Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Product Features Wide parallel hardware based on ItaniumTM architecture for high performance -- Fifteen execution units -- Cache hints for L1, L2, and L3 caches for reduced memory latency -- 256 general and floating-point registers with rotating registers -- Register stack engine for effective management of processor resources -- Support for predication and speculation -- Full speed 4-MB or 2-MB L3 cache -- On-die L1 and L2 caches Extensive RAS features for mission-critical applications -- Full SMBus compatibility -- Enhanced Machine Check Architecture with ECC and parity error recovery -- Built-in processor information ROM -- Built-in programmable EEPROM High bandwidth system bus for multiprocessor scalability -- 2.1 GB/s bandwidth -- 64-bit wide system bus -- 44 bits of physical memory addressing, and 54 bits of virtual addressing -- Up to four processors on the same system bus at 266 MHz data frequency -- Expandable to systems with multiple system buses -- Compatible with Intel(R) 460GX chipset Features to support flexible platform environments -- Hardware compatible with IA-32 binaries -- Bi-endian support -- Processor Abstraction Layer eliminates processor dependencies The Intel(R) ItaniumTM processor, the first in a family of processors based on Itanium architecture, is designed to address the needs of high-performance servers and workstations. The Itanium architecture goes beyond RISC and CISC approaches by pairing massive processing resources with intelligent compilers that enable parallel execution explicit to the processor. Its large internal resources combine with predication and speculation to enable optimization for high performance applications running on Windows* Advanced Server Limited Edition, Windows* XP 64-bit Edition, Linux, HP-UX* 11i v1.5 and other Itanium-based operating systems. The Itanium processor is designed to support very large scale systems, including those employing several thousand processors, to provide the processing power and performance head room for back-office data-intensive servers, internet servers, and large data set computation intensive applications for high-end workstations. SMBus compatibility and comprehensive Reliability, Availability and Serviceability (RAS) features make the Itanium processor ideal for applications that demand continuous operation. In addition, the Itanium processor is fully compatible, in hardware, with IA-32 instruction binaries to preserve existing software investments. For high performance servers and workstations, the Itanium processor offers outstanding performance and reliability for today's applications and the scalability to address the growing e-business needs of tomorrow. Document Number: 249634-002 August 2001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel(R) products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The ItaniumTM processor may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature may be obtained by calling 1-800-548-4725 or by visiting Intel's website at Intel, Itanium, Pentium, and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Copyright (c) 2001, Intel Corporation *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. I2C is a two-wire communication bus /protocol developed by Phillips. SMBus is a subset of the I2C bus/protocol developed by Intel. Implementation of the I2C bus/protocol or the SMBus bus/protocol may require licenses from various entities, including Phillips Electronics, N.V. and North American Phillips Corporation. ii Itanium(R) Procesor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Contents 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor 4 MB Cartridge .......................................................1-1 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor 2 MB Cartridge .......................................................1-1 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor System Data Bus....................................................1-2 Processor Abstraction Layer ..............................................................................1-2 Mixing Processors of Different Frequencies and Cache Sizes ..........................1-2 Terminology........................................................................................................1-3 References .........................................................................................................1-3 Electrical Specifications...................................................................................................2-1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor System Bus ............................................................2-1 2.1.1 System Bus Power Pins ........................................................................2-1 2.1.2 System Bus Reserved Pins...................................................................2-1 System Bus Signals ...........................................................................................2-1 2.2.1 Signal Groups........................................................................................2-1 2.2.2 Signal Descriptions................................................................................2-2 Cartridge Specifications .....................................................................................2-3 Signal Specifications ..........................................................................................2-4 2.4.1 DC Specifications ..................................................................................2-4 2.4.2 AC Specifications for the System Bus...................................................2-6 2.4.3 AC Specifications for Clock, Test Access Port, and System Management Bus ...................................................................2-12 2.4.4 Maximum Ratings................................................................................2-13 Power Pod Connector Signals .........................................................................2-14 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor System Bus Clock and Processor Clocking .........2-17 Signal Quality and Noise Margin ......................................................................2-20 Recommended Connections for Unused Pins .................................................2-21 3 Pinout Specifications .......................................................................................................3-1 4 Mechanical Specifications ...............................................................................................4-1 4.1 4.2 5 Cartridge Features .............................................................................................4-1 4.1.1 Cartridge Top Surface Features............................................................4-1 4.1.2 Cartridge Bottom Surface Features.......................................................4-2 4.1.3 Power Connector...................................................................................4-3 Cartridge Mechanical Dimensions......................................................................4-5 Thermal Specifications ....................................................................................................5-1 5.1 5.2 Thermal Circuit ...................................................................................................5-1 5.1.1 Thermal Alert.........................................................................................5-1 5.1.2 Thermal Trip ..........................................................................................5-2 Cartridge Thermal Specifications and Considerations .......................................5-2 5.2.1 Thermal Plate Temperature ..................................................................5-2 5.2.2 Thermal Budget.....................................................................................5-2 5.2.3 Cartridge Temperature Deviation ..........................................................5-3 Itanium(R) Procesor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet iii 6 System Management Feature Specifications..................................................................6-1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 System Management Features and Components..............................................6-1 System Management Interface ..........................................................................6-2 6.2.1 SMBus Signals......................................................................................6-2 6.2.2 SMBus Device Addressing....................................................................6-2 PIROM and Scratch EEPROM...........................................................................6-4 6.3.1 Processor Information ROM..................................................................6-4 6.3.2 Scratch EEPROM .................................................................................6-7 6.3.3 Processor Information ROM and Scratch EEPROM Supported SMBUS Transactions ..........................................................6-7 Thermal Sensing Device ....................................................................................6-8 6.4.1 Thermal Sensing Device Supported SMBus Transactions ...................6-9 6.4.2 Thermal Sensing Device Registers .....................................................6-10 Figures 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 3-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 5-1 5-2 6-1 6-2 iv Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor 4 MB Cartridge Block Diagram...............................1-1 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor 2 MB Cartridge Block Diagram...............................1-2 Common Clock Timing Definition Overview.......................................................2-6 Common Clock Mode Valid Delay Timings........................................................2-7 Common Clock Mode Setup and Hold Timings .................................................2-8 Source Synchronous Timing Definition Overview ..............................................2-9 TVBS and TVAS Timing Diagram ....................................................................2-10 Source Synchronous Mode Data Setup and Hold Timings ..............................2-11 Bus Clock to Strobe Delay Timing ...................................................................2-11 System Clock Waveform..................................................................................2-12 SMSC Clock Waveform ...................................................................................2-13 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Power Tab Connection (Top View) ......................2-15 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Power Tab Connection (Bottom View) .................2-15 Example Schematic for System Bus Multiplier Pin Sharing .............................2-18 System Bus Reset and Configuration Timings for Cold Reset.........................2-19 System Bus Reset and Configuration Timings for Warm Reset ......................2-20 Example Data Signal Waveform at Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Receiver Pad 2-21 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Cartridge Pin Locations (Top View) .........3-1 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Top Isometric View ..................................4-2 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Bottom Isometric View .............................4-2 Power Tab Location on PAC418 Cartridge Substrate........................................4-3 Power Tab Location on PAC418 Cartridge Substrate, Detail C.........................4-4 Power Tab Location on PAC418 Cartridge Substrate, Detail D.........................4-5 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Cartridge Mechanical Drawings (Sheet 1 of 3) .....................................................................................................4-6 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Cartridge Mechanical Drawings (Sheet 2 of 3) .....................................................................................................4-7 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Cartridge Mechanical Drawings (Sheet 3 of 3) .....................................................................................................4-8 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Thermal Features...................................................5-1 Processor Tplate Temperature Measurement Location.....................................5-3 System Management Components on the Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Cartridge ...........................................................................................6-1 Logical Schematic of SMBus Circuitry ...............................................................6-3 Itanium(R) Procesor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Tables 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 3-1 3-2 4-1 5-1 5-2 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor System Bus Signal Groups ....................................2-2 Signal Descriptions.............................................................................................2-3 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor 2-MB and 4-MB Cartridge Specification .................2-3 AGTL+ Signals DC Specifications......................................................................2-5 PWRGOOD Signal DC Specifications................................................................2-5 System Bus Clock Differential HSTL DC Specifications ....................................2-5 TAP Connection Signals DC Specifications .......................................................2-5 SMBus Signals DC Specifications......................................................................2-5 LVTTL DC Specifications ...................................................................................2-6 AGTL+ Address/Control Signal Group Common Clock AC Timing Specifications .....................................................................................................2-8 AGTL+ Data Signal Group Common Clock AC Timing Specifications...............2-8 AGTL+ Asynchronous Interrupt Signal Group Common Clock AC Specifications .....................................................................................................2-9 AGTL+ Data Signal Group Source Synchronous AC Timing Specifications ....2-11 System Bus Clock Differential HSTL AC Specifications...................................2-12 TAP Signal AC Specifications ..........................................................................2-13 SMBus Signal AC Specifications......................................................................2-13 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Absolute Maximum Ratings..................................2-14 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Power Pod Connector Signals .............................2-14 Processor Core Voltage Identification Code ....................................................2-16 Cache Voltage Identification Code ...................................................................2-16 Power Pod Slew Rate Requirements ...............................................................2-17 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor System Bus Ratios Supported .............................2-18 Signal Quality Specifications for System Bus Signals at Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Receiver Pad ..................................................................2-21 Connection for Unused Pins.............................................................................2-21 Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Name .......................................................3-2 Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Location .................................................3-11 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Cartridge Dimensions ..............................4-9 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Thermal Design Specifications...............................5-2 Example Thermal Solution Performance for the 4MB Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Cartridge at Thermal Plate Power of 130W ......................5-3 System Management Interface Signal Descriptions...........................................6-2 Thermal Sensing Device SMBus Addressing on the Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Cartridge ...........................................................................6-3 EEPROM SMBus Addressing on the Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Cartridge ...........................................................................................6-4 Processor Information ROM Format ..................................................................6-4 Current Address Read SMBus Packet ...............................................................6-8 Random Address Read SMBus Packet .............................................................6-8 Byte Write SMBus Packet ..................................................................................6-8 Write Byte SMBus Packet ..................................................................................6-9 Read Byte SMBus Packet ..................................................................................6-9 Send Byte SMBus Packet ..................................................................................6-9 Receive Byte SMBus Packet..............................................................................6-9 ARA SMBus Packet ...........................................................................................6-9 Command Byte Bit Assignment........................................................................6-10 Thermal Sensing Device Status Register.........................................................6-11 Itanium(R) Procesor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet v 6-15 6-16 vi Thermal Sensing Device Configuration Register .............................................6-11 Thermal Sensing Device Conversion Rate Register........................................6-12 Itanium(R) Procesor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Revision History Version Number Description Date 001 Initial Release of this document. May 2001 002 Updated Coversheet. August 2001 Itanium(R) Procesor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet vii viii Itanium(R) Procesor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 1 Introduction The Intel(R) ItaniumTM processor is the first member of a family of processors based on the 64-bit Itanium architecture. The Itanium architecture provides high performance and 64-bit architecture in addition to full binary compatibility with IA-32 software. This document provides the electrical, mechanical, thermal and system management feature specifications for the Intel Itanium processor cartridge for use while designing systems with the Intel Itanium processor. Note: 1.1 This document contains data that is subject to change. Intel shall have no responsibility for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to the data contained in this document. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor 4 MB Cartridge The Intel Itanium processor 4 MB cartridge contains the processor core and 4 MB of Level 3 (L3) cache (four 1 MB Intel Cache SRAM). The high speed L3 cache bus is completely isolated in the Intel Itanium processor cartridge. Figure 1-1 shows the block diagram for the Intel Itanium processor 4 MB cartridge. Figure 1-1. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor 4 MB Cartridge Block Diagram CSRAM CSRAM CSRAM CSRAM Address Command Response DATA [0:63] Processor Core DATA [64:127] System Bus 000576a 1.2 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor 2 MB Cartridge The Intel Itanium processor 2 MB cartridge contains the processor core and 2 MB of L3 cache (two 1 MB Intel Cache SRAMs). The high speed L3 cache bus is completely isolated in the Intel Itanium processor cartridge. Figure 1-2 shows the block diagram for the Intel Itanium processor 2 MB cartridge. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 1-1 Introduction Figure 1-2. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor 2 MB Cartridge Block Diagram CSRAM CSRAM Address Command Response DATA [0:63] Processor Core DATA [64:127] System Bus 000577 1.3 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor System Data Bus The system bus signals use an enhanced version of the low voltage GTL+ (Gunning Transceiver Logic) signaling technology used by the Pentium(R) III and Pentium III XeonTM processors. For the highest performance, the system bus supports source synchronous data transfers. The system bus signals require external termination on each end of the signal trace to help supply the high signal level and to control reflections on the transmission line. Maximum system data bus throughput is 2.1 GB/sec. 1.4 Processor Abstraction Layer The Itanium processor cartridge functionality requires the Processor Abstraction Layer (PAL) firmware. This PAL firmware resides in the system flash memory and is part of the Intel Itanium architecture. This firmware provides an abstraction level between the processor hardware implementation, the system software and platform firmware to maintain a single software interface for multiple implementations of the processor silicon steppings. PAL firmware encapsulates those processor functions that may change from one implementation to another so that the System Abstraction Layer (SAL) can maintain a consistent view of the processor. SAL consists of the platform dependent firmware. SAL is the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) required to boot the operating system (OS). The Intel(R) ItaniumTM Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Vol. 2: System Architecture describes the PAL interface in detail. 1.5 Mixing Processors of Different Frequencies and Cache Sizes All Itanium processors on the same system bus are required to have the same cache size (either 2 M or 4 M) and identical core frequency. Mixing components of different core frequencies and cache sizes is not supported and has not been validated by Intel. Operating system support for multiprocessing with mixed components should also be considered. While Intel has done nothing to specifically prevent processors within a multi-processor environment from operating at differing frequencies and differing cache sizes, there may be 1-2 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Introduction uncharacterized errata that exist in such configurations. Customers would be fully responsible for, and may wish to perform, validation of system configurations with mixed components other than the supported configurations described above. 1.6 Terminology In this document, a `#' symbol after a signal name refers to an active low signal. This means that a signal is in the active state (based on the name of the signal) when driven to a low level. For example, when RESET# is low, a processor reset has been requested. When NMI is high, a nonmaskable interrupt has occurred. In the case of lines where the name does not imply an active state but describes part of a binary sequence (such as address or data), the `#' symbol implies that the signal is inverted. For example, D[3:0] = `HLHL' refers to a hex `A', and D [3:0] # = `LHLH' also refers to a hex `A' (H= High logic level, L= Low logic level). The term `system bus' refers to the interface between the processor, system core logic and other bus agents. The system bus is a multiprocessing interface to processors, memory and I/O. The L3 cache does NOT connect to the system bus, and is not accessible by other agents on the system bus. Cache coherency is maintained with other agents on the system bus through the MESI cache protocol as supported by the HIT# and HITM# bus signals. The term "Intel Itanium processor" refers to the cartridge package which interfaces to a host system board through a PAC418 connector. Intel Itanium processors include a processor core, an L3 cache, and various system management features. The Intel Itanium processor includes a thermal plate for a cooling solution attachment. A signal name has all capitalized letters, e.g. VCTERM. A symbol referring to a voltage level, current level, or a time value carries a plain subscript, e.g., VCCcore, or a capitalized abbreviated subscript, e.g. TCO. 1.7 References The reader of this specification should also be familiar with material and concepts presented in the following documents and tools: * * * * * * * Note: Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Hardware Developer's Manual (Document Number: 248701) Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Specification Update (Document Number: 249720) PAC418 VLIF Socket and Cartridge Ejector Design Specifications PAC418 Cartridge/Power Pod Retention Mechanism and Triple Beam Design Guide ItaniumTM Processor Heatsink Guidelines ItaniumTM Processor VTT Voltage Regulation Specification Intel(R) ItaniumTM Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 1-4 (Document Numbers: 245317, 245318, 245319, and 245320) Contact your Intel representative for the latest revision of the documents without document numbers. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 1-3 Introduction 1-4 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Electrical Specifications 2 This chapter describes the electrical specifications of the Intel Itanium processor 4-MB and 2-MB cartridges. 2.1 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor System Bus Most Intel Itanium processor signals use a variation of the Pentium III processor and Pentium III Xeon processor AGTL+ signaling technology. The termination voltage, VCTERM, is generated on the baseboard and is the system bus high reference voltage. The buffers that drive most of the system bus signals on the Intel Itanium processor are actively driven to VCTERM during the lowto-high transition to improve rise times and reduce noise. These signals should still be considered open-drain and require termination to VCTERM which provides the high signal level. This specification is slightly different from the standard AGTL+ specification. AGTL+ inputs use differential receivers which require a reference signal (VREF). VREF is used by the receivers to determine if a signal is a logical 0 or a logical 1. The Intel Itanium processor uses separate address, control and data VREFs which are generated on the baseboard. Termination is used to pull the bus up to the high voltage level and to control signal integrity on the transmission line. The baseboard contains termination resistors that provide termination for each of the Intel Itanium processor system bus signals. These specifications assume the equivalent of five AGTL+ loads (four processors and one chipset) to ensure the proper timings on rising and falling edges. 2.1.1 System Bus Power Pins There are 26 VCTERM PAC418 input pins to provide power to the driver buffers and termination during a low-to-high signal transition. There are 140 VSS pins which, in addition to the VSSprocessor input at the power tab connector, provide ground to the processor and cache. Power for the processor core, cache core and cache I/O is provided through the power tab connector by VCCprocessor and VCCcache. Two 3.3V pins are provided on the system bus for use by the SMBus. 3.3V, VCTERM, and VSS must remain electrically separated from one another. 2.1.2 System Bus Reserved Pins All pins designated as "N/C" or "No Connect" should remain unconnected. Pins designated as "PU[2:0]" or "PD[3:0]" should be connected via a resistor to VCTERM or VSS, respectively (see Section 2.8 for details). The pins must be strapped to the appropriate voltage for normal operation. 2.2 System Bus Signals 2.2.1 Signal Groups Table 2-1 contains Intel Itanium processor system bus signals that have been combined into groups by buffer type and whether they are inputs, outputs or bidirectional. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2-1 Electrical Specifications All system bus outputs should be treated as open drain and require a high level source provided externally by the termination resistor. AGTL+ inputs have differential input buffers which use 2/3 VCTERM as a reference level. AGTL+ output signals require termination to VCTERM. In this document, "AGTL+ Input Signals" refers to the AGTL+ input group as well as the AGTL+ I/O group when receiving. Similarly, "AGTL+ Output Signals" refers to the AGTL+ output group as well as the AGTL+ I/O group when driving. The Power Good signal and TAP (Test Access Port) Connection Input signals use a non-differential receiver with levels that are similar to AGTL+. No reference voltage is required for these signals. The TAP Connection Output signals are AGTL+ output signals. The HSTL Clock signals are the differential clock inputs for the Intel Itanium processor. The System Management Bus (SMBus) signals and LVTTL Power Pod signals are driven using the 3.3V CMOS logic levels listed in Table 2-8 and Table 2-9, respectively. Please refer to Section 2.2.2 for descriptions for the "Other" and "Reserved" signals. Please refer to the Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Hardware Developer's Manual for recommended terminations for all system bus signals. Table 2-1. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor System Bus Signal Groups Group Name Signals AGTL+ Input Signals BPRI#, BR[3:1]#, DEFER#, GSEQ#, ID[7:0]#, IDS#, RESET#, RS[2:0]#, RSP#, TRDY# AGTL+ Asynchronous Interrupt Input Signalsa A20M#, DRATE#, IGNNE#, INIT#, LINT[1,0], PMI#, TRISTATE# AGTL+ Output Signals FERR#, THERMTRIP# AGTL+ I/O Signals A[43:3]#, ADS#, AP[1:0]#, BERR#, BINIT#, BNR#, BPM[5:0]#, BR0#, D[63:0]#, DBSY#, DEP[7:0]#, DRDY#, HIT#, HITM#, LOCK#, REQ[4:0]#, RP#, SBSY#, STBN[3:0]#, STBP[3:0]#, TND# Power Good Signal PWRGOOD HSTL Clock Signals BCLKN, BCLKP TAP Connection Input Signals TCK, TDI, TMS, TRST# TAP Connection Output Signals TDO System Management Signals 3.3V, SMA[2:0], SMSC, SMSD, SMWP, THRMALERT# Power Signals GND, VCTERM, VREFA[1:0], VREFC[1:0], VREFDL[1:0], VREFDR[1:0] LVTTL Power Pod Signals OUTEN, PPODGD# Other TUNER[2:1], PROCPRES# Reserved N/C, PD[3:0], PU[2:0] a. The AGTL+ asynchronous interrupt signals have special setup and hold timings that differ from those of standard AGTL+. See Table 2-12 for more information. 2.2.2 Signal Descriptions The Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Hardware Developer's Manual document contains functional descriptions of all system bus signals and LVTTL Powerpod signals. Further descriptions of the System Management signals are contained in Chapter 6. The signals listed under the group "Power" and "Other" are described here. 2-2 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Electrical Specifications Table 2-2. Signal Descriptions Group Name 2.3 Signals GND System ground N/C No connection can be made to these pins. PD[3:0] These pins must be connected to VSS through a 1 K resistor. PU[2:0] PU2 and PU0 must be connected to VCTERM through a 1 K resistor. PU1 must be connected to VCTERM through a 100 resistor. TUNER[2:1] A reference resistor must be connected between each pin to GND. The reference resistors determine driver buffer impedance and slew rate settings for the processor. PROCPRES# This pin must be connected to VCTERM through a 10 K resistor on the system board. VCTERM System bus termination voltage (see Table 2-3) VREFA[1:0] Reference voltage inputs to the address signal receiver buffers. VREFC[1:0] Reference voltage inputs to the control signal receiver buffers. VREFDL[1:0], VREFDR[1:0] Reference voltage inputs to the data signal receiver buffers. Cartridge Specifications Table 2-3 list the DC voltage, current and power specifications for the Intel Itanium processor 2-MB and 4-MB cartridges. The voltage and current specifications are defined at the Intel Itanium processor PAC418 cartridge pins. Operational specifications listed in Table 2-3 through Table 2-16 are only valid while meeting specifications for case temperature, clock frequency, and input voltages. Note: Care should be taken to read all notes associated with each parameter. Table 2-3. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor 2-MB and 4-MB Cartridge Specification Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VCCcore_st Static tolerance for VCCcore VIDprocessor -5% VIDprocessor VIDprocessor +5% V VCCcore_tr Transient tolerance for VCCcore VIDprocessor -6% VIDprocessor VIDprocessor +7% V VCCcache_st Static tolerance for VCCcache VIDcache -5% VIDcache VIDcache + 5% V VCCcache_tr Transient tolerance for VCCcore VIDcache -6% VIDcache VIDcache + 7% V VCTERM Termination voltage 1.5-1.5% 1.5 1.5+1.5% V 3.3V VCC for SMBus components 3.14 3.30 3.47 V Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Notes 2-3 Electrical Specifications Table 2-3. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor 2-MB and 4-MB Cartridge Specification (Cont'd) Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Notes VREFA[1:0], VREFC[1:0], VREFDL[1:0] VREFDR[1:0] Reference voltage ICCcore Current for the processor core 1.0 71.4 A a, b, c ICCcache Current for the cache 1.0 16.5 A a, b, c ICCTERM Termination voltage current 0.5 A d PSprocessor Power supply slew rate at the processor power connector tab 0.4 A/ns PScache Power supply slew rate at the cache power tab connector 0.1 A/ns PSCTERM Termination voltage slew rate at the PAC418 pins 0.05 A/ns PWRmax Maximum 2M cartridge power 116 W c Maximum 4M cartridge power 130 Thermal design power 116-130 W e 4MB Cartridge 116 PWRTDP 2/3*VCTERM 0.25 V 130 2MB Cartridge a. Maximum current (ICC) specifications are intended for system power supply design. The maximum current is defined based on worst-case VCC, temperature and software application mix. b. Maximum ICCcore and ICCcache do not occur simultaneously. c. For all core frequencies. d. Current drawn by the I/O stage of the processor through the VCTERM pin, not through the termination resistor. e. Maximum thermal design power is an estimate of the power dissipation for the Intel(R) ItaniumTM processor while executing a worst-case application mix under nominal VCC and worst-case temperature. 2.4 Signal Specifications 2.4.1 DC Specifications This section describes the DC specifications of the system bus signals. The processor signals DC specifications are defined at the Intel Itanium processor core. Each signal trace between the Intel Itanium processor PAC418 cartridge pin and the processor core carries a small amount of current and has a finite resistance. The signal current produces a voltage drop between the cartridge pin and the core. Simulations should be run in accordance with these specifications to the processor core. Table 2-4 through Table 2-9 describe the DC specifications for the AGTL+, PWRGOOD, HSTL Clock, TAP Connection, System Management, and LVTTL signals. Please refer to the Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Hardware Developer's Manual for the TAP connection signals DC specifications at the debug port. The signals VREFA[1:0], VREFC[1:0], VREFDL[1:0] and VREFDR[1:0] are collectively referred to as VREF. 2-4 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Electrical Specifications Table 2-4. AGTL+ Signals DC Specifications Min Max Unit VIL Symbol Input Low Voltage Parameter -0.3 VREF - 200 mV V VREF + 200 mV VCTERMmax V VIH Input High Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage IOL Output Low Current @ 0.5V IL Leakage Current CAGTL+ AGTL+ Pin Capacitance 0.6 V 50 Notes a mA 100 A b 7 pF c a. Parameter measured into a 20-ohm resistor to VCTERM. b. At 1.5V 3%. c. Total of I/O buffer with ESD structure, package parasitics and capacitance for socket. Table 2-5. PWRGOOD Signal DC Specifications Min Max Unit VIL Symbol Input Low Voltage Parameter -0.3 0.35 V VIH Input High Voltage 1.2 VCTERMmax V Notes Table 2-6. System Bus Clock Differential HSTL DC Specifications Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Notes VIH Input High Voltage 0.78 1.7 V Min=VX,min+0.1 VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.58 V Max=VX,min-0.1 VX Input Crossover Voltage 0.68 0.9 V Table 2-7. TAP Connection Signals DC Specifications Min Max Unit VIL Symbol Input Low Voltage Parameter -0.3 0.5 V VIH Input High Voltage 1.2 VCTERMmax V VOL Output Low Voltage IOL Output Low Current 16.5 0.3 V 19.8 mA Notes a a. Parameter measured into a 20-ohm resistor to VCTERM. Table 2-8. SMBus Signals DC Specifications Max Unit VIL Symbol Input Low Voltage Parameter -0.3 Min Typ 0.3*3.3V V VIH Input High Voltage 0.7*3.3V 3.465 V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V I3.3V 3.3V Supply Current IOL Output Low Current IOL2 Output Low Current ILI Input Leakage Current 10 A ILO Output Leakage Current 10 A 5.0 Notes Max=3.3+5% 10.0 mA 3 mA a mA b 6 a. The value specified for IOL applies to all signals except for THRMALERT#. b. The value specified for IOL2 applies only to THRMALERT# which is an open drain signal. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2-5 Electrical Specifications a Table 2-9. LVTTL DC Specifications Symbol 2.4.2 Parameter VIL Input Low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage Min 2.0 Max Unit 0.8 V 3.63 V 0.4 V 2.4 Notes Max=3.3+10% V AC Specifications for the System Bus The system address bus operates at a clock frequency of 133 MHz. The system data bus uses source synchronous clocking, allowing 266 MHz operation. The AC timing specifications in this section are shown with respect to the pins of the component. The intent is to provide a method for verifying the component's I/O timings in a real system. These specifications reflect the I/O timing specifications against which the actual component can be tested in a system environment under worst case conditions. Common Clock AC Timing Specifications The common clock timing specifications for the system bus consists of three parts: clock to driver output delay (TCO), flight time (Tflight), and receiver setup and hold to bus clock (Tsetup and Thold). These timing parameters reference the driver and receiver components at the pin and are intended for verifying the component's I/O timings in a real system. Figure 2-1 illustrates these timing specifications. Figure 2-1. Common Clock Timing Definition Overview Tflight ItaniumTM Processor Itanium Processor Package Package System Network Output Latch Driver Clock at artridge Pins Input Latch Trace Trace Receiver Receiver I/O Driver I/O System Network TCO Tsetup_clk , Thold_clk Clock at Cartridge Pins 000446b Clock to Driver Output Delay The clock to driver output delay (TCO) is defined as the time between the differential bus clock crossing at the input pin (at the driving agent) relative to the signal crossing a voltage reference, VREF, at the output pin (of the driving agent) at an edge rate defined by the environment conditions. 2-6 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Electrical Specifications Figure 2-2 illustrates the TCO timing definition, and Table 2-10 and Table 2-11 list the TCO values for the common clock system bus signals. TCO,min represents the delay under fast conditions and TCO,max represents the delay under slow conditions. Figure 2-2. Common Clock Mode Valid Delay Timings BCLKN BCLKP TCO TCO V high Signal V REF Valid V low TPW TCO = Clock-to-output delay TPW = Pulse width VREF = VREF for AGTL + signal group Vhigh = AGTL + signals must achieve a DC high level of at least VREF +200 mV Vlow = AGTL + signals must achieve a DC low level of at least VREF -200 mV 000617b Flight Time The flight time (Tflight) is defined as the time between the signal crossing a reference voltage, VREF, at the output pin (of the driving agent) relative to the signal crossing VREF at the input pin (of the receiving agent). Flight time is a system dependent timing based on the specific PCB technology, the interface routing topology, and applicable connectors. Receiver Setup and Hold to Bus Clock The receiver setup and hold to bus clock (Tsetup and Thold) is defined by the signal at the input pin (of the receiving agent) crossing a reference voltage, VREF, relative to the differential bus clock crossing at the input pin (of the receiving agent). Tsetup and Thold each include the internal clock skew and tester guardband. Figure 2-3 illustrates the Tsetup and Thold timing definition, and Table 2-10, Table 2-11, and Table 2-12 list the Tsetup and Thold values for the common clock system bus signals. Tsetup represents the worst case setup time requirement under slow conditions. Thold represents the worst case hold time requirement under fast conditions. Table 2-10 show the common clock AC timing parameters that the actual component is tested to in a system environment under worst case conditions. These parameters are intended to provide a method for verifying the component's I/O timings in an actual system. All timings are specified in nanoseconds (ns) to the pin of the component at a rated load of 20. The voltage reference is VREF. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2-7 Electrical Specifications Figure 2-3. Common Clock Mode Setup and Hold Timings BCLKN BCLKP Tsetup Signal Thold V REF Valid Tsetup = Setup time Thold = Hold time VREF = VREF for AGTL+ signal group A 000623b Table 2-10. AGTL+ Address/Control Signal Group Common Clock AC Timing Specifications Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Figure Notes TCO Output H L Clock to Output Delay 0.43 3.46 ns 2-2 a TCO,BNR# Output H L Clock to Output Delay 0.43 3.96 ns 2-2 b TCO Output L H Clock to Output Delay 0.64 3.14 ns 2-2 a Tsetup Input Setup Time before BCLK 1.62 ns 2-3 Thold Input Hold Time after BCLK 1.00 ns 2-3 a. Delay timings are specified into an idealized 20-ohm resistor to VCTERM. b. Delay timings are specified into an idealized 20-ohm resistor to VCTERM, for BNR# signal only. Table 2-11. AGTL+ Data Signal Group Common Clock AC Timing Specifications Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Figure Notes TCO Output H L Clock to Output Delay 0.53 2.85 ns 2-2 a TCO Output L H Clock to Output Delay 0.71 3.01 ns 2-2 a Tsetup Input Setup Time before BCLK 1.62 ns 2-3 Thold Input Hold Time after BCLK 1.00 ns 2-3 a. Delay timings are specified into an idealized 20-ohm resistor to VCTERM. 2-8 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Electrical Specifications Table 2-12. AGTL+ Asynchronous Interrupt Signal Group Common Clock AC Specifications Symbol Parameter Min Tsetup Input Setup Time before BCLK Thold Input Hold Time after BCLK TPW Input Pulse Width Max Unit Figure Notes 1.034 ns 2-3 a 1.000 ns 2-3 a 1 BCLK a. These signals can be driven asynchronously, but to guarantee determinism, these setup and hold times must be met at the processor. Source Synchronous AC Timing Specifications The source synchronous timing specifications for the system bus consists of three parts: driver valid before and after strobe (TVBS and TVAS), delta flight time (Tflight), and receiver setup and hold to strobe (Tsetup and Thold). These three timing parameters reference the driver and receiver components at the pin and are intended for verifying the component's I/O timings in a real system. Figure 2-4 illustrates these timing specifications. Figure 2-4. Source Synchronous Timing Definition Overview ItaniumTM Processor Itanium Processor Package System Network Output Latch Driver Strobes at Cartridge Pins Package Input Latch Trace Trace Receiver Driver I/O Receiver I/O System Network TVBS , TVAS Strobes at Cartridge Pins Tsetup_stb , Thold_stb 000965a Driver Valid Before and After Strobe The driver valid before and after strobe (TVBS and TVAS) is defined as the time between the signal crossing a reference voltage, VREF, at the output pin (of the driving agent) relative to the differential strobe crossing at the output pin (of the driving agent). Figure 2-5 illustrates the TVBS and TVAS timing definition and Table 2-13 lists the TVBS and TVAS values for the source synchronous system bus signals. TVBS and TVAS represent the worst case data valid before and after strobe times under fast conditions. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2-9 Electrical Specifications Figure 2-5. TVBS and TVAS Timing Diagram STBN# STBP# TVBS TVAS V high Signal V REF Valid V low T VBS = Data output valid before strobe T VAS = Data output valid after strobe V REF = V REF for AGTL+ signal group V high = AGTL+ signals must achieve a DC high level of at least VREF +200 mV V low = AGTL+ signals must achieve a DC low level of at least V REF -200 mV 000624a Delta Flight Time The delta flight time (Tflight) is a system dependent timing based on the maximum timing difference between the data and strobe signal flight times due to the specific PCB technology, the interface routing topology, and applicable connectors. The data signal flight time is measured from the data signal crossing a reference voltage, VREF, at the output pin (of the driving agent) relative to the data signal crossing VREF at the input pin (of the receiving agent). The strobe signal flight time is measured from the strobe signal crossing a reference voltage, VREF, at the output pin (of the driving agent) relative to the strobe signal crossing VREF at the input pin (of the receiving agent). Receiver Setup and Hold to Strobe The receiver setup and hold to strobe (Tsetup and Thold) is defined by the signal at the input pin (of the receiving agent) crossing a reference voltage, VREF, relative to the differential strobe crossing at the input pin (of the receiving agent). Tsetup and Thold each include the internal clock skew and tester guardband. Figure 2-6 illustrates the Tsetup and Thold timing definition, and Table 2-13 lists the Tsetup and Thold values for the source synchronous system bus signals. Tsetup represents the worst case setup time requirement under slow conditions. Thold represents the worst case hold time requirement under fast conditions. Table 2-13 shows the source synchronous AC timing parameters under worst case conditions in a tester environment. These parameters are intended to provide a method for verifying the component's I/O timings in a real system. All timings are specified to the pin of the component at a rated load of 20. The voltage reference is VREF. 2-10 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Electrical Specifications Figure 2-6. Source Synchronous Mode Data Setup and Hold Timings STBN# STBP# Tsetup Signal Thold V REF Valid T setup = Data output valid before strobe T hold = Data output valid after strobe V REF = V REF for AGTL+ signal group 000625b Table 2-13. AGTL+ Data Signal Group Source Synchronous AC Timing Specifications Symbol Parameter Min Unit Figure Notes TVBS Data Output H L Valid Before Strobe 1.56 ns 2-5 a TVBS Data Output L H Valid Before Strobe 1.28 ns 2-5 a TVAS Data Output H L Valid After Strobe 1.40 ns 2-5 a TVAS Data Output L H Valid After Strobe 1.60 ns 2-5 a Tsetup Data Input Setup Time Before Strobe 0.63 ns 2-6 Thold Data Input Hold Time After Strobe 0.59 ns 2-6 Tbclk_strobe Clock to Strobe Delay Time TCO_MIN + ns 2-7 b, c (1/4*Tperiod) a. Valid timings for these signals are specified into an idealized 20-ohm resistor to VCTERM. Data/strobe offset is 1.875 ns (one quarter clock cycle) at the latch output. b. The strobe signals are generated from the bus clock signals. c. These Tco,min and Tco,max specifications are for data signals and are found in Table 2-11. Figure 2-7. Bus Clock to Strobe Delay Timing CLKN BCLKP Tbclk_strobe STBN# STBP# 000616 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2-11 Electrical Specifications 2.4.3 AC Specifications for Clock, Test Access Port, and System Management Bus Table 2-14 through Table 2-16 list the AC specifications for the Itanium processor's clock, test access port, and system management bus (timing diagrams begin with Figure 2-8). The Itanium processor uses a differential HSTL clocking scheme with a frequency of 133 MHz. The test access port (TAP) interface is used for system level debug and operates at speeds up to 16 MHz. The TAP signals' AC specifications at the processor are listed in Table 2-16. The system management bus (SMBus) is a standard I2C interface which supports operation of up to 100 kHz. Table 2-14. System Bus Clock Differential HSTL AC Specifications Symbol Parameter Min Tperiod BCLK Period fBCLK BCLK Frequency Tjitter,i BCLK Input Jitter Typical Max Unit Figure 7.5 7.65 ns 2-8 130.72 133.33 MHz 100 ps Notes a, b c 2-8 d, e, f, g Thigh BCLK High Time 3.375 4.125 ns 2-8 Tlow BCLK Low Time 3.375 4.125 ns 2-8 Trise BCLK Rise Time 0.6 1.2 ns 2-8 Tfall BCLK Fall Time 0.6 1.2 ns 2-8 20-80% 2-8 h VPP Minimum Input Swing 600 mV 20-80% a. The internal core clock frequency is derived from the bus clock. b. The period specified here is the average period. A given period may vary from this specification as governed by the Input Jitter specification (Tjitter,i). c. Data is transferred at twice this frequency in source synchronous mode. d. Input clock jitter is measured at the cross point of the rising edge of BCLKP and the falling edge of BCLKN. The specification corresponds to the cycle-to-cycle (peak to peak) jitter (i.e. the Nth cycle to the N+1th cycle at any bus cycle N). e. The measurement should be done at the location closest to the corresponding pins of the microprocessor cartridge. f. The system clock driver's close loop jitter bandwidth must be less than 500 KHz (at -20 dB) and preferably less than 100 KHz. The bandwidth is defined as the clock driver's output frequency-attenuation plot measured at the -20dB attenuation point. g. The measurement should be performed with a dedicated jitter measurement instrument (examples: Wavecrest Corp.'s DTS system or the Amherst's M1 system). Measurements performed with an oscilloscope using the infinite persistence method may yield poor results. h. VPPmin is defined as the minimum input differential voltage which will cause no increase in the clock receiver timing. Figure 2-8. System Clock Waveform Thigh Tlow Trise VPP Tfall Tjitter, i BCLKN 80% 20% Tperiod BCLKP Trise = Rise Time Tperiod = Period Tfall = Fall Time Tjitter, i = Long Term Peak-to-Peak Input Jitter Thigh = High Time VPP = Peak-to-Peak Swing Tlow = Low Time 000615a 2-12 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Electrical Specifications Table 2-15. TAP Signal AC Specifications Symbol Parameter TCO Clock to Output delay TDOdelay TDO on/off delay Min Max Unit Notes 1.0 10.0 ns a 25.0 ns a Tsetup Input setup time for TDI, TMS, and TRST# 5.0 ns b Thold Input hold time for TDI, TMS, and TRST# 5.0 ns b Max Unit Notes 100 kHz a. Referenced to TCK falling edge. b. Referenced to TCK rising edge. Table 2-16. SMBus Signal AC Specifications Symbol Parameter Min fSMSC SMSC Clock Frequency TSMSC SMSC Clock Period 10 s Thigh SMSC Clock High Time 4.0 s a Tlow SMSC Clock Low Time 4.7 s a Trise SMSC Clock Rise Time 1.0 s a Tfall SMSC Clock Fall Time 0.3 s a Tvalid SMBus Output Valid Delay 1.0 s Tsetup SMBus Input Setup Time 250 ns Thold SMBus Input Hold Time 0 ns Tfree Bus Free Time 4.7 s b a. Please refer to Figure 2-9. b. Bus Free Time is the minimum time allowed between request cycles. Figure 2-9. SMSC Clock Waveform Thigh Trise SMSC 90% Vcc 75% Vcc Vcc (3.3V) 25% Vcc Tfall Trise = Rise Time Thigh = High Time Tfall = Fall Time Tlow = Low Time Tlow 000618 2.4.4 Maximum Ratings Table 2-17 contains Intel Itanium processor stress ratings. Functional operation at the absolute maximum and minimum is neither implied nor guaranteed. The processor should not receive a clock while subjected to these conditions. Functional operating conditions are given in the AC and DC tables. Extended exposure to the maximum ratings may affect device reliability. Furthermore, although the processor contains protective circuitry to resist damage from static electric discharge, one should always take precautions to avoid high static voltages or electric fields. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2-13 Electrical Specifications Table 2-17. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Absolute Maximum Ratings Min Max Unit Notes Tstorage Symbol Processor Storage Temperature Parameter 5.0 45.0 C a Tshipping Processor Shipping Temperature -40.0 75.0 C a -0.35 2.1 V b VCCprocessor Any VCCprocessor voltage with respect to GND VCCcache Any VCCcache voltage with respect to GND -0.5 2.8 V b VREF Any VREF voltage with respect to GND -0.3 1.046 (2/3VCTERMmax) V 3.3V Any 3.3V supply voltage with respect to GND -0.3 5.5 V VCCprocessor -VCCcache Cache supply voltage with respect to processor supply voltage - 1.7 2.23 V c a. The PAC418 package and integrated vapor chamber technology has been designed and tested to withstand up to 50 freeze/ thaw cycles. b. Operating voltage is the voltage to which the component is designed to operate. See Table 2-6 throughTable 2-9 inclusive. c. This parameter specifies that the processor will not be immediately damaged by either supply being disabled. 2.5 Power Pod Connector Signals Power delivery for the Intel Itanium processor cartridge is from a DC-DC converter called the "power pod". The power pod consists of a DC-DC converter and a semi-flexible connector which delivers the voltage to the cartridge. Table 2-18 lists all of the signals which are part of the Intel Itanium processor cartridge power pod connector. Table 2-18. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Power Pod Connector Signals Group Name Power Pod Connector Signals OUTEN, PROCPRES#, PPODGD#, SenseCacheVCC, SenseCacheVSS, SenseProcVCC, SenseProcVSS, VCC_PROCESSOR, VCC_CACHE, VID_PROCESSOR[3:0], VID_CACHE[3:0], VSS_PROCESSOR The operating voltage of the processor core and of the L3 cache die differ from each other. Both of these voltages, VCCprocessor and VCCcache, are supplied by the power pod through the power tab connector on the Intel Itanium processor PAC418 cartridge. Figure 2-10 and Figure 2-11 are top and bottom views of the power tab connector, respectively. Processor ground connection, VSSprocessor, is provided on the power tab connector as well. 2-14 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Electrical Specifications Figure 2-10. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Power Tab Connection (Top View) VSS Processor The processor substrate is shown with cartridge package removed. 000466 Figure 2-11. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Power Tab Connection (Bottom View) VCCProcessor VCCCache 3210 * 3210 PROCPRES# RESERVED VIDProcessor 4 Bits (MSB...LSB) RESERVED VIDCache 4 Bits (MSB...LSB) SenseProcVCC SenseProcVSS SenseCacheVCC SenseCacheVSS PPODGD# OUTEN RESERVED The processor substrate is shown with cartridge package removed. 000467a The Intel Itanium processor cartridge power pod connector contains VID voltage identification signals which program the DC-DC converter in the power pod to provide voltages which are required by various components in the cartridge. The VID signals are needed to support voltage specification variations on the Intel Itanium processor cartridge. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2-15 Electrical Specifications The VID signals are static and are either an open circuit or a short to ground. The combination of open and short circuits defines the voltages required by the Intel Itanium processor cartridge. Warning: If the power pod cannot supply the voltages requested by the components in the Intel Itanium processor cartridge, then it must disable itself. The voltages specified by the various VID signal combinations for the processor core and cache core are listed in Table 2-19 and Table 2-20, respectively. A `1' in this table refers to an open circuit and a `0' refers to a short to ground. The VID settings and processor and cache core voltages are recorded in the EEPROM and can be accessed by the SMBus (see Chapter 6 for more information). Table 2-19. Processor Core Voltage Identification Code VID_PROCESSOR[3:0] VCCprocessor (VDC) VID_PROCESSOR3 VID_PROCESSOR2 VID_PROCESSOR1 VID_PROCESSOR0 1 1 1 1 Output off 1 1 1 0 1.250 1 1 0 1 1.275 1 1 0 0 1.300 1 0 1 1 1.325 1 0 1 0 1.350 1 0 0 1 1.375 1 0 0 0 1.400 0 1 1 1 1.425 0 1 1 0 1.450 0 1 0 1 1.475 0 1 0 0 1.500 0 0 1 1 1.525 0 0 1 0 1.550 0 0 0 1 1.575 0 0 0 0 1.600 Table 2-20. Cache Voltage Identification Code VID_CACHE[3:0] 2-16 VCCcache (VDC) VID_CACHE3 VID_CACHE2 VID_CACHE1 VID_CACHE0 1 1 1 1 Output off 1 0 0 1 1.650 1 0 0 0 1.700 0 1 1 1 1.750 0 1 1 0 1.800 0 1 0 1 1.850 0 1 0 0 1.900 0 0 1 1 1.950 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Electrical Specifications Table 2-20. Cache Voltage Identification Code (Cont'd) VID_CACHE[3:0] VCCcache (VDC) VID_CACHE3 VID_CACHE2 VID_CACHE1 VID_CACHE0 0 0 1 0 2.000 0 0 0 1 2.050 0 0 0 0 2.100 Table 2-21 shows the slew rate requirements for both outputs of the power pod. Table 2-21. Power Pod Slew Rate Requirements 2.6 Output Peak Slew Rate at the Power Pod Connector VCCprocessor 400 A/s VCCcache 100 A/s Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor System Bus Clock and Processor Clocking The BCLKN and BCLKP inputs control the operating frequency of the Intel Itanium processor system bus interface. All Intel Itanium processor system bus timing parameters are specified with respect to the falling edge of BCLKN and rising edge of BCLKP. The Intel Itanium processor core to bus ratio must be configured during system reset by using the A20M#, IGNNE#, and LINT[1:0] pins (See Table 2-22). The value on these pins during the system reset sequence determines the multiplier that the phase lock loop (PLL) will use for the internal core clock. See Figure 2-13 for the timing relationship between the system bus multiplier signals, system reset signal and normal processor operation. Because the signals A20M#, IGNNE#, and LINT[1:0] pins have different uses after a system reset is complete, these signals must be multiplexed for configuration during reset and for normal use after reset. The circuit in Figure 2-12 suggested one way to use the system reset signal and a multiplexer to share these configuration signals. Note that this system reset signal must be driven 2 clock cycles longer than the processor reset signal to meet the timing requirements in Figure 2-13. The level translators after the multiplexer translates 3.3V output levels to the correct AGTL+ levels (1.5V) required by the Intel Itanium processors. Table 2-22 lists the system bus ratio defined for the Intel Itanium processor family. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2-17 Electrical Specifications Figure 2-12. Example Schematic for System Bus Multiplier Pin Sharing Four ItaniumTM Processors 3.3V VCTERM VCTERM 10 k Level Translators 50 50 A20M# IGNNE# A20M# Mux LINT0 IGNNE# LINT1 LINT0 LINT1 100 System RESET# 000800b Table 2-22. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor System Bus Ratios Supported Ratio of Bus Frequency to Core Frequency LINT1 LINT0 IGNNE# A20M# 2/11 0(L) 0(L) 0(H) 0(H) 2/12 0(L) 1(H) 1(L) 1(L) Reserved All other combinations The Itanium processor core to bus ratio is configured during system reset by using the A20M#, IGNNE# and LINT[1:0] pins. These bus ratio configuration pins are required be to be stable and valid during the duration of the reset sequence as defined below. Cold Reset Sequence: * The bus ratio configuration pins (A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT1, and LINT0) must be stable and valid at least 1 BCLK before the assertion edge of PWRGOOD. * TRISTATE# must be disabled 1 BCLK before the assertion of PWRGOOD and held disabled for at least 115 microseconds. * RESET# must be asserted before PWRGOOD is asserted. * The duration from the assertion of PWRGOOD to the deassertion of RESET# must be 1 millisecond minimum. * After RESET# is deasserted, the bus ratio configuration pins must remain valid for 2 BCLKs (minimum) to 16 BCLKs (maximum). * BCLK is shown as a time reference to the BCLK period. It is not a requirement that this is BCLKN or BCLKP signal. Figure 2-13 outlines the timing relationship between the bus ratio configuration pins, RESET# and PWRGOOD for cold reset. 2-18 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Electrical Specifications Figure 2-13. System Bus Reset and Configuration Timings for Cold Reset BCLK PWRGOOD TB TA RESET# Configuration (A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT[1:0]) TC TF TE TD TRISTATE# Configuration (except A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT[1:0]) TA = Input set up time before BCLK (defined in Table 2-12) TB = 1 ms minimum for Cold Reset TC = 1 BCLK TD = 2 bclks minimum, 16 bclks maximum TE = 4 bclks minimum TF = 115 us minimum 000859a Warm Reset Sequence: * PWRGOOD remains high throughout the entire sequence as power is already available and stable to the processor. * The bus ratio configuration pins (A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT1, and LINT0) must be stable and valid at least 1 BCLK before the assertion edge of RESET#. * The duration from the assertion of RESET# to the deassertion of RESET# must be 1 microsecond minimum. * After RESET# is deasserted, the bus clock ratio configuration pins must remain valid for 2 BCLKs (minimum) to 16 BCLKs (maximum). * BCLK is shown as a time reference to the BCLK period. It is not a requirement that this is BCLKN or BCLKP signal. Figure 2-14 outlines the timing relationship between the bus ratio configuration pins, RESET# and PWRGOOD for warm reset Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2-19 Electrical Specifications Figure 2-14. System Bus Reset and Configuration Timings for Warm Reset BCLK PWRGOOD RESET# Configuration (A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT[1:0]) TC TB TA TE TD TF Configuration (except A20M#, IGNNE#, LINT[1:0]) TA = Input set up time before BCLK (defined in Table 2-12) TB = 1 us minimum for Warm Reset TC = 1 BCLK TD = 2 bclks minimum, 16 bclks maximum TE = 4 bclks minimum TF = 2 bclks minimum, 16 bclks maximum 000777a 2.7 Signal Quality and Noise Margin The Intel Itanium processor has overshoot/undershoot requirements for system bus signals. A waveform exhibiting undershoot/overshoot is illustrated in Figure 2-15. These requirements stipulate that a signal at the output of the driver buffer and input of the receiver buffer must not exceed a maximum absolute overshoot voltage limit and a minimum absolute undershoot voltage limit. There is also a time dependent, non-linear overshoot requirement above VCTERM and an undershoot requirement below GND which is dependent on the amplitude and duration of the overshoot/undershoot. The maximum specifications for signal quality is listed in Table 2-23. Exceeding these limits may cause damage to the Intel Itanium processor. 2-20 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Electrical Specifications Figure 2-15. Example Data Signal Waveform at Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Receiver Pad Maximum Absolute Overshoot Time-dependent Overshoot VMAX VCTERM VREF VOL GND VMIN Time-dependent Undershoot Maximum Absolute Undershoot 000588 Table 2-23. Signal Quality Specifications for System Bus Signals at Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Receiver Pad Parameter 2.8 Description VMAX Maximum absolute voltage for system bus signals at the inputs of receiver buffers VMIN Minimum absolute voltage for system bus signals at the inputs of receiver buffers Specification Units 2.1 V -0.35 V Recommended Connections for Unused Pins Pins that are unused in an application environment (as opposed to testing environment) should be connected to the states listed in Table 2-24. Pins that must be used in an application are stated as such and do not have a recommended state for unused connection. Table 2-24. Connection for Unused Pins Pins / Pin Groups Recommended Connections Notes H b AGTL+ pins HSTL Clock Signals Must be used TAP Signals TCK L b TRST# H b TDI H b TDO H b TMS H b Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2-21 Electrical Specifications Table 2-24. Connection for Unused Pins (Cont'd) Pins / Pin Groups Recommended Connections Notes PWRGOOD Signal PWRGOOD Must be used System Management Signals 3.3V GND SMA N/C SMSC N/C SMSD N/C SMWP N/C THRMALERT# All Power Signals H a c Must be used Power Signals All Power Signals Must be used LVTTL Power Pod Signals OUTEN Must be used PPODGD# Must be used Other Signals PROCPRES# Must be used TUNER[1:0] Must be used Reserved Pins N/C N/C PD[3:0] L b PU[2:0] H d, e a. All 3.3V pins must be connected to either 3.3V or GND, at the same time. b. L = GND, H = VCTERM. c. THRMALERT# should be pulled up to 3.3V through a resistor. If the system does not supply 3.3V for system management, then this signal should be left unconnected. d. PU1 should be pulled up through a 100 ohm resistor. e. PU0 and PU2 should be pulled up through 1 kohm resistors. 2-22 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet AP AN AM AL AK AJ AH AG AF AE 2 3 4 5 o SMSC o o o N/C o 1 o GND o 2 o N/C o o 3 o PU1 o N/C TUNER1 PD3 o o o o o N/C o o o N/C o N/C o N/C o o GND o N/C o o PMI# o o TCK o TDO o TMS o 4 o 5 6 o 7 o 8 o N/C o N/C o N/C o N/C o o N/C o 9 o GND o GND o GND o GND o o GND o GND o GND o 10 o PU0 o BR3# o o 11 o PU2 o GND o o 12 o o o 13 o 14 o o 15 o o 16 o o 19 o GND o A25# o o o D14# o VREFDR1 o A19# o D15# VCTERM o A20# o D30# VCTERM o A21# o o D31# o A24# 20 VCTERM o A22# o A23# 18 o 17 o 18 o o o 19 20 o 21 o 21 22 23 o GND o A29# o o o D10# o o o 22 o o o 23 24 o 25 o 25 26 27 o o o o o 26 o IDS o D39# 27 o ID7 o o 28 o ID6 o o 29 o ID5 o o o 30 o ID4 o o 31 o ID3 o GND o GND o GND o GND o 32 o ID2 o D41# o D40# o D57# o D56# o D06# VREFC0 STBN2# GND o o o o D07# o D22# o D23# o A36# 32 VREFA0 STBP2# GND o o o GND DEP6# GND o o o GND DEP7# GND o o o GND DEP0# GND DEP5# GND o o o o o GND DEP1# GND DEP4# VCTERM o D38# o o 31 A37# STBP1# GND STBP3# VCTERM o D55# o o o A34# 30 STBN1# GND STBN3# VREFC1 o o o GND STBN0# VCTERM o o VREFA1 D54# o D08# o o GND STBP0# VCTERM o D09# o 29 A35# DEP3# VCTERM o D24# o o A32# 28 DEP2# GND o A33# VCTERM o D25# o A30# TND# o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o A31# BPM0# o D37# BPM1# o GND BPM2# o D35# o D36# VCTERM o D34# o D53# VCTERM o D51# o D52# VCTERM o D50# VREFDL0 o VREFDR0 o D12# o D11# VCTERM o D13# o D26# VCTERM o D28# o o D27# o A28# 24 VCTERM o D29# o A26# BPM3# o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o A27# BPM4# o D33# o D32# BPM5# o GND GSEQ# GND o o o D49# VCTERM o BERR# GND o o o D48# VCTERM BNR# GND o o ADS# GND o o VCTERM o TRDY# GND o REQ1# VREFDL1 o GND o GND RESET# GND o o o GND BPRI# GND o o o GND REQ0# GND o o o GND LOCK# GND o o A13# o A14# o A15# o A16# o 17 A18# DEFER# GND BINIT# GND o o o 16 A17# DRDY# RS0# o o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND RS2# o 15 A12# REQ2# GND o GND o o A07# o A08# o A09# o A10# o A11# 14 REQ4# GND RS1# o RP# o o GND RSP# GND o o o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o DBSY# HIT# o A03# o A04# o A05# o A06# o 13 AP1# REQ3# GND o GND o 12 AP0# BR2# BR1# o o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND BR0# o 11 GND HITM# GND o GND o GND o o GND LINT1 o 10 GND FERR# N/C VCTERM o TDI o o N/C VCTERM o TRST# GND o N/C o o N/C A20M# VCTERM o N/C GND TRISTATE# o GND o GND o N/C o o 9 N/C IGNNE# GND PWRGOOD INIT# o N/C o N/C o N/C VCTERM o o N/C TUNER2 PD2 o GND o o N/C o o N/C VCTERM o N/C PD1 o N/C N/C GND o o N/C o GND o N/C o o N/C o PD0 o o VCTERM o N/C N/C o o VCTERM o N/C o 8 N/C THERMTRIP# LINT0 o o GND SMA2 VCTERM o o 7 N/C SMA0 PPODGD# GND THRMALERT# GND o o o SMA1 SMWP o 3.3V SMSD o 3.3V o 6 33 33 o ID1 o o D43# o D42# o D59# o D58# o D04# o D05# o D20# o D21# o A38# 34 34 o 35 o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o A41# 35 o 37 o 36 o o GND o GND o GND o GND o 37 38 o BCLKP GND o o D47# o D46# o D63# o D62# BCLKN D45# o D44# o D61# o D60# o o o GND D00# D02# o o o GND D01# D03# o o o GND D16# D18# o o o GND D17# D19# o o A42# A43# 38 o o GND A40# 36 DRATE# ID0 o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND SBSY# GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o GND o A39# Power Pod AD L K J H G F E D C B A 1 GND PROCPRES#OUTEN AP AN AM AL AK AJ AH AG AF AE AD L K J H G F E D C B A Pinout Specifications 3 This chapter describes the Intel Itanium processor signals and the Intel Itanium processor cartridge pinout. Please note that the "N/C" pins are reserved pins and must remain unconnected. The Intel Itanium processor cartridge uses a JEDEC standard pin naming convention. In this chapter, pin names are the actual names given to each physical pin of the processor. System bus signal names are the names associated with the functions of those pins. For those pins associated with multi functions, their pin names and system bus signal names are not necessarily identical. Figure 3-1. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Cartridge Pin Locations (Top View) 3-1 Pinout Specifications Table 3-1. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Name Pin Name 3-2 System Bus Signal Name Pin Location Input/Output 3.3V C01 IN 3.3V B02 IN A03# AA03#/EXF0#/DPS# K12 IN/OUT A04# AA04#/EXF1#/DEN# H12 IN/OUT A05# AA05#/EXF2#/OWN# F12 IN/OUT A06# AA06#/EXF3#/FCL#/SPLCK# D12 IN/OUT A07# AA07#/EXF4# K14 IN/OUT A08# AA08#/BE0# H14 IN/OUT A09# AA09#/BE1# F14 IN/OUT A10# AA10#/BE2# D14 IN/OUT A11# AA11#/BE3# B14 IN/OUT A12# AA12#/BE4# A15 IN/OUT A13# AA13#/BE5# K16 IN/OUT A14# AA14#/BE6# H16 IN/OUT A15# AA15#/BE7# F16 IN/OUT A16# AA16#/DID0# D16 IN/OUT A17# AA17#/DID1# B16 IN/OUT A18# AA18#/DID2# A17 IN/OUT A19# AA19#/DID3# K18 IN/OUT A20# AA20#/DID4# H18 IN/OUT A20M# A20M# H08 IN A21# AA21#/DID5# F18 IN/OUT A22# AA22#/DID6# D18 IN/OUT A23# AA23#/DID7# B18 IN/OUT A24# AA24#/ATTR0# B20 IN/OUT A25# AA25#/ATTR1# A19 IN/OUT A26# AA26#/ATTR2# B22 IN/OUT A27# AA27#/ATTR3# A21 IN/OUT A28# AA28#/ATTR4# B24 IN/OUT A29# AA29#/ATTR5# A23 IN/OUT A30# AA30#/ATTR6# B26 IN/OUT A31# AA31#/ATTR7# A25 IN/OUT A32# AA32#/AB32# B28 IN/OUT A33# AA33#/AB33# A27 IN/OUT A34# AA34#/AB34# B30 IN/OUT A35# AA35#/AB35# A29 IN/OUT A36# AA36#/AB36# B32 IN/OUT A37# AA37#/AB37# A31 IN/OUT A38# AA38#/AB38# B34 IN/OUT A39# AA39#/AB39# A33 IN/OUT A40# AA40#/AB40# B36 IN/OUT A41# AA41#/AB41# A35 IN/OUT A42# AA42#/AB42# C37 IN/OUT A43# AA43#/AB43# B38 IN/OUT Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Pinout Specifications Table 3-1. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Name (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name Pin Location Input/Output ADS# ADS# AG18 IN/OUT AP0# AP0# B12 IN/OUT AP1# AP1# A13 IN/OUT BCLKN BCLKN AM37 IN BCLKP BCLKP AN38 IN BERR# BERR# AL18 IN/OUT BINIT# BINIT# AN14 IN/OUT BNR# BNR# AJ18 IN/OUT BPM0# BPM0# AN24 IN/OUT BPM1# BPM1# AP23 IN/OUT BPM2# BPM2# AN22 IN/OUT BPM3# BPM3# AP21 IN/OUT BPM4# BPM4# AN20 IN/OUT BPM5# BPM5# AP19 IN/OUT BPRI# BPRI# AL16 IN BR0# BREQ0# AG10 IN/OUT BR1# BREQ1# AJ10 IN BR2# BREQ2# AD11 IN BR3# BREQ3# AL10 IN D00# D00# K38 IN/OUT D01# D01# H38 IN/OUT D02# D02# K36 IN/OUT D03# D03# H36 IN/OUT D04# D04# K34 IN/OUT D05# D05# H34 IN/OUT D06# D06# K32 IN/OUT D07# D07# H32 IN/OUT D08# D08# K26 IN/OUT D09# D09# H26 IN/OUT D10# D10# K24 IN/OUT D11# D11# H24 IN/OUT D12# D12# K22 IN/OUT D13# D13# H22 IN/OUT D14# D14# K20 IN/OUT D15# D15# H20 IN/OUT D16# D16# F38 IN/OUT D17# D17# D38 IN/OUT D18# D18# F36 IN/OUT D19# D19# D36 IN/OUT D20# D20# F34 IN/OUT D21# D21# D34 IN/OUT D22# D22# F32 IN/OUT D23# D23# D32 IN/OUT D24# D24# F26 IN/OUT D25# D25# D26 IN/OUT Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 3-3 Pinout Specifications Table 3-1. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Name (Cont'd) Pin Name 3-4 System Bus Signal Name Pin Location Input/Output D26# D26# F24 IN/OUT D27# D27# D24 IN/OUT D28# D28# F22 IN/OUT D29# D29# D22 IN/OUT D30# D30# F20 IN/OUT D31# D31# D20 IN/OUT D32# D32# AJ20 IN/OUT D33# D33# AL20 IN/OUT D34# D34# AJ22 IN/OUT D35# D35# AL22 IN/OUT D36# D36# AJ24 IN/OUT D37# D37# AL24 IN/OUT D38# D38# AJ26 IN/OUT D39# D39# AL26 IN/OUT D40# D40# AJ32 IN/OUT D41# D41# AL32 IN/OUT D42# D42# AJ34 IN/OUT D43# D43# AL34 IN/OUT D44# D44# AJ36 IN/OUT D45# D45# AL36 IN/OUT D46# D46# AJ38 IN/OUT D47# D47# AL38 IN/OUT D48# D48# AE20 IN/OUT D49# D49# AG20 IN/OUT D50# D50# AE22 IN/OUT D51# D51# AG22 IN/OUT D52# D52# AE24 IN/OUT D53# D53# AG24 IN/OUT D54# D54# AE26 IN/OUT D55# D55# AG26 IN/OUT D56# D56# AE32 IN/OUT D57# D57# AG32 IN/OUT D58# D58# AE34 IN/OUT D59# D59# AG34 IN/OUT D60# D60# AE36 IN/OUT D61# D61# AG36 IN/OUT D62# D62# AE38 IN/OUT D63# D63# AG38 IN/OUT DBSY# DBSY# AD13 IN/OUT DEFER# DEFER# AE16 IN DEP0# DEP0# K30 IN/OUT DEP1# DEP1# H30 IN/OUT DEP2# DEP2# D28 IN/OUT DEP3# DEP3# F28 IN/OUT DEP4# DEP4# AJ28 IN/OUT Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Pinout Specifications Table 3-1. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Name (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name Pin Location Input/Output IN/OUT DEP5# DEP5# AL28 DEP6# DEP6# AG30 IN/OUT DEP7# DEP7# AE30 IN/OUT DRATE# DRATE# AN36 IN DRDY# DRDY# AD15 IN/OUT FERR# FERR# J09 OUT GND GND A11 IN GND GND B10 IN GND GND A01 IN GND GND C05 IN GND GND C07 IN GND GND C11 IN GND GND C13 IN GND GND C15 IN GND GND C17 IN GND GND C19 IN GND GND C21 IN GND GND C23 IN GND GND C25 IN GND GND C27 IN GND GND C29 IN GND GND C31 IN GND GND C33 IN GND GND C35 IN GND GND A37 IN GND GND D10 IN GND GND E11 IN GND GND E13 IN GND GND E15 IN GND GND E17 IN GND GND E21 IN GND GND E25 IN GND GND E29 IN GND GND E31 IN GND GND E33 IN GND GND E35 IN GND GND E37 IN GND GND F10 IN GND GND G01 IN GND GND G05 IN GND GND G07 IN GND GND G11 IN GND GND G13 IN GND GND G15 IN GND GND G17 IN Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 3-5 Pinout Specifications Table 3-1. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Name (Cont'd) Pin Name 3-6 System Bus Signal Name Pin Location Input/Output GND GND G21 IN GND GND G25 IN GND GND G29 IN GND GND G31 IN GND GND G33 IN GND GND G35 IN GND GND G37 IN GND GND H10 IN GND GND J11 IN GND GND J13 IN GND GND J15 IN GND GND J17 IN GND GND J21 IN GND GND J25 IN GND GND J29 IN GND GND J31 IN GND GND J33 IN GND GND J35 IN GND GND J37 IN GND GND K10 IN GND GND L01 IN GND GND L05 IN GND GND L09 IN GND GND L11 IN GND GND L13 IN GND GND L15 IN GND GND L17 IN GND GND L21 IN GND GND L25 IN GND GND L29 IN GND GND L33 IN GND GND L35 IN GND GND L37 IN GND GND AD01 IN GND GND AD05 IN GND GND AD09 IN GND GND AD21 IN GND GND AD25 IN GND GND AD29 IN GND GND AD33 IN GND GND AD35 IN GND GND AD37 IN GND GND AF09 IN GND GND AF11 IN GND GND AF13 IN Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Pinout Specifications Table 3-1. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Name (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name Pin Location Input/Output GND GND AF15 IN GND GND AF17 IN GND GND AF21 IN GND GND AF25 IN GND GND AF29 IN GND GND AF31 IN GND GND AF33 IN GND GND AF35 IN GND GND AF37 IN GND GND AH01 IN GND GND AH05 IN GND GND AH09 IN GND GND AH11 IN GND GND AH13 IN GND GND AH15 IN GND GND AH17 IN GND GND AH21 IN GND GND AH25 IN GND GND AH29 IN GND GND AH31 IN GND GND AH33 IN GND GND AH35 IN GND GND AH37 IN GND GND AK09 IN GND GND AK11 IN GND GND AK13 IN GND GND AK15 IN GND GND AK17 IN GND GND AK21 IN GND GND AK25 IN GND GND AK29 IN GND GND AK31 IN GND GND AK33 IN GND GND AK35 IN GND GND AK37 IN GND GND AP01 IN GND GND AM05 IN GND GND AM09 IN GND GND AM11 IN GND GND AM13 IN GND GND AM15 IN GND GND AM17 IN GND GND AM19 IN GND GND AM21 IN GND GND AM23 IN Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 3-7 Pinout Specifications Table 3-1. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Name (Cont'd) Pin Name Pin Location Input/Output GND GND AM25 IN GND GND AM27 IN GND GND AM29 IN GND GND AM31 IN GND GND AM33 IN GND GND AM35 IN GND GND AP37 IN GND GND AP09 IN GND GND AP13 IN GND GND AP15 IN GND GND AP17 IN GSEQ# GSEQ# AN18 IN HIT# HIT# AE12 IN/OUT HITM# HITM# AE10 IN/OUT ID0# IDA0#/IP0# AP35 IN ID1# IDA1#/IP1# AP33 IN ID2# IDA2#/DHIT# AN32 IN ID3# IDA3#/IDB3# AP31 IN ID4# IDA4#/IDB4# AN30 IN ID5# IDA5#/IDB5# AP29 IN ID6# IDA6#/IDB6# AN28 IN ID7# IDA7#/IDB7# AP27 IN IDS# IDS# AN26 IN IGNNE# IGNNE# D08 IN INIT# INIT# LINT0 AP07 IN INT F08 IN LINT1 NMI E09 IN LOCK# LOCK# AG16 IN/OUT N/C 3-8 System Bus Signal Name A07 N/C A09 N/C AM03 N/C AD03 N/C AE02 N/C AF05 N/C AG02 N/C AH03 N/C J05 N/C F04 N/C AN02 N/C B08 N/C C09 N/C D06 N/C E05 N/C G09 N/C H02 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Pinout Specifications Table 3-1. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Name (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name N/C Pin Location H06 N/C J01 N/C K02 N/C K04 N/C K06 N/C K08 N/C L03 N/C L07 N/C AD07 N/C AE04 N/C AE08 N/C AG04 N/C AG08 N/C AJ04 N/C AJ08 N/C AK05 N/C AL04 N/C AL08 N/C AN04 N/C OUTEN Input/Output AN08 OUTEN A05 PD0 H04 PD1 AF01 PD2 AK01 PD3 AM01 PMI# PMI# PPODGD# PPODGD# PROCPRES# CPUPRES# IN AH07 IN B06 OUT A03 OUT PU0 AN10 PU1 AP03 PU2 AP11 PWRGOOD PWRGOOD AP05 IN REQ0# REQA0#/LEN0# AJ16 IN/OUT REQ1# WSNP#, D/C#/LEN1# AD17 IN/OUT REQ2# REQA2#/ REQB2# AL14 IN/OUT REQ3# ASZ0#/DSZ0# AG12 IN/OUT REQ4# ASZ1#/DSZ1# AE14 IN/OUT RESET# RESET# AN16 IN RP# RP# AL12 IN/OUT IN RS0# RS0# AJ14 RS1# RS1# AN12 IN RS2# RS2# AG14 IN RSP# RSP# AJ12 IN SBSY# SBSY# AN34 IN/OUT SMA0 SMA0 B04 IN Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 3-9 Pinout Specifications Table 3-1. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Name (Cont'd) Pin Name 3-10 System Bus Signal Name Pin Location Input/Output SMA1 SMA1 C03 IN SMA2 SMA2 D04 IN SMSC SMSC F02 IN SMSD SMSD E01 IN/OUT SMWP SMWP D02 IN STBN0# STBN0# K28 IN/OUT STBN1# STBN1# D30 IN/OUT STBN2# STBN2# AL30 IN/OUT STBN3# STBN3# AE28 IN/OUT STBP0# STBP0# H28 IN/OUT STBP1# STBP1# F30 IN/OUT STBP2# STBP2# AJ30 IN/OUT STBP3# STBP3# AG28 IN/OUT TCK TCK AN06 IN TDI TDI AJ06 IN TDO TDO AL06 OUT THERMTRIP# THERMTRIP# F06 OUT THRMALERT# THRMALERT# G03 OUT TMS TMS AM07 IN TND# TND# AP25 IN/OUT TRDY# TRDY# AE18 IN TRISTATE# TRISTATE# AE06 IN TRST# TRST# AG06 IN TUNER1 AL02 IN TUNER2 AJ02 IN VCTERM VCTERM E03 IN VCTERM VCTERM E07 IN VCTERM VCTERM E19 IN VCTERM VCTERM E23 IN VCTERM VCTERM E27 IN VCTERM VCTERM G19 IN VCTERM VCTERM G23 IN VCTERM VCTERM G27 IN VCTERM VCTERM J03 IN VCTERM VCTERM J07 IN VCTERM VCTERM J19 IN VCTERM VCTERM J23 IN VCTERM VCTERM J27 IN VCTERM VCTERM AF03 IN VCTERM VCTERM AF07 IN VCTERM VCTERM AF19 IN VCTERM VCTERM AF23 IN VCTERM VCTERM AF27 IN VCTERM VCTERM AH19 IN VCTERM VCTERM AH23 IN Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Pinout Specifications Table 3-1. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Name (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name Pin Location Input/Output VCTERM VCTERM AH27 IN VCTERM VCTERM AK03 IN VCTERM VCTERM AK07 IN VCTERM VCTERM AK19 IN VCTERM VCTERM AK23 IN VCTERM VCTERM AK27 IN L31 IN VREFA0 VREFA1 L27 IN VREFC0 AD31 IN VREFC1 AD27 IN VREFDL0 AD23 IN VREFDL1 AD19 IN VREFDR0 L23 IN VREFDR1 L19 IN Pin Location Input/Output Table 3-2. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Location Pin Name System Bus Signal Name GND GND A01 IN PROCPRES# CPUPRES# A03 OUT OUTEN OUTEN A05 IN N/C A07 N/C A09 GND GND A11 IN AP1# AP1# A13 IN/OUT A12# AA12#/BE4# A15 IN/OUT A18# AA18#/DID2# A17 IN/OUT A25# AA25#/ATTR1# A19 IN/OUT A27# AA27#/ATTR3# A21 IN/OUT A29# AA29#/ATTR5# A23 IN/OUT A31# AA31#/ATTR7# A25 IN/OUT A33# AA33#/AB33# A27 IN/OUT A35# AA35#/AB35# A29 IN/OUT A37# AA37#/AB37# A31 IN/OUT A39# AA39#/AB39# A33 IN/OUT A41# AA41#/AB41# A35 IN/OUT GND GND A37 IN B02 IN 3.3V SMA0 SMA0 B04 IN PPODGD# PPODGD# B06 OUT N/C GND B08 GND B10 IN AP0# AP0# B12 IN/OUT A11# AA11#/BE3# B14 IN/OUT A17# AA17#/DID1# B16 IN/OUT Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 3-11 Pinout Specifications Table 3-2. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Location (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name Input/Output A23# AA23#/DID7# B18 IN/OUT A24# AA24#/ATTR0# B20 IN/OUT A26# AA26#/ATTR2# B22 IN/OUT A28# AA28#/ATTR4# B24 IN/OUT A30# AA30#/ATTR6# B26 IN/OUT A32# AA32#/AB32# B28 IN/OUT A34# AA34#/AB34# B30 IN/OUT A36# AA36#/AB36# B32 IN/OUT A38# AA38#/AB38# B34 IN/OUT A40# AA40#/AB40# B36 IN/OUT A43# AA43#/AB43# B38 IN/OUT C01 IN SMA1 SMA1 C03 IN GND GND C05 IN GND GND C07 IN GND GND C11 IN GND GND C13 IN GND GND C15 IN GND GND C17 IN GND GND C19 IN GND GND C21 IN GND GND C23 IN GND GND C25 IN GND GND C27 IN GND GND C29 IN GND GND C31 IN GND GND C33 IN GND GND C35 IN A42# AA42#/AB42# C37 IN/OUT SMWP SMWP D02 IN SMA2 SMA2 D04 IN 3.3V N/C C09 N/C 3-12 Pin Location D06 IGNNE# IGNNE# D08 IN GND GND D10 IN A06# AA06#/EXF3#/FCL#/SPLCK# D12 IN/OUT A10# AA10#/BE2# D14 IN/OUT A16# AA16#/DID0# D16 IN/OUT A22# AA22#/DID6# D18 IN/OUT D31# D31# D20 IN/OUT D29# D29# D22 IN/OUT D27# D27# D24 IN/OUT D25# D25# D26 IN/OUT DEP2# DEP2# D28 IN/OUT STBN1# STBN1# D30 IN/OUT Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Pinout Specifications Table 3-2. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Location (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name Pin Location Input/Output D23# D23# D32 IN/OUT D21# D21# D34 IN/OUT D19# D19# D36 IN/OUT D17# D17# D38 IN/OUT SMSD SMSD E01 IN/OUT VCTERM VCTERM E03 IN N/C E05 VCTERM VCTERM E07 IN LINT1 NMI E09 IN GND GND E11 IN GND GND E13 IN GND GND E15 IN GND GND E17 IN VCTERM VCTERM E19 IN GND GND E21 IN VCTERM VCTERM E23 IN GND GND E25 IN VCTERM VCTERM E27 IN GND GND E29 IN GND GND E31 IN GND GND E33 IN GND GND E35 IN GND GND E37 IN SMSC SMSC F02 IN N/C F04 THERMTRIP# THERMTRIP# F06 OUT LINT0 INT F08 IN GND GND F10 IN A05# AA05#/EXF2#/OWN# F12 IN/OUT A09# AA09#/BE1# F14 IN/OUT A15# AA15#/BE7# F16 IN/OUT A21# AA21#/DID5# F18 IN/OUT D30# D30# F20 IN/OUT D28# D28# F22 IN/OUT D26# D26# F24 IN/OUT D24# D24# F26 IN/OUT DEP3# DEP3# F28 IN/OUT STBP1# STBP1# F30 IN/OUT D22# D22# F32 IN/OUT D20# D20# F34 IN/OUT D18# D18# F36 IN/OUT D16# D16# F38 IN/OUT GND GND G01 IN THRMALERT# THRMALERT# G03 OUT GND GND G05 IN Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 3-13 Pinout Specifications Table 3-2. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Location (Cont'd) Pin Name GND System Bus Signal Name GND N/C Input/Output G07 IN G09 GND GND G11 IN GND GND G13 IN GND GND G15 IN GND GND G17 IN VCTERM VCTERM G19 IN IN GND GND G21 VCTERM VCTERM G23 IN GND GND G25 IN VCTERM VCTERM G27 IN GND GND G29 IN GND GND G31 IN GND GND G33 IN GND GND G35 IN GND GND G37 IN N/C H02 PD0 H04 N/C H06 A20M# A20M# H08 IN GND GND H10 IN A04# AA04#/EXF1#/DEN# H12 IN/OUT A08# AA08#/BE0# H14 IN/OUT A14# AA14#/BE6# H16 IN/OUT A20# AA20#/DID4# H18 IN/OUT D15# D15# H20 IN/OUT D13# D13# H22 IN/OUT D11# D11# H24 IN/OUT D09# D09# H26 IN/OUT STBP0# STBP0# H28 IN/OUT DEP1# DEP1# H30 IN/OUT D07# D07# H32 IN/OUT D05# D05# H34 IN/OUT D03# D03# H36 IN/OUT D01# D01# H38 IN/OUT N/C VCTERM J01 VCTERM N/C 3-14 Pin Location J03 IN J05 VCTERM VCTERM J07 IN FERR# FERR# J09 OUT GND GND J11 IN GND GND J13 IN GND GND J15 IN GND GND J17 IN VCTERM VCTERM J19 IN Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Pinout Specifications Table 3-2. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Location (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name Pin Location Input/Output GND GND J21 IN VCTERM VCTERM J23 IN GND GND J25 IN VCTERM VCTERM J27 IN GND GND J29 IN GND GND J31 IN GND GND J33 IN GND GND J35 IN GND GND J37 IN N/C K02 N/C K04 N/C K06 N/C K08 GND GND K10 IN A03# AA03#/EXF0#/DPS# K12 IN/OUT A07# AA07#/EXF4# K14 IN/OUT A13# AA13#/BE5# K16 IN/OUT A19# AA19#/DID3# K18 IN/OUT D14# D14# K20 IN/OUT D12# D12# K22 IN/OUT D10# D10# K24 IN/OUT D08# D08# K26 IN/OUT STBN0# STBN0# K28 IN/OUT DEP0# DEP0# K30 IN/OUT D06# D06# K32 IN/OUT D04# D04# K34 IN/OUT D02# D02# K36 IN/OUT D00# D00# K38 IN/OUT GND GND L01 IN N/C GND L03 GND N/C L05 IN L07 GND GND L09 IN GND GND L11 IN GND GND L13 IN GND GND L15 IN GND GND L17 IN VREFDR1 GND GND VREFDR0 GND IN L23 IN L25 IN L27 IN GND L29 IN L31 IN GND L33 IN VREFA0 GND IN L21 GND VREFA1 GND L19 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 3-15 Pinout Specifications Table 3-2. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Location (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name Input/Output IN GND GND L35 GND GND L37 IN GND GND AD01 IN N/C GND AD03 GND AD05 N/C IN AD07 GND GND AD09 BR2# BREQ2# AD11 IN DBSY# DBSY# AD13 IN/OUT IN DRDY# DRDY# AD15 IN/OUT REQ1# WSNP#, D/C#/LEN1# AD17 IN/OUT AD19 IN VREFDL1 GND GND VREFDL0 GND GND VREFC1 GND GND VREFC0 AD21 IN AD23 IN AD25 IN AD27 IN AD29 IN AD31 IN GND GND AD33 IN GND GND AD35 IN GND GND AD37 IN N/C AE02 N/C AE04 TRISTATE# TRISTATE# N/C AE06 IN AE08 HITM# HITM# AE10 IN/OUT HIT# HIT# AE12 IN/OUT REQ4# ASZ1#/DSZ1# AE14 IN/OUT DEFER# DEFER# AE16 IN TRDY# TRDY# AE18 IN D48# D48# AE20 IN/OUT D50# D50# AE22 IN/OUT D52# D52# AE24 IN/OUT D54# D54# AE26 IN/OUT STBN3# STBN3# AE28 IN/OUT DEP7# DEP7# AE30 IN/OUT D56# D56# AE32 IN/OUT D58# D58# AE34 IN/OUT D60# D60# AE36 IN/OUT D62# D62# AE38 IN/OUT PD1 VCTERM AF01 VCTERM N/C 3-16 Pin Location AF03 IN AF05 VCTERM VCTERM AF07 IN GND GND AF09 IN Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Pinout Specifications Table 3-2. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Location (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name Pin Location Input/Output GND GND AF11 IN GND GND AF13 IN GND GND AF15 IN IN GND GND AF17 VCTERM VCTERM AF19 IN GND GND AF21 IN VCTERM VCTERM AF23 IN IN GND GND AF25 VCTERM VCTERM AF27 IN GND GND AF29 IN GND GND AF31 IN GND GND AF33 IN GND GND AF35 IN GND GND AF37 IN N/C AG02 N/C TRST# AG04 TRST# N/C AG06 IN AG08 BR0# BREQ0# AG10 IN/OUT REQ3# ASZ0#/DSZ0# AG12 IN/OUT RS2# RS2# AG14 IN LOCK# LOCK# AG16 IN/OUT ADS# ADS# AG18 IN/OUT D49# D49# AG20 IN/OUT D51# D51# AG22 IN/OUT D53# D53# AG24 IN/OUT D55# D55# AG26 IN/OUT STBP3# STBP3# AG28 IN/OUT DEP6# DEP6# AG30 IN/OUT D57# D57# AG32 IN/OUT D59# D59# AG34 IN/OUT D61# D61# AG36 IN/OUT D63# D63# AG38 IN/OUT GND GND AH01 IN N/C AH03 GND GND AH05 IN PMI# PMI# AH07 IN GND GND AH09 IN GND GND AH11 IN GND GND AH13 IN GND GND AH15 IN GND GND AH17 IN VCTERM VCTERM AH19 IN GND GND AH21 IN VCTERM VCTERM AH23 IN Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 3-17 Pinout Specifications Table 3-2. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Location (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name Input/Output GND GND AH25 IN VCTERM VCTERM AH27 IN GND GND AH29 IN GND GND AH31 IN GND GND AH33 IN GND GND AH35 IN GND GND AH37 IN TUNER2 AJ02 IN N/C AJ04 IN AJ06 IN TDI TDI N/C AJ08 BR1# BREQ1# AJ10 RSP# RSP# AJ12 IN RS0# RS0# AJ14 IN REQ0# REQA0#/LEN0# AJ16 IN/OUT IN BNR# BNR# AJ18 IN/OUT D32# D32# AJ20 IN/OUT D34# D34# AJ22 IN/OUT D36# D36# AJ24 IN/OUT D38# D38# AJ26 IN/OUT DEP4# DEP4# AJ28 IN/OUT STBP2# STBP2# AJ30 IN/OUT D40# D40# AJ32 IN/OUT D42# D42# AJ34 IN/OUT D44# D44# AJ36 IN/OUT D46# D46# AJ38 IN/OUT PD2 VCTERM AK01 VCTERM N/C 3-18 Pin Location AK03 IN AK05 VCTERM VCTERM AK07 IN GND GND AK09 IN GND GND AK11 IN GND GND AK13 IN GND GND AK15 IN GND GND AK17 IN VCTERM VCTERM AK19 IN GND GND AK21 IN VCTERM VCTERM AK23 IN GND GND AK25 IN VCTERM VCTERM AK27 IN GND GND AK29 IN GND GND AK31 IN GND GND AK33 IN GND GND AK35 IN GND GND AK37 IN Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Pinout Specifications Table 3-2. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Location (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name TUNER1 Input/Output AL02 N/C TDO Pin Location AL04 TDO N/C AL06 OUT AL08 BR3# BREQ3# AL10 IN RP# RP# AL12 IN/OUT REQ2# REQA2#/ REQB2# AL14 IN/OUT BPRI# BPRI# AL16 IN BERR# BERR# AL18 IN/OUT D33# D33# AL20 IN/OUT D35# D35# AL22 IN/OUT D37# D37# AL24 IN/OUT D39# D39# AL26 IN/OUT DEP5# DEP5# AL28 IN/OUT STBN2# STBN2# AL30 IN/OUT D41# D41# AL32 IN/OUT D43# D43# AL34 IN/OUT D45# D45# AL36 IN/OUT D47# D47# AL38 IN/OUT PD3 AM01 N/C AM03 GND GND AM05 IN TMS TMS AM07 IN GND GND AM09 IN GND GND AM11 IN GND GND AM13 IN GND GND AM15 IN GND GND AM17 IN GND GND AM19 IN GND GND AM21 IN GND GND AM23 IN GND GND AM25 IN GND GND AM27 IN GND GND AM29 IN GND GND AM31 IN GND GND AM33 IN GND GND AM35 IN BCLKN BCLKN AM37 IN N/C AN02 N/C TCK AN04 TCK AN06 N/C AN08 PU0 AN10 IN RS1# RS1# AN12 IN BINIT# BINIT# AN14 IN/OUT Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 3-19 Pinout Specifications Table 3-2. Pin/Signal Information Sorted by Pin Location (Cont'd) Pin Name System Bus Signal Name Input/Output RESET# RESET# AN16 IN GSEQ# GSEQ# AN18 IN BPM4# BPM4# AN20 IN/OUT BPM2# BPM2# AN22 IN/OUT BPM0# BPM0# AN24 IN/OUT IDS# IDS# AN26 IN ID6# IDA6#/IDB6# AN28 IN ID4# IDA4#/IDB4# AN30 IN ID2# IDA2#/DHIT# AN32 IN SBSY# SBSY# AN34 IN/OUT DRATE# DRATE# AN36 IN BCLKP CLK AN38 IN GND GND AP01 IN PU1 PWRGOOD AP03 PWRGOOD AP05 IN INIT# INIT# AP07 IN GND GND AP09 IN PU2 3-20 Pin Location AP11 GND GND AP13 IN GND GND AP15 IN GND GND AP17 IN BPM5# BPM5# AP19 IN/OUT BPM3# BPM3# AP21 IN/OUT BPM1# BPM1# AP23 IN/OUT TND# TND# AP25 IN/OUT ID7# IDA7#/IDB7# AP27 IN ID5# IDA5#/IDB5# AP29 IN ID3# IDA3#/IDB3# AP31 IN ID1# IDA1#/IP1# AP33 IN ID0# IDA0#/IP0# AP35 IN GND GND AP37 IN Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Mechanical Specifications 4 This chapter provides the mechanical specifications of the Intel Itanium processor PAC418 (418 pin array cartridge) package. 4.1 Cartridge Features The PAC418 package contains the Intel Itanium processor core, L3 cache, and other passive components. The PAC418 cartridge connects to the motherboard through a PAC418 socket. The Intel Itanium processor 4-MB and 2-MB cartridges have identical footprints and are mechanically identical. The top of the cartridge is the thermal plate to which a cooling solution is attached. This side of the cartridge has two sets of holes, one set for retention mechanism attachment and another set for cooling solution attachment. The bottom side of the cartridge contains the pin array, pin shroud, and the alignment pegs/keys. One end of the cartridge has the power tab interface to connect with the Power Pod. The other end of the cartridge has an identification label. Table 4-1 contains the dimensions for the PAC418 cartridge. 4.1.1 Cartridge Top Surface Features Figure 4-1 shows the top view of the Intel Itanium processor PAC418 cartridge. The diagram illustrates the cartridge cooling solution and retention mechanism attachment feature details on the thermal plate (the retention mechanism is the mechanical component designed to hold the socketed processor and power pod to the baseboard and socket and the thermal plate is the surface used to connect a heatsink or other thermal solution to the processor). Four holes with M2.5x0.45 threads are used to attach the cartridge cooling solution to the thermally active region of the cartridge which is represented by the hashed region in Figure 4-7. Please refer to ItaniumTM Processor Heatsink Guidelines for more information on the heatsink specifications. Also shown in Figure 4-1 is the retention mechanism attachment through holes which are used to interface with the mechanical support posts on the retention mechanism. Please refer to PAC418 Cartridge/Power Pod Retention Mechanism and Triple Beam Design Specifications for more information on the retention mechanism. A plastic frame surrounds the sides of the cartridge and the pin shroud surrounds the cartridge pins. The power tab (the power connector located on one end of the cartridge which connects to the power pod) is used to interface with the Power Pod which supplies power to the components inside the PAC418 cartridge. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 4-1 Mechanical Specifications Figure 4-1. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Top Isometric View Thermal Solution Attach Holes (4) Retention Mechanism Attach Holes (4) hermal Plate Frame Pin Shroud Power Tab 000665a 4.1.2 Cartridge Bottom Surface Features Figure 4-2 shows the bottom view of the PAC418 cartridge. The cartridge pins are surrounded by a pin shroud which protects the pins. The shroud is taller than the PAC418 pins so the cartridge can rest on the shroud without damage to the pins. Two alignment pegs/keys extend from the shroud to ensure correct cartridge pin and socket alignment during the socketing process. The pegs/keys are slightly offset with respect to one another and serve as a keying feature. Please refer to PAC418 VLIF Socket and Cartridge Ejector Design Specifications for more information on the pin shroud and cartridge pin alignment. Figure 4-2. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Bottom Isometric View Retention Mechanism Attach Holes (4) Alignment Peg/Key Pin Array Pin Shroud Alignment Peg/Key Thermal Plate Package Spring Clip Power Tab 000666b 4-2 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Mechanical Specifications 4.1.3 Power Connector The Power Pod will deliver power to the PAC418 cartridge through the power tab. Figure 4-3 through Figure 4-8 illustrate the dimensions and characteristics of the power tab area located on the PAC418 cartridge substrate. (2.480) (1.000) See Detail C* (2.920) (20.700) 30 10 (1.300) 1.428 0.800 0.300 30 10 (0.650) See Detail D** Figure 4-3. Power Tab Location on PAC418 Cartridge Substrate Bottom view of substrate (cartridge body not shown for clarity). Dimensions are in millimeters. *Refer to Figure 4-7. **Refer to Figure 4-8. 000461 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 4-3 Mechanical Specifications Figure 4-4. Power Tab Location on PAC418 Cartridge Substrate, Detail C 12.564 0.130 ( 1.300 ) 0.650 22.710 0.05 46.96 0.08 48.260+0.150, -0.300 -E- ( 44.56 ) 2X 30 10 2.540 ( 3.700 ) 6.240 Detail C Dimensions are in millimeters. 000460a 4-4 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Mechanical Specifications Figure 4-5. Power Tab Location on PAC418 Cartridge Substrate, Detail D 1.150 19X 0.8600.050 0.430 20.700 18X 1.150 20X 2.9200.050 1.000 2.4800.050 Detail D Dimensions are in millimeters. 000464 4.2 Cartridge Mechanical Dimensions Figure 4-6, Figure 4-7, and Figure 4-8 show the top, bottom, side, and both end views of the Intel Itanium processor PAC418 cartridge. Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2 show the top and bottom isometric views of the cartridge with key features identified. The following notes apply to Figure 4-6, Figure 4-7, and Figure 4-8. Unless otherwise specified: 1. Interpret dimensions and tolerances in accordance with ASME Y14.5M-1994. 2. Dimensions are in INCHES. 3. Tolerance: .XX.01, .XXX.005, Angles: 3 degrees. Table 4-1 contains detailed cartridge dimensions to be used in conjunction of Figure 4-6 through Figure 4-8. The following notes apply to Table 4-1 unless otherwise specified. 1. [ ] brackets signify a basic dimension, a dimension from which other dimensions are based. 2. ( ) brackets signify a reference dimension, a dimension that is used as reference information. 3. Dimensions that are not enclosed in brackets are actual dimensions with tolerances. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 4-5 6 5 4 3 NOTE: I Indicated Dimensions are Referenced from Label Surface D D 0.939 0.007 1.315 0.007 0.197 (0.104) 0.100 A 418X O 0.018 0.001 O 0.010 M A B M C M 0.050 F F C 0.650 A A 2X Power Tab Side View I H J 5.100 0.007 Bottom View B B X X (0.048) 0.276 0.012 0.160 0.137 8 7 6 5 A 0.698 0.012 0.503 0.007 0.349 Section F - F Substrate End to Power Pod Hard Stop Side View 000817c Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2.864 0.010 C 4 3 Mechanical Specifications 7 Figure 4-6. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Cartridge Mechanical Drawings (Sheet 1 of 3) 4-6 8 6 5 4 3 2 NOTE: I Indicated Dimensions are Referenced from Label Surface D D 2X 0.0710.002 0.006 A 4X (R0.125) 4X O 0.200 3.221 0.836 O 0.024 M A B M C M O 0.010 M A B 2.125 0.024 A E 1.900 0.100 +0.006 -0.012 0.330 1.850 0.012 2.060 0.024 A E C Bottom View C C E 0.964 4X (R .144) (0.042) 2X (Full Radius) 3.349 View X - X 4.425 0.010 2.305 0.010 Side View B 4X M 2.5 Insert 4.746 Label Side View O 0.010 M A H J B (See cartridge mark diagram in this chapter for details.) 1.490 1.766 0.010 2.093 0.017 Top View 2.510 2.612 Entire Area A A 0 .3 8 6 I 3.948 7 6 5 0.518 4 3 2 000651c 4-7 Mechanical Specifications Thermal Plate Cooling Solution Attach Area Indicated Area Figure 4-7. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Cartridge Mechanical Drawings (Sheet 2 of 3) Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 7 Mechanical Specifications Figure 4-8. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Cartridge Mechanical Drawings (Sheet 3 of 3) 0.043 0.012 0.024 D 0.068 D 0.056 0.006 SUB THK B A A 0.080 DETAIL A 8 7 000818a \ 4-8 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Mechanical Specifications Table 4-1. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Cartridge Dimensions Dimension Description Drawing Location (Sheet #- Coordinates) Value (Inches) Metric Reference Value (mm) Cartridge Length (including label) 1-B5 5.100.007 129.54.18 Pin Protector Length (Outer) 2-C4 4.425.010 112.40.25 Cartridge Width 1-C3 2.864.0010 72.75.25 Pin Protector Width (Outer) 2-C2 2.305.010 58.55.25 Cartridge Thickness 1-B3 0.698.012 17.73.30 Body Thickness 1-A3 0.503.007 12.78.18 Cartridge RM Attach Hole Spacing Length (Basic) 2-B4 [4.746] [120.55] Cartridge RM Attach Hole Spacing Width (Basic) 2-A3 [2.510] [63.75] Cartridge RM Attach Hole Diameter 2-D3 0.200.005 5.08.13 Cartridge RM Attach Hole True Position wrt Datums A, B, and C 2-D3 0.024 0.61 Cartridge RM Attach Hole True Position wrt Datum A 2-D3 0.010 0.25 Thermal Solution Attachment Insert Thread Size (Reference) 2-B5 M2.5x0.45 M2.5x0.45 Thermal Solution Attachment Insert True Position 2-B5 0.010 0.25 (0.394) (10.01) [0.650] [16.51] Maximum Thermal Solution Screw Engagement Depth from Top Surface of Cartridge (Reference) Pin Row Group Center Spacing (Basic) 1-C6 Pin Pitch Row to Row (Basic) 1-D6 [0.050] [1.27] Pin Protector to Pin CL Spacing (Reference) 1-D5 (0.104) (2.64) Top Alignment Key to Pin Protector 1-D6 1.315.007 33.40.18 Top Alignment Key to Pin Protector Feature 1-D4 0.939.007 23.85.18 Pin Pitch Within Row (Basic) 1-D5 [0.100] [2.54] Pin Protector Wall Width 1-D5 0.197.005 5.00.13 Thermal Solution Attachment Hole to RM Attach Hole (Basic) 2-B4 [1.490] [37.85] Thermal Solution Attachment Hole Spacing Length (Basic) 2-B5 [1.766] [44.86] Thermal Solution Attachment Hole Spacing Width (Basic) 2-A3 [2.612] [66.34] Top Alignment Key to RM Attach Hole (Basic) 2-D4 [3.221] [81.81] Bottom Key to RM Attach Hole (Basic) 2-C4 [3.349] [85.06] Top Alignment Key to Pin 1 (Basic) 2-D4 [0.836] [21.23] Bottom Alignment Key to Pin 1 (Basic) 2-C4 [0.964] [24.49] Alignment Key Width 2-D7 0.071.002 1.80.05 Alignment Key Width True Position 2-D7 0.006 .15 Alignment Key to RM Attach Hole (Basic) 2-D3 [0.330] [8.38] Alignment Key to Pin 1 (Basic) 2-D3 [0.100] [2.54] Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 4-9 Mechanical Specifications Table 4-1. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor PAC418 Cartridge Dimensions (Cont'd) Dimension Description 4-10 Drawing Location (Sheet #- Coordinates) Value (Inches) Metric Reference Value (mm) Alignment Key to Alignment Key 2-D3 1.850.012 46.99.30 Pin Diameter 1-D4 0.018.001 0.46.025 Pin Tip True Position 1-D4 0.010 0.25 Thermal Solution Attach Area Length (Basic) 2-A5 [3.948] [100.28] Thermal Solution Attach Area Width (Basic) 2-A6 [2.093] [53.16] Thermal Solution Attach Area Length Offset (Basic) 2-A3 [0.518] [13.16] Thermal Solution Attach Area Width Offset (Basic) 2-A6 [0.386] [9.80] Power Pod Connector Opening Height wrt Datum A 1-B6 0.276.012 7.01.30 Power Pod Connector Opening Width 2-D7 2.125.005 53.98.13 Power Pod Connector Opening Width True Position 2-D7 0.024 0.61 Power Pod Connector Rail to Rail 2-C7 2.060.005 52.32.13 Power Pod Connector Rail wrt Substrate True Position 2-C7 0.024 0.61 Power Tab Substrate Width 2-C6 1.900+.006,-.012 48.26+.15,-.30 Substrate End to Power Pod Connector Hard Stop 1-A6 0.349.005 8.86.13 Cartridge Radius (Reference) 2-D6 (0.125) (3.18) Pin Protector Radius (Reference) 2-C6 (0.144) (3.66) Alignment Key Radius (Reference) 2-C5 Full Radius Full Radius Pin Protector Wall Width (Reference) 2-C5 (0.042) (1.07) Pin Length wrt Datum A (Max/Min) 1-B3 0.160/0.137 4.06/3.48 Pin Protector Height to Pin Tip (Reference) 1-B3 (0.048) (1.22) Cartridge Top Surface Flatness 2-A6 0.017 0.38 Cartridge Top Surface Thermal Solution Attach Area Flatness 2-B6 0.010 0.25 Power Tab Substrate Thickness 3-B8 0.056.006 1.42.15 Datum D to Datum A (Basic) 3-B8 [0.068] [1.73] Datum D to Datum A Profile Tolerance 3-B7 0.024 0.61 Datum D to Power Pod Connector Rail 3-B8 0.043.012 1.09.30 Power Pod Connector Rail Thickness 3-A7 0.080.005 2.03.13 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 5 Thermal Specifications This chapter provides a description of the thermal diode features and thermal data relating to the Intel Itanium processor. 5.1 Thermal Circuit The Intel Itanium processor has an internal thermal circuit which senses when a certain temperature is reached on the die. This circuit is used for thermal trip. In addition, an on-chip thermal diode is available for use by the thermal sensing device on the Intel Itanium processor cartridge. Figure 5-1 highlights the relative positions of the Intel Itanium processor thermal features. Figure 5-1. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Thermal Features Die Temperature Thermal Trip Thermal Alert (Programmable temperature setting through the system management bus.) Time 000400 5.1.1 Thermal Alert THRMALERT# is a programmable thermal alert signal which is one of the Intel Itanium processor cartridge system management features. THRMALERT# is asserted when the measured temperature from the processor thermal diode equals or exceeds the temperature threshold data programmed in the high-temp (Thigh) register on the sensor (see Chapter 6 for more details). This signal can be used by the platform to implement thermal regulation features such as generating an external interrupt to tell the system management software that the processor core die temperature is increasing. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 5-1 Thermal Specifications 5.1.2 Thermal Trip The Intel Itanium processor protects itself from catastrophic overheating by use of an internal thermal sensor. The sensor trip-point is set well above the normal operating temperature to ensure that there are no false trips. The Intel Itanium processor will stop all execution when the junction temperature exceeds a safe operating level. Data will be lost if the Intel Itanium processor goes into thermal trip (signaled to the system by the THRMTRIP# pin). Once thermal trip is activated, the Intel Itanium processor remains stopped until RESET# is asserted. If the die temperature has dropped below the trip level, a RESET# pulse can be used to reset the processor. If the temperature has not dropped below the trip level, the processor will continue to drive THRMTRIP# and remain stopped. 5.2 Cartridge Thermal Specifications and Considerations This section lists the thermal parameters of the Intel Itanium processor cartridge. Systems should be designed to dissipate a maximum power consumption of 130W from each Intel Itanium processor cartridge. 5.2.1 Thermal Plate Temperature To ensure functional and reliable Intel Itanium processor operation, the thermal plate temperature (Tplate) must be maintained within the Tplate temperature specifications in Table 5-1. Table 5-1. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Thermal Design Specifications Processor Core Frequency (MHz) L3 Cache Size (MB) Max Total Cartridge Power (PMAX) Minimum Tplate (C) Maximum Tplate (C) 2 116.0W 5.0 66.0 4 130.0W 5.0 66.0 733 / 800 MHz 5.2.2 Thermal Budget All processor thermal solutions should attach to the thermal plate. The thermal solution must adequately control the thermal plate temperature below the maximum and above the minimum specified in Table 5-1. The performance of any thermal solution is defined as the thermal resistance between the thermal plate and the ambient air around the processor (PA). The lower the thermal resistance between the thermal plate and the ambient air, the more efficient the thermal solution. The required PA is dependent upon the maximum allowed thermal plate temperature (Tplate), the local ambient temperature (TLA), and the maximum cartridge power (PMAX). PA= (Tplate-TLA)/PMAX 5-2 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet Thermal Specifications Figure 5-2. Processor Tplate Temperature Measurement Location 1.238 (31.445) 0.386 (9.804) 1.432 (36.373) TPLATE Measurement Location 2.093 (53.162) Power Pod Connector Side 0.634 (16.104) 3.948 (100.279) Top view of PAC418 cartridge shown. All dimensions are shown in inches (millimeters). For reference of Tplate measurement location only. 000685a The PA value is made up of two primary components: the thermal resistance between the thermal plate and heatsink (PA) and the thermal resistance between the heatsink and the ambient air around the processor (HA). One factor to consider in decreasing PA is the thermal interface between the thermal plate and the cooling solution. The other controllable factor (HA) is resultant in the design of the heatsink and airflow around the heatsink. Heatsink design constraints are also provided in ItaniumTM Processor Heatsink Guidelines. The maximum Tplate and the thermal plate power are listed in Table 5-1. TLA is a function of the system design. Table 5-2 provides the resultant thermal solution performance for a 733 MHz/ 800 MHz Intel Itanium processor at different ambient air temperatures around the processor. Table 5-2. Example Thermal Solution Performance for the 4MB Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Cartridge at Thermal Plate Power of 130W Local Ambient Temperature (TLA) Thermal Solution (Performance) PA (C/W) 5.2.3 35C 40C 45C 0.24 0.20 0.16 Cartridge Temperature Deviation The maximum temperature deviation (TMAX) across the top surface of the cartridge in the thermal active area is 10C. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 5-3 Thermal Specifications 5-4 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet System Management Feature Specifications 6 This Intel Itanium processor includes a System Management Bus (SMBus) interface. This chapter describes the features of the SMBus and SMBus components. 6.1 System Management Features and Components The Intel Itanium processor have several built-in components to aid in the system management. These components include a thermal sensor (digital thermometer), a Processor Information EEPROM (PIROM) and a Scratch EEPROM as shown in Figure 6-1. The PIROM is programmed by Intel with information specific to manufacturing and features of the Itanium processor cartridge. This information is permanently write-protected. The Scratch EEPROM is available for the OEM system designers to use at their discretion. The thermal sensor can be used in conjunction with the information in the PIROM and/or the Scratch EEPROM for system thermal monitoring and management. The thermal sensor on the cartridge provides an accurate means of acquiring the relative junction temperature of the processor core die. The thermal sensing device is connected to the anode and cathode of the processor's on-die thermal diode. Figure 6-1. System Management Components on the Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Cartridge Processor Cartridge Processor Core Processor Information EEPROM Scratch EEPROM On-die Thermal Diode A/D SMSC SMSD SMWP THRMALERT# SMBus Connection to System Controller 000401 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 6-1 System Management Feature Specifications 6.2 System Management Interface 6.2.1 SMBus Signals Table 6-1 lists the System Management Interface signals and their descriptions. These signals are used by the system to access the system management components via the SMBus. The SMBus implementation on the Itanium processor cartridge uses the clock and data signals of the SMBus specifications in Table 2-16. Table 6-1. System Management Interface Signal Descriptions Signal Name Pin Count Description 3.3V 2 Voltage supply for EEPROMs and thermal sensor SMA[2:0] 3 System Management address bus SMSC 1 System Management bus clock SMSD 1 System Management serial address/data bus SMWP 1 Scratch EEPROM write protect THRMALERT# 1 Temperature alert from the thermal sensor Figure 6-2 is a logical schematics of SMBus circuitry on the Intel Itanium processor cartridge and shows how the various system management components are connected to the SMBus. The reference to the System Board at the lower left corner of the figure shows how SMBus address configuration for multiple Itanium processors can be realized with resistor stuffing options. Note: 6.2.2 Actual implementation of SMBus on the OEM platforms may differ from this implementation. This figure is meant to be used in general understanding of the Itanium processor SMBus architecture. SMBus Device Addressing Of the addresses broadcast across the SMBus, the memory components claim those of the form "1010XXYZb". The "XX" and "Y" bits are used to enable the devices on the cartridge at adjacent addresses. The Y bit is hard-wired on the cartridge to VSS (`0') for the Scratch EEPROM and pulled to 3.3V (`1') for the Processor Information ROM. The "XX" bits are defined by the processor slot via the SMA0 and SMA1 pins on the Intel Itanium processor cartridge connector. These address pins are pulled down weakly (10 k) to ensure that the memory components are in a known state in systems which do not support the SMBus, or only support a partial implementation. The "Z" bit is the read/write bit for the serial bus transaction. The thermal sensing device internally decodes one of three upper address patterns from the bus of the form "0011XXXZb", "1001XXXZb" or "0101XXXZb". The device's addressing, as implemented, uses SMA2 and SMA1 and includes a Hi-Z state for the SMA2 address pin. Therefore the thermal sensing device supports six unique resulting addresses. To set the Hi-Z state for SMA2, the pin must be left floating. The system should drive SMA1 and SMA0, and will be pulled low (if not driven) by the 10 k pull-down resistor on the processor substrate. Attempting to drive either of these signals to a Hi-Z state would cause ambiguity in the memory device address decode, possibly resulting in the devices not responding, thus timing out or hanging the SMBus. As before, the "Z" bit is the read/write bit for the serial bus transaction. Figure 6-2 shows a logical diagram of the pin connections. Table 6-2 and Table 6-3 describe the address pin connections and how they affect the addressing of the devices. 6-2 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet System Management Feature Specifications Note: Addresses of the form "0000XXXXb" are Reserved and should not be generated by an SMBus master. Also, system management software must be aware of the cartridge number-dependent changes in the address for the thermal sensing device. Figure 6-2. Logical Schematic of SMBus Circuitry Itaniu m TM P ro cessor C artridge 3.3V 1F 0.1F C ore 10K 10K T H ERM D A 10K V CC T H ERM D C A0 A1 A2 1F Processor SC In fo rm a tion SD ROM 10K VC C A0 A1 STBY T herm al Sen sing De vice SC SD 10K 330 ALER T V CC A0 A1 10K A2 SC Scratch EEP RO M SD WP 10K SM A0 SM W P SM A1 SM A2 3.3V SM SD SM SC T HR M ALER T# 3.3V No te: Actual im plem e ntatio n m ay vary. F or use in general understanding of the architecture. Stuffing O ptions S ystem B oard 000580 Table 6-2. Thermal Sensing Device SMBus Addressing on the Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Cartridge Cartridge Select Address (Hex) 3Xh 5Xh 9Xh 8-bit Address Word on Serial Bus Upper Addressa SMA1 SMA2 b[7:0] 0011 0 0 0011000Xb 0011 1 0 0011010Xb 0101001Xb 0101 0 Zb 0101 1 Zb 0101011Xb 1001 0 1 1001100Xb 1001 1 1 1001110Xb a. Upper address bits are decoded in conjunction with the select pins. b. A tri-state or "Z" state on this pin is achieved by leaving this pin unconnected. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 6-3 System Management Feature Specifications Table 6-3. EEPROM SMBus Addressing on the Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor Cartridge Address (Hex) Upper Addressa Cartridge Select Memory Device Select Read/ Write Device Addressed Bits 7-4 (SMA1) Bit 3 (SMA0) Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 A0h/A1h 1010 0 0 0 X Scratch EEPROM 1 A2h/A3h 1010 0 0 1 X Processor Information ROM 1 A4h/A5h 1010 0 1 0 X Scratch EEPROM 2 1 X Processor Information ROM 2 A6h/A7h 1010 0 1 A8h/A9h 1010 1 0 0 X Scratch EEPROM 3 AAh/ABh 1010 1 0 1 X Processor Information ROM 3 ACh/ADh 1010 1 1 0 X Scratch EEPROM 4 AEh/AFh 1010 1 1 1 X Processor Information ROM 4 a. Though this addressing scheme is targeted for up to 4-way MP systems, more processors can be supported by using a multiplexed (or separate) SMBus implementation. 6.3 PIROM and Scratch EEPROM 6.3.1 Processor Information ROM An electrically programmed read-only memory provides information about the Intel Itanium processor cartridge. The checksum bits for each category provide error correction and serve as a mechanism to check whether data is corrupted or not. This information is permanently writeprotected. Table 6-4 shows the data fields and formats provided in the memory. Note: The data, in byte format, is written and read serially with the most significant bit first. Table 6-4. Processor Information ROM Format Offset/Section HEADER: 00h 01h-02h 03h 04h 05h 06h 07h 08h 6-4 # of Bits 8 Function Notes Values Data Format Revision Two 4-bit hex digits EEPROM Size Size in bytes, 16 bit binary number 8 Processor Data Address Byte pointer, 00h if not present 0Eh 8 Processor Core Data Address Byte pointer, 00h if not present 16h 8 L3 Cache Data Address Byte pointer, 00h if not present 26h 8 Cartridge Data Address Byte pointer, 00h if not present 33h 8 Part Number Data Address Byte pointer, 00h if not present 3Bh 8 Thermal Reference Data Address Byte pointer, 00h if not present 61h 16 128 bytes = 0080h, LSB at the lower address Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet System Management Feature Specifications Table 6-4. Processor Information ROM Format (Cont'd) Offset/Section 09h 0Ah 0Bh-0Ch 0Dh # of Bits Notes Values Feature Data Address Byte pointer, 00h if not present 65h Other Data Address Byte pointer, 00h if not present 79h Reserved Reserved for future use 8 Checksum 1 byte checksum 48 S-Spec/QDF Number Six 8-bit ASCII characters 8 8 16 Function PROCESSOR: 0Eh 0Eh-13h 2 14h[1:0] 14h[7:2] 15h 00b = Sample only Sample/Production 6 00VXYZa all others = Productions Reserved Reserved for future use 8 Checksum 1 byte checksum 8 Architecture Revision From CPUIDb 8 Processor Core Family From CPUIDb 8 Processor Core Model From CPUIDb 8 Processor Core Stepping (Revision) From CPUIDb Reserved Reserved for future use 16 Maximum Core Frequency in MHz, 16 bit binary number i.e. 800MHz = 0320h, LSB at the lower address 12 Maximum System Bus Frequency in MHz, 12 bit binary number i.e. 133Mhz = 085h, LSB at the lower address 16 Processor Core Voltage Voltage in mV, 16 bit binary number i.e. 1.6V = 0640h, LSB at the lower address 8 Core Voltage Tolerance, High Power Pod tolerance in mV, + 8 Core Voltage Tolerance, Low Power Pod tolerance in mV, - Reserved Reserved for future use Checksum 1 byte checksum Reserved Reserved for future use L3 Cache Size in Kbytes, a 16 bit binary number Number of SRAM Components One 4-bit hex digit Reserved Reserved for future use CORE: 16h 16h 17h 18h 19h 1Ch-1Ah 1Dh-1Eh 1Fh-20h[3:0] 20h[7:4]-22h[3:0] 22h[7:4]-23h[3:0] 23h[7:4]-24h[3:0] 24h[7:4]-25h[3:0] 25h[7:4]-26h[3:0] 24 8 8 L3 CACHE: 26h 26h[7:4]-2Ah[3:0] 32 16 2A[7:4]-2Ch[[3:0] 2Ch[7:4] 2Dh[3:0] 4 4 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 2MB = 0800h, 4MB = 1000h, LSB written at the lower address 6-5 System Management Feature Specifications Table 6-4. Processor Information ROM Format (Cont'd) Offset/Section # of Bits 2Dh[7:4]-2Fh[3:0] 2Fh[7:4]-30h[3:0] 30h[7:4]-31h[3:0] 31h[7:4] 32h[3:0] 32h[7:4]-33h[3:0] 16 Function Notes L3 Cache Voltage Voltage in mV, 16 bit binary number 8 L3 Cache Voltage Tolerance, High Power Pod tolerance in mV, + 8 L3 Cache Voltage Tolerance, Low Power Pod tolerance in mV, - 4 Cache Stepping ID One 4-bit hex digit Reserved Reserved for future use Checksum 1 byte checksum Cartridge Revision Four 8-bit ASCII characters Substrate Revision Software ID 2-bit revision number Reserved Reserved for future use 8 Checksum 1 byte checksum 56 Processor Part Number Seven 8-bit ASCII characters 46 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved for future use 8 Checksum 1 byte checksum 8 Upper Temp Reference Byte See Section 6.4 Reserved Reserved for future use Checksum 1 byte checksum IA-32 Processor Core Feature Flags From CPUIDb Reserved Reserved for future use 4 8 Values LSB at the lower address CARTRIDGE: 33h 33h[7:4]-37h[3:0] 37h[5:4] 37h[7:6]-3Ah[5:0] 3Ah[7:6]-3Bh[5:0] 32 2 24 VXYZc PART NUMBERS: 3Bh 3Bh[7:6]-42h[5:0] 42h[7:6]-48h[3:0] 48h[7:4]-60h[3:0] 60h[7:4]-61h[3:0] 192 ABCVXYZd THERMAL REF: 61h 61h[7:4]-62h[3:0] 62h[7:4]-64h[3:0] 64h[7:4]-65h[3:0] 16 8 e FEATURES: 65h 32 65h[7:4]-69h[3:0] 69h[7:4]-71h[3:0] 64 Other bits = unused 32 Cartridge Feature Flags 71h[7:4]-75h[3:0] 75h[7:4] 77h-76h 78h 6-6 4 16 8 32 bit binary number, LSB is written at the lowest address [4] = Upper temp reference byte [3] = unused [2] = SCRATCH EEPROM present [1] = Core VID present [0] = L3 cache VID present Number of Devices in TAP Chain One 4-bit hex digit Reserved Reserved for future use Checksum 1 byte checksum 1= present, 0= not present 3 = 2M cart, 5 = 4M cart Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet System Management Feature Specifications Table 6-4. Processor Information ROM Format (Cont'd) Offset/Section # of Bits Function Notes Values OTHER: 79h 7Fh-79h 56 Reserved Reserved for future use a. 00VXYZ, character 0 is written at the lowest address and character Z is written at the highest address. If the number of characters is greater than four, then the first character is omitted. For example, S-Spec "SL4LT" is recorded as "L4LT" and the first character "S" is omitted: ADDRESS VALUE 13h L 12h 4 11h L 10h T 0Fh 0 0Eh 0 b. Refer to the IA-64 Architecture Software Developer's Manual for details on CPUID registers. c. VXYZ, character V is written at the lowest address and character Z is written at the highest address. d. ABCVXYZ, character A is written at the lowest address and character Z is written at the highest address. e. This value has no unit(s) and is not a specific junction temperature. 6.3.2 Scratch EEPROM Also available on the SMBus interface on the cartridge is an EEPROM which may be used for other data at the system vendor's discretion. The data in this EEPROM, once programmed, can be write-protected by asserting the active-high SMWP signal. 6.3.3 Processor Information ROM and Scratch EEPROM Supported SMBUS Transactions The PIROM and Scratch EEPROM respond to three of the SMBus read packet types: current address read, random address read, and sequential read. Table 6-5 shows the format of the current address read SMBus packet. Table 6-6 shows the format of the random read SMBus packet. Sequential reads may begin with a current address read or a random address read. After the SMBus host controller receives the data word, it responds with an acknowledge. This will continue until the SMBus host controller responds with a negative acknowledge and a stop. In the tables, `S' represents the SMBus start bit, `P' represents a stop bit, `R' represents a read, `W' represents a write bit, `A' represents an acknowledge, and `///' represents a negative acknowledge. The shaded bits are transmitted by the Processor Information ROM or Scratch EEPROM and the bits that are not shaded are transmitted by the SMBus host controller. In the tables the data addresses indicate 8 bits. The SMBus host controller should transmit 8 bits, but as there are only 128 addresses, the most significant bit is a don't care. The Scratch EEPROM responds to two write packet types: byte write and page write. Table 6-7 shows the format of the byte write SMBus packet. The page write operates the same way as the byte write except that the SMBus Host controller does not send a stop after the first data byte and acknowledge. The Scratch EEPROM internally increments its address. The SMBus host controller continues to transmit data bytes until it terminates the sequence with a stop. All data bytes will result in an acknowledge from the Scratch EEPROM. If more than eight bytes are written, the internal address will "roll over" and the previous data will be overwritten. Performing a write with no data loads the address from which data should be read. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 6-7 System Management Feature Specifications The internal address counter keeps track of the address accessed during the last read or write operation, incremented by one. Address "roll over" during reads is from the last byte of the last eight byte page to the first byte of the first page. "Roll over" during writes is from the last byte of the current eight byte page to the first byte of the same page. Table 6-5. Current Address Read SMBus Packet S Device Address R/W# A Data /// P 1 7 bits 1 1 8 bits 1 1 Table 6-6. Random Address Read SMBus Packet S Device Address R/W# A Data Address A S Device Address R/W# A Data /// P 1 7 bits 0 1 8 bits 1 1 7 bits 1 1 8 bits 1 1 Table 6-7. Byte Write SMBus Packet 6.4 S Device Address R/W# A Data Address A Data A P 1 7 bits 0 1 8 bits 1 8 bits 1 1 Thermal Sensing Device The Intel Itanium processor cartridge's thermal sensing device provides a means of acquiring thermal data from the processor. The accuracy of the thermal reading is expected to be better than 3C. The thermal sensing device is composed of control logic, SMBus interface logic, a precision analog to digital converter, and a precision current source. The thermal sensing device drives a small current through a thermal diode located on the processor core and measures the voltage generated across the thermal diode by the current. With this information, the thermal sensing device computes a byte of temperature data. Software running on the processor or on a microcontroller can use the temperature data from the thermal sensing device to thermally manage the system. The thermal sensing device provides a register with a data byte (7 bits plus sign) which contains a value corresponding to the sampled output of the thermal diode in the Intel Itanium processor core. The value of the byte read from the thermal sensor gives an accurate reading of processor core temperature at the time of the reading. This data can be used in conjunction with the Upper Temperature Reference byte (provided in the Processor Information ROM) for thermal management purposes. The temperature data from the thermal sensor can be read out digitally using an SMBus read command (see Section 6.4.1). The thermal sensor starts detecting when SMBus power is applied to the processor, and resets itself at power-up. The thermal sensing device also contains alarm registers to store upper and lower thermal reference threshold data. These values can be individually programmed on the thermal sensor. If the measured value equals or exceeds the alarm threshold value, the appropriate bit is set in the thermal sensing device status register, which is also brought out to the system bus via the THRMALERT# signal (see Section 5.1.1 for more details). At power-up, the appropriate alarm register values need to be programmed into the thermal sensing device via the SMBus. It is recommended that the upper thermal reference threshold byte (provided in the Processor Information ROM) be used for setting the upper threshold value in the alarm register. 6-8 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet System Management Feature Specifications Note: The upper temperature reference byte in the PIROM is unitless and is not any specific junction temperature. It is a value to be used as a reference. By using a value, in the Thigh register, that is smaller than the upper temperature reference byte by a number of 10, the THRMALERT# signal will be tripped 10C earlier than by using the reference byte unmodified. When polling the thermal sensing device on the cartridge to read the processor temperatures, it is recommended that the polling frequency be every 0.5 to 1 second. 6.4.1 Thermal Sensing Device Supported SMBus Transactions The thermal sensing device responds to five of the SMBus packet types: write byte, read byte, send byte, receive byte, and ARA (Alert Response Address). Table 6-8 through Table 6-12 diagram the five packet types. In these tables, `S' represents the SMBus start bit, `P' represents a stop bit, `Ack' represents an acknowledge, and `///' represents a negative acknowledge. The shaded bits are transmitted by the thermal sensor and the unshaded bits are transmitted by the SMBus host controller. Table 6-8. Write Byte SMBus Packet S Address 1 7 bits Write Ack 1 1 Command Ack 8 bits Data 1 Ack P 1 1 8 bits Table 6-9. Read Byte SMBus Packet S 1 Address 7 bits Write Ack 1 1 Command Ack 8 bits 1 Write Ack 1 1 S 1 Address Read Ack Data /// P 7 bits 1 1 8 bits 1 1 Table 6-10. Send Byte SMBus Packet S 1 Address 7 bits Command 8 bits Ack P 1 Table 6-11. Receive Byte SMBus Packet S 1 Address 7 bits Read Ack 1 1 Read Ack 1 1 Data 8 bits /// P 1 1 /// P 1 1 Table 6-12. ARA SMBus Packet S 1 ARA 0001 100 Address 1001 1011 The send byte packet is used only for sending one-shot commands. The receive byte packet accesses the register commanded by the last read byte packet. If a receive byte packet was preceded by a write byte or send byte packet more recently than a read byte packet, then the behavior is undefined. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 6-9 System Management Feature Specifications Table 6-13 shows the encoding of the command byte. All of the commands are for reading or writing registers in the thermal sensor except the one-shot command (OSHT). The one-shot command forces the immediate start of a new voltage-to-temperature conversion cycle. If a conversion is in progress when the one-shot command is received, then the command is ignored. If the thermal sensing device is in standby mode when the one-shot command is received, a conversion is performed and the sensor returns to standby mode. If the thermal sensor is in autoconvert mode and is between conversions, then the conversion rate timer resets, and the next automatic conversion takes place after a full delay elapses. The default command after reset is the reserved value (00h). After reset, receive byte packets will return invalid data until another command is sent to the thermal sensing device. Table 6-13. Command Byte Bit Assignment Register Command Reset State RESERVED 00h N/A Reserved for future use RRT 01h N/A Read processor core thermal data RS 02h N/A Read status byte (flags, busy signal) RC 03h 0000 0000 Read configuration byte RCR 04h 0000 0010 Read conversion rate byte RESERVED 05h 0111 1111 Reserved for future use RESERVED 06h 1100 1001 Reserved for future use RRHL 07h 0111 1111 Read processor core thermal diode THIGH limit RRLL 08h 1100 1001 Read processor core thermal diode TLOW limit WC 09h N/A Write configuration byte WCR 0Ah N/A Write conversion rate byte RESERVED 0Bh N/A Reserved for future use RESERVED 0Ch N/A Reserved for future use WRHL 0Dh N/A Write processor core thermal diode THIGH limit WRLL 0Eh N/A Write processor core thermal diode TLOW limit OSHT 0Fh N/A One shot command (use send byte packet) 10h - FFh N/A Reserved for future use RESERVED 6.4.2 Function Thermal Sensing Device Registers The system management software can configure and control the thermal sensor by writing to and interacting with different registers in the thermal sensor. These registers include a Thermal Reference register, two Thermal Limit registers, a Status register, a Configuration register, a Conversion Rate register, and other reserved registers. The following subsections describe the registers in detail. Thermal Reference Registers The thermal sensing device has an internal thermal reference register which contains the thermal reference value read by the thermal sensing device connected to the processor core thermal diode. This value ranges from +127 to -128 decimal and is expressed as a two's complement, eight-bit number. These registers are saturating, i.e. values above 127 are represented at 127 decimal, and values below -128 are represented as -128 decimal. 6-10 Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet System Management Feature Specifications Thermal Limit Registers The thermal sensing device has two thermal limit registers; they define high and low limits for the processor core thermal diode. The encoding for these registers is the same as for the thermal reference register. If the diode thermal value equals or exceeds one of its limits, then its alarm bit in the Status Register is triggered. This indication is also brought out to the system bus via the THRMALERT# signal. Status Register The status register shown in Table 6-14 indicates which (if any) thermal value thresholds have been exceeded. It also indicates if a conversion is in progress or if an open circuit has been detected in the processor core thermal diode connection. Once set, alarm bits stay set until they are cleared by a status register read. A successful read to the status register will clear any alarm bits that may have been set, unless the alarm condition persists. Note that the THRMALERT# interrupt signal is latched and is not automatically cleared when the status flag bit is cleared. The latch is cleared by sending the ARA (0001100) on the SMBus. Table 6-14. Thermal Sensing Device Status Register Bit Name Function 7 (MSB) BUSY A one indicates that the device's analog to digital converter is busy converting. 6 RESERVED Reserved for future use. 5 RESERVED Reserved for future use. 4 RHIGH A one indicates that the processor core thermal diode high temperature alarm has activated. 3 RLOW A one indicates that the processor core thermal diode low temperature alarm has activated. 2 OPEN A one indicates an open fault in the connection to the processor core diode. 1 RESERVED Reserved for future use. 0 (LSB) RESERVED Reserved for future use. Configuration Register The configuration register controls the operating mode (standby vs. auto-convert) of the thermal sensing device. Table 6-15 shows the format of the configuration register. If the RUN/STOP bit is set (high) then the thermal sensing device immediately stops converting and enters standby mode. The thermal sensing device will still perform analog-to-digital conversions in standby mode when it receives a one-shot command. If the RUN/STOP bit is clear (low) then the thermal sensor enters auto-conversion mode. The thermal sensor starts operating in free running mode, auto-converting at 0.25 Hz after power-up. Table 6-15. Thermal Sensing Device Configuration Register Bit Name 7 (MSB) RESERVED 6 RUN/STOP 5-0 RESERVED Reset State Function 0 Reserved for future use. 0 Standby mode control bit. If high, the device immediately stops converting, and enters standby mode. If low, the device converts in either one-shot or auto-convert mode, see Section 0 Reserved for future use. Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet 6-11 System Management Feature Specifications Conversion Rate Register The contents of the conversion rate register determine the nominal rate at which analog-to-digital conversions happen when the thermal sensing device is in auto-convert mode. Table 6-16 shows the mapping between conversion rate register values and the conversion rate. As indicated in Table 6-13, the conversion rate register is set to its default state of 02h (0.25 Hz nominally) when the thermal sensing device is powered up. There is a 25% error tolerance between the conversion rate indicated in the conversion rate register and the actual conversion rate. Table 6-16. Thermal Sensing Device Conversion Rate Register 6-12 Register Contents Conversion Rate (Hz) 00h 0.0625 01h 0.125 02h 0.25 03h 0.5 04h 1 05h 2 06h 4 07h 8 08h to FFh Reserved for future use Intel(R) ItaniumTM Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet