RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
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1 About the RapidIO II IP Core...........................................................................................6
1.1 Features................................................................................................................7
1.1.1 Supported Transactions............................................................................... 8
1.2 Device Family Support.............................................................................................9
1.3 IP Core Verification................................................................................................. 9
1.3.1 Simulation Testing.....................................................................................10
1.3.2 Hardware Testing...................................................................................... 10
1.3.3 Interoperability Testing.............................................................................. 11
1.4 Performance and Resource Utilization...................................................................... 11
1.5 Device Speed Grades............................................................................................ 12
1.6 Release Information.............................................................................................. 13
2 Getting Started.............................................................................................................. 14
2.1 Installing and Licensing IP Cores.............................................................................14
2.2 OpenCore Plus IP Evaluation...................................................................................15
2.3 Generating IP Cores.............................................................................................. 15
2.3.1 IP Core Generation Output (Quartus Prime Pro Edition).................................. 17
2.4 Generating IP Cores (Legacy Editors).......................................................................20
2.4.1 IP Core Generation Output (Quartus Prime Standard Edition)..........................21
2.5 Specific Instructions for RapidIO II IP Core...............................................................22
2.6 Simulating IP Cores...............................................................................................23
2.6.1 Simulating the Testbench with the ModelSim Simulator.................................. 24
2.6.2 Simulating the Testbench with the VCS Simulator..........................................25
2.7 Integrating Your IP Core in Your Design................................................................... 25
2.7.1 Dynamic Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller............................................ 25
2.7.2 Transceiver PHY Reset Controller.................................................................26
2.7.3 Transceiver Settings.................................................................................. 27
2.7.4 Adding Transceiver Analog Settings for Arria V GZ and Stratix V Variations....... 27
2.7.5 External Transceiver PLL............................................................................ 27
2.8 Compiling the Full Design and Programming the FPGA............................................... 28
2.9 Instantiating Multiple RapidIO II IP Cores in V-series FPGA devices..............................28
3 Parameter Settings........................................................................................................ 30
3.1 Physical Layer Settings.......................................................................................... 30
3.1.1 Supported Modes...................................................................................... 31
3.1.2 Maximum Baud Rate................................................................................. 31
3.1.3 Reference Clock Frequency.........................................................................31
3.1.4 Transceiver Settings.................................................................................. 31
3.2 Transport Layer Settings........................................................................................ 33
3.2.1 Enable 16-Bit Device ID Width.................................................................... 33
3.2.2 Enable Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface.....................................................33
3.2.3 Disable Destination ID Checking..................................................................34
3.3 Logical Layer Settings............................................................................................34
3.3.1 Maintenance Module Settings......................................................................34
3.3.2 Doorbell Module Settings........................................................................... 34
3.3.3 I/O Master Module Settings........................................................................ 35
3.3.4 I/O Slave Module Settings..........................................................................35
3.4 Capability Registers Settings.................................................................................. 36
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
3.4.1 Device Identity CAR.................................................................................. 36
3.4.2 Device Information CAR.............................................................................36
3.4.3 Assembly Identity CAR.............................................................................. 36
3.4.4 Assembly Information CAR......................................................................... 37
3.4.5 Processing Element Features CAR................................................................37
3.4.6 Switch Port Information CAR...................................................................... 38
3.4.7 Switch Route Table Destination ID Limit CAR.................................................39
3.4.8 Data Streaming Information CAR................................................................ 39
3.4.9 Source Operations CAR..............................................................................39
3.4.10 Destination Operations CAR...................................................................... 39
3.5 Command and Status Registers Settings.................................................................. 40
3.5.1 Data Streaming Logical Layer Control CSR....................................................40
3.5.2 Port General Control CSR........................................................................... 40
3.5.3 Port 0 Control CSR.................................................................................... 41
3.5.4 Lane n Status 0 CSR................................................................................. 41
3.5.5 Extended Features Pointer CSR................................................................... 41
3.6 Error Management Registers Settings...................................................................... 41
4 Functional Description................................................................................................... 43
4.1 Interfaces............................................................................................................ 43
4.1.1 Avalon-MM Master and Slave Interfaces....................................................... 43
4.1.2 Avalon-ST Interface...................................................................................44
4.1.3 RapidIO Interface......................................................................................44
4.2 Clocking and Reset Structure..................................................................................45
4.2.1 Avalon System Clock................................................................................. 45
4.2.2 Reference Clock........................................................................................ 45
4.2.3 Recovered Data Clock................................................................................45
4.2.4 Clock Rate Relationships in the RapidIO II IP Core.........................................46
4.2.5 Clock Domains in Your Qsys System............................................................ 46
4.2.6 Reset for RapidIO II IP Cores......................................................................46
4.3 Logical Layer Interfaces......................................................................................... 49
4.3.1 Register Access Interface........................................................................... 50
4.3.2 Input/Output Logical Layer Modules.............................................................51
4.3.3 Maintenance Module..................................................................................75
4.3.4 Doorbell Module........................................................................................86
4.3.5 Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface............................................................... 91
4.4 Transport Layer...................................................................................................112
4.4.1 Receiver.................................................................................................112
4.4.2 Transmitter............................................................................................ 113
4.5 Physical Layer.....................................................................................................115
4.5.1 Low-level Interface Receiver..................................................................... 116
4.5.2 Low-Level Interface Transmitter................................................................ 116
4.6 Error Detection and Management.......................................................................... 119
4.6.1 Physical Layer Error Management.............................................................. 119
4.6.2 Logical Layer Error Management............................................................... 120
4.6.3 Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface............................................................. 125
5 Signals......................................................................................................................... 126
5.1 Global Signals.....................................................................................................126
5.2 Physical Layer Signals..........................................................................................127
5.2.1 Status Packet and Error Monitoring Signals................................................. 128
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
5.2.2 Low Latency Signals................................................................................ 128
5.2.3 Transceiver Signals..................................................................................129
5.2.4 Register-Related Signals...........................................................................133
5.3 Logical and Transport Layer Signals....................................................................... 134
5.3.1 Avalon-MM Interface Signals.....................................................................134
5.3.2 Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Signals.................................................. 138
5.3.3 Data Streaming Support Signals................................................................140
5.3.4 Transport Layer Packet and Error Monitoring Signal......................................140
5.4 Error Management Extension Signals..................................................................... 141
5.4.1 Error Reporting Signals............................................................................ 143
6 Software Interface.......................................................................................................145
6.1 Memory Map...................................................................................................... 146
6.1.1 CAR Memory Map....................................................................................146
6.1.2 CSR Memory Map....................................................................................147
6.1.3 LP-Serial Extended Features Block Memory Map.......................................... 147
6.1.4 LP-Serial Lane Extended Features Block Memory Map...................................148
6.1.5 Error Management Extensions Extended Features Block Memory Map............. 148
6.1.6 Maintenance Module Registers Memory Map................................................149
6.1.7 I/O Logical Layer Master Module Registers Memory Map............................... 149
6.1.8 I/O Logical Layer Slave Module Registers Memory Map................................. 150
6.1.9 Doorbell Module Registers Memory Map......................................................150
6.2 Physical Layer Registers.......................................................................................150
6.2.1 LP-Serial Extended Features Block Memory Map.......................................... 151
6.2.2 LP-Serial Lane Extended Features Block Memory Map...................................162
6.3 Transport and Logical Layer Registers.................................................................... 168
6.3.1 Capability Registers (CARs)...................................................................... 168
6.3.2 Command and Status Registers (CSRs)...................................................... 175
6.3.3 Maintenance Module Registers.................................................................. 178
6.3.4 I/O Logical Layer Master Module Registers.................................................. 182
6.3.5 I/O Logical Layer Slave Module Registers....................................................183
6.3.6 Error Management Registers.....................................................................187
6.3.7 Doorbell Message Registers...................................................................... 199
7 Testbench.................................................................................................................... 203
7.1 Testbench Overview.............................................................................................203
7.2 Testbench Sequence............................................................................................ 205
7.2.1 Reset, Initialization, and Configuration....................................................... 205
7.2.2 Maintenance Write and Read Transactions...................................................206
7.2.3 SWRITE Transactions............................................................................... 207
7.2.4 NREAD Transactions................................................................................ 208
7.2.5 NWRITE_R Transactions........................................................................... 208
7.2.6 NWRITE Transactions...............................................................................209
7.2.7 Doorbell Transactions...............................................................................210
7.2.8 Port-Write Transactions............................................................................ 210
7.2.9 Transactions Across the AVST Pass-Through Interface.................................. 211
7.3 Testbench Completion..........................................................................................211
7.4 Transceiver Level Connections in the Testbench....................................................... 211
A Initialization Sequence................................................................................................ 214
B Differences Between RapidIO II IP Core and RapidIO IP Core.....................................216
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
C RapidIO II IP Core User Guide Archives.......................................................................219
D Document Revision History..........................................................................................220
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
1 About the RapidIO II IP Core
The RapidIO Interconnect, an open standard developed by the RapidIO Trade
Association, is a high-performance packet-switched interconnect technology designed
to pass data and control information between microprocessors, digital signal
processors (DSPs), communications and network processors, system memories, and
peripheral devices.
The RapidIO II IP Core is the Intel FPGA MegaCore® function which complies with the
RapidIO v2.2 specification and targets high-performance, multi-computing, high-
bandwidth, and co-processing I/O applications.
Figure 1. Typical RapidIO Application
RapidIO II
System Interconnect
Ethernet, etc.
Related Links
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide Archives on page 219
1 About the RapidIO II IP Core
© 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, NIOS,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the US and/or other countries.
Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and
semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the
right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility
or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except
as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
1.1 Features
The RapidIO II IP core has the following features:
Compliant with RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision 2.2, June 2011,
available from the RapidIO Trade Association website.
Supports 8-bit or 16-bit device IDs.
Supports incoming and outgoing multi-cast events.
Provides a 128-bit wide Avalon® Streaming (Avalon-ST) pass-through interface for
fully integrated implementation of custom user logic.
Physical layer features:
1x / 2x / 4x serial with integrated transceivers.
Fallback to 1x from 4x and 2x modes.
Fallback to 2x from 4x mode.
All five standard serial data rates supported: 1.25, 2.5, 3.125, 5.0, and 6.25
Gbaud (gigabaud).
Long control symbol.
IDLE2 idle sequence
Extraction and insertion of command and status (CS) field.
Support for software control of local and link-partner transmitter
Insertion of clock compensation sequences.
Receive/transmit packet buffering, scrambling/descrambling, flow control,
error detection and recovery, packet assembly, and packet delineation.
Automatic freeing of resources used by acknowledged packets.
Automatic retransmission of retried packets.
Scheduling of transmission, based on priority.
Software support for ackID synchronization.
Virtual channel (VC) 0 support.
Reliable traffic (RT) support.
Critical request flow (CRF) support.
Transport layer features:
Supports multiple Logical layer modules.
Supports an Avalon Streaming (Avalon-ST) pass-through interface for custom
implementation of capabilities such as data streaming and message passing.
A round-robin, priority-supporting outgoing scheduler chooses packets to
transmit from various Logical layer modules.
1 About the RapidIO II IP Core
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Logical layer features:
Generation and management of transaction IDs.
Automatic response generation and processing.
Response Request Timeout checking.
Capability registers (CARs), command and status registers (CSRs), and Error
Management Extensions registers.
Direct register access, either remotely or locally..
Maintenance master and slave Logical layer modules.
Input/Output Avalon Memory-Mapped (Avalon-MM) master and slave Logical
layer modules with 128-bit wide datapath and burst support.
Doorbell module supporting 16 outstanding DOORBELL packets with time-out
Optional preservation of transaction order between outgoing DOORBELL
messages and I/O write requests.
Registers and interrupt indicate NWRITE_R transaction completion.
Preservation of transaction order between outgoing I/O read requests and I/O
write requests from Avalon-MM interfaces.
Cycle-accurate simulation models for use in Intel®-supported VHDL and Verilog
HDL simulators.
IEEE-encrypted HDL simulation models for improved simulation efficiency.
Support for OpenCore Plus evaluation.
Related Links
RapidIO Interconnect Specification webpage
1.1.1 Supported Transactions
The RapidIO II IP core supports the following RapidIO transactions:
NREAD request and response
NWRITE request
NWRITE_R request and response
SWRITE request
MAINTENANCE read request and response
MAINTENANCE write request and response
DOORBELL request and response
1 About the RapidIO II IP Core
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
1.2 Device Family Support
The following are the device support level definitions for Intel FPGA IP cores:
Advance support - The IP core is available for simulation and compilation for this
device family. FPGA programming file (.pof) support is not available for Quartus
Prime Pro – Stratix 10 Edition Beta software and as such IP timing closure cannot
be guaranteed. Timing models include initial engineering estimates of delays
based on early post-layout information. The timing models are subject to change
as silicon testing improves the correlation between the actual silicon and the
timing models. You can use this IP core for system architecture and resource
utilization studies, simulation, pinout, system latency assessments, basic timing
assessments (pipeline budgeting), and I/O transfer strategy (data-path width,
burst depth, I/O standards tradeoffs).
Preliminary support - The IP core is verified with preliminary timing models for
this device family. The IP core meets all functional requirements, but might still be
undergoing timing analysis for the device family. It can be used in production
designs with caution.
Final support - The IP core is verified with final timing models for this device
family. The IP core meets all functional and timing requirements for the device
family and can be used in production designs.
Table 1. Device Family Support
Device Family Support
Stratix® 10 Advance
Arria® 10 Final
Arria V GX and GT Final
Arria V GZ Final
Cyclone® V Final
Stratix V Final
Other device families No support
1.3 IP Core Verification
Before releasing a publicly available version of the RapidIO II IP core, Intel runs a
comprehensive verification suite in the current version of the Quartus® Prime
software. These tests use standalone methods and the Qsys system integration tool to
create the instance files. These files are tested in simulation and hardware to confirm
functionality. Intel tests and verifies the RapidIO II IP core in hardware for different
platforms and environments.
Intel also performs interoperability testing to verify the performance of the IP core and
to ensure compatibility with ASSP devices.
Related Links
Knowledge Base Errata for RapidIO II IP core
Exceptions to functional correctness are documented in the RapidIO II IP core
1 About the RapidIO II IP Core
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
1.3.1 Simulation Testing
Intel verifies the RapidIO II IP core using the following industry-standard simulators:
The test suite contains testbenches that use the Cadence Serial RapidIO Verification IP
(VIP), the Cadence Compliance Management System (CMS) implementation of the
RapidIO Trade Association interoperability checklist, and the RapidIO bus functional
model (BFM) from the RapidIO Trade Association to verify the functionality of the IP
The test suite confirms various functions, including the following functionality:
Link initialization
Packet format
Packet priority
Error handling
Flow control
Constrained random techniques generate appropriate stimulus for the functional
verification of the IP core. Functional and code coverage metrics measure the quality
of the random stimulus, and ensure that all important features are verified.
1.3.2 Hardware Testing
Intel tests and verifies the RapidIO II IP core in hardware for different platforms and
The hardware tests cover serial 1x, 2x, and 4x variations running at 1.25, 2.5, 3.125,
5.0, and 6.25 Gbaud, and processing the following traffic types:
NREADs of various payload sizes
NWRITEs of various payload sizes
NWRITE_Rs of various payload sizes
SWRITEs of various payload sizes
DOORBELL messages
MAINTENANCE reads and writes
The hardware tests also cover the following control symbol types:
1 About the RapidIO II IP Core
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Link-request and Link-response
1.3.3 Interoperability Testing
Intel performs interoperability tests on the RapidIO II IP core, which certify that the
RapidIO II IP core is compatible with third-party RapidIO devices.
Intel performs interoperability testing with processors and switches from various
manufacturers including:
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (IDT)
Intel has performed interoperability tests with the IDT CPS-1848 and IDT CPS-1616
switches. Testing of additional devices is an on-going process.
1.4 Performance and Resource Utilization
This section shows IP core variation sizes in the different device families.
Minimal variation:
Physical layer
Transport layer
Avalon-ST pass-through interface
Full-featured variation:
Physical layer
Transport layer
Maintenance module
Doorbell module
Input/Output Avalon-MM master
Input/Output Avalon-MM slave
Error Management Registers block
All variations are configured with the following parameter settings:
Transceiver reference clock frequency of 156.25 MHz.
The maximum RapidIO II baud rate supported by the device.
Support 1x, 2x, and 4x modes of operation.
Table 2. RapidIO II IP Core FPGA Resource Utilization
The listed results are obtained using the Quartus II software v12.1-SP1 or v14.0 for the following devices:
1 About the RapidIO II IP Core
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Stratix 10 (1SG250LH3F55E1VG) - Quartus Prime Pro Edition - Stratix 10 EAP version
Arria 10 (10AX048E2F29E2LG) - v14.0
Arria V (5AGXFB3H4F35I5) - v12.1 SPI
Cyclone V (5CGXFC7C6U19I7) - v12.1 SPI
Stratix V (5SGXEA7H3F35C3) - v12.1 SPI
The numbers of ALMs, primary logic registers, and secondary logic registers are rounded up to the nearest
Registers Memory
Blocks (M10K
or M20K)1
Variation Baud Rate
(Gbaud) Primary Secondary
Stratix 10 Minimal 6.25 13100 10400 1700 28
Full-featured 6.25 31000 29000 8200 54
Arria 10 Minimal 6.25 14300 14300 1100 31
Full-featured 6.25 20300 25300 1900 49
Arria V Minimal 6.25 14800 13800 1700 41
Full-featured 6.25 24400 27500 2700 68
Cyclone V Minimal 3.125 14800 13800 0 41
Full-featured 3.125 24500 27500 0 68
Stratix V Minimal 6.25 14300 13800 1300 33
Full-featured 6.25 24100 28000 2400 55
1.5 Device Speed Grades
Following are the recommended device family speed grades for the supported link
widths and internal clock frequencies.
Table 3. Recommended Device Family and Speed Grades
In this table, the entry –n indicates that both the industrial speed grade In and the commercial speed grade
Cn are supported for the device family and baud rate.
Device Family
1.25 Gbaud 2.5 Gbaud 3.125 Gbaud 5.0 Gbaud 6.25 Gbaud
31.25 MHz 62.50 MHz 78.125 MHz 125 MHz 156.25 MHz
Stratix 10 –1, –2, –3 –1, –2, –3 –1, –2, –3 –1, –2, –3 –1, –2
Arria 10 –1, –2, –3 –1, –2, –3 –1, –2, –3 –1, –2, –3 –1, –2
Arria V –4, –5, –6 –4, –5, –6 –4, –5, –6 –4, –5 –4, –52
1 M10K for Arria V and Cyclone V devices and M20K for Stratix V, Arria 10, and Stratix 10
2 This speed grade does not support the Arria V variations with Avalon-ST Pass-through
1 About the RapidIO II IP Core
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Device Family
1.25 Gbaud 2.5 Gbaud 3.125 Gbaud 5.0 Gbaud 6.25 Gbaud
31.25 MHz 62.50 MHz 78.125 MHz 125 MHz 156.25 MHz
Arria V GZ –3, –4 –3, –4 –3, –4 –3, –4 –3, –4
Cyclone V –6, –7 –6, –7 –6, –7 –73
Stratix V –2, –3, –4 –2, –3, –4 –2, –3, –4 –2, –3, –4 –2, –3, –4
1.6 Release Information
Table 4. RapidIO II IP Core Release Information
Item Description
Version 16.1
Release Date November 2016
Ordering Code IP-RAPIDIOII
Intel verifies that the current version of the Quartus Prime software compiles the
previous version of each IP core. Any exceptions to this verification are reported in the
Intel FPGA IP Release Notes. Intel does not verify compilation with IP core versions
older than the previous release.
Related Links
Intel FPGA IP Release Notes
3 In the Cyclone V device family, only Cyclone V GT devices support the 5.0 GBaud rate.
1 About the RapidIO II IP Core
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
2 Getting Started
You can customize the RapidIO II IP core to support a wide variety of applications.
When you generate the IP core you can choose whether or not to generate a
simulation model. If you generate a simulation model, Intel provides a Verilog
testbench customized for your IP core variation. If you specify a VHDL simulation
model, you must use a mixed-language simulator to run the testbench, or create your
own VHDL-only simulation environment.
The following sections provide generic instructions and information for Intel FPGA IP
cores. It explains how to install, parameterize, simulate, and initialize the RapidIO II
IP core.
Related Links
Introduction to Intel FPGA IP Cores
Provides general information about all Intel FPGA IP cores, including
parameterizing, generating, upgrading, and simulating IP cores.
Creating Version-Independent IP and Qsys Simulation Scripts
Create simulation scripts that do not require manual updates for software or IP
version upgrades.
Project Management Best Practices
Guidelines for efficient management and portability of your project and IP files.
2.1 Installing and Licensing IP Cores
The Quartus Prime software installation includes the Intel FPGA IP library. This library
provides useful IP core functions for your production use without the need for an
additional license. Some MegaCore IP functions in the library require that you
purchase a separate license for production use. The OpenCore® feature allows
evaluation of any Intel FPGA IP core in simulation and compilation in the Quartus
Prime software. Upon satisfaction with functionality and performance, visit the Self
Service Licensing Center to obtain a license number for any Intel FPGA product.
The Quartus Prime software installs IP cores in the following locations by default:
Figure 2. IP Core Installation Path
quartus - Contains the Quartus Prime software
ip - Contains the IP library and third-party IP cores
altera - Contains the IP library source code
<IP core name> - Contains the IP core source files
2 Getting Started
© 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, NIOS,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the US and/or other countries.
Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and
semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the
right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility
or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except
as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Table 5. IP Core Installation Locations
Location Software Platform
<drive>:\intelFPGA_pro\quartus\ip\altera Quartus Prime Pro Edition Windows
<drive>:\intelFPGA\quartus\ip\altera Quartus Prime Standard Edition Windows
<home directory>:/intelFPGA_pro/quartus/ip/altera Quartus Prime Pro Edition Linux
<home directory>:/intelFPGA/quartus/ip/altera Quartus Prime Standard Edition Linux
2.2 OpenCore Plus IP Evaluation
The free OpenCore Plus feature allows you to evaluate licensed MegaCore IP cores in
simulation and hardware before purchase. Purchase a license for MegaCore IP cores if
you decide to take your design to production. OpenCore Plus supports the following
Simulate the behavior of a licensed IP core in your system.
Verify the functionality, size, and speed of the IP core quickly and easily.
Generate time-limited device programming files for designs that include IP cores.
Program a device with your IP core and verify your design in hardware.
OpenCore Plus evaluation supports the following two operation modes:
Untethered—run the design containing the licensed IP for a limited time.
Tethered—run the design containing the licensed IP for a longer time or
indefinitely. This operation requires a connection between your board and the host
Note: All IP cores that use OpenCore Plus time out simultaneously when any IP core in the
design times out.
Related Links
Quartus Prime Licensing Site
Quartus Prime Installation and Licensing
2.3 Generating IP Cores
You can quickly configure a custom IP variation in the parameter editor.
Use the following steps to specify IP core options and parameters in the parameter
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 3. IP Parameter Editor
1. In the IP Catalog (Tools IP Catalog), locate and double-click the name of the
IP core to customize. The parameter editor appears.
2. Specify a top-level name for your custom IP variation. The parameter editor saves
the IP variation settings in a file named <your_ip>.qsys. Click OK. Do not
include spaces in IP variation names or paths.
3. Specify the parameters and options for your IP variation in the parameter editor,
including one or more of the following:
Optionally select preset parameter values if provided for your IP core. Presets
specify initial parameter values for specific applications.
Specify parameters defining the IP core functionality, port configurations, and
device-specific features.
Specify options for processing the IP core files in other EDA tools.
Note: Refer to your IP core user guide for information about specific IP core
4. Click Generate HDL. The Generation dialog box appears.
5. Specify output file generation options, and then click Generate. The IP variation
files synthesis and/or simulation files generate according to your specifications.
6. To generate a simulation testbench, click Generate Generate Testbench
System. Specify testbench generation options, and then click Generate.
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
However, the resulting testbench is composed of BFM stubs and does not exercise
the RapidIO II IP core in any meaningful way. Refer to Specific Instructions for
RapidIO II IP Core on page 22.
7. To generate an HDL instantiation template that you can copy and paste into your
text editor, click Generate Show Instantiation Template.
8. Click Finish. Click Yes if prompted to add files representing the IP variation to
your project. Optionally turn on the option to Automatically add Quartus Prime
IP Files to All Projects. Click Project Add/Remove Files in Project to add
IP files at any time.
Figure 4. Adding IP Files to Project
Adds IP
Auto adds
IP without
Note: For Arria 10/Stratix 10 devices, the generated .qsys file must be added to
your project to represent IP and Qsys systems. For devices released prior to
Arria 10 devices, the generated .qip and .sip files must be added to your
project for IP and Qsys systems.
The generated .qsys file must be added to your project to represent IP and
Qsys systems.
9. After generating and instantiating your IP variation, make appropriate pin
assignments to connect ports.
Note: Some IP cores generate different HDL implementations according to the IP
core parameters. The underlying RTL of these IP cores contains a unique
hash code that prevents module name collisions between different variations
of the IP core. This unique code remains consistent, given the same IP
settings and software version during IP generation. This unique code can
change if you edit the IP core's parameters or upgrade the IP core version.
To avoid dependency on these unique codes in your simulation environment,
refer to Generating a Combined Simulator Setup Script.
Related Links
Intel FPGA IP Release Notes
2.3.1 IP Core Generation Output (Quartus Prime Pro Edition)
The Quartus Prime software generates the following output file structure for individual
IP cores that are not part of a Qsys system.
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 5. Individual IP Core Generation Output (Quartus Prime Pro Edition)
<Project Directory>
<your_ip>_inst.v or .vhd - Lists file for IP core synthesis
<your_ip>.qip - Lists files for IP core synthesis
synth - IP synthesis files
<IP Submodule>_<version> - IP Submodule Library
<your_ip>.v or .vhd - Top-level IP synthesis file
sim - IP simulation files
<simulator vendor> - Simulator setup scripts
<your_ip> - IP core variation files
<your_ip>.ip - Top-level IP variation file
<your_ip>_generation.rpt - IP generation report
<your_ip>.bsf - Block symbol schematic file
<your_ip>.ppf - XML I/O pin information file
<your_ip>.spd - Simulation startup scripts
<your_ip>.cmp - VHDL component declaration
<your_ip>.v or vhd - Top-level simulation file
- IP submodule 1 simulation files
- IP submodule 1 synthesis files
<your_ip>.sip - Simulation integration file
<your_ip>_bb.v - Verilog HDL black box EDA synthesis file
<HDL files>
<HDL files>
<your_ip>_tb - IP testbench system
<your_testbench>_tb.qsys - testbench system file
<your_ip>_tb - IP testbench files
<your_testbench>_tb.csv or .spd - testbench file
sim - IP testbench simulation files
1. If supported and enabled for your IP core variation.
<your_ip>.qgsimc - Simulation caching file (Qsys Pro)
<your_ip>.qgsynthc - Synthesis caching file (Qsys Pro)
Table 6. Files Generated for IP Cores
File Name Description
<my_ip>.ip Top-level IP variation file that contains the parameterization of an IP core in
your project. If the IP variation is part of a Qsys Pro system, the parameter
editor also generates a .qsys file.
<my_ip>.cmp The VHDL Component Declaration (.cmp) file is a text file that contains local
generic and port definitions that you use in VHDL design files.
<my_ip>_generation.rpt IP or Qsys generation log file. A summary of the messages during IP
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
File Name Description
<my_ip>.qgsimc (Qsys Pro systems
Simulation caching file that compares the .qsys and .ip files with the current
parameterization of the Qsys Pro system and IP core. This comparison
determines if Qsys Pro can skip regeneration of the HDL.
<my_ip>.qgsynth (Qsys Pro systems
Synthesis caching file that compares the .qsys and .ip files with the current
parameterization of the Qsys Pro system and IP core. This comparison
determines if Qsys Pro can skip regeneration of the HDL.
<my_ip>.qip Contains all information to integrate and compile the IP component.
<my_ip>.csv Contains information about the upgrade status of the IP component.
<my_ip>.bsf A symbol representation of the IP variation for use in Block Diagram Files
<my_ip>.spd Required input file for ip-make-simscript to generate simulation scripts for
supported simulators. The .spd file contains a list of files you generate for
simulation, along with information about memories that you initialize.
<my_ip>.ppf The Pin Planner File (.ppf) stores the port and node assignments for IP
components you create for use with the Pin Planner.
<my_ip>_bb.v Use the Verilog blackbox (_bb.v) file as an empty module declaration for use
as a blackbox.
<my_ip>.sip Contains information you require for NativeLink simulation of IP components.
Add the .sip file to your Quartus Prime Standard Edition project to enable
NativeLink for supported devices. The Quartus Prime Pro Edition software does
not support NativeLink simulation.
<my_ip>_inst.v or _inst.vhd HDL example instantiation template. Copy and paste the contents of this file
into your HDL file to instantiate the IP variation.
<my_ip>.regmap If the IP contains register information, the Quartus Prime software generates
the .regmap file. The .regmap file describes the register map information of
master and slave interfaces. This file complements the ..sopcinfo file by
providing more detailed register information about the system. This file enables
register display views and user customizable statistics in System Console.
<my_ip>.svd Allows HPS System Debug tools to view the register maps of peripherals that
connect to HPS within a Qsys Pro system.
During synthesis, the Quartus Prime software stores the .svd files for slave
interface visible to the System Console masters in the .sof file in the debug
session. System Console reads this section, which Qsys Pro queries for register
map information. For system slaves, Qsys Pro accesses the registers by name.
<my_ip>.v <my_ip>.vhd HDL files that instantiate each submodule or child IP core for synthesis or
mentor/ Contains a ModelSim script msim_setup.tcl to set up and run a simulation.
aldec/ Contains a Riviera-PRO script rivierapro_setup.tcl to setup and run a
Contains a shell script vcs_setup.sh to set up and run a VCS simulation.
Contains a shell script vcsmx_setup.sh and synopsys_sim.setup file to
set up and run a VCS MX® simulation.
/cadence Contains a shell script ncsim_setup.sh and other setup files to set up and
run an NCSIM simulation.
/submodules Contains HDL files for the IP core submodule.
<IP submodule>/ For each generated IP submodule directory Qsys Pro generates /synth
and /sim sub-directories.
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
2.4 Generating IP Cores (Legacy Editors)
Some IP cores use a legacy version of the parameter editor for configuration and
generation. Use the following steps to configure and generate an IP variation using a
legacy parameter editor.
Figure 6. Legacy Parameter Editors
Note: The legacy parameter editor generates a different output file structure than the latest
parameter editor. Refer to Specifying IP Core Parameters and Options for configuration
of IP cores that use the latest parameter editor.
1. In the IP Catalog (Tools IP Catalog), locate and double-click the name of the
IP core to customize. The parameter editor appears.
2. Specify a top-level name and output HDL file type for your IP variation. This name
identifies the IP core variation files in your project. Click OK. Do not include
spaces in IP variation names or paths.
3. Specify the parameters and options for your IP variation in the parameter editor.
Refer to your IP core user guide for information about specific IP core parameters.
4. Click Finish or Generate (depending on the parameter editor version). The
parameter editor generates the files for your IP variation according to your
specifications. Click Exit if prompted when generation is complete. The parameter
editor adds the top-level .qip file to the current project automatically.
Note: For devices released prior to Arria 10 devices, the generated .qip
and .sip files must be added to your project to represent IP and Qsys
systems. To manually add an IP variation generated with legacy parameter
editor to a project, click Project Add/Remove Files in Project and add
the IP variation .qip file.
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Note: Some IP cores generate different HDL implementations according to the IP
core parameters. The underlying RTL of these IP cores contains a unique
code that prevents module name collisions between different variations of
the IP core. This unique code remains consistent, given the same IP settings
and software version during IP generation. This unique code can change if
you edit the IP core's parameters or upgrade the IP core version. To avoid
dependency on these unique codes in your simulation environment, refer to
Generating a Combined Simulator Setup Script.
Related Links
Intel FPGA IP Release Notes
2.4.1 IP Core Generation Output (Quartus Prime Standard Edition)
The Quartus Prime Standard Edition software generates one of the following output file
structures for individual IP cores that use one of the legacy parameter editors.
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 7. IP Core Generated Files (Legacy Parameter Editors)
Generated IP File Output B
<Project Directory>
<your_ip>.html - IP core generation report
<your_ip>_testbench.v or .vhd - Testbench file1
<your_ip>.bsf - Block symbol schematic file
<your_ip>_syn.v or .vhd - Timing & resource estimation netlist1
<your_ip>_bb - Verilog HDL black box EDA synthesis file
<your_ip>.vo or .vho - IP functional simulation model 2
<your_ip>.qip - Quartus Prime IP integration file
<your_ip>.v or .vhd - Top-level HDL IP variation definition
<your_ip>_block_period_stim.txt - Testbench simulation data 1
<your_ip>-library - Contains IP subcomponent synthesis libraries
Generated IP File Output A
<Project Directory>
<your_ip>.v or .vhd - Top-level IP synthesis file
<your_ip>_inst.v or .vhd - Sample instantiation template
<your_ip>.bsf - Block symbol schematic file
<your_ip>.vo or .vho - IP functional simulation model 2
<your_ip>_syn.v or .vhd - Timing & resource estimation netlist1
<your_ip>_bb.v - Verilog HDL black box EDA synthesis file
<your_ip>.qip - Quartus Prime IP integration file
greybox_tmp 3
<your_ip>.cmp - VHDL component declaration file
Generated IP File Output C
<Project Directory>
<your_ip>_sim 1
<Altera IP>_instance.vo - IPFS model 2
<simulator setup scripts>
<your_ip>.qip - Quartus Prime IP integration file
<your_ip>.sip - Lists files for simulation
<your_ip>_testbench or _example - Testbench or example1
<your_ip>.v, .sv. or .vhd - Top-level IP synthesis file
<your_ip>_syn.v or .vhd - Timing & resource estimation netlist1
<your_ip>.cmp - VHDL component declaration file
<your_ip>.bsf - Block symbol schematic file
<your_ip> - IP core synthesis files
<your_ip>.sv, .v, or .vhd - HDL synthesis files
<your_ip>.sdc - Timing constraints file
<your_ip>.ppf - XML I/O pin information file
<your_ip>.spd - Combines individual simulation scripts 1
<your_ip>_sim.f - Refers to simulation models and scripts 1
1. If supported and enabled for your IP variation
2. If functional simulation models are generated
3. Ignore this directory
Generated IP File Output D
<Project Directory>
<your_ip>_bb.v - Verilog HDL black box EDA synthesis file
<your_ip>_inst.v or .vhd - Sample instantiation template
synthesis - IP synthesis files
<your_ip>.qip - Lists files for synthesis
testbench - Simulation testbench files 1
<simulator_vendor> - Testbench for supported simulators
<your_ip>.v or .vhd - Top-level IP variation synthesis file
simulation - IP simulation files
<your_ip>.sip - NativeLink simulation integration file
<simulator vendor> - Simulator setup scripts
<your_ip> - IP core variation files
<your_ip>.qip or .qsys - System or IP integration file
<your_ip>_generation.rpt - IP generation report
<your_ip>.bsf - Block symbol schematic file
<your_ip>.ppf - XML I/O pin information file
<your_ip>.spd - Combines individual simulation startup scripts 1
<your_ip>.html - Contains memory map
<your_ip>.sopcinfo - Software tool-chain integration file
<your_ip>_syn.v or .vhd - Timing & resource estimation netlist 1
<your_ip>.debuginfo - Lists files for synthesis
<your_ip>.v, .vhd, .vo, .vho - HDL or IPFS models2
<your_ip>_tb - Testbench for supported simulators
<your_ip>_tb.v or .vhd - Top-level HDL testbench file
2.5 Specific Instructions for RapidIO II IP Core
While generating IP cores, the instruction to generate the testbench (step 6) does not
apply to the RapidIO II IP core. The Quartus Prime software generates a testbench
framework if you click Generate>Generate Testbench in the RapidIO II parameter
editor. However, the resulting testbench is composed of BFM stubs and does not
exercise the RapidIO II IP core in any meaningful way. In addition, the testbench Qsys
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
system that is generated when you click Generate>Generate Testbench does not
connect correctly. The RapidIO IP core testbench that is described later, is generated
when you generate a simulation model of the IP core.
In the case of the RapidIO II IP core you generate from the Qsys IP Catalog in the
Quartus Prime software:
The testbench script appears in <Qsys_system or your_ip>/sim/<vendor>.
The testbench files appear in <Qsys_system or your_ip>/
Notes: The Intel-provided RapidIO IP core testbench for Arria 10 variations that is
described later, is generated when you generate a simulation model of the
IP core. The functional Arria 10 testbench is available in
The IP core simulation files appear in <Qsys_system or your_ip>/
In the case of the RapidIO II IP core you generate from the Quartus Prime IP Catalog:
The testbench script appears in <your_ip>_sim/<vendor>.
The testbench files appear in <your_ip>_sim/altera_rapidio2/tb.
The IP core simulation files appear in <your_ip>_sim/altera_rapidio2/
The RapidIO II IP core does not generate an example design.
Related Links
IP Core Generation Output (Quartus Prime Pro Edition) on page 17
The Quartus Prime software generates the following output file structure for
individual IP cores that are not part of a Qsys system.
Testbench on page 203
Generating IP Cores on page 15
You can quickly configure a custom IP variation in the parameter editor.
2.6 Simulating IP Cores
The Quartus Prime software supports RTL- and gate-level design simulation of Intel
FPGA IP cores in supported EDA simulators. Simulation involves setting up your
simulator working environment, compiling simulation model libraries, and running
your simulation.
You can use the functional simulation model and the testbench or example design
generated with your IP core for simulation. The functional simulation model and
testbench files are generated in a project subdirectory. This directory may also include
scripts to compile and run the testbench. For a complete list of models or libraries
required to simulate your IP core, refer to the scripts generated with the testbench.
You can use the Quartus Prime NativeLink feature to automatically generate simulation
files and scripts. NativeLink launches your preferred simulator from within the Quartus
Prime software.
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Note: The Quartus Prime Pro Edition software does not support NativeLink RTL simulation.
Related Links
Simulating Intel FPGA IP Cores
2.6.1 Simulating the Testbench with the ModelSim Simulator
To simulate the RapidIO II IP core testbench using the Mentor Graphics ModelSim
simulator, perform the following steps:
1. Start the ModelSim simulator.
2. In ModelSim, change directory to the directory where the testbench simulation
script is located:
For Arria 10 and Stratix 10 variations, change directory to
For all other variations you generate from the Quartus Prime IP Catalog,
change directory to <variation>_sim/mentor.
For all other variations you generate from the Qsys IP Catalog, change
directory to <Qsys system>/simulation/mentor.
3. To set up the required libraries, compile the generated simulation model, and
exercise the simulation model with the provided testbench, type one of the
following sets of commands:
a. For V-series FPGA variations, type the following commands:
do msim_setup.tcl
set TOP_LEVEL_NAME <variation>.tb_rio
run -all
b. For Arria 10 variations using Quartus Prime Standard Edition, type the
following commands:
do msim_setup.tcl
set TOP_LEVEL_NAME <variation>_altera_rapidio2_<version>.tb_rio
run -all
For example:
set TOP_LEVEL_NAME my_srio_altera_rapidio2_160.tb_rio
where "my_srio" is the variation.
c. For Arria 10 and Stratix 10 variations using Quartus Prime Pro Edition, type
the following commands:
do msim_setup.tcl
set TOP_LEVEL_NAME altera_rapidio2_<version>.tb_rio
run -all
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
For example:
set TOP_LEVEL_NAME altera_rapidio2_170.tb_rio
2.6.2 Simulating the Testbench with the VCS Simulator
To simulate the RapidIO II IP core testbench using the Synopsys VCS simulator,
perform the following steps:
1. Change directory to the directory where the testbench simulation script is located:
For Arria 10 variations, change directory to <variation>/sim/synopsys/
For all other variations you generate from the Quartus Prime IP Catalog,
change directory to <variation>_sim/synopsys/vcs.
For all other variations you generate from the Qsys IP Catalog, change
directory to <Qsys system>/simulation/synopsys/vcs.
2. Type the following commands:
sh vcs_setup.sh TOP_LEVEL_NAME="tb_rio"
2.7 Integrating Your IP Core in Your Design
When you integrate your IP core instance in your design, you must pay attention to
some additional requirements. If you generate your IP core from the Qsys IP catalog
and build your design in Qsys, you can perform these steps in Qsys. If you generate
your IP core directly from the Quartus Prime IP catalog, you must implement these
steps manually in your design.
2.7.1 Dynamic Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller
RapidIO II IP core variations that target an Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, or Stratix V
device require an external reconfiguration controller to function correctly in hardware.
RapidIO II IP core variations that target an Arria 10 or a Stratix 10 device include a
reconfiguration controller block and do not require an external reconfiguration
controller. However, you need to control dynamic transceiver reconfiguration in Arria
10/Stratix 10 devices through the Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration
interface if you turn on that interface in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
Keeping the reconfiguration controller external to the IP core in these devices provides
the flexibility to share the reconfiguration controller among multiple IP cores and to
accommodate FPGA transceiver layouts based on the usage model of your application.
In Arria 10 and Stratix 10 devices, you can configure individual transceiver channels
flexibly through an Avalon-MM Arria 10/Stratix 10 transceiver reconfiguration
Intel recommends that you implement the reconfiguration controller using the
Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller. The Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller
performs offset cancellation during bring-up of the transceiver channels.
The Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller is available in the IP catalog. You must add
it to your design and connect it to the RapidIO II IP core reconfiguration signals.
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
In the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller parameter editor, you select the features
of the transceiver that can be dynamically reconfigured. However, you must ensure
that the following two features are turned on:
Enable PLL calibration
Enable Analog controls
An informational message in the RapidIO II parameter editor tells you the number of
reconfiguration interfaces you must configure in your dynamic reconfiguration block.
The Reconfiguration Controller communicates with the RapidIO II IP core on two
reconfig_to_xcvr (output)
reconfig_from_xcvr (input)
Each of these busses connects to the bus of the same name in the RapidIO II IP core.
You must also connect the following Reconfiguration Controller signals:
Related Links
Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller IP Core
Provides more information about the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller.
Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
Stratix 10 L-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
2.7.2 Transceiver PHY Reset Controller
You must add an Transceiver PHY Reset Controller IP core to your design, and connect
it to the RapidIO II IP core reset signals. This block implements a reset sequence that
resets the device transceivers correctly.
In the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller parameter editor, you must modify the
following parameter value for compatibility with the RapidIO II IP core:
Set the value of RX_PER_CHANNEL to 1.
Related Links
Using the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller
For Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, or Stratix V devices.
Using the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller
For Arria 10 devices.
Transceiver Reset Control in Stratix 10 Devices
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
2.7.3 Transceiver Settings
Intel recommends that you maintain the default Native PHY IP core settings generated
for the RapidIO II IP core. If you edit the existing Native PHY IP core, the regenerated
Native PHY IP core does not instantiate correctly in the top-level RapidIO II IP core. If
you must modify transceiver settings, perform the modifications by editing the project
Quartus Settings File (.qsf).
2.7.4 Adding Transceiver Analog Settings for Arria V GZ and Stratix V
In general, Intel recommends that you maintain the default transceiver settings
specified by the RapidIO II IP core. However, Arria V GZ or Stratix V variations require
that you specify some analog transceiver settings.
After you generate your RapidIO II IP core in a Quartus Prime project that targets an
Arria V GZ or Stratix V device, perform the following steps:
1. In the Quartus Prime software, on the Assignments tab, click Assignment
2. In the Assignment Editor, in the Assignment Name column, double click
<<new>> and select Transceiver Analog Settings Protocol.
3. In the To column, type the name of the transceiver serial data input node in your
IP core variation. This name is the variation-specific version of the rd signal.
4. In the Value column, click and select SRIO.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to create an additional assignment, In step 3, instead of
typing the name of the transceiver serial data input node, type the name of the
transceiver serial data output put node. This name is the variation-specific version
of the td signal.
2.7.5 External Transceiver PLL
RapidIO II IP cores that target an Arria 10/Stratix 10 device require an external TX
transceiver PLL to compile and to function correctly in hardware. You must instantiate
and connect this IP core to the RapidIO II IP core.
You can create an external transceiver PLL from the IP Catalog. Select the ATX PLL IP
core or the fPLL IP core. In the ATX TX PLL parameter editor, set the following
parameter values:
Set PLL output frequency to one half the value you select for the Maximum
baud rate parameter in the RapidIO II parameter editor. The transceiver performs
dual edge clocking, using both the rising and falling edges of the input clock from
the PLL. Therefore, this PLL output frequency setting supports the customer-
selected maximum data rate on the RapidIO link.
Set PLL reference clock frequency to the value you select for the Reference
clock frequency parameter in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
Turn on Include Master Clock Generation Block.
Turn on Enable bonding clock output ports.
Set PMA interface width to 20.
When you generate a RapidIO II IP core, the Quartus Prime software also generates
the HDL code for an ATX PLL, in the following file:
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
However, the HDL code for the RapidIO II IP core does not instantiate the ATX PLL. If
you choose to use the ATX PLL provided with the RapidIO II IP core, you must
instantiate and connect the ATX PLL instance with the RapidIO II IP core in user logic.
Table 7. External Transceiver TX PLL Connections to RapidIO II IP Core
You must connect the TX PLL IP core to the RapidIO II IP core according to the following rules.
Signal Direction Connection Requirements
pll_refclk0 Input
Drive the PLL pll_refclk0 input port and the RapidIO II IP
core tx_pll_refclk signal from the same clock source. The
minimum allowed frequency for the pll_refclk0 clock in the
Arria 10 ATX PLL is 100 MHz.
tx_bonding_clocks [(6 x
<number of lanes>)–1:0] Output
Connect tx_bonding_clocks[6n+5:6n] to the
tx_bonding_clocks_chN input bus of transceiver channel
N, for each transceiver channel N that connects to the
RapidIO link. The transceiver channel input ports are
RapidIO II IP core input ports.
Related Links
Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
Stratix 10 L-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
2.8 Compiling the Full Design and Programming the FPGA
You can use the Start Compilation command on the Processing menu in the
Quartus Prime software to compile your design. After successfully compiling your
design, program the targeted Intel device with the Programmer and verify the design
in hardware.
2.9 Instantiating Multiple RapidIO II IP Cores in V-series FPGA
If you want to instantiate multiple RapidIO II IP cores that target an Arria V, Arria V
GZ, Cyclone V, or Stratix V device, a few additional steps are required. These steps
are not relevant for variations that target any Arria 10 or Stratix 10 devices.
The Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and Stratix V transceivers are configured with the
Native PHY IP core. When your design contains multiple RapidIO II IP cores, the
Quartus Prime Fitter handles the merge of multiple Native PHY IP cores in the same
transceiver block automatically, if they meet the merging requirements.
4 For Arria 10 and Stratix 10 devices, please refer to <my_ip>_generation.rpt file to get the
filename for ATX PLL HDL code, listed in the line: atx_pll_wrapper_name: <atx pll
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
If you have different RapidIO II IP cores in different transceiver blocks on your device,
you may choose to include multiple Transceiver Reconfiguration Controllers in your
design. However, you must ensure that the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controllers
that you add to your design have the correct number of interfaces to control dynamic
reconfiguration of all your RapidIO II IP core transceivers. The correct total number of
reconfiguration interfaces is the sum of the reconfiguration interfaces for each RapidIO
II IP core; the number of reconfiguration interfaces for each RapidIO II IP core is the
number of channels plus one. You must ensure that the reconfig_togxb and
reconfig_fromgxb signals of an individual RapidIO II IP core connect to a single
Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller.
For example, if your design includes one ×4 RapidIO II IP core and three ×1 RapidIO
II IP cores, the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controllers in your design must include
eleven dynamic reconfiguration interfaces: five for the ×4 RapidIO II IP core, and two
for each of the ×1 RapidIO II IP cores. The dynamic reconfiguration interfaces
connected to a single RapidIO II IP core must belong to the same Transceiver
Reconfiguration Controller. In most cases, your design has only a single Transceiver
Reconfiguration Controller, which has eleven dynamic reconfiguration interfaces. If you
choose to use two Transceiver Reconfiguration Controllers, for example, to
accommodate placement and timing constraints for your design, each of the RapidIO
II IP cores must connect to a single Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller.
Figure 8. Example Connections Between Two Transceiver Reconfiguration Controllers
and Four RapidIO II IP Cores
x1 RapidIO II
IP Core
x1 RapidIO II
IP Core
x1 RapidIO II
IP Core
x4 RapidIO II
IP Core
In the example, Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller 0 has seven reconfiguration
interfaces, and Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller 1 has four reconfiguration
interfaces. Each sub-block shown in a Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller block
represents a single reconfiguration interface. The example shows only one possible
configuration for this combination of RapidIO II IP cores; subject to the constraints
described, you may choose a different configuration.
Related Links
Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide
2 Getting Started
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
3 Parameter Settings
You customize the RapidIO II IP core by specifying parameters in the RapidIO II
parameter editor, which you access from the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager or the Qsys
system integration tool in the Quartus Prime software.
In the RapidIO II parameter editor, you use the following tabs to parameterize the
RapidIO II IP core:
Physical Layer
Transport Layer
Logical Layer
Capability Registers
Command and Status Registers
Error Management Registers
3.1 Physical Layer Settings
The Physical layer includes RapidIO II specific logic configuration and transceiver
The RapidIO II IP core instantiates a Native PHY IP core to configure the transceivers.
The RapidIO II IP core provides no parameters to modify this configuration directly.
Intel recommends you do not modify the default transceiver settings configured in the
Native PHY IP core instance generated with the RapidIO II IP core.
The Physical Layer parameters define the following characteristics of the Physical
Supported modes
Maximum baud rate
Reference clock frequency
Enable transceiver dynamic reconfiguration (available in Arria 10 and Stratix 10
Related Links
Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide
Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
Stratix 10 L-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
3 Parameter Settings
© 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, NIOS,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the US and/or other countries.
Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and
semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the
right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility
or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except
as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
3.1.1 Supported Modes
The Supported modes parameter allows you to specify the 1x, 2x, and 4x modes of
operation. All RapidIO II IP core variations support 1x mode. The RapidIO II IP core
initially attempts link initialization in the maximum number of lanes that the variation
supports. The IP core supports fallback to lower numbers of ports.
3.1.2 Maximum Baud Rate
Maximum baud rate defines the maximum supported baud rate. The RapidIO II IP
core does not support automatic baud rate discovery.
Table 8. Baud rates supported by the RapidIO II IP core
Device Family
1x, 2x 4x
Baud Rate (MBaud)
1250 2500 3125 5000 6250 1250 2500 3125 5000 6250
Stratix 10 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Arria 10 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Arria V Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cyclone V Yes Yes Yes Yes 5No Yes Yes Yes Yes 5No
Stratix V Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Related Links
Device Speed Grades on page 12
Provides more information about the speed grades the RapidIO II IP core supports
for each device family, modes, and baud rate combination.
3.1.3 Reference Clock Frequency
Reference clock frequency defines the frequency of the reference clock for your
RapidIO II IP core internal transceiver. The RapidIO II parameter editor allows you to
select any frequency supported by the transceiver.
Related Links
Clocking and Reset Structure on page 45
Provides more information about the reference clock in high-speed transceiver
blocks, and the supported frequencies.
3.1.4 Transceiver Settings
The Enable transceiver dynamic reconfiguration parameter specifies that the IP
core instantiates Arria 10/Stratix 10 Transceiver Native PHY with dynamic
reconfiguration enabled. If you do not expect to use this interface, you can turn off
this parameter to lower the number of IP core signals to route.
5 In the Cyclone V device family, only Cyclone V GT devices support the 5.0 GBaud rate.
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
When you select the Enable transceiver dynamic reconfiguration option, the
following parameters are available only in IP core variations that target an Arria 10 or
a Stratix 10 device.
Table 9. Transceiver Settings
Parameter Value Description
VCCR_GXB and VCCT_GXB supply
voltage for the transceivers 61.0 V, 1.1 V
This parameter specifies the VCCR_GXB and
VCCT_GXB transceiver supply voltage. The default
value is 1.0 V.
Enable transceiver Altera Debug Master
Endpoint (ADME)
When you turn on this option, an embedded Altera
Debug Master Endpoint connects internally to the
Avalon-MM slave interface for dynamic
reconfiguration. The ADME can access the
reconfiguration space of the transceiver. It uses
JTAG via the System Console to run tests and debug
Transceiver Share reconfiguration
When you turn on this option, the Native PHY
presents a single Avalon-MM slave interface for
dynamic reconfiguration of all channels. In this
configuration, the upper [n:9] address bits of the
reconfiguration address bus specify the selected
channel and the lower [8:0] address bits provide the
register offset address within the reconfiguration
space of the selected channel. This option is
unavailable in 1x mode. This option is auto-enabled
when you turn on the Enable transceiver Altera
Debug Master Endpoint (ADME) option.
Enable Transceiver capability registers
Turn on this option to enable capability registers.
These registers provide high-level information about
the transceiver channel's /PLL's configuration.
Set user-defined IP identifier
Sets a user-defined numeric identifier that can be
read from the user_identifier offset when the
capability registers are enabled.
Enable Transceiver control and status
registers On/Off
Turn on this option to enable soft registers for
reading status signals and writing control signals on
the PHY /PLL interface through the reconfiguration
Enable Transceiver PRBS soft
accumulators On/Off
Turn on this option to enable soft logic to perform
PRBS bit and error accumulation when using the
hard PRBS generator and checker.
Related Links
Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
Stratix 10 L-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
6 Only available for Stratix 10 devices. This parameter is available whether you select Enable
transceiver dynamic reconfiguration option or not.
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
3.2 Transport Layer Settings
The Transport layer settings specify properties of the Transport layer in your RapidIO
II IP core variation. These parameters determine whether the RapidIO II IP core uses
8-bit or 16-bit device IDs, whether the Transport layer has an Avalon-ST pass-through
interface, and how the RapidIO II IP core handles a request packet with a supported
ftype but a destination ID not assigned to this endpoint.
3.2.1 Enable 16-Bit Device ID Width
The Enable 16-bit device ID width setting specifies a device ID width of 8-bit or 16-bit.
RapidIO packets contain destination ID and source ID fields, which have the specified
width. If this IP core uses 16-bit device IDs, it supports large common transport
The two parameter values do not cause symmetrical behavior. If you turn on this
option, the IP core can still support user logic that processes packets with 8-bit device
IDs. You can parameterize the IP core to route such packets to the Avalon-ST
passthrough interface, where user logic might handle it. However, if you turn off this
option, the RapidIO II IP core drops all incoming packets with a 16-bit device ID.
Related Links
Transport Layer on page 112
The Transport layer is a required module of the RapidIO II IP core. It is intended
for use in an endpoint processing element and must be used with at least one
Logical layer module or the Avalon-ST pass-through interface.
3.2.2 Enable Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface
Turn on Enable Avalon-ST pass-through interface to include the Avalon-ST pass-
through interface in your RapidIO II variation.
The Transport layer routes all unrecognized packets to the Avalon-ST pass-through
interface. Unrecognized packets are those that contain Format Types (ftypes) for
Logical layers not enabled in this IP core, or destination IDs not assigned to this
endpoint. However, if you disable destination ID checking, the packet is a request
packet with a supported ftype, and the Transport Type (tt) field of the packet
matches the device ID width setting of this IP core, the packet is routed to the
appropriate Logical layer.
Note: The destination ID can match this endpoint only if the tt field in the packet matches
the device ID width setting of the endpoint.
Request packets with a supported ftype and correct tt field, but an unsupported
ttype, are routed to the Logical layer supporting the ftype, which allows the
following tasks:
An ERROR response can be sent to requests that require a response.
An unsupported_transaction error can be recorded in the Error Management
extension registers.
Response packets are routed to a Logical layer module or the Avalon-ST pass-through
port based on the value of the target transaction ID field.
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Related Links
Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface on page 91
The Avalon-ST pass-through interface is an optional interface that is generated
when you select the Avalon-ST pass-through interface in the Transport
and Maintenance page of the RapidIO II parameter editor.
Transaction ID Ranges on page 91
3.2.3 Disable Destination ID Checking
Disable destination ID checking by default determines the default value of the option
to route a request packet with a supported ftype but a destination ID not assigned to
this endpoint.
You specify the initial value for the option in the RapidIO II parameter editor, and
software can change it by modifying the value of the DIS_DEST_ID_CHK field of the
Port 0 Control CSR. By default, this parameter is turned off.
Related Links
Port 0 Control CSR on page 159
3.3 Logical Layer Settings
The Logical layer settings specify properties of the following Logical layer modules:
Maintenance module
Doorbell module
I/O master module
I/O slave module
3.3.1 Maintenance Module Settings
The Maintenance module settings specify properties of the Maintenance Logical layer.
If you turn on Enable Maintenance module, a Maintenance module is configured in
your RapidIO II IP core.
If the Maintenance module is enabled, the Maintenance address bus width parameter
is available to determine the Maintenance slave interface address bus width. This
parameter currently supports only a 24-bit address width.
This parameter controls the width of the Maintenance slave interface address bus only.
The Maintenance master interface address bus is 32 bits wide. The Maintenance
module supports RapidIO MAINTENANCE read and write operations and MAINTENANCE
port-write operations.
Related Links
Maintenance Module on page 75
3.3.2 Doorbell Module Settings
The Doorbell module settings specify properties of the Doorbell Logical layer module.
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
If you turn on Enable Doorbell support, a Doorbell module is configured in your
RapidIO II IP core to support generation of outbound RapidIO DOORBELL messages
and reception and processing of inbound DOORBELL messages.
If this parameter is turned off, received DOORBELL messages are routed to the
Avalon- ST pass-through interface if it is enabled, or are silently dropped if the pass-
through interface is not enabled.
If the Doorbell module and the I/O slave module are both enabled, the Prevent
doorbell messages from passing write transactions parameter is available. This
parameter controls support for preserving transaction order between DOORBELL
messages and I/O write request transactions sent to the IP core by user logic.
Related Links
Doorbell Module on page 86
The Doorbell module is an optional component of the I/O Logical layer. The
Doorbell module provides support for Type 10 packet format (DOORBELL class)
transactions, allowing users to send and receive short software-defined messages
to and from other processing elements connected to the RapidIO interface.
3.3.3 I/O Master Module Settings
The I/O Master module settings specify properties of the I/O Logical layer Avalon-MM
Master module.
If you turn on Enable I/O Logical layer Master module, an I/O Master module is
configured in your RapidIO II IP core.
If the I/O Logical layer Master module is enabled, the Number of Rx address
translation windows parameter is available. This parameter allows you to specify a
value from 1 to 16 to define the number of receive address translation windows the
I/O Master Logical layer supports.
Related Links
Input/Output Avalon-MM Master Module on page 51
The Input/Output (I/O) Avalon-MM master Logical layer module is an optional
component of the I/O Logical layer. This module receives RapidIO read and write
request packets from a remote endpoint through the Transport layer module.
3.3.4 I/O Slave Module Settings
The I/O Slave module settings specify properties of the I/O Logical layer Avalon-MM
Slave module.
If you turn on Enable I/O Logical layer Slave module, an I/O Slave module is
configured in your RapidIO II IP core. Turning on this parameter makes the following
I/O Slave module parameters available in the parameter editor:
Number of Tx address translation windows allows you to specify a value from 1 to
16 to define the number of transmit address translation windows the I/O Slave
Logical layer supports.
I/O Slave address bus width currently supports widths between 10 and 32 bits,
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Related Links
Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave Module on page 61
3.4 Capability Registers Settings
The Capability Registers tab lets you set values for some of the capability registers
(CARs), which exist in every RapidIO processing element and allow an external
processing element to determine the endpoint’s capabilities through MAINTENANCE
read operations. All CARs are 32 bits wide.
Note: The settings on the Capability Registers page do not cause any features to be enabled
or disabled in the RapidIO II IP core. Instead, they set the values of certain bit fields
in some CARs.
3.4.1 Device Identity CAR
The Device Identity CAR options identify the device and vendor IDs and set values in
the Device Identity CAR.
Device ID sets the DeviceIdentity field of the Device Identity register.
This option uniquely identifies the type of device from the vendor specified in the
DeviceVendorIdentity field of the Device Identity register.
Vendor ID uniquely identifies the vendor and sets the DeviceVendorIdentity
field in the Device Identity register. Set Vendor ID to the identifier value
assigned by the RapidIO Trade Association to your company.
Related Links
Device Identity CAR on page 169
3.4.2 Device Information CAR
The Device Information CAR option identifies the revision ID and sets its value in the
Device Information CAR.
Revision ID identifies the revision level of the device and sets the value of the
DeviceRev field in the DeviceRev field of the Device Information register.
This value is assigned and managed by the vendor specified in the
VendorIdentity field of the Device Identity register.
Related Links
Device Information CAR on page 169
3.4.3 Assembly Identity CAR
The Assembly Identity CAR options identify the vendor who manufactured the
assembly or subsystem of the device, and sets these values in the Assembly
Identity CAR.
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Assembly ID corresponds to the AssyIdentity field of the Assembly
Identity register, which uniquely identifies the type of assembly. This field is
assigned and managed by the vendor specified in the AssyVendorIdentity field
of the Assembly Identity register.
Assembly Vendor ID uniquely identifies the vendor who manufactured the
assembly. This value corresponds to the AssyVendorIdentity field of the
Assembly Identity register.
Related Links
Assembly Identity CAR on page 169
3.4.4 Assembly Information CAR
The Assembly Information CAR options identify the vendor who manufactured the
assembly or subsystem of the device and the pointer to the first entry in the Extended
Features list, and sets these values in the Assembly Information CAR.
Revision ID indicates the revision level of the assembly and sets the AssyRev
field of the Assembly Information CAR. In the Qsys design flow, this
parameter is labeled Assembly revision ID.
Related Links
Assembly Information CAR on page 169
3.4.5 Processing Element Features CAR
The Processing Element Features CAR identifies the major features of the processing
Bridge Support, when turned on, sets the Bridge bit in the Processing
Element Features CAR and indicates that this processing element can bridge to
another interface such as PCI Express, a proprietary processor bus such as
Avalon-MM, DRAM, or other interface.
Memory Access, when turned on, sets the Memory bit in the Processing
Element Features CAR and indicates that the processing element has
physically addressable local address space that can be accessed as an endpoint
through non-maintenance operations. This local address space may be limited to
local configuration registers, or can be on-chip SRAM, or another memory device.
Processor Present, when turned on, sets the Processor bit in the Processing
Element Features CAR and indicates that the processing element physically
contains a local processor such as the Nios® II embedded processor or similar
device that executes code. A device that bridges to an interface that connects to a
processor should set the Bridge bit instead of the Processor bit.
Enable Flow Arbitration Support, when turned on, sets the Flow
Arbitration Support bit in the Processing Element Features CAR and
indicates that the processing element supports flow arbitration. The IP core routes
Type 7 packets to the Avalon-ST pass-through interface, so user logic must
implement flow control on the Avalon-ST pass-through interface.
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Enable Standard Route Table Configuration Support, when turned on, sets
the Standard route table configuration support bit in the Processing
Element Features CAR and indicates that the processing element supports the
standard route table configuration mechanism.
This property is relevant in switch processing elements only.
If you turn on Enable standard route table configuration support, user logic must
implement the functionality and registers to support standard route table
configuration. The RapidIO II IP core does not implement the Standard Route
CSRs at offsets 0x70, 0x74, and 0x78.
Enable Extended Route Table Configuration Support
If you turn on Enable standard route table configuration support, the Enable
extended route table configuration support parameter is available.
Enable extended route table configuration support, when turned on, sets the
Extended route table configuration support bit in the Processing
Element Features CAR and indicates that the processing element supports the
extended route table configuration mechanism.
This property is relevant in switch processing elements only.
If you turn on Enable extended route table configuration support, user logic must
implement the functionality and registers to support extended route table
configuration. The RapidIO II IP core does not implement the Standard Route
CSRs at offsets 0x70, 0x74, and 0x78.
Enable Flow Control Support, when turned on, sets the Flow Control
Support bit in the Processing Element Features CAR and indicates that the
processing element supports flow control.
Enable Switch Support, when turned on, sets the Switch bit in the
Processing Element Features CAR and indicates that the processing element
can bridge to another external RapidIO interface. A processing element that only
bridges to a local endpoint is not considered a switch port.
Related Links
Processing Element Features CAR on page 170
3.4.6 Switch Port Information CAR
If you turn on Enable switch support, the following parameters are available:
Number of Ports specifies the total number of ports on the processing element.
This value sets the PortTotal field of the Switch Port Information CAR.
Port Number sets the PortNumber field of the Switch Port Information
CAR. This value is the number of the port from which the MAINTENANCE read
operation accesses this register.
Related Links
Switch Port Information CAR on page 171
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
3.4.7 Switch Route Table Destination ID Limit CAR
Switch Route Table Destination ID Limit sets the Max_destID field of the
Switch Route Table Destination ID Limit CAR.
Related Links
Switch Route Table Destination ID Limit CAR on page 174
3.4.8 Data Streaming Information CAR
Maximum PDU sets the MaxPDU field of the Data Streaming Information
Number of Segmentation Contexts sets the SegSupport field of the Data
Streaming Information CAR.
Related Links
Data Streaming Information CAR on page 174
3.4.9 Source Operations CAR
The Source operations CAR override parameter supports user input to the values of all
of the fields of the Source Operations CAR. You can use this parameter to specify
that your RapidIO II IP core variation handles some specific functionality through the
Avalon-ST pass-through port.
The 32-bit default value of the Source Operations CAR is determined by the
functionality you enable in the RapidIO II IP core with other settings in the parameter
editor. For example, if you turn on Enable Maintenance module, the PORT_WRITE field
is set by default to the value of 1’b1. However, the actual reset value of the Source
Operations CAR is the result of the bitwise exclusive-or operation applied to the
default values and the value you specify for the Source operations CAR override
For example, by default, the Data Message field of this CAR is turned off. However,
you can set the value of the Source operations CAR override parameter to
32’h00000800 to override the default value of the Data Message field, to indicate
that user logic attached to the Avalon-ST pass-through interface supports data
message operations. The RapidIO II IP core supports reporting of data-message
related errors through the standard Error Management Extensions registers.
Related Links
Source Operations CAR on page 171
3.4.10 Destination Operations CAR
The Destination operations CAR override parameter supports user input to the values
of all of the fields of the Destination Operations CAR. You can use this
parameter to specify that your RapidIO II IP core variation handles some specific
functionality through the Avalon-ST pass-through port.
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The 32-bit default value of the Destination Operations CAR is determined by the
functionality you enable in the RapidIO II IP core with other settings in the parameter
editor. For example, if you turn on Enable Maintenance module, the PORT_WRITE field
is set by default to the value of 1’b1. However, the actual reset value of the
Destination Operations CAR is the result of the bitwise exclusive-or operation
applied to the default values and the value you specify for the Destination operations
CAR override parameter.
For example, by default, the Data Message field of this CAR is turned off. However,
you can set the value of the Destination operations CAR override parameter to
32’h00000800 to override the default value of the Data Message field, to indicate
that user logic attached to the Avalon-ST pass-through interface supports data
message operations that the RapidIO II IP core receives on the RapidIO link. The
RapidIO II IP core supports reporting of data-message related errors through the
standard Error Management Extensions registers.
Related Links
Destination Operations CAR on page 173
3.5 Command and Status Registers Settings
The Command and Status Registers tab lets you set the reset values for some of the
command and status registers (CSRs), which exist in every RapidIO processing
element. All CSRs are 32 bits wide.
3.5.1 Data Streaming Logical Layer Control CSR
Supported Traffic Management Types Reset Value sets the reset value of the
TM_TYPE_SUPPORT field of the Data Streaming Logical Layer Control
Traffic Management Mode Reset Value sets the reset value of the TM_MODE
field of the Data Streaming Logical Layer Control CSR.
Maximum Transmission Unit Reset Value sets the reset value of the MTU field
of the Data Streaming Logical Layer Control CSR.
Related Links
Data Streaming Logical Layer Control CSR on page 175
3.5.2 Port General Control CSR
Host Reset Value sets the reset value of the HOST field of the Port General
Control CSR.
Master Enable Reset Value sets the reset value of the ENA field of the Port
General Control CSR.
Discovered Reset Value sets the reset value of the DISCOVER field of the Port
General Control CSR.
Related Links
Port General Control CSR on page 152
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
3.5.3 Port 0 Control CSR
Flow Control Participant Reset Value sets the reset value of the Flow
Control Participant field of the Port 0 Control CSR.
Enumeration Boundary Reset Value sets the reset value of the Enumeration
Boundary field of the Port 0 Control CSR.
Flow Arbitration Participant Reset Value sets the reset value of the Flow
Arbitration Participant field of the Port 0 Control CSR.
Related Links
Port 0 Control CSR on page 159
3.5.4 Lane n Status 0 CSR
Transmitter Type Reset Value sets the value of the Transmitter Type field
and the reset value of the Transmitter Mode field of the Lane n Status 0
Receiver Type Reset Value sets the value of the Receiver Type field of the
Lane n Status 0 CSR.
Related Links
LP-Serial Lane n Status 0 on page 163
3.5.5 Extended Features Pointer CSR
The Extended features pointer points to the final entry in the extended features list.
This parameter supports the addition of custom user-defined registers to your RapidIO
II IP core. This parameter sets the value of one of the following two register fields:
If you do not instantiate the Error Management Extension registers, this
parameter determines the value of the EF_PTR field of the LP-Serial Lane
Extended Features Block Header register at offset 0x200.
If you instantiate the Error Management Extension registers in your RapidIO II IP
core variation, this parameter determines the value of the EF_PTR field of the
Error Management Extensions Block Header register at offset 0x300.
Note: This parameter does not affect the Assembly Information CAR. The
ExtendedFeaturesPtr in the Assembly Information CAR is set to the value of
0x100, which is the offset for the LP-Serial Extended Features block
3.6 Error Management Registers Settings
The Error Management Registers tab lists a single parameter, Enable error
management extension registers.
If you turn on Enable error management extension registers, your RapidIO II IP core
instantiates the Error Management Extensions register block defined in the RapidIO
Interconnect Specification Part 8: Error Management Extensions Specification.
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The RapidIO II IP core instantiates these registers at register block offset 0x300. If
you do not instantiate these registers, you can specify user-defined registers at offset
Related Links
Error Management Registers on page 187
The RapidIO II IP core implements the Error Management Extensions registers.
These registers are configured in your RapidIO II IP core variation if you turn on
Enable error management extension registers on the Error Management
Registers tab of the RapidIO II parameter editor.
3 Parameter Settings
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
4 Functional Description
4.1 Interfaces
The Intel RapidIO II IP core supports the following data interfaces:
Avalon Memory Mapped (Avalon-MM) Master and Slave Interfaces
Avalon Streaming (Avalon-ST) Interface
RapidIO Interface
4.1.1 Avalon-MM Master and Slave Interfaces
The Avalon-MM master and slave interfaces execute transfers between the RapidIO II
IP core and the system interconnect. The system interconnect allows you to use the
Qsys system integration tool to connect any master peripheral to any slave peripheral,
without detailed knowledge of either the master or slave interface. The RapidIO II IP
core implements both Avalon-MM master and Avalon-MM slave interfaces.
Avalon-MM Interface Byte Ordering
The RapidIO protocol uses big endian byte ordering, whereas Avalon-MM interfaces
use little endian byte ordering. No byte- or bit-order swaps occur between the 64-bit
Avalon-MM protocol and RapidIO protocol, only byte- and bit-number changes. For
example, RapidIO Byte0 is Avalon-MM Byte7, and for all values of i from 0 to 63, bit i
of the RapidIO 64-bit double word[0:63] of payload is bit (63-i) of the Avalon-MM 64-
bit double word[63:0].
Table 10. Byte Ordering
Byte Lane (Binary)
RapidIO Protocol (Big Endian)
32-Bit Word[0:31]
wdptr = 0
32-Bit Word[0:31]
wdptr = 1
Double Word[0:63]
RapidIO Byte Address N = {29'hn, 3'b000}
Avalon- MM Protocol (Little Endian)
s = N
= N+6
= N+5
= N+4
= N+3
= N+2
= N+1
= N
32-Bit Word[31:0] 32-Bit Word[31:0]
4 Functional Description
© 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, NIOS,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the US and/or other countries.
Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and
semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the
right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility
or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except
as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Byte Lane (Binary)
Avalon-MM Byte Address = N+4 Avalon-MM Byte Address = N
64-bit Double Word0[63:0]
Avalon-MM Byte Address = N
In variations of the RapidIO II IP core that have 128-bit wide Avalon-MM interfaces,
the least significant half of the Avalon-MM 128-bit word corresponds to the 8-byte
double word at RapidIO address N, and the most significant half of the Avalon-MM
128-bit word corresponds to the 8-byte double word at RapidIO address N+8. If two
8-byte double words appear in the RapidIO packet in the order dw0, followed by dw1,
they appear on the 128-bit Avalon-MM interface as the 128-bit word {dw1, dw0}.
Table 11. Double-Word Ordering in a 128-Bit Avalon-MM Interface
RapidIO Protocol (Big Endian) Second Transmitted Double Word[0:63]
RapidIO Byte Address N + 8
First Transmitted Double Word[0:63]7
RapidIO Byte Address N = {29'hn,
Avalon-MM Protocol (Little Endian) 64-Bit Double Word[63:0]
Avalon-MM Byte Address = N+8
64-Bit Double Word[63:0]
Avalon-MM Byte Address = N
Related Links
Avalon Interface Specifications
4.1.2 Avalon-ST Interface
The Avalon-ST interface provides a standard, flexible, and modular protocol for data
transfers from a source interface to a sink interface. The Avalon-ST interface protocol
allows you to easily connect components together by supporting a direct connection to
the Transport layer. The Avalon-ST interface is 128 bits wide. This interface is available
to create custom Logical layer functions like message passing.
Related Links
Avalon Interface Specifications
4.1.3 RapidIO Interface
The RapidIO interface complies with revision 2.2 of the RapidIO serial interface
standard described in the RapidIO Trade Association specifications. The protocol is
divided into a three-layer hierarchy: Physical layer, Transport layer, and Logical layer.
Related Links
RapidIO Interconnect Specification webpage
7 Bit 0 of the RapidIO double word is transmitted first on the RapidIO link.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
4.2 Clocking and Reset Structure
All RapidIO II IP core variations have the following clock inputs:
Avalon system clock (sys_clk)
Reference clock for the transceiver Tx PLL and Rx PLL (tx_pll_refclk). In Arria
10 variations, this clock port drives only the Rx PLL
Transceiver channel clocks (tx_bonding_clocks_chN) The RapidIO II IP core
provides the following two clock outputs from the transceiver
Recovered data clock (rx_clkout)
Transceiver transmit-side clock (tx_clkout)
In addition, if you turn on Enable transceiver dynamic reconfiguration in the
RapidIO II parameter editor, the IP core includes a reconfig_clk_chN input clock to
clock the Arria 10/Stratix 10 Native PHY dynamic reconfiguration interface for each
lane N. The RapidIO II IP core can accommodate a difference of ±200 PPM between
the tx_clkout and rx_clkout clocks.
4.2.1 Avalon System Clock
The Avalon system clock, sys_clk, is an input to the RapidIO II IP core that drives
the Transport and Logical layer modules and most of the Physical layer module.
Note: You must drive the sys_clk clock from the same source from which you drive the
tx_pll_refclk input clock.
4.2.2 Reference Clock
The reference clock, tx_pll_refclk, is the incoming reference clock for the
transceiver’s PLL. You specify the reference clock frequency in the RapidIO II
parameter editor when you create the RapidIO II IP core instance.
The ability to program the frequency of the input reference clock allows you to use an
existing clock in your system as the reference clock for the RapidIO II IP core. This
reference clock can have any of a set of frequencies that the PLL in the transceiver can
convert to the required internal clock speed for the RapidIO II IP core baud rate. The
choices available to you for this frequency are determined by the baud rate and target
device family.
Note: You must drive the tx_pll_refclk clock from the same source from which you drive
the sys_clk input clock and the TX PLL pll_refclk0 input clock. This source must
be within ±100PPM of its nominal value, to ensure the difference between any two
devices in the RapidIO II system is within ±200PPM.
4.2.3 Recovered Data Clock
The clock and data recovery block (CDR) in the transceiver recovers this clock,
rx_clkout, from the incoming RapidIO data. The RapidIO II IP core provides this
output clock as a convenience. You can use it to source a system-wide clock with a 0
PPM frequency difference from the clock used to transmit the incoming data.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
4.2.4 Clock Rate Relationships in the RapidIO II IP Core
The RapidIO v2.2 specification specifies baud rates of 1.25, 2.5, 3.125, 5.0, and 6.25
Table 12. Clock Frequencies in the RapidIO II IP Core
Following are the clock rates in the different RapidIO II IP core variations, showing the relationship between
baud rate, default transceiver reference clock frequency, and Avalon system clock frequency.
Baud Rate (Gbaud) Default reference clock frequency
Avalon system clock Frequency
1.25 156.25 31.25
2.5 156.25 62.5
3.125 156.25 78.125
5.0 156.25 125.0
6.25 156.25 156.25
4.2.5 Clock Domains in Your Qsys System
In systems created with Qsys, the system interconnect manages clock domain
crossing if some of the components of the system run on a different clock. For optimal
throughput, run all the components in the datapath on the same clock.
4.2.6 Reset for RapidIO II IP Cores
All RapidIO II IP core variations have the following reset signals:
rst_n — resets the RapidIO II IP core
tx_ready, tx_analogreset, tx_digitalreset,
tx_digitalreset_stat10, tx_analogreset_stat10 — reset the transmit
side of the transceiver
rx_ready, rx_analogreset, rx_digitalreset,
rx_digitalreset_stat10, rx_analogreset_stat10 — reset the receive side
of the transceiver
pll_powerdown — reset one or more Tx PLLs in the transceiver. This signal is
available in Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and Stratix V variations only.
In addition, if you turn on Enable transceiver dynamic reconfiguration in the RapidIO II
parameter editor, the IP core includes reconfig_reset_chN input signals. For each
N, the reconfig_reset_chN signal resets the Arria 10/Stratix 10 Native PHY
dynamic reconfiguration interface for the transceiver channel that implements RapidIO
lane N.
8 The reference clock is called tx_pll_refclk by default.
9The Avalon system clock is called sys_clk by default. It runs at 1/40 the frequency of the
maximum baud rate you configure in the RapidIO II parameter editor, irrespective of the baud
rate you program in software. You must drive sys_clk and the reference clock from the same
clock source.
10 Only for Stratix 10 devices.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The reset sequence and requirements vary among device families. To implement the
reset sequence correctly for your RapidIO II IP core, you must connect the tx_ready,
tx_analogreset, tx_digitalreset, rx_ready, rx_analogreset,
rx_digitalreset, tx_digitalreset_stat, tx_analogreset_stat,
rx_digitalreset_stat, rx_analogreset_stat, and pll_powerdown reset
signals to the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller IP core. User logic must drive the
following signals from a single reset source:
RapidIO II IP core rst_n (active low) input signal.
Transceiver PHY Reset Controller IP core reset (active high) input signal.
TX PLL pll_powerdown (active high) input signal.
TX PLL mcgb_rst (active high) input signal. However, Arria 10 device
requirements take precedence. Depending on the external TX PLL configuration,
your design might need to drive pll_powerdown and TX PLL mcgb_rst with
different constraints.
User logic must connect the remaining input reset signals of the RapidIO II IP core to
the corresponding output signals of the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller IP core.
The rst_n input signal can be asserted asynchronously, but must last at least one
Avalon system clock period and be deasserted synchronously to the rising edge of the
Avalon system clock.
Figure 9. Circuit to Ensure Synchronous Deassertion of rst_n
IP Core
In systems generated by Qsys, this circuit is generated automatically. However, if your
RapidIO II IP core variation is not generated by Qsys, you must implement logic to
ensure the minimal hold time and synchronous deassertion of the rst_n input signal
to the RapidIO II IP core.
The assertion of rst_n causes the whole RapidIO II IP core to reset. The requirement
that the reset controller reset input signal and the TX PLL pll_powerdown and
mcgb_rst input signals be asserted with rst_n ensures that the PHY IP core resets
with the RapidIO II IP core.
User logic must assert the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller IP core reset signal with
rst_n. However, each signal is deasserted synchronously with its corresponding clock.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 10. Circuit to Ensure Synchronous Assertion of reset with rst_n
In this figure, clock is the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller IP core input clock. You
can extend this logic as appropriate to include any additional reset signals.
RapidIO II
IP Core
PHY Reset
IP Core
In systems generated by Qsys, this circuit is generated automatically. However, if your
RapidIO II IP core variation is not generated by Qsys, you must implement logic to
ensure that rst_n and reset are driven from the same source, and that each meets
the minimal hold time and synchronous deassertion requirements.
While the module is held in reset, the Avalon-MM waitrequest outputs are driven
high and all other outputs are driven low. When the module comes out of the reset
state, all buffers are empty.
Note: You must de-assert all IP reset signals and allow link initialization to access the
Command and Status Register (CSR) block.
Consistent with normal operation, following the reset sequence, the Initialization state
machine transitions to the SILENT state. In this state, the transmitters are turned off.
If two communicating RapidIO II IP cores are reset one after the other, one of the IP
cores may enter the Input Error Stopped state because the other IP core is in the
SILENT state while this one is already initialized. The initialized IP core enters the
Input Error Stopped state and subsequently recovers.
Related Links
RapidIO Interconnect Specification webpage
Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide
Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
Stratix 10 L-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
4.3 Logical Layer Interfaces
This section describes the features of the Logical layer module interfaces and how
your system can interact with these interfaces to communicate with a RapidIO link
The Logical layer consists of the following optional modules:
I/O slave and master modules that initiate and terminate NREAD, NWRITE,
SWRITE, and NWRITE_R transactions.
Maintenance module that initiates and terminates MAINTENANCE transactions.
Doorbell module that transacts RapidIO DOORBELL messages.
Avalon-ST pass-through interface for implementing your own custom Logical layer
In addition, the Logical layer provides an Avalon-MM slave interface called the Register
Access interface which provides access to all of the RapidIO II IP core registers except
the Doorbell Logical layer registers. This interface is present in all RapidIO II IP core
Figure 11. Functional Block Diagram with all of the Logical Layer Modules
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
4.3.1 Register Access Interface
All RapidIO II IP core variations include a Register Access interface. This Avalon-MM
slave interface provides access to all of the registers in the RapidIO II IP core except
the Doorbell Logical layer registers.
Note: The Doorbell Logical layer registers are available only in RapidIO II IP core variations
that instantiate a Doorbell Logical layer module, and you must access them through
the Doorbell module's Avalon-MM slave interface. Non-Doorbell Register Access Operations
The RapidIO II IP core registers are 32 bits wide and are accessible only on a 32-bit
(4-byte) basis. The addressing for the registers therefore increments by units of 4.
The Register Access interface supports simple reads and writes with variable latency.
The interface provides access to 32-bit words addressed by a 22-bit wide word
address, corresponding to a 24-bit wide byte address. This address space provides
access to the entire RapidIO configuration space, including any user-defined registers.
A local host can access the RapidIO II IP core registers through the Register Access
Avalon-MM slave interface.
If your RapidIO II IP core variation includes a Maintenance module, a remote host can
access the RapidIO II IP core registers by sending MAINTENANCE transactions
targeted to this local RapidIO II IP core. If the transaction is a read or write to an
address in the IP core register address range, the RapidIO II IP core routes the
transaction to the appropriate register internally. If the transaction is a read or write
to an address outside the address ranges of the Logical layer modules instantiated in
the RapidIO II IP core, the IP core routes the transaction to user logic through the
Maintenance master interface. Register Access Interface Signals
Table 13. Register Access Avalon-MM Slave Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
ext_mnt_waitrequest Output Register Access slave wait request. The RapidIO II IP core uses
this signal to stall the requestor on the interconnect.
ext_mnt_read Input Register Access slave read request.
ext_mnt_write Input Register Access slave write request.
ext_mnt_address[21:0] Input Register Access slave address bus. The address is a word address,
not a byte address.
ext_mnt_writedata[31:0] Input Register Access slave write data bus.
ext_mnt_readdata[31:0] Output Register Access slave read data bus.
ext_mnt_readdatavalid Output Register Access slave read data valid signal supports variable-
latency, pipelined read transfers on this interface.
ext_mnt_readresponse Output
Register Access read error, which indicates that the read transfer
did not complete successfully. This signal is valid only when the
ext_mnt_readdatavalid signal is asserted.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Description
std_reg_mnt_irq Output
Standard registers interrupt request. This interrupt signal is
associated with the error conditions registered in the Command
and Status Registers (CSRs) and the Error Management Extensions
io_m_mnt_irq Output
I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module interrupt signal. This
interrupt is associated with the conditions registered in the
Input/Output Master Interrupt register at offset 0x103DC.
io_s_mnt_irq Output
I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module interrupt signal. This
interrupt signal is associated with the conditions registered in the
Input/Output Slave Interrupt register at offset 0x10500.
mnt_mnt_s_irq Output
Maintenance slave interrupt signal. This interrupt signal is
associated with the conditions registered in the Maintenance
Interrupt register at offset 0x10080.
The interface supports the following interrupt lines:
std_reg_mnt_irq — when enabled, the interrupts registered in the CSRs and
Error Management registers assert the std_reg_mnt_irq signal.
io_m_mnt_irq — this interrupt signal reports interrupt conditions related to the
I/O Avalon-MM master interface. When enabled, the interrupts registered in the
Input/Output Master Interrupt register at offset 0x103DC assert the
io_m_mnt_irq signal.
io_s_mnt_irq — this interrupt signal reports interrupt conditions related to the
I/O Avalon-MM slave interface. When enabled, the interrupts registered in the
Input/Output Slave Interrupt register at offset 0x10500 assert the
io_s_mnt_irq signal.
mnt_mnt_s_irq — this interrupt signal reports interrupt conditions related to the
Maintenance interface slave port. When enabled, the interrupts registered in the
Maintenance Interrupt register at offset 0x10080 assert the mnt_mnt_s_irq
4.3.2 Input/Output Logical Layer Modules Input/Output Avalon-MM Master Module
The Input/Output (I/O) Avalon-MM master Logical layer module is an optional
component of the I/O Logical layer. This module receives RapidIO read and write
request packets from a remote endpoint through the Transport layer module.
The I/O Avalon-MM master module translates the request packets into Avalon-MM
transactions, and creates and returns RapidIO response packets to the source of the
request through the Transport layer.
Note: The I/O Avalon-MM master module is referred to as a master module because it is an
Avalon-MM interface master.
The I/O Avalon-MM master module can process a mix of NREAD and NWRITE_R
requests simultaneously. The I/O Avalon-MM master module can process up to eight
pending NREAD requests. If the Transport layer module receives an NREAD request
packet while eight requests are already pending in the I/O Avalon-MM master module,
the new packet remains in the Transport layer until one of the pending transactions
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 12. I/O Master Block Diagram
Read and Write
Avalon-MM Interface
(128 bits)
To Transport Layer
(128 bits)
From Transport Layer
(128 bits)
Sink Input/Output Avalon-MM Master Interface Signals
Table 14. Input/Output Avalon-MM Master Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
iom_rd_wr_waitrequest Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module wait request.
iom_rd_wr_write Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module write request.
iom_rd_wr_read Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module read request.
iom_rd_wr_address[31:0] Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module address bus.
iom_rd_wr_writedata[127:0] Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module write data bus.
iom_rd_wr_byteenable[15:0] Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module byte enable.
iom_rd_wr_burstcount[4:0] Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module burst count.
iom_rd_wr_readresponse Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module read error response.
iom_rd_wr_readdata[127:0] Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module read data bus.
iom_rd_wr_readdatavalid Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module read data valid.
The I/O Avalon-MM Master module supports an interrupt line, io_m_mnt_irq, on the
Register Access interface. When enabled, the following interrupts assert the
io_m_mnt_irq signal:
Address out of bounds
Related Links
I/O Master Interrupts on page 183
The RapidIO II IP core asserts the io_m_mnt_irq signal if the interrupt bit is
enabled. Following are the available Input/Output Master interrupt and
corresponding interrupt enable bit.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
52 Defining the Input/Output Avalon-MM Master Address Mapping Windows
When you specify the value for Number of Rx address translation windows in the
RapidIO II parameter editor, you determine the number of address translation
windows available for translating incoming RapidIO read and write transactions to
Avalon-MM requests on the I/O Logical layer Master port.
You must program the Input/Output Master Mapping Window registers to
support the address ranges you wish to distinguish. You can disable an address
translation window that is available in your configuration, but the maximum number of
windows you can program is the number you specify in the RapidIO II parameter
editor with the Number of Rx address translation windows value.
The RapidIO II IP core includes one set of Input/Output Master Mapping
Window registers for each translation window. The following registers define address
translation window n:
A base register: Input/Output Master Mapping Window n Base
A mask register: Input/Output Master Mapping Window n Mask
An offset register: Input/Output Master Mapping Window n Offset
You can change the values of the window defining registers at any time. You should
disable a window before changing its window defining registers.
To enable a window, set the window enable (WEN) bit of the window’s Input/Output
Master Mapping Window n Mask register to the value of 1. To disable it, set the
WEN bit to the value of zero.
For each defined and enabled window, the RapidIO II IP core masks out the RapidIO
address's least significant bits with the window mask and compares the resulting
address to the window base.
The matching window is the lowest numbered window for which the following equation
(rio_addr[33:4] & {xamm[1:0], mask[31:4]}) == ({xamb[1:0], base[31:4]} &
{xamm[1:0], mask[31:4]})
rio_addr[33:0] is the 34-bit RapidIO address composed of
{xamsbs[1:0],address[28:0],3b’000} for RapidIO header fields xamsbs
and address.
mask[31:0] is composed of {Mask register[31:4], 4b’0000}.
base[31:0] is composed of {Base register[31:4], 4b’0000}.
xamm[1:0] is the XAMM field of the I/O Master Mapping Window n Mask
xamb[1:0] is the XAMB field of the I/O Master Mapping Window n Base
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The RapidIO II IP core determines the Avalon-MM address from the least significant
bits of the RapidIO address and the matching window offset using the following
Avalon-MM address[31:4] = (offset[31:4] & mask[31:4]) | (rio_addr[31:4] &
offset[31:0] is the offset register. The least significant four bits of this register
are always 4’b0000.
The definitions of all other terms in the equation appear in the definition of the
matching window.
The value of the Avalon-MM address[3:0] is always zero, because the address is a
byte address and the I/O Logical layer master interface has a 128-bit wide datapath.
If the address does not match any window the I/O Logical layer Master module
performs the following actions:
Sets the Illegal Transaction Decode Error bit in the Error Management Extension
Sets the ADDRESS_OUT_OF_BOUNDS interrupt bit in the Input/Output Master
Interrupt register.
Asserts the interrupt signal io_m_mnt_irq if this interrupt is enabled by the
corresponding bit in the Input/Output Master Interrupt Enable
For a received NREAD or NWRITE_R request packet that does not match any
enabled window, returns a RapidIO ERROR response packet.
User logic can clear an interrupt by writing 1 to the interrupt register’s corresponding
bit location.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 13. I/O Master Window Translation
RapidIO Address
Don’t Care
Don’t Care
Window Base
Window Mask
Window Offset
Avalon-MM Address
Address Space
Address Space
Window Size
11 000000000000000...........00
Related Links
I/O Master Address Mapping Registers on page 182
When the IP core receives an NREAD, NWRITE, NWRITE_R, or SWRITE request
packet, the RapidIO address has to be translated into a local Avalon-MM
address. If you specify at least one address mapping window, the translation
involves the base, mask, and offset registers. The IP core has up to 16 register
sets, one for each address mapping window. The 16 possible register address
offsets are shown in the table titles.
I/O Master Interrupts on page 183
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The RapidIO II IP core asserts the io_m_mnt_irq signal if the interrupt bit is
enabled. Following are the available Input/Output Master interrupt and
corresponding interrupt enable bit. RapidIO Packet Data Word Pointer and Size Encoding in Avalon-MM Transactions
The RapidIO II IP core converts RapidIO packets to Avalon-MM transactions. The
RapidIO packet's read size, write size, and word pointer fields, and the least significant
bit of the address field, are translated to the Avalon-MM burst count and byteenable
Table 15. Avalon-MM I/O Master Read Transaction Burstcount and Byteenable
RapidIO Field Values Avalon-MM Signal Values
rdsize (4'bxxxx) wdptr (1'bx) address[0] (1'bx) Burstcount Byteenable
0 0 1 0000_0000_1000_0000
0 1 1 1000_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_1000
1 1 1 0000_1000_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_0100_0000
0 1 1 0100_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_0100
1 1 1 0000_0100_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_0010_0000
0 1 1 0010_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_0010
1 1 1 0000_0010_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_0001_0000
0 1 1 0001_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_0001
1 1 1 0000_0001_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1100_0000
0 1 1 1100_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_1100
1 1 1 0000_1100_0000_0000
010111 0 0 1 0000_0000_1110_0000
11 The RapidIO link partner should avoid read requests with this rdsize value, because the
resulting byteenable value is not allowed by the Avalon-MM specification. However, if the
RapidIO II IP core receives a read request with this rdsize value, the IP core issues these
transactions on the I/O Logical layer Avalon-MM master interface with the illegal byteenable
values, to support systems in which user logic handles these byteenable values.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
RapidIO Field Values Avalon-MM Signal Values
rdsize (4'bxxxx) wdptr (1'bx) address[0] (1'bx) Burstcount Byteenable
0 1 1 1110_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_0111
1 1 1 0000_0111_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_0011_0000
0 1 1 0011_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_0011
1 1 1 0000_0011_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1111_1000
0 1 1 1111_1000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0001_1111
1 1 1 0001_1111_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1111_0000
0 1 1 1111_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_1111
1 1 1 0000_1111_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1111_1100
0 1 1 1111_1100_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0011_1111
1 1 1 0011_1111_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1111_1110
0 1 1 0000_0000_0111_1111
1 0 1 1111_1110_0000_0000
1 1 1 0111_1111_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1111_1111
0 1 1 1111_1111_0000_0000
1 0 1 1111_1111_1111_1111
1 1 Reserved12
110013 0 0 2 1111_1111_1111_1111
12 This combination of wdptr and rdsize values is reserved. If the RapidIO II IP core receives
this combination, it sets the Unsupported Transaction bit (UNSUPPORT_TRAN) in the Logical/
Transport Layer Error Detect CSR and returns an ERROR response.
13 If rdsize has a value greater than 4’b1011, and address[0] has the value of 1, the RapidIO
II IP core sets the Unsupported Transaction bit (UNSUPPORT_TRAN) in the Logical/
Transport Layer Error Detect CSR and returns an ERROR response.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
RapidIO Field Values Avalon-MM Signal Values
rdsize (4'bxxxx) wdptr (1'bx) address[0] (1'bx) Burstcount Byteenable
1 0 4 1111_1111_1111_1111
0 0 6 1111_1111_1111_1111
1 0 8 1111_1111_1111_1111
0 0 10 1111_1111_1111_1111
1 0 12 1111_1111_1111_1111
0 0 14 1111_1111_1111_1111
1 0 16 1111_1111_1111_1111
Table 16. Avalon-MM I/O Master Write Transaction Burstcount and Byteenable I
For wrsize value less than 4’b1100:
RapidIO Field Values Avalon-MM Signal Values
wrsize (4'bxxxx) wdptr (1'bx) address[0] (1'bx) Burstcount
0 0 1 0000_0000_1000_0000
0 1 1 1000_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_1000
1 1 1 0000_1000_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_0100_0000
0 1 1 0100_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_0100
1 1 1 0000_0100_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_0010_0000
0 1 1 0010_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_0010
1 1 1 0000_0010_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_0001_0000
0 1 1 0001_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_0001
1 1 1 0000_0001_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1100_0000
0 1 1 1100_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_1100
1 1 1 0000_1100_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1110_0000
0 1 1 0000_0000_0000_0111
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
RapidIO Field Values Avalon-MM Signal Values
wrsize (4'bxxxx) wdptr (1'bx) address[0] (1'bx) Burstcount
1 0 1 1110_0000_0000_0000
1 1 1 0000_0111_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_0011_0000
0 1 1 0000_0000_0000_0011
1 0 1 0011_0000_0000_0000
1 1 1 0000_0011_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1111_1000
0 1 1 0000_0000_0001_1111
1 0 1 1111_1000_0000_0000
1 1 1 0001_1111_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1111_0000
0 1 1 1111_0000_0000_0000
1 0 1 0000_0000_0000_1111
1 1 1 0000_1111_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1111_1100
0 1 1 0000_0000_0011_1111
1 0 1 1111_1100_0000_0000
1 1 1 0011_1111_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1111_1110
0 1 1 0000_0000_0111_1111
1 0 1 1111_1110_0000_0000
1 1 1 0111_1111_0000_0000
0 0 1 0000_0000_1111_1111
0 1 1 1111_1111_0000_0000
1 0 1 1111_1111_1111_1111
1 1 2
First clock cycle:
Second clock cycle:
Table 17. Avalon-MM I/O Master Write Transaction Burstcount and Byteenable II
For wrsize value greater than 4’b1011:
14 The RapidIO link partner should avoid this combination of wdptr and wrsize values, because
the resulting byteenable value presented on the Avalon-MM master interface is not allowed by
the Avalon-MM specification.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
RapidIO Values Avalon-MM Signal Values
RapidIO Field Values Payload Size
is Multiple of
16 Bytes 15
Byteenable (16'hXXXX)
(1'bx) First Cycle Intermediate
Cycles Final Cycle
0 Yes Payload size in
bytes / 16 FFFF FFFF FFFF
1 Yes
Payload size in
bytes / 16 plus
0 No 16 FFFF FFFF 00FF
1 No 16 FF00 FFFF FFFF Input/Output Avalon-MM Master Module Timing Diagrams
The RapidIO II IP core receives both transaction requests on the RapidIO link and
sends them to the Logical layer Avalon-MM master module. Timing diagrams shows
the timing dependencies on the Avalon-MM master interface for an incoming RapidIO
NREAD and NWRITE transaction.
Figure 14. NREAD Transaction on the Input/Output Avalon-MM Master Interface
00000000 Adr0 Adr1
r0 r1 r2
00 01 02
00 00F0 FFFF
15 If the packet payload is larger than the maximum size allowed for the packet wrsize and
wdptr values, the RapidIO II IP core records an Illegal transaction decode error in the Error
Management Extension registers and, for NWRITE_R request packets, returns an ERROR
16 If the payload size is not a multiple of 16 bytes, and address[0] has the value of zero, the
value of burstcount is the number of 8-byte words in the packet payload, divided by two, and
rounded up.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 15. NWRITE Transaction on the Input/Output Avalon-MM Master Interface
AdrA AdrB
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
02 04 Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave Module
The Input/Output (I/O) Avalon-MM slave Logical layer module is an optional
component of the I/O Logical layer. The I/O Avalon-MM slave Logical layer module
receives Avalon-MM transactions from user logic and converts these transactions to
RapidIO read and write request packets. The module sends the RapidIO packets to the
Transport layer, to be sent on the RapidIO link. For each RapidIO read or write
request, the target remote RapidIO processing element implements the actual read or
write transaction and sends back a response if required. Avalon-MM read transactions
complete when the RapidIO II IP core receives and processes the corresponding
response packet.
Notes: The I/O Avalon-MM slave module is referred to as a slave module because it is an
Avalon-MM interface slave.
The maximum number of outstanding transactions (I/O Requests) the RapidIO II
IP core supports on this interface is 16 (8 NREAD requests + 8 NWRITE_R
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 16. Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave Logical Layer Block Diagram
Data Path
Read and Write
Avalon-MM Bus
128 bits
Pending Reads
Pending Writes
Avalon-MM Slave
Read Request
Write Request
From Transport Layer
(128 bits)
To Transport Layer
(128 bits)
Slave Interface Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave Interface Signals
Table 18. Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
ios_rd_wr_waitrequest Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module wait request.
ios_rd_wr_write Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module write request.
ios_rd_wr_read Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module read request.
for N == 9, 10,..., or 31 Input
I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module address bus. The
address is a quad-word address (addresses a 16-byte (128-
bit) quad-word), not a byte address. You can determine the
width of the ios_rd_wr_address bus in the RapidIO II
parameter editor.
ios_rd_wr_writedata[127:0] Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module write data bus.
ios_rd_wr_byteenable[15:0] Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module byte enable.
ios_rd_wr_burstcount[4:0] Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module burst count.
ios_rd_wr_readresponse Output
I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module read error
response. I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module read
error. Indicates that the burst read transfer did not complete
ios_rd_wr_readdata[127:0] Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module read data bus.
ios_rd_wr_readdatavalid Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module read data valid.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The I/O Avalon-MM Slave module supports an interrupt line, io_s_mnt_irq, on the
Register Access interface. When enabled, the following interrupts assert the
io_s_mnt_irq signal:
Read out of bounds
Write out of bounds
Invalid write
Invalid read or write burstcount
Invalid read or write byteenable value
Related Links
I/O Slave Interrupts on page 185
These interrupt bits assert the io_s_mnt_irq signal if the corresponding interrupt
bit is enabled. Following are the available Input/Output slave interrupts and
corresponding interrupt enable bits. Initiating Read and Write Transactions
To initiate a read or write transaction on the RapidIO link, your system sends a read or
write request to the I/O Logical layer Slave module Avalon-MM interface.
IP Core Actions
In response to incoming Avalon-MM read requests to the I/O Logical layer Slave
module, the RapidIO II IP core generates read request packets on the RapidIO link, by
performing the following tasks:
For each incoming Avalon-MM read request, composes the RapidIO read request
For each incoming Avalon-MM write request, composes the RapidIO write request
Maintains status related to the composed packet to track responses:
Sends read request information to the Pending Reads buffer to wait for the
corresponding response packet.
Sends NWRITE_R request information to the Pending Writes buffer to wait for
the corresponding response packet.
Does not send SWRITE and NWRITE request information to the Pending Writes
buffer, because these transactions do not require a response to the user on
the I/O Logical layer Avalon-MM slave interface.
Presents the composed packet to the Transport layer for transmission on the
RapidIO link.
For each read response from the Transport layer, removes the original request
entry from the Pending Reads buffer and uses the packet’s payload to complete
the read transaction, by sending the read data on the Avalon-MM slave interface.
For each write response from the Transport layer, removes the original request
entry from the Pending Writes buffer.
Note: At any time, the I/O Logical layer Slave module can maintain a maximum of eight
outstanding read requests and a maximum of eight outstanding write requests. The
module asserts the ios_rd_wr_waitrequest signal to throttle incoming requests
above the limit.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The RapidIO II IP core performs the following actions in response to each read request
transaction the I/O Logical layer Slave module processes:
If the IP core receives a read response packet on the RapidIO link, the read
operation was successful. After the I/O Logical layer Slave module receives the
response packet from the Transport layer, it passes the read response and data
from the Pending Reads buffer back through the Avalon-MM slave interface.
If the remote processing element is busy, the RapidIO II IP core resends the
request packet.
If an error or time-out occurs, the I/O Logical layer Slave module asserts the
ios_rd_wr_readresponse signal on the Avalon-MM slave interface and captures
some information in the Error Management Extension registers.
The RapidIO II IP core assigns a time-out value to each outbound request that
requires a response—each NWRITE_R or NREAD transaction. The time-out value is the
sum of the VALUE field of the Port Response Time-Out Control register and the
current value of a free-running counter. When the counter reaches the time-out value,
if the transaction has not yet received a response, the transaction times out.
Related Links
Port Response Time-out Control CSR on page 152
Tracking I/O Write Transactions
The following three registers are available to software to track the status of I/O write
The Input/Output Slave Avalon-MM Write Transactions register holds a
count of the write transactions that have been initiated on the write Avalon-MM
slave interface.
The Input/Output Slave RapidIO Write Requests register holds a count
of the RapidIO write request packets that have been transferred to the Transport
The Input/Output Slave Pending NWRITE_R Transactions register holds
a count of the NWRITE_R requests that have been issued but have not yet
You can use these registers to determine if a specific I/O write transaction has been
issued or if a response has been received for any or all issued NWRITE_R requests.
Related Links
I/O Slave Transactions and Requests on page 186 Defining the Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave Address Mapping Windows
When you specify the value for Number of Tx address translation windows in the
RapidIO II parameter editor, you determine the number of address translation
windows available for translating incoming Avalon-MM read and write transactions to
RapidIO read and write requests.
You must program the Input/Output Slave Mapping Window registers to support
the address ranges you wish to distinguish. You can disable an address translation
window that is available in your configuration, but the maximum number of windows
you can program is the number you specify in the RapidIO II parameter editor with
the Number of Tx address translation windows value.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The RapidIO II IP core includes one set of Input/Output Slave Mapping Window
registers for each translation window. The following registers define address
translation window n:
A base register: Input/Output Slave Mapping Window n Base
A mask register: Input/Output Slave Mapping Window n Mask
An offset register: Input/Output Slave Mapping Window n Offset
A control register: Input/Output Slave Mapping Window n Control
The control register stores information the RapidIO II IP core uses to prepare the
RapidIO packet header, including the target device’s destination ID, the request
packet's priority, and to select between the three available write request packet types:
You can change the values of the window defining registers at any time, even after
sending a request packet and before receiving its response packet. However, you
should disable a window before changing its window defining registers.
To enable a window, set the window enable (WEN) bit of the window’s Input/Output
Slave Mapping Window n Mask register to the value of 1. To disable it, set the
WEN bit to the value of zero.
For each defined and enabled window, the RapidIO II IP core masks out the RapidIO
address's least significant bits with the window mask and compares the resulting
address to the window base.
The matching window is the lowest numbered window n for which the following
equation holds:
(ios_rd_wr_addr[31:4] & mask[31:4]) == (base[31:4] & mask[31:4])
ios_rd_wr_addr[31:0] is the I/O Logical layer Avalon-MM slave address bus. If
the field has fewer than 32 bits, the IP core pads the actual bus value with leading
zeroes for the matching comparison.
mask[31:4] is the MASK field of the Input/Output Slave Mapping Window
n Mask register.
base[31:4] is the BASE field of the Input/Output Slave Mapping Window
n Base register.
The RapidIO II IP core determines the value for the RapidIO packet header xamsbs
and address fields from the least significant bits of the Avalon-MM
ios_rd_wr_address signal and the matching window offset using the following
rio_addr [33:4] = {xamo, ((offset [31:4] & mask [31:4]) |
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
rio_addr[33:0] is the 34-bit RapidIO address composed of
{xamsbs[1:0],address[28:0],3b’000} for RapidIO header fields xamsbs
and address.
xamo[1:0] is the XAMO field of the Input/Output Slave Mapping Window n
Offset register.
offset[31:4] is the OFFSET field of the Input/Output Slave Mapping
Window n Offset register.
The definitions of all other terms in the equation appear in the definition of the
matching window.
If the address does not match any window the I/O Logical layer Slave module
performs the following actions:
Sets the WRITE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS or READ_OUT_OF_BOUNDS interrupt bit in the
Input/Output Slave Interrupt register.
Asserts the interrupt signal io_s_mnt_irq if this interrupt is enabled by the
corresponding bit in the Input/Output Slave Interrupt Enable register.
Increments the COMPLETED_OR_CANCELLED_WRITES field of the Input/Output
Slave RapidIO Write Requests register if the transaction is a write request.
User logic can clear an interrupt by writing 1 to the interrupt register’s corresponding
bit location.
The Avalon-MM slave interface burstcount and byteenable signals determine the
values of the RapidIO packet header fields wdptr and rdsize or wrsize.
The RapidIO II IP core copies the values you program in the PRIORITY and
DESTINATION_ID fields of the control register for the matching window, to the
RapidIO packet header fields prio and destinationID, respectively.
Related Links
I/O Slave Address Mapping Registers on page 184
The registers define windows in the Avalon-MM address space that are used to
determine the outgoing request packet’s ftype, DESTINATION_ID,
priority, and address fields. There are up to 16 register sets, one for each
possible address mapping window. The 16 possible register address offsets are
shown in the table titles.
I/O Slave Interrupts on page 185
These interrupt bits assert the io_s_mnt_irq signal if the corresponding
interrupt bit is enabled. Following are the available Input/Output slave
interrupts and corresponding interrupt enable bits.
I/O Slave Transactions and Requests on page 186 Input/Output Slave Translation Window Example
This section contains an example illustrating the use of I/O slave translation windows.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 17. Input/Output Slave Window Translation
Address Space
Address Space
Avalon-MM Address Bits
Don’t Care
Don’t Care
Window Base
Window Mask
Window Offset
RapidIO Address
Window Size
11111111.........................11 000000000000000..............00
(1) These bits must have the same value in the initial Avalon-MM address and in the window base.
In this example, a RapidIO II IP core with 8-bit device ID communicates with three
other processing endpoints through three I/O slave translation windows. For this
example, the XAMO bits are set to 2'b00 for all three windows. The offset value differs
for each window, which results in the segmentation of the RapidIO address space that
is shown below:
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 18. Input/Output Slave Translation Window Address Mapping
Address Space
Address Space
PE 2
PE 1
PE 0PE 0
PE 1
PE 2
In the example, the two most significant bits of the Avalon-MM address are used to
differentiate between the processing endpoints.
Translation Window 0
An Avalon-MM address in which the two most significant bits have the value 2'b01
matches window 0. The RapidIO transaction corresponding to the Avalon-MM
operation has a destination ID value of 0x55. This value corresponds to processing
endpoint 0.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 19. Translation Window 0
RapidIO Address [33:0]
Avalon Address [31:0]
0 0 0
Destination ID
Don’t Care
Don’t Care
Base (register 0x10400)
Mask (register 0x10404)
Offset (register 0x10408)
Control (register 0x1040C)
23 16
1 1
0 1
Translation Window 1
An Avalon-MM address in which the two most significant bits have a value of 2'b10
matches window 1. The RapidIO transaction corresponding to the Avalon-MM
operation has a destination ID value of 0xAA. This value corresponds to processing
endpoint 1.
Figure 20. Translation Window 1
RapidIO Address [33:0]
Avalon Address [31:0]
0 0 0
Destination ID
Don’t Care
Don’t Care
Base (register 0x10410)
Mask (register 0x10414)
Offset (register 0x10418)
Control (register 0x1041C)
23 16
1 1
0 1
1 0
Translation Window 2
An Avalon-MM address in which the two most significant bits have a value of 2'b11
matches window 2. The RapidIO transaction corresponding to the Avalon-MM
operation has a destination ID value of 0xCC. This value corresponds to processing
endpoint 2.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 21. Translation Window 2
RapidIO Address [33:0]
Avalon Address [31:0]
0 0 0
Destination ID
Don’t Care
Don’t Care
Base (register 0x10420)
Mask (register 0x10424)
Offset (register 0x10428)
Control (register 0x1042C)
23 16
1 1
0 1
1 1
0xCC Avalon-MM Burstcount and Byteenable Encoding in RapidIO Packets
The RapidIO II IP core converts Avalon-MM transactions to RapidIO packets. The IP
translates the Avalon-MM burst count, byteenable, and address bit 3 values to the
RapidIO packet read size, write size, and word pointer fields.
Table 19. I/O Logical Layer Slave Read or Write Request Size Encoding
Following are the allowed Avalon-MM ios_rd_wr_byteenable values if ios_rd_wr_burstcount has the value of 1,
and the corresponding encoding in the packet header fields of a RapidIO read or write request packet.
Avalon-MM Signal Values 17 RapidIO Header Field Values
burstcount (5'dx,
128-bit units)
wdptr (1'bx) rdsize or wrsize
1 0000_0000_0000_0001 1 0011 0
1 0000_0000_0000_0010 1 0010 0
1 0000_0000_0000_0100 1 0001 0
1 0000_0000_0000_1000 1 0000 0
1 0000_0000_0001_0000 0 0011 0
1 0000_0000_0010_0000 0 0010 0
1 0000_0000_0100_0000 0 0001 0
17 For read transfers, the I/O Logical layer slave module does not handle byteenable values and
byteenable-burstcount combinations that the Avalon-MM interface does not allow. In case of an
invalid combination, the RapidIO II IP core asserts the ios_rd_wr_readresponse signal
when it asserts the ios_rd_wr_readdatavalid signal, and sets the
INVALID_READ_BYTEENABLE bit of the I/O Slave Interrupt register if this interrupt is
enabled in the I/O Slave Interrupt Enable register.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Avalon-MM Signal Values 17 RapidIO Header Field Values
burstcount (5'dx,
128-bit units)
wdptr (1'bx) rdsize or wrsize
1 0000_0000_1000_0000 0 0000 0
1 0000_0001_0000_0000 1 0011 1
1 0000_0010_0000_0000 1 0010 1
1 0000_0100_0000_0000 1 0001 1
1 0000_1000_0000_0000 1 0000 1
1 0001_0000_0000_0000 0 0011 1
1 0010_0000_0000_0000 0 0010 1
1 0100_0000_0000_0000 0 0001 1
1 1000_0000_0000_0000 0 0000 1
1 0000_0000_0000_0011 1 0110 0
1 0000_0000_0000_1100 1 0100 0
1 0000_0000_0011_0000 0 0110 0
1 0000_0000_1100_0000 0 0100 0
1 0000_0011_0000_0000 1 0110 1
1 0000_1100_0000_0000 1 0100 1
1 0011_0000_0000_0000 0 0110 1
1 1100_0000_0000_0000 0 0100 1
1 0000_0000_0000_1111 1 1000 0
1 0000_0000_1111_0000 0 1000 0
1 0000_1111_0000_0000 1 1000 1
1 1111_0000_0000_0000 0 1000 1
1 0000_0000_1111_1111 0 1011 0
1 1111_1111_0000_0000 0 1011 1
1 1111_1111_1111_1111 1 1011 0
Table 20. I/O Logical Layer Slave Read Request Size Encoding
For read requests, if ios_rd_wr_burstcount has a value greater than 1, the only valid value for
ios_rd_wr_byteenable is the value of 16’xFFFF. Following are the encoding in the packet header fields of a
RapidIO read or write request packet when ios_rd_wr_burstcount has a value greater than 1.
17 For read transfers, the I/O Logical layer slave module does not handle byteenable values and
byteenable-burstcount combinations that the Avalon-MM interface does not allow. In case of an
invalid combination, the RapidIO II IP core asserts the ios_rd_wr_readresponse signal
when it asserts the ios_rd_wr_readdatavalid signal, and sets the
INVALID_READ_BYTEENABLE bit of the I/O Slave Interrupt register if this interrupt is
enabled in the I/O Slave Interrupt Enable register.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Avalon-MM Signal Values 18 RapidIO Header Field Values
burstcount (5'dx,
128-bit units)19
(16'hxxxx) wdptr (1'bx) rdsize (4'bxxxx)19 address[0]
2 FFFF 0 1100 0
3 FFFF 1 1100 0
4 FFFF 1 1100 0
5 FFFF 0 1101 0
6 FFFF 0 1101 0
7 FFFF 1 1101 0
8 FFFF 1 1101 0
9 FFFF 0 1110 0
10 FFFF 0 1110 0
11 FFFF 1 1110 0
12 FFFF 1 1110 0
13 FFFF 0 1111 0
14 FFFF 0 1111 0
15 FFFF 1 1111 0
16 FFFF 1 1111 0
Table 21. I/O Logical Layer Slave Write Request Size Encoding
For write requests, if ios_rd_wr_burstcount has a value greater than 1, the value of
ios_rd_wr_byteenable can be different in the first, intermediate, and final clock cycles of the same request.
In all intermediate clock cycles (when ios_rd_wr_burstcount has a value greater than 2),
ios_rd_wr_byteenable must have the value of 16’xFFFF. Following are the allowed Avalon-MM
ios_rd_wr_burstcount and initial and final clock cycle ios_rd_wr_byteenable value combinations if the
value of ios_rd_wr_burstcount is greater than 1, and their encoding in the packet header fields of a
RapidIO write request packet.
18 The I/O Logical layer slave module does not handle byteenable values and byteenable-
burstcount combinations that the Avalon-MM interface does not allow. In case of an invalid
byteenable or burstcount value, the RapidIO II IP core asserts the ios_rd_wr_readresponse
signal when it asserts the ios_rd_wr_readdatavalid signal, and sets the
Slave Interrupt register if this interrupt is enabled in the I/O Slave Interrupt Enable
19 For read transfers, the read size of the request packet is rounded up to the next supported size,
but only the number of words corresponding to the requested read burst size is returned.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Avalon-MM Signal Values 20 RapidIO Header Field Values
(Decimal, 128-
bit units)
byteenable (16'hxxxx)
wdptr (1'bx) wrsize
Initial Final
FF00 00FF 1 1011 1
FF00 FFFF 0 1100 1
FFFF 00FF 0 1100 0
FFFF FFFF 0 1100 0
FF00 00FF 0 1100 1
FF00 FFFF 1 1100 1
FFFF 00FF 1 1100 0
FFFF FFFF 1 1100 0
FF00 00FF 1 1100 1
FF00 FFFF 1 1100 1
FFFF 00FF 1 1100 0
FFFF FFFF 1 1100 0
FF00 00FF 1 1100 1
FF00 FFFF 1 1101 1
FFFF 00FF 1 1101 0
FFFF FFFF 1 1101 0
FF00 00FF 1 1101 1
FF00 FFFF 1 1101 1
FFFF 00FF 1 1101 0
FFFF FFFF 1 1101 0
FF00 00FF 1 1101 1
FF00 FFFF 1 1101 1
FFFF 00FF 1 1101 0
FFFF FFFF 1 1101 0
FF00 00FF 1 1101 1
FF00 FFFF 1 1101 1
FFFF 00FF 1 1101 0
FFFF FFFF 1 1101 0
9FF00 00FF 1 1101 1
20 The I/O Logical layer slave module does not handle byteenable values and byteenable-
burstcount combinations that the Avalon-MM interface does not allow. In case of an invalid
byteenable or burstcount value, the RapidIO II IP core sets the INVALID_WRITE_BYTEENABLE
bit or the INVALID_WRITE_BURSTCOUNT bit (or both) of the I/O Slave Interrupt register
if this interrupt is enabled in the I/O Slave Interrupt Enable register.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Avalon-MM Signal Values 20 RapidIO Header Field Values
(Decimal, 128-
bit units)
byteenable (16'hxxxx)
wdptr (1'bx) wrsize
Initial Final
FF00 FFFF 1 1111 1
FFFF 00FF 1 1111 0
FFFF FFFF 1 1111 0
10, 11, ..., 16
FF00 00FF 1 1111 1
FF00 FFFF 1 1111 1
FFFF 00FF 1 1111 0
FFFF FFFF 1 1111 0
17 FF00 00FF 1 1111 1 Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave Module Timing Diagrams
Both transaction requests are initiated by local user logic and appear on the Avalon-
MM interface of the slave module. Timing diagrams shows the timing dependencies on
the Avalon-MM slave interface for an outgoing RapidIO NREAD request and NWRITE
Figure 22. NREAD Transaction on the Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave Interface
Adr0 Adr1
00000000 r0 r1 r2
01 02
20 The I/O Logical layer slave module does not handle byteenable values and byteenable-
burstcount combinations that the Avalon-MM interface does not allow. In case of an invalid
byteenable or burstcount value, the RapidIO II IP core sets the INVALID_WRITE_BYTEENABLE
bit or the INVALID_WRITE_BURSTCOUNT bit (or both) of the I/O Slave Interrupt register
if this interrupt is enabled in the I/O Slave Interrupt Enable register.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 23. NWRITE Transaction on the Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave Interface
00000000 AdrA AdrB
w0 w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
02 04
4.3.3 Maintenance Module
The Maintenance module is an optional component of the I/O Logical layer. The
Maintenance module processes MAINTENANCE transactions, including the following
Type 8 – MAINTENANCE read and write requests and responses
Type 8 – Port-write packets
The Avalon-MM slave interface allows you to initiate a MAINTENANCE read or write
operation on the RapidIO link. The Avalon-MM slave interface supports the following
Avalon transfers:
Single slave write transfer with variable wait-states
Pipelined read transfers with variable latency
The data bus on the Maintenance Avalon-MM interface is 32 bits wide.
The Avalon-MM master interface allows you to respond to a MAINTENANCE read or
write operation on the RapidIO link. The Avalon-MM master interface supports the
following Avalon transfers:
Single master write transfer
Pipelined master read transfers
Note: MAINTENANCE read and write operations that target the address range for the
RapidIO II IP core registers do not appear on the Avalon-MM master interface.
Instead, the RapidIO II IP core routes them internally to implement the register read
and write operations.
MAINTENANCE port-write transactions do not appear on the Maintenance Avalon-MM
interface. Maintenance Interface Transactions
The Maintenance slave module accepts read and write transactions from the Avalon-
MM interconnect, converts them to RapidIO MAINTENANCE request packets, and sends
them to the Transport layer of the RapidIO II IP core, to be sent to the Physical layer
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
and transmitted on the RapidIO link. The Maintenance slave module uses the valid
MAINTENANCE response packets that it receives on the RapidIO link to complete the
read transactions on the Maintenance slave interface.
The Maintenance master module executes register read and write transactions in
response to MAINTENANCE requests that the RapidIO II IP core receives on the
RapidIO link, and sends the appropriate MAINTENANCE response packets. Maintenance Interface Signals
Table 22. Maintenance Avalon-MM Slave Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
mnt_s_waitrequest Output Maintenance slave wait request.
mnt_s_read Input Maintenance slave read request.
mnt_s_write Input Maintenance slave write request.
mnt_s_address[23:0] Input Maintenance slave address bus. The address is a word
address, not a byte address.
mnt_s_writedata[31:0] Input Maintenance slave write data bus.
mnt_s_readdata[31:0] Output Maintenance slave read data bus.
mnt_s_readdatavalid Output Maintenance slave read data valid.
mnt_s_readerror Output
Maintenance slave read error, which indicates that the read
transfer did not complete successfully. This signal is valid
only when the mnt_s_readdatavalid signal is asserted.
The Maintenance module supports an interrupt line, mnt_mnt_s_irq, on the Register
Access interface. When enabled, the following interrupts assert the mnt_mnt_s_irq
Received port-write.
Various error conditions, including a MAINTENANCE read request or MAINTENANCE
write request that targets an out-of-bounds address.
Table 23. Maintenance Avalon-MM Master Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
usr_mnt_waitrequest Input Maintenance master wait request.
usr_mnt_read Output Maintenance master read request.
usr_mnt_write Output Maintenance master write request.
usr_mnt_address[31:0] Output Maintenance master address bus.
usr_mnt_writedata[31:0] Output Maintenance master write data bus.
usr_mnt_readdata[31:0] Input Maintenance master read data bus.
usr_mnt_readdatavalid Input Maintenance master read data valid.
Related Links
Maintenance Interrupt Control Registers on page 178
If any of these error conditions are detected and if the corresponding Interrupt
Enable bit is set, the mnt_mnt_s_irq signal is asserted.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
76 Initiating MAINTENANCE Read and Write Transactions
To initiate a MAINTENANCE read or write transaction on the RapidIO link, your system
executes a read or write transfer on the Maintenance Avalon-MM slave interface. IP Core Actions
In response to incoming Avalon-MM requests to the Maintenance module slave
interface, the RapidIO II IP core Maintenance module generates MAINTENANCE
requests on the RapidIO link, by performing the following tasks:
For each incoming Avalon-MM read request, composes the RapidIO MAINTENANCE
read request packet.
For each incoming Avalon-MM write request, composes the RapidIO MAINTENANCE
write request packet.
Maintains status related to the composed MAINTENANCE packet to track
Presents the composed MAINTENANCE packet to the Transport layer for
transmission on the RapidIO link.
Note: At any time, the Maintenance module can maintain a maximum of 64 outstanding
MAINTENANCE requests that can be MAINTENANCE reads, MAINTENANCE writes, or
port-write requests. The Maintenance module slave port asserts the
mnt_s_waitrequest signal to throttle incoming requests above the limit. Defining the Maintenance Address Translation Windows
Two address translation windows available for interpreting incoming Avalon-MM
requests to the Maintenance module slave interface.
You must program the Tx Maintenance Window registers to support the address
ranges you wish to distinguish. The RapidIO II IP core Maintenance module populates
the following RapidIO Type 8 Request packet fields with values you program for the
relevant address translation window:
You can disable an address translation window that is available in your configuration.
The RapidIO II IP core includes one set of Tx Maintenance Mapping Window registers
for each translation window. The following registers define address translation window
A base register: Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Base
A mask register: Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Mask
An offset register: Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Offset
A control register: Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Control
To enable a window, set the window enable (WEN) bit of the window’s Tx
Maintenance Window n Mask register to the value of 1. To disable it, set the WEN
bit to the value of zero.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
For each defined and enabled window, the RapidIO II IP core masks out the Avalon-
MM address's least significant bits with the window mask and compares the resulting
address to the window base. If the address matches multiple windows, the IP core
uses the lowest number matching window.
After determining the appropriate matching window, the RapidIO II IP core creates the
21-bit config_offset value in the converted MAINTENANCE transaction based on
the following equation:
If (mnt_s_address[23:1] & mask[25:3]) == base[25:3]
then config_offset = (offset[23:3] & mask[23:3]) | (mnt_s_address[21:1] &
mnt_s_address[23:0] is the Avalon-MM slave interface address signal, which
holds bits [25:2] of the 26-bit byte address
mask[31:0] is the mask register
base[31:0] is the base address register
offset[23:0] is the OFFSET field of the window offset register
Related Links
Transmit Maintenance Registers on page 179
When transmitting a MAINTENANCE packet, an address translation process occurs,
using a base, mask, offset, and control register. Two groups of four registers can
exist. The two register address offsets are shown in the table titles. Responding to MAINTENANCE Read and Write Requests
To respond to a MAINTENANCE read or write request packet it receives on the RapidIO
link, the RapidIO II IP core sends a read or write request to the Maintenance module
master interface. IP Core Actions
In response to incoming MAINTENANCE requests on the RapidIO link that do not
target the RapidIO II IP core internal register set, the RapidIO II IP core Maintenance
module generates Avalon-MM requests on the Maintenance module master interface,
by performing the following tasks:
For a MAINTENANCE read, converts the received request packet to an Avalon read
request and presents it across the Maintenance Avalon-MM master interface.
For a MAINTENANCE write, converts the received request packet to an Avalon
write transfer and presents it across the Maintenance Avalon-MM master interface.
For each Avalon read request the IP core presents on the Maintenance Avalon-MM
master interface, the Maintenance module accepts the data response, generates a
Type 8 Response packet, and presents the response packet to the Transport layer
for transmission on the RapidIO link.
The Maintenance module only supports single 32-bit word transfers, that is, rdsize
and wrsize = 4’b1000. If the RapidIO II IP core receives a MAINTENANCE request
on the RapidIO link with a different value in this field, the IP core sends an error
response packet on the RapidIO link, and no transfer occurs.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The RapidIO II IP core uses the wdptr and config_offset values in the incoming
RapidIO request packet to generate the Avalon-MM address in the transaction it
presents on the Maintenance module master interface, using the following formula:
usr_mnt_address = {8’h00, config_offset, ~wdptr, 2'b00}
The IP core presents the data in the RapidIO transaction payload field on the
usr_mnt_writedata[31:0] bus. Handling Port-Write Transactions
The RapidIO II IP core supports RapidIO MAINTENANCE port-write transactions.
However, these transactions do not appear on the Maintenance Avalon-MM interface.
Your system controls the transmission of port-write transactions on the RapidIO link
by programming RapidIO II IP core transmit port-write registers using the Register
Access interface. When the RapidIO II IP core receives a MAINTENANCE port-write
request packet on the RapidIO link, it processes the transaction according to the
values you program in the receive port-write registers, and if you have enabled this
interrupt signal, asserts the mnt_mnt_s_irq signal to inform the system that the IP
core has received a port-write transaction. IP Core Actions
The port-write processor in the Maintenance module performs the following tasks:
Composes the RapidIO MAINTENANCE port-write request packet.
Presents the port-write request packet to the Transport layer for transmission.
Processes port-write request packets received across the RapidIO link from a
remote device.
Alerts the user of a received port-write using the mnt_mnt_s_irq signal. Port-Write Transmission
To send a RapidIO MAINTENANCE port-write packet to a remote device, you must
program the transmit port-write control and data registers. You access these registers
using the Register Access Avalon-MM slave interface. You must program the values for
the following header fields in the corresponding fields in the Tx Port Write
Control register:
The RapidIO II IP core assigns the following values to the fields of the MAINTENANCE
port-write packet:
Assigns ftype the value of 4'b1000
Assigns ttype the value of 4'b0100
Calculates the values for the wdptr and wrsize fields of the transmitted packet
from the size of the payload to be sent, as defined by the size field of the Tx
Port Write Control register
Assigns the value of 0 to the Reserved source_tid and config_offset fields
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The IP core creates the packet’s payload from the contents of the Tx Port Write
Buffer sequence of registers starting at register address 0x10210. This buffer can
store a maximum of 64 bytes. The IP core starts the packet composition and
transmission process after you set the PACKET_READY bit in the Tx Port Write
Control register. The RapidIO II IP core composes the MAINTENANCE port-write
packet and transmits it on the RapidIO link.
Related Links
Transmit Port-Write Registers on page 180 Port-Write Reception
When the RapidIO II IP core Maintenance module receives a MAINTENANCE port-write
request packet (ftype has the value of 4’b1000 and ttype has the value of
4’b0100) from the Transport layer, it extracts information from the packet header and
uses the information to write to registers Rx Port Write Control through Rx
Port Write Buffer. The Maintenance module extracts information from the
following fields:
wrsize and wdptr — the values in the wrsize and wdptr packet fields
determine the value of the PAYLOAD_SIZE field in the Rx Port Write Status
payload — the Maintenance module copies the value of the payload packet field
to the Rx Port Write Buffer starting at register address 0x10260. This buffer
holds a maximum of 64 bytes.
While the IP core is writing the payload to the buffer, it holds the PORT_WRITE_BUSY
bit of the Rx Port Write Status register asserted. After the payload is
completely written to the buffer, if you have set the RX_PACKET_STORED bit of the
Maintenance Interrupt Enable register, the IP core asserts the interrupt signal
mnt_mnt_s_irq on the Register Access interface to alert your system of the port-
write request.
Related Links
Receive Port-Write Registers on page 181 Maintenance Interface Transaction Examples
Following are the examples of communication on the RapidIO II IP core Maintenance
User Sending MAINTENANCE Write Requests
User Receiving MAINTENANCE Write Requests
User Sending MAINTENANCE Read Requests and Receiving Responses
User Receiving MAINTENANCE Read Requests and Sending Responses
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
80 User Sending MAINTENANCE Write Requests
Table 24. Maintenance Interface Usage Example: Sending MAINTENANCE Write
User Operation Device ID Width Payload Size
Send MAINTENANCE write request 8-bit 32-bit
To write to a register in a remote endpoint using a MAINTENANCE write request, you
must perform the following actions:
Set up the registers.
Perform a write transfer on the Maintenance Avalon-MM slave interface.
Figure 24. Write Transfers on the Maintenance Avalon-MM Slave Interface
It shows the behavior of the signals for four write transfers on the Maintenance
Avalon-MM slave interface.
0x4 0x8 0xC 0x10
In the first active clock cycle of the example, user logic specifies the active transaction
to be a write request by asserting the mnt_s_write signal while specifying the write
data on the mnt_s_writedata signal and the target address for the write data on
the mnt_s_address signal. However, the RapidIO II IP core throttles the incoming
transaction by asserting the mnt_s_writerequest signal until it is ready to
receive the write transaction.
In the example, the IP core throttles the incoming transaction for five clock cycles,
because it requires six clock cycles to process each write transaction. The user logic
maintains the values on the mnt_s_write, mnt_s_writedata, and
mnt_s_address signals until one clock cycle after the IP core deasserts the
mnt_s_waitrequest signal, as required by the Avalon-MM specification. In the
following clock cycle, user logic sends the next write request, which the IP core also
throttles for five clock cycles. The process repeats for an additional two write requests.
Table 25. Maintenance Write Request Transmit Example: RapidIO Packet Fields
Field Value Comment
ackID 6'h00 Value is written by the Physical layer before the packet is transmitted on the
RapidIO link.
VC 0The RapidIO II IP core supports only VC0.
The IP core assigns to this field the value programmed in the PRIORITY field of
the Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Control register for the matching
address translation window n.
tt[1:0] 2'b00 The value of 0 indicates 8-bit device IDs.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Value Comment
ftype[3:0] 4'b1000 The value of 8 indicates a Maintenance Class packet.
destinationID[7:0] The IP core assigns to this field the value programmed in the DESTINATION_ID
field of the Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Control register for the
matching address translation window n.
sourceID[7:0] The IP core assigns to this field the value programmed in the Base_deviceID
field of the Base Device ID register (offset 0x60).
ttype[3:0] 4'b0001 The value of 1 indicates a MAINTENANCE write request.
The size and wdptr values encode the maximum size of the payload field. In
MAINTENANCE transactions, the value of wrsize is always 4’b1000, which
decodes to a value of 4 bytes.
srcTID[7:0] The RapidIO II IP core generates the source transaction ID value internally to
track the transaction response. The value depends on the current state of the
RapidIO II IP core when it prepares the RapidIO packet.
config_offset[20:0] Depends on the value on the mnt_s_address bus, and the values programmed
in the Tx Maintenance Address Translation Window registers.
wdptr The IP core assigns to this field the negation of mnt_s_address[0].
hop_count The IP core assigns to this field the value programmed in the HOP_COUNT field of
the Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Control register for the matching
address translation window n.
payload[63:0] The IP core assigns the value of mnt_s_writedata[31:0] to the appropriate
half of this field. User Receiving MAINTENANCE Write Requests
Table 26. Maintenance Interface Usage Example: Receiving MAINTENANCE Write
User Operation Device ID Width Payload Size
Receive MAINTENANCE write request 8-bit 32-bit
The RapidIO II IP core generates write transfers on the Maintenance Avalon-MM
master interface in response to Type 8 MAINTENANCE Write request packets on the
RapidIO link with the following properties:
ttype has the value of 4'b0001, indicating a MAINTENANCE Write request
config_offset has a value that indicates an address outside the range of the
RapidIO II IP core internal register set
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 25. Write Transfers on the Maintenance Avalon-MM Master Interface
It shows the signal relationships when the RapidIO II IP core presents a sequence of
four write transfers on the Maintenance Avalon-MM master interface.
4 8 C 10
system clock
In the first active clock cycle, the RapidIO II IP core indicates the start of a write
transfer by asserting the usr_mnt_write signal. Simultaneously, the IP core
presents the target address on the usr_mnt_address bus and the data on the
usr_mnt_writedata bus.
In this example, user logic does not assert the usr_mnt_waitrequest signal.
However, when user logic asserts the usr_mnt_waitrequest signal during a write
transfer, the IP core maintains the address and data values on the buses until at least
one clock cycle after user logic deasserts the usr_mnt_waitrequest signal. User
logic can use the usr_mnt_waitrequest signal to throttle requests on this interface
until it is ready to process them. User Sending MAINTENANCE Read Requests and Receiving Responses
Table 27. Maintenance Interface Usage Example: Sending MAINTENANCE Read Request
and Receiving Response
User Operation Device ID Width Payload Size
Send MAINTENANCE read request 16-bit 0
Receive MAINTENANCE read response 16-bit 32-bit
Figure 26. Read Transfers on the Maintenance Avalon-MM Slave Interface
It shows the behavior of the signals for two read transfers on the Maintenance Avalon-
MM slave interface.
mnt_s_address 0x14 0x4C
system clock
In the first active clock cycle of the example, user logic specifies that the active
transaction is a read request, by asserting the mnt_s_read signal while specifying the
source address for the read data on the mnt_s_address signal. However, the
RapidIO II IP core throttles the incoming transaction by asserting the
mnt_s_writerequest signal until it is ready to receive the read transaction. In the
example, the IP core throttles the incoming transaction for four clock cycles. The user
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
logic maintains the values on the mnt_s_read and mnt_s_address signals until one
clock cycle after the IP core deasserts the mnt_s_waitrequest signal. In the
following clock cycle, user logic sends the next read request, which the IP core also
throttles for four clock cycles.
The RapidIO II IP core presents the read responses it receives on the RapidIO link as
read data responses on the Maintenance Avalon-MM slave interface. The IP core
presents the read data responses in the same order it receives the original read
requests, by asserting the mnt_s_readdatavalid signal while presenting the data
on the mnt_s_data bus.
Table 28. Maintenance Read Request Transmit Example: RapidIO Packet Fields
Field Value Comment
ackID 6'h00 Value is written by the Physical layer before the packet is transmitted on the
RapidIO link.
VC 0The RapidIO II IP core supports only VC0.
prio[1:0] The IP core assigns to this field the value programmed in the PRIORITY field of
the Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Control register for the
matching address translation window n.
tt[1:0] 2'b01 The value of 1 indicates 16-bit device IDs.
ftype[3:0] 4'b1000 The value of 8 indicates a Maintenance Class packet.
destinationID[15:0] The IP core assigns to this field based on the values programmed in the
Maintenance Mapping Window n Control register for the matching
address translation window n.
sourceID[15:0] The IP core assigns to this field the value programmed in the
Large_base_deviceID field of the Base Device ID register (offset 0x60).
ttype[3:0] 4'b0000 The value of 0 indicates a MAINTENANCE read request.
The size and wdptr values encode the maximum size of the payload field. In
MAINTENANCE transactions, the value of rdsize is always 4’b1000, which
decodes to a value of 4 bytes.
srcTID[7:0] The RapidIO II IP core generates the source transaction ID value internally to
track the transaction response. The value depends on the current state of the
RapidIO II IP core when it prepares the RapidIO packet.
config_offset[20:0] Depends on the value on the mnt_s_address bus, and the values programmed
in the Tx Maintenance Address Translation Window registers.
wdptr The IP core assigns to this field the negation of mnt_s_address[0].
hop_count The IP core assigns to this field the value programmed in the HOP_COUNT field
of the Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Control register for the
matching address translation window n.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
84 User Receiving MAINTENANCE Read Requests and Sending Responses
Table 29. Maintenance Interface Usage Example: Receiving MAINTENANCE Read
Request and Sending Response
User Operation Device ID Width Payload Size
Receive MAINTENANCE read request 16-bit 0
Send MAINTENANCE read response 16-bit 32-bit
The RapidIO II IP core generates read requests on the Maintenance Avalon-MM master
interface when it receives Type 8 MAINTENANCE Read packets on the RapidIO link with
the following properties:
ttype has the value of 4'b0000, indicating a MAINTENANCE Read request
config_offset has a value that indicates an address outside the range of the
RapidIO II IP core internal register set
Figure 27. Read Transfers on the Maintenance Avalon-MM Master Interface
It shows the signal relationships for an example sequence of three read requests that
the RapidIO II IP core presents on the Maintenance Avalon-MM master interface, and
the data responses from user logic.
system clock
0x10 0x14 0x18
In the first active clock cycle, the RapidIO II IP core indicates the start of a read
request by asserting the usr_mnt_read signal. Simultaneously, the IP core presents
the target address on the usr_mnt_address bus.
User logic presents the read responses on the Maintenance Avalon-MM master
interface by asserting the usr_mnt_readdatavalid signal while presenting the
data on the usr_mnt_data bus. Maintenance Packet Error Handling
The Maintenance Interrupt register (at 0x10080) and the Maintenance
Interrupt Enable register (at 0x10084), determine the error handling and
reporting for MAINTENANCE packets.
The following errors can also occur for MAINTENANCE packets:
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
A MAINTENANCE read or MAINTENANCE write request time-out occurs and a
PKT_RSP_TIMEOUT interrupt (bit 24 of the Logical/Transport Layer Error
Detect CSR, is generated if a response packet is not received within the time
specified by the Port Response Time-Out Control register.
The IO_ERROR_RSP (bit 31 of the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect
CSR) is set when an ERROR response is received for a transmitted MAINTENANCE
Related Links
Maintenance Interrupt Control Registers on page 178
If any of these error conditions are detected and if the corresponding Interrupt
Enable bit is set, the mnt_mnt_s_irq signal is asserted.
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect on page 188
Port Response Time-out Control CSR on page 152
Error Management Registers on page 187
The RapidIO II IP core implements the Error Management Extensions registers.
These registers are configured in your RapidIO II IP core variation if you turn
on Enable error management extension registers on the Error
Management Registers tab of the RapidIO II parameter editor.
4.3.4 Doorbell Module
The Doorbell module is an optional component of the I/O Logical layer. The Doorbell
module provides support for Type 10 packet format (DOORBELL class) transactions,
allowing users to send and receive short software-defined messages to and from other
processing elements connected to the RapidIO interface.
In a typical application the Doorbell module’s Avalon-MM slave interface is connected
to the system interconnect fabric, allowing an Avalon-MM master to communicate with
RapidIO devices by sending and receiving DOORBELL messages.
When you configure the RapidIO II IP core, you can enable or disable the DOORBELL
operation feature, depending on your application requirements. If you do not need the
DOORBELL feature, disabling it reduces device resource usage. If you enable the
feature, a 32–bit Avalon-MM slave port is created that allows the RapidIO II IP core to
receive and generate RapidIO DOORBELL messages.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 28. Doorbell Module Block Diagram
Sink Rx Control
Doorbell Logical Module
To Register Module
Tx Output
Tx Completion
From I/O Slave Module
This module includes a 32–bit Avalon-MM slave interface to user logic. The Doorbell
module contains the following logic blocks:
Register and FIFO interface that allows an external Avalon-MM master to access
the Doorbell module’s internal registers and FIFO buffers.
Tx output FIFO that stores the outbound DOORBELL and response packets waiting
for transmission to the Transport layer module.
Acknowledge RAM that temporarily stores the transmitted DOORBELL packets
pending responses to the packets from the target RapidIO device.
Tx time-out logic that checks the expiration time for each outbound Tx DOORBELL
packet that is sent.
Rx control that processes DOORBELL packets received from the Transport layer
module. Received packets include the following packet types:
Rx DOORBELL request.
Rx response DONE to a successfully transmitted DOORBELL packet.
Rx response RETRY to a transmitted DOORBELL message.
Rx response ERROR to a transmitted DOORBELL message.
Rx FIFO that stores the received DOORBELL messages until they are read by an
external Avalon-MM master device.
Tx FIFO that stores DOORBELL messages that are waiting to be transmitted.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Tx staging FIFO that stores DOORBELL messages until they can be passed to the
Tx FIFO. The staging FIFO is present only if you select Prevent doorbell messages
from passing write transactions in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
Tx completion FIFO that stores the transmitted DOORBELL messages that have
received responses. This FIFO also stores timed out Tx DOORBELL requests.
Error Management module that reports detected errors, including the following
Unexpected response (a response packet was received, but its
TransactionID does not match any pending request that is waiting for a
Request time-out (an outbound DOORBELL request did not receive a response
from the target device). Preserving Transaction Order
If you select Prevent doorbell messages from passing write transactions in the RapidIO
II parameter editor, each DOORBELL message from the Avalon-MM interface is
potentially delayed in a Tx staging FIFO. After all I/O write transactions that started on
the write Avalon-MM slave interface before this DOORBELL message arrived on the
Doorbell module Avalon-MM interface have been transmitted to the Transport layer,
the IP core releases the message from the FIFO. An I/O write transaction is considered
to have started before a DOORBELL transaction if the ios_rd_wr_write signal is
asserted while the ios_rd_wr_waitrequest signal is not asserted, on a cycle
preceding the cycle on which the drbell_s_write signal is asserted for writing to
the Tx Doorbell register while the drbell_s_waitrequest signal is not asserted.
If you do not select Prevent doorbell messages from passing write transactions
in the RapidIO II parameter editor, the Doorbell Tx staging FIFO is not configured in
the RapidIO II IP core. Doorbell Module Interface Signals
Table 30. Doorbell Module Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
drbell_s_waitrequest Output Doorbell module wait request.
drbell_s_write Input Doorbell module write request.
drbell_s_read Input Doorbell module read request.
drbell_s_address[3:0] Input Doorbell module address bus. The address is a word
address, not a byte address.
drbell_s_writedata[31:0] Input Doorbell module write data bus.
drbell_s_readdata[31:0] Output Doorbell module read data bus.
drbell_s_irq Output Doorbell module interrupt. Generating a Doorbell Message
To generate a DOORBELL request packet on the RapidIO serial interface, follow these
steps, using the set of Doorbell Message Registers:
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
1. Optionally enable interrupts by writing the value 1 to the appropriate bit of the
Doorbell Interrupt Enable register.
2. Optionally enable confirmation of successful outbound messages by writing 1 to
the COMPLETED bit of the Tx Doorbell Status Control register.
3. Set up the PRIORITY field of the Tx Doorbell Control register.
4. Write the Tx Doorbell register to set up the DESTINATION_ID and
Information fields of the generated DOORBELL packet format.
Note: Before writing to the Tx Doorbell register you must be certain that the Doorbell
module has available space to accept the write data. Ensuring sufficient space exists
avoids a waitrequest signal assertion due to a full FIFO. When the waitrequest
signal is asserted, you cannot perform other transactions on the DOORBELL Avalon-
MM slave port until the current transaction is completed. You can determine the
combined fill level of the staging FIFO and the Tx FIFO by reading the Tx Doorbell
Status register. The total number of Doorbell messages stored in the staging FIFO
and the Tx FIFO, together, is limited to 16 by the assertion of the
drbell_s_waitrequest signal.
Related Links
Doorbell Interrupt on page 202
Tx Doorbell on page 200 Response to a DOORBELL Request
After the IP core detects a write to the Tx Doorbell register, internal control logic
generates and sends a Type 10 packet based on the information in the Tx Doorbell
and Tx Doorbell Control registers. A copy of the outbound DOORBELL packet is
stored in the Acknowledge RAM.
When the IP core receives a response to an outbound DOORBELL message, the IP core
writes the corresponding copy of the outbound message to the Tx Doorbell Completion
FIFO (if enabled), and generates an interrupt (if enabled) on the Avalon- MM slave
interface by asserting the drbell_s_irq signal of the Doorbell module. The
ERROR_CODE field in the Tx Doorbell Completion Status register indicates
successful or error completion.
The IP core sets the corresponding interrupt status bit each time it receives a valid
response packet. The interrupt bit resets itself when the Tx Completion FIFO is empty.
Software optionally can clear the interrupt status bit by writing a 1 to this specific bit
location of the Doorbell Interrupt Status register.
Upon detecting the interrupt, software can fetch the completed message and
determine its status by reading the Tx Doorbell Completion register and Tx
Doorbell Completion Status register respectively.
An outbound DOORBELL message is assigned a time-out value based on the VALUE
field of the Port Response Time-Out Control register and a free-running
counter. When the counter reaches the time-out value, if the DOORBELL transaction
has not yet received a response, the transaction times out.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
An outbound message that times out before the IP core receives its response is
treated in the same manner as an outbound message that receives an error response:
if the TX_CPL field of the Doorbell Interrupt Enable register is set, the Doorbell
module generates an interrupt by asserting the drbell_s_irq signal, and setting the
ERROR_CODE field in the Tx Doorbell Completion Status register to indicate the
If the interrupt is not enabled, the Avalon-MM master must periodically poll the Tx
Doorbell Completion Status register to check for available completed messages
before retrieving them from the Tx Completion FIFO.
DOORBELL request packets for which RETRY responses are received are resent by
hardware automatically. No retry limit is imposed on outbound DOORBELL messages.
Related Links
Doorbell Interrupt on page 202
Tx Doorbell on page 200 Receiving a Doorbell Message
When the Doorbell module receives a DOORBELL request packet from the Transport
layer module, the module stores the request in an internal buffer and generates an
interrupt on the DOORBELL Avalon-MM slave interface—asserts the drbell_s_irq
signal—if this interrupt is enabled.
The corresponding interrupt status bit is set every time a DOORBELL request packet is
received and resets itself when the Rx FIFO is empty. Software can clear the interrupt
status bit by writing a 1 to this specific bit location of the Doorbell Interrupt
Status register.
The RapidIO II IP core generates an interrupt when it receives a valid response packet
and when it receives a request packet. Therefore, when user logic receives an
interrupt (the drbell_s_irq signal is asserted), you must check the Doorbell
Interrupt Status register to determine the type of event that triggered the
If the interrupt is not enabled, user logic must periodically poll the Rx Doorbell
Status register to check the number of available messages before retrieving them
from the Rx doorbell buffer.
The Doorbell module generates and sends appropriate Type 13 response packets for
all the DOORBELL messages it receives. The module generates a response with the
following status, depending on its ability to process the message:
With DONE status if the received DOORBELL packet can be processed immediately.
With RETRY status to defer processing the received message when the internal
hardware is busy, for example when the Rx doorbell buffer is full.
Related Links
Doorbell Interrupt on page 202
Rx Doorbell on page 200
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
4.3.5 Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface
The Avalon-ST pass-through interface is an optional interface that is generated when
you select the Avalon-ST pass-through interface in the Transport and
Maintenance page of the RapidIO II parameter editor.
The Avalon-ST pass-through interface supports the following applications:
User implementation of a RapidIO function not supported by this IP core (for
example, data message passing).
User implementation of a custom function not specified by the RapidIO protocol,
but which may be useful for the system application.
After packets appear on your RapidIO II IP core Rx Avalon-ST pass-through interface,
your application can route them to a local processor or custom user function to
process them according to your design requirements.
Related Links
Enable Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface on page 33
Turn on Enable Avalon-ST pass-through interface to include the Avalon-ST
pass-through interface in your RapidIO II variation.
Transaction ID Ranges on page 91 Transaction ID Ranges
To limit the required storage, the RapidIO II IP core shares a single pool of transaction
IDs among all destination IDs, although the RapidIO specification allows for
independent pools for each Source-Destination pair.
To simplify the routing of incoming ftype=13 response packets, the IP core assigns
an exclusive range of transaction IDs to each of the instantiated Logical layer
modules. This set of assignments simplifies response routing, but places a constraint
on your design. If you implement custom logic that communicates to the RapidIO II IP
core through the Avalon-ST pass-through interface, you must ensure your logic does
not use a transaction ID assigned to another instantiated Logical layer module for
transmitting request packets that expect an ftype=13 response packet. If you use
such a transaction ID, the response will be routed away from the Avalon-ST pass-
through interface and your custom module will never receive the response.
Table 31. Transaction ID Ranges and Assignments
Range Assignments
0-63 This range of Transaction IDs is used for ftype=8 responses by the Maintenance Logical layer
Avalon-MM slave module.
64-127 ftype=13 responses in this range are reserved for exclusive use by the Input-Output Logical layer
Avalon-MM slave module.
128-143 ftype=13 responses in this range are reserved for exclusive use by the Doorbell Logical layer
144-255 This range of Transaction IDs is currently unused and is available for use by Logical layer modules
connected to the pass-through interface.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The RapidIO II IP core Transport layer routes response packets of ftype=13 with
transaction IDs outside the 64–143 range to the Avalon-ST pass-through interface.
Your system should not use transaction IDs in the 0-63 range if the Maintenance
Logical layer Avalon-MM slave module is instantiated, because their use might cause
the uniqueness of transaction ID rule to be violated.
If the Input-Output Avalon-MM slave module or the Doorbell Logical layer module is
not instantiated, the RapidIO II IP core Transport layer routes the response packets in
the corresponding Transaction IDs ranges for these layers to the Avalon-ST pass-
through interface. Pass-Through Interface Signals
The Avalon-ST pass-through interface includes the following ports:
Transmit interface — this sink interface accepts incoming streaming data that the
IP core sends to the RapidIO link.
Receive data interface — this source interface streams out the payload of packets
the IP core receives from the RapidIO link.
Receive header interface — this source interface streams out packet header
information the IP core receives from the RapidIO link.
Pass-Through Transmit Side Signals
The Avalon-ST pass-through interface transmit side signals receive incoming
streaming data from user logic; the IP core transmits this data on the RapidIO link.
The RapidIO II IP core samples data on this interface only when both gen_tx_ready
and gen_tx_valid are asserted.
The incoming streaming data is assumed to contain well-formed RapidIO packets, with
the following exceptions:
The streaming data includes placeholder bits for the ackID field of the RapidIO
packet, but does not include the ackID value, which is assigned by the IP core.
The streaming data does not include the RapidIO packet CRC bits and padding
The Avalon-ST pass-through interface does not check the integrity of the streaming
data, but rather passes the bits on directly to the Transport layer. The RapidIO II IP
core fills in the ackID bits and adds the CRC bits and padding bytes before
transmitting each packet on the RapidIO link.
Table 32. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Transmit Side (Avalon-ST Sink) Signals
Signal Name Type Function
Indicates that the IP core is ready to receive data on the current clock
cycle. Asserted by the Avalon-ST sink to mark ready cycles, which are
the cycles in which transfers can take place. If ready is asserted on cycle
N, the cycle (N+READY_LATENCY) is a ready cycle.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Name Type Function
In the RapidIO II IP core, READY_LATENCY is equal to 0. This signal
may alternate between 0 and 1 when the Avalon-ST pass-through
transmitter interface is idle.
Used to qualify all the other transmit side input signals of the Avalon-ST
pass-through interface. On every ready cycle in which gen_tx_valid is
high, data is sampled by the IP core. You must assert gen_tx_valid
continuously during transmission of a packet, from the assertion of
gen_tx_startofpacket to the deassertion of gen_tx_endofpacket.
Marks the active cycle containing the start of the packet. The user logic
asserts gen_tx_startofpacket and gen_tx_valid to indicate that a
packet is available for the IP core to sample.
gen_tx_endofpacket Input Marks the active cycle containing the end of the packet.
A 128-bit wide data bus. Carries the bulk of the information transferred
from the source to the sink.
The RapidIO II IP core fills in the RapidIO packet ackID field and adds
the CRC bits and padding bytes, but otherwise copies the bits from
gen_tx_data to the RapidIO packet without modifying them.
Therefore, you must pack the appropriate RapidIO packet fields in the
correct RapidIO packet format in the most significant bits of the
gen_tx_data bus, gen_tx_data[127:N]. The total width (127 – N
+ 1) of the header fields depends on the transaction and the device ID
This bus identifies the number of empty bytes on the final data transfer
of the packet, which occurs during the clock cycle when
gen_tx_endofpacket is asserted. The number of empty bytes must
always be even.
Indicates the number of valid bytes in the packet being transferred. The
IP core samples this signal only while gen_tx_startofpacket is
asserted. User logic must ensure this signal is correct while
gen_tx_startofpacket is asserted.
The required format of the TX header information on the gen_tx_data bus for both
device ID widths derives directly from the RapidIO specification. You must include the
header information in the clock cycle in which you assert gen_tx_startofpacket.
Note: The ackID field is filled by the IP core, and the eight-bit device ID fields are not
extended with zeroes, in contrast to the destinationID and source ID fields in
Table 33. RapidIO Header Information Format on gen_tx_data Bus
gen_tx_data Bits
Device ID Width 8 Device ID Width 16
ackID[5:0] [127:122] [127:122]
VC [121] [121]
CRF [120] [120]
prio[1:0] [119:118] [119:118]
21 This signal is not defined in the Avalon Interface Specifications. However, it refers to data being
transferred on the Avalon-ST sink interface.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
gen_tx_data Bits
Device ID Width 8 Device ID Width 16
tt[1:0] [117:116] [117:116]
ftype[3:0] [115:112] [115:112]
destinationID[<deviceIDwidth>–1:0] [111:104] [111:96]
sourceID[<deviceIDwidth>–1:0] [103:96] [95:80]
specific_header [95:...] [79:...]
Table 34. specific_header Format on gen_tx_data Bus
ftype Field
gen_tx_data Bits
Device ID Width 8 Device ID Width 16
2, 5
ttype[3:0] [95:92] [79:76]
size[3:0] [91:88] [75:72]
transactionID[7:0] [87:80] [71:64]
address[28:0] [79:51] [63:35]
wdptr [50] [34]
xamsbs[1:0] [49:48] [33:32]
address[28:0] [95:67] [79:51]
Reserved [66] [50]
xamsbs[1:0] [65:64] [49:48]
XON/XOFF [95] [79]
FAM[2:0] [94:92] [78:76]
Reserved[3:0] [91:88] [75:72]
flowID[6:0] [87:81] [71:65]
soc [80] [64]
8 22
ttype[3:0] [95:92] [79:76]
size[3:0] [91:88] [75:72]
transactionID[7:0] [87:80] [71:64]
hop_count[7:0] [79:72] [63:56]
config_offset[20:0] [71:51] [55:35]
wdptr [50] [34]
Reserved[1:0] [49:48] [33:32]
9 single segment and start cos[7:0] [95:88] [79:72]
22 In MAINTENANCE response packets, which have ftype value 8, replace the config_offset
and wdptr fields with additional reserved bits.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
ftype Field
gen_tx_data Bits
Device ID Width 8 Device ID Width 16
S[87] [71]
E[86] [70]
Reserved[2:0] [85:83] [69:67]
xh [82] [66]
O[81] [65]
P[80] [64]
streamID[15:0] [79:64] [63:48]
9 continuation
cos[7:0] [95:88] [79:72]
S[87] [71]
E[86] [70]
Reserved[2:0] [85:83] [69:67]
xh [82] [66]
O[81] [65]
P[80] [64]
9 end
cos[7:0] [95:88] [79:72]
S[87] [71]
E[86] [70]
Reserved[2:0] [85:83] [69:67]
xh [82] [66]
O[81] [65]
P[80] [64]
length[15:0] [79:64] [63:48]
9 extended packet
cos[7:0] [95:88] [79:72]
Reserved[1:0] [87:86] [71:70]
xtype[2:0] [85:83] [69:67]
xh [82] [66]
Reserved[1:0] [81:80] [65:64]
streamID[15:0] [79:64] [63:48]
TM_OP[3:0] [63:60] [47:44]
Reserved [59] [43]
wildcard[2:0] [58:56] [42:40]
mask[7:0] [55:48] [39:32]
parameter1[7:0] [47:40] [31:24]
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
ftype Field
gen_tx_data Bits
Device ID Width 8 Device ID Width 16
parameter2[7:0] [39:32] [23:16]
Reserved[7:0] [95:88] [79:72]
transactionID[7:0] [87:80] [71:64]
info[15:0] [79:64] [63:48]
msglen[3:0] [95:92] [79:76]
ssize[3:0] [91:88] [75:72]
letter[1:0] [87:86] [71:70]
mbox[1:0] [85:84] [69:68]
msgseg[3:0] or
xmbox[3:0] [83:80] [67:64]
ttype[3:0] [95:92] [79:76]
size[3:0] [91:88] [75:72]
transactionID[7:0] [87:80] [71:64]
Table 35. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Receive Side (Avalon-ST Source) Data
Following are the Avalon-ST pass-through interface receive side payload data signals. The application should
sample payload data only when both gen_rx_pd_ready and gen_rx_pd_valid are asserted.
Signal Name Type Function
Indicates to the IP core that the user’s custom logic is ready to receive data on
the current cycle. Asserted by the sink to mark ready cycles, which are cycles in
which transfers can occur. If ready is asserted on cycle N, the cycle (N
+READY_LATENCY) is a ready cycle. The RapidIO II IP core is designed for
READY_LATENCY equal to 0.
Used to qualify all the other output signals of the receive side pass-through
interface. On every rising edge of the clock during which gen_rx_pd_valid is
high, gen_rx_pd_data can be sampled.
ket Output Marks the active cycle containing the start of the packet.
tOutput Marks the active cycle containing the end of the packet.
]Output A 128-bit wide data bus for data payload.
This bus identifies the number of empty two-byte segments on the 128-bit wide
gen_rx_pd_data bus on the final data transfer of the packet, which occurs
during the clock cycle when gen_tx_endofpacket is asserted. This signal is 4
bits wide.
Table 36. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Receive Side (Avalon-ST Source) Header
Following are the Avalon-ST pass-through interface receive side header signals. The application should sample
header data only when both gen_rx_hd_ready and gen_rx_hd_valid are asserted.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Name Type Function
Indicates to the IP core that the user’s custom logic is ready to receive packet
header bits on the current clock cycle. Asserted by the sink to mark ready cycles,
which are cycles in which transfers can occur. If ready is asserted on cycle N, the
cycle (N+READY_LATENCY) is a ready cycle. The RapidIO II IP core is designed
for READY_LATENCY equal to 0.
Used to qualify the receive side pass-through interface output header bus. On
every rising edge of the clock during which gen_rx_hd_valid is high,
gen_rx_hd_data can be sampled.
]Output A 115-bit wide bus for packet header bits. Data on this bus is valid only when
gen_rx_hd_valid is high.
Table 37. RapidIO Header Fields in gen_rx_hd_data Bus
Field gen_rx_hd_da
ta Bits Comment
pd_size[8:0] [114:106] Size of payload data, in bytes.
VC [105] Value = 0. The RapidIO II IP core supports only VC0.
CRF [104]
prio[1:0] [103:102]
tt[1:0] [101:100]
ftype[3:0] [99:96]
destinationID[15:0] [95:80] For packets with an 8-bit device ID, bits [95:88] (bits [15:8] of the
destinationID) are set to 8’h00.
When ftype[3:0] has the value of 7, this field is used as the
tgtDestinationID field. For packets with an 8-bit device ID, bits
[79:72] (bits [15:8] of the sourceID) are set to 8’h00.
][63:0] Fields depend on the format type specified in ftype.
Table 38. specific_header Fields on gen_rx_hd_data Bus
ftype Field specific_header Bits
2, 5
ttype[3:0] [63:60]
size[3:0] [59:56]
transactionID[7:0] [55:48]
address[28:0] [47:19]
wdptr [18]
xamsbs[1:0] [17:16]
Reserved[15:0] [15:0]
address[28:0] [63:35]
Reserved [34]
xamsbs[1:0] [33:32]
Reserved[31:0] [31:0]
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
ftype Field specific_header Bits
FAM[2:0] [62:60]
Reserved[3:0] [59:56]
flowID[6:0] [55:49]
soc [48]
Reserved[47:0] [47:0]
ttype[3:0] [63:60]
status[3:0] or size[3:0] [59:56]
transactionID[7:0] [55:48]
hop_count[7:0] [47:40]
config_offset[20:0] [39:19]
wdptr [18]
Reserved[17:0] [17:0]
cos[7:0] [63:56]
xtype[2:0] [53:51]
xh [50]
streamID[15:0] [47:32]
TM_OP[3:0] [31:28]
reserve [27]
wildcard[2:0] [26:24]
mask[7:0] [23:16]
parameter1[7:0] [15:8]
parameter2[7:0] [7:0]
ttype[3:0] [63:60]
status[3:0] [59:56]
transactionID[7:0] [55:48]
info_msb[7:0] [47:40]
info_lsb[7:0] [39:32]
crc[15:0] [31:16]
Reserved[15:0] [15:0]
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
ftype Field specific_header Bits
msglen[3:0] [63:60]
ssize[3:0] [59:56]
letter[1:0] [55:54]
mbox[1:0] [53:52]
msgseg[3:0] or xmbox[3:0] [51:48]
Reserved[47:0] [47:0]
ttype[3:0] [63:60]
status[3:0] [59:56]
transactionID[7:0] or
target_info[7:0] [55:48]
Reserved[47:0] [47:0] Pass-Through Interface Usage Examples
Following are the examples of communication on the RapidIO II IP core Avalon-ST
pass-through interface:
User Sending Write Request
User Receiving Write Request
User Sending Read Request and Receiving Read Response
User Receiving Read Request and Sending Read Response
User Sending Streaming Write Request
User Receiving Streaming Write Request User Sending Write Request
Table 39. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Usage Example: Sending Write Request
User Operation Operation Type RapidIO
Transaction Priority Device ID Width Payload Size
Send write
request Tx NWRITE 0 8 40
In the first clock cycle of the example, the IP core asserts gen_tx_ready to indicate
it is ready to sample data. In the same cycle, user logic asserts gen_tx_valid.
Because both gen_tx_ready and gen_tx_valid are asserted, this clock cycle is an
Avalon-ST ready cycle. The user logic provides valid data on gen_tx_data for the IP
core to sample, and asserts gen_tx_startofpacket to indicate the current value of
gen_tx_data is the initial piece of the current packet (the start of packet). On
gen_tx_packet_size, user logic reports the full length of the packet is 0x32, which
is decimal 50, because the packet comprises 10 bytes of header and 40 bytes of
payload data.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 29. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface NWRITE Transmit Example
060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415 161718191A1B1C1D1E1F202122232425 26270000000000000000000000000000
The user logic provides the 40-byte payload and 10-byte header on the same bus,
gen_tx_data[127:0]. Transferring these 50 bytes of information requires four clock
cycles. During all of these cycles, the IP core holds gen_tx_ready high and user logic
holds gen_tx_valid high, indicating the cycles are all Avalon-ST ready cycles. In the
second and third cycles, user logic holds gen_tx_startofpacket and
gen_tx_endofpacket low, because the information on gen_tx_data is neither
start of packet nor end of packet data. In the fourth clock cycle, user logic asserts
gen_tx_endofpacket and sets gen_tx_empty to the value of 0xE to indicate that
only two of the bytes of data available on gen_tx_data in the current clock cycle are
valid. The initial ten bytes of the packet contain header information.
Table 40. NWRITE Request Transmit Example: RapidIO Header Fields on the
gen_tx_data Bus
Field gen_tx_data
Bits Value Comment
[127:122] 6'h00
Value is a don’t care, because it is overwritten by the
Physical layer ackID value before the packet is
transmitted on the RapidIO link.
VC [121] 0 The RapidIO II IP core supports only VC0.
CRF [120] 0
prio[1:0] [119:118] 2'b00
tt[1:0] [117:116] 2'b00 The value of 0 indicates 8-bit device IDs.
ftype[3:0] [115:112] 4'b0101 The value of 5 indicates a Write Class packet.
][111:104] 8'hDD
sourceId[7:0] [103:96] 8'hAA
ttype[3:0] [95:92] 4'b0100 The value of 4 indicates an NWRITE transaction.
size[3:0] [91:88] 4'b1100 The size and wdptr values encode the maximum
size of the payload field.
][87:80] 8'h00 Not used for NWRITE transactions.
address[28:0] [79:51] {28’hFEDCBA9, 1’b0}
wdptr [50] 1 The size and wdptr values encode the maximum
size of the payload field.
xamsbs[1:0] [49:48] 2’b00
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
100 User Receiving Write Request
Table 41. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Usage Example: Receive NWRITE Request
User Operation Operation Type RapidIO
Transaction Priority Device ID Width Payload Size
Receive write
request Rx NWRITE 0 8 40
In the first clock cycle of the example, user logic asserts gen_rx_hd_ready and
gen_rx_pd_ready, and the IP core asserts gen_rx_hd_valid and
gen_rx_pd_valid, indicating it is providing valid data on gen_rx_hd_data and
gen_rx_pd_data, respectively. The assertion of both the ready signal and the valid
signal on each of the header and payload-data Avalon-ST interfaces makes the current
cycle an Avalon-ST ready cycle for both header and data.
Figure 30. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface NWRITE Receive Example
000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F 101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F 20212223242526270000000000000000
The IP core asserts gen_rx_pd_startofpacket to indicate the current cycle is the
first valid data cycle of the packet. In this clock cycle, the IP core also makes the
header and the first 128 bits of payload data available on gen_rx_hd_data and
gen_rx_pd_data, respectively. The 40-byte payload requires 3 clock cycles. In the
third clock cycle of data transfer, the IP core asserts gen_rx_pd_endofpacket to
indicate this is the final clock cycle of data transfer, and specifies in
gen_rx_pd_empty that in the current clock cycle, the four least significant two-byte
segments (the least significant eight bytes) of gen_rx_pd_data are not valid.
Following the clock cycles in which valid data is available on gen_rx_pd_data, the IP
core deasserts gen_rx_pd_valid.
Table 42. NWRITE Request Receive Example: RapidIO Header Fields in gen_rx_hd_data
Field gen_rx_hd_data
Bits Value Comment
pd_size[8:0] [114:106] 9’h028 Payload data size is 0x28 (decimal 40).
VC [105] 0 The RapidIO II IP core supports only VC0.
CRF [104] 0
prio[1:0] [103:102] 2'b00
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field gen_rx_hd_data
Bits Value Comment
tt[1:0] [101:100] 2'b00 The value of 0 indicates 8-bit device IDs.
ftype[3:0] [99:96] 4'b0101 The value of 5 indicates a Write Class packet.
][95:80] 16’h00DD For variations with an 8-bit device ID, bits [95:88] (bits
[15:8] of the destinationID) are set to 8’h00.
sourceId[15:0] [79:64] 16'h00AA For variations with an 8-bit device ID, bits [79:72] (bits
[15:8] of the sourceID) are set to 8’h00.
ttype[3:0] [63:60] 4'b0100 The value of 4 indicates an NWRITE transaction.
size[3:0] [59:56] 4'b1100
The size and wdptr values encode the maximum size
of the payload field. In this example, they decode to a
value of 64 bytes.
transactionID[7:0] [55:48] 8'h00 Not used for NWRITE transactions.
address[28:0] [47:19] {28’hFEDCBA9,
wdptr [18] 1 The size and wdptr values encode the maximum size
of the payload field.
xamsbs[1:0] [17:16] 2’b00
Reserved[15:0] [15:0] 16’h0000 User Sending Read Request and Receiving Read Response
Table 43. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Usage Example: Sending Read Request
and Receiving Response
User Operation Operation Type RapidIO
Transaction Priority Device ID Width Payload Size
Send read request Tx NREAD 1 16 32
Receive read
response Rx Response with
payload 2 16 32
The behavior of the signals on the Avalon-ST pass-through interface for this example
transaction sequence is described in
NREAD Request Transaction
NREAD Response Transaction
NREAD Request Transaction
In the first clock cycle of the example, the IP core asserts gen_tx_ready to indicate
it is ready to sample data. In the same cycle, user logic asserts gen_tx_valid.
Because both gen_tx_ready and gen_tx_valid are asserted, this clock cycle is an
Avalon-ST ready cycle. The user logic provides valid data on gen_tx_data for the IP
core to sample, and asserts gen_tx_startofpacket to indicate the current value of
gen_tx_data is the initial piece of the current packet (the start of packet). On
gen_tx_packet_size, user logic reports the full length of the packet is 0xC, which
is decimal 12, because the packet comprises 12 bytes of header.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 31. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface NREAD Request Send and Response
Receive Example
The NREAD request transaction contains no payload data. The NREAD request requires
a single clock cycle. During this clock cycle, user logic asserts gen_tx_endofpacket
and reports on gen_tx_empty that the number of empty bytes is 4. The initial 12
bytes of the NREAD request packet contain header information.
Table 44. NREAD Request Transmit Example: RapidIO Header Fields on the
gen_tx_data Bus
Field gen_tx_data
Bits Value Comment
[127:122] 6'h00
Value is a don’t care, because it is overwritten by the
Physical layer ackID value before the packet is transmitted
on the RapidIO link.
VC [121] 0 The RapidIO II IP core supports only VC0.
CRF [120] 0
prio[1:0] [119:118] 2'b01
tt[1:0] [117:116] 2'b01 The value of 1 indicates 16-bit device IDs.
ftype[3:0] [115:112] 4'b0010 The value of 2 indicates a Request Class packet.
][111:96] 16'hDDDD
sourceId[15:0] [95:80] 16'hAAAA
ttype[3:0] [79:76] 4'b0100 The value of 4 indicates an NREAD transaction.
[75:72] 4'b1100
The size and wdptr values encode the maximum size of
the payload field. In this example, they decode to a value
of 32 bytes.
transactionID[7:0] [71:64] 8'hBB Not used for NWRITE transactions.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field gen_tx_data
Bits Value Comment
address[28:0] [63:35] {28’h7654321,
wdptr [34] 1 The size and wdptr values encode the maximum size of
the payload field.
xamsbs[1:0] [33:32] 2’b00
NREAD Response Transaction
In the first clock cycle of the NREAD response on the Avalon-ST pass-through
interface, user logic asserts gen_rx_hd_ready and gen_rx_pd_ready, and the IP
core asserts gen_rx_hd_valid and gen_rx_pd_valid, indicating it is providing
valid data on gen_rx_hd_data and gen_rx_pd_data, respectively. The assertion of
both the ready signal and the valid signal on each of the header and payload-data
Avalon-ST interfaces makes the current cycle an Avalon-ST ready cycle for both
header and data.
Figure 32. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface NREAD Request Send and Response
Receive Example
The IP core asserts gen_rx_pd_startofpacket to indicate the current cycle is the
first valid data cycle of the packet. In this clock cycle, the IP core also makes the
header and the first 128 bits of payload data available on gen_rx_hd_data and
gen_rx_pd_data, respectively. The 32-byte payload requires two clock cycles. In the
second clock cycle of data transfer, the IP core asserts gen_rx_pd_endofpacket to
indicate this is the final clock cycle of data transfer, and specifies in
gen_rx_pd_empty that in the current clock cycle, all of the bytes of
gen_rx_pd_data are valid. Following the clock cycles in which valid data is available
on gen_rx_pd_data, the IP core deasserts gen_rx_pd_valid.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Table 45. NREAD Response Receive Example: RapidIO Header Fields in gen_rx_hd_data
Field gen_rx_hd_dat
a Bits Value Comment
pd_size[8:0] [114:106] 9’h020 Payload data size is 0x20 (decimal 32).
VC [105] 0 The RapidIO II IP core supports only VC0.
CRF [104] 0
[103:102] 2'b10
Priority of the response packet. Value must be higher
than the priority value of the request packet. In this
example, the response packet has a priority value of
2’b10 and the original request has a priority value of
tt[1:0] [101:100] 2'b01 Indicates 16-bit device IDs..
ftype[3:0] [99:96] 4'b1101 The value of 4’hD (decimal 13) indicates a Response
Class packet..
][95:80] 16’hAAAA The destinationID of the NREAD request are swapped in
the response transaction.
sourceId[15:0] [79:64] 16'h0DDDD The sourceID of the NREAD request are swapped in the
response transaction.
ttype[3:0] [63:60] 4'b1000 The value of 8 indicates a Response transaction with
data payload.
status[3:0] [59:56] 4'b0000 The value of 0 indicates Done. The current packet
successfully completes the requested transaction.
transactionID[7:0] [55:48] 8'hBB Value in the response packet matches the
transactionID of the corresponding request packet.
Reserved[47:0] [47:0] 48’h0 User Receiving Read Request and Sending Read Response
Table 46. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Usage Example: Receiving NREAD Request
and Sending Response
User Operation Operation Type RapidIO
Transaction Priority Device ID Width Payload Size
Receive read
request Rx NREAD 1 16 32
Send read
response Tx Response with
payload 2 16 32
The behavior of the signals on the Avalon-ST pass-through interface for this example
transaction sequence is described in
NREAD Request Transaction
NREAD Response Transaction
NREAD Request Transaction
The NREAD request requires a single clock cycle. During this cycle, user logic asserts
gen_rx_hd_ready to indicate it is ready to sample data. In the same cycle, the IP
core asserts gen_rx_hd_valid. Because both gen_rx_hd_ready and
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
gen_rx_hd_valid are asserted, the current cycle is an Avalon-ST ready cycle on the
header Avalon-ST interface. The IP core provides valid header information on
gen_rx_hd_data for the user logic to sample.
Figure 33. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface NREAD Request Receive and Response
Send Example
8899AABBCCDDEEFF0123456789ABCDEF FEDCBA98765432100000000000000000
The IP core does not assert gen_rx_pd_valid, because the NREAD request
transaction contains no payload data.
Table 47. NREAD Request Receive Example: RapidIO Header Fields in gen_rx_hd_data
Field gen_rx_hd_data
Bits Value Comment
pd_size[8:0] [114:106] 9’h000 An NREAD request transaction has no payload data.
VC [105] 0 The RapidIO II IP core supports only VC0.
CRF [104] 0
prio[1:0] [103:102] 2'b01
tt[1:0] [101:100] 2'b01 The value of 1 indicates 16-bit device IDs.
ftype[3:0] [99:96] 4'b0010 The value of 2 indicates a Request Class packet.
][95:80] 16’h00DD
sourceId[15:0] [79:64] 16'h00AA
ttype[3:0] [63:60] 4'b0100 The value of 4 indicates an NREAD transaction.
size[3:0] [59:56] 4'b1100
The size and wdptr values encode the maximum
size of the payload field. In this example, they
decode to a value of 32 bytes.
transactionID[7:0] [55:48] 8'hBB
address[28:0] [47:19] {28’h7654321,
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field gen_rx_hd_data
Bits Value Comment
wdptr [18] 0 The size and wdptr values encode the maximum
size of the payload field.
xamsbs[1:0] [17:16] 2’b00
Reserved[15:0] [15:0] 16’h0000
NREAD Response Transaction
In the first clock cycle of the NREAD response on the Avalon-ST pass-through
interface, the IP core asserts gen_tx_ready to indicate it is ready to sample data. In
the same cycle, user logic asserts gen_tx_valid. Because both gen_tx_ready and
gen_tx_valid are asserted, this clock cycle is an Avalon-ST ready cycle. The user
logic provides valid data on gen_tx_data for the IP core to sample, and asserts
gen_tx_startofpacket to indicate the current value of gen_tx_data is the initial
piece of the current packet (the start of packet). On gen_tx_packet_size, user
logic reports the full length of the packet is 0x28, which is decimal 40, because the
packet comprises eight bytes of header and 32 bytes of payload data.
Figure 34. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface NREAD Request Receive and Response
Send Example
8899AABBCCDDEEFF0123456789ABCDEF FEDCBA98765432100000000000000000
The user logic provides the 32-byte payload and 8-byte header on the same bus,
gen_tx_data[127:0]. Transferring these 40 bytes of information requires three
clock cycles. During all of these cycles, the IP core holds gen_tx_ready high and
user logic holds gen_tx_valid high, indicating the cycles are all Avalon-ST ready
cycles. In the second cycle, user logic holds gen_tx_startofpacket and
gen_tx_endofpacket low, because the information on gen_tx_data is neither
start of packet nor end of packet data. In the third clock cycle, user logic asserts
gen_tx_endofpacket and sets gen_tx_empty to the value of 0x8 to indicate that
eight bytes of the data in the current clock cycle are invalid — in other words, only the
initial eight (sixteen minus eight) bytes of data available on gen_tx_data in the
current clock cycle are valid. The initial eight bytes of the NREAD response packet
contain header information.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Table 48. NREAD Response Transmit Example: RapidIO Header Fields on the
gen_tx_data Bus
Field gen_tx_data
Bits Value Comment
ackID [127:122] 6'h00
Value is a don’t care, because it is overwritten by the
Physical layer ackID value before the packet is
transmitted on the RapidIO link.
VC [121] 0 The RapidIO II IP core supports only VC0.
CRF [120] 0
prio[1:0] [119:118] 2'b10
Priority of the response packet. Value must be higher
than the priority value of the request packet. In this
example, the response packet has a priority value of
2’b10 and the original request has a priority value of
tt[1:0] [117:116] 2'b01 The value of 1 indicates 16-bit device IDs.
ftype[3:0] [115:112] 4’b1101 The value of 4’hD (decimal 13) indicates a Response
Class packet.
destinationId[15:0] [111:96] 16'hDDDD The destinationID of the NREAD request are swapped in
the response transaction.
sourceId[15:0] [95:80] 16'hAAAA The sourceID of the NREAD request are swapped in the
response transaction.
ttype[3:0] [79:76] 4'b1000 The value of 8 indicates a Response transaction with data
status[3:0] [75:72] 4'b0000 The value of 0 indicates Done. The current packet
successfully completes the requested transaction.
transactionID[7:0] [71:64] 8'hBB Value in the response packet matches the
transactionID of the corresponding request packet. User Sending Streaming Write Request
Table 49. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Usage Example: Send SWRITE Request
User Operation Operation Type RapidIO
Transaction Priority Device ID Width Payload Size
Send streaming
write request Tx SWRITE 3 8 40
In the first clock cycle of the example, the IP core asserts gen_tx_ready to indicate
it is ready to sample data. In the same cycle, user logic asserts gen_tx_valid.
Because both gen_tx_ready and gen_tx_valid are asserted, this clock cycle is an
Avalon-ST ready cycle. The user logic provides valid data on gen_tx_data for the IP
core to sample, and asserts gen_tx_startofpacket to indicate the current value of
gen_tx_data is the initial piece of the current packet (the start of packet). On
gen_tx_packet_size, user logic reports the full length of the packet is 0x30, which
is decimal 48, because the packet comprises eight bytes of header and 40 bytes of
payload data.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 35. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface SWRITE Transmit Example
The user logic provides the 40-byte payload and 8-byte header on the same bus,
gen_tx_data[127:0]. Transferring these 48 bytes of information requires three
clock cycles. During all of these cycles, the IP core holds gen_tx_ready high and
user logic holds gen_tx_valid high, indicating the cycles are all Avalon-ST ready
cycles. In the second cycle, user logic holds gen_tx_startofpacket and
gen_tx_endofpacket low, because the information on gen_tx_data is neither
start of packet nor end of packet data. In the third clock cycle, user logic asserts
gen_tx_endofpacket and sets gen_tx_empty to the value of 0x0 to indicate that
all of the bytes of data available on gen_tx_data in the current clock cycle are valid.
In this example, the IP core does not deassert gen_tx_ready following the three
ready cycles, indicating that it is ready to accept an additional transaction whenever
user logic is ready to send an additional transaction. Whether or not the IP core
deasserts gen_tx_ready following the three Avalon-ST ready cycles, the next cycle is
not a ready cycle, because user logic has deasserted gen_tx_valid. The initial eight
bytes of the packet contain header information.
Table 50. SWRITE Request Transmit Example: RapidIO Header Fields on the
gen_tx_data Bus
Field gen_tx_data
Bits Value Comment
[127:122] 6'h00
Value is a don’t care, because it is overwritten by the
Physical layer ackID value before the packet is
transmitted on the RapidIO link.
VC [121] 0 The RapidIO II IP core supports only VC0.
CRF [120] 0
prio[1:0] [119:118] 2'b11
tt[1:0] [117:116] 2'b00 The value of 0 indicates 8-bit device IDs.
ftype[3:0] [115:112] 4'b0110 The value of 6 indicates a Streaming-Write Class
destinationId[7:0] [111:104] 8'hDD
sourceId[7:0] [103:96] 8'hAA
address[28:0] [95:67] {28’h0AABBCC,
wdptr [66] 1 Not used for SWRITE transactions.
xamsbs[1:0] [65:64] 2’b00
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
109 User Receiving Streaming Write Request
Table 51. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Usage Example: Receive SWRITE Request
User Operation Operation Type RapidIO
Transaction Priority Device ID Width Payload Size
Receive streaming
write request Rx SWRITE 3 8 40
In the first clock cycle of the example, user logic asserts gen_rx_hd_ready and
gen_rx_pd_ready, and the IP core asserts gen_rx_hd_valid and
gen_rx_pd_valid, indicating it is providing valid data on gen_rx_hd_data and
gen_rx_pd_data, respectively. The assertion of both the ready signal and the valid
signal on each of the header and payload-data Avalon-ST interfaces makes the current
cycle an Avalon-ST ready cycle for both header and data.
Figure 36. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface SWRITE Receive Example
The IP core asserts gen_rx_pd_startofpacket to indicate the current cycle is the
first valid data cycle of the packet. In this clock cycle, the IP core also makes the
header and the first 128 bits of payload data available on gen_rx_hd_data and
gen_rx_pd_data, respectively. The 40-byte payload requires 3 clock cycles. In the
third clock cycle of data transfer, the IP core asserts gen_rx_pd_endofpacket to
indicate this is the final clock cycle of data transfer, and specifies in
gen_rx_pd_empty that in the current clock cycle, the four least significant two-byte
segments (the least significant eight bytes) of gen_rx_pd_data are not valid.
Following the clock cycles in which valid data is available on gen_rx_pd_data, the IP
core deasserts gen_rx_pd_valid.
Table 52. SWRITE Request Receive Example: RapidIO Header Fields in gen_rx_hd_data
Field gen_rx_hd_data
Bits Value Comment
pd_size[8:0] [114:106] 9’h028 Payload data size is 0x28 (decimal 40).
VC [105] 0 The RapidIO II IP core supports only VC0.
CRF [104] 0
prio[1:0] [103:102] 2'b11
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field gen_rx_hd_data
Bits Value Comment
tt[1:0] [101:100] 2'b00 The value of 0 indicates 8-bit device IDs.
ftype[3:0] [99:96] 4'b0110 The value of 6 indicates a Streaming-Write Class
][95:80] 16’h00DD For variations with an 8-bit device ID, bits [95:88]
(bits [15:8] of the destinationID) are set to 8’h00.
sourceId[15:0] [79:64] 16'h00AA For variations with an 8-bit device ID, bits [79:72]
(bits [15:8] of the sourceID) are set to 8’h00.
address[28:0] [63:35] {28’h0AABBCC,
Reserved [34] 1'b0
xamsbs[1:0] [17:16] 2’b00
Reserved[31:0] [31:0] 32’h00000000
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
4.4 Transport Layer
The Transport layer is a required module of the RapidIO II IP core. It is intended for
use in an endpoint processing element and must be used with at least one Logical
layer module or the Avalon-ST pass-through interface.
You can optionally turn on the following two parameters:
Enable Avalon-ST pass-through interface — If you turn on this parameter, the
Transport layer routes all unrecognized packets to the Avalon-ST pass-through
Disable destination ID checking by default—If you turn on this parameter,
request packets are considered recognized even if the destination ID does not
match the value programmed in the Base Device ID CSR—Offset: 0x60. This
feature enables the RapidIO II IP core to process multi-cast transactions correctly.
The Transport layer module is divided into receiver and transmitter submodules.
Figure 37. Transport Layer Block Diagram
Logical Layer
Physical Layer
Pass Through
4.4.1 Receiver
On the receive side, the Transport layer module receives packets from the Physical
layer. Packets travel through the Rx buffer, and any errored packet is eliminated. The
Transport layer module routes the packets to one of the Logical layer modules or to
the Avalon-ST pass-through interface based on the packet's destination ID, format
type (ftype), and target transaction ID (targetTID) header fields. The destination
ID matches only if the transport type (tt) field matches.
If you turn off destination ID checking in the RapidIO II parameter editor, the
Transport layer routes incoming packets from the Physical layer that are not already
marked as errored according to the following rules:
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Routes packets with unsupported ftype to the Avalon-ST pass-through interface,
if the Avalon-ST pass-through interface is instantiated in the IP core variation.
Routes packets with a tt value that does not match the RapidIO II IP core’s
device ID width support level according to the following rules:
If you turned on Enable 16-bit device ID width in the RapidIO II parameter
editor, routes packets with an 8-bit device ID to the Avalon-ST pass-through
interface, if the Avalon-ST pass-through interface is implemented in the IP
core variation. If this interface is not implemented in your variation, drops the
If you turned off Enable 16-bit device ID width in the RapidIO II parameter
editor, drops packets with a 16-bit device ID.
In any of the cases in which the packet is dropped, the Transport layer module
asserts the transport_rx_packet_dropped signal.
Request packets with a supported ftype and a tt value that matches the
RapidIO II IP core’s device ID width are routed to the Logical layer supporting the
ftype. If the request packet has an unsupported ttype, the Logical layer module
then performs the following tasks:
Sends an ERROR response for request packets that require a response.
Records an unsupported_transaction error in the Error Management
extension registers.
Packets that would be routed to the Avalon-ST pass-through interface, in the case
that the RapidIO II IP core does not implement an Avalon-ST pass-through
interface, are dropped. In this case, the Transport layer module asserts the
transport_rx_packet_dropped signal.
ftype=13 response packets are routed based on the value of their target
transaction ID field. Each Logical layer module is assigned a range of transaction
IDs. If the transaction ID of a received response packet is not within one of the
ranges assigned to one of the enabled Logical layer modules, the packet is routed
to the Avalon-ST pass-through interface.
Packets marked as errored by the Physical layer (for example, packets with a CRC
error or packets that were stomped) are filtered out and dropped from the stream of
packets sent to the Logical layer modules or pass-through interface. In these cases,
the transport_rx_packet_dropped output signal is not asserted.
4.4.2 Transmitter
On the transmit side, the Transport layer module uses a modified round-robin
scheduler to select the Logical layer module to transmit packets. The Physical layer
continuously sends Physical layer transmit buffer status information to the Transport
layer. Based on this information, the Transport layer either implements a standard
round-robin algorithm to select the Logical layer module from which to transmit the
next packet, or implements a modified algorithm in which the Transport layer only
considers packets whose priority field is set at or above a specified threshold. The
incoming status information from the Physical layer determines the current priority
threshold. The status information can also temporarily backpressure the Transport
layer, by indicating no packets of any priority level can currently be selected.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The Transport layer polls the various Logical layer modules to determine whether a
packet is available. When a packet of the appropriate priority level is available, the
Transport layer transmits the whole packet, and then continues polling the next logical
In a variation with a user-defined Logical layer connected to the Avalon-ST pass-
through interface, you can abort the transmission of an errored packet by asserting
the Avalon-ST pass-through interface gen_tx_error and gen_tx_endofpacket
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
4.5 Physical Layer
The Physical layer has the following features:
Port initialization
Transmitter and receiver with the following features:
One, two, or four lane high-speed data serialization and deserialization
Clock and data recovery (receiver)
8B10B encoding and decoding
Lane synchronization (receiver)
Packet/control symbol assembly and delineation
Packet cyclic redundancy code (CRC) (CRC-16) generation and checking
Control symbol CRC-13 generation and checking
Error detection
Pseudo-random IDLE2 sequence generation
IDLE2 sequence removal
Scrambling and descrambling
Software interface (status/control registers)
Flow control (ackID tracking)
Time-out on acknowledgements
Order of retransmission maintenance and acknowledgements
ackID assignment through software interface
ackID synchronization after reset
Error management
Clock decoupling
FIFO buffer with level output port
Four transmission queues and four retransmission queues to handle packet
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 38. Physical Layer High Level Block Diagram
td rdtx_pll_refclk
Status Packet
Error Monitoring
RapidIO Interface
RapidIO Interface Transceiver
Low Latency
Transport Layer
Low Level Interface
4.5.1 Low-level Interface Receiver
The receiver in the low-level interface receives the input from the RapidIO interface,
and performs the following tasks:
Separates packets and control symbols.
Removes IDLE2 idle sequence characters.
Detects multicast-event and stomp control symbols.
Detects packet-size errors.
Checks the control symbol 13-bit CRC and asserts symbol_error if the CRC is
The receiver transceiver is an embedded Transceiver Native PHY IP core.
The Physical layer checks the CRC bits in an incoming RapidIO packet and flags CRC
and packet size errors. It strips all CRC bits and padding bytes from the data it sends
to the Transport layer.
Related Links
Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
Stratix 10 L-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
4.5.2 Low-Level Interface Transmitter
The transmitter in the low-level interface transmits output to the RapidIO interface.
This module performs the following tasks:
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Assembles packets and control symbols into a proper output format.
Generates the 13-bit CRC to cover the 35-bit symbol and appends the CRC at the
end of the symbol.
Transmits an IDLE2 sequence during port initialization and when no packets or
control symbols are available to transmit.
Transmits outgoing multicast-event control symbols in response to user requests.
Transmits status control symbols and the rate compensation sequence periodically
as required by the RapidIO specification.
The low-level transmitter block creates and transmits outgoing multicast-event control
symbols. Each time the multicast_event_tx input signal changes value, this block
inserts a multicast-event control symbol in the outgoing bit stream as soon as
The internal transmitters are turned off while the initialization state machine is in the
SILENT state. This behavior causes the link partner to detect the need to reinitialize
the RapidIO link.
The transmitter transceiver is an embedded Native PHY IP core.
The Physical layer ensures that a maximum of 63 unacknowledged packets are
transmitted, and that the ackIDs are used and acknowledged in sequential order. To
support retransmission of unacknowledged packets, the Physical layer maintains a
copy of each transmitted packet until the packet is acknowledged with a packet-
accepted control symbol.
The RapidIO II IP core supports receiver-controlled flow control in both directions.
If the receiver detects that an incoming packet or control symbol is corrupted or a link
protocol violation has occurred, the Physical layer enters an error recovery process. In
the case of a corrupted incoming packet or control symbol, and some link protocol
violations, the transmitter sends a packet-not-accepted symbol to the sender. A
link-request link-response control symbol pair is then exchanged between the
link partners and the sender then retransmits all packets starting from the ackID
specified in the link-response control symbol. The transmitter attempts the link-
request link-response control symbol pair exchange seven times. If the protocol
and control block times out awaiting the response to the seventh link-request
control symbol, it declares a fatal error. When a time-out occurs for an outgoing
packet, the Physical layer starts the recovery process. If a packet is retransmitted, the
time-out counter is reset. To meet the RapidIO specification requirements for packet
priority handling and deadlock avoidance, the Physical layer transmitter includes four
transmit queues and four retransmit queues, one for each priority level.
The transmit buffer is the main memory in which the packets are stored before they
are transmitted. The buffer is partitioned into 64-byte blocks to be used on a first-
come, first-served basis by the transmit and retransmit queues.
The following events cause any stored packets to be lost:
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Fatal error caused by receiving a link-response control symbol with the
port_status set to OK but the ackid_status set to an ackID that is not
pending (transmitted but not acknowledged yet).
Fatal error caused by transmitter timing out while waiting for link-response.
Fatal error caused by receiver timing out while waiting for link-request.
Receive four consecutive link-request control symbols with the cmd set to
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
4.6 Error Detection and Management
The error detection and management mechanisms in the RapidIO specification and
those built into the RapidIO II IP core provide a high degree of reliability. In addition
to error detection, management, and recovery features, the RapidIO II IP core also
provides debugging and diagnostic aids. The RapidIO II IP core optionally implements
the Error Management Extensions block and registers.
4.6.1 Physical Layer Error Management
Most errors at the Physical layer are categorized as:
Protocol violations
Transmission errors
Protocol violations can be caused by a link partner that is not fully compliant to the
specification, or can be a side effect of the link partner being reset.
Transmission errors can be caused by noise on the line and consist of one or more bit
errors. The following mechanisms exist for checking and detecting errors:
The receiver checks the validity of the received 8B10B encoded characters,
including the running disparity.
The receiver detects control characters changed into data characters or data
characters changed into control characters, based on the context in which the
character is received.
The receiver checks the CRC of the received control symbols and packets.
The RapidIO II IP core Physical layer transparently manages these errors for you. The
RapidIO specification defines both input and output error detection and recovery state
machines that include handshaking protocols in which the receiving end signals that
an error is detected by sending a packet-not-accepted control symbol, the
transmitter then sends an input-status link-request control symbol to which
the receiver responds with a link-response control symbol to indicate which packet
requires transmission. The input and output error detection and recovery state
machines can be monitored by software that you create to read the status of the Port
0 Error and Status CSR.
In addition to the registers defined by the specification, the RapidIO II IP core
provides several output signals that enable user logic to monitor error detection and
the recovery process. Protocol Violations
Some protocol violations, such as a packet with an unexpected ackID or a time-out on
a packet acknowledgment, can use the same error recovery mechanisms as the
transmission errors. Some protocol violations, such as a time-out on a link-request or
the RapidIO II IP core receiving a link-response with an ackID outside the range of
transmitted ackIDs, can lead to unrecoverable—or fatal—errors. Fatal Errors
Software determines the behavior of the RapidIO II IP core following a fatal error. For
example, you can program software to optionally perform any of the following actions,
among others:
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Set the PORT_DIS bit of the Port 0 Control CSR to force the initialization state
machine to the SILENT state.
Write to the OUTBOUND_ACKID field of the Port 0 Local AckID CSR to specify
the next outbound and expected packet ackID from the RapidIO link partner. You
can use this option to force retransmission of outstanding unacknowledged
Set the CLR_OUTSTANDING_ACKIDS field of the Port 0 Local AckID CSR to
clear the queue of outstanding unacknowledged packets.
If the link partner is reset when its expected ackID is not zero, a fatal error occurs
when the link partner receives the next transmitted packet because the link partner’s
expected ackID is reset to zero, which causes a mismatch between the transmitted
ackID and the expected ackID. When that occurs, you can use the Port 0 Local
AckID CSR to resynchronize the expected and transmitted ackID values.
Related Links
Port 0 Control CSR on page 159
Port 0 Local AckID CSR on page 153
4.6.2 Logical Layer Error Management
The Logical layer modules only need to process Logical layer errors because errors
detected by the Physical layer are masked from the Logical layer module. If an errored
packet arrives at the Transport layer, the Transport layer does not pass it on to the
Logical layer modules.
The RapidIO specification defines the following common errors and the protocols for
managing them:
Malformed request or response packets
Unexpected Transaction ID
Missing response (time-out)
Response with ERROR status
The RapidIO II IP core implements the optional Error Management Extensions as
defined in Part 8 of the RapidIO Interconnect Specification Revision 2.2.
When enabled, each error defined in the Error Management Extensions triggers the
assertion of an interrupt on its module-specific interrupt output signal and causes the
capture of various packet header fields in the appropriate capture CSRs.
In addition to the errors defined by the RapidIO specification, each Logical layer
module has its own set of error conditions that can be detected and managed.
Related Links
Error Management Registers on page 187
The RapidIO II IP core implements the Error Management Extensions registers.
These registers are configured in your RapidIO II IP core variation if you turn on
Enable error management extension registers on the Error Management
Registers tab of the RapidIO II parameter editor.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
120 Maintenance Avalon-MM Slave
The Maintenance Avalon-MM slave module creates request packets for the Avalon-MM
transaction on its slave interface and processes the response packets that it receives.
Anomalies are reported through one or more of the following three channels:
Standard error management registers
Registers in the implementation defined space
The Avalon-MM slave interface’s error indication signal
Standard Error Management Registers
The following standard defined error types can be declared by the Maintenance
Avalon-MM slave module. The corresponding error bits are then set and the required
packet information is captured in the appropriate error management registers.
IO Error Response is declared when a response with ERROR status is received
for a pending MAINTENANCE read or write request.
Unsolicited Response is declared when a response is received that does not
correspond to any pending MAINTENANCE read or write request.
Packet Response Timeout is declared when a response is not received within
the time specified by the Port Response Time-Out CSR for a pending
MAINTENANCE read or write request.
Illegal Transaction Decode is declared for malformed received response
packets occurring from any of the following events:
Response packet to pending MAINTENANCE read or write request with status
not DONE nor ERROR.
Response packet with payload with a transaction type different from
MAINTENANCE read response.
Response packet without payload, with a transaction type different from
MAINTENANCE write response.
Response to a pending MAINTENANCE read request with more than 32 bits of
payload (The RapidIO II IP core issues only 32-bit MAINTENANCE read
Registers in the Implementation Defined Space
The Maintenance register module defines the Maintenance Interrupt register in which
the following two bits report Maintenance Avalon-MM slave related error conditions:
These bits are set when the address of a write or read transfer on the Maintenance
Avalon-MM slave interface falls outside of all the enabled address mapping windows.
When these bits are set, the system interrupt signal mnt_mnt_s_irq is also asserted
if the corresponding bit in the Maintenance Interrupt Enable register is set.
Maintenance Avalon-MM Slave Interface's Error Indication Signal
The mnt_s_readerror output signal is asserted when a response with ERROR status
is received for a MAINTENANCE read request packet, when a MAINTENANCE read times
out, or when the Avalon-MM read address falls outside of all the enabled address
mapping windows.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Related Links
Maintenance Interrupt Control Registers on page 178
If any of these error conditions are detected and if the corresponding Interrupt
Enable bit is set, the mnt_mnt_s_irq signal is asserted. Maintenance Avalon-MM Master
The Maintenance Avalon-MM master module processes the MAINTENANCE read and
write request packets that it receives and generates response packets. Anomalies are
reported by generating ERROR response packets. A response packet with ERROR status
is generated in the following cases:
Received a MAINTENANCE write request packet without payload or with more than
64 bytes of payload.
Received a MAINTENANCE read request packet of the wrong size (too large or too
Received a MAINTENANCE read or write request packet with an invalid rdsize or
wrsize value
Note: These errors do not cause any of the standard-defined errors to be declared and
recorded in the Error Management registers.
Related Links
Maintenance Interrupt Control Registers on page 178
If any of these error conditions are detected and if the corresponding Interrupt
Enable bit is set, the mnt_mnt_s_irq signal is asserted. Port-Write Reception Module
The Port-Write reception module processes receive port-write request MAINTENANCE
packets. The following bits in the Maintenance Interrupt register in the
implementation-defined space report any detected anomaly. The mnt_mnt_s_irq
interrupt signal is asserted if the corresponding bit in the Maintenance Interrupt
Enable register is set.
The PORT_WRITE_ERROR bit is set when the packet is either too small (no
payload) or too large (more than 64 bytes of payload), or if the actual size of the
packet is larger than indicated by the wrsize field. These errors do not cause any
of the standard defined errors to be declared and recorded in the error
management registers.
The PACKET_DROPPED bit is set when a port-write request packet is received but
port-write reception is not enabled (by setting bit PORT_WRITE_ENA in the Rx
Port Write Control register, or if a previously received port-write has not
been read out from the Rx Port Write Buffer register. Port-Write Transmission Module
Port-write requests do not cause response packets to be generated. Therefore, the
port-write transmission module does not detect or report any errors.
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
122 Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave
The I/O Avalon-MM slave module creates request packets for the Avalon-MM
transaction on its read and write slave interfaces and processes the response packets
that it receives. Anomalies are reported through one or more of the following three
Standard error management registers
Registers in the implementation defined space
The Avalon-MM slave interface's error indication signal
Standard Error Management Registers
The following standard defined error types can be declared by the I/O Avalon-MM
slave module. The corresponding error bits are then set and the required packet
information is captured in the appropriate error management registers.
IO Error Response is declared when a response with ERROR status is received
for a pending NREAD or NWRITE_R request.
Unsolicited Response is declared when a response is received that does not
correspond to any pending NREAD or NWRITE_R request.
Packet Response Time-Out is declared when a response is not received within
the time specified by the Port Response Time-Out Response CSR for an
NREAD or NWRITE_R request.
Illegal Transaction Decode is declared for malformed received response
packets occurring from any of the following events:
NREAD or NWRITE_R response packet with status not DONE nor ERROR.
NWRITE_R response packet with payload or with a transaction type indicating
the presence of a payload.
NREAD response packet without payload, with incorrect payload size, or with a
transaction type indicating absence of payload.
Registers in the Implementation Defined Space
The I/O Avalon-MM slave module defines the Input/Output Slave Interrupt registers
with the following bits:
When any of these bits are set, the system interrupt signal io_s_mnt_irq is also
asserted if the corresponding bit in the Input/Output Slave Interrupt Enable
register is set.
The Avalon-MM Slave Interface's Error Indication Signal
The ios_rd_wr_readresponse output is asserted when a response with ERROR
status is received for an NREAD request packet, when an NREAD request times out, or
when the Avalon-MM address falls outside of the enabled address mapping window. As
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
required by the Avalon-MM interface specification, a burst in which the
ios_rd_wr_readresponse signal is asserted completes despite the error signal
Related Links
I/O Slave Interrupts on page 185
These interrupt bits assert the io_s_mnt_irq signal if the corresponding interrupt
bit is enabled. Following are the available Input/Output slave interrupts and
corresponding interrupt enable bits. Input/Output Avalon-MM Master
The I/O Avalon-MM master module processes the request packets that it receives and
generates response packets when required. Anomalies are reported through one or
both of the following two channels:
Standard error management registers
Response packets with ERROR status
Standard Error Management Registers
The following two standard defined error types can be declared by the I/O Avalon-MM
master module. The corresponding bits are then set and the required packet
information is captured in the appropriate error management registers.
Unsupported Transaction is declared when a request packet carries a
transaction type that is not supported in the Destination Operations CAR,
whether an ATOMIC transaction type, a reserved transaction type, or an
implementation defined transaction type.
Illegal Transaction Decode is declared when a request packet for a supported
transaction is too short or if it contains illegal values in some of its fields such as
in these examples:
Request packet with priority = 3.
NWRITE, NWRITE_R, or SWRITE request packets without payload.
NWRITE or NWRITE_R request packets with reserved wrsize and wdptr
NWRITE, NWRITE_R, SWRITE, or NREAD request packets for which the address
does not match any enabled address mapping window.
NREAD request packet with payload.
NREAD request with rdsize that is not an integral number of transfers on all
byte lanes. (The Avalon-MM interface specification requires that all byte lanes
be enabled for read transfers. Therefore, Read Avalon-MM master modules do
not have a byteenable signal).
Payload size does not match the size indicated by the rdsize or wrsize and
wdptr fields.
Response Packets with ERROR Status
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
An ERROR response packet is sent for NREAD and NWRITE_R and Type 5 ATOMIC
request packets that cause an Illegal Transaction Decode error to be declared.
An ERROR response packet is also sent for NREAD requests if the
iom_rd_wr_readresponse input signal is asserted through the final cycle of the
Avalon-MM read transfer.
Related Links
I/O Master Interrupts on page 183
The RapidIO II IP core asserts the io_m_mnt_irq signal if the interrupt bit is
enabled. Following are the available Input/Output Master interrupt and
corresponding interrupt enable bit.
4.6.3 Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface
Packets with valid CRCs that are not recognized as being targeted to one of the
implemented Logical layer modules are passed to the Avalon-ST pass-through
interface for processing by user logic.
The RapidIO II IP core also provides hooks for user logic to report any error detected
by a user-implemented Logical layer module attached to the Avalon-ST pass-through
4 Functional Description
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
5 Signals
This chapter lists the RapidIO II IP core signals. Signals are listed with their widths. In
this context, the n in [n:0] is the number of lanes minus one, so that signal[n:0] has
one bit for each lane.
5.1 Global Signals
Table 53. Clock Signals
Signal Direction Description
sys_clk Input Avalon system clock.
tx_pll_refclk Input
Physical layer reference clock. Your design must drive this clock
from the same source as the sys_clk input clock.
In Arria 10 variations, despite the signal name, this clock is the
reference clock for the RX CDR block in the transceiver. In other
variations, this clock is also the reference clock for the TX PLL in
the transceiver.
rx_clkout Output Receive-side recovered clock. This signal is derived from the
incoming RapidIO data.
tx_clkout Output Transmit-side clock.
tx_bonding_clocks_ch0[5:0] Input
Transceiver channel TX input clocks for RapidIO lane 0. This
signal is available in Arria 10 and Stratix 10 variations. Each
transceiver channel that corresponds to a RapidIO lane has six
input clock bits. The bits are expected to be driven from a TX
tx_bonding_clocks_ch1[5:0] Input
Transceiver channel TX input clocks for RapidIO lane 1. This
signal is available in Arria 10 and Stratix 10 2x and 4x
variations. Each transceiver channel that corresponds to a
RapidIO lane has six input clock bits. The bits are expected to be
driven from a TX PLL.
tx_bonding_clocks_ch2[5:0] Input
Transceiver channel TX input clocks for RapidIO lane 2. This
signal is available in Arria 10 and Stratix 10 4x variations. Each
transceiver channel that corresponds to a RapidIO lane has six
input clock bits. The bits are expected to be driven from a TX
tx_bonding_clocks_ch3[5:0] Input
Transceiver channel TX input clocks for RapidIO lane 3. This
signal is available in Arria 10 and Stratix 10 4x variations. Each
transceiver channel that corresponds to a RapidIO lane has six
input clock bits. The bits are expected to be driven from a TX
reconfig_clk_ch0 Input
Clocks the Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface
for RapidIO lane 0. This interface is available in Arria 10 and
Stratix 10 variations for which you turn on Enable transceiver
dynamic reconfiguration.
5 Signals
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Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and
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as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Signal Direction Description
reconfig_clk_ch1 Input
Clocks the Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface
for RapidIO lane 1. This interface is available in Arria 10 and
Stratix 10 2x and 4x variations for which you turn on Enable
transceiver dynamic reconfiguration.
reconfig_clk_ch2 Input
Clocks the Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface
for RapidIO lane 2. This interface is available in Arria 10 and
Stratix 10 4x variations for which you turn on Enable
transceiver dynamic reconfiguration.
reconfig_clk_ch3 Input
Clocks the Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface
for RapidIO lane 3. This interface is available in Arria 10 and
Stratix 10 4x variations for which you turn on Enable
transceiver dynamic reconfiguration.
Table 54. Global Reset Signals
Signal Direction Description
rst_n Input
Active-low system reset. This reset is associated with the Avalon
system clock. rst_n can be asserted asynchronously, but must
stay asserted at least one clock cycle and must be de-asserted
synchronously with sys_clk. To reset the IP core correctly you
must also assert this signal together with the reset input signal to
the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller IP core to which you must
connect the RapidIO II IP core.
Intel recommends that you apply an explicit 1 to 0 transition on
the rst_n input port in simulation, to ensure that the simulation
model is properly reset.
reconfig_reset_ch0 Input
Resets the Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface for
RapidIO lane 0. This interface is available in Arria 10 and Stratix 10
variations for which you turn on Enable transceiver dynamic
reconfig_reset_ch1 Input
Resets the Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface for
RapidIO lane 1. This interface is available in Arria 10 and Stratix 10
2x and 4x variations for which you turn on Enable transceiver
dynamic reconfiguration.
reconfig_reset_ch2 Input
Resets the Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface for
RapidIO lane 2. This interface is available in Arria 10 and Stratix 10
4x variations for which you turn on Enable transceiver dynamic
reconfig_reset_ch3 Input
Resets the Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface for
RapidIO lane 3. This interface is available in Arria 10 and Stratix 10
4x variations for which you turn on Enable transceiver dynamic
5.2 Physical Layer Signals
Table 55. RapidIO Interface
Signal Direction Description
rd[n:0] Input Receive data — a unidirectional data receiver. It is connected to the td bus of
the transmitting device.
td[n:0] Output Transmit data — a unidirectional data driver. The td bus of one device is
connected to the rd bus of the receiving device.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
5.2.1 Status Packet and Error Monitoring Signals
Table 56. Status Packet and Error Monitoring Signals
All of these signals are output signals synchronized with the sys_clk clock.
Output Signals Description
packet_transmitted Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet’s transmission completes normally.
packet_cancelled Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet’s transmission is cancelled by sending a
stomp, a restart-from-retry, or a link-request control symbol.
packet_accepted_cs_ sent Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-accepted control symbol has been
received Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-accepted control symbol has been
packet_retry_cs_ sent Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-retry control symbol has been
received Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-retry control symbol has been
_cs_sent Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-not-accepted control symbol has
been transmitted.
_cs_received Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-not-accepted control symbol has
been received.
packet_crc_error Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a CRC error is detected in a received packet.
control_symbol_error Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a corrupted control symbol is received.
Indicates that the RapidIO initialization sequence has completed successfully.
This is a level signal asserted high while the initialization state machine is in the
1X_MODE, 2X_MODE, or 4X_MODE state, as described in paragraph 4.12 of the RapidIO
Interconnect Specification v2.2 Part 6: LP-Serial Physical Layer Specification.
This signal holds the inverse of the value of the PORT_UNINIT field of the Port 0
Error and Status CSR (offset 0x158)
port_error This signal holds the value of the PORT_ERR bit of the Port 0 Error and Status
CSR (offset 0x158)
link_initialized Indicates that the RapidIO port successfully completed link initialization.
port_ok This signal holds the value of the PORT_OK bit of the Port 0 Error and Status CSR
(offset 0x158)
four_lanes_aligned Indicates that all four lanes of the 4× RapidIO port are in sync and aligned. This signal
is present only in variations that support four lanes.
two_lanes_aligned Indicates that the both lanes of the 2× RapidIO port are in sync and aligned. This signal
is present only in variations that support two lanes.
5.2.2 Low Latency Signals
The low-latency signals connect to the lowest level of the Physical layer module, to
minimize latency. Multicast Event Signals
Table 57. Multicast Event Signals
All of these signals are synchronized with the sys_clk clock.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Description
send_multicast_event Input
Change the value of this signal to indicate the RapidIO II IP core
should transmit a multicast-event control symbol.
After you assert the send_multicast_event signal, await
asssertion of the sent_multicast_event signal before you toggle
this signal again. If you toggle this signal before you see the
sent_multicast_event confirmation from the previous change of
value, the number of multicast events that are sent is undefined.
multicast_event_rx Output Changes value when a multicast-event control symbol is
sent_multicast_event Output Indicates the RapidIO II IP core has queued a multicast-event
control symbol for transmission. Link-Request Reset-Device Signals
Table 58. Link-Request Reset-Device Signals
Signal Direction Description
Change the value of this signal to indicate the RapidIO II IP core
should transmit five link-request reset-device control
Await asssertion of the sent_link_request_reset_device
signal before you toggle this signal again. If you toggle this
signal before you see the
sent_link_request_reset_device confirmation from the
previous change of value, the RapidIO II IP core behavior is
Asserted for one sys_clk cycle when four valid link-request
reset-device control symbols in a row are received.
The assertion of this signal does not automatically reset the IP
core. However, your design can implement logic to reset the IP
core in response to the assertion of this signal. For example, you
could implement a direct connection from this signal to a reset
controller for the IP core and the transceiver, or implement logic
to write to a register that reset software polls.
Indicates the RapidIO II IP core has queued a series of five
link-request reset-device control symbols for
5.2.3 Transceiver Signals
Table 59. Transceiver Signals
These signals are connected directly to the transceiver block. In some cases these signals must be shared by
multiple transceiver blocks that are implemented in the same device.
Signal Direction Description
reconfig_to_xcvr Input
Driven from an external dynamic reconfiguration block. Supports the
selection of multiple transceiver channels for dynamic reconfiguration.
Note that not using a dynamic reconfiguration block that enables
offset cancellation results in a non-functional hardware design.
The width of this bus is (C + 1) × 70, where C is the number of
channels: 1, 2, or 4. This width supports communication from the
Reconfiguration Controller with C + 1 reconfiguration interfaces—one
dedicated to each channel and another for the transceiver PLL—to the
If you omit the Reconfiguration Controller from your simulation
model, you must ensure all bits of this bus are tied to 0.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Description
This bus is available only in Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and
Stratix V IP core variations.
reconfig_from_xcvr Output
Driven to an external dynamic reconfiguration block. The bus
identifies the transceiver channel whose settings are being
transmitted to the dynamic reconfiguration block. If no external
dynamic reconfiguration block is used, then this output bus can be
left unconnected.
The width of this bus is (C + 1) × 46, where C is the number of
channels: 1, 2, or 4. This width supports communication from the
transceiver to C + 1 reconfiguration interfaces in the Reconfiguration
Controller, one interface dedicated to each channel and an additional
interface for the transceiver PLL.
This bus is available only in Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and
Stratix V IP core variations.
tx_cal_busy[n:0] Output
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core, which implements the appropriate reset sequence
for the device.
rx_cal_busy[n:0] Output
Connect to the corresponding signal in theTransceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core, which implements the appropriate reset sequence
for the device.
pll_locked Output
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core, which implements the appropriate reset sequence
for the device. This signal is available only in Arria V, Arria V GZ,
Cyclone V, and Stratix V IP core variations.
pll_powerdown Input
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core, which implements the appropriate reset sequence
for the device. This signal is available only in Arria V, Arria V GZ,
Cyclone V, and Stratix V IP core variations.
rx_digitalreset[n:0] Input
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core, which implements the appropriate reset sequence
for the device.
rx_digitalreset_stat[n:0] Output
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core while using Stratix 10 devices, which implements
the appropriate reset sequence for the device.
rx_analogreset[n:0] Input
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core, which implements the appropriate reset sequence
for the device.
rx_analogreset_stat[n:0] Output
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core while using Stratix 10 devices, which implements
the appropriate reset sequence for the device.
rx_ready[n:0 Input
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core, which implements the appropriate reset sequence
for the device.
tx_digitalreset[n:0] Input
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core, which implements the appropriate reset sequence
for the device.
tx_digitalreset_stat[n:0] Output
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core while using Stratix 10 devices, which implements
the appropriate reset sequence for the device.
tx_analogreset[n:0] Input
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core, which implements the appropriate reset sequence
for the device.
tx_analogreset_stat[n:0] Output
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core while using Stratix 10 devices, which implements
the appropriate reset sequence for the device.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Description
tx_ready[n:0] Input
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core, which implements the appropriate reset sequence
for the device.
rx_is_lockedtodata[n:0] Output
Connect to the corresponding signal in the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core, which implements the appropriate reset sequence
for the device.
rx_is_lockedtoref[n:0] Output Indicates that the CDR is locked to tx_pll_refclk.
rx_syncstatus[n:0] Output Indicates that the word aligner is synchronized to incoming data.
rx_signaldetect[n:0] Output Indicates that the lane detects a sender at the other end of the link:
the signal is above the programmed signal detection threshold value.
Table 60. Arria 10 and Stratix 10 Transceiver Dynamic Reconfiguration Avalon-MM
Interface Signals
Each of these individual interfaces is an Avalon-MM interface you use to access the hard PCS registers for the
corresponding transceiver channel on the Arria 10/Stratix 10 device. These signals are available if you turn on
Enable transceiver dynamic reconfiguration in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
Signal Direction Description
reconfig_clk_ch0 Input Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface clock for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 0.
reconfig_reset_ch0 Input Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface reset for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 0.
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave wait request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 0. The RapidIO II IP core
uses this signal to stall the requestor on the interconnect.
reconfig_read_ch0 Input Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave read request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 0.
reconfig_write_ch0 Input Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave write request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 0.
0] Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave address bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 0. The address is a word
address, not a byte address.
31:0] Input Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave write data bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 0.
1:0] Output Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave read data bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 0.
reconfig_clk_ch1 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface clock for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 1. This signal is available
only in 2x and 4x variations.
reconfig_reset_ch1 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface reset for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 1. This signal is available
only in 2x and 4x variations.
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave wait request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 1. The RapidIO II IP core
uses this signal to stall the requestor on the interconnect. This signal is
available only in 2x and 4x variations.
reconfig_read_ch1 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave read request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 1. This signal is available
only in 2x and 4x variations.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Description
reconfig_write_ch1 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave write request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 1. This signal is available
only in 2x and 4x variations.
0] Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave address bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 1. The address is a word
address, not a byte address. This signal is available only in 2x and 4x
31:0] Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave write data bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 1. This signal is available
only in 2x and 4x variations.
1:0] Output
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave read data bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 1. This signal is available
only in 2x and 4x variations.
reconfig_clk_ch2 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface clock for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 2. This signal is available
only in 4x variations.
reconfig_reset_ch2 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface reset for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 2. This signal is available
only in 4x variations.
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave wait request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 2. The RapidIO II IP core
uses this signal to stall the requestor on the interconnect. This signal is
available only in 4x variations.
reconfig_read_ch2 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave read request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 2. This signal is available
only in 4x variations.
reconfig_write_ch2 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave write request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 2. This signal is available
only in 4x variations.
0] Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave address bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 2. The address is a word
address, not a byte address. This signal is available only in 4x variations.
31:0] Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave write data bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 2. This signal is available
only in 4x variations.
1:0] Output
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave read data bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 2. This signal is available
only in 4x variations.
reconfig_clk_ch3 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface clock for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 3. This signal is available
only in 4x variations.
reconfig_reset_ch3 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration interface reset for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 3. This signal is available
only in 4x variations.
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave wait request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 3. The RapidIO II IP core
uses this signal to stall the requestor on the interconnect. This signal is
available only in 4x variations.
reconfig_read_ch3 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave read request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 3. This signal is available
only in 4x variations.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Description
reconfig_write_ch3 Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave write request for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 3. This signal is available
only in 4x variations.
0] Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave address bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 3. The address is a word
address, not a byte address. This signal is available only in 4x variations.
31:0] Input
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave write data bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 3. This signal is available
only in 4x variations.
1:0] Output
Arria 10/Stratix 10 dynamic reconfiguration slave read data bus for the
transceiver channel configured for RapidIO lane 3. This signal is available
only in 4x variations
To control the transceivers, you must implement the following blocks in your design:
For Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and Stratix V variations: Dynamic
reconfiguration block.
The dynamic reconfiguration block lets you reconfigure the following PMA settings:
Offset cancellation
VOD on a per channel basis
For all variations: Reset controller block.
Related Links
Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide
Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
Stratix 10 L-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the transceiver reset and dynamic reconfiguration of
transceiver channels and PLLs.
Reset for RapidIO II IP Cores on page 46
5.2.4 Register-Related Signals
Table 61. Register-Related Signals
These signals are output signals that reflect useful register field values.
Signal Direction Description
master_enable Output
This output reflects the value of the Master Enable bit of the
Port General Control CSR, which indicates whether this
device is allowed to issue request packets. If the Master
Enable bit is not set, the device may only respond to requests.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Description
User logic connected to the Avalon-ST pass-through interface
should honor this value and not cause the Physical layer to issue
request packets when it is not allowed.
time_to_live[15:0] Output
This output reflects the value of the TIME_TO_LIVE field of the
Packet Time-to-Live CSR, which is the maximum time
duration that a packet is allowed to remain in a switch device.
base_device_id[7:0] Output This output reflects the value of the Base_deviceID field in the
Base Device ID CSR.
large_base_device_id [15:0] Output This output reflects the value of the Large_base_deviceID
field in the Base Device ID CSR.
5.3 Logical and Transport Layer Signals
This section describes the signals used by the Logical layer and Transport layer
modules of the RapidIO IP core.
5.3.1 Avalon-MM Interface Signals
Signals on Avalon-MM interfaces are in the Avalon system clock domain.
Related Links
Avalon Interface Specifications Register Access Interface Signals
Table 62. Register Access Avalon-MM Slave Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
ext_mnt_waitrequest Output Register Access slave wait request. The RapidIO II IP core uses
this signal to stall the requestor on the interconnect.
ext_mnt_read Input Register Access slave read request.
ext_mnt_write Input Register Access slave write request.
ext_mnt_address[21:0] Input Register Access slave address bus. The address is a word address,
not a byte address.
ext_mnt_writedata[31:0] Input Register Access slave write data bus.
ext_mnt_readdata[31:0] Output Register Access slave read data bus.
ext_mnt_readdatavalid Output Register Access slave read data valid signal supports variable-
latency, pipelined read transfers on this interface.
ext_mnt_readresponse Output
Register Access read error, which indicates that the read transfer
did not complete successfully. This signal is valid only when the
ext_mnt_readdatavalid signal is asserted.
std_reg_mnt_irq Output
Standard registers interrupt request. This interrupt signal is
associated with the error conditions registered in the Command
and Status Registers (CSRs) and the Error Management Extensions
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Description
io_m_mnt_irq Output
I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module interrupt signal. This
interrupt is associated with the conditions registered in the
Input/Output Master Interrupt register at offset 0x103DC.
io_s_mnt_irq Output
I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module interrupt signal. This
interrupt signal is associated with the conditions registered in the
Input/Output Slave Interrupt register at offset 0x10500.
mnt_mnt_s_irq Output
Maintenance slave interrupt signal. This interrupt signal is
associated with the conditions registered in the Maintenance
Interrupt register at offset 0x10080.
The interface supports the following interrupt lines:
std_reg_mnt_irq — when enabled, the interrupts registered in the CSRs and
Error Management registers assert the std_reg_mnt_irq signal.
io_m_mnt_irq — this interrupt signal reports interrupt conditions related to the
I/O Avalon-MM master interface. When enabled, the interrupts registered in the
Input/Output Master Interrupt register at offset 0x103DC assert the
io_m_mnt_irq signal.
io_s_mnt_irq — this interrupt signal reports interrupt conditions related to the
I/O Avalon-MM slave interface. When enabled, the interrupts registered in the
Input/Output Slave Interrupt register at offset 0x10500 assert the
io_s_mnt_irq signal.
mnt_mnt_s_irq — this interrupt signal reports interrupt conditions related to the
Maintenance interface slave port. When enabled, the interrupts registered in the
Maintenance Interrupt register at offset 0x10080 assert the mnt_mnt_s_irq
signal. Input/Output Avalon-MM Master Interface Signals
Table 63. Input/Output Avalon-MM Master Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
iom_rd_wr_waitrequest Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module wait request.
iom_rd_wr_write Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module write request.
iom_rd_wr_read Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module read request.
iom_rd_wr_address[31:0] Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module address bus.
iom_rd_wr_writedata[127:0] Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module write data bus.
iom_rd_wr_byteenable[15:0] Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module byte enable.
iom_rd_wr_burstcount[4:0] Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module burst count.
iom_rd_wr_readresponse Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module read error response.
iom_rd_wr_readdata[127:0] Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module read data bus.
iom_rd_wr_readdatavalid Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Master module read data valid.
The I/O Avalon-MM Master module supports an interrupt line, io_m_mnt_irq, on the
Register Access interface. When enabled, the following interrupts assert the
io_m_mnt_irq signal:
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Address out of bounds
Related Links
I/O Master Interrupts on page 183
The RapidIO II IP core asserts the io_m_mnt_irq signal if the interrupt bit is
enabled. Following are the available Input/Output Master interrupt and
corresponding interrupt enable bit. Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave Interface Signals
Table 64. Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
ios_rd_wr_waitrequest Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module wait request.
ios_rd_wr_write Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module write request.
ios_rd_wr_read Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module read request.
for N == 9, 10,..., or 31 Input
I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module address bus. The
address is a quad-word address (addresses a 16-byte (128-
bit) quad-word), not a byte address. You can determine the
width of the ios_rd_wr_address bus in the RapidIO II
parameter editor.
ios_rd_wr_writedata[127:0] Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module write data bus.
ios_rd_wr_byteenable[15:0] Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module byte enable.
ios_rd_wr_burstcount[4:0] Input I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module burst count.
ios_rd_wr_readresponse Output
I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module read error
response. I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module read
error. Indicates that the burst read transfer did not complete
ios_rd_wr_readdata[127:0] Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module read data bus.
ios_rd_wr_readdatavalid Output I/O Logical Layer Avalon-MM Slave module read data valid.
The I/O Avalon-MM Slave module supports an interrupt line, io_s_mnt_irq, on the
Register Access interface. When enabled, the following interrupts assert the
io_s_mnt_irq signal:
Read out of bounds
Write out of bounds
Invalid write
Invalid read or write burstcount
Invalid read or write byteenable value
Related Links
I/O Slave Interrupts on page 185
These interrupt bits assert the io_s_mnt_irq signal if the corresponding interrupt
bit is enabled. Following are the available Input/Output slave interrupts and
corresponding interrupt enable bits.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
136 Maintenance Interface Signals
Table 65. Maintenance Avalon-MM Slave Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
mnt_s_waitrequest Output Maintenance slave wait request.
mnt_s_read Input Maintenance slave read request.
mnt_s_write Input Maintenance slave write request.
mnt_s_address[23:0] Input Maintenance slave address bus. The address is a word
address, not a byte address.
mnt_s_writedata[31:0] Input Maintenance slave write data bus.
mnt_s_readdata[31:0] Output Maintenance slave read data bus.
mnt_s_readdatavalid Output Maintenance slave read data valid.
mnt_s_readerror Output
Maintenance slave read error, which indicates that the read
transfer did not complete successfully. This signal is valid
only when the mnt_s_readdatavalid signal is asserted.
The Maintenance module supports an interrupt line, mnt_mnt_s_irq, on the Register
Access interface. When enabled, the following interrupts assert the mnt_mnt_s_irq
Received port-write.
Various error conditions, including a MAINTENANCE read request or MAINTENANCE
write request that targets an out-of-bounds address.
Table 66. Maintenance Avalon-MM Master Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
usr_mnt_waitrequest Input Maintenance master wait request.
usr_mnt_read Output Maintenance master read request.
usr_mnt_write Output Maintenance master write request.
usr_mnt_address[31:0] Output Maintenance master address bus.
usr_mnt_writedata[31:0] Output Maintenance master write data bus.
usr_mnt_readdata[31:0] Input Maintenance master read data bus.
usr_mnt_readdatavalid Input Maintenance master read data valid.
Related Links
Maintenance Interrupt Control Registers on page 178
If any of these error conditions are detected and if the corresponding Interrupt
Enable bit is set, the mnt_mnt_s_irq signal is asserted.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
137 Doorbell Module Interface Signals
Table 67. Doorbell Module Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description
drbell_s_waitrequest Output Doorbell module wait request.
drbell_s_write Input Doorbell module write request.
drbell_s_read Input Doorbell module read request.
drbell_s_address[3:0] Input Doorbell module address bus. The address is a word
address, not a byte address.
drbell_s_writedata[31:0] Input Doorbell module write data bus.
drbell_s_readdata[31:0] Output Doorbell module read data bus.
drbell_s_irq Output Doorbell module interrupt.
5.3.2 Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Signals
Table 68. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Transmit Side (Avalon-ST Sink) Signals
All of these signals are synchronized with the sys_clk clock.
Signal Direction Function
gen_tx_ready Output
Indicates that the IP core is ready to receive data on the current
clock cycle. Asserted by the Avalon-ST sink to mark ready cycles,
which are the cycles in which transfers can take place. If ready is
asserted on cycle N, the cycle (N+READY_LATENCY) is a ready
In the RapidIO II IP core, READY_LATENCY is equal to 0. This
signal may alternate between 0 and 1 when the Avalon-ST pass-
through transmitter interface is idle.
gen_tx_valid Input
Used to qualify all the other transmit side input signals of the
Avalon-ST pass-through interface. On every ready cycle in which
gen_tx_valid is high, data is sampled by the IP core. You must
assert gen_tx_valid continuously during transmission of a
packet, from the assertion of gen_tx_startofpacket to the
deassertion of gen_tx_endofpacket.
gen_tx_startofpacket Input
Marks the active cycle containing the start of the packet. The
user logic asserts gen_tx_startofpacket and gen_tx_valid
to indicate that a packet is available for the IP core to sample.
gen_tx_endofpacket Input Marks the active cycle containing the end of the packet.
gen_tx_data[127:0] Input
A 128-bit wide data bus. Carries the bulk of the information
transferred from the source to the sink.
The RapidIO II IP core fills in the RapidIO packet ackID field and
adds the CRC bits and padding bytes, but otherwise copies the
bits from gen_tx_data to the RapidIO packet without modifying
them. Therefore, you must pack the appropriate RapidIO packet
fields in the correct RapidIO packet format in the most significant
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Function
bits of the gen_tx_data bus, gen_tx_data[127:N]. The total
width (127 – N + 1) of the header fields depends on the
transaction and the device ID width.
gen_tx_empty[3:0] Input
This bus identifies the number of empty bytes on the final data
transfer of the packet, which occurs during the clock cycle when
gen_tx_endofpacket is asserted. The number of empty bytes
must always be even.
gen_tx_packet_size[8:0]23 Input
Indicates the number of valid bytes in the packet being
transferred. The IP core samples this signal only while
gen_tx_startofpacket is asserted. User logic must ensure
this signal is correct while gen_tx_startofpacket is asserted.
Table 69. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Receive Side (Avalon-ST Source) Data
Following are the Avalon-ST pass-through interface receive side payload data signals. The application should
sample payload data only when both gen_rx_pd_ready and gen_rx_pd_valid are asserted.
Signal Direction Function
gen_rx_pd_ready Input
Indicates to the IP core that the user’s custom logic is ready to
receive data on the current cycle. Asserted by the sink to mark
ready cycles, which are cycles in which transfers can occur. If
ready is asserted on cycle N, the cycle (N+READY_LATENCY) is
a ready cycle. The RapidIO II IP core is designed for
READY_LATENCY equal to 0.
gen_rx_pd_valid Output
Used to qualify all the other output signals of the receive side
pass-through interface. On every rising edge of the clock during
which gen_rx_pd_valid is high, gen_rx_pd_data can be
gen_rx_pd_startofpacket Output Marks the active cycle containing the start of the packet.
gen_rx_pd_endofpacket Output Marks the active cycle containing the end of the packet.
gen_rx_pd_data[127:0] Output A 128-bit wide data bus for data payload.
gen_rx_pd_empty[3:0] Output
This bus identifies the number of empty two-byte segments on
the 128-bit wide gen_rx_pd_data bus on the final data
transfer of the packet, which occurs during the clock cycle when
gen_tx_endofpacket is asserted. This signal is 4 bits wide.
Table 70. Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Receive Side (Avalon-ST Source) Header
Following are the Avalon-ST pass-through interface receive side header signals. The application should sample
header data only when both gen_rx_hd_ready and gen_rx_hd_valid are asserted.
Signal Direction Function
gen_rx_hd_ready Input
Indicates to the IP core that the user’s custom logic is ready to
receive packet header bits on the current clock cycle. Asserted by
the sink to mark ready cycles, which are cycles in which transfers
23 This signal is not defined in the Avalon Interface Specifications. However, it refers to data being
transferred on the Avalon-ST sink interface.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Function
can occur. If ready is asserted on cycle N, the cycle (N
+READY_LATENCY) is a ready cycle. The RapidIO II IP core is
designed for READY_LATENCY equal to 0.
gen_rx_hd_valid Output
Used to qualify the receive side pass-through interface output
header bus. On every rising edge of the clock during which
gen_rx_hd_valid is high, gen_rx_hd_data can be sampled.
gen_rx_hd_data[114:0] Output A 115-bit wide bus for packet header bits. Data on this bus is valid
only when gen_rx_hd_valid is high.
5.3.3 Data Streaming Support Signals
The RapidIO II IP core provides support for your custom implementation of data
streaming using the Avalon-ST pass-through interface. In addition to Error
Management Extension block signals for user-defined data streaming, the IP core
provides dedicated signals to read and write the Data Streaming Logical Layer
Control CSR.
Table 71. Data Streaming Support Signals
Signal Direction Description
tm_types[3:0] Output
These output signals reflect the values of the fields with the
corresponding names in the Data Streaming Logical Layer
Control CSR at offset 0x48.
tm_mode[3:0] Output
These output signals reflect the values of the fields with the
corresponding names in the Data Streaming Logical Layer
Control CSR at offset 0x48.
mtu[7:0] Output
These output signals reflect the values of the fields with the
corresponding names in the Data Streaming Logical Layer
Control CSR at offset 0x48.
tm_mode_wr Input Support user logic in setting the TM_MODE field in the Data
Streaming Logical Layer Control CSR at offset 0x48.24
tm_mode_in[3:0] Input Support user logic in setting the TM_MODE field in the Data
Streaming Logical Layer Control CSR at offset 0x48.24
mtu_wr Input Support user logic in setting the MTU field in the Data Streaming
Logical Layer Control CSR at offset 0x48.24
mtu_in[7:0] Input Support user logic in setting the MTU field in the Data Streaming
Logical Layer Control CSR at offset 0x48.24
5.3.4 Transport Layer Packet and Error Monitoring Signal
Table 72. Transport Layer Packet and Error Monitoring Signal
Signal Direction Description
transport_rx_packet_dropped Output
Pulsed high one Avalon clock cycle when a received packet is
dropped by the Transport layer. Examples of packets that are
dropped include packets that have an incorrect destination ID,
24 To write to the register field for any of these signal pairs, drive the value on the _in signal and
then set the _wr signal to the value of 1’b1. When the _wr signal has the value of 1’b1, on the
rising edge of sys_clk, the value of the _in signal is written directly to the register field.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Description
are of a type not supported by the selected Logical layers, or
have a transaction ID outside the range used by the selected
Logical layers.
5.4 Error Management Extension Signals
Following signals are added when you enable the Error Management Extensions
registers in the RapidIO II parameter editor. All of these signals are clocked in the
sys_clk clock domain.
Table 73. Error Setting Signals
Signal 25 Direction Description
io_error_response_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
message_error_response_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
gsm_error_response_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
message_format_error_response_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
illegal_transaction_decode_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
message_request_timeout_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
slave_packet_response_timeout_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
unsolicited_response_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
unsupported_transaction_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
missing_data_streaming_context_ set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
25 If your design does not use one or more of these signals, you should tie the unused signals low.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal 25 Direction Description
context_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
long_data_streaming_segment_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
short_data_streaming_segment_set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
set Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308.
Table 74. Capture Signals
Signal 26 Direction Description
external_capture_destinationID_wr Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture CSR at
offset 0x308.
[15:0] Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture CSR at
offset 0x308.
external_capture_sourceID_wr Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture CSR at
offset 0x308.
[15:0] Input
Support user logic in setting the corresponding fields in the
Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture CSR at
offset 0x308.
capture_ftype_wr Input Support user logic in setting the FTYPE field in the Logical/
Transport Layer Control Capture CSR at offset 0x308
capture_ftype_in[3:0] Input Support user logic in setting the FTYPE field in the Logical/
Transport Layer Control Capture CSR at offset 0x308
capture_ttype_wr Input Support user logic in setting the TTYPE field in the Logical/
Transport Layer Control Capture CSR at offset 0x308
capture_ttype_in[3:0] Input Support user logic in setting the TTYPE field in the Logical/
Transport Layer Control Capture CSR at offset 0x308
letter_wr Input
Support user logic in setting bits [3:0] of the MSG_INFO field
in the Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture
CSR at offset 0x308. The two signal pairs write to distinct bits
and can be written simultaneously.
25 If your design does not use one or more of these signals, you should tie the unused signals low.
26 To write to the register field for any of these signal pairs, drive the value on the _in signal
and then set the _wr signal to the value of 1’b1. When the _wr signal has the value of 1’b1,
on the rising edge of sys_clk, the value of the _in signal is written directly to the register
To ensure the signals are captured as required by the Error Management Extensions block,
you must assert the _wr signal for each of these signals at the same time you assert the
relevant Error Setting Signal.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal 26 Direction Description
letter_in[1:0] Input
Support user logic in setting bits [3:0] of the MSG_INFO field
in the Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture
CSR at offset 0x308. The two signal pairs write to distinct bits
and can be written simultaneously.
mbox_wr Input
Support user logic in setting bits [3:0] of the MSG_INFO field
in the Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture
CSR at offset 0x308. The two signal pairs write to distinct bits
and can be written simultaneously.
mbox_in[1:0] Input
Support user logic in setting bits [3:0] of the MSG_INFO field
in the Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture
CSR at offset 0x308. The two signal pairs write to distinct bits
and can be written simultaneously.
msgseg_wr Input
Support user logic in setting bits [7:4] of the the MSG_INFO
field in the Logical/Transport Layer Control
Capture CSR at offset 0x308. The two signal pairs write to
the same register bits.
The value of msgseg_wr is written to MSG_INFO[7:4] when
msgseg_wr has the value of 1’b1, irrespective of the value of
msgseg_in[3:0] Input
Support user logic in setting bits [7:4] of the the MSG_INFO
field in the Logical/Transport Layer Control
Capture CSR at offset 0x308. The two signal pairs write to
the same register bits.
xmbox_wr Input
Support user logic in setting bits [7:4] of the the MSG_INFO
field in the Logical/Transport Layer Control
Capture CSR at offset 0x308. The two signal pairs write to
the same register bits.
xmbox_in[3:0] Input
Support user logic in setting bits [7:4] of the the MSG_INFO
field in the Logical/Transport Layer Control
Capture CSR at offset 0x308. The two signal pairs write to
the same register bits.
The value of xmbox_in is written to MSG_INFO[7:4] only
when xmbox_wr has the value of 1’b1 and msgseg_wr has
the value of 1’b0.
5.4.1 Error Reporting Signals
Table 75. Error Reporting Signals
Signal Direction Description
logical_transport_error Output
Asserted when an error is logged in the Logical/Transport
Layer Error Detect CSR at offset 0x308, and this error is
enabled for reporting in the Logical/Transport Layer Error
Enable CSR at offset 0x30C. If the LOG_TRANS_ERR_IRQ_EN bit
26 To write to the register field for any of these signal pairs, drive the value on the _in signal
and then set the _wr signal to the value of 1’b1. When the _wr signal has the value of 1’b1,
on the rising edge of sys_clk, the value of the _in signal is written directly to the register
To ensure the signals are captured as required by the Error Management Extensions block,
you must assert the _wr signal for each of these signals at the same time you assert the
relevant Error Setting Signal.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Description
in the Port 0 Control CSR at offset 0x15C has the value of 1’b1
when this signal is raised, the RapidIO II IP core asserts the
std_reg_mnt_irq interrupt signal. This signal remains asserted
until the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR at
offset 0x308 is unlocked by user logic writing the value of 0 to the
port_failed Output
This signal is available to report link status to the system host. The
signal is asserted when the Error Rate Failed Threshold trigger
ERR_RATE_FAILED_THRESHOLD field of the Port 0 Error
Rate Threshold CSR at offset 0x36C is enabled (is non-zero)
and this value is reached. If the PORT_FAIL_IRQ_EN bit in the
Port 0 Control CSR at offset 0x15C has the value of 1’b1 when
this signal is raised, the RapidIO II IP core asserts the
std_reg_mnt_irq interrupt signal.
port_degraded Output
This signal is available to report link status to the system host. The
signal is asserted when the Error Rate Degraded Threshold trigger
ERR_RATE_DEGR_THRESHOLD field of the Port 0 Error Rate
Threshold CSR at offset 0x36C is enabled (is non-zero) and this
value is reached. If the PORT_DEGR_IRQ_EN bit in the Port 0
Control CSR at offset 0x15C has the value of 1’b1 when this
signal is raised, the RapidIO II IP core asserts the
std_reg_mnt_irq interrupt signal.
5 Signals
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
6 Software Interface
The RapidIO IP core supports the following sets of registers that control the RapidIO IP
core or query its status:
Standard RapidIO capability registers — CARs
Standard RapidIO command and status registers — CSRs
Extended features registers
Implementation defined registers
Doorbell specific registers
Some of these register sets are supported by specific RapidIO II IP core layers only.
This chapter organizes the registers by the layers they support. The Physical layer
registers are described first, followed by the Transport and Logical layers registers.
All of the registers are 32 bits wide and are shown as hexadecimal values. The
registers can be accessed only on a 32-bit (4-byte) basis. The addressing for the
registers therefore increments by units of 4.
Note: Reserved fields are labeled in the register tables. These fields are reserved for future
use and your design should not write nor rely on a specific value being found in any
reserved field or bit.
The following sets of registers are accessible through the Register Access Avalon-MM
slave interface:
CARs — Capability registers
CSRs — Command and status registers
Extended features registers
Implementation defined registers
A remote device can access these registers only by issuing read/write MAINTENANCE
operations destined for the local device. The RapidIO II IP core routes read/write
MAINTENANCE requests that address the IP core registers internally.
The doorbell registers can be accessed through the Doorbell Avalon-MM slave
interface. These registers are implemented only if you turn on Enable Doorbell
support in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
Table 76. Register Access Codes
Code Description
RW Read/write
RO Read-only
6 Software Interface
© 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, NIOS,
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Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and
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specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Code Description
RC Read to clear
RW1C Read/Write 1 to clear
UR0 Unused bits/read as 0
6.1 Memory Map
Table 77. RapidIO II IP Core Memory Map Ranges
Address Range Name Module
0x00 – 0x3C Capability registers (CARs) Standard registers
0x40 – 0x6F Command and Status registers (CSRs) Standard registers
0x100 – 0x15F LP-Serial Extended Features block Physical layer
0x200 – 0x27F LP-Serial Lane Extended Features block Physical layer
0x300 – 0x36F Error Management Extensions Extended Features
block Standard registers
Implementation-Defined Space: 0x10080 – 0x107FF
0x10080 – 0x1029F Maintenance module registers Maintenance module
0x10300 – 0x103FC I/O Logical layer Master module registers I/O Logical layer Master module
0x10400 – 0x10510 I/O Logical layer Slave module registers I/O Logical layer Slave module
0x10600 – 0x10624 Doorbell module registers Doorbell module
0x10700 – 0x107FF Reserved
Note: Bit numbering for register fields in the RapidIO II IP core is reversed from the bit
numbering in the register descriptions in the RapidIO Interconnect Specification v2.2.
Related Links
RapidIO Interconnect Specification webpage
6.1.1 CAR Memory Map
Table 78. CAR Memory Map
Address Register
0x0 Device Identity
0x4 Device Information
0x8 Assembly Identity
0xC Assembly Information
0x10 Processing Element Features
0x14 Switch Port Information
0x18 Source Operations
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Address Register
0x1C Destination Operations
0x34 Switch Route Table Destination ID Limit
0x3C Data Streaming Information
Note: The CARs are not used by any of the RapidIO II IP core internal modules. They do not
affect the functionality of the RapidIO II IP core. These registers are all Read-Only.
Their values are set using the RapidIO II parameter editor when generating the IP
core, or with configuration input signals, which should not change value during normal
operation. These registers inform either a local processor or a processor on a remote
end about the IP core's capabilities.
6.1.2 CSR Memory Map
Table 79. CSR Memory Map
Address Register
0x48 Data Streaming Logical Layer Control
0x4C Processing Element Logical Layer Control
0x58 Local Configuration Space Base Address 0
0x5C Local Configuration Space Base Address 1
0x60 Base Device ID
0x68 Host Base Device ID Lock
0x6c Component Tag
Note: You must de-assert all IP reset signals and allow link initialization to access the
Command and Status Register (CSR) block.
6.1.3 LP-Serial Extended Features Block Memory Map
Table 80. LP-Serial Extended Features Block Memory Map
Address Register
0x100 LP-Serial Register Block Header
0x104 – 0x11C Reserved
0x120 Port Link Time-out Control
0x124 Port Response Time-out Control
0x13C Port General Control
0x140 Port 0 Link Maintenance Request
0x144 Port 0 Link Maintenance Response
0x148 Port 0 Local AckID
0x14C – 0x150 Reserved
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Address Register
0x154 Port 0 Control 2
0x158 Port 0 Error and Status
0x15C Port 0 Control
6.1.4 LP-Serial Lane Extended Features Block Memory Map
Table 81. CSR Memory Map
Address Register
0x200 LP-Serial Lane Register Block Header
0x210 Lane 0 Status 0 (Local)
0x214 Lane 0 Status 1 (Far-End)
0x218 Lane 0 Status 2 (Interrupt Enable)
0x21C Lane 0 Status 3 (Received CS Field Commands)
0x220 Lane 0 Status 4 (Outgoing CS Field)
0x230 – 0x280 Lane 1–3 Status
6.1.5 Error Management Extensions Extended Features Block Memory
Table 82. Error Management Extensions Extended Features Block Memory Map
Address Register
0x300 Error Management Extensions Block Header
0x304 Reserved
0x308 Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect
0x30C Logical/Transport Layer Error Enable
0x310 Logical/Transport Layer High Address Capture
Reserved — RapidIO II IP core has only 34-bit RapidIO addressing.
0x314 Logical/Transport Layer Address Capture
0x318 Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture
0x31C Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture
0x320 – 0x324 Reserved
0x328 Port-Write Target Device ID
0x32C Packet Time-to-Live
0x330–0x33C Reserved
0x340 Port 0 Error Detect
0x344 Port 0 Error Rate Enable
0x348 Port 0 Attributes Capture
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Address Register
0x34C Port 0 Packet/Control Symbol Capture 0
0x350 Port 0 Packet Capture 1
0x354 Port 0 Packet Capture 2
0x358 Port 0 Packet Capture 3
0x35C – 0x364 Reserved
0x368 Port 0 Error Rate
0x36C Port 0 Error Rate Threshold
6.1.6 Maintenance Module Registers Memory Map
Table 83. Maintenance Module Registers Memory Map
Address Register
0x10080 Maintenance Interrupt
0x10084 Maintenance Interrupt Enable
0x10088 – 0x100FC Reserved
0x10100 Tx Maintenance Window 0 Base
0x10104 Tx Maintenance Window 0 Mask
0x10108 Tx Maintenance Window 0 Offset
0x1010C Tx Maintenance Window 0 Control
0x10110 – 0x1011C Tx Maintenance Windows 1
0x10200 Tx Port Write Control
0x10204 Tx Port Write Status
0x10210 – 0x1024C Tx Port Write Buffer
0x10250 Rx Port Write Control
0x10254 Rx Port Write Status
0x10260 – 0x1029C Rx Port Write Buffer
0x102A0 – 0x102FC Reserved
6.1.7 I/O Logical Layer Master Module Registers Memory Map
Table 84. I/O Logical layer Master Module Registers Memory Map
Address Register
0x10300 I/O Master Window 0 Base
0x10304 I/O Master Window 0 Mask
0x10308 I/O Master Window 0 Offset
0x1030C Reserved
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Address Register
0x10310 – 0x103F8 (with gaps) I/O Master Windows 1–15
0x103DC I/O Master Interrupt
0x103FC I/O Master Interrupt Enable
6.1.8 I/O Logical Layer Slave Module Registers Memory Map
Table 85. I/O Logical layer Slave Module Registers Memory Map
Address Register
0x10400 I/O Slave Window 0 Base
0x10404 I/O Slave Window 0 Mask
0x10408 I/O Slave Window 0 Offset
0x1040C I/O Slave Window 0 Control
0x10410 - 0x104FC I/O Slave Windows 1–15
0x10500 I/O Slave Interrupt
0x10504 I/O Slave Interrupt Enable
0x10508 I/O Slave Pending NWRITE_R Transactions
0x1050C I/O Slave Avalon-MM Write Transactions
0x10510 I/O Slave RapidIO Write Requests
6.1.9 Doorbell Module Registers Memory Map
Table 86. Doorbell Module Registers Memory Map
Address Register
0x10600 Rx Doorbell
0x10604 Rx Doorbell Status
0x10608 Tx Doorbell Control
0x1060C Tx Doorbell
0x10610 Tx Doorbell Status
0x10614 Tx Doorbell Completion
0x10618 Tx Doorbell Completion Status
0x1061C Tx Doorbell Status Control
0x10620 Doorbell Interrupt Enable
0x10624 Doorbell Interrupt Status
6.2 Physical Layer Registers
The RapidIO II IP core implements the following Physical layer registers in Extended
Features space:
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
All of the LP-Serial Extended Features block registers.
The LP-Serial Lane Extended Features block for up to four lanes, including three
implementation-specific registers per lane.
The LP-Serial Lane Extended Features block implementation-specific registers
support software-driven control of transmitter pre-emphasis for both the local and
remote ends of the RapidIO link.
6.2.1 LP-Serial Extended Features Block Memory Map
Table 87. LP-Serial Extended Features Block Memory Map
Address Register
0x100 LP-Serial Register Block Header
0x104 – 0x11C Reserved
0x120 Port Link Time-out Control
0x124 Port Response Time-out Control
0x13C Port General Control
0x140 Port 0 Link Maintenance Request
0x144 Port 0 Link Maintenance Response
0x148 Port 0 Local AckID
0x14C – 0x150 Reserved
0x154 Port 0 Control 2
0x158 Port 0 Error and Status
0x15C Port 0 Control LP-Serial Register Block Header
Table 88. LP-Serial Register Block Header — 0x100
Field Bits Access Function Default
EF_PTR [31:16] RO
Hard-wired pointer to the next block in the data
structure. The value in this field is the address of the
LP-Serial Lane Extended Features block, which is
EF_ID [15:0] RO Hard-wired extended features ID. 16'h0200 Port Link Time-out Control CSR
Table 89. Port Link Time-Out Control CSR — 0x120
Field Bits Access Function Default
VALUE [31:8] RW
Time-out interval value for link-layer event pairs such
as the time interval between sending a packet and
receiving the corresponding acknowledge control
symbol, or between sending a link-request and
receiving the corresponding link-response. The
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
duration of the link-response time-out is
approximately equal to 4.5 seconds multiplied by the
contents of this field, divided by (224 - 1).
RSRV [7:0] UR0 Reserved. 8’h0 Port Response Time-out Control CSR
Table 90. Port Response Time-Out Control CSR — 0x124
Field Bits Acces
sFunction Default
VALUE [31:8
Time-out internal value for request-response pairs: the time interval between
sending a request packet and receiving the corresponding response packet.
The duration of the port response time-out for all transactions that require a
response, including MAINTENANCE, DOORBELL, NWRITE_R, and NREAD
transactions, is approximately equal to 4.5 seconds multiplied by the contents
of this field, divided by (224 - 1).
A new value in this field might not propagate quickly enough to be
applied to the next transaction.
Avoid changing the value in this field when any packet is waiting to
be transmitted or waiting for a response, to ensure that in each
FIFO, the pending entries all have the same time-out value.
RSRV [7:0] UR0 Reserved. 8’h0 Port General Control CSR
Table 91. Port General Control — 0x13C
Field Bits Access Function Default
HOST [31] RW
A host device is a device that is responsible for
system exploration, initialization, and maintenance.
Host devices typically initialize agent or slave devices.
1'b0 - agent or slave device
1'b1 - host device
This field is for software use only. Its value has no
effect on hardware.
ENA [30] RW
The Master Enable bit controls whether or not a
device is allowed to issue requests to the system. If
Master Enable is not set, the device may only
respond to requests.
1'b0 - The processing element cannot issue
1'b1 - The processing element can issue requests
This device has been located by the processing
element responsible for system configuration.
1'b0 - The device has not been previously
1'b1 - The device has been discovered by another
processing element
This field is for software use only. Its value has no
effect on hardware.
RSRV [28:0] RO Reserved 29'b0
27 The reset value of this field is set in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
152 Port 0 Link Maintenance Request CSR
Table 92. Port 0 Link Maintenance Request CSR — 0x140
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:3] RO Reserved 29'b0
Command to be sent in a link-request control symbol.
When a valid value is written to this field, the RapidIO
II IP core generates a link-request control symbol with
the specified command. The IP core does not generate
a link-request control symbol when an invalid value is
written. The following values are valid:
3’b011: reset-device
3’b100: input-status
3'b000 Port 0 Link Maintenance Response CSR
Table 93. Port 0 Link Maintenance Response CSR — 0x144
Field Bits Access Function Default
Value is the status of the most recent link-
request control symbol this RapidIO II IP core
sent on the RapidIO link. If the link-request
control symbol is a link-request input-
status control symbol, this bit, if set, indicates
that the link-response control symbol has
been received and the status fields in this register
are valid. If the link-request control symbol is
a link-request reset-device control
symbol, this bit, if set, indicates that the link-
request was transmitted. This bit automatically
clears in response to a read operation.
RSRV [30:11] RO Reserved. 20’b0
Value of the ackID_status field in the link-
response control symbol. This field holds the
value of the next expected ackID.
PORT_STATUS [4:0] RO Value of the port-status field in the link-
response control symbol. 5'b0 Port 0 Local AckID CSR
Table 94. Port 0 Local AckID CSR — 0x148
Field Bits Access Function Default
Writing 1 to this bit causes the RapidIO II IP core to
discard all outstanding unacknowledged packets.
Reading this bit always returns the value of 0.
Software can write a 1 to this bit when attempting to
recover a failed link.
RSRV [30] RO Reserved. 1’b0
ID [29:24] RO Next expected packet ackID. 6’b0
RSRV [23:14] RO Reserved. 10’b0
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
_ ACKID [13:8] RO
Next expected acknowledge control-symbol ackID.
When you write to the OUTBOUND_ACKID field, the IP
core sets the OUTSTANDING_ACKID field to the same
RSRV [7:6] RO Reserved. 2'b0
KID [5:0] RW
Next transmitted packet ackID. Writing a value to this
field sets the OUTSTANDING_ACKID field to the same
value. Software can write to this field to force
retransmission of outstanding unacknowledged
packets in order to manually implement error
6’b0 Port 0 Control 2 CSR
Table 95. Port 0 Control 2 CSR — 0x154
Field Bits Access Function Default
UD_ RATE [31:28] RO
The baud rate at which the port is initialized. Valid values are:
4’b0000: No baud rate selected
4’b0001: 1.25 Gbaud
4’b0010: 2.5 Gbaud
4’b0011: 3.125 Gbaud
4’b0100: 5.0 Gbaud
4’b0101: 6.25 Gbaud
All other values are reserved. The RapidIO II IP core operates at
the highest supported and enabled baud rate.
Indicates whether the RapidIO implementation supports automatic
baud-rate discovery. The RapidIO II IP core does not support
automatic baud-rate discovery, so this field always has the value of
Controls whether automatic baud-rate discovery is enabled in the
RapidIO implementation. The RapidIO II IP core does not support
automatic baud-rate discovery, so this field always has the value of
PORT [25] RO
Indicates whether the RapidIO II IP core supports port operation at
1.25 Gbaud. The IP core supports all baud rates that are equal or
slower than the value of the Maximum baud rate parameter,
because if you turn on Enable transceiver dynamic
reconfiguration in the parameter editor, you can reconfigure the
transceivers to set the baud rate to a lower frequency than the
Maximum baud rate value.
1’b0: The IP core does not support 1.25 Gbaud operation.
1’b1: The IP core supports 1.25 Gbaud operation.
BLE [24] RW
Indicates whether the current data rate of the IP core is 1.25
Gbaud. The default value of this field is the value of the Maximum
baud rate parameter. However, you can reconfigure the device
transceivers to change the IP core data rate to a slower data rate.
28 The value of the <Gbaud rate>_GB_SUPPORT fields is determined by the value of the
Maximum baud rate parameter. For baud rates equal or slower than the Gbaud rate specified
in the parameter, the value of <Gbaud rate>_GB_SUPPORT is 1’b1. For baud rates faster than
the Gbaud rate specified in the parameter, the value of <Gbaud rate>_GB_SUPPORT is 1’b0.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
1’b0: The current IP core data rate is not 1.25 Gbaud.
1’b1: The current IP core data rate is 1.25 Gbaud. This field can
only have this value if 1.25_GB_SUPPORT has the value of 1.
ORT [23] RO
Indicates whether the RapidIO II IP core supports port operation at
2.5 Gbaud. The IP core supports all baud rates that are equal or
slower than the value of the Maximum baud rate parameter,
because if you turn on Enable transceiver dynamic
reconfiguration in the parameter editor, you can reconfigure the
transceivers to set the baud rate to a lower frequency than the
Maximum baud rate value.
1’b0: The IP core does not support 2.5 Gbaud operation.
1’b1: The IP core supports 2.5 Gbaud operation.
LE [22] RW
Indicates whether the current data rate of the IP core is 2.5 Gbaud.
The default value of this field is the value of the Maximum baud
rate parameter. However, you can reconfigure the device
transceivers to change the IP core data rate to a slower data rate.
1’b0: The current IP core data rate is not 2.5 Gbaud.
1’b1: The current IP core data rate is 2.5 Gbaud. This field can
only have this value if 2.5_GB_SUPPORT has the value of 1.
Indicates whether the RapidIO II IP core supports port operation at
3.125 Gbaud. The IP core supports all baud rates that are equal or
slower than the value of the Maximum baud rate parameter,
because if you turn on Enable transceiver dynamic
reconfiguration in the parameter editor, you can reconfigure the
transceivers to set the baud rate to a lower frequency than the
Maximum baud rate value.
1’b0: The IP core does not support 3.125 Gbaud operation.
1’b1: The IP core supports 3.125 Gbaud operation.
ABLE [20] RW
Indicates whether the current data rate of the IP core is 3.125
Gbaud. The default value of this field is the value of the Maximum
baud rate parameter. However, you can reconfigure the device
transceivers to change the IP core data rate to a slower data rate.
1’b0: The current IP core data rate is not 3.125 Gbaud.
1’b1: The current IP core data rate is 3.125 Gbaud. This field
can only have this value if 3.125_GB_SUPPORT has the value of
ORT [19] RO
Indicates whether the RapidIO II IP core supports port operation at
5.0 Gbaud. The IP core supports all baud rates that are equal or
slower than the value of the Maximum baud rate parameter,
because if you turn on Enable transceiver dynamic
reconfiguration in the parameter editor, you can reconfigure the
transceivers to set the baud rate to a lower frequency than the
Maximum baud rate value.
1’b0: The IP core does not support 5.0 Gbaud operation.
1’b1: The IP core supports 5.0 Gbaud operation.
LE [18] RW
Indicates whether the current data rate of the IP core is 5.0 Gbaud.
The default value of this field is the value of the Maximum baud
rate parameter. However, you can reconfigure the device
transceivers to change the IP core data rate to a slower data rate.
29 The value of the <Gbaud rate>_GB_ENABLE fields is the current data rate of the IP core. The
default value of this field is the value of the Maximum baud rate parameter. If you turn on
Enable transceiver dynamic reconfiguration in the parameter editor, you can reconfigure
your IP core to a baud rates equal or slower than the Gbaud rate specified in the parameter, by
reconfiguring the device transceivers.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
1’b0: The current IP core data rate is not 5.0 Gbaud.
1’b1: The current IP core data rate is 5.0 Gbaud. This field can
only have this value if 5.0_GB_SUPPORT has the value of 1.
PORT [17] RO
Indicates whether the RapidIO II IP core supports port operation at
6.25 Gbaud. The IP core supports all baud rates that are equal or
slower than the value of the Maximum baud rate parameter,
because if you turn on Enable transceiver dynamic
reconfiguration in the parameter editor, you can reconfigure the
transceivers to set the baud rate to a lower frequency than the
Maximum baud rate value.
1’b0: The IP core does not support 6.25 Gbaud operation.
1’b1: The IP core supports 6.25 Gbaud operation.
BLE [16] RW
Indicates whether the current data rate of the IP core is 6.25
Gbaud. The default value of this field is the value of the Maximum
baud rate parameter. However, you can reconfigure the device
transceivers to change the IP core data rate to a slower data rate.
1’b0: The current IP core data rate is not 6.25 Gbaud.
1’b1: The current IP core data rate is 6.25 Gbaud. This field can
only have this value if 6.25_GB_SUPPORT has the value of 1.
RSRV [15:4] RO Reserved. 12'b0
S_EN [3] RO
Indicates whether the RapidIO implementation supports enabling
inactive lanes for testing. The RapidIO II IP core does not support
enabling inactive lanes for testing, so this bit always has the value
of 0.
_DIS [2] RW
Indicates whether data scrambling is disabled.
1’b0: The transmit scrambler and the receive descrambler are
1’b1: The transmit scrambler and the receive descrambler are
disabled. However, the transmit scrambler remains enabled for
the generation of pseudo-random data characters for the IDLE2
random data field.
This bit is for test use only. Do not assert this bit during normal
Indicates whether the port can transmit commands to control the
transmit emphasis in the connected port.
1’b0: The port does not support adjusting the transmit emphasis
in the connected port.
1’b1: The port supports adjusting the transmit emphasis in the
connected port.
Indicates whether the port may transmit commands to control the
transmit emphasis in the connected port.
1’b0: Adjusting the transmit emphasis in the connected port is
disabled in this port.
1’b1: Adjusting the transmit emphasis in the connected port is
enabled in this port. This field can only have this value if
REMOTE_TX_EMPH_SUPPORT has the value of 1.
1'b1 Port 0 Error and Status CSR
Table 96. Port 0 Error and Status CSR — 0x158
Field Bits Access Function Default
RT [31] RO Indicates whether the port supports the IDLE2 sequence for baud
rates of 5.0 and below. 1'b1
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
1’b0: Port does not support the IDLE2 sequence for baud rates
of 5.0 and below.
1’b1: Port supports the IDLE2 sequence for baud rates of 5.0
and below.
The RapidIO II IP core currently supports only the IDLE2 sequence,
so this bit always has the value of 1.
E[30] RO
Indicates whether the the IDLE2 sequence is enabled in the RapidIO
implementation for baud rates of 5.0 and below.
1’b0:The IDLE2 sequence is disabled for baud rates of 5.0 and
1’b1: The IDLE2 sequence is enabled for baud rates of 5.0 and
The RapidIO II IP core currently supports only the IDLE2 sequence,
so this bit always has the value of 1.
CE [29] RO
Indicates which Idle control symbol is active.
1’b0: IP core uses IDLE1 control symbols.
1’b1: IP core uses IDLE2 control symbols.
The RapidIO II IP core currently supports only the IDLE2 sequence,
so this bit always has the value of 1.
RSRV [28] RO Reserved. 1'b0
ODE [27] R0
Indicates which flow control mode is active.
1’b0: Receiver-controlled flow control is active.
1’b1: Transmitter-controlled flow control is active.
PD [26] RW1C
Output port has discarded a packet because the failed error
threshold in the Port 0 Error Rate Threshold register has
been reached. After it is set, this bit is cleared only when software
writes the value of 1 to it.
C[25] RW1C
Output port has encountered a failed condition: the failed error
threshold in the Port 0 Error Rate Threshold register has
been reached. After it is set, this bit is cleared only when software
writes the value of 1 to it.
C[24] RW1C
Output port has encountered a degraded condition: the degraded
error threshold in the Port 0 Error Rate Threshold register
has been reached. After it is set, this bit is cleared only when
software writes the value of 1 to it.
RSRV [23:21] RO Reserved. 3'b0
Output port has encountered a retry condition. In all cases, this
condition is caused by the port receiving a packet-retry control
symbol. This bit is set if the OUT_RTY_STOP bit is set.
Output port has received a packet-retry control symbol and
cannot make forward progress. This bit is cleared when a packet-
accepted or packet-not-accepted control symbol is received.
P[18] RO
Indicates that the output port is in the Output Retry Stopped state.
Output port has been stopped due to a retry and is trying to
recover. When a port receives a packet_retry control symbol, it
enters the Output Retry Stopped state. In this state, the port
transmits a restart-from-retry control symbol to its link
partner. The link partner exits the Input Retry Stopped state and
normal operation resumes. The port exits the Output Retry Stopped
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
Output port has encountered a transmission error and has possibly
recovered from it. This bit is set when the OUT_ERR_STOP bit is set.
After it is set, this bit is cleared only when software writes the value
of 1 to it.
P[16] RO
Indicates that the output port is in the Output Error Stopped state.
Output port has been stopped due to a transmission error and is
trying to recover. The following conditions cause the output port to
enter this state:
Received an unexpected packet-accepted control symbol
Received an unexpected packet-retry control symbol
Received a packet-not-accepted control symbol
To exit from this state, the port issues an input-status link-
request/input-status (restart-from-error) control symbol. The
port waits for the link-response control symbol and exits the
Output Error Stopped state.
RSRV [15:11] RO Reserved. 5'b0
Input port is stopped due to a retry. This bit is set when the input
port is in the Input Retry Stopped state. When the receiver issues a
packet-retry control symbol to its link partner, it enters the
Input Retry Stopped state. The receiver issues a packet-retry
when sufficient buffer space is not available to accept the packet for
that specific priority. The receiver continues in the Input Retry
Stopped state until it receives a restart-from-retry control
Input port has encountered a transmission error. This bit is set if
the IN_ERR_STOP bit is set. After it is set, this bit is cleared only
when software writes the value of 1 to it.
Input port is stopped due to a transmission error. The port is in the
Input Error Stopped state. The following conditions cause the input
port to transition to this state:
Cancellation of a packet by using the restart-from-retry
control symbol.
Invalid character or valid character that does not belong in an
idle sequence.
Single bit transmission errors.
Any of the following link protocol violations:
Acknowledgment control symbol with an unexpected
Link time-out while waiting for an acknowledgment control
Corrupted control symbols, that is, CRC violations on the
Any of the following Packet Errors:
Unexpected ackID value
Incorrect CRC value
Invalid characters or valid non-data characters
Max data payload violations
The recovery mechanism consists of these steps:
1. Issue a packet-not-accepted control symbol.
2. Wait for link-request/input-status control symbol.
3. Send link-response control symbol.
RSRV [7:5] RO Reserved. 3'b0
This register is not implemented and is reserved. The RapidIO II IP
core does not automatically issue Port-write requests, so this bit
always has the value of zero.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
L[3] RO Indicates whether the port is available. This port is always
available, so this bit always has the value of 0. 1'b0
This bit is set if the input port error recovery state machine
encounters an unrecoverable error or the output port error recovery
state machine enters the fatal_error state. The input port error
recovery state machine encounters an unrecoverable error if it
times out while waiting for a link-request after sending a
packet-not-accepted control symbol. The output port error
recovery state machine enters the fatal_error state if the following
sequence of events occurs:
1. The output port error recovery state machine enters the
stop_output state when it receives a packet-not-accepted
control symbol. In response, it sends the input-status
link-request/input-status (restart-from-error) control
2. One of the following events occurs in response to the link-
request control symbol:
If the link-response is received but the ackID is outside
of the outstanding ackID set, then the output port error
recovery state machine enters the fatal_error state.
If the port times out before receiving link-response, for
seven attempts to send a link-request, then the output
port error recovery state machine enters the fatal_error
When the PORT_ERR bit is set, software determines the behavior of
the RapidIO II IP core. After it is set, this bit is cleared only when
software writes the value of 1 to it. The port_error output signal
mirrors this register bit.
Input and output ports are initialized and can communicate with the
adjacent device. This bit is asserted when the link is initialized. The
value in this field appears on the port_ok output signal.
Input and output ports are not initialized and are in training mode.
This bit and the PORT_OK bit are mutually exclusive: at any time, at
most one of them can be asserted. The RapidIO II IP core deasserts
this bit when the port is initialized.
1'b1 Port 0 Control CSR
Table 97. Port 0 Control CSR — 0x15C
Field Bits Access Function Default
Together with the EXTENDED_PORT_WIDTH field, indicates the
hardware widths this port supports in addition to the 1× (single
lane) width:
Bit [31]: 2× (two-lane) support
1’b0: This port does not support a 2× RapidIO link.
1’b1: This port supports a 2× RapidIO link.
Bit[30]: 4× (four-lane) support
1’b0: This port does not support a 4× RapidIO link.
1’b1: This port supports a 4× RapidIO link.
INIT_WIDTH [29:27] RO Width of the port after being initialized: 30
30 Reflects the selection made in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
3'b000: Single lane port, lane 0.
3'b001: Single lane port, lane R (redundancy lane).
3'b010: Four-lane port.
3'b011: Two-lane port.
3’b100: Eight-lane port.
3’b101: Sixteen-lane port.
This field is reset to the largest supported port width, which can be
any of 3’b000, 3’b010, and 3’b011, based on your selection in the
RapidIO II parameter editor.
DE [26:24] RW
Together with the EXTENDED_PWIDTH_OVRIDE field (bits [15:14]),
indicates soft port configuration to control the width modes
available for port initialization.
When bit [26] has the value of 1’b0, bits [15:14] are Reserved.
When bit [26] has the value of 1’b1:
Bit [25] is the Enable bit for 4× mode.
Bit [24] is the Enable bit for 2× mode.
Bit [15] is the Enable bit for 8× mode.
Bit [14] is the Enable bit for 16× mode.
The RapidIO II IP core supports the following valid values for
5'b000xx—All lane widths that the port supports are enabled.
5'b010xx—Force single lane, lane R not forced.
5'b011xx—Force single lane, force lane R.
5'b10100—2× mode is enabled, 4× mode is disabled.
5’b11000—4× mode is enabled, 2× mode is disabled.
5'b11100—2× and 4× modes are enabled.
All other values are Reserved. When the value in the
port re-initializes using the new field values.
Port disable:
'b0—Port receivers/drivers are enabled.
'b1—Port receivers are disabled and are unable to receive or
transmit any packets or control symbols.
While this bit is set, the initialization state machines
force_reinit signal is asserted. This assertion forces the port to
the SILENT state
Output port transmit enable:
'b0—Port is stopped and not enabled to issue any packets
except to route or respond to I/O logical MAINTENANCE packets.
Control symbols are not affected and are sent normally.
'b1—Port is enabled to issue packets.
The value in the PORT_LOCKOUT field (bit [1] of this register) can
override the values in the OUT_PENA and IN_PENA fields
Input port receive enable:
'b0—Port is stopped and only enabled to respond to I/O Logical
MAINTENANCE requests. Other requests return packet-not-
accepted control symbols to force an error condition to be
signaled by the sending device. However, the IP core still
handles normally any control symbols it receives.
'b1—Port is enabled to respond to any packet.
The value in the PORT_LOCKOUT field (bit [1] of this register) can
override the values in the OUT_PENA and IN_PENA fields.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
This bit enables (1’b0) or disables (1’b1) all RapidIO transmission
error checking. The RapidIO II IP core does not support the
disabling of error checking and recovery, so this bit always has the
value of 1’b0.
Participant [19] RW Indicates that the system should send incoming Multicast-event
control symbols to this port (multiple port devices only). 1'b1
Participant [18] RW
Enables or disables flow control transactions:
1’b0: Do not route or issue flow control transactions to this port.
1’b1: Route or issue flow control transactions to this port.
This field does not affect the IP core configuration.
Boundary [17] RW
Indicates whether this port should delimit enumeration. Any
enumeration boundary aware system enumeration algorithm should
honor this flag. The algorithm, on either the Rx port or the Tx port,
should not enumerate past a port in which this bit is set to the
value of 1’b1. This field supports software-enforced enumeration
domains in the RapidIO network.
Participant [16] RW
Enables or disables flow arbitration transactions:
1’b0: Do not route or issue flow arbitration transactions to this
1’b1: Route or issue flow arbitration transactions to this port.
OVRIDE [15:14] RW
Together with the PWIDTH_OVRIDE field (bits [26:24] of this
register), indicates soft port configuration to control the width
modes available for port initialization. Refer to the description of the
RT_ WIDTH [13:12] RO
Together with the PORT_WIDTH field, indicates the hardware widths
this port supports:
Bit [13]: 8× support
1’b0: This port does not support a 8× RapidIO link.
1’b1: This port supports a 8× RapidIO link.
Bit[12]: 16× support
1’b0: This port does not support a 16× RapidIO link.
1’b1: This port supports a 16× RapidIO link.
The RapidIO II IP core does not support 8-lane or 16-lane
variations, so this field is always set to 2’b00.
RSRV [11:9] RO Reserved. 3'b0
_CHK [8] RO
This bit determines whether the RapidIO II IP core checks
destination IDs in incoming request packets, or promiscuously
accepts all incoming request packets with a supported ftype. The
reset value is set in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
1'b0: Check Destination ID.
1'b1: Disable Destination ID checking.
Controls whether an interrupt is generated when the
logical_transport_error input signal changes from the value
of 0 to the value of 1.
Q_EN [6] RW
Controls whether an interrupt is generated when an error is flagged
in the Port 0 Error Detect register at offset 0x340. If this bit
has the value of 1, an interrupt is generated when any enabled
error is flagged in the Port 0 Error Detect register.
RQ_EN [5] RW Controls whether an interrupt is generated when the port_failed
input signal changes from the value of 0 to the value of 1. 1'b0
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
RQ_EN [4] RW
Controls whether an interrupt is generated when the
port_degraded input signal changes from the value of 0 to the
value of 1.
[3] RW
Together with the DROP_PKT_ENABLE field, specifies the behavior
of the port when the failed error threshold in the Port 0 Error
Rate Threshold register (offset 0x36C) has been reached or
exceeded. The RapidIO II IP core supports the following valid values
2'b00: The port continues to attempt to transmit packets to the
RapidIO link partner.
2'b01: The port discards packets that receive a packet-not-
accepted response. When the port discards a packet, it sets
the OUT_PKT_DROPD bit in the Port 0 Error and Status
CSR (offset 0x158). The port resumes normal operation when
the value in the Error Rate Counter field of the Port 0
Error Rate CSR (offset 0x368) falls below the failed error
threshold. This value is valid only for switch devices.
2’b10: The port stops trying to send packets to the link partner,
until software resets the OUT_FAIL_ENC field of the Port 0
Error and Status CSR (offset 0x158). The IP core does
apply backpressure to ensure the queues do not overflow.
2’b11: The port discards all output packets, until software resets
the OUT_FAIL_ENC field of the Port 0 Error and Status
CSR (offset 0x158). When the port discards a packet, it sets the
OUT_PKT_DROPD bit in the Port 0 Error and Status CSR.
Together with the STOP_ON_PRT_FAIL_ENCOUNTER_ENABLE field,
specifies the behavior of the port when the failed error threshold in
the Port 0 Error Rate Threshold register (offset 0x36C) has
been reached or exceeded. Refer to the description of the
T[1] RW
This bit indicates whether the port is stopped or the IN_PENA (bit
[21]) and OUT_PENA (bit [22]) register fields control the port:
1'b0—The Input Port Enable (IN_PENA) and Output Port Enable
(OUT_PENA) fields in this register control which packets the port
may receive and transmit on the RapidIO link.
1'b1—Port is stopped and is not enabled to issue or receive any
packets. The input port can still follow the training procedure
and can still send and respond to link-requests. All received
packets return packet-not-accepted control symbols to
force an error condition to be signaled by the sending device.
Indicates the port type, parallel or serial.
1'b0: Parallel port.
1'b1: Serial port.
The RapidIO II IP core supports only serial ports, so this bit always
has the value of 1’b1.
6.2.2 LP-Serial Lane Extended Features Block Memory Map
Table 98. CSR Memory Map
Address Register
0x200 LP-Serial Lane Register Block Header
0x210 Lane 0 Status 0 (Local)
0x214 Lane 0 Status 1 (Far-End)
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Address Register
0x218 Lane 0 Status 2 (Interrupt Enable)
0x21C Lane 0 Status 3 (Received CS Field Commands)
0x220 Lane 0 Status 4 (Outgoing CS Field)
0x230 – 0x280 Lane 1–3 Status LP-Serial Lane Register Block Header
Table 99. LP-Serial Lane Register Block Header — 0x200
Field Bits Access Function Default
EF_PTR [31:16] RO
Hard-wired pointer to the next block in the data
structure, if one exists. If this IP core variation
instantiates the Error Management Extensions
registers, the value in this field is the address of the
Error Management Extended Features block, which is
0x300. If this IP core variation does not instantiate
the Error Management Extensions registers, the value
of this field is determined by the Extended features
pointer parameter in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
EF_ID [15:0] RO Hard-wired extended features ID. 16'h000D LP-Serial Lane n Status 0
Table 100. LP-Serial Lane n Status 0 — 0x210, 0x230, 0x250, 0x270
Field Bits Access Function Default
Port Number [31:24] RO
The number of the port within the IP core to which the lane is
assigned. The RapidIO II IP core implements only a single RapidIO
port, so this field always has the value of 0.
Lane Number [23:20] RO The number of the lane in the port. 4'hn
Type [19] RO
Transmitter type:
1’b0: Short run
1’b1: Long run.
This value is identical for all lanes of the port.
Mode [18] RW
Transmitter operating mode:
1’b0: Short run
1’b1: Long run
The value in this field is identical for all lanes and is identical to the
value of the Transmitter Type field. The value in this field does
not affect the physical transceiver. Software must modify this bit if
relevant physical transceiver properties change.
Type [17:16] RO
Receiver type:
2’b00: Short run
2’b01: Medium run
2’b10: Long run
2’b11: Reserved.
This value is identical for all lanes of the port.
Inverted [15] RO
Indicates that the lane receiver has detected that the polarity of its
input signal is inverted, and has inverted the receiver input to
correct the polarity. A value of 1’b0 indicates the receiver input is
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
not inverted. The RapidIO II IP core does not support automatic
detection of inverted inputs, and this field always has the value of
Trained [14] RO
If the lane receiver controls any transmit or receive adaptive
equalization, this bit indicates whether all of the adaptive equalizers
that this lane controls are now trained. The value of this field is the
value in the Receiver trained bit in the CS field the lane
1’b0: The lane receiver controls one or more adaptive equalizers
and at least one of these adaptive equalizers is not trained.
1’b1: The lane receiver controls no adaptive equalizers, or all of
the adaptive equalizers it controls are trained.
Lane Sync [13] RO
Indicates the state of the lane n lane_sync signal.
1’b0: lane_sync is FALSE
1’b1: lane_sync is TRUE
Lane Ready [12] RO
Indicates the state of the lane n lane_ready signal.
1’b0: lane_ready is FALSE
1’b1: lane_ready is TRUE
RR [11:8] RC
Number of 8B10B decoding errors detected on this lane since this
register bit was last read. The value saturates at 0xF (it does not
roll over). Reading the register resets this field to the value of 0.
Change [7] RC
Indicates the state of the lane_sync signal for this lane has
changed since this bit was last read. Reading the register resets this
bit to the value of 1’b0. This bit provides an indication of the
burstiness of the transmission errors that the lane receiver
d State
Change [6] RO
Indicates the state of the rcvr_trained signal for this lane has
changed since this bit was last read. Reading the register resets this
bit to the value of 1’b0. A change in the signal value indicates that
the training state of the adaptive equalization under the control of
this receiver has changed; frequent changes indicate a problem on
the lane.
RSRV [5:4] RO Reserved. 2'b00
Status 1
Implemented [3] RO
Indicates whether the RapidIO implementation includes the Lane n
Status 1 CSR for the current lane n. The RapidIO II IP core
implements this register, so this bit always has the value of 1’b1.
Status 2–7
Implemented [2:0] RO
Number of implementation-specific Lane n Status m CSRs for
the current lane n. The RapidIO II IP core implements the Lane n
Status 2, Lane n Status 3, and Lane n Status 4 CSRs, so this field
always has the value of 2’b011.
3'b011 LP-Serial Lane n Status 1
Table 101. LP-Serial Lane n Status 1 — 0x214, 0x234, 0x254, 0x274
Field Bits Access Function Default
received [31] RW1C
Indicates whether an IDLE2 sequence has been received by the
lane since this field was last reset. To reset this bit, write the value
of 1’b1.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
1’b0: No IDLE2 sequence has been received since the bit was
last reset.
1’b1: An IDLE2 sequence has been received since the bit was
last reset.
current [30] RO
Indicates that the information in this register (collected from the
received IDLE2 sequence) is information from the most recent
IDLE2 control symbol marker and CS field that were received by
this lane without detected errors, and that the lane’s lane_sync
signal has remained asserted since the most recent control symbol
marker and CS field were received.
1’b0: The IDLE2 information is not current.
1’b1: The IDLE2 information is current.
changed [29] RO
Indicates whether the values of any of the other 31 bits in this
register have changed since the register was last read. This bit is
reset when the register is read.
1’b0: The values have not changed.
1’b1: One or more values have changed.
ion defined [28] RO Holds the value of the implementation-defined bit in the received
CS field. 1'b0
port lane
[27] RO
Received port width. This field supports the following valid values:
3’b000: One lane
3’b001: 2 lanes
3’b010: 4 lanes
3’b011: 8 lanes
3’b100: 16 lanes
The values 3’b101–3’b111 are reserved.
port width [26:24] RO
Indicates that the lane receiver has detected that the polarity of its
input signal is inverted, and has inverted the receiver input to
correct the polarity. A value of 1’b0 indicates the receiver input is
not inverted. The RapidIO II IP core does not support automatic
detection of inverted inputs, and this field always has the value of
Lane number
[23:20] RO Number of the lane (0–15) in the connected port. Normally the
value should be n. 4’h0
Lane Sync [13] RO
Indicates the state of the lane n lane_sync signal.
1’b0: lane_sync is FALSE
1’b1: lane_sync is TRUE
[19:18] RO
Tap(–1) status of the RapidIO link partner on the connected lane:
2’b00: Tap(–1) not implemented.
2’b01: Tap(–1) at minimum emphasis setting.
2’b10: Tap(–1) at maximum emphasis setting.
2’b11: Tap(–1) at intermediate emphasis setting.
transmit [17:16] RO Tap(+1) status of the RapidIO link partner on the connected lane: 2’b00
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
2’b00: Tap(+1) not implemented.
2’b01: Tap(+1) at minimum emphasis setting.
2’b10: Tap(+1) at maximum emphasis setting.
2’b11: Tap(+1) at intermediate emphasis setting.
g enabled
[15] RO
Indicates scrambling/descrambling is enabled in the RapidIO link
partner on the connected lane.
1’b0: Scrambling/descrambling is not enabled.
1’b1: Scrambling/descrambling is enabled.
RSRV [14:0] RO Reserved. 15’b0 LP-Serial Lane n Status 2
Table 102. LP-Serial Lane n Status 2 — 0x218, 0x238, 0x258, 0x278
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:30] RO Reserved. 2'b00
Process CMD
ly [29] RO
When set, enables automatic processing of CS field values received
in the IDLE2 sequence. The RapidIO II IP core does not yet
implement this feature.
RSRV [28:0] RO Reserved. 29'b0 LP-Serial Lane n Status 3
Table 103. LP-Serial Lane n Status 3 — 0x21C, 0x23C, 0x25C, 0x27C
Field Bits Access Function Default
CMD changed [31] RW1C A changed cmd value in the CS field (received cmd value is different
from the previously received value). 1'b0
CMD [30] RO cmd value of most recently received CS field. 1'b0
RSRV [29] RO Reserved. 1'b0
enabled [28] RO Value received most recently from the far end. 1'b0
Lane number
in port [27:23] RO x of CS field’s Dx.y value. Should match n. This field is updated with
each received CS field. 5'h00
Active port
width [22:20] RO y of CS frame’s Dx.y value. This register field is updated with each
received CS field. 3’b000
RSRV [19:8] RO Reserved. 12'h000
Command [7:6] RO Value of this field in the most recently received CS field. 1’b0
Command [5:4] RO Value of this field in the most recently received CS field. 1’b0
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
emphasis [3] RO Value of this field in the most recently received CS field. 1’b0
emphasis [2] RO Value of this field in the most recently received CS field. 1’b0
RSRV [1:0] RO Reserved. 2'b00 LP-Serial Lane n Status 4
Table 104. LP-Serial Lane n Status 4 — 0x220, 0x240, 0x260, 0x280
Field Bits Access Function Default
CMD [31] RW Indicates to the connected port that an emphasis update command
is present: 1’b0: No request present. 1’b1: Request present. 1'b0
Defined [30] RO Implementation defined. 1'b0
trained [29] RW
When the lane receiver controls transmit or receive adaptive
equalization, this bit indicates whether all adaptive equalizers
controlled by the lane receiver are trained.
1’b0: One or more adaptive equalizers are controlled by the lane
receiver and at least one of those adaptive equalizers is not
1’b1: The lane receiver controls no adaptive equalizers, or all of
the adaptive equalizers the receiver controls are trained.
g enabled [28] RO
Indicates whether scrambling/descrambling is turned on in the IP
1’b0: Scrambling/descrambling is disabled.
1’b1: Scrambling/descrambling is enabled. Control symbol and
packet data characters are scrambled before transmission and
descrambled when received.
status [27:26] RW
Transmit emphasis Tap(–1) status:
2’b00: Transmit emphasis Tap(–1) is not implemented.
2’b01: Transmit emphasis Tap(–1) is at minimum emphasis 0.
2’b10: Transmit emphasis Tap(–1) is at maximum emphasis.
2’b11: Transmit emphasis Tap(–1) is at an intermediate
emphasis setting.
status [25:24] RW
Transmit emphasis Tap(+1) status:
2’b00: Transmit emphasis Tap(+1) is not implemented.
2’b01: Transmit emphasis Tap(+1) is at minimum emphasis 0.
2’b10: Transmit emphasis Tap(+1) is at maximum emphasis.
2’b11: Transmit emphasis Tap(+1) is at an intermediate
emphasis setting.
RSRV [23:8] RO Reserved. 16'h0000
command [7:6] RW
Transmit emphasis Tap(–1) update command. This field is active
only when the CMD field has the value of 1.
2’b00: Hold.
2’b01: Decrease emphasis by one step.
2’b10: Increase emphasis by one step.
command [5:4] RW Transmit emphasis Tap(+1) update command. This field is active
only when the CMD field has the value of 1. 2’b00
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
2’b00: Hold.
2’b01: Decrease emphasis by one step.
2’b10: Increase emphasis by one step.
emphasis [3] RW
Transmit emphasis reset command to the connected transceiver.
This field is active only when the CMD field has the value of 1.
2’b0: Ignore.
2’b1: Reset all transmit emphasis taps to no emphasis.
emphasis [2] RW
Transmit emphasis command to the connected transceiver to force
initial or preset values. This field is active only when the CMD field
has the value of 1.
2’b0: Ignore.
2’b1: Set all transmit emphasis settings to their preset values.
ACK [1] RW
Indicates that a transmit emphasis update command from the
RapidIO link partner is being accepted:
1’b0: Command not accepted.
1’b1: Command accepted.
Indicates that a transmit emphasis update command from the
RapidIO link partner is being refused:
1’b0: Command not refused.
1’b1: Command refused.
The RapidIO II IP core transmits the values in the LP-Serial Lane n Status 4 CSR on
the outgoing CS field for lane n.
6.3 Transport and Logical Layer Registers
This section lists the Transport and Logical layer registers.
6.3.1 Capability Registers (CARs) CAR Memory Map
Table 105. CAR Memory Map
Address Register
0x0 Device Identity
0x4 Device Information
0x8 Assembly Identity
0xC Assembly Information
0x10 Processing Element Features
0x14 Switch Port Information
0x18 Source Operations
0x1C Destination Operations
0x34 Switch Route Table Destination ID Limit
0x3C Data Streaming Information
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Note: The CARs are not used by any of the RapidIO II IP core internal modules. They do not
affect the functionality of the RapidIO II IP core. These registers are all Read-Only.
Their values are set using the RapidIO II parameter editor when generating the IP
core, or with configuration input signals, which should not change value during normal
operation. These registers inform either a local processor or a processor on a remote
end about the IP core's capabilities. Device Identity CAR
Table 106. Device Identity CAR — Offset: 0x00
Field Bits Access Function Default
ity [31:16] RO Hard-wired device identifier 31
rIdentity [15:0] RO Hard-wired device vendor identifier 31 Device Information CAR
Table 107. Device Information CAR — Offset: 0x04
Field Bits Access Function Default
DeviceRev [31:0] RO
revision level
31 Assembly Identity CAR
Table 108. Assembly Identity CAR — Offset: 0x08
Field Bits Access Function Default
y[31:16] RO Hard-wired assembly identifier 31
y[15:0] RO Hard-wired assembly vendor identifier 31 Assembly Information CAR
Table 109. Assembly Information CAR — Offset: 0x0
Field Bits Access Function Default
AssyRev [31:16] RO Hard-wired assembly revision level. 31
turesPtr [15:0] RO
Hard-wired pointer to the first entry in the extended
feature. The value of this field is 0x100, which points
to the LP-Serial Extended Features block.
31 The value is set in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
169 Processing Element Features CAR
Table 110. Processing Element Features CAR — Offset: 0x10
Field Bits Access Function Default
Bridge [31] RO Processing element can bridge to another interface. 31
Memory [30] RO
Processing element has physically addressable local
address space and can be accessed as an endpoint
through non-maintenance operations. This local
address space may be limited to local configuration
registers, on-chip SRAM, or other device.
Processor [29] RO
Processing element physically contains a local
processor or similar device that executes code. A
device that bridges to an interface that connects to a
processor does not count.
Switch [28] RO
Processing element can bridge to another external
RapidIO interface—an internal port to a local endpoint
does not count as a switch port.
Processing element implements multiple external
RapidIO ports. The RapidIO II IP core implements
only a single RapidIO port, so this field always has the
value of 1’b0.
RSRV [26:12] RO Reserved. 25'b0
Support [11] RO Processing element supports flow arbitration. 31
RSRV [10] RO Reserved. 1'b0
route table
on support
[9] RO
Processing element supports extended route table
configuration mechanism. This property is relevant in
switch processing elements only. In non-switch
processing elements, it is ignored.
route table
on support 32
[8] RO
Processing element supports standard route table
configuration mechanism. This property is relevant in
switch processing elements only. In non-switch
processing elements, it is ignored.
Support [7] RO Processing element supports flow control extensions. 31
RSRV [6] RO Reserved. 1'b0
CRF Support [5] RO
Processing element supports the Critical Request Flow
(CRF) indicator:
1'b0 — Processing element does not support
Critical Request Flow.
1'b1—Processing element supports Critical Request
32 If the Extended route table configuration support bit or the Standard route table
configuration support bit is set, user logic must implement the functionality and registers to
support the standard or extended route table configuration. The RapidIO II IP core does not
implement the Standard Route CSRs at offsets 0x70, 0x74, and 0x78.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
Processing element supports common transport large
1'b0 — Processing element does not support
common transport large systems (processing
element requires that the device ID width be 8
bits, and does not support a device ID width of 16
1'b1 — Processing element supports common
transport large systems (processing element
supports a device ID width of 16 bits).
The value of this field is determined by the device ID
width you select in the RapidIO II parameter editor
with the Enable 16-bit device ID width setting.
features [3] RO Processing element has extended features list; the
extended features pointer is valid. 1'b1
support [2:0] RO
Indicates the number of address bits supported by the
processing element, both as a source and target of an
operation. All processing elements support a minimum
34-bit address. The RapidIO II IP core supports the
following valid value:
3'b001 — Processing element supports 34-bit
3'b001 Switch Port Information CAR
Table 111. Switch Port Information CAR — Offset: 0x14
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:16] RO Reserved. 16'b0
PortTotal [15:8] RO
The maximum number of RapidIO ports on the
processing element:
8'h0 — Reserved
8'h1 — 1 port
8'h2 — 2 ports
8'hFF — 255 ports
33 [7:0] RO
This is the port number from which the MAINTENANCE
read operation accessed this register. Ports are
numbered starting with 8'h0.
31 Source Operations CAR
Table 112. Source Operations CAR — Offset: 0x18
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:20] RO Reserved. 12'b0
_MANAGEMENT [19] RO Processing element can support data streaming traffic
management. 1'b0
33 If the Switch Port Information CAR is accessible from multiple ports, user logic must
implement shadowing of the PortNumber field.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
ING [18] RO Processing element can support a data streaming
operation. 1'b0
RSRV [17:16] RO Reserved. 2'b00
READ [15] RO Processing element can support a read operation. 34
WRITE [14] RO Processing element can support a write operation. 34
SWRITE [13] RO Processing element can support a streaming-write
NWRITE_R [12] RO Processing element can support a write-with-response
Message [11] RO Processing element can support data message
operation. 1'b0
DOORBELL [10] RO Processing element can support a DOORBELL
P[9] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC compare-
and-swap operation. 1'b0
P[8] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC test-and-
swap operation. 1'b0
ATM_INC [7] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC increment
operation. 1'b0
ATM_DEC [6] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC
decrement operation. 1'b0
ATM_SET [5] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC set
operation. 1'b0
ATM_CLEAR [4] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC clear
operation. 1'b0
ATM_SWAP [3] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC swap
operation. 1'b0
PORT_WRITE [2] RO Processing element can support a port-write
ion Defined [1:0] RO Reserved for this implementation. 2'b00
34 The default value is 1'b1 if you turn on Enable I/O Logical layer Slave module in the
RapidIO II parameter editor. The default value is 1'b0 if you turn off Enable I/O Logical layer
Slave module in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
35 Thedefault value is 1'b1 if you turn on Enable Doorbell support in the RapidIO II parameter
editor. The default value is 1'b0 if you turn off Enable Doorbell support in the RapidIO II
parameter editor.
36 The default value is 1'b1 if you turn on Enable Maintenance module in the RapidIO II
parameter editor. The default value is 1'b0 If you turn off Enable Maintenance module.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Notes: If one of the Logical layers supported by the RapidIO II IP core is not selected in
the RapidIO II parameter editor, the corresponding bits in the Source
Operations CARs are set to zero by default.
The reset value of the Source Operations CAR is the result of the bitwise
exclusive-or operation applied to the default values and the value you specify for
Source Operations CAR override in the RapidIO II parameter editor. Destination Operations CAR
Table 113. Destination Operations CAR — Offset: 0x1C
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:20] RO Reserved. 12'b0
_MANAGEMENT [19] RO Processing element can support data streaming traffic
management. 1'b0
ING [18] RO Processing element can support a data streaming
operation. 1'b0
RSRV [17:16] RO Reserved. 2'b00
READ [15] RO Processing element can support a read operation. 37
WRITE [14] RO Processing element can support a write operation. 37
SWRITE [13] RO Processing element can support a streaming-write
NWRITE_R [12] RO Processing element can support a write-with-response
Message [11] RO Processing element can support data message
operation. 1'b0
DOORBELL [10] RO Processing element can support a DOORBELL
P[9] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC compare-
and-swap operation. 1'b0
P[8] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC test-and-
swap operation. 1'b0
ATM_INC [7] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC increment
operation. 1'b0
ATM_DEC [6] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC
decrement operation. 1'b0
ATM_SET [5] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC set
operation. 1'b0
ATM_CLEAR [4] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC clear
operation. 1'b0
37 The default value is 1'b1 if you turn on Enable I/O Logical layer Master module in the
RapidIO II parameter editor. The default value is 1'b0 if you turn off Enable I/O Logical layer
Master module in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
ATM_SWAP [3] RO Processing element can support an ATOMIC swap
operation. 1'b0
PORT_WRITE [2] RO Processing element can support a port-write
ion Defined [1:0] RO Reserved for this implementation. 2'b00
Notes: If one of the Logical layers supported by the RapidIO II IP core is not selected, the
corresponding bits in the Destination Operations CAR are set to zero by
The reset value of the Destination Operations CAR is the result of the
bitwise exclusive-or operation applied to the default values and the value you
specify for Destination operations CAR override in the RapidIO II parameter
editor. Switch Route Table Destination ID Limit CAR
Table 114. Switch Route Table Destination ID Limit CAR — Offset: 0x34
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:16] RO Reserved. 16'b0
Max_destID [15:0] RO Maximum configurable destination ID. Value is the
maximum number of destination IDs, minus one.
Note: If the Standard route table configuration support bit or the Extended route
table configuration support bit in the Processing Element Features CAR is
set, user logic must implement the functionality and registers to support the standard
or extended route table configuration. The RapidIO II IP core does not implement the
Standard Route CSRs at offsets 0x70, 0x74, and 0x78. Data Streaming Information CAR
Table 115. Data Streaming Information CAR — Offset: 0x3C
Field Bits Access Function Default
MaxPDU [31:16] RO Indicates the maximum PDU size that this destination
end point supports. Unit is bytes.
SegSupport [15:0] RO
Indicates the number of segmentation contexts that
this destination end point supports.
16'h0000 – 65536 segmentation contexts
16'h0001 – 1 segmentation context
16'h0002 – 2 segmentation contexts
16’hFFFF – 65535 segmentation contexts
Note: User logic must implement the functionality and registers to support data streaming
configuration. The values in this register do not affect the IP core.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
6.3.2 Command and Status Registers (CSRs) CSR Memory Map
Table 116. CSR Memory Map
Address Register
0x48 Data Streaming Logical Layer Control
0x4C Processing Element Logical Layer Control
0x58 Local Configuration Space Base Address 0
0x5C Local Configuration Space Base Address 1
0x60 Base Device ID
0x68 Host Base Device ID Lock
0x6c Component Tag
Note: You must de-assert all IP reset signals and allow link initialization to access the
Command and Status Register (CSR) block. Data Streaming Logical Layer Control CSR
Table 117. Data Streaming Logical Layer Control CSR — Offset: 0x48
Field Bits Access Function Default
PORT [31:28] RO
TM types supported. This field indicates the TM types
that the RapidIO II IP core variation supports. The
following values are valid:
4'b1000: Supports basic type
4’b1100: Supports basic and rate types
4’b1010: Supports basic and credit types
4’b1110: Supports basic, rate, and credit types
All other values are invalid.
TM_MODE 38 [27:24] RW
Traffic management mode. The following values are
4'b0000: TM disabled
4’b0001: Basic mode
4’b0010: Rate mode
4’b0011: Credit mode
4’b0101–4’b0111: Reserved
4’b1000–4’b1111: Available for user-defined
RSRV [23:8] RO Reserved. 16'b0
MTU 38 [7:0] RW
Maximum transmission unit. This field controls the
data payload size for segments of an encapsulated
PDU. All segments of a PDU except the final segment
must have a data payload of the length specified in
this field. The MTU is a multiple of four bytes. The
following values are valid:
38 To change the value of this field dynamically during normal operation, use the corresponding
_wr and _in signals to control the timing of the value changes.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
8'b0000_1000: 32-byte block size
8’b0000_1001: 64-byte block size
8’b0000_1010: 40-byte block size
8’b0100_0000: 256-byte block size
The following values are invalid:
8’b0000_0000–8’b0000_0111: Reserved
8’b0100_0001–8’b1111_1111: Reserved Processing Element Logical Layer Control CSR
Table 118. Processing Element Logical Layer Control CSR — Offset: 0x4C
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:28] RO Reserved. 29'b0
RL [2:0] RO
Controls the number of address bits generated by the
Processing element as a source and processed by the
Processing element as the target of an operation.
3'b100 – Processing element supports 66 bit
3'b010 – Processing element supports 50 bit
3'b001 – Processing element supports 34 bit
All other values are reserved. The RapidIO II IP core
supports only 34-bit addresses, so the value of this
field is always 3’b001.
3'b001 Local Configuration Space Base Address 0 CSR
Table 119. Local Configuration Space Base Address 0 CSR — Offset: 0x58
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31] RO Reserved. 1'b0
LCSBA [30:15] RO Reserved for a 34-bit local physical address. 16'h0000
LCSBA [14:0] RO Reserved for a 34-bit local physical address. 15'h0000
Note: The Local Configuration Space Base Address 0 register is hard coded to zero. If the
Input/Output Avalon-MM master interface is connected to the Register Access Avalon-
MM slave interface, regular read and write operations rather than MAINTENANCE
operations can be used to access the processing element's registers for configuration
and maintenance. Local Configuration Space Base Address 1 CSR
Table 120. Local Configuration Space Base Address 1 CSR — Offset: 0x5C
Field Bits Access Function Default
LCSBA [31] RO Reserved for a 34-bit local physical address. 1'b0
LCSBA [30:0] RW Bits [33:4] of a 34-bit physical address. 31'b0
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Note: This register holds the local physical address double-word offset of the processing
element’s configuration register space. If the Input/Output Avalon-MM master
interface is connected to the Register Access Avalon-MM slave interface then regular
read and write operations, rather than MAINTENANCE operations, can be used to
access the processing element's registers for configuration and maintenance, based on
this address. User logic must write the correct offset value in this register to ensure
that these read and write operations can work correctly. Base Device ID CSR
Table 121. Base Device ID CSR — Offset: 0x60
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:24] RO Reserved. 8'h00
ID [23:16] RW/RO
This is the base ID of the device in a small common
transport system. The value of this field appears on
the base_device_id output signal.
Reserved if the system does not support 8-bit device
deviceID [15:0] RW/RO
This is the base ID of the device in a large common
transport system. This field value is valid only for
endpoint devices. The value of this field appears on
the large_base_device_id output signal.
Reserved if the system does not support 16-bit device
Note: In a small common transport system, the Base_deviceID field is Read-Write and the
Large_base_deviceID field is Read-only. In a large common transport system, the
Base_deviceID field is Read-only and the Large_base_deviceID field is Read-
Write. Host Base Device ID Lock CSR
Table 122. Host Base Device ID Lock CSR — Offset: 0x68
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:16] RO Reserved. 16'h0000
EVICE_ID [15:0] RW 39 This is the base device ID for the processing element
that is initializing this processing element. 16'hFFFF Component Tag CSR
Table 123. Component Tag CSR — Offset: 0x6C
Field Bits Access Function Default
AG [31:0] RW This is a component tag for the processing element. 32'h0
39 Write once; can be reset.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
6.3.3 Maintenance Module Registers Maintenance Module Registers Memory Map
Table 124. Maintenance Module Registers Memory Map
Address Register
0x10080 Maintenance Interrupt
0x10084 Maintenance Interrupt Enable
0x10088 – 0x100FC Reserved
0x10100 Tx Maintenance Window 0 Base
0x10104 Tx Maintenance Window 0 Mask
0x10108 Tx Maintenance Window 0 Offset
0x1010C Tx Maintenance Window 0 Control
0x10110 – 0x1011C Tx Maintenance Windows 1
0x10200 Tx Port Write Control
0x10204 Tx Port Write Status
0x10210 – 0x1024C Tx Port Write Buffer
0x10250 Rx Port Write Control
0x10254 Rx Port Write Status
0x10260 – 0x1029C Rx Port Write Buffer
0x102A0 – 0x102FC Reserved Maintenance Interrupt Control Registers
If any of these error conditions are detected and if the corresponding Interrupt Enable
bit is set, the mnt_mnt_s_irq signal is asserted.
Table 125. Maintenance Interrupt — Offset: 0x10080
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:7] RO Reserved. 25'h0
ERROR [6] RW1C Port-write error. 1'b0
PED [5] RW1C
A received port-write packet was dropped. A port-
write packet is dropped under the following
A port-write request packet is received but port-
write reception has not been enabled by setting bit
PORT_WRITE_ENABLE in the Rx Port Write
Control register.
A previously received port-write has not been read
out from the Rx Port Write register.
ED [4] RW1C
Indicates that the IP core has received a port-write
packet and that the payload can be retrieved using
the Register Access Avalon-MM slave interface.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [3:2] RO Reserved. 2'b00
If the address of an Avalon-MM write transfer
presented at the Maintenance Avalon-MM slave
interface does not fall within any of the enabled Tx
Maintenance Address translation windows, then it is
considered out of bounds and this bit is set.
If the address of an Avalon-MM read transfer
presented at the Maintenance Avalon-MM slave
interface does not fall within any of the enabled Tx
Maintenance Address translation windows, then it is
considered out of bounds and this bit is set.
Table 126. Maintenance Interrupt Enable — Offset: 0x10084
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:7] RO Reserved. 25'h0
ERROR [6] RW Port-write error interrupt enable. 1'b0
ROPPED [5] RW Rx port-write packet dropped interrupt enable. 1'b0
TORED [4] RW Rx port-write packet stored in buffer interrupt enable. 1'b0
RSRV [3:2] RO Reserved. 2'b00
F_BOUNDS [1] RW Tx write request address out of bounds interrupt
enable. 1'b0
_BOUNDS [0] RW Tx read request address out of bounds interrupt
enable. 1'b0 Transmit Maintenance Registers
When transmitting a MAINTENANCE packet, an address translation process occurs,
using a base, mask, offset, and control register. Two groups of four registers can exist.
The two register address offsets are shown in the table titles.
Table 127. Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Base — Offset: 0x10100, 0x10110
Field Bits Access Function Default
BASE [31:3] RW
Start of the Avalon-MM address window to be
mapped. The three least significant bits of the 32-bit
base are assumed to be zero.
RSRV [2:0] RO Reserved. 3'b000
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Table 128. Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Mask — Offset: 0x10104, 0x10114
Field Bits Access Function Default
MASK [31:3] RW
Mask for the address mapping window. The three
least significant bits of the 32-bit mask are assumed
to be zero.
WEN [2] RW Window enable. Set to one to enable the
corresponding window. 1'b0
RSRV [2:0] RO Reserved. 2'b00
Table 129. Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Offset — Offset: 0x10108, 0x10118
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:24] RO Reserved. 8'h00
OFFSET [23:0] RW Window offset 24'h0
Table 130. Tx Maintenance Mapping Window n Control — Offset: 0x1010C, 0x1011C
Field Bits Access Function Default
[31:24] RW/RO
MSB of the Destination ID if the system supports 16-
bit device ID.
Reserved if the system does not support 16-bit device
_ID [23:16] RW Destination ID. 8'h00
HOP_COUNT [15:8] RW Hop count 8'hFF
Packet priority. 2’b11 is not a valid value for the
PRIORITY field. Any attempt to write 2’b11 to this
field is overwritten with 2’b10.
RSRV [5:0] RO Reserved. 6'h0 Transmit Port-Write Registers
Table 131. Tx Port Write Control — Offset: 0x10200
Field Bits Access Function Default
[31:24] RW/RO
MSB of the Destination ID if the system supports 16-
bit device ID.
Reserved if the system does not support 16-bit device
_ID [23:16] RW Destination ID. 8'h00
RSRV [15:8] RO Reserved. 8'h00
Request packet’s priority. 2’b11 is not a valid value for
the PRIORITY field. Any attempt to write 2’b11 to
this field is overwritten with 2’b10.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
SIZE [5:2] RW
Packet payload size in number of double words. If set
to 0, the payload size is single word. If size is set to
a value larger than 8, the payload size is 8 double
words (64 bytes).
RSRV [1] RO Reserved. 1'b0
Y[0] RW
Write 1 to start transmitting the port-write request.
This bit is cleared internally after the packet has been
transferred to the Transport layer to be forwarded to
the Physical layer for transmission.
Table 132. Tx Port Write Status — Offset: 0x10204
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:0] RO Reserved. 32'h0
Table 133. Tx Port Write Buffer n — Offset: 0x10210 – 0x1024C
Field Bits Access Function Default
DATA_n [31:0] RW Port-write data. This buffer is implemented in memory
and is not initialized at reset. 32'hx Receive Port-Write Registers
Table 134. Rx Port Write Control — Offset: 0x10250
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:2] RO Reserved. 30'h0
R[1] RW Clear port-write buffer. Write 1 to activate. Always
read 0. 1'b0
ENA [0] RW Port-write enable. If set to 1, port-write packets are
accepted. If set to 0, port-write packets are dropped. 1'b1
Table 135. Rx Port Write Status — Offset: 0x10254
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:6] RO Reserved. 26'h0
R[5:2] RO Packet payload size in number of double words. If the
size is zero, the payload size is single word. 4'h0
RSRV [1] RO Reserved. 1'b0
Port-write busy. Set if a packet is currently being
stored in the buffer or if the packet is stored and has
not been read.
Table 136. Rx Port Write Buffer n — Offset: 0x10260 – 0x1029C
Field Bits Access Function Default
DATA_n [31:0] RO Port-write data. This buffer is implemented in memory
and is not initialized at reset. 32'hx
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
6.3.4 I/O Logical Layer Master Module Registers I/O Logical Layer Master Module Registers Memory Map
Table 137. I/O Logical layer Master Module Registers Memory Map
Address Register
0x10300 I/O Master Window 0 Base
0x10304 I/O Master Window 0 Mask
0x10308 I/O Master Window 0 Offset
0x1030C Reserved
0x10310 – 0x103F8 (with gaps) I/O Master Windows 1–15
0x103DC I/O Master Interrupt
0x103FC I/O Master Interrupt Enable I/O Master Address Mapping Registers
When the IP core receives an NREAD, NWRITE, NWRITE_R, or SWRITE request packet,
the RapidIO address has to be translated into a local Avalon-MM address. If you
specify at least one address mapping window, the translation involves the base, mask,
and offset registers. The IP core has up to 16 register sets, one for each address
mapping window. The 16 possible register address offsets are shown in the table
Table 138. Input/Output Master Mapping Window n Base — Offset: 0x10300, 0x10310,
0x10320, 0x10330, 0x10340, 0x10350, 0x10360, 0x10370, 0x10380,
0x10390, 0x103A0, 0x103B0, 0x103C0, 0x103D0, 0x103E0, 0x103F0
Field Bits Access Function Default
BASE [31:4] RW
Start of the RapidIO address window to be mapped.
The four least significant bits of the 34-bit base are
assumed to be zeros.
RSRV [3:2] RO Reserved. 2'b00
XAMB [1:0] RW Extended Address: two most significant bits of the 34-
bit base. 2'b00
Table 139. Input/Output Master Mapping Window n Mask — Offset: 0x10304, 0x10314,
0x10324, 0x10334, 0x10344, 0x10354, 0x10364, 0x10374, 0x10384,
0x10394, 0x103A4, 0x103B4, 0x103C4, 0x103D4, 0x103E4, 0x103F4
Field Bits Access Function Default
MASK [31:4] RW
Bits 31 to 4 of the mask for the address mapping
window. The four least significant bits of the 34-bit
mask are assumed to be zeros.
RSRV [3] RO Reserved. 1'b0
WEN [2] RW Window enable. Set to one to enable the
corresponding window. 1'b0
XAMM [1:0] RW Extended Address: two most significant bits of the 34-
bit mask. 2'b00
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Table 140. Input/Output Master Mapping Window n Offset — Offset: 0x10308, 0x10318,
0x10328, 0x10338, 0x10348, 0x10358, 0x10368, 0x10378, 0x10388,
0x10398, 0x103A8, 0x103B8, 0x103C8, 0x103D8, 0x103E8, 0x103F8
Field Bits Access Function Default
OFFSET [31:4] RW
Starting offset into the Avalon-MM address space. The
four least significant bits of the 32-bit offset are
assumed to be zero.
RSRV [3:0] RO Reserved. 4'h0 I/O Master Interrupts
The RapidIO II IP core asserts the io_m_mnt_irq signal if the interrupt bit is enabled.
Following are the available Input/Output Master interrupt and corresponding interrupt
enable bit.
Table 141. Input/Output Master Interrupt — Offset: 0x103DC
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:1] RO Reserved. 31'h0
Address out of bounds. Asserted when the RapidIO
address does not fall within any enabled address
mapping window.
Table 142. Input/Output Master Interrupt Enable — Offset: 0x103FC
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:1] RO Reserved. 31'h0
_OF_BOUNDS [0] RW Address out of bounds interrupt enable. 1'b0
6.3.5 I/O Logical Layer Slave Module Registers I/O Logical Layer Slave Module Registers Memory Map
Table 143. I/O Logical layer Slave Module Registers Memory Map
Address Register
0x10400 I/O Slave Window 0 Base
0x10404 I/O Slave Window 0 Mask
0x10408 I/O Slave Window 0 Offset
0x1040C I/O Slave Window 0 Control
0x10410 - 0x104FC I/O Slave Windows 1–15
0x10500 I/O Slave Interrupt
0x10504 I/O Slave Interrupt Enable
0x10508 I/O Slave Pending NWRITE_R Transactions
0x1050C I/O Slave Avalon-MM Write Transactions
0x10510 I/O Slave RapidIO Write Requests
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
183 I/O Slave Address Mapping Registers
The registers define windows in the Avalon-MM address space that are used to
determine the outgoing request packet’s ftype, DESTINATION_ID, priority, and
address fields. There are up to 16 register sets, one for each possible address
mapping window. The 16 possible register address offsets are shown in the table
Table 144. Input/Output Slave Mapping Window n Base — Offset: 0x10400, 0x10410,
0x10420, 0x10430, 0x10440, 0x10450, 0x10460, 0x10470, 0x10480,
0x10490, 0x104A0, 0x104B0, 0x104C0, 0x104D0, 0x104E0, 0x104F0
Field Bits Access Function Default
BASE [31:4] RW
Start of the Avalon-MM address window to be
mapped. The four least significant bits of the 32-bit
base are assumed to be all zeros.
RSRV [3:0] RO Reserved. 4'h0
Table 145. Input/Output Slave Mapping Window n Mask—Offset: 0x10404, 0x10414,
0x10424, 0x10434, 0x10444, 0x10454, 0x10464, 0x10474, 0x10484,
0x10494, 0x104A4, 0x104B4, 0x104C4, 0x104D4, 0x104E4, 0x104F4
Field Bits Access Function Default
MASK [31:4] RW
28 most significant bits of the mask for the address
mapping window. The four least significant bits of the
32-bit mask are assumed to be zeros.
RSRV [3] RO Reserved. 1'b0
WEN [2] RW Window enable. Set to one to enable the
corresponding window. 1'b0
RSRV [1:0] RO Reserved. 2'b00
Table 146. Input/Output Slave Mapping Window n Offset — Offset: 0x10408, 0x10418,
0x10428, 0x10438, 0x10448, 0x10458, 0x10468, 0x10478, 0x10488,
0x10498, 0x104A8, 0x104B8, 0x104C8, 0x104D8, 0x104E8, 0x104F8
Field Bits Access Function Default
OFFSET [31:4] RW
Bits [31:3] of the starting offset into the RapidIO
address space. The three least significant bits of the
34-bit offset are assumed to be zeros.
RSRV [3:2] RO Reserved. 2'b00
XAMO [1:0] RW Extended Address: two most significant bits of the 34-
bit offset. 2'b00
Table 147. Input/Output Slave Mapping Window n Control — Offset: 0x1040C, 0x1041C,
0x1042C, 0x1043C, 0x1044C, 0x1045C, 0x1046C, 0x1047C, 0x1048C,
0x1049C, 0x104AC, 0x104BC, 0x104CC, 0x104DC, 0x104EC, 0x104FC
Field Bits Access Function Default
[31:24] RW/RO MSB of the Destination ID if the system supports 16-
bit device ID. 8'h00
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
Reserved if the system does not support 16-bit device
_ID [23:16] RW Destination ID. 8'h00
RSRV [15:8] RO Reserved. 8'h00
Request packet’s priority. 2’b11 is not a valid value for
the PRIORITY field. Any attempt to write 2’b11 to
this field is overwritten with 2’b10.
RSRV [5:3] RO Reserved. 3'b000
CRF [2] RW Critical Request Flow bit. 1'b0
LE [1] RW SWRITE enable. Set to one to generate SWRITE
request packets. 40 1'b0
ABLE [0] RW NWRITE_R enable. 40 1'b0 I/O Slave Interrupts
These interrupt bits assert the io_s_mnt_irq signal if the corresponding interrupt bit
is enabled. Following are the available Input/Output slave interrupts and
corresponding interrupt enable bits.
Table 148. Input/Output Slave Interrupt — Offset: 0x10500
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:6] RO Reserved. 26'h0
T[5] RW1C
Read burst count invalid. Asserted when
io_s_burstcount has a value that is larger than 16
in an Avalon-MM read request on the I/O Logical slave
E[4] RW1C
Read byte enable invalid. Asserted when
io_s_byteenable is set to an invalid value in an
Avalon-MM read request on the I/O Logical slave
LE [3] RW1C
Write byte enable invalid. Asserted when
io_s_byteenable is set to an invalid value in an
Avalon-MM write request on the I/O Logical slave
NT [2] RW1C
Write burst count invalid. Asserted when
io_s_burstcount has a value that is larger than 16,
except in cases with first byteenable with a value of
40 Bits 0 and 1 (NWRITE_R_ENABLE and SWRITE_ENABLE) are mutually exclusive. An attempt to
write ones to both of these fields at the same time is ignored, and that part of the register
keeps its previous value.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
0xFF00 and final byteenable with a value of 0x00FF, in
an Avalon-MM write request on the I/O Logical slave
Write request address out of bounds. Asserted when
the Avalon-MM address does not fall within any
enabled address mapping window.
Read request address out of bounds. Asserted when
the Avalon-MM address does not fall within any
enabled address mapping window.
Table 149. Input/Output Slave Interrupt Enable — Offset: 0x10504
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:6] RO Reserved. 26'h0
T[5] RW Read burst count invalid interrupt enable. 1'b0
E[4] RW Read byte enable invalid interrupt enable. 1'b0
LE [3] RW Write byte enable invalid interrupt enable. 1'b0
NT [2] RW Write burst count invalid interrupt enable. 1'b0
F_BOUNDS [1] RW Write request address out of bounds interrupt enable. 1'b0
_BOUNDS [0] RW Read request address out of bounds interrupt enable. 1'b0 I/O Slave Transactions and Requests
Table 150. Input/Output Slave Pending NWRITE_R Transactions — Offset: 0x10508
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:8] RO Reserved. 24'h0
ITE_RS [7:0] RO
Number of pending NWRITE_R write requests that
have been initiated in the I/O Avalon-MM slave Logical
layer module but have not yet completed. The value
in this field might update only after a delay of 4
Avalon clock cycles after the start of the write burst
on the Avalon-MM interface.
Table 151. Input/Output Slave Avalon-MM Write Transactions — Offset: 0x1050C
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:16] RO Reserved. 16'h0000
TES [15:0] RO
Number of write transfers initiated on Avalon-MM
Input/Output Slave port so far. Count increments on
first system clock cycle in which the io_s_write 16'h0000
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
signal is asserted and the io_s_wr_waitrequest
signal is not asserted. This counter rolls over to 0
after its maximum value.
Table 152. Input/Output Slave RapidIO Write Requests — Offset: 0x10510
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:16] RO Reserved. 16'h0000
_WRITES [15:0] RO
Number of write-request packets transferred from the
Avalon-MM Input/Output Slave module to the
Transport layer or cancelled. Count increments when
the write-request packet is sent to the Transport layer,
or when a write transaction is cancelled. This counter
rolls over to 0 after its maximum value.
6.3.6 Error Management Registers
The RapidIO II IP core implements the Error Management Extensions registers. These
registers are configured in your RapidIO II IP core variation if you turn on Enable
error management extension registers on the Error Management Registers tab
of the RapidIO II parameter editor.
The Error Management Extensions registers can be used by software to diagnose
problems with packets that are received by the local endpoint. If enabled, the
detected error triggers the assertion of std_reg_mnt_irq. Information about the
packet that caused the error is captured in the capture registers. After an error
condition is detected, the information is captured and the capture registers are locked
until the Error Detect CSR is cleared. Upon being cleared, the capture registers are
ready to capture a new packet that exhibits an error condition.
The offset values within the address space for these registers are defined by the
RapidIO standard. Error Management Extensions Extended Features Block Memory Map
Table 153. Error Management Extensions Extended Features Block Memory Map
Address Register
0x300 Error Management Extensions Block Header
0x304 Reserved
0x308 Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect
0x30C Logical/Transport Layer Error Enable
0x310 Logical/Transport Layer High Address Capture
Reserved — RapidIO II IP core has only 34-bit RapidIO addressing.
0x314 Logical/Transport Layer Address Capture
0x318 Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture
0x31C Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture
0x320 – 0x324 Reserved
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Address Register
0x328 Port-Write Target Device ID
0x32C Packet Time-to-Live
0x330–0x33C Reserved
0x340 Port 0 Error Detect
0x344 Port 0 Error Rate Enable
0x348 Port 0 Attributes Capture
0x34C Port 0 Packet/Control Symbol Capture 0
0x350 Port 0 Packet Capture 1
0x354 Port 0 Packet Capture 2
0x358 Port 0 Packet Capture 3
0x35C – 0x364 Reserved
0x368 Port 0 Error Rate
0x36C Port 0 Error Rate Threshold Error Management Extensions Block Header
Table 154. Error Management Extensions Block Header — 0x300
Field Bits Access Function Default
EF_PTR [31:16] RO
Hard-wired pointer to the next block in the data
structure, if one exists. The value of this field is
determined by the Extended features pointer
parameter in the RapidIO II parameter editor.
EF_ID [15:0] RO Hard-wired extended features ID. 16'h0007 Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect
Table 155. Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR — Offset: 0x308
Field Bits Access Function Default
Received a response of ERROR for an I/O
Logical Layer Request. Set when the RapidIO
II IP core detects this situation or when the
io_error_response_set input signal
changes value from 0 to 1.
Received a response of ERROR for a MSG
Logical Layer Request. Set when the RapidIO
II IP core detects this situation or when the
message_error_response_set input
signal changes value from 0 to 1.
41 This error is registered for endpoint devices only.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
Received a response of ERROR for a GSM
Logical Layer Request. Set when the RapidIO
II IP core detects this situation or when the
gsm_error_response_set input signal
changes value from 0 to 1.
Received MESSAGE packet data payload with
an invalid size or segment. Set when the
RapidIO II IP core detects this situation or
when the
input signal changes value from 0 to 1.
Received illegal fields in the request/response
packet for a supported transaction. Set when
the RapidIO II IP core detects this situation or
when the
illegal_transaction_decode_set input
signal changes value from 0 to 1.
Received a packet that contained a
destination ID that is not defined for this end
point. Set when the RapidIO II IP core
detects this situation or when the
t input signal changes value from 0 to 1. An
endpoint with multiple ports and a built-in
switch function might not report this situation
as an error.
A required message request has not been
received within the specified time-out
interval. Set when the
message_request_timeout_set input
signal changes value from 0 to 1.
A required response has not been received
within the specified time-out interval. Set
when the RapidIO II IP core detects this
situation or when the
input signal changes value from 0 to 1.
Received an unsolicited or unexpected
response packet (I/O, message, or GSM
logical for endpoints; Maintenance for
switches). Set when the RapidIO II IP core
detects this situation or when the
unsolicited_response_set input signal
changes value from 0 to 1.
Received a transaction that is not supported
in the Destination Operations CAR. Set when
the RapidIO II IP core detects this situation or
when the unsupported_transaction_set
input signal changes value from 0 to 1.
CNTXT 41 [21] RO
Received a continuation or end data
streaming segment for a closed or non-
existent segmentation context. Set when the
input signal changes value from 0 to 1.
RM_ CNTXT 41 [20] RO
Received an initial or single data streaming
segment for an already-open segmentation
context. Set when the
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
t_set input signal changes value from 0 to
NT 41 [19] RO
Received a data streaming segment with a
payload size greater than the MTU. Set when
the long_data_streaming_segment_set
input signal changes value from 0 to 1.
NT 41 [18] RO
Received a non-final data streaming segment
with a payload size less than the MTU. Set
when the
input signal changes value from 0 to 1.
The length of a reassembled PDU differs from
the PDU length specified in the end data
streaming segment packet header. Set when
input signal changes value from 0 to 1.
RSRV [16:8] RO Reserved. 9’h0
Specific error [7:0] RO This feature is not supported. 8’h00
Note: To clear bits in the Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR, write the
value of 32’h0000 to the register. You cannot clear the bits individually. Logical/Transport Layer Error Enable
Table 156. Logical/Transport Layer Error Enable CSR — Offset: 0x30C
Field Bits Acces
sFunction Default
EN [31] RW
Enable reporting of the relevant I/O error response. Save and lock
original request transaction information in all Logical/Transport Layer
Capture CSRs. User logic must provide the correct capture information
on the appropriate input signals when assserting the
io_error_response_set input port.
Enable reporting of the relevant I/O error response. Save and lock
original request transaction information in all Logical/Transport Layer
Capture CSRs. User logic must provide the correct capture information
on the appropriate input signals when assserting the
message_error_response_set input port.
Enable reporting of the relevant I/O error response. Save and lock
original request transaction information in all Logical/Transport Layer
Capture CSRs. User logic must provide the correct capture information
on the appropriate input signals when assserting the
gsm_error_response_set input port.
ROR_EN [28] RW
Enable reporting of the relevant error. Save and lock received
transaction capture information in Logical/Transport Layer Device ID
and Control Capture CSRs. User logic must provide the correct capture
information on the appropriate input signals when assserting the
message_format_error_response_set input port.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Acces
sFunction Default
DE_EN [27] RW
Enable reporting of the relevant error. Save and lock received
transaction capture information in Logical/Transport Layer Device ID
and Control Capture CSRs. User logic must provide the correct capture
information on the appropriate input signals when assserting the
illegal_transaction_decode_set input port.
ET_EN [26] RW
Enable reporting of the relevant error. Save and lock received
transaction capture information in Logical/Transport Layer Device ID
and Control Capture CSRs. User logic must provide the correct capture
information on the appropriate input signals when assserting the
illegal_transaction_target_error_set input port.
UT_EN [25] RW
Enable reporting of a Message Request time-out error. Save and lock
original request transaction information in Logical/Transport Layer
Device ID and Control Capture CSRs for the last Message request
segment packet received. User logic must provide the correct capture
information on the appropriate input signals when assserting the
message_request_timeout_set input port.
UT_EN [24] RW
Enable reporting of a packet response time-out error. Save and lock
original request address in Logical/Transport Layer Address Capture
CSRs. Save and lock original request destination ID in Logical/Transport
Layer Device ID Capture CSR. User logic must provide the correct
capture information on the appropriate input signals when assserting
the slave_packet_response_timeout_set input port.
_EN [23] RW
Enable reporting of an unsolicited response error (I/O, message, or
GSM logical for endpoints; Maintenance for switches). Save and lock
transaction capture information in Logical/Transport Layer Device ID
and Control Capture CSRs. User logic must provide the correct capture
information on the appropriate input signals when assserting the
unsolicited_response_set input port.
N_EN [22] RW
Enable reporting of an unsupported transaction error. Save and lock
transaction capture information in Logical/Transport Layer Device ID
and Control Capture CSRs. User logic must provide the correct capture
information on the appropriate input signals when assserting the
unsupported_transaction_set input port.
Enable reporting of a continuation or end data streaming segment for a
closed or non-existent segmentation context. Save and lock capture
information in the appropriate Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture
CSRs. User logic must provide the correct capture information on the
appropriate input signals when assserting the
missing_data_streaming_context_set input port.
Enable reporting of an initial or single data streaming segment for an
already-open segmentation context. Save and lock capture information
in the appropriate Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture CSRs. User
logic must provide the correct capture information on the appropriate
input signals when assserting the
open_existing_data_streaming_context_set input port.
Enable reporting of a data streaming segment with a payload size
greater than the MTU. Save and lock capture information in the
appropriate Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture CSRs. User logic
must provide the correct capture information on the appropriate input
signals when assserting the long_data_streaming_segment_set
input port.
Enable reporting of a non-final data streaming segment with a payload
size less than the MTU. Save and lock capture information in the
appropriate Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture CSRs. User logic
must provide the correct capture information on the appropriate input
signals when assserting the short_data_streaming_segment_set
input port.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Acces
sFunction Default
R_EN [17] RW
Enable reporting of a reassembled PDU that differs from the PDU length
specified in the end data streaming segment packet header. Save and
lock capture information in the appropriate Logical/Transport Layer
Control Capture CSRs. User logic must provide the correct capture
information on the appropriate input signals when assserting the
data_streaming_pdu_length_error_set input port.
RSRV [16:8] RO Reserved. 9’h0
n Specific
error [7:0] RO This feature is not supported. 8’h00 Logical/Transport Layer Address Capture
Table 157. Logical/Transport Layer Address Capture CSR — Offset: 0x314
Field Bits Access Function Default
Least significant 29 bits of the RapidIO address
associated with the error (for requests, for responses
if available). In the case of a Maintenance response
with Error status, the IP core sets this field to the 21-
bit config_offset value from the original request.
RSRV [2] RO Reserved. 1'b0
XAMSBS [1:0] RW Extended address bits of the address associated with
the error (for requests, for responses if available). 2'b00 Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture
Table 158. Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture CSR — Offset: 0x318
Field Bits Access Function Default
[31:24] RO
MSB of the Destination ID if the system supports 16-bit
device ID.
Reserved if the system does not support 16-bit device ID.
_ID [23:16] RO The destination ID associated with the error. 8'h00
E_ID (MSB) [15:8] RO
MSB of the Source ID if the system supports 16-bit
device ID.
Reserved if the system does not support 16-bit device ID.
SOURCE_ID [7:0] RO The source ID associated with the error. 8'h00
Note: For errors the RapidIO II IP core does not detect internally, set this field using the
external_capture_destinationID_wr and
external_capture_destinationID_in input signals.For errors the RapidIO II IP
core does not detect internally, set this field using the
external_capture_sourceID_wr and external_capture_sourceID_in input
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
192 Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture
Table 159. Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture CSR — Offset: 0x31C
Field Bits Access Function Default
FTYPE 42 [31:28] RO Format type associated with the error. 4'h0
TTYPE 43 [27:24] RO Transaction type associated with the error. 4'h0
MSG_INFO 44 [23:16] RO Letter, mbox, and msgseg for the last message request
received for the mailbox that had an error. 8'h00
Specific [15:0] RO Reserved for this implementation. 16'h0000 Port-Write Target Device ID
Table 160. Port-Write Target Device ID CSR — Offset: 0x328
Field Bits Access Function Default
B[31:24] RW/RO
MSB of the Maintenance port-write target device ID to
report errors to a system host, if the system supports
16-bit device ID.
Reserved if the system does not support 16-bit device
deviceID [23:16] RW Port-write target device ID. 8'h00
PORT [15] RW
Specifies the correct device ID size for a Maintenance
port-write transaction to report errors to a system
1’b0: Use the small transport device ID.
1’b1: Use the large transport device ID.
RSRV [14:0] RO Reserved. 15'h0 Packet Time-to-Live
Table 161. Packet Time-to-Live CSR — Offset: 0x32C
Field Bits Access Function Default
E[31:16] RW
Maximum time duration that a packet is allowed to
remain in a switch device, where the value of 0xFFFF
indicates 100 ms ±34%. The RapidIO II IP core does
not use the contents of this field. The field value is
available on the time_to_live output signal.
RSRV [15:0] RO Reserved. 16'h0000
42 For errors the RapidIO II IP core does not detect internally, set this field using the
capture_ftype_wr and capture_ftype_in input signals.
43 For errors the RapidIO II IP core does not detect internally, set this field using the
capture_ttype_wr and capture_ttype_in input signals.
44 For errors the RapidIO II IP core does not detect internally, set this field using the letter_wr,
mbox_wr, msgseg_wr, and xmbox_wr, and letter_in, mbox_in, msgseg_in, and xmbox_in
input signals.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
193 Port 0 Error Detect
Table 162. Port 0 Error Detect CSR — Offset: 0x340
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31] RO Reserved for this implementation. 1'b0
RSRV [30:24] RO Reserved. 7'h0
RSRV [23] RO Reserved for this implementation. The RapidIO II IP core does not
support the Parallel RapidIO protocol. 1'b0
[22] RW Received a control symbol with a bad CRC value. 1'b0
ACK control
symbol with
[21] RW Received a packet-accepted or packet-retry control symbol
with an unexpected ackID. 1'b0
[20] RW Received a packet-not-accepted control symbol. 1'b0
packet with
[19] RW Received a packet with an unexpected ackID value — an out-of-
sequence ackID. 1'b0
packet with
bad CRC [18] RW Received a packet with a bad CRC value. 1'b0
max size
[17] RW
Received a packet that exceeds the maximum allowed size. For
MAINTENANCE packets, the maximum allowed size is 78 bytes. For
non-Maintenance packets, the maximum allowed size is 276 bytes.
illegal or
[16] RW
Received an 8B10B code group that is invalid (has no decode with the
current running disparity) or illegal (valid code group not allowed by
the RapidIO protocol), When this bit is set, bit [2], Delineation
error, is also set.
in IDLE1
[15] RW Reserved for this implementation, The RapidIO II IP core does not
support the IDLE1 sequence. 1'b0
Loss of
[14] RW Loss of receiver descrambler synchronization while receiving
scrambled control symbol and packet data. 1'b0
RSRV [13:6] RO Reserved. 7'h0
ackID [5] RW Received a link-response control symbol with an ackID that is not
outstanding. Only triggers if at least one ackID is outstanding. 1'b0
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
error [4] RW Received an unexpected control symbol. 1'b0
RSRV [3] RO Reserved for this implementation. 1'b0
error [2] RW
Received an 8B10B code group that is invalid (has no decode with the
current running disparity), or illegal (valid code group not allowed by
the RapidIO protocol), or is in a disallowed position in the received
code-group stream. In the first two cases, bit [16] is also set to the
value of 1.
ACK control
symbol [1] RW Received an unexpected packet acknowledgement control symbol. 1'b0
timeout [0] RW
Did not receive expected packet acknowledgement or link-response
control symbol within the time-out interval specified in the VALUE
field of the Port Link Time-Out Control CSR or the Port Response
Time-Out Control CSR.
1'b0 Port 0 Error Rate Enable
Table 163. Port 0 Error Rate Enable CSR — Offset: 0x344
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31] RO Reserved for this implementation. 1'b0
RSRV [30:24] RO Reserved. 7'h0
RSRV [23] RO Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
[22] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
ACK control
symbol with
[21] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
[20] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
packet with
[19] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
packet with
bad CRC
[18] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
max size
[17] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
illegal or
[16] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
in IDLE1
[15] RW Reserved for this implementation, The RapidIO II IP core does not
support the IDLE1 sequence. 1'b0
Loss of
tion enable
[14] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
RSRV [13:6] RO Reserved. 7'h0
[5] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
enable [4] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
RSRV [3] RO Reserved for this implementation. 1'b0
enable [2] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
ACK control
[1] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0
enable [0] RW Enable error rate counting of corresponding error. 1'b0 Port 0 Attributes Capture
Table 164. Port 0 Attributes Capture CSR — Offset: 0x348
Field Bits Access Function Default
INFO_TYPE [31:29] RO
Indicates the type of information logged. The RapidIO
II IP core supports only the following valid values for
this field:
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
3’b000: Packet.
3’b011: Long control symbol.
3’b100: Implementation specific.
The encoded value of the bit in the Port 0 Error
Detect CSR that describes the error captured in the
Port 0 Packet/Control Symbol Capture 0–3
CSRs. The encoding is 31 minus the binary number
that represents the bit position in the CSRs.
ENT [23:8] RO
The RapidIO II IP core uses this field as recommended
in the RapidIO v2.2 specification.
If the value of the INFO_TYPE field is 3’b000,
indicating a packet, this field captures the control bits
of the first 16 packet characters.
If the value of the INFO_TYPE field is 3’b011,
indicating a long control symbol, bits [23:16] of this
field capture the eight control bits of the delimited
long control symbol.
If the value of the INFO_TYPE field is 3’b100,
indicating implementation-specific information, this
field is undefined.
RSRV [7:1] RO Reserved. 7'h0
Indicates that the Port 0 Packet/Control
Symbol Capture 0–3 CSRs, and the other bits in
the Port 0 Attributes Capture CSR contain
valid information and are locked. To reset this bit and
unlock the other fields in this register, you must write
the value of 1’b0 to the CAPTURE_VALID_INFO bit.
If INFO_TYPE is 3’b011, Long control symbol, only
the Port 0 Packet/Control Symbol Capture 0
CSR has valid information when these registers are
locked. If INFO_TYPE is 3’b100, Implementation
specific, none of these registers has valid information
when they are locked. However, the
CAPTURE_VALID_INFO bit is asserted when the
registers are locked.
1'b0 Port 0 Packet/Control Symbol Capture 0
Table 165. Port 0 Packet/Control Symbol Capture 0 CSR — Offset: 0x34C
Field Bits Access Function Default
CAPTURE_0 [31:0] RO
Contains the first four bytes of the packet or long
control symbol, based on the INFO_TYPE field of the
Port 0 Attributes Capture CSR.
32'h0 Port 0 Packet Capture 1
Table 166. Port 0 Packet Capture 1 CSR — Offset: 0x350
Field Bits Access Function Default
CAPTURE_1 [31:0] RO
Contains the fifth through eighth bytes of the packet
or long control symbol, based on the INFO_TYPE field
of the Port 0 Attributes Capture CSR.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
197 Port 0 Packet Capture 2
Table 167. Port 0 Packet Capture 2 CSR—Offset: 0x354
Field Bits Access Function Default
CAPTURE_2 [31:0] RO
Contains the ninth through twelfth bytes of the
packet, if the INFO_TYPE field of the Port 0
Attributes Capture CSR has the value of 3’b000
32'h0 Port 0 Packet Capture 3
Table 168. Port 0 Packet Capture 3 CSR — Offset: 0x358
Field Bits Access Function Default
CAPTURE_3 [31:0] RO
Contains the thirteenth through sixteenth bytes of the
packet if the INFO_TYPE field of the Port 0
Attributes Capture CSR has the value of 3’b000
32'h0 Port 0 Error Rate
Table 169. Port 0 Error Rate CSR — Offset: 0x368
Field Bits Access Function Default
AS [31:24] RW
Specifies the rate at which the ERR_RATE_COUNTER
field is decremented. This field supports the following
valid values:
8’h00: Do not decrement the error rate counter.
8’h01: Decrement every 1 ms (±34%).
8’h02: Decrement every 10 ms (±34%).
8’h04: Decrement every 100 ms (±34%).
8’h08: Decrement every 1 s (±34%).
8’h10: Decrement every 10 s (±34%).
8’h20: Decrement every 100 s (±34%).
8’h40: Decrement every 1000 s (±34%).
8’h80: Decrement every 10,000 s (±34%).
All other values are reserved.
RSRV [23:18] RO Reserved. 6'h0
COVERY [17:16] RW
Specifies the additional incrementing of the
ERR_RATE_COUNTER that is allowed beyond the
current value of the Error rate failed threshold trigger
(ERR_RATE_FAILED_THRESHOLD field of the Port 0
Error Rate Threshold CSR. This field supports the
following values
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
:2’b00: Can increment 2 errors about the specified
2’b01: Can increment 4 errors above the specified
2’b10: Can increment 16 errors above the
specified threshold.
2’b11: Do not limit incrementing the error rate
TE [15:8] RW
The highest value attained by the
ERR_RATE_COUNTER field since the
ERR_RATE_COUNTER field was last reset.
UNTER [7:0] RW
Lower bound on the number of Physical layer errors
that have been detected by the IP core, counting the
errors enabled by the Port 0 Error Rate Enable
CSR, saturated according to the
ERR_RATE_RECOVERY mechanism, and decremented
by the ERR_RATE_BIAS mechanism. This counter
increments once for every clock cycle in which at least
one Physical layer error is detected by the IP core.
However, if the IP core detects an error in a control
symbol, this field might increment twice. This field
provides an indication of the Physical layer error rate.
8'h00 Port 0 Error Rate Threshold
Table 170. Port 0 Error Rate Threshold CSR — Offset: 0x36C
Field Bits Access Function Default
OLD [31:24] RW
Threshold value for reporting to the system host an
error condition due to a possibly broken link. The
value of 0 indicates the threshold is disabled.
D[23:16] RW
Threshold value for reporting to the system host an
error condition due to a degrading link. The value of 0
indicates the threshold is disabled.
RSRV [15:0] RO Reserved. 16'h00
6.3.7 Doorbell Message Registers
The RapidIO IP core has registers accessible by the Avalon-MM slave port in the
Doorbell module. Doorbell Module Registers Memory Map
Table 171. Doorbell Module Registers Memory Map
Address Register
0x10600 Rx Doorbell
0x10604 Rx Doorbell Status
0x10608 Tx Doorbell Control
0x1060C Tx Doorbell
0x10610 Tx Doorbell Status
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Address Register
0x10614 Tx Doorbell Completion
0x10618 Tx Doorbell Completion Status
0x1061C Tx Doorbell Status Control
0x10620 Doorbell Interrupt Enable
0x10624 Doorbell Interrupt Status Rx Doorbell
Table 172. Rx Doorbell — Offset: 0x10600
Field Bits Access Function Default
E_ID (MSB) [31:24] RO
MSB of the DOORBELL message initiator device ID if
the system 8'b0 supports 16-bit device ID.
Reserved if the system does not support 16-bit device
SOURCE_ID [23:16] RO Device ID of the DOORBELL message initiator. 8'h00
(MSB) [15:8] RO Received DOORBELL message information field, MSB. 8'h00
(LSB) [7:0] RO Received DOORBELL message information field, LSB. 8'h00
Table 173. Rx Doorbell Status — Offset: 0x10604
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:8] RO Reserved. 24'h0
Shows the number of available DOORBELL messages
in the Rx FIFO. A maximum of 16 received messages
is supported.
8'h00 Tx Doorbell
Table 174. Tx Doorbell Control — Offset: 0x10608
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:2] RO Reserved. 30'h0
Request Packet’s priority. 2’b11 is not a valid value for
the priority field. An attempt to write 2’b11 to this
field will be overwritten as 2’b10.
Table 175. Tx Doorbell — Offset: 0x1060C
Field Bits Access Function Default
[31:24] RW/RO MSB of the targeted RapidIO processing element
device ID if the system supports 16-bit device ID. 8'h00
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
Reserved if the system does not support 16-bit device
_ID [23:16] RW Device ID of the targeted RapidIO processing
element. 8'h00
(MSB) [15:8] RW MSB information field of the outbound DOORBELL
message. 8'h00
(LSB) [7:0] RW LSB information field of the outbound DOORBELL
message. 8'h00
Table 176. Tx Doorbell Status — Offset: 0x10610
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:24] RO Reserved. 8'h00
PENDING [23:16] RO
Number of DOORBELL messages that have been
transmitted, but for which a response has not been
received. There can be a maximum of 16 pending
DOORBELL messages.
EL [15:8] RO
The number of DOORBELL messages in the staging
FIFO plus the number of DOORBELL messages in the
Tx FIFO. The maximum value is 16.
LEVEL [7:0] RO
The number of available completed Tx DOORBELL
messages in the Tx Completion FIFO. The FIFO can
store a maximum of 16.
Table 177. Tx Doorbell Completion — Offset: 0x10614
The completed Tx DOORBELL message comes directly from the Tx Doorbell Completion FIFO.
Field Bits Access Function Default
[31:24] RO
MSB of the targeted RapidIO processing element
device ID if the system supports 16-bit device ID.
Reserved if the system does not support 16-bit device
_ID [23:16] RO Device ID of the targeted RapidIO processing
element. 8'h00
(MSB) [15:8] RO
MSB information field of the outbound DOORBELL
message that has been confirmed as successful or
(LSB) [7:0] RO
LSB information field of the outbound DOORBELL
message that has been confirmed as successful or
Table 178. Tx Doorbell Completion Status — Offset: 0x10618
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:2] RO Reserved. 30'h0
This error code corresponds to the most recently read
message from the Tx Doorbell Completion
register. After software reads the Tx Doorbell
Completion register, a read to this register should
follow to determine the status of the message.
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Field Bits Access Function Default
2'b00 — Response DONE status
2'b01 — Response with ERROR status
2'b10 — Time-out error
Table 179. Tx Doorbell Status Control — Offset: 0x1061C
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:2] RO Reserved. 30'h0
If set, outbound DOORBELL messages that received a
response with ERROR status, or were timed out, are
stored in the Tx Completion FIFO. Otherwise, no error
reporting occurs.
If set, responses to successful outbound DOORBELL
messages are stored in the Tx Completion FIFO.
Otherwise, these responses are discarded.
1'b0 Doorbell Interrupt
Table 180. Doorbell Interrupt Enable — Offset: 0x10620
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:3] RO Reserved 29'h0
FLOW [2] RW Tx Doorbell Completion Buffer Overflow Interrupt
Enable 1'b0
TX_CPL [1] RW Tx Doorbell Completion Interrupt Enable 1'b0
RX [0] RW Doorbell Received Interrupt Enable 1'b0
Table 181. Doorbell Interrupt Status — Offset: 0x10624
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:3] RO Reserved. 29'h0
Interrupt asserted due to Tx Completion buffer
overflow. This bit remains set until at least one entry
is read from the Tx Completion FIFO. After reading at
least one entry, software should clear this bit. It is not
necessary to read all of the Tx Completion FIFO
TX_CPL [1] RW1C Interrupt asserted due to Tx completion status 1'b0
RX [0] RW1C Interrupt asserted due to received messages 1'b0
6 Software Interface
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
7 Testbench
The RapidIO II IP core includes a demonstration testbench for your use. The testbench
demonstrates how to instantiate the IP core in a design and includes some simple
stimulus to control the user interfaces of the RapidIO II IP core.The purpose of the
supplied testbench is to provide an example of how to parameterize the IP core and
how to use the Avalon Memory-Mapped (Avalon-MM) and Avalon Streaming (Avalon-
ST) interfaces to generate and process RapidIO transactions.
The testbench demonstrates the following functions:
Port initialization process.
Transmission, reception, and acknowledgment of packets with 8 to 256 bytes of
data payload.
Support for 8-bit or 16-bit device ID fields.
Reading from the software interface registers.
Transmission and reception of multicast-event control symbols.
The testbench also demonstrates how to connect your RapidIO II IP core variation to
the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller IP core. The RapidIO II IP core provides only a
Verilog testbench. If you generate a VHDL IP core variation, you must use a mixed-
language simulator or create your own testbench.
7.1 Testbench Overview
The testbench generates and monitors transactions on the Avalon-MM interfaces and
Avalon-ST interface. MAINTENANCE, Input/Output, or DOORBELL transactions are
generated if you select the corresponding modules during parameterization of the IP
The testbench instantiates two symmetrical RapidIO II IP core variations, each
associated with the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller IP core. One instance is the
Device Under Test (DUT), named rio_inst. The other instance acts as a RapidIO link
partner for the RapidIO DUT module and is referred to as the sister_rio module. The
two instances are interconnected through their high-speed serial interfaces. In the
testbench, each IP core’s td output is connected to the other IP core’s rd input.
The sister_rio module, named sis_rio_inst, responds to transactions initiated by
the DUT and generates transactions to which the DUT responds. Bus functional models
(BFM) are connected to the Avalon-MM and Avalon-ST interfaces of both the DUT and
sister_rio modules, to generate transactions to which the link partner responds when
appropriate, and to monitor the responses. All of the available Avalon-MM interfaces
are enabled in the block diagram of the testbench. The two IP cores communicate with
each other using the RapidIO interface. The testbench initiates the following
transactions at the DUT and targets them to the sister_rio module:
7 Testbench
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DOORBELL messages
MAINTENANCE writes and reads
MAINTENANCE port writes and read
Note: Your specific variation may not have all of the interfaces enabled. If an interface is not
enabled, the transactions supported by that interface are not exercised by the
In addition, the RapidIO II IP core modules implement the following features:
Multicast-event control symbol transmission and reception. The RapidIO II IP core
under test generates and transmits multicast-event control symbols in response to
transitions on its send_multicast_event input signal. The sister module checks
that these control symbols arrive as expected.
Disabled destination ID checking, or not, selected at configuration.
Indication of NWRITE_R transactions that do not complete before the end of the
test sequence.
Figure 39. RapidIO II IP Core Testbench
Slave drbl_master_bfm
Avalon-MM Avalon-MM
Avalon-ST Avalon-ST
7 Testbench
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The testbench generates and checks activity across the Avalon-MM interfaces by
running tasks that are defined in the BFMs. The file tb_rio.v implements the code that
performs the test transactions. The code performs a reset and initialization sequence
necessary for the DUT and sister_rio IP cores to establish a link and exchange
7.2 Testbench Sequence
The RapidIO II IP core testbench resets the DUT and the sister_rio module and
initiates a sequence of transactions on each Avalon-MM and Avalon-ST interface that is
relevant to this RapidIO II IP core variation.
7.2.1 Reset, Initialization, and Configuration
The clocks that drive the testbench are defined and generated in the tb_rio.sv file. The
frequencies used for each of the clocks depend on the configuration of the variation.
The reset sequence is simple — the main reset signal for the DUT and the sister_rio IP
core, rst_n, is driven low at the beginning of the simulation, is kept low for 200 ns,
and is then deasserted. The testbench also includes two Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP cores, connected to the DUT and sister IP core. While rst_n is asserted,
the reset input signal to the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller IP core is also
After rst_n is deasserted, the testbench waits until both the DUT and the sister_rio
modules have driven their port_initialized output signals high. These signal
transitions indicate that both IP cores have completed their initialization sequence.
The testbench then waits an additional 5000 ns, to allow time for a potential reset
link-request control symbol exchange between the DUT and the sister_rio module. The
testbench again waits until both the DUT and the sister_rio modules have driven their
port_initialized output signals high. Following the 5000 ns wait, the testbench
checks that the port initialization process completed successfully by reading the
Error and Status CSR to confirm the expected values of the PORT_OK and
PORT_UNINIT register bits. These register fields indicate that the link is established
and the Physical layer is ready to exchange traffic.
Next, basic programming of the internal registers is performed in the DUT and the
sister_rio module.
Table 182. Testbench Registers
Module Register
Address Register Name Description Value
rio 0x00060 Base Device
ID CSR Program the DUT to have an 8-bit base device ID of
0xAB or a 16-bit device ID of 0xABAB.
32'h00AB_FFFF or
rio 0x0013C General
Control CSR Enable Request packet generation by the DUT. 32'h6000_0000
sister_rio 0x00060 Base Device
ID CSR Program the sister_rio module to have an 8-bit base
device ID of 0xCD or a 16-bit device ID of 0xCDCD.
32'h00CD_FFFF or
sister_rio 0x0013C General
Control CSR Enable Request packet generation by the sister_rio
module. 32'h6000_0000
7 Testbench
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Module Register
Address Register Name Description Value
rio 0x1040C
Slave Window
0 Control
Set the DESTINATION_ID for outgoing transactions
to a value 0xCD or 0xCDCD. The width of the
DESTINATION_ID field depends on the sister_rio
device ID width. This value matches the base device
ID of the sister_rio module.
32'h00CD_0000 or
rio 0x10404
Slave Window
0 Mask
Define the Input/Output Avalon-MM Slave
Window 0 to cover the whole address space (mask
set to all zeros) and enable it.
rio 0x10504
Enable the I/O slave interrupts. 32'h0000_000F
sister_rio 0x10304
Window 0
Enable the sister_rio I/O Master Window 0,
which allows the sister_rio to receive I/O
rio 0x1010C
Window 0
Set the DESTINATION_ID for outgoing
MAINTENANCE packets to 0xCD or 0xCDCD,
depending on the sister_rio device ID width. This
value matches the base device ID of the sister_rio
module. Set the hop count to 0xFF.
32'h00CD_FF00 or
rio 0x10104
Window 0
Enable the TX Maintenance window 0. 32'h0000_0004
Read and write tasks that are defined in the BFM instance sys_mnt_master_bfm
program the DUT’s registers. Read and write tasks defined in the BFM instance
sister_sys_mnt_master_bfm program the sister_rio module’s registers. For the exact
parameters passed to these tasks, refer to the file tb_rio.v. The tasks drive read and
write transactions across the Register Access Avalon-MM slave interface.
7.2.2 Maintenance Write and Read Transactions
If the Maintenance module is present, the testbench sends a few MAINTENANCE read
and write request packets from the DUT to the sister_rio module. Transactions are
initiated by Avalon-MM transactions on the DUT's Maintenance Avalon-MM slave
interface, and are checked on the sister_rio’s Maintenance Avalon-MM master
The first set of tests performed are MAINTENANCE write and read requests. The DUT
sends two MAINTENANCE write requests to the sister_rio module. The testbench
performs the writes by running the mnt_test_rw_trans task with the following
parameter values:
‘WRITE — transaction type to be executed
mnt_address — address to be driven on the Avalon-MM address bus
mnt_wr_data — write data to be driven on the Avalon-MM write data bus
The task performs the write transaction across the Maintenance Write Avalon-MM
slave interface.
7 Testbench
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The DUT then sends two MAINTENANCE read requests to the sister_rio module. The
testbench performs the writes by running the mnt_test_rw_trans task with the
following parameter values:
‘READ — transaction type to be executed
mnt_address — address to be driven on the Avalon-MM address bus
mnt_rd_data — parameter that stores the data read across the Avalon-MM read
data bus
The mnt_test_rw_trans task performs the read transaction across the Maintenance
Read Avalon-MM slave interface.
The write transaction the testbench sends across the Avalon-MM interface is translated
by the DUT to a RapidIO MAINTENANCE write request packet. Similarly, the read
transaction across the Avalon-MM interface is translated to a RapidIO MAINTENANCE
read request packet.
The MAINTENANCE write and read request packets are received by the sister_rio
module and translated to Avalon-MM transactions that are presented across the
sister_rio module’s Maintenance master Avalon-MM interface. In the testbench, the
write and read transactions are checked and data is returned for the read operation.
The read data is checked after it is received by the DUT.
7.2.3 SWRITE Transactions
The next set of operations performed are Streaming Writes (SWRITE). To perform
SWRITE operations, one register in the IP core must be reconfigured as shown below:
Table 183. SWRITE Register
Module Register
Address Register Name Description Value
rio 0x1040C
Window 0
Sets the DESTINATION_ID for outgoing
transactions to the value 0xCD or 0xCDCD,
depending on the device ID width of the sister_rio.
This value matches the base device ID of the
sister_rio module. Enables SWRITE operations.
32'h00CD_0002 or
With these settings, any write operation presented across the Input/Output Avalon-MM
slave interface on the rio module is translated to a RapidIO Streaming Write
Note: The Avalon-MM write address must map into Input/Output Slave Window 0.
However, in this example the window is set to cover the entire Avalon-MM address
space by setting the mask to all zeros.
The testbench generates a predetermined series of burst writes across the Avalon-MM
slave I/O interface on the DUT. These write bursts are each converted to an SWRITE
request packet sent on the RapidIO serial interface. As, the Streaming Writes only
support bursts that are multiples of a double word (multiple of 8 bytes), the testbench
cycles from 8 to MAX_WRITTEN_BYTES in steps of 8 bytes. The
ios_128_rd_wr_master_bfm read_write_cmd task generates and checks the
streaming write transaction.
7 Testbench
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
At the sister_rio module, the SWRITE request packets are received and translated into
Avalon-MM transactions that are presented across the Input/Output master Avalon-MM
interface. The testbench calls the task read_write_data of the
sister_iom128_rd_wr_slave_bfm to capture the written data. The written data is then
checked against the expected value by running an expect_1 task. After completing the
SWRITE tests, the testbench performs NREAD operations.
7.2.4 NREAD Transactions
The next set of transactions tested are NREADs. The DUT sends a group of NREAD
transactions to the sister_rio module by cycling the read burst size from four to five in
increments of 16 bytes. For each iteration, the ios_128_rd_wr_master_bfm
read_write_cmd and read_data tasks are called. The task performs the read
request packets across the I/O Avalon-MM Slave Read interface. The read transaction
across the Avalon-MM interface is translated into a RapidIO NREAD request packets.
The NREAD request packets are received by the DUT and are translated into Avalon-
MM read transactions that are presented across the sister_rio module‘s I/O master
Avalon-MM interface. The sister_iom128_rd_wr_slave_bfm module checks the read
operations and returns data by calling the sister_iom128_rd_wr_slave_bfm
write_read_data task. This task drives the data and read datavalid control
signals on the Avalon-MM master read port of the sister_rio module.
The returned data is expected at the DUT’s I/O Avalon-MM slave interface. The
ios_128_rd_wr_master_bfm read_data task captures the read data. The read data
and the expected value are then compared to ensure that they are equal.
7.2.5 NWRITE_R Transactions
To perform NWRITE_R operations, one register in the IP core must be reconfigured as
shown below:
Table 184. NWRITE_R Transactions
Module Register
Address Register Name Description Value
rio 0x1040C
Window 0
Sets the DESTINATION_ID for outgoing
transactions to the value 0x55 or 0x5555,
depending on the device ID width of the sister_rio.
This value matches the base device ID of the
sister_rio module. Enables NWRITE_R operations.
32'h00CD_0001 or
With these settings, any write operation presented across the Input/Output Avalon-MM
slave module's Avalon-MM write interface is translated to a RapidIO NWRITE_R
transaction. The Avalon-MM write address must map to the range specified for the I/O
Slave window 0.
To initialize testing of the new NWRITE_R completion indication feature, the test first
checks that the PENDING_NWRITE_RS field of the Input/Output Slave Pending
NWRITE_R Transactions register has value 0, before setting the Input/Output
Slave Mapping Window 0 Control register and starting the sequence of
NWRITE_R transactions.
7 Testbench
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
The testbench generates a predetermined series of burst writes across the Input/
Output Avalon-MM slave module's Avalon-MM write interface on the DUT. These write
bursts are each converted into NWRITE_R request packets sent over the RapidIO
Serial interface. The testbench cycles from 16 to 256 in steps of 8 bytes. Two tasks
are invoked to carry out the burst writes, rw_addr_data and rw_data. The
rw_addr_data task initiates the burst and the rw_data task completes the burst.
At the sister_rio module, the NWRITE_R request packets are received and presented
across the I/O master Avalon-MM interface as write transactions. The testbench calls
the sister_iom128_rd_wr_slave_bfm read_write_data task to capture the written
data. The written data is checked against the expected value.
7.2.6 NWRITE Transactions
To perform NWRITE operations, one register in the IP core must be reconfigured as
shown below:
Table 185. NWRITE_R Transactions
Module Register
Address Register Name Description Value
rio 0x1040C
Window 0
Sets the DESTINATION_ID for outgoing
transactions to the value 0xCD or 0xCDCD,
depending on the device ID width of the sister_rio.
This value matches the base device ID of the
sister_rio. Sets the write request type back to
32'h00CD_0000 or
With these settings, any write operation presented across the Input/Output Avalon-MM
slave interface is translated into a RapidIO NWRITE transaction.
The testbench generates a predetermined series of burst writes across the Input/
Output Avalon-MM slave module's Avalon-MM write interface on the DUT. These write
bursts are each converted into an NWRITE request packet that is sent over the
RapidIO serial interface. The testbench cycles from two to 128 in steps of 8 bytes. Two
tasks are run to carry out the burst writes, rw_addr_data and rw_data. The
rw_addr_data task initiates the burst and the rw_data task completes the
remainder of the burst. The ios_128_rd_wr_master_bfm read_write_cmd task
generates the burst writes.
The sister_rio module receives the NWRITE request packets and presents them across
the I/O master Avalon-MM slave interface as write transactions. The testbench calls
the sister_iom128_rd_wr_slave_bfm read_write_data task to capture the written
data. The written data is checked against the expected value.
The testbench also generates NWRITE transactions with an invalid destination ID if the
DUT has both of these properties:
Includes an Avalon-ST pass-through interface
Has Disable destination ID checking by default turned off
In this case, the testbench validates that the DUT correctly routes these packets to the
Avalon-ST pass-through interface.
7 Testbench
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
7.2.7 Doorbell Transactions
To test DOORBELL messages, the doorbell interrupts must be enabled. To enable
interrupts, the testbench sets the lower three bits in the Doorbell Interrupt
Enable register located at address 0x0000_0020. The test also programs the DUT to
store all of the successful and unsuccessful DOORBELL messages in the Tx Completion
Next, the test pushes five DOORBELL messages to the transmit DOORBELL Message
FIFO of the DUT. The test increments the message payload for each transaction, which
occurs when the drbl_master_bfm read_write_cmd task is invoked with a ‘WRITE
operation to the TX doorbell register at offset 0x0000_000C. This action programs
the 16-bit message, an incrementing payload in this example, as well as the
DESTINATION_ID—0xCD for an 8-bit device ID or 0xCDCD for a 16-bit device ID—
which is used in the DOORBELL transaction packet.
To verify that the DOORBELL request packets have been sent, the test waits for the
drbell_s_irq signal to be asserted. The test then reads the Tx Doorbell
Completion register (refer to Table 6–89 on page 6–54). This register provides the
DOORBELL messages that have been added to the Tx Completion FIFO. Five
successfully completed DOORBELL messages should appear in that FIFO and each one
should be accessible by reading the Tx Doorbell Completion register five times in
succession. To perform this verification, the test invokes the read_data task defined
in the instance drbl_master_bfm.
The test waits for the DUT to assert the drbell_s_irq signal, which indicates that a
DOORBELL message has been received. The test then reads the five received
DOORBELL messages, by calling the read_write_cmd task with a ‘READ operation to
the Rx DOORBELL register at offset 0x0000_0000. The task is called five times, once
for each message, to return the received DOORBELL message.
7.2.8 Port-Write Transactions
To test port-writes, the test performs some basic configuration of the port-write
registers in the DUT and the sister_rio module. It then programs the DUT to transmit
port-write request packets to the sister_rio module. The port-writes are received by
the sister_rio module and retrieved by the test program.
The configuration enables the RX_PACKET_STORED interrupt in the sister_rio module.
If this interrupt is enabled, the sister_rio module asserts its mnt_mnt_s_irq signal
when the sister_rio module receives a Port-Write transaction and the payload can be
retrieved. To enable the interrupt, the testbench calls the sister_sys_mnt_master_bfm
read_write_cmd task.
A write operation is performed by the task with the address 0x10084 and data 0x10
passed as parameters. In addition, the sister_rio module must be enabled to receive
Port-Write transactions from the DUT. The task is called with the address 0x10250 and
data 0x1. After the configuration is complete, the test performs the following
7 Testbench
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Table 186. Port-Write Test
Operation Action
Places data into the TX_PORT_WRITE_BUFFER.Write incrementing payload to registers at addresses
0x10210 to 0x1024C.
Indicates to the DUT that Port-Write data is ready.
Write DESTINATION_ID = 0xCD or 0xCDCD, depending on
the device ID width setting, and PACKET_READY = 0x1 to
Waits for the sister_rio module to receive the port-write. Monitor the sister_rio module mnt_mnt_s_irq signal.
Verifies that the sister_rio module has the interrupt bit
PACKET_STORED set. Read register at address 0x10080.
Retrieves the Port-Write payload from the sister_rio module
and checks for data integrity. Read registers at addresses 0x10260–0x1029C.
Checks the sister_rio module Rx Port Write Status
register for correct payload size Read register at address 0x10254.
Clears the PACKET_STORED interrupt in the sister_rio
module Write 1'b1 to bit 4 of register at address 0x10080.
Waits for the next interrupt at the sister _rio module. Monitor the sister_rio module mnt_mnt_s_irq signal.
The testbench performs this test five times. All testbench port-write operations have a
payload of 32 bytes. Each operation is performed one of the sis_sys_mnt_master_bfm
or sys_mnt_master_bfm read_write_cmd or read_data tasks.
7.2.9 Transactions Across the AVST Pass-Through Interface
The demonstration testbench tests the Avalon-ST pass-through interface by
generating some transactions with invalid destinationID values. The DUT should route
these packets to the Avalon-ST pass-through interface. The testbench generates these
transactions only if the DUT has Disable destination ID checking by default
turned off.
7.3 Testbench Completion
The testbench concludes by checking that all of the packets have been received. If no
error is detected and all packets are received, the testbench issues a TESTBENCH
PASSED message stating that the simulation was successful.
If an error is detected, a TESTBENCH FAILED message is issued to indicate that the
testbench has failed. A TESTBENCH INCOMPLETE message is issued if the expected
number of checks is not made. For example, this message is issued if not all packets
are received before the testbench is terminated. The variable tb_rio.exp_chk_cnt
determines the number of checks done to ensure completeness of the testbench.
To generate a value change dump file called dump.vcd for all viewable signals,
uncomment the line //$dumpvars(0,tb_rio) in the tb_rio.sv file.
7.4 Transceiver Level Connections in the Testbench
The testbench for Arria 10 and Stratix 10 variations demonstrates one method to
connect the reset controller, the TX PLL, and the RapidIO II IP core to each other.
7 Testbench
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Figure 40. RapidIO II IP Core, TX PLL, and Reset Controller Connections in Arria 10
Reset Controller
(Native PHY)
(Native PHY)
RapidIO II IP Core
Figure 41. RapidIO II IP Core, TX PLL, and Reset Controller Connections in Stratix 10
Reset Controller
(Native PHY)
(Native PHY)
tx_analogreset, tx_analogreset_stat
tx_digitalreset, tx_digitalreset_stat
rx_analogreset, rx_analogreset_stat
rx_digitalreset, rx_digitalreset_stat
RapidIO II IP Core
Table 187. External Transceiver TX PLL Connections to RapidIO II IP Core
Signal Direction Connection Requirements
pll_powerdown Input
Connect pll_powerdown to the
pll_powerdown[0] output port of
the reset controller.
7 Testbench
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Signal Direction Connection Requirements
This signal is available in Arria V, Arria
V GZ, Cyclone V, and Stratix V
variations only.
pll_refclk0 Input
Drive the PLL pll_refclk0 input port
and the RapidIO II IP core
tx_pll_refclk signal from the same
clock source.
pll_locked Ouput
Connect pll_locked to the
pll_locked[n] input signal of the
reset controller, for each transceiver
channel n that connects to the RapidIO
pll_cal_busy Ouput Drive the pll_tx_cal_busy input
signal of the reset controller.
mcgb_rst45 Input Drive mcgb_rst from the system reset
tx_bonding_clocks [6N-1:0]
where N is the number of lanes in the
IP core variation
Connect the TX PLL tx_bonding_clocks
ouput signal bits [6z+5:6z] to the
RapidIO II IP core
tx_bonding_clocks_chz input
signal to RapidIO lane z.
45 This signal is unavailable while using Stratix 10 devices.
7 Testbench
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
A Initialization Sequence
This appendix describes the most basic initialization sequence for a RapidIO system
that contains two RapidIO IP cores connected through their RapidIO interfaces.
To initialize the system, perform these steps:
1. Read the Port 0 Error and Status Command and Status register (CSR)
(0x00158) of the first RapidIO II IP core to confirm port initialization.
2. Set the following registers in the first RapidIO II IP core:
a. To set the base ID of the device to 0x01, set the Base_deviceID field (bits
23:16) or the Large_base_deviceID field (bits 15:0) of the Base Device
ID register (0x00060) to 0x1.
b. To allow request packets to be issued, write 1 to the ENA field (bit 30) of the
Port General Control CSR (0x13C).
c. To set the destination ID of outgoing maintenance request packets to 0x02,
set the DESTINATION_ID field (bits 23:16) or the combined
(LARGE_DESTINATION_ID MSB, DESTINATION_ID) fields (bits 31:16) of the
Tx Maintenance Window 0 Control register (0x1010C) to 0x02.
d. To enable an all-encompassing address mapping window for the maintenance
module, write 1’b1 to the WEN field (bit 2) of the Tx Maintenance Window
0 Mask register (0x10104).
3. Set the following registers in the second RapidIO II IP core:
a. To set the base ID of the device to 0x02, set the Base_deviceID field (bits
23:16) or the Large_base_deviceID field (bits 15:0) of the Base Device
ID register (0x00060) to 0x02.
b. To allow request packets to be issued, write 1’b1 to the ENA field (bit 30) of
the Port General Control CSR (0x13C).
c. To set the destination ID of outgoing maintenance packets to 0x0, set the
DESTINATION_ID field (bits 23:16) or the combined
(LARGE_DESTINATION_ID MSB, DESTINATION_ID) fields (bits 31:16) of the
Tx Maintenance Window 0 Control register (0x1010C) to 0x0.
d. To enable an all-encompassing address mapping window for the maintenance
module, write 1’b1 to the WEN field (bit 2) of the Tx Maintenance Window
0 Mask register (0x10104).
These register settings allow one RapidIO II IP core to remotely access the other
RapidIO II IP core.
To access the registers, the system requires an Avalon-MM master, for example a Nios
II processor. The Avalon-MM master can program these registers. You can use the
Qsys system integration tool, available with the Quartus Prime software, to rapidly and
easily build and evaluate your RapidIO system.
A Initialization Sequence
© 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, NIOS,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the US and/or other countries.
Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and
semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the
right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility
or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except
as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Related Links
RapidIO Interconnect Specification webpage
A Initialization Sequence
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
B Differences Between RapidIO II IP Core and RapidIO IP
This appendix lists the basic differences between the RapidIO, and RapidIO II IP core.
Table 188. Major differences between the RapidIO II IP Core and the RapidIO IP Core
Property RapidIO II IP Core RapidIO IP Core
Protocol Complies with RapidIO specification v2.2. Complies with RapidIO specifications v1.3 and
Device Support
Supports Arria V, Cyclone V, Stratix V, Arria 10
and Stratix 10 device families.
Supports multiple legacy device families, in
addition to Arria V, Cyclone V, Stratix V, and
Arria 10 device families.
Avalon-ST interface
Avalon-ST pass-through Tx interface has a 128-
bit wide interface for data; Avalon-ST pass-
through Rx interface presents data on a 128-bit
wide interface and presents packet header
information on a 115-bit wide interface.
In the Rx packet header bus, the destinationID
field and the sourceID field each have 16 bits.
In case of an 8-bit device ID width, the upper 8
bits of each field are set to all zeroes. However,
in the TX direction the destinationID and
sourceID fields fit the device ID width.
Avalon-ST pass-through Rx and Tx interfaces
each have a 32-bit wide interface in a 1×
variation and a 64-bit wide interface in a 4×
variation. Header and data are transmitted or
received on the same bus.
In both directions, the destinationID and
sourceID fields fit the device ID width.
Avalon-MM interface
I/O Logical layer Master and Slave modules
each have a 128-bit wide Rx interface and a
128-bit wide Tx interface. Doorbell and
Maintenance modules each have one 32-bit
wide Avalon-MM interface in each direction.
I/O Logical layer Master and Slave modules in a
1× variation each have a 32-bit wide Rx
interface and a 32-bit Tx interface, in a 2x
variation each have a 64- bit wide Rx interface
and a 64-bit Tx interface, and in a 4× variation
each have a 64-bit wide Rx interface and a 64-
bit Tx interface. Doorbell and Maintenance
modules each have one 32-bit wide Avalon-MM
interface in each direction, in 1× and 4×
I/O Logical layer
Master Avalon-MM
read and write ports
I/O Logical layer Master module has a single
Avalon-MM interface for read and write
I/O Logical layer Master module has one
Avalon-MM interface for read transactions and a
separate Avalon-MM interface for write
I/O Logical layer Slave
Avalon-MM read and
write ports
I/O Logical layer Slave module has a single
Avalon-MM interface for read and write
I/O Logical layer Slave module has one Avalon-
MM interface for read transactions and a
separate Avalon-MM interface for write
Physical layer removes all CRC bits and padding
bytes from packets received from the RapidIO
Physical layer removes the 16-bit CRC that
follows the 80th received byte of a RapidIO
packet, but not the final CRC nor the padding
Behavior in SILENT
Transmitter is turned off while the initialization
state machine is in the SILENT state.
In 5.0 Gbaud variations, the transmitter is
turned off while the initialization state machine
is in the SILENT state. However, in 1.25, 2.5,
B Differences Between RapidIO II IP Core and RapidIO IP Core
© 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, NIOS,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the US and/or other countries.
Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and
semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the
right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility
or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except
as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Property RapidIO II IP Core RapidIO IP Core
and 3.125 Gbaud variations, the transmitters
send a continuous stream of K28.5 characters,
all of the same disparity, in the SILENT state.
Remote host access to
IP core registers
Handles incoming read and write
MAINTENANCE requests with address in the
appropriate range to the local register set,
Requires that your system connect the
Maintenance master interface to the Register
Access slave interface. The RapidIO IP core
does not implement this routing internally.
Maintenance module
supported operations
If you include a Maintenance module in your
RapidIO II IP core, it has both master and slave
ports, and supports MAINTENANCE read and
write operations and MAINTENANCE port-write
For Arria 10 devices:
If you include a Maintenance module in your
RapidIO IP core, it has both master and
slave ports, and supports MAINTENANCE
read and write operations and
MAINTENANCE port-write operations.
For other device families:
If you include a Maintenance module in your
RapidIO IP core, you can choose whether to
support an Avalon-MM master port or an
Avalon- MM slave port, or both. if your
Maintenance module supports the Avalon-
MM slave port, you can independently select
whether to support MAINTENANCE TX port-
write operations or MAINTENANCE RX port-
write operations, or both.
Fully complies with Part 8: Error
Management Extensions Specification of the
RapidIO Interconnect Specification, Revision
Supports the LP-Serial Lane Extended
Features registers described in RapidIO
Interconnect Specification v2.2 Part 6: LP-
Serial Physical Layer Specification for up to
four lanes, with two implementation-specific
registers per lane.
Various register field differences with
RapidIO IP core:
For example, the
Slave Interrupt and I/O Slave Interrupt
Enable registers is not available in the
RapidIO II IP core. However, these two
registers support
For example, the information found in
the PROMISCUOUS_MODE field of the Rx
Transport Control register in the
RapidIO IP core is found in the
DIS_DEST_ID_CHK field of the Port 0
Control CSR in the RapidIO II IP core,
which has no Rx Transport Control
The RapidIO IP core implements a subset of the
optional Error Management Extensions as
defined in Part 8 of the RapidIO Interconnect
Specification Revision 2.1. However, because
the registers defined in the Error Management
Extension specification are not all implemented
in the RapidIO IP core, the error management
registers are mapped in the Implementation
Defined Space instead of being mapped in the
Extended Features Space. The RapidIO IP core
does not implement the LP-Serial Lane
Extended Features registers.
Interrupt signals
The RapidIO II IP core generates interrupts on
multiple module- and block-specific output
signals. The specific triggering conditions are
noted in registers, as in the RapidIO IP core.
The RapidIO II IP core generates all Doorbell
module specific interrupt conditions with the
drbell_s_irq signal.
The RapidIO IP core generates interrupts on
two output signals, the sys_mnt_s_irq signal
and the drbell_s_irq signal. The
sys_mnt_s_irq signal indicates all interrupt
conditions that the RapidIO IP core indicates in
registers, except the Doorbell module specific
interrupt conditions. The RapidIO IP core
generates all Doorbell module specific interrupt
conditions with the drbell_s_irq signal.
B Differences Between RapidIO II IP Core and RapidIO IP Core
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Property RapidIO II IP Core RapidIO IP Core
Byteenable value for
read requests on the
I/O Logical layer
Master and Slave
Read transactions on the I/O Logical layer
Master and Slave interfaces have associated
byteenable values.
Read transactions on the I/O Logical layer
Master and Slave interfaces have no associated
byteenable value. The byteenable value is
assumed to be all ones. User logic is
responsible for enforcing any required byte
masking in the read data it receives, and is
required to return full 32- or 64-bit words of
read data.
Transport layer Tx
The Transport layer implements a modified
round-robin scheduling algorithm to determine
the next packet to accept among those
available from the Avalon-ST pass-throuh
interface and the Logical layer module. Status
information from the Physical layer determines
whether the round-robin algorithm considers all
available packets, or considers only available
packets with a priority field value above a
specified threshold. This threshold can also be
set to allow no packets through, providing a
temporary backpressure mechanism for the
Physical layer to control input from the
Transport layer.
The Transport layer implements a round-robin
scheduling algorithm to determine the next
packet to accept among those available from
the Avalon-ST pass-through interface and the
Logical layer modules. This algorithm does not
consider the priority field values of the packets.
Number of Link-
Request Attempts
Before Declaring
Fatal Error
The number of times that a RapidIO II IP core
sends a link-request input-status
control symbol following a link-request
time-out, before declaring a fatal error, is
seven. This value cannot be modified in the
parameter editor.
The Link-request attempts parameter allows
you to specify the number of times the RapidIO
IP core sends a link-request input-
status control symbol following a link-
request time-out, before declaring a fatal
error. This parameter can have values 1
through 7. The default value in a new variation
is 7.
Note: For Arria 10 devices, this parameter is
disabled, and defaulted to value 7.
Sending Link-
Request Reset-
Device on Fatal
Errors parameter
In the RapidIO II IP core, this parameter is not
available. If the RapidIO II IP core identifies a
fatal error, it notifies software by setting the
PORT_ERR bit in the Port 0 Error and
Status CSR and asserting the port_error
output signal, which may be used as an
interrupt output signal. However, it does not
transmit link-request reset-device
control symbols.
The Send link-request reset-device on fatal
errors option specifies that if the RapidIO IP
core identifies a fatal error, it transmits four
link-request control symbols with cmd set
to reset-device on the RapidIO link. By
default, this option is turned off. The option is
available for backward compatibility, because
previous releases of the RapidIO IP core
implement this behavior. In any case the
RapidIO IP core notifies software by setting the
PORT_ERR bit in the Port 0 Error and
Status CSR and asserting the port_error
output signal.
B Differences Between RapidIO II IP Core and RapidIO IP Core
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
C RapidIO II IP Core User Guide Archives
If an IP core version is not listed, the user guide for the previous IP core version applies.
IP Core Version User Guide
16.0 RapidIO II IP Core User Guide 16.0
15.0 RapidIO II MegaCore Function User Guide 15.0
14.0 RapidIO II MegaCore Function User Guide 14.0
C RapidIO II IP Core User Guide Archives
© 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, NIOS,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the US and/or other countries.
Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and
semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the
right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility
or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except
as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
D Document Revision History
This appendix provides the revision history for all versions of this user guide.
Table 189. Revision History
Date Changes
December 2016
Updated the device support level for Arria 10 device family in Table: Device Family Support.
Updated the resource utilization metrics for Stratix 10 devices in Table: RapidIO II IP Core
FPGA Resource Utilization.
Added commands for Stratix 10 variations to simulate the testbench with ModelSim
Dynamic reconfiguration support is now available for Stratix 10 devices.
Added Transceiver Share reconfiguration interface, Enable transceiver Altera Debug
Master Endpoint (ADME) and VCCR_GXB and VCCT_GXB supply voltage for the
transceivers parameters in Table: Transceiver Settings.
Corrected the specific_header Format on gen_tx_data and gen_rx_data Bus for ftype
October 2016 Implemented the Intel rebranding.
August 2016 (Stratix
10 Edition Beta
Added the Stratix 10 device support in Table: Device Family Support.
Added the Stratix 10 device performance and resource utilization (preliminary) in Table:
RapidIO II IP Core FPGA Resource Utilization.
Added the Stratix 10 device speed grades and maximum baud rate.
Added the Stratix 10 device support in Table: Device Family Support.
Added the following reset signals for Stratix 10 devices:
May 2016
Added a note to the Table: Recommended Device Family and Speed Grades to clarify speed
grade support for Arria V devices.
Corrected the Payload Size value for all the Maintenance Interface Transactions.
Stated appropriate TOP_LEVEL_NAME for both Quartus Prime Pro and Standard edition
Corrected the timing diagrams for Avalon-ST Pass-Through Interface Usage Examples:
NWRITE Transmit Example
NREAD Request Send and Response Receive Example
NREAD Request Receive and Response Send Example
SWRITE Transmit Example
Editorial modifications.
D Document Revision History
© 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, NIOS,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the US and/or other countries.
Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and
semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the
right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility
or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except
as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Date Changes
July 2015
Updated the descriptions of the <Gbaud>_GB_SUPPORT and <Gbaud>_GB_ENABLE fields of
the Port 0 Control 2 CSR at offset 0x154.
Added new io_error_response_set error management extensions input signal.
Updated description of fields in Port 0 Control CSR at offset 0x15C.
Added new field PORT_ERR_IRQ_EN at bit [6].
Moved DIS_DEST_ID_CHK field from bit [7] to bit [8].
Moved LOG_TRANS_ERR_IRQ_EN field from bit [6] to bit [7].
Corrected description of ERR_RATE_COUNTER field of Port 0 Error Rate CSR at offset
0x368 to indicate that if the IP core detects an error in a control symbol, the counter might
increment twice.
Clarified that the generic instructions to generate the testbench by clicking Generate >
Generate Testbench in the RapidIO II parameter editor do not apply to this IP core.
Added information about required parameter value change for Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller that connects to the RapidIO II IP core.
Added note in Clocking and Reset Structure to confirm the RapidIO II IP core can handle a
difference of ±200PPM in the transmit clock (tx_clkout) and the recovered data clock
(rx_clkout), as required by the RapidIO Interconnect Specification v2.2. Added note in
Reference Clock to clarify the design requirement sufficient to ensure the ±200PPM
difference limit.
Corrected Doorbell Message Registers offsets .
Corrected Error Management Registers offsets
August 2014
Added support for Arria 10 devices:
New parameter Enable transceiver dynamic reconfiguration allows you to hide or
make visible the Arria 10 Native PHY IP core dynamic reconfiguration interface, an
Avalon-MM interface for programming the hard registers in the Arria 10 transceiver.
■ New requirement to include TX PLL IP core in the design. New individual transceiver
channel clock signals added to RapidIO II IP core to connect to an ATX PLL to support PLL
sharing across the transceiver block.
Removed pll_locked and pll_powerdown signals from RapidIO II IP core that targets
an Arria 10 device.
Updated Appendix Initialization Sequence to clarify that it addresses initialization of RapidIO
II IP cores rather than RapidIO IP cores. The initialization sequence is identical for the two IP
June 2014
Modified Chapter Getting Started to describe the Quartus Prime software v14.0 IP Catalog.
Modified Chapter Parameter Settings to document the new location of the Extended features
pointer parameter in the RapidIO II parameter editor. The Extended features pointer
parameter is now on the Command and Status Registers tab instead of the Capability
Registers tab. This change dates from the Quartus Prime software v13.1.
Changed bit range of ext_mnt_address from [23:2] to [21:0] and explained the address is
a word address.
Explained that drbell_s_address is a word address and ios_rd_wr_address is a quad-
word address respectively.
Changed bit range of mnt_s_address from [25:2] to [23:0].
Clarified that generating this IP core does not generate an Intel-provided VHDL testbench,
only a Verilog HDL testbench.
Clarified in description of ERR_RATE_COUNTER field of the Port 0 Error Rate CSR (offset
Clarified that Avalon-ST pass-through interface gen_tx_valid signal must be continuously
asserted from the assertion of gen_tx_startofpacket until the deassertion of
Added Table specific_header Format on gen_tx_data Bus, which list header information
format in gen_tx_data for all supported transaction types and both device ID widths.
Added four new Avalon-ST pass-through interface usage examples, including examples with
device ID width 8.
Corrected descriptions of IN_ERR_STOP and OUT_ERR_STOP fields of the Port 0 Error
and Status CSR (offset 0x158).
D Document Revision History
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
Date Changes
Replaced “Serial RapidIO” with “RapidIO”. The RapidIO II IP core supports only the Serial
RapidIO specification.
Clarified description in Table Link-Request Reset-Device Signals.
Corrected descriptions of OUTBOUND_ACKID and OUTSTANDING_ACKID fields of the Port 0
Local AckID CSR (0x148).
February 2013
Added device programming (Programming Object File (.pof) support) for Arria V devices.
Added support for Arria V GZ devices.
Added support for Cyclone V devices. Cyclone V GT devices support rates up to 5.0 Gbaud,
and other Cyclone V devices support rates up to 3.125 Gbaud.
Clarified in Adding Transceiver Analog Settings that this procedure is required only for Arria V
GZ and Stratix V devices.
Corrected erroneous statement that software can reset the REMOTE_TX_EMPH_ENABLE bit in
the Port 0 Control 2 CSR (offset 0x154).
Corrected the description of PORT_ERR field of Port 0 Error and Status CSR (offset
Added information to the description of the Logical/Transport Layer Address
Capture CSR (offset 0x314).
Clarified in topic Clocking and Reset Structure that the transceiver reference clock
(tx_pll_refclk) and the system clock (sys_clk) inputs must be generated from the
same clock source.
Corrected the descriptions of Port 0 Packet Capture 1-3 CSRs.
Clarified in Appendix Differences Between RapidIO II MegaCore Function v12.1 and RapidIO
MegaCore Function v12.1:
In the RapidIO II IP core, you cannot independently select whether or not to support
port-write transactions. If you include a Maintenance module in your design, your IP
core supports port-write transactions.
In the RapidIO II IP core (in contrast to the RapidIO IP core) on the Avalon-ST
passthrough interface in the RX direction only, the sourceID and destinationID fields in
gen_rx_hd_data are 16 bits wide even if the device ID width for the IP core variation is
8 bits. However, in the TX direction, as in the RapidIO IP core, the sourceID and
destinationID field width depends on the device ID width.
Since v13.0, RapidIO IP core has 2x variations, which has same Avalon-MM I/O Logical
layer data bus width as the 4x variations.
In Sending Link-Request Reset-Device on Fatal Errors parameter entry, added
information for full comparison.
Modified the description of Port 0 Attributes Capture CSR (offset 0x348).
Corrected Chapter Testbench to state that the Intel-provided testbench does not generate
packets with ftype 9.
Corrected number of TX Maintenance windows indicated in Chapter Software Interface.
Corrected descriptions of IDLE2 Received bit in LP-Serial Lane n Status 1 CSR and
CMD changed bit in LP-Serial Lane n Status 3 CSR.
Corrected the width of the values of the destinationID and sourceID fields of the
gen_tx_data bus in the Avalon-ST pass-through interface usage example User Sending
Read Request and Receiving Read Response to match field width.
Corrected the default value for ExtendedFeaturesPtr field in Assembly Information
CAR (offset 0x0C).
Corrected the default value for LP-Serial Lane n Status 4 register bit [28]
(Scrambling/Descrambling enabled).
Corrected access mode for LP-Serial Lane n Status 4 register bit [30] (Impl defined).
Corrected bit range for Connected port transmit emphasis Tap (-1) status field
in LP-Serial Lane n Status 1 register.
Corrected offset for Port 0 Link Maintenance Response register in the Extended
Features and Implementation-Defined Registers Memory Map.
Corrected description of RESPONSE_VALID bit of Port 0 Link Maintenance Response
CSR (offset 0x140).
Corrected Maintenance Avalon-MM master signal names.
Changed erroneous mention of link-request reset-device control symbol to link-
request input-status control symbol.
November 2012 Initial release.
D Document Revision History
RapidIO II IP Core User Guide
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