SCAN921025, SCAN921226
When the Deserializer synchronizes to the Serializer, the LOCK pin is low. The Deserializer locks to the
embedded clock and uses it to recover the serialized data. ROUT data is valid when LOCK is low. Otherwise
ROUT0–ROUT9 is invalid.
The ROUT0-ROUT9 pins use the RCLK pin as the reference to data. The polarity of the RCLK edge is controlled
by the RCLK_R/F input. See Figure 15.
ROUT(0-9), LOCK and RCLK outputs will drive a maximum of three CMOS input gates (15 pF load) with a 80
MHz clock.
When the Deserializer PLL locks to the embedded clock edge, the Deserializer LOCK pin asserts a low. If the
Deserializer loses lock, the LOCK pin output will go high and the outputs (including RCLK) will enter TRI-STATE.
The user's system monitors the LOCK pin to detect a loss of synchronization. Upon detection, the system can
arrange to pulse the Serializer SYNC1 or SYNC2 pin to resynchronize. Multiple resynchronization approaches
are possible. One recommendation is to provide a feedback loop using the LOCK pin itself to control the sync
request of the Serializer (SYNC1 or SYNC2). Dual SYNC pins are provided for multiple control in a multi-drop
application. Sending sync patterns for resynchronization is desirable when lock times within a specific time are
critical. However, the Deserializer can lock to random data, which is discussed in the next section.
Random Lock Initialization and Resynchronization
The initialization and resynchronization methods described in their respective sections are the fastest ways to
establish the link between the Serializer and Deserializer. However, the SCAN921226 can attain lock to a data
stream without requiring the Serializer to send special SYNC patterns. This allows the SCAN921226 to operate
in “open-loop” applications. Equally important is the Deserializer's ability to support hot insertion into a running
backplane. In the open loop or hot insertion case, we assume the data stream is essentially random. Therefore,
because lock time varies due to data stream characteristics, we cannot possibly predict exact lock time.
However, please see Table 1 for some general random lock times under specific conditions. The primary
constraint on the “random” lock time is the initial phase relation between the incoming data and the REFCLK
when the Deserializer powers up. As described in the next paragraph, the data contained in the data stream can
also affect lock time.
If a specific pattern is repetitive, the Deserializer could enter “false lock” - falsely recognizing the data pattern as
the clocking bits. We refer to such a pattern as a repetitive multi-transition, RMT. This occurs when more than
one Low-High transition takes place in a clock cycle over multiple cycles. This occurs when any bit, except DIN
9, is held at a low state and the adjacent bit is held high, creating a 0-1 transition. In the worst case, the
Deserializer could become locked to the data pattern rather than the clock. Circuitry within the SCAN921226 can
detect that the possibility of “false lock” exists. The circuitry accomplishes this by detecting more than one
potential position for clocking bits. Upon detection, the circuitry will prevent the LOCK output from becoming
active until the potential “false lock” pattern changes. The false lock detect circuitry expects the data will
eventually change, causing the Deserializer to lose lock to the data pattern and then continue searching for clock
bits in the serial data stream. Graphical representations of RMT are shown in Figure 3. Please note that RMT
only applies to bits DIN0-DIN8.
When no data transfer occurs, you can use the Powerdown state. The Serializer and Deserializer use the
Powerdown state, a low power sleep mode, to reduce power consumption. The Deserializer enters Powerdown
when you drive PWRDN and REN low. The Serializer enters Powerdown when you drive PWRDN low. In
Powerdown, the PLL stops and the outputs enter TRI-STATE, which disables load current and reduces supply
current to the milliampere range. To exit Powerdown, you must drive the PWRDN pin high.
Before valid data exchanges between the Serializer and Deserializer, you must reinitialize and resynchronize the
devices to each other. Initialization of the Serializer takes 510 TCLK cycles. The Deserializer will initialize and
assert LOCK high until lock to the Bus LVDS clock occurs.
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