Panasonic F IVS =D LBRBIYFT YP Auminium Electrolytic Capacitors/FB IYPIWU FBP IDS OLE AVF Series: FB Type: A (Radial style: O4/JIS C Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors (Radial Lead Type) Japan Leads) 5141 & Zz Low impedance oF Bi & @ Biv ek-FVam @ (Rachyfl : 105 C 1000h (@8L F) 105 C 2000h (10L1_E) Features @ Low impedance @ Lifetime: 1000 h (65 to @8) at 105 C 2000 h (@10 to #18) Mitt # Specifications fie Foam & m& Operating Temp. Range -55 to +105 C ce & EF & Rated W.V. Range 10 to 50V.DC Af & GF B Nominal Cap. Range 0.47 to 10000 uF it eB A SB at A Capacitance Tolerance +20 % (120 Hz/+20 C) Ney w/b ii nr a DC Leakage Current 1<0.01 CV or 3 (uA) after 2 minutes ## RK MH oO 1 tan W.V.(V) | 10 16 25 35 50 (4120 Hz/+20 C) tan 6d | 0.19 | 0.16 | 0.14 | 0.12 | 0.10 (max.) 1000 pFAHBASEOLIOTIL, 1LOOMFRBPT OE ICO02+ MARE TS. Add 0.02 per 1000 uF for products of 1000 pF or more. si A Endurance fai FF OME ta (m1 410542 CHILE TERRE +HA CORA CHMEORE TL IKI) +L T FacreRSeelM se, BIB LE, LPO METS IL, IEF ORF : 65 ~8=LOOOK#A]. 910~ 18=20008F TA af ai 2 me Ze (CE PIO +20 WLP fh K f O ib FARE O 200 LAF fi tt PA RELA After following life test with DC voltage and +105+2 C ripple current value applied (The sum of DC and ripple peak voltage shall not exceed the rated working voltage), the capacitors shall meet the limits specified below. Duration: 1000 hours (95 to 8), 2000 hours (@10 to 18) Post test requirements at +20 C Capacitance change | +20 % of initial measured value tan 6 $200 % of initial specified value DC leakage current < Initial specified value im MO ft FF TE Shelf Life +105+2 CHC 1O00RF ME A i KS fe. Ab am tL fe. bac iin ATE ETS After storage for 1000 hours at +105+2 C with no voltage applied and then being stabilized at +20 C, capacitor shall meet the limits specified in Endurance. fait (PROM TPES. EAT SMCS ET KBR EH IL OL CHRATEL RE Bid, Design, Specifications are subject to change without notice. 4H, THA RO (RNAS GEOL EAL EA ER OM THEO CMA ROHL TORE SE TEIBMOL ET MPA GNOME ALA, BPE BALE LT CR StS Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product. please inform us immediately for technical consultation without fail. EE68 Panasonic 7))==9 L885 YF YF suminium Electrolytic Capacitors/FB @ awe Explanation of Part Numbers AH MAEOOOOOUG ae Al ac YY Ras ERB aS LAR ac FESR LAR Product Code Series Code R.W. Voltage Code N.Capacitance Code Option ap Bal aml Product code Classification FLYFF RB (JISO4H) FEU Radial lead type @ #ZiKT:% Dimensions in mm (not to scale) # AY-F Vert 96.35 P.V.C Sleeve NE eD+0.5 max. LS16:L+1.0 max. L220 : L+2.0 max. Body Dia. #D) 5 | 63] 8 10 12.5 16 | 18 Body Length L 25 to 25/30 to 40 Lead Dia. gc] 05] 05 )06}]06)]06]/08)08 | 08 Lead Space P} 20] 25|)35/]50]50|]50]7.5 | 7.5 S ARRALERABR Frequency correction factor for ripple current FIRE Frequency (Hz) WV. (V.DC) Cap. (uF) 60 120 1k 10k 100k 0.47 to 330 0.55 0.65 0.85 0.90 1.0 390 to 1000 0.70 0.75 0.90 0.95 1.0 10 to SO 1200 to 2200 0.75 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.0 2700 ~=s to: 10000 0.80 0.85 0.95 1.00 1.0 Adt AERC PES BT SBOM SET. LUAU TRIM ATIS SPLOHMITR RS Ye ROB, SAGO CMA RUMI L CORE a ESTES SMOL ET BB, RRO EMCO CHASEL EE Bid, Reo DMM ADA A, UPAR L TS Ras Design, Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before, purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please inform us immediately for technical consultation without fail. ~ EE6S Panasonic 7)Jb= =D LBRIYF YF Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors/FB BB SiA/f VE-FLUA/ABRY SIVBRBR Case size/Impedance/Ripple current W.V. (V.DC) 10 (1A) 16 (1C) aed ZF at 4vE-XVA Te TA | Ae A BE 4YE-FYR SPAT VG Case size Capacitance] Impedance (Q)(100 kHz) fippe rutent | Capacitance| Impedance (Q)(100 kHz) "eer caren! @DxL (mm) (uF) -~10C 420C (00 KHzv+ 105 C) (uF) -10C $20 C frt00 kHzr4105 C) 5 x11 82 3.90 1.300 160 56 3.90 1.300 160 5 x15 120 2.76 0.920 210 82 2.76 0.920 210 6.3x11.2 180 1.77 0.590 260 120 1.77 0.590 260 6.3x15 270 1.20 0.400 350 180 1.20 0.400 350 8 x11.5 330 0.99 0.330 400 220 0.99 0.330 400 8 x15 470 0.72 0.240 500 330L * 0.72 0.240 500 8 x20 560L * 0.54 0.180 650 470 0.54 0.180 650 10 12.5 390 0.78 0.260 520 270 0.78 0.260 520 10 x16 560 0.63 0.210 640 390 0.63 0.210 640 10 x20 820 0.39 0.130 860 680L * 0.39 0.130 860 10 x25 1200 0.33 0.110 1000 820 0.33 0.110 1000 10 x30 1500L * 0.27 0.090 1150 1000 0.27 0.090 1150 12.5x20 1800 0.26 0.086 1120 1200 0.26 0.086 1120 12.5x25 2200 0.21 0.070 1350 1500 0.21 0.070 1350 12.5x30 2700 0.19 0.062 1560 2200L * 0.19 0.062 1560 12.535 3300L * 0.15 0.050 1780 2700L * 0.15 0.050 1780 12.5x40 3900L * 0.13 0.043 1980 3300L * 0.13 0.043 1980 16 x20 3300 0.22 0.072 1380 2200 0.22 0.072 1380 16 x25 3900 0.18 0.060 1600 2700 0.18 0.060 1600 16 x31.5 4700 016 0.052 1850 3900 0.16 0.052 1850 16 x355 6800L * 0.13 0.044 2040 4700L * 0.13 0.044 2040 16 x40 8200L * 0.11 0.036 2320 5600 0.11 0.036 2320 18 x20 3900S * 0.19 0.062 1600 3300 0.19 0.062 1600 18 x25 4700S * 0.16 0.052 1860 39008 * 0.16 0.052 1860 18 x31.5 6800 0.14 0.046 2050 4700 0.14 0.046 2050 18 x35.5 8200 0.12 0.040 2250 6800 0.12 0.040 2250 18 x40 10000 011 0.036 2470 8200 0.11 0.036 2470 W.V. (V.DC) 25 (1E) 35 (1V) ARTE ZF EL 4 VE-FYR He 7. ea | Hara {vE-FvV A FRIIVER Case size Capacitance] Impedance (Q}(100 kHz) pee raven Capacitance} Impedance (Q}(100 kHz) "ene raven @DxL (mm) (uF) -10 C +20 C (100 kriz/+108 C} (UF) -10C +20 C (100 kHz/+105 C) 5 xt 39 3.90 1.300 160 27 3.90 1.300 160 5 x15 56 2.76 0.920 210 39 2.76 0.920 210 6.3x11.2 82 177 0.590 260 56 1.77 0.590 260 6.3x15 120 1.20 0.400 350 82 1.20 0.400 350 8 11.5 150 0.99 0.330 400 100 0.99 0.330 400 8 x15 220 0.72 0.240 500 150 0.72 0.240 500 8 x20 270L * 0.54 0.180 650 220 0.54 0.180 650 10 x12.5 180 0.78 0.260 520 120 0.78 0.260 520 10 x16 270 0.63 0.210 640 180 0.63 0.210 640 10 x20 470L * 0.39 0.130 860 330L * 0.39 0.130 860 10 x25 560 0.33 0.110 1000 390 0.33 0.110 1000 10 x30 680 0.27 0.090 1150 470 0.27 0.090 1150 12.5x20 820 0.26 0.086 1120 560 0.26 0.086 1120 12.5x25 1000 0.21 0.070 1350 680 0.21 0.070 1350 12.5x30 1500L * 019 0.062 1560 1000L * 0.19 0.062 1560 12.5x35 1800L * 0.15 0.050 1780 1200L * 0.15 0.050 1780 12.5x40 2200L * 013 0.043 1980 1500L * 0.13 0.043 1980 16 x20 1500 0 22 0.072 1380 1000 0.22 0072 1380 16 x25 1800 0 18 0.060 1600 1200 0.18 0.060 1600 16 x31.5 2700 0.16 0.052 1850 1800 0.16 0.052 1850 16 x35.5 3300L * 0.13 0.044 2040 2200L * 0.13 0.044 2040 16 x40 3900L * 0.11 0.036 2320 2700L * 0.11 0.036 2320 18 x20 2200 0.19 0.062 1600 1500 0.19 0.062 1600 18 x25 2700S * 0 16 0.052 1860 1800S * 0.16 0.052 1860 18 x31.5 3300 0 14 0.046 2050 2200 0.14 0.046 2050 18 x35.5 3900 0.12 0.040 2250 2700 0.12 0.040 2250 18 x40 4700 0.11 0.036 2470 3300 0.14 0.036 2470 rf YALE REL Aa ( y show WV. code. KARO GWO LH (LS) it. MBM Kea oT. * Lor S in case size table are optional ccdes Example: EEUFBLIOIL 5 dbat (EO T PRK ETS ET DORA TRIM AS NU EEOL EER SL DCRR SAGITTAL TOLER REP EI RMOL ES a. AWA OPE LOU CH ARALU ES Sid, ease, Ema e OSE a Design, Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product. please inform us immediately for technical consultation without fail. EE70 Panasonic 7))=9LEBRIYF YF Auminium Electrolytic Capacitors/FB BM Ti/14 YE -FALU AAR US IVBR-BR Case size/Impedance/Ripple current WV. (V.DC) 50 (1H) iva AVE-VYAR AIT LGR Case size Capacitance} impedance ()(100 kHz) Prope rarer _DxL (mm) (UF) -10C 420C [i100 kH2/+105 C) 5 i 0.47 141.00 47.000 18 5 xii 1.00 66.00 22.000 30 5 x11 2.20 30.00 10.000 45 5 x11 3.30 20.10 6.700 55 5 x1 4.70 14.10 4.700 7 5 xl 6.80 9.60 3.200 80 5 x11 10 6.60 2.200 100 5 x11 18 3.90 1.300 160 5 xi 27 2.76 0.920 210 6.3x11.2 39 1.77 0.590 260 6.3x15 56 1.20 0.400 350 8 xi15 68 0.99 0.330 400 8 x15 82L * 0.72 0.240 500 8 x20 120 0.54 0.180 650 10 12.5 82 0.78 0.260 520 10 x16 100 0.63 0.210 640 10 x20 180L * 0.39 0.130 860 10 x25 220 0.33 0.110 1000 10. x30 330L * 0.27 0.090 1150 12.520 330 0.26 0.086 1120 12.5x25 470 0.21 0.070 1350 12.5x30 560 0.19 0.062 1560 12.5x35 680L * 0.15 0.050 1780 12.5x40 820L * 0.13 0.043 1980 16 x20 680 0.22 0.072 1380 16 x25 820 0.18 0.060 1600 16 x31.5 1000 0.16 0.052 1850 16 35.5 1200 0.13 0.044 2040 16 x40 1500L * 0.11 0.036 2320 18 x20 8208 * 0.19 0.062 1600 18 x25 1000S * 0.16 0.052 1860 18 31.5 1500 0.14 0.046 2050 18 x35.5 1800 0.12 0.040 2250 18 x40 2200 0.11 0.036 2470 adat (EBL OUT PSK RET SMA SE ORT TR ARO TED ES TRL LBe Be EA SRR SAGO CMA ROTH L TORK EET HEA BBL EF A REO R OPEL OU CRRIVEL HE Bid, PANTS OMIA Le, BPs TOR Design. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please inform us immediately for technical consultation without fail. EE71