LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual High Precision, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifier General Description Features The LMP201x series are the first members of National's new LMPTM precision amplifier family. The LMP201X series offers unprecedented accuracy and stability in space-saving miniature packaging while also being offered at an affordable price. This device utilizes patented techniques to measure and continually correct the input offset error voltage. The result is an amplifier which is ultra stable over time and temperature. It has excellent CMRR and PSRR ratings, and does not exhibit the familiar 1/f voltage and current noise increase that plagues traditional amplifiers. The combination of the LMP201X characteristics makes it a good choice for transducer amplifiers, high gain configurations, ADC buffer amplifiers, DAC I-V conversion, and any other 2.7V-5V application requiring precision and long term stability. Other useful benefits of the LMP201X are rail-to-rail output, a low supply current of 930 A, and wide gain-bandwidth product of 3 MHz. These extremely versatile features found in the LMP201X provide high performance and ease of use. (For VS = 5V, Typical unless otherwise noted) Low guaranteed VOS over temperature Low noise with no 1/f High CMRR High PSRR High AVOL Wide gain-bandwidth product High slew rate Low supply current Rail-to-rail output No external capacitors required 60 V 35nV/Hz 130 dB 120 dB 130 dB 3MHz 4V/s 930A 30mV Applications Precision instrumentation amplifiers Thermocouple amplifiers Strain gauge bridge amplifier Connection Diagrams 5-Pin SOT23 8-Pin SOIC 8-Pin MSOP 20071538 20071502 Top View 20071542 Top View Top View Ordering Information Package 5-Pin SOT23 8-Pin MSOP Part Number LMP2011MF LMP2012MM LMP2012MMX AP1A -40C to 125C LMP2011MA LMP2011MAX LMP2012MA LMP2012MA LMP2012MAX (c) 2008 National Semiconductor Corporation Package Marking AN1A LMP2011MFX LMP2011MA 8-Pin SOIC Temperature Range 200715 Transport Media 1k Units Tape and Reel 3k Units Tape and Reel 1k Units Tape and Reel 3.5k Units Tape and Reel NSC Drawing MF05A MUA08A 95 Units/Rail 2.5k Units Tape and Reel 95 Units/Rail M08A 2.5k Units Tape and Reel www.national.com LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual High Precision, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifier July 1, 2008 LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual Differential Input Voltage Current at Input Pin Current at Output Pin Current at Power Supply Pin Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. ESD Tolerance Human Body Model Machine Model Supply Voltage Common-Mode Input Voltage -0.3 VCM VCC +0.3V Lead Temperature (soldering 10 sec.) +300C Supply Voltage 30 mA 30 mA 50 mA Operating Ratings 2000V 200V 5.8V (Note 1) Supply Voltage Storage Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range 2.7V to 5.25V -65C to 150C -40C to 125C 2.7V DC Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for TJ = 25C, V+ = 2.7V, V- = 0V, V CM = 1.35V, VO = 1.35V and RL > 1 M. Boldface limits apply at the temperature extremes. Symbol VOS TCVOS Parameter Conditions Min (Note 3) Typ (Note 2) Max (Note 3) Input Offset Voltage (LMP2011 only) 0.8 25 60 Input Offset Voltage (LMP2012 only) 0.8 36 60 Offset Calibration Time 0.5 10 12 Units V ms Input Offset Voltage 0.015 V/C Long-Term Offset Drift 0.006 V/month Lifetime VOS Drift 2.5 V IIN Input Current -3 pA IOS Input Offset Current 6 pA RIND Input Differential Resistance CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio 9 M 95 90 130 dB 95 90 120 dB RL = 10 k 95 90 130 RL = 2 k 90 85 124 2.665 2.655 2.68 -0.3 VCM 0.9V 0 VCM 0.9V PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio AVOL Open Loop Voltage Gain VO Output Swing (LMP2011 only) RL = 10 k to 1.35V VIN(diff) = 0.5V 0.033 2.630 2.615 RL = 2 k to 1.35V VIN(diff) = 0.5V RL = 10 k to 1.35V VIN(diff) = 0.5V 2.64 2.63 2.615 2.6 2 0.085 0.105 V 0.060 0.075 V 2.65 0.061 www.national.com V 2.68 0.033 RL = 2 k to 1.35V VIN(diff) = 0.5V 0.060 0.075 2.65 0.061 Output Swing (LMP2012 only) dB 0.085 0.105 V IO Parameter Output Current IS Conditions Min (Note 3) Typ (Note 2) Sourcing, VO = 0V VIN(diff) = 0.5V 5 3 12 Sinking, VO = 5V VIN(diff) = 0.5V 5 3 18 Supply Current per Channel 0.919 2.7V AC Electrical Characteristics Max (Note 3) Units mA 1.20 1.50 mA TJ = 25C, V+ = 2.7V, V- = 0V, VCM = 1.35V, VO = 1.35V, and RL > 1 M. Boldface limits apply at the temperature extremes. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min (Note 3) Typ (Note 2) Max (Note 3) Units GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product 3 MHz SR Slew Rate 4 V/s m Phase Margin 60 Deg Gm Gain Margin -14 dB en Input-Referred Voltage Noise 35 in Input-Referred Current Noise enp-p Input-Referred Voltage Noise trec Input Overload Recovery Time nV/ pA/ RS = 100, DC to 10 Hz 850 nVpp 50 ms 5V DC Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for TJ = 25C, V+ = 5V, V- = 0V, V CM = 2.5V, VO = 2.5V and RL > 1M. Boldface limits apply at the temperature extremes. Symbol VOS TCVOS Parameter Conditions Min (Note 3) Typ (Note 2) Max (Note 3) Input Offset Voltage (LMP2011 only) 0.12 25 60 Input Offset Voltage (LMP2012 only) 0.12 36 60 Offset Calibration Time 0.5 10 12 Units V ms Input Offset Voltage 0.015 V/C Long-Term Offset Drift 0.006 V/month Lifetime VOS Drift 2.5 V IIN Input Current -3 pA IOS Input Offset Current 6 pA RIND Input Differential Resistance 9 M CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio 100 90 130 dB 95 90 120 dB RL = 10 k 105 100 130 RL = 2 k 95 90 132 -0.3 VCM 3.2 0 VCM 3.2 PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio AVOL Open Loop Voltage Gain 3 dB www.national.com LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual Symbol LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual Symbol VO Parameter Output Swing (LMP2011 only) Conditions RL = 10 k to 2.5V VIN(diff) = 0.5V Min (Note 3) Typ (Note 2) 4.96 4.95 4.978 0.040 4.895 4.875 RL = 2 k to 2.5V VIN(diff) = 0.5V 4.92 4.91 RL = 10 k to 2.5V VIN(diff) = 0.5V 4.875 4.855 Output Current IS Sourcing, VO = 0V VIN(diff) = 0.5V 8 6 15 Sinking, VO = 5V V IN(diff) = 0.5V 8 6 17 Supply Current per Channel 0.930 5V AC Electrical Characteristics 0.115 0.140 V 0.080 0.095 V 4.919 0.0.91 IO V 4.978 0.040 RL = 2 k to 2.5V VIN(diff) = 0.5V 0.070 0.085 Units 4.919 0.091 Output Swing (LMP2012 only) Max (Note 3) 0.125 0.150 V mA 1.20 1.50 mA TJ = 25C, V+ = 5V, V- = 0V, VCM = 2.5V, VO = 2.5V, and RL > 1M. Boldface limits apply at the temperature extremes. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min (Note 3) Typ (Note 2) Max (Note 3) Units GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product 3 MHz SR Slew Rate 4 V/s m Phase Margin 60 deg Gm Gain Margin -15 dB en Input-Referred Voltage Noise 35 in Input-Referred Current Noise enp-p Input-Referred Voltage Noise trec Input Overload Recovery Time nV/ pA/ RS = 100, DC to 10 Hz 850 nVpp 50 ms Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but specific performance is not guaranteed. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. Note 2: Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm. Note 3: Limits are 100% production tested at 25C. Limits over the operating temperature range are guaranteed through correlations using statistical quality control (SQC) method. www.national.com 4 LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual Typical Performance Characteristics TA=25C, VS= 5V unless otherwise specified. Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage Offset Voltage vs. Supply Voltage 20071555 20071556 Offset Voltage vs. Common Mode Offset Voltage vs. Common Mode 20071557 20071558 Voltage Noise vs. Frequency Input Bias Current vs. Common Mode 20071503 20071504 5 www.national.com LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual PSRR vs. Frequency PSRR vs. Frequency 20071507 20071506 Output Sourcing @ 2.7V Output Sourcing @ 5V 20071559 20071560 Output Sinking @ 2.7V Output Sinking @ 5V 20071561 www.national.com 20071562 6 LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual Max Output Swing vs. Supply Voltage Max Output Swing vs. Supply Voltage 20071563 20071564 Min Output Swing vs. Supply Voltage Min Output Swing vs. Supply Voltage 20071565 20071566 CMRR vs. Frequency Open Loop Gain and Phase vs. Supply Voltage 20071508 20071505 7 www.national.com LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual Open Loop Gain and Phase vs. RL @ 2.7V Open Loop Gain and Phase vs. RL @ 5V 20071509 20071510 Open Loop Gain and Phase vs. CL @ 2.7V Open Loop Gain and Phase vs. CL @ 5V 20071512 20071511 Open Loop Gain and Phase vs. Temperature @ 2.7V Open Loop Gain and Phase vs. Temperature @ 5V 20071536 www.national.com 20071537 8 LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual THD+N vs. AMPL THD+N vs. Frequency 20071513 20071514 0.1 Hz - 10 Hz Noise vs. Time 20071515 9 www.national.com LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual Application Information THE BENEFITS OF LMP201X NO 1/f NOISE Using patented methods, the LMP201X eliminates the 1/f noise present in other amplifiers. That noise, which increases as frequency decreases, is a major source of measurement error in all DC-coupled measurements. Low-frequency noise appears as a constantly-changing signal in series with any measurement being made. As a result, even when the measurement is made rapidly, this constantly-changing noise signal will corrupt the result. The value of this noise signal can be surprisingly large. For example: If a conventional amplifier and a noise corner of has a flat-band noise level of 10nV/ 10 Hz, the RMS noise at 0.001 Hz is 1V/ . This is equivalent to a 0.50 V peak-to-peak error, in the frequency range 0.001 Hz to 1.0 Hz. In a circuit with a gain of 1000, this produces a 0.50 mV peak-to-peak output error. This number of 0.001 Hz might appear unreasonably low, but when a data acquisition system is operating for 17 minutes, it has been on long enough to include this error. In this same time, the LMP201X will only have a 0.21 mV output error. This is smaller by 2.4 x. Keep in mind that this 1/f error gets even larger at lower frequencies. At the extreme, many people try to reduce this error by integrating or taking several samples of the same signal. This is also doomed to failure because the 1/f nature of this noise means that taking longer samples just moves the measurement into lower frequencies where the noise level is even higher. The LMP201X eliminates this source of error. The noise level is constant with frequency so that reducing the bandwidth reduces the errors caused by noise. Another source of error that is rarely mentioned is the error voltage caused by the inadvertent thermocouples created when the common "Kovar type" IC package lead materials are soldered to a copper printed circuit board. These steel-based leadframe materials can produce over 35 V/C when soldered onto a copper trace. This can result in thermocouple noise that is equal to the LMP201X noise when there is a temperature difference of only 0.0014C between the lead and the board! For this reason, the lead-frame of the LMP201X is made of copper. This results in equal and opposite junctions which cancel this effect. The extremely small size of the SOT-23 package results in the leads being very close together. This further reduces the probability of temperature differences and hence decreases thermal noise. 20071516 FIGURE 1. Overload Recovery Test The wide bandwidth of the LMP201X enhances performance when it is used as an amplifier to drive loads that inject transients back into the output. ADCs (Analog-to-Digital Converters) and multiplexers are examples of this type of load. To simulate this type of load, a pulse generator producing a 1V peak square wave was connected to the output through a 10 pF capacitor. (Figure 1) The typical time for the output to recover to 1% of the applied pulse is 80 ns. To recover to 0.1% requires 860ns. This rapid recovery is due to the wide bandwidth of the output stage and large total GBW. NO EXTERNAL CAPACITORS REQUIRED The LMP201X does not need external capacitors. This eliminates the problems caused by capacitor leakage and dielectric absorption, which can cause delays of several seconds from turn-on until the amplifier's error has settled. MORE BENEFITS The LMP201X offers the benefits mentioned above and more. It has a rail-to-rail output and consumes only 950 A of supply current while providing excellent DC and AC electrical performance. In DC performance, the LMP201X achieves 130 dB of CMRR, 120 dB of PSRR and 130 dB of open loop gain. In AC performance, the LMP201X provides 3 MHz of gainbandwidth product and 4 V/s of slew rate. HOW THE LMP201X WORKS The LMP201X uses new, patented techniques to achieve the high DC accuracy traditionally associated with chopper-stabilized amplifiers without the major drawbacks produced by chopping. The LMP201X continuously monitors the input offset and corrects this error. The conventional chopping process produces many mixing products, both sums and differences, between the chopping frequency and the incoming signal frequency. This mixing causes large amounts of distortion, particularly when the signal frequency approaches the chopping frequency. Even without an incoming signal, the chopper harmonics mix with each other to produce even more trash. If this sounds unlikely or difficult to understand, look at the plot (Figure 2), of the output of a typical (MAX432) chopper-stabilized op amp. This is the output when there is no incoming signal, just the amplifier in a gain of -10 with the input grounded. The chopper is operating at about 150 Hz; the rest is mixing products. Add an input signal and the noise gets much worse. Compare this plot with Figure 3 of the LMP201X. This data was taken under the exact same conditions. The auto-zero action is visible at about 30 kHz but note the absence of mixing products at other frequencies. As a result, the LMP201X has very low distortion of 0.02% and very low mixing products. OVERLOAD RECOVERY The LMP201X recovers from input overload much faster than most chopper-stabilized op amps. Recovery from driving the amplifier to 2X the full scale output, only requires about 40 ms. Many chopper-stabilized amplifiers will take from 250 ms to several seconds to recover from this same overload. This is because large capacitors are used to store the unadjusted offset voltage. www.national.com 10 20071517 FIGURE 2. The Output of a Chopper Stabilized Op Amp (MAX432) 20071518 FIGURE 4. Precision Strain Gauge Amplifier Extending Supply Voltages and Output Swing by Using a Composite Amplifier Configuration: In cases where substantially higher output swing is required with higher supply voltages, arrangements like the ones shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6 could be used. These configurations utilize the excellent DC performance of the LMP201X while at the same time allow the superior voltage and frequency capabilities of the LM6171 to set the dynamic performance of the overall amplifier. For example, it is possible to achieve 12V output swing with 300 MHz of overall GBW (AV = 100) while keeping the worst case output shift due to VOS less than 4 mV. The LMP201X output voltage is kept at about mid-point of its overall supply voltage, and its input common mode voltage range allows the V- terminal to be grounded in one case (Figure 5, inverting operation) and tied to a small non-critical negative bias in another (Figure 6, noninverting operation). Higher closed-loop gains are also possible with a corresponding reduction in realizable bandwidth. Table 1 shows some other closed loop gain possibilities along with the measured performance in each case. 20071504 FIGURE 3. The Output of the LMP2011/LMP2012 INPUT CURRENTS The LMP201X's input currents are different than standard bipolar or CMOS input currents in that it appears as a current flowing in one input and out the other. Under most operating conditions, these currents are in the picoamp level and will have little or no effect in most circuits. These currents tend to increase slightly when the common-mode voltage is near the minus supply. (See the typical curves.) At high temperatures such as 85C, the input currents become larger, 0.5 nA typical, and are both positive except when the VCM is near V-. If operation is expected at low common-mode voltages and high temperature, do not add resistance in series with the inputs to balance the impedances. Doing this can cause an increase in offset voltage. A small resistance such as 1 k can provide some protection against very large transients or overloads, and will not increase the offset significantly. 11 www.national.com LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual PRECISION STRAIN-GAUGE AMPLIFIER This Strain-Gauge amplifier (Figure 4) provides high gain (1006 or ~60 dB) with very low offset and drift. Using the resistors' tolerances as shown, the worst case CMRR will be greater than 108 dB. The CMRR is directly related to the resistor mismatch. The rejection of common-mode error, at the output, is independent of the differential gain, which is set by R3. The CMRR is further improved, if the resistor ratio matching is improved, by specifying tighter-tolerance resistors, or by trimming. LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual It should be kept in mind that in order to minimize the output noise voltage for a given closed-loop gain setting, one could minimize the overall bandwidth. As can be seen from Equation 1 above, the output noise has a square-root relationship to the Bandwidth. In the case of the inverting configuration, it is also possible to increase the input impedance of the overall amplifier, by raising the value of R1, without having to increase the feed-back resistor, R2, to impractical values, by utilizing a "Tee" network as feedback. See the LMC6442 data sheet (Application Notes section) for more details on this. 20071519 FIGURE 5. Composite Amplifier Configuration 20071521 TABLE 1. Composite Amplifier Measured Performance AV R1 () R2 () C2 (pF) BW (MHz) 50 200 10k 8 3.3 178 37 100 100 10k 10 2.5 174 70 100 1k 100k 0.67 3.1 170 70 500 200 100k 1.75 1.4 96 250 1000 100 100k 2.2 0.98 64 400 FIGURE 7. AC Coupled ADC Driver SR en p-p (V/s) (mVPP) LMP201X AS ADC INPUT AMPLIFIER The LMP201X is a great choice for an amplifier stage immediately before the input of an ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter), whether AC or DC coupled. See Figure 7 and Figure 8. This is because of the following important characteristics: A) Very low offset voltage and offset voltage drift over time and temperature allow a high closed-loop gain setting without introducing any short-term or long-term errors. For example, when set to a closed-loop gain of 100 as the analog input amplifier for a 12-bit A/D converter, the overall conversion error over full operation temperature and 30 years life of the part (operating at 50C) would be less than 5 LSBs. B) Fast large-signal settling time to 0.01% of final value (1.4 s) allows 12 bit accuracy at 100 KHZ or more sampling rate. C) No flicker (1/f) noise means unsurpassed data accuracy over any measurement period of time, no matter how long. Consider the following op amp performance, based on a typical low-noise, high-performance commerciallyavailable device, for comparison: Op amp flatband noise = 8nV/ 1/f corner frequency = 100 Hz AV = 2000 Measurement time = 100 sec Bandwidth = 2 Hz This example will result in about 2.2 mVPP (1.9 LSB) of output noise contribution due to the op amp alone, compared to about 594 VPP (less than 0.5 LSB) when that op amp is replaced with the LMP201X which has no 1/f contribution. If the measurement time is increased from 100 seconds to 1 hour, the improvement realized by using the LMP201X would be a factor of about 4.8 times (2.86 mVPP compared to 596 V when LMP201X is used) mainly because the LMP201X accuracy is not compromised by increasing the observation time. D) Copper leadframe construction minimizes any thermocouple effects which would degrade low level/high gain In terms of the measured output peak-to-peak noise, the following relationship holds between output noise voltage, en pp, for different closed-loop gain, AV, settings, where -3 dB Bandwidth is BW: (1) 20071520 FIGURE 6. Composite Amplifier Configuration www.national.com 12 20071522 FIGURE 8. DC Coupled ADC Driver 13 www.national.com LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual E) Rail-to-Rail output swing maximizes the ADC dynamic range in 5-Volt single-supply converter applications. Below are some typical block diagrams showing the LMP201X used as an ADC amplifier (Figure 7 and Figure 8). data conversion application accuracy (see discussion under "The Benefits of the LMP201X" section above). LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted 5-Pin SOT23 NS Package Number MF0A5 8-Pin MSOP NS Package Number MUA08A www.national.com 14 LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual 8-Pin SOIC NS Package Number M08A 15 www.national.com LMP2011 Single/LMP2012 Dual High Precision, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifier Notes For more National Semiconductor product information and proven design tools, visit the following Web sites at: Products Design Support Amplifiers www.national.com/amplifiers WEBENCH www.national.com/webench Audio www.national.com/audio Analog University www.national.com/AU Clock Conditioners www.national.com/timing App Notes www.national.com/appnotes Data Converters www.national.com/adc Distributors www.national.com/contacts Displays www.national.com/displays Green Compliance www.national.com/quality/green Ethernet www.national.com/ethernet Packaging www.national.com/packaging Interface www.national.com/interface Quality and Reliability www.national.com/quality LVDS www.national.com/lvds Reference Designs www.national.com/refdesigns Power Management www.national.com/power Feedback www.national.com/feedback Switching Regulators www.national.com/switchers LDOs www.national.com/ldo LED Lighting www.national.com/led PowerWise www.national.com/powerwise Serial Digital Interface (SDI) www.national.com/sdi Temperature Sensors www.national.com/tempsensors Wireless (PLL/VCO) www.national.com/wireless THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION ("NATIONAL") PRODUCTS. NATIONAL MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS PUBLICATION AND RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES TO SPECIFICATIONS AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. NO LICENSE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, ARISING BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. TESTING AND OTHER QUALITY CONTROLS ARE USED TO THE EXTENT NATIONAL DEEMS NECESSARY TO SUPPORT NATIONAL'S PRODUCT WARRANTY. EXCEPT WHERE MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS, TESTING OF ALL PARAMETERS OF EACH PRODUCT IS NOT NECESSARILY PERFORMED. NATIONAL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR BUYER PRODUCT DESIGN. BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR PRODUCTS AND APPLICATIONS USING NATIONAL COMPONENTS. PRIOR TO USING OR DISTRIBUTING ANY PRODUCTS THAT INCLUDE NATIONAL COMPONENTS, BUYERS SHOULD PROVIDE ADEQUATE DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATING SAFEGUARDS. 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Copyright(c) 2008 National Semiconductor Corporation For the most current product information visit us at www.national.com National Semiconductor Americas Technical Support Center Email: support@nsc.com Tel: 1-800-272-9959 www.national.com National Semiconductor Europe Technical Support Center Email: europe.support@nsc.com German Tel: +49 (0) 180 5010 771 English Tel: +44 (0) 870 850 4288 National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Technical Support Center Email: ap.support@nsc.com National Semiconductor Japan Technical Support Center Email: jpn.feedback@nsc.com