I n or der t o m eet c ustom er n eeds in a ra pidl y adv anc ing digi tal ,
broadband and ubiquitous society, we are committed to offering
products t hat are one step ahead of the m arket and a r ank above
the rest in quality. To achieve our goals, we follow a “3D (three
device) strategy” designed to drive both horizontal and vertical
growth. We will to grow our three device categories of “Timing
Devices”, ”Sensing Devices” and “Optical Devices”, and expand
vertical growth through a combination of products from these
A Quartz MEMS is any high added value quartz device that exploits the
characteristics of quartz crystal material but that is produced using MEMS
(micro-electro-mechanical system ) processing technology.
Market needs are advancing faster than previously imagined toward
sm al ler, m ore st able cr yst al produc ts, but we w ill st ay ahead of t he c urve
by rolling out products that exceed market speed and quality
re quirements. We want to further accelerate the 3D strategy by QMEMS.
Quartz devices have b ecome cruc ial i n the network environment
where products are increasingly intended for broadband,
ubiquitous applications and where various types of term inals can
transfer information almost immediately via LAN and WAN on a
global scale. Epson Toyoco m Cor poration add re sses eve ry single
aspect wi thin a net wor k environment. The new corporation off ers
“Digital Convergence” solutions to problem s arising with products
for con su mer use, such as, c ore network systems and automotive
At Epson Toyocom, all environmental initiatives operate under the Plan-Do-Check-Action(PDCA) cycle designed to achieve continuous improvements.
T he en viron m ental m an ag e m ent s yst em ( E MS ) op erates un d er the IS O 140 01 en vi ronm ental m an agem en t stand ard.
All of ou r m ajor m an ufactur ing and non-m an ufactur ing sit es , in J apan and ov erseas, c omp l eted th e acq uis iti on of ISO 14 00 1 c ert ification.
In the future, new group companie s will be expected to acquire the certifica tion around the third year of operations.
In order provide high quality and reliable products and services than meet customer needs,
Epson Toyoc om made early eff orts towards obtaini ng ISO9000 s eries certific at ion and has acquired ISO9001 f or all business establishments in J apan
and abroad. We have also acquired ISO/TS 16949 certification that is requested strongly by major automotive manufacturers as standard.
●This material is subject to cha n ge without notice.
●A n y par t of this mat er i al m ay n ot be reproduced or du pl icated in an y form or an y m eans wit hout the wr itten p er m is s i on of Epson Toyocom.
●T h e inf orm ation, app lied circ uitr y, pr ogr ammi ng, us ag e, etc ., writt en in th is mat erial is int ended f or r ef erenc e onl y. Eps on Toyocom does not assume
any liabi lity f or th e occ ur r ence of inf r in gi ng on an y patent or c opyr i g ht of a thir d par t y. Th is m ater i al does not auth or i z e the licensing on for an y pat ent
or intellectual copyrights.
●Any product described in this material may contain technology or the subject relating to strategic products under the control of the Foreign
Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan and may require an export license from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry or other
approval from an ot h er gov ernm ent agency.
● You ar e requested n ot to us e the pr oducts (and any tec hnic al information furnished, if any) for the devel opmen t and/or manuf act ure of weapon of
mass destruction or for oth er mi litary purposes. You ar e als o r equest ed t hat you would not m ake the products avai lable to any thir d part y who m a y
use the products for such prohibited purposes.
●T h es e pr oducts ar e i nten ded for g ener al us e in elec tr onic eq uipm ent. When usi ng them in s pecif ic appl ic at ions t hat req uir e extr emel y high reli abil it y,
suc h as the app licati ons st ated below, you m us t obt ain p e rm is s i on f r om Epson Toyocom in ad vance.
/ Space equipment (artificial satellites, ro ckets, etc.) / Transportation vehicles and related (automobile s, aircraft, trains, vess els, etc.)
/ Medica l instruments to sustain life / Submarine transmitte rs / Power stations and related / Fire work equipment and security equi p m ent
/ traffic control equipment / and others requiring equivalent reliability.
● I n this n ew cr yst al mas ter f or Epson Toyocom, pr oduc t c od es an d m ar ki ngs w ill rem ain as pr eviously id ent if i ed pr i or to th e m erger.
Due to the on-going strategy of gradual unification of part numbers, please review product codes and markings, as they will change during the
cour se of the c omi ng months .
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we will eventually have a unified part numbering system for Epson Toyocom that will be user friendly.
QS-9000 is an enhanced standard for qualit
assurance systems formulated by leading
U.S . aut om obil e m anufact ur ers b as ed on
th e int er n ati on al I SO 90 00 s eri es .
ISO 14000 is an international standard for environmental
management that was establi shed by the Internat ional
Standards Organization in 1996 against the background
of growing concern regarding global warming, de struction
of th e oz on e lay er, and gl ob al deforest ation.
ISO/TS 16949 is a global standard based on
QS-9000 , a s evere st andard c orresp onding t o
the requirements from the automobile industry.