................................................................................................ 3-20 Table 3-14. CX20431 AFE Input/Output Type Descriptions ................................................................................................... 3-21 Table 3-15. CX20431 AFE DC Electrical Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 3-22 Table 3-16. CX20431 AFE Analog Electrical Characteristics................................................................................................. 3-22 Table 3-17. CX20431 AFE Operating Conditions................................................................................................................... 3-23 Table 3-18. CX20431 AFE Absolute Maximum Ratings......................................................................................................... 3-23 Table 3-19. CX20431 AFE Power Consumption .................................................................................................................... 3-23 Table 3-20. CX20441 LD Hardware Signal Definitions........................................................................................................... 3-26 Table 3-21. CX20441 LD Input/Output Type Descriptions ..................................................................................................... 3-26 Table 3-22. CX20441 LD Analog Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................... 3-27 Table 3-23. CX20441 LD Operating Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 3-27 Table 3-24. CX20441 LD Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................................................................................................... 3-27 Table 3-25. CX20441 LD Power Consumption....................................................................................................................... 3-27 Table 4-1. Device Descriptors .................................................................................................................................................. 4-2 Table 4-2. Configuration Descriptors........................................................................................................................................ 4-3 Table 4-3. Interface Descriptors ............................................................................................................................................... 4-4 Table 4-4. Endpoint Descriptors ............................................................................................................................................... 4-5 Table 4-5. Endpoint Pairs ......................................................................................................................................................... 4-6 Table 4-6. Language ID Table.................................................................................................................................................. 4-6 Table 4-7. Manufacturer String Table ....................................................................................................................................... 4-6 Table 4-8. Product ID String Table ........................................................................................................................................... 4-7 Table 4-9. Serial Number String Table ..................................................................................................................................... 4-8 vi Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 1. Introduction 1.1 Overview The Conexant AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set combines an "always-on" high speed Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) connection to the telephone line, and Universal Serial Bus (USB) connection to a host PC into a single cost-effective solution. Conexant's AccessRunner ADSL modem device set is compliant with the full-rate ANSI T1.413 Issue 2 and ITU G.dmt (G.992.1) ADSL standards, and with the splitterless ITU G.lite (G.992.2) specification. This rate-adaptive solution is designed for Customer Premise Equipment and supports downstream data rates of up to 8 Mbps and upstream data rates of up to 1 Mbps. The device set takes advantage of the processing power available with today's computers by eliminating the need for a separate ATM Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) device, resulting in a cost-effective solution suitable for both full rate and G.lite applications. Additionally, host-based software provides support for current industry standards for PPP over ATM (RFC 2364) and bridged Ethernet over ATM (RFC 1483) for Windows 98 and Windows 2000. The USB specification version 1.1 is supported and is the preferred standard method to connect peripherals to PCs. During periods of no data transmission, the Conexant ADSL DMT data pump performs idle cell insertion and deletion thus unloading this task from the host PC. The device set consists of four devices (see Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2): * USB Interface Controller (UIC), part no. P5200, in a 176-pin TQFP * ADSL DMT Data Pump (ADDP), part no. CX11627, in a 176-pin TQFP * Analog Front End (AFE), part no. CX20431, in a 32-pin TQFP * Line Driver (LD), part no. CX20441, in a 32-pin TQFP ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) is a transmission technology used to carry user data over a single twisted pair line between the Central Office and the Customer Premises. The downstream (Central Office to Customer Premises) direction typically supports a much higher data rate than the upstream or return (Customer Premises to Central Office) channel. This asymmetric nature lends itself to applications like remote LAN access, Internet access, and video delivery. The downstream data rates can go up to 8 Mbps. The upstream data rates can go up to 1 Mbps. Actual data rates depend on the transceiver implementation, loop length, impairments, and transmitted power. The Conexant ADSL-USB Modem Device Set is based upon a scalable architecture. This architecture enables the device set to support splitterless G.lite as well as splittered and splitterless full-rate ADSL. G.lite enables telephone companies to deploy consumer-oriented, "always on" 1.5 Mbps Internet access services without the need for splitter equipment, micro-filters, or wiring changes at the customer premises. 1.2 Applications * ADSL Customer Premise Equipment * ADSL USB modems for desktop PCs * ADSL USB modems for notebook PCs Host-Based ADSL Drivers USB Interface P5200 USB Interface Controller (UIC) 176-Pin TQFP CX11627 ADSL DMT Data Pump (ADDP) 176-Pin TQFP CX20431 Analog Front End (AFE) 32-Pin TQFP CX20441 Line Driver (LD) 32-Pin TQFP TIP RING TELEPHONE LINE Device Set 100428_F1-1_SID Figure 1-1. AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Simplified Hardware Interface 100427B Conexant 1-1 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 1-1. AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Models and Part Numbers Model/Order/Part Numbers Marketing Name AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Device Set Order No. USB Interface Controller (UIC) [176-pin TQFP] Part No. ADSL DMT Data Pump (ADDP) [176-pin TQFP] Part No. Analog Front End (AFE) [32-pin TQFP] Part No. Line Driver (LD) [32-pin TQFP] Part No. DSAR-L100-501 P5200-12 CX11627-11 CX20431-21 CX20441-11 Conexant ADSL-USB Modem Device Set CX11627 ADSL DMT Data Pump (ADDP) 176-Pin TQFP CX20431 Analog Front End (AFE) 32-Pin TQFP CX20441 Line Driver (LD) 32-Pin TQFP Telephone Line TIP RING Host Computer SDRAM/SRAM Required: 2Mbit Operating System Software and Modem Communication Application Software ADSL Software Drivers USB Interface P5200 USB Interface Controller (UIC) 176-Pin TQFP SDRAM Options One 1M x 16 = 2 MB, Two 2M x 8 = 4 MB, or One 4M x 16 = 8 MB Refresh Rate: 15.625 us SRAM Options One 128k x 16 = 2 Mbit or Two 128k x 8 = 2 Mbit Access Time: 15 ns External Components EEPROM JTAG Interface LEDS Reset Circuit 100428_F1-2_FID Figure 1-2. AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Major Interfaces 1-2 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 1.3 Features * Complete ADSL-USB solution * Compliant with ADSL standards - Full-rate ANSI T1.413 Issue 2 and ITU G.dmt (G.992.1) standards - Splitterless ITU G.lite (G.992.2) specification * DMT modulation and demodulation * Full-rate adaptive modem - Maximum downstream rate of 8 Mbps - Maximum upstream rate of 1 Mbps * Supports splitterless ADSL implementation * WAN mode support: PPP over ATM (RFC 2364) * LAN mode support: bridged Ethernet over ATM (RFC 1483) * Tone detection for low power mode * USB host interface - Compliant with USB Specification, Revision 1.1 - USB full speed (12 Mbps) - Suspend/Resume - Vendor specific descriptors - Bus powered USB device * ATM SAR performed in software driver 1.3.1 P5200 USB Interface Controller Features * CX11627 ADSL DMT Data Pump (ADDP) interface * CX20431 ADSL Analog Front End (AFE) interface * CX20441ADSL Line Driver (LD) interface * Internal USB interface * SDRAM/SRAM interface * LED interface * Serial EEPROM interface * JTAG interface * 176-pin TQFP 1.3.2 CX11627 ADSL DMT Data Pump Features * Low power (0.5W) consumption * DSP-based programmable ADSL data pump * No external Interleave RAM, 16 Kbytes built-in * Echo cancellation * Digital interface and rate buffering * ADSL framing * Forward Error Correction (FEC) encoding and decoding and interleaving * Constellation encoding/decoding * IFFT modulation and FFT demodulation * Transmit and receive signal digital filtering * Time domain equalization * Frequency domain equalization * Clock recovery * CRC and scrambling * Digital interface framing * ATM mode 100427B Conexant 1-3 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet * Bit-synchronous mode * 176-pin TQFP 1.3.3 CX20431 ADSL Analog Front End Features * Receive signal path includes: - Integrated hybrid receiver circuit with programmable gain - High pass filtering and 27dB of Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to improve signal-to-echo ratio - 14-bit ADC * Transmit signal path includes: - 30dB of AGC for transmit power control - Low pass filtering to suppress noise in the receive band - 14-bit DAC * Independent digital serial data and control interfaces * Low power tone detection mode * 32-pin TQFP 1.3.4 CX20441 ADSL Line Driver Features * Differential input and output line driver * Line impedance matching during power-down * Fixed differential gain * Low power consumption (0.22 W typical) * 32-pin TQFP 1.4 Reference Design A reference design for a USB card is available to minimize application design time and costs. The card is pretested to pass FCC Part 15 and Part 68 for immediate manufacturing. A design package is available in electronic form. The design package includes files for schematics, bill of materials (BOM), board layout (Gerber format), and documentation. The design can also be used for the basis of a custom design by the OEM to accelerate design completion for rapid market entry. 1-4 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 2. System Description 2.1 General Description The ADSL - USB modem solution hardware connects to the host PC via USB interface. The complete chipset and system software is provided. The OEM adds a crystal circuit, EEPROM, RAM, LEDs, and other discrete components. All software to support a full rate and/or G.lite ADSL modem is provided. Additionally, a control panel providing connection and system status, an installation wizard providing automatic provisioning, a serial EEPROM programming utility, and a manufacturing test program are provided. 2.1.1 Boot ROM and Power Up Procedure The P5200 USB Interface Controller (UIC) contains a boot loader in internal ROM. Upon power up, the P52 UIC reads the vendor specific USB descriptor information from EEPROM, and then enumerates with the host PC. EEPROM is required so that USB descriptor information can be supplied during the enumeration process. 2.1.2 Serial EEPROM Programming Utility The OEM-supplied serial EEPROM is required to store the USB device, configuration, interface, and endpoint descriptors. A DOS-based EEPROM Programming Utility is available for the OEM to use to program the serial EEPROM with USB device, configuration, interface, and endpoint descriptors. The USB device descriptors (including Vendor ID, Product ID, Device Release Number, Manufacturer Name, Product Name, and Serial Number) can be customized as required. 2.2 ADSL Operation 2.2.1 ADSL Operating Modes Full Rate ADSL Modes Both T1.413 and G.992.1 (G.dmt) line coding schemes are supported for downstream rates up to 8 Mbps and upstream rates up to 1 Mbps in 32 kbps increments. User selection of mode is supported through the provided control panel, however, autoprovisioning is supported so that the appropriate modulation is automatically selected based on what is supported by the DSL Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) at the Central Office. When operating in one of the full rate modes, the low and high frequency bands must be separated with a filter. This can be done with either a service provider-installed splitter (known as "splittered ADSL"), or with the use of distributed micro-filters in line with each POTS device on the circuit (known as "splitterless full-rate ADSL"). Both deployment models are supported. G.lite Splitterless Mode G.992.2 (G.lite) splitterless mode is supported for downstream rates up to 1.5 Mbps and upstream rates up to 512 kbps in 32 kbps increments. User selection of mode is supported through the provided control panel, however, auto-provisioning is supported so that the appropriate modulation is automatically selected based on what is supported by the DSLAM at the Central Office. When operating in splitterless mode, the low and high frequency bands do not need to be separated with a filter, and neither a service provider installed splitter, nor distributed micro-filters are required. G.lite mode supports power management by defining a set of power management states for the link and the use of the Embedded Operations Channel (eoc) to coordinate between the ATU-R and ATU-C. LAN Mode RFC-1483, bridged Ethernet over ATM, is supported in the LAN driver. This protocol provides LLC encapsulation for carrying network interconnect traffic over a single ATM AAL5 Virtual Connection. LLC encapsulation is desirable when it is not practical to have a separate VC for each carried protocol, such as with an ATM network that only supports Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs). The provided NDIS 5 drivers automatically establish a "connection-less" call using the defined PVC, and encapsulate Ethernet bridged frames. WAN Mode RFC-2364, PPP over ATM, is supported in the WAN driver. Point-to-Point Protocol provides a method of transporting multiprotocol packets over point-to-point links. Point-to-point links allow for services such as Link Control Protocol, Network-layer Control Protocol, and authentication. The PPP over ATM standard brings these point-to-point services to the ATM network where they are not inherently supported. The provided NDIS 5 drivers accept an empty dial string on a specific "link" or PVC from Windows Dial-up Networking to establish a call, and encapsulate PPP frames. 100427B Conexant 2-1 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet User selection of WAN or LAN mode can be done manually via the provided control panel. However, auto-configuration is supported with the provided installation wizard, so that the protocol mode is selected properly without user intervention. 2.2.2 Host Software The host software NDIS miniport driver provided implements the ATM Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL5), which is composed of two sublayers: 1) the Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) layer, and 2) the Convergence Sublayer (CS). The AAL5 protocol provides virtual connections, which offer error detection, but not error correction, between end stations attached to the same network. The SAR sublayer transmitter segments the higher layer information into a size suitable for the payload of the ATM cells of a virtual connection. The receiver reassembles the contents of the cells of a virtual connection into data units to be delivered to higher layers. During periods of no data transmission, the device set, and not the host software driver, performs idle cell insertion and deletion, thus unloading this task from the host PC and unburdening the USB with unnecessary traffic. The Convergence Sublayer performs message identification and clock recovery. Additionally, the CS of the AAL converts the user service information coming from the upper layer into a protocol data unit (PDU), and also carry out the opposite process at the receiver. Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) service is supported. It allows a connection to be established without specifying the bandwidth expected from the connection. The network makes no guarantees for UBR service: it establishes the route but does not commit bandwidth. UBR can be used for applications that have no delivery constraints and do their own error and flow control. Examples of potential uses or UBR are e-mail and file transfer, as neither application has real-time characteristics. 2.2.3 Control Panel A Windows Control Panel Applet is provided to monitor and control ADSL line and call activity, accumulate ADSL line and call statistics, and identify the software and connection information. The control panel provides different levels of information: 1) User, 2) Advanced User, 3) Developer. It is intended that only the User level information, which consists of basic connection statistics such as line rate and connect status, is available to the end user. Other information available to the Advanced User and Developer include Physical Layer Statistics, ATM Link Statistics, AAL Link Statistics, Protocol setup, and a logging capability, which collects performance data and logs it to disk. 2.2.4 Installation Wizard A Windows Installation Wizard is provided to ease the user's provisioning of the ADSL service. The Wizard allows the user to select a service provider allowing the associated setup profile to automatically ensure proper setup and installation of the software drivers. The profiles, based on input from various ADSL service providers, are provided to facilitate deployment and to minimize user involvement in provisioning ADSL service. A profile contains configuration information for physical layer options, ATM layer parameters, AAL layer parameters, and TCP/IP layer parameters. 2.3 Device Description 2.3.1 P5200 UIC Description The P5200 USB Interface Controller (UIC) is the bridge device between the CX11627 ADSL DMT Data Pump (ADDP) and the host computer. It provides the control, interface, and data manipulation for the CX11627 ADDP, the CX20431 Analog Front End (AFE), the CX20441 Line Driver (LD), and hybrid circuitry. The P5200 has output ports for LED indicators and an interface to serial EEPROM for storing vendor specific descriptors. The UIC conforms to the USB Specification Rev. 1.1 and supports full-speed (12 Mbps) USB device implementation. The P5200 operates from +1.8V for core operation and +3.3V for interface circuit operation. The P5200 can operate with +3.3V interface signals (VGG = +3.3V) or +5V interface signals (VGG = +5V). ARM Processor The ARM Processor provides the controller and supervisory tasks of the ADSL-USB system. It moves data between the USB port and the ADSL interface. Control code for the ARM is executed from external memory under control of the External Memory Controller (EMC). External Memory Controller The External Memory Controller (EMC) provides a 16-bit interface to support up to 8 Mbytes of external memory. SDRAM or SRAM is supported to maintain lowest cost of external memory. There can be 1 (16 bits wide) or 2 (8 bits wide) memories that can reside on the EMC bus. This bus is not shared with any other functions so activity on this bus can be concurrent with asynchronous and independent USB port or ADSL data transfers. 2-2 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet ARM Processor SDRAM or SRAM EEPROM USB RAM ROM External Memory Controller (EMC) Control Logic EEPROM Interface USB Interface Host Interface ADSL Data Pump and AFE ADSL Interface GPIO 100427 F2-1_BD_P5200 Figure 2-1. P5200 UIC Block Diagram Host Interface The Host Interface is a 16-bit data and 21-bit address bus used for control of the ADSL Data Pump. ADSL Interface The ADSL Interface is responsible for data transfer to and from the ADSL Data Pump and the setup of the AFE. USB Interface The USB Interface is responsible for data transfer to and from the USB, by extracting clock and data from the USB cable. It also handles the front end functions of the USB protocol such as Sync Field Identification, NRZI-NRZ Conversion, Bit Stripping and Stuffing, and CRC functions. Additionally, the USB port converts the serial packet to 8-bit parallel data. Control transfers addressed to End Point Zero are handled by the USB port. LED Interface GPIO are used to support the following LED signals: Power, Ready, Showtime, TXD, and RXD. EEPROM Interface A 2-wire serial EEPROM is used to store USB device, configuration, interface, and endpoint descriptors. Device descriptors include Vendor ID, Product ID, Device Release Number, Manufacturer Name, Product Name, and Serial Number. Both 4196 bit and 2048 bit EEPROMs are supported. The EEPROM speed must be capable of 400 kHz clock frequency. A typical 4196 bit (512 x 8) EEPROM that meets P5200 UIC requirements is the Fairchild M24C04M8 or equivalent. A typical 2048 bit (256 x 8) EEPROM that meets P5200 UIC requirements is the Fairchild M24C02M8 or equivalent. General Purpose Input/Output Interface Most General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins are programmed for dedicated system functions or reserved for test or growth functions and are not available for user assignment. Each GPIO pin is controlled individually for input/output direction. All GPIO pins can serve as external interrupt inputs. 100427B Conexant 2-3 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 2.3.2 CX11627 ADDP Description The CX11627 ADSL DMT Data Pump (ADDP) is a T1.413 Issue 2, G.992.1, and G.992.2 compliant custom digital signal processing (DSP) chip built specifically for DMT ADSL transmission for use in ADSL modems. The CX11627 operates from +2.5V for core operation and +3.3V for interface circuit operation. A block diagram of the CX11627 ADDP is shown in Figure 2-2. ATM Transmission Convergence In the transmit direction, the ATM Transmission Convergence (TC) block embeds ATM cells into the serial data stream being fed into the digital interface, i.e., the P5200 UIC. In the receive direction, this block extracts the ATM cell boundaries from the serial data stream coming from the digital interface To reduce traffic on the USB, the TC block performs idle cell insertion in the transmit direction and idle cell deletion and header error correction in the receive direction. Digital Interface The Digital Interface (DI) Transmit Block performs the following functions: transmit data multiplexing and buffering, fast and interleave data stream framing, transmit data synchronization control, eoc/aoc insertion, CRC encoding, scrambling, FEC encoding, and data interleaving. The DI Receive Block performs the following functions: data de-interleaving, FEC decoding, descrambling, CRC check, receive data synchronization and receive clock generation, demultiplexing and buffering of receive data and receive eoc/aoc. QAM Encoder/Decoder The QAM Encoder/Decoder performs the following functions: constellation encoding, clock recovery, receive gain compensation, frequency domain equalization (FEQ), slicing, and constellation decoding. The block also performs other functions such as frequency domain signal processing, signal power, error power averaging and computations related to frequency domain training. FFT The FFT performs IFFT for modulation of the transmit symbol, and FFT for demodulation of the receive symbol. Analog Front End Interface The Analog Front End (AFE) interface performs the following functions: transmit signal filtering, time domain equalization, and time domain signal power averaging, and echo cancellation (EC). Microcontroller Interface The microcontroller interface enables the P5200 UIC to set parameters to control DSP sequencing and to read/write coefficients or data. CX11627 ADSL DMT Data Pump (ADDP) Digital Interface (DI) DI Transmit Block P5200 USB Interface Controller (UIC) ATM TC DI Receive Block QAM Encoder/Decoder Bit Parser and QAM Encoder QAM Decoder and Bit Parser FFT IFFT AFE Interface Transmit Filter DAC Intf EC FEQ FFT Time Domain Equalizer ADC Intf CX20431 Analog Front End (AFE) Microcontroller Interface 100427 F2-2 BD 11627 Figure 2-2. CX11627 ADDP Block Diagram 2-4 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 2.3.3 CX20431 AFE Description The CX20431 Analog Front End (AFE) can support full-rate and G.lite (G.992.2) ADSL modems. The CX20431 AFE interfaces with the CX20441 LD and the hybrid receive circuitry on the analog side, and with the CX11627 ADDP on the digital side. The receive section filters out the unwanted echo and boosts the wanted signal before performing an analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. The transmit section converts digital data to analog signals and performs a smoothing operation before presenting the signals to the line driver. Wakeup in G.lite mode is supported by tone detection circuitry integrated in the CX20431 AFE. The CX20431 operates from a +3.3V supply. A block diagram of the CX20431 AFE is shown in Figure 2-3. CX20431 Analog Front End (AFE) Digital Section P5200 USB Interface Controller (UIC) Analog Section Decimation Filter ADC Serial Interface CX11627 ADSL Data Pump (ADDP) Low Pass Filter AGC High Pass Filter AGC Low Pass Filter Hybrid OpAmp Hybrid Reference Generators Interpolation Filter DAC SC Filter CX20441 Line Driver (LD) 100427 F2-3_BD_P20431 Figure 2-3. CX20431 AFE Block Diagram 100427B Conexant 2-5 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 2.3.4 CX20441 LD Description The CX20441 Line Driver (LD) supports full-rate (T1.413 and G.992.1) and G.lite (G.992.2) ADSL modems. It is optimized for ideal ADSL performance providing low noise, high bandwidth, and superior linearity. The CX20441 LD transmits a DMT modulated signal in the 25 - 132 kHz band. The CX20441 LD operates from a +5V supply. Internal load balancing prevents the CX20441 LD from loading the system when in a power down state. A block diagram of the CX20441 LD is shown in Figure 2-4. 248.4 OUTP_DRV INP_DRV + - + + - 400 INM_DRV 248.4 OUTM_DRV RBIAS Current Control Block 100427 F2-4_BD_20441 Figure 2-4. CX20441 LD Block Diagram 2-6 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 3. Hardware Interface 3.1 P5200 UIC Hardware Interface Signals 3.1.1 P5200 UIC Signal Interface, Pin Assignments, and Signal Definitions P5200 UIC hardware interface signals are shown in Figure 3-1. P5200 UIC pin assignments are shown in Figure 3-2. P5200 UIC hardware interface signals are defined in Table 3-1. Input/output types are described in Table 3-2. 100427B Conexant 3-1 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 151 152 29 USB INTERFACE USB Resume 150 USB PWR DETECT 27 CLOCK 39 NC 4.7K 28 98 RESET CIRCUIT 160 1 176 2 LED INTERFACE 11 12 EEPROM 31 32 33 34 35 JTAG 36 NC 25 66 99 154 +1.8V 21 +1.8V THROUGH FILTER 8 16 37 47 57 71 81 91 107 117 127 137 147 158 171 +3.3V 23 101 +3.3V OR +5V 26 67 100 155 9 17 38 48 58 72 82 92 108 118 128 138 148 159 172 22 GND NC 157 175 68 13 14 15 18 19 20 24 BCLKIO (GPIO38) PAIR_SEL (GPIO21) LD_OH_DET (GPIO05) USBP USBN FCLKIO (GPIO39) USB_Pwr_Det (GPIO22) CLKI BOPT (GPIO14) LD_PC (GPIO13) AFE_RST# (GPIO08) AFE_SCLK AFE_STB AFE_CTRLIN AFE_CTRLOUT AFE_WAKEUP RXSOC0 RCLKAS0 RDATAS0 TXSOC0 TCLKLS0 TDATLS0 PLLBP HRST# LED_READY (GPIO07) LED_SHOWTIME (GPIO18) LED_TXD (GPIO19) LED_RXD (GPIO20) I2C_SCL (GPIO16) I2C_SDA (GPIO15) TRST# TCK TMS TDI TDO TREQA VDD VDD VDD VDD VDDA VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO VDDO RST# (GPIO09) IRQ0 (GPIO10) IRQ1 (GPIO11) PD (GPIO12) SCANMODE (GPIO26) HAD00 HAD01 HAD02 HAD03 HAD04 HAD05 HAD06 HAD07 HAD08 HAD09 HAD10 HAD11 HAD12 HAD13 HAD14 HAD15 HC01 HC02 HC03 HC04 HC05 HC06 HC07 HAD16 HAD17 HAD18 HC08 HC09 HC12 (GPIO34) P5200 USB Interface Controller (UIC) 176-PIN TQFP HA10 HAD19 HAD20 HAD21 HAD22 HAD23 HAD24 HAD25 HAD26 HAD27 HAD28 HAD29 HC00 (GPIO32) FLASH_RST# (GPIO23) HC11 (GPIO33) HAD31 (GPIO37) VGG VGG VSS VSS VSS VSS VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSO VSSA Reserved (GPIO06) Reserved (GPIO17) Reserved (GPIO25) Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved MB0 MB1 MA00 MA01 MA02 MA03 MA04 MA05 MA06 MA07 MA08 MA09 MA10 MA11 MD00 MD01 MD02 MD03 MD04 MD05 MD06 MD07 MD08 MD09 MD10 MD11 MD12 MD13 MD14 MD15 MM1 MM0 MCLK MCKE MRAS# MCAS# MWE# MCS# 30 3 156 166 161 4 7 10 5 6 168 169 167 173 174 170 162 163 164 165 153 88 87 86 85 84 83 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 70 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 56 55 54 53 96 95 89 94 52 51 50 49 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 93 97 90 69 RECEIVE PAD I/O PAIR SEL ROH# LINE INTERFACE PWRDWN# (OPTIONAL) PWRDWN# CX20441 LD POR# STROBE CTRL_STRB CTRL_IN CTRL_OUT WAKEUP CX20431 AFE RXSOC0 R_NCO_AS0 R_DAT_AS0 TXSOC0 T_CLK_LS0 T_DAT_LS0 CX11627 ADDP SERIAL INTERFACE RSTB IRQ1 IRQ2 PWR_DWN SSCANMODE CX11627 ADDP CONTROL D00 D01 D02 D03 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 RDB WRB CSB CX11627 ADDP PARALLEL INTERFACE 1K A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 OE# RESET# NC NC 149 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 136 135 134 133 132 121 120 119 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 106 105 104 103 102 124 125 122 123 126 129 131 130 NC BA0 BA1 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 DQMH DQML CLK CLKE RAS# CAS# WE# CS# SDRAM or SRAM 100427_F3-01_HIS P5200 176T Figure 3-1. P5200 UIC Hardware Interface Signals 3-2 Conexant 100427B LED_SHOWTIME (GPIO18) LED_RXD (GPIO20) PAIR_SEL (GPIO21) AFE_SCLK AFE_CTRLOUT AFE_WAKEUP AFE_STB 134 133 MA10 MA07 MA08 MA09 136 135 MA06 VSSO VDDO 139 138 137 MA03 MA04 MA05 141 140 MA01 MA02 144 143 142 MB1 MA00 146 145 MB0 VSSO VDDO 148 147 USBP USB_Pwr_Det (GPIO22) 151 150 149 VDD SCANMODE (GPIO26) USBN 153 152 LD_OH_DET (GPIO05) VSS 155 154 VDDO Reserved (GPIO06) 157 156 159 158 RST# (GPIO09) AFE_RST# (GPIO08) LED_READY (GPIO07) VSSO 160 162 161 PD (GPIO12) IRQ1 (GPIO11) IRQ0 (GPIO10) 165 164 163 RDATAS0 LD_PC (GPIO13) 167 168 166 TDATLS0 RCLKAS0 RXSOC0 170 169 TXSOC0 VSSO 173 172 171 VDDO LED_TXD (GPIO19) Reserved (GPIO17) TCLKLS0 175 176 174 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 1 132 MA11 2 131 MWE# 3 130 MCS# 4 129 MCAS# 5 128 127 VDDO 6 VSSO 126 MRAS# 8 125 9 10 124 MM0 MM1 123 I2C_SCL (GPIO16) I2C_SDA (GPIO15) Reserved 11 122 MCLK 12 121 MD00 13 120 MD01 Reserved 14 119 118 MD02 VDDO VSSO AFE_CTRLIN 7 MCKE VSSO Reserved VDDO 16 117 VDDO VSSO 17 116 MD03 Reserved 15 115 18 MD04 Reserved 19 114 MD05 Reserved 20 113 MD06 VDDA 21 112 MD07 VSSA 22 111 MD08 VGG Reserved VDD VSS CLKI 110 23 24 P5200 25 26 27 MD09 109 MD10 108 VSSO 107 VDDO 106 MD11 MD12 PLLBP 28 FCLKIO (GPIO39) BCLKIO (GPIO38) TRST# 29 104 MD13 30 103 MD14 102 MD15 TCK TMS TDI TDO TREQA VDDO VSSO BOPT (GPIO14) HAD29 HAD28 105 31 VGG 32 101 33 100 VSS 99 VDD 34 35 98 HRST# 36 97 37 96 FLASH_RST# (GPIO23) HC08 HC09 38 95 39 94 HC10 40 93 HC00 (GPIO32) 41 92 VSSO HAD27 42 91 VDDO HAD26 HAD25 43 90 89 HC11 (GPIO33) 85 86 87 88 HAD03 HAD02 HAD01 HAD00 82 83 84 VSSO HAD05 VDDO HAD04 80 81 HAD06 77 78 79 HAD09 HAD08 HAD07 75 76 HAD11 HAD10 73 74 HAD13 HAD12 70 71 72 VSSO 68 69 VDD VSS Reserved (GPIO25) HAD31 (GPIO37) HAD14 VDDO 67 64 HC01 HAD15 65 66 62 63 HC02 61 HC04 HC03 59 60 HC06 HC05 56 58 HC07 VDDO VSSO 57 54 55 HAD17 53 HAD16 51 52 HAD20 HAD19 HAD18 48 49 50 VSSO HAD22 HAD23 VDDO HAD21 45 46 47 HAD24 44 HC12 (GPIO34) 100427F3-02 PO-P50-176T Figure 3-2. P5200 UIC Pin Signals-176-Pin TQFP 100427B Conexant 3-3 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-1. P5200 UIC Hardware Signal Definitions Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description USB INTERFACE USBP, USBN 151, 152 I/O Iu/Ou USB Port. USBP and USBN are the differential data positive and negative signals of the USB port. Connect USBP and USBN to USB +Data and -Data, respectively, through 10 , and optionally through a quick switch in order to isolate the USBP and USBN from the USB during suspend mode. FCLKIO (GPIO39) 29 I It USB Resume. Active high input used to detect occurrence of USB resume event. USB5V_DET (GPIO22) 150 I It CLKI 27 I Ith HRST# 98 I Ith Reset. Active low input signal to reset the P5200 UIC. Connect to reset circuit. BOPT (GPIO14) 39 I It Boot Option. To boot from internal ROM, leave open. To boot from external ROM, pull down with 4.7k resistor. Leave open. PLLBP 28 I It PLL Ground. Connect to GND through 4.7 k. USB POWER DETECT INTERFACE USB 5 V Detect. Active high input used to detect presence of +5 V at the USB connector. CLOCK INTERFACE Clock In. Connect to 35.328 MHz voltage controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO) output through 51 . CONTROL INTERFACE CX20431 AFE CONTROL AND SERIAL INTERFACE AFE_SCLK 4 I It AFE Clock In. Connect to AFE STROBE through 33 . AFE_STB 7 O Otts4 AFE Strobe Out. Connect to AFE CTRL_STRB. AFE_CTRLIN 10 O Otts4 AFE Control In. Serial digital data sent to the AFE. Connect to AFE CTRL_IN. AFE_CTRLOUT 5 I It AFE Control Out. Serial digital data received from the AFE. Connect to AFE CTRL_OUT. AFE_WAKEUP 6 I Ith AFE Wakeup. DSL Power Management Wakeup Signal from AFE. Connect to AFE WAKEUP. HAD[18:16] 53-55 O Ot4 Address Lines 9-7. Connect to ADDP A[9:7], respectively. HC[07:01] 56, 59-64 O Ot4 Address Lines 6-0. Connect to ADDP A[6:0], respectively. HAD[15:0] 65, 70, 73-80, 83-88 I/O It/Ot4 Data Lines 15-00. Connect to ADDP D[15:0], respectively. HC08 96 O Ot4 Read Enable. Active low read enable. When asserted, data is transferred from the selected device onto the data bus. Connect to ADDP RDB. HC09 95 O Ot4 Write Enable. Active low write enable. When asserted, data is transferred from the data bus into the selected device. Connect to ADDP WRB. HC12 (GPIO34) 89 O O ADDP Chip Select. Active low output select ADDP when asserted. Connect to ADDP CSB. IRQ0# (GPIO10) 163 I Itpu ADDP Interrupt Request 1. Active low input asserted to request interrupt servicing by the ADDP. Connect to ADDP IRQ1. IRQ1# (GPIO11) 164 I Itpu ADDP Interrupt Request 2. Active low input asserted to request interrupt servicing by the ADDP. Connect to ADDP IRQ2. PD (GPIO12) 165 O Ot4 ADDP Power Down. Active low output asserted put ADDP in a low power mode. Connect to ADDP PWR_DWN. RST# (GPIO09) 162 O Ot4 ADDP Reset. Active low output resets ADDP when asserted. Connect to ADDP RSTB. SCANMODE (GPIO26) 153 O Ot4 Scan Mode. Connect to ADDP SSCANMODE. CX11627 ADDP PARALLEL INTERFACE 3-4 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-1. P5200 UIC Hardware Signal Definitions (Continued) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description CX11627 ADDP SERIAL CHANNEL INTERFACE RXSOC0 168 I Itpu Receive ATM0 Start of Cell. Connect to ADDP RXSOC0. RCLKAS0 169 I Itpu Receive AS0/ATM0 Data Clock. Connect to ADDP R_CLK_LS0. RDATAS0 167 I Itpu Receive AS0/ATM0 Serial Data. Connect to ADDP R_DAT_LS0. TXSOC0 173 O Otts4 Transmit ATM0 Start of Cell. Connect to ADDP TXSOC0. TCLKLS0 174 I It Transmit LS0/ATM0 Data Clock. Connect to ADDP T_CLK_LS0. TDATLS0 170 O Otts4 Transmit LS0/ATM0 Serial Data. Connect to ADDP T_DAT_LS0. CX20431 AFE AND CX20441 LD CONTROL AFE_RST# (GPIO08) 161 O Ot4 AFE Reset. Active low reset output to the AFE and the LD. Connect to AFE POR# and to LD PWRDWN#. LD_PC (GPIO13) 166 O Ot4 Line Driver Power Control. Optionally, connect to LD PWRDWN# when it is desired to power down only the LD. LINE INTERFACE LD_OH_DET (GPIO05) 156 I It Off-Hook Detect. Active low; indicates POTS off-hook event. Used for G.lite Mode only. Connect to off-hook detector circuit. PAIR_SEL (GPIO21) 3 O Itpu/Ot4 Inner/Outer Pair Select. Connect to wire-pair selection circuit. BCLKIO (GPIO38) 30 O Itpu/Ot4 Receive Pad. Connect to receive pad circuitry in hybrid. SERIAL EEPROM INTERFACE I2C_SCL (GPIO16) 11 O Ot4 I2C_SDA (GPIO15) 12 I Itpu Serial EEROM Clock. Connect to EEPROM clock input. Serial EEROM Data. Connect to EEPROM data line. JTAG INTERFACE TRST# 31 I Itpu JTAG Reset. A high-to-low transition on this signal forces the TAP controller into a logic reset state. This pin has an internal pullup, and it conforms to IEEE 1149.1 JTAG specification. TCK 32 I It JTAG Test Clock. This is the boundary scan clock input signal. This pin has an internal pullup, and it conforms to IEEE 1149.1 JTAG specification. TMS 33 I Itpu JTAG Test Mode Select. This signal controls the operation of the TAP controller. This pin has an internal pull-up, and it conforms to IEEE 1149.1 JTAG specification. TDI 34 I Itpu JTAG Test Input. This signal contains serial data that is shifted in on the rising edge of TCK. The pin has an internal pullup, and it conforms to IEEE 1149.1 JTAG specification. TDO 35 O Otts4 JTAG Test Output Data. This is the three-stateable boundary scan data output signal from the MCU, and it is shifted out on the falling edge of TCK. It conforms to IEEE 1149.1 JTAG specification. 100427B Conexant 3-5 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-1. P5200 UIC Hardware Signal Definitions (Continued) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description SDRAM/SRAM INTERFACE MA[11:00] 132-136, 139-145 O Ot4 Multiplexed Row and Column Address Lines. Connect to SDRAM/SRAM A[11:0], respectively. MD[15:00] 102-106, 109116, 119-121 I/O It/Ot4 Data Lines. Connect to SDRAM/SRAM D[15:0], respectively. MB0 149 O Ot4 Bank Address Select 0. Connect to SDRAM/SRAM Bank Address Select 0 input for 8 MB SDRAM; leave open for 2 MB SDRAM. MB1 146 O Ot4 Bank Address Select 1. Connect to SDRAM/SRAM Bank Address Select 1 input. MM1 124 O Ot4 Input/Output Mask 1. Connect to SDRAM/SRAM I/O Mask High input. MM0 125 O Ot4 Input/Output Mask 0. Connect to SDRAM/SRAM I/O Mask Low input. MCLK 122 O Ot4 SDRAM Clock. Connect to SDRAM Clock input. MCKE 123 O Ot4 SDRAM Clock Enable. Active high; enables SDRAM clock. Connect to SDRAM Clock Enable input. MRAS# 126 O Ot4 SDRAM Row Address Strobe. Active low; starts SDRAM access with strobe of row address. Connect to SDRAM RAS input. MCAS# 129 O Ot4 SDRAM Column Address Strobe. Active low; strobes column address and data bytes. Connect to SDRAM CAS input. MWE# 131 O Ot4 SDRAM Memory Write Enable. Active low; indicates write access to SDRAM. Connect to SDRAM Write Enable input. MCS# 130 O Ot4 SDRAM Memory Chip Select. Active low; enables SDRAM command decoder. Connect to SDRAM chip select input. LED INTERFACE LED_RXD (GPIO20) 2 O Ot4 Receive Data LED. Illuminated when data is received from the ADSL line. LED_TXD (GPIO19) 176 O Ot4 Transmit Data LED. Illuminated when data is transmitted to the ADSL line. LED_SHOWTIME (GPIO18) 1 O Ot4 Showtime LED. Illuminated when the ADSL transceiver is in Showtime Mode. LED_READY (GPIO070) 160 O Ot4 Ready LED. Illuminated when the device is successfully enumerated on the USB. POWER AND GROUND VDD 25, 66, 99, 154 PWR PWR Core Supply Voltage. Connect to +1.8V. VDDA 21 PWR PWR Supply Voltage. Connect to +1.8V through filter. VDDO 8, 16, 37, 47, 57, 71, 81, 91, 107, 117, 127, 137, 147, 158, 171 PWR PWR I/O Supply Voltage. Connect to +3.3V. VGG 23, 101 REF REF I/O Clamp Power Supply. Connect to +5V if available, otherwise connect to +3.3V. VSS 26, 67, 100, 155 GND GND Core Ground. Connect to digital ground. VSSO 9, 17, 38, 48, 58, 72, 82, 92, 108, 118, 128, 138, 148, 159, 172 GND GND I/O Ground. Connect to digital ground. VSSA 22 GND GND Ground. Connect to digital ground. 3-6 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-1. P5200 UIC Hardware Signal Definitions (Continued) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description NOT USED HC10 94 I It Not Used. Connect to GND through 1 K. HAD[29:19] 40-46, 49-52 O Ot4 Address Lines 20-10. If Flash ROM is installed, connect to Flash ROM A[20:10], respectively. If Flash ROM is not installed, leave open. HC00 (GPIO32) 93 O Ot4 Flash ROM Chip Enable. Active low output enables optional Flash ROM when asserted. If Flash ROM is installed, connect to Flash ROM CE#. If Flash ROM is not installed, leave open. FLASH_RST# (GPIO23) 97 O Ot4 Flash ROM Reset. Active low output resets optional Flash ROM when asserted. If Flash ROM is installed, connect to Flash ROM RESET#. If Flash ROM is not installed, leave open. HC11 (GPIO33) 90 I/O It/Ot4 Not Used. Leave open. HAD31 (GPIO37) 69 I/O It/Ot4 Not Used. Leave open. TREQA 36 I Itpd Reserved. This pin is connected to internal circuitry. Leave open. Reserved (GPIO06) 157 I/O Itpu/Ot4 Reserved. This pin is connected to internal circuitry. Leave open. Reserved (GPIO17) 175 I/O Itpu/Ot4 Reserved. This pin is connected to internal circuitry. Leave open. Reserved (GPIO25) 68 I/O Itpu/Ot4 Reserved. This pin is connected to internal circuitry. Leave open. Reserved 13-15, 18-20, 24 Reserved. These pins are connected to internal circuitry. Leave open. NOTES: I/O Types: See Table 3-2. Table 3-2. P5200 UIC Input/Output Type Descriptions I/O Type Description It Digital input, +5V tolerant, CIN = 8 pF It/Ot4 Digital input, +5V tolerant, CIN = 8 pF/Digital output, 4 mA, ZINT = 80 Ith Digital input, +5V tolerant, with hysteresis, CIN = 8 pF Itpd Digital input, +5V tolerant, 75k pull-down, CIN = 8 pF Itpu Digital input, +5V tolerant, 75k pull-up, CIN = 8 pF Itpu/Ot4 Digital input, +5V tolerant, 75k pull-up, CIN = 8 pF/Digital output, 4 mA, ZINT = 80 Otts4 Digital output, 3-State, 4 mA, ZINT =80 Iu/Ou Input, USB receiver/Output, USB driver NOTES: 1. See DC characteristics in Table 3-3. 2. I/O Type corresponds to the device Pad Type. The I/O column in tables refers to signal I/O direction used in the application. 100427B Conexant 3-7 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet P5200 UIC Electrical and Environmental Specifications P5200 UIC DC electrical characteristics are listed Table 3-3. P5200 UIC operating conditions are specified in Table 3-4. P5200 UIC absolute maximum ratings are stated in Table 3-5. P5200 UIC power consumption is listed in Table 3-6. Table 3-3. P5200 UIC DC Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Min. Input high voltage Input low voltage Input leakage current VIH VIL IIL/IIH Input leakage current (with internal pull-downs) (See Note 2) Input leakage current (with internal pull-ups) (See Note 2) Internal pullup/pulldown resistance Rpu/Rpd Output high voltage Output low voltage Input/output capacitance VOH VOL CINOUT Typ. Max. Units 2.0 -0.5 -10 VGG + 0.5 0.8 10 VDC VDC IIL/IIH -10 100 A IIL/IIH -100 10 A 50 200 2.4 VDDO 0.4 k VDC VDC pF 3 A Test Conditions (see Note 1) VIN = 0 for Min. VIN = VIN (MAX) for Max. VIN = 0 for Min. VIN = VIN (MAX) for Max. VIN = 0 for Min. VIN = VIN (MAX) for Max. IOH = 4 mA IOL = 4 mA NOTES: 1. Test Conditions (unless otherwise stated): VDDcore = +1.8 0.15 VDC VDDO = +3.3 0.3 VDC; VIN (MAX) = +3.6V for VGG connected to +3.3V; 2. 3. 3-8 VIN (MAX) = +5.25V for VGG connected to +5V. Current flow out of the device is shown as minus. Stresses above those listed may cause permanent device failure. Functionality at or above these limits is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods of time may affect device reliability. Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-4. P5200 UIC Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Core power supply I/O power supply Operating ambient temperature VDD VDDO TA 1.65 3.0 0 1.8 3.3 1.95 3.6 70 VDC VDC C Table 3-5. P5200 UIC Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min Max Units VDD -0.35 2.0 VDC I/O power supply (VDDO = +3.3 V) VDDO -0.35 3.7 VDC I/O power supply (VDDO = +5 V) VDDO -0.35 7.0 VDC Input voltage VIN -0.35 VGG + 0.35* VDC Voltage applied to outputs in high impedance (Off) state Storage temperature VHZ -0.35 VGG + 0.35* VDC TS -55 125 C Core power supply * VGG = +3.3 V 0.3 V or +5 V 0.25 V. Caution: Handling CMOS Devices These devices contain circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages. However, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltage. An unterminated input can acquire unpredictable voltages through coupling with stray capacitance and internal cross talk. Both power dissipation and device noise immunity degrades. Therefore, all inputs should be connected to an appropriate supply voltage. Input signals should never exceed the voltage range from 0.5V or more negative than GND to 0.5V or more positive than VDD. This prevents forward biasing the input protection diodes and possibly entering a latch up mode due to high current transients. Table 3-6. P5200 UIC Power Consumption Mode VDD (+1.8 V) VDDO (+3.3 V) NOTES: 1. Operating voltage: 2. Test conditions: 100427B Typ. Current (mA) Max. Current (mA) Typ. Power (mW) Max. Power (mW) 85 15 105 25 155 45 205 90 VDD = +1.8 VDC 0.15 VDC VDDO = +3.3 VDC 0.3 VDC. VDD = +1.8 VDC for typical values; VDD = +1.95 VDC for maximum values. VDDO = +3.3 VDC for typical values; VDDO = +3.6 VDC for maximum values. Conexant 3-9 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 3.2 CX11627 ADDP Hardware Interface Signals 3.2.1 CX11627 ADDP Hardware Signals, Pin Assignments, and Signal Definitions CX11627 ADDP hardware interface signals are shown in Figure 3-3. CX11627 ADDP pin assignments are shown in Figure 3-4. CX11627 ADDP hardware interface signals are defined in Table 3-7. Input/output types are described in Table 3-9. 3-10 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 35. 328 MHZ CLOCK CLK OUT CLK CTRL RXSOC0 RCLKAS0 P5200 UIC SERIAL INTERFACE P5200 UIC CONTROL P5200 UIC PARALLEL BUS RDATAS0 TXSOC0 TCLKLS0 TDATLS0 RST# (GPIO09) IRQ0 (GPIO10) IRQ1 (GPIO11) PD (GPIO12 SCANMODE HC01 HC02 HC03 HC04 HC05 HC06 HC07 HAD16 HAD17 HAD18 HAD00 HAD01 HAD02 HAD03 HAD04 HAD05 HAD06 HAD07 HAD08 HAD09 HAD10 HAD11 HAD12 HAD13 HAD14 HAD15 HC12 HC08 HC09 68 66 45 39 11 41 21 15 16 85 83 82 79 55 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 91 127 126 125 124 123 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 104 87 86 90 22 +3.3V +2.5V +5V or +3.3V 10 27 36 54 69 76 89 110 122 132 156 168 176 25 26 59 60 61 70 71 93 108 109 134 140 154 155 103 1 9 18 19 20 28 35 52 53 62 63 64 72 73 74 75 88 92 105 106 107 121 131 133 139 151 152 153 167 175 MCLK VCXO_CTRL RXSOC0 R_NCO_AS0 T_CLK_AS1 R_DAT_AS0 TXSOC0 T_CLK_LS0 T_DAT_LS0 RSTB IRQ1 IRQ2 PWR_DN SSCANMODE RX00 RX08 TX15 AFE_STRB TEST_START TEST_DONE MON_CLK MON_OUT MON_DONE TX00 TX01 TX02 TX03 TX04 A0 TX05 A1 TX06 A2 TX07 A3 TX08 A4 TX09 A5 TX10 A6 TX11 CX11627 A7 TX12 ADSL DMT Data Pump A8 TX13 (ADDP) A9 TX14 D00 RX01 176-PIN TQFP D01 RX02 D02 RX03 D03 RX04 D04 RX05 D05 RX06 D06 RX07 D07 RX09 D08 RX10 D09 RX11 D10 RX12 D11 RX13 D12 RX14 D13 RX15 D14 DMCK_ALT D15 T_INTER_BYTEB CSB T_FAST_BYTEB RDB T_CLK_AS0 WRB T_DAT_AS1 T_DAT_AS0 TLXCK_EN T_DAT_LS1 T_DAT_LS1 VDDO BIT_CLOCK VDDO TXSOC1 VDDO LTR VDDO NTR VDDO NTRCTL VDDO FILTER_CLK VDDO DAC_CLK VDDO R_INTER_SUPERB VDDO R_INTER_DATA VDDO R_FAST_SUPERB VDDO R_FAST_FRAMEB VDDO R_NCO_LS0 VDDO R_NCO_LS1 R_NCO_AS1 VDDcore R_DAT_AS1 VDDcore R_CLK_LS0 VDDcore R_CLK_LS1 VDDcore R_DAT_LS0 VDDcore R_DAT_LS1 VDDcore RXSOC1 VDDcore ADC_CLK VDDcore CLIPB VDDcore SCANEN VDDcore NC VDDcore NC VDDcore NC VDDcore NC VDDcore NC 129 143 174 24 58 56 78 77 67 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 169 170 171 172 173 130 135 136 137 138 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 30 5 4 6 12 7 13 14 17 23 81 8 29 3 2 31 32 33 34 37 38 40 42 47 49 48 50 46 128 84 65 43 44 51 57 80 RX0 RX1 TX0 STROBE CX20431 AFE SERIAL INTERFACE NC NC TEST INTERFACE NC NC NC MONITOR INTERFACE NC VGG VSSO VSSO VSSO VSS VSS VSSO VSSO VSSO VSS VSS VSS VSSO VSS VSS VSS VSSO VSSO VSS VSS VSS VSSO VSSO VSS VSSO VSS VSS VSS VSSO VSSO VSS 100427_F3-03_HIS 11627 176T Figure 3-3. CX11627 ADDP Hardware Interface Signals 100427B Conexant 3-11 VDDcore 134 133 VSSO RX04 RX03 RX02 136 135 VSS RX05 137 140 139 138 RX08 RX07 RX06 VDDcore 141 RX10 RX09 145 144 143 142 RX12 RX11 146 RX14 RX13 RX15 150 149 148 147 VSS VSS 153 152 151 VDDO VDDcore VDDcore VSSO 154 TX01 TX00 158 TX04 159 157 TX06 TX05 163 162 161 160 156 155 TX08 TX07 165 164 TX03 TX02 VDDO VSSO TX09 167 166 TX11 TX10 168 170 169 TX15 TX14 TX13 TX12 172 171 VDDO VSS 175 174 173 176 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet VSSO 1 132 VDDO DAC_CLK FILTER_CLK T_FAST_BYTEB T_INTER_BYTEB T_CLK_AS0 2 3 131 130 RX01 T_DAT_AS0 NTR VSSO VDDO T_CLK_AS1 T_DAT_AS1 T_DAT_LS1 T_DAT_LS1 T_CLK_LS0 T_DAT_LS0 BIT_CLOCK VSSO VSS VSS TXSOC0 TLXCK_EN TXSOC1 AFE_STRB VDDcore VSS 4 129 RX00 5 6 128 127 ADC_CLK D00 7 8 126 125 124 9 D01 D02 D03 D04 10 123 11 12 122 121 VSSO 13 120 D05 119 D06 D07 14 15 118 16 17 117 116 18 115 VDDO D08 D09 D10 D11 19 114 20 21 113 112 D13 22 111 D14 23 110 24 109 108 107 VDDO VDDcore CX11627 25 26 D12 VDDcore VSSO VDDcore VDDO VSSO 28 105 NTRCTL DMCK_ALT 29 30 104 103 VGG R_INTER_SUPERB R_INTER_DATA 31 102 A0 A1 A2 36 97 96 37 38 95 39 40 94 93 41 92 VSS VSS D15 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 VDDcore 87 88 86 81 84 85 82 83 80 NC LTR IRQ2 WRB IRQ1 CLIPB RSTB RDB CSB VSSO 77 75 76 VSS VSSO VDDO 78 79 VSS VSS MON_CLK PWR_DN 71 72 VDDcore MON_OUT 68 69 70 MCLK VDDO VDDcore 73 74 67 MON_DONE 63 64 65 66 VSS VSSO SCAN_EN VCXO_CTRL 62 VSS 58 59 56 57 60 61 54 55 VSS VDDO SSCAN_MODE 53 50 51 52 VDDcore VDDcore VDDO TEST_DONE NC TEST_START VDDcore 90 89 49 91 43 44 R_CLK_LS1 R_DAT_LS1 NC VSSO 42 VSS A9 45 R_DAT_AS1 NC NC 99 98 46 47 48 R_NCO_AS1 R_DAT_AS0 101 100 RXSOC0 R_NCO_LS1 R_NCO_AS0 32 33 34 35 RXSOC1 R_CLK_LS0 R_DAT_LS0 R_FAST_SUPERB R_FAST_FRAMEB VSSO VDDO R_NCO_LS0 106 27 100427 F3-04 PO-11627-176T Figure 3-4. CX11627 ADDP Pin Signals - 176-Pin TQFP 3-12 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-7. CX11627 ADDP Hardware Signal Definitions Signal Name Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description CLOCK INTERFACE MCLK 68 I I Master Clock In. Connect to 35.328 MHz voltage controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO) output through 51 . VXCO_CTRL 66 O O VCXO Control Out. Oversampled VCXO analog control voltage output. Connect to VCXO control circuit. CX20431 AFE INTERFACE RX[15:0] 150-144, 142141, 138-135, 130-129 I I Receive Data Lines. In the serial mode of operation, RX8 and RX0 transfer data from the AFE into the ADDP. The negative edge of the AFE_STR# strobe signal from the AFE clocks the data into the ADDP. In the parallel mode of operation, RX[15:0] input data lines transfer receive data into the ADDP. Data is clocked into the ADDP by ADC_CLK. This mode is not used; leave RX[15:9] and RX[7:1] open. TX[15:0] 174-169, 166-157 O O Transmit Data Lines. In the serial mode of operation, TX15 (used as a programmable width serial bus) transfers data to the AFE from the ADDP. The negative edge of the AFE_STR# strobe signal from the AFE clocks the data from the ADDP. In the parallel mode of operation, TX[15:0] output data lines transfer data out of the ADDP. Data is clocked out of the ADDP by DAC_CLK. This mode is not used; leave TX[14:0] open. AFE_STR# I I AFE Strobe. In the serial mode of operation, AFE_STR# from the AFE triggers the transfer of serial transmit data on TX15 from the ADDP to the AFE and triggers the transfer of serial receive data on RX8 and RX0 from the AFE to the ADDP. ADC_CLK 128 O O Receive Clock for Parallel Mode. In the parallel mode of operation, data on RX[15:0] is clocked in to the ADDP by ADC_CLK. Not used; leave open. DAC_CLK 2 O O Transmit Clock for Parallel Mode. In the parallel mode of operation, data on TX[15:0] is clocked out of the ADDP by DAC_CLK. Not used; leave open. FILTER_CLK 3 O O AFE Filter Clock. This signal can be used by the DAC interface block to strobe the external AFE filters. Not use; leave open D[15:0] 104, 111-120, 123-127 I/O It/Ot Data Bus. A 16-bit input/output data bus used to send data to the UIC during a read operation or receive data from the UIC during a write operation. Connect to D[15:0] to UIC HAD[15:0], respectively. A[9:0] 91, 94-102 I It Address Bus. A 10-bit input address bus that identifies the location in the ADDP that data on D[15:0] is written to during a write operation, or that data is read from during a read operation for placing on D[15:0]. Connect A[9:7] to UIC HC[18:16], respectively and A[6:0] to UIC HC[07:01], respectively. CS# 87 I It Chip Select. Active low control input selects the ADDP. Connect CS# to UIC HC12. RD# 86 I It Data Read Enable. Active low control input strobes (on the negative edge) data from the addressed location in the ADDP onto D[15:0]. Connect RD# to UIC HC08. WR# 90 I It Data Write Enable. Active low control input strobes (on the negative edge) data on D[15:0] into the ADDP addressed location. Connect WR# to UIC HC09. P5200 UIC PARALLEL INTERFACE 100427B Conexant 3-13 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-7. CX11627 ADDP Hardware Signal Definitions (Continued) Signal Name Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description P5200 UIC CONTROL RSTB 85 I I Reset. Active low control input. When asserted, the ADDP is held in a reset state. Connect to UIC RST# (GPIO09). IRQ1 83 O Ot Interrupt Request 1. Active high interrupt asserted to request service by the UIC. Connect to UIC IRQ0 (GPIO10). IRQ2 82 O Ot Interrupt Request 2. Active high interrupt asserted to request service by the UIC. Connect to UIC IRQ1 (GPIO11). PWR_DN 79 I I Power Down. Active high control input When asserted, the ADDP is held in a low power mode. Connect to UIC PD (GPIO12). SSCANMODE 55 I I Scan Mode. Connect to UIC SCANMODE (GPIO26). TLXCK_EN 22 I I LSX Transmit Data Clock Generation Enable. Connect to +3.3V. P5200 UIC SERIAL INTERFACE RXSOC0 45 O O TC0 Block Receive Start of Cell. Connect to UIC RXSOC0. R_DAT_AS0 41 O O Receive Data (AS0). Connect to UIC RDATAS0. R_NCO_AS0 39 O O Receive NCO (AS0). Connect to UIC RCLKAS0. T_CLK_AS1 11 I I Transmit Data Clock (AS1). Connect to ADDP NCO_AS0. T_CLK_LS0 15 I/O I/O Transmit Data Clock (LS0). Connect to UIC TCLKLS0. T_DAT_LS0 12 I I Transmit Data (LS0). Connect to UIC TDATLS0. TXSOC0 21 I I TC0 Block Transmit Start of Cell. Connect to UIC TXSOC0. MONITOR INTERFACE MON_OUT 77 O O Monitor Output. 1-bit serial D/A output used for constellation monitoring. Used for test only; leave open during normal operation. MON_CLK 78 O O Monitor Clock. Serial monitor 138 kHz clock output. Used for test only; leave open during normal operation. MON_DONE 67 O O Monitor Done. New symbol constellation qualifier. Used for test only; leave open during normal operation. POWER AND GROUND VDDcore 25, 26, 59, 60, 61, 70, 71, 93, 108, 109, 134, 140, 154, 155 P PWR Core Circuits Supply Voltage. Connect to +2.5V supply. VDDO 10, 27, 36, 54, 69, 76, 89, 110, 122, 132, 156, 168, 176 P PWR Input/Output Circuits Supply Voltage. Connect to +3.3V supply. VSS 19, 20, 53, 62, 63, 72, 73, 74, 92, 105, 106, 131, 139, 151, 152, 175 G GND Core Circuits Ground. Connect to digital ground. VSSO 1, 9, 18, 28, 35, 52, 64, 75, 88, 107, 121, 133, 153, 167 G GND Input/Output Circuits Ground. Connect to digital ground. VGG 103 R R Input Reference Voltage. Reference voltage for +5V tolerant input pins. A connection to +5V allows +5V or +3.3V input levels. A connection to +3.3V allows +3.3V input levels only. 3-14 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-7. CX11627 ADDP Hardware Signal Definitions (Continued) Signal Name Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description NOT USED R_INTER_SUPERB 31 O O Receive Interleaved Data Bit Output Superframe Qualifier. Not used; leave open. R_INTER_DATA 32 O O Receive Interleaved Data Bit Output. Clocked at BIT_CLOCK rate. R_FAST_SUPERB 33 O O Receive Fast Data Bit Output Superframe Qualifier. Not used; leave open. R_FAST_FRAMEB 34 O O Receive Fast Data Bit Output Frame Qualifier. Not used; leave open. R_CLK_LS0 47 I I Receive Data Clock (LS0). Not used; leave open. R_CLK_LS1 49 I I Receive Data Clock (LS1). Not used; leave open. R_DAT_AS1 42 O O Receive Data (AS1). Not used; leave open. R_DAT_LS0 48 O O Receive Data (LS0). Not used; leave open. R_DAT_LS1 50 O O Receive Data (LS1). Not used; leave open. R_NCO_AS1 40 O O Receive NCO (AS1). Not used; leave open. R_NCO_LS0 37 O O Receive NCO (LS0). Not used; leave open. R_NCO_LS1 38 O O Receive NCO (LS1). Not used; leave open. CLIPB 84 O O Clip Interrupt. This status output goes low for one ADC_CLK clock cycle whenever clipping is detected. This signal can be for monitoring incoming data for saturation. Not used; leave open. T_INTER_BYTEB 5 O O Transmit Interleaved Data Bit Input Enable. Not used; leave open. T_FAST_BYTEB 4 O O Transmit Fast Data Bit Input Enable. Not used; leave open. T_CLK_AS0 6 I I Transmit Data Clock (AS1). Not used; leave open. T_DAT_AS1 12 I I Transmit Data (AS1). Not used; leave open. T_DAT_AS0 7 I I Transmit Data (AS0). Not used; leave open. T_CLK_LS1 13 I/O I/O Transmit Data Clock (LS1). Not used; leave open. T_DAT_LS1 14 I I Transmit Data (LS1). Not used; leave open. TXSOC1 21 I I TC1 Block Transmit Start of Cell. Not used; leave open. LTR 81 O O 8 kHz Local Timing Reference. Not used; leave open. NTR 8 I/O I/O 8 kHz Network Timing Reference. Not used; leave open. NTR_CTL 29 I I Network Timing Reference I/O Control. Not used; leave open. BIT_CLOCK 17 O O Serial Data Bit Clock Output. Used to synchronize the serial input and output data bit streams, enables, and superframe qualifiers. Not used; leave open. NOTES: I/O Types: See Table 3-8. 100427B Conexant 3-15 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-8. CX11627 ADDP Input/Output Type Descriptions I/O Type Description It Digital input, +5 V tolerant, CIN = 8 pF It/Ot4 Digital input, +5 V tolerant, CIN = 8 pF/Digital output, 4 mA, ZINT = 80 Ith Digital input, +5 V tolerant, with hysteresis, CIN = 8 pF Itpd Digital input, +5 V tolerant, 75k pull-down, CIN = 8 pF Itpu Digital input, +5 V tolerant, 75k pull-up, CIN = 8 pF Itpu/Ot4 Digital input, +5 V tolerant, 75k pull-up, CIN = 8 pF/Digital output, 4 mA, ZINT = 80 Otts4 Digital output, 3-State, 4 mA, ZINT =80 NOTES: 1. See DC characteristics in Table 3-9. 2. I/O Type corresponds to the device Pad Type. The I/O column in tables refers to signal I/O direction used in the application. 3-16 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 3.2.2 CX11627 ADDP Electrical and Environmental Specifications CX11627 ADDP DC electrical characteristics are listed in Table 3-9. CX11627 ADDP operating conditions are specified in Table 3-10. CX11627 ADDP absolute maximum ratings are stated in Table 3-11. CX11627 ADDP power consumption is listed in Table 3-12. Table 3-9. CX11627 ADDP DC Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Min. Input high voltage Input low voltage Input leakage current VIH VIL IIL/IIH 0.9*VDDO GND -10 Input capacitance Output high voltage Output low voltage Three-state output leakage CIN VOH VOL ILK Output capacitance Three-state output leakage COUT ILK Input/output capacitance Typ. Max. Units VDDO 0.1*VDDO 10 VDC VDC 2.9 0.9*VDDO GND 10 VDDO 0.1*VDDO 10 3.1 -10 CINOUT 10 3.9 Test Conditions (see Note 1) A pF VDC VDC A pF A pF NOTES: 1. Test Conditions (unless otherwise stated): VDDcore = +2.5 0.2 VDC VDDO = +3.3 0.3 VDC; VIN (MAX) = +3.6 for VGG connected to +3.3V; VIN (MAX) = +5.25V for VGG connected to +5V. 2. Current flow out of the device is shown as minus. 100427B Conexant 3-17 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-10. CX11627 ADDP Operating Conditions Parameter Core power supply I/O power supply Operating temperature Symbol Min Typ Max Units VDDcore VDDO TA 2.3 3.0 0 2.5 3.3 2.7 3.6 +70 VDC VDC C Table 3-11. CX11627 ADDP Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Core power supply I/O power supply Input voltage Storage temperature Symbol Min Max Units VDDcore VDDO VIN TS -0.35 -0.35 -0.3 -65 2.8 3.7 VDD + 0.3 150 VDC VDC VDC C Table 3-12. CX11627 ADDP Power Consumption Mode VDDcore (+2.5 V) VDDO (+3.3 V) Typ. Current (mA) Max. Current (mA) Typ. Power (mW) Max. Power (mW) 190 35 210 65 475 115 570 235 NOTES: 1. Operating voltage: VDDcore = +2.5 VDC 0.2 VDC VDDO = +3.3 VDC 0.3 VDC. 2. Test conditions: VDDcore = +2.5 VDC for typical values; VDDcore = +2.7 VDC for maximum values. VDDO = +3.3 VDC for typical values; VDDO = +3.6 VDC for maximum values 3-18 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 3.3 CX20431 AFE Hardware Interface Signals 3.3.1 CX20431 AFE Hardware Signals, Pin Assignments, and Signal Definitions CX20431 AFE hardware interface signals are shown in Figure 3-5. CX20431 AFE pin assignments are shown in Figure 3-6. CX20431 AFE hardware interface signals are defined in Table 3-13. DC characteristics are listed in Table 3-15. P5200 UIC AFE_SCLK AFE_STB AFE_CTRLIN AFE_CTRLOUT AFE_WAKEUP AFE_RST# CX11627 ADDP RX00 RX08 TX00 AFE_STRB +3.3V 11 15 16 17 18 13 24 23 22 19 21 5 9 +3.3V through filter 6 10 14 25 27 CLKIN CTRL_STRB CTRL_IN CTRL_OUT WAKEUP POR INP_HYBR_RX INM_HYBR_RX OUTP_TX OUTM_TX RX0 RX1 TX0 STROBE VREFP CX20431 ANALOG FRONT END (AFE) 32-PIN TQFP AVDD AVDD AVSS AVSS DVSS DVSS DVSS HYBRID 7 8 INP_DRV INM_DRV 10 uF 30 0.1u F VREFM 10 uF 31 0.1u F RBIAS INP_RX INM_RX NC NC NC NC CX20441 LD 29 0.1u F VC DVDD 1 2 32 10 uF 30K 3 4 12 20 26 28 NC 100427_F3-05_HIS 20431 32T DVSS NC DVSS 26 25 28 27 VC VREFP NC 30 29 RBIAS VREFM 32 31 Figure 3-5. CX20431 AFE Hardware Interface Signals INP_HYBR_RX 1 24 RX0 INM_HYBR_RX 2 23 RX1 INP_RX 3 22 TX0 INM_RX 4 21 DVDD 14 15 16 CTRL_STRB CTRL_IN NC POR DVSS 11 12 13 CLKIN 7 8 9 OUTP_TX OUTM_TX CX20431 10 6 AVSS 5 AVSS AVDD AVDD 20 NC 19 STROBE 18 WAKEUP 17 CTRL_OUT 100427_F3-06 PO_20431_32T Figure 3-6. CX20431 AFE Pin Signals - 32-Pin TQFP 100427B Conexant 3-19 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-13. CX20431 AFE Hardware Signal Definitions Signal Name Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description CLOCK INTERFACE I Clock In. Connect to 35.328 MHz voltage controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO) output through 51 . CLKIN 11 It CTRL_STRB 15 I It Strobe In. Strobe input for the control interface. Connect to UIC AFE_STB. CTRL_IN 16 I It Control In. Serial digital data received from the UIC. Connect to UIC AFE_CTRLIN. CTRL_OUT 17 O Ot Control Out. Serial digital data sent to the UIC. Connect to UIC AFE_CTRLOUT. WAKEUP 18 O Ot Wakeup. Digital output for tone detection mode. Connect to UIC AFE_WAKEUP. POR# 13 I It Reset. Active low power-On reset. Connect to UIC AFE_RST#. P5200 UIC CONTROL AND CX11627 ADDP SERIAL INTERFACE P5200 UIC CONTROL AND CX11627 ADDP SERIAL INTERFACE Strobe. Strobe output for the data interface. The negative STROBE edge triggers the transfer of serial transmit data on TX0 from the ADDP to the AFE and triggers the transfer of serial receive data on RX0 and RX1 from the AFE to the ADDP. Connect to ADDP AFE_STRB and to UIC AFE_SCLK. STROBE 19 O Ot RX0 24 O Ot Receive Data. Digital receive serial data output on RX0 is transferred to the ADDP. The negative edge of the STROBE signal from the AFE clocks the data into the ADDP. Connect to ADDP AFE_RX00. RX1 23 O Ot Receive Data. Digital receive serial data output on RX1 is transferred data to the ADDP. The negative edge of the STROBE signal from the AFE clocks the data into the ADDP. Connect to ADDP AFE_RX08. TX0 22 I It Transmit Data. Digital transmit serial data input on TX0 is transferred from the ADDP. The negative edge of the STROBE signal clocks the data from the ADDP. Connect to ADDP AFE_TX00. CX11627 ADDP SERIAL INTERFACE HYBRID INTERFACE INP_HYBR_RX 1 I Ia Receive Input Positive from Hybrid. Receive input positive from the hybrid circuit. AC couple through 1 F. INM_HYBR_RX 2 I Ia Receive Input Negative from Hybrid. Receive input negative from the hybrid circuit. AC couple through 1 F. CX20441 LINE DRIVER INTERFACE OUTP_TX 7 O Oa Transmit Output Positive. Transmit output positive to the LD. Connect to LD INP_DRV. OUTM_TX 8 O Oa Transmit Output Negative. Transmit output negative to the LD. Connect to LD INM_DRV. POWER AND GROUND VREFP 29 REF REF Analog Reference Voltage (+2.5V). Connect to GND through 10 F and 0.1 F in parallel. VC 30 REF REF Analog Reference Voltage (+1.5V). Connect to GND through 10 F and 0.1 F in parallel. VREFM 31 REF REF Analog Reference Voltage (+0.5V). Connect to GND through 10 F and 0.1 F in parallel. RBIAS 32 REF REF Analog Current Reference. Current setting external resistor. Connect to GND through 30 k resistor (+1%). DVDD 21 PWR PWR Digital Circuits Supply. Connect to +3.3V. AVDD 5, 9 PWR PWR Analog Circuits Supply Voltage. Connect to +3.3V through filter. DVSS 14, 25, 27 GND GND Digital Circuits Ground. Connect to GND. AVSS 6, 10 AGND AGND Analog Circuit Ground. Connect to GND. 3-20 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-3. CX20431 AFE Hardware Signal Definitions (Continued) Signal Name Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description NOT USED INP_RX 3 I Ia Receive Input Positive. Not used. Leave open. INM_RX 4 I Ia Receive Input Negative. Not used. Leave open. NC 12, 20, 26, 28 No Connect. These pins are not connected to internal circuitry. NOTES: I/O Types: See Table 3-15. Table 3-14. CX20431 AFE Input/Output Type Descriptions I/O Type Description Ia It Analog input Digital input, +5V tolerant, CIN = 8 pF It/Ot4 Digital input, +5V tolerant, CIN = 8 pF/Digital output, 4 mA, ZINT = 80 Ith Digital input, +5V tolerant, with hysteresis, CIN = 8 pF Itpd Digital input, +5V tolerant, 75k pull-down, CIN = 8 pF Itpu Digital input, +5V tolerant, 75k pull-up, CIN = 8 pF Itpu/Ot4 Digital input, +5V tolerant, 75k pull-up, CIN = 8 pF/Digital output, 4 mA, ZINT = 80 Oa Otts4 Analog Output Digital output, 3-State, 4 mA, ZINT =80 NOTES: 1. See DC characteristics in Table 3-15 and analog electrical characteristics in Table 3-16. 2. I/O Type corresponds to the device Pad Type. The I/O column in tables refers to signal I/O direction used in the application. 100427B Conexant 3-21 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 3.3.2 CX20431 AFE Electrical and Environmental Specifications CX20431 AFE DC electrical characteristics are listed Table 3-15. CX20431 AFE analog electrical characteristics are listed Table 3-16. CX20431 AFE operating conditions are specified in Table 3-17. CX20431 AFE absolute maximum ratings are stated in Table 3-18. CX20431 AFE power consumption is listed in Table 3-19. Table 3-15. CX20431 AFE DC Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Min. VIH VIL IIL VOH VOL IOLK Input high voltage Input low voltage Input leakage current Output high voltage Output low voltage Output leakage current Typ. Max. Units 0.65*VDD -0.35 -10 VDD+0.35 0.25*VDD 10 VDC VDC 0.85*VDD 0 10 VDD 0.1*VDD 10 Test Conditions (see Note 1) A VDC VDC A NOTES: 1. Test Conditions (unless otherwise stated): DVDD and AVDD = +5.0 0.25 VDC VIN (MAX) = +5.25V 2. Current flow out of the device is shown as minus. Table 3-16. CX20431 AFE Analog Electrical Characteristics Parameter Min Typ Max Units 2 2.1 20 Vp Vp nV/sqrt (Hz) nV/sqrt (Hz) dBFS Receive Path Differential input amplitude of in-band signal Differential input amplitude of echo Input-referred noise density in 170 kHz - 1104 kHz, gain = 27 dB Input-referred noise density in 170 kHz - 1104 kHz, gain = 0 dB Intermodulation product falling in the downstream band, from an echo tone with an in band signal, gain = 27 dB Intermodulation product falling in the downstream band, from 2 in band tones, gain = 0 dB In-band ripple Input resistance (single-ended) 15 150 -80 -80 dBFS 1.5 dB 85 Input capacitance (single-ended) 90 k pF Transmit Path Differential output amplitude Output-referred noise density in 25 kHz - 132 kHz Output-referred noise density in 170 kHz - 1104 kHz Intermodulation product from 2 in band tones In-band ripple Output resistive load (single-ended) 5 Output capacitive load (single-ended) 3-22 2 250 20 -80 1.25 20 300 20 Conexant Vp nV/sqrt (Hz) nV/sqrt (Hz) dBV dB k pF 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-17. CX20431 AFE Operating Conditions Parameter Power supply Operating ambient temperature Symbol Min Typ Max Units DVDD and AVDD TA 3.135 0 3.3 3.465 70 VDC C Table 3-18. CX20431 AFE Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min Max DVDD and AVDD -0.35 3.6 VDC Digital input voltage VIN -0.35 DVDD +0.35 VDC Analog input voltage VIN -0.35 AVDD +0.35 VDC Storage temperature TS -65 150 C Power supply Units Table 3-19. CX20431 AFE Power Consumption Mode DVDD AVDD Max. Current (mA) Typ. Current (mA) 25 40.5 Typ. Power (mW) Max. Power (mW) 83 134 NOTES: 3. Operating voltage: DVDD and AVDD = +3.3 VDC 0.165 VDC. 4. Test conditions: DVDD and AVDD = +3.3 VDC for typical values; DVDDO and AVDD = +3.465 VDC for maximum values. 100427B Conexant 3-23 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 3.4 CX20441 LD Hardware Interface Signals 3.4.1 CX20441 LD Hardware Signals, Pin Assignments, and Signal Definitions CX20441 LD hardware interface signals are shown in Figure 3-7. CX20441 LD pin assignments are shown in Figure 3-8. CX20441 LD hardware interface signals are defined in Table 3-20. 3-24 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet P5200 UIC CX20431 AFE LD_PC OUTP_TX OUTM_TX 5 23 2 PWRDWN# OUTP_DRV OUTM_DRV INP_DRV INM_DRV RBIAS +5V through filter 6 19 8 17 AVDD AVDD AVSS AVSS NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC CX20441 LINE DRIVER (LD) 32-PIN TQFP 18 7 4 HYBRID 124K 1 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 NC 100427_F3-7_HIS 20441 32T NC NC NC 26 25 NC NC 1 2 24 23 3 22 21 9 12 13 14 15 16 NC NC NC NC NC 8 CX20441 10 11 AVSS 20 19 NC AVDD OUTM_DRV 4 5 6 7 NC NC NC INM_DRV NC RBIAS PWRDWN# 28 27 NC 32 31 30 29 NC NC Figure 3-7. CX20441 LD Hardware Interface Signals NC INP_DRV NC NC NC 18 AVDD OUTP_DRV 17 AVSS 100427_F3-8 PO_20441_32T Figure 3-8. CX20441 LD Pin Signals - 32-Pin TQFP 100427B Conexant 3-25 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 3-20. CX20441 LD Hardware Signal Definitions Signal Name Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description P5200 UIC INTERFACE Power Down. Active low power down control input. Connect to UIC AFE_RST# PWRDWN# 5 I It INP_DRV 23 I Ia Input Driver Positive. Transmit driver input positive from the AFE. Connect to AFE OUTP_TX through 1 F. INM_DRV 2 I Ia Input Driver Negative. Transmit driver input negative input from the AFE. Connect to AFE OUTM_TX through 1 F. OUTP_DRV 18 O Oa Output Driver Positive. Transmit driver output positive to the hybrid circuit. Imax = 280 mA. OUTM_DRV 7 O Oa Output Driver Negative Transmit driver output negative to the hybrid circuit. Imax = 280 mA. CX20431 AFE INTERFACE HYBRID INTERFACE MISCELLANEOUS RBIAS 4 REF REF Bias. Current setting external resistor. Connect to GND through 124 k resistor (+1%). POWER AND GROUND AVDD 6, 19 PWR PWR AVSS 8, 17 GND GND Analog Power. Connect to +5V through filter. Analog Ground. Connect to GND. NO CONNECT NC No Connect. These pins are not connected to internal circuitry. 1, 3, 9-16, 20-22, 24-32 NOTES: I/O Types: See Table 3-21. Table 3-21. CX20441 LD Input/Output Type Descriptions I/O Type Description It Digital input, +5V tolerant, CIN = 8 pF Ia Oa Analog input Analog output NOTES: 1. See analog electrical characteristics in Table 3-22. 2. I/O Type corresponds to the device Pad Type. The I/O column in tables refers to signal I/O direction used in the application. 3-26 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 3.4.2 CX20441 LD Electrical and Environmental Specifications CX20441 LD analog electrical characteristics are listed Table 3-22. CX20441 LD operating conditions are specified in Table 3-23. CX20441 LD absolute maximum ratings are stated in Table 3-24. CX20441 LD power consumption is listed in Table 3-25. Table 3-22. CX20441 LD Analog Electrical Characteristics Parameter Min Differential output amplitude Differential input amplitude Input signal bandwidth Input referred noise density in 170 kHz - 1104 kHz Input referred noise density beyond 1104 kHz Intermodulation product falling in the downstream band from two in-band tones (100 kHz and 120 kHz) Differential gain In-band ripple Input capacitance (single-ended) Input resistance (single-ended) Typ 25..132 5 Max Units 4.485 2.0 Vp Vp kHz nV/sqrt (Hz) nV/sqrt (Hz) dBV 10 270 -75 7.014 0.05 15 dB dB PF 10 k pF 20 Output capacitance (single-ended) Output resistive load (single-ended) 18.36 Table 3-23. CX20441 LD Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Power supply Operating ambient temperature AVDD TA 4.75 0 5 5.25 70 VDC C Table 3-24. CX20441 LD Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Power supply Symbol Min Max Units AVDD -0.35 7 VDC Digital input voltage VIN -0.35 AVDD + 0.35 VDC Analog input voltage VIN -0.35 AVDD + 0.35 VDC Storage temperature TS -65 150 C Table 3-25. CX20441 LD Power Consumption Mode AVDD Typ. Current (mA) Max. Current (mA) Typ. Power (mW) Max. Power (mW) 18 24 90 126 NOTES: 1. Operating voltage: AVDD = +5.0 VDC 0.25 VDC. 2. Test conditions: AVDD = +5.0 VDC for typical values; AVDD = +5.25 VDC for maximum values; modem in Showtime mode. 100427B Conexant 3-27 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet This page is intentionally blank. 3-28 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 4. USB General Operation 4.1 Descriptors USB devices report their attributes using descriptors. A descriptor is a data structure with a defined format, which begins with a byte-wide field that contains the total number of bytes in the descriptor followed by a byte-wide field that identifies the descriptor type. Class and vendor specific descriptors may be returned in one of two ways. Class and vendor specific descriptors that are related to standard descriptors are returned in the same data buffer as the standard descriptor. If a class or vendor specific descriptor is not related to a standard descriptor, it is returned using class or vendor specific requests. 4.1.1 Device Descriptor A device descriptor describes general information about a USB device, which applies globally to the device and all of the device's configurations (Table 4-1). A USB device has only one device descriptor. Vendor ID, Product ID, and Device Release Number can be changed. The Manufacturer Name, Product Name, and Serial Number can also be customized. 100427B Conexant 4-1 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet Table 4-1. Device Descriptors Offset Field Size Value Default (Hex.) Description Size of this descriptor in bytes. DEVICE Descriptor Type. USB Specification Release Number in Binary-Coded Decimal (i.e., 2.10 is 0x210). This field identifies the release of the USB Specification that the device and its descriptors are compliant with. Class code (assigned by USB). If this field is reset to 0, each interface within a configuration specifies its own class information and the various interfaces operate independently. If this field is set to a value between 1 and 0xFE, the device supports different class specifications on different interfaces and the interfaces may not operate independently. This value identifies the class definition used for the aggregate interfaces. (For example, a CD-ROM device with audio and digital data interfaces that require transport control to eject CDs or start them spinning.) If this field is set to 0xFF, the device class is vendor specific. Subclass code (assigned by USB). These codes are qualified by the value of the bDeviceClass field. If the bDeviceClass field is reset to 0, this field must also be reset to 0. If the bDeviceClass field is not set to 0xFF, all values are reserved for assignment by USB. Protocol code (assigned by USB). These codes are qualified by the value of the bDeviceClass and the bDeviceSubClass fields. If a device supports class-specific protocols on a device basis as opposed to an interface basis, this code identifies the protocols that the device uses as defined by the specification of the device class. If this field is reset to 0, the device does not use class specific protocols on a device basis. However, it may use class specific protocols on an interface basis. If this field is set to 0xFF, the device uses a vendor specific protocol on a device basis. Maximum packet size for endpoint zero (only 8, 16, 32, or 64 are valid). Vendor ID (assigned by USB). Product ID (assigned by the manufacturer). Device release number in binary-coded decimal. Index of string descriptor describing manufacturer. Index of string descriptor describing product. Index of string descriptor describing the device's serial number. Number of possible configurations. 0 1 2 bLength bDescriptorType bcdUSB 1 1 2 Number Constant BCD 12 01 0110 4 bDeviceClass 1 Class 00 5 bDeviceSubClass 1 SubClass 00 6 bDeviceProtocol 1 Protocol 00 7 bMaxPacketSize0 1 Number 40 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 idVendor idProduct bcdDevice iManufacturer iProduct iSerialNumber bNumConfigurations 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 ID ID BCD Index Index Index Number 0572 CAFE 0001 01 02 03 01 4-2 Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 4.1.2 Configuration Descriptor A configuration descriptor describes information about a specific device configuration (see Table 4-2). The descriptor describes the number of interfaces provided by the configuration. Table 4-2. Configuration Descriptors Offset Field Size Value Default (Hex.) Description Size of this descriptor in bytes. CONFIGURATION. Total length of data returned for this configuration. Includes the combined length of all descriptors (configuration, interface, endpoint, and class or vendor specific) returned for this configuration. Number of interfaces supported by this configuration. Value to use as an argument to Set Configuration to select this configuration. Index of string descriptor describing this configuration. Configuration characteristics D7 Bus Powered D6 Self Powered D5 Remote Wakeup D4..0 Reserved (reset to 0) A device configuration that uses power from the bus and a local source sets both D7 and D6. The actual power source at runtime may be determined using the Get Status device request. If a device configuration supports remote wakeup, D5 is set to 1. Maximum power consumption of USB device from the bus in this specific configuration when the device is fully operational. Expressed in 2 mA units (i.e., 50 = 100 mA). Note: A device configuration reports whether the configuration is bus-powered or self-powered. Device status reports whether the device is currently self-powered. If a device is disconnected from its external power source, it updates device status to indicate that it is no longer self-powered. A device may not increase its power draw from the bus, when it loses its external power source, beyond the amount reported by its configuration. If a device can continue to operate when disconnected from its external power source, it continues to do so. If the device cannot continue to operate, it fails operations it can no longer support. Host software may determine the cause of the failure by checking the status and noting the loss of the device's power source. 0 1 2 bLength bDescriptorType wTotalLength 1 1 2 Number Constant Number 09 02 0043 4 5 bNumInterfaces bConfigurationValue 1 1 Number Number 01 01 6 7 iConfiguration bmAttributes 1 1 Index Bitmap 00 A0 8 MaxPower 1 mA FA 100427B Conexant 4-3 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 4.1.3 Interface Descriptor An interface descriptor describes a specific interface provided by the associated configuration (see Table 4-3). It is always returned as part of a configuration descriptor. An interface descriptor never includes endpoint zero in the number of endpoints. Table 4-3. Interface Descriptors Offset Field Size Value Default (Hex.) Description Size of this descriptor in bytes. INTERFACE Descriptor Type. Number of interface. Zero-based value identifying the index in the array of concurrent interfaces supported by this configuration. Value used to select alternate setting for the interface identified in the prior field. Number of endpoints used by this interface (excluding endpoint zero). If this value is 0, this interface only uses endpoint zero. Class code (assigned by USB). If this field is reset to 0, the interface does not belong to any USB specified device class. If this field is set to 0xFF, the interface class is vendor specific. All other values are reserved for assignment by USB. Subclass code (assigned by USB). These codes are qualified by the value of the bInterfaceClass field. 0 1 2 bLength bDescriptorType bInterfaceNumber 1 1 1 Number Constant Number 09 04 00 3 bAlternateSetting 1 Number 00 4 bNumEndpoints 1 Number 07 5 bInterfaceClass 1 Class 00 6 bInterfaceSubClass 1 SubClass 00 If the bInterfaceClass field is reset to 0, this field must also be reset to 0. 7 bInterfaceProtocol 1 Protocol 00 8 iInterface 1 Index 00 4-4 If the bInterfaceClass field is not set to 0xFF, all values are reserved for assignment by USB. Protocol code (assigned by USB). These codes are qualified by the value of the bInterfaceClass and the bInterfaceSubClass fields. If an interface supports class-specific requests, this code identifies the protocols that the device uses as defined by the specification of the device class. If this field is reset to 0, the device does not use a class specific protocol on this interface. If this field is set to 0xFF, the device uses a vendor specific protocol for this interface. Index of string descriptor describing this interface. Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 4.1.4 Endpoint Descriptor Each endpoint used for an interface has its own descriptor, which contains the information required by the host to determine the bandwidth requirements of each endpoint (see Table 4-4). An endpoint descriptor, like an Interface Descriptor, is always returned as part of a configuration descriptor. The default values are: Bulk In 1: 07058102400000 Bulk Out 1: 07050102400000 Bulk In 2: 07058202400000 Bulk Out 2: 07050202400000 Bulk In 3: 07058302400000 Bulk Out 3: 07050302400000 Bulk In 4: 07058402400000 Bulk Out 4: 07050402400000 Table 4-4. Endpoint Descriptors Offset Size Value Description 0 1 2 bLength bDescriptorType bEndpointAddress 1 1 1 Number Constant Endpoint 3 bmAttributes 1 Bit Map 4 wMaxPacketSize 2 Number 6 bInterval 1 Number Size of this descriptor in bytes. ENDPOINT Descriptor Type. The address of the endpoint on the USB device described by this descriptor. The address is encoded as follows: Bit 0..3: The endpoint number Bit 4..6: Reserved, reset to 0 Bit 7: Direction, ignored for control endpoints 0 OUT endpoint 1 IN endpoint This field describes the endpoint's attributes when it is configured using the bConfigurationValue. Bit 0..1: Transfer Type 00 Control 01 Isochronous 10 Bulk 11 Interrupt All other bits are reserved Maximum packet size this endpoint is capable of sending or receiving when this configuration is selected. For isochronous endpoints, this value is used to reserve the bus time in the schedule, required for the per frame data payloads. The pipe may, on an ongoing basis, actually use less bandwidth than that reserved. The device reports, if necessary, the actual bandwidth used via its normal, non-USB defined mechanisms. For interrupt, bulk, and control endpoints smaller data payloads may be sent, but will terminate the transfer and may or may not require intervention to restart. Refer to Chapter 5 for more information. Interval for polling endpoint for data transfers. Expressed in milliseconds. This field is ignored for bulk and control endpoints. For isochronous endpoints this field must be set to 1. For interrupt endpoints, this field may range from 1 to 255. 100427B Field Conexant 4-5 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 4.1.5 Enumeration The enumeration process consists of the following steps: 1. Get device descriptor. The host requests and reads the device descriptor to determine maximum packet size. 2. Set address. The host sends the function address in a data packet using function endpoint 0. Device firmware interprets this data. 3. Get device descriptor. The host requests and reads the device descriptor to determine such information as device class, USB Specification compliance level, maximum packet size for endpoint 0, vendor id, product id. Etc. 4. Get configuration descriptor. The host requests and reads the device configuration descriptor to determine such information as the number of interfaces and endpoints; endpoint transfer type, packet size, and direction; power source ;maximum power; etc. When the host requests the configuration descriptor, all related interface and endpoint descriptors are returned. 5. Set configuration. The host assigns a configuration value to the device to establish the current configuration. 4.1.6 Endpoint Pairs Data transfers with the host are made to/from endpoint pairs on the USB module. The five function endpoint pairs are listed in Table 4-5. Table 4-5. Endpoint Pairs 4.1.7 Endpoint Pair Max. Packet Size Max. Packet Size USB Data Transfer Types Function Endpoint 0 Function Endpoint 1 Function Endpoint 2 Function Endpoint 3 Function Endpoint 4 64 bytes 64 bytes 64 bytes 64 bytes 64 bytes 64 bytes 64 bytes 64 bytes 64 bytes 64 bytes Control Bulk Bulk Bulk Bulk Language ID Table See Language ID data in Table 4-6. Table 4-6. Language ID Table Offset 0 1 2 4.1.8 Field bLength bDescriptorType Size Value Default (Hex.) 1 1 2 Number Constant Number 04 03 0409 Description Size of this descriptor in bytes. INTERFACE Descriptor Type. Manufacturer String Table See Manufacturer String data in Table 4-7. Table 4-7. Manufacturer String Table Offset 0 1 2 4-6 Field bLength bDescriptorType Size Value Default (Hex.) 1 1 2 Number Constant 04 03 00 '-' Description Size of this descriptor in bytes. INTERFACE Descriptor Type. Manufacturer string, in unicode Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 4.1.9 Product ID String Table See Product ID String data in Table 4-8. Table 4-8. Product ID String Table Offset 0 1 2 100427B Field bLength bDescriptorType Size Value Default (Hex.) 1 1 28 Number Constant 1E 03 00 'A' 00 'D' 00 'S' 00 'L' 00 '' 00 'U' 00 'S' 00 'B' 00 '' 00 'M' 00 'O' 00 'D' 00 'E' 00 'M' Description Size of this descriptor in bytes. INTERFACE Descriptor Type. Product ID string, in unicode Conexant 4-7 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 4.1.10 Serial Number String Table See Serial Number String data in Table 4-9. Table 4-9. Serial Number String Table Offset Field Size Value Default (Hex.) Description 0 bLength 1 Number 12 1 bDescriptorType 1 Constant 03 INTERFACE Descriptor Type. FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Serial number string, in unicode. A serial number string that is all FF will cause the firmware to generate a pseudorandom serial number string. 2 4-8 16 Size of this descriptor in bytes. Conexant 100427B AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet 5. Package Dimensions The package dimensions are shown in Figure 5-1 (176-pin TQFP) and Figure 5-2 (32-pin TQFP). 16.00 0.15 14.00 0.05 12.00 REF 0.500 BSC 14.00 0.05 13.87 0.05 16.00 0.15 14.00 0.05 12.00 REF PIN 1 REF 0.22 0.05 13.87 0.05 DETAIL A 14.00 0.05 0.50 REF 1.00 .05 0.14 .03 0.60 +0.15, -0.10 0.10 .05 COPLANARITY = 0.08 MAX. Ref. 100-PIN TQFP (GP00-D530) 1.00 REF DETAIL A PD-TQFP-100-D530 (032699) Figure 5-1. Package Dimensions - 176-Pin TQFP 100427B Conexant 5-1 AccessRunner ADSL-USB Modem Device Set Data Sheet D D1 D2 PIN 1 REF D D1 D1 D2 b e DETAIL A Dim. A A1 D1 A2 D D1 A A2 Inches* Max. Min. Millimeters Max. Min. 1.6 MAX 0.0630 MAX 0.15 0.05 1.4 REF 0.0020 9.25 8.75 7.0 REF 0.3445 0.0059 0.0551 REF 0.3642 0.2756 REF D2 5.6 REF L 0.0197 0.0295 L1 0.75 0.5 1.0 REF e 0.80 BSC 0.0315 BSC 0.2205 REF 0.0394 REF b 0.30 0.40 0.0118 0.0157 c 0.19 0.13 0.10 MAX 0.0051 0.0075 Coplanarity 0.004 MAX Ref: 32-PIN TQFP (GP00-D262) c A1 L * Metric values (millimeters) should be used for PCB layout. English values (inches) are converted from metric values and may include round-off errors. L1 DETAIL A PD-TQFP-32 (040395) Figure 5-2. Package Dimensions - 32-Pin TQFP 5-2 Conexant 100427B NOTES 0.0 Sales Offices Further Information (800) 854-8099 (North America) (949) 483-6996 (International) Printed in USA World Headquarters Conexant Systems, Inc. 4311 Jamboree Road Newport Beach, CA 92660-3007 Phone: (949) 483-4600 Fax 1: (949) 483-4078 Fax 2: (949) 483-4391 Europe North - England Phone: +44 1344 486444 Fax: +44 1344 486555 Europe - Israel/Greece Phone: +972 9 9524000 Fax: +972 9 9573732 Europe South - France Phone: +33 1 41 44 36 51 Fax: +33 1 41 44 36 90 Europe Mediterranean - Italy Phone: +39 02 93179911 Fax: +39 02 93179913 Americas U.S. Northwest/ Pacific Northwest - Santa Clara Phone: (408) 249-9696 Fax: (408) 249-7113 U.S. Southwest - Los Angeles Phone: (805) 376-0559 Fax: (805) 376-8180 Europe - Sweden Phone: +46 (0) 8 5091 4319 Fax: +46 (0) 8 590 041 10 Europe - Finland Phone: +358 (0) 9 85 666 435 Fax: +358 (0) 9 85 666 220 Asia - Pacific U.S. Southwest - Orange County Phone: (949) 483-9119 Fax: (949) 483-9090 Taiwan Phone: (886-2) 2-720-0282 Fax: (886-2) 2-757-6760 U.S. Southwest - San Diego Phone: (858) 713-3374 Fax: (858) 713-4001 Australia Phone: (61-2) 9869 4088 Fax: (61-2) 9869 4077 U.S. North Central - Illinois Phone: (630) 773-3454 Fax: (630) 773-3907 China - Central Phone: 86-21-6361-2515 Fax: 86-21-6361-2516 U.S. South Central - Texas Phone: (972) 733-0723 Fax: (972) 407-0639 China - South Phone: (852) 2 827-0181 Fax: (852) 2 827-6488 U.S. Northeast - Massachusetts Phone: (978) 367-3200 Fax: (978) 256-6868 China - South (Satellite) Phone: (86) 755-5182495 U.S. Southeast - North Carolina Phone: (919) 858-9110 Fax: (919) 858-8669 U.S. Southeast - Florida/ South America Phone: (727) 799-8406 Fax: (727) 799-8306 U.S. Mid-Atlantic - Pennsylvania Phone: (215) 244-6784 Fax: (215) 244-9292 Canada - Ontario Phone: (613) 271-2358 Fax: (613) 271-2359 China - North Phone: (86-10) 8529-9777 Fax: (86-10) 8529-9778 India Phone: (91-11) 692-4789 Fax: (91-11) 692-4712 Korea Phone: (82-2) 565-2880 Fax: (82-2) 565-1440 Korea (Satellite) Phone: (82-53) 745-2880 Fax: (82-53) 745-1440 Singapore Phone: (65) 737 7355 Fax: (65) 737 9077 Europe Europe Central - Germany Phone: +49 89 829-1320 Fax: +49 89 834-2734 Japan Phone: (81-3) 5371 1520 Fax: (81-3) 5371 1501