GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 1 INTRODUCTION TC6000GN-P1 GPS module provides a high performance and low power GPS solution in a small form factor. TC6000GN-P1 integrates a complete GPS receiver enabling RF to NMEA solutions that minimize the load on the host processor. Features GPS all-in-one module GPS tracking&navigation sensitivity: -162dBm Dedicated GPS processing Low load on host CPU Standard NMEA 0183 interface Precision PPS Output Low power consumption (70mW at full operation) One single power supply (1.8V) needed Miniature 36 pin module (10x9.3x2.0) mm Evaluation Boards: o TC6000GN Starter Kit for testing on a PC o Plug-in Evaluation Module (TC6000GN-EM1 or TC6000GN-EM1-S) board for MSPEXP430F5438, MSP-EXPF5529 or Stellaris LM3S9B96 EVB Applications Navigation o In-vehicle Navigation equipment o Dynamic Navigation o Portable ("nomadic") devices o Netbooks, tablet PCs and mobile phones Timing o Precision timing via GPS Location based applications o GPS Logger o GPS Tracker o Security devices o Camera equipment (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 1 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 2 INDEX 1 INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 INDEX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 DETAILED FEATURES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 3.1 3.2 Block diagram --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 GPS Features ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 5.1 5.2 Real time clock (RTC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 I/O levels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 GPS core description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 GPS characteristics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 GPS Power Management Features ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 GPS almanac and ephemeris data-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Push to Fix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Pulse Per Second (PPS) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Fix Available ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 GPS Antenna ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 7.1 7.2 7.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Recommended Operating Conditions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 GPS input characteristics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 11.1 GPS UART Interface details ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 15.1 Shield Material Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 4 TYPICAL APPLICATION BLOCK DIAGRAM -------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 6 GPS CORE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 7 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 8 DEVICE PINOUT DIAGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------9 POWER MANAGEMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 RTC CONNECTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 HARDWARE HOST INTERFACE ---------------------------------------------------------------------12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NMEA DATA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------RECOMMENDED PAD LAYOUT ----------------------------------------------------------------------MATERIAL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED SOLDERING REFLOW PROFILE --------------------------------------------------TAPE INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------REEL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------ORDERING INFORMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FACTORY OPTIONS & part# assignment ----------------------------------ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------MOISTURE SENSITIVITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------------PACKAGING -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RELATED DOCUMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 11 14 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 25 2 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 3 DETAILED FEATURES 3.1 Block diagram B6 GPS_PPS A5 FIX_AVAILABLE F3 GPS_UART_TX GPS_RF A3 F4 GPS_UART_RX SAW filter E3 GPS_UART_CTS E6 ON_THE_FLY_PRG GPS chip VBAT F1 VDD_IO F2 F6 RTC_CLK GPS_RESET F5 PUSH_TO_FIX A6 26.00MHz TCXO GND E1 TCXO_CLK A2,A4,C3,D3,E2 3.2 GPS Features Significantly improved TTFF at low signal power levels provides the consumer with a compelling GPS experience Improved acquisition performance to process position fixes in deep indoor conditions Reduced power consumption through improvements to RF architecture, software techniques, receiver core, and RF noise figure partitioning Improved tracking performance and minimized error in multi-path environments through increased IF bandwidth and higher sampling rates in tracking channels Standard NMEA output Precision 1PPS output GPS Fix indication output pin (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 3 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 4 TYPICAL APPLICATION BLOCK DIAGRAM GPS Antenna PND / PDA 1.8V TC6000GN Power Management PushToFix GPS_RESET Host Processor UART TX MMI (keys, display) RTC Clock 5 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS TC6000GN-P1 includes a complete GPS engine. - GPS is fully processed without any host processing requirements - Standard NMEA message output from the solution to the host - RTC clock (32.768kHz) should be applied externally. 5.1 Real time clock (RTC) TC6000GN-P1 requires a real time clock input that will provide time information for GPS after an off-time. The clock signal of 32.768kHz is not on-module and has to be fed at pin RTC_CLK . Additionally, the clock signal is needed for some other chip-internal purposes. See chapter RTC Connection for more details 5.2 I/O levels TC6000GN-P1 core and I/O sections work at 1.8V nominal. Absolute Maximum Ratings should not be exceeded Should the TC6000GN-P1 be interfaced to a host with I/O at higher levels, level shifters should be used. No signals are allowed on the device I/Os in the absence of VDD_IO voltage because the most I/Os are not fail-safe. Not fail-safe means that the pins will draw undefined current from an external voltage applied to the pin, when no I/O power is supplied to the device. Only exception is RTC_CLK . (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 4 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 6 GPS CORE 6.1 GPS core description The TC6000GN-P1 GPS core is a high performance, low power GPS receiver with integrated RF frontend. Due to high input sensitivity it can work directly with a passive antenna. The very short TTFF (Time To First Fix) and improved acquisition performance at low signal power levels is achieved through an enhanced receiver core architecture. The improved RF architecture and software techniques reduce the average power consumption. Minimized error in multi-path environments is achieved through increased IF bandwidth and higher sampling rates in tracking channels. TC6000GN-P1 supports APM (adapted power management) schemes to lower the average power of the GPS core to below 27mW. 6.2 GPS characteristics Parameter Frequency Output data frequency Navigation&tracking sensitivity Acquisition sensitivity Min 1/60 Typ GPS shutdown GPS deep sleep (RTC running) MHz 1/sec Note GPS L1 C/A code Configurable -163 dBm -146 -147 dBm autonomous sec sec All SV's@-130dBm All SV's @-155dBm sec sec All SV's @-130dBm All SV's @-142dBm 1 10 TTFF autonomous cold start TTFF autonomous cold start Number of channels tracking Number of acquisition channels Unit -162 TTFF hotstart TTFF hotstart GPS ACTIVE (acquisition) GPS ACTIVE (tracking) GPS ACTIVE (tracking) Max general 1575.42 1 1 34 45 16 40 Power consumption 68 78.6 mA 45 53.8 mA 180 A NMEA frequency = 1/sec NMEA frequency = 1/sec NMEA frequency=1/sec, -130dBm, APM feature active GPS_RESET GND 80 A PUSH_TO_FIX GND 15 mA (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 5 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification Accuracy Static position error CEP68 - 2 - m - 3 - m - - 2 m Static position error CEP95 Static position error CEP68 Normal open sky in Field Horizontal position accuracy using open sky roof-top antenna Normal open sky in Field Horizontal position accuracy using open sky roof-top antenna Simulator feed , IONO and TROPO errors oN at -130 dBm power level Static position error CEP95 - - 3 m Simulator feed , IONO and TROPO errors oN at -130 dBm power level dynamic position error CEP68 - - 3 m Simulator feed , IONO and TROPO errors oN at -130 dBm power level dynamic position error CEP95 - - 4 m Simulator feed , IONO and TROPO errors oN at -130 dBm power level velocity error CEP68 - - 0.1 m/s Simulator feed , IONO and TROPO errors oN at -130 dBm power level velocity error CEP95 - - 0.7 m/s Simulator feed , IONO and TROPO errors oN at -130 dBm power level 1PPS pulse duration 1PPS time jitter - Accuracy for timepulse signal 1 msec - - 100 nsec 1PPS rise and fall time 1PPS output impedance 10k//20pF 10 - nsec - TCXO output frequency TCXO output impedance - 26.000 1M//5pF - MHz - -5,000 - - Pulse rising edge deviation from expected pulse time, measured in a 300 seconds interval with full 3D fix,refer to dex.php/CC4000_GPS_for_MCU "TI GPS PPS Timing Application Note" 10%..90% TCXO Operation altitude Operation velocity Operation acceleration ITAR limits 18,288 514 - m m/s m/s2 2.5 ppm No limit set (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 6 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 6.3 GPS Power Management Features Power management schemes implemented for any GPS system requires an optimally tuned performance for both accuracy of the position fixes and the average power consumed for best user experience. TC6000GN-P1 architecture achieves both these aspects by providing flexibility and design choices for the system integration based on wide range of use cases and by leveraging on the proven silicon methodologies. Also TC6000GN-P1 provides position, velocity and time (PVT) measurements without any host loading. This, coupled with the optional built-in power management option, reduces the overall system power budget. Power management features APM feature provides overall GPS system power consumption of 27mW in tracking mode under open sky conditions. However - same as for any GPS device - the accuracy and stability will be lowered due to reduced activity of the positioning algorithms. Since working parameters of APM are not adjustable, a field test is recommended to confirm usability of power saving algorithm. Can provide PVT solution without any load on the host, allowing a reduction in overall system power consumption. Position update rates selectable by order option. Max of 1 Hz update rate. 6.4 GPS almanac and ephemeris data For quick re-acquisition of the GPS after off-times, the GPS engine should have access to almanac and ephemeris data. This data is permanently stored inside TC6000GN module. When the GPS is powered-up again, the data will be used to allow a quick re-acquisition, as soon as a coarse time information is available. 6.5 Push to Fix The Push to Fix signal is used to initiate a GPS fix session. The signal is defined as active high when starting a GPS fix session. The session can be a cold, warm or host start fix, depending upon the availablility and age of the assistance data. GPS_RESET PUSH_TO_FIX T1 T2 System State (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 7 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information T1 (Boot up) 4.5sec T2 = TTFF Reset Aquisition Boot up Tracking preliminary specification Sleep 6.6 Pulse Per Second (PPS) TC6000GN provide a so called Pulse Per Second (PPS) for timing purposes. After calculation of a 3D postion fix, the PPS signal is accurately aligned to the GPS seconds boundaries. The pulse generated is approximately 1 millisecond in duration and the repetition rate is 1 second. T2 T1 T1 = 1ms T2 = 1sec More information about the accuracy of the time pluse, please refer to "GPS PPS Timing Application Note". 6.7 Fix Available The FIX AVAILABLE signal is used to indicate the availability of GPS postion information. This is typically used to drive an LED buffer so that the state of the device can be easily indicated. The table below lists the various states. State Initial boot up PUSH_TO_FIX low PUSH_TO_FIX on and aquisition PUSH_TO_FIX on and loss of fix PUSH_TO_FIX on and postion fix Indication low low Toggling (900ms low and 100ms high) Toggling (900ms low and 100ms high) continuously high (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 8 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 6.8 GPS Antenna TC6000GN contains all input circuitry needed to connect a passive GPS antenna directly. Depending on the application patch- or chip antennas or combo antennas (combination of GPS and Bluetooth) can be used. However, if there is a long wire between TC6000 GPS RF input and antenna, there should be an LNA (on the antenna side) to compensate for cable losses ("active" antenna). For active antenna configuration, the antenna supply DC must be blocked from the antenna signal line with a inductor L of 100nH and a 100pF capacitor C as shown in the diagram below. Antenna DC suply L Active antenna C TC6000GN More information about connecting and implementing a GPS antenna to an application PCB, please refer to GPS Antenna Connection Design Guide. (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 9 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 7 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Supply voltage range: VBAT Supply voltage range: VDD_IO Input voltage to analog pins1 Input voltage to all other pins Value Unit -0.5 to 2.1 -0.5 to 2.1 -0.5 to 2.1 -0.5 to (VDD_I/O + 0.5) V V V V 7.2 Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter VDD VDD_IO Min Typ Max Unit Note 1.7 1.65 0.8 * VDD 1,45 1.95 1.92 VDD VDD V V V V Power-supply voltage I/O power-supply voltage IOUT = 4 mA IOUT = 0.4 mA 0 0.2*VDD V IOUT = 4 mA High-level input voltage VIH 0.65x VDD_IO VDD_IO V Low-level input voltage VIL 0 Operating temperature Storage temperature range -40 -40 High level output voltage VOH Low level output voltage VOL 0.35x VDD_IO 85 85 60 50 30 25 15 5 Maximum ripple on VDD V C C mVpp mVpp mVpp mVpp mVpp mVpp Full specified performance 0 MHz to 0.1 MHz 0.1 MHz to 0.5 MHz 0.5 MHz to 1.7 MHz 1.7 MHz to 2.5 MHz 2.5 MHz to 3.3 MHz Greater than 3.3 MHz 7.3 GPS input characteristics Parameter Input impedance Maximum input level Input return loss Min Typ 62.7-j3.2 0 -10 Max Unit dBm dB Note before destruction (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 10 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 8 DEVICE PINOUT DIAGRAM TOP VIEW F F E E GNS TC6000GN D 0110 00000023 C B GN D C B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 F VBAT VDD_IO GPS_UART_TX GPS_UART_RX GPS_RESET RTC_CLK E TCXO_CLK GND GPS_UART_CTS NU12 NU10 ON_THE_FLY_PRG D DB_1 DB_2 GND1 NU7 NU8 NU9 C DB_3 DB_4 GND3 NU13 NU11 NU6 B NU1 NU2 NU3 NU4 NU5 GPS_PPS A NU12 GPS_GND1 GPS_RF GPS_GND2 FIX_AVAILABLE PUSH_TO_FIX 1 2 3 4 5 6 (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 11 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information NO NAME TYPE 1 preliminary specification DESCRIPTION Power-Management Signals 2F 1F VDD_IO VBAT P P 1.8V I/O power supply voltage 1.8V main power supply voltage 3D 2E 3C GND1 GND2 GND3 P P P 1E TCXO_CLK O Common Ground Common Ground Common Ground Clock Signals TCXO_CLK signal output. This Pin delivers the high stable TCXO frequency of 26.000 MHz for external components. Although the output is buffered, do not load this pin below 20kOhms // 10pF(TBD). Leave open if not used. 6F RTC_CLK I 3A 2A 4A 6B GPS_RF GPS_GND1 GPS_GND2 GPS_PPS Ana P P O 6E ON_THE_FLY_PRG I 6A PUSH_TO_FIX I 5A FIX_AVAILABLE O 5F GPS_RESET I 1A 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 5E 4D 5D 6D 5C 6C 4E 4C NU12 NU1 NU2 NU3 NU4 NU5 NU10 NU7 NU8 NU9 NU11 NU6 NU12 NU13 3F 4F 3E GPS_UART_TX GPS_UART_RX GPS_UART_CTS 1D 2D 1C 2C DB_1 DB_2 DB_3 DB_4 O I I Clock input: 32.768 kHz. Input for an external low frequency clock signal. A clock must be provided at this pin to operate the module. See chapter "RTC CONNECTION" GPS Signals GPS RF Input, direct connection of passive or active GPS antenna GPS RF Ground GPS RF Ground This output delivers a high-precision pulse-per-second signal that is synchronized to the GPS time reference. The pulse precision is better than 1*10 -7 seconds. Although the output is buffered, do not load this pin below 10kOhms // 47pF (TBD). Leave open if not used . This input determines operation after reset. Internally pulled up for normal operation. pull low for re- programming firmware or reconfiguring the module. Leave open in normal operation. Input signal to switch between operation and deep sleep mode. internally pulled down. pull high (with less than 4.7kOhm) during operation. pull low (or leave open) to set the module to deep sleep. Internal RTC continues to work in deep sleep. This pin indicates a fix position. Leave open if not used. Main Reset for the receiver. Internally weak pulled down. Pull high with less than 100kOhm for operation. pull to GND (or leave open) during power - up. NOT USED PINs DO NOT CONNECT do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND do not connect or connect to GND UART Main UART TX. Main UART RX. Main UART CTS. CTS not used. Leave open I2C must be connected to DB_2 must be connected to DB_1 must be connected to DB_4 must be connected to DB_3 (1) I = INPUT; O = OUTPUT; I/O = BIDIRECTIONAL; P = POWER PIN; ANA = ANALOG PIN. NOTE: SOME PINS HAVE BEEN REDEFINED FROM STATIC CONNECTION TO NOT USED (NU) IN THIS V0.26 DATASHEET. THE CONNECTIONS ARE NOW MADE INTERNALLY. (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 12 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 13 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 9 POWER MANAGEMENT For quick re-acquisition after power-on, the TC6000GN should stay tied to Vcc during off-times to keep it's RTC clock running. The module is put in sleep mode, by holding the PUSH_TO_FIX pin low. The pin may be controlled by the host controller or by another power management circuitry, which might be also a simple electromechanical switch. A static low level on PUSH_TO_FIX will keep the TC6000GN-P1 in a deep sleep with power consumption below 100A. 10 RTC CONNECTION The RTC_CLK is a free-running clock that needs to be supplied from an external clock source. It is connected to the RTC_CLK pin on the TC6000GN-P1 , and is a digital square wave signal in the range of 0 V to 1.8 V (nominal). The slow clock frequency is 32.768 kHz. RTC_CLK has multiple functionalities: Used to maintain GPS time between sleep intervals For clock frequency detection at power-on reset, before TCXO_CLK is available For power up sequencing. Digital RTC Requirements Parameter Input slow clock frequency Input slow clock accuracy Input transition time Frequency input duty cycle VIH VIL Load capacitance Load resistance Min Typ Max 32,768 20% 0.65x VDD_IO 0 1 50% 200 100 80% VDD_IO Unit Note Hz ppm ns Initial temperature + aging tR/tF: 10% to 90% V Slow clock input voltage limits 0.35xVDD_IO V 10 pF M Slow clock input voltage limits Capacitance on RTC_CLK pin Resistance on RTC_CLK pin (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 14 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 11 HARDWARE HOST INTERFACE TC6000GN-P1 is connected to host system by a UART Interface. Since TC6000GN-P1 is used only to deliver NMEA to the host only a single data line from the module to the host is necessary. The interface is requires 1.8V I/O. The idle state of the lines is positive voltage. To interface a standard RS232 UART (e.g. a PC serial interface), please add an inverting level shifter. To interface processors that have a different interfacing voltage level, level shifters are required. 11.1 GPS UART Interface details The UART interface is used to send NMEA messages and control data. The default baud rate is 9600, other baud rates can be selected by ordering option. The maximum baud rate deviation supported is 2%. GPS UART Default Settings Parameter Value Baud rate Data length Stop bit Parity 9600 8 bits 1 None 12 NMEA DATA The TC6000GN-P1 provides NMEA 0183 (National Marine Electronics Association) compatible data. The following table shows the available NMEA sentences All active NMEA sentences are sent at the selected rate NMEA available sentences Type content $GPRMC Recommended Minimum Navigation Information Global Positioning System Fix Data, Time, Position and fix related data for a GPS receiver Satellites in view Geographic Position - Latitude/Longitude GPS DOP and active satellites Track made good and Ground speed $GPGGA $GPGSV $GPGLL $GPGSA $GPVTG (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 15 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 13 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS 9.3 4.1 4.65 TOP VIEW 5 4.1 1.1 0.4 1.45 2.0 10 all units in mm tolerance : 0.1mm for <5mm, 0.2mm for 5mm (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 16 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 14 RECOMMENDED PAD LAYOUT TOP VIEW 1.5 0.75 5 1.5 all units in mm 15 MATERIAL INFORMATION Complies to ROHS standard ROHS documentations are available on request Contact surface : gold over nickel 15.1 Shield Material Information "German Silver " , CuNi18Zn27 Cu: 53.5..56.5% Ni : 16.5..19.5% Zn : 24..30% thickness :0.2mm (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 17 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 16 RECOMMENDED SOLDERING REFLOW PROFILE T[C] 300 260C max 250C for 10 sec max 230C for 40 sec max 200 160C 190C 120 sec reflow solder 100 100 200 t[sec] Notes: 1. TC6000GN-P1 should be soldered in upright soldering position. In case of head-over soldering, please prevent shielding / TC6000GN-P1 Module from falling down. 2. Do never exceed maximum peak temperature 3. Reflow cycles allowed : 1 time 4. Do not solder with Pb-Sn or other solder containing lead (Pb) 5. This device is not applicable for flow solder processing 6. This device is not applicable for solder iron process (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 18 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 17 TAPE INFORMATION (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 19 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 18 REEL INFORMATION 0702 _00023 no. of devices : 2000 pcs / reel (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 20 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 19 ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering information Type Part# TC6000GN-P1 4037735104327 TC6000GN-P1 _ 40377351xxxxx Laser marking TC6000GN GNS TC6000GN GNS Description GPS Module with standard options as defined default in chapter 20 GPS Module with user defined options. Part# will be assigned individually. See chapter 20 for option details. 20 CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FACTORY OPTIONS & part# assignment Some features of TC6000GN-P1 are factory presets, that should be added to your order information. Customers should define the options with the help of the following options table. In case of an order, GNS will assign a new part# , then. This part# is valid for all following orders Just replace by the Short options given in the table below. Please use a semicolon ";" for separating the options. Notes: 1. You do not need to specify option values that are shown to be default. 2. If you do not wish any customized options, the part# will be the above mentioned default: 4037735104327 Type Default value UART baudrate 9,600 baud APM feature Not active GPS output rate 1 second (R1) Possible options Baud=9600bps Baud=19200bps Baud=38400bps Baud=57600bps Baud=115200bps APM active APM not active Rate is x seconds (x=1,2,3,4,5,10, 30,60) Short 9 19 38 57 115 A R note The serial output baud rate. APM feature allows the GPS engine to save energy under good reception conditions. Please define A , if you wish to have APM activated. This option is useful to optimize transfer times by lowering the rate of NMEA messages. Has no influence on the GPS engine activity. (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 21 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information NMEA selection All 6 types All combinations possible RMC GGA GSV GLL GSA VTG GSV output rate 1 GSV=1 GSV=5 G1 G5 Pulse per second output PPS on PPS off /P active (on) preliminary specification saving unused NMEAs. Please specify all types that should be available GSV rate can be selected as a multiple of the GPS output rate. This option is used to reduce average data transfer. G5 with a rate of 1 will produce GSV output every 5 seconds Activates or deactivates the hardware precision pulse per second. Since active is default, please define /P (no PPS) if PPS should not be available. For example, if you wish to have a baudrate of 115.2k, and only RMC (once per second) and GSV (every 5 seconds) as output data, please order as follows : TC6000GN-P1 115;RMC;GSV;G5 In another example, Baud Rate is 38400bps, all NMEA sentences except GSV and VTG should be sent at a rate of once per 5 seconds. PPS shall be off: TC6000GN-P1 38;RMC;GGA;GLL;GSA;R5;/P 21 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION This product is free of environmental hazardous substances and complies to 2002/95/EC. (RoHS directive). (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 22 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 22 MOISTURE SENSITIVITY Shelf life Storage conditions Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) Possible prebake recommendations Unlimited 30C/85%RH 1 None 23 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY V0.1 Nov 2 2010 P.Skaliks initial V0.11 Jan 28 2011 P.Skaliks Internal Objective - Product name extension P1, GPS features added, packing standard , solder profile, factory options V0.12 Feb 22 2011 P.Skaliks Objective - GPS features added, factory options, V0.13 Apr 13,2011 P.Skaliks reviewed April 13, flash options added V0.18 Nov 2 2011 P.Skaliks Pin definitions reviewed and completed. CTS pindefinitionchanged (not connected) .Document Status changed to preliminary Pin definitions reviewed and corrected. Modified ordering instructions to short form, laser marking update General review V0.19 Jan 3 2012 M.Reiff Related documents update V0.20 May 18 2012 M.Reiff Laser Marking confirmed; Operating temperature improved; RF input impendance corrected; Navigation sensitivity added; Additional information added for PUSH_TO_FIX, PPS_OUT and FIX_AVAILABLE signal; V0.21 July 18 2012 W.Koch Baud rate corrected to 57600 baud, page 20 "customer specific factory settings". V0.22 Sep 5 2012 P.Skaliks Format in table "factory option" and explanation for APM on pg 20 V0.23 Dec 6 2012 M.Reiff Operating temperature deleted at "absolute maximum ratings"; Feature separator changed; Block diagram added V0.24 Jun 16 2013 P.Skaliks Corrected typo :thickness in chpt 13, added tolerance information V0.25 Aug 9, 2013 P.Skaliks The ordering information was revised V0.26 Sep 10 2014 P.Skaliks APM comment added, Outline information revised, Pin description revised V0.15 P.Skaliks V0.16 P.Skaliks (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 23 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 24 PACKAGING 1 reel contents GNS part# dimensions gross weight net weight 2,000pcs 2 x 6550000003 1x 6550000011 dia: 330mm thickness:30.4mm 1.195 Kg 0.246 Kg with full contents 2 vacuum bag GNS part# dimensions gross weight net weight air pressure level 6550000006 400mm x 480mm 1.321 kg 0.068 Kg <30mbar with full contents 3 moisture indicator GNS part# dimensions weight 6550000008 76mm x 51mm 0.001 Kg 4 dry pack GNS part# dimensions weight 6550000007 145mm x 140mm 0.068 Kg 5 Box for reel GNS part# dimensions gross weight net weight 6550000012 350 mm x 350mm x 47mm 1.5357 kg 0.184 kg with full contents 6 Outer box contents dimensions gross weight net weight max 7 box for reel 400mm x 370mm x 360mm 11.6 kg 0.85 kg (14,000 pcs TC6000GN-P1 ) with full contents (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 24 GPS Module TC6000GN-P1 Datasheet V026 confidential information preliminary specification 25 RELATED DOCUMENTS Type description Contains information about implementation of the module and antenna design Hardware manual for the EM1 Evalboard for TI experimenter boards Hardware manual for the EM1 Evalboard for TI experimenter boards Available from TC6000GN-P1_StarterKit_User manual Hardware manual for the GNS Starter Kit CC4000 firmware update Wiki that explains update of TC6000GNEM1 board on a MSP430F5529 experimenter board m/index.php/CC4000_Firm ware_Update MSP430 software for TC6000GN Wiki that explains the MSP430 software and links to source code downloads m/index.php/CC4000_MCU_ SW_Description m/index.php/CC4000_GPS_ MSPEXP430F5529_Getting_Start ed_Guide TC6000GN-P1 design guide TC6000GN_EM1_UserManual TC6000GN_EM1_S_UserManual MSP430 Getting Started Guide GPS Antenna Connection Design Guide TC6000GN StarterKit_TestGuide Wiki that explains how to setup and run the MSP430F5529 experimental board using the GNS TC6000GN-EM1 evaluation board Design Guide to implement an GPS antenna to an application PCB A guide for testing TC6000GN against other GPS receivers GNS GMBH 2011-2014 THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENTATION DOES NOT FORM ANY QUOTATION OR CONTRACT. TECHNICAL DATA ARE DUE TO BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE. NO LIABILITY WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE PUBLISHER FOR ANY CONSEQUENCE OF THIS DOCUMENT'S USE. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER (c) GNS-GmbH 2013,2014 V 0.26, Sep 10th 2014 25