Preliminary Data Sheet SHT3x-DIS November 2014 - 0.9 7/17
3.5 ALERT Pin
The alert pin may be used to connect to the interrupt pin
of a microcontroller. The output of the pin depends on
the value of the RH/T reading relative to programmable
limits. Its function is explained in a separate application
note. If not used, this pin must be left floating.
3.6 nRESET Pin
The nReset pin may be used to generate a reset of the
sensor. A minimum pulse duration of 350 ns is required
to reliably trigger a reset of the sensor. Its function is
explained in more detail in section 4. If not used it is
recommended to connect to VDD.
4 Operation and Communication
The SHT3x-DIS supports I2C fast mode (and
frequencies up to 1000 kHz). Clock stretching can be
enabled and disabled through the appropriate user
command. For detailed information on the I2C protocol,
refer to NXP I2C-bus specification
All SHT3x-DIS commands and data are mapped to a 16-
bit address space. Additionally, data and commands are
protected with a CRC checksum. This increases
communication reliability. The 16 bits commands to the
sensor already include a 3 bit CRC checksum. Data send
from and received by the sensor is always succeeded by
an 8 bit CRC.
In write direction it is mandatory to transmit the
checksum, since the SHT3x-DIS only accepts data if it is
followed by the correct checksum. In read direction it is
up to the master to decide if it wants to read and process
the checksum.
4.1 Power-Up and Communication Start
The sensor starts powering-up after reaching the power-
up threshold voltage VPOR specified in Table 3. After
reaching this threshold voltage the sensor needs the
time tPU to enter idle state. Once the idle state is entered
it is ready to receive commands from the master
Each transmission sequence begins with a START
condition (S) and ends with a STOP condition (P) as
described in the I2C-bus specification. The stop
condition is optional. Whenever the sensor is powered
up, but not performing a measurement or
communicating, it automatically enters sleep state for
energy saving. This sleep state cannot be controlled by
the user.
4.2 Starting a Measurement
A measurement communication sequence consists of a
START condition, the I2C write header (7-bit I2C device
address plus 0 as the write bit) and a 16-bit
measurement command. The proper reception of each
byte is indicated by the sensor. It pulls the SDA pin low
(ACK bit) after the falling edge of the 8th SCL clock to
indicate the reception. A complete measurement cycle is
depicted in Table 8.
With the acknowledgement of the measurement
command, the SHT3x-DIS starts measuring humidity
and temperature.
4.3 Measurement Commands for Single Shot
Data Acquisition Mode
In this mode one issued measurement command
triggers the acquisition of one data pair. Each data pair
consists of one 16 bit temperature and one 16 bit
humidity value (in this order). During transmission the
data pair is always followed by a CRC checksum, see
section 4.4.
In single shot mode different measurement commands
can be selected. The 16 bit commands are shown in
Table 8. They differ with respect to repeatability (low,
medium and high) and clock stretching (enabled or
The repeatability setting influences the measurement
duration and the current consumption of the sensor. This
is explained in section 2.2.
During measurement the sensor generally does not
respond to any I2C activity, i.e. I2C read and write
headers are not acknowledged (NACK). However, when
a command with clock stretching has been issued, the
sensor responds to a read header with an ACK and
subsequently pulls down the SCL line. The SCL line is
pulled down until the measurement is complete. As soon
as the measurement is complete, the sensor releases
the SCL line and sends the measurement results.