303143, 303143L (Z-Foil)
Vishay Foil Resistors
www.foilresistors.com For any questions, contact: foil@vishaypg.com Document Number: 63174
4Revision: 29-Mar-10
Group A
Subgroup 1
100 %
RC record - in tolerance
Thermal shock (MIL-STD-202 method 107 condition F-1) 25 x, - 65 °C, + 150 °C
Overload (+ 25 °C, 6.25 x rated power, 5 s)
RC record - in tolerance, R = 0.03 %
Power conditioning (+ 125 °C, 0.3 W, 100 h, not to exceed 245 V)
RC record - in tolerance, R = 0.05 %
Visual inspection
Final inspection - PDA - 5 % on R = 0.05 %
Subgroup 2
6 pieces, any value, electrical rejects allowed
Subgroup 3
3 pieces, any value, non destructive
Mechanical/dimensional evaluation
Final Group A inspection
Group B
Subgroup 1
13 pieces or 100 %, any value, zero rejects allowed
TCR (MIL-STD-202 method 304 with the following exceptions)
- must maintain temperature for 30 min to 45 min before measurement
- first test temperatures, + 25 °C, - 15 °C, - 55 °C
- second test temperatures, + 25 °C, + 65 °C, + 125 °C
- + 25 °C to be used as reference reading
Subgroup 2
8 pieces, any value, zero rejects allowed
Resistance to solvents
Group C
Group A and B testing required
Subgroup 1
12 pieces (6 of the highest value, 6 of the lowest value), 0 rejects
Life - (+ 125 °C, 0.3 W, not to exceed max. voltage 245 V, 10 000 h)
RC record at 250 h, 500 h, 1000 h, 2000 h, 4000 h, 6000 h, 8000 h, and 10 000 h
Maximum R - 0.015 % for 2000 h, 0.05 % for 10 000 h
Subgroup 2
10 pieces (5 high, 5 low), 1 reject allowed
Resistance to soldering heat (conditions A and C), max. R = 0.01 %
Moisture resistance, max. R = 0.02 %
DWV (300 VRMS, 100 V/s, 1 min, R = 0.01 %
Insulation resistance (500 VDC, 2 min, 100 M)
Subgroup 3
12 pieces (6 high, 6 low), 1 reject allowed
Dielectric withstanding voltage (DWV) (MIL-STD-202 method 301)
- 300 VRMS, 100 V/s, 1 min (with special fixture requirements)
RC record - R = 0.01 %
Insulation resistance (MIL-STD-202 method 302)
- same fixture requirements as DWV
- 500 VDC, 2 min
- 10 000 M min.
Low temperature storage (LTS) (- 65 °C , 24 h, 0 W)
Low temperature operation (LTO) (- 65 °C, 45 min, rated V, not to exceed P)
RC record - R = 0.01 % for both LTS and LTO
Terminal strength (MIL-STD-202 method 211)
Pull test (condition A, 2 lbf, 5 s to 10 s)
Twist test (condition D)
RC record - R = 0.01 %