APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL ADVANCED ISSUE 1: AUGUST 1998 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE i APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE CONTENTS 1. REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 3 2. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 4 2.1 EXACT CLOCK MODES ................................................................... 4 2.2 SINGLE BOARD APPLICATIONS ..................................................... 5 2.3 STACKING APPLICATIONS .............................................................. 7 3. CONFIGURING EXACT DEVICES FOR EXACT BUS CLOCK MODES........ 8 3.1 CONFIGURING PM3370 / PM3380 REV B+C DEVICES................. 8 3.2 CONFIGURING PM3370 / PM3380 REVISION D DEVICES ......... 11 4. EXACT BUS TIMING FOR PM3370 / PM3380 ............................................. 15 4.1 PM3370 / PM3380 REV B+C EXACT TIMING............................... 16 4.2 PM3370 / PM3380 REV D EXACT INTERFACE TIMING ................ 19 4.3 PM3370 / PM3380 REV D EXACT BUS TIMING ANALYSIS........... 23 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 1 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 2 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE 1. REFERENCES [1] Vitesse VSC7135 1.25 Gbits/sec Vitesse Gigabit Ethernet transceiver datasheet. [2] PMC-970861 Octal 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet Switch Port Controller Data Sheet (PM3370), Issue 3, June 1998. [3] PMC-971034 8 port Gigabit EXACT Bus Switching Matrix, Data Sheet (PM3390), Issue 3, June 1998. [4] PMC-970862 Gigabit Ethernet Switch Port Controller Data Sheet (PM3380), Issue 3, June 1998. [5] PMC-970215 EXACT Bus Protocol Specification, Issue 3, June 1998. [6] Hewlett Packard HDMP-1636 Transceiver SERDES Data Sheet. [7] AMD 79761 GigaPHY SERDES Data Sheet. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 3 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE 2. INTRODUCTION The PMC EXACT advanced switching chipset is based on the EXACT bus, which provide the high speed switching interconnect between the EXACT switching devices in building scalable and flexible switches. The devices in this generation are the PM3370 (and the PM3371), which is an 8 port 10/100 Ethernet switch port controller; the PM3380, which is a single port Gigabit Ethernet port controller; the PM3390, which is the switch matrix capable of handling 8 EXACT ports to provide a bandwidth of 8 Gbps non-blocking; and the PM3391 which is a 6-EXACT port matrix device. Typical port counts at a system level are 0/8/1, 0/16/2, 0/32/4 etc. The EXACT bus stands for Ethernet Switching Access Control and Termination. The EXACT bus has a raw bandwidth of 1.25 Gbps in the transmit direction and 1.25 Gbps in the receive direction. Please refer to the PMC-970215 EXACT Protocol Specification for a detail technical description of the EXACT bus operation. The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed description of the EXACT bus clocking configuration for the PM3370, PM3371, PM3380, PM3390 and PM3391 Ethernet switch port devices. Note: The timing for the PM3371 is identical to the PM3370. Similarly the timing for the PM3391 is identical to the PM3390. Therefore the description for the PM3370 applies to the PM3371, and the description of the PM3390 applies to the PM3391 throughout this document. 2.1 EXACT Clock Modes The EXACT bus supports two modes of operation: the SERDES mode and the Clear Channel mode. The following sections explain the these clocking modes and the way they are used to support system clocking design. 1. SERDES - Serializer/de-serializer mode. Typically this mode is used to support stacking between modules to facilitate the transfer of clock and data over moderately electrical distance. Data is encoded in 8B10B linecode and transmitted to the SERDES on every rising edge of a 125MHz transmit clock. Data is received from the SERDES rising edges of complementary receive clocks. The EXACT bus defaults to SERDES mode. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 4 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE 2. Clear Channel - Typically this mode is used to support interconnection of EXACT devices in a single EXACT clock domain, such as on one circuit board module. Data bits [7:0] is not encoded, data bit 8 is a control character bit, and bit 9 is the even parity bit. Data is clocked on the rising and falling edges of the transmit and receive clock. 2.2 Single Board Applications In system applications where all chips operate in a single clocking domain such as on a single card, each device uses the same EXACT bus reference clock. The Clear Channel clock mode is used on the EXACT Bus. A local oscillator is used to generate the EXACT bus reference clock. This is conceptually shown in Figure 1 for revisions B, C, and D PM3370 and PM3380 devices. Please see Section 3 for a detail description of clocking connections for revision B, C and D PM3370/3380 devices. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 5 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE Figure 1 - EXACT Bus Single Clock Domain Configurations PM 3 380 re v B+C PM 3 37 0 re v B+C 62 .5 M H z XTC L K_ E VE N VD D C LO C K _ M A STE R VD D XR C LK _E VEN XR X D [9:0] XTXD [9:0] C LO C K _ M A STE R 25 M H z 12 5 M H z 1 /5 R EF C LK2 5 R EF C LK1 35 XTC L K_ E VE N XR X D [9:0] XR C LK _E VEN R EF C LK2 5 62 .5 M H z XTXD [9:0] EX AC T R E F ER E N C E C LO C K (12 5 M H z) PM 3 38 0 rev D PM 3 37 0 re v D 62 .5 / 67.5 M H z XR C LK _E VEN XTC L K_ E VE N XR X D [9:0] XTXD [9:0] 12 5 M H z G M A C _R E F C LK 12 5 / 1 35 M H z EX I_R E F C LK 12 5 / 1 35 M H z XR X D [9:0] XTC L K_ E VE N EX I_R E F C LK 62 .5 / 67.5 M H z XR C LK _E VEN XTXD [9:0] EX AC T R EF E R E N C E C LO C K PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 6 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE 2.3 Stacking Applications In system applications where the EXACT bus needs to span across multiple boards, a SERDES is needed to transfer the EXACT clock and data across boards. Stacking is supported by connecting a SERDES to one of the ports of an PM3390 device. Each board operates in a single EXACT clock domain. The EXACT reference clock on each board is generated by an oscillator. This is conceptually shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 - EXACT Bus Stacking Clock Configuration P M 33 90 X TC LK SE R D E S TX+/- R CLK R CLKN R X+ /- R EF C LK PM 33 70 /338 0 X RC LK _EV E N X RC LK _EV E N X TC L K _E V EN X RC LK_O D D X RC LK_O D D VSS XRC LK _EV E N VSS XRC LK_O D D XTC LK PM 3 37 0/3 380 X TC LK X RC LK _EV E N XRC LK_EVEN X TC L K _E V EN X RC LK_O D D X RC LK_O D D VSS VSS EXAC T R eference C lock O SC ILL ATO R +/- 50 PPM 125 / 135 M H z C ard or M odule C a rd or M od ule PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 7 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE 3. CONFIGURING EXACT DEVICES FOR EXACT BUS CLOCK MODES This section describes the theory of operation and how to configure the PM3370, PM3380, and PM3390 devices to operate in SERDES and Clear Channel clock modes. The revisions B and C of PM3370 and PM3380 devices can support EXACT reference clock up to 125 MHz only. 3.1 Configuring PM3370 / PM3380 Rev B+C Devices The external clock connections for PM3370 and PM3380 revision B and C devices is shown in Figure 3. In addition the devices are configured by connecting the MCONFIG and DCONFIG words on Memory Interface A and Memory Interface B as described below. Configuring SERDES Clock Mode Following a reset, the PM3380 and PM3370 devices load the MCONFIG and DCONFIG from the external memory interface. The value of the MCONFIG and DCONFIG words are defined by strapping the respective bits of the memory data bus to VDD or VSS via a pull-up/down resistor. Please refer to the device datasheet for a detail description of the function of each control bit. DCONFIG Word Format for Memory Interface A Device Pin Register Bit Function Value MDATA_A [31:23] DCONFIG[15:7] reserved 000000000 MDATA_A [22] DCONFIG[6] ENTRE 0 MDATA_A [21:16] DCONFIG[5:0] CLKMUX[5:0] 100100 (for PM3370) 000000 (for PM3380) MCONFIG Word Format for Memory Interface A Device Pin Register Bit Function Description MDATA_A [15:9] MCONFIG[15:9] reserved 0000000 MDATA_A [8] MCONFIG[8] M2CAS Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_A [7:6] MCONFIG[7:6] MTYPE3[1:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_A [5:4] MCONFIG[5:4] MTYPE2[1:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_A [3:2] MCONFIG[3:2] MTYPE1[1:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_A [1:0] MCONFIG[1:0] MTYPE0[1:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 8 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE DCONFIG Word Format for Memory Interface B Device Pin Register Bit Function Description MDATA_B [31:30] DCONFIG[15:14] FIRM[1:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_B [29] DCONFIG[13] RISCHALT Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_B [28:23] DCONFIG[12:7] CHIPID[5:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking MDATA_B [22:16] DCONFIG[6:0] RTCDIV[6:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MCONFIG Word Format for Memory Interface B Device Pin Register Bit Function Description MDATA_B [15] MCONFIG[15] RAMDIS Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_B [14] MCONFIG[14] ROMDIS Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_B [13] MCONFIG[13] Reserved 0 MDATA_B [12] MCONFIG[12] Reserved 0 MDATA_B [11] MCONFIG[11] EXACTCFG[2] 0 (for PM3370) 1 (for PM3380) MDATA_B [10:9] MCONFIG[10:9] EXACTCFG[1:0] 00 MDATA_B [8] MCONFIG[8] M2CAS Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_B [7:6] MCONFIG[7:6] MTYPE3[1:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_B [5:4] MCONFIG[5:4] MTYPE2[1:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_B [3:2] MCONFIG[3:2] MTYPE1[1:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_B [1:0] MCONFIG[1:0] MTYPE0[1:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 9 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE Figure 3 - PM3370 / PM3380 rev B+C connected in SERDES mode PM 3 37 0 rev B+ C XTC L K_ E VEN VD D C L O C K_ M ASTE R XTXD [9 :0 ] SE R D E S R EF C LK T[9:0 ] TX+ , TXEXAC T ref clock 1 25 M H z R X+ , R XR EF C LK 25 XR XD [9 :0] R [9:0 ] XR C L K _ EVEN RCLK XR C L K_ O D D PM 3 38 0 rev B+ C XTC L K_ E VEN VD D C L O C K_ M ASTE R XTXD [9 :0 ] R C L KN SE R D E S R EF C LK T[9:0 ] TX+ , TXEXAC T ref clock 1 25 M H z R X+ , R X- R EF C LK 13 5 G M A C ref clock 25 MHz XR XD [9 :0] R [9:0 ] XR C L K _ EVEN RCLK R EF C LK 25 XR C L K_ O D D R C L KN PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 10 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE Configuring Clear Channel Mode The procedure to configure a PM3370 and PM3380 device to operate in Clear Channel mode is identical to that described for SERDES mode, except that the EXACTCFG[1:0]=10. The connection is shown in Figure 1. Note that the PM3370/80 rev B+C devices can only support EXACT bus clock up to 125 MHz. In addition the PM3380 rev B+C device uses an internal clock multiplier to generate the required 125 MHz from a 25 MHz clock generated from the125 MHz reference clock. 3.2 Configuring PM3370 / PM3380 Revision D Devices This section describes how to configure Revision D PM3370 and PM3380 devices to operate in SERDES mode and Clear Channel mode. The revision D PM3370/3380 supports up to 135 MHz EXACT reference clock without needing internal clock multiplication. Configuring PM3370 / PM3380 rev D in SERDES Mode Following a reset, the PM3380 and PM3370 devices load the MCONFIG and DCONFIG from the external memory interface. The value of the MCONFIG and DCONFIG words are defined by strapping the respective bits of the memory data bus to VDD or VSS via a pull-up/down resistor. Please refer to the device datasheet for a detail description of the function of each control bit. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 11 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE DCONFIG Word Format for Memory Interface A Device Pin Register Bit Function Description MDATA_A [31] DCONFIG[15] RAMDIS Not relevant to EXACT clocking MDATA_A [30] DCONFIG[14] ROMDIS Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_A [29] DCONFIG[13] XRCLKSEL 0 MDATA_A[28] DCONFIG[12] C8B10BN 0 MDATA_A [27] DCONFIG[11] XTCLKSEL 0 MDATA_A [26] DCONFIG[10] EXACT_LPBK 0 MDATA_A [25:23] DCONFIG[9:7] MDATA_A [22] DCONFIG[6] MDATA_A [21:16] DCONFIG[5:0] reserved ENTRE Not relevant to EXACT clocking. reserved MCONFIG Word Format for Memory Interface A Device Pin Register Bit MDATA_A [15:0] MCONFIG[15:0] Function Description Reserved, or not relevant to EXACT clocking. DCONFIG Word Format for Memory Interface B Device Pin Register Bit Function MDATA_B [31:24] DCONFIG[15:8] CHIPID[7:0] Description Globally unique chip ID used in EXACT bus initialization. MDATA_B [23] DCONFIG[7] RISCHALT Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MDATA_B [22:16] DCONFIG[6:0] RTCDIV[6:0] Not relevant to EXACT clocking. MCONFIG Word Format for Memory Interface B Device Pin Register Bit MDATA_B [15:0] MCONFIG[15:0] Function Description Reserved or not relevant to EXACT clocking. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 12 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE Figure 3 shows how to connect a PM3370 or PM3380 rev D device to operate in SERDES mode. The SERDES device shown in this application is the Vitesse Gigabit Ethernet transceiver (VSC7135). In SERDES mode, a 125MHz transmit clock (XTCLK_EVEN) that is sampled on the rising edge is sent to the SERDES part. Complementary receive data clocks (XRCLK_EVEN=62.5MHz, XRCLK_ODD=62.5MHz) are provided by the SERDES part, to allow sampling of the incoming data (XRXD[9:0]) on both rising clock edges. The transmit data XTXD[9:0] and receive data XRXD [9:0] is 8B/10B encoded. The 125 MHz ring transmit clock (XTCLK_EVEN) is generated from the input reference clock (EXI_REFCLK). Figure 3 - PM3370 / PM3380 rev D connected in SERDES mode PM3 370 rev D SE R D E S XTCLK_E VEN XTXD[9:0] REF CLK T[9:0] TX +, TX EXA CT ref clock 125 / 135 M Hz RX+ , RX- EXI_REF CLK XRXD [9:0] R[9:0] XR CLK _EVE N RCLK XRCLK_O DD PM3370 rev D RCLKN SER D ES XTCL K_E VEN XTXD[9:0] REF CLK T[9:0] TX +, TX EXA CT ref clock 125 / 135 M Hz RX+ , RX- EXI_REF CLK G M AC ref clock 125 M Hz XR XD [9:0] R[9:0] XR CLK _EVE N RCLK G M AC_RE FCLK XRCLK_O DD RCLKN PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 13 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE Configuring PM3370 / PM3380 rev D in Clear Channel Mode The MCONFIG and DCONFIG bits are identical to that required for SERDES mode, except bits DCONFIG[11] = XTCLKSEL = 1, DCONFIG[12] = C8B10BN = 1, and DCONFIG[13] = XRCLKSEL = 1. The connection for a revision D PM3370 and PM3380 device to operate in Clear Channel mode is shown in Figure 1, except that the EXACT bus reference clock is input to the EXI_REFCLK pin, and the CLOCK_MASTER pin is no longer needed. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 14 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE 4. EXACT BUS TIMING FOR PM3370 / PM3380 This section provides the timing characteristics and analyzes board level clock skew budget for: - Revision B+C PM3370 and PM3380 in SERDES and Clear Channel mode - Revision D PM3370 and PM3380 SERDES and Clear Channel mode Due to EXACT clock and data delay mismatch in the revision B and rev C PM3370 and PM3380 devices require external delays to be inserted for the EXACT receive and/or transmit clocks. The adjustments and capability are summarized in the following table. The characteristics for interoperating with the PM3390 are still being investigated. Operation Data Rate Rev B+C SERDES 125 MHz 125 MHz 135 MHz 135 MHz 125 MHz 125 MHz Rev B+C NonSERDES Rev D SERDES (HP) Rev D Non-SERDES Rev D SERDES (HP) Rev D Non-SERDES Xtclk delay inserted 3 ns Xrclk delay inserted 3 ns Board skew budget NA 3 ns 0 ns 0 ns ~ +/- 2 ns in lab condition ~ +/- 2 ns in lab condition 0.3 ns sim'ed 0 ns 0 ns 0.5 ns sim'ed 0 ns 0 ns 0.5 ns sim'ed 0 ns 0 ns 0.5 ns sim'ed PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 15 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE The subsequent analysis assumes a "common" SERDES specification based on the most stringent requirements from the following components: Vitesse Hewlett Packard AMD Common Input to SERDES setup Input to SERDES hold 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Output from SERDES setup 3.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 Output from SERDES hold 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 4.1 PM3370 / PM3380 rev B+C EXACT Timing Revision B PM3370 and PM3380 devices require external delays to adjust XRCLK and XTCLK due to unmatched clock-data skews in the device. The device can operate in SERDES mode up to 125 MHz data rate in lab condition for SERDES and Clear Channel mode. EXACT transmit port is connected to EXACT receive Port as shown below. PM3370/3380 SERDES Xtclk Xtxd refclk tx_data Xrclk_even,odd Xrxd rclk_even,odd rx_data PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 16 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE Transmit to SERDES Timing Adjustments EXACT transmit clock must be delayed by tDxtclk at board level to achieve optimal setup / hold time to interface to SERDES. Since tPxtxd varies with condition, therefore tDxtclk varies with condition. The optimal tDxtclk for lab condition is shown below. REV B+C Transmit to SERDES In Lab Condition xtclk_even 6.5 1.5 xtxd tDxtclk =2.5 to 3.0 ns delay_xtclk Choose tDxtclk to maximize board skew budget: tBS = t(board_skew) = min (tSbs, tHbs) where tSbs = t(board_skew_setup) tHbs = t(board_skew_hold) Using tDxtclk = 3ns: tSbs= T(xtclk) - tPxtxd + tDxtclk - tSserdes = 8.0 - 6.5 + 3.0 -1.5 = 3ns tHbs= tPxtxd - tHserdes - tDxtclk = 6.5 - 1.5 - 3.0 = 2ns Hence tDxtclk = 3 ns provides skew budget tBS = 2 ns for transmit to SERDES. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 17 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE Receive from SERDES and Clear Channel Timing EXACT receive clock(s) must be delayed by tDxrclk at board level to achieve optimal setup / hold time and board skew to receive from SERDES. REV B TX TO SERDES IN LAB CONDITION Xrclk xrxd -4 +3 tDxrclk delay_xrclk The PM337/3380 EXACT input "safe" region is in a region -4 ns and +3 ns centered at the transition of xrxd[9:0]. The optimal placement of xrclk is achieved by delaying xrclk_even and xrclk_odd by delay tDxrclk and place it at the center of the safe region. For the HP SERDES tDxrclk = 3 ns in lab condition PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 18 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE 4.2 PM3370 / PM3380 rev D EXACT Interface Timing Timing Characteristics (Tj = -40C to +125C, VDD = 3.3 V 5%) Clear Channel mode timing (Load = 30pF) Symbol TTCK TSU(R) , TSU(F) TH(R) , TH(F) Description Min XTCLK_EVEN Transmit Clock Period 14.8 ns Transmit Data Setup Time (valid) Before Edge of XTCLK_EVEN 1.53 ns Transmit Data Hold Time (valid) After Edge of XTCLK_EVEN 1.76 ns TTDC Transmit Clock Duty Cycle TRCK Receive Clock Period of XRCLK_EVEN Receive Data Valid Before Edge of XRCLK_EVEN Receive Data Hold after Edge of XRCLK_EVEN TDV(R) , TDV(R) TDH(R) , TDH(R) TRDC Receive Clock Duty Cycle of XRCLK_EVEN Max 40 60 14.8 Units % ns 1.0 - ns 1.0 - ns 40 60 % PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 19 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE Clear Channel mode timing T tck XTCLK T su(f) T h(f) T su(r) T h(r) X T X D [9 :0 ] T rck XRC LK_EVEN T dv(f) T dh(f) T dv(r) T dh(r) X R X D [9 :0 ] PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 20 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE SERDES mode timing Symbol TTCK TSU Description Min Max Units XTCLK_EVEN Transmit Clock Period 7.9 8.1 ns 2.4 - ns Transmit Data Setup Time (valid) Before XTCLK_EVEN Rising Edge (125 MHz) 1.8 (135 MHz) TH Transmit Data Hold Time (valid) After XTCLK_EVEN Rising Edge 1.7 - ns TTDC Transmit Clock Duty Cycle 40 60 % TRCK Receive Clock Period of XRCLK_EVEN 15.8 16.2 ns TRCK Deviation, XRCLK_EVEN Rise to XRCLK_ODD Rise -0.5 +0.5 ns TDV(R) , TDV(R) Receive Data Valid Before Edge of XRCLK_EVEN/XRCLK_ODD 1.0 - ns TDH(R) , TDH(R) Receive Data Hold after Edge of XRCLK_EVEN/XRCLK_ODD 1.0 - ns TRDC Receive Clock Duty Cycle 40 60 % PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 21 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE SERDES mode timing T tck XTCLK Tsu Th T su Th X T X D [9 :0 ] T rck XRC LK_EVEN T rck XRC LK_O D D T dv(f) T dh(f) T dv(r) T dh(r) X R X D [9 :0 ] PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 22 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE 4.3 PM3370 / PM3380 Rev D EXACT Bus Timing Analysis EXACT transmit port is connected to EXACT receive port. No external delay is required. PM3370/3380 PM3370/3380 or SERDES Xtclk Xtxd xrclk xrxd Xrclk Xrxd xtclk xtxd Worst case SERDES specs for Vitesse, HP, and AMD The subsequent analysis assumes a "common" SERDES timing specification based on the most stringent timing requirements for the following components: part Vitesse HP AMD Common tS1serdes 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 tH1serdes 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 tS2serdes 3.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 tH2serdes 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 Note the timing requirement for a 135 MHz SERDES is assumed to be the same as a 125 MHz SERDES. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 23 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE Board Level Skew Let tBS = t(board_skew) tSbs = t(board_skew_setup) tHbs = t(board_skew_hold) Clear-Channel Mode In Clear Channel mode the PM3370/80 devices are connected directly to one another: tSbs = tSU - tdv = 1.53 - 1.0 = 0.53 ns tHbs = tH - tdv = 1.76 - 1.0 = 0.76 ns tBS = min (0.53, 0.76) = 0.53 ns Hence the allowable board skew in Clear Channel mode = 0.5 ns. SERDES Mode In SERDES mode, the timing differs when operating with a 125MHz SERDES or a 135MHz SERDES. Note that the timing specification for a 135MHz SERDES is assumed to be the same as a 125MHz SERDES. The Hewlett Packard SERDES provides marginally more time for board skew. Output to SERDES at 135 MHz tSbs= Tsu - tS1serdes = 1.8 - 1.5 = 0.3 ns (135 MHz) tHbs= Th - tH1serdes = 1.7 - 1.5 = 0.2 ns (worst case SERDES) tHbs= Th - tH1serdes = 1.7 - 1.0 = 0.7 ns (HP SERDES) tBS= min (0.3, 0.2) = 0.2 ns (135M worst case SERDES) tBS= min (0.3, 0.7) = 0.3 ns (135M with HP SERDES) PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 24 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE Output to SERDES at 125 MHz tSbs= Tsu - tS1serdes = 2.4 - 1.5 = 0.9 ns (125 MHz) tHbs= Th - tH1serdes = 1.7 - 1.5 = 0.2 ns (worst case SERDES) tHbs= Th - tH1serdes = 1.7 - 1.0 = 0.7 ns (HP SERDES) tBS= min (0.9, 0.2) = 0.2 ns (125M worst case SERDES) tBS= min (0.9, 0.7) = 0.7 ns (125M with HP SERDES) Input from SERDES at 125/135 MHz tSbs = tS2serdes - Tdv = 2.5 - 1.0 = 1.0 ns tHbs= tT2serdes - tdv = 1.5 - 1.0 = 0.5 ns tBS= min (1.0, 0.5) = 0.5 ns If the board level skew budget is the minimum of the skew associated with input and output to the SERDES, then: 1. In Clear Channel mode, board skew = 0.5 ns. 2. In 125MHz SERDES mode, board skew = 0.5 ns using HP SERDES. This is limited by the board skew input from SERDES. 3. In 135MHz SERDES mode, board skew = 0.3 ns using HP SERDES. This is limited by the board skew output to SERDES. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE 25 APPLICATION NOTE PMC-980894 ISSUE 1 EXACT BUS CLOCKING APPLICATION NOTE CONTACTING PMC-SIERRA, INC. PMC-Sierra, Inc. 105-8555 Baxter Place Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 4V7 Tel: (604) 415-6000 Fax: (604) 415-6200 Document Information: Corporate Information: Application Information: Web Site: None of the information contained in this document constitutes an express or implied warranty by PMC-Sierra, Inc. as to the sufficiency, fitness or suitability for a particular purpose of any such information or the fitness, or suitability for a particular purpose, merchantability, performance, compatibility with other parts or systems, of any of the products of PMC-Sierra, Inc., or any portion thereof, referred to in this document. PMC-Sierra, Inc. expressly disclaims all representations and warranties of any kind regarding the contents or use of the information, including, but not limited to, express and implied warranties of accuracy, completeness, merchantability, fitness for a particular use, or non-infringement. In no event will PMC-Sierra, Inc. be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost business or lost data resulting from any use of or reliance upon the information, whether or not PMC-Sierra, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damage. (c) 1998 PMC-Sierra, Inc. PMC-980894 (P1) Issue date: August 1998 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIALTO PMC-SIERRA, INC. AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS' INTERNAL USE