M1L-C-39029/ 107A
REQUIREMENTS (continued):
Durabi Iity: 1500 cycles.
Vibration: The vibration .requirements shall “consist of those tests specified
in MIL-C-38999. The ,contact sample group shall be 12 contacts, divided
equal lY between the three separate vibration tests of MIL-C-38999 for Ser’ies
Shock: The shock requirements shall consist of those tests specified In
MIL-C-38999. The contact sample group shall be dlvlded In half and each group
subjected to the separate shock test of MIL-C-38999 for Series IIIconnectors.
Qualification: The qualification requirements shall consist of the sample
numbers and tests specified In MIL-C-39029 for type A contacts with localIzed
finish. For those tests which require “theuse of a connector pair, either a’
composite or metal shell connector pair may be utilized. Caution should be
used if exceeding the rated durabi 1ity cycles of a metal shel 1 connector. For
vibration and shock”testing, accessories shall be as specified in MIL-C-39029.
Periodic qualification: The’manufacturer shal1 forward a report every 24
months to the qualifying activity. The periodic qualification requirements
shall consist of those tests specified for qu’aliflcation except for vibration
and shock. ,,
,, ,,
QPL evaluating activity-: Naval Av’ionics Center, 6/444, 6000 East 21st’ Street,
Indianapolis, Indiana’ 46219-2189. “
Mater ial::Base: Conductive copper al10Y. ●
Plating: Contacts shall be plated to meet or exceed the performance
requirements of MIL-C-39029 and withstan.d 1500 cycles of
,. ,, durabil,ity’(see 4.6.5) Contact flnlsh’khall be’ 5
mil,li~nths mini fium gold alloy over 45 millionths pail adium
alloy, over asuitable under plate, and compatible with
gold fi’nish as defined in of MI L-C-39029., ,, ‘
Example of part number.: M39029I1O7-618 ,,
“’ ~~BINcode’ ‘, ~ ‘.
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sheet number” ,,
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Source: https://assist.dla.mil -- Downloaded: 2018-10-13T13:21Z
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