K MAGNA Yffiffi 8D645; 647 BD6a9; 651 SILICONDARLINGTON POWERTRANSISTORS N-P-Nepitaxialbasetransistorsin monolithic Darlingtoncircuit for audiooutput stagesand general amplifierand switchingapplications;fO-22Oplasticenvelope. P-N-Pcomplements are BD646,8D648, 8 D 6 5 0a n d 8 D 6 5 2 . O U I C KR E F E R E N C E DATA voltage(openemitter) Collector-base voltage(openbase) Collector-emitter VCAO max. V VCf O max. V Collectorcurrent(peakvalue) Total powerdissipation up to Tmb = 25 oC ICU max. Ptot max. Junctiontemperature T; max. D.C.currentgain: lg=0,5A;V6g=3V lg=3,0A;Vgg=3V Cut-offfrequency:lC = 3 A; Vgg = 3 V nFE tYP. hre fhfe 10,3 mox M E C H A N I C A LD A T A Collectorconnected to mountingbase. 1900 750 50 typ. *; .*as, t't*l l* l- F i s .1 T O - 2 2 0 A 8 . 12 62,5 150 I I + II + Jr I mu,tt oxl --i I-1 , 3 f mox 1 l1; n I t2xl + I I +l <-0,9mor (3x) ll +l r+-u'o l+2,4 W oc kHz D i m e n s i o ni sn m m 15,8 mox 3,5mox not tinn'ed A K MAGNA THffi 8D645; 647 8D649; 651 C I R C U I TD I A G R A M Fig.2 Rt typ. 4 kQ R2 typ. 100Q RATINGS Limitingvaluesin accordance with the AbsoluteMaximumsystem(lEc 134) Collector-base voitage(openemitter) Collector-emitter voltage(openbase) Emitter-base voltage(opencollector) Vceo VcEo V eg o max. Collectorcurrent(d.c.) lg max. Collectorcurrent(peakvalue) Basecurrent(d.c.) lcnlt max. 'tE^l max. = 25.oC Total power dissipationup to T,.,..,g Storagetemperature Junctiontemperature* Ptot max. max. max. Trrg .J T H E R M A LR E S I S T A N C*E From junctionto mountingbase Rth j-mb From junctionto ambientin freeair Rth j-a max. 80 60 5 649 651 120 100 140 V 't20 V 100 80 5 0 5 V I 12 150 62,5 -65 to + 150 150 2 70 Basedon maximumaverage junctiontemperature in linewith commonindustrialpractice.The resultinghigherjunctiontemperature of the output transistorpart is taken into account. A A mA W oc oc K/W K/W K 8D645; 8D649; MAGNA TEfr CHARACTERISTICS T1 = 25 oC unlessotherwisespecified Collectorcut-off current l E = 0 ; V C S O= V C E O m a x lE = 0; VCB = % VCBOmax;Tj = ISOoC lceo lcso lceo lB=0;VCE=%VCEO'." Emitter cut-off current lC=0;VEg=5V lego D.C.currentgain(note 1) lg=0,5A;VgE=3y lC= 3A;VgE=3y lC= 8A;Vgg=3y Base-emitter voltage(notes1 and2l lC=3A;V66=3V Saturationvoltages(note1) hre hre . hre ' 5mA typ. 1900 typ. 1800 Vge 2,5 V lC=3A;lg=12mA lC=5A;lg=50mA VCEsat VcEsrt Diode forward voltaqe lr=3A Collectorcapacitance at f = 1 MHz lE=le=0;VCB=10V Cut-off frequency lC=3A;VCE=3V Turn-off breakdownenergywith inductive load -lBoif = 0; lCN4= 4,5 A; tO = 1 ms; T = 100 ms;seeFig. 3 Smallsignalcurrentgain lC=3A;VCe=3V;f=1MHz Secondbreakdowncollectorcurrent VCE=60V;tO=0,1 s Switchingtimes(seeFigs4 and 5) lcon = 3 A; lgon = -lBoff = 12mA turn-ontime turn-offtime Notes 1. JVleasured under pulseconditions:to < 3OO 6 12%. 1ts, 2.Vse decreases by abouts,e mvirpwt;i;;ri"Ji,"no.r",rrr. VB Esat Vp typ. 1 , 2v cc tVp. /c pF fhfe tYP. 50 kHz E(sn) I r't.I 50 mJ tvp. Itss) 50 1 , 0 4A ton typ. toff typ. 1 , 0g s 2,5 ps 5ps 10 ps K MAGluA TEG 8D645; 647 8D649: 651 5mH - vert. oscilloscope 0,1o .. t Fig.3 Test circuit for turn-off breakdownenergy. VtM = 12 V; Rg = 27Ot2;. tO=1ms;6=1o/o. oscilloscope qn i6 tot \ | /o I Fig.4 Switchingtimes waveforms. 1n n Vcc u'*-n n 0-] l---l L--l to l* l<- T *l I VCC = 10V V t f U = 1 0V - V B B= 4 v R1 = 56St R2 =410O R3 = 560 Ct R4 = 3(.l tr=tf = 15ns = 10ps tp = 500ps T Fig.5 Switching timestestcircuit. K MAGNA wffiffi 8D645; 8D649; l02 tc (At 6=o,o l cM-." n 10 lc..t tl tp= '100ps \ 1ms \ \ (1) 5 lr I 2 d.c. ' 1 0 -1 \t o co ro-2 10 io2 vcE(v ) Fig.6 SafeOperating ARea;Tmb = 25 oC I Regionof permissible d.c.operation. ll Permissible extensionfor repetitivepulseoperation. (1) Ptot ru" and Poeak rnu* lines. (2) Second-breakdown limits(independent of temperature). 8D645;647 8D649;651 102 lI 100 P tot -o" ("/o) (v) 7 75 1 1I .l I tF ( A t Fig. Ba Typical valuesfo'rwardvoltage o f c o l l e c t o r - e m i t t edr i o d e ( s e eF i g . 2 ) at Ti = 25 oC. r ro^ r I mbt v, F i 1 rB . P o w e rd e r a t i n gc u r v e . 3 Zth i-mb (t r \ \ Il _LlI _Li.ll {ul ffi J ||f --_b l\ 6 0,33 1 n ?1 0 . 5- \ I 0.75 = 0,5 0,75 t \ rt+ \ Its\ Tflt \ \ \ Tltf 102 to (ms) l0-l 10-l F i s .1 0 . 1 10 to (msl F i g . 1 2 S e c o n db r e a k d o w nc u r r e n t m u l t i p l y i n gf a c t o r a t t h e ,l00 102 V level. 8D645 ,.r,r$ r0? S . l l , c u r r e n t m u l t i p l y i n gf a c t o r a t t h e 1 2 0 V l e v e l S . B . c u r r e n tm u l t i p l y i n gf o c t o r o t t h e 6 0 V l e v e l l o I Ml I I Ml 0.0i 1 II 102 \ l * 0,2 0,3: o,7l l >, I \ 1 I T i tr 1 -T \ -- l0- r tp (ms) F i s .11 . 102 1o2 to(msl F i g . 1 3 S e c o n db r e a k d o w nc u r r e n tm u l t i p l y i n g f a c t o r a t t h e 1 2 0 V l e v e l . 4 3 iYx ffi ffiru D 8 D 6 4 5 ;6 4 7 8D649;651 o I 1l VcEr"t (v) LE50t 'a 1A t- {v) 10 2 4 5 o -\H ltl t+ t# I \ I TTI I typ I L 2 vr. {v) f, lc (A) 10 10- I 10- 1 Fi g . 1 4 . 102 10 1 tg (mA) 103 F i g . 1 7 T y p i c a l v a l u e sc o l l e c t o r - e m i t t c sr a t u r a t i o nv o l t a g e T j = 2 5 o C . | 272444.2 104 104 lyp 'lfe IE 103 1 2 5o ( 103 ll I 25oc 102 1 o -2 1o-l 1 Fig.l6 Typicald.c.current9ain.VgE = 3 y. r c( A l t0 102 103 104 F i s .l 8 S m a lsl i g n acl u r r e ngt a i na t l g = 3 A ; V g g = 3 y . 1 0 5 1 1 1 1 q .l1o o @3 Erc ffiTt ffi D