HITACHI 2SB1244, 2SB1245 SILICON PNP EPITAXIAL LOW FREQUENCY HIGH VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER 4.2max [ 1, Emitter 2, Collector 3, Base (Dimensions in mm) (JEDEC TO-92 MOD.) @ ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25C) MAXIMUM COLLECTOR DISSIPATION _- CURVE Item Symbol| 2SB1244 2SB1245 Unit 12 Collector to base voltage | Veeo ~160 200 Vv ~ Collector to emitter voltage Wceo _ = 160 | -200 Vv e Emitter to base voltage | VERO ; 7 -5 -5 Vv i 0.8 Collector current _. Ic 100 -100 | mA Collector power dissipation | Pc 0.9 09) WwW & _Junction temperature Tj 150_ 150 C 5 os Storage temperature Tag 55 to +150 | -55 to +150 C 8 0 50 100 150 Ambient temperature Ta (C) lM ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25C) _ Item Symbol _ Test Condition min, | _typ._|_max. Unit Collector to base breakdown voltage V(BRICBO | Ic = ~10pA, IE = 0 25B1244 | -160 vo _ | _ | 28B1245 | -200 -| Vv Collector to emitter breakdown voltage | Vipryceo Ic = -lmA, Ree = 25B 1244 ~160 | = Vv - | 28B1245 |-200| | | Vv Emitter to base breakdown voltage Vanrjeso | Te = ~1OpA, Ic=0 -5 _ = Vv Collector cutoff current IcBo | 2SB1 244 | Vea =-140V, le=0 _ = -10 HA _ 2SB1245 Vcp =-160V, Iz=0 _ -10_ _ pA DC current transfer ratio hrei* Vce=-5V, Ic =10mA 60 320 . hre2 Vce=-5, Ic=ImA 30 _ _ _ Base to emitter voltage - Vae | Vce=-5V, Ic=-lLOmA |= ] -i5 Vv Collector to emitter saturation voltage VeEtsati Ic =30m