HOTLink Design Considerations
a ceramic substrate. Because there are no individual particles
of metal, the capacitance is much lower.
Care must also be used when selecting metal film resistors
as some of these have significant induc tive parasitics. These
inductive parasitic s are often caused by the method of laser
trim used to adjust the value of the resistor. Those resistors
created using two straight cuts, one from either side, are gen-
erally more inductive than those trimmed using a single
straight or L shaped cut.
Metal film resistors shou ld b e used for resistors in the analog
data path. This includes the transmission line termination and
line bias resistors at both the source and destination ends of
the serial link.
Fiber-Optic Emi tters (Driver s)
A fiber-optic emitter is an electro-optical conve rter that c hang-
es an el ectrical stimulus into light. A simplified block diagram
of a fiber-optic emitter is shown in
Figure 67
. The input buffer
is an ECL differential line receiver. While some emitters do
provide a VBB output to allow single-ended operation, its use
is strongly discouraged. The ECL receiver controls a
high -current amplifier . The amplifier drives its current through
an LED or s emiconductor laser to generate a shaped optical
output in response to the ECL signal i nput. A micro-lens as-
sembly (usually a small sphere of glass) is used to co uple and
direct the light int o a port for an optical fiber. B ecause of the
small core size of the optical fiber , the lens and fiber recepta-
cle are aligned by the fiber-optic emitter manufacturer (Refer-
ence 27).
Fiber-optic emitters are available in may different case styles,
wavelengths, launch m odes, data rates, etc. When selecti ng
an emitter, the main concerns are
• Optical Re ceiver characteristi cs
• O p er a ting da ta rate
• Cable plant characteristics
Most of these areas deal with interoperability of data commu-
nica tions links. If a shortwave laser is used as an emitter, the
optical receive r must be designe d to operate w ith the specific
data rates and spectral properties of that shortwave laser.
While it would be nice i f a more m ix-and-match combinati on
of LED, shortwave laser, and longwave laser emitter s could
be used, existing receivers do not allow this. If a 1300-nm
LED-driver is use d, an optical receiver designed for 1300-nm
LED reception must be u sed to properly d etect the signals. In
addition the optical receiver must be designed to support the
data rate used in the link.
Opti cal emitter assemblie s are available from multiple sourc-
es, including AMP/Lytel, Siemens Optical, Hewlett-Packard,
Sumitomo Electr ic, AT&T, and other s.
ANSI Fibre Channel Requirements
The current ANSI Fibre Channel standar d calls out four opti-
cal interface technology options for use at the 25-MByte/sec -
ond data rate supported by HOTLink. The ANSI designators
for these technology options are (Reference 3)
• 25–SM–LL–L
• 25–SM–LL–I
• 25–M5–SL–I
• 25–M6–LE–I
These designators are interpreted as four fields. The first field
identifies the data r ate used (25 MBytes/second).
The second field ident ifies the media used. SM specif ies sin-
gle-mode fiber , M5 spec ifie s 50-µm core multimode fiber , and
M6 specifie s 62.5-µm core multimo de fiber.
The third field identifies the transmitter type. LL specifies a
1300-nm longwave laser, SL specifies a 780-nm shortwave
laser, a nd LE specifies a 1300-nm LED-driver.
The last field identifies the distance class of the link. L speci-
fies long distance (2m–10 km), and I specifies intermediate
distance ( 2m–1.5 km).
HOTLink will correctly operate with all these different link
types. However, it is up to the user t o select th e proper com-
bination of emitt er and detector for each class.
For those users intending to implement laser-based optical
links, there are a number of federal and i nternati onal safety
certifications required before any such link can be put into
public use. These safety requirements (ANSI Z136.1 and
Z136.2, F.D.A. regulation 21 CFR s ubcha pter J, and IEC 82 5)
are called out in the ANSI Fibre Channel s tandard (Referenc-
es 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). No such certification r equirements are
necessary for LED based links.
Power Distribution Requirements for Optical Drivers
The LED or laser used to drive the optical link is probably the
larges t noise ge nerating item in an opt ical link. When the op-
tical driver is turned on (sending 1s), currents of 50 mA to 100
mA are forced through the LED or laser. While current steer-
ing is often used to minimi ze dynamic current requir ement s,
significant high-frequency noise is still generated. M ost opti-
cal modules attempt to remedy part of this situation by pro-
viding multiple VCC and VEE pin s on their package and inc lud -
ing some power s upply b ypass ca pacitance inside the optical
module. This does take care of some of the p roblem, but does
not correct all of it .
While bypass capacitors are still necessary to provide dy-
namic current, additional power isolation and filtering is re-
quired to separate the high noise of the optical transmitter
from the highly sensit ive optical receiver, and from the serial-
izer/deserializer operations of the HOTLink Transmitter and
Receiver . V endor’s recommend ations for this include a 10-µF
solid Tantalum capacitor l ocated near the optical transmitter,
and a 0.1-µF decoupling capaci tor directly connected to the
optical tra nsmi tter VCC pins (Reference 27).
Isolation is provided by se parating the VCC or power plane for
the transmitter from the rest of the surr ounding power plane,
through an indu ctive path. This i s do ne by placing a gap in the
Figure 67. Fiber -Opt ic Emitter Module Block Diagram
ECL Input
LED or
Laser Driver
Light-Emitting Diode or
Semiconductor Laser
SC or ST Fiber
Light Coupling