4AT49F001(N(T) 1008D–FLASH–2/03
SECTOR ERASE: As an alternative to a full chip erase, the device is organized into sectors
that can be individually erased. There are two 8-Kbyte parameter block sections and two main
memory blocks. The 8-Kbyte p arameter bloc k sections c an be indepe ndently erased and
reprogr ammed. Th e two main memory sections are de signed to be used as alterna tive mem-
ory sectors. That is, whenever one of the blocks has been erased and reprogrammed, the
other block sho uld be erased and reprogrammed before the first block is again erased. The
Sect or Er as e command i s a six bus c ycle op er ati on. Th e s ec tor ad dres s i s lat che d o n the fal l-
ing WE edge of the sixth cycle while the 30H data input command is latched at the rising edge
of WE. The sector erase starts after the rising edge of WE of the sixt h cyc l e. Th e er as e op e ra -
tion is internally controlled; it will automatically time to completion.
BYTE PROGRAMMING: Once the memory array is erased, the device is programmed (to a
logical “0”) on a byte-by-byte basis. Please note that a data “0” cannot be programmed back to
a “1” ; only erase op eratio ns can conve rt “0”s t o “1”s . Prog ramming is ac compli shed v ia the
internal device command register and is a 4 bus cycle operation (please refer to the Command
Definitions table). The device will automatically generate the required internal program pulses.
The prog ram cycle has add resses latch ed on the fal ling edge of WE or CE, whic hever oc curs
last, and the data l atched on the rising edge of WE or CE, whichever occurs fir st. Program-
ming is co mpleted after the sp ecified tBP cyc le time. The DATA polling fea ture may also be
used to indicate the end of a program cycle.
BOOT BLOCK PROGRAMMING LOCKOUT: The devic e has one desi gnated bl ock that has
a progra mmin g lockou t feature. This fe ature pre vents pr ogrammi ng of data in the des ignate d
block once the feature has been enab led. The size of the block is 16K bytes. This block,
refer red to as th e boot block , can cont ain secur e code that i s used to bri ng up the s ystem.
Enabling the lockout feature will allow the boot code to stay in the device while data in the rest
of the device is updated. This feature does not have to be activated; the boot block’s usage as
a write pr otected reg ion is opt ional to the use r. The addr ess range of the boot block is 00000
to 03FFF for the AT49F001(N) while the address range of the boot block is 1C000 to 1FFFF
for the AT49F001(N)T.
Once the feature is enabled, the data in the boot block can no longer be erased or pro-
grammed with inp ut volt age level s of 5.5V or less . Data in th e main m emory bl ock can s till be
changed through the regular programming method. To activate the lockout feature, a series of
six pro gram commands to specific addresses with specific data must b e performed. Pl ease
refer to the Command Definitions table.
BOOT BLOCK LO CKOUT DETECTIO N: A software method is available to determine if pro-
gramm ing of th e boot bl ock sec tion i s locke d out. Wh en th e device is in th e softwa re produ ct
identification mode (see Software Product Identification Entry and Exit sections) a read from
address location 00002H will show if programming the boot block is locked out for the
AT49F0 01(N) a nd a r ead from addr ess 1C00 2H wil l show if prog ramming the bo ot blo ck is
locked out for the AT49F001(N)T. If the data on I/O0 is low, the boot block can be pro-
grammed ; if t he dat a on I /O0 i s high , the p rogram loc kout featu re h as be en acti vated and th e
block c annot be prog ramme d. The softwa re produc t identi fica tion exit co de shou ld be use d to
return to standard operation.