2003 Microchip Technology Inc. DS21073J-page 11
The cache is a 64-byte (8 pages x 8 bytes) FIFO buffer .
The cache allows the loading of up to 64 bytes of data
before the write cycle is actually begun, effectively
providing a 64-byte burst write at the maximum bus
rate. When ever a Write command is initi ated, the cache
start s load ing and will contin ue to load un til a Stop bit is
received to start the internal write cycle. The total
length of the write cycle will depend on how many
pages are loaded into the cache before the Stop bit is
given. Maximum cycle time for each p age is 5 ms. Even
if a page is only partially loaded, it will still require the
same cy cle time a s a full page. If more than 64 bytes of
data are loaded before the Stop bit is given, the
address pointer will ‘wrap around’ to the beginning of
cache page 0 and existing bytes in the cache will be
overwritten. The device will not respond to any
comm ands while the wri te cycle is in progress.
7.1 Cache Write Starting at a Page
If a Write command begins at a page boundary
(address bits A2, A1 and A0 are zero), then all data
loaded into the cache will be written to the array in
sequential addresses. This includes writing across a
4K block boundary. In the example shown below,
(Figure 8-2) a Write command is initiated starting at
byte 0 of page 3 with a fully loaded cache (64 bytes).
The firs t by te in the cach e i s wri tte n to by te 0 o f p a ge 3
(of the array), with the remaining pages in the cache
written to seque ntial p age s in the array. A wri te cycle i s
executed after each page is written. Since the write
begins at page 3 and 8 pages are loaded into the
cache, the last 3 pages of the cache are written to the
next row in the array.
7.2 Cache Write Starting at a
Non-Page Boundary
When a Writ e comm and is in iti ated tha t does not begin
at a page boundary (i.e., address bits A2, A1 and A0
are not all zero), it is important to note how the data is
loaded in to the cache , and how the dat a in the cache is
written to the arra y . When a W rite command begins, th e
first byte loaded into the cache is always loaded into
page 0. The byte within page 0 of the cache where the
load be gins is determined by the three Lea st Significant
Address bits (A2, A1, A0) that were sent as part of the
W rite command . If the Write co mmand does no t start at
byte 0 of a page and the cache i s ful ly lo ade d, the n the
last byte(s) loaded into the cache will roll around to
page 0 o f the ca ch e and fi ll th e rem aining e mp ty by tes .
If more than 64 b ytes of dat a are load ed into the cach e,
data already loaded will be overwr itte n. In the e xam pl e
shown in Figure 8-3, a Write command has been
initiated starting at byte 2 of page 3 in the array with a
fully l oad ed cache of 64 by tes . Si nc e t he cac he s t arted
loading at byte 2, the last two bytes loaded into the
cache will ‘roll over' and be loaded into the first two
bytes of page 0 (of the cache). When the Stop bit is
sent, page 0 of the cache is written to page 3 of the
array. The remaining pages in the cache are then
loaded sequentially to the array. A write cycle is
execute d after each page is wr itten. If a partially lo aded
page in the cache remains when the Stop bit is sent,
only the bytes that have been loaded will be written to
the array.
7.3 Power Management
The design incorporates a power Standby mode when
not in use and au tomatically powers of f after the normal
terminat ion of any operation when a S top bit is received
and all internal functions are complete. This includes
any error conditions (i.e., not receiving an Acknowl-
edge or Stop condition per the two-wire bus specifica-
tion). The device also incorporates VDD monitor
circuitry to prevent inadvertent writes (data corruption)
during l ow voltage conditio ns. The VDD monitor circuitry
is powered off when the device is in Standby mode in
order to f urther reduce power consumption.
8.1 A0, A1, A2 Chip Address Inputs
The A0..A2 in puts are used by the 24XX65 for m ult ipl e
device operation and conform to the two-wire bus
standard. The levels applied to these pins define the
address block occupied by the device in the address
map. A parti cu lar de vi ce is s ele cte d by transmit ting th e
corresponding bits (A2, A1, A0) in the control byte
(Figure 3-2 and Figure 8-1).
8.2 SDA Serial Address/Data Input/
This is a bidirectional pin used to transfer addresses
and data into and data out of the device. It is an open
drain terminal, therefore the SDA bus requires a pull-up
resistor to VCC (typic al 10 KΩ for 100 kHz, 2 KΩ for 400
For norma l data trans fer SDA is allowed to change onl y
during SCL low. Changes during SCL high are
reserved for indicating the Start and Stop conditions.
8.3 SCL Serial Clock
This inpu t is used to sy nchronize the data tra nsfer from
and to the device.