Hook-Up and Lead Wire
ALLIED Letter ÒQÓ In Stock Number Indicates Direct Factory Shipment To You
Color Chart
To order correct color, insert number of color desired where N appears in Stock No. below.
Stocked in colors 1-6.
Hook-Up Wire
Mfr.Õs Nom. AWG
Type O.D. (Stranding)
500' Spool 1000' Spool
No. EACH Stock
892807 0.047" 28 (7/36) 293-450N 30.60 293-550N 43.86
892419 0.056" 24 (19/36) 293-451N 30.60 293-551N 43.77
892407 0.056" 24 (7/32) 293-452N 27.03 293-552N 41.82
892219 0.063" 22 (19/34) 293-453N 32.64 293-553N 44.97
892207 0.062" 22 (7/30) 293-454N 28.05 293-554N 39.22
892019 0.070" 20 (19/32) 293-455N 39.78 293-555N 57.12
892010 0.069" 20 (10/30) 293-456N 35.19 293-556N 49.79
891819 0.080" 18 (19/30) 293-457N 53.04 293-557N 75.57
891816 0.077" 18 (16/30) 293-458N 46.41 293-558N 65.74
891626 0.092" 16 (26/30) 293-459N 70.38 293-559N 99.50
891441 0.112" 14 (41/30) 293-460N 100.98 293-560N 144.10
891265 0.128" 12 (65/30) 293-461N 183.60 293-561N 262.51
891000 0.162" 10 (105/30) 293-462N 231.54 293-562N 330.20
UL Style 1335 MTW Machine Tool Wire,
" Wall PVC
Stranded bare copper conductor. UL listed. Colors: 0-9.
461816 0.107" 18 (16/30) 293-563N 30.09 293-103N 49.70
461626 0.120" 16 (26/30) 293-564N 48.35 293-104N 79.84
461419 0.136" 14 (19/27) 293-565N 55.59 293-105N 91.80
461219 0.154" 12 (19/25) 293-566N 78.03 293-106N 128.80
461019 0.179" 10 (19/0.0234) 293-567N 125.46 293-107N 212.72
Mfr.Õs Nom. AWG
Type O.D. (Stranding)
100' Spool 1000' Spool
No. EACH Stock
781441 0.141" 14 (41/30) 293-160N 18.38 293-163N 140.44
781265 0.160" 12 (65/30) 293-161N 27.05 293-164N 208.80
781000 0.194" 10 (105/30) 293-162N 40.82 293-165N 315.01
UL Style 1028 CSA-TEW VW-1,
" Wall PVC 105¡C 600 V
Stranded tinned copper. Colors: 1-4.
788133 0.255" 8 (133/29) 293-166N 72.20 293Q167N 557.12
UL Style 1283 CSA-TEW VW-1,
" Wall PVC 105¡C 600 V
Stranded tinned copper. Colors: 1-4.
786133 0.335" 6 (133/27) 293-168N 114.34 293Q172N 769.12
784133 0.390" 4 (133/25) 293-169N 162.47 293Q468N 689.62
782133 0.460" 2 (133/23) 293-170N 236.44 293Q469N 1003.48
782665 0.470" 2 (665/30) 293-171N 241.35 293Q470N 1024.39
UL Style 1284 CSA-TEW VW-1,
" Wall PVC 105¡C 600 V
Stranded tinned copper. Colors: 1-4.
781836 0.525" 1 (836/30) 293-176N 331.74 293Q465N* 1408.01
780001 0.580" 1/0 (1045/30) 293-177N 386.29 293Q466N* 1639.55
780002 0.640" 2/0 (1330/30) 293Q178N 486.17 293Q467N* 2063.46
*500' Spool.
UL Style 1015 CSA-TEW VW-1,
" Wall PVC 105¡C 600 V
Stranded tinned copper. Colors: 1-4.
Mfr.Õs Nom. AWG
Type O.D. (Stranding)
500' Spool 1000' Spool
No. EACH Stock
782407 0.088" 24 (7/32) 293-182N 25.70 293-187N 41.56
782207 0.095" 22 (7/30) 293-183N 26.42 293-188N 42.69
782010 0.100" 20 (10/30) 293-184N 33.56 293-189N 54.25
781816 0.110" 18 (16/30) 293-185N 44.27 293-190N 71.57
781626 0.124" 16 (26/30) 293-186N 59.57 293-191N 96.31
UL Style 1015 CSA-TEW VW-1,
" Wall PVC 105¡C 600 V
Solid tinned copper conductor. Colors: 1-4.
782201 0.093" 22 (1/22) 293-200N 25.60 293-204N 41.36
782001 0.098" 20 (1/20) 293-201N 31.72 293-205N 51.35
781801 0.104" 18 (1/18) 293-202N 38.56 293-206N 62.28
781601 0.115" 16 (1/16) 293-203N 53.96 293-207N 87.33
781401 0.130" 14 (1/14) Ñ Ñ 293-208N 144.56
High Temperature Hook-Up Wire
MIL-W-16878E/4 Type Teflon TFE Teflon 200¡C, 600 V
Stranded silver plated copper. Colors: 0-9.
Mfr.Õs Nom. AWG
Type O.D. (Stranding)
100' Spool 1000' Spool
No. EACH Stock
12807 0.036" 28 (7/36) 293-108N 16.69 293-117N 99.22
12607 0.039" 26 (7/34) 293-109N 21.83 293-118N 131.39
12407 0.044" 24 (7/32) 293-110N 19.37 293-119N 115.54
12207 0.050" 22 (7/30) 293-111N 24.07 293-120N 144.75
12219 0.052" 22 (19/34) 293-112N 28.05 293-121N 169.97
12019 0.060" 20 (19/32) 293-113N 42.02 293-122N 254.35
11819 0.070" 18 (19/30) 293-114N 43.66 293-123N 264.64
11619 0.077" 16 (19/29) 293-115N 51.92 293-124N 313.88
11419 0.094" 14 (19/27) 293-116N 81.50 293Q125N 493.68
MIL-W-16878E/1 Type B, 0.010" Wall PVC 105¡C 600 V
Stranded tinned copper. Colors: 0-9.
173007 0.032" 30 (7/38) 293-126N 7.18 293-139N 43.86
172807 0.034" 28 (7/36) 293-127N 6.86 293-140N 42.93
172607 0.038" 26 (7/34) 293-128N 7.49 293-141N 46.27
172619 0.038" 26 (19/38) 293-129N 8.64 293-142N 53.23
172407 0.044" 24 (7/32) 293-130N 6.16 293-143N 37.28
172419 0.044" 24 (19/36) 293-131N 6.86 293-144N 42.84
172207 0.051" 22 (7/30) 293-132N 6.24 293-145N 38.39
172219 0.051" 22 (19/34) 293-133N 7.18 293-146N 44.14
172007 0.058" 20 (7/28) 293-134N 7.80 293-147N 53.23
172019 0.058" 20 (19/32) 293-135N 8.95 293-148N 56.01
171819 0.068" 18 (19/30) 293-136N 11.85 293-149N 74.00
171619 0.077" 16 (19/29) 293-137N 15.55 293-150N 97.46
171419 0.091" 14 (19/27) 293-138N 20.29 293-151N 128.06
Hook-Up Wire
UL Style 1015 CSA-TEW VW-1,
" Wall PVC 105¡C 600 V
Stranded tinned copper. Colors: 1-4.
0 Ñ Violet
1 Ñ White
2 Ñ Black
3 Ñ Red
4 Ñ Green
5 Ñ Yellow
6 Ñ Blue
7 Ñ Orange
8 Ñ Slate
9 Ñ Brown
High-Temperature Lead Wire
MGT Series
MIL-W-76B. UL 5107 450¡C, 600 volts, CSA AWM, 1000¡F (538¡C). Stocked in natural.
Stock Mfr.'s Nom. AWG PER
No. Type O.D. (Stranding) SPOOL/100'
293-2221 3111816 0.117" 18 (16/30) 161.98
293-2231 3111626 0.128" 16 (26/30) 204.31
293-2241 3111441 0.144" 14 (41/30) 274.07
293-2251 3111265 0.161" 12 (65/30) 366.28
293Q2261 3111000 0.223" 10 (105/30) 548.05
TGGT Series
UL Style 5196 250¡C, 600 volts, CSA AWM. TFE teflon, PTFE insulation. Stocked in natural.
293-2171 3131816 0.108" 18 (16/30) 134.95
293-2181 3131626 0.123" 16 (26/30) 149.84
293-2191 3131441 0.140" 14 (41/30) 195.94
293-2201 3131265 0.161" 12 (65/30) 270.40
293-2211 3131000 0.184" 10 (105/30) 346.80
UL Style 1569 CSA TR-64 VW-1,
" Wall PVC 105¡C 300 V
Stranded tinned copper conductor. Colors: 0-9.