2004 Microchip Technology Inc. Preliminary DS41239A-page 61
11.9 MPLAB ICE 2000
High-Performance Universal
In-Circui t Emu lator
The MPLAB ICE 2000 universal in-circuit emulator is
intended to provide the product development engineer
with a complete microcontroller design tool set for
PICmicro microcontrollers. Software control of the
MPLAB ICE 2000 in-circuit emulator is advanced by
the MPLAB Integrated Development Environment,
which all ows ed iting, b uildin g, do wnlo ading and sourc e
debuggi ng from a singl e envi ronm en t.
The MPLAB ICE 2000 is a full-featured emulator sys-
tem with enhanced trace, trigger and data monitoring
featur es. Interchangea ble processo r modules al low the
system to be easi ly reconfi gured for emula tion of d iffer-
ent processors. The universal architecture of the
MPLAB ICE in-circuit emulator allows expansion to
support new PICmicro microcontrollers.
The MPLAB ICE 2000 in-circuit emulator system has
been designed as a real-time emulation system with
advanced features that are typically found on more
expensive development tools. The PC platform and
Microsoft® Windows 32-bit operating system were
chosen to best make these features available in a
simple, unified application.
11.10 MPLAB ICE 4000
High-Performance Universal
In-Circui t Emu lator
The MPLAB ICE 4000 universal in-circuit emulator is
intended to provide the product development engineer
with a co mplete micro controller de sign tool se t for high-
end PICm icro microcontrollers. Software control of the
MPLAB ICE in-circuit emulator is provided by the
MPLAB Integrated Development Environment, which
allows editing, building, downloading and source
debuggi ng from a singl e envi ronm en t.
The MPLAB ICD 4000 is a premium emulator system,
providing the features of MPLAB ICE 2000, but with
increased emulation memory and high-speed perfor-
mance for dsPIC30F and PIC18XXXX devices. Its
advanc ed emulator fe atures inc lude complex t riggering
and timing, up to 2 Mb of emulation memory and the
ability to view variables in real-time.
The MPLAB ICE 4000 in-circuit emulator system has
been designed as a real-time emulation system with
advanced features that are typically found on more
expensive development tools. The PC platform and
Microsoft Windows 32-bit operating system were
chosen to best make these features available in a
simple, unified application.
11.11 MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger
Microchip’s In-Circuit Debugger, MPLAB ICD 2, is a
powerful, low-cost, run-time development tool,
connecting to the host PC via an RS-232 or high-speed
USB interface. This tool is based on the Flash
PICmicro MCUs and can be used to develop for these
and other PICmicro microcontrollers. The MPLAB
ICD 2 utilizes the in-circuit debugging capability built
into the Flash devices. This feature, along with
Microchip’s In-Circuit Serial ProgrammingTM (ICSPTM)
protocol , offe rs cost ef fective i n-circuit Flash debug ging
from the graphical user interface of the MPLAB
Integrated Development Environment. This enables a
designer to develop and debug source code by setting
breakpoints, single-stepping and watching variables,
CPU status and peripheral registers. Running at full
speed enables testing hardware and applications in
real-tim e. MPLAB ICD 2 also serv es as a devel opme nt
programmer for selected PICmicro devices.
11.12 PRO MATE II Universal Device
The PRO MATE II is a universal, CE compliant device
programmer with programmable voltage verification at
VDDMIN and VDDMAX for maxi mum reli abili ty. It features
an LCD display for instructions and error messages
and a modular detachable socket assembly to support
various package types. In Stand-Alone mode, the
PRO MATE II device programmer can read, verify and
program PICmicro devices without a PC connection. It
can also set code protection in this mode.
11.13 MPLAB PM3 Device Program mer
The MPLAB PM3 is a universal, CE compliant device
programmer with programmable voltage verification at
VDDMIN and V DDMAX for maximum reliability . It features
a large LCD display (128 x 64) for menus and error
messages and a modular detachable socket as sembly
to support various package types. The ICSP™ cable
assembly is included as a standard item. In Stand-
Alone mode, the MPLAB PM3 device programmer can
read, verify and program PICmicro devices without a
PC connection. It can also set code protection in this
mode. MPLAB PM3 connects to the host PC via an
RS-232 or USB cable. MPLAB PM3 has high-speed
communications and optimized algorithms for quick
programming of large memory devices and incorpo-
rates an SD/MMC card for file storage and secure data