Altera Corporation 1
Nios Embedded Processor
SPI Peripheral
March 2001, ver. 1.1 Data Sheet
Features Serial peripheral interface (SPI) peripheral, used as either a master or
slave device
Master devices can interface with up to 16 slave devices
Programmable delay slot from enable active to bus activity
SPI slave device can interface with an off-chip SPI master device via
a tri-state bus
Programmable word size from 1 to 16 bits
Configurable clock phase and polarity
The Nios CPU SPI peripheral can be used as either a master or slave
device and allows the Nios CPU to communicate with one or more
external devices over an SPI bus. The Nios CPU controls and
communicates with the SPI peripheral through five memory-mapped, 16-
bit registers accessed by a standard Nios peripheral bus connection.
The Nios CPU SPI peripheral is fully configurable at hardware compile
time. The SPI peripheral is generated by an SOPC Builder MegaWizard®
Plug-In and, when configured as a master device, can interface with up to
16 slave devices. Several important attributes of the SPI bus (e.g., data size,
clock speed, etc.) are set in the wizard.
The SPI is a simple, industry-standard communications interface that
does not have specifications or a standards organizing group. Thus, there
are no licensing requirements. Because of its simplicity, the SPI is
commonly used in embedded systems. Many semiconductor
manufacturers sell a variety of sensor, conversion, and control devices
that use the SPI.
The Nios CPU SPI peripheral extends the conventional point-to-point
protocol by allowing more than one external SPI peripheral to share the
same miso, mosi, and sclk pins. Each SPI peripheral instantiated within
a Nios system has at least four interface signals (i.e., I/O pins on the
Altera® APEX, ACEX, or FLEX® device). The interface pins are miso,
mosi, sclk, and ss_n. (Master devices interfacing with multiple SPI
slave devices will have one ss_n signal for each slave device.) The
function of these signals depends on whether the SPI peripheral is
operating as a master or slave device.
2Altera Corporation
Nios Embedded Processor SPI Peripheral Data Sheet
Table 1 lists pin names, numbers, and types for both master and slave
The miso (master in, slave out) signal carries synchronous data from the
slave to the master device. The mosi (master out, slave in) signal carries
synchronous data from the master to the slave device. The sclk signal is
the shared clock signal, driven by the master, which synchronizes all data
transfers. There is one ss_n signal for each SPI slave device. The ss_n
signal is an active-low slave input/master output pin. Slave devices do
not respond to transactions unless their ss_n input signal is driven low.
1Typical SPI peripherals set their miso output pins—when not
selected—to high impedance. The Nios SPI slave device drives
an undefined value on its miso output pin when not selected. If
a Nios SPI slave device is connected to an external (off-chip) SPI
master device, the select input can be used to control a tri-state
pin outside the Nios system module. This option is necessary
when multiple slave devices share the same SPI bus.
The SPI peripheral consists of two user-visible components:
A memory-mapped register space
SPI bus interface pins
The register control bits determine when data can be read from and
written to the memory-mapped registers. All data is transmitted via the
SPI bus interface pins, miso, mosi, sclk, and ss_n.
Table 1. Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Polarity Master Device Slave Device
Number of Pins Type Number of Pins Pin Type
miso High 1 Input 1 Output
mosi High 1 Output 1 Input
sclk –1
Output 1 Input
ss_n Low 1-16 Output 1 Input
Altera Corporation 3
Nios Embedded Processor SPI Peripheral Data Sheet
Master Mode Operation
The SPI peripheral operates as a master device if it is configured as such
by the wizard. In general, the SPI protocol does not support multi-master
systems. The master initiates all data transactions, and every transaction
is both a receive and transmit operation. The master device transmits a
new data bit on the mosi pin and the slave device drives a new data bit
on the miso pin on each active clock edge.
The SPI peripheral transmitter logic consists of an n-bit (where n is a value
from 1 to 16) txdata transmit holding register and an n-bit transmit shift
register (the number of data bits is configured at hardware compile time).
The Nios CPU starts an SPI transaction by writing a transmit-data value
to the txdata register. The transmit shift register directly feeds the mosi
data pin. Data is shifted out to mosi either least significant bit (LSB) first
or most significant bit (MSB) first, depending on the configuration
settings. The transmit shift register is loaded automatically from the
txdata register whenever a serial transmit shift operation is not currently
in process.
1The transmit shift register and the txdata register provide
double buffering during data transmission; i.e., the Nios CPU
can write a new value into the txdata register while the
previously written character is being shifted out of the transmit
shift register.
The SPI peripheral receiver logic consists of an n-bit (where n is a value
from 1-16) rxdata receiver holding register and an n-bit receiver shift
register (the number of data bits is configured at hardware compile time).
The rxdata receiver holding register is read directly by the Nios CPU.
The receiver shift register is fed directly by the miso data pin. The
rxdata holding register is loaded from the receiver shift register
automatically every time data is fully received.
1The receiver shift register and the rxdata register provide
double buffering during data receiving; i.e., the rxdata register
can hold a previously received data byte while the subsequent
data byte is being shifted into the receiver shift register.
The Nios CPU can monitor the status of a master write operation by
reading the trdy, tmt, and toe bits in the status register. Similarly, the
Nios CPU can monitor the status of a slave read operation by reading the
roe and rrdy bits in the status register.
4Altera Corporation
Nios Embedded Processor SPI Peripheral Data Sheet
Slave Mode Operation
The SPI peripheral slave device behaves similarly to the master device,
except it cannot initiate a data transaction.
Before a transaction begins, the slave device polls its ss_n pin waiting for
the pin to be driven low, which indicates that the device is being
addressed by an SPI master device. The SPI slave device will immediately
begin sending the transmit shift register contents to the miso pin. The
slave device will also read the receiver shift register, simultaneously,
polling for data on the mosi pin. Thus, a read and write transaction can
be carried out simultaneously.
The Nios CPU controls the SPI peripheral by reading from and writing to
memory-mapped registers inside the Altera device. The SPI peripheral
has five 16-bit registers.
Register Map for SPI Master Device
Table 2 shows a register map for an SPI master device with an n-bit
transmit/receive shift register operating as master devices.
(1) Read-only value.
(2) Write-event register. A write operation to this address causes an event in the device.
(3) A write operation to the status register clears the following bits: roe, toe, and e.
(4) Nios CPU-written control value. Can be read back at any time.
(5) Write/read register. Bit mask for slave addressing.
Table 2 .Register Map for SPI Master Device
1514..89 8 76543210
0 RxData
RxData (
TxData (
Unused errdy trdy tmt toe roe Unused
3 Control
Unused eirrdy itrdy itmt Itoe iroe Unused
4 Reserved
5 Select
Slave Select Mask
Altera Corporation 5
Nios Embedded Processor SPI Peripheral Data Sheet
Register Map for SPI Slave Device
Table 3 shows a register map for an SPI slave device with an n-bit
transmit/receive shift register operating as slave devices.
(1) Read-only value.
(2) Write-event register. A write operation to this address causes an event in the device.
(3) A write operation to the status register clears the following bits: roe, toe, and e.
(4) Nios CPU-written control value. Can be read back at any time.
RxData Register (Internal Address 0)
The Nios CPU reads received data from the rxdata register. Whenever
new data is fully received via the miso input, the rrdy bit in the status
register is set to 1, and the data is transferred into the rxdata register.
Whenever the Nios CPU reads a value from the rxdata, the rrdy bit in
the status register is cleared (i.e., set to 0). If data is transferred into the
rxdata register when the rrdy bit is set (i.e., if the Nios CPU has not
retrieved the previous data), a receiver-overrun error occurs and the roe
bit in the status register is set to 1. New data is always transferred into the
rxdata register, whether or not the Nios CPU retrieved the previous
1Writing data to the rxdata register has no effect.
Table 3 .Register Map for SPI Slave Device
1514..89 8 76543210
RxData (
1 TxData
TxData (
Unused errdy trdy tmt toe roe Unused
Unused eirrdy itrdy itmt itoe iroe Unused
6Altera Corporation
Nios Embedded Processor SPI Peripheral Data Sheet
TxData Register (Internal Address 1)
The Nios CPU writes data to be transmitted directly into the txdata
register. The Nios CPU should not write any data to the txdata register
until the transmitter is ready for new data (as indicated by the status
register bit, trdy). If the Nios CPU writes data to the txdata register
when trdy is 0, the results are undefined. The trdy bit is set to 0
whenever the Nios CPU writes data into the txdata register. The trdy
bit is set to 1 whenever data is transferred from the txdata register into
the transmitter shift register, indicating an empty txdata holding
For example, assume that the SPI peripheral is idle and the Nios CPU
writes data into the txdata holding register. During the idle phase, the
trdy bit is set to 0, but after the data is transferred into the transmitter
shift register, trdy is immediately set to 1. The Nios CPU begins writing
a second data byte into the txdata register; however, the trdy bit is set
to 0. This time, the original data byte is still in the process of being
transmitted over the serial mosi pin. Accordingly, the trdy bit remains
at 0 until the transaction cycle ends. When the cycle ends, the second data
byte is transferred into the transmitter shift register and the trdy bit is
again set to 1.
Status Register (Internal Address 2)
The status register consists of status bits that indicate a particular
condition inside the SPI peripheral. The status register can be read at any
time by the Nios CPU, and doing so does not change the value of any of
the status bits. Each status bit is associated with a corresponding
interrupt-enable bit in the control register, see Control Register (Internal
Address 3) on page 7. If a status bits corresponding interrupt-enable bit
is true (1) at the same time that the status bit is true, an interrupt-request
will be sent to the Nios CPU.
Altera Corporation 7
Nios Embedded Processor SPI Peripheral Data Sheet
Table 4 lists the status register bits.
Control Register (Internal Address 3)
The control register consists of data bits that control the internal operation
of the SPI peripheral. The value in the control register can be read at any
time by the Nios CPU. The bits in the control register are: ie, irrdy,
itrdy, itmt, itoe, and iroe (bits 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3, respectively).
The control bits give the Nios CPU complete flexibility to determine
which, if any, internal conditions of the SPI peripheral will result in an
interrupt request.
Each bit in the status register has a corresponding interrupt enable bit in
the control register at the same bit position. (See Register Map for SPI
Master Device on page 4.) For example, the rrdy bit is bit 7 of the status
register, and the corresponding irrdy (interrupt-enable, receiver ready)
bit is bit 7 of the control register. For each bit of the status register, an
interrupt request to the Nios CPU is generated if both the status bit and its
corresponding interrupt enable bit are true (1).
Table 4 .Status Register Format
Data Bit Mnemonic Description
2..0 Unused
3roe Receiver overrun error.The roe bit is true if data is received while the rxdata
register is full (i.e., while the rrdy bit is still set to 1.) If the roe error occurs, the
new data overwrites the old. The roe bit is cleared (set to 0) when the Nios CPU
performs a write operation to the status register.
4toe Transmitter overrun error. The toe bit is set when data is written to txdata
while the register is still full (i.e., while the trdy bit is set to 0). If the toe error
occurs, the new data is ignored. The toe bit is cleared (set to 0) when the Nios
CPU performs a write operation to the status register.
5tmt Transmitter shift register empty. The tmt bit is set while a transaction is in
6trdy Transmitter ready. The trdy bit is set when the txdata register is empty.
7rrdy Receiver ready. The rrdy bit is set when the rxdata register is full.
8eError. The e bit is set if either toe or roe is set. This is a convenience for the
programmer. The e bit is cleared (set to 0) whenever the Nios CPU performs a
write operation to the status register.
15..9 Unused
Altera, APEX, ACEX, FLEX, MegaWizard, and Nios are trademarks and/or service marks of Altera
Corporation in the United States and other countries. Altera acknowledges the trademarks of other
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protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and
copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance
with Alteras standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any
time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application
or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to
in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of
device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders
for products or services.
Copyright 2001 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Literature Services:
Nios Embedded Processor SPI Peripheral Data Sheet
8Altera Corporation
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Select Register (Internal Address 5)
The select register sets the select bit mask for slave devices driven by the
SPI bus master device. The select register is only present when the SPI
peripheral is configured as a master device.
The select register can be used to address up to 16 slave devices by setting
the corresponding bit. For example, to select slave device 0, the user sets
bit 0 in the select register to a true value (1).
The Nios SPI master device can also interface to multiple slave devices
simultaneously by setting the select bits for each desired device. For
example, to select slave devices 1, 5, and 6, users write a 1 to bits 1, 5, and
6 of the select register.
A reset clears every bit of the select register except bit 0. Thus, after a
device reset, slave device 0 will automatically be selected.
SPI Software
If there is one or more SPI peripheral present in the Nios system, the SPI
peripheral software routines are available in the Nios library (.lib folder
in the custom software development kit).
fFor more information regarding software routine calls and custom
software development kits, please refer to the Nios Software Development
Reference Manual.