Standard Power MOSFETs 2N6761, 2N6762 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors 4.0A and 4.5A, 450V - 500V ros(On) = 1.5Q and 2.0Q Features: 8 SOA is power-dissipation limited m Nanosecond switching speeds @ Linear transfer characteristics @ High input impedance m@ Majority carrier device The 2N6761 and 2N6762 are n-channel enhancement- mode silicon-gate power field-effect transistors designed for applications such as switching regulators, switching converters, motor drivers, relay drivers, and drivers for high-power bipolar switching transistors requiring high speed and low gate-drive power. These types can be oper- ated directly from integrated circuits. These types are supplied in the JEDEC TO-204AA steel package. Absolute Maximum Ratings Drain -- Source Voltage Drain - Gate Voltage Gate Source Voltage Storage Temperature Range 3-484 File Number 1589 $s 92CS-3374t N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS DRAIN SOURCE (FLANGE ) 0 oO GATE 92CS-3780I JEDEC TO-204AA 420 75 (See Fig. 11) 30 Fig. 19 1 -5S* to 150Standard Power MOSFETs 2N6761, 2N6762 Electrical Characteristics @) Tc = 25C (Unless Otherwise Specified) Paremeter Type Min, | Typ. | Max. | Units Test Conditions BVpg5 Drain Source Breakdown Voltage | 2N6761 | 450 = ~ V_ | vgg=0 2N6762 | 500 - ~ v Ip = 4.0 ma V@sith) Gate Threshold Voltage ALL 2.0* = 4.0 Vv | Vos = Ves: Ip = 1 mA lassr Gate Body Leakage Forward ALL = = 100 nA | Vag = 20V lagga Gate Body Leakage Reverse ALL ~ ~ 100 nA | Vgg* -20V pss Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current A - 01 1.0 [ mA | Vog = 0.8 x Max. Rating, Veg = 0 Le - 0.2 40 mA | Vog = Max. Rating, Vag = 0, Te = 25C to 125C Voston) Static Drain-Source On-State 2N6761 - - 8.0" Vv | Vgs 7 10V, 1p = 44 Voltage 2ne762 | = 7 |v | Vqg~10V. tp = 45A Rpgsion) Static Drain-Source On-Stare 2N6761 - 15 2.0 Q | Vag = 10V, 1p = 2.5A Resistance (7) 2N6762 = 13 15 2 | Vag = 10V, Ip = 3.0A R, Static Drain-Source On-State 2N6761 - = a4 RQ | VGg = IOV, Ip = 2.5, To = 125C DS(on) Plmiance Oo 2N6762 ~ ~ 3.a* Q | Vgs = 10V, tg, = 3.04, Te = 125C 4 Forward Transconductance (1) ALL 25 35 75 | S(U) | Vos = 16V, Ip = 3A Sigg Input Capacitance ALL 350 | 600 | 800 pF - Vgg = 0. Vays = 25V. f= 1.0 MHz Coss Output Capacitance ALL 25 100 | 200 pF See Fig. 10 ig. Coss Reverse Transter Capacitance ALL 15 30 60 pF Yd ton} Turn-On Datay Time ALL ~ = 30 mM ) Vp 2 228V. Ip = 3A, Zo = 152 % Rise Time ALL = ~ 30 as | (See Figs. 13 and 14) tg lott} Turn-Oft Delay Time ALL ~ = 55 ns | (MOSFET switching times are essentially te Fall Time ALL = ~ 30 as independant of operating temperature.) Thermal Resistance Ring Junction-to-Case ALL = = 1.67" | oc/w Rincs Case-to-Sink ALL - 9.1 - SCAN | Mounting surface flat, smooth, and greased. Rinsa Junction-to-Ambient ALL - - 3 C/W | Feee Air Oparation Body-Drain Diode Ratings and Characteristics 's Continuous Source Current | 2N6761 = = 40 A Modified MCISFET symbot D (Body Diode) '2N6762 = = ro showing the integral reverse P-N junction rectifier. G { 'sm Pulsed Source Current 2N6761 = = 60 A (Body Diode} 2Ne72 | = 7.0 4s Vsp Diode Forward Voltage (7) 2ne761 | 065 | - 13 V_| Te = 28C, Ig = 4A, Vag = 0 2N6762 | 0.7 ~ 1a Vi | Te = 25C, Ig =4.5A, Vag = 0 try Reverse Recovery Time ALL 500 = ms | Ty = 150C, tp = Iggy, dtp /dt = 100 Alus Gap _ Reverse Recovered Charge ACL = 7.0 = uC [Ty = 150C, 1g = Iggy, dtp/dt = 100 A/us *JEDEC registered values, (1) Putse Test: Pulse Width 300 usec, Duty Cycle < 2% L E, = 0.5BVpsg Ve * 0.758Vps5 VARY tp TO OBTAIN REQUIRED PEAK i t DUT Ves * 20V 4 Ve L By T= Vo Lor. Fig. 1 Clamped inductive Test Circuit Ip, GRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) t 100 Vig. ORAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGI: (VOLTS) Fig. 3 Typical Output Characteristics 2 Ip. ORAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) Fig, 2 Clamped inductive Waveforms Ty = 1250C t Ty= 2506 I Ty = -5506 1 2 3 4 $ ? Vas. GATE TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 4 Typical Transfer Characteristics 3-485Standard Power MOSFETs 2N6761, 2N6762 3-486 Up, DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) a 2 4 6 8 19 Vps, DRAIN-TO-SOUACE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 5 Typical Saturation Characteristics (2N6761) Ny o - Qts. TRANSCONDUCTANCE (SIEMENS) Vpg = 16V 0 1 2 ji 4 5 ig. ORAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) Fig. 7 Typical Transconductarice Vs. Drain Current 22 > > oo Aipstany ORAIN-TO-SOURCE ON RESISTANCE (NORMALIZEQ) S a 0.2 -40 0 40 80 120 160 Ty, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) Ip. DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) lized Typical On-Resi Vs. Te ip, DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES! 0 2 4 6 a W Vg. DRAIN-TO-SOUACE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 6 Typical Saturation Characteristics (2N6762) 10 20 50 100 200 500 C, CAPACITANCE (pF) Vpg. ORAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 8 Maximum Safe Operating Area 1600 200 400 a ig 20 nu oy 50 Vos. BRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VGLTS} Fig. 10 Typical Capacitance Vs, Drain-to-Source VoltageStandard Power MOSFETs Py. POWER DISSIPATION (WATTS) 80 $0 - op 40 a X +4 + he +--+ - + 20 |- ate tN 8 20 4 60 8s = 100120140 Te, CASE TEMPERATURE (90) Fig. 11 -- Power Vs. Temperature Derating Curve Vuo = 225V TE PRE = thHr Mi Vo tps Vas To SCOPE Fig. 13 Switching Time Tast Circuit ig, SOURCE CURRENT (AMPERES) 2N6761, 2N6762 (syq, 2NB762 ts, 2N6762 1 Vp. SOURCE-TO-DRAIN VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 12 Typical Body-Drain Diode Forward Voltage VGS fon) INPUT, j . | sony) 5 505, 1% / VGs (oft) d INPUT PULSE INPUT PULSE " RISE TIME FALL TIME "d ton) > 4 (ott) E, tym Vos (ott) on, QUTPUT, Vo ey Fig. 14 Switching Time bow 3-487