values of source resistance very much greater than 1MΩ,
the total noise voltage generated can be dominated by the
thermal noise contributions of both the feedback and source
Typical Applications
Voltage F ol lowers
Operational amplifiers with very high input resistan ces, like
the CA3130, are particularly suited to service as voltage
followers. Fig ure 8 shows the circuit of a classical voltage
follower, together with per tinent waveforms using the
CA3130 in a split-supply configuration.
A voltage f ollower, operated from a single supply, is shown in
Figure 9, together with related waveforms. This follower
circuit is linear over a wide dynamic range, as illustrated by
the reproduction of the output waveform in Figure 9A with
input-signal ramping. The waveforms in Figure 9B show that
the follower does not lose its input-to-output phase-sense,
even though the input is being swung 7.5V below ground
potenti al . Th i s un i q ue characteristic is an im po rtant attrib ut e
in both operational amplifier and comparator applications.
Figure 9B also shows the manner in which the CMOS output
stage permits the output signal to swing down to the
negative supply-rail potential (i.e., ground in the case
shown). The digital-to-analog converter (DAC) circuit,
described later, illustr ates the pr actical use of the CA3130 in
a single-supply voltage-follower application.
A typical circuit of a 9-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
is shown in Figure 10. This system combines the concepts of
multiple-switch CMOS lCs, a low-cost ladder network of
discrete metal-oxide-film resistors, a CA3130 op amp
connected as a follower, and an inexpensive monolithic
regulator in a simple single power-supply arrangement. An
additional feature of the DAC is that it is readily interfaced
with CMOS input logic, e.g., 10V logic levels are used in the
circuit of Figure 10.
The circuit uses an R/2R voltage-ladder network, with the
output potential obtained directly by terminating the ladder
ar ms at either the positi ve or the negative power-supply
ter minal. Each CD4007A contains three “inverters”, each
“inv erter” functioning as a single-pole double-throw s witch to
ter mi nate an arm of the R/2R network at either the positive
or negative power-supply terminal. The resistor ladder is an
assembly of 1% tolerance metal-o xide film resistors. The five
ar ms requiring the highest accuracy are assembled with
series and parall el combinations of 806,000Ω resistors from
the same manufacturing lot.
A single 15V supply provides a positive bus for the CA3130
f ollo wer amplifier and feeds the CA3085 voltage regulator . A
“scale-adjust” function is provided by the regulator output
control, set to a nominal 10V level in this system. The line-
voltage regulation (approximate ly 0.2%) permits a 9-bi t
accuracy to be maintained with variations of several volts in
the supply. The flexibility afforde d by the CMOS building
blocks simplifies the design of DAC systems tailored to
particular needs.
Single-Supply, Absolute-Value, Ideal Full-Wave
The absolute-value circuit using the CA3130 is shown in
Figure 11. During positive excursions, the input signal is fe d
through the feedback netw ork directly to the output.
Simultaneously, the positive excursion of the input signal
also drives the output terminal (No. 6) of the inverting
amplifier in a negative-going excursion such that the 1N914
diode effectively disconnects the amplifier from the signal
path. Duri ng a negative-going excursion of the input signal,
the CA3130 functions as a normal inverting amplifier with a
gain equal to -R2/R1. When the equality of the two equations
shown in Figure 11 is satisfied, the full-wave output is
Peak Detectors
Peak-detector circuits are easily implemented with the
CA3130, as illustrated in Figure 12 for both the peak-positive
and the peak-negative circuit. It should be noted that with
large-signal inputs, the bandwidth of the peak-negative
circuit is much less than that of the peak-positive circuit. The
second stage of the CA3130 limits the bandwidth in this
case. Negative-going output-signal excursion requires a
positive-going signal excursion at the collector of transistor
Q11, which is loaded by the intrinsic capacitance of the
associated circuitry in this mode. On the other hand, during
a negative-going signal ex cursion at the collector of Q11, the
transistor functions in an active “pull-down” mode so that the
intri nsic capacitance can be discharged more expeditiously.
47pF -7.5V
BW (-3dB) = 200kHz
TO INPUT) = 23µV (TYP)
CA3130, CA3130A