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Copyright 1999-2007 DCD – Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved.
Watchdog Timer– it’s a free running timer.
WDT has own clock input separate from
system clock. It means that the WDT will run
even if the system clock is stopped by
execution of SLEEP instruction. During normal
operation, a WDT time-out generates a
Watchdog reset. If the device is in SLEEP
mode the WDT time-out causes the device to
wake-up and continue with normal operation.
I/O Ports – Block contains DRPIC1655X’s
general purpose I/O ports and data direction
registers (TRIS). The DRPIC1655X has four
8-bit full bi-directional ports PORT A, PORT B,
PORT C, PORT D. Each port’s bit can be
individually accessed by bit addressable
instructions. Read and write accesses to the
I/O port are performed via their corresponding
The reading instruction always reads the
status of Port pins. Writing instructions always
write into the Port latches. Each port’s pin has
an corresponding bit in TRISA, B, C and D
registers. When the bit of TRIS register is set
this means that the corresponding bit of port is
configured as an input (output drivers are set
into the High Impedance).
DoCD™ Debug Unit – it’s a real-time
hardware debugger provides debugging
capability of a whole SoC system. In contrast
to other on-chip debuggers DoCD™ provides
non-intrusive debugging of running
application. It can halt, run, step into or skip
an instruction, read/write any contents of
microcontroller including all registers, internal,
external, program memories, all SFRs
including user defined peripherals. Hardware
breakpoints can be set and controlled on
program memory, internal and external data
memories, as well as on SFRs. Hardware
breakpoint is executed if any write/read
occurred at particular address with certain
data pattern or without pattern. The DoCD™
system includes three-wire interface and
complete set of tools to communicate and
work with core in real time debugging. It is
built as scalable unit and some features can
be turned off to save silicon and reduce power
consumption. A special care on power
consumption has been taken, and when
debugger is not used it is automatically
switched in power save mode. Finally whole
debugger is turned off when debug option is
no longer used.
There are also available an optional
peripherals, not included in presented
DRPIC1655X Microcontroller Core. The
optional peripherals, can be implemented in
microcontroller core upon customer request.
Timer 1 and Timer 2
Full duplex UART
SPI – Master and Slave Serial Peripheral
Supports speeds up ¼ of system clock
Mode fault error
Write collision error
Software selectable polarity and phase of
serial clock SCK
System errors detection
Allows operation from a wide range of system
clock frequencies (build-in 5-bit timer)
Interrupt generation
PWM – Pulse Width Modulation Timer
2 independent 8-bit PWM channels,
concatenated on one 16-bit PWM channel
Software-selectable duty from 0% to 100% and
pulse period
Software-selectable polarity of output
I2C bus controller - Master
7-bit and 10-bit addressing modes
Multi-master systems supported
Clock arbitration and synchroni zation
User defined timings on I2C lines
Wide range of syst em clock frequencies
Interrupt generation
I2C bus controller - Slave
NORMAL speed 100 kbs
FAST speed 400 kbs
HIGH speed 3400 kbs
Wide range of syst em clock frequencies
User defined data setup time on I2C lines
Interrupt generation