fax id: 5108
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 3901 North First Street San Jose CA 95134 408-943-2600
November 1993 - Revised May 17, 1995
HOTLink Design Considerations
Application Note Overview
The HOTLink™ family of da ta co mmunications products pro-
vides a simple and low-cost solution to high-speed data trans-
mission. While these products are easy to use, th e methods
used to connec t them to high-speed serial interfaces are often
not intuitive. This document provides a basic lev el of explana-
tion of the parallel and serial interface characteristics, and
provides some cook book solutions for interfacing them to dif-
ferent types of parts and media.
Primary Topics
The primary topics covered in this application note are
HOTLink Overview
HOTLink Serial Signal Characteristics
Terminating HOTLink Seri al Signals
Inter facing to HOTLink
Serial Link Support Com ponents
HOTLink Overview
HOTLink Features
Fibre Channel compliant
IBM ESCON™ compliant
ATM Compatible
8B/10B-coded or 10-bit unencoded
160- to 330-Mbps data rate
TTL synchronous I/O
No external PLL components
Triple ECL 100K serial outputs
Dual ECL 100K seri al inputs
L ow power : 350 m W (Tx), 6 50 mW (Rx)
Compatible with fiber-o ptic modules, coaxial cable, and
twisted- p air media
Built-In Self-Test
Single +5V supply
0.8µ BiCMOS
Functional Description
The CY7B923 HOTLink Transmitter and CY7B933 HOTLink
Receiver are point-to-point communications building blocks
that transfer data over high-speed serial links (fiber-optic,
coax, and twist ed/ parallel- p air) at 160- to 3 30-Mbit s/second.
Figure 1
illustrates typical connections to host systems or
Eight bits of user data or protocol information are loaded into
the HOTLink T ransmitter and are encoded. Serial data is shift-
ed out of the three differential positive ECL (PECL) serial
ports at the bit-rate (which is ten times the byte-rate).
The HOTLink Rece iver ac cepts the serial bit stream at its dif-
ferential line receiver inputs, and using a completely integrat-
ed phase-locked-loop (PLL) clock synchronizer recovers the
timing infor mati on ne cessary for data reconstruction. The bit
stream is deserialized, decoded, and checked for transmis-
sion errors. The recovered byte is presented in parallel to the
re ceiving host along with the synchronized byte-rate clock.
The 8B/10B encoder/decoder (Reference 1, 2) can be dis-
abled in systems that already encode or scramble the tran s-
mitted data. Signals are available to create a seamless inter-
face with both asynchronous FIFOs (i.e., Cypress’s
CY7C42X) and clocked FIFOs (i.e. , Cypr ess’s CY7C44X). A
built-in self-test pattern g enerator and checker allow s testing
of the tr ansmitter, receiver, and the co nnecting link as a part
of a system diagnostic check.
HOTLink devices are ideal for a v ariety of applications where
a parallel interface can be replaced with a high-speed
point-to-point serial link. Applications include interconnecting
workstations, servers, mass storage, and video transmission
Figure 1. HOTLink System Connections
Host Se ria l Link
HOTLink Design Considerations
CY7B923 HOT Link Tran smitter Description
The function of the HOTLink Transmitter is to convert
byte-rate parallel data into a high speed serial data stream. A
logic block diagram of the tr ansmit ter is shown in
Figure 2
Input Register
The Input register holds the data to be processed by the HOT-
Link Transmitter and allows the input timing to be ma de con-
sistent with standard FIFOs. The Input register is clocked by
CKW (clock write) and loaded with i nformation on the D0–7,
SC/D (special character/data select), and SVS (send violation
symbol) pins. Two enable inputs (ENA and ENN) allow the
user to choose when data is to be sent. Asserting ENA (en-
able, active LOW) c auses the inputs to be loaded on the rising
edge of CKW. If ENN (enable next, acti ve LOW) is asserted
when CKW rises, the data present on the inputs on the
rising edge of CKW will be loaded into the input register.
These two inpu ts allow proper t iming and function for compat-
ibility with either asynchronou s FIFOs or clocked FIFOs w ith-
out external logic.
In BIST mode, t h e Input register becomes the signature pat-
tern generator by logically converting the parallel input regis-
ter into a linear feedbac k shift register (LFSR). When enabled,
this LFSR generates a 511-byte sequence that includes all
Data and Special Character codes, including the explicit vio-
lation symbols. This patt ern provides a predictable but pseu-
do-random sequence that can be matched to an identical
LFSR in the HOTLink Receiver. For additional information see
the Cypress Semiconductor application note “HOTLink
Built -In Self- Test.”
The Encoder transforms the input data held by the Input reg-
ister into a form more suitable for transmission on a serial
interface lin k. The code used is specified by AN SI X3T11 Fi-
bre Channel (Reference 3) and the IBM ESCON channel
(Reference 4) (code tables are available in the CY7B923/
CY7B933 data sheet). The eight D0–7 data inputs are convert-
ed to e ither a Data symbol or a Special Character , depen ding
upon the state of the SC/D input. I f SC/D is HIGH, the data
inputs represent a control code and are encoded using the
Special Character code tables. If SC/D is LOW, th e dat a in-
puts are converted u si ng the Data code ta ble. If a byte-time
passes with the inputs disabled, the Encoder will output a
Special Ch aracter Com ma (K28.5 or SYNC) to mai ntain lin k
synchronizatio n. The SVS input forces the transmis sion of a
specified Violation symbol to allow the user to check error
handling logic in the system controller.
The 8B/10B coding function of the Encoder can be bypassed
for systems t hat include an external coder or scrambler func-
tion as part of the controller. This bypass capability is con-
trolled by s etting the MODE select pin HIGH. When in bypass
mode, Da–j (note that bit order is specified by the Fibre Chan-
nel 8B/10B code) become the ten inputs to the Shifter, with
Da being the first bit to be shifted out.
The Shifter acce pts p ara llel data from the Encoder once e ach
byte-time and shifts it to the serial interface output buffers
using a PLL multiplied bit-clock that runs at 10 times the
byte-clock (CKW) rate. Timing for the parallel transfer is con-
trolled by the counter included in the Cl ock Generator, and is
not affected by signal levels or timing at the input pin s.
OutA, OutB, OutC
The serial interface ECL output buffers (100K signal levels
referenced to +5V) are the drivers for the serial media. The y
are all connected to the Shifter and contain the same serial
data. Two of the output pairs (OUTA± and OUTB±) are con-
trolled b y the FOTO input and can be disabled by the sys tem
controller to force a logical zero (i.e., “light off”) at the outputs.
The third outp ut pair (OUTC±) is not affected by FOTO and
will supply a continuous data stream suitable for loop-back
testing of the subsystem.
OUTA± and OUTB± will respo nd to FOTO input changes with-
in a few bit times. However, since FOTO is not synchronized
with the transmitter data stream, the outputs will be forced of f
or turned on at arbitrary points in a transmitted byte. This
function is intended to augment an external laser safety con-
troller and as an aid for Receiver P LL testing.
In wire-based systems, control of th e outputs may not be re-
quired, and FOTO can be strapped LOW. The three output
pairs are int ended to add system and architectural flexibili ty
by offering identical s erial bit streams with separate interfaces
for redundant connections or for multiple destinations. Un-
needed outputs can be left open or wired to VCC to disable
and power down the unused output circuitr y.
Clock Generator
The clock generator is an embedded phase-locked loop (PLL)
that takes a byte-rate referenc e c lock (CKW) and multiplies it
by ten to create a bit-rate clock for driving the serial shifter.
The byte-rate refer ence com es from CKW, the rising edge of
which clocks data into the Input register. This clock must be
a crystal-referenced pulse stream that has a frequency be-
tween the minimum and m aximum specified for the HOTLink
Transmitter/Receiver pair. Signals controlled by this block
form the bit-cl ock and the t iming sig nals that control int ernal
data transfers betwe en the Input register and the Shif ter.
The read pulse (RP) is derived from the feedback counter
used in the PLL multipli er. It i s a b yte-rate p ulse stream wi th
the proper phase and pulse widths to allow transfer of data
from an asynchronous FIFO. Pulse width is independent of
CKW duty cycle, since proper phase and duty cycle is main-
tained by the PLL. The RP pulse stream will insure correct
data transfers between asynchronous FIFOs and the trans-
mitter input latch with no external logic.
Figure 2. C Y7B923 Transmitter Logic Block Diagram
(Db–h)SC/D (Da)
SVS (Dj)
Input Register
HOTLink Design Considerations
Test Logic
Test logic includes the initialization and control for the built-in
self-test (BIST) generator, the multiplexer for Test mode clock
distrib ution, and contr ol logic t o properly select the data en-
coding. Test logic is discuss ed in more detail in the CY7B923/
CY7B933 HOTLink data sheet.
CY7B933 HOT Link Receiv er Description
The function of the HOTLink Receiver is to convert a
high-speed serial data stre am into byt e-rate parallel data. A
logic block diagram of the receiver is shown in
Figure 3.
Serial Data Inputs
The HOTLink Receiver has two differential line receivers
(INA± and INB±) that can be se lected as inputs for the serial
data stream. INA± or INB± is s elected with the A/B input. INA±
is s elected when A /B is HIGH and INB± is selec ted when A/B
is LOW. The threshold of A/B is compatible with ECL 100K
signals. TTL logic elements c an be us ed to select the INA± or
INB± inputs by a dding a resistor vo ltage divid er to a TTL driv-
er connected to A/B (s ee
Figure 35
). The differential sensitiv-
ity of INA± and INB± will accommodate wire interconnect with
filtering losses or transmission line attenuation greater than
20 dB (VDIF y 50 mV). These inputs can alternatively be di-
rectly connected to fiber-optic interface modules (any ECL
logic family, not limited to ECL 100K) with up to 1.2V of differ-
ential signal. The common-mode tolerance accommodates a
wide range of signal termination voltages. The highest HIGH
input that can be tolerated is VIN = VCC, and the lowest LOW
input that can be interpreted correctly is VIN = GND+2.0V.
ECL-TTL Translator
The function of the INB(INB+) input and the SI(INB–) input is
determined by the connection on the SO output pin. If the
ECL/TTL translator function is not re quired, the SO output is
wired to VCC. A sensor circuit detects this connection and
causes the i npu ts t o be come I NB± (a dif ferential line-receiver
for serial-dat a input). If the ECL/TTL translator function is re-
quired, the SO output is conne cted t o a no rmal TTL load (typ-
ically one or more TTL inputs, but no pull-up resistor) and the
inpu ts become INB (single-ended ECL 100K-level serial-data
input) and SI (single-ended ECL 100K-level status input).
This positive-referenced ECL-to-TTL translator is provided to
eliminate external logic between an ECL carrier-detect or link
status signal and a TTL input in the control logic. The input
threshold is compatible with ECL 100K-levels (+5V refer-
Clock Sync
The Clock Synchronizer function is perform ed by an embed-
ded phase -locke d loop (PLL) that tracks the frequency of the
incoming serial bit-stream and aligns the phase of its internal
bit-rate clock to the serial d ata transitions. This block contains
the logic to transfer the data from the Shifter to the Decode
regis ter once every byte. The counter that controls this trans -
fer is initialized by the Framer logic. CKR is a buffered output
derived fr om t he bit co unter used to control Decode register
and Output register transfers.
Clock output logic is designed such that when reframing
causes the counter sequence to be interrupted, the period
and pulsewidth of CKR will never be less than normal. Re-
framing may stretch the period of CKR by up to 90%, and
either CKR pulsewidth HIGH or pulsewidth LOW may be
stretched, depending on when reframe occurs.
The REFCLK input provides a byte-rate reference frequency
to improve PLL acquisition time and limit unlock ed frequen cy
excursions of CKR when no data is pr esent at the serial in-
puts. The frequency of REFCLK is required to be within
±0.1% of the f requenc y o f th e clo ck tha t drive s the t ran smitter
CKW pin.
Framer logic checks the incoming bit stream for the pattern
that determines the byte boundaries. This combinatorial logic
filter looks for the ANSI Fibre Channel symbol defined as a
Special Character Comma (K28.5) ( Reference 3). When it is
found, the free-running bit-counter in the Clock Sync block is
synchronously reset to its initial stat e, thus framing the data
on the correct byte boundaries.
Random errors that occur in the serial da ta can corrupt some
data pattern s into a bit patt ern identical to a K28.5, and thus
cause an erroneous data-framing error. The RF input pre-
vents this by inhibiting reframing during times when normal
message data is present. When RF is held LOW , the HOTLink
Receiver deseriali zes the incomin g data without trying to re-
frame the data to incoming patterns. When RF rises, RDY is
inhibited until a K28.5 has been detected, after which RDY
resumes its normal function. While RF is HIGH, it is possible
that an error could cause misframing, after which all data will
be corrupted. Likewise, a K28.7 followed by D11.x, D20.x, or
an SVS (C0.7) followed by D11.x will cause erroneous fram-
ing. These sequences must be avoided while RF is HIGH.
If RF remains HIGH for greater than 20 48 bytes, t he framer
switches to double-byte framing , requiring two K28.5 Special
Characters within five bytes.
The Shifter accepts serial data from one of the Serial Data
input pairs one bit at a time, as clocked by the Clock Sync
logic. Data is examined by the Framer on each bit, and is
transferr ed to t h e De code r e gister once per byte.
Decode Register
The Decode register accepts data from the Shifter once per
byte as determi n ed by the logic in the Clock Sync block. It is
Figure 3. CY7B933 Receiver Logic Block Di agram
RVS (Qj)
(Qb – h)
Ou tput Reg iste r
Decoder Register
HOTLink Design Considerations
prese nted to the Decoder and held u ntil i t is t ransferred to the
output latch .
Parallel data is trans formed from ANSI Fibre Channel 8B/10B
codes (Reference 3) ba ck to “raw d ata” in the Decoder. This
block us es t he standard d ecoder pattern s fo und in the Valid
Data Characters and V alid Special Character Codes and Se-
quences (code tables are available in the CY7B923/
CY7B933 data sheet). Data patterns are signaled by a LOW
on the SC/D output and Special Character patterns are sig-
naled by a HIGH on the SC/D output. Unused patterns or
disparity errors are signaled as errors by a HIGH on the RVS
(Received Violation Symbol) output and by specific Special
Character codes.
Output Register
The Output register holds the recovered data (Q0–7, SC/D,
and RVS) and aligns it with the recovered byte clock (CKR).
This synchronization insures pr oper timing to match a FIFO
interface or other logic that require s glitch free and specified
output behavior. Outputs change synchronously with the ris-
ing edge of CKR.
In BIST mode, this register becomes the signature pattern
generator a nd c hecke r by logically convert in g itself into a Lin-
ear-Feedback Shift-Register (LFSR) pattern generator. When
enabled, this LFSR generates a 511-byte sequence that in-
cludes all Data and Special Character codes, including the
explicit violation symbols . This pattern provides a predictable
but pseudo-random sequence that can be matched to an
identical LFSR in the transmitter. When synchronized, it
checks each byte in the Decod er wit h each byte gene rated by
the LFSR and indicates errors using R VS. Patterns generated
by the LFSR are compared after being buffered to the output
pins and then fed back to the comparators, allowing test of the
entire receive function.
In BI ST mode, the LFSR is initiali zed by the f irst oc currence
of the transmitter BIST loop start code D0.0 (D0.0 is sent only
once per BIST loop). Once the BIS T loop has been started,
RVS will be HIGH for pattern mismatches between the re-
ceived sequence and the internally generated sequence.
Code rule violatio ns or running disparity er rors th at oc cur a s
part of the BIST lo op do not cause an error i ndicat ion. RDY
puls es high once per BIST loop and can be use d to check test
pattern progress. The receiver BIST checker can be reiniti al-
ized by leavin g and re-enter ing BIS T mode.
Test Logic
Test logic includes the initialization and control for the built-in
self-te st (BIST) checker, the multiplexer for Test m ode clock
distribution, and control logic for the decoder. Test logic is
discussed in more detail in the CY7B923/CY7B933 HOTLink
data sheet .
HOTLink Serial Signal Characteristics
The serial in terfaces on the HOTLink Transmitter and Receiv-
er are based on the standard for high-speed digital logic
called emitter-coupled-logic or ECL. This form of logic has
been used commercially in integrated circ uits since the early
1960s, and pr ior to th at it was i mplemented in discrete form.
ECL is a non-saturating form of digital logic. ECL gets its
name f rom how the emi tt ers of a differential amplifier in the
circuit are connected. The main features of this logic family
are ve ry hig h speed , low noise, and the ability to drive low-im-
pedance transmission lines.
In the past, many engineers have avoided ECL as a logic
family because it was different from the TLL-compatible fam-
ilies with which they were more familiar. Proper use of ECL
requires the understanding and application of transmission
lines, line termination, and power supply b ypass ing. Because
of the faster speeds present in the newer TTL compatible fam-
ilies, these same disciplines a re now required fo r TTL circuits
as well.
ECL Signal Level Reference
The primary differences between ECL and other logic families
are the signal levels used to represent the HIGH and LOW
logic level s.
In the TTL and CMOS l ogic families, a LOW is usually some
level close to VSS, and a HIGH is usually som e level close to
VCC. The ground or reference point for these measurements
is usua lly the VSS point, with VCC set to +5V from that ground
In standard ECL this changes significantly. Instead of having
the ground reference at VSS, it is placed at VCC. This means
that both HIGH and LOW logic levels exist at potentials th at
are negative with respect to ground. Standard ECL is speci-
fied a s operat ing with a negative su pply ( –4.5V to –5.2V for
VEE). Since ground is only a reference point, it is also possible
to operate ECL with a positive supply. When used in this mode
ECL is usually referred to as PECL which means Positive
ECL Basic Switch
Internally, ECL gates (or switches) operate using a current
source whose current is directed through one of two paths
back to VCC. A schematic of this basic ECL switch is shown
Figure 4
(Reference 5).
In this ECL switch, the state of the switch is determined by the
voltage drop across R1 a nd R2. T he output signal swing is se t
by the size o f these resistors and the magn itude of the current
passed through them.
The base of Q2 is biased at a fixed voltage called VBB. This
voltage determines at what level of VIN on Q1 that the majority
of the current flowing in the switch changes from R1 to R2. If
VIN is set to the same voltage as VBB, the current divides
equally between R1 and R2. In creasing VIN b y 125 mV above
VBB causes essentially all the current to be run through Q1
Figure 4. Basic ECL Switch
R1 R2
Q1 Q2
HOTLink Design Considerations
(and hence R1). Lowering VIN to 125 mV below V BB causes
essentially all the cu rrent to flow through Q2. This mean s that
an input swin g of as li ttle as 250 mV can cause the ECL gate
to switch completely from a 0 to a 1. To provide noise immu-
nity and allow operation over a wide variety of condi tions, the
actual signal swing specified for ECL signals is around
800 mV.
The switch shown in
Figure 4
can react very quickly but, be-
cause of its high-value resistor pull-ups (R1 and R2), its
switching delay varies di rectly with load capacitance. To allow
larger loads to be driven, and to make the output voltages
compatible with the input of subsequent gates, additional
transistors are added in an emitter- follower co nfigurati on a s
illustrated in
Figure 5
These emitter-foll ower transistors have a very low on imped-
ance (5–7). This allows ECL gates to drive transmission
lines having impedances as low as 50, and ca n supply loa d
currents of up to 50 mA.
The emitter-follower transistors have an u ncommitted emitter
as their output. This allows the transistor to source, but not
sink, current. This is effectively the op posit e of an open-col-
lector output in a TTL part. To allow the output to function
correctly, it requires a load that operates as a pull-down.
ECL Signal Levels
ECL signals op erate over a very narrow and tightly controlled
range. These signal levels ar e referenced from the VCC pi ns
of the parts.
Figure 6
shows the relationships of the different
output and input levels for ECL gates. The names of these
levels are detailed in
Table 1
ECL Output Signal Levels
ECL outputs are all referenc ed from VCC. A typical ECL driver
has an output-HIGH level (VOH) of VCC 0.85V and an out-
put-LOW level (VOL) of VCC 1. 7V. These typical values are
seldom specified for parts because a good design must be
done using the range limits for thes e sign als as l isted i n
. Actual values for the se l evels vary by individual part type
and ECL family.
ECL Input Signal Levels
ECL Inputs are also referenced fr om VCC. A typical ECL re-
ceiver has an input-HIGH (VIH) threshold of VCC 1.1V and
an input-LOW (VIL) threshold of VCC 1.47V. These differ-
ences between the output and input HIGH and LOW values
translate directly into the usable noise margin (VNH and VNL)
of a syst em.
Viewing ECL Signals
Proper viewing of ECL signals requires use of an oscilloscope
and probe s with suf ficient ba ndwidth to see th e important fea-
tures of the w aveforms. Depending on the speed of the sig-
nals being viewed, different s cope and probe characteristics
are required.
Oscilloscope Bandwi dth
Oscilloscope bandwidth is not a simple number; it is base d on
the combined bandwidths of mul tiple pieces of the measure-
ment system. These can include the oscilloscope, the sc ope
probe amplifier, the probe itself, and possibly other compo-
The calculation for bandwidth is based on an inverse
sum-of-squares as shown in
Equation 1
Eq. 1
Figure 5. Buffered ECL Switch
Figure 6. ECL Signal Levels
Table 1. ECL Signal Level N ames
Name Description
VOHH Highest Output HIGH Voltage
VOHL Lowest Output HIGH Voltage
VOLH Highest Output LOW Voltage
VOLL Lowest Output LOW Volt ag e
VIH Lowest Input HIGH Volta ge Thre shold
VIL Highest Input LOW Voltage Thre shold
VNH High Input Noise Margin (VOHL–VIH)
VNL Low Input Noise Margin (VOLH–VIL)
Output Voltage
Level Limits Input Voltage
Sense Levels
bw 1
HOTLink Design Considerations
Thus a scope with a 1-GHz bandwidth probe using a 1-GH z
bandwidth amplifier would only have a usable bandwidth of
700 MHz.
The current ANSI Fibre Channel standard specifies the mini-
mum system bandwidth for testing as 1 .8 times the baud rate.
For testing with the HOTLink parts (330 Mbaud), this trans-
lates to a minimum system bandwidth of 600 MHz. This is
translated into a viewable rise time using
Equation 2
ence 6).
Eq. 2
This means that the oscilloscope and probes, having a
600 MHz bandwidth, can display signals with rise-times no
faster than 600 ps, with out having more th an 3 dB of attenu-
Note: Various scope manufacturers use different conventions
to specify bandwidth for their equipment; i.e., specified band-
width is not necessari ly where the displayed waveforms are
3 dB down in amplitude.
Scope Probes
Scope probes are available with many different characteris-
tics. The three main types are referred to as pa ssive high-im-
pedance, active high-impedance, and passive low-imped-
Passive high -impedance probes usually range from as low as
10-k to 10-M load impedance. This number i dentifies the
loading effect of the probe when attached to a circuit. The
best feature of high-impedance probes is that their imped-
ance is usually much la rger that those of the circuit under test
and thus do not present any appreciable DC load t o the mea-
sured signal when present.
Passive high-impedance probes do suffer one major draw-
back: significant capacitive loading. Most high-impedance
probe s present from 5 pF t o 20 pF of capac itance at the probe
tip. This capacitance affects measurements in two ways; it
slows down the circuit being m easured, and it degrades t he
rise-time of the pro b e. The u pper bandwidth limi t for passive
high-impedance probes is around 40 0 MHz.
Active high-impedance probes combine a high bandwidth
amplifier with the probe to improve the overall bandwidth of
the system. These probes usually exhibit load imped ances o f
10 k to 1 0 M but have lo ad capacitances of less than 3 pF.
This type of probe has a typical upper bandwidth limit of
around 1 GHz.
Care should be taken when using active probes as the man-
ufacturers specified bandwidth may not be where th e signal
measured is 3 dB down. To achieve the higher bandwidths
some active probes have non-linear responses to equalize
the probe response. When presented with edge rates or fre-
quency components beyond the specified probe bandwidth,
the probe and scope may actually display a distorted wave-
form having more high-frequency components present than
are actually in t he measured signal.
Passive low-impedance (resistive divider) probes are used for
the highest frequency work. These probes are available in
load impedances from 50 to 5 k, and present load capac-
itances of 1 pF or less. A typical upper bandwidth limit for
these probes is around 3 GHz. Unlike the high-impedance
probes, low-impedance probes are designed to connec t to a
50tra nsmission line system and do not require compensa-
tion. The probe itself is an extension of the 50 transmission
line present in the scope, and contains a precision resis-
tive-divider at t he probe tip.
The main drawback of passive low-im pedance probes is the
load imped ance they present to the circuit. The rule of thumb
for probes is that the probe impedance needs to be an order
of magnitude greater than the impedances present around it
to avoid any appreciable distortion. To get around this the
probe is of ten designe d as part of the s ystem under test, such
that its impedance is factored into the design. When the probe
is not prese nt it may be necess a ry to change compo nent val-
ues or confi gurations to compensate for the absence of the
probe (Reference 7).
Table 2
shows a summary of typical oscilloscope probe char-
acteristics. For proper viewing of HOTLink ECL signals, an
oscilloscope should have a minimum system bandwidth of
600 MHz. In most cases this will require use of low-imped-
ance probes.
Probe Grounding
As wit h any measure ment, a goo d ground is mandato ry . What
is often misunderstood is just what
a good ground. At the
frequencies used with HOTLink, a long looping ground lead
is abo ut as good as no ground at all. Three factors come into
play: the reflections caused by the scope probe, and the
ground inductance and parasitic capacitance limiting the
probe’s bandwidth. A simple rule of thumb f or ground leads is
that they exhibit about 1 nH of inductance for eac h millimeter
of length. As the length of the probe’s ground lead increases ,
the probe’s r esonance point decreases.
o view a signal with minimal distorti on, the probe’s resonant
frequency must remain above the highest frequency signal
component of interest. The graph in
Figure 7
shows how a
scope probe’s resonant frequency varies for different lengths
of ground loop inductance and tip capaci tance. This graph is
based on
Equation 3
with the diagram of a low-impedance
probe shown in
Figure 8
Eq. 3
From this graph it is quite apparent that a ground lead of only
10 mm cuts the resonan t f requ ency of the probe by 75%. For
signal viewing at HOTLink serial data rates it is usually ne c-
essa ry to use coaxial scope-tip sockets soldered directly to a
circui t board, or some other probe type that probes for signal
and ground without a loose ground lead (Reference 8).
Table 2. Typical Probe Characteristics
Probe Type Z Cload BW (MHz)
Passive High-Z 10 k–
10 M5–20 pF 400
Active High-Z 10 k–
10 M3 pF 1000
Passive Low-Z 50–5 k1 pF 3000
HOTLink Design Considerations
Probing From V
The normal mode for probing ECL is to use VCC as the ground
reference. In this mode the signal being viewed is below
ground and is relatively close to the ground refere nce. If the
overall circuit design uses TTL parts in a mix with the negative
referenced ECL, the TTL signals will all exist above ground. If
the ECL parts are operated in a PECL mode where they share
a common VCC supply with other TTL or CMOS parts, all
probing should be done from TTL ground, which is the VEE
side of the ECL parts.
Probing From V
When VEE is used as the scope ground, other issues may
come i nto play. In this mode the ECL signal is now p ositione d
almost 4V above the reference point. While many s copes are
able to pe rform a DC of fset to make the ECL signal viewable,
some do this at the e xpense of sensitivity. In other words, a
signal that is viewable at 100 mV/div when offset less than 2V ,
may only be viewable at 500 mV/div when o ffset by 4 V. Sinc e
the total signal swing for ECL signals is only 8 00 m V, it m ay
be difficult to see a detai led representatio n of the waveform
at this resolution.
Another pr oblem with measuring f rom V EE is that all the ref-
erences in the ECL part are regulated from VCC, not VEE. Th is
mean s that any amplitude chan ges or ripple i n the power sup-
ply are now added int o the displayed waveform.
One way around the offset problem is to AC co uple the signal
into the scop e. Some scopes offer this as a front panel set-up
selection, while others require the addition of a wide-band-
width DC-blocking capacitor in line with the scope probe. Ei-
ther of these will remove all DC components from the signal
under test, and allow the signal to be displayed at the maxi-
mum resolution of t h e oscilloscope.
Wide-bandwidth capacitors designed for this function are
available from most test equipment manufacturers for use
with existing probes and scope amplifiers. Some common ca -
pacitor types for SMA connector probes are the Tektronix
015-1-13-00 and Hewlett-Packard 11742A. For BNC connec-
tored probes the Hewlett-Packard 10240B is also available.
Sample ECL Waveforms
ECL signals, when properly biased, terminated, and by-
passed, are very clean and stable. Any noticeable overshoot
on signals is usually caused by reflections from improperly
terminated transmission lines or improper probing.
Figure 9
shows wh at a pristine single-ended ECL waveform should re-
semble when viewed on a scope.
Both the rising and falling edges are quite symmetrical and
approximate an RC charge/discharge curve. The
peak-to-peak range of the transition covers approximately
800 mV and is centere d around VCC 1.3V. This signal was
measured using a 500, 1.5-GHz bandwidth low-impedance
probe, on a scope having 1-GHz bandwidth. This signal was
measured with VCC as the prob e ground. The probe load im-
pedance (500) was combined with other bias resistors to
present a 50 to VCC 2V load on the signal.
With incorrect termination, a waveform such as that illustrated
Figure 10
can result. Here t h e spike in the middle of a low
area may cross the recei ver V IH threshold and cause the re-
ceiver to start t o switch.
Figure 7. Scope Probe Resonant Frequency
Figure 8. Scope Probe Tip Schematic
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Ground Len
Resonant Frequency (GHz)
C: Parasitic Tip Capacitance
L: G round Loop Inductance
Figure 9. Good ECL Waveform,
Single-Ended vs. VCC Ground
Ch. 2 = 2 00 .0 mV/di v Offset = 1 .32 0V
Timeb ase = 1.0 0 ns/d iv
Rise Time = 830 ps Fall Time = 880 ps
HOTLink Design Considerations
ECL Logic Families
Just as the TTL compatible world has its 7400, 74LS, 74H,
74S, 74AS, 74ALS, etc. logic families that have evolved over
time, so does ECL. The most common families still in use are
referred t o as 10K (e.g. , SL10104), 10KH (e.g., MC10H11 6),
and 100K (e .g., F10015 0 ). These ECL families differ in terms
of speed, signal levels, noise margin s, and temperatur e and
voltage stability.
The 10K ECL family has been around since 1971. It provides
propagation delays of 2 ns with slow 3.5-ns edge rates
(10%–90%). The voltage swings and switching thr esholds of
this logic family are relatively insensitive to variations in the
power supply voltage but are affected by operating tempera-
ture (–30°C to +85°C). The VBB bias network is fixed at
VCC 1.29V, and is compensated for voltage and tempera-
ture. In the basic 10K ECL switch the cu rrent so urce is unreg-
ulated and consists of a single resistor between VEE and the
tied emi tters of the differ ential ampl ifier. The tra nsfer curves
of a simple 10K gate are illustrated in
Figure 11
and detail how
this family is sensitive to temperature variations in both inputs
and outputs (Reference 19).
To improve system speeds, t he 10KH ECL family was intro-
duced in 1981. It reduced propagation delays to 1 ns while
edge rates were set to 1.8 ns. Because the thresholds and
voltage swings remain the same in 10KH as in 10K, thes e two
ECL families are fully compatible with each other. The tem-
perature and voltage compensated VBB reference network
from 10K parts was replaced with a fully compensated and
regulated supply. To improve the VOL l evels t h e resistor cur -
rent source was replaced with a regulated current source.
This allowed the collector resistors in the ECL switch to be
matched and have similar switching characteristics. The
transfer curves of a sim ple 10KH gate (see
Figure 12
) i llus-
trate how this fam ily im proves noise margins over 10K ECL,
yet remains sensitive to temperature variations. The 10KH
family also is specified to operate over a narrower t empera-
ture range (0°C to 75°C) than 10K ECL (Reference 19).
100K ECL
The 100K ECL family is a fa ster and ea sier t o use ECL logic
family . Introduced in 1973, this family improved o n the i nternal
structures to provide 750-ps propagation delays and 1-ns
edge rates. In addition to speed improvements, the 100K ECL
family was the first to introduce full compensation. This
means that all the critical structures in the parts are now com-
pens a ted fo r variation s in voltage and temperature. This min-
imizes differences in propagation delays from one stage to
the next that limit the maximum operating rate of a system.
This stability is illust rated in the tr ansf er curv es in
Figure 13
(Reference 5).
Figure 10. Bad ECL Waveform
Ch. 1 = 200.0 mV/div Offset = –1.332V
Timebase = 2.00 ns/div Delay = 0.00000s
Figure 11. 10K ECL Tra nsfer Functions
Figure 12. 10KH ECL Tra nsfer Functio ns
VEE= –5.2V °10%, Rt=50 to –2V
–2.0 –1.8 –1.6 –1.4 –1.2 –1.0 –0.8 –0.6
VIN (Vol ts)
VEE= –5.2V ±5%, Rt=50 to –2V
2.0 –1.8 –1.6 –1.4 –1.2 1.0 –0.8 –0.6
VIN (Vol ts)
HOTLink Design Considerations
In the 100K ECL family the operating temperature range is
expanded to 0°C to 85°C but the nominal operating voltage
changes from –5.2V to –4.5V.
HOTLink ECL Outputs
All ECL outputs of the HOTLink Transmitter are ECL
100K-level compatible. This means that these outputs meet
or e xceed all voltage, current, and edge r ates specifi cations
of 1 00K ECL and w ill interoperate w ith other 100K ECL parts.
This signal level compatibility is required by the ANSI Fibre
Channel standard (Reference 3).
The HOTLink ECL outputs actually are substantially better
than the 100K ECL specification, allowing operation with
5V±10% supplies over the full –55°C to +125°C temperature
range. This allows the HOTLink parts to be used in a TTL,
PECL, or ECL environment.
The HOTLink Transmitter has six ECL outputs configured as
three differential pairs: OUTA±, OUTB±, and OUTC± (see
Figure 2
). These different ial outputs may be used to commu-
nicate wi th ECL compatible r eceivers in either single-ended
(str ongl y discouraged) or differential (pref erred) modes.
HOTLink Transmitter Sin gle-Ended Connections
A single-ended connect ion is u sed most often for logic func-
tions. In this type of a connection, a single output of a driver
is attached to a single i n put of a receiver. The receivin g ele-
ment is thus dependent on the driver and interconnect for
maintaining the input signal in the narrow voltage bands spec-
ified for a valid logic 1 or 0.
Figure 14
illustrates th e basic components of a single-ended
connection. The driver different ial pair outputs are biased to
allow them to switch. The receiver, a s wi th all ECL gates, is
based on a differential amplifier . In the case of a single-ended
receiver, the second input int o th e differ e ntial amplifier is not
prese nt at an external pin on the chip, but is instead connect-
ed internally to a VBB referen ce voltage. As the signal present
on IN+ goes either a bove or below the internal threshold set
by VBB, the receiver will switch.
Whil e conn ections of this type are perfectly fine for logic func-
tions, they should be avoided for a communications link. In a
single-ended environment, any signal level differences
(caused by temperature, logic family , transients, power supply
noise, etc.) directly af fect the receive d sign al t iming. In a logic
function t his timing variation limit s a design both in determin-
ing how fast the system may operate, and in how much noise
margin is present.
In a communications link these variations in timi ng translate
dire ctly into jitter in the serial d ata stream. Jitter affects a se-
rial link by limiting not only how fast the link c an operate (data
rate) but also how far the data can be s ent. J itte r is discussed
in detail later in this docum ent .
The only expected single-ended connection on a HOTLink
Transmitter is for a local loopback function to a HOTLink Re-
ceiver (when the INB– input is not available for a differential
connection because it has been used as an ECL-to-TTL
translator). In this connection it is expected that the transmit-
ter and receiver are in relatively close proximity, such tha t th e
connection between them is more on the order of a lo gic con-
nection than a communications link. The small amount of jitter
caused by the sin gle-ended connection will be far below the
jitter susceptibility of the HOTLink Receiver.
HOTLink Transmitter Differenti al Connections
A d iffer en tia l connection is the preferred attachment for HOT-
Link Transmitter serial outputs. In a differential connection
both outputs a of a driver are connected to the true and com-
plement inputs of an ECL-compatible receiver. When con-
nected in this fashion the majority of the interconnect depen-
dencies are r emoved. The main advantages of a differential
connection are insensitivity to the logic family, operating tem-
perature, and power supply variations. In addition, the con-
nection is now immune to most common-mode noise.
Figure 15
illustrates the basic components of a differential
connectio n. T he driver differential pair outputs are biased to
allow them to switch. Now both true and complement inputs
of the receiver differential amplifier are available at external
pins and are connected to the complementary o utputs of the
Figure 13. 100K ECL Transfer Functions
VEE=–4.5V ±7%, Rt=50 to –2V
TC=0°C to 85°C
VIN (V olts)
–1.8 –1.6 –1.4 –1.2 –1.0 –0.8 –0.6–2.0
Figure 14. Single-Ended Connection
Driver Receiver
Threshold Bias
IN+ +
HOTLink Design Considerations
Some ECL differential receivers may also provide an external
VBB reference. This reference is provided for those cases
where a driver is connected single-ended to one of the differ-
ential receiver inputs. The other receiver input must then be
connec ted to the VBB reference to allow the receiver to switch.
With a tru e differential connection thi s VBB output should re-
main open.
The main concerns in a differential connection are signal
skew and crosstalk. Sk ew is the difference in ar rival time of
the OUT+ and OUT– signals at th e receiver. Crosstalk is t he
coupling of energy between these same two sig nals.
As the amoun t of signal skew present in a differential connec-
tion is increased, the effective signal rise and fall times at the
differential receiver also increase. In systems with large
amou nts of signal skew, it is possible fo r short pulses to never
be detected by the r e ceiver.
The main cause for signal skew is asymmetric routi ng of the
true and complement signals b etween the driver and the re-
ceiver. A 1-inch difference in routing length is equal to about
150 ps of signal sk ew. This problem is corrected by maintain-
ing matched signal runs between the HOTLink Transmitter
and the ECL differential receiver.
The main cause for crosstalk is long parallel signal runs. The
adjacent lines act as coupling transformers and transfer en-
ergy from one to another . One cure for this is to limit the le ngth
of the connection by pl acing the ECL differential receiver a s
close to the HOTLink Transmitter as poss ib le . Oth e r possibil-
ities are to route the two signals on opposite sides of a circuit
board with an interposed power plane to act as a shield. If
routing is to remain on t he s ame plane, the crosstalk affects
can be minimized by horizontally separating the two sig nal s
as far as p ossible or by routing a ground t race (with many vias
to attach the gro und trace to the ground pla ne) between the
two signals.
HOTLink ECL Inputs
The ECL inputs on the HOTLink Receiver are also ECL
100K-level compatible. Similar to the transmitter , these inputs
have also b een en hance d to o perate o ver a wider range than
standard 100K ECL.
The differential INA± and INB± inputs offer improved mini-
mum sensitivity of 50 mV, compared to 150 mV for the few
100K ECL di ff erential receivers available. These inputs may
be connected directly t o eit her power rail wit hout damage to
the part, or changing the internal thresholds of other sections
of the receiver. These same differential inputs also operate
with a 3V common-mode rejection range (VCC down to
VCC 3V) that is twice the 1.5V range of standard 100K ECL
differential receivers (VCC 0.5V down to VCC 2V).
Note: While differential outputs are quite common on ECL
parts, true differential inputs are rare. The most common us-
age for differential inputs is on line receivers and clock drivers.
The common-mode ra nge on some parts with differential in-
puts is quite limited and should not be expected to operate
over e ven a narrow range unless exp licitly stated in the man-
ufacturer’s data sheet.
The INA± inputs of the HOTLink Receiver sh ould always be
connected to a differential signal source. Since there is no
VBB reference output on the receiver there is no way to prop-
erly bias the second input of the differential receiver.
The INB± inputs may be configured to operate either as a
differe ntial r e ceiver (in which case it should be connected to
a differential signal source) or as two single-ende d rece iv ers .
When operated as two s ingle-ended receivers (as configured
using the SO pin) the INB+ input operates as a 100K ECL
single-ended rece iver for serial data, while the INB–(SI) input
operates as a 100K ECL single-ended receiver for an
ECL-to-TTL level translator. The VBB reference for these sig-
nals is availabl e only inside the HOTLink Receiver and is not
brought to an external pin. Signals connected to these sin-
gle-ended in puts must now ensure operation within the 100K
threshold levels.
Mixing ECL Logic Families
It is often de si rable to use ECL parts of different f amilies to-
gether in the sam e design. This can be done if cert ain rules
are followed. The main r easons for these rules are the vari-
ability in signali ng levels in ECL 10K family part s.
Figure 16
shows a DC-level comparison for 100K ECL outputs driving
single-ended 10K ECL inputs.
In this configuration there is only 20 mV of margin between
the 100K VOHL and the 10K VIH at t he upper e nd of t he tem-
perature range. With 10K parts driving other 10K parts (as-
suming a common operating temperature) this is not a prob-
lem as the internal VBB r efe renc e in eac h p art follows a similar
temperature shift. If the case temperature of the receiving
10K part can be kept below 35°C (100-mV margin), it can
safely be used with 100K ECL parts for logic functions.
While the VOLH specification appears to also have a noise
margin problem, it does not. What occurs here is a conditi on
where the receiver may be operated outside its linear reg ion ;
i.e., 1s and 0s will be detected properly but the timing re-
sponse may not match the manufacturer s data sheet.
Figure 17
shows the opposite configuration with 10K ECL
logic driving either a single-ended 100K ECL receiver or a
HOTLink Receiver. Here there are no ti ght margin areas be-
tween in put and output thresholds. This means that 10K ECL
parts can safely be used to drive 100K ECL inputs over their
full temperature range.
Figure 15. Different ial C onnectio n
Driver Receiver
Threshold Bias
IN+ +
HOTLink Design Considerations
Figure 16. 100K ECL Drivi ng 10K ECL
–55–45 –35–25–15 5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105115 125
10K Input
Range 100K Output
Range HOTLink Output
Low Real
Low Data
Sheet Margin Logic 0
Logic 1
Case Temperature (°C)
Figure 17. 10K ECL Driving 1 0 0K EC L
–55–45–35–25–15 –5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105115125
10K Output
Range 100K Input
Range HOTLink Input
Logic 0
Logic 1
Case Temperature (°C)
Vcc (0)
HOTLink Design Considerations
Figure 17
also highlights the enhanced input range for the
HOTLink Receiver. Unli ke the narrow input range present on
standard ECL families, the ECL inputs on the HOTLink Re-
ceiver maintain normal operation over the entire VCC to
VCC 3V range.
Single-Ended Connections
Both of these comparisons are b ased on single- ended con-
nections, w here only a single ECL output is used to drive the
receiving internally referenced single-ended gate. In these
cases, the other input to the receiving different ial amplif ier i s
connected internally to a VBB reference. This type of connec-
tion should not be used t o drive the INA± or INB± differential
inputs of the HOTLink Receiver.
Differential Connections
One of the biggest ad vantages of ECL is the abil ity to com-
municate in a differential mode. This mode is relatively rare
on logic parts (most commonly used f or clock d rivers and l ine
receivers), as it requires both the driving and receiving parts
to ha ve both true and c omplement outputs and inpu ts respec-
tively. When connected in this manner, the receiving part is
no longer comparing the input signal to its VBB reference, but
instead compares the true and complement inputs to each
When used i n this mode there is no problem using 100K ECL
with 10K ECL at any temperatur e. Because an ECL receiver
only requires around 250 mV of
to fully switch, and
the difference between the outputs of a differe ntial driver re-
mains near 800 mV, any differential connection has a mini-
mum of twice the noise margin of a single-ended connection.
This ty pe of connectio n is also immune to minor differences
in the reference voltages between parts. Because the con-
nection is differential, any c ommon-mode v oltages present on
the received signals (due to power supply differences, AC
coupling, ground shift, etc.) within the common-m ode ra nge
are canceled out in t he receiving differ ential am plifier. Some
ECL parts wi th dif ferential inputs can ac cept up to 1V of com-
mon-mode offset on the received signal without degradation
of performance. The enhanced 100K ECL compatible inputs
of the HOTLink Rece iver can acc ept inputs between VCC and
VCC 3V, offering a commo n-mode range of 3V.
HOTLink Transmitter Connections
Unlike conventional negative-referenced ECL, the
high-speed outputs on the HOTLink Transmitter are imple-
mented in 100K positive -referenc ed ECL (PECL). This al lows
the TTL and ECL interfaces on the t ransmitter to o perate from
a common +5V power supply.
The HOTLink Transmitter has three differential output sec-
tions: OUTA±, OUTB±, and O UTC±. In a ddition t o operati ng
as 100K ECL-compatible signals, these outputs have been
enhanced with additional features.
Power Saving Mode
A standard ECL output structure uses a constant current
source at the base of a differential amplifier (see
Figure 5
). In
these standard parts, this current so urce is enabled and dis-
sipating power even when the outputs are not used.
The HOTLink T ransmitter ECL outputs, while still operating as
true 100K ECL outputs, incorporate some additional struc-
tures (see
Figure 18
) to save power when the outputs are not
used. The differential amplifier (D1) under normal conditions
will direct the IS current from the current source through its
internal transistors. As this current is switched, the output
driver transistors (Q1 and Q2) change their operation point
and the amount of current they source (a properly biased ECL
output sources current in both 1 and 0 states; i.e., it does not
turn off). Each output driver (Q1 and Q2) contains a high val-
ue pull-up resistor (RO+ and RO–) and a voltage comparator
(C1 a n d C2).
When both voltage co mparators of a HOTLink d ifferential out-
put detect a voltage above a 100K ECL output-high level
(VTH), the current source (IS) for that differential output pair is
disabled. This results in a current savings of around 5 mA
(25 m) for each unused output pair.
FOTO Control of OUTA ± and OUTB±
The HOTLink transmitter OUTA± and OUTB± differential out-
puts have an additional control input not present in the
OUTC± o utput pair. While the OUTC± outputs are a lways e n-
abled to follow th e serial data stream generate d in th e HOT-
Link Transmitter shift er, the OUTA± and OUTB± outputs are
not. These outputs are also controlled by a TTL-level input
called FOTO (fiber-optic transmitter-off). While OUTA± and
OUTB± are disabled, the OUTC± pair remains active and can
be used for a local loopback source.
This FO TO signal is u sed to force the differenti al outputs of
the OUTA± and OUTB± drivers to a state where a logical 0 is
being driven. This state corresponds to a condition on optica l
modules where no light is transmitted. While not r equired for
LED-based optical modules, this ca pability is required for la-
ser-based links (see ANSI Z136.1 and Z136.2, F. D.A regula-
tion 21 CFR subchapter J, and I EC 825) (References 9, 10,
11, 12, 13).
ECL Output Biasing
ECL outputs have specific loading requirements to insure
proper operation. Becau se of the o pen-emitter s tructu re of an
ECL output, it can source current b ut cannot sink current. To
allow the output to switch, some form of pull-down is required
on the output. This pull-down usually takes the form of a re-
sistive load; eith er to VEE or VCC –2V.
Most ECL outputs ar e specified for driving load impedances
as low as 50. Because an ECL output does not swing
rail-to-rail, this load is usually specified at VCC –2V, a point
Figure 18. HOTLink Tra nsm itter ECL Output
D1 Q2
HOTLink Design Considerations
slightly below the ECL VOL. At this point, when the ECL gate
is driving a logic-0 level signal, a small current is running
through the load resistor to ke ep t he out put tra nsist or in t he
active regio n. T yp ical currents sourced when driving a logic-1
(IOH) and logic-0 (IOL) are calculated using
4 and
5 respectivel y, where RT is the effective load impedance and
VTT is the effecti ve bias voltage.
Eq. 4
Eq. 5
These IOH and IOL values are the basis for the timing and
signal le vels in the HOTLink data sheet. For other values of
IOH and IOL, t he tra nsmitter will exhibit slightly different c har-
acter isti cs. These current flows can be achieved in many
ways. T he four m ost common methods are
Shunt bias to VTT bias voltage
Shunt bias to VEE bias voltage
Thévenin bias to VTT bias voltage
Y-bias to VTT bias voltage
Sh unt Bias to V
In shunt bias, as illustrated in
Figure 19
, a single resistor is
used as a pull-down load on an ECL output to some bias
voltage . When biased to VTT, a single 50 res i stor (R T) from
the ECL outp ut to VTT is all that is necessary. This requires
an add itional power supply to provide the (VCC 2V) VTT-lev-
el. This terminati on type dissip at es the le ast average-power
(13 m) of any output load type. It is often used in large ECL
systems, in systems where overall power dissipation is a ma-
jor concern, or where there is enou gh ECL present to warrant
its design and implementation.
Sh unt Bias to V
ECL outputs may also be biased to the VEE supply as illus-
trated in
F igure 20
. Here a load resistance (RT) of near 270
is connected to the VEE supply to provide a similar current
load for the ECL output driver. This value is determined by
taking the average current flow for both a 1 and a 0 at the
midway point (VBB) in the output swing. The calculation for
this is shown in
Equation 6
Eq. 6
Unlike the shunt b ias t o V TT, this bias arrangement dissipates
a significant amount of power in both the 1 and 0 states
(47 m average). This bias type (due to mismatched RC
charge and discharge rates) exhibits a faster falling edge than
rising edge. Because of this, its use is usually limited to logic
functions, and is discoura ged f or serial links and for biasing
differential output pairs. This is discu ssed in detail later in this
Thévenin Bias to V
In a Théven in bias network, a pair of resistors (R1 and R2) is
used to create a load whose Thévenin equivalent matches
that of a single resistor attached to a specific bias voltage
(VTT). For ECL this voltage is usually VCC 2V. These r esis-
tors are connected a s illustrated in
Figure 21
. The values of
R1 and R2 are solved using
Equations 7
and 8.
Eq. 7
Eq. 8
Solving for 50 an d VCC 2V yields values o f 8 2 a nd 120
for a 5V system. While this combination does provide a similar
dynamic load to the shunt bias to VTT, it dissipates nearly an
order of magnitude more power (138 m) than its shunt to
VTT equivalent.
The capacitor s hown in
Figure 21
is needed to allow R1 and
R2 to provide the proper load for AC sig nal s. In a T hévenin
equivalent circuit, the power supply is assumed to be a short
circuit. While this may be accurate for DC or very low frequen-
cy AC signals, the power supply appears as a near infinite
impedance at RF frequencies. The bypass capacitor across
R1 and R2 is used to create an AC short. This capacitor mus t
be sized to operate as a short near the frequencies in use.
For HOTLink-based systems this capacitor should probably
be in the ra nge of 300 pF t o 0.01 µF.
Figure 19. Shunt Bias to VTT
Figure 20. Shunt Bias to VEE
--------------------------- 0.9()2.0()
-------------------------------------- 22
== =
--------------------------- 1.7()2.0()
-------------------------------------- 6
== =
Figure 21. T hévenin Bias Equivalent
--------------------------- 51.3
22 6+
----------------- 264===
HOTLink Design Considerations
Y-Bias to V
Unlike the three pre viously described terminations, t he, Y-bi-
as can only be used with differenti al outputs. In this co nfigu-
ration the active ECL output (logic 1) is used to source c urrent
for a voltage divider , while the inactive ECL output (logic 0) is
pulled down to the bias voltage created by this divider . A sche-
matic of this bias network is ill ustrated in
Figure 22
Here RT is the desired load impedance, usually 50 to
VCC 2V for ECL sy stems. RL is determined by summing the
currents of a logic 1 and a logic 0 (as shown in
Equations 4
and 5), and calculating the resistance ne cessary to drop the
remaining voltage. This calculation is shown in
Equation 9
and solved for a 50 RT.
Eq. 9
This type of bias provides a significant power savings over a
Thévenin bias because only a single pull-down resistor is
used to dissipate p ower for two outputs. F or a 50 e quivalent
load the power dissipation is only 110 m for two outputs
(55 m for one). Just as with the Thévenin bias, a capacitor
is necessary to create an AC short.
Matched Loading
Just as the differential amplifier in an ECL switch directs cur-
rent flow, so do the emitter-follower output transistors. As
these transistors are turned on an off, large amounts of cur-
rent are switched through the driver’s VCC package pins . Be-
cause of the inductance present in these pins, trans ients can
be induced in the internal VCC supply.
Fortunately the effects of this lead-inducta nce only manifest
themselves when the current through the VCC supply pin
. If the current is kept stable, no transients are in-
duced. Due to the differential configuration of many ECL out-
puts, it is possible to keep this current stable by having
matched loads on the true and complement outputs of the
differential driver . This means that if a design uses one or both
outputs of a d ifferential driver , they both sho uld drive loads of
the same magnitude.
Figure 23
shows a differential output driver connected to a
load including the package inductance present on the VCC
power pin. As the differential driver change s state, the overall
current th rou gh L1 remains the same (assuming that both R T
loads are the same value).
If one of the two RT load resistors is removed, some very
undesirable things start to happen. The first is that the exter-
nal power supply must now re act to a dynamic rather than a
static need for current. This increases the amount of pow-
er-supply bypassing that is need ed next to the ECL driver VCC
pin. The seco nd is a variation in the internal and external VCC
supplies caused by the dynamic current flow. This effect is
illustr ate d in the following approximati on.
For a single ECL output the current differ ence from a logic 1
to a logic 0 ( into a 50 to VCC 2V loa d) is 16 mA (see
tions 4
). From the ECL 100K family data sheets we
know that signal transition times may be under 500 ps. By
assuming the rise and fall portions of the signal are related to
a tria ngular wave form, this transition may be roughly convert-
ed to a fundamental frequency using
Equation 10
Eq. 10
The Fourier series for a triangu lar waveform is listed in
tion 11
. This illustrates that most of the energy content is
present at the fundamental frequency with much smaller
compon ents present a t the hig her o dd harmonics. To simplify
the following calculations only the fundamental frequency is
assumed to be present (Reference 24).
Eq. 11
If a package pin inductance of 4 nH is assumed (typical for
many surface mount components),
Equation 12
can be us e d
to determine the impedance of the pac kage at th is freque ncy.
Eq. 12
Using Ohm’s Law we can now convert this change in current
into an internal voltage change, as illustrated in
Equation 13
Figure 22. Y-Bias Network
-------------------------------------------- 3
---------------- 107===
Figure 23. Loaded Differe ntial Driver
External VCC Su pply
Internal VCC Bus
Differential Output Driver
Externa l Loads
--------------- 1
2 500E12
------------------------------- 1
== =
------- ω0
--- 3ω0
cos 1
------ ω0
cos +++cos
×25== =
HOTLink Design Considerations
Eq. 13
This temporary difference between the intern al V CC and the
external VCC supply is the same phenomenon known in a TTL
environment as ground bounce.
All of this, of course, is based on the assumption that the
output will be able to switch at this speed (500 ps) and provide
the specified current (16 mA) when presented with a high-im-
pedance sou rce. Wha t actually occ urs is that the output edge
slows down to match the current transfer permitted by the
on-resistance of t he output driver transistor and the package
Most ECL parts use a couple of different techniques to com-
bat this problem. Both are quite simple to implement. The first
is t o use a se parate pac kage pin t o provide power to the emit-
ter-follower output transistors. This prevents any VCC shift
caused by the output drivers from affecting the se nsitive dif -
ferential amplifiers and voltage references present in other
parts of the device.
The second method is to maintain a balanced load on the
differential output drivers. Since the rising and falling edge
rates of ECL are very symmetrical, DI1 = DI2. Because these
changes in output current are symmetrical, DIT 0. From
13 we know that any induced DV is directly propor-
tional to DI; thus as DI goes t o 0, so does DV.
AC Charact eristics of Output Drivers
In an ECL driver, the time it takes for the signal to rise is
largely determined by its internal resistors and parasitic ca-
pacitors (Cint a nd Rint in
Figure 24
), since the emitter-follower
can supply large currents to charge the load capacitance. The
DC voltage to which the output rises is determined by the
emitter-follower transistor characteristics and the internal
driver resistor (Rint) value. However, the AC voltage (over-
shoot, ringing, etc.) is determined primari ly by the lo ad char-
acteristics. A capacitive load (along with th e induc tance foun d
in the package, printe d circui t traces, and other load compo-
nents) causes the output to rise significantly beyond the an-
ticipated DC output level, since the emitter-follower cannot
supply any compensati ng current at t he top of its transit ion.
Unlike the output rise time, the fall time is primarily deter-
mined by the time constants of the load capacitance and
pull-down circuit. The output LOW voltage (VOL), is deter-
mined by Rint, IS, and the characteristics of the emitter-follow-
er transistor. In a properly designed system the load circuit
has time constants comparable t o (or shorter than) the inter-
nal fall time, such that the emitter-follower can s ource a small
amount of current during the entire time it is switching from
HIGH to LOW . If this is not true, the emitter-follower transistor
will be shut off for part of the transition time, and the output
will foll ow the t ime constant of the load.
Figure 25
illustrates the effects of two different load or bias
circuits. The assumption in both of these e xamples is that the
load circuit controls the fall time of the signal, and that the
pull-down current is being supplied by a resistor to a VT of
eith er VCC 2V or VEE (+3V or ground for a PECL environ-
ment). I n the dashed curve, the standard ECL load of 50 to
VCC 2V is used , causing an outpu t current of approximately
20 m A when the output is HIGH, and 5 mA wh en the o utp ut
is LOW. Thi s load (or i ts equivalent) ca n be created using all
of the previously described bia s networks except shunt bias
to VEE (shown in the solid curv e).
25× 400
== =
Figure 24. ECL Output Driver with Loading
Figure 25. Falling Edge Rate Comparison for Bias to VTT and VEE
VOL Determined by ECL Driver
RL=50, V bias=3V
RL=300, Vbias=0V
TRC into
0V Term
TRC into 3V
HOTLink Design Considerations
The same amount of pull-down current can be realized wi th a
single resistor (RL in
Figure 24
) in a shunt bias to VEE config-
uration. To get a comparable output current (and assure com-
parable voltages at the output) the pull-down resistor would
be chosen to sink approximately the average of I OH and IOL
when connected t o a voltage midway between VOH and VOL
Equation 6
). The IOH and IOL currents listed here would
yield a pull-down resistor of around 300. This type of bias is
perfectly correct and adequate for ECL logic circuits where
the mismatch between r ise and fall times is absorbed into the
normal logic delays and set-up times. In a data tran smission
system the effects of this type of output bias can be unpre-
dictable and will often degrade performance.
Figures 25
illustr ate the difference in output fall time
assuming a constant load c apacitance, with the only variation
being the bias resistor and voltage. The 50 load resistor
(dashed line) follows an RC discharge curve which ends at
VCC 2V. For normal loading this
edge rate more clos ely
matches the rise time of the output as controlled by the emit-
ter- foll ow er, and is less affected by variations in load capaci-
tance and reflection currents.
The 300 load resistor (solid line) follows an RC discharge
curve which would normally end at VEE (ground). While this
appears to have a crisper edge rate, it will be more s everely
affected by load capacitance variation and tra nsmis si on line
reflection curr ents that must be a c commodated.
Figure 26
shows that with either pull-down the total voltage
swing is th e same a nd is determ ined by the internal voltage
swing of the driver , a s buffered by the emitter-follower transis-
tor. While the RC curve for the 30 0 pull-down continues to
VEE, the emitter-follower is turned on and sourcing c urrent at
the VOL point and does not allow the output to continue farther
down the curve.
In either configuration the signal delays match, since both
falling edges cross the mid-swing l ine at the same time, bu t
the rise and fall tim es are different. T hese rise and fall ti m e s
determine the higher frequency spectral components of the
waveform. Differences in these spectral components affect
the termination efficiency and waveform dis tortion caused by
cable attenuation (Reference 14).
Transmission Line Termination
While often confused with ECL output biasing, termi nation of
transmission lines is something quite different. Because of
the reactive characteristics of transmission line termination,
the resistors used for termination m ay often be used as part
of the output bias network, but they perform different func-
Due to the high swit chin g speeds of ECL, most of the inter-
connect bet ween parts c annot be treated as simpl e connec-
tions. They must instead be treated as transmission lines. The
distance between parts, in conjunction with the signal loading
and rise and fall times, is us ed to determine at what point the
interconnect must be treated as a transmission line. The gen-
eral assumption is that short lines do not require termination,
while long ones do. The determination of what is a long line
is made using
Equation 14
(Reference 5).
Eq. 14
The values for this equation for microstrip construction on
G10/FR4 type board would be
max – maximum unterm inated line length
Tr – source 20% to 80% rise time
load capacitance (2 p F assumed for a load)
δ – delay per unit length (0.148-ns/inch)
– capacitance per inch
Running this calcul ation for various impedance and rise-tim e
combinations yields the lengths listed in
Table 3.
Lengths be-
yond those listed h ere requir e terminati on.
Figure 26. Expanded Detail of Falling Edge Rate Comparison
VOL Determined by ECL Driver
RL=50, Vbias=3V
RL=300, Vbias=0V
max 1
HOTLink Design Considerations
The lengths listed in
Table 3
assume digital switching charac-
teristics. The HOTLink ECL serial signals are, for the most
part, analog in nature. This effectively shortens the maximum
unterminated length. For HOTLink serial signals, any ECL
trace greater than one inch in l ength should be terminat ed.
The objective of transmission line termination is to prevent
reflection of power from the destination back to the source.
This is accomplished by terminating a transmission line in its
characteristic impedance (ZO). The two basic types of line
termination are referred to as series and parallel termination.
The actual amount of the source signal reflected is based on
how well th e line impedance matches the destination imped-
ance. This determines how much voltage is reflected back
into the transmission line. This ratio of reflected voltage to
incident voltage is called the reflection co efficient r (rho) and
is shown in
Equation 15
(Reference 5).
Eq. 15
Series Ter minatio n
Series termination (sometimes referred to as source termina-
tion) requires that the load be high-impedance to properly
operate. This type of line termination is not recommende d for
use with HOTLink because of the reactive nature of all parts
at th e high f requenc ies pres ent on the HOTLink ECL signals.
Parallel Termination
In parallel termination the desired characteristic is to termi-
na te the
of the line (rather than the source) in its charac-
teristic impedance. This results in a reflection coefficient of
zero; i.e., no signal is reflected. This type of termination is
implemented the same as shunt bias networks.
Figures 27
and 28 show the two equivalen t forms of parallel termination.
Parallel termination offers the advantages of allowing distrib-
uted loads on the transmission line, and of having the termi-
nation net work also operate as the bias network.
In the single-resistor form of parallel termination illustrated in
Figure 27
, the RT resisto r is sized to match the ZO impeda nce
of the tra nsmission line. This terminati on form has the same
advantage as the single resistor shunt bias because it dissi-
pates less overall power than the Thévenin equivalent termi-
nation. It also h as the s ame drawbac k of requiring a separate
power supply.
In a Th évenin equivalent termination (illustrated in
Figure 28
two resistors (R1 and R2) are used to form an equivalent cir-
cuit to that in
Figure 27
Table 4
lists the R1 and R2 resistor
values for a number of common transmission line impedanc-
es. Th is table assumes operation with a 5V source and a ter-
mination voltage of VCC 2V, and selects the nearest stan-
dard 1% resistor value when an exact match is not avail abl e.
These values are calculated u sing the same
Equations 7
8 as used for calcu lating a Théven in bias network (Reference
Terminating HOTLink Transmitter ECL Signals
The HOTLink CY7B923 transmitter has three different ECL
differe ntial o utp ut pairs named OUTA±, OUTB± and OUTC±
Figure 2
). How (or if) these outputs are terminated is
dependent on what the outp ut i s used for.
Table 3. 100K ECL Maximum Unterminated Line Length
(in inches) , Microstrip Construction
Line Lengt h (in inches)
0.5 ns 1 ns 1.5 ns
501.38 3.06 4.74
621.32 2.99 4.67
751.25 2.91 4.59
901.18 2.82 4.50
1001.14 2.76 4.44
Figure 27. Parallel Termination to VTT
----- ρ
Figure 28. Thévenin Equivalent Parallel
Table 4. Thévenin Bias Resistor Val ues
5082.5 124
70118 174
75124 187
80133 200
90150 226
100165 249
120200 301
150249 374
HOTLink Design Considerations
The OUTC± outputs of the HOTLink Transmitter are not con-
trolled by the transmitter FOTO signal and are thus always
enabled t o drive serial data. While fully capable of driving ei-
ther optical modules or copper ca ble s, it is expected that the
most common usage of this differential output will be as a
loca l loo pback t o a HOTLin k CY7B9 33 Receiver INB± inputs.
This signal may be conne cted to the HOTLink Rece iver e ither
differentially or single-ended. When connected differentially,
the OUTC+ output is connected to the INB+ input, and the
OUTC– output is connected to the INB– input. When c onnect-
ed single-ended, the OUTC+ o utput is conne cte d to the INB+
Note: For the INB+ input to be used di ff erentiall y, t he SI/SO
ECL-to-TTL t ranslator (mapped throug h the INB– input) must
be disab led . This is done by connecting the SO output d irectly
to VCC.
Once the connection is made, the type o f te rmination required
is determined by the distanc e between the HOTLink Transmit-
ter and the HOTLink Receiver. If the distance is kept short
enough (under one inch) (Reference 5) no termi nation is re-
quired and th e output only n eeds t o be biased. This can be
done with a single pull- down resistor t o VEE. While this t y pe
of termination does induce some jitter into the serial data
stream (due to mismatched rise a nd fall times), the amount is
well within the receiver limits.
If the distance is greater than one inch, the line should be
terminated (Reference 5). To do this correctly requires deter-
mination of th e characteristic im pedance of the board traces
used to connect t he source and destination. Please see the
Cypress Semicon ductor application note “ Driving Copper Ca-
bles wit h HOTLink” for informati on on how t o determine the
char acteristi c impedance of various types of transmission
lines (Reference 16).
For local connections that do not travel through external trans-
mission media (i.e., coax, twisted-pair , optical fiber , etc.) par-
allel termination may be used. The important consideration
here is that both the OUTC+ and OUTC– outputs must be
terminated/biased into the same size of load to maintain a
current balance inside the HOTLink Tra nsmitter.
If neither of the OUTC± ou tputs are used , both outputs sh ould
be lef t open or pulled up to VCC to disable the current source
for the differential driver (see
Figure 18
The OUTA± and OUTB± outputs of the HOTLink Transmitter
are both contr olled by the FO TO signal w hi ch is re quir ed to
meet laser safety regulations for communications links ( Ref-
erences 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). Other than this special enable
signal, these outputs operate the same as the OUTC± out-
Driving Optical Module s
When connecting to optical modules, it is best to drive the
optical module data inputs differentially. This provides the
highest noise immunity f or t he system, and the lowest signal
jitter. When used with
de facto
standard optical modules this
becomes mandatory becau se the op tical modules have a dif-
ferential data input, yet do not provide a VBB supply to bias
the other input of the differential amplifier of the optical trans-
mi tter. Becau se this in terface is intend ed for driving s ome ex-
ternal segment of optical cable, series termination (which
uses shunt bias to VEE and increases jitter) should not be
used . Since the HOTLink parts will most probab ly be the only
ECL parts in the system, the recommended termination is a
Thévenin or Y-ter mination.
Both the T venin and Y-terminations provid e the bias nec-
essa ry fo r the ECL signal to switch, an d the i m pedance nec-
essa ry to te rminate a transmission line. One of these types of
termination/bias should be used even when the distance from
the HOTLink Transmitter to the optical transmitter is short.
This is necessary to maintain symmetrical rise and fall times
for the OUTx± differential outputs.
PECL Optical M odules
Interfacing to optical modules in PECL mode is quite simple,
requiring only a few passive parts. The schematic in
illustrates the connections and parts necessary for this
type of connection.
One of the k ey items often missed in this t ype of connection
is proper bypassing of the termination/bias networks. The
theory behin d a Thévenin network is that the power supply is
considered as a short for AC. While this may be true for near
DC applications, the base frequencies and harmon ic present
in the HOTLink Transmitter output are far beyond any frequen-
cy the power su pply itself co uld pass.
To make the power supply a short, a capacitor must be placed
across the Théveni n pair. The size of the ca pacitor is deter-
mined by the frequen cy of ope ration of the serial link. A good
rule-of-thumb is to pick the largest value capacitor whose se-
ries re sonant frequency is 30% above the highest baseban d
frequency of the baud rate of the serial data (Reference 17).
Since the data is sent using an NRZ modulation (non-re-
turn-to-zero), the highest baseband frequency is one half the
serial bit-rate (Reference 18).
Another important characteristic is the dielectric type of the
capacitor. For this type of analog operation, a good high fre-
quency RF type capacitor must be specified. This means
specifying either NP0 or C0G type capacitors.
Standard EC L Optical Modules
Those optical modules with the case connected to VCC are
designed for use in a negative DC supply system. These
types o f modules may also be dr iven by a HOTLink T rans mit-
Figure 29. HOTLink Transmitter -to-PECL Optical Module
330 pF
130 130
HOTLink Design Considerations
By far th e simplest method is to c onnect the modu le the same
as a PECL module, with the e xception of the Case pins . Here,
instead of attaching the Case pins to ground (VEE), they are
attached to VCC. If the case is metallic in nature, care must
then be exercised such that it does not come into direct con-
tact with ground.
If the optical module is to be used below ground, it must be
AC coupled to the HOTL ink T rans mitter . This type of connec-
tion is illustrated in
Figure 30.
The HOTLink T ransmitter outputs are biased the same as for
a PECL optical module. AC coupling capacitors are u sed to
connect the HOTLink Transmitter positive-referenced ECL
outputs to the negative-referenced ECL inputs of the optical
module. These coupling capacitors actually operate as a
bandpass filter, centered around their series resonant fre-
quency. To pass additional low- or high-frequency compo-
nents, additional capacitors s hould be placed in parallel with
the coupling capacitors.
Capacitively coupled signa ls require DC restoration and, if the
connection length warrants, transmission line termination. DC
restoration is necessary t o place the signal swings in the input
range of the ECL receiver. Unlike ECL outputs, which are bi-
ased to a level slightly below their VOL(min)-level (VCC 2V),
AC coupled ECL inputs need to be bias ed to the center of the
receiver input ra nge. This is the same as the VBB reference
point of VCC 1.3V. In
Figure 30
, this refere nce point is cre-
ated from a resistive divider network, and bypassed with a
0.01-µF capacitor to provide the dynamic current response
needed for the differential inputs.
While many optical modules or ECL gates generate a
VBB-level, this output
must not
be used to bias this reference
point because it cannot provide sufficient dynamic current.
Th e VBB output of an optical module, or other ECL g ate, is an
unbuffered tap of the internal VBB reference. While fully capa-
ble of delivering the few mA of current necessary to drive an
input, it cannot tolerate the transient currents present at the
end of a low-i mpedance transmission line. Because the VBB
source is unbuffered, this also means that any external tran-
sie nts applied to it will move th e VBB reference
the re-
ceiv e r, with unpredictable consequences.
While it is possible to create a VBB power amplifier (by using
multiple ECL buffers in paral lel) to create a bu ff ered form of
VBB, such amplifiers should not be used with HOTLink. They
are prone to oscillation and ringing. Such amplifiers should
also not b e used for DC restoration (as needed here) beca use
the VBB amplifier is not quite DC stable; i.e. its output usually
contains a low-level (10–50 mV) oscillation whose frequency
is set by the delay through the part. This low-level noise is no t
a problem for logic applicati ons, but for analog applications
causes increased jitter on the biased signals.
In this example, the VEE for the optical module is set to –5.2V.
This is a common supply voltage for ECL circuits. If a different
supp ly voltage is used , the values in the resistive divider must
be changed to maintain the VBB reference point at
VCC 1.3V.
One drawback of this circuit is the inability to react to a DC
state in the data stream. If the HOTLink Transmitter is set to
transmit all 1s or all 0s (e.g., FOTO is set to disable transmit-
ting), the optical module inputs will both return to a V BB-level.
At this level the optical module’s output will proba bly oscillate
due to the high gain present in the optical module’s
ECL-to-optical translator. In this AC coupled configuration
(wh en o perated with laser-based optical drivers) it is neces-
sary to use some method other t han FOTO to meet the laser
safety restrictions (Ref erences 9, 10, 11, 12, 13).
Driving Copper Media
The ANSI Fibre Channel Standard currently identifies both
coaxial cable and shielded twisted- pair as supported copper
media types. The HOTLink Transmitter easily interfaces to
these and many other types of copper media, and allows
communicating on them at distanc es well beyond the lengths
called out in the ANSI Standa rd (Reference 3).
Numerous charact eristics d etermine how far a signal can be
transmitted on copper media. The most important of these
Voltage amplitude of the signal fed into the cable
Jit ter a nd ringing on the source signal
Attenuation characteri stics of the cable
Length of the cable
W hat (if any) equalization is used in the syst em
Receiver loading and sensitivity
Coupling to the cable (transmission line if on a backplane)
may be done in multiple ways, depending on the media type
and distances involved.
Direct Coupled
For those instances where the signal never leaves the same
chas sis (or ev en the same bo ard) it is possible to directly cou-
ple to the media. Here the media is effectively the circuit board
traces, runs of twisted-pair, twinax, or dual coax. The main
criteria her e is that th ere mu st be no chance for a significant
VCC reference differen ce (transient or DC) between the HOT-
Link Tr ansmitter and HOTLink R eceiver, including any com-
mon-mode induced noise. For the HOTLink Receiver, this
maximum difference is around 1V. Under these conditions the
HOTLink Transm itter and Receiver may be connected as il-
lustrated in
Figure 31.
Figure 30. HOTLink T ransmitter-to-Negative-Referenced
ECL Optical Module
330 pF +5V
1000 pF
1500 –1.3V
HOTLink Design Considerations
Figure 31
shows a 50 transmission line, the actual
impedan ce can be higher tha n this. For other impeda nce val-
ues it is n ecessary to change the Thévenin termination net-
When sent through twin coaxial cables (as shown in
) or two separate trans mission lines , care must be taken to
make sure that both lines are electrically the same length. Any
dif ference i n length c auses one o f the two t ransmitted signals
to arrive at the receiver input either leading or lagging the
other. This difference manifests itself as jitter in the receiver.
If twisted-pair or twinax is used instead, both the OUTA+ and
OUTA– signals combine to form a single signal sent down a
balanced tra nsmission line.
Capacitor Coupled
For configurations where it is possible to have significant
ground or reference differences, some form of AC coupling
becomes necessary. If the signals remain in a well protected
environment (minimal EMI/ESD exposure) this AC coupling
can be performed with capacitors. When this is done , bias/ter-
mination networks are required at both ends of the cable. A
schematic detailing this type of connection is shown in
Good low-loss RF-grade capacitors should be used for this
applic ation. These parts are available in many different c a se
types and voltage ratings. The capacitors used must be able
to withstand not just the voltage of the signals sent, but of any
DC difference between the transmitter an d receiver and the
maximum ESD ex pected. A typical 1000- pF 50-V C0G ca-
pacitor would be available in an 0805 surface mount case size
(0.08L x 0.05″Ω x 0.02H). For on-board applications a
50-V rating shou ld be suf ficient. While capacitors with much
higher break down voltages are available, both cost and space
make their use prohibitive. This same 1 000-pF C0G capacitor
at 5-kV breakdown is almost a half cubic inch in size (Refer-
ence 15).
This type of coupling is very similar to that used to drive an
optical module that is not at the same reference as the HOT-
Link Transmitter. Since the HOTLink Receiver and an optical
module both operate with ECL 100K-level compatible inputs,
this should be expected.
In this configuration, the receiver referenc e point is se t slightly
differe nt from that for a st andard ECL receiver. Part of this is
due to th e HOTLink Rece iv er being designed for operation at
+5V rather than –5.2V or –4.5V. The other is that the HOTLink
Receiver has a wider common-mode range than standard
100K ECL parts. To allow operation over the widest ran ge of
signal conditions the VBB bias netw ork on t he receive end of
the transmission line is set to the center of the HOTLink Re-
ceiver 3V comm o n-mode range at V CC –1.5V.
This capacitively coupled interface is not recommended for
cabling syst ems that leave a cabinet or extend for more than
a few feet. This is primarily due to
Limited voltage breakdown under ESD situations of the
coupling capacitors
ESD susceptibility of the receiver due to transients induced
in the cable
Limited common-m ode r ejection at the receiver end
Addition of a second set of cou pling capacitors at the receive
end may improve some of these characteristics, but it will not
remove them.
Transformer Coupled
The preferred copper attachment method is to transformer
coup le to the media. Trans formers have multiple advantages
in c opper-b ased interfaces. They provide
Hi gh primar y-to- secondary isolation
Comm on-mode cancellati on
Balanced-to-unbalanced conversion
The transformer is similar to a capacitor in that it also has
passband characteristics, limiting both low and high frequen-
cy operation. Proper selection of a coupling transformer al-
lo ws pass ing of the f requencies ne cess ary for HOTLink serial
communications. A schematic detailing a transformer cou-
pled interface is shown in
Figure 33
This transformer-coupled configuration has many similarities
to the capacitively coup led interface. It still provides DC isola-
tion between the HOTLink Tr ansmitter and Receiver, and re-
quire s the VBB bias and terminat ion network at t he receiver.
Figure 31. Di rect- Coupled, Copper Int erface
Figure 32. Capacitive-Coupl ed, Copper Interface
330 pF
ZO = 50
330 pF
1000 pF
ZO = 50
Figure 33. Tran sformer-Coupled, Copper Interface
OUTA 270
HOTLink Design Considerations
The connection at the HOTLink Transmitter is quite different
now. The output bias network is now a simple pull-down to
VEE. While this causes the transmitter outputs to have asym-
metric rise and fall time s, it d oes not add to the system jitter.
Instead, the true and complement outputs combine in the
transformer to provide a single signal with symmetrical rise
and fa ll times. This bias arrangement also the has the ad van-
tage of delivering the enti re tran smitter output volta ge swing
into the transformer , rather than part into the transformer and
part into th e bias network.
The configuration shown in
Figure 33
uses only a single
transformer and either 150 twinax or twisted-pair as the
transmission line. This can be done becaus e the transmission
system remains balanced from end to end. Here the primar y
func tions of the transformer are to provide isolation and com-
mon-mode cancellation.
In a single t ransformer configuration th e tra nsf ormer s hould
be placed a t the source end of the cable. Unlike the HOTLink
differential receiver , which has a full 3V common-mode range,
an ECL output (when sourcing a zero or LOW-level) will re-
spond to high-going signals picked up on the transmission
Figure 34
a second transformer is added to the transmis-
sion system at the receiver end of the cable. This configura-
tion allows use of either balanced or unbalanced (coaxial)
transmission lines. The configuration shown here is a 75
coaxial cable system. Here the first transformer is used for
balanced-to-unbalanced conver sion, while the second trans-
former provides unbalanced-to-balanced conversion.
HOTLink Receiver ECL Inputs
The HOTLink Receiver has five 100K ECL (PECL) compatible
inputs: INA+, INA–, I NB+, INB–(SI), and A/ B (see
Figure 3
The A/B input i s used to select which serial data input (I NA±
or INB±) is fed t o the receiver PLL and shifter.
The INA± differential input is normally used for the primary
receive d data input. Th is input is o nly functional as a dif feren-
tial rece iver. To use i t as a single-ended receive r, a VBB refer-
ence would have to be attached to one of the INA± inputs.
Since the HOTLink Receiver does not provide a VBB output,
this must come from either an external ECL gate o r a resistive
divider. Becau se neither of th ese source s can be gu aranteed
to be at the exact internal VBB reference of th e HOTLink Re-
ceiver (and will thus introduce jitter into the system), operation
of INA+ in sin gle-end ed mode is not recommend ed. Also, op-
eration in single-ended mode gen erally take s tw ice the signal
swing (100 mV for HOTLink) for a receiver to properly detect
The INB± differential input i s expected t o be used as the local
loopback receiver. It is capable of being operated as a differ-
ential receiver, or as two single-ended receivers.
To operat e the INB± inputs as a differential receiver it is ne c-
essa ry to hav e the SO output either directly connec ted to VCC
or pulled up to VCC through a resistor (minimum of
VCC 250 mV). This pin, while normally used as an output,
has a voltage comparator on the output to both disable it and
to o per ate the INB± inputs as a differential pair. When used
as a differential receiver the INB± inputs o perate th e same as
the INA± inputs.
If the SO pin is instead allowe d to remain in the s tan dard TTL
output range (below VCC 850 mV), it is enabled as a
TTL-level driver, and is the o utput end of an ECL-to-TTL level
translator. In this mode the HOTLink Receiver INB+ input is a
single-ended ECL receiver for serial data, while the INB– in-
put becomes the input end of the ECL-to-TTL translator. The
expected use of this translator is for converting an ECL carri-
er-detect signal to TTL levels.
ECL Input Levels
Unlike standard 100K ECL logic, the HOTLink ECL inputs a re
designed to operate, not only over the full 100K ECL voltage
and temperature range, but substantially b eyond as well.
Normally 100K ECL inputs should never be raised above
VCC 700 mV. If this occurs, the input transistor saturates
and can damage other internal structures in the gate. Be-
caus e the HOTL ink Re ceiver is designed f or use in a commu-
nications environment, its input structures are more robust
and can be taken all the way up to VCC with no degradation
in performance. This provides a common-mode operating
ra nge more than twice that of standard ECL.
The HOTLink ECL Receivers also provide higher gain than
that available from standard 100K ECL. The receiver is able
to fully detect 1 s a nd 0s with as litt le a s 50 m V of differential
signal at the inputs. Those few 100K ECL parts capable of
differ ential operat ion usually specify this at 150–200 m V.
The HOTL ink ECL inpu ts are also robust on the VIL(min) side.
When o perated in differential mode these inputs provide full
functio nal ity down to VCC 3V, yielding a full 3V com-
mon-mode operating range. For single-ended operations
these s ame inputs can be take n a ll the way to VEE (ground or
Controlling A/B from TTL
While the A/B path select on the HOTLink Receiver is a PECL
input, it can be controlled from a TTL driver with as few as two
re sistors. Contr olling a traditi onal PECL in put from TTL nor-
mally requires a third resistor to limit the high state to the
specified VIH(max). Only a two resistor divider is neede d with
the HOTLink Receiver (as illustrated in
Figure 35
) because it
can tolerate a full VCC-level on its ECL inputs.
HOTLink Receiver Biasing
Unlike ECL outputs, which always require an output bias to
create the output-low level, ECL inputs instead require levels
within their input range to allow them to switch. When the
HOTLink Receiver is directly connected to the bia sed outp ut
of either a 10K, 10KH, or 100K ECL driver (see
Figures 16
, these conditions are satisfied.
Figure 34. Dual Transformer-Co uple d, Copper Interface
OUTA– 270
0.01 µF
HOTLink Design Considerations
PECL Optical Modules
Connecting a PECL optical module to the HOTLink Receiver
is the same as connecting two ECL parts together. This is
connection i s illustrated in
Figure 36
A bias network i s requ ired on the ou tput of the optical module
to allow it t o switch. A Thévenin or Y-bias netw ork should be
used on the high-speed serial lines (RO and NRO as illustrat-
ed in
Figure 36
) to keep induced jitter to a minimum. The
signal- or carrier-detect o utp ut (SIG O) of the module is con-
sidered a logic level signal and only requires a pull-down type
of biasing to allow the output to switch.
I f the distan ce be tween the opti cal module and the HOTLi n k
Receiver is short (see
Table 3
) then the bias network may be
placed anywhere between the optical module and the HOT-
Link Receiver. If this distance is long, then the interconnect
traces must be treated as a transmission line and the bias
network must be moved to the receiver to also act as line
termination. If t he transmission line imp edance is other than
50, then different values of resistors are necessary (see
Equations 7
and 8
Table 4
Standard ECL Optical Modules
Optical modules with the Case pins connected to VCC are
designed for use in a negative DC supply system. These
types of modules may also drive a HOTLink Receiver.
By far the simplest method is to connect the module the same
as a PECL module, w ith th e exception of the Case pins. Here,
instead of attaching the Case pins to ground (V EE), they are
attached to VCC. If the case is metallic in nature, care must
then be exercised such that it does not come into direct con-
tact with ground.
If the optica l module is us ed belo w ground it must be AC cou-
pled to the HOTLink Receiver. A schematic detailing t his type
of connection i s shown in
Figure 37
From a parts count standpoint this type of connection should
be avoided if at all possible. Just as with the HOTLink tra ns-
mitter-to-nega tive referenced ECL optical modules, this inter-
face requires biasing on both sides of the AC coupling capac-
Because the signal det ect output of the optical module is not
an AC signal, capacitive coupling cannot be used t o feed this
signal into the HOTLink Receiver INB– input. The simplest
thin g to do here is to use an external ECL-to-TTL translator
(a s illustrated in
Figure 37
.) to c onvert the signal-detect out-
put to a positive referenced TTL environment.
The INA± differential inputs must be biased to near the mid-
point of the common-mode range of the HOTLink Receiver.
The two 50 resistors tied to this synthesized reference p oint
are sized to properly termin at e the transmissio n line imped-
ance of the interconnect.
Receiving from Copper Media
The direct-coupled, capacitor- c oupled, and tr an sformer-c ou-
pled configurations for copper interconnec t are c overed in the
HOTLink transmitter-to-copper interface section o f this docu-
ment, wi th schematics of these connections illustrated in
ures 31
Signal-Detect for C opper Inter face
When interfacing to optical modules, the generati on of a car-
rier- or signal-detect function is a simple connection to an
ECL output. With a copper interface, this signal-detect func-
tion must be built from other components.
The key to a good signal-detect implementation is to create
one that accurately detects the p resence or absen ce o f a val-
id data stream, yet does not load or distort the received signal.
A sampl e carrier-detect circuit is shown in
Figure 38.
This circuit uses a reference divider-network similar to that in
Figure 37
, e xcept that a n additional voltage re ference point is
created. This new reference point sets a threshold for re-
ceived amplitude at which the signa l detect circuit will start to
respond. For this example, this reference point is set to
100 mV above the carrier detect receiver VBB reference point.
This 100-mV offset is also necessary to prevent the 10H11 6
amplifiers fro m os cillating when no signal is present.
A 10H116 was selected here for numerous reas ons. It i s small
(20-pin PLCC), fast (1 ns), and does not have 50-k
pull-down resistors built into its input structures. While t hese
pull-down resistors (present on most ECL parts) are very
handy for logi c design, they have a significant impact when
used for fast analog applicat ions as done here.
T wo s ections of the 10H116 are us ed as rece ived signal level
comparators. One looks for logic-1 levels while the other look
for logic-0 levels. The output of these two comparators are
wire-O Red together and feed an RC network. Th e c apacitor
in this network is charg ed when either of the comparators is
Figure 35. TTL-to-HOTLink PECL Interface
Figure 36. PECL Optical Module-to-HOTLink Receiver
330 pF
Transmitter OUTC+
HOTLink Design Considerations
turned on, and discharges through a bleeder resistor when
neither comparator is on.
The third section of the 10H116 also operates as a compara-
tor, evaluating the voltage level on the RC network. Because
the level on this capacitor changes so slowly, and ECL oper-
ates a s an analog amplifier, p ositive feedback was added to
cause the comparator to switch fast er and to full ECL levels.
The amount of hysteresis is set by the feedback resistor. For
slow changing sig nal s of this type, a minim um of 150 mV of
hysteresis is recommended.
Figure 37. Negati v e-Referenced Optical Module-to-HOTLink Receiver
Figure 38. Copper Interface Si gnal Detect Circuit
33 0 pF
1000 pF
0.01 µF
50 CY7B933
To Copper
270 2.2K
From Local
HOTLink Design Considerations
Copper Signal Characteristics
Communication on copper-based media is very similar to
communication on optical fiber. Both suffer from increasing
signal degradation with increasing media length.
The transmitted signal is composed of multiple frequency
components, and requires a fairly wide bandwidth media to
propa gate those signal compon ents. A large part of the band-
width requirement is determined by the 8B/10B code and
NRZ modulation used in HOTLink for communication.
NRZ Modulation
NRZ is an acronym for non-return-to-zero. This is o ne of the
most basic types of data encoding whereby a signal is HIGH
for a 1 and LOW for a 0. The upper waveform in
Fi gure 39
illustrates an NRZ data stream. Other forms of modulation
(Manche ster , Bipha se, etc.) are used i n data communications
that encode clock information a s part of the 1s and 0s. With
an NRZ data stream, a phase-locked-loop is necessary to
recover the bit-clock to allow data to be captured (Reference
8B/10B Code Dependencies
A phase- locked-loop (PLL) requires transitio ns meeting spe-
cific criter ia t o allow i t to r ecover a clock. If binary data were
sent serially using only an NRZ modulation, long periods
could exist w here no transiti ons are sent. During these peri-
ods (if they are long enough) the receiving PLL can drift such
that it is no longer able to properly recover the data sent.
8B/10B encoding is used to ensure that sufficient transit ions
are present in the NRZ data stream such that the receiving
PLL remains synchronized to the data.
The 8B/10B code is a run-length limited code. This means
that there are limits to the m aximum and minimum l ength of
a continuous sequence of 1s or 0s in the data stream. The
code operates by converting an 8-bit data byte (with uncon-
trolled transitions) into a 10-bit transmission character (with
controlled transitions). The 8B/10B code is referred to as a 1:5
code because the minim um number of consecutive 1s or 0 s
is one, whi le the maximum number is five (References 1, 2).
T ranslating these code limits into frequencies gives the b ase-
band limit s of the code. For example, w ith a s erial bit-rate of
300 MHz, a pattern sent with the maximum number of con-
secutive 1s a nd 0s (five high, five low) would be equivalent to
a 30-MHz square wave. Using the highest rate of al ternating
bits of 0 and 1 gives a frequency of 150 MHz.
As far as signal prop agation goes, these numbers only refer
to a sinusoidal frequency . Since square waves are used at the
source, there are many additional higher-frequency harmon-
ics present. To propagate a reasonable signal it is recom-
mended that the system bandwidth also include at a minimum
the 3rd harmonic of the highest baseband frequency, and
preferably through the 5th har monic.
For o ur previously described example operatin g at a bit-rate
of 300 MHz, the necessary system bandwidth would be
Eq. 16
Eq. 17
Transmissi on Line Ef fects On Serial Data
In a per fect world a p er fect squar e wave could be launched
down a perfect transmission line and it would come out the
end looking the same as it went in. Unfortunately, the laws of
physics make such a transmission line impossible.
Instead, transmission lines have significant amounts o f para-
sitic capacitance, inductance, resistance, and the termina-
tions are reactive in nature. This m eans th at a lossy sy st em
exists. The c able attenuation characteristics o f c opper cables
are such that the higher frequencies have greater losses than
the lower frequencies ( s ee
Figure 77
for some sample cable
attenuation curves).
When data is sent through such a lossy medium, distortion
occu rs. The higher frequency spec tral components are signif-
icantly reduced in a mplitude, while the lower frequency spec -
tral componen ts are reduced by a less er amount. In addition,
the higher frequency spectral components propagate faster
than the lower f req uency componen ts. The square waves fed
into the cable come out looking like RC charge/discharge
These frequency-selective losses are equivalent to a time
constant. For very short transmission line s (or very slow data
rates) thi s time constant is short enough that transmitted 1s
and 0s can completely charge or discharge the transmission
line for each bit sent. The input and output sig nal wavef orms
for a transmission line of this type are illustrated in
Figure 39
Because the line can fully charge or discharge on even the
fastest possible transition, the time to reach the receiver
threshold is always the same. This allows t he data out of the
receiver to look just like the data sent into the transmission
Figure 39. Short Time Constant Transmi ssion Line Response
T r ansmission
Line Outp ut
NRZ Input
Re ceive r
HOTLink Design Considerations
As a transmission line is lengthened, its time constant in-
creases. When th e time cons tant is large enough tha t the line
can no longer be fully charged and dischar ged in a single bit
time, the received data edges become time displaced from
their desired positions. Since coding theory refers to each
transmitted 0 and 1 as a symbol, this type of distortion is
intersymbol interference
or ISI. For communications
systems, distortion of this type i s called data-dependent jitter
Input and output waveforms for a long time c onstant transmis-
sion line are shown in
Figure 40
. The receiver output is added
to illustrate th e edge displacement. As the transmission line
becomes increasingly longer it is even possible for some sin-
gle-bit transitions to not be detected at all by the receiver
(base d on the data pattern sent) because they fail to cross the
receive r threshold. This may be correcte d through use of fre-
quency compensation circuits at either the source (precom-
pensation) or destination (equalization) ends of the transmis-
sion line.
8B/10B Code Running Disparity
The 8B/10B code attempts to limit the maximum distance
(voltage) from the receiver threshold that a transmitted signal
can reach, by con trolling the DC signal co ntent of the charac-
ters sent and t he m aximum separations between 1s and 0s
used to represent each character. To do this the 8B /10B code
provides two 10-bit sequences to represent each 8-bit data
value. The difference between thes e patterns is th e ratio of 1s
to 0s. To determine which of the two values to send, the HOT-
Link T ransmitter c ounts the number of 1s and 0s use d to sen d
each 10-bit transmission character (when operated wit h the
encoder enabled). If the net result is more 1s than 0s (referred
to as positive running disparity), the following data byte is en-
coded using the fo rm with more 0s than 1s. If the net result is
more 0s than 1s (referred to as negative running disparity),
the following data byte is encoded using the form with more
1s than 0s. The goal of this is to maintain as near as possible
a net v alue of DC over time for the serial data sent to minimize
baseline wander.
Baseline Wander
Methods of data encoding that are not DC balanced (i.e.,
4B/5B as used with FDDI) suffer from a characteristic known
as baseline wander. This is a side effect of an AC coupled
sy st em attem pting to propagate a signal that contains a DC
Baseline wander is a ( relatively) long-term, low-freque ncy ef-
fect, generated when the average DC-level of a transmitted
signal varies with the data sent. This DC component is lost
because the transmission system is AC coupled. At the re-
ceiving end of the cable this appears as data that does not
remain centered around the receiver threshold. This effect is
illustrated in
Figure 41
If the receiver was actually presented with perfectly square
pulses (with transitions that always crossed the receiver
threshold) then baseline wander would not be a problem. Un-
fortunately, what ar e a ct ually sent and re ceived are more in
the form of trapezoids with measurable rise and fall times. The
farther a signal drifts from being centered around the receiver
threshold, the more that the threshold crossings are time dis-
placed. This time displacement is also known as jitter.
Jitter is a high-frequency deviation from the ideal timing of an
event. Many different aspects of a serial link can affect the
total jitter present in the link. Those based on real and repeat-
able direct measurements are referr ed to as
deterministic jit-
. Other effects, which are not directly repeatable and are
more probabilistic in nature, are called
random jitter
Det erminist ic jitter its elf m ay be br oken into two major com-
ponen ts: those based on the accu racy of th e duty cycle of the
information, and those based on the interaction of the 1s and
0s due to the limited bandwidth of the transmission s ystem.
The jitter that affe cts adjacent edges and duty cycle is called
duty cycle distortion (DCD) . The jitter b ased on th e data pat-
terns sent is calle d data-dependent jitter (DDJ).
Figure 40. L ong Time Constant Transmi ssio n Line Response
Traili ng-Edge
Line Receiver
Output Timing
Tra nsmission
Line Output
NRZ Input
Figure 41. Baseline Wander Example
HOTLink Design Considerations
Data-Dependent Jitt er Characteristics
Data-depen dent jitter (DDJ) is a measurement of intersymbol
interference based on the maximum timing deviations caused
by a worst-case data pattern. DDJ is affected by many envi-
ronmental characteristics, in addition to the code used. Thes e
include the length of th e cable, the attenua tion characteristics
of the c able, the in tegrity o f the signal laun ched in to the cable,
and how well the cable is terminated. Be caus e of the f requen-
cy selective attenuation prese nt in coppe r c abl es, DDJ i s on e
of the main limiting factors on how far a recoverable signal
may be sent.
To measure DDJ for a specific configuration, data patterns
having specific characteristics need to be repeatedly
launched into the cable. These patterns must present the
worst-case transition characteristics b ased on the code used
for sending data. This is usually described in terms of sequen-
tial combinations of long and short 0s and 1s.
A long 0 or 1 is specified as the longest continuous LOW or
HIGH that can be sent. For the 8B/10B code this is f ive bits in
leng th. The short 0 or 1 is the s hortest LOW or HIGH that can
be sent. For the 8B/10B code this is one bit in length. The
sequences used for testing are diagrammed in
Figure 42
A design feature of the HOTL ink T ransmitter is that when nei-
ther data enable is active (ENA and ENN both HIGH), the pa rt
repeatedly s ends out the K28.5 SYNC code. T he 10-bit pat-
tern of this code is 0011111010. Since the transmitter also
tracks disparity, this patt ern is invert ed o n e very other byte.
This al ternating pattern contains the necessary combinations
of long and short 0s a nd 1s for performi n g a proper eye pat-
tern test.
The opening of the “eye (see
Figure 43
) relative to the width
of a bit cell is a good measure of link integrity. As this window
gets smaller, it becomes more difficult for the HOTLink Re-
ceiver PLL to determine wh er e to sample each bit cell (Ref-
erence 5).
The maximum variation, from early to late, of when the re-
ceived signal crosses the receiver threshold is equal to the
amount of jitter present . This jitter is usually expressed as a
perc entage relative to t he wi dth of a bit cell window. T his re-
lationship i s shown i n
Equation 18
Eq. 18
The oscilloscope illustration in
Figure 44
is an actual DDJ
measurement based on a 100 foot (30.4 m) segment of RG59
cable. The jitter measured in this configuration is approxi-
mately 600 ps.
Dut y-C ycle Distor tion Jitter Characteri sti cs
In most cases duty-cycle distortion (DCD) is caused by the
components used to make a link, rather than the data sent
across the link. I t ma nifests itself as either di fferences in the
rise and fall times or differences in period for bits sent as a 0
compared to bits sent as a 1. This is measured by sending a
pattern down a communications link that does not exhibit DDJ
and using an averaging mode on the oscilloscope to filter out
any random jitter (RJ) that m ay be present.
Figure 42. Eye Pattern Generation Waveforms
Data Patterns
Generate Eye
Bit Rate
Long 0
Short 1
Long 1
Short 0
Figure 43. Eye Diagram
Figure 44. DDJ Measurement
Threshold Crossing Variation
Bit Cell Window
Eye Opening
Jitter Bit
-------------------------------------------- 100%×=
Ch. 2 = 100.0 mV/div Timebase = 500 ps/div
HOTLink Design Considerations
The HOTLink Transmitter has a built-in DCD pattern genera-
tor that is acti vated by placing the tra nsmi tter in BIS T mode
(BISTEN LOW) while both ENA and ENN remain HIGH. In
this mode the transmitter sends out an alternating 1-0 pattern
(D10.2 or D21.5). As all pulses in a square wave are the
same, this pattern d oes not generate any D DJ. An example
meas urement of DCD for an optica l link is shown i n
Figure 45.
When viewed from the receiver threshold (center horizontal
line) in
Figure 45
, the timing for a logic 1 is seen to be slightly
shorter than that of a logic 0. This difference in time is the
DCD jitter pr esent in t he link.
Random Jitter Characteristics
Random jitter (RJ) is that por tion of ji tter th at is not re petitive
in nature and is caused by external or internal noise in a sys-
tem (thermal noise, EMI, etc.). It is measured by using a data
pattern free of DD J (i.e., the same patt ern used to measure
DCD) relative to the transmitter clock. Now, averaging is
turned off but infinite persistence is enabled. This captures
the maximum variation of a transition relative to the clock. An
example measurement of RJ for an optical link is illustrated
Figure 46.
In this measurement the amount of random jit ter present is
measured by how wide the trace is as it crosses the threshold.
This particular optical link has approximately 200 ps of ran-
dom jitter present. This measurement was made using a
250-Mbit/second data pattern (4-ns/bit).
Equation 18
an RJ of 5% for this link example.
When making measurements of this kind, the tolerances of
the signal sources and accuracy of the test equipment must
also be taken into account. If t he trigger source contains 50
ps of jit ter , and th e s cope t rigger accu racy is ±5 0 ps, then the
actual jitter present may be substantially less than that mea-
Frequency Char acteristics of 8B/10B Data
Most digital design engineers are used to viewing si gnals in
the time domain using an oscilloscope. This instrument pro-
vides inform ation about how a signal looks referenced to the
passage of time. The waveforms in
Figure 47
illustrate the
HOTLink Transmitter CKW clock on the upper trace and one
of the ECL data outp ut signals on the lower trace. The indi-
vidual bit cells may be seen as the eye be tween the r ising and
falling output e dges.
In the 8B/10B code, data is sent as a non-return-to-zero
(NRZ) waveform. In this waveform the clocking information is
contained in the edges, while the data is contained in the
interval between the edges. While an oscilloscope-type dis-
play allows us to see what the output looks like in terms of
voltage, rise time, period, etc., it does not present any fre-
quency-specific information. To properly design filters, cou-
plers, or transmission systems, it is necessary to know the
frequency characteristics of the sign als. This information can
only be examined thro ugh use of a spectrum analyzer.
A s pectrum analyzer could easily b e called a fre quency do-
main oscilloscope. A conventional spectrum analyzer oper-
Figure 45. DCD Measurement
Ti mebase = 1.00 ns/div Ch. 1 = 200.0 mV/div
Figure 46. RJ Measurement
Figure 47. HOTLi nk Transmitter Serial Data
Ti m eb ase = 2 00 p s/ div Ch. 1 = 1 00 .0 mV/d i v
Ch. 1 = 2.00 0 V/div Offset = 2. 40 0V
Ch. 2 = 2 00 .0 m V/d i v Offset = 0.000V
Timebase = 1.00 ns/di v Delay = 0 .0 0000 s
HOTLink Design Considerations
ates as a swept frequenc y, superheterodyne rec eiver that dis-
play s a signal’ s amplitud e versus its frequenc y. I t operates by
sweeping a narrow-band tuned filter across a specified sec-
tion of the electromagnetic spectrum, and measuring (and
displaying) the rms voltage of the signal at each frequency.
This swept filter technique shows the specific frequen cy com-
ponents that make up a complex signal, b ut does not prov ide
any phase related information ( Reference 22).
The spectrum analyzer output in
Figure 48
illustrates the
spectral characteristics of the HOTLink T ransmitter serial out-
puts when sending the 511-byte BIST patt ern. The data pat-
terns sent in the BIST loop are similar to those sent during
normal communications traf fic. This figure was made using a
30-MHz byte-rate clock (300-MHz bit-rate data). The enve-
lope shows a relatively even distri bution of power below the
bit-rate of the data, and significant amounts o f ene rgy present
in the information out to 1 GHz. This illustrates how neces-
sary it is to have a true wideband transmission system to
propagate the signals.
Figure 49
also shows a large dip in the energy distribution
below 30 MHz. This confirms that the 8B/10B code used h a s
no true DC component.
Figure 49
illustrates th e spectral characteri stic s for the high-
est frequency data pattern that can be sent, a continuous
0101 (D21.5 character) patt ern. With the 30-MH z byte-clock
used here this pattern is equivalent to a 150-MHz square
wave. Unlike
F igure 48
, most of the energy here is loca ted at
the fund amental base frequency of 150 MHz, and at odd h ar-
monics of that frequency. Other frequency components
present in the signal are at least 30 dB down from the data
being sent. These components are either generated by other
parts of the HOTLink circuitry as it clocks, encodes, shifts,
etc., the users data, or from external sources such as pow-
er-supply switching noise.
Figure 50
shows the spectral characteristics for the lowest
legal frequency pattern that can be sent, a continuous
0000011111 (K28.7) pattern. This pattern ends up being an
exact match in period to the source clock (30 MHz) with a
fixed 50% duty cy cle. Here, the largest a mounts of ene rgy are
present at 30 MHz and all odd harmonics above that. The
smal ler frequency components present at the even harmon-
ics are again due to the internal operation of the HOTLink
Transmitter and external system noise. If this figure is com-
pared to
Figure 49
, many of these even harmonic compo-
nents can be seen to have almost exactly the same level in
both figures.
To verify that these spectral characteristics have some resem-
blance to theory, these same two source waveforms were
generated mathematically and analyzed using an FFT (fast
Fourier transform) algorithm. This transform analyzes a
source wavef orm and computes its f requency components.
Because the input waveforms are not true square waves, time
constant curves based on a natural logarithm were used to
synthesize the r ising and falling edges. These rising and fall-
ing e dge equations are listed in
Equa tions 19
respec -
Eq. 19
Eq. 20
In these equations, T represents the time constant for rise and
fall time. For the waveforms generated here, a T of 400 ps was
used .
Figure 51
illustrates the signal generated with these
equations for a 150-MHz clock rate (300-Mbit/second
bit-rate). This is equivalent to the data pattern gene rated b y a
D21.5 character.
Figure 48. BIST Pattern Spectral Characteristics
300 600 900
Reference Level of -10 dBm
Frequency (MHz)
10 dB/Division
Figure 49. 0101 (D21.5) Pattern Spectral Characteristics
Figure 50. 0000011111 (K28.7) Patt ern
Spectral Characteristics
300 600 900
Reference Level of -10 dBm
10 dB/Division
300 600 900
Reference Level of -10 dBm
Frequency (MHz)
10 dB/Division
HOTLink Design Considerations
Running a 4096 point FFT on this waveform yields the spec-
tral components illustrated in
Figure 52
. The v ertical axis here
is plotte d o n a log scale to m atc h up with the sp ectrum ana-
lyzer outputs. This plot illustrate s that the energy of a square
wave having a symmetrical rise and fall is lo cated at the odd
An FFT is based on numeric analysis rather than a physical
measurement and will calculate signal components with an
amplitude of zero. Because Log(0) is equal to –, a calculated
FFT does no t have a noise f loor. To plot its results in a usable
form requires the addition of an artificial noise floor to present
the points of interest on a reasonable scale. To allow a better
compariso n,
Figures 52
use a noise floor similar to
that measured in the spectrum analyzer charts.
Unlike a spectrum analyzer, which only displays the magni-
tude of the spectral compone nts, an FFT of a waveform yields
both magnitude and phase in re ctangular form as a complex
number. To plot this informat ion for comparison with a spec-
trum analyzer plot requires conversion to polar notation of
magnitude and phase. This calculation of the magnitude por-
tion is done using
Equation 21
(Reference 24).
Eq. 21
This same FFT analysis was performed on the synthesized
K28.7 pattern illustrated in
Figure 53
. This wave form uses the
same 400-ps time constant as
Figure 51
. The FFT based
spectral plot for this wa veform is illu strated in
Figure 54. Be-
it uses the same value for a t ime co nstant , thi s wave-
form has the same rise and fall times as the D21.5 pattern in
Figure 51
. As with the plot for the D21.5 pattern, all of the
energy is contained i n the odd harmonics.
The spectral plots for both the D2 1.5 and K28.7 synthesized
patterns contain slightly more energy in the higher frequency
harmonics than the actual measured signals. This is primarily
due to the sharp knee present when the synthesized wave-
form changes between rising and fall ing. This knee is much
ro under in t he actual signal.
The selection of support components for a HOTLink commu-
nications environment should not be taken lightly . The correct
parts allow construction of a high-bandwidth, low error-rate
Several p arts can be measured as key in a HOTLink system.
These parts are
Clock Oscillator
Bypass/Coupling Capacitors
Fiber -Optic Emit ters
Fiber -Opti c Detectors
Pulse Transformer s
Fiber -Opti c Cable
Copper Cables
Ci rcuit B o ard
Figure 51. Synthesized D21.5 Wavefor m
Figure 52. FFT Spectrum of Synthesized D21.5 Patt ern
300 600 900
Frequency (MHz)
D21.1 Pattern
Magnitude Re
Figure 53. Synthesized K28.7 Waveform
Fig ure 54. FFT Spectrum of Synthesized K28.7 Pattern
300 600 900
K28.7 Pattern
HOTLink Design Considerations
Clock Oscillators
The HOTLink T ransmitter and Receiver are designed to oper-
ate from a very stable clock s ource. To achieve the necessary
frequency accura cy and stability i t is necessary for this clock
source to be based on a quartz crystal.
The current ANSI Fibre Channel stan dard calls out a frequen-
cy accuracy of ±100 ppm for both source and destination (AN-
SI FC-PH 4.1 Section 6.1.2 Table 8, and Section 8 Table 9) to
allow relia ble communications. Clock oscillators with this ini-
tial accuracy are available from multiple sources
(Reference 3).
What must also be considered is lifetime stability. Most oscil-
lator manufacturers can easily de liver product that mee ts the
±100-ppm rating right out of the box, but this limit must be met
over the l ife of t he product, and is affected by the operating
env ironment. The two most critical parameters are referred to
Aging refers to how an oscillator’s output frequency varies
over time (assuming other environmental factors remain con-
stant). This is usually expressed in ppm/year. For most com-
mon “AT” cut crystals, t he typical aging is 5 ppm/year for t he
first year and 3 ppm/year t h ereafter (5 ppm=.0005%).
A crystal’s resonant frequency also varie s with temperature.
How much it varies is based both on how the crystal is cut,
and ov er how wide a tempe rature range it is used. The stabil-
ity over temperature is a non-linear function and is usually
expressed as some peak-to-peak frequency change over a
temperature range. The process for measuring a nd specify-
ing temperature stability is called out in MIL-O-55310. Tem-
perature stability may easily exceed the initial accuracy s pec-
ification. R atings of ±100 ppm for temperature alone are not
Figure 55
shows a typical t ransfer curve of crys-
tal frequency vs. temperature.
This curve can be rotated on the +25°C axis point by cutting
the crystal differently. This can be used to create an o scillator
that is more stable over a narrow temperature range (say 0°C
to +50°C), yet is much more unstable out side of this range.
Temperature stability and initial accuracy are often combined
in a vendor’s specification; i.e., ±100 ppm at 0°C to 70°C.
These n umbers do n ot tak e in to acco unt the aging c haracter-
istic of stability.
Modified o s cillat ors are avail abl e th at allow for a wi d er oper-
ating environment while maintaining a high stability. These
are referred to as either TCXO (temperature compensated
crystal oscillator) or OCXO (oven controlled crystal oscilla-
The TCXO is us ually built by a dding a va ractor diode in series
with the crystal. A special thermistor network across the diode
causes the o scillator to maintain a ver y stable operating fre-
quenc y. Because o f the desired stabili ty of a TCXO (±2 ppm),
a better grade of crystal is used to provide better aging char-
acteristics ( ±1 ppm/y ear ). Oscill ators of this type are usually
larger in size (and higher in cost) than the sta ndard 4/14-pin
DIP footprint of standard clock oscillators.
The OCXO provides the highest -accura cy oscillators. T hese
are built by placing a standard oscillator into a tempera-
ture-controlled environment. Rather than have to both heat
and cool the crystal, the operating t emperature is set to the
upper end of the oscillator’s range. Crystals are a lso cut such
that a nearly flat area of temperature r esponse is located at
the operating temperature of the oven. The nor mal operating
temp erature of crystal ovens is in t he 60°C to 100°C range.
Oven-controlled oscillators are g enerally quite large, expen-
sive, and dissipate l arge amounts of power. They also have a
significant warm-up period, requiring from 15 to 30 minutes
after power on to a c hieve their s pecified stability (Refer ence
HOTLink Oscil lator Requirements
Unlike the ANSI requirement for ±100-ppm stability for
end-to-end communication, the HOTLink family of parts will
operate with a substantially wider rang e of reference freque n-
cies between the HOTLink Transmitter and Receiver. The
specification of 0.1% end-to-end frequency tolera nce allows
operation with oscillator sources operating at up to ±500-ppm
tolerance. This allows even the lowest c ost oscillators to be
used with HOTLink.
Bypass Capacitors
At the frequencies that the HOTLink Transmitter and Receiver
operate, the proper usage of power-supply bypassing be-
comes quite critical. Strategically sized and placed capacitors
are used both to provide an AC path between VCC and ground
(VEE), and to source current when the power supply cannot
respond quickly enough due to the parasitics of the power
distributi on system.
The base of any power distributing system is the circuit board.
Due to the very high frequencies developed in a HOT-
Link-based communications link, it is strongly advised to use
full power a nd gr ound planes, rather than attempt ing to dis-
tribute power and ground on the same layers used for signal
distribution. These power layers should be made with a min-
imum of 1-ounce copper.
To properl y bypass the HOTLink Tra nsmitter a nd Receiver it
is necessary to know which VCC pins are assigned to which
portions of the logic inside the part.
HOTLink Transmitter Power Pins
The pin configuration for the HOTLink Transmitter is illustrated
Figure 56
. The transmitter has three pins as signed as VCC
and two assigned as ground. All three of these VCC power
pins are connecte d internally a nd
be connected exter-
nally to the same power rail. The curr ent flow from t h e sli ght
voltage variations that would exist if different external VCC
supplies were used could damage the part .
Figure 5 5. Oscil lat or Temperat ure St abili ty
–50 –25 0+25 +50 +75 +100
Temperature (5°C)
HOTLink Design Considerations
Pin 4 of the HOTLink Transmitter is named VCCN or Noisy
VCC. This pin provides power to the ECL emitter-follower out-
put transistors. This pin is not usually a noise source if the
ECL outputs are loaded in a balanced fashion. If these sam e
outputs are operated single-ended with unbalanced loads,
then a varyin g amount of current will flow through this pin as
the outputs switch. To keep board noise to a minimum it is
advised that, if an output is used, both outputs of the d ifferen-
tial driver be loaded the same.
Pin 9 of the t ransmitter is named VCCQ or Quiet VCC. Th is pin
provides power to the CMOS logic core of the part and the
TTL compatible input buffers. This includes the 8B/10B en-
coder and the counters and state machines used to control
the flow of data through the part. Because t he dynamic cur-
rent draw through this pin should not be very large, the prima-
ry bypassing concern should be for higher frequency signal
components present in the internal logic.
Pin 22 of the transmitter is also named VCCQ or Quiet VCC.
This pin is probably the most critical of all the pins on the
transmitter as it provides power to the analog core. This in-
clud es the charge pumps and compa rators used w ith the PL L
clock m ultiplier.
HOTLink Receiver Power Pins
The pin configuration for the HOTLink Re ceiver is illustrated
Figure 57
. The receiver has three pins assigned as VCC
and three assigned as ground. All three of these power pins
are connec ted internally and
b e conn ected ex ternally to
the same power rail. The current flow from t h e slight voltage
variations that would exist if different external VCC supplies
were used could dam age the part.
Pin 9 of the HOTLink Receiver is named VCCN or Noisy VCC.
This pin provides power to the TTL-compatible output buf fers.
Because th ere is no way to maintain a constant current load
on these outputs (a s can be done w ith the HOTLink T ransmit-
ter ECL outputs) there will always be significant dyna mic c u r-
rent flow through this pin as the part operates.
Pin 21 of the receiver is named VCCQ or Quiet V CC. This pin
provides p ower to the core CMOS logic i n the receiver. This
include s the 10B/8B decoder and th e c ounters a nd state ma-
chines used to contr ol the flow of data through the part. Be-
cause the dynamic current dr aw through this pin s hould n ot
be very large, the primary bypassing concern should be for
higher frequency signal components present in the internal
Pin 24 o f the receiver is also named VCCQ or Quiet VCC. This
pin is probably the most crit ical of all the pins on the receiver
as it provides power to the analog core. This includes the
charge pumps and comparators used with the PLL and the
input differential amplifiers for the high-speed serial data
Bypass Capacitor Types
For the purposes of power supply bypassing, capacitors are
used to store charge, and deliver that charge to a nearby de-
vice when necessary. While many stil l believe t hat ch arge is
store d on the plate s of a capacitor, it is not. Charge i s stored
in the dielectric (Reference 21).
There are two primary types of chip capacitors used for power
supply bypassing; they are identified as either high-K or low-K
capacitors. These capacitor types differ primarily in their di-
electric material.
The K referred to here is the dielectric constant for the mate-
rial used as a dielectric in the capacitor. High-K dielectrics for
bypass-type capacitors are usually based on t itanates of bar-
ium, c alcium, strontium or magnesium. This material provides
dielectric constants in the range of 1200 to 12,000. These
high-K dielectrics allow construction of physically small ca-
pacitors that provide a large amount of capacitance per unit
area. The generally available range of high-K capacitors is
from 200 pF to 0.1 µF. Thes e high-K capacitors hav e temper-
ature characteristi cs of type X7R, Z5U, or Y5V.
Both high- K and low-K diel ectrics are used for power supply
bypassing. High-K dielectrics are us ually not used for temper-
ature-critical or high-frequency operations because of their
thermal and frequency dependent characteristics.
One of the biggest problems with using these high-K dielectric
capacitors is sensitivity to temperature. Per the graphs in
ures 58
, these typ es of parts can change their capac-
itance values by over 80% over the operating temperature
range of most commercial or industrial applications. (The
Figure 5 6. CY7B923 HOTLink Transmitter
Pin Configur ation
43 12 28 2726
12 13 1514 16 17 18
Top View
SC/D (Da)
SVS (Dj)
(Dh) D7
Figure 5 7. CY7B933 HOTLink Receiver Pin C o nfiguration
SC/D (Qa)
43 12 28 27 26
1213 1514 16 17 18
Top View
RVS (Qj)
(Qh) Q 7
HOTLink Design Considerations
temperature characteristics for Y5V are similar to Z5U except
that the peak capacitance occurs around 20°C lower in tem-
A second problem is that these titanate-based dielectrics ex-
hibit ferroelectric properties; i.e., they do not respond linearly
to an AC signal. The effect is similar to a hysteresis loop in
magnetics. This makes these dielectrics a poor choice when
a distortion-free analog response is required.
When used for high-frequency (RF) or communications-link
type applications, high-K dielectrics have other drawbacks.
Capacitors b ased on these dielectric types are also ve ry sen-
sitive to operating voltag e and frequency.
Figure 60
illustrates the voltage sensitivity of high-K dielec-
trics . Here the capacitance loss can exceed 7 0% with as little
as 25V applied to the part . This parameter may become crit-
ical if capacit ors are used as part of a DC block in a commu-
nications li nk.
Figure 61
illustrates one of th e effects of operating frequency
on capacitance. As the operating frequency increases, the
high-K dielectr ics exhibit less and less capacitance. If these
high-K dielectrics are to be used at an RF frequ ency, a capac -
itance correction factor must be applied to determine t he ac-
tual capacitance present in the circuit (Refere nce 26).
Low-K dielectrics are generally based o n e ithe r titanium-diox-
ide ceramic, alumina, or porcelain. These materials provide
dielectric constants in the range of 9 to 30. Because of the
low-K, these materials are only used for making s mall-valued
capacitors in the range of 1 pF to 10,000 pF. These low-K
capacitors ar e usually identif ied as ha ving NP0 or C0G type
temperature characteristics, and are often referred to as
RF-g rade capa citors because of the ir high-Q and low diss ipa-
tion factors.
Low-K dielectric capacitors are very stable over temperature.
Figure 62
, these parts change in capacitance less than
0.5% over the full military temperature range of –55°C to
125°C. Because of this temperature stability , low-K capacitors
are preferred for many analog applications where fix ed tim e
constants and resonant frequencies are necessary.
Figure 58. Capacitance vs. Temperature for Y5V and Z5U
Figure 59. Capacit ance vs. Te m perature for X7R
60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Temperature in °C
Temperature in °C140120100806040200–20–40–60
Figure 60. Capacitance vs. DC Volt age
Figure 61. Capacitance vs. Frequency
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Volts DC Applied
–20 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz 1MHz 10MHz100MHz
HOTLink Design Considerations
No capacitor provides a
capacitance; i.e., there are other
parasitic resistive and inductive components present in the
comple x impedanc e of a ca pacitor ov er frequen cy as i llustrat-
ed in
Figure 63
(References 15, 1 6, 17, 21). T hese parasitic
components of a capacitor are due to t he materials used in,
and mechanical construction of, the physical capacitor. Be-
cause of these parasitics, a capacitor cannot be treated as
having ever-decreasing impedance with increasing frequen-
cy. At some freque ncy the capac itor passe s through its series
resonant point and must then be treated as an i nductor.
A general rule o f thumb is that as the c apacitance decreases,
the series re sonant frequency increases. This relationship is
illustrated i n
Figure 64
. At t his series r e sonant point, the ca-
pacitive and inductive reactance components cancel each
other out, leaving only the Ef fective Series Resistance (ESR).
For most common bypass capacit ors, the ESR is well under
1. When selecting parts for high-frequency operation, the
smaller case sizes (0805 or 0603) are preferred beca use they
have smaller in ductive parasitics.
Figure 65
shows a first order model of a real world resistor.
Because of the pa rasitic L and C present, a resistor does not
have a constant impedance over frequency. The actual
amount of change in impedance from a pure resistance is
based primarily on the construction of, mater ials in, and DC
resistance value of t h e component.
For high frequency or RF designs, most low-value (<1 k)
composite (non wire-wound) resistors may be assumed to
operate at or near their DC resistance. As the DC r esist ance
of the part increases, its impedance at higher frequencies
Fi gur e 66
shows this relationship for typical car-
bon fi lm resistors. This change in impeda nce is refe rred to as
the Boella Effect and is caused by the distributed shunt ca-
pacitance present in the conducting carbon par ticles (Refer-
ence 21).
This shows that low-value carbon film resistors have reason-
able impedance characteristics for RF applications, but for
higher values a different type of re sistor must be used.
For higher resistance values at RF frequencies, metal film
resistors should be used. Because these types of resistors
are not formed from particulate material, the distributed ca-
pacitance is reduced. These types of resistors are manufac-
tured by vacuum sputtering of thin films of mixed metals onto
Figure 62. Capacitance vs. Temperature for NP0/C0G
Figure 63. Capacitor Equivalent Model
Temp eratu re in °C
55 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 125
Figure 64. Capacitor Impedan ce vs. Frequency
Figure 65. Fir st Order Resistor Model
Figure 66. Carbon Film Resistor
Frequency Characteristics
10–5 100 µF10 µF
10 0 pF
Fr equency (Hz)
Z (oh m s)
Frequency (MHz) 400100
1 k
3.3 k
10 k
33 k
100 k
330 k
1 M
HOTLink Design Considerations
a ceramic substrate. Because there are no individual particles
of metal, the capacitance is much lower.
Care must also be used when selecting metal film resistors
as some of these have significant induc tive parasitics. These
inductive parasitic s are often caused by the method of laser
trim used to adjust the value of the resistor. Those resistors
created using two straight cuts, one from either side, are gen-
erally more inductive than those trimmed using a single
straight or L shaped cut.
Metal film resistors shou ld b e used for resistors in the analog
data path. This includes the transmission line termination and
line bias resistors at both the source and destination ends of
the serial link.
Fiber-Optic Emi tters (Driver s)
A fiber-optic emitter is an electro-optical conve rter that c hang-
es an el ectrical stimulus into light. A simplified block diagram
of a fiber-optic emitter is shown in
Figure 67
. The input buffer
is an ECL differential line receiver. While some emitters do
provide a VBB output to allow single-ended operation, its use
is strongly discouraged. The ECL receiver controls a
high -current amplifier . The amplifier drives its current through
an LED or s emiconductor laser to generate a shaped optical
output in response to the ECL signal i nput. A micro-lens as-
sembly (usually a small sphere of glass) is used to co uple and
direct the light int o a port for an optical fiber. B ecause of the
small core size of the optical fiber , the lens and fiber recepta-
cle are aligned by the fiber-optic emitter manufacturer (Refer-
ence 27).
Fiber-optic emitters are available in may different case styles,
wavelengths, launch m odes, data rates, etc. When selecti ng
an emitter, the main concerns are
Optical Re ceiver characteristi cs
O p er a ting da ta rate
Cable plant characteristics
Most of these areas deal with interoperability of data commu-
nica tions links. If a shortwave laser is used as an emitter, the
optical receive r must be designe d to operate w ith the specific
data rates and spectral properties of that shortwave laser.
While it would be nice i f a more m ix-and-match combinati on
of LED, shortwave laser, and longwave laser emitter s could
be used, existing receivers do not allow this. If a 1300-nm
LED-driver is use d, an optical receiver designed for 1300-nm
LED reception must be u sed to properly d etect the signals. In
addition the optical receiver must be designed to support the
data rate used in the link.
Opti cal emitter assemblie s are available from multiple sourc-
es, including AMP/Lytel, Siemens Optical, Hewlett-Packard,
Sumitomo Electr ic, AT&T, and other s.
ANSI Fibre Channel Requirements
The current ANSI Fibre Channel standar d calls out four opti-
cal interface technology options for use at the 25-MByte/sec -
ond data rate supported by HOTLink. The ANSI designators
for these technology options are (Reference 3)
These designators are interpreted as four fields. The first field
identifies the data r ate used (25 MBytes/second).
The second field ident ifies the media used. SM specif ies sin-
gle-mode fiber , M5 spec ifie s 50-µm core multimode fiber , and
M6 specifie s 62.5-µm core multimo de fiber.
The third field identifies the transmitter type. LL specifies a
1300-nm longwave laser, SL specifies a 780-nm shortwave
laser, a nd LE specifies a 1300-nm LED-driver.
The last field identifies the distance class of the link. L speci-
fies long distance (2m–10 km), and I specifies intermediate
distance ( 2m–1.5 km).
HOTLink will correctly operate with all these different link
types. However, it is up to the user t o select th e proper com-
bination of emitt er and detector for each class.
For those users intending to implement laser-based optical
links, there are a number of federal and i nternati onal safety
certifications required before any such link can be put into
public use. These safety requirements (ANSI Z136.1 and
Z136.2, F.D.A. regulation 21 CFR s ubcha pter J, and IEC 82 5)
are called out in the ANSI Fibre Channel s tandard (Referenc-
es 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). No such certification r equirements are
necessary for LED based links.
Power Distribution Requirements for Optical Drivers
The LED or laser used to drive the optical link is probably the
larges t noise ge nerating item in an opt ical link. When the op-
tical driver is turned on (sending 1s), currents of 50 mA to 100
mA are forced through the LED or laser. While current steer-
ing is often used to minimi ze dynamic current requir ement s,
significant high-frequency noise is still generated. M ost opti-
cal modules attempt to remedy part of this situation by pro-
viding multiple VCC and VEE pin s on their package and inc lud -
ing some power s upply b ypass ca pacitance inside the optical
module. This does take care of some of the p roblem, but does
not correct all of it .
While bypass capacitors are still necessary to provide dy-
namic current, additional power isolation and filtering is re-
quired to separate the high noise of the optical transmitter
from the highly sensit ive optical receiver, and from the serial-
izer/deserializer operations of the HOTLink Transmitter and
Receiver . V endor’s recommend ations for this include a 10-µF
solid Tantalum capacitor l ocated near the optical transmitter,
and a 0.1-µF decoupling capaci tor directly connected to the
optical tra nsmi tter VCC pins (Reference 27).
Isolation is provided by se parating the VCC or power plane for
the transmitter from the rest of the surr ounding power plane,
through an indu ctive path. This i s do ne by placing a gap in the
Figure 67. Fiber -Opt ic Emitter Module Block Diagram
ECL Input
LED or
Laser Driver
Light-Emitting Diode or
Semiconductor Laser
SC or ST Fiber
Light Coupling
HOTLink Design Considerations
VCC plane around most of the transmitter VCC pins with a
single limited connecting point. If the transmitter packag e only
has one or two VCC pins, these may be treated individually by
bringing in power through a small inductor or surface trace.
For a low-noise environment this inductor may be constructed
as part of th e circuit board using a 15-mil-wide trace approx-
imately 10 mm in length (approximately 5 nH) . The specified
by passing sh ould occur after this inductive trace, right next to
the optical transmitter . The net result is to implement a π-filter
using the circuit board and capacitors for the different filter
elements. This is il lustrated schematically in
Figure 68
An example slotted power plane used to implement the induc-
tive element in the π-filter is shown in
Figure 69
. This illustra-
tion details an actual power plane layout for an optical module.
The bla ck ar eas indicate the absence of copper. The slot in
the center of the figure is used to separate the power for the
optical transmitter from the optical receiver. The s haded line
on the right h and side indicat es a surface layer trace (induc-
tor) used to separate power for the optical module from the
remainder of t h e design.
Fiber-Optic Detectors (R eceivers)
A fiber-optic detec tor is an opto-electric conve rter that chang-
es a light stimulus into an electrical signal. A simplifie d block
diagram of a fiber-optic detector is illustrated in
Figure 70
Ligh t enters the module through an optical fiber and is guided
by the connector housing. A coupling lens focuses all avail-
able opti cal en ergy onto th e activ e region of a light sensitive
diod e. The presence or absen ce of light affects the amount of
current flow through the diode . This small current flow is then
amplified by a transimpedance amplifier which then feeds an
ECL differential driver. Many f iber-optic detectors also contain
additio nal circuitry such as signal-detect (Referenc e 27).
Fiber-optic receivers are generally available from the same
vendors as fiber-optic emitters. As with fiber-optic emitters,
the optical receive r must match the c haracteristics of the light
dri ven into th e optical fiber.
Unlike the optical emit ter where there are multiple technolo-
gies used for l ight generation, all opti cal receivers are based
on the response of a PIN (positive-intrinsic-negative) photo
diode. These photodiodes are based on eit h er silicon or gal-
lium arsinide technology. The outpu t of the PIN photodiode is
a small (<1 µA) change in current in response to received
light. A fiber-optic detector module feeds the output of this PIN
photodiode into a transimpedance amplifier. The function of
this am plifi er is to convert this small change in current into a
large change (E C L 100K-level) in voltage.
For many optical receivers, it is possible to operate them
above their stated maximum data rate. What is given up is
re ceiver se nsitivit y; i.e., many 200-Mbit/second o ptical m od-
ules will operate at the ANSI Fibre Channel data
266-Mbit/second dat a rate, but wit h a 3-dB or greater loss of
sensitivity. This loss may be converted direct ly into a shorter
usable distance on the fiber-optic media.
Because the optical receiver has ECL outputs, care should be
taken to maintain a balanced load on any differential outputs
to minimize current transients. While some optical receiver
outputs (i.e., signal-detect on endfire modules) may be sin-
gle-ended, they usually do not change very often and should
not affect data integrity when they do.
Power Distribution Requirements for Opti cal Receivers
The power filtering of the optical receiver is quite critical as
the transimpedance amplifier must responding to very low
current variations. This filtering problem is usually compound-
ed by the placement of the high-noise generating optical
transmitt er, directly adjacent to the optical re ceiver.
Depending on the type of receiver, it may be implemented
with one or many VCC p ins . For those made with a single VCC
connection, this pin should be isolated through a π-network
or other network that implements an inductive leg to block RF
on the power lead.
For those optical receiver mod ules that use multiple VCC pins,
these pins are usually kept separate internal to the module,
and feed different sections of the logic. For those VCC pins
that supply power to the ECL output emitter-followers and the
ECL differential amplifiers, all that is necessary is a good
0.1-µF d ecoupling capacitor next to the VCC power pins. An
Figure 68. Optical Module Power π-Filter
Figure 69. Fiber-Optic Module Sl otted Power Plane
Power In
Slotted Power
Plane Inductor Optical
Bul k an d
Bulk and
Figure 70. Fiber -Opt ic Detector Module Block Diagram
ECL Output
Amplifier SC or ST Fiber
Light Coupling
PIN Photodetector
HOTLink Design Considerations
inductive-based filter is recommended for the VCC pin that
provides p ower to bias the PI N photodiode and th e transim-
pedance amplifier to limit the external noise input from the
system supply.
Just as with the tra nsmi tter this inductiv e filter can b e i mple-
mented either as a notched or slotted power plane, or by us-
ing a surf a ce trace to act as an induct or. When implemented
in this fash ion th e capacitor plac ed at the op tical receiver end
of t he inductor should be 0.1 µF.
Optical Modules
Thanks to the effor ts of a group of optical component manu-
facturers (AMP/Lytel, Siemens Optical, Hewlett-Packard, and
Sumitomo Electric), a
de facto
standard footprint has been
developed for optical modules. While originally developed f or
the FDDI market, optical modules with speeds suitable for
Fibre Channel and ATM are also available. This footprint
specifies the mechanical dimensions and signal names of two
dif ferent package styles, yet allows a common board layout to
accept both. The dimensions and pin num bering of this fo ot-
print are illustrated in
Figure 71
The two module t ypes supported b y this footprint are call ed
DIP and endfire. The DIP modules utilize pins 1–32, while the
endfire modules only use pins 33–41 (for signals) and pins 1
and 32 for package mounting. These two mounti ng pins are
also larger in diameter than the other pins on the package.
These optical modules (DIP and endfire) share several sig-
nals. For compatibility with both module types, only the small-
er set of signals present on the endfire module type should
be used. A complete listing of the signals present in the stan-
dard footprint is found in
Table 5
. The signals present on the
optical module are
SD – Signal Detect
TD – Tr ansmit Data
RD – Receive Data
Case – Outer Case of Module
CC – Positive Supply Voltage
EE – Negative Supply Vol tage
BB – ECL Base Threshold Volta ge
The VBB a nd SD– signals are only present on th e DIP foot-
pr int package and thus should not be used in designs that
wish to suppor t interchangeable module types.
Care must be used when connecting to the pin s marked as
Case. These pins are not specified as being isolated, t ied to
VEE, or tied to VCC. As s uch, each manufacturer is allowed to
connect them as they wish.
Isolated Case pins may be connected either to VCC or VEE.
Usually this connection is made to whichever power rail is
identified as ground in the system. When used with the HOT-
Link T ransmitter , these types of modules are us ually operated
in PECL mode wit h the Case pins connected to VEE.
When the case i s connected to the VCC pins, the part is de-
signed for operation in a stand ard ECL (negative-referenced)
system. Modules of this type may still be used with HOTLink,
but some care must be taken in how they are interfaced.
Figure 71. Standard Optical Module Footprint
Table 5. Standard Optical Module Pinout
DIP Pin Assignments
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 C ase 2 No Pin
EE 6 +SD
7 –SD 8 Case
11 +RD 12 VCC
13 VCC 14 VCC
15 Case 16 Case
17 Case 18 Case
19 VCC 20 VCC
21 Case 22 +TD
23 –TD 24 Case
25 Case 26 VBB
27 Case 28 Case
29 VEE 30 VEE
31 No Pin 32 Case
Endfire Pin Assig nme nts
Pin Signal Pin Signal
33 VEE 34 +RD
35 –RD 36 +SD
37 VCC 38 VCC
39 –TD 40 +TD
41 VEE
HOTLink Design Considerations
Pulse Transformers
A pu lse transformer is a magnetic device used to couple elec-
trical energy from one stage to another with minimal distor-
tion. This coupling occurs through magnetic induction. How
well this couplin g o ccurs is based on the construct ion of t he
transformer and the materials used for the core an d windings.
Core Materials
There are thre e basic types of core materi als used for trans-
formers: metal, powdered iron, and ferrites. Metal cores con-
sis t of p ieces o f low conduc tivity metal having some magnetic
prope rties; usually soft iron or steel. This metal core is usually
made from multiple strips or laminations of material to limit
eddy currents in the core. Metal cores have a practical upper
f re quency limi t of about 50 kHz.
Powdered iron cores use metal powder fused together by an
insu lating binder . Because o f the smaller size of the magnetic
particles, the upper frequency for powdered iron cores ex-
tends to near 1 MHz.
Ferrites are a magnetic form of ceramic. Depending on the
type of ferrite and construction of the core, transformer s with
ferrite-based cores are available with operating frequencies
of near 1 GHz. This is the core material that must be used for
transformers used with HOTLink.
ANSI Fibre Channel Specifications
The current ANSI Fibre Chann el standa rd, section 7.1, states
that the recommended interface to all types of copper media
is via transformer coupling. The primary benefits of transform-
er coupling are ground isolation, common-mode rejection,
and the ability to drive both bala nced and u nbalanced trans-
mission lines with th e same interface (Reference 3).
Just as with optical interfaces, the ANSI standard calls out
multiple copper technology options for use at the
25-MByte/second data rate supported by HOTLink. The ANSI
designators for these technol ogy options are
These designators are interpreted as four fields. The first field
identifies the data rate used (25-MBytes/second).
The second field ide ntifies the media used. TV specifies 75
video grade coaxial cable, MI specifies a 75 miniature co-
axial cable, and TP specifies shielded twisted-pair.
The third field identifies the transmitter type. The EL identifier
is used for all electrical classes.
The last f ield identifie s the distance class of the l ink. S spec-
ifies short dist ances (<75m).
While these are the only electrical class es that ANSI supports
for Fibre Channel, many other impedances an d distanc es w ill
function with the HOTLink Transmit ter and Receiver.
The typical transformer electrical characteristics to support
thes e interface combinations are called out in the ANSI Fibre
Channel standard in Section 7.1, Table 10 (Reference 3).
Pulse transformers suitable for coupling HOTLink to copper
based cables are available from Pulse Engineering, Mini-Cir-
cuits, Premier Magnetics Inc., Valor, and others.
Fiber -Optic Cables
Opti cal media generally falls into tw o cat egorie s: multimode
and single-mode. The usage of each type is dictated by the
spectral ch aracterist ics and l aunch mode of the light into the
Single-Mode Fiber
Single-mode fiber is most often used with optical drivers that
are both spectrally pure (i.e., a laser) and coherent in their
output (well collimated, longwave laser). Fibers of this type
have a very small core section to limit the modes of propag a-
tion of the transmitted light, and an index of refraction de-
signed to only allow light to remain in the core that strikes the
cladding at a very low critical angle. Its main propagatio n of
light is by refraction (bending) of light that travels down the
center of the core. I n addition, a smal l number of tight turns
of the fib er are usually pla ced near the optical tra nsmitter to
act as a filter for any of the h igher-order modes of propagation
that may be launched into the fiber. These turns change the
incidence angle of the higher-order modes between the core
and the cladding of th e fi ber, causing light at these modes to
leave the core. A diagram of a single-mode fib er is shown in
Figure 72
(Reference 18).
Single-mode fibers are available in different core diameters
for use with different optical sources. The fiber type called out
for single-mode propag ation in the ANSI Fibre Channel stan-
dard is 125-µm fiber diameter with a 9- µm core. With this core
diameter, the fiber is limited to use with 1300-nm sources
(Reference 3).
Multimode Fi ber
Multimode fiber is usually used with optical drivers that are
not sp ec trally pure (i.e., LED) or not c ohe rent in their outp ut
(i.e., shortwave lasers). The lensing system used to couple
the optical driver’s light output to the fiber is not designed for
collimation, but to couple the maximum amount o f light. This
type of fiber allows propagation of light both by refraction and
by reflection.
Two distinct classes of multimode fiber are in use today:
step-index and graded-index. In a step-index fiber, the prima-
ry mode of light propagation is through total internal reflec-
tion. Light that enters the core on one end is continuously
reflected at the c ore/cladding interfa ce until it exits th e cable
at th e other end. A diagr am of multi mode step-index fib er is
shown in
Figure 73
Figure 72. Single-Mode Fib er Propagation
S ingle-Mode Fiber
HOTLink Design Considerations
In a graded-index fiber, light is propagated through refraction
rather than reflection. The fiber core is constructed of multiple
concentric layers of glass. Th e index of re fraction in each lay-
er is slightly different, getting lower as you move out from the
center of the core. Because light travels faster in a lower index
of refraction, the higher-order modes of propag ation that trav-
el the farthest arrive in phase wit h the low- order modes that
remain near the center of the core. A diagram of a multimode
grade d-index fiber is shown in
Figure 74
(Reference 1 8).
The step-index form of multim ode fiber is n ot n or mally used
for data communications because its propagation character-
istics limit the usable distance of a link. The ANSI Fibre Chan-
nel standard currently onl y supports graded-index fibers with
core diameters of 50 µm or 62.5 µm, both with a cladding
diameter of 125 µm (Reference 3).
Optical Pulse Dispersion
In a step-index fiber , light that t ravels straight through the core
covers a shorter distance and arrives at the end of the fiber
before light t hat r ep eatedly bounces off the core/cladding in-
terface. This difference in delay through the fiber causes a
narrow pulse launched into the fiber to widen as it travels
down the fiber. Because this pulse widening or dispersion is
c aused by the different modes of propagation, this phenome-
na is known as modal dispersion.
When used with an LED driver, an additional source of dis-
persion comes into play. Unlike free space where all wave-
lengths of light propagate at the same rate, an optical fiber
propagates different wavelengths at different rates. This caus-
es any l ight pulse that is no t spectrally pure (i.e., all the same
wavelength) to widen as it travels down the f iber. Pulse wid-
ening caused b y wavelength is called chromatic dispersion.
With multimode fiber one of the main limits to usable distance
is the pulse spreading caused by light dispersion within the
fiber . As the transmitted 1s (pulses of light) get wider through
dispersion, they interact with adjacent transmitted 0s (ab-
sence of light). The ef fect of dispersion is illustrated in
(Refere nce 18).
With single-mode fiber , dispersion is usually not a limiting fac-
tor. Here the amount of attenuation over distance is the main
limiting factor.
ANSI Fibre Channel Optical Fibre Requirem ents
Fiber-optic cables are available with many different optical
and mechanical characteristics. International organizations
have set standards for optical cable plants to al low manufac-
tures to sta ndardize on some cable t ypes.
The standards body that created the standards used for opti-
cal cable plants is called EIA/TIA (Electronic Industry Associ-
ation/Telecommunications Industry Association). The gov-
erning document for all optical fiber types is EIA/TIA
492BAAA. This includes single-mode and both core diame-
ters of multimode fiber.
The ANSI Fibre Channel sta ndard has also selected a com-
mon fiber-optic connector type f or use wi th all types of o ptica l
fiber media. This connector type was developed by NTT in
Japan and is known as an SC-type optical fi ber c o nnector. A
diagram of a simplex SC connector is shown in
Figure 76
These simplex connectors may be joined together using a
plastic clip to form a du plex connector. In the duplex configu-
ration the center-line spacing of the optical fibers is 0.5 inch.
Simplex and duplex cable assemblies are available from AMP,
FOCS Inc., Alcoa Fujikura Ltd., Belden, and many others.
Copper Cables
There are three primary types of copper media available for
distance data tran smis sion: shielded twisted-pair (STP), twi-
naxial cable, and coaxial cable. Each of these cable types has
specific advantages and characteristics.
Figure 73. Multimode Step-Index Fiber Propagation
Figure 74. Multimode Graded-Index Fiber Propagation
Multimode Step-Index Fiber
Multimode Graded-Index Fiber
Figure 75. Pul se Dispersion
Single-Mode Fiber
Multimode Graded-Index Fiber
Multimode Step-Index Fiber
HOTLink Design Considerations
Shielded Tw isted Pair
Shielded twisted-pair (STP) cables are used for many
low-cost LAN ins tallations. One of the most common o f thes e
is the IBM Type-1 and Type-6 cables used for IEEE 802.5
token ring networks. For use with the ANSI Fibre Channel, the
standard calls out Type-1 and Type-2 150 STP cables as
defined in EIA/TI A 568 (References 3, 11, 20).
STP cables are constructed of two insulated conductors twist-
ed together at a specific number of twists per foot, with an
overall sh ield and jacket. They a re available w ith characteris-
tic impedances of from 78 to 20 0. With this type of cable
the transmission remains fully differential from source to des-
tination. The shield is only used to preve nt radiation and con-
trol susceptibility . Cables of this type are effective for long dis-
tances at low data rates, and short distances for high data
rates. T he main limit ing factor for c able s of t his type is t heir
attenuation at high f requencies . In many cases , cables of this
type are so poor above 50 MHz that attenuation is not even
specified at these f requenc ies. In some ve ndors’ data, shield-
ed twisted-pair c ables ar e also referr ed to as twinax (Refer -
ence 20).
Twin axial Cable
Twinaxial c able is a shielded form of t win-l ead. Twinaxial ca-
bles consist of two par allel insulated conductors, maint ain ed
at a fixed spacing with an ov er all shield. Cables of this con-
struction are often used for television re ception lead-in cable.
As w ith STP cables, twinax ial cables maintain a fully dif feren-
tial transmission system f rom t ransmitter to receiver. Twinax-
ial cables can have lower attenuation of high frequency sig-
nals than STP cables and c an be used for longer distances.
Unshielded twin-lead, while ha ving excelle nt high-fre quency
characteristics, is not generally usable for data communica-
tions due to the radiated emissions of the cable, and the im-
pedance changes that occur as the unshielded cable is rout-
ed near metallic objects.
Twinax cables are available in impedances from 125 to
300 and velociti es of 70% to 80% (Reference 20).
Coaxial Cable
Coaxial cable is used for the longest distances. They consist
of a single center conductor surrounded by a dielectric spac-
er, surrounded by a concentric shield. Unlike either STP or
twinax, coaxial cables are an unbalanced transmission line;
i.e., the signal is transmitted and received as a signal relative
to a ground or shield, rather than a signal relative to another
In a coaxial cable the outer conductor a cts both as part of the
transmission lin e t o propagate the signal, and as a shield to
prevent radiation of the t ransmitted signal and susceptibility
from out side signals.
Coaxial cables are available in impedances from 50 to 125
and velocities of 66% to 90% . The main element that affects
the velocity of propagation is the dielectric type used between
the center conductor and the shield. Solid polyethylene is a
common dielectric at the 66% velocity. The fastest speeds
usua lly res ort t o foamed Teflon o r partial air core.
Table 6
some common coaxial cable types and characteristics (Ref-
erence 20).
One thing that cannot be seen from this t able are the cable’s
attenuation characteristics versus frequency. This is one of
the characterist ics that determines just how far a usable sig-
nal can be sent. The cables listed in
Table 6
are plotted for
atten uation in
Figure 77
ANSI Fibre Channel Copper Cable Requirements
The ANSI cable plant requires copper cables with specific
operating characteristics. These characteristics are called out
in Section 9 and Annex F of th e Fibre Channel PC-PH stan-
dard (Reference 3).
Realizing these req ui rements means that the cable must be
made with specific construction. For coaxial cable s the VP of
70% to 82% requires a foam dielectric.
The minimum necessary shield coverage for braid is 95%.
This is necessary because of th e high frequencies carried by
the cables. With shield coverage lower than this, the signal
leakage through the braid can allow not only significant signa l
radiation, but an impedance mismatch due to signa l propaga -
tion down the outer surface of the braid. For best effective-
ness, a 100% foil shield should be used in addition to the braid
To meet flammability requirements, the National Electrical
Code now req uires that almost all installations use eithe r CL2
or CL2P (plenum rated) jacket mat erial (Reference 25).
Cables meeting all of these requirements are available fro m
multiple vendors.
The ANSI standard also al lows use of shielded twiste d pa ir or
twinaxial type cables. These cables all require a shield to
meet EMI/EM C requirements. Unshielded twisted p air (use d
for many networks) should not be used. This is primar ily due
to radiated emissions rather than susceptibilit y.
Figure 76. SC Simplex Fiber-Optic Connector
Table 6. Common Coaxial Cable Types
RG/U Ty pe Belden
Type ZONominal
RG58A/U 8259 50 .19366%
RG179B/U 83264 75 .170%
RG6/U 1223A 75 .29083%
RG59/U 9259 75 .24278%
RG11/U 87292 75 .34882%
RG62A/U 9268 93 .24284%
RG63 9857 125 .40584%
HOTLink Design Considerations
Copper Cable Connectors
There are three primary connector types called out for use
with c opper cables: BNC and TNC for coaxial cables (illustrat-
ed in
Figure 78
) and a 9-pin D-sub (illustrated in
Figure 7 9
for twi ste d-p air/ twinax cables.
For coaxial cables, the BNC connectors are used on the
transmitting end of the cable while the TNC connectors are
used on the receiver end of the cable. This dual connector
configuration allows a duplex cable to be connected without
having to identify one cable from the other. With these con-
nectors the male end is always on the cable while the female
end is used at th e board bulkhead.
For twisted-pair or twinaxial type cables a 9-pin D-sub con-
nector is used. This connector is required to have a metal
shell because the shields of both the transmit and receive
pairs are terminat ed to the shell of the connector . As with the
coaxial connectors the cable gets the male connector while
the board or bulkhead gets the female connector.
The STP cable is wired in a crossover fashion where the
transmit pins at one end of the cabl e (as illustrat ed in
) are connected to the receive pins at the other end of the
cable. The cable shields for both p airs are tied together a nd
connected to the D-sub connector shell at each end.
Figure 77. Coaxial Cable Attenuation Characteristics
1 10 100 1000
Sinusoidal Frequency (MHz)
RG11/U RG63
Attenuation (dB/100 feet)
Figure 78. /BNC Cable Connectors
Figure 79. STP Cable C onnector and Connector Pinout
Connector (TNC)
Connector (BNC)
HOTLink Design Considerations
Bec ause of the low cu rrent used in these cables, the connec-
tions are considered to be dry circuits. To prevent contact ox-
idation fro m degrading the link over tim e the conta cts are re-
quired to be gold or palladium plated (Reference 28).
The HOTLink family of communications products provide de-
signers with a simple yet elegant method of reliably moving
large quantities of data a t very high speeds f rom on e place t o
another . The se parts a re capa ble of communicating over cop-
per or optical media at distances well in excess of industry
standards. Their BiCMOS implementation, along with their
integrated powe r savin g features, combine to offer one of the
lowest-power, high-speed serial communications link stan-
dards available.
HOTL ink is a tradema r k of Cypress Sem icon du ctor.
IBM is a re gi stere d tra dema rk of In te rnatio na l Business M achi nes Corp oration.
ESCON is a trade mark o f In terna tio nal Busin e ss Mach ines s Corp orati on .
Figure 80. STP Cable Connections
5 +RCV
9 –RCV
Cable Shield
HOTLink Design Considerations
© Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 1995. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use
of any circuitry othe r than circui try embodi ed in a Cy press Semi conductor p roduct. Nor does it convey or im ply any li cense under patent or other rights. Cypress Semicondu ctor does not authori ze
its products for use as critical components in life-support sy stems where a malfunc tion or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress
Semiconductor products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress Semiconductor against all charges.
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24.Ramierez, Robert W.,
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National Electrica l Code
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