Catalog 1308638 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514
Revised 8-05 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-141-810-8967
Rectangular Connectors
JACKMATE MCJ(M) Series Plastic (Metal) Shell Center Jackscrew Connectors
10 & 14 Contact Layout
Guide Pin
2 Plcs.
(.050 hex wrench
req'd to turn screw)
JACKMATE Connectors are
the first Twist Pin contact
assemblies designed to
accommodate center
jackscrews that provide
jacking action when mating
or unmating the connectors.
Although the units were
initially developed for high
density cord-to-cordor
in-line applications, either
plug or receptacle can be
adapted to a PC board. The
jacking hardware consist of
athreaded bushing and a
captivated jackscrew which
are made of corrosion
resistant stainless steel
and are molded into the
JACKMATE Connector
The twist pin contacts are
on .050 [1.27] center-to-
center linear spacing and
contact terminations are
available in solid wire or
stranded wire. There is a
high degree of flexibility
with this JACKMATE con-
nector design for commer-
cial or military applications.
Available om MCJ(M) Series
Plastic (Metal) Shells.
10 Layout14 Layout Receptacle Plug
JACKMATE Technical & Performance Data for Plastic Shell
Contact Resistance —The average
mated contact resistance is 4 milliohms,
with a maximum value of 8 milliohms,
using standard24 AWG solid copper
leads when measured directly behind the
crimp joints of the mated pin and socket
contacts. The average resistance value at
100 microvolts is 4.8 milliohms.
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage
(60 Hz rms room temperature) —
Solder Pots: 600 VAC at sea level; 150
VAC at 70,000 feet [21,336m]
Wire Terminations: 750 VAC at sea level;
200 VAC at 70,000 feet [21,336m].
Corrosion Resistance (Per MIL-STD-
202C, Method 101B, Condition B) —
Both mated and unmated samples do not
exceed the maximum allowable contact
resistance (8 milliohms) when subjected
to the 48 hour salt spray test.
Durability —The contact resistance
after 500 mating cycles is less than the
maximum allowable, 8 milliohms.
Insulation Resistance — Greater than
5,000 megohms at room temperature for
the materials listed under “Materials”.
Maximum Current Carrying
Capacity —No. 24 contact 3 amperes.
It must be recognized, however,that all
the wires to a connector will not carry
their maximum current under all
environmental conditions due to wire
Contact Engaging & Separation
Forces —8.0 oz. max. [2.22N] (eng.),
0.5 oz. min. [.14N] (sep.).
TemperatureRange (Operating) —
-67°Fto 257°F [-55° C to 125°C].
Vibration (Per MIL-STD-202C,
Method 204-A, Condition D) —No
discontinuity in excess of 1 µsec. dur-
ing twelve 20 minute sweeps from 10 to
2000 CPS at .06 double amplitude or 20
Gforces, whichever is less.
Insulator —Glass filled Nylon Type 6.
Contacts —Pin contact: copper alloy
and beryllium copper alloy make up the
complete construction; Socket contact:
copper alloy.
Hardware —Corrosive resistant stain-
less steel.
Contacts —Standard finish is
0.000050 [0.00127] gold over copper
flash per MIL-G-45204, Type II.
Hardware—Passivated Per QQ-P-35.
JACKMATE MCJ Series Plastic Shell Center Jackscrew Connectors