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The DS1230W 3.3V 256k Nonvo latile SRAM is a 262,144-bit, full y st atic, no nvo latile SRAM o rg anized
as 32,768 words by 8 bits. Each NV SRAM has a self-contained lithium energy source and control
circuitry, whi ch constan tly monitors VCC fo r an out-of-to lerance cond it ion. When suc h a co nditio n occu r s,
t he lithiu m energ y so urce is auto mat ically sw itc hed o n and wr ite p ro t ect io n is uncondit ionally enabled to
preve nt dat a corrupt ion. DIP-package DS1230W devices can be used in place of existing 32k x 8 static
RAMs directly conforming to the popular bytewide 28-pin DIP st andard. T he DIP d evice s a lso mat ch t he
pinout of 28256 EEPROMs, allowing direct substitution while enhancing performance. DS1230W
devices in the PowerCap Mo dule package are d ir ect ly sur face mou ntable and are normally paired w it h a
DS903 4P C PowerCap to form a comp let e Nonvolat ile SRAM Module. There is no limit o n t he number of
write cycles that can be executed and no additional support circuitry is required for microprocessor
The DS1230W executes a read cycle whenever
(Write Enable) is inactive (high) and
Ena ble ) and
(Output Enable) are active (low). The unique address specified by the 15 address inputs
(A0 – A14) defines w hich of the 32,76 8 byt es o f da ta is t o be accessed. Va lid dat a will be availa ble to the
e ig h t dat a o utput driver s w it h in tACC (Acces s T ime) after the last address input signal is stable, pro viding
(Output Enable) access times are also satisfied. If
access times are not
sat isfied, t he n dat a access must be measured fro m t he later -occurring s ig na l (
) and t he lim itin g
parameter is either tCO for
or tOE for
rather than address access.
The DS1230W executes a write cycle whenever the
signals are active (low) after address
input s are stab le. The lat er -o ccurring falling edge of
w ill det ermine the st art of the writ e cycle .
The write cycle is terminated by the earlier rising edge of
. All address inputs must be kept
valid throughout the write cycle.
must return to the high state for a minimum recovery time (tWR)
before another cycle can be initiated. The
control signal should be kept inactive (high) during write
c ycle s t o a void bus co ntent io n. H oweve r, if the out put drivers are enabled (
ac tive) t he n
will dis ab le the outp uts i n tODW from it s falling edge.
The DS1230W provides full fu nctional capabilit y fo r VCC great er t han 3.0 vo lt s and wr ite pr ot ect s by 2.8
vo lt s. Dat a is ma inta ined in t he abse nce o f VCC w ithout any add itio nal suppor t circuit ry. The nonvo latile
static RAMs constantly monitor VCC. Should the supply voltage decay, the NV SRAMs automatically
write p rotect t hemse lves, a l l input s become “do n’t car e,” and a ll output s become h ig h-impedan ce. As VCC
falls below approximately 2.5 volts, a power switching circuit connects the lithium energy source to
RAM to retain data. During power-up, when VCC rises above approximately 2.5 volts, the power
switching circuit connects external VCC to RAM and disconnects the lithium energy source. Normal
RAM op er ation can resu me a fter VCC exceeds 3.0 volts.
Each DS1230 W device is shipped fro m Maxim w it h its lit h iu m energ y so ur ce disco nn ected , gu ar ant eeing
fu ll e ne r g y c ap acity. Whe n VCC is first app lied at a leve l great er than 3. 0 vo lt s, the lit hium e nerg y s ou rce
is enabled for bat tery back-up o peration.